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This board is for author-driven collaborative storytelling (i.e., "Quests"). In a quest there is a single author who controls the plot of the story and who drives the creative process. They can choose to take suggestions from other posters, or not, at their sole discretion. Quests can be text-based, image-based, or a combination of the two. Drawfaggotry is strongly encouraged!

To facilitate the author-driven nature of quests, /qst/ differs significantly from other boards in that the OP of a thread is considered the quest's author, and has some basic text formatting abilities: [b], [i], and color tags [red], [green], and [blue]. Therefore, only those people willing to put in the effort to be a quest author should post threads. If you do not intend to run a collaborative story, do not post a thread here! This includes meta-threads.

Dice rolling follows /tg/'s format (e.g., "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the options field rolls 2d6).
Current board settings:

Anyone can post images.
Anyone can use painter.
Anyone can use dice & spoilers.
Only OP can use text formatting.
3000 character limit.
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Decreased post timer to match /tg/ (30 seconds for text, 60 seconds for an image reply).
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Max threads per IP is 5.
Standard 7 day internal archive.

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Welcome to /qtg/, a place to talk about quests.
Previous thread

>What is a quest?
An interactive story in which a Quest Master (QM) writes and provides the readers with options on how to proceed — similar to a choose-your-own-adventure book or an old text adventure

Questionably Useful links:
>QTG discord: https://discord.gg/dZavHuK
>Skirmish discord: https://discord.com/invite/DZCVvVU
>Evo Game discord: https://discord.gg/v55Xaaja
>Old pastebin containing advice for QMs:
Badly in need of renovation.

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finally, my browser was starting to struggle opening the previous thread
Carrying over an unanswered question from the previous thread; where are people hosting Lewds? I heard Pastebin nuked the Lewds. Does anyone use AO3?

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Inhale. Exhale.

You stare at yourself in the bathroom mirror. It's smudged, spattered with god knows what but you still recognize yourself despite all the blood.

Kyle Mercer. 25 years on your way to Hell. Naked, splattered with someone else's blood. Again.

You're trembling, a mixture of nerves and adrenaline. Why? You're sure you're going to find out whether you want to or not. You had been planning on making changes in your life and maybe others. That's why you were going home, right?

You stare into your own pale eyes and see…well, not much. Vitreous orbs, your fleshy windows to the world. You look down at your chest and see your tattoo, directly over your heart. You got it years ago and it meant the world to you but you can't remember when or why.

It was an Ouroboros, black on pale flesh but now streaked with red. You wet your hand in the sink and wash the blood away delicately. The cold water makes you break out in goosebumps. You see the blood on your body is dried. How long have you been standing here? Whose blood do you have on you this time?

You shake your head trying to clear it. "Fuck!" You didn't bother wondering why you couldn't remember anything. It was a consequence of what happened to you when you were younger. The same reason your arms were dotted with circular scars from cigarette burns and small, hard crosses carved into you years ago. It was the same reason the skin across the left side of your face, running down your neck to your shoulder and peck, was shiny and taut. A cruel burn that left those parts of you without feeling. Your long hair only partially conceals the scar tissue.

"You can't desecrate the temple," she'd said. "Only decorate it."

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>Tell me about that triangle. Where did you learn about that?
She's dealing with a lot. Talk about something that calms her
Quick updates OP, are you doing this daily? Looking forward to it regardless
>Seriously, your hair looks great. I like it. ...Don't worry about the scratch, if I find out something concrete I'll let you know.
For the same reasoning as anon above, freaking her out now won't help too much
>Quick updates OP, are you doing this daily?
I sure am, though this is my last update for the next ten hours or so. I'm trying to get a post made every time there's a clear consensus (typically three votes in favor) to keep the pace moving.

I'm also trying to make good progress before I inevitably get burned out and have to take breaks.

Glad you're enjoying it. I wanted to write something Different. I wasn't sure if would strike a cord with people. I'm still not sure, we're just scratching the surface.
Nice glad to hear it, keep up the good work. I'll be around to read while you still write
What other quests have you written? I'll check out the QST archive tomorrow
As Nemesis? This is my first. My older quests have been nothing like this one. Fresh start.

