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Step 1: Post your image along with ALL information about what it is you're requesting. Once this has been done..

Step 2: Scan though the rest of the messages in /r/ and see if there is anyone that YOU can help out. This is where most fagboats fail.

Step 3: Repeat Step 2 till someone fills your request.

Step 4: Thank the user that filled your request!

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Add your requests, too, if you want. I want to see mine done in any case. Your requests would act as bumps, so I can't object
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Can someone nudeshop this girl full frontal taking a dick with cum on her stomach?
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Nice MILF... who is she?
Make your own thread you ungrateful fucking retard
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anyone know the name or source of this?
Shilpa Sethi / Ms Sethi


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Give her some nice cock pls
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similar photo of her... please
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Somewhat similar.
yes exactly same , same type of skirt same face, but differnt poses , walking or twerking., please please please generate me alot ,

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Anyone has the sauce for this or similar?

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Jade Valentine
which scene exactly?
And i doubt she is Jade V. She looks similar so

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can i get a cumshop on this friend of mine?
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Looking for a guide on how to create fake nudes and/of facials using SD. Mainly what models and lora.
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Could you or another cumshop wizard please apply what you just described to this pic please? would love to see it on face and chest if possible
Bump for OP
Bumping for a facial and cum on cleavage please
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Nudify, at least the way i do it:

-Stable Diffusion WebUI
-Segment Anything for Stable Diffusion (SD extension)
-Replacer (SD extension)
-uberRealisticPornMerge inpainting checkpoint
- lora breast helper

Basic settings for replacer:
detection prompt : the piece of clothing you want to remove
Positive prompt : nude girl, topless, <lora:BH:0.5>, (size of breast)
Negative prompt: cartoon, painting, illustration

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Ty a lot anons, I'll be giving these a try. I'm really surprised at the lack of guides doe something so popular, so you've helped me a lot, I'll be sure to contribute back to the board. Also, facial wiz, what should I tweak if I want thicker whiter cum? Messing with the CFG scale helped a little but looking for your opinion.

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Please put this beauty into blacked/gangbang or other kind of porn webm (or pics).

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cant find original or who this is. google isnt helping.
japanese text on those signs and the only japanese woman i know with tits that big is hitomi tanaka
Might be hilari baknew

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nice ones! Here's more of her

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