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Very cool
looks pretty pretty pretty good to me
Easter part looks correct, but why split France?
That is utterly retarded.
>Poland still exists

Nah, try again.

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are you smarter than magnus carlsen?
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pug eyes
Despite being an average Joe in terms of looks, she bagged that hottie. Nice
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Only in spirit

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Matriarchy is streamy marching on backed by technical progress and I don't have a clue what can be done, bros.

However, Herman Wirth, a Dutch-German historian, a Nazi and scholar of ancient religions and symbols, co-founded the SS-organization Ahnenerbe, claimed that matriarchy is the genuine Aryan type of society organization.

Was he right?
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>They have better survival abilities in equal way of living compared to another folk.
In which way?
>In recent times
Your retardation is hard to follow. You claim that scandinavian genetics have changed recently? In what way?
>achieving a goal (woman status) without genetic prerequisites.
No, I'm showing how you pull stuff out of your ass. You keep switching criteria according to your needs. First it was adaptation to the north, then it was genetics, then eye and hair color etc.
>In which way?
They can better survive lack of the Sun.
>scandinavian genetics
And you try to call me a retard...
I'm talking about so called Aryans, who're supposed to be redheads, paled skin and so on, who are the most percent among North folks, which are the most egalitarian society and all of this is align with Wirth's theory of Aryan matriarchy. Cant you follow the simple logic?
>scandinavian genetics have changed recently
Genetic of Aryans haven't changed recently, these are non Aryans who adopted the way of the living in the North recently. Before that it wasn't possible for them to survive in the same conditions as Aryans lived (lack of sun).
Ah, I see. You think eurasian hunter gatherers were the aryans. Who more or less were wiped out by indo-europeans (usually called aryans), and inherited their genetic memory, even though they're not different ethnic group, and became matriarchal, thing they or pre-indo-europeans never were.
No, I think to use intermediate and generalized data of modern dna analysis is too hasty to have ability to get to the right conclusions in such not simple and engaged question.
Bump, finally a non-kike thread on Poland

Good info here

Chuds who have tried LSD, what does it feel like?
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This, the reason people can have sudden personality shifts or become psychotic is because the brain follows its usual pathways and psychedelics disrupt those pathways and create new ones. This can be both benificial and harmful though
Yes, but I just saw your flag is Colombia and not Lithuania so I don't know if it's available where you live.
>Like no matter where you go it's some weird party or circus, like you can get lost in a familiar place or even just in a parking lot. But it all seems like some incredibly funny joke.

Terence McKenna talks about this, he saw a circus come to his small midwestern town as a kid, then his seminal trip he saw machine elves as in a reality circus

you already know, that the painkiller way will destroy your life. shrooms will just pull you through hell and show you yourself as a fucking rotten corpse or whatever your mind metaphors for your destructive way. if this is, what is on your mind right now, it will come up while tripping. if you need to go through psychological hell to kick off opiates, thats your choice. but i would think that you should solve solveable (already recognized) problems before going deep into your inner mind.
every time i took it, my emotions and fears would dictate what I saw. for example, there was this dickhead fucking with me who went by the name "panther" so when i looked at an oil painting, I saw a panther face forming in the swirls and it scared me.

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Do you think that the treatment of german minorities after WW2 was too harsh or it was deserved?
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If germany didn't defeat russia in WW1 you would still be their bitch
Simple as
>It was better to collaborate with them from the start
not so fast wladyslaw
>crashes in giblartar
it was too harsh, Poles are just Zionist settlers who were more successful. Citing “oh Silesia belonged to Poland for like 20 minutes 1,000 years ago [after trading hands with the Bohemians like 5 times]” is a joke, considering the descendants of the (few) OG Slavs there were mostly Germans by 1945.
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>invade serbian land
>parade around on Serbian national holiday
>get shot
>send a bullshit ultimatum which no nation would accept
>Serbia offers unreasonable compromise (accepts everything but one thing and wants to cooporate on that issue)
>lol no we will destroy all of europe
Ferdinand had it coming, shame about Sofia tho
Vote Wagenknecht next election. Once we're out of NATO we can ally Russia and get Silesia and Pomerania back

What is the optimal reproductive age for a human female?
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For some reasone literally everyone will seethe about this
That's from the better timeline
In reality she's now a "man" with a mustache.
Not even joking

How does it feel knowing that the ruling class laugh at you when you think you are part of "their" group. It amazes me how fucking retarded you people are, bitching and moaning about not having money due to inflation/economy and then giveaway millions of dollars to a billionaire.