You are still William. Currently framing several mages as arsonists for breaking school property to get the school hall monitors to come and beat their shit in.
Low risk trap, high risk ambush, or quite potshot all valid ideas going through William’s mind before taking a moment to think about any ords caught in the middle. Remembering Betty’s care for her work staff and their proximity to the trays he settles for a single tray ambush to reduce their risk of danger. Accepting the fact that he won’t get a leader to fight to weaken both sides in exchange for the safety of Betty’s people. With the plan settled we rechecked his gloves to make sure all its energy is topped off for heals or counterspells to cover their retreats.

“Okay Betty we will go with a single ward spell to avoid causing too big of a mess.”
“Good if my people would have been at risk I would have pulled them out and let the work be done by you alone.”
“And you didn’t say anything?”
“If you didn’t care enough to think of others then I would have known I made a mistake. But you picked it correctly so I have a few spells set up with non-detection, thaumaturgy, and two fireball wards.”
“You just had this around?”
“I asked Alice to make the fireball wards and I supplied the non-detection as I don’t want gods ever watching me. Bad enough I have to cater to spoiled and malicious brats with the power to level a block but knowing gods can literally come on down to start shit and look into someone’s life is worse.”
“What is the best way to trigger the ward?”
“Letting them grab their food and detonating it on the table and triggering a cantrip to shout an Animus voice behind them. Thanks to the mage war everyone is on edge for ambushes and will have their guards down during meal times.”
“Then everything is ready to go?”
“Yes. Just need to have counterspells prepped and head out before anyone gets hit.”
“I am on my way then for backup in case you need more healing options.”

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William’s eyes narrow as he spots his very visible target with a blindfold and stupid lowing scale sword as they enter the cafeteria with grace and silence. Each nun takes a tray as Betty spots them moving inside before grabbing a warded tray and stacking another set on the table ready to be grabbed by one of the nuns. Seconds flow slowly as one of the nuns grabs the tray before picking out their favorite meals and offering grace to the staff as they move toward their table. Taking a few bites as the ward triggers as a ball of flame explodes underneath the tray and shatters the table tossing the nuns backwards and to the ground as their clothing is signed and charred.

“They are still standing, send another one!”

A rough animalist voice states from an Animus table as they look between each other as the nun’s gaze turns towards them from hearing Betty’s cantrip going off. With a secondary fireball blowing apart the table as well to deny any evidence being found of non-mage magic being used. More fire rocks the room as mages panic at the coming knight team as Revelations begins firing off Scorching Rays toward shocked Animus members as they cast Shapechange to turn into Bugbears to charge through magic spells. Tossing aside tables, trays, other mages as both groups begin tearing into each other. Claws digging into magic robes and flesh spilling blood across the floor as swords gleaming in divine energy smite back to leave deep gouges and burns in their bodies. Exposed bone and organs with skin hang off at times painting a gruesome sight as other uninvolved mages begin trying to cast their escape spells as the air shimmers as rune knights teleport in.

Four knights with glimmering swords and no shields look across the damage as a tense silence hangs over everyone taking a breath to speak as all mages begin casting again. Forcing the knights to drop their swords as they proc their teleportation locks to keep everyone from escaping before rushing in pairs of twos to cover the escape doors as mages rush and trample one another trying to escape.

“Code Blue, Code Blue we need back up for riot in progress send more!” Yells out a knight as he casts thunderwave to scatter resistance.

Immediately Betty and William grab the staff and get them down as more beams of magic begin being thrown around scorching walls, cracking walls, and decaying their facilities. Taking one look around to see the rune knight leader has not arrived to further cripple knight leadership with a sigh William turns his attention back to the staff on getting them out.

-Get everyone to crawl toward the back door and hope fireballs don’t get used as you can’t spot.
-Stay back and watch the fight ready to counterspell dangers going toward Betty’s staff but can’t dispel any spell splash damage on you.

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Last time, you tied up the final ribbon to the Prison Break mission, reunited people, talked to friends and allies, and left on a high note to rest at home with your bestie by your side. From that, one thing led to another and you find yourself with your friend visiting your favorite neighbor to relax with. As you were helping them get to know each other, an interesting undisclosed topic was brought up that changed the shape of the conversation. One, you weren’t aware hadn’t been discussed yet!

