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Assassinating him would only lead to a further escalation of the war in the Middle East, and Iran might even attack US bases in Iraq directly. It could also lead to the closure of the Persian Gulf by Iran.
The Middle East oil crisis would explode completely.
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Flawed false GAY
It creates a power vacuum and in fighting would dramatically weaken iranian resolve. Not that I think it was an assassination. Helicopters crash all the time and a nape flight in fog is a really good way to crash.
I'd bet on Armenians, a retaliation for joint Iranian project with Azerbaijan
>To win reelection
You think it's going to be decided by voting?
How many times does this have to be explained before retards get it?

The global elite want the human population vastly reduced. They are employing numerous methods to achieve this ends. Nuclear war is very clearly their final trump card in this effort. The reason nuclear war is so heavily favored is because of the spiritual impact it will have on those that survive it. This is literally a religious level event that will instill in humanity a desperation for peace that has not been seen ever in history. People will quite literally BEG to be enslaved by a new global government and will accept ANY measures to maintain peace due to fear of nuclear annihilation. This means that the new global government will be given permission to destroy rebellion carte blanche. No one will bat an eyelash at the government disappearing dissidents because those dissidents represent the threat of war. In order for this to completely solidify the new governance system it will also need to eradicate the current religious paradigm. The surviving public must be totally reviled by Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Naturally that means that the coming conflict must be contextualized as a war caused by these religions.

Israel has always been in place as a trigger for this war. Luciferianism has always been the coming religion.

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Is he asking for money ?
It says orthodoxy or death I believe
I have nothing against Ukrainians. I feel bad for them desu. They were 'chosen' by the 'chosen people' to be exterminated in the Jews New War.
I don't want to see a dime spend on Ukraine.
Ukraine is like sleep paralysis, the more you struggle the worst it gets. Just relax and it will go away.

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>Many non white countries such as india and china are turning to European donors
>danish sperm banks are the largest in the world with 90% going to other European countries and 10% elsewhere
>most ask for dna with blue eyes
>european traits are basically a commodity
What do you guys think of this? Is bleaching based? Could it backfire really badly?

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Sure I'm a white incel loser and I will never have sex but everyone wants chads seed so uh uh uh wah wah wah reeeeeeeee
>he doesn't know
check out this gem
Everytime I see this pic I feel the pain. Only people who lives near niggers/mutts know it.
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the final solution to the non-white question
I never understood why in my experience swedes look like they have even more east asian admixture than finns. Makes no sense.

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>assassins never assassin honestly
how are your assassins operate finbro please do tell, lol retarded goy
Disgusting, the mongrel speaks in such a runty manner.

Mossad/CIA are so obvious in their ways. Dumb monkeys.
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>see Israeli bigwigs like Herzi Halevi drop dead
stop, i can only get so erect
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Enjoy your fate.
im not gonna die for jews, so no

Feminists seem pretty concerned about currently non existant robowaifus
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>aren we here to hate le femoid bio hole?
Nope. This is only about securing the basic rights of men, nothing else.
Think about a woman who has lost her legs in a car accident. If we give this woman a wheelchair, are we making people who can walk "obsolete"? By using that wheelchair, is that woman proclaiming her "hate" against people who can walk? Obviously, that's not the case. We give a wheelchair because she fucking needs it. We help her because all human beings deserve a decent enough life.
Instead of crippled women, let's think about the millions of males who are tragically dying childless. They are human beings, their lives have certainly a value, yet their basic needs are completely out of their reach. They are never, NEVER, N-E-V-E-R going to breed, it's absolutely impossible for them. By giving them guaranteed access to subsidized surrogacy RIGHT NOW and later robowaifus equipped with artificial wombs, we're only providing them with access to basic rights that women are already enjoying. Because males also deserve to have decent lives. Because males are also people.
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Take the poo to the loo
Rock 'n roll
Against all odds came here to post exactly this

Beat me to it

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So it works?
It's Hinduism. The religion of poor people who smell like shit.
At Timmys right now.

>bomb your Kids
>destroy your cities
>kill your generals
>kill your presidents
>nuke your embassies
>bulldoze your mosques

Is there anything more pathetic than being a m*slim?
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Muslims are the scum of the Earth.
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Yea it’s called a pajeet
This is the final red pill, they fear secular middle easterner more than anything. The kick the shah out and attack Assad for this reason.
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And kikes aren’t mulatto nigger?

