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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

Scam? Is this bullshit or legitimate?
Brain.fm says they can increase your mental focusing power with their super sciency music.

I have terrible concentration. Should I throw my money at these people or pirate from them or just ignore them?

>Your most productive
day, on demand.
>Brain.fm’s focus music is made to help you work better, by blending into the background so you can focus distraction-free... all while stimulating the brain with gentle rhythmic pulses in the music that support sustained attention.
>Other music is made to grab your attention, making it hard to think and work, even if you don’t realize it. Brain.fm’s functional music is designed from the bottom up to affect your brain and optimize your performance.
>Try it yourself

>Real science with
extraordinary results
>Scientists at Brain.fm work with academic institutions to observe the effects of our technology on the brain using fMRI, EEG, and behavioral studies. We always include placebo groups in our tests to ensure our tech is what makes the difference.
>See our science
Inb4 buy an ad. I'm asking if its a scam or not. Viralmarketers aren't gonna do that.
For studying? IDK. For working it used to work for me as the music drowned the intruding thoughts and could put me in any mood i wanted (depending on the music chosen).
Music kind of brainwashes you, you hear a few nasheeds and you start sympathizing with jihadists, then you listen to rap and think nIgga nigga is the coolest shit then classical music and you wipe your tears to Maestro

I got a one year subscription on Black Fridays because it was something like $5, which wasn't much to waste if it turned out to be nothing. If you want some ambient background music, it's good for that. The warbling noise in the background that they say improves focus was more of a distraction. I didn't renew.
I don't know about focus but I participated in a study to see if music increase the pain tolerance of people and in my case it definitely helped my pain tolerance

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How much longer until we get a particle physics breakthrough?
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What about a muon collider? Would be cool, but who will figure out how to build one? Not me, certainly, I hate engineering and engineering adjacent tasks.
it literally is, IFLS faggots unironically believe that science is limitless magic because they're too low IQ to understand concepts such as energy conservation
What about a ass collider, made specifically for you, out of infinite black cocks, searching for your universal center fuck off faggot mouf now
Just shut the fuck up. You'll get your fucking new iPhone in due time.
Of course not. Then you're just trading bullshit throwing particles at each other and instead just keeping brown people alive despite their tendency to unlike themselves.

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What is the science behind long Covid?
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what's your explanation of why bisexuals are more likely to have long covid?
are people obsessed with other people's homophobia insecure about their own homophobia as well?
why are bisexuals significantly more likely to have long covid than straight people, gays, or lesbians?
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How is this any different than a common NEET?
because this time it's liberal women doing it

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Scientists stay conservative

I dont think any scientist is an optimist you can’t predict the future even with enough Iq
For blood thrist, we use Eric Prince and Russia uses Wagner Someone. But more to your general point, do you really think Biden makes a better battlefield commander in chief than Putin?
>figure out for yourself by travelling and seeing it with your own eyes
I want to agree with this because I can't think of a better way to pierce through different media shields. But I live in NYC and I've never been mugged, shot, seen anyone get mugged or shot, and the only public urination I've ever seen was 20 years ago. So is NYC going to hell? Maybe. But I'd never know from my own eyes and experiences. Same thing with Europe. The most ghetto experience I've had was probably Barcelona late 00s. When I was walking around in Paris a couple months ago, everything I saw was normal. No migrant tent cities. Again, I'm not saying there aren't any, just that I didn't see any with my own eyes.
I would prefer being bullied and ostracized amongst my own than murdered by [insert ethnicity here]. It's easy to take functioning civilization for granted. My parents saw firsthand what even minor ethno-religious diversity brought, and it wasn't holding hands, singing Kumbaya around the campfire and happily eating "ethnic food", it was genocide campaigns, mass rapes, etc.

Sure, I'll take schoolyard bullying and returning home to a lower-middle class family, alienated from the hyper-wealthy of my hypothetical society over dodging genocidal militiamen whenever I step outside.
Besides, all it takes is one person to change the fortunes of a family. Yeah, maybe you won't be accepted by the already established rich, boohoo. But your children will attend their schools, and your children's children, and suddenly there's no difference.

Prigozhin was assassinated lol, yet another Russian (albeit Jewish) oligarch swept under the rug.
He wouldn't have chimped out at the govt if Shoigu didn't play politics and withhold supplies from the mercenaries. Reap what you sow, now the Ukrainians are invading Kursk and blowing up all their bridges. Will he face consequences? Of course not.

As for Biden, moot point desu. Everyone knew throughout the entire presidency that he's mentally unsound. Did George Bush meaningfully preside over the invasion of Iraq? No, it was his government spook advisers and their colleagues in the military. Soldiers fight the wars, presidents just sign all the relevant forms put in front of them.
This is exactly why citizen surveillance, overseas drone programs, 'blacksite' concentration camps, etc increased in scope during the Obama presidency. Presidents get a mere 4 years. Unelected bureaucrats throughout intelligence services and the State Department get decades, if not a lifetime. Who has more leverage, the intelligence officers running a dozen overseas operations for a decade, or the paedo who just got elected?
I've never been to NYC, but I always assumed that the reports were overblown and over-exaggerated. Also worth noting that the city has been taking steps to house many of the illegals, idk to what extent that's dealt with the 'tent cities'.
I imagine it's sort of like Chicago in the sense that people conceive of it as a failed-state warzone of gang violence and overpriced housing, whereas in reality it's a (relatively) small part of the city producing the majority of criminality, and you're quite safe in any other part.