And don't think I'm some on my knees Biden supporter either, they are only slightly better, but the lack of critical thought on the right has taught me how easy it is to grift US conservatives.

If I ever decide to become a politician, I am 100% running as a Republican, I can literally say or do anything and no matter what, I will still get votes and millions of dollars just because of the (R) next to my name.
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You sound like an utter faggot. try lurking moar

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Let's get real. A civil war will never come close to happening.
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She's obese, might serve as food instead
Oh noz, the fat pig called us all weedy dweebs, Trumpbros!
How will we ever recover?!
>A woman has an opinion about men and war
Goy Disciples
No man wants to talk to her because she is fat and ugly.

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How to get a gf
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what does it even mean?
Zoomies are all lanky and ridiculous with those broccoli cuts.
gay sex doesn't count
These stretched out estrogen freak kids are pissing me off. We should start beating their skinny asses on sight to prove they're weak.
grim, I retired

I work minimum wage and me and my fiancee live with my parents.
I pay for my own food and utilities. My parents own their house so I dont pay rent. I pirate shit and never buy, download all netflix shit or vidya that I want from russian trackers and get subtitles from free projects. I repair my android phone every time something breaks with chinese parts.

Question: what the fuck do people do with their money? Everyone complains that its never enough, while I save 75% of my paycheck every month. Invested quite a bit in all kinds of shit and its making good returns. Bought enough tools to start a side business and still got 70k PLN leftover savings. My friends make double my salary and spend it all just in time for the next pay slip.
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>How do you know it's going to be shit? It's not even out yet
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this is exactly why I go around poking strangers in the butthole with both hands like kakashi.
one day I will poke someone with a buttplug in and they will say "oh no, i've been found out"
and I will say "BUTSLUT!" and everyone will... will be like embarrassed but also smile a little, they know... i know they know.
This reminds me of that story I read on /pol/ years ago - it was written by a charity worker who allegedly worked in Africa, and he said that the main reason people are stuck in the neverending poverty cycle is because every time someone comes into money, he gets hounded for gifts and donations by his entire extended family. Eventually, he has no money left to spend on himself, and the people he gave handouts to have already spent it all, so they collectively go back to square 1. The high time preference, r-selective mentality at its finest, ladies and gents.
>You never worked abroad.
Wrong. But keep seething and coping how great you are because you burned bridges with your family and made your life hard on purpose.
The harder you try hiding it the more suspicious it looks. Dumbass could've made half dollar sized coins and just shoved it in a coin tube with a sticker that said "For hobby purposes only" and nobody would've looked twice

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What are the political implications of millions of Americans being riddled with parasites but don't even know it? I've read about how parasites can influence the minds of their hosts does this explain a lot of the strange degenerate/immoral behaviors that are commonplace in America now?


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it's jews right, a metaphor
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I would recommend Piptoporus. It's a mushroom that grows on the Birch tree. Get a spagyric (oil+alcohol+salt) if you can, if not even a basic tincture (alcohol only) is effective for removal of parasites (and the parasite's feces which is often cancerous)
When I did a mission trip in Cuba, the locals save papaya seeds. They then bake them at 200 for about 15 minutes (till they are hard and dry) grind them in a coffee grinder.
Then when they decide to deworm they do a table spoon of the seeds everyday for a week. You will shit weird stuff out just be warned.
You can also just take double the OTC pinworm medication, you will feel sick as a dog but you will ass blast any of those fuckers out.
Wormpill thread?
Have a bump

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Great, don't appeal your conviction.
>More likely someone told him it was a non-starter and not worth the humiliation when shes cleared of any wrong doing by a corrupt judge
there was an obstruction charge that the most corrupt of judges would struggle to dismiss
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>Is he OK with serving 136 years?
is he ok with martyrdom? 136 wouldn't be over in 2
It's already happening. Countless news articles about right-wing violence that COULD happen
That is a proof that there won't be a WWIII BTW. Because the US didn't do such stuff before WWI and WWII.

