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>12% in 5 days
Are we fucked, if so how and why?
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honestly im all for this. why should I put my hard earned fiat currency in ponzi schemes like the stock market or a bank?
Thank you for an actually big brain response, this is what I was looking for thank you kind stranger, here's your reddit gold

Because the money out there isn't going to disappear, it's just going to slosh around in the system constantly increasing in size radically and markets are going to eat all of it.
Just wait until the system starts pushing housing market harder and makes it easier for people to borrow and buy homes.
We don't even need lower interest rates for that, we just need to see the US government start subsidizing housing purchases and making it easier to take equity out of the existing homes.
Every meme stock is going to explode as late stage normies pile into this and then at some point the bubble pops.
But the money won't be gone when the bubble goes. Instead the increased money supply just moves into another sector, this being the massive commodity cycle.

One of the biggest things is going to be the green energy sector. That's going to get such an astronomical amount of investment that it's not even funny. There's going to be an intense push for wind and solar and raw materials involved in it.
The prediction is anywhere between 4-30 trillion in investment required for the field in the next decade. Government will be involved neck deep in it and that means guaranteed growth.
This in turn means that the inflated tech money will move to chasing crazy profits in the commodity sector, along with retail at some point getting the same idea.
Commodity bubble is going to reach even higher than what the meme tech shit is going for and commodities are still super cheap.
Everything is cyclical and we're just getting started with the raw materials.
And if you don't put your money into the markets, your purchasing power is going to get utterly fucked as prices explode due to manufacturing costs going through the roof.
>$800 oil
even $125 oil would bring down the entire system at this point. inflation would go through the roof because transportation would get real expensive real fast, and that would trickle down immediately.

and if the fed increases interest rates, a lot more businesses, banks, homeowners would blow up immediately. (and if they decrease interest rates while inflation is increasing, it would signal that they are done trying to fight inflation, basically a declaration of defeat- leading to hyperinflation)

meanwhile China and Japan, the two biggest foreign holders of US bonds, are in desperate need of a way to bolster their failing currencies. if they start selling their US treasuries more quickly- the US treasury will have to start buying bonds directly, aka Yield Curve Control, and, uhhh

tldr it's Happening but nobody in the media can say anything about it because it will trigger a panic.
because theyre manipulating the prices

why there are barely any french people on /pol/?
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this also but the site is shit now I can't say that the french minority are just chinease knock off of USA niggers
It's not 4Chan bis, it's more like Reddit, the censorship is enormous on this site, there are only zoomers nafri/sandnigger and radical white leftists from Twitter on this site. The slightest word like "Arab" "Jew" is automatically censored, the slightest tendentious comment is deleted and you are banned. Besides, the police monitor this site.
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nice pepe
have you found the fly yet
he is buzzing around
>tfw u find him
Finns are absolute Bros, you can just chill, shoot the shit and drink with them, at least the expat Finns. Can't say the same about French people, they look at my like an arrogant house cat when I try to crack some jokes with them, after a while I usually just imitate their weird accent until they fuck off.
>to whom it concerns
think of it this way, we are like the jesuits, we mediate every day to the end of the world. but they always want to get everyone on the same boat, we just kill the rest

What's your take on Russell Brand? Perhaps I'm being superficial here but his eyes don't seem right to me.
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Have a hard time believing Russell after I saw this picture
Used to be cool, but went full blackpill cuck. He doesn't talk about the real issues, just what the "hot topic" is at the time.

Talking head videos are cringe as fuck too.
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The eyes are proof he's pure anglo
He endorsed the labour party in 2015 and was a remainer (globo homo) during the brexit referendum. He only pivoted to conspiracy stuff after he was confronted by Katherine Ryan about the rape stuff on a game show in 2018.
I find it weird how Karl Pilkington was friends with him before he got famous.

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the marvelous Ukrainian street magic!

Follow the money, folks

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They casted a doppleganger and they're dressing him accordingly. Wait a little more, he will be "alive" soon
So the nothingburger is actually a something burger?
in just 2 more kilometres, we will know for certain

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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Ukraine demolishes orthodox church built on site of first Kievan cathedral - https://archive.today/9sr2U
> Russia gives UK ambassador 1 week to leave Moscow - https://archive.today/59UB3
>Germany expelled 7 Ukrainian soldiers training there for larping as nazi's - https://archive.today/WLSil
>Slovak PM, Robert Fico, target of assssination attempt (suspected shooter has been detained) - https://archive.today/ehsUu
>Estonia 'seriously considering' sending soldiers to Ukraine (all 700 of them) - https://archive.today/mzeJP
>"Putin proposes Belousov as Shoigu's replacement" - https://archive.today/XUw6a
>Battlegroup North liberates several settlements in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/78iGs

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>new Rybar map drops
>Kharkov almost fully encircled
Are you retard?
the war you shill for is as pointless and criminal as the american war against the vietnamese
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>Knowing how hohols are he'd probably first say it was all fake/CGI, then dedicate himself to destroying the city
for those in the western part this is very likely
also kek at the nnew propelling method for space travel

good afternoon fren
1 day until zelenskys rule officially ends
ganins in chasov yyar and kharkov direction
also streets in ukraine looks like ghost towns due to new mobilization law
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habbiding in Iran
nothing new in Ukraine, steady grind
Why doesnt Putin just drop a 100 megaton tsar bomba on Lyviv and Kyiv and end the war?

