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Let's get real. A civil war will never come close to happening.
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I believe they are testing how far they can go before people react. Covid, rigged elections now inflation. Obviously the Jews are not dumb enough to go right to complete food shortage etc to see so they take small steps like masks, lockdowns etc.

The prior civil war was over a stamp tax and tariffs and to a very small extent, niggers.
Dirty Dick's Derriere Deflowerers
I don't care about the opinions of morbidly obese "people"
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China has so many restaurants in the us they could take out a good portion of the US just by poisoning the food on any given Friday night. The entire hospital system in the US would collapse in days. The US would be ripe for the taking and all infrastructure would be left in tact.

If I wanted to take over the US that is how I would do it.

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Previous >>469862886 (Cross-thread)#

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Al-Quds Brigades: In a complex operation, our mujahideen were able to snipe a Zionist soldier and bomb enemy soldiers and vehicles with mortar shells in the Tal Al-Hawa axis, southwest of #Gaza City.
>Hamas - Osama Hamdan to Al Jazeera: It is unacceptable for occupation forces to remain in Gaza or manage the Rafah crossing. The Interior Ministry in Gaza managed the Rafah crossing before the war and will continue to do so after the ceasefire.
>Al-Qassam Brigades destroy a gathering of enemy soldiers and vehicles with mortar shells in the Tal Zorob area in the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of #Rafah.


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muzzies gonna pray so hard that israel will fall eventually
Is the cease fire gonna happen?
That was happening on its own due to the birth rates.
Why don't I ever see any of these with tourists and instead it's all uglies?

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What are the ramifications
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>government bans TikTok
most people who take a major, public, and shameful L like he just did will try and law low out of the public eye

but not this clown, baka
pure narcissism
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I get my news from banned sources and I vote for felons
He did it so that when it gets banned he can complain about it like he's against it, even though it was his idea in the first place
honestly pretty based

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How to get a gf
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I don't believe this
Sitting around too much causes hemorrhoids?
I've sat around a lot and have never got a hemorrhoid
You need to use more lube when you stick things up your ass
Big surprises. Zoomer girls are kindergartener with grown woman pussies. Of course they would fuck anyone that asks nicely enough.
Can confirm. Millennial (33) here who fucks a couple of zoomers chicks atm.
They love to spread their legs, more than the woman of my generation. Specially the ones from North Europe and the US. And they are much fuck fucked up when it come to sex (if you like I can go more into detail)

You need of course to maintain yourself a bit. Not being a fat fuck/neck beard, groomed, some decent clothes. And you must be able to put yourself in the shoes of a brainless zoomer, which gets all his education from mainstream news outlets and social media.

Topics like support for Palestine/Israel, shit about zodiac signs, gender, equality, TikTok/Instagram make them suck your cock through your pans dry.

I swear to you if In would be 10 years younger, I would have every week 2 new ones.

I can't wait for the next generation to turn 18!!!
Sounds like a larp
I was 28 and felt so scuzzy hooking up with an 18. Idk why some of you guys want an 18 yr old in your 30s.

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in reality you cant even pull like 5"8.5' laurent fignon, chuddy
If you actually went outside, what you're describing isn't hard to find
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we're under occupation
I'm not a chud and my ex who I dated for 4 years is 5'9"
little girls said they liked my shoes I get noticed from prime teen pussy and I should settle for some single mom roastie? If you have options guys dont settle. Its bad for things besides your ego like reputation. women think you are a bad lay if you fuck ugly fat bitches for real

Why'd he do it?
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even slaves have hierarchies. Anglo goys are higher than other-European goys.
All that judo training and no chance to practice it...
>the old fuck tha po-lice agenda
based I would shake this heros hand if I could


the mannheim cop who tackled the white boomer in order to not been seen as racist just died...

Use the fucking catalog.
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>zogbot defending a judeo-boomer died
oh noes!
Buy an ad, JIDF
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>*taps on glass*
dont forget pol
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Watch the video from another angle, retard

and proud cucks at that?
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Any job you work 40 hours at, yet still can't make a living without overtime, is a job not worth having.
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I use UHJK as my movement keys. Gives me more access to more surrounding keys.
These guys get divorce raped the fastest and end up seeing their kids every other weekend. A tale as old as time.
Especially if he's running his own business.
I fucking hate these dipshit business owners who will allegedly "work" 100 hours, and they include shit like thinking, playing golf with other rich dipshits, and listening to podcasts.
Indeeed, his small beady mongol eyes, droopy arab nose and nigger forehead are telltales phenotypes of a most revolting jew.

How does it feel knowing that the ruling class laugh at you when you think you are part of "their" group. It amazes me how fucking retarded you people are, bitching and moaning about not having money due to inflation/economy and then giveaway millions of dollars to a billionaire.

And don't think I'm some on my knees Biden supporter either, they are only slightly better, but the lack of critical thought on the right has taught me how easy it is to grift US conservatives.

If I ever decide to become a politician, I am 100% running as a Republican, I can literally say or do anything and no matter what, I will still get votes and millions of dollars just because of the (R) next to my name.
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awww look the jewish democrat is seething because the right and the left are uniting against the zionist bourgeois.
>Biden supporter either, they are only slightly better,
Couldn't help but notice your use of gender-neutral pronouns, feller. I sure does hate how libruls make me have to relearn all dem small words. Reckon if you redefine nuff words there won't be any left to say how ruined the whole thing is.
nice copypasta
Hello anon, here's a you! Enjoy your Sunday, also maga!

