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source already in the watermark, cannabunni or cannabunni3
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Goddamn I would smash that
Have some more of her ass
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>in just a few short years
>all without losing anything
aerial silks is fun as hell

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Christ that's one of the ugliest pussies i've ever seen!
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Type of girl that would sit in the front row of the classroom
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I mean, we do park near each other. I could try to bring it up, hell of a introduction.
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Bea York
sauce? she's stunning

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Post women from these regions
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sauce on this slut wow
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Tits getting bigger
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It's mostly up to genetics, some girls just put more fat in their tits compared to the rest of the body, or just keep growing continuously (Busty Ema is still fucking growing to this day), but there are some things that might help, that I know of:

Daily massages, better with fenugreek oil, to help circulation, I've seen east japanese and chinese models doing it, some that work under agencies even have masseuses that do it for them, and it seems like it helps, some grow a lot with enough time.

Fenugreek infuses.

Eating lots of carbs, proteins and fats from legumes like peanuts and onions, especially during their periods.

Avoiding coffee and cigarettes.

Pecs exercises can help to perk them up a bit.

having a healthy lifestyle in general.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
About fenugreek I already knew a few about it, since it helps woman lactate more. But this here:

>Eating lots of carbs, proteins and fats from legumes like peanuts and onions, especially during their periods

It having a difference during periods, that's something I didn't know. I'll tell her about it. Thanks.

A word of caution: I've seen that some places, in english, talk about giving fenugreek to pregnant woman. You shouldn't, there are a few studies that point out that it could either cause congenital anomalies or cause her to give birth prematurely. It should be given to them before or after giving birth.
btw, obviously it's not onions, it's s.0.y, but it's censored in here. Pasta and bread are good too, but they only give carbs. Fenugreek seeds and sprouts can also be eaten, not only as an infused.
I almost got her to eat onions, kek.
A lot of times, it's from pregnancies. Breasts naturally grow during pregnancies and sometimes they just stay big or keep growing. Also, drugs like birth control or SSRIs can make them grow. Also, sometimes it can happen when girls get really fat and then lose a lot of weight. The fat just stays in their tits.

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Only girls with:

- one amputated leg (below or above knee)
- one (or more) amputated fingers
- one amputated hand

not congenital
no other amputations
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Niggers would probably post 3/4 missing limbs or 3.5/4 missing.
OP said amputees, not "Missing parts" so expectedly this is a thread for women who have unfortunately lost something, but are still rocking good looks otherwise.

This thread seems more like a thread for pretty women who lost a limb, not those born without them or lost all of them.
>born without them
>lost all of them

Op is a fag. I'm not saying he isn't allowed to have preferences, but making an "amputee girls" thread rather than "singe amputees" ensures that people who like to see more than one missing limb can't make their own thread because it would be deleted as a duplicate. Like this guy said >>21962431 there's no need for this kind of gatekeeping.

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New thread.
Previous: >>21923652
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She's fat and has to make up for it you mean
some chick he recorded
Looks 15
any sauce?
Fuck. Lost.

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did she ever spread her pussy?

Hottest Aussie piece of ass
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She's not. She's talked about having a boyfriend before. She probably claims to be bi for social points though, but I doubt she's ever done more than made out with a woman.
hottest vegan? I can't think of anyone else
At this stage I doubt she's even vegan. . Her OF is just a scam and her latest lesbian video is a waste of $200.
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I wouldn't pay half that to see her take dick.
... maybe $40. Umph
reaching critical mass

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I love nothing more than thick thighs (obese or not), so here we go
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Brother, she's built like a fridge.
Stop wife posting, Gawwshh
fuck i need more of her thighs
The white man's kryptonite
good, her thighs suck

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Do you think? That Sarah Silverman is hot
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And if you don't want to buy a whole box of cracker, you can use a fork to jab lines in a flour tortilla (1/4" or 5mm apart) and toss it on a hot, dry skillet. Cook until browned and maybe a little charred.
In a minute, I'm going to make a snack of a chocolate sauce and peanuts on matzo.

She'd look good in an oven!
She actually voiced a animated character that was put inside of an oven, I'm not sure which film it was.
I hate you cannibal fetishists!
Hey shit for brains: 20 years ago was 2004.
I had a 36 inch widescreen LCD television. LG. I also had Comcast digital cable.

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No (or very little) makeup. Just pretty natural girls
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great smile, great pussy. would make out with both lip pairs
tattoos ruin another one
>t. literally retarded
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Am I the only one that finds girl acne really hot for some reason? It’s like it signals that her hormones are going crazy and she is in fertile overdrive

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nightmare fuel
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spider.legs on of
More like moochi

Bikini girls with this figure
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