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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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To use MathJaX, put your TeX code between [ math ] ... [ /math ] tags for inline equations or [ eqn ] ... [ /eqn ] tags for block equations.

[eqn]\zeta(s) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{n^s} = \frac{1}{\Gamma(s)}\int_0^{\infty} \frac{x^{s - 1}}{e^x - 1} \mathrm dx[/eqn]

Note: You may preview the output by clicking the TeX button at the top left corner in the quick reply window.

Additional supported file type on /sci/ is PDF.

Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to >>>/adv/ - Advice.
If you want help with your homework, go to >>>/wsr/ - Worksafe Requests.

"With all the time in your hands, what will you do now?"
"Turn back the hourglass once over again."
"So, it's all there, together, then?"
"Hah. With what, time?" He continued, "I have all the time in the world, and
you want me to what, undo the striking of the hour hand? ...I don't think you
understand. Not this time. Not for you."
"What - that's our partnership, untied?" His former stopped, like a good breakup will.
Sigh. The man who had all of the time halted it, instead: "And for you, that you will stay
trapped here, like a mouse in my pocket? No, that would be too good for you, that you would
see all that we have done undid in an instant!"
"Yeah. And what did that cost you, besides the death of yourself? You think that timepiece
will save you like it did your father? You will see that there is no life after this one."
"And you - you will see that there is no time like the present!"

A world snapped out of place for the concerned man, pulling his body and face into the ground
twice as hard... space-time had began unravelling itself, celestial bodies beginning to re-trace
each molecule through the beginning of time.
...so which side of the planet would he need to stand to
fall off and watch the planet move away back through time, instead?
>inb4 the top
I hate this pseud niggerbabble so much, its obtuseness despite the constant substanceless waffling about nothing almost gave me a stroke.
/x/ isn't going to give me a straightforward answer... just simulate it for me bro(TM)
I stopped trying to process your post when flipping over a hourglass was equated to turning time back. Not only it doesn't, but it resumes subjecting us to the true meaning of time which is cyclical and eternal and the only way to avoid it is to never turn the hourglass over, never look at it, and never think about it until you stop experiencing flow of time itself, this has much more profound meaning already than your schizobabble post.
you dolt, it's turning time forwards. hourglasses don't turn over backwards.
why did you focus so much on the framing of the question?

>antigrav is le bad
>wormholes are le bad
>fusion is le bad
i hate this stupid chud universe
look at the Sun and tell me how fusion is le bad
those aren't his opinions, he's quoting reality
yeah anon sci fi isn't real and never will be. The universe is mundane
just acquire 2 million earths worth of hydogen retard
we already have it

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How does one treat or cure ADHD? The shitty stimulants my psychiatrist is pushing don't really work.
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Prayer and meditation.
Seriously go to church when theres noone there.
Light a candle and pray a rosary.
I have actually unironically tried this. I would have to pray 5 rosaries in order to stay completely focus for an 8 hour study day.
>some of these are still being researched and might yield good results
nigga admitted to snorting chocolate, you can probably disregard
OP have you considered basic exercise?
same OP, I guess I am part of that section for whom stimulants make tired. Caffeine too, just drank 3 cups of coffee but I am about ready to take a nap. I'm slightly hypochondriac that cardiovascular encephalopathy might have somethint to do with it. Stimulants consistently raise my BP to mild systolic hypotension ~135/80., which would be dire, but treatable in theory.

I wanna try the nootropics, the fact that thats so much from the USSR ignites the communist in me. Needless to say it's difficult to get where I am, my country's particularly strict.

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Why are scientoids so triggered by /ourgirl/?
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Im talking about what you do when you try say perfecting a recipe in the kitchen.
It's simple observation/experience.
What you described is the scientists getting in the way of things.
Sabine is absolutely correct about academia, you need only spend a year dealing with grant hunting to understand how rotten it is. This Dave guy is a moron who for sure hasn't spent a day writing a project progress report.
But Sabine seems to also be spiraling down the waste drain, no amount of youtube videos will "fix academia". Both the researchers and the bureaucrats that give out money are part of the same tax-payer money stealing food chain.
fraudave isn't even a professor. dude's a complete imbecile.
Do you refuse to see an MD whenever you have health problems you wish to see remedied by a professional? No? Do you allow random men off craigslist to fix your AC? Oh, you only let HVAC repairmen do it??? Would you fly on a plane designed by a McDonalds worker? Or would you only like to fly on ones made by credentialed engineers???

This whole "muh credentialism" is fucking retarded copout garbage. It is completely and totally out of touch with reality. A credentialed Physicist is objectively more capable of competently engaging with subject matter regarding his field of study. This is not a fallacious statement to make in any way.

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Alright, my proposition is that smoke sychronizes with brain frequency.

During my tests, I stay in a closed space with no wind and no moving of any sort.

I use thick incences that produce more smoke.

Alright, so, in my observations I see that as soon as smoke gets into laminar flow it automatically connects with the brain. (I wonder what would happen if there were two people, how the smoke would behave).

