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1CC Mushihimesama Futari

Read the General problems FAQ before asking questions. If you still need help, post your specs (HWiNFO screenshot), OS, emulator version number and details of what's wrong.
Please contribute to the wiki if you discover any inaccuracies or have relevant information to append.



>Where do I get games
>What is the best emulator for...

Check out the wiki for the emulator you're using if you run into trouble, there may be a solution there too, often including recommendations for optimal game settings.

Previous thread: >>480572105
Pokemon HerzGold/SovlSilber
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So for psx games, 4:3 or 16:9?
>that completely broke it
mom cancel my meetings
aspct raito bad
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stretching 4:3 source to wider ratios is retarded, this is something only normies do
Is PCSX2 good for Ultimate Spiderman and Tenkaichi 3 now or is it still better to play them on Dolphin?
meme linux?
kek. I saw that earlier. you shouldn't touch dependencies without a very good reason, and you definitely shouldn't be introducing unmaintainable diffs like that. fucking retard
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ripped The Conduit 2 for Wii but could never get emulation speed at 100% until I set the emulated cpu clock cycle to 75%

Standard definition consoles deserved to be rendered in HD. Just look at those shadows.
this was meant to be displayed on a cathod ray tube, not the consoles problem that you have a digishit monitor
This is not a pixel game like Super Mario World, rendering it in 1440p is better than being stuck on my 4:3 CRT. Pure silliness.
>not a pixel game
yea its a fucking SCANLINE GAME you goober
And only pixel games from that era, or games like 007 Goldeneye that specifically used z-buffering for CRTs, benefit. It makes zero difference for a game like this, or Metroid Prime, or Twilight Princess, etc. all of which can also render in progressive scan on native hardware.

Getchya head in the game
>Just look at those shadows
That reminds me of that old meme
Must be an arch/nvidia issue since its working for me.
My shitty gamepad has a hardware turbo that does about 115 presses in 10 seconds (measuring with one of these clicker sites + qjoypad rebinding to mouse click) and it easily opened the valve in real time using two people (40 presses in those 7 secs according to gamefaqs discussion) but with any sort of slowdown, even 10x slowdown, via RA's Beetle PSX core it just didn't work.
The jegged.com FF8 guide says "You can try as hard as you would like to try and turn the wheel, but even with an auto-fire controller, this task is impossible with just Squall."
So either opening with just Squall is a myth or the game expects you to do something like frame perfect presses and not just mashing.
>something breaks on loonix
>user is using arch
wow i'm surprised
>noooooo but i must have the most recentest stuff right NOW, even though they're irrelevant to me and only add incompatibilities
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>NES games are ugly!
Games used to be good when they were restricted to 240 progressive or interlaced lines on any given console or handheld. Change my mind.

I'm new to emulation and YouTube isn't being very helpful

How do I enable vulkin in Xenia ?
You shouldn't want to, it should be way worse than DX12 right now.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
ai bot please, apply yourself next time.
It's an old meme you naive fool.
its a fool you naive meme
There's been a few no-intro threads recently. Lots of grumbling, but no discussion on my latest paper, "On decentralised amateur game preservation through the lens of Zoomer anti-capitalist politics". Sad.
too obviously fake. he neither creates PRs nor comments on PRs. he merges directly to master and merges PRs as soon as possible, without commenting.
where did these retards come from
There is nothing to see through that lens. Zoomers would prefer the drip feed of old games on NSO on poorly made emulators to getting their games through decentralized means.
Please choose a more applicable topic for your next paper, scholar.
bro is replying to chatgpt
That chatgpt made a good post. I want it to reply.
tiktok sent them
not bothered
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Anyway, what are (you) resulating? And is it good?
I'm still going through paper mario. Just finished twilight town. That chapter is shorter than I remember.
still resulating P3F, gota few more roms after that.
Wiki doesn't talk about this, so where does one find a torrent/magnet for complete console libraries? Are there truly complete collections at all? Or approximations with and RSS feed or some other form of updates?
With how the Internet Archive is fighting book publishers right now, I would like to start making sure games are preserved.
Have you tried looking on 4chan?
>so where does one find a torrent/magnet for complete console libraries
he probably doesn't know /t/ exists
If these are the people "making sure games are preserved" then we're fucked.
It's a fucking copypasta. What's wrong with emugen nowadays? Are people even over 18?
..isn't that post also pasta?
He was joking. I would also say "whats wrong with emugen" but that level of autism is just par for the course.
Best map for the Dualshock4 on Dolphin to play RE4?
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Does anyone know how I can set an analog stick's indivitual directions to be set to separate buttons on Duckstation? For example, I want the right stick horizontal axis to be an L2 + R2 setup for left and right, but when I set it like pic related it only makes it push the stick to the right (positive side)
>isn't that post also pasta?
These days? Unfortunately it is.
Just map exactly like the PS3/PS4 ports
Just started playing MGS4 on RPCS3 today. Never had a PS3. Were the sound effects in this game always this loud? Feels like explosions and gunfire are way louder than other things.
Will gpucode ever come back to working on Citra? It's completely dead without him.
let me check
Nope, pablo scared him off. He's working on shadPS4 now.
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At least that emu seems to be making rapid progress.
Bloodborne on PC in 5 years?
What happened there?
>not written in a meme language
>made by people who actually know what they're doing
>not linux only
First PS4 emulator that might actually go somewhere. Just needs a less retarded name.
Guy who was maintaining one fork of Citra accused another fork of stealing code, even though they are both GPLv2.
Does the license require you to give credit or something?
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Huh. Well I guess it is kind of an ass thing to do. I mean if you're capable of working on a ps4 emulator I don't see why you would just use someone elses code. But whatever, I don't really care.
It was another completely different team full of meme lords and their fork is already dead. Pablo was working with GPUcode on his own fork. That's all supposition btw, they never spoke out about anything, dude just changed his name and went to another project.
What worthwhile exclusives the PS4 even have?
Killzone Shadow Fall
Shadow of the Colossus remake
Gravity Rush 1/2
The Last Guardian
Knack 1/2
Driveclub mandatory online
Gran Turismo Sport mandatory online
Infamous First Light on PS5
Infamous Second Son
The Order: 1886
Ratchet & Clank
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection
Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise

Not even 20 games
nope, just bloodborne
PS5 killed emulation. Emulation will die within our lifetimes.
Any good sites for PS3 shit now that Vimm got rid of stuff like all the 7th gen Dragon ball games? NoPaystation doesnt have most of them either like raging blast and its pissing me off trying to find shit specifically in the folder format
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Since a PS4 uses x86-64 architecture, same as most PCs, does it really count as emulation?
Wouldn't it be more like a compatibility layer like Wine?
Yeah I think some emulators were using hypervisors to see if they could get ps4 code running.
What game?
Looks like goemon
>PS5 killed emulation
No, it was ME! And it took 20 years, but I've finally defeated emulation.
I knew I recognized the girl but couldn't figure out where from.
I played the n64 goemon as a kid, so that explains it.
Go for it! Goemon 3 - The Mecha Leg Hold of Jurokube Shishi
Just because you're not emulating a CPU doesn't mean you're not emulating other things.
>Wouldn't it be more like a compatibility layer like Wine?
That's an emulator too, just a high level one, the backronym was a bluff.
more like futanari
Was like half-way+ into this, got lost for a minute, and ADD'd out. Many such cases, sad.
GR seems kinda neat, but the rest outside of Bloodborne all seem pretty wanky. Just not having a borderline arcade PCB around for 2-5 games tops and I'm not playing a Souls game at 30fps again lol. It'll be a dust collector, like every console I've owned. At this point I've just realized I'd rather fuck with an emulator and jank than change TV inputs and controls for this stupid walled garden machine. Configuring stuff and looking up workarounds for jank is also unironically more fun.
nuTTYD @ 4K and 60 hacks in Ryujinx, SMTVV with the same in Yuzu because the shader stutter is unfuckingreal in Ryu. Various Picross games on many systems.
I cannot wait for the troon trend to age like Guitar Hero and people just silently don't bring it up again/detrans/uninstall Minecraft. The fucking drama this caused.
Eh, aren't there like 2-3 already that can run Sonic Mania and such? I think one of them actually jankily runs Persona and a handful more than actual use the GPU. Call me when a 3D commercial title is playable.
*that actually use
My brain sucks
Yes I used the turbo function in duckstation and it cleared it. I've seen a few speedrunners do it but I believe they were on emulator. I didnt try turbo with slowdown though, thats interesting.
It's definitely not 40 presses, its 100. FF8 has a ton of misinformation out there about what is and isnt possible and thats one example; it is possible in the sense that it is coded to pass with 100 presses in 7 seconds, but how possible that is for any human is debatable.
Naturally, since the only people I've seen do it were European speedrunners on emulators (countries that use 50hz), and the game was made in Tokyo (which is in the Eastern part of Japan that uses 50hz as well), I surmised it must be easier to get those presses in with the slightly longer time. I dont think all of them were outright cheating
This particular game was just meant for better hardware but was doing its best at 480p. It looked and ran like a dog on the Wii, like most non-Nintendo 3D games. Don't act like the original resolution and tube would save it from how muddy-ass it is and the framerate.

This guy and the discord chat shown in his video seem to suggest a similar point of consistent rhythm being important than just overall speed as well
I tried turbo on slower emulation speed and it worked.

