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Discuss character action games
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How many times are people going to complain about this genre's name? Get over it
>one of the best Chinese action games and best indie action games period
Why isn't it brought up by China shills like Wukong and the F2P game of the month?
The other big difference is that arcade beat-em-ups were all about that local co-op multiplayer. I think that DMC5 wanted to have co-op sometime during development but couldn't get it to work.
Are there any character action games that have any kind of co-op?
Because it's not that interesting.
have you ever though that maybe not all chink shit is shills and it's just people following trends naturally with what's currently popular because it was actually advertised well?

Our heroes about to enter Lavos' shell...
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What was it that was missing?
Try this one.
color correction on some pixels that were off.
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anything with Taopaipai?
which CT character would this Videl pic work the best?

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Cope however you will
And yet Alyx was beloved despite being their first VR game, and an fps to boot.
>Alyx came out 4 years ago
Uh huh.
Go play your Veilguard slop, because obviously whoever the writers are doesn't matter.
Only a zoomer could think this after all the old series we've seen.
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It'll be announced by Gaben himself and all of you will repent for not believing.
Yeah because vrfags weren't dying for a game to champion. People didn't know what to expect from a vr shooter. That aint' the case with a normal screen.
It's been too long. I don't care anymore.

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Other than that, cool game.
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Emma frost? fuck yeah.
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>cant play anyone who relies on aiming
>turn off mouse smoothing, which requires adding lines to the ini file
>suddenly topfrag
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Magik posts soijaks on online forums because she's a femcel

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It's up front my fave part of the game. I love mazes, and it is one of the best designed I've ever seen. Also, because the game has height mapping, you need to be aware of where you are standing. The terrain literally becomes part of your tactics once you git gud. I'm sorry you got filtered. Try not being shit at video games.
not any different from the rest of the game
>looks like shit
looks like any other aetherfire area

i'll bet my fucking boots you're one of those shitters who got stomped by the charge stun flesh giants and never got over it
Grim Dawn bros, how does Last Epoch compare?
I got less total hours out of it but it's still a good experience
Skill talent trees are very fun, dot builds eat GOOD in that game with the way ailments work

wtf are you talking about
there is no tactics in GD campaign, the aoe shit is total piss, only way you're gonna die is a big bonker occasionally assuming you have the mental capacity to max resists
the heightmapping is just a janky pain in the ass that prevents you hitting trash mobs and makes the "maze" even more aggravating, oh yay I'm in a le house but I have to do a loopy loop to run in the other door because whoospsie what kinda looks like the exit is not the exit teehee! oh and you wanna kill that random faggot? he's on the other floor lol but you can only get to that floor from the back because of this meme debris, he doesn't actually do any dmg of course but ahhaha isn't this just so TACTICAL?
it's not really a "maze" either since it's obvious where to go, just annyoing
by "pathing" i mean the "maze", which is fucking annoying to run around
it doesn't look like other aether areas because they added a layer of poo brown and rotting anus green to everything combined with body horror aids and evil babbies, it's literally the ugliest clusterfuck in the entire game
again, if anything in the GD campaign stomps except the occasional superboss kills you I have bad news lmfao

I have played malmouth at least 20 times, it's the shittest (quite literally because it's COVERED IN STINKY BROWN SHIT) part of the game

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Indie game players are the loudest minority in the history of mankind.

Twitter would have you believe everyone and their mother played these games.
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>I like asking questions
i think you're just trying to be a prick on the internet
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is a good game
>indies have less players than the newest slopbox 5 with fifa & cod
wow great insight anon. next you're gonna tell us all that more people eat at mcdonalds than that local restaurant your coworkers were raving about
>I like asking questions.
The most passive aggressive bitch on this website.
Those people in the discord have to genuinely love the game or else they wouldn't join the discord and shill the game.

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Can you fellas please discuss this vidya? I just watched the movie (2011 version) and absolutely loved it, I also watched the 80s version and I guess it was alright.... Is it worth getting for PC or Switch?
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wtf is wrong with your people?
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>I just watched the movie (2011 version)
Now go read the book and watch the original movie.
Shit no. I haven't played the remaster but that OG game was dogwater. Fucking horrible aside from the occasionally interesting occurrence of one of your squad going ayylmao. And I love The Thing.
J&B is shit though, don't let anybody tell you different.

They got rid of scripted Thing transformations. It's all random now. They tweaked follower AI so they aren't useless, added some more ammo because apparently the OG barely had any(haven't played either but not sure if this is a good change or not), and a few other things I guess.

He played through both and said the remaster is mostly painfully accurate outside of a few changes for the better. Some small things like the snowy area in the intro is a bit more blue like the OG movie, a little bit of extra set dressing, and a few other things I can't remember. They didn't go back and add extra sounds to areas that had like 0 ambience which would have felt better but it's always a balancing act on what to change and what not to change. I think they got rid of free aim? But tweaked the auto aim so it's not dogshit with an ugly reticule.

Both are kind of "eh", but it's not a particularly bad remaster.

But anywho I always saw the original at the rental store and it just looked bland as fuck. It always sounded interesting, but it's mainly just a third person shooter of its era. On that note I wanna play Psi ops, any word on a remaster of that?

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What's your GOTY anons? Pic related is mine. Despite just releasing in EA it's got so much content that it has me absolutely kneeling.
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I thought all evolved enemies were neutral
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>mass monster appears in my village
>no scrolls of extermination
Summon animal just summoned a fucking alien
Make sure to capture one for infinite stealth exp
Am I reading that correctly or does that picture indicate martial art damage still procs if you use non martial art weapon?

Okay, I just found out that rolling in this game doesn't have I frames.
What is this shit? I've been a From fan since DS1. Why would they dump their key game design now?