You mentioned that Ajna will be a vibrant trumpeter!

“Crossbill, you know this amazing girl over here is going to become an idol?” You place your hands on Ajna’s shoulders. “She’s part of the agency I’m building and all!”

…!!!” Ajna looks surprised to be thrown into the spotlight.

“That sounds swell!” Crossbill is more optimistic than you give her credit for. “Why the hell do you have an idol agency…?”

“Woah, Ajna is going to do WHAT?!” Craig is flabbergasted.

“Play the trumpet.” You pantomime it.

“Ooh! I can tell. I bet she’s good.” Crossbill points at the trumpet decoration on Ajna’s blanket.

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“Cool. If you're still interested in watching that movie I can borrow it from a friend.” You act nonchalantly since she seems to prefer being lowkey. “We can binge it with the sequel.”

“I… I’ll consider it.” The Slob Dragon doesn’t know if agreeing is a good idea.

(Ichie’s decision will be in the next post.)

Anything to say to this permanent hobo?

>No. Everything that needed to be said, has been said.
>“Anyway, this will always be your home. Got it?” You appreciate your dragon!
>“Wanna work as a bodyguard for the band?” Offer Suan De a permanent job.
>Write In.

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>>“Anyway, this will always be your home. Got it?” You appreciate your dragon!
>>“Wanna work as a bodyguard for the band?” Offer Suan De a permanent job.
>Make a meal that Crossbill is going to love!
>“Anyway, this will always be your home. Got it?” You appreciate your dragon!
>“Wanna work as a bodyguard for the band?” Offer Suan De a permanent job.
>Make a meal that Crossbill is going to love!
>“Anyway, this will always be your home. Got it?” You appreciate your dragon!
>“Wanna work as a bodyguard for the band?” Offer Suan De a permanent job.
>Make a meal that Crossbill is going to love!
>“Anyway, this will always be your home. Got it?” You appreciate your dragon!
>“Wanna work as a bodyguard for the band?” Offer Suan De a permanent job.
>Make a meal that Crossbill is going to love!

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Sing, goddess, of thirsty Argos, and of the glory of Hippomedon Aristomachides - sing of the folly of Adrastus, of the savagery of Tydeus and of Oedipal transgressions! Sing, O Muse, of Zeus’ designs, which even now come to fulfillment…
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My money is on one of two things, either he is gonna try and bang out another kid, or he's going to try and schwoopty doop some bullshit to try and circumvent the prophecy about a short but spectacular life for Achilles since he has already set his mind on kicking ass.


More money and more food. Very essential.
I hate to say it but the Dorian barbaroi are becoming more bold as of late. We need defense until Nikon comes back to aid us ;_;
>His eyes are a worn blue, and are kind
This, and his humility compared to Leo's dourness has sold me. Would much rather someone who Nira would get along with.

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The deck is silent, despite all the ranking officers—your fellow battle brothers—circled around the holo projector. It depicts the planet that the void ship, Gigante, is closing in on. You can see the speck of it outside the observation deck, above the heads of the serfs navigating the ship. The planet in question was named Serena, a pleasure world, out here on the Periphery. On the wrong side of the Great Rift, on the wrong side of the Eye of Terror.

“We will conduct the Red Tithe here,” the Reaper Prime, captain of the entire company, spoke through an open air vox caster. There was simply no other way for him to communicate, for he was a dreadnought. A massive hulk of armor, a white center flanked by obsidian arms, covered in exile markings, plumes of predators’ teeth around the visor. Armed with melta, bolters and chain-bladed claws, Reaper Nikora has served the Fourth Company of the Carcharodons Astra for centuries. Still of sound mind, his body was torn to shreds by drukhari decades ago.

The Red Tithe meant taking their due. Even on a pleasure planet, there were candidates for new Astartes, new chapter serfs. You recall a tropical world you once called home. A peaceful life among islands, surrounded by blue seas and sky. ‘Even from frail material such as you can come our future,’ the apothecary Whetu had said to you before implanting the gene-seed into your body.

“We couldn’t have chosen a better time,” Nikora said again, his robotic hand making a small gesture. The serf at the holo projector zoomed in on the image. The human population was mustering a defense. It felt strange to think of them as such. They were not men of the Imperium. This subsector had seceded and became the Severan Dominate. Rebels against the Void Father. This Tithe was more targeted than ones in the past, you knew it.

