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If they can do it to trump, they can do it to alex. The difference is, trump has a lot more cash
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>I dont read pol
I just listen to him for infotainment when I'm driving sometimes.
>will still not use his guns
Also does anybody have an InfoWars Archive, what are the chances it all gets taken down and WIPED?

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How does everyone afford Moncler and Canada Goose coats? These things cost anywhere from 800 to 3k each
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You see a lot of normalfags around here wearing hunting jackets if it's cold. A business man might wear a winter coat purchased at Mark's, winners, or costco, brands irrelevant. A woman will wear some kind of snazzy looking parka, brand unknown. Guys in my line of work wear whatever free jacket their company got them for Christmas. But having said all that, most don't bother with a jacket at all.
Isn't that like an amount everyone should save every month? So just buy one if you want one?
But what do young Canadians wear to not get singled out and bullied for not having current thing?
Poor people who will never own a house can afford to buy designer jackets. The wonders of capitalism. Also fakes and stolen.
That is the amount I save every month but I think people who buy cloths that expensive are trying to prove something.

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Do you think that the treatment of german minorities after WW2 was too harsh or it was deserved?
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every few years you become uppity, this time we are going to wipe you out by replacing you while you give us gibs, get used to it germ
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youre an utterly irrelevant shithole and always have been
my father's friend was a sudeten german whose family was expelled from bohemia, where they'd been for 1000 years, as part of the ethnic cleansing program
WW2 was a collective effort.
Germany was going to die anyways, no matter how much Stalin would perform.

And the facts reimain that Poland was Soviet ally since 1941, so there would be no reason to treat Poland badly when they fought alongside them.
Keep repeating yourself like a broken record.
You "reich" days are kaput, and won't be returning any day

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why are they so brown?
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brown? Coming from the budget Chechens, i am whiter then any Anglo
idk about they but i am pearly white colored
Nigger, the only whites in the Balkans are the Slovenes and Croats. The fuck are you talking about?
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unless something went wildly fucky, my CRO vacation 5 years ago was the whitest vacation I ever had
Slovenes are Jews, thus not white. Only Croatia, Bosnians from within 50 miles of Sarajevo, and Serbs from Vojvodina are white.

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>climate change on other planets

i bet white males are behind it, like they caused on earth!
Built for BBC
sir this is a coomer thread
NGL the effort you schizos put into this is epic
i dont know really. maybe you should go away, think about it, then come back and tell me why you dont accept the radar ranging of the sun and planets?

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This is hot. does 72 hoor look like this ??????
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seems like muslims have reached Spain
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>"Anyone who talks shit about must be a Muslim/Pakistani/Chink!"
Lmao pajeets are fucking retarded.
India can be fixed but it will need a trip to hell and back.

Here are steps:

> Step 0: Have a deep state to maintain continuity of governance between democratic transitions. Give state governments more power. Don't try to run everything from Delhi.
> Step 1: Start taxing agriculture. Indian agriculture is tax free. That has to stop.
> Step 2: Corporations should consolidate failed farms, futures markets should create stability in agricultural commodities markets, and use modern agricultural equipments to increase food output without increasing the number of people working in agriculture.
> Step 3: Spend money on urban waste management. Waste management is a science. Simply piling up garbage will just cause fires.
> Step 4: Buy urban land from inhabitants in exchange for living in 50 floor apartments. Use this oppurtunity to do urban planning to create wider roads, and subway/metro networks, large volume sewage tunnels which can handle 10x the volume of water from Indian monsoons.
> Step 5: Focus on basic reliable infrastructure like clean water, electricity, sewage treatment plants, septic tanks, more waste bins, more
> Step 6: Create larger and more mechanized ports. Roads and rail connecting ports has already been done so do more of it.
> Step 7: Create banks that create loans for manufacturing
> Step 8: Create advanced infrastrucuture like Ultra Pure Water supply networks in special economic zones to do semiconductor manufacturing.

Why was he so adamant at helping neocons from a nation ruled by whites bomb brown middle eastern people even though said nation oppressed him through his childhood and a big chunk of his adulthood
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Isn't he half-white though?
I just found out he's been dead since 2021.
Naw he just light skinded
Condi rice was friends with somebody killed in a false flag attack by the FBI? That's not suspicious
idk but good question

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Previous: >>469918954

▶Day: 829 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>France gave Ukraine permission to use Storm Shadows/Scalp missiles to strike airfields in the Kursk and Belgorod regions, — BBC
>Major missile chimpout targeting energy infrastructure, 35/53 missiles and 46/47 shaheds shot down, damage to two thermal power plants reported
>Federal Government allows Ukraine attacks on targets in Russia with German weapons
>Biden allows strikes into Russia with US weapons, limited to territory near Kharkiv region. The policy regarding ATACMS use has not changed
>Seven boats destroyed in Ukrainian operation in Kerch (1x pilot boat, 2x ferries, 4x transport landing boats)
>New €1,16 BLN military aid package from Sweden will include Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft (ASC 890)
>Belgium pledges 30 F-16 fighter jets for Ukraine with near €1bn in military aid
>Sweden is pausing plans to send Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine in order to allow for the introduction of F-16
>Ukraine will receive its first supplies of F-16 fighter jets “very soon”, but around half of its desperately needed foreign military aid is arriving late - Umerov
>Poland should not rule out sending troops to Ukraine - Sikorski

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Jeez, when he opens his mouth in an apparent scream you can see his whole cheek is just gone. Ouch, inconvenient too, gonna be harder to eat food
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>if you are so desperate to break the rulkes?
But I JUST told you, its not to break the rules, its to break the Russian lies that you are attempting to protect with your little shtick right now.

