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You chuds who support Russia, do you not realize this could destroy the entire liberal democratic American world order and all the progess we have made since the end of WWII? Russia winning would bring us a 100 years behind, instead of exploring the stars well be slaves to Putin is that what you want?
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We must secure the existence of the liberal democratic order and a future for the content of our characters.
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>the entire liberal democratic American world order
oh you mean the one who sucks the life blood from the people abusing them with criminal election theft and starting needless wars around the world to launder money and killing hundreds of thousands of human lives? That liberal order?
in what way will we be slaves to putin?
exploring the stars means setting up work pods for slaves on mars. that doesnt sound like fun. how about we just exterminate the vermin on this planet (non whites and all religions) and we just live in paradise?
I don't support russia.
I still don't know what a "chud" is. All I know is, you sound like completely retarded children when you try to """"insult"""" us that way.
The entire liberal progressive bullshit campaign should die.You should all be hanged on the next best tree.
>Russia winning would bring us a 100 years behind

I don't even know how to insult you in a valid manner, when this is actually your knowledge of geopolitics and history.

Irish MP says Netanyahu will burn in hell. Thoughts?
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Netanyahu is his real name. His original Polish name was his fake one.
disgusting nigger ass
Isreal has 20 years max.
Screenshot this
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>muh far right
He's fullashoite
this is becoming seriously ridiculous. why the fuck does some fugly cunt in ireland give a single shit about what's gong on in the middle east?? look how far apart ireland and israel are on a map. this is fucking globalism and i don't fucking like it. this is no different than the cunts who are pissed off when the brazil nigger farmers clear the rainforest. some random fuckface in europe has no reason to have any random fucking opinion about what goes on in the fucking rainforest in brazil, that's just completely frigging ridiculous and is nothing less than pure fucking GLOBALISM!

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New color revolution against orban fascist regime in Austro-hungary
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Why don't pictures like this ever trend?
Woa! Is this real?
Not AI - people do this with photoshop all the time.
If it was AI, there wouldn’t be a euro license plate, or a mature corn crop this time of year.
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A youtuber actually did do this, and put a V8 into a Telsa model s.

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>"I believe passionately in freedom for women, and whilst many battles have been won in the past century, there is still a long way for society to move until women enjoy the levels of freedom that they should be able to. I am not afraid to use my body as well as my brain to deliver important messages."
Why do women use their body to protest? While it might draw attention to their cause do they not realise it also belittles their message?
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Is feminism just degeneracy? Is this what they’re fighting for, the “freedom” they speak of?
Oh sure, a robot can do this, but when I try suddenly it's a problem.
That's the point. Despite their expectiation for your assumed, tacit rejection of them, they still want you to witness their nakedness so you'll be prone to "fuck it, why not?" and have sex with them.
They know they're not sexually attractive because their actions don't align to wanting to be a mother yet they still want to be desired by (You), so they, in their perversion, force you to witness their naked bodies.
They're doing exactly the things to us that they want us to do to them. They're perverts.
Instead of just losing weight, not coloring their hair, getting their tattoos and piercings removed and not being an annoying bitch, they're just throwing naked tantrums in public because men don't find them attractive.
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do you know what? I blame men. I decided to check her for 5 mins if she has a husband. She has. In such case I can only blame men. She may be a rabit animal but a man fucked her.
So they're against war? Do they demand an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine?

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No blond hair for sure.
Eye color uncertain.
Face is rather round than long.

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The older I get (approaching my mid 30s) the more rightwing and nazi views seem cringe and retarded as fuck.
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yeah same. I was like 27 when I first realized that right wing rhetoric is all a bunch of bullshit
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sure rabbi.
Identity matters, yes. Land, blood, religion, and so on. These things matter to flesh and blood people. I can't even begin to see eye to eye with you. I have a preconception, maybe wrong, that you'll say all this shit about Identity not mattering and then type SLAVA Ukraine DEFEAT THE INVADERS
>You have just admitted you only disagree with the ordering.
You thought you did something there, huh?
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doesnt look retarded to me tbqh.

