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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

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Previous thread: >>66951357
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you're based
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As the person who first started the /r9hap/ revloution by making this post:


Not to say I told you all so but.. I told you so..
it was still a retarded decision back then
Go back to /r9brap/ faggot
>one has a dog cock
>the other has a human cock
>both are supposed to be cat-like beings
Stupid furfags.
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Current /nah/: >>66978892
Knowing more about cocks than furfags is not the win you think it is.
Hey now, that's Dr Richard P Schwang, the premiere Penisologist, who has a Doctorate in Penile Sciences and Taxonomies and wrote the book on penis taxonomy. You should give him credit for being the official head of penis description, it takes a lot of balls to really handle that girth, he's a great pillar of the field since his erection of descriptions.
I did a huge /nah/ in your pants.
its literally a single belgian tranny creating a hap on everyboard right now again
Could you link said threads or boards?
Not him, but I found another thread at >>>/bant/20686744
Yup. That one is going up on the fridge little Billy :)
As what should I report this fag? Mods IP wipe him all the time. I tried "impersonating 4chan staff" this time.
>everyone I don't like is x
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Trump the stupid lump already lost and you lost the game.
What will Biden do with his new super powers?
Yes, a huge hairy man butt delivered a big turd.
Make Trump change his own diapers. Which will likely lead to Trump's death.
Amazingly paranoid. Yes, it is us. Fear us. We will manipulate you, even if you don't notice.
>t. retard who likes to smell Trump's diaper downloads.
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>the only posters here are the schizos and bumpfags
Wow, it's actually over...
and yet there's no magical quality difference in the threads and both are as slow as ever
Both threads are now going into the night shift for our lovable bumpfags. I hope the best happenings thread wins.

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