You truly were a shark circling around prey in desperate straits. The projector showed the xenos invaders…

>Vote for one

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Makes sense, I guess.
>Child Flensers BTFO
Also, what's our Name?

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You’re ANTON PEAS: a Grill Jockey at GREASE MONKEY: THE DEEP-FRIED EVERYTHING FAMILY RESTAURANT! Well, you were, anyways. Thanks to a demonic ritual gone wrong, you were whisked away to ZORAL: a fantasy realm shrouded in perpetual darkness–the surprise trip leaving you with a plate full of troubles and a head full of holes!

You’ve only got one lead for making it back home, and it’s a pricey one: for 20,000 BELLS, VOLKIR: potionseller, retired wizard, and adoptive father of your new pal VOLKA will help you out, but as they say in your home dimension, ‘pimpin’ ain’t easy’!

Ruthless Gangsters! Ferocious Monsters! A City Spiraling into Anarchy! Toxic Brothels! These are just a few pitfalls you dodged so far in your quest for ‘Fat Stackz’, but all of them are dwarfed by your most pressing concern: the revelation that your recently-acquired MAGICAL POWERS were indeed provided by a DEVIL!

His terms are clear as crystal: once you’re dead, you belong to RED... but surely someone in town can help you out, right? That line of thinking brought you and your chums VOLKA: LAMPLIGHTERS GRAND MARSHALL and TZAH-TZIE: RENOWNED BARD, APPARENTLY, to the doorstep of OTI: THE MAGE AND UNTIL RECENTLY A TRAFFICKER! You wouldn’t exactly call him a friend, but your list of people who know a thing or two about demons is woefully small… and you get the feeling you’ve got a long night ahead of you!

Guided by the brisk evening wind towards a creaky old fireworks shop, THIS is where your tale continues…

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>What do you know about RED?
>What’s this about stealing her power?
I doubt asking her about how to leave, especially when she's fighting being both concussed and sedated. Let's see if she slips up and says more than she should about these two topics.
>What do you know about RED?
>What’s this about stealing her power?
>What’s this about stealing her power?
>What do you know about RED?
Also shoulda mentioned that'll be the update for tonight! For the newer folks I tend to write updates around 5-6pm MST! Thanks for your patience and for playing--I can see where the vote's going, but I'll do the update proper tomorrow! Seeya then.
Thanks for running, OP. See you then!

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The Steelwood.

It’s name might sound like some ‘exotic dancer’ in a Hawksong Red Lantern girl-bar, but it’s not. Rather, it’s a realm on the eastern edge of Hawksong’s political sphere, characterized by a longstanding conflict between mongrel tribes of Man, Elf, and Orc, which have bled into genealogically each other even as they bleed each other on the battlefield, shedding weapons and armour in woodland skirmishes for so long that the rusted remnants have given the place its name. Though it exists now in a fragile state of stalemate and ceasefire, two adventuring parties have entered the area on a mission related to a ore ancient empire than the current clashing clans: that of the dwarves, or Dwerrow, whose ancient ‘megastructure’ lies abandoned, hidden among the hills.

The Delvers a band of little folk employed by the dwarven corporation ‘Treasuretrove Incorporated’, have in their turn taken on the services of the so-called Monstrous Regiment, a newly-founded enterprise helmed by Zena Youngtree and her companion, Cara—really, a pair of strange soul-sisters named Zith-Zi[/ed] and Cara-Zi, once a single succubus-tainted goblin-girl, and now an odd couple if ever there was one. Harkening back to their outcast origins, they allied themselves with the Steelwood’s orcish denizens, a bandit-band of murdering, misogynist marauders who nevertheless provide the most reliable (well, manipulable) muscle around, and ask the fewest questions.

