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The war in Ukraine has begun three years ago, and we have been sending Ukrainians all the necessary support ever since. But the war is not over. Now it's become a slaughter where people from different countries get killed. With that, Ukraine goes on losing it's territory. I think, given the circumstances, the US has to admit that this conflict doesn't bring us any significant benefits and leads to a waste of it's weapons.

I've just watched an interview with prof. Mearsheimer who studies international relations. Having no illusions, he explained in detail why there's only one way Ukraine can end this conflict – by becoming a neutral state and refusing the idea of joining NATO. Moreover, according to him, it's neutrality must be permanent. If it doesn't happen, the war won't end, and the West's shipment of arms only encourages this scenario. I actually agree with Mearsheimer because we can supply our weaponry to Ukraine but it surely doesn't end the conflict. The only option for the US is to stop supplying the arms and steer Ukraine towards a diplomatic solution.

Also, the US is said to have something to lose, which is not true. The American Conversative (https://www.theamericanconservative.com/?p=467849) did research on the subject. First, the shipment of arms to Ukraine earns the US nothing wasting it's resources. Second, helping Taiwan now is a priority as it has many semiconductor and IC plants. If China takes over Taiwan, the US economy, unlike Ukraine's, will suffer huge losses. Third, Ukraine's neutrality doesn't mean it's lack of independence. For example, Finland once became neutral and now is a rich and developed state. Fourth, it doesn't change the US security as we are separated from Russia by an ocean and multiple allies.

We have to think what we really want for Ukraine: endless massacre or peace? If we are to really help them, then we must encourage it's peace negotiations with Russia and use our leverage to reach a better agreement.
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Yes yes they ran out of men two weeks in but russia launching frontal assaults with t-62s (tanks that were to be used as support artillery only) means they're doing real good and the breakthrough is imminent! Just two more weeks of failed frontal assaults and destroyed armor column and the Russians will win!!
They were "out of men" a year ago as well, I guess it works like peak oil does.
Russia is shit at war. Still not our fucking problem, kike.
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you'll be going here russnigger

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>muh russia shill
lol rent free
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here it comes... now tell me that i am a left wing communist
Twinks are cute, but they get ugly way too fast. 25+ and there are no twinks anymore, please cute twinks get hormones before you become ugly and manly.
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why do you keep posting that american?
I hate communism. But before i’m White (american on vacation), I’m a man. This is the fundamental building block of society. Man and woman and family. If I can agree with a communist on this and my own people disagree, then the communist is my ally.

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No blond hair for sure.
Eye color uncertain.
Face is rather round than long.
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His eyes were blue. He was an Alpine Austrian.
Really not that complicated.
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Dinarid mixed with Norid. Looks like an Average Central European /Austo-Hungarian.
His hair was brown and his eyes were light blue
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remove some wrinkles, remove the stache and give him a zoomer broccoli cut and I guarantee you you could trick a lot of people into not recognising him and zoomettes into thinking he's cute
Top kek he was a kike the whole time. >NATIONALIST ZIONISTS

Fucking idiots fell for the good jew/bad jew essau gambit post ww2. All the shit you jave heard about the nazis came from ex nazis the government took in with operation paperclip or allowed to flee to another country, not Argentina, but israel was goven to naZI remnants. Nazi jews were also given nato and served as their commander.

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Huge gathering of people in Kyieff!!
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It's Kiyv, Ruschud
grim, especially considering how many more dead Russians there are per each Ukrainian
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Remember that time Putin created a fake right wing group, used higher pay and prestige to recruit for them, recruiting 50,000 right wingers, and then killed their leader and absorbed them into the regular army because he actually does hate right wingers?
What's your point, fren?
If all Ukrainians are already dead who's fighting the Russians in Ukraine

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Firstly, is it even possible to fix America in its current state? For example when you consider the sheer depth and magnitude of the corruption in America, its agencies, departments, politicians, military and justice system, it seems like a daunting practically impossible task to achieve.