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When you realise they don't use soap, everything begins to make sense
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Everything! Big mistake!
AI video is getting more and more realistic
Could it be that alot of the people coming from a culture who have strict practices of looking down at others are also incredibly entitled?
>Two-fifths of Indian households do not use both soap/detergent and water for handwashing. Households using both the cleansing elements vary considerably by socioeconomic characteristics— worse for the socioeconomically disadvantaged groups.
You're both the same

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tries to get help in an imaginative way

how well does this situation portray real life?

is it what the feminists actually believe?
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Oh man well she said stop dont touch her there I guess I will just have to stop……
>perversu vs 2 chicks.jpg
Hello anonymous. I am anonymous
My location is also anonymous. You must be new to imageboards.
Freemason . . . he was trying to save us . . .
oh cookie cookie
we eata da curry anda wee redeeming it saars da street is da toilett saars

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I won’t say where I come from. To avoid being judged. But I’ve lived in Australia for 4 years now. Australians are the scariest people I’ve ever met. They’re extremely stupid and uneducated. But they don’t give a fuck and they are extremely violent.

They don’t hold back, I’ve been told to fuck off, I’ve been threatened, I’ve been told their ancestors would kill me in a heartbeat.

Also at work, they are insane, I can’t hold a job because they bully me. They treat me like shit. I have to work with people from other countries to fit it.

I hate the fact they date woman from my country and rub it in. It’s honestly really fucked up. It breaks my heart seeing my sister talking to Aussie guys on tinder. I wish they would go away. Worst of all they don’t care about aboriginal Australians.

It’s a scary thought knowing a small portion of white people conquered this country and boss everyone around.

Australians are the assholes of the world, forget hitler or the nazis. There people are worse. They are vicious. They are racist and are fueled by rage. Something is seriously wrong with these people.
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Aussies have followed us into every retard war we've waged for the past 80 years, they have a better claim to Greatest Ally™ than Israel ever has.
Maybe you’d feel more at home in a homogenous society where people look more like you. Ever thought of moving back?

Hey fuck you heartless moron! Come and say that to my face and eat a calibre .50 BMG round! Fucker!
you're probably a manlet, whites hate manlets.

This is the way! May all your wishes be granted by the grace of the almighty Lord! Amen!

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Female pedophiles exist, and it's not acceptable.
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Reproduction for girls can happen before it's safe for either the mother or child due to the still developing uterus and pelvis. A still developing boy isn't going to be putting himself, the mother, or unborn child at risk by pricking an adult woman.
Sad but true. Also confirmed by science.
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it only goes one way, faggots.
What about the mothers of those young boys who want to protect their sons from crazy old bitches?
The rules are:
>man bad, woman good.
>white bad, anyone else good.
>except special rule: asians bad, brown people good.
>trans good, pedo bad.
>except for woman pedo: then, not so bad.
The interesting part is always at the points where the narrative gets into conflict.

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He is a german white man. He is doing what his grandparents did, die for the jews.

Greatest honor for the goyim.

He was clearing the firing cone. Not great, but understandable if you're not used to target shooting which I doubt German cops get a lot of. Bullets cost money, don't you know??
Silva, very muslim name. Guy's Brazilian/Portugese.
That's not what happened though. Video footage from another angle shows what really happened.

Knife-wielding muzzie starts stabbing guy A on the ground.
Guy B tackles the muzzie and tries to control him.
Bald man with blue jacket pulls guy B off of muzzie.
German policeman A tackles bald man with blue jacket.
Muzzie gets back to his feet and stabs policeman A
Policeman B shoots muzzie one time and he falls to the ground.

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Here you go. Just visit my Twitter next time lol.
Here's the crazy part, depending on where you were, it did. For example Hungary and Yugoslavia had it better under the commies than the US niggers. But if you were in Romania, or ironically enough, Russia, not so much. Also, everyone now is worse off in general because the subhuman animalistic greed of the americans.
Memeflagfag, ancient Aryans punished homosexuality by clubbing the culprit over the head, then strangling them, then cutting their throat and finally throwing them to sink in a swamp.
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Being nationalist is exactly that: Nationalist.

No need for idiotic brain dead "muh left", "muh right".
Right here in this thread i got Polacks calling me a communist shill and you calling me right wing.
> Kingdom of Austria.
lmao, too many niggers these days for that. It might still see a return of the kingdom of Hungary though.

