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wwyd in this situation?
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"Health care plan to improve mental health: prescribing unions and feminist associations"
But he's now making his own unprompted remarks on news like this :( he asked me if joining a synagogue was ok too. We both agreed that Christian churches were a hig no no.
>You didn't teach me that? You didn't teach me anything at all
>I spend 16 hours a day posting on the computer because you never taught me how to do anything else
>I don't play sports, I don't go outside, I have no hobbies. I don't know how to talk to girls. You taught me nothing.
>Nothing is going right in my pathetic miserable life and you want to put blame on your own son because he is looking for answers? Fuck off.
>Cope and Sneed, father
>my dad told me to tell you Hitler was right
>yeah, that's him over there
>”Hitler was right” 70,000 times
>let’s say a real fanatic posted it 20 times in the year
>3,500 true believer fanatics
Yep, we are back boys.
The first time I watched the webm I thought that's what the kid was going to do. My disappointment was immeasurable

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Being that she's a literal 20/10, I'm pretty sure you guys can find it in your heart to forgive her. Calling her a one in a million beauty would be an understatement. What a loss it would've been.
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was an 8 turned into a 6
I don’t know why so many men find giant mouths and lips attractive like that. I don’t.
Have you ever heard the voice of a woman who detransitioned? Their voices are ruined. The same goes for her tits, vagina, her entire hormonal cycles, everything totally fucked. She's smiling in front of the camera but believe me she has regrets. Her parents fucked her future up. Her mind is warped.
lol, her smiles is 100% Jolie, the rest is Pitt's
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If you still had a penis you'd understand.

Adderall is such a terrible medication. How come a YouTuber as big as this one is allowed to advertise it to kids like this?
Are there no guidelines on YouTube that prevent shit like this from happening?
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there's a roastie vlogger in my country who got lip fillers in one of her recent videos, i don't think less than 80% of her viewers are little girls
i feel you, i'm studying CS and failing the year
Thanks. Yeah no meds here but I tried psilocybin "therapy" it didn't really work. Definetly revealed my suppressed pain, though. I refuse to do the meds I see what they do to people

Add "I was just feeling so stressed out" to the list. Women are natural clinical psychiatrists when it comes to making excuses for their behavior.
I was also a CS major. My interest alone got me through for a while. I was absorbing the material when I managed to study but I simply couldn't get through as much as my peers. At least not until I started taking stimulants. It's been a decade since then and I haven't stopped.

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How did Indians so quickly become the most despised race?
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Combination of being pedophilic child groomer rapists, servile underclass mentality, and generally being disgusting.
People know indians are organized and coordinated when they invade the west. They are basically bargain basement muslim pawns.
If you think this is a new thing, check out a synopsis of Camp of the Saints.
Millions flooded into the west after Covid.
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Same as hate for blacks or for Jews. People actually met them and were exposed to them.
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It was just a joke ok??
I fucking hate this retard. Why do politicians forget the internet exists.

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Would you a Jewish hebe?
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After using her, right?
considering jewish princesses I'm going with Frank Zappa...
so hump her, but don't breed her.
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Sensible choice. Would be hard to resist with this one, though.
Of course yes, probably the best option for them is return to their jewish pureblood and abandon the white contaminated bloodline.

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Let's get real. A civil war will never come close to happening.

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Previous: >>469937150
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons - https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane - https://archive.today/iAtY3
>Russian jamming making some US PGMs ineffective - https://archive.today/1K5Or
>Kiev now recruiting meat from the prisons - https://archive.today/kcIkd
>NATO to organize mandatory arms supplies & financing to Ukraine, at least 100 bln/year - https://archive.today/jjBSo
>RuaF liberate Arkhangelskoye, Battlegroup 'N' keeps advancing in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/CgiGm
>Scholz still refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine - https://archive.today/sJ9QH

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Propably called me a nigger
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>its a piss conference, not a peace conference
literally all of them are repeating the same bullshit every time they open their mouths.
>you are a goy. triple goy!
>See? He treats me worse than a dog
kikiest interaction ever
Drum mag....
Its called drum mag

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I missed rice in my diet so god damned much! When will prices of rice drop to the pre-covid levels?
Fuck rice. That shit is annoying to heat back up, it always turns out dry. And it goes bad in a couple days, people say it develops bacteria or whatever the fuck. Fuck all that hassle, dude. Just eat pasta instead.

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The older I get (approaching my mid 30s) the more rightwing and nazi views seem cringe and retarded as fuck.
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you are jewish
no they don’t, his shithole is full of mudslimes, pajeets and chinks. there is no such thing as “good immigration”
Let's back up a moment actually. You cue results. That's what youve argued. Liberalism and equality is good because It leads to results. Let's talk about the results.
I love it, there's that usual condescending and patronizing attitude you type of faggots are so renowned for. You think everyone who doesn't share your kumbaya worldview just hasn't travelled enough or some shit. I've been to other countries, some of them shitty ones like Morocco where their way of dealing with the rowdy populous is setting up machineguns, and have seen how other people live in other countries where corruption of the government, police, and military are just a fact-of-life. Combine that with getting older, like what anon here says>>469944822
, is what has made me appreciate what I have, my desire for it to endure, and given rise to my current beliefs. Yeah, appreciation, that thing that people like you like to conflate with "fear" or xenophobia.

