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i'm with OJ edish

>Ticketmaster confirms data hack which could affect 560m globally
>Tommy Robinson leads 'thousand-strong' march in London as officers make first arrests
>Labour spark fear of huge ISA crackdown as candidate deletes one telling comment
>Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses
>Sunak suffers poll blow as levelling-up cash-for-votes row erupts
>Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign
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When hasn't birmingham been fucked? I am talking about the real world. aka, the uk.
>dear, I'll be in the bacon room
only if you're a retard, a private pension should move to bonds years prior to retirement meaning little risk, state pensions are a ponzi racket
U-G-L-Y, you ain't got no alibi, you ugly!
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>I went to
>to try and win

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Kumminki ukrainalaine rintamakarkuri, kuis danzig on tähän vuodenaikaan?
>>Molchat Doma is a good band
They're from Belarus. I get that politically it might well be a province but you should know the difference.
The ideal system is something like China where you have capitalism but your policies heavily incentivize domestic production and consumption.
You're a Turkish Kurd, aren't you?
I am an Austrian who wants all refugees gone.
Not some bullshit
>but it's ok when they are criminal car stealing Polacks, because they are EVROPEAN

And now answer the question. What is bad about an israel shilling pro-immigration politician to get stabbed?

All my problems are the Jews' fault.
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So why are you anti-White? Why are you defending the Jews? Are you a Jew?
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my latest riff is "the crying game"

like and subscribe for more content
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>All my problems are the Jews' fault.
Not all, merely most of them.
Niggers pick up the kike slack.
>So why are you anti-White?
I'm not.

>Why are you defending the Jews?
It's less that I'm "defending the Jews" than that I'm poking fun at antisemites. As to why I'm doing it, because it's both easy and entertaining. I'm waiting on something rn so I need to amuse myself.

>Are you a Jew?
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Here you go

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are you smarter than magnus carlsen?
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>Write a poem,play an instrument ,create a ballet team or a symphony. that is high quality entertainment.

Playing a game of chess can be a high quality entertainment. Besides, chess teaches you to focus your mind on one single thread of thought.
Probably not even the most jewish thing he's ever done
No. But I'm not autistic and I'm smart enough. I win.
my knight takes your queen. Check.
arguing with inbred retards who doesn't know how to wield their 'tisms is depressing and counterproductive.
he knows that most jews have an IQ higher than average, but that their mental health is poor and antisocial compared to the average.
a sad combo for a people to inhabit.

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Do you think that the treatment of german minorities after WW2 was too harsh or it was deserved?
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>Germany was strong
WW2 performance proves it wrong
not by pollacks
youre worthless gypsys and always have been
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Whatever you read here about WW1 and WW2 is likely untrue anyways.
Yes. It was Polaks, who did this and Stalin approved it. Same with Czechoslovaks
On that note:


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You chuds who support Russia, do you not realize this could destroy the entire liberal democratic American world order and all the progess we have made since the end of WWII? Russia winning would bring us a 100 years behind, instead of exploring the stars well be slaves to Putin is that what you want?
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I've noticed that kikes disproportionately want the war to keep escalating. Wouldn't just gassing them be easier?
I refuse to believe Nosferatu here wouldn't somehow end up profiting either way.
Russia was our ally in WW2, what's the problem??
>"The most fundamental rule was that you cannot just invade and conquer another country just because you're stronger."
It's really like these people live on a different planet, or would have us believe we do
>Russia winning would bring us a 100 years behind
And that's a good thing

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What makes women so genuinely stupid? Is it genetic? Are they never taught basic "problem" solving?
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She's acting like making coffee is as complicated as formulating medication.
Coffee is fine as long as it’s black. It’s no longer coffee if you put milk or sugar products in it as it turns it into some kind of milk shake or some shit.
Kinda. Most women are fucking retarded so it can be difficult to narrow it down to just autism.
True. Women are not famous for their brains.
Modern men have to wonder why all governments age institutions of the past heavily restricted their sovereignty for 1000’s of years.

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The older I get (approaching my mid 30s) the more rightwing and nazi views seem cringe and retarded as fuck.
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No, I’m 40 and you’re a faggot

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What’s it like to have missed out on teenage love?
as I get to my 50's I no longer wonder why mass shooters target normoids nor wonder why Pol Pot wanted to kill everyone with glasses
>muh teenage love
Overrated and what the fuck does that have to do with TKD?