When your brain is under more beta frequencies, the smoke usually has less phases and it is harder to see any abnormal paterns.

But the magic starts when the brain kinda relaxes and lowers it's frequency to alpha. The smoke that was under LAMINAR FLOW starts changing phases and creating rings and spirals that all people are used to see.

These spirals and rings are connected to the brain and and synchronize with it's frequencies. When one is able to focus and and starts to understand what is happening, the smoke assumes forms and shapes that WOULDN'T be there otherwise. The brain can even manipulate and twist shapes with it's thoughts.

I have been doing this for a while but never got to film it yet, as im not rich and would possibly need to have expensive cameras that can slow down time, as these are really subtle things. I encourage other people to try it out and discuss about it.

Since the beginning my studies have led me to WAVE FUNCTION COLAPSE. The idea is that under laminar flow, the smoke assumes a function pattern that is broken as soon as someone OBSERVES it. Exactly like quantum phenomena, but this can actually be seen in a macroscopic environment.
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Bro, i know how it all sounds i guess, but believe me, when I say im also trying to be skeptic.

Umbada religion from brasil, uses smoke to "sense" the environment and feel when people are changing their behavior and becoming "possessed" by spiritis (whatever it means, i dont quite believe and dont know how it works exactly).

Also there are many stories about indigenous people using smoke to tell tales and "create images".

It kinda makes sense with the things I supposedly see, but Im trying from a science perspective and methodic way.

If it were to be crazy about it, Id go as far as saying it is possible to HEAL people, because it could be used to see their brain patterns and "inside" their heads what is the problem.

But let's stay skeptic, one thing at a time. One of the things that puzzles me more about this is not even the quantum phenomenoma per se. It is that somehow it happens instantaneously. The smoke changes and connects with synchronicity. And we were made to believe nothing travels faster than the speed of light. But of course, these are all supositions...
Damn nigga, you high AF
i dont smoke weed and havent drink alcohol in a while or have ever used any meds at all. I am a simples guy with an interest in science
Its like they use "broader properties" of the smoke effects to do their thing. Just by instinct. But maybe never occured to them to prove mathematically what they already know and do in an ever greater way, while im occupied by trying to find a camera to photograph the smallest of curves and make lots of calculations to try and prove that it couldn't be there naturally.
>walls of text
yeah not gonna bother with this one

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Post cool stuff about space.

Pic related is the Andromeda Galaxy which, as you may know, is the largest galaxy in the Local Group (the Milky Way is the second largest).
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because none of that actually matters in your day to day life. You still need to pay your taxes
Correction most planets are chads that prevent the filth known as "life" from emerging.
Npc answer just live life your own way without hurting others. Don't care about some made up "goverment" that proclaims that it owns the "land" that you live in.
The orion nebula looked absolutely brilliant yesterday. Really clear, never saw it so good. It was really cold so I guess that's why. Andromeda looked like shit though, but it was like 4am.

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Studying for over a decade so you can end up poor and angry edition

Previous Thread: >>16441427

This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
>Discussion on academia-based career progression
>Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
>Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)
>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:

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Currently a postdoc looking for positions that do not exist and if they do, will not hire me, and if they do, it's not in a place I want to live in
based. My advisor dropped me from their program and I unironically feel better now that I got dropped.
you still got 40 years in you of science
>utterly filtered beyond belief by undergrad engineering courses
okay maybe i am a shitter lol
I just got an offer for an engineering job where i need a Q clearance what am i in for?

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IShowSpeed just jumped in the air while on a fast-moving boat. He landed in the same spot from where he jumped despite the boat continuing to move underneath him while he was airborne. How is this possible?
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He jumped in the direction of the boat so he didn't go flying off.
This. It's a simple trick.
I hate niggers
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one of the smart ones I see
Conservation of momentum, him and the boat are going the same speed when he jumps, just like if you run at a constant speed while tossing a tennis ball a few inches, the tennis ball will land back in your hand because you are both going the same speed.

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What kind of science is this?
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>antivaxx retards use the word "vaccine" incorrectly
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They know the truth.. every cow is potential lethal flame thrower!
provaxx retards opened that can of worms when they started calling gene therapy a vaccine

With all the talk of "the competency crisis" floating around on the Internet I got curious: what causes a society to become incapable of maintaining itself and repeating things it has done in the past?
Are the alarmists just scaremomgering?
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I’m planning on buying rural land in Maine and trying to fuck off from technology
Industrial society is a sinking ship and I want outb
Why has nobody mentioned stuff like iPad kids and TikTok? Generation alpha is going to be even more lobotomized than gen z, they will know nothing more than instant gratification
Wealth is forcibly redisitributed because regardless of how highly you think of yourself, you're more often than not a byproduct of your environment and upbringing, and the society you live that allowed you your current lifestyle is sustained by the less fortunate. You're not self made, you constantly use what others have produced and leverage these services and infrastructure to sustain your lifestyle, to make up for that and to maintain a peaceful and functional society, you have to give back to the community that allowed you to be where you are in the first place.
Not all professions are profitable, but everyone needs food on their plate to keep society running.
My bad. My emotions got the best of me when I saw India, Java, Spring and smart in the same sentence.
corr propa good kittingtonahire diss one, hafta be said

