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Garrosh Wouldn't Let the Thread Die Edition
>Currently discussed servers:
Turtle Wow - https://turtle-wow.org/ (Vanilla+)
Onyxia (Warmane) - https://www.warmane.com (Vanilla-Wotlk Progressive)
ChromieCraft - https://www.chromiecraft.com/en/ (Progressive Wotlk client, currently at TBC)
Ascension - https://ascension.gg (Classless)
Athena - https://twinstar-wow.com (Cata)
Mistblade 2 - https://stormforge.gg/mistblade (MoP)
Sanctuary - https://www.sanctuarywow.com/ (Vanilla)
Valanior - https://valanior.com/ (Vanilla+)
永恒之望 - https://cn.everlook-wow.net/ (香草+)
Ashbringer - https://wow.classic-plus.com/ (Classic+)

>Upcoming servers
Epoch - https://www.project-epoch.net (Vanilla+)
Tauri - https://tauriwow.com (Legion)
Wallcraft - https://www.wallcraft.org/ (Vanilla+)
Crusade-Storm - https://crusader-storm.com/ (TBC) - Coming July 5th
Frostforge - http://frostforge.servegame.com/ - Coming July 5th

>/wpsg/ Guilds
<Not in OP> - Mistblade 2 (Horde)
<Khazar Milkers> - Mistblade 2 (Alliance)
<Full Moon Company> - Turtle Wow (Crossfaction)

Reply to OP with upcoming server updates and news
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>bumpbot gets banned
>thread can’t even reach 250 replies
It’s never been so over...
250 replies? Try 2.5! (This is a sage post)
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god my ass is getting so fat
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Here have a pity bump.
And another pity bump.
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turtle is pretty fun desu
do you need to prepare or something to go into normal dungeons i've only played cata and up before it was very easy healing there but here i am scared a bit
why don't you show off for us
Yeah, it's pretty fun. Don't need to prepare much. Just bring water and you'll be fine Amy.
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playing turtle
what pet should i get
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>Gifs for sexually insecure tumblr girls
Atleast post gachimuchi if youre gonna post shit like that anon, gotta be mindful of website culture
i wish someone would belt me
This thread is bad.
someone please join mb2 alliance
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Play on Turtle. (HC)
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I was swimming from Feathermoon Stronghold to the mainland on Turtle when all of a sudden I got this error. Now I can't log into that character, only the others. I tried to run the game without exe modifications, without addons and without mods.

I'm currently re-downloading the client, again. Thank you for reading though.
Dead link.
I don’t think so Pearl.
Dragonhawks, but if they don't exist on the server which I'm not sure about then it has to be some magical creature I think.
Don't think they have tameable dragonhawks but they have lynxes.
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>tfw u can't decide what class and race u want to play and u keep restarting
this is why i establish relationships with my characters so i never leave them
A bet they forgorrr to change the Lynxes eye colors to match the High Elves' though since they seem to share history with the Blood Elves.
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ok pearl we get it
Make a ticket on another character on the same account or hearth the character using their website.
<Where is Khazar Milkers>
Oh yeah, I forgot about unstuck, thanks!
I think I wanna main hunter on everlook fresh, I rolled one a bunch of times over the years but it's one of the only classes I never played at max level.

I haven't seriously played WoW since classic launch, are hunters forced to do any new meme strats or is shit still pretty much the same for them in vanilla?
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Stop playing WoW Private Servers.
Make me!
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>tfw no FUB Dorf to make me gag and choke on his coke can cock while calling me his troll slut
>iwn have him take my virginity multiple times, with my hymen growing back after getting filled with his stinky seed, practically ensuring I'll get knocked up after receiving three or four balls deep creampies
>iwn retire to a small homestead in the Wetlands with him, becoming his breeding sow

why live...
every time i level a hunter on vanilla i realize that they actually have a pretty high skill ceiling and then i go back to woyer
All I remember was having to weave attacks in between your autoshot timer, which could get kind of tricky. I remember hearing about some incredibly autistic shit where you can weave in melee attacks if you have a slow enough range weapon but that sounds hellish.
You don't have to do that, it's only useful to get like 1-5% more DPS on a single target boss. You could just not do it too and be totally fine in any content environment
Blizzard doesn't offer my expansion, i think i'll continue thx
Dude chill
that's the world of warcraft that you play!!!
Pity bump.
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>Pandaren woman fighting Bruce
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>level character on Turtle
>it's a level 60 oneshotting all the mobs in the starting zone episode
>get to level 5 questing area
>it's a level 60 killing all the mobs
>get to level 12 questing area
>it's a HC level 30 in full BiS gear killing all the mobs
Just play a dudu (or paladin if playing Wrath and later expansions)
>playing priest
just find a nice handsome chad to erp with and he'll boost you
I've been playan a priest too and haven't seen any high levels doing that what race u playan
That's the plan

Jesus christ Priest is terrible with gold too, you need to buy all their spells and have zero ways of making decent money while ALSO having to buy drinks because the fucking chink mage in your party no comprende angliski and refuses to give you his pisswater

This entire class is pure suffering (I'm playing on alliance too so 60% of my opponents in PvP just outright negate my only form of reliable CC really cool :)))))))

I should just reroll Warlock but after years of bullied as a kid I always end up playing Priest so I won't be picked last during the gym session this time

Helf. The designated Chink™ race. Mightve been bad luck, idk I play during weird times.
>I always end up playing Priest so I won't be picked last
you picked the most popular and overplayed healer AND you didn't pick a dwarf priest for fear ward
should have went dudu or hpala
hpallies and rdudus are everywhere and I'm seeing non-stop recruitment for shamans and disc/shadow priests

It doesn't matter what healer you play, you're gonna raid instantly at 60 anyways
Fear Ward is completely useless after BWL. I'd rather play a character I actually like looking at than play a fucking dw*rf

Helf's mini Evocation for 20% mana is arguably the 2nd best priest racial in the game, best for Shadow
Do Turtle WoW's class changes differ much compared to Classic?
A little bit. The most pronounced impact is mostly done through gear changes.

Warriors are still the kings of raid tanking and everyone still desperately wants shamans for support but previous memespecs like boomie, shadow, arcane mage and ret are now much closer to fury warriors, mages and rogues or bring something of considerable value to the table. The majority of people are actually playing paladin due to the changes, if you're rolling mail/plate beware, these fuckers will vacuum all of it + any spellpower cloaks, necks, rings and trinkets.
>tfw can't decide which version of WoW the you want to play
>tfw no realistic goals
I'm so glad that paladins and warriors started sucking up gear from everyone, it takes so much pressure off being a hunter
This thread suuuuuuuuuuuucks.
I hate most Plate players as a Tank Warrior. Every time I see a Paladin player, he is a full retard. When it comes to DPS Warriors they are subhuman retards without any knowledge how to play the game.
i'm just a healer and i don't mind if other people roll on 'my' gear because i love to share and make other people happy
ok now bend over
No it doesn't, this thread rocks!
That's a wonderful attitude to have as a healer! Your willingness to share and prioritize others' happiness over personal gain is truly admirable