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What's lil Timmy gon do?
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We don't know, because he only targeted niggers and women. The one semi white he took it from finished drinking and gave him the trash kek

>What's lil Timmy gon do?
Have quality time with his father.
It’s illegal to get into a confrontation with anybody that isn’t white in Europe as it’s a hate crime
That black man must have had a really good day, he didn't pull out a gun and start blasting

>Just run away, bro. Flee your homeland because our ancestors were pussies who ran away as well. I mean explores. We wuz explorers and shieet so its okay to give up, tuck tail, and run.
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retarded christcuck. stopped watching that jewsus loving bitch a while ago, totally useless. just watch Adam Green.
Adam Green is a complete retard. How dumb are you people?
shut the fuck up and die nigger. white culture is returning.
>but what have YOU done?
A lot more than just talk on stream and complain about nigger bees. Like I was saying it's the attitude that's the problem. That can be fixed. Especially when some of the streams are well researched, it's a damn shame it has to be mixed in. If you have a platform that can reach thousands of people per video, drop the woe is me shit. It's doable. If you a proud to be founding stock, you want to flex about it, you need to start acting like it.

>You are asking people with little capital and no influence to upend society or create a parallel society.
You're still thinking as an "individual". You should know that all the loberts that promoted individualism were Jews right? The whole point was to convince whites to stop acting as group (while Jews and other groups continued to do so, so they could outcompete you). You know this. You probably know the sportsball analogy. Of course you're not going to achieve shit.

The point of the original post was: thousands watch you. You're getting regular hyperchats from people that support you. Isolation is a choice for such a person.

Let's talk a solution:

There's some land at the magic price.

If you have 4 guys, willing to drop 105k each, that land is yours.

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WW3 is NOW!
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>he didn't learn drunken master style
Sigh, covid takes another one.

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Notice anything?
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fpbp checked swarthy bunch innit
school in 2008, this is what 2024 England schools looks like
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My high school was just like picrel in 2005. Sad what's happened...
Pure cornish briton blood, no germanics to be found
Post a class from London

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Will it remain the best?
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I would rather die a virgin
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Go with me to Kazakhstan!

blood will be on YOUR hands!
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tariff off shore programmers :)

that will heat up the poos
no such thing as conservative u jewbrain

there is white and anti white
it literally doesn't matter, it's all fake, every political position however minute is all filled with nepobabies and their jewish cock gobblers. There is no future.
Who wouldn't support fascism at this point?
you mean biden

TRump is the guy when everything was awesome

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Disinfo. The helicopter was actually being piloted by Samir Haydim.
>eli copter
Kek, arabs are retarded
Stop blaming anyone... this fuckface is alive, iran is fucking around and bluntly lying throwing into mix contradicting shit.

Goyim will not get this joke
the fact that zionist central bankers have done two franz ferdinand-tier assassination attempts in under a week shows you how desperate they are to cause chaos.

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discuss the political implications of men dropping out and having ai sweetheart girlfriends? feminists (and jeets, lol wtf) seeming to be bretty goncerned about the nonexistent robowaifus
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Kek, anyone up for a game of pindia?
her name is Savitri, she's a custom-made Nandroid
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If you press the red button on its head, it breaks into a bollywood style dance


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Israel does not have a right to exist and the land is literally all theirs. They have a right to fight to the death for it, and if you win its genocide. Your times up kike.
you are telling me, youd rather end up tied in a jewish organ trafficker's basement than being bombed?
It's missing Trump and Netanyahu's proposal, 2020.
jews arent human. They are of the syngagogue of satan
Show flag sandnigger

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More info with proofs in second post.
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Did he fall off the helicopter's window?
He is also a crypto-jew (there are more details in the thread about the gay ex-king of Iran).
Enough with the racism. It’s about time that Iran gets a black president.
He did a barrel roll then turned 360 degrees and walked away
>the Antifa Hamatrannie seethes

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What media do you show Americans to convince them not to join the war?
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I show them Codex Pajeet II
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60% of young males are now sexless and it's only increasing. Let's not even get into the mental health and loneliness epidemic that is being kept under the rug for years now.

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So how do you make friends?
Be specific
Autists and retards in this thread.

You make friends by forming intentional relationships based around healthy activities for mutual benefit.

It isn't complicated. Form a racist tribe based on physical and intellectual activities.
Which ones?
It can take time to re-build, judgementalsan.
So get started. Take risks and find your fellow health focused local racists. Go on hikes, do some physical training in gyms and parks, start racist book clubs. Do something about it instead of crying online about how the people you happened to be around in high-school or work were mean to you or only binge drink. It's pathetic and beneath you all.

Be the kind of man Hitler would be proud of.

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The white replacement is good
All the people replacing the degenerate whitoids are Christian traditionalist Catholics
It is divine punishment from Jesus the Allmighty for the apostacy of disgusting subhuman degenerate white atheists and pagan larpers
This has to happen, the white race has shown that it is not loyal to Jesus
Kill all white people
This is a thread dedicated to the political discussion of the benefits of the white replacement, including the rechristianification of America and the west
We will return to the true traditional western civilization of Christianity
Hail Mary, full of grace and may whitoids burn in hell
Why did God create Niggers?
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>Why did God create Niggers?
Why some people like pit bull?

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