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Would you a Jewish hebe?
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My question was more targeted at whites.
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Anyway, I have to go now. Enjoy one more of this Jewish angel.
>Would you a Jewish hebe?
waste of time.
You think their whining and kvetching is acute, and can be remedied. Nope. they love kvetching, it's chronic. If you fix their problems they'll fuck it up and drive you away.
Then they're make the same shitty conditions and resume kvetching. Jews are a race of schitzos and the women are flat out nuts.
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it's another "love us damned kikes as we murder babies because you can wank to our women" threads.
Usually done with IDF whores. I guess baby killing bimbos isn't a sell with the goyim right now.
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No matter how big or small the room is, how many stars the hotel is, all hotel rooms always have a single chair facing the bed.
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In order to think that chair is a ... cuck chair (I assume a chair where the cuck sits to watch his wife fucking another man) you need to have terminal goonerism.
When you feel like sitting there is a good chance the other person in the room is chilling in bed
jews pushing memes that sexualize everything nowadays. I literally have used those chairs to just tie my shoes.
Also this
It’s for sitting retard. You’re addicted to porn.
It's for reading your book you uncultured swine

and proud cucks at that?
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If you aren't working 150 hours a week for Mr. Shekelstein you aren't REALLY working.
Nice beard, probably a closet cuck fag like Jack Murphy.
the prisoner is proud of his chains. when he sees someone without chains, he cant help but feel smug about it.
There is nothing going on in that mans head, absolute empty. wagie work and sports ball is all he is capable of thinking about. useless eater if there ever was one
What does his sweater say? Clig... construction

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100. I'm completely blackpilled after seeing how many people took the vax willingly and called for people like me to be punished. I don't even know anyone else who isn't vaxxed, and I'm extremely lonely now. Fuck humankind.
about 4.
i still had hopes, but I knew in the end that we are all retarded, some are more retarded than the others and don't deserve to live. that's all.
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I'll correct myself on this one, retractable needles do exist.
It was horribly mind blowing. When I watched family and friends simply shrug when our own governor violated her lockdown, mask, crowd capacity, and social distancing rules to do a BLM march... I mean even now I still cant get over how preposterous it was

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>The election in 2020 was stolen
>We will win in 2024 by voting in the election

Why can't the MIGA NPC's compute this ?
If the 2020 election was really stolen then why would Trump be allowed to win this year ?
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Don't care, still voting Trump.

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what THE FUCK is muslims problem?
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>Train accident in France. OP is just a Chud.
>it was just a knife accent, kaffir, anoda nakba
fake mossad theatre
you're jewish
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Also you know nothing about welders pay in Texas. I live in one of the lowest paying areas and they make above 30 an hour. Overtime is where they get their money.
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Because college educated people tend to become the next generation of elites. Also, tradies don’t make that much, almost all their shit is bought on credit while the Coolege Chad after getting brutally assraped by student loans has completely abandoned the system, everything he owns is paid in full, he lives frugally and his entire being now is set out to destroy the system. He has become the white version of the Negro DMV employee— but in middle management. Slowly leaching off the system and making it shittier as possible for everyone else. He only exist now to ruin your day.
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Checked, but nigger I make 300K and WFH typing a few lines a week. You tradies are out sweating your asses off while I have a gym membership. We may both be white, but we are not the same.
You don't live forever, and it's a respectable trade that helps build the world. It pays well too.
it's also fucking great to destroy your body internally on a short term

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This is serious. I have two cousins, twins actually. One is a boy the other is a girl. They’re from a good family, my uncle is a dentist making good money and my aunt is a teacher. Both Christian and trad with a beautiful house in a small town outside the city. Both children were top students, the girl was also into music and art, while the boy excelled in international chess competitions and basketball. Something changed around 2020. The boy started to fall behind, his mood is visibly worse. He started to get angry and depressed due to social media (claimed so) and decided to delete all his accounts. Meanwhile he started going to the gym 5 times per week and is now obsessed with it. His grades are terrible and his parents have decided to send him to some private university in Romania because they know there is no way he would succeed here. He looks sad though guys, really sad most of the time. Btw he’s more than 6 ft tall, light brown hair and good looking. On the other hand his sister is simply killing it. Still top student, taking part in various competitions in the US and Europe, into (((activism))) and to be honest I can see in her another successful, hypocritical future politician or something. I see this is not uncommon for boys. What the FUCK is this society doing to MEN?
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>if my ex didn't get an abortion without my knowledge
shit man, i'm sorry to hear that
>No I'm Indian, we are winners
You are literally a slave race.
not participating in a goy way doesn't mean not participating.
Just posting to let you all know to sign the global Indian internet quarantine petition. India should be one gigantic LAN save for whatever connection they need to facilitate international business. Can't link it but there are about 7 million signatures already.
do they all know CODEX II?

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