And, if you actually do think there is hope, and you were in charge of fixing this fucking mess, how would you do it? Where would you start, and how far would you go or be willing to go to effect a positive change in America?
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1. compulsory voting
2. ranked choice voting
3. proportional representation in the senate, fuck the electoral college
4. repeal bill of rights, impose term limits on supreme court
5. abolish presidency and instead make speaker of the house head of the executive
6. a bunch of stuff at the state level (e.g. no judicial or law enforcement positions to be elected, ever. all by appointment.)

it probably wouldn't result in the kind of america /pol/ would want to live in, but doing these things would make american politics much more stable and moderate.
1. Wall
2. Woodchipper
Detonate one of Edward Teller's 10 gigaton Sundial designs on reach coast.
Alternatively spray VX gas over all cities and airdrop atropine to those who deserve to live
-Eliminate the "Corporations are People" doctrine. They are not citizens and cannot hold the same rights.
-Eliminate ALL Political Action Committees; The only political funding can come from individual donors (capped)
-No Absentee Ballots, No Computer Ballots; Make Election Day a National Holiday and you only get to vote in person, with an ID

After that, I believe we have a good start for any other reforms.
There are too many undemocratic organizations which hold power in the US. MSM also needs to be dissolved of their power, and especially their collusion with big tech and power structures is troubling for a democracy.

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When you realise they don't use soap, everything begins to make sense
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What makes you think we care though?
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because chinks are better than pajeets and it's not even close.

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Is this why America hates small businesses now?

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Female pedophiles exist, and it's not acceptable.
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Fucking lol
Victim: i need more head
That woman is Asian btw
The mum is asian as well
Its an autistic boy with his mom or caregiver.
Why are you doxxing them and accusing her of abuse?
Now you realize it's not about morality. Feminist ideology has long influenced the Western world and programmed Western men to think less of themselves and other men if they didn't give women special treatment and more privileges for having vaginas.

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Why was national socialism such a catastrophic failure? It barely lasted 10 years.

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Imagine its 2006,your living in the mid west and you just finished your fast food meal after watching a kino in a theater run by a guy named joe.

And after it you sneak into a blonde bimbos rooms after prom to get some cheeks before her dad gets the shotgun

Was this when america peaked?

>America just called off a launch
>meanwhile China just went to the moon
It's literally fucking over
China is the new leader of the world
Fake and gay like all the rest
No!!! Chink chong bad!!! look at this video from ten years ago of shoty construction material!
they don't even worship niggers jews and faggots!!! they are pure evil
Oh no! Chang just stole my moon. Oh well
>oh no Boeing used caution to avoid any potential damage and deaths
Meanwhile chinks have to launch 1000 rockets before they get one that doesn't blow up.

What's Romania's goal?
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Manele will conquer the world. But hungarian gypsy music is not bad. You should not be ashamed of your heritage
why not, if he had family in Germany, one decent inheritance would cover that
> fag hears Romanians like to "backstab"
> instant ally
All we need is a few kikes to complete the circle.
anyway, it's unforgivable to kick out Germans, mind you the only ones that ever built anything worthwhile in this africa tier shithole, and then let gypsies in their homes

if Klaus swindled himself to 500 houses it should still be allowed. the average house here is built by an analphadiabetic high on red bull and hornbach commercials anyway
Doesn't matter Polacke
Crimrans themselves have decided they don't want be shakled by Urine , simple as. It never was part of Urine really, it had autonomous status because even Ukrainian commies knew that Krushevs gift was way to russian to even pretend.

Jews aren't even a warrior race, and despite having a low (and aged) population (making the number of fighting aged Jews very low), Jews are the best fighters. Jews are the master race.
Great show me the jewish UFC champ
The idea that the young are suitable for much more than cannon fodder is moronic.