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Did you already call off work and buy all your snacks /v/?

How are you going to spend the big day? This is our time of the year gamerbros.
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>call off work
It starts at 7PM EST anon...
I literally could not care less about this garbage.
you want to stay up all night shitposting and not have to worry about work tomorrow

also most people aren't 9-5 wagies zoomie
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>Being excited to sperg out all night over the results of a video game award show
>also most people aren't 9-5 wagies zoomie
You absolute thin-skinned bitchass faggots would die working a 8 - 5 job?

holy shit you better become a fucking housewife then bitchass nigga.

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>play weg
>all the hottest characters are the background NPCs you can't interact with

How the hell is this so common
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why there are so much characters
is that man retarded or a hack genius?
Seeing every weg have multiple popular blueball characters/designs that will never ever get content just makes me want to make and finish my own weg were every character has a full route just to get some release

I'd do it since I can draw well but I can't dedicate my life to such a project, it's not something you do on the side and then move on with your life, that shit is a full time commitment and stays with your name forever
I will take G and H for double paizuri
It's funny that he's drawn her again after all these years, but it's made me realize that I prefer his old sense of aesthetics
don't be retarded like s-purple
set objectives and limits. do not feature creep. set a time limit. focus on vision. start small. do not change the game, make a new one later instead

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What game makes you so angry you punch holes in your wall?
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you should also label that pink stuff as insulation since the third worlder mud brick hut subhumans itt don't know what it is
plenty of people. Brick houses can be built shoddily too. My house has giant fucking cracks all through the walls because the ground under the foundation is cracked like a dry riverbed and constantly moving. If I owned it, I'd knock it down and build something more flexible. But I'd never buy this shithole anyway.
>those fake videos of some black kid watching a sports game at a friend's house only for him to flip out when they lose and smash the guy's TV

Why do these exist?
nigga you watched stephen universe

>best personality in the series
>obsessed with you
>is your best friend
>literally give her a planet
why wouldn't you choose her over the autistic blue alien?
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Oh I see, my mistake. Well, Tali's romance is still fairly shallow anyway.
>For some reason I always pictured Tali's face as something VERY non-human
probably because you're an intelligent person with a creative mind
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>Tali's romance is still fairly shallow anyway.

oh just image she is 16 and it makes perfect sense
Same. That thigh gap is fucking UNF

Nintendo might be in trouble bros..
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>So minimum 2 million but claims that it's 6 mil in 3 months, your claims ring hollow
What are you even trying to say here.
No MS/Sony handheld is gonna emulate Switch 2 software. Delusional pipedream.
NSMB games had hit sales of like 30 million, WiiU launched with what should have been a hit and eventually on Switch would do like 17 mil, but it still floundered, it also had a bunch of third party support, the hardware was shit that nobody wanted.
uh...they definitely do, because /v/ was shitting itself when someone leaked WW HD for switch. You still havent explained how zelda and Mario games dont count as mainline games though
Nobody buys a console for a remake, retard.

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Ye pre-orderin'
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finger lickin'
ai lovin'
seven herbs and spicin'
Seed feeding
Nude mod installin'

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>richest most expansive universe for a toyline by far
>0 good games
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Better that an IP dies with some soul left than carrying on as a hollowed out zombie being milked for cultists.
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>”The people of the world are builders. But! …Look into their hearts. You will find that they also have the power to destroy. I AM that power. I AM destruction. And I WILL destroy you.”

Shit goes hard
It was a SOVL ad, G1 Transformers was an ad ad. You couldn’t even buy like 90% of the stuff in MNOG anyway.

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Rebalances and removing a lot of the nerfs added. Half (if not more) of the game's entire arsenal is basically useless and those weapons would be viable and fun to use if properly buffed either with new stats or back to their original state.
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I already did ages ago, shortly after the sniper-spy update.
Day of Defeat is the superior casual class based multiplayer shooter franchise from Valve.
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reminder that the ambassador is still effectively used by good spies, meaning anyone crying about current amby is just a bad player
It's still being used by retards playing with aimbots.
If you were smart you'd still be using stock or enforcer.

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>You'll see random encounters with enclave fighting super mutants.
i don't remember that. i remember the very first random encounter where frank horrigan and two cronies rape that farmer family with miniguns tho
>And they completely wipe out a BOS bunker in the game.
wait what?
Oh dear Christ how harrowing. There's at least 3 things in there a normal person would notice, and none of them are in the way or required to take note to complete the game? The horror.
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There's something extremely gratifying about playing a conniving slut who plays everyone and fucks her way to the top.
I'm sharing a site with FAGGOTS

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Japan - O is confirm, X is cancel
US - X is confirm, O is cancel

Are Sony consoles better the Japan or US way? However in Japan, Ps5 is now set to the US style.
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I'm indifferent otherwise and even for this I've just lived with it in Kingdom Hearts for decades but games that were premised on X being cancel/jump and O being confirm/attack are fucking retarded when they're swapped, whether they split the actions or swap both together.
I've come to realize I can kind of get used to whatever is in a given game, that being said I think O is a better confirm button.
i push whatever the menu screen says confirm could be square or l2 for all i care
O to confirm is cancer but mgs broke me so I don't really mind either way anymore.
>However in Japan, Ps5 is now set to the US style
cuckan more like jej
get cucked out of anything high tech from the plaza accord, get cucked out of gaming and genes by blackrock

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>Are you winnin' against those Eldritch Horrors, son?
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I just think the cat's nifty
Bro got really triggered I wouldn't sell my loli to him
It's tough in the dungeon
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I hate when the enemies pull a 3-hit combo before they die and kill my characters
It's like if re:zero was a game.
what's the similarity? they're both isekai?

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