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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

Why has the science been so wrong for so long about the causes and treatment of conditions such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, auto immune disease, etc, etc


A talk given by David Diamond on his findings.
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Why does this thread get shorter everytime I see it?
>paul mason
Quack retard, has been challenged multiple times to debate but never accepts
why do flat earthers love debates?
This is total BS lol. Fat is the one thing that clogs sewer pipes but sure must be wonderful for your arteries lol
Do you have to show off your 80iq points?

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scg - STEM career general

Postdoc outcomes edition

Previous Thread: >>16347256
This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
>Discussion on academia-based career progression
>Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
>Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)
>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:

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The C Peeeple
I kind of regret getting rid of all my lecture notes and homework solutions. Should have kept it somewhere for nostalgia.
Why the fuck did I get a math PhD? Why did I seek a career in academia?
Wow, this is outrageous!
I'm going to comment!
>Just here are my skills do i get the job? Yes or no
Cool it with the misogynistic remarks

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Previous thread: >>16334617

>what is /sqt/ for?
Questions regarding maths and science. Also homework.
>where do I go for advice?
>>>/sci/scg or >>>/adv/
>where do I go for other questions and requests?
>>>/wsr/ >>>/g/sqt >>>/diy/sqt etc.
>how do I post math symbols (Latex)?
>a plain google search didn't return anything, is there anything else I should try before asking the question here?
>where can I search for proofs?
>where can I look up if the question has already been asked here?
>how do I optimize an image losslessly?

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>you people don't explain things correctly
nigga dont get mad at me because you couldnt grasp how 1 - 1 = 0.
Autism is tied to neurotic mothers giving their infants PTSD, and being made worse by their use of tv and social media.
Photons are just self-propagating electric and magnetic fields. When one photon passes an excited electron, it carves out a "wake" of electromagnetic fields, that the electron can then couple to and de-excite its energy into.
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Why does condensation occur on glass overnight when relative humidity doesnt even come close to reaching 100%? In my area, it peaks at 40%
The glass shouldnt be colder than the ambient air around it because why would it be? Shit makes no sense to me

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This is a cube
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Your leaders bent the knee...your fealty is irrelevent, peasant.


>tssnuh uh , theyre LARPing, just like me!
>[points thumb at chest]
Protecting your brain from your Satanic heart...remaining blind, he sees, hears, says no evil (that he commits). A slave to sin while crying "Moral!"
This is not a moral argument
It is a fact, that you are not the god of the universe
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[picks teeth with 3' long stick]
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>This is not a moral argument
>You do need medication
>Youre the "Safe & Effective" kind of doctor...evil and certain in your delusions of morality while ensuring death upon others.

Hand cuffs in one hand, syringe of acid in the other, sanpaku eyes, resolute.
>Hand cuffs in one hand, syringe of acid in the other, sanpaku eyes, resolute

What the fuck do you think I am trying to do to you
I am not trying to get you locked up
I am not trying to poison you

You need help
Nobody is trying to hurt you

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Hermetic pathology edition

Previous: >>16351484

We discuss research, DO NOT offer medical advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.
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Sci-hub doesn't have it. Anybody got the paper?
I'm an aussie cuck
so I won't be getting onto specialty training for like 4-5 years after I grad from med school this year
anaesthesia probably
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Alright, which one of you arrogant incompetent fucks did this?
I already know everything you'll say. Why even reply.
That's a very impressive mistake. Usually, the spleen is mistaken for the kidney.

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Can any math student here actually explain why Kareem Carr's claim of 2+2=5 is entirely wrong?
>inb4 'cuz stupid nig'
No, explain via pure mathematics why the statement is always false
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that's it, that's all the proof I need
> explain via pure mathematics why the statement is always false
>Look at me
>Hey, look at me
>It is me you must look at
There's your explanation. Enjoy your (you). It will be the most successful event of your day.
>Can any math student here actually explain why Kareem Carr's claim of 2+2=5 is entirely wrong?
It doesn't add up.
Ok well what if you don't do that

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>Had suicidal intrusive thoughts.
>Took Prozac
>Got better but still feel and most of the time
>Hang out with big brother for 4 hours straight
>Afterwards sit down in my bedroom for the night and begin to feel blissfully free from anxiety
>Feels like a literal weight is being lifted from my body
>Feels amazing

Guys I think social time is actually awesome and spending all day in my room for all my high school and college experience made me suffer from anxiety way more than I needed to. I think I’m gonna start making friends to hang out with. I haven’t had a friend in years.

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[math]\overline {mg}[/math]

Assign yourself the exercises edition.
Type mathematics.
previously >>16318596
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also, there's a new branch of math called
where we make approximations like
>π is three or four
and observe the horrific consequences
Low tier school.
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Oh shit, I'm sorry.