I can now do it on my own at up to 70% speed (21fps). Which is odd since the other day I put it at 10% speed and went crazy and it failed.
now ive done it at 24fps, which theorhetically is basically what the game runs at in 50hz (technically 25fps).
i dont know if my building twitch muscles in my fingers or what
>knew the solution
>couldn't be arsed to post it
It's like he lives to annoy others.
>uses mesa with a Nvidia gpu
retard number 1
>meme linux
retard number 2
>aur maintainer is incompetent
retard number 22

now I am switching to the camp where it's acceptable that stenzek should be in fact harassed
Please direct all complaints to 51 Woodland Dr, Bristol, VT and stop harassing me.
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we are fine then
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In Silent Hill 1 there's a secret where if you plug the justifier into the second controller port you unlock it as a weapon. Unfortunately in Duckstation while it does unlock, there's no way to control it and this stupid shit is on the screen with no way to remove it. What a waste of time.
I can equip it but can't use it.
Just get the ufo ending
I friggin love emulation
I just played Pokemon Yellow on my phone!
babbies first foray into resulation
Would you emulate a loved one?
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this game bang!aiO
Man should i play ff7 on retroarch or 7th heaven? I can't stand not having speed hacks or save states but 7th heaven mods are so good with graphics and QoL mods.

First playthrough
I only like emulation when it relates to videogames.
The recent trend of essentially emulating other stuff which sometimes involves unhealthy coping, enabling retards or scumbaggery, or actively mass stealing from others, profoundly disturbs me.
well if you're gonna be a save stating cheater I would urge you to go 7th heaven honestly
You don't even want to abuse save states in a jrpg, don't be one of the many retards who abuse save states, never use the intended saving system, get soft locked in an impossible boss, and end up having to replay the entire game because they couldn't even bother using multiple slots.
Never in my entire resulation career have I ever used savestates. Not even once. You either use the in-game saves just the way god and devs intended or dont resulate at all. Shrimple as.
well I just use them for convenience but you guys are right. I'll stick to 7th heaven. Looks gorgeous anyway. Hopefully I can finish this playthrough. Probably restarted this game a million times and lost saves.
I sometimes use them to learn the harder type of arcade games like shmups faster.
Yeah it can be convenient but depending on the game they can diminish or can completely ruin the intended experience
FF7R with nude mods or gtfo
You made me check and wow there's 60fps battles now, that didn't exist when I last played it
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the AI upscaling is so bad in this though. Here's the train going through the tunnel.
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makes everything look blurry. Probably going to turn this off as soon as I get to a SAVE POINT. I'd hate to dishonour the artists that made these beautiful sets desu
Oh yeah I'd avoid all the slop.
Growing up with Oblivion taught me to quicksave every few seconds, and I do the same thing with savestates. Even if it is to my own detriment (e.g quicksaving as I'm dying).
Someone is hard at work
lol https://github.com/libretro/RetroArch/commit/f574a3a68e685a8f54b1052029bee308412f5fca
>revert cleanups x999
The 40 presses was meant for the condition to clear it with 2 characters. I just tried it again with slow motion rate set to 3x and pressing it as regularly as I can myself and I managed to clear it with just Squall.
>ryujinx no longer compiles cache in SMTVV at the speed of AIDS
>modders have implemented 60fps, shadow uprez, no-DOF, and increased LOD
so based
Nah. I'm way too ADHD and use them as mobile-style bookmark saves. I'm not gonna sit around and wait for the game to tell me when it's safe to quit. I typically don't save to cheat, as if it matters what I do in an electronic toy anyway.
>as intended
lol, sometimes they just cheaped out on buying a battery. Who gives a fuck anyway? Most devs are hacks so I'm hacking the game to make it fun.
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240p is just not enough data for an HD upscale. It's best just to embrace the low resolution and use downsampling instead so everything's nice and antialiased, with a CRT scaler on top. I wonder if the 'shiteater' anon is still around. He'd always say that when I recommend that.
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Does Mednafen still not support .chd?
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I need to start making gifs. I know people are gonna say the shader or downsampling looks like shit or whatever, but here's the raw image with no enhancements. Make your own assessment. You can only do so much with a 240p image, but I think antialiasing and filtering is the best way to handle it.

I need vulkin to play rumble roses and lollipop
It does on my Retroarch
>mentally ill
Makes sense.
No. That's why I use Retroarch for Saturn emulation, because it's the only Saturn Emulator that support .chd.
based and cultured
Just open xenia-canary.config.toml and change
>gpu = "any"
>gpu = "vulkan"
>bookmarks are mentally ill
lock me up in the loony bin and throw away the key you dumb fucks
schizokek being an insufferable piece of shit, take 102847652, action!
why do you wish to use child format you want to tell us something, anon?
>farthuffs about not using le cheating and bad savestates
>doesn't think about how they can be used to debug/recreate conditions and are necessary on unstable emulators (or games that were unstable to begin with)

Thank you very much
https://github.com/PCSX2/pcsx2/pull/11408 what a piece of garbage (read his PR description)
Based brainfried zoomer
True but I also dont like wayland.
I, on the other hand, wish to emulate EVERYTHING. I can't help it, I just love emulation too much. I wish to kill my body and emulate my mind. But it won't be enough. I'll need to kill everyone else, and emulate each one of them. Even then, not enough. I'll obliterate Earth itself, just to recreate it in an 1:1 emulation. Soon, it'll bore me again. I hope the universe is big enough to satiate my emulation hunger.
Why are you downsampling if your 3D chars are low res anyway?
Downsample from a hires source is better.
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Rogue Squadron II (GameCube 2001)
1440p with 16:9 hack and per pixel lighting

Why did games from this generation and their details punch so far above their original resolution? It's rather amazing.
>dumb fucks
2 out of 10 anons in emugen are, no matter how much they parade as exquisite and refined high iq sexy nerds, the rest are schizos, no sweat it, you're finally home.
>schizokek an insufferable piece of shit
Because if you stick your nose up every walls in a game the texture res/poly count will be obvious anyway regardless of the output screen rez. Actually there's many GC/Xbox/dreamcast games with better texture details than PS360 games who had more vram for textures yet not enough to maintain high texture details but with normal map/specular on top
Have you ever marathoned a console's library? I've beaten 28 NES games the last three weeks, my goal was to play everything on the console I'm interested in, and now I have 48/56 games finished, but I am feeling so burnt out lol. NES games are so similar to each other and most of them are pretty challenging. Adventure Island 1 makes Celeste look like a game for babies. I planned on doing it chronologically, starting with the Mster System and Game Boy next, but I feel like this marathon thing was a mistake even if it feels satisfying to have "completed" a library
I'm really liking lollipop chainsaw and rumble roses xx

What other cultured games does Xbox 360 have ?
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>uninstall Kega Fusion and my entire Genesis ROM SET
>download pic related and use PPSSPP
>every Genesis game worth playing is in one (ONE) iso
Am I a genius or am I a genuis?
What's the recommended thing to do with psx games now? cdi?
>Wayland being pain in the arse
Let me guess, he's a nvidia user who is on gnome?
I guess he and the gnome devs come from the same family of assholes of knowing what's best for the user.
>I am feeling so burnt out
Then you're doing something wrong. Games are for having fun and reinvigorating you. Perhaps you're playing too much, forcing yourself. It's not supposed to be an obligation.
lime the great emu war?
is suyu good on the pixel 8?

Bruh Xbox 360 is sooo kino

How did they end up the way they are now ?

I'm absolutely getting all the /v/ games tyty
nah it was pretty mediocre and once the kinect dropped it went to absolute shit
I think the performance didn't get truly fixed yet but Orta on Xemu is running ok for me.
and I hate how this genre just fucking died so long ago.. this is great the second you start playing

Lollipop chainsaw and rumble roses

Have been some the most fun I've ever had on PC

Nah this stuff is banger bro
Yeah the kinect was bullshit and the beginning of the end for Xbox but the 360 really was a good console overall and Snoy had to get humble and make more games to compete.
So emulation is basically officially illegal in the USA? Judge ruled that emulators infringe Nintendo's copyright.
also nobody cares
>also nobody cares
So what's stopping them from suing and banning every single Nintendo console emulator? Nothing afaik.
its not good on any device unless is a TOTL snapdragoon then you can use custom drivers to get extra performance
it's not illegal if you dump your own games. that emulator is illegal because it's using keys generated by nintendo hardware to make the games function, and the circumvention in hardware to get the keys is breaking copyright, so yuzu is fucked but everything else is still fine
no judge ruled shit. We're still in a grey zone basically. They surely know about Ryujinx, we know they know about Dolphin, but they can't do anything about it.
Lolipop is on ps3 as well and is coming to pc this year
Rumble roses is discount DoA

I'm gonna buy repop but I heard they changed the music

So I wanted to play the original

I like DOA and rumble roses
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why do you write

like this

maybe it's the

double digit


Ever considered


All 360 ever had was a bunch of dudebro slop no one even remembers anymore and Ninja Gaiden II. PS3 was shit too but at least it had some decent games, specially the Japanese imports.
Die in a drone attack please Ivan.
it had Project Diva F 2nd and thats all that matters
Nintendo is so based. Can't wait until emulation is a thing of the past.
I'm not russian, but they will all die in time, don't worry.

360 also had jap imports and varied games, not everything was gears of war
>jap imports
yeah ninja gaiden 2
>varied games
a bunch of brown shooters
I love emulation !!!!

What other hidden gems exist

Lollipop chainsaw, DoA extreme 2 and rumble roses xx have been amazing

You can't get these games on steam

Are there any other unique titles on other consoles i should emulate ?
you're mom
Is that Mudlord?
Is it still possible to find a Wii u emulator ?