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The best of us don't believe in god
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I already went through a lot of the Bible
It’s cringe and most Christian’s get shit wrong on purpose, I’m done with it
I’ve been atheist for almost 15 years it’s just hard to break the lingering emotional damages
>I would
>still hiding behind memeflag
>makes excuses
You are what you accuse others

Big Bang is just mid-wit religion, no scientific basis for it and it fails the scientific method.

Religion in the hands of whites created the entire modern world.
Aside from geography, do mutts not study history?
Almost every scientist is deeply religious. The big bang theory was developed by a catholic bishop.
The only people who ever put a schism between "religion" and science were American jews and American protestant judeochristians - which are atheist cults disguised as religion
i believe ron wyatt found all the things he said he found.
>the carbon 14 equilibrium problem
>radio polonium halos in granite

shroud of turin is the real deal.

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THE TRUTH -- Real Jews and the anti-religious Zionists


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Deserved for being a retard.
>fail the pattern recognition test
Harsh but oh well.
you forgot the next all allahu ackbar when shooting the knifeguy
He was obviously interfering with a brown person just a few seconds earlier. Not a good look.

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If only you were a paramedic and really knew.
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Feels bad for like 15% of those who took it. The rest? Noone made them do it.
youre a fucking retard, trump supporters dont even take it when he told them to
>they were shoveling people into midazyklon chambers!
>oyyyyyy veyyyyyy!
I'm sure you want it to be illegal to deny your hoax, kike.
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I bring this up when I see posting about the H5n1 bullshit they're floating lately.

>fortunately we've cured the flu before. All the strains of it at once!
ahhaahhaha thanks for the laugh. I know that's true... It's sad but its funny too hahahaha. :D

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I'm sorry my tax dollars are killing your sons, brothers, and fathers.
Please know it is not our people that want this.

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>country of criminals
>cringe muh liberty ideals from french revolution (that napoleon destroyed shortly after btw)
>perfect location with almost infinite land (perfect geopolitical location)
>had oil
>sucked talent off europe after the wars
>destroyed european colonies and empires
>took advantage of europe being destroyed after both WW to build the most powerful navy and dominate the globe
>annoying superiority complex
>pushed liberal ideas, consumism, goyslop and so on into their destroyed vassals (europe, japan and korea)
>pushed negrofilia
>couldnt even invade russia after WWII kek
the most cancerous nation to ever exist, overhyped shit nation of pirates who tricked us all into dominating the world.
the greatest mistake of spain was helping them get independence. we should have allied all to flatline them and then parition usa between europe and japan.
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American Revolution predated the French

Good. The sooner we stop being an empire the sooner we can rebuild our nation.
>took advantage of europe being destroyed
Destroyed yourselves bros
We certainly 'helped.'
The one positive is we finely destroyed the British Empire.
OP you will be happy to hear that our shit is collapsing
you are probably not spanish

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What's /pol/'s opinion on psychedelics?
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Extremely fun and enlightening. But mostly fun.
They are medicine and should be treated as such. Everyone's results will vary but generally speaking, you should NOT take psychedelics if have any mental illnesses or personality disorders (besides schizoid or avoidant). They should be used infrequently, no more than a few times per year.

If you use them responsibly they can change your life for the better, but if you abuse them you will fry your brain and fuck your life up forever.
jewish poison
We are literally over here:
i meant we are disussing in this other thread.

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How did he did it pol?

How did an Austrian lead the Germans?
He wasn't even german.
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>most lied about man in human history
>actually believes the lies
good goyim

you can prove he was a jew descendant
or just admit he was a disturbed maniac laced with psychotrope cocktail
both things can be valid and moreover both may be true as they match
>you can prove he was a jew descendant
Jew or Not Jew: Adolf Hitler

Even the kikes debunked this as nonsense.

Here is a very interesting (mainstream) article about Hitler's alleged Jewish ancestry:

> https://www.aargauerzeitung.ch/international/faktencheck-hitlers-juedisches-blut-das-steckt-hinter-lawrows-behauptung-ld.2285574
the lies are propagated by mainstream history, this isn't. hence it is true.

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Don't tread on me
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>daddy's home
I didn’t like cats before I saw the videos of them mogging sneks. now I have to respeck
Goals take forethought and some level of ambition. I think he was just seeing if he could eat, fuck, or poop on it.
They're a hard counter.