Even Hamas has aged leaders and officers - bullets and bombs don't care if you're young or motivated.
Hah, ritualised show combat has no real life value in practice.

Even UFC fighters regularly find out how heavily they depend on the rules of a sport to be able to fight well in the slightest.

It's like lawyers not realising their arguntation skills don't hold up so well outside of court.
There's only 15 million Jews and most Jews are aged, statistically it is very unlikely for there to be a UFC fighting champ

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there is no such thing as an innocent jew
Correct. Anyone and everyone who condones baby penis mutilation is evil. That said, no human being is 100% innocent.
There is no such thing as an 'innocent palestinian'
>That said, no human being is 100% innocent.
This, dumb argument.
You voted for the holocaust

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Algerian illegal alien, homeless and subject to an OQTF*, is suspected of at least three rapes

a 14 year old girl
a woman six months pregnant
a third victim raped in a car

DNA then allowed investigators to trace an individual named Abdellah O.


*= obligation to leave the territory
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Algerian burglar and rapist

Algerian man arrested for raping woman in Paris

It was around 5 a.m. when a young woman was on her way home
The 20-year-old victim was suddenly attacked by a man at a bus stop

According to videos recorded by surveillance cameras, the young woman was undressed then raped for long minutes on the sidewalk.

Aged 36, the suspect of Algerian nationality was already known to the justice services for a burglary.

My dad literally laughes at this.
Also can anyone point me to an alternative board ?
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With gypsies, the Nafri race is probably the worst. A plague in our countries and more and more keep coming. My aunt rented a place to some Algerians. He took everything, including the dish washer and he disappeared without paying rent. This guy had a master degree in his country.
Nothing wrong with raping frogs in fact it’s the right and the least thing to do

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>Women claim they'd rather meet a bear in the woods than a random man
>Most men online proceed to say "women deserve to get eaten by the bear", completely missing the point and confirming it all at once.
And you incels wonder why the 4B movement is starting to spread outside South Korea...
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You don’t say.
How’d that turn out?
I don't understand why men get so offended by this. Men are the apex predators. They ought to fear us.
He became the leader of germany and killed all his enemies
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>all his enemies
personally I respond 'I'd rather meet a bear, too, if I met a woman in the woods she would probably shoot me dead then claim I was trying to rape her soon as simply say hello to me'

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Why do they think they are welcome anywhere?
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who is this poojesha
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>who is this poojesha
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"FRESNO, Calif. – The House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party on Wednesday issued a report about an illegal biolab that was discovered in Reedley and called for a more coordinated response from federal agencies on similar issues across the country"


"Secret Chinese Biolab With Viral Diseases in California Under Investigation"
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Bro, I have no idea, and I SERIOUSLY don't give a fuck.
Go look it up on ... I think they put it in the wrong place, but it's in Beautiful women or something thread.
You LIKE this SHIT?
Dude, its repulsive to me.

I bet some Chink or Jew is going "FREE COINS" right now..

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>"I believe passionately in freedom for women, and whilst many battles have been won in the past century, there is still a long way for society to move until women enjoy the levels of freedom that they should be able to. I am not afraid to use my body as well as my brain to deliver important messages."
Why do women use their body to protest? While it might draw attention to their cause do they not realise it also belittles their message?
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You know what I realized with the help with these pics is; It's Boring. With all the attention, power and ability to display a message, or show off anything and we have nudity and some marker writing on the body. It's Boring, Uncreative and Sad. I would take some furry, wearing dragon wings with a glow in the dark dress looking like that woman on tiktok that thinks she's a Gaia Druid over any of this, at least THAT isn't boring.
Do you accept the challenge
I forgot this generation doesn't know how to read between the lines.
Then remember the matrons of Sparta and their strangehold on traditional life.

Any time women are given the opportunity to claim moral authority in any way, things go to hell.

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something definitely is in the wata
I dare consoom all that make a man. Who dares more is none.

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