I like the outfits in bayo 2
no, I deleted it
none of those are in-game screenshots of nes games

No pls bring it back

The wiiu is home to so many quality waifus
at the full 30fps a turbo set to press every 2 frames clears it. for the alleged requirement of 100 presses in 7 seconds, that checks out as the required speed would be 15 presses per second, so the turbo will get 105 presses in that 7 seconds. set to every 3 frames, thats only 70 and it fails. interestingly, the turbo set to press every 1 frame, thus 30 presses per second for a a total of 210 presses (1,800 bpm compared to the 600 bpm reported as being required by previously mentioned videos--which is wrong in calculating 100 presses in 10 seconds because there are only 7 valuable seconds, thus requiring 15 presses per second or 900 bpm).

clicking on a gaming mouse is clearly going to be easier to get high click/press per second/minute rates, but looking up online clicks per second tests, there appear to be recent world records in the 21-26 cps range, beating old recorded records of 14-15, and some of these videos or records have accusations of cheating.

i am getting quite suspicious of the people who did this challenge in ff8 with squall only. i highly doubt anyone legitimately did it at 30fps with a controller.
Hotler didn't exist in Egypt
Got here the first time with half her health bar left and still got the bad cutscene. Emulation bug or game bug, you decide.
As a guy who has almost played all the PS3/360 games I'll tell you how it was

>Early generation 7
XBOX had the best games in the whole world, notable for having console-exclusive shumups. PS3 had some odd titles but the library was mostly poor
>Late generation 7
PS3 gets an edge and MS abandons Japan heavily invested in Western titles. PS3 gets more cross-gen games although PS4 has definitely won the generation with notable titles like Persona 5 and GGXRD.

So XBOX had an early edge and that's why it's worth checking out the games it had at the end of the generation PS3 is the better option for both indies and bigger budget games. PS3 was also the Rail on Shooters console, unlike Xbox which was the shumup console.
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Which yuzu fork for SMTVV? Or does Ryujinx also works well?
If it was circle or triangle button you could probably do it by strumming the button with your thumb and index finger nails. I cleared button mashing challenges using that technique but you need enough room for it. The major problem with this valve shit seems to be getting just the right speed. If you do it too fast the game won't even recognize the changes in signal level and too slow you'll not achieve the required button presses in those 7 seconds.

I just settled for yuzu-0.1734. I tried all morning getting Ryujinx to run on my very specific Gentoo mumble mumble. The compiled Linux version from github would just crash when I tried to start a game or even tried to open the settings dialog, the Gentoo repo version would need a major system overhaul due to pulling in Poetteringware and the Windows version in wine only runs using the OpenGL renderer and would constantly spam disk writes.
In yuzu I get some white artifacts sometimes, meh.
yeah, the only recorded evidence of anyone doing it is speedrunners who have the obvious motivation to not play the game at a lower fps/hz/game speed, and i timed the game which is definitely full speed. looking through everything about the speedrun there are no rules against turbo and people seem to openly discuss using turbo in their discord speedrun or whatever. a couple of them are way too casual, not tensing or doing much of anything and just casually looking and talking at their chat while clearing it---i think these people have to have used turbo.

i have used so many different methods for extremely high speeds for controller, mouse, keyboard, etc and i know im fast enough, perhaps too fast. there is definitely a strict and narrow range of rate you have to go at consistently to get there; too fast and it drops inputs.

its possible, but im suspicious of most of the people seen doing it anyway given its not just speed
this nigga is getting filtered by button mashing
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Trying to emulate Panzer Dragoon Saga but the game refuses and I don't even know why.
Just finished PZ 1&2 with no major problems in retroarch with the beetle core, try Saga but the audio is completely fucked when I turn my character.
Tried changing the audio settings but nothing works.
Tried the Kronos core and the game doens't work at all, the emulator just freezes with a black screen.
Assume it's a bios problem, got them from here https://github.com/archtaurus/RetroPieBIOS the internet archive and of course the ones in the wiki I already used with the beetle core, but the game still doesn't work.
Try the Kronos emulator by itself instead of the retroarch core, the game still doesn't load at all.

The fucking hell, how hard can Saturn emulation be?
aight nigga frfr on god why dont you do record yourself doing it or shut the fuck up
Mednafen + Mednaffe = best multi-system emulator
Needs bloat deps
Lags and needs bios for some systems (GBA)
Works only on Mac
Are you using runahead or preemptive frames?
When using those I get audio crackling along with framedrops sometimes, but only sometimes. Some days it works perfectly. The usual Retroshart experience.
I'm gonna try the game with the same core now and see if it works for me.
I haven't had any lag on ares.
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>Are you using runahead or preemptive frames
lol, such a simple fix yeah, that seems to be the problem, I was completely ignorant it could be the case, my bad. Deactivated it and now it works in Kronos.
Thank you very much, pal.
I tried playing DQ1+2 on it's GBC system. It was shitty. Maybe SNES or NES emulations are fast but... I'm not going back to it.
If you're getting audio crackling with that, there's a chance your system can't handle runahead/preemptive for the affected core; or, at least, not with the desired amount of frames antecipated. You could also check for other processes running alongside RetroArch. If you're on Windows, it's a computational pandora box, so that would explain why it works intermittently.
Oh nice, and np m8
Yeah and I think it also depends on the renderer used as well
Been playing for several minutes and yes no more big problems.
Audio isn't 100% perfect all the time, and full throtle/ turbo speed doesn't seem to work on the Kronos module, which I'll probably miss it as this is a JRPG and thus a slow game, but whatever, can live without it and 1080p+ AA looks nice.
Although as the issue wasn't related to the bios or anything general, now I wonder why I couldn't make the Kronos standalone emulator to work either... informatics mysteries I guess.
so uh can i play gran turismo 5 and mgs4 with a 4 core cpu now?
Finally managed to get x3 framegen working with RA, running pal 32bit games at 75 fps instead of fucking 25 is so amazing.
Kronos is still very beta I think, you might be better off with beetle saturn, unless you really can't handle low resolutions
you can, but it will be very painful.
Actual hardware resolution perhaps is a matter of getting used to it. I play like I remember the games, with their original, 1x resolution. There's a friend I used to play with, he's almost my age, but grew up playing only a PS1. Everything else he discovered through those early plugin-based emulators, which, at the very least, upscaled the resolution to the double. So, when we got together to play, he used to complain a lot about the default graphics on my PC. After a couple of sessions, it just clicked with him and he didn't mind it at all.

I suggest you all to, at least, try the original resolution for a while (not just 15 minutes), maybe for a week. It'll save you lots of problems, incompatibilities, inconsistencies, and graphical glitches and artifacts. Plus, a few of the better emulators are original resolution only.
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already beat it back in the day, I was probably 10 or 12 lmao
git gud
What cpu did they use?
>i9-13900K but I configured it to only have 4 cores / 4 threads in the BIOS in order to have a better look at the performance differences.
>few of the better emulators are original resolution only
which one are themst?
Neat. Funny how much ahead PS3 emulation has gotten
for you
>yes look at the improvement we got on 4 core cpus
>the 4 core cpu
they didn't lie
just compare by percentage, it'll probably translate to any quad core
50%+ in Demon's Souls without lowering max SPURS threads is huge
>lowering max SPURS threads
Didn't check the commit but maybe that's what they doing now, but automatically?
Was it boosting to 6Ghz? Who knows!
Is that from the PR?
I'd say the 5th-gen ones, but I did some quick research and noticed some changes. For instance, there's a port of Mednafen PSX for RetroArch called Beetle PSX, which does enable higher resolutions, although at the expense of CPU (instead of GPU). For N64, there's now the ParaLLEl plugin which also enables higher resolutions. For Saturn, nothing changes; Mednafen Saturn is still the most accurate with no port enabling higher-resolution graphics.

That being said, even an accurate emulator might have trouble maintaining graphical accuracy at higher resolutions, since those systems were not made to behave like that. It will all boil down to luck, on a per-game basis, requiring per-game hacks if possible. Output might also vary depending on the user's machine. Style inconsistency and minor artifacts are almost a given.
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>Raptor Lake CPU @ 4GHz & set to 4 Cores and 4 Threads.
The tweet is from this post and this config is actually worse than a modern i3 (they boost to like 4.7GHz and are 4C/8T)
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You just need a proper shader (or a proper tv) so it looks like what it's supposed to look like. Raw 240p on 3D games especially on any modern screen just looks like shit. But I guess you can get used to literal shit, hardly the first time for vidya lol
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>motion clarity
now consider that modern games abuse TAA
everything is blurry as fuck nowadays
>ryujinx no longer compiles cache in SMTVV at the speed of AIDS
Who cares it's out on pc now
no thanks
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After playing 7th heaven version and then trying original FF7 on retroarch with a few shaders I've decided that I can't go back to original. The AI upscale and 60fps just looks to good. Original hurts my eyes now.
Ah so it's not actually just 4 cores huh it's 8 threads. Now it make sense. 8 threads of Intel's greatest and latest too. This speed gain may just be overhyped.
the ai slop angers me and looks terrible like this. But it could look way better with a crt shader set to 480p res
Is this legal
Even capped, it's better than more than 90% of the CPUs used inside everyone's PCs. Besides AVX, which is a feature of these chips
you getting that shit from the official place? it's the only way of not getting malware
so "optimizing" for already too op processors that even when capped run better than the average at full power, is a thing or not?
Yeah I'm getting those games from Steam
Steam changed the logo to the fitgirl face? smart of them...
I just finished Ridge Racer. Surprisingly a lot of fun, given how limited it is as a game. Unlocking the black car was a pain. I was using the 2nd one with max handling and if he passed me even once I had to restart - it was impossible to catch up even with perfect play after.
No, read >>482356297
The way he simulated it is actually worse than a i3, which has 8 threads and higher clock.
sup zoomer jeet
Nice man, yeah RR is pretty fun. I recently finished Type4 and RRV at 100% on Hard too and they're still amazing, possibly even unmatched today still.
Racing games used to be so kino back when they were actually challenging.
>implying /v/ even knows about ridge racer these days
RA not so behind...
>$60 + tax + DLC; uncracked denuvo
Yeah not doing that, fammy.
>6/10 one-n-done gimmick game getting a release a billion years later; so delayed it's been fully emulated for years along with most of its target platform
very timely and worthwhile release lol; who the fuck hasn't played it and moved on at this point?
Does 3 still run like absolute turds? I find myself trying it every year or so only to be disappointed. It's like they've given up on making one of the most demanding games playable, or they've just lost all the tranny talent necessary to do it.

