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fav coming of age sports moobie?
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She's a Spanish woman with a Spanish boyfriend:

41% really isn't anywhere near high enough.
something about this makes it not sexy. With multiple angles you really see her long HGH face and her muscular body thinking only about gay impact sports. She's basically a dude.
Thank God I'll be never be this fucked in the head
Impressive body of work
I just don't find gym meets sexy, and I like a little fat on a woman. She looks like she doesn't know about fun.

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New LITERALLY ME just dropped

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looks cute. another Oscar for a non american film maker and then for Bong to yawn about and place in his waste basket at home because its simply a "regional" award, whatever.
looks nice
>gosling is a 5
Obviously Gosling isn't as attractive as Pattinson since he hasn't played Sarah Gadon's husband.
NTA but he's bogged now.
Kill yourself, retard.

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wtf??? how has this lame dogshit show been on for 50 fucking years??? nobody actually still watches this crap, do they?
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how would you know unless you watched them?
Same, used to be the easiest way to see all those 80s and 90s episodes on the reg. Those and Kids in the Hall reruns on 90% of the time you’d turn on Comedy Central was a comfy time for that channel
>Garrett Morris could've played Nixon and no one would care
that would have been great
>light flurries of rape
surprised they even uploaded it.
funny to hear gilbert sounding normal
they have a mcchicken sauce? i thought it was just big mac sauce, I typically eat the Mcdoubles which doesnt have it so im barely familiar with the sauce, their fries and nugs are great if fresh but it can be rare

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This is just like if Michael Mann made a Hannibal movie.
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My favorite Mann film is Ferrari, starring beloved and acclaimed Canadian actress Sarah Gadon.
who is sara gannon? some porn chick?
Sarah Gadon is a beloved and acclaimed Canadian actress and star of the Michael Mann film Ferrari.
discord and disharmony in the Sarah Gadon fandom
if gannon ever did porn would you watch it?

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no a.i.
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>the dipshits making sure they have the same front row seats every week so they can loudly react on camera
I wonder what the combined IQ of that room is.
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Too bad she got murdered offscreen and turned into an evil android's science experiment, along with the pretty girl in the next movie. It's the most cynical disgusting fucking thing I've ever actually watched (I never actually watched Alien III.)
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Jill Schoelen edition
prev: >>203672857
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Isn’t she born a male?
>kicked off Roseanne for public intoxication and vomiting
She was peak in Fish Called Wanda and Trading Places
LA AIDS Jabber
Just finished A Quiet Place part 2, enjoyed it more than the first. Is that an unpopular opinion? I found Cillian Murphy working together with the deaf girl despite not being able to communicate properly very interesting and enjoyable

Can incels understand a film like Paris,Texas?
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You know this bitch has an infamous reputation as a whore and is also a dedicated coalburner?
I don’t care. Waifu politics aside, Paris, Texas is a damn fine film and miles better than anything Gadon will ever star in.
Dangerously based
>coalburner slop
Yeah no
That's hot as fuck.

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>iPhone price $800
>camera lens $30.000
"OMG, it was shot with an iPhone, bros!"
Why did they skip 28 months later?
He was right to escape on boat and assume his wife was lost

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Arthouse and classic cinema.

Adventure edition.

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

Previous: >>203660253
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kill it with fire
Big Leboffski
Sounds like you don't actually like the films but you want to pretend to yourself that you do so you throw them in the background because actually actively watching them is unbearable for you.

Engaging with art passively is not engaging at all.
Recommend me some /film/ music videos
What's wrong, anon?
>negronic verve



>Academy Award Nominee Elliot Page (Juno, The Umbrella Academy, Inception) stars as a trans man who returns to his hometown for the first time in years. On his journey, he confronts his relationship with his family, reunites with a first love, and discovers a newfound confidence in himself. A Toronto International Film Festival premiere.




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I saw a tweet of someone getting really mad because they played the matt walsh movie trailer before lmao
Is it legal to file a restraining order against trans person in 2024?
>You should know somethin’ about me Joe Rogan. I have a pussy.

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Upcoming films that YOU are looking forward to, name them immediately.
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go back
I'm confused about Nosferatu. It appears to be a pretty standard (no doubt great since it's directed by Eggers) remake of Dracula, not Nosferatu 1922, right? Cause the plot of Nosferatu 1922 doesn't resemble the Dracula story (young lawyer invited to live at reclusive client's mansion, Bram stoker, the ship, etc.) at all
It's absolutely a remake of Nosferatu, not Dracula.
Other than Nosferatu, which I'm also looking forward to, I'm looking forward to picrel
I dunno

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Why did he do it bros?
is this the dude that played uncle fester in that Adams family porn?>
All the signs were there man what did you expect
He's living the dream
He's actually the bastard son of Sinead O'Connor and Uncle Fester
Most people don’t dream of being a tranny paypig and spending such an obscene amount of money on a foreign dude in a dress that he lets you marry him for citizenship.

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previously on /bb/: >>203694501
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did we miss her 1 on 1 with chelsie?
She should to ensure someone other than her closest ally goes this week
Everyone has them clocked no point in just letting her die if she has veto
i mean it depends but i think mak would have to suck up to her all week otherwise why not
first 2 weeks rubina talked mad shit about leah and mak being too young and dumb
she'll push but mj has said these noms even last week and when talking with cam when feeds came on she noted mj wanted to go to f3 with them but wouldn't get leah out on her hoh

Would you watch a wild west show that goes across generations and has sporadic supernatural elements but in reality the plot is just an 19th century retelling of the old testament book of judges with the Israelite tribes being replaced with settler families and the Canaanites with indians?
>old testament
So it would star only jews? Cool. Would Gal Gadot be in it?

Kdrama General - Eugenics Edition

Previous thread >>203654870

Post your favorite kdrama genre
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Officer black belt is a lot more brutal and violent than the trailers show
Unnies we are rewatching The Beauty Inside for Black Dog unnie
I liked it a lot. The eng subtitles are fucked though
it's pretty good
yeah i really liked it too. i was just surprised how brutal the fight scene in the garbage dump was with the director and the other officer

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