(Unfortunately, one of those questions was “what’s in it for us?”, and Zith-Zi had been forced to answer “a powerful magical weapon that can dominate or destroy your enemies,” but there’s always time for a double-cross if it comes down to it…)

Insincerity aside, the local orcs lent the aid of two of the chieftain’s half-human heirs, a potion-producing ziran witch, and a teenage simpleton with a penchant for whittling wood into savage spears. Added to the crew of Delver dweebs and the Zi’s crew of goblins (and goat-girl), it made for a fairly well-balanced assembly of adventurers. It was, at the very least, sufficient to slay or scare off the sword-stepping spider-freaks which assaulting their camp in the dead of night…

Freaks which, it turns out, are some strange breed of fucked-up fairy, the mutated brood of a creature call an ‘Ettercap’.
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Rolled 8, 4, 10, 9 = 31 (4d20)

You place your hands upon the littlecap’s little noggin, nodding at Dura. She returns the gesture, understanding at least well enough to hold it out so you can gain greater purchase. Technically, this sort of spellcraft requires neither physical contact nor proximity. In fact, being an inherent ability rather than a ‘spell’ of the usual sort, you don’t even need to say funny words or wiggle your fingers like ZZ does! Tips told you that was ‘remarkable’ once, a compliment you’ve held close to your dark little heart ever since. Every extraneous step makes it easier, though, and it’s not as if you have a ton of practice.

“From now on, you work for me ‘n my sis, okay little guy?” you whisper, infusing your words with Infernal power, called up from within, and from places below and beyond the waking world of Man, Goblin, and Orc. “You must know these hills pretty well… Show me where you creepy-crawlies’ve bin crawin’ around, wouldja’?”

4d20: Mentalism, a bonus die for the Occultism success at the end of last thread, and an extra d20 for your lovely assistant...
You push your spicy ‘soul’ into the space occupied by the little Ettercap-thingie’s own shrunken, shredded spirit. Dwelling partly within it, you can see how much of its ego ahs already been ruined, replaced with nothing but the will of a greater power. Threads of spider-like silk connect it across the astral realm of dreaming, even as it is wide awake and alert with anxiety. Seeking leverage you pluck at one of them, and…

Highest result, 10. Result: Failure!

“What is this little thing?”

You draw back with a yelp, physically and mentally. You open your eyes in the waking world, and scramble to break the spell before—

“Is it you, who killed my little foundlings, little thing?” asks the voiceless voice, raking the back of your own dome. “I see… You seek a place of power, do you? In the hills… Beneath the hills… Yes, I understand…”

The connection is severed almost instantly, but only ALMOST instantly. In that one brief instant, more information was exchanged than could ever be the case by mundane means such as eyes and ears.

But you DID see eyes… SO many gleaming, peering eyes, glistening little orbs of black, scattered like dark stars across a bulging, purple face… All fixed upon you. Not by physical means, but by spiritual ones.

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>Kill it!
Ah shit.... we should probably tell ZZ
>Kill it!
We tried :(
>Kill it!
welp, not feeling confident for a 2nd try

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Your grandfather was a king, your mother a queen. But no one expects much from you. Your grandfather, the Mad King, with his even madder queen, brought his kingdom to such an intolerable state that his own peasants stormed his castle (with the aid of some enterprising foreign barons) and set his head on a pike. With his queen they did you know not what. No one speaks of it. The historians and archivists did not deem it fit to record that particular atrocity in their scrolls, though they gleefully recorded the despoiling of the Mad King's heir, your mother, by the leader of the rebellion, Walter Stonecutter, a peasant, a soldier, a king by marriage, and your father.

Your mother was slain two nights ago by the errant arrow (or perhaps not so errant) of a coalition of rebellious barons. They who once trembled beneath the gaze of your demented grandfather (your bloodthirsty, short-tempered grandmother they avoided altogether) besieged your castle, broke it, and fearing the reprisal of foreign kings and civil war, did not go any further.

And so, as the eldest son of five siblings, at the ripe old age of 14, with your parents slain by the same men who lie at your feet, swearing eternal fealty, you have inherited the throne.

Already, they refer to your mother with the sobriquet of the Unfortunate. Only time will tell what they will call you.