I don't know why Dolphin gets this rep for being so complete and plug n play anyway. There are many games that test and break it.
Many zoomers who weren't conscious when those type of games were common.
I'm really glad that game got remastered/remade and I'll play it again once it's out for sure, assuming it's not snoysored
>>6/10 one-n-done gimmick game
and it was still better than No More Heroes 3 lol
That's solely about opinion, those things are personal. For example, I think your method looks "like shit"; but there's me and there's you, and nothing can be done about it. Thankfully, emulation is pretty customizable, so each person can go their own way... unless the emulator you're using has a unreasonable developer.
low bar
Honestly, I think the only Suda games worth playing are the ones that he collab'd with Mikami to make. The rest are arthouse wank or overly conscious of his 'brand' and coast on it.
If I like doa volleyball and rumble roses xx and lollipop chainsaw

What over games and consoles should I look into ?
way too many fanservice/ecchi games bro, just use google, this isn't really the thread for game recs, and shit even Steam has a fanservice/nudity tag so go check that

I don't want porn

Just waifus
>this isn't really the thread for game recs
That's right! We only emulate, we don't play games.
Criminal Girls: Invite Only and Criminal Girls 2: Party Favors for the ps vita, the English release is of the first one is mildly censored (they added more bubbles) but maybe someone made a patch.
Best one I've played is Huniepop, and the porn is optional, only the first btw, the second is wok shit.
Try Senran
(You)ing myself here; still crashes if you so much as look at it wrong with dual-core on, 40-50fps at worst with single core on a 5800X.
you havent the slightest clue what you are even talking about you brain damaged fucking retard
no u
Let me guess you looked more into it and realized your an idiot with a bigger mouth than brain and now are resorting to memes to save face. Stop posting
just git gud bro, it's a game for kids
Cool, tested with an old GoW3 save on a 3600, was getting 47-48fps on this scene before update and 51fps after
And I was right, it was Gnome's fault.
That's what you get Stenzyboi for using a meme DE.
where tf do you get ps2 bios and how to dump them in pcsx2? i tried not being a beggar and doing it myself but the bios i downloaded from gametechwiki won't work
they work fine.
nevermind i got it working, and no i'm pretty sure they didn't work. had to get them from another site
>and no i'm pretty sure they didn't work.
Trans rights now
Kill trans right now
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In Silent Hill 1 there's a secret where if you plug the justifier into the second controller port you unlock it as a weapon. Unfortunately in Duckstation while it does unlock, there's no way to control it and this stupid shit is on the screen with no way to remove it. What a waste of time.
stop harassing me
I wonder if the RA devs made the turbo button setup annoying on purpose. It is cheating, technically.. but fuck me if it isn't useful sometimes
>What a waste of time.
working as intended, it's drm to ensure you are not pirating
>I wonder if the RA devs made RA annoying on purpose.
>Find old Super Famicom with Everdrive sitting in my storage
>Feel the urge to give actual consoles another go
>Remember that I now need to hunt for scalers, the missing cables and so on just to play
>Launch my Launchbox and go play some SNES games
Emulation is king.
>looks at retroarch deps/
>most haven't been updated in several years
>see mbedtls
>see a bunch of danny changes
>chuckles that's not good for security
>see that mbedtls hasn't been updated since it was first commited 7 years ago
>oh fuck
can someone fork or create a viable alternative already?
The "entire" Genesis ROM set is like 2 GB dude.
>inaccurately emulating on another weak system through HLE emulation
ignoring how actually terrible that is, I wonder what the input delay is
lol, been there. It's rather arcane in both MAME and RA. I wish you could just toggle any input to be turbo instead of being forced to create a new bind for a turbo version of it.
explain for non geeks
You have to get to the cafe and pick up the knife. That unlocked the hyper blaster for me. Of note, the game (even on original hardware) does not support the light cursor or aiming through the gun itself, the only input it takes from the Justifier is back to aim and trigger to shoot which autoaims in front of James.
At this point Stenzek's detractors are wrong so often than I can't help but think he's based.
That pack of lies aside I notice you didn't address my problem of the reticle being on screen with no way to hide it.
I tried your bullshit excuse about changing the controls and it didn't work what a surprise. The unlocked justifier easter egg in Silent Hill is broken in duckstation.
I just got a controller with a turbo function. Better than having to rely on software. Although some cores do get it right, like FCEUmm, Beetle PCE and mGBA.
There I manually fixed the controls and set crosshair to 0%. I've fixed your emulator for you now pay me.
lmao Stenzek is fucking dead, dumdum! theres an impostor in his place. He knows how to code but only that. fucker needs to have the decency to reveal his true face and stop riding on a deads man legacy
it's a tls/ssl library and contains support for a bunch of cryptographic algorithms. it all depends on what retroarch uses it for, but it is never a good idea to let such a library become so outdated.
stenzek made the best ps1 emulator
the russian schizo never did anything in his worthless life
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This new texture pack for The Last Story on Wii/Dolphin is nuts. Some places don't change much but other areas are night and day difference.
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potentially illegal, please stop any discussion.
Modding a game you own and ripped is legal.
the source of the textures may not be.
cease any activity in this direction, the authorities have been notified, remain calm and follow their orders.
Have a nice day.
Is the game good? That looks nice and not sloppy at all
the "texture packs are illegal" thing is a meme around here, in case you didn't know.
I would've hated the game in 2012 when it came out and I'm not far enough in yet to say. So far I am enjoying it more than Ghost of Tsushima PC but I might just be entering my old man phase.
>the "texture packs are illegal" thing is a meme around here,
lurk moar
>Download unavailable at the request of the Entertainment Software Association
in fact all the post ITT are mine
Vimm is dead to me. The last 4-5 times I went there I couldn't download the game I wanted. Even removed it from my bookmarks.
Why does Duckstation runahead not work??
If idiots insist to run that shitty shovelware, one should always do it in a networkless environment.
It has enough vulnerabilities, in large part thanks to Danny breaking shit up, to put Microsoft to shame.
At this point it's just open source malware, just look up his latest commits, as pointed by one of the posts here. Normie faggots though: ReTrOaRcH Is tHe bEsT FoR FiFtH GeN AnD BeLoW
They also push nightly cores to the built-in downloader. Any compromised core repository (third party or not) will almost immediately start shipping malware cores to their users, kek.
Post the entire argument pictures folder
Response, emusisters?
shove a sharpie in your ass if you want attention
Works on swanstation :^)
Could you detail or achieve a relevant attack on a PC just because the user has RetroArch installed? You just seem like a mad autist. Byuu also had a seething crusade against ZSNES, even elaborating a video of a exploit example, and nothing came out of it. People still use ZSNES to this day and everything's fine, after more than 15 years since its last release. Stop getting mad at a piece of software, just because people don't have the same taste as you.
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Whats the difference between the XIII beta and regular? (ps2)
So your argument is people are retarded? Nice argument there, faggot.
How about this one? >>482515715
so xbox emulation is good now?
not really.
No, my argument is that you're pointlessly seething at a piece of software. Whatever your taste is, you're not special or smarter than anyone else. Stay mad at freedom of choice, kid.

Is there an attack or not? It's all conjecture and nothing done. Theory without practice is irrelevant.
Nobody likes you, Danny.
I am pretty sure it's time for your pills and more cleanups.
I wanna know man, why does fbneo and mames cave roms post igs require you to memorize such specific blitter and refresh rates just to play a specific character the proper way can't the roms people dump just have all that in them
>Is there an attack or not? It's all conjecture and nothing done. Theory without practice is irrelevant.
kek intensifies
Or everytime libretro.com/retroarch.com got defaced, with the last time being in 2023: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loBtXdBmFBI
The project is a meme for retards
because resulation is too powerful and the roms have no way to know or care about emulators and their cpu settings?
Slowdowns are for pussies and trannies anyway. I play my shmup with 500% cpu so I get perfect 60FPS
So when playing multiplats of that generation, if theres no info available which version should I assume is best? Because I thought xbox was the most powerful would that mean gamecube is the best choice if the xbox version isn't compatible?
it just depends on each games. Just google the differences and you'll see ppl talking about it, and if some games are just better on Xbox use this to check if Xemu runs it well
Even playable games can be cpu and gpu intensive so keep that in mind. At least Xemu is pretty good for games that do work. Xemu itself is sort of hard to set up though, and some black magic is needed to switch the virtual console to a 16:9 output for the compatible games. Check the xemu entry in the wiki for more info
That's fucking bullshit though resulation is to powerful puhleeease
maybe the real resulations were the friends we made along the way
>The project is a meme for retards
I'm all for starting a better one (or forking RA and unfucking it).

