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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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>stumbles over calling his uncle a president
>says he's a "racehorse" sired by a "racehorse"...his uncle
Are yall alright?
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>ESL nigger confused by basic English
many such cases
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kek nice

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Did you know that people on watch lists are immune to bans on /pol/? If you don't get regular bans, either you're a normie or you're bad enough to be on a watch list.
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I've never been banned. The feds clearly need me for some reason I just don't know what.
That’s just a random trucker that died of heart disease. They got the picture from his obituary page…
Seething gaymer. I go to shit that board up cause it's full of trannies and other disgusting forms leftists
I usually get banned on /pol/ for being "rude". Yep, apparently that's a nu4chan rule.
so you must not do what it says to do
and if you do, don't say I didn't warn you

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Christianity is dead in Europe.
Is this a good or a bad thing?
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Do you know how many Christian white men are buried in cemeteries across Europe?
I'll tell you: it's more bodies than the entire population of Africa today.
There's a LOT of white Christians (throughout history). It's only the current generation that's cucked, and letting the third-world take the spiritual lead. WE should be the ones in churches.
>says the guy who wouldn't hire a black guy if he owned a business
>he was a jew

[1] After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.
14 For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:

15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:

16 Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.
39 They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham.

40 But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.

41 Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.

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>But who are they dividing?
Basically, the opposition to globohomo. It's a broad category but why should we work against eachother? They fear it when different people rally against them.
Even dumbasses can do their part but they have to be led by smarter men.

>The amount of falsehoods about history in this thread makes the creative writing club for brain damaged and retarded children look intellectual by comparison
We can discuss about history or religion all we like and never agree, but what matters is what is done in the present.
people want religion
people are also agitated
what is the most openly violent religion that is also based on their previous religion
european sharia soon to kill all your gays and trannies and rape all your daughters with strong mudslime sperm

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that one day when you don't listen to weather forecasts
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so it was the American Cabal?
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Must be nice to have uncensored AI, sloppy job mossad
It was partly cloudy with a chance of Jewish warmongering. You kikes couldn't defeat Iran by itself, you can bet that the shitskin countries are going to gang up on you now.


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>we have concrete evidence that Mossad/IDF hacked his website just to try to discredit him by streaming gay porn on his channel
>literally everyone who has ever called him gay is literally a proven Jewish/Mossad/IDF shill
Why do Jews go to such lengths to try and stop him? He is the chosen one to defeat the Jewish system.
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So what I don't understand is how they hacked his stream and that didn't affect cozy. His telegram states no data was leaked and cozy was not affected. I've logged off from his site and added some security to my telegram as I've seen this happen too many times before where people say no data was leaked and the site is safe to find out six months later it was totally Pwned
>streaming gay porn on his channel

But he really is a faggot tho
>I dont think ive ever heard Fuentes speak out against communism

1. loves Putin
2. Praises Stalin
3. Hates "anglos"

He's FSB too the core. Just like the rest. It's all one big homo fun time kabbalah commie club.
his "fans" >>468553907 >>468553921
nigger, they are doing a better job at making everyone on the right look repulsive than the jews can, should tell you enough about how fucking retarded they are

the Christ is King schpiel is literally just a phrase use for grifting, imagine thinking AF faggots care about the bible when they go around being the biggest faggots around, i really don't get how people get lured into this shit

unless you want to tell me president Kanye west was 100% serious and not a complete scam by milo the fag and AF to steal from a dumb nigger

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Soon, live in EU will become totally insufferable due to progressing faggotry and retardation of governing elites. Even in Poland.
Moreover, EU economy is on the total free-fall (because of retardation of ruling oligarchy) and I'm qualified industry specialist.
I'm looking for a new place to live.
I was thinking about SE Asia but it is totally overcrowded by Asians
Now I think about Kazakhstan.
In Alamty or Astana, there are several large companies I could work as a (senior) specialist. (I'm not IT nigger BTW).
How is life there? Is it easily for a foreigner to settle there? Besides English I know (some) Russia . How much buying a piece of land cost there? Is it possible for foreigners to buy some land to settle down?
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I go to any website of any dentistry in Kazakhstan and they offer the usual implants Nobel Biocare (USA-Switzerland), Ankylos (Germany), Straumann (Switzerland), osstem (South Korea).
Can you kidnap brides there?
>Kazakhstan is almost 100 per cent made up of Asian Muslims
it was literally 50% Russian in 1990
Why do kikes and their globalist elite pet slaves like chinks/russians love demoralizing Iranians, especially the shah supporting secular ones?

