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File: candy slut.png (485 KB, 718x718)
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get lel soon
19 replies and 5 images omitted. Click here to view.
I love it soooo goddamn much when Magick posts my cropped image
It turns me on

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
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your fortune is purple lol
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Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
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bleps and loles, cray cray bonkers threads of yikes
I am a gay and retarded nigger lole
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saving up for a jacket
Attention to detail, scars are raised, artist has cut themselves before
I like the worried, unsure smile and tears on the eyes

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White asian pride..!
Fuck niggers..
5 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
LARP out of insecurity lole
bgoger do you like windir
Hapas aren't white
crazy level of delusion
koreans are brown mostly

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...wait for it...
File: epic face beady eyers.png (39 KB, 420x420)
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haha so cute!!!!!!!!!

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
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why do cats sit like this sometimes

Can there exist such thing as "femboy music"?
4 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Lapfox Tracks https://youtu.be/o1u-1Qxz9Js?t=15
20 year old edm with yabujin drums sped and pitched up
femboys are so comfy and friendly

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Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
ay yo what the fuck
the fortune thingy is just an algorithm there's nothing random about it they just know the algorithm
Hi schizo!

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
What is it then

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thats admitedly oretty funny
10 replies omitted. Click here to view.
nah nah you a baby nigga
if you keep a thread alive for 24 hours it doesn't count against your five thread limit no more, you can post anothe thread
do it with five, you can post five more
what a treat, it's so neat
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thats admitedly oretty funny
Donkey Hotey
you're wrong that'd be literally spam
board would be filled with drawn baby porn and blogs about drinking tea or some shit like that, if what you're saying is true
I've tried it, I'm too creative I try to make threads but it won't let me
Whatever dude

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1, shake <3
2, shake <3
3, shake <3
4, turn
5, shake <3
6, shake <3
7, bump!
8, finish!

Practice it and you'll be a star!
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
pleas PLEASE stop being such a pedophile around here
coming soon on tiktok
did po-ju die or what
pleas PLEASE continue being such a pedophile around here
Taco kid's daughter

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>white people can't even steal better than blacks
whitebros... it's over....
ok i dont care really cuz im not a nigger who steals things
Can't we just have ONE thing tho?
>blacks are better than us :(
you should be ashamed
Isn't this cultural appropiation?

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is girl smell the best perfume?
3 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
shut up i dont smell like cheese at all
2 days in a row that i've posted about kaguhara san no feti note on 4chin
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IUPAC nigger kys
add steak to armpita bread sandwich

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Your fortune: Good Luck
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ngl i thought it was a bbc from the thumbnail

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Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
Did he died


Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
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is this futa?
how big does a boob have to be to float
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Your fortune: Godly Luck
sadly she will pass out from drinking and her body will be found completely submerged except for her breasts
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my 3 week event with diarrhea is finally over. today is the first day i have not been pooping all day. now i am immune to bad water in south america.
4 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Ex-pats in Thailand literally drink all their water out of water coolers or bottled water. Like, fucking just adapt. There are millions of people there drinking the water. Toughen up. Props to you for going through the ordeal to reach homeostasis.
Stop doing opiates.
Rimming Frieren...
Also, just remembered: have you tried the water trick? Tomorrow morning after you eat breakfast - whenever the general time frame is that you typically get regular in the morning - drink as much water in 15 - 20 minutes as you can. Try to get a gallon or two down. That might help out a lot; it's worked for me a bunch of times. And obviously drink a coffee.
best thread on here right now
this is the most annoying most fucking annoying, retarded, stupid, discord, disgusting thread on the board right now

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