Who's with me?
Because autism
but for a real answer if you want actually accurate game speed you should emulate the console versions, I think they have the correct speed without doing this fucky shit
or the pc versions if they exist
Outside of steam they're so fucking overpriced then again so Is the 360 itself as soon as you click on the new tab
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Don't lie, anon.
>lying on the internet
I wouldn't dare
The option isn't here for swan, it's in quick > core options > advanced settings
The problem was on LibRetro's servers, not on any personal computer, as you suggested. Stop deflecting the question. Again, where's the user complaining his PC got affected? Any damage caused to the end user? Can you replicate an attack that can harm the consumer? As of now, you're just crying wolf.
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*hides post*
This is fucked LOL. The water is meant to act like water instead the whole texture is like jumping up and down.
Danny, ever considered running for public office? You seem like the type.
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I don't know I'm retarded or it's retroarch. Does anyone got Sufami Turbo to run on Retroarch?
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Fixed it, seems like the BIOS files were fucked somehow.
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Can any Deck bros recommend a good PDF software for reading pirated books? I'd like to get some more use out of it.
Why would you read books on a steam deck? Also I guess calibre if you can install it.
Because I'm taking a break from gaming at the moment and I don't want to let my purchase go to waste.
Does duckstation have the ability for you to make separate lists/categories and group games together? I've been looking around but can't find anything.
What're you guys emulating tonight?
>i don't care about potential vulnerabilities until they're documented or exploited
>i don't care if they were exploited since there were no reports of users being infected, just the whole fucking server that serves the users
kek dannny boy
What's this weird grid pattern shit over everything? The game is not meant to look like this. I've got every setting default and it looks like upscaling garbage anyway.
And these cutscenes don't look right either. They're not this low resolution on a real PS2. What a fucking mess.
you play every goddamn shovelwares at native res and you've never noticed the ps2 dithering until now?
Alright so PCSX2 is fucking up the dithering how do I turn it off. I know what this game is meant to look like.
>I know what this game is meant to look like.
you know how it look on a PS2 with an analog cable and a crt or bad lcd display with scaling blur.
And now the game's hard crashing every time I try and leave the janitor's office and closing the emulator. Exception 0xC0000005 at 0x00007FF7E9B0001B. Well that was fun. Go fuck yourself for trying to defend this indefensible pile of broken dogshit.
Dithering. You can't see it on a CRT. Pretty sure there's an option to remove it somewhere.
Nvidia is now the most valuable company in the world. How over is it for resulation?
alright i'm emupilled now. I have a few mini consoles, bought some ROM packs on Steam and played on original hardware until now. I gave ares a try for genesis games and the input lag difference between a mini console vs emulator + run-ahead was like night and day. Is this consistent across emulators vs every other platform? Do the switch virtual console games still have more input lag than an emulator without using run-ahead?

I already memorized hard sections of Thunderforce III so a 1cc should have been easier but it was a fucking breeze with emulation. Doing diagonal grabs in Ristar was so much easier without the mini console lag as well. I respect M2's work but nothing can make mini-consoles playable compared to the alternatives.
Run ahead will make a noticeable improvement anywhere its used. And yeah I think the switch games still have a decent amount of lag.
Nice choice of emulator btw.
Don't forget to load the iso, and enjoy resulation.
>Switch virtual console
those could barely even emulate the visuals properly, let alone doing anything special to mitigate the input lag
>Thunderforce III
If you're input lag sensitive I recommend wiring over usb and overclocking the polling rate a bit if you have a playstation controller
>I gave ares a try for genesis games and the input lag difference between a mini console vs emulator + run-ahead was like night and day. Is this consistent across emulators vs every other platform?
Yes. Any PC emulator will be better than these mini consoles, even at default settings.

>Do the switch virtual console games still have more input lag than an emulator without using run-ahead?
YES. Nintendo in-house emulators are garbage, running on low power hardware, which means even more lag to compensate for performance.
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yes, yes, no
Perhaps you need help.
Get to the diner and pick something up with the Justifier enabled in P2 and it works, as I pictured.
This dude confirms that it doesn't use light cursor aiming. Picrel for getting rid of the crosshair. You dumb schizo fuck.
refraction really did fix PCSX2's shitty post fx upscaling, finally. That was the emu's biggest problem by far
LTT just put out a big video going over emulation and hacking of Nintendo hardware. RIP. Nintendo goes after stuff when it starts getting a lot of publicity. Expect DMCA takedowns of all sorts of stuff.
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>RPCS3 got performance improvements
>PCSX2 finally fixing graphical bugs
what the fuck is happening
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It's really a lot better. About fucking time
A small tech youtuber with 16m subs.
ah, the linus faggot
How do I switch to controller mode on emudeck/rjujinx?
Shintendo will be defunct by 2026
>decktards in charge of using computers
>big video
That 13min one? Skipping through it looks like it's not really about emus. You're exaggerating anyway, nintendo doesn't look at youtube all day and suddenly remember to do something about "piracy" when someone is talking about it.
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and lmao they fucked up something setting up Dolphin and F-Zero/10. They sure are computer professionals.
let me guess, the fat tranny set it up
good, I hope Nintendo sues the crap out of that vacs mandating fuck.
>nintendo doesn't look at youtube all day
right, that's what ai bots are for
Nintendo's lawyers have repeatedly said they don't really go out searching for violations and mostly just rely on the media. If a big youtuber makes a video they'll act.
Should I download N64 roms in BigEndian or ByteSwapped?
Ok, but there's nothing new in the linus video. They already know dolphin exist, they know mister exist, and hardware mods don't concern us.
Whats it supposed to look like?
the textures aren't aligned properly, maybe they forced filtering too high
The wobbling happens on real hardware on some tracks though but it looks a bit wrong here.
They show Wii U USB Helper at 3:15 in the vid. If Nintendo notices that the vid will be taken down 100%.
This is HUGE. I can finally play Yakuza 1 and 2 upscaled
>That was the emu's biggest problem by far
I'd say float emulation is. I'm always hesitant to emulate anything from the PS2 because who knows what subtle differences it introduces from real hardware.
their clamping method seems good enough for the vast majority of games. Autists would have noticed by now if some game's gameplay just doesn't behave the way it's meant to behave in a noticeable extent.
They have, anon... and there's nothing they can do.
name some
GT4 license tests
Driv3r AI and replays
FFX lift

That's just what I can remember off the top of my head. You might be able to find some by searching FPU or float on the issue tracker.
Never played ffx but I want to someday. What do you mean by lift?
GT4 got fixed and licenses work correctly
><boardsofcanada.> it's an old buggy core rn
><boardsofcanada.> that also hangs on content close
><boardsofcanada.> the new core obviously is a ton better
><boardsofcanada.> that doesn't have those issues
><boardsofcanada.> the reason the previous core was so buggy
><boardsofcanada.> is because PCSX2 was in a bad spot at the time
><boardsofcanada.> it relied on wxwidgets
><boardsofcanada.> and it had many threading issues
><boardsofcanada.> now wxwidgets has been mostly removed
><boardsofcanada.> the emulator underwent many architectural changes, many for the better

What to do if you are armchair philosopher coder and have broken pcsx2 core? Wait for stenzek to fix it upstream! Useless parasite.
tbf, those ports aren't easy to do or maintain when upstream is making radical changes a few times a year. It would be better to wait until 2.0 to do another port. I'm not sure why Danny cares though since he doesn't actually do any of the porting or maintenance.
Will they ever add software rendering to the pcsx2 core?
Some games are broken or just can't run without it
It would be a lot easier to maintain and rebase if danny boy didn't go "refactoring" shit for no good reason. Once Danny touches a project, it's almost impossible to keep it up with upstream, unless you start from scratch every time.
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Calibration's fucked on the justifier even after I manually set it in the game options. Bravo duckstation.
skill issue
What does [!] usually mean in romsets?
The old Daniel De Matteis school of emulating where you just shit out broken code without testing it and call everyone who points out that it doesn't work childish insults.
skill issue
With the devs yes.
good dump
Wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo pays these cocksuckers.
lol, they've survived far shittier eras for themselves than this
Sweet, all that tech results in a PS1 demake
I'd bet my life, my very soul even, that you're doing it wrong.
>archive.org so slow and shitty now than grabbing CHDs isn't even worth it off there; I can have them downloaded elsewhere and manually converted faster
sheesh I may not even care when the jews get it anymore
By all means explain how. Because I'd much rather be playing the game than talking to your worthless scumbag ass.
Dunno but just worked for me. Are you using wide hacks or any other wacky shit that could break it?
I want to play a game in LAN mode online on switch. I'm guessing the prods key is the equivalent of bios for Ryujinx and ill need to dump them myself? *wink wink*
also I used the wiki to find switch games and was met with ncl files and nsp files. Which one do the emulators use?
sorry I meant xcl files
Maybe globocorpohomo has the right idea containing us here. Maybe most of 4chan is in fact retarded and doesn't deserve expression in most venues.
Good more name calling. The aiming is still wrong.
Would you bet your life that it doesn't work? Would you bet your ability to ever post again? Are you sure it's not some setting you goofed or need to reset? Would you let me punch you square in the face if I showed it working in person?
Yes because your pathetic noodle armed punches aren't going to do shit to me. Explain to me what I'm supposedly doing wrong. Because the guncon has the same problem in fuckstation where it shoots up and to the right of the reticle. This is a years old regression.

