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Haven't done this in a while, but a thread dedicated to arguably the hottest milf of all time Danica Collins
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She reminds me of Anna magnani lol

post women in see through clothing
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bonus ducks if pool is a public one or there's more than one girl
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Reverse says is pasha harulia, model
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Amateur milf and matures babes
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Bonus for oiled/shiny
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>0 matches

Son of a bitch…
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Please proceed.
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Would not pull out.

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feet and shoes
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cry about it faggot
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Did this retard seriously put a fucking Snapchat filter over her feet?
burn alive

Got to love the unawareness that I can view all photos from her phone...
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who is she taking these photos for if not to send you in the first place?
not your wife lol

Most recent picture in thread goes back to at least 2019
yeah...we have been dating a while
So is this something that's reposted a lot to fuck with new people or what, these pictures have been online on various sites for years
Which she sends to guys like me which she secretly fucks.

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Toes, soles, sandals, clothed but barefoot...post the best older woman feet you have.
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Who? Got a clear pic of her soles?
Nutted to this one
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Preferably oblivious/unaware or without anything else underneath
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Hey maybe shut the fuck up samefag. Your girlfriend is a fat pig with a gross pussy. Next time if you're going to get so mad about it don't post. Definitely don't pretend to be different people. You really think multiple people are going to defend that? Kill yourself faggot
Mentally unhinged. /s/ sucks now it's full of weird creeps like you who talk as if that guy is the girl in the picture. Are you retarded?
love it, saved it if you dont mind. Any more?
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Slight pussy lip

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Girls that are neither skinny nor fat, just a pleasant amount of padding. Very smooth and feminine with little visible muscle, bone, and sinew definition. Cute, soft faces and bodies, the kind of woman that triggers your nurturing/protective impulses.
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Found the annoying feminist cunt.
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Nudes taken on the job
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Is this why it takes so long to get my order at the drive thru, chicks are in the bathroom snapping pics of their ass instead of working?

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Sexy mamas and their pretty daughters
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during my most autistic time of hyperfixation, I started captioning these as if they were interviews , with the moms talking about how they started domming and fucking their daughters, forcibly at first. The implication was it was some new religion or philosophy sweeping the world. Deleted them all once I started touching grass but the memories remain
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Need more of her if possible
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Bump for alex
ya know it's funny. it's about dissociation, something people in the military/ police force should be able to do.

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