As for your character:
>You have very high standards, expecting perfection from yourself as much as you do from others
>You seem to inherited your grandmother's looks, particularly her ice-blue eyes. You've been given a wide berth for this, leading to a lonely life
>You were the king in your own mind even before you were crowned. You will not let what happened to your parents and grandparents happen to you. And that will require a firm hand.
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>>Refuse them their rights and crush their efforts at organization. Creation is done and the troupes were cast a million years ago. Nothing of that can be altered
>Grant them their privileges. They seek only the means to author their own fates and that is admirable and good.
Fuck the barons. Drop kick the barons. Punch the barons in the head.
>Grant them their privileges. They seek only the means to author their own fates and that is admirable and good.

But make them pay an annual fee to the Crown for this new ‘Royal Charter’
>Grant them their privileges. They seek only the means to author their own fates and that is admirable and good.
>Grant them the rights.

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About half a year ago, the world changed forever.

Individuals worldwide began manifesting the qualities of various figures- gods, spirits, heroes, beasts, and monsters- from Greek mythos. The system that caused and continues to facilitate this phenomenon is shrouded in mystery, both in how it functions and why it began its activities when it did.

The protagonist of this tale is the incarnation of Atë, a minor goddess in the grand scheme of Greek mythology, who causes and presides over folly and ruin. She, formerly a miserable but ultimately normal office worker, has since accepted her role as the embodiment of her . She, along with her partner in crime, the incarnation of Pheme, titan of rumors and gossip, have been working to expand their influence and stack the deck in their favor against not only mortals, but also rival incarnations. In her own eyes, she is no longer human. Her ultimate goal- the elimination of all rival incarnations and, eventually, ascension to true godhood.

After a catastrophic failure in a confrontation with the outerversal horror known only by its title of the Uncrowned King, Atë found herself thrown out of her very plane of existence. Completely deprived of the System’s protections and powers, unable to restore her slowly depleting divinity, and trapped in a reality where everything, from the divinity to the air to the fabric of spacetime itself, is poison to her. With only death awaiting her in this foreign dimension, she must find some way to escape before her very existence is eroded into nothing.

Her only remaining hope are the records of the so-called Devil, a legendary sorcerer who supposedly attained something like godhood. Unfortunately, the only known archive of these forbidden texts is the Royal Vault of Malgha, one of the nations in this foreign plane and a fantastical parody of earth and its cultures. Fortunately, the human-esque nature of the residents allows Atë to return to her old tricks, lying and manipulating her way home.
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>Accept, pending acquisition of key supplies to increase our odds of success

How much can they teleport? Can they bury it underground? Could we get by as a flesh soup sealed in a lead sphere? Understand, we are trying to avoid your reality melting.
>>Accept, pending acquisition of key supplies to increase our odds of success
I also want Casziagos dead. And I want Kieldrich to do it. Cas is the biggest threat to the kingdom after us, and Kieldrich needs to stop being a pussy and starts acting like a king

>Accept, pending acquisition of key supplies to increase our odds of success

“Those are difficult terms, Archduke,” you pout, plopping onto the floor from the ceiling, retracting your excess arms back into your torso to take a more conventionally pleasing shape as you add your own stipulations, “I need an airtight lead sphere or box at least two lengths of your body height in diameter, filled with pressurized air or an inert gas.”

“Inert gas?”

You sigh, recalling this world’s lack of scientific information, “Air is fine. Can your mages manage it? Remember, if I die, your entire reality could implode on the hole I leave behind.”

He pauses, briefly considering, “It will take time to make.”

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>Meditate on the ritual until the archduke comes back
>Use your contract to contact the princess
Tell her the second prince has set the Dragoncutter on us to silence us and cover up his crimes, so she'd better hurry

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You are Charlotte Fawkins.

Presently, you're in your own home, though it's more broken-down than you remember it. Though you expect you've gone to hell for the inexplicable, unforgivable crime of murdering your own father, you have so far evaded the endless suffering you deserve. Instead, you've promised to help your imaginary younger self locate some keys, so she can follow said father through secret tunnels under your house. You have a bad feeling about all of this.

Lottie isn't ten steps into the neighboring room before she stops in her tracks, spinning on her heel to face you. "Wait!"

You haven't even reached the doorway. "What?"

"You need a weapon! What if the footsteps are a burglar? What if Daddy..." She doesn't finish. "You're tall enough, right?"


"To reach?"