And people told you have to fix it in this thread years ago and yet you keep crying about it
We're done. It's broken and you've wasted my time.
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Ehh that was easy as fuck.
>replying to the schizo
Oh, haha I was just about gonna tell you to put it your faggy little blog but I thought this was too stupid even for you, cigs. Fuck me, you really are dumb. I can't imagine struggling this much with end-user entertainment software.
Weren't you going to prove me wrong and show it working?
Any way to get real joycons to actually work on Ryujinx? I just wanna play some Mario Party the way it was intended, but either (not)-yuzus have a lightining glitches or Ryijinx is a bitch to set up with real joy cons.
Follow up on this. I got the game and my Pro Controller to work without issue. Is there a way to make the game 60 fps within the emulator or do all games need mods like the ones I've been seeing online?
Nevermind I got it working again. Damn I'm good
Yeah it's absolutely a problem with the emulator because I go into the game's calibration setting, put the crosshair dead center on the target and fire and sometimes it hits the right spot and others it just randomly fires up and to the right or other random places. What a worthless broken down pile of shit.
Why doesn't the retroachievements faq actually say anything about how to add them to games?
I'll also remind people that PCSX2 had the same problem because the same dogshit code was just copy pasted over. Except they fixed it in that emulator.
here's the faq:
>Step 1: KYS
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It's in the dev's doc instead
yeah I did it once, their controller settings is just confusing
But how did you do it?
Ares go an update.
It's easier if you just say what's the problem you are having. It's usually just a matter of rotating the sticks and binding the keys right, like if you hold the right joycon in horizontal, A becomes B, B becomes Y and so on.
Just put on a dress and fuck Stenzek already, freak. Creager tier obsessed.
hows the bussy like
average /emugen/ poster
oldfag even
For me it's 1G1R
I do rotate the sticks and it works for player 1, but for player 2 it doesn't no matter I rotate (or don't) or flip the axis, the second joycon just doesn't work properly. Sounds like bitching, but I was expecting something like on Yuzu where "it just works"
>the second joycon just doesn't work properly
define not working properly
While I can map the facebuttons to pretend they are in horizontal mode, the stick remains as "Vertical" and so do the motion controls, so it is most jarring.
Well, the clockwise option should work, at least it did in the past. But yeah, the input settings are a mess, shit should just work like in yuzu. If it's still broken for you, please open an issue, because I think they never bothered updating their input screen because no one ever complains on github.
Shit should indeed just work like Yuzu, but yuzu has a most awful graphical glitch so I don't want to use it for this game.

And so does Ryujinx, but at least on OpenGL it does work, while it crashes on Vulkan.

Anyhow, I found a "fix", I just made player 2 "use" a Left Joycon, mapped to the real Right joycon, then magically rotating 90 degrees starts to work.

Whatever, maybe one day shit will just work.
How's primehack these days? It's really about time I played these games. I already have the remaster on ryujinx
Duckstation doesn't seem to be creating a savestate when I close the game, so everytime I start it the game does a full boot. Selecting File -> Resume opens a savestate of a game I finished playing quite some time ago instead of the one I last played.
Anyone knows what's wrong?
>the game
ah yeah, that one.
i focken love that game man shut yo bich ahh up
you also lost the game
Take care if yourself.
What is this new schizo posting?
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Have they fully unfucked this yet, or is there a combination of options to get there?
At one point it was almost unfucked, but now it's fucked again.
What point was that?
Not sure, maybe a xenia build from a year or so ago. Used to run native res mostly fine but had a crash in some levels. Now recently the crash can be fixed with a special patch, but with or without patches the game now lose it's audio after 1-10 min of gameplay.
Shit suck I really wanted to get through this game at least once before just using the NGS2Black mod.
Where are your savestates located? I think old versions of Duckstation saved in the emulator's install folder itself, while newer versions save in Documents/Duckstation by default. Check your folders/settings.
just farted
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resulation indeed
For the cherry on top of the diarrhea cake that is Crypt Killers running in Duckstation, the gargoyle sprites at the beginning has the same problem as the boxes in Crash Bandicoot where upscaling makes the sprite tear. You can see it around the shoulder area. So we've got broken aiming and broken upscaling.
Use a tripcode.
Use a firearm
any resulation numbers from the Snapdragon X Elite?
If you want your game to look like what a real PS2 outputs, switch to software mode. I'm warning you though, some games, especially early ones can look really jaggy or blurry. It's just how the PS2 is, not an emulator thing, people complained about it even back then. Here's an article from 2000:

It's usually less of a problem in later games but still noticeable when compared to other 6th gen consoles
I'm already running it in software mode. I played the game less than a year ago and it didn't have that broken dithering pattern shit all over it.
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Some PS2 games just use dithering to reduce color banding. If you didn't see this effect before you were probably running in hardware mode (which lets you completely disable dithering if you want to, pic related)
As far as I know you can't disable dithering in software mode
Thanks for the help. It's a moot point though because the game crashes as soon as you get the shotgun and leave the security room. It used to crash in the archive room but now it's doing it even earlier.
I'd try different hardware renderers but yeah, other than that I'm sure about what you should do
What's the benefit to force this new setting of forced 32bit dithering over just having it disabled?
32bit is dithering off but color depth forced to 32bit to avoid color banding (color banding is the reason why dithering is used in the first place)
Unlike just setting the dithering to off, you also won't get color banding but it might introduce some visual bugs depending on the game
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Now if you're emulating the game on a telephone, you will never in a b..trillion years experience the game. You'll think you have experienced it but you will be cheated. It's a such a sadness that you think you've played a game on your fucking telephone. Get real.
Thanks David.
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>You Didn't Beat The Gameâ„¢
bump da vida
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Swanstation uses its own internal run-ahead, which is in core options.
I don't think many will be able to answer this, but can I run deltaEmulator on iPad and can I use the Apple Pencil as a ds pencil?
does or can søyypad register the penisl input as a touch/mouse input? if yes then sure just try it.
good morning sir
Funny how so many, like 95% of PS2 games were field rendered running essentially 240p scaled up to 480i (with those early games like RRV being scaled very poorly too), no wonder so many games ran 60fps.
Meanwhile the DC had to render the full 480p for 95% of the games, because of the official vga support so nearly all DC games were running at the full high res if you asks from it through the vga box, even if typical TVs were asking for 480i anyway the console scaled down for it, so the difference in image quality was still visible (and it makes me wonder how the DC would have fared in terms of graphics if the devs forced fiend rendering in the same way)
DC games look like high poly PS1 so not surprising
That would mean the PS2 games are higher poly PS1 with jaguar textures
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Based retard
concession accepted
I'm accepting yours.
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didn't offer + not refunding
alright now you may kiss each other
No because he's still a retarded snoypony using one single very disingenuous exemple that just doesn't work 20 years later now that every old consoles are documented and every DC > PS2 multiplat sucks at best or just wouldn't run on the system at all if they tried.
not only coping but seething now
>no argument
of course
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imagine being that weird kid who got a DC
imagine still having to cope over 2 decades later
Emulation is boring, desu.
That is a good question, I need to check. Thanks
India is android exclusive anon
Emulate better games, then.
Resulation is amusing!
aahhh the wiki wars....the old emugen, lively with good old fashioned emuscene discussion and happenings, full of stalking, harassment, trolling and nudity, good times all around, not this current three cats at most talking to themselves erogen shooter gaming journal faggotry
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The emu scene is dead
I wanted to know the origin behind the rèsulation meme so I checked the archives wound up way back in 2021 which isnt even that old. Made it even funnier now that I know how it was born. Also yes, was astonished to see how emugen was back then, multiple anons discussing emulator status, random passersbys requesting specific advice, a bunch of shitposters with their fetisch art and borderline porn all at once. Compared to those times current emugen is way too laidback which I dont mind but goddamn it feels like I was a bit too late to follow this general.
emugen was already dead by then, only difference between 2021 and today is that there's absolutely nothing happening and no games being released, also no big profile trannies killing themselves so we can discuss emudrama
this place was a lot livelier a decade ago
>wiki wars
the fandom one epic
Does anyone know where I can find save files for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Darkness? Because the ones available on GameFAQs aren't compatible with melonDS.
maybe one day resulation will retvrn to its formar glory...
Thank you, Anon.
It's not recognizing the save files when I import them, what do I do?
did you rename the save?
Never mind, I figured it out. I had converted them from the wrong file type in that link you sent me earlier; they're Action Replay DS Max save files, not Action Replay DSi.
Sorry to flood the thread with my stupid posts, but they work now.
They are when they're displayed like that - with raw nearest neighbour scaling, at the wrong aspect ratio.
>I've beaten 28 NES games the last three weeks
How many without cheating/states? Zero i bet.
You're doing something wrong. I emulated it in 2008 from start to finish with zero issues.
It works perfectly in both SSF and Mednafen/Beetle.

It blows my mind people can't into saturn emulation when you just have to pick your ISO and hit start.
Native res is the only way to play 5th gen systems.
Blows my mind that an 8 thousand dollar OLED still has the same motion blur issues as an LCD from 20 years ago... unless you enable BFI and run everything at a locked 240FPS .... which causes countless other problems
its almost as if video was solved by some silly electron guns inside a tube several decades ago...
hahaha funny beam race very fast
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Hello /emu/gents.