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What's their secret?
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After Holocaust and they know world hates them it’s what keeps them going
Their population is small so it has to grow

Plus western gibs thanx to cuckservatives

>what's their secret
Ethnic nationalism. Closed borders, aggressive expansionist policies, genetic purity checks for marriage and general policies focussed on their own country and it's success.
Dam how are they stopping non Jews from breeding
we all know: restriction of women's rights
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Religious extremism

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Like you, I feel pretty savvy about detecting psyops.
But what if even the most basic shit we've accepted as true, is also bullshit? Especially now, and as the narratives get seemingly desperate.
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>There is no point or reason to manufacture a thousand years of history and fighting against anyone that could discover a single flaw. The logistics of it don’t make sense.
Not all at once, but through a cumulative process. However, the thing is that most people back then had only the vaguest notion of "the world", or of "thousands of years of history" besides myths and biblical tales. For all practical intents and purposes, their world was limited to their local vicinity, their history was limited to the chronicles of their community and the tales of their elders. There was no central body fabricating their reality and its scope adhered to humanity's natural limits. Arguably, they didn't even have such a strict frame work of "objective reality" beyond what concerns everyday matters that they could verify by experience or from a personally trusted source, so there was nothing to corrupt. Anything like the global mass psychosis we see today was completely inconceivable.
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Reminds me of this - I don't have the full pasta. Apparently it's from some kind of "history" book.
tl;dr wy wuz kayngz
Poo in the loo detected
desu anybody who thinks there out to be one correct line of historical narrative is delusional and knows nothing about storytelling
Uncertainty actually is really important, and in history you will never have all the answers. You don't even get all the answers in the present day; how do you expect to get them 500 years ago?
So history is always full of holes, and people fill these holes this way or that way, it's inevitable, and precisely one thing that makes history interesting.
If there was a single timeline you could read and know all the facts nobody would even bother studying it.
As such history will always only bear the vaguest vestige of absolute truth. Why would anybody bother to write down a 100% unbiased report? And why would anybody believe this one over the biased reports (who may also claim to be unbiased).
But that's part of the fun.
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>The point is that you don’t need to fabricate 1000 years of history
In all likelihood religious chronology with 1000 more years (I don't really believe it's exactly 1000, but definitely more than 500) existed before and was taken as default by everyone, and having to fill it came latter, after everything was established. First, people here overestimate the actual levels of informational culture before modern age. There was no central planning committees deciding how to work with this subject, people simply worked with what he had in conditions of scarce information. Second, people here don't understand just how powerful Catholics were, and still are. Their influence was enough to effectively bar everyone in Europe from touching Egypt up until Napoleon told them to fuck off in 19th fucking century. What's their problem with Egypt is a separate subject entirely.

>lgbt movement a sect within Judeo-materialistic feminism. Such a religion has come about and displaced the previous religion with ease.
Freemasonry isn't a new religion, in fact it's quite old. By the way did you know that some freemasons write down the date by adding 4000 to conventional current year? Weird number.

>Do you have examples for us to shit ourselves?
It is known that Christians performed human sacrifices by burning up to 19th century. It is claimed that their sacrificial burnings, which used wrongthinkers or convicts as offerings, started very late by their chronology, 16th century, and before that it was a nice friendly religion from a fantasy chivalry romance. However, knowing that it synchronizes with when history becomes visible, it leaves a question for how long this was going on, and whom exactly they were frying before they were nice enough to switch to convicts, considering which geographic regions Christianity came from and what Biblical character Abraham does to his son.

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why are there so many female cops in western europe? four of them just got a male cop killed in mannheim because they literally stood around doing nothing.
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In the largest mass shooting in Canadian history the only cop killed was a woman.
yup see >>469935141
Not only was the female cop the only one who got killed (now her kids have to grow up without a mom), she failed to stop the shooter who went on to murder half a dozen more people. Diversity hiring is directly responsible for those deaths.

There is nothing worse then a mexican/spic cop.
the police know it too. i live in one of the safest parts of london and its all 5ft2 police. i go to anywhere dangerous and its all 2 tall white/arab guys. funny thing is in supermarkets the security guards iare all african midgets. though of course no female group would campaign for more female security guards.
Europe is doing europe things and its funny to me

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