You sigh, duck under the cobwebby doorway, and enter the room. Yes, you know what she means: the neighboring room has a fireplace, and a mantel, and a sword hanging tantalizingly above it. You can reach it now, if you apply your tiptoes, but not then. (And if Aunt Ruby ever caught you moving the furniture, let alone handling something so dangerous, you'd be without breakfast for weeks.)

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At Game Night, you're greeted once again by Madrigal, who's surprised but pleased you've made it. Abruptly, you recall a memory of rudely rejecting a previous Game Night invite, but stuff it down: Madrigal wants you to give a speech commemorating the explosion of Headspace. First, though, she gives a speech of her own. You're deeply intimidated by how well-spoken she is, and as you look over the crowd, the rest of your memories flood back-- every single time you wronged everybody in the room. This would be bad enough, but the last memory is the worst. It's from before you drowned: you killing your father with a tortoiseshell-handled knife.

Already fragile, your entire self-image is shattered. You descend into catatonia.

Somewhere else, you find yourself back at your old house, now in disrepair. You're oddly fine with the father-murdering: you might be irredeemably evil, but at least you're no longer lying to yourself. Also, you assume you've died and gone to hell. Far from eternal suffering, though, you find inside the house your 12-year-old(ish) self, who's excited to see you. You question her, discovering that your father was also in the house, but he's taken the secret tunnels and locked a big door behind him. You promise your younger self, who's already found one key, that you'll help her find the rest and get the door open.



Immediate goals:
- Help Lottie

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>[1] Fight Harriet-Leftenant Fawkins as honorably as you can. It rings false coming from you, of course, and you're certainly outmatched. But Lottie's watching, and she doesn't know any different.
Can’t disappoint child us
Maybe we’ll even lose and be butchered like we deserve
>[3] Fight Harrier-Leftenant Fawkins and kill her quickly. With her rap sheet, she'd understand. [-1 SV.]
>[1] Fight Harriet-Leftenant Fawkins as honorably as you can. It rings false coming from you, of course, and you're certainly outmatched. But Lottie's watching, and she doesn't know any different.

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Since it doesn't look like that there will be another LBCF post for me to participate in, I've collected the questions from last week's anchor post, and answers thereto, into https://www.emlia.org/pmwiki/pub/web/LeftBeyond.FAQ.html

I'm not very functional, and I am pretty sure that I missed some of the questions in the anchor post, so I had to use AI to suffice for some of the questions and answers. The answers are 100% my own but I used ChatGPT to make them grammatically coherent. I have also done this for this post.

If you liked "Left Beyond" and if it has made a difference in your life; if you cared at all about my work or my being; thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I'm now in Italy because I wanted to see a few things and be somewhere safe, and hug my family. So I will not be walking into the ocean for the King of Rust's coronation after all. I suppose if such a counter-historical event comes to pass, instead I will be walking into the lake. In my hometown there is a horrible mausoleum of a WW1 general, one of those who would throw men at machine-gun nests, facing a beautiful lake. It was a little tradition to go egg it in high school when people studied WW1. I think it stopped a few years after I graduated, but I am going to go egg it anyway.

Deus nolens exitus.

This may be the great filter. I hope we as a species and a collection of cultures make it through it.


Thank you to everyone who was there.
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is all /qst/ this mentally ill, or just this namefag?

i was thinking on leaving /tg/ for /qst/...not so sure now....
Left Beyond was terrific.
>one QM who hasn't run a quest in 5 or 6 years comes back to post a cryptic message, without even a trip or anything to verify it's really them
>"I dunno chat, should I abandon the whole site??"
You won't be missed.
Looking at the wiki, it seems like he thinks the plandemic was real and he was considering killing himself because Trump is the US president again.

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The man known as Marik shook his head, eyes blinking.
“We have a confirmed nuclear detonation on force Center.”

“I can see it, Nero.”
The visual feeds had corrected for the flash, filtering and darkening it so that he could look upon the growing cloud.

His second was already pushing the command mech back to its feet, standing it again as an elite pilot does.
Not in the first wave, only an idiot leads directly from the front, but his position in the third wave, the reserves, was carefully planned for.

He could bring them where they were needed most, to drive forwards wherever the push had faltered or where a weakness had been sighted.
Or more realistically, wherever the hell his best guess was, if everyone was operating in the dark.