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Yep. It’s a strategy by corporations, under the guise of diversity, to weaken the bargaining position of their workers.
After normies become radicalized to far right thinking and then demoralized because they know it's hopeless, then they will secede. Some anyway. Most won't. Society is just going to become more shitty. It's over.
This actually forced the patricians to reconcile by establishing the Tribunes. It would still work today - there is no aspect of modern Western militaries that are not largely run by civilians, simply due to the intermarriage of capitalism and our extremely robust systems of logistics (to say nothing of R&D).
Impossible today, normies can't even survive a day away from their comforts
strikes usually involve negotiations, unions, talking heads, media attention, propaganda, glowniggatry and making deals in backrooms over the heads of those affected, why anyone would let themselves be subject to some jew negotiating a deal with another jew is beyond my comprehension. secessio plebis in my mind is different, it's where people finally stop giving a fuck about what some unionjew glownigger thinks how he can steer the direction of the average worker's future

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discuss the political implications of men dropping out and having ai sweetheart girlfriends? feminists (and jeets, lol wtf) seeming to be bretty goncerned about the nonexistent robowaifus
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Value isn't determined by females. It's determined by our value system. Religion specifically limits the domains we can venture into. None of the shallow domains men are forced to enter in the West apply to us.
Moreover, because of religion, we ourselves can set standards for females. As sexual behavior is limited outside of marriage, they have to correspond to our standards, or face never being able to acquire a mate. We have the ability to simply ignore females when they set shallow standards. We can force them to adopt universally beneficial standards through an appeal to piety.
One of the ideas I've seen having a positive effect on Muslim girls is the idea of Hoor al-Ayn. The idea of a heavenly wife sets a standard of perfection for Muslim females no other religion has. It makes believing females strive for a transcendent standard.
I wouldn't oppose robowaifus in the West. Men in the West deserve happiness, and they're not going to get it ever from their women. In BD, I'd leave it unregulated. There are instances in which banning it outright isn't justified. But having lived in the West, I'd say for the most part, our women are heavenly.
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>this dumb nigger STILL thinks men can be shamed
You're fifty years too late, retard. No man is buying it anymore.
>failed male
So obvious, yet all those (You)s. You're an honorary Canadian.
No. No outs for shaming. They absolutely can and WILL be actual, fully equivalent of not superior companions, and they can and WILL be fully accepted as appropriate for ANYBODY who just wants reasonable standards in a partner to be within reach. There is no room for "you're just doing that because you're le virgin incel teehee have real sex". It needs to be a totally accepted mainstay in society in order to crush women's power for good.

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I'd rather side with the niggers and Jews.
>average american
>I'd rather side with the niggers and Jews.
jews yes but niggers? you're insane
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VGH must preserve


Why did we take the Jewish death shot
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They sure tried, but yet I still remain pure of blood.
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>a guy named Redfield is fighting the real world version of Umbrella corp
I dare any of you niggers to try to tell me this isn't an Easter egg slipped in by the universes devs.
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>for me, it's pfizer
>i asked for 3 boosters at once and they gave it to me! "wow, i said, three for free!". the nurse said "that's what i'll call you from now on, three for free!"
>The particles are volatile and are easily destroyed. Theyre susceptible to heat - if you remember they had to be kept refrigerated. If they were kept out too long then the batches had to be thrown away.
I remember. It makes me sus about all supposed deaths and shit. I work with hundreds of people, mostly vaxxed. I know of one who got blood clots and he seems to be doing fine now, like the rest of my vaxxed coworkers. I dunno.

t. unvaxxed
Three for free!