What are the new Citra fork of choice?
Pablo? Lime? Something else?
What oled costs 8K?
But yeah agreed, it sucks, and I hate that nobody seems to care. Retards legit buy oled monitors for le epic instant response times that shills recommend, not realizing that it's meaningless without strobing.
I bought the C1 from Lg just because of the BFI options, it's not near as good as that crt picture, but it's good enough.
hows tv workin' as a pee see monitor so far?
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He's probably not using it as a PC monitor
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I think it says turn off dualcore.
Cute girl
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Good game
the LG tvs are doing great for PC yeah, I only use it as a monitor, but for content consumption only, I have a main normal monitor for all the boring shit like posting on this dumb thread or working.
Switch is the only good nintendo console.
SNES sucks, N64 was a joke, nobody cares about the GC and least said about the Wii and WiiU the better. All the dedicated handhelds were awful.
First time trying to emulate, any idea that's causing this? GPU?
do not trigger the nintrannies
Downsampling is better
fix yer drivers
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that's from the game
typical ps2 image "quality", that's from the game
also from the game
I grew up with the game. I've played it numerous times on real hardware. You're so full of shit it's coming out your ears.
>I grew up with the game
my condolence, there's better nostalgia glasses out there than growing up playing shovelware
I think PCSX2's fucking up the fog because here's it working correctly


and here's it fucking up in emulation

do not harass me
w*men really love horror shovelware huh?
still oof yeah that's bad.
frfr no cap
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just buy a tv
What are some GC/Wii exclusives to play that aren't bing wahoo slop?
Metroid Prime
funny you say that when all switch games worth playing are Wii U ports
>doesn't know what dithering is, never mind change the one fucking setting that removes it
>thinks anyone gives a shit about his "bug-reporting"
I finished both Obscure games on co-op with zero issues. PEBKAC
This does NOT resulate
I want to play N64 games in coop through the internet, how do I do that? (mario party)
very carefully
I believe you can play the N64 Mario Party games online through the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack. Just get all your friends to buy a Switch and subscribe to the online(+ expansion pack).
yes I'm a caveman
For me it's remote desktop over hamachi
easiest would probably be retroarch
>turn off dual core
>slows down to a halt
From what I've seen the core does not have netplay
I found this tho https://www.play64.com/netplay-plugin/
yeah, demanding cores don't support netplay because retroashart
they do if you set check frames to zero
doubt it, they literally say it doesn't work
'they' are retarded and just don't want people to use that feature because it will cause more people complaining
>linux experience
There's a cool updated port of Battle Garegga that's been stuck on PS4 only since 2016. It's the only reason I want an emulator personally.
>GC bad because bad sales
>Wii had best sales but just don't think about it
also your opinions on the snes and n64 are pretty irrelevant when either is old enough to be your father :^)
Irrelevant nogames systems for sure but the typical nintoddler are still acting retarded about them.
GC had a lot of great games though, if anything that's the underrated nintendo console
N64 though? holy fuck. Anyone thinking that pos was any good is just delusional, it really was a 3DO tier failure
having 64 for majoras mask alone was worth it doe
Yeah, and a few others games, they just deserved to run on a better designed console. At least Majora is no longer stuck at 20 fps today.
3DO didn't exist and Saturn was simply irrelevant. N64 might not have been great as PS1 but the first party titles are great. Mario, Zelda, Smash, MP, MK, F-Zero, Star Fox, Rare stuff, etc. If anything it's on the top 3 of Nintendo.
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Why the fuck does Redream only have 16:9 window sizes? Do they know the fucking console they made the emulator for runs most of its games at 4:3?
>closed source malware
Is it no longer kosher?
flycast is bettar
ok thank u saars
ur welcome
pakistan will burn
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By the way how the
do I reset a game so it'll boot up from the start
I own this game physically but I want to play it on something not my old ass ipod touch or 360.
What are my options for an authentic experience?
Ah, still the king for arcade titles is it. Alright, thanks.
What's the issue?
This is somewhat of a hidden gem.
>feature is broken
>just remove it
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which gpu would be best for rpcs3? i have a ryzen 5 5500
I'll never be free as long as I'm a black man in America.
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Anything works, even something like a 1060. A few high end games will ask for way more (3060 levels of power) but that CPU will bottleneck first
Both Mark of Kri and Rise of the Kasai have a flickering garbage line at the top of the screen during cutscenes at native res. Such beautiful games made by people that were obviously passionate and cared a lot. unfortunately sullied in emulation by talentless hacks that couldn't give two shits.
It makes it clear that the "s" is not part of the acronym and is there to make it plural
>sullied in emulation by talentless hacks that couldn't give two shits.
Many such cases. Especially recently..
Overscan issue maybe?
No that sort of things happens quite often in PAL version games with a wider aspect ratio but this is NTSC. I guess it's possible PCSX2 isn't cropping it properly.
Fuckin kek. Did he ever add it back in?
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I've been setting up dolphin again and is it just me and there's very little per-games setting options? It doesn't look like there enough here
>Hybrid ubershader
>compile shader before start
>still get stutters
Ok very cool dolphin.
Click the editor tab.
At native res, anything. Some games can get quite demanding when upscaling, but as anon said, even a 1060 will be enough for basically anything even at 4K
It's under graphics
Oh, exclusive Ubershaders are big improvement, it's like 99% perfect now, for just like 5% more gpu usage. I wonder why they even bother with any other options??
Still I wish it was also async for 100% smooth gameplay even if ubershader fails.
Now to try AutoHDR on dolphin

I wish it worked more like PCSX2 but thanks
It's hybrid, go full. Be aware it's pretty demanding.
That changes every games I think. It's not a big deal though.
Yeah I tried it and it's way better.
The graphics changes you make while playing is just for that game iirc
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Is this truly the emulation we were hoping for all those years ago, anon?
Real resulation has not been tried yet
Nope, as he dropped GlideN64 and stuck to Parallel64,and I quote from https://www.libretro.com/index.php/category/parallel-n64/ :
"Won’t be done – where HLE wins
Texture resolution packs – Again, no. [...]"
pretty damn happy with Dolphin, been years since I've last used it but it's all working well now even with all the latest memes.
HDR settings are lacking but it looks perfect on my tv, trying both vulkan and DX11 and there's seemingly no difference in features or emulation quality, which is great because I prefer DX11 to inject Reflex, though even without and even with framegen I feel no input lag, if anything I'm already playing GX better than I used to.
I'll play F-Zero some more and then try to get Metroid 2-3 running with Primehack

I'll keep that in mind, ty
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Technically not emulated but I found a collection of old Need for Speed games online. Taking a drive down memory lane today.
Is there a point in updating the firmware? I'm still using 15.0.1
Thanks, i can find one of those at 60-70$ in my country, so its a nice option
newer games require newer firmware
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I've done nothing wrong.
Oh hey yes even if a 1060 would be enough for rpcs3 you might want to go with a 2060 or 2060S instead just to be sure because at least with the 2060S you can access DLSS, which got ridiculously good and very helpful for normal PC gaming, since I can't imagine you're building a pc just for emulation.. right? also if you need hdmi 2.1 for whatever reason you'll need a 3000 series card.
Although even with hdmi 2.0 my old 1060 could output 4K120fps anyway rofl (with chroma subsampling, but that really wasn't visible). Yes I'm crazy and I legit used a 1060 to drive a 4K120hz oled tv at one pont and yes many emus could run near 4K just fine including many titles on RPCS3)
Honestly I just use Universal Pokemon Randomizer to make all trade evolutions possible by leveling
What's that? Rom hacking?
I mean yeah randomizers essentially are romhacks, a subcategory of romhacks basically
UPR is just so feature rich is has things that are useful even if you don't want to randomize the games at all
That's kinda cheating and ruins my experience though. I'm playing these games for the first time so I gotta keep it pure. I'm just simulating a trade here as if I had friends irl like in the good old days.
Well yeah that is the way GF intended and randomizers are made for veterans not someone playing for the first time
But in actuality being able to do trade evolutions any time actually makes the games easier than if they were just done via leveling
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I didn't even realize this game had titty jiggle physics until I buffed the resolution. I miss when games where made by people that weren't insane.
Also that painted on ass crack
There's a popular YouTuber who is trying to claim that downloading a romhack from the SEGA Genesis Classics Steam Workshop is illegal.
And you're listening to this claim because...?
I'm not, I just thought it was fucking stupid enough to talk about.
How many genders does he think he is?
yeah didn't want to name them because I figured they'd get hate for things unrelated to their false statement. guess I was right about that.
Stand back, anon. The emulation I'm about to do could turn this whole city into dust.
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I mean, if it's on the workshop for that specific game, you actually have to own the game to download it, right? Don't sound illegal at all unless you are Nintendo tier overprotective.
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Is there any flash player for vita like how there is for psp?
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How do I use cheat engine with memelonDS? It literally can't find anything. I've read it has to do with the wonky way memelonDS sets up its memory. I want to beat steamworld tower defense but one of the levels is literally impossible so I'm gonna have to cheat in some life. The built in cheat support doesn't work with DSiWares. Plus there's no cheat search functionality, anyways.
That was never fixed in Citra isn't it?
I also hate the misaligned upscaling of the bloom effect, it ruins the entire picture when dungeon crawling in the first area at least.
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>Plus there's no cheat search functionality, anyways.
Yeah, I thought that was some useless thing but it can search for cheats a little. Could use some more functionality like unknown initial values and "increased value"/"decreased value" type stuff.

