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Cast it
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They will be wrong.
It's worse than that. These people spent their entire lives seething about the fact that characters were straight/White/male, and deliberately got into the industry to infect it with their ideology, and once they finally succeeded, they went "Lol why do you care?" This is why I vehemently hate these people. No one cares more than them but they pretend it's your problem after they've made it their life's mission to fuck with you.
They were right. She's a shit actor and got a breast reduction right before filming
Dudes wouldn't lie about their height if women weren’t so anal about it. A 5’10 guy wearing shoes may as well be six foot to your short ass.
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I don't do any of that.

why didn't Jim Caviezel receive an oscar for this performance?

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why indeed...

we get endless slop remakes like the upcoming gollum film, but not one honest attempt at Revelation. Quite curious indeed...
>no evidence of the sky doing dark
>no evidence of even a crucifixion around the time it should have happened, just shit from the gospels (which weren't even written by the apostles)
>for some reason god is ok with not sacrificing lambs anymore after incarnating as his son and letting pilate kill him (willing it even since it's fucking god)
>we're supposed to be sad about god killing himself and rising back again 3 days later
this shit is so stupid
Samefag reddit atheists
Because revelation is greatly misunderstood by the typical american evangelical. The usual dispensational view of end times is wrong. There is no rapture. christians will not be spared from the persecutions of this world and get an easy beam me up out. The antichrist, beast and false prophet are not physical. they are world systems. There are no locusts that have mens faces which means APACHE HELICOPTERS> The battle of armageddon is not literal. It is a spiritual battle. Tanks etc waging war against God? Cmon now. There is a war and it is against the PEOPLE of God. Christians. The mark isn't some item. It's a thing of worship. People have and are tking the mark every day. What and who they choose to worship. the world. That is the mark. Most of revelation has already taken place as well. All revelation is about is the encouraging hope to christians in Jesus Christ's return. That's the ONLY literal thing in revelation. The physical return of Christ.
but really why are there no records of a crucifixion outside some gospels made 40 years later?
we have evidence of romans shitposting about random shit but nothing to back up the sky going dark or the crucifixtion itself from the time it happened?

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>You are NOT the father!
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jerry springer was the downfall of western civilization
Don't you go to jail forever if you kill a bald eagle even by accident?
I've often wondered if I hit one with my car I'd have the courage to take it home and cook it. How many people can say they've tasted their national animal? I know bison share the title in the US but they're pretty much indistinguishable from grassfed beef
Every week.
The rooster is the only animal that can sing with both feet deep in shit.
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lost my shit at 4:34 when soulja boy starts to drop ahead of the reveal
Stuff like this is less surprising when you realise that so many npcs can't tell when someone is mixed race. Some people had to be told that Andrew and Tristan Tate are mutts.

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I miss James Franco. What happened to him
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He actually looks pretty strong
If he cut 20-30lbs he’d be be good to go
unirnoically nice bod, good strong fat look to it
You should watch Milk. he plays a coy fagite very convincingly
More of the bikini clad female? Is she wearing a thong?

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That's an issue. They missed out on making something that could both pop up on the radar of the boomers and appeal to everybody else.
I just want an edgy, synthwavey Fall Guy adaptation set in the 80s. How hard would that be to pull off, I guarantee it'd print money.
I wanna know who decided that everyone should get fillers in their cheekbones until they look about to explode.
i assume it's about hiding the bags under eyes and crows feet people get as they age by pulling that skin tight
It was me
I know what it TRIES to do, but it doesn't work, it looks like shit, and it's very obvious your face is full of extraneous shit.

This movie is a metaphor for minorities trying to assimilate into our society by emulating our behaviors and mannerisms
The Thing is basically an Asian or a jeet
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>no you can't, because the variation within a race is never more greater than the variation outside of it.
Yes, you can. Because race is a made up memetic term. It's why most of these use the data involving entire continents. Since that gives you a general broad group to work with. However, if you closely examined a group of people living in a city for genetic patterns you could use that to determine the city of origin.

>this is purely ideological, you have provided no refutation.
I did. Complete with a actual source.

>again, a "scientist" seeking to disprove something rather than study something, an ideologue.
He explicitly used data, logic, and reason to disprove the fallacy. You cannot argue against it because you have no counterargument. Nor would your argument make sense anyway since it disproves the scientific study that coined the term Lewontin's fallacy. If you were human, and therefore capable of reason and logic, you would understand this.

>but it obviously is, and you know it.
Of course not. Even the worst case scenario of IQ only puts it at about 80% heritability. The average difference between Africans and Europeans is about 20%.

>yes it is.

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Race is not real. Your inability to understand this shows that you are actually like the evil Alien of the Thing. As does your failure to actually argue.
you are a raceless, creedless monster who blends into societies and devours the local population. you are IT.
>the body and organs are all physical structures replicating themselves on genetic instructions but the brain is different okay??!!!
go back to Africa.
Race does not exist.