And obviously Russians care about that, because they've been targeting goreleaf for months.

Will she fix Mexico?
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she will distance from BRICs, will be pro israel
mucho pesos para israel
The last jewish president turned Mexico into a neoliberal narco state. I can't imagine what the next jewish president is going to do.
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No. What happens to meloni? To geert?

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Let that sink in...
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How many niggers does your country have?
Also, morality nor the laws actually never prevents the few cases they find someone not self-regulating.

It just causes people with the ability to self-regulate to conform. If morality and the laws worked with so many centuries of time, criminal activity would have gone down and it has actually gone up not just in actual number of real crimes, but also because of crimes that aren't really crimes or somebody doing wrong.

Speed limits were introduced with the intention to prevent car accidents. More car accidents today than yesterday and they've been around for decades. The people who would speed through a suburban area already still do too. It just does not work and instead they steal the credit of people when they claim the law works because they don't want to be persecuted for going 9 over the speed limit.
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>never stood in a TSA line for hours
I certainly never have, but I'm sure a basement dwelling NEET shutin like you has probably done a lot of air travel and know better.
>I'm convinced airlines are the reason high speed rail has been so slow to develop in America.
That's because you're a simple minded retard that has never held a job or left mommy's house, and you're probably a nigger who can't comprehend areas larger than your shitty section ape housing project or numbers beyond "one, two, many".
Cost to build high speed rail is around 1.5-1.8 MILLION dollars per mile (that's like many many) and the united states has many many many miles in it.
So basically we could spend 4 trillion dollars (lots of manys) on a train from Boston to Los Angeles that could get you there in 20 hours with some stops along the way or you can just hop on a plane (which already exists) from any point on this map and go from any of the other points on the map to any other point you wish in 1/3 of the time.
Too many

Also American and French tourists come here.
They put $35 billion into it.

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I just got recognized by the german government as a citizen by descent via Stag 5. Can you guys give me the run-down on what I should know about the german political landscape? I know in the US there's a lot of 'liberally forbidden' topics that are pretty central to the situation, what's it like over there?

Also what are gun rights like?

Ich spreche Deutsch noch nicht sehr gut, aber ich versuche lernen das jedestag.
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already refuted nonsense: >>469934959
Only for niedergelassene Ärtze wich means you need a Praxis. Disclaimer even says its averages from some having several. So those are pretty much businessman. Doctors in hospitals or employed in a Praxis by other doctors(so most) arent even counted in your pic.
This is about praxis owning doctors, employed doctors earn shit and they work horrible hours. The whole job isn' worth it, unless you are into 12h work days and emergency service liabillities. I guess that those numbers are inflated through cities as well, you won't get that much in less populated areas.
>it doesnt count!!
keep seething, nigger
> just become a doctor
> study 6 years (+ 2 years of Abi)
> open a praxis
> jump through all the extra hopes to get a license for a praxis
> invest five to six figures for praxis equipment
> hire staff
> work from morning till evening every day
> become profitable around your 40s or later
This shit sucks, you are well off in your 50s and later on at least. The whole thing seems pointless to me, unless its a multi generational undertaking.

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Wow, no shit. This man is a genius.
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Completely wrong.
Have sex
Get a job
Take a shower
The official western narrative since hundreds of years has been that there is some "social contract" about this and that people chose to be ruled by some shmacks. And before that it was about some mythical "divine right".
You forgot to call me an incel, Reddit-kun
Mao took the party state to its highest form. More Leninist than Lenin.

They say that every two months
this whole shit with Taiwan is a massive waste of time for China why not say we want best relations without brother China nation

they lose nothing by doing that

According to historical economists, capitalism is the foundation of inequality and is inherently exploitative. So what? Economists make that conclusion as if it means anything, implying that inequality and exploitation are somehow undesirable.
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>According to historical economists, capitalism is the foundation of inequality and is inherently exploitative
feudalism actually works
a ruler must be bred for the job the same as any other job
>historical economists, capitalism is the foundation of inequality and is inherently exploitative.
you mean marxists, not historical economists. Anyone who has even a basic understanding of economics ends up staying far away from marxism.
>According to historical economists
>capitalism is the foundation of inequality
>is inherently exploitative

Just communist propaganda

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The big one is coming. People are preparing.
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Buy GameStop
i can't find the source
so this is obviously fake news
india and africa are repatriating their gold currently as well
i wonder what happens when one of these orders isn't capable of being fulfilled. this is the type of stuff that people start wars over
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Reminder on June 9th, the US contract with Saudi Arabia for OPEC to trade exclusively in USD - lapses. And the Arabs have already told the US they won’t be renewing and to get fucked.