I did find out how to enable that when inside the firmware. Just direct boot a DS game first and while it's running boot the firmware. The cheats subsystem will still think you're in a DS game and let you use it.
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>That was never fixed in Citra isn't it?

It did, the second clip is from the last version of Citra before the shutdown.

>finally start to fix years long bugs, like this and the River City games cut in half sprites.
>gets shutdown

We will never have perfect 3DS emulation aren't we...
The ram search is also very buggy. 50% of the time I press search the whole emulator crashes.
there's the pablo fork and lime3ds, it's not like even citra itself is all that dead let alone their codebase so work should pick back up, we're all gonna make it bros
as long as retarded normalfags don't aggro nintendo by bragging about how they can pirate a current gen console and rub their face in it with the leaked zelda dump
None of the forks are being actively developed with actual emulation improvements. gpucode was the last person doing that and he changed his name and stopped working on Citra.
dude is still doing UI and mobile shit, what an amazing fork
I just got an N64 Switch online controller for my N64 emulation on my steam deck, as I wanted to play the games like I used to. The problem is that the bindings are extremely weird on the N64 controller itself.

Can any anons tell me how to set this up for the Steam deck? I used Emudeck for the installation, but I'm not sure if this is something I need to set in steam input, emulation station, or retroarch.
they're still there for anyone to come back to, point is it's not like we're starting from scratch
all in due time
Sometimes when I'm doing muay thai and kicking the 100 kg bag and getting that beautiful cracking sound I imagine it's an emusperg's head. It comforts me to know that If I ever encountered one of those oxygen thieves I could kill them with very little effort.
Pablo is doing some weird shit isn't he?
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Asked this question in /vr/ and got suggested to ask this here: Is there no viable way to play SNES Mouse games on PC these days?

I was trying to play one of my favorite SNES games that uses the Mouse, but movement is extremely sensitive and fast. I tried several different emulators, changed mouse and tablet speed to the lowest I could, nothing could made gameplay bearable.
I looked for information online and most I could find is "just change mouse's DPI", but I already tried that, it doesnt work. SNES Mouse discussion is also very limited because those games are very niche and nobody cares about them enough to do anything about it.

Can somebody give me a hand here?
Which emulators have you tried?
enable mem_mapped probably
SNES9X, BSNES, ZSNES, Ares and Mesen S (this one didnt even register input even after mapping). The one that currently works for me the best is (ironically, ZSNES), and even that is still extremely sensitive. I find myself finishing the first level of Pieces with my hand hurting due to how much precision I have to put in.
>"just change mouse's DPI", but I already tried that, it doesnt work
how it doesn't work, because it should, unless the dpi isn't low enough
works on my machine
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Addendum, turns out Im stupid. Mouse settings dont apply in other apps (like emulators, go figure) unless they are applied on the mouse settings tab, hence I thought they didnt work, but I applied them and then they worked on Snes9x. I changed my tablet's speed settings too and I achieved a somewhat comfortable setup.

I also finished Pieces for the very first time! I loved that game as a kid, so it feels great to finally complete it!
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if this is what you're talking about, it sounds like it's a one-checkbox fix
Evil women
No. That option does nothing. Even disabling the JIT altogether doesn't help. Cheat Engine just can't see the emulated memory at all.
Also not the wording in your link
>builds with JIT recompiler enabled
You'd need to do a special build with it disabled and then maybe, if you're lucky, it will work.
thanks for helping with my reading comprehension
I tried with -DENABLE_JIT=OFF and it failed to build
https://github.com/melonDS-emu/melonDS/blob/db2077/src/frontend/qt_sdl/EmuInstance.cpp#L1113 needs revised to std::optional<JITArgs>
QT6 build, Win10+
Thanks, but I literally don't care anymore. If you see like 3 posts after my initial post I was able to trick the emulator into just letting me use the built-in cheat functionality.
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224p actually.
>SNES Mouse games
????? I didn't know that existed
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is Cemu good yet?
gonna guess no..
>is >=5th gen emulation good yet
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>Retroarch used to run flawlessly on my phone
>now most of my cores lag and sometimes crashes
What the fuck happened? I was thinking of switching to Lemuroid but that shit hasn't been updated for about a year.
>he fell for the retrotard meme
Tropical Freeze runs well, never tried anything else
I'm have trouble getting retroarch to recognize my controller. When I open it my controller seems to get registered as being in port 1 twice. Ive tried multiple controllers and its like that every time. They also just dont seem to pick it up at all in menus or in game. Right now im just trying to find a gb/gbc emulator that does not increase the pitch of the sound when speeding up. Anyone know a way to fix the controller thing or what to use?
Downgrade to the version of retroarch that worked good
Retroarch literally does not get better with updates, only update if they fixed a specific bug that is bothering you and you can't work around it
Trying to get my wiimotes to work nicely with my deck. There are a few places in the pipeline where it could be going wrong. Anybody have experience getting this to work with PC?
Inputs come through fine, and it even gets where I'm pointing on the screen but the pointer is very laggy and very sensitive. I've tested it with two wiimotes and the behavior is consistent. I've also tried disabling speaker data and it hasn't corrected the issue.
My IR bar is a wicked cheap one from amazon, rather than a dolphinbar or anything. But from my understanding you can replace these with all manner of things.
Which leads me to believe that it might be the bluetooth being problematic? Might I need a better bluetooth adapter than the deck's built-in one?
>he fell for the phone meme
Dis nigga neva heard of mario paint
>there are people itt who don't know about the ps1-mouse either
i know about ps2 mices, nnon
Just a quick question: any suggestion for MelonDS settings? Windows PC
>'mote on 'eck

JIT recompiler on along with all the other options on that tab. Use either software rendering or the compute shader. The OpenGL renderer does not support edge marking or wireframes, which a bunch of games use. If you use the compute shader turn off the on-screen display because it spams "compiling shader" message all the time for no reason.
Also note that neither the OpenGL or compute shader renderers can upscale games that use dual screen 3D. This is a limitation of memelonDS and you'll have to use DeSmuME if you want to play those games upscaled.
>troon can't achieve what some random dev could over a decade ago on phones weaker than some Pentium 4 + SiS integrated graphics
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I need some help with a RetroArch shader...

...so, I've always liked that trick to display both vertical and 4:3 videos in 16:9, where the black borders are replaced by dynamic borders that are essentially the content of the video with a zoom and blur, and RetroArch has that, which is called the bigblur.glslp shader... but I'd love it if there was also a shadow effect for the 'window' where the content is displayed to stand out.

(1/2): How it looks currently.
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...and here's the sort of effect I'm looking into achieving somehow, having it look like there's this actual shadow for the window where the actual video game is being played, making it a little 3D and having it stand out, I just think it looks quite nice and also stops the content I'm playing from blending with the border in a way where it looks identical and confuses me a bit.

I've tried to tinker with shaders before, but I do suck at it, I've tried mixing bigblur.glslp with CRT shaders too and it always goes wrong, not *that* wrong I guess, but never how I actually want it.

(2/2): The effect I'm looking for
many such cases going on, nobody knows how to optimize anymore. Emulators if anything are doing great in general considering, but real games are getting retarded
I think the easiest way would to just make a transparent png with the shadow effect for your screen size and then edit the shader to load that image at the end. Been a long time since I fucked with shaders so can't say exactly how, but if you look at some border shaders you should be able to figure it out.
I like the idea, wish I could help but I've never tried to fuck around ra's shaders beyond loading presets and tweaking settings
Take two frosted mirrors and tape them to your monitor screen at just the right angles so that they cover the black bars. Easy.
is emudeck on windows good yet? or am i still better off just downloading the emulators and ES-DE manually
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Is it possible to run DKCR 3DS at 60 fps?
The Switch version is looking... Dubious.
Dubious how?
I've tried the overlay idea and it works well!
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Lacking many visual effects, and going FULLBRIGHT in some instances
Looks pretty similar to me. They will probably adjust some of the colors and the brightness since they don't have to deal with the 3ds' shitty screen anymore. Anyway you should be comparing it to the wii version since that would be a more appropriate comparison.
>Anyway you should be comparing it to the wii version
Please try reading the image again.
Read the name of the consoles on the top of the image.
P.S. Just to clarify, what I did is similar to what (>>483477790) proposed, I just made a PNG to fit my screen size, but instead of editing any of the shaders themselves, I just turned it into an overlay with an overlay editor and have it on at all times. It worked like a charm, I'm loving this.
oh woop. Well then as I said they look pretty similar. It just looks like shadows are a bit darker on the wii version. They may have done that because people may have been playing on bright crts at the time.
>I said they look pretty similar.
Yeah... Except they completely don't.
One of them has no lighting, it's just fully lit. The other one has all the ambient mood lighting applied to it.
Do you have anymore shots comparing the two?
Why not just emulate the Wii version?
what overlay editor?
3DS (and HD) version has extra levels.

>Wii has better visuals so far, 60 fps, can remove wagglan with a patch, but lacks the extra levels
>3DS has low resolution fixable on emulator, worse graphics, extra levels, 30 fps (may be fixable with a patch?)
>Switch version has extra levels and runs natively 60 fps... but is lacking visual effects and lighting

Quite the dilemma.
60fps and extra levels is still probably worth a visual downgrade if it comes to that.
This one:

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