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>talk German politics
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>Jehovah's Witness
Only 144,000 will be saved, and you ain't one of 'em...
>That's kinda sad ngl
Buskers are a serious problem in newyork. They basically highjack people's ears and hold them for ransom.
Atleast I know I'm going to hell.
Checked. Same. First circle seems comfy.
I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints...
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am doing my part

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this is useful post
because considering lost history and fake history is good, but it's easy to poison the well
sensible posts have no place in such threads. get out.
leaf posters are all wildly insane, and think pornography prevents rape, until proven otherwise. stop watching porn, leaf-bo
oh i'm sorry, were you being sarcastic?
mi scuzi mi scuzi
concealed carry prevents rape

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We all agree whore women are gross, but what about men that have high body counts? Don't they deserve the same ridicule, disgust, and negative stigmatisation for how promiscuous they're.
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McDonald’s ruined women
Id be a whore too desu if i could be like fuck for free get money. Bitches cash
Found three stars in that pic.

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What would you do if you came across Samuel Benjamin alone on a dark night?
slap his head with a cake
i look more intimidating
I'd be drunk so I might rape him

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Unironic political thoughts on the American state of Nevada?
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huge difference between the cities and the rest of the state. Las Vegas and Reno are liberal leaning. The rest of the state is a libertarian paradise.
Lived in Henderson for two decades. Lots to love, particularly surrounding nature, but I don't have longterm hopes for it; the Goodmans were literal Jewish mafia attorneys, but at least they were the old-school kind of Jew that understood the importance of keeping black crime in check. Crime is getting out of control with regular forays into Summerlin from North Las Vegas; NLV used to be ok by the standard of black neighborhoods, but it's exploding to Baltimore levels in recent years. Once the current one passes you can be guaranteed that they're going to be replaced with something far worse. The education system is consistently ranked near the very bottom of the country.

Senator Jacky Rosen is a gigakike and the state is engaged in outright erasure of its history, such as the renaming of the based McCarran Airport. A local judge was recently (((suicided))) after she uncovered a sex trafficking operation. The economy has always been flimsy and reliant on times of prosperity; it had the single hardest real estate crash in 2008 and won't be any better the next time around. Nevada is the only state where an absolute majority of workers perform service work, and the culinary union is full of grubby little wetbacks. They were one of the last states with absolutely zero background checks and many other gun regulations, until the 2017 Mandalay Bay psyop. There's still some of the libertarian spirit remaining but it's dwindling fast.
likely 1st state to legalize cocaine
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I'll repost something I posted last year for those considering moving:

For a quick geographic summary, stay at least 1 mile away from the 15. If west of the 15, the further west is better. If east of the 15, stay south of Sunset Rd or so.
Largely empty and mostly owned by the federal government as a bombing range

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We really live in strange times!
Gaslighting cunt
Me on the center-right
If you're not going to believe what's going on in front of your eyes I don't know what else to tell you.

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If Americans are under financial stress, how are they able to afford expensive trucks like pic related? These kinds of vehicles are all over the roads. Are people actually doing a lot BETTER financially than the media claims?
debt slavery
As far as I know owning a car is a necessity in USA and you need to take the weight capacity into consideration.
Company lease.
finance dat shit nigga

Why don't they just surrender?
to the last holholstinian

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Assume your country had invaded Ukraine, how would your country try to win?
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is no one celebrating in Dakota oblast?
He had to wait a grand total of 26 seconds, its ovyir for Putler.
Endless waves of shit, biowarfare
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The funny part is that you know he was absolutely seething over this because it's exactly the sort for female tier power games he likes to play lmao.
It's simple. You have to bribe their society into believing that from now on they want your side to be their leader, that your was is better, that you offer a better lifestyle. The same way west has incorporated Poland. Slavs are stubborn and resilient when facing deadly enemy in war of extermination but easily corrupted when you're playing friend.

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Flan is the supreme God. You retards.
>reply button smashing retard
I don't engage with retards like you who do that
You 100% of the time prove yourselves to be complete retards who deny basic facts like you just did via denying that the correct definition of "atheism"
>>reply button smashing retard
Getting closer!>>468554250
>who deny basic facts like you just did via denying that the correct definition of "atheism"
What am I denying exactly?
Shut the fuck up, pedophile.
>I don't believe in mythical creatures like unicorns or leprechauns
>ummmmm akshually sweaty, you DO have a belief
>you believe that zero fake bullshit exists!
Stop diddling the kids in your church youth group you fucking freak.
From your link
>atheism is the psychological state of lacking the belief that God exists

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