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If you hate America so much, why don't you leave? You are free to go anywhere else in the world. Why do you choose to live in a country infested with niggers and Jews and run by Zionists? Oh that's right because other countries are shitholes and this one is rather nice and you like living here.

Christ is King you retarded incel.
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I agree, kick all Muslims out fuck'em
Bring back the Muslim bands
Sadly accurate. America is shit, but Europe is in even worse shape and I'm not ready to live along Asians.
aryans look dumb as shit when a machinegun is about to turn them into minced meat.
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>you don't like the fact that america is a global totalitarian tyrant? Why don't you go live in one of the countries we're bombing if you like them so much???!!?!?

Brigitte Macron est un homme.
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Emmanuel Macron est un femme
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Please stop spreading these rumors, I won't tell you again!
et alors?
macron aime la queue
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>paying extra zog tax to drink alcohol
I for one ferment my own like a true chad. Not only do I get to enjoy alcohol while minimizing my financial support of jewish parasites, but the alcohol is the fruit of my own labor. Next I will be purchasing carboys from my local Euromarket to ferment in those.
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I know I shouldn't be sharing the secret but here goes
Wine-o's have websites they use where they can buy gallons of juice at a time from whatever grapes are in the selection. You can literally just go online and look at a catalog and get fresh juice, after it's all said and done the cost is around 3 bucks a bottle for wine that would normally be 10-15 bucks in a store.
No, I won't post any links or anything.

Currently I have a case of concord and a case of diamond at my house, more on the way.
If you were to frment bread dough at room tem for weeks you would need sterilizing too.
Don't then. I don't care. Just keep in mind that it's the perfect environment for unwanted micro organism to grow. That's why you sanitize everything you use in home brewing.
You’re a faggot.
babby immune system

>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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What if I told you that nearly all organizations importing non-Whites are not Christian?
(I'm betting you won't give a shit because your entire purpose here is to push as away from Christianity, you fucking kike.)
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let's do the supreme leader next!
Your nazi-godfather Jared Taylor just admitted that your nazi subhuman nation USA is officially finished for good! Enjoy your white genocide, nazi
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you are mad.

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He's the greatest president of your lifetime.

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Can someone send me the original?
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In short, even if concentrated power leads to abuse, if an institution has a solid foundation, it can survive the narrow aspirations of the people it employs.
meant to say meanwhile
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fixed it for you. everything is free in capitalism. a farm costs 200k... it pays for itself. therefor its free. if it didnt pay for itself, you wouldnt buy it. same for everything in capitalism. the only things that cost anything are things you dont need, like a lambo. but even then if you have more than 100 iq you can figure out a way to need it so you can make your purchase of it essentially free.
>Nazi germany kills millions
with masturbation machines and bears and eagles, yeah yeah we've all had the same indoctrination, anon.
>Fascism breeds unheard of corruption
Ah yes, thank God that the anti-fascists are in charge now, and that we are free of corruption. All is well. Thanks for the peptalk, Shlome.
>NatSoc is when totalitarianism

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Here is your daily reminder that the Finns are masters at diplomacy.
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So you gave them the entirety of the fortified area, plus a little extra for the trouble?
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>Russian niggers
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Well, they did stop. Existense of Pooland and Fingolia are proof of that. As USSR was the clear victor in the WW2 and nobody dared to question them all of butthurtbelt was at mercy of whatever Stalin wished to do. Everything what happened to butthurt belt happened because exactly because "bolsheviks" desired so.
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>Finns are masters at diplomacy.

what diplomacy?
You need to get in the sauna a bit more finnbro, you're being hysterical.