Your extermination is my creed. Of me, and all humans.

>who blends into societies and devours the local population
Nazis killed 4% of humanity. You are projecting.

>but the brain is different okay??!!!
It is different. For everybody, from everybody else. You are not Alexander the Great. He was human, unlike you. You are not Churchill, he was human, unlike you. You are not Ceasar, he was human, unlike you. You are like Hitler, he was not human, like you. No wonder you idolize him.
Shining face in a hood of a man looking toward the viewer... OR Shining Yalmakka of a man facing away looking up

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Coppola was red pilling people way before the "red pill" was even a thing with this slut. Based.
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Post previous scene of Winona's bounciest
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Was Johnathan a cuck?
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Coppola did all this in camera?
Yes. But I would forgive Winona in this case. Plus he fucked a group of vampire women.

>show has nice character everyone hates for no reason
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wasnt toby supposed to be the strangler or killer they kept hinting at?
That scene when Jim was getting close to pam and he awkwardly clutched her knee like
>I like you more than he does!
Brought back memories of middle school.
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Parks and Rec had two characters like this. Just in case we didn't find it funny the first time.
the world isn't a nice place, if you let yourself get stepped on you have yourself to blame

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How walkable was Coruscant, do you think?
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The city is full of people who are massive net negatives to the tax base. They have industry worked by people who live in the suburbs who fund their own schools, fire, and police.
Why the fuck do boomers love their useless lawns so much?
>Also mixed housing is now illegal.

As it should be, the entire reason people move to the 'burbs is to get away from the people who live in "mixed housing".
I literally live in the best first world country on earth lol
jesus christ this youtube channel is absolute shit by retards

Seriously - the same commie fuckheads who were like "Great leap forward lets kill all sparrows' and got everyone killed in China keep popping up with their 'good ideas'

>there's a possibility of an insane live incident tomorrow
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how come jews chop of the penises of their children?

how stupid was the goatfucker who invented that tradition
>lemme jest take this dull knife and chop off the cock of my son
>and eeeh, let me jest suck of the "blood", cuz god wants me to suck cock
Settle down and take a deep breath, schlomo. Your inbred race may be predisposed to schizophrenia, but I hear that even simple breathing exercises can work wonders.
>4chan pedos are mad that jews and muslims are living the dream
American girls think uncircumcised dicks are gross. American males get circumcised whether they are jewish or not. You have a weird looking smegma covered dick.
There's absolutely no way Eurovision is happening on Mothers Day

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>The only decent movie in the last few years
It'll make bank
Bradbros... I don't feel so good
why is everyone obsessed with this gay ass sport? especially women?
>Factors contributing to the budget increase include (...) the use of real actors in genuine race cars, which require extensive training and safety measures
What a retard. Just use CGI.
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yeah good luck making that cash back

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Phone call edition
Last time >>198994140
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post fast paced movies
augmented reality has real potential for haunted houses
You have awful taste if you don't enjoy a single one of the movies posted in these threads.
I just want to say these are some of the shittiest, most pointless webms I've seen in any of these threads. The fact that someone took the time to even make some of these is astonishing.
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>I just want to say these are some of the shittiest, most pointless webms I've seen in any of these threads. The fact that someone took the time to even make some of these is astonishing.

it's over
Are you living in my walls, OP? I literally just had a conversation with my (white) daughter where I asked her not to wear her romper outfit out to dinner tonight and she just rolled her eyes and said, "that's some white boy shit" as she chuckled and walked away. Is this some kind of code?

>Pay hard earned money to see Zendaya get colonized
>Get gay shit

Why isn't it illegal to falsely advertise? I walked the fuck out
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Did Zendaya dare them to suck each others cocks for her ha ha that would be crazy
don't they do this with everything she is in? Dudes cried because they watched Euphoria to see her naked and instead say her jerk off a tranny and two dudes having sex with eachother
She's a legit 10/10 tho. You have to admit that.
I guess it makes sense since only fags could think Zendaya is a 10/10 woman
For someone you claim to hate, you sure spend a lot of time thinking and posting about her online.

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ITT bad casting of historical figures.
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This movie ends with them all sitting on the porch where Obama 08' merchandise lmfao I'll never forget this leftist teacher I had in my senior of high school who forced us to watch this and a ton of clips of Trevor Noah's Daily Show occasionally, fucking terrible.
He looks like Film Brain wearing a wig.
Williams looks alright
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>Jewish MP
>you can always tell who the shut-in porn addicts are
>never hung out with beachbums or fishermen or desert girls
18 going on 45 man. If you don't think sun ages the shit out of your skin you're a delusional fisherman or you've never met someone who spends large amounts of time in the sun day after day. Nothing ages you faster other than crack.

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