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Britain ‘may not be fully prepared to fight full-scale war alone’

>Britain may not be fully prepared to fight a full-scale war on its own, a general has suggested.

>Maj Gen James Martin said the Army was trying to get “back on track” after years of focusing on counter-insurgency, which had left it in “in the process of losing the skills” to mount an all-out campaign.

>Decades of fighting insurgents during wars Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan meant the Army’s focus was on those campaigns rather than major conflicts between states, he said.

>With the war in Ukraine and the threat of Russia to the rest of Europe, the Army has shifted its focus to readiness for war, and this week thousands of British troops were in western Poland as part of Nato’s largest military exercise since the Cold War.

>Nearly 2,400 British troops took part in Operation Immediate Response, which culminated in a complex river crossing involving more than 1,000 vehicles including Challenger II tanks, in 24 hours.

>It was one of several exercises as part of Nato’s Exercise Steadfast Defender, a war game and the largest deployment to Europe in 40 years, involving over 40,000 personnel including 16,000 from the British Army.

>Speaking at the end of the operation, near the small town of Drawsko Pomorskie, Maj Gen Martin who leads the Army’s 3rd Division, told The Telegraph: “After 20 years of counter-insurgency campaigning, we were losing this [war-fighting] capability... I think we are now very much moving back on track.”

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You are a fat faced lolcow. No one respects you or gives a fuck about your opinions, and that hurts you deeply. No more yous for you.
You're a lolcow though. He's not wrong.
>believes in the holocaust.
>found out gf might be a whore, maybe even a mega whore

ffs what do lads?

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Wow ... Jews are ... based?
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It has something to do with "6 million perfect souls" in the kabbalah. But kabbalah also proves that their vision of perfect is different. They are the adversary. Its a big saturnalian death cult
A Jew inflating the number of dead? Haven't heard that one before.
no? they're just removing their golems that refuse to serve them. they'll be replaced by jew loving niggers and hindus to destroy Europe.

its 270k but they all died from disease

not a shitskin. you jews literally promote white women fucking niggers in your jewish run media. you don't have to be a mudslime to hate that.
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It must be newfags or children.

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We are moving into a new area of humanity. Can you feel it? AI, new Soviet Union. New tech. We are so Star Trek now.
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Hello Fedbot cumguzzler 900.
You will never be a real woman.
Neck yourself.
You could write the exactame Title about America and everyone would lose their minds. But when Russia does it, it is bad.
>And glowniggers will put you on many lists if you are right wing white nationalist.
It's not too different in Russia, either. Look what happened to Tesak.
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Putin is a soviet boomer, his mistake is falling for the ideological meme that all nations are equal and Russia is in some kind of equal partnerships with ex soviet states ,.now turdistans.
I know that.
But its already changing and will change.
Million of war veterans coming home will make Russia into a Nationalist Empire. Thr patience for Churkameds has worn thin everywhere and least of all people that wil have gone through war.
Mark my words. Russia will return to to Stalin style deportations of shit skins.

You're just a coping traitor that left your home for the Enemy, literally settling in Globhomo HQ.

Whatever happened to Slavic union, most of its leaders are somewhere in Siberia in a dog kennel size prison cell you fucking idiot mutt

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>Sending troops to our country to attack our people = act of war
>Doing so without declaring hostilities first = war crime
>Doing so perfidiously out of uniform and lacking insignia = war crime
>Targeting civilians = war crime
The United States Congress is obligated to destroy Tel Aviv and to bring these people to justice.

Israeli soldiers attacked US citizens on the night of April 30th and the morning of May 1st. They attacked unarmed protestors with; baseball bats, metal pipes, plywood, 2x4s, bear spray, skunk spray, frozen water bottles, and of course their fists causing SERIOUS BODILY INJURY and almost killing one 4th Year UCLA student.

The name of one such IDF soldier was Eliran Bismut. He was in the US not on a VISA but on a 90 day "special visiting pass" that allows Israelis to bypass VISA requirements since Visa Requirements were changed for Israel on October 19th, 2023 (https://archive.is/sH00c). HE IS AN ISRAELI SOLDIER WHO SPECIFICALLY CAME TO THE US TO ATTACK AMERICAN CITIZENS AND ATTEMPT TO SERIOUSLY INJURE OR KILL THEM.

To make matters worse the DA, the Police Chief, the FBI, every L.E.O is actively protecting these men after they so viciously and brazenly attempted to kill American Citizens on livestream. There are no warrants out for their arrests. There is no ongoing investigation. The media is refusing to talk about it! DO NOT LET THIS BE MEMORY HOLED.

Eliran Bismuts victims WANT TO press charges but the LAPD, CHP, DA, FBI, among other law enforcement agencies are REFUSING to open an investigation and issue a warrant for the arrest of Eliran Bismut.