That day will mark the end of US hegemony. Everything that follows is the dying throes of a bleeding out empire and the looting of its treasuries by the parasitic Jews, before they flee its sucked dry corpse for their next Host.

June 9th lads. Mark it on your calendar because after that date shit is going to get exponential.
one more fortnight

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Previous: >>469926507
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons - https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane - https://archive.today/iAtY3
>Russian jamming making some US PGMs ineffective - https://archive.today/1K5Or
>Kiev now recruiting meat from the prisons - https://archive.today/kcIkd
>NATO to organize mandatory arms supplies & financing to Ukraine, at least 100 bln/year - https://archive.today/jjBSo
>RuaF liberate Arkhangelskoye, Battlegroup 'N' keeps advancing in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/CgiGm
>Scholz still refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine - https://archive.today/sJ9QH

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>lmao keep making no sense
All your posts are completely incoherent gibberish
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Let it be known that the poojeet was given 10 min and a half-time reminder post to take a simple picture of his hand and passport. He could not do it.

So it's settled. He's a poo.
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Isn't that the ancient capital or something? Having niggers there must be horrible.
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Notice how he respond to every messages but carefully dodged that one>>469934144
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i wasnt though you just posted random polish flag posting picture i never did you pathetic clown and writing like i dont
you just show everyone how desperate you are
all of you do
1 polak
thats all it took to destroy your little safe space and you behave like rats in burning barn

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The older I get (approaching my mid 30s) the more rightwing and nazi views seem cringe and retarded as fuck.
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Its a muslim psyop used to make you focus on the jews as muslims conquer evropa
What does this have to do with National Socialism?
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This is because you have a modicum of success and pride in your life, anon. Modern Nazis are all picrel types.
Same. That hating shit takes alot of energy from you. Plus if you don't live under a rock, you get to meet many people of all backgrounds that equally shit or decent.
A corporation can just cut your wages immediately with no questions asked, how is the government any different

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Palestine, Syria, Ukraine, Taiwan, Turkey, Greece, Libya, Iran, Mali, Caucasus, Yemen, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Socotra, and other geopolitical happenings, as well as soup, pipelines and robots.
/ug/, /sg/, /cwg/, /o/, /tv/, /osint/, /ck/, /tg/, /k/, /soup general/, (NOT /ipg/)

GPG News
Damage to electrical power infrastructure and civilian houses in Zaporizhzhia as result of Russian missile strikes.
United States President Joe Biden has eased a ban on Ukraine using US weapons inside Russian territory to help the country defend its northeastern Kharkiv region from attack, Secretary of State Antony Blinken has confirmed.
Israeli war cabinet minister Benny Gantz’s centrist party has proposed holding a parliamentary vote on dissolving the Knesset, but it was unclear whether he has enough support to bring about early elections.
Israeli artillery shelling on areas east of the city of Rafah.
>United states
After two days of deliberations, 12 New Yorkers found Donald Trump guilty of all charges in his hush-money case. Trump is now the first former US president with a criminal conviction, and the first candidate to run for the White House as a felon.
Turkish Armed Forces hit the YPG positions on the Sayyada line in the west of Manbij with mortar and artillery fire.

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in other news, germany has become a country with an average of 9 knife attacks/day
the one on friday though sticks out, because it was a zionist boomer islam critical politician who got knifed, and of course because of the absurdity of the whole scene, as seen in webm or here in hq
atm it seems policeman Rouven L. will be the only fatality in the attack carried out by Sulaiman A., an Afghan who has been living in germany since 2014 and is married with 2 children
Good afternoon, boomer
On the one hand there's the question of if blasphemy is an incitement to violence, on the other hand there's the false peace of Europe broken by those who Europe waged wars on. I'm glad a Turk was around to set things straight, maybe he can retrain the police force.
GM /gpg/
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bom dia como estao as coisas no Brasil?
EUSSR elections in one week (nothing will change kek), cuckservatives seem to be in the lead everywhere, right wing parties on the rise

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If only you were a paramedic and really knew.
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england literally ran out of midazolam from killing people who were dumb enough to go to the hospital for the "virus"
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>the pandemic
the what?

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Has /pol/ had any success with online dating? Most of the apps and sites I've tried are now owned by the Match Group monopoly and have been turned into money-making scams full of literal bots and NPCs. Are there any sites left where I can meet an unvaxxed cutie? I really want to find companionship but I have standards.
>inb4 meet someone in person
>inb4 d*******s honeypot
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i met my wife on instagram. she lives in the former soviet union and moved here to be with me
Met my wife online

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