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This is like one of the toppest action franchises in cinematic history zoomers. Put some respec on it. Who is your Riggs?
I remember running around the house as fat lil white boy pretending I was Spawn or Blade. Race was the furthest thing from my mind, Now it's on the forefront of everything.
So long story short you were fine when you just ignored everything and the second you had to recognise racial disparities and discrimination it makes you triggered because white people should never think about things that make them feel uncomfortable as you wish to live complacently in a society that protects you from icky feelings. Like a safe space, one might say.
>I was a kid and didn’t really think about things beyond “wow that’s cool!”
>Then I grew up and I get triggered all day long

Maybe the issue is in (you)
Here we see the product of said educational system and mass media. About as brainwashed as the average North Korean peasant.

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Imagine if a huge hung black dude came on stage and ripped her dress off, and they just started fucking like crazy on live television in front of the audience. Would have been pure kino.

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Is this kino?
Can a nigga get a fade? I think we know the answer to both questions here

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The Main Character edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming “before S3”
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Jacob accused Kato of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing

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Matthew Carey is a pedophile, Caleb Sovic is a sex trafficker, & Januki is a rapist
Betty is a consenting mid twenties lady. Just because she's a faux cunny that doesn't mean if you like her you're a pedo. Everyone who likes Little Lupe and Piper Perri arent pedos either.
>new rules
>no nudity or pirated shows and movies
>give random unfunny faggots a shot at streaming
>you have to stream within 72 hours
>no saying nigger or tranny
What's the point then? Why is Jet such a little bitch and making random ass decisions?
rat isnt that bad. shes not obsessed with the show unlike the rest.

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now you know how insane you sound when you claim a movie is woke because theres too many brown people
>another made up culture war shitposting thread
i truly despise this place

>While in character as Brüno in Jerusalem, Baron Cohen was beaten nearly to death by an enraged crowd of homophobic Israelis, who, angered by his camp and sacrilegious attire, started stoning him, on camera. Baron Cohen was reportedly “nearly killed.”
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best part about this jew is that he wants to jail people for "racism", hes one of the biggest cancel culture advocates and comedy policing
meanwhile he made his entire career out of offensive racist comedy

jews legit think they are about law and above goys
>jews legit think they are about law and above goys
They are, unless they push it too far like Bernie Madoff or Jeffery Epstein.
Epstein is above the law. He's currently balls deep inside a toddler in some Bhutanese cave. You seriously think he's dead? You fell for that shit? Show me his body. He got away with everything. And you, you goyim are fucking cattle that actually believe it.
No shit. You fuckers are so far behind you actually think you're leading.
he is just making fun of historical enemies of his people, germans, arabs in the uk, postsoviet shitholes

what's the quintessential man movie?
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Legally Blonde
It was still Don't Ask, Don't Tell back then. Now it's you WILL let us groom your children and there's nothing you can do about it.
This is what I was trying to avoid, another conversation about body mass.
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what kind of movie do people who look like this like to watch ?
probably marvel and other woke shit
tbf she has really nice tits
Who cares?

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Whoever wrote this is an absolute genius: Its important to think outside the box to get a solution. The test paper scene test was solved by dragging the table across the room as a solution. testing and are looking for people who think outside the box and don't hesitate to do the unusual.
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Great insight, OP. I've never looked at it that way.
>Tommy Lee Jones was the soul of the MiB series

Eh I wouldn't go that far. I would have preferred if 2 didn't try to immediately bring K back, which was one of the worst plot ideas ever. 3 should have been the one where they brought him back.
Was at least one on GBA and maybe 1 on PlayStation?
you can't have Will Smith alone, look at 3's scenes without K or Josh Brolin. it was almost a parody.
>Tommy Lee Jones was the soul of the MiB series
I still think Rip Torn was my favourite in the entire movie

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Filming Edition
Previous >>203623995
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With how much of a whore Saera was there should be an extensive branch of Targ dragonseeds in Volantis to choose from.
That's a thing in the CK2 mod kek
>daenerys is le 2% targ
Where is this meme coming from? Because it's not true lol. Someone must've failed at math
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Would you buy one of her clams?
dialogue from the last 3 seasons is legit some of the funniest shit
>Jon snow is dead!
>Who killed him?!
>I did
>Lady Sansa forgive me, I'm a bit confused
I think everyone was more than a bit confused at that moment
>Mhysa means mother in valyrian
>I know what mhysa means
2 of the smartest characters talking to each other btw
>Do you remember what happened last time when Targaryens brought dragons north?
literally nothing, what the fuck

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Who is your favourite blacktress?
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I had no idea that was the Michelin Man's real name.
He is a successfully demoralized and brainwashed golem. Many such cases!
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Ellie The Empress

Also recommended is Persephanii. Pic related.
Haha made you look.

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>Arthur admits he made up the Joker and is actually a pussy loser incel who doesn't deserve anything>Harley Quinn dumps him instantly after and agrees he is a loser incel who is worthless and deserves no sympathy or sex
>Arthur gets locked up again and gets stabbed to death bleeding out dying in agony alone with the entire world hating him for being a monstrous piece of shit

What did they mean by this?
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Because women dont see anything wrong with that portrayal at all. Modern 'women' are so devoid of any morals or class they cannot conceive of how media shows women being evil as bad. Because as far as rhey are concerned, the demonstrated evil is GOOD.
>female demands
6 figure income
6 pack
12 " cock
6' tall +
Good looking
Masculine alpha male
But simpy cvck feminine too

>meanwhile, said 'female' is a jobless 300 lb tardwhale.
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>ask to be addressed as Joker
>shoots his TV idol in cold blood
>has a genuine smile and laugh (not medical condition) straight after, seen in pic
>completely embraces the chaos, painting his lips with his own blood and dances
All of that was shown as Arthur ceasing to be Arthur and completely as Joker. There's no other way of depicting it. That the 2nd movie is kinda washing away the climax of the first film just feels wrong.
Go fuck yourself you reddit faggot. There wasn't a single person in the first movie who didn't get what he fucking deserved. You missed the point entirely.
>make a woman prominent
>sequel goes to fucking shit because themes of the first film are made irrelevant
Incredibles 2 syndrome

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Opinions on my Dexter's Lab story? I'd appreciate a review once you're done.

For me it was the mother on Cow and Chicken, still can't remember if they shown the top half. I'll never google it.
>For me it was the mother on Cow and Chicken

Why though you paraphiliac

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When are we going to get an Ultramarines versus Emperors Children movie with the final showdown between Guilliman and Fulgrim?
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Full mobilization of the entire might of Ultramar perfectly organized into a single crusade against Fulgrim
The magpies stole a daemon prince’s weapon and custodes armour from the vengeful spirit, which they dont even consider their most valuable relic,
Even Trazyn can’t handle that level of kleptomania
The daemon primarchs have a lot of personal power, but they’re also schizo addled messes that can’t organise for shit while having to deal with constant backstabbing and general insanity among the ranks. To contrast, if Guilliman said jump half the imperium would ask how high.
Being able to successfully ‘tard wrangle is also why Abaddon is the big daddy of chaos, even if that one BL author who self inserts as him can’t grasp that and insists on power wanking him.
is that the same sword wielded by the emperor or does he just have one with flames too
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How long have I been here?

<yfw name is Bacon Sauce
somehow in 5 years she managed to go from teen drama to pushing 40 in Smile

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