Sorry for what?

Sorry for what? Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our arrows. Especially since they’re commutative and all.

Yes, I see that. Your professor gave you good advice.

It gets bigger when I combine them.


Sometimes I apply the morphism with such force that the composition feels complex.

Well, my mentor taught me a few things too, like how to simplify compositions by introducing a different functor, rather than trying to handle everything directly.

Will you show me?

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You got lucky faggot. In time your 'freedom' will come.
Currently: Busy
has your motivation to study math decreased since chatgpt was released?

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Irrefutable. I might even go so far as to say undeniable.
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Updated. WIP. Ties into Dead Space, Bioshock Ergo Proxy, and Evangelion. And sigil magic / numerology.
This is just trying to condition the public that anyone noticing patterns is insane and dangerous. Yawn. Same stupid shit, different day. That's 111 44 by the way, as in killing the sun, ie an eclipse.
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Also they're misleading people about the nature of the 9. See pic related. 9 is the number of consciousness. You can also consider it base consciousness. 999 would be the entire world, physical, aetheric, and soul. Leaving 1, which is the I, the origin of perspective in the world. 666 is the psychophysical, 333 is the soul / anima mundi, 1 is the observer.
>ah sweet, a schizo thread
What threads on /sci/ AREN'T schizo threads?
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>people have 5 fingers

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so perpetual motion isnt possible?
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>No, a zero point energy perpetual device spins the ball bearing because of zero point energy, not because of a motor is spinning it, you are the one with the motor fetish who keeps trying to shove motors into the argument.
So your zero point energy device is directly spinning the ball bearing?
Wow.. the act of gaining zero point energy is done by something physically spinning?
wow, thats impressive..

>No, I said that according to your definition, it isn't just one thing that causes the ball to spin, it is a combination of both the input energy and the load, so the "motor" is not just the ball, but the entire perpetual energy device with the zero point energy as the source and the ball as the load.
oh.. so you were just talking shit and your zero point device doesn't directly spin the ball bearing as a function of how it goes about extracting zero point energy..
oh well, then you'll need to take the energy outputted by your free-energy device and use it to power a separate motor.
>The ball in the theoretical device I put forth spins because the ball is exposed to the force of zero point energy, not because of a motor transferring energy to it, you are the one that says if it spins, it is a motor.
whu? so now you are saying that your zero-point energy device needs to rotate in order to be able to extract zero-point energy..

I don't know man, you keep changing the working principles of your zero-point device to make up shit as you go.
>So your zero point energy device is directly spinning the ball bearing?
>Wow.. the act of gaining zero point energy is done by something physically spinning?
Yea, nothing has changed from>>16385892
>hooked up to a zero point power supply to create a perpetual motion device? A motor would probably be too complex anyway since they tend to deteriorate with time, a simple ball bearing that is kept spinning would be fine.

>your zero point device doesn't directly spin the ball bearing as a function of how it goes about extracting zero point energy..
What? That is the opposite of what I said from the very beginning.
>hooked up to a zero point power supply to create a perpetual motion device

>whu? so now you are saying that your zero-point energy device needs to rotate in order to be able to extract zero-point energy..
No, I said from the beginning you combine the ball with the source and the energy source causes the ball to spin because it is transferring zero point energy from the source, supply, to the load, ball bearing.

>you keep changing the working principles
No, you keep trying to redefine things to fit your motor fetish instead of reading what I actually wrote.
>Yea, nothing has changed from>>16385892
If a device isn't directly causing its own perpetual motion, then that device isn't a perpetual motion device.
>What? That is the opposite of what I said from the very beginning.
oh, so now your zero-point device does spin powering itself by the active zero-point energy it taps into without needing to transfer that energy into a separate motor to get the physical movement..
>No, I said from the beginning you combine the ball with the source and the energy source causes the ball to spin because it is transferring zero point energy from the source, supply, to the load, ball bearing.
oh I see, so all you have is a zero-point device that then uses that energy to power a separate ordinary motor that is itself not a perpetual motion device but is instead just an ordinary motor...
>No, you keep trying to redefine things to fit your motor fetish instead of reading what I actually wrote.
No, you keep defining an ordinary motor that needs to be externally powered as something it isn't.
>If a device isn't directly causing its own perpetual motion, then that device isn't a perpetual motion device.
Doesn't apply to this situation since the perpetual motion device being proposed is made of a source and load that causes its own motion when it transfers energy from the source to the load.

> so now your zero-point device does spin powering itself by the active zero-point energy it taps into without needing to transfer that energy into a separate motor to get the physical movement..
Its been like that all along, you just started calling it a motor since you think anything that moves is a motor, I have been trying to tell you for two days the motor is unnecessary and you keep insisting that if any motion occurs, it is a motor.