See, when you're young, you have a wide-eyed child's view of the world and the people in it, especially the "adults" you look up to and assume know what they're doing or have a grand plan. But, as you get older, you slowly begin to view and treat those other adults as peers, and that's when it dawns it on you: the majority of adults out there are just wingin' it. Most people don't know what the fuck they're doing, and not everybody is "good" or well-intentioned like the Disney movies delude kids into thinking. You realize the world and the people in it aren't as black and white as Hollyjew or Disney make it seem, but terribly gray. There are a lot of good AND bad people out there, just as there are gray people who wouldn't think twice of taking advantage of others, but otherwise mind their own business.

People like you are like New Englanders. You're all happy, smug, and smiles, thinking your views and way of life are better than everyone else's, just as long as your own little habitat is isolated from everyone else. I agree with the other anon, bring on the niggers and Muslims, clearly Finland doesn't have enough diversity yet and Fins take their quality of life and their identity for granted.
The problem with Nazism is that it elevated scientific racism to the level of political dogma and then made it even more retarded by spinning up all these bullshit mythologies and having too many quacks and occultists in party leadership. If they had simply doubled down on German culture and history, we probably would still find the racism and thuggishness distasteful in the 21st century but it wouldn’t appear so ridiculously retarded.
I don't know, unrealistic scenario which will never happen. I guess we'd try to convince them to procreate, if they still would not want, I'd say that it's natural selection and let humanity die out.

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The big one is coming. People are preparing.
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It all bears thinking about, especially as there doesn't seem to be much evidence to counter the theoretical possibility of something like this happening. The scenario you propose might be why they tried training populations to inject whatever they got brewed up that week.
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Are you doing your part?
whats inside?
A percentage of US$'s that are now in use in the oil market will come back to America as the US$ is replaced by other currencys in the oil trade.
This repatriation of US$'s will increase inflationary pressure on the US currency. How much US$'s are replaced with other currency in the oil market will determine how much inflation or devaluation of the American currency we see at home.
Buy the things you need before June 9th.

The image that destroyed civilization
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not just dysgenics but also mutational load
>going upwards a dimension.
You have no idea what a dimension is.
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>Holy shit!!!!
>I swear to God I did not see your mid wit posts until I updated.
>Fucking priceless!!! You beat me to it high IQ man.
Jeezus Christ, you retards really are NPCs.


>indeed, k type selection appears to be leading to a collapse in the fertility rate though, below replacement
therefore r type is superior as k type will eventually cease to exist given current trends

Another example of evolutionist base primitive retardation.
Define superior. What is superior. There's no such thing. Who's better, someone with the capacity to plan for a long term future and self-sustain, or people that simply ctrl+c ctrl+v to live in dysgenic squalor being barely able to feed themselves. You don't even understand the concept of evolution itself, it's adaptation to CHANGE rather than any form of supremacy. Meaning that with sufficient parameters, K selection can be "better" overnight. You're an idiot, kill yourself.

Without western aid most of the world would experience a serious demographic collapse.

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>E-residency? Nomadi visa..start up…where is..the Estonia hype gone..?
...the fuck!?
I was having sex with your girlfriend too. And right before I came, she opened up a little deeper and said “breed me with your BWC”

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*ancap ball*
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It's because you realize that the boyfriend is getting kickbacks from the money she's making. You are now no longer merely a simp, you are a cuck.
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... The noses look off though... But interesting theme maybe

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This right here.
What if AI is good enough to trick people? What if it generates content realistic enough?
>learn to code
>copilot says hi
I can always tell
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the ai niggers are great

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A left-wing climate scientist. Oh great. Just fucking great.
Hope it gets even hotter down there
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No blond hair for sure.
Eye color uncertain.
Face is rather round than long.
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(((they))) owned the fed for 40 years at that stage
you are so ignorant you cant comprehend a false flag of that size
the Germans had enough of the kike bullshit and then the (((powers that be))) used that to create a world war killing Whites and japs to create pissreal
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>Unironically looks a bit like me. Not sure how to feel about this. I'm a man.
people from 100 years ago looked overall more 'crude'.
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Why did England declare war on Germany?
hitlers half brother
He tried not to have war with Poland. The Poles were brutalising ethnic Germans in Danzig and Hitler tried again and again to secure their safety and then their safe-passage out. He wrote to Britain and had articles published in news papers showing a peaceful solution, his famous 16 point peace plan. He tried again and again.

The Brits even bought it. The problem was Churchill and his jewish backers, the shadow 'The Focus Group', whose sole purpose was to get a war with Nationalist Germany.

You're on /pol/ lad, know your history. Bloody embarrassing.

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I'm pretty sure the Tower of Babel was a forewarning regarding Globalism. It feels like the world has been ruined and we can't go back outside of a genuine cataclysm. Art is dead, romance is dead, innocence is dead, nations are dead, borders are dead, morals are dead. It's all dead man. Originality in every shape or form is being stamped out in favor of globohomo crap. What's the point anymore?

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Lmao. Based.
A Swedish guy on here says he trolls Pajeets by pretending to not speak English.
Wake me up when Germans start singing 'Die Fahne hoch/Horst-Wessel-Lied.'

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just stop being fat and get good, newfags. This government has declared it, thou shalt eat fast food four times a day.
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Goyslop doesn't make you fat, but it's an unhealthy food choice. Your body will hate you for abusing sugar in the long run. The key to not being fat is eating slightly less calories than you need and lifting weights.
>no link
Fake and gay. No bump


stop being a bunch of lazy immigrants
You have one job as OP.
America is a deeply evil country.

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