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Wow ... Jews are ... based?
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lol this is 5D acceleration
>psychopathy is based
Not even close. You've lost the plot. This is why I can't stop the genocide coming your way. I can only stand back and watch.
Osama bin Laden, although I doubt he was really assassinated
>Yeah we did some secret squirrel shit operation and now we got him
>You want to see his body? To bad, we threw it in the ocean because we didn't want to inspire terrorists or something
They still find new survivors by the way.
The funniest thing I ever saw is this:
>Edgar Steele
The guy who went to prison (and died there) for trying to hire a contract killer to get rid of his wife

>Horror as handsome high school jock, 17, is killed and his girlfriend, 16, fights for her life after 'drunk driver' slammed into them at 131 mph in his Mustang that split their car in HALF
>Taeyoung Kim, 21, is accused of causing a crash that killed Marko Niketic, 17
>Kim was driving his 2021 Ford Mustang at a speed of 131 mph in a 35-mph zone
>Police say his blood alcohol content level was far beyond the legal limit

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>silver mercedes
rich kids, only reason this made the news
No, cars are designed to have the occupants survive head-on collisions.
When I was in High School the biggest meanest jock in the school drove by me and threw a beer can at me. He died before graduation and I said I was glad and told my story and everyone thought I was a lying piece of shit. We lived in a small town there was nowhere remotely who looked anything like that dude. It was him. I'm so fucking glad he died.
Anons all you have to do to win is to live as long as possible. Everyone who hates you will hopefully die before you.
Awww, poor Jocko. They should have mentioned his sparkling personality that he certainly has.

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So you can't say proud to be white because white people are clearly superior? hahahah
Not true at all
White people brought technology, reason, logic, law and morals to the rest of the world, and often not through conquest like all the other races, but through trade. Yet somehow we're the bad guys?! Bullshit! You just want slavery back, don't you Anon? Is that why you're hating on whites?
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can you tell the ethnicity that made this comic?
Bullshit. Every race exploits others. Whites just came out on top, and now we're not allowed to be mad because we're superior. Seethe harder, undermen.

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Have to keep this quick and get back to work - just an aid to someone important. Here’s what’s happened so far.

>Iran’s Supreme Leader died in a helicopter crash this morning
>Reports coming in Iranian Satellites were jammed to keep communication offline allowing the ground team who hit the bird with shoulder operated AA to exfil
>We don’t know who did it yet but our intelligence is showing a Special Operation conducted by the IDF is high-very high likelyhood
>JSOC intel coming in stating the Iranian rescue teams engaged with the ground forces who were heading toward the mountains and the recuse forces were wiped out.
>Emergency meetings ongoing within US/NATO intelligences - all hands on deck as a massive power struggle to take the reigns has begun
>Irans military has been activated and being split based on power struggle, some heading to protect the capitol
>Depending who takes power, massive regional war could start
>Don’t know if the truth will be made public or made to look like an accident to save face
>Confident we will tip the scales per usual, but instability incoming
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>why memeflag? are you from IL?
>Illinois? Lol no.

Only an American would think IL is Illinois, so there's one piece of info.
>Not very bright.
Why does it bother you where I'm from?
Only an American would assume this.
>Not very bright.
kikes definitely shot down that helicopter because kikes never think ahead, they are schizophrenic

if people even more pro-war get into control in iran they're gonna use all their resources to attack israel

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Alright /pol/, time for some history lessons. Romans weren't white. The Roman Empire was a melting pot, stretching across Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. They had people of all colors and backgrounds in their ranks. Just because Hollywood likes to cast Romans as white dudes doesn't mean it's accurate. Deal with it.
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Romans were absolutely white. The people of the Roman Empire were many ethnicities.

The more threads I see like this the more I am convinced that shills have a large presence here.
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Roman's were pheonecians you fucking nigger.
Bait. This is a jidf post. Ignore them.
Whiter than you paco

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That's an idiotic chart. Skin cancer, or cancer in general, has been getting overdiagnosed in modern times because scanning methods have been getting more sensitive. 100 years ago, the average person didn't travel as much as we do now. 100 years ago, there were no tanning beds. 100 years ago, children grew up in the sun and not at home playing video games. There are actually studies that have shown that children who spent more time in the sun have lower rates of skin cancer.
Actively tanning is not the same as "just enjoy the outdoors bro". Deliberately baking in the sun is obviously bad for you. You don't need any study to tell you that.
Essentially everything is electrical fields. Your body has electrical fields everywhere.
There are things that are commonly known such as tall building sickness, happened during covid too. Where people who get locked out in a tall building without getting outside for weeks got mysterious sicknesses.
Going outside daily for 10 minutes is usually enough.
You actually breathe in electricity and not oxygen. There aren't any way for the oxygen molecules to get into a blood stream and not anything else.
So, you basically reset your electrical fields (including your nervous system) back to factory when you go outside and touch grass.
>>study suggests
ok I believe it
More like this: >>468542556

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