Though that darkness had just lifted with an enormous flash.

He had watched Kinston’s superheavy stagger beneath concentrated firepower right before the Plaza of Heroes, before returning fire and charging into smoke. His attention had wavered after then, but add to that the proximity of the Senate building, tantalizingly close, and the bastards in power proved again that there was no line they wouldn’t cross in order to try and crush his rebellion.

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>>You will trust your Yi accelerators for the last burst of speed against her firepower, charging ahead.
We do this when she's closer to us, not when she's far away and at railgun range
>Withdraw, head back to the Palace to clear off the remaining Blackwatch members and open the door. You will make Gamma follow you off of her perch, instead of being baited into charging her position.
Glad to see you back QM
>You are Sophie, an AI
Interesting perspective shift there, pilot. High sync doesn’t mean you’re not human though. Something you were trying to hold on to.

>Withdraw, head back to the Palace to clear off the remaining Blackwatch members and open the door. You will make Gamma follow you off of her perch, instead of being baited into charging her position.
>Send off a message to Command informing them you’re engaged with Gamma. They can push harder on other fronts knowing she isn’t present on them in her Frame.
>Include mention of the stealth mechs that ambushed you. They may be drones that are present elsewhere and are now being activated since communication is up.
As long as we’re fighting her, no one else is. She can’t afford to spin herself off into her drone network elsewhere until we’re finished. That said, they may have autonomous modes that can function through Alpha.
+1 good ideas to keep allies in the loop

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When the Reapers arrived, entire nations were caught in denial, unwilling to accept possibility of a catastrophe of galactic proportions, even in defiance of factual evidence, as sparse as it may have admittedly been, and testimony of agents of varying integrity. Ironically enough, both those forewarned and those who refused to be had paid dearly together for their negligence. A cynical mind would accept such state of affairs with little surprise, and a clear prediction of what would come next.

In this event, the cynical mind would have been wrong. After a downright miraculous concert of unity and cooperation, albeit not without discordant tunes played by Cerberus or those who foolishly thought they could parley with an enemy interested in nothing besides carrying out their grim harvest, the galactic community did in fact hang together, in an effort spanning not only the known galaxy, but also eons of history by building upon legacy of countless precursors, in order to rescue their present and secure a future.

When this effort had borne fruit of victory, many of the cynical minds among those still around were perplexed and confused. Some had even, in ways of introspection, admitted to having been wrong.

However, as the cheers of victory slowly gave way to the reality of the vista of future laid out ahead, the bitter scent of nihilism began to worm its way back into the landscape.

Some embraced it more fully than others.

You are Eve, sometimes going by Eve Ferrum, an alliance infiltrator unit and an unchained AI, distant fork of a secret project of the Systems Alliance that made its way to Cerberus and then Alliance again, to be ultimately deployed in a semi autonomous mode in the galaxy's darkest hour after an elder cousin, if you could use that term, had showed her worth in service to Shepard's crew, and ultimately liberated when you personally demonstrated your dedication to the cause aligned with a friend and companion of yours, Henri Ford, the currently freelancing Xenoarchaeologist.

And through paths that would not be out of place in trashy paperback novels of yore, which lead designer of your particular branch had enjoyed alongside classics of vintage science fiction, you had found yourself in position of an infiltrator again, delving into lair of a renowned war hero with political ambitions and a proverbial ossuary on a dedicated mainframe.
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Archive of Ford & co. adventures can be found here:

1st thread

Subsequent threads

Regrettably, I've failed to request archive of the thread where ep. 15 had started so it's only available at moe

Brief overview mostly free of spoilers of the episodes can be found here
>>Take an aggressive approach and attempt to access the mechanism directly, allowing you a more direct access. You were confident in your ability to do so without tripping countermeasures, but there is a chance some were finer than you assessed them to be.
nice to have you back.
>Take a conservative approach and carefully probe the access mechanisms over local network. This was likely to gain you entry with minimal risk, but it could take a while.
>>Take a conservative approach and carefully probe the access mechanisms over local network. This was likely to gain you entry with minimal risk, but it could take a while.
>Take a conservative approach and carefully probe the access mechanisms over local network. This was likely to gain you entry with minimal risk, but it could take a while.

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