>Dr. Anthony Fauci will testify publicly for the FIRST TIME since retiring from public service at a @COVIDSelect hearing on Monday, June 3, 2024.
There's something really important happening tomorrow.
Fauci is coming before the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. This body just initiated criminal inquest, and effected disbarment from Federal funds (not military yet, working on it) toward Peter Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance.
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Impure DNA was found in the vaccines. A mainstream medical journal published the info below.
>The available information and data indicate that the ready-to-use mRNA vaccine Comirnaty contains DNA impurities that exceed the permitted limit value by several hundred times and, in some cases, even more than 500 times, and that this went unnoticed because the DNA quantification carried out as part of batch testing only at the active substance level appears to be methodologically inadequate when using qPCR, as explained above.
>Further, it should also be taken into account that DNA impurities in Comirnaty® are apparently integrated into the lipid nanoparticles and are thus transported directly into the cells of a vaccinated person, just like the mRNA active ingredient. What this means for the safety risks, particularly the possible integration of this DNA into the human genome, i.e., the risk of insertional mutagenesis, should be a secondary focus of the discussion required, which must go far beyond what could have been considered years before the so unexpected introduction of mRNA pharmaceuticals into the global market.
Please re-post on normie sites to get noggins joggin'.
they likely cant bring up a bird flu on this hearing which is corona measures and corona vaccines hearing
impure DNA creates cancer or even worse

a cell literally gets instructions to build a cancerous protein
But can this be held against fauxi himself?
He didn't do the actual manufacturing of the poison shot.
He'll just pass that off as not his problem.
>He didn't do the actual manufacturing of the poison shot
Lol, he did though

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I think Usury should be outlawed. Now.
I agree. It should never have been allowed in Christian nations to begin with. And now they're even silently changing the definition in dictionaries to mean only charging "excessive" interest. The subversion never ends.
you're going to jail.
what kind of daddy doesn't let her suck his dick?
I must not ToT. ToT is the mind-killer. ToT is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my ToT. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the ToT has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

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The war in Ukraine has begun three years ago, and we have been sending Ukrainians all the necessary support ever since. But the war is not over. Now it's become a slaughter where people from different countries get killed. With that, Ukraine goes on losing it's territory. I think, given the circumstances, the US has to admit that this conflict doesn't bring us any significant benefits and leads to a waste of it's weapons.

I've just watched an interview with prof. Mearsheimer who studies international relations. Having no illusions, he explained in detail why there's only one way Ukraine can end this conflict – by becoming a neutral state and refusing the idea of joining NATO. Moreover, according to him, it's neutrality must be permanent. If it doesn't happen, the war won't end, and the West's shipment of arms only encourages this scenario. I actually agree with Mearsheimer because we can supply our weaponry to Ukraine but it surely doesn't end the conflict. The only option for the US is to stop supplying the arms and steer Ukraine towards a diplomatic solution.

Also, the US is said to have something to lose, which is not true. The American Conversative (https://www.theamericanconservative.com/?p=467849) did research on the subject. First, the shipment of arms to Ukraine earns the US nothing wasting it's resources. Second, helping Taiwan now is a priority as it has many semiconductor and IC plants. If China takes over Taiwan, the US economy, unlike Ukraine's, will suffer huge losses. Third, Ukraine's neutrality doesn't mean it's lack of independence. For example, Finland once became neutral and now is a rich and developed state. Fourth, it doesn't change the US security as we are separated from Russia by an ocean and multiple allies.

We have to think what we really want for Ukraine: endless massacre or peace? If we are to really help them, then we must encourage it's peace negotiations with Russia and use our leverage to reach a better agreement.
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How do you say fuck off in Bengali?
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I don't think the USA and the West will stop supporting Ukraine in the foreseeable future
You're right, and we should force round up you dumb kikes and send you to do it.
We should have never been involved.
Get back to your fucking containment thread, faggots.
it was mearsheimer foreign policy that lead to this entire mess in ukraine. he's a complete moron, his life's work turned out to be wrong in practice and he cannot accept this so he keeps trying to frame the narrative that fits with his "offensive realism" theory. he's entirely self serving and ego driven

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Deal with it :-)

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>Women claim they'd rather meet a bear in the woods than a random man
>Most men online proceed to say "women deserve to get eaten by the bear", completely missing the point and confirming it all at once.
And you incels wonder why the 4B movement is starting to spread outside South Korea...
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Neither would you, for you would never be a woman lol
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Tell me more about how being an untreated mental defective social reject who spends most of his life in a state of rage is better, anon.

Kek. You could always just accept your place in the human pecking order and mate appropriately, anon.
women suffer from what is called The Clitoris Dilemma. every thought they have that might manifest into action must first go through the clitoris. if it makes the clitoris feel good, they act on that thought. if it's like grit under the hood of the clitoris, they do not act on that thought or do the opposite.
in this manner, only feel good thoughts are manifested into action resulting in a large percentage of goofy shit we have to put up with since men were stupid enough to let them vote.
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I’m confused.
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>I’m confused.

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What happens here?

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