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Where are all the Aliens !?
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The aliens are just a strawman for preachy whiners to criticise humanity
I enjoy these threads, I do.
The simplest self replicating molecule would require the spontaneous emergence and correct arrangement of roughly 100 different proteins. Studies have shown that the chances go down an order of magnitude for every protein you add. Let's be super generous and say the chances of life emerging are 10^-50 per year per world with ideal conditions. Every star in the observable universe could have a planet with ideal conditions for a billion years and life still may not emerge. The speed of light and the chances of life did not collaborate to make star wars real. It's more likely that for every volume of space observable by life there is a million times more that will be empty forever. There are no aliens. There will never be any aliens.
I enjoy watching PoliceActivity on youtube, it's basically low IQ trash people and their crazy shenanigans often resulting in them getting blasted, It's quite entertaining to be honest. In saying that I don't not want to engage with these retards on any level.
It dawned on my recently that this is probably how any 500 IQ alien feels as well. They'd probably be actively trying to prevent us from gaining the ability to interact with them.
Counterpoint: life on Earth appeared to arise as soon as the conditions allowed for it, as soon as it had cooled down enough and there was liquid water.

So abiogenesis might not be as difficult and unlikely as you say.
It could instead be that the extremely rare thing is an intelligent technological civilization, as evidenced by how, as far as we can tell, it has only happened once in the entire history of Earth, out of countless millions or billions of species

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How many of you have a scientific interest in colors? We haven't discovered everything about how it function yet

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When i already have money and a position as an maschine learning engineer. Is there anything gained from me studying (maybe part time) Math at an university?

I recently wondered if i become a even better maschine learning engineer with more math. I constantly run into mainly statistical and logical problems where i think
>man i bet an actual mathmatican would laugh at me now
i am officially le gifted child meme with an 130+ IQ but i still feel like an absolute retard 99% of the time

will studying math fix this?
Well i started studying math precisely because i wanted to get into machine learning ect in high school and found a lot of math i didnt understant. So yea if you want you can enroll but since you work full time i would suggest learning by yourself. You are not bound by time so you can take your time and you dont really need a lot of math since most of it is theory that builds tools for a wide variety of uses.
>Is there anything gained from me studying (maybe part time) Math at an university?
Sure, it'll make you better at abstract thinking. After taking a real analysis class I got better at leetcode
>wondered if i become a even better maschine learning engineer with more math
Maybe , but it would probably be marginal. Ml is not very math heavy outside of a few specialized areas
>like an absolute retard 99% of the time
>will studying math fix this?
No, if anything learning math will make you feel more retarded

> Maybe , but it would probably be marginal. Ml is not very math heavy outside of a few specialized areas.

This could not be further from the truth. The whole world of probabilistic machine learning is very math heavy, and will continue to become even more math heavy as the modeling catches up with the technology (see the research being done into high dimensional statistics/over-parameterization or normalizing flows if you want an example).

If your plan is to use existing ML tools in a "tuning" sort of way you don't need a lot of math. If you want to do novel research involving machine learning algorithm development/architectural development you certainly need a ton of math.

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The word "mogged" was propagated for the same reason. Vaccine damage.
You appear to have poor working memory
Is that a schizophrenia reference?
Nah, I've been mogging people since 2014


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These three niggas are humanity's only hurdles to achieving collective godhood, fr
What's the third one?
Ossification, the core of YWNBA(X)

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What if dark matter is actually something as game changing as electricity or nuclear energy that we just haven't learnt how to interact with yet? What if the hard problem of consciousness has to do with dark matter that might be coupled to the alkali metals in our brains?
Thing getting better

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What are some of the most interesting /sci/entific findings?
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>Be listening to radio
>Turn radio off, it weighs less
Same logic
Human digestive system is about 4L of internal volume. That'd equate to about 3 grams of methane gas.

Not enough to account for all of it, but enough to show that it's probably within the error bars of how other biological processes following death could change the apparent mass of the body.
>same average
Why does the historical record show scientists have always been retarded?
Checked sick idea
NPCs are a recent phenomenon after population explosion, not enough souls to go around anymore

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Greetings to this board. I am from a 3rd world shithole, and somehow got into university in the united states with a good scholarship. I need to do research in the Physics division but my professor wants me to "tryout" and he has given me the subject of making a fucking poisson's equation solver using the gpu accelaration. hOW THE FUCK DO I DO THIS
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Chinks, vatniggers, and Muslim shitskins should stay in their respective countries. You fucking thirdworlders always turn into fifth columnists. Stay in the shithole you can from instead of trying to ruin the West. We are not interested in your commie ideology or you backwards ass culture or religion.
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>incoming /pol/tard is totally not offended and never felt directly adressed and isnt accompanied by even more /pol/tards
I am Polish. If that matters.
Poltard spotted

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Do you guys think we will ever be able to obtain neutronium or it is nothing more than hipotetical thing
Lots of elements were first discovered in stars before we found or distilled them on earth.
you mean, like, a bare neutron??

So it turns out that goldfish crackers contain yeast extract which is a contributing factor in brewers syndrome where your gut produces alcohol. Pure boost every drinks and anything that does the fizzy thing makes it worse too. So that plus sugar eases the headaches I have but I might be dying of alcoholism just by eating. Does anyone have any idea what to do? Meanwhile here's a picture of a car with a vanity license plate. They follow me for unknown reasons. If there's a vanity license plate in the city San Francisco I'm within a block.
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I have absolutely no idea what any of that means. Have you by chance recently suffered from a sudden sever blown to the head?
>sever blown
Dude I'm not following you
>So it turns out that goldfish crackers contain yeast extract
That's probably why they're such a satisfying snack.
OP has full-blown schizophrenia.

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