> then uses that energy to power a separate ordinary motor
No, there is no motor, energy transfers from the source zero energy supply and causes the small load in the form of a ball bearing to spin continuously, there is no motor unless you want to call that a motor since you think anything that spins is a motor, but it can't handle any more load, the force is negligible and just enough to cause the ball to spin.

>No, you keep defining an ordinary motor that needs to be externally powered as something it isn't.
No, you do, you just did in again in the post I am replying to where I clearly said no motor is involved and you do a bunch of mental gymnastics to insist on some secondary external motor.
>Doesn't apply to this situation since the perpetual motion device being proposed is made of a source and load that causes its own motion when it transfers energy from the source to the load.
NO, you didn't invent a perpetual motion device.
You invented a zero-point free energy device.
You get credited for inventing a zero-point free energy device; you don't credit for something you didn't do.
The credit for inventing a perpetual-motion device goes to somebody who invented a device that doesn't need to fed generated energy to a separate motor.
You're just a conman trying to steal someone else's achievement.
>Its been like that all along, you just started calling it a motor since you anything that moves is motor, I been trying to tell you for two days motor is unnecessary and you keep insisting that if any motion occurs, it motor.
yes, a device that causes cyclical motion is called "a motor".
>No, there is no motor, energy transfers from the source zero energy supply and causes the small load in the form of a ball bearing to spin continuously, there is no motor unless you want to call that a motor since you think anything that spins is a motor, but it can't handle any more load, the force is negligible and just enough to cause the ball to spin.
oh I see, so now you're back to claiming your specific zero-point device needs to cause itself to spin as that's how it functions.
>No, you do, you just did in again in the post I am replying to where I clearly said no motor is involved and you do a bunch of mental gymnastics to insist on some secondary external motor.
oh I see, so now you're back to claiming your specific zero-point device needs to cause itself to spin as that's how it functions...

I don't know man, you keep saying your zero-point free-energy device spins itself, then you say that it itself has no spin and will need to have the power it generates transferred to a separate motor that is responsible for making a physical object move cyclically.

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no, really. what is a set?
A collection of items. At some point they even stop caring about the items. A set is a collection of sets. Von Neumann sets are real dope shit.
>A collection of items
define collection
define items
This is math not philosophy. A set is a collection of items is a correct mathematical definition.

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This is a fine example of how political activists regularly pervert the scientific method as a means of creating false narratives.
Does anyone have any other similarly good examples of these types of hilariously disingenuous 'science' experiments?
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One box is plain one is full of options not even remotely scientific
I wont eat vegan food at a public event so that actual vegans have something to eat
4000 years of local cooking.
>the donuts that weren't bog-standard dipped donuts were eaten disproportionately more than the standard boring donut.
doesn't show a fucking thing, who are you trying to fool?
this test would only work if the contents of both boxes were exactly the same, this test could just as easily prove that people like chocolate-dipped more than standard krispy kreme donuts
there are other factors such as whether people approach the donuts from the left or right side, OP is midwit faggotry of the highest degree.

Reminder that the Chinese room has never and will never be refuted. No machine will ever think or be intelligent.
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I'm a chinese room and I approve of this thread.
No one must know.
It is an article of faith among computer scientists that pretending to be something is the same as being that thing
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>chat gpt can write a paper it takes seconds
You know when you were a kid you had a cousin, slightly older, who would make up total bullshit and pass it off as fact? Even when there was no advantage to making up bullshit.
ChatGPT is the electronic version of that cousin.
I don't believe you have a cousin like that, I am pretty sure you are just bullshitting for internet clout.

Were his overtly sexual psychological theories just schizo ramblings or was he right?
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Nah it has to do with structure. If punishment and reward coincide with the proper structure of higher social realities than the parents are seen as doing a good job. When punishment and reward are totally incongruent with that then they've created demented offspring who understandably dislike many things including their parents.
Oedipus Complex is straight fire.
>Grow up hating your dad, only to become just like him, end up marrying someone just like your loving mommy.
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I don't know I'm not sure he was 100% correct about everything I think alot of his ideas were more presumptive rather then empirical.

Not to say he wasn't totally wrong but definitely not right ethier if I had a measuring device that could predict the accuracy of his work I'd say about 40% was correct
Anatomy is destiny.
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I don't know I'm not sure anon was 100% correct about Freud I think alot of his ideas were more presumptive rather then empirical.

Not to say he wasn't totally wrong but definitely not right ethier if I had a measuring device that could predict the accuracy of his work I'd say about 0% was correct

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