Do natural squares exist in the universe? Can some parts of the observed universe be considered squared?
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>>appeal to authority
Argument from anecdote.
>never saw rock salt that's cubic because never happens
Are all pictures of halite crystals a jewish conspiracy? Is the earth flat because you never saw the curvature?
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Btw, if you're still scared of the evil authorities, you can grow perfect NaCl crystals at home. It's a pretty common science project for kids at many schools. You can verify it yourself. Do it, you either prove me wrong, or finally learn enough about chemistry to compete with a highchooler.

last i checked cubes dont look like that.
those are rectangular prisms
I live in a flat country barely above sea level and can see very slight curvature in the horizon with my two very eyes though? What's more likely, me noticing the curvature or rock salt being cubic?

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>"Goyslop" took off because of a single dedicated spammer autist
>"Boomer / zoomer" took off because of a single dedicated spammer autist
>"chudjak" took off thanks to a single dedicated spammer autist
>"virgin vs chad" took off thanks to a single dedicated spammer autist
Why aren't you nolifing your MS paint drawings all over 4chan, anon? You too could brainwash millions of retarded lemmings into adopting whatever memes and vernacular you want, purely by means of astroturfing, to the point where literal politicians and famous people start using it like the dumb cattle they are. Even the people who resist yoyr memes will cave in and submit to them once all their friends and peers start using them, so they'll cuck into using your meme to fit in. Its literally so easy, so why aren't you doing it?

And to make this thread /sci/ related, what are the long term societal and structural consequences of being able to program millions of people just by dedicating yourself to neurotically spamming the same memes over and over again repetitively?
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You're putting way too much emphasis on the "spamming" part of it, acting like the memes themselves are hammers to beat people over the head with, instead of them speaking to a core truth that we all identify but can't quite explain clearly.
"Boomer" for example is simple and straightforward. Not overly obtuse or mean spirited, connects with the original term ("Baby Boomers"), but can still be said bluntly to be almost dismissive. It's simplicity means it can propagate fast and not have to be explained first for it to be understood. Almost like a loaf of bread, you can give it to anyone and can expect them to make something of it without first explaining it.
Compare that to like "Kamala is BRAT!" It's a bit obtuse, not too sure what it connects to, and kind of has to be explained for it to have a joke or meaning attached. You can hammer that into people and it probably wouldn't still stick, cause it's not simple and can't be easily used.
You also you saying "Its literally so easy" and acting like an asshole about the process by calling people cattle show why you don't get it, won't get it, and why you will never be a woman either.
>1000 bill
yang's policies would cause inflation
Tons of shit gets spammed on this site that isn't relevant, Anon, and it never makes it into memes. The difference is whether or not the idea expressed is meaningful enough to the people who post here to continue proliferating it, its not just one dedicated spammer autist, its all of us. If you want to be a neurotic and live under the belief that everything in the world that matters is one guy going off the rails, you are free to do so, but that's not actually how history works. Plenty of guys go off the rails, and for 99.9% of those people, nobody gives a flying fuck. The 0.01% that people care about are the ones that deserved it.
>single spammer autists change the world
Yeah im hoping my way of saying
(Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Minor Attracted Person Intersex twoSSpirited +)
Becomes a meme too.
Ive alredy seen anons use my way of saying
>the prophet modammed (piss be upon him)
As opposed to peace be upon him.

Made me very happy.
is KC in the room with us right now?

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Why are ants like this?
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margarine is for poorfags, vegans, retards and jews
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By this logic you should be eating ants
why the fuck did you leave cum on your toilet rim overnight
diabetes melitus makes it so that you cum and piss sugar
get your sugar levels tested
God fucking bless you Carlos

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Celsius lovers be like "no no trust me it's better"
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>I like it :(
that's cool man
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Maybe its a cultural thing. Personally I never find knowing the exact ambient temperature useful aside from whether its freezing or not. Freezing being important for road ice. The only other use for temperature is in cooking, which Celsius is more useful.
> They are bizarre creatures. Their perceived exceptionalism makes them think any retarded practice of theirs is sensible.

And yet you and your irrelevant nation exist as vassals to us. How humiliating it must be to spend your days living in the shadow of people whom you are convinced you're better than.

P.s. youre not. Europe is just as much of a dysfunctional shit hole as America, sans the good food, actually competent universities and functional science and engineering infrastructure. All this boasting about how Europeans learn what American university students are taught in third grade and yet you retards can't manage to do anything with that "prowess" except find new and inventive ways to kill your own society while prostrating yourself before the feet of literal African/Asian barbarians you let suck you dry.
>there are ACTUALLY celsius NIGGERS on my board
i thought celsius was a fairy tale like rational numbers or europe.

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