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>the Oct 7th rape and murder in Israel
Don't be so quick to believe the official story on that. There's reason to believe it was yet another false-flag operation. Israel is very good at false flags. They've had a lot of practice staging them.

The King David Hotel bombing
The Lavon Affair, Operation Susannah
The attack on the USS Liberty

to name a few.

Zionists have even been known to attack and kill their own people in false-flag operations to get what they want. See picrel for one example.
Fuck defeatism.
They all have names and they must sleep. As soon as you remember that, you have a chance.
I am just supplementing here. I think it's okay for it to sit near the OP preferably because it IS the OP in the previous threads. There's more to this than just the IDF bashing heads. Otherwise, we'd need to have a separate thread for these. But maybe I'll just screencap it for the future and post it like that.
>US Student Left In Critical Condition, Foreign Army In U.S.A. To Harm
Yeah, that's realistic. They have to cover this up. It's probably the worst PR nightmare they've ever had in the U.S.

Do you also feel a deep bond with Poland in your country?

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>crucified by his enemies as punishment
>hangs on the cross a couple of hours
>is resurrected after three days
>just walks around a bit, doesn't take revenge
>disappears and never returns

>sacrifices himself to himself
>hangs on yggdrasil for 9 days and 9 nights
>doesn't die
>only increases in power level
>begins gathering an army to fight against the forces of evil

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Jesus actually lives though. Odin is a myth
that's nice and all but jesus looks like a white man in my paintings so you'll just have to cope and seethe

Jesus said, have faith in God.
are you genuinely low iq? people imagined him that way because the idea of worshipping a jewish rabbi is embarrassing, but that IS what you are doing
they tried to make him look like Wotan or Iuppiter kek

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How come the mainstream media was pretty much running infomercials about how amazing this truck is and then it turned out to be a bricked piece of shit?
Actually, it’s a pretty amazing truck and if you believe in free speech you should order one and support Elon Musk
>The media stands for their owners, not against them

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Assassinating him would only lead to a further escalation of the war in the Middle East, and Iran might even attack US bases in Iraq directly. It could also lead to the closure of the Persian Gulf by Iran.
The Middle East oil crisis would explode completely.
gog magog war
canada sucks

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Scalp the apples.

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Why is Trump leading Vice President pick and current US senator standing in front of a foreign flag demanding money to Israel?
because Americans are slaves to the jew

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>What is Bronze Age Mindset?
The book centers on BAP's ideal vision, the eponymous "Bronze Age Mindset",[34] which he defines as "the secret desire…to be worshiped as a god!"[31] and which he calls a state "of complete power and freedom".[34] The book's main theme argues against the concept of human equality.[31] BAP discusses classical figures, including Alcibiades, Periander of Corinth, and the heroes of the Homeric epics.[35][17] In particular, BAP argues that the historical figures of the pirate and soldier of fortune are heroic ideals and asserts that classical education is wasted on both (social) liberals and conventional conservatives.[35]
>Who is Bronze Age Pervert?
Bronze Age Pervert, also known as BAP or B.A.P.,[1] is a pseudonymous far-right Internet personality, associated with the manosphere. The media have identified Costin Vlad Alamariu[2] (born May 21, 1980),[3] a Romanian-American, as the person behind the pseudonym.[4][5]

>Bronze Age Mindset PDF:
>Carribbean Rhythms with Bronze Age Pervert Free Podcast:

>Other Useful Links & Reading material:
>Homer - The Iliad
>Plato - The Republic

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That quote is Schopenhauer. Educate yourself fool.
Just read the prologue of his book
>give the subversive jew your money goy just do it
that's a very poor way of convincing people
very similar to "go educate yourself" shitlibt use
maybe because you both work with the same jewish playbook
Sorry you really don't need to read someone's books if they give out free hot takes. I made the mistake of buying Scott Adam's How to Fail Bigly book and it's one of the few books that I couldn't finish and it wasn't even that long. I probably complete 95% of books I start.
Scott Adams was just telling people this week not to do any research. He's learned absolutely nothing from Covid. Brap Age Jew sounds way dumber then Scott ever was. Tell me in 1 sentence something smart he said.