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Deep innawoods. Yellowstone or Jackson hole. I want to face off with a bear once and for all. Maybe I’ll kidnap a woman and bring her along to choose to face off against man or bear.

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I've never met a Jew

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Memphis has the single largest orthodox congregation in North America
Wow, I did not know that
Theyve got one of those cables to trick god in south nashville area, thought about cutting that fucker somewhere they wont notice
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This POS is the only Democrat in the state of TN congressional delegation.
Cables to trick god? Wdym, I don't understand

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BREAKING: Police officer dies after Friday's knife attack targeting Islam critic in Mannheim, Germany. Afghan refugee in custody.
Buy an ad, JIDF
What ? No way. He died ?
Looked like a weak knife to the ear.

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What'll happen next?
I'm not clicking that virus
>I'm not clicking that virus
>doesn't know what catbox is

Lurk more NAFO newfag
doesnt work fix it

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I can never get a clear idea of why people hate socialism so much. I think many people automatically dismiss socialism offhand because they are indoctrinated with the pro-capitalist ideology growing up.
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You are attacking a preconceived idea of socialism you have in your head instead of actually understanding anything I say..
I just cant get over the monolid thing. It looks repulsive.
>The factory would be owned and operated by the workers..
What sort of factory do you work in?
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>You are attacking a preconceived idea of socialism
No, I'm asking you what you do for work, what you produce, who is stealing from you, how much they are stealing, and what you have attempted to do about it.
If these very simple questions have you stumped why would you expect any adult to take you seriously when you try to come up with some retarded utopian economic model?
People, especially yanks, use the terms interchangeably without having any comprehension of their nuances

From memory, under his rule he nationalized a bunch of industries (oil being one of them) and used their surplus profit to fund the social programs. Libya had the highest education rate in Africa, among other things, before he was overthrown--shouldn't have tried to touch the petrodollar.

To my understanding it was his efforts to create a continental African gold-based currency that was what paved the way for his overthrow. To peg money back to gold is a serious threat to those who control the debt-based money system we use now.

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US carrier USS Eisenhower leaves vicinity of Yemen and moves to nearest axis shipyard after denying strikes on the ship by Yemens Defense Forces.

The captain of the ship Chowdah Hill posted a video of ongoing aircraft launches from the carrier after the strikes in panic, but was immediately called out for posting old footage from March 2024

US state controlled media has received a gag order on further reporting about the incident

>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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We sure are Anonymous, glad you could join us!
I was reading Kurt Busiek's Astro City and it was decent up until 2014, and he started shoehorning niggers girlbosses and faggot kisses and troons in for no apparent reason. There is one prescient scene where an entire angry crowd is chanting LOCK HER UP at Winged Victory (from 2014).
I'm just glad that pig is dead. We are at the point where they will never learn or accept they are wrong.
Yeah, you guys had the FLOW system for the STALKER RPG, where they had to make the PLONK system to include dice since it was so controversial.
>trump gets found guilty
>russian internet slaves talk D&D and anime to cope

Rouven L. is dead, killed by an islamist.

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Is kebab worth it?
>died defending israel
unironically, his grave should be a 10 meter radius circle thing and a monument. in my 27 years have i never seen a better example of the german mentality and the 2020s normie mentality
yes turns out he wa a turbo zogger
your cops are poorly trained. he failed to identify the attacker. watch it frame by frame and you can see him sprint 10 meters before wrestling blue man to the ground. Absolutely pathetic.

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All the supposedly "far right" politicial parties and "extremist" peeople are always so timid its frustrating. They never even hint at violence. When asked why they're opposed to niggers - instead of replying that they hate subhumans - they will spend an hour explaining how Islam hurts women and how it's not compatible with our democracy and liberal values. When asked what they think of Russia's actions in Ukraine - instead of saying its based to attack other countries - they cry about the attack on democracy.

Its even more hilarious in Jewsa, where the "far right" unironically uses democratic constitution as it's foundation and shills for free speech. Like wtf. Why the fuck would you care about some piece of paper when you should be making people obey you at a gunpoint and why would you want your enemies to have free speech?

Why can't we get a political movement that would be very clear in it's intentions to bring fire and sword to our countries and restore order by putting all enemies into mass graves, raping their wives and giving their wealth away to loyal patriots? The fucking Arabs have that, so why can't we too?
Here they did dabble in that shit, they just locked them all up

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>Ticketmaster confirms data hack which could affect 560m globally
>Tommy Robinson leads 'thousand-strong' march in London as officers make first arrests
>Labour spark fear of huge ISA crackdown as candidate deletes one telling comment
>Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses
>Sunak suffers poll blow as levelling-up cash-for-votes row erupts
>Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign
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He will never be King.
That’s because you’re an idiot who doesn’t know what he’s on about.
"They all deserve it"
The video from the other angle really shows just how useless they all are
Zing will set his easy bake oven to lampshade.

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It is really easy now, you can just fly here. That’s it. You can look for a job for 1yr, while you deal drugs and do crime.
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>You can look for a job for 1yr, while you deal drugs and do crime.

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