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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Ukraine demolishes orthodox church built on site of first Kievan cathedral - https://archive.today/9sr2U
> Russia gives UK ambassador 1 week to leave Moscow - https://archive.today/59UB3
>Germany expelled 7 Ukrainian soldiers training there for larping as nazi's - https://archive.today/WLSil
>Slovak PM, Robert Fico, target of assssination attempt (suspected shooter has been detained) - https://archive.today/ehsUu
>Estonia 'seriously considering' sending soldiers to Ukraine (all 700 of them) - https://archive.today/mzeJP
>"Putin proposes Belousov as Shoigu's replacement" - https://archive.today/XUw6a
>Battlegroup North liberates several settlements in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/78iGs

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Black Ops RC Car?
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Here are some more
>is this the strike from yesterday that was reported or an earlier one?
I am not sure. I think it is recent. Some other anon might know the specifics.
YW Fren. I also have audio versions, but I'll have to get those sorted out on /gif/
can somebody give me a QRD on which side is winning? Both uhg and chug are claiming that the other side sucks. Be realistic please, thank you
>be advised enemy RC-XD inbound

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this is honestly making me question my existence. Thanks a lot, shitskin faggot
You must eat a varied diet. Meat does not provide the vitamins and minerals for optimal health
i once bought 1 cucumber large bucket of Joghurt and 50 meters of duct tape
cashier kept giving weird looks
Have you tried eating fruits AND meat??

Shit's cash bro. Sometimes I eat some vegetables too.
idk but that webm makes me think of the dildo JOI video i will coom to today

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>it's possible we could be in the middle of WW3 right now
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The most recent enemies list
Enemies of the Aryan Race and Aryan Allied Forces:
North Korea

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Iran won't do shit stop fearmongering
The world ended in 2012
Chang and Vlad will use me as cannon fodder against the Americans... :(

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>Christian nations have been humiliated by atheism, low birth rates and LGBT ideology
>Sunni Muslim nations have been politically neutered and forced to standby while Palestinians are slaughtered
>Iran has been repeatedly humiliated by Israel and does nothing much while Palestinians are slaughtered

Meanwhile Israel does whatever it wants and makes any moves it wants and nobody can do a damn thing about it except whine on twitter.

The Muslims claim the Jews are cursed and were punished by Allah for their breaking of the covenant. Some Christians likewise claim the Jews are an accursed people who belong in hell.

And yet what is playing out in front of our eyes seems to imply a "chosen people" more than a damned people.

Why are we expected to just keep repeating the line that "the Jews are cursed by God" when all evidence points to the contrary?
we will win easily when people realize that this is a competition
idk if the 109 countries counts as winning
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smart move, go into hiding.
I know more about the cia and mossad than you ever could, mutt.
they used the transport plane to PIT maneuver the helicopter
Maybe not with that plane, but it's pretty obvious some glowie shit is going on in Azerbaijan, and "coincidently" from three helicopters only one that had the Iranian president in it crushed near the Azerbaijan border where American glowies are currently.

Azeris went fully insane after they won the war against Armenia, they actively work to start shit with Iran now to get back their "historical" lands.
Also, Azerbaijan loves Israel.
Too many coincidences.

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In this thread we celebrate the wonderful wonderfulness that is the cesspool human race

Post all your most egregious corporate ass-kissing here, as if you think you might possibly somehow get a raise or promotion or possibly elected to Congress if you openly lick boots and lick shit-crusted anuses fervently enough

His books are unbearably boring torture porn fanfiction that nobody reads unless theyre forced to for school. How can something be great if nobody likes it?
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>How does pynyas dick taste
Ook ook
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>Ook ook
Ukrainian victory is inevitable
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Did you know that in Germany these things are called "Negerküsse", translated into "Negro Kisses"? Another common term is "Mohrenkopf", meaning "Head of a Moor".
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>my boomer mom and her acquaintances casually using "neger" (is neither "nigger" nor "negro" but about in between in offensiveness), mainly in phrases like
>Why should I work for free? Am I the nigger here?
>He's getting mistreated like a nigger!
Which always makes me uncomfortable, despite being a /pol/lack tier since my teens.
Boomers having a greater power level than nazi millennials confirmed.
Old folks in the South here still call Brazil nuts, 'nigger toes'
They were called nigger kisses here as well
>Swedish bomb

Feminists seem pretty concerned about currently non existant robowaifus
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>I ever shitted on
I loled. I bet you love shitting on things, Durgesh
>pay your maid to fuck her
that gets you sent to prison in the land of the free
a robowaifu would ideally be a personal assistant that could trick the primal part of your brain into falling for the synthetic affection
>it's the most roundabout way to get what a girlfriend would provide you with without any of the work you'd need to put into to get one
IRL juice aint worth the squeeze for the majority of men in the west today
get frauded on, jeet. one million thanks for the overpriced european shoes courtesy of your cousin fartpreet's new world credit rating
A good commercial for a waifu would be that minigun scene and escape where the t800 walks through the gas and btfo's the swat team. It would be awesome to see 2B doing something like that.
it's so fucking over
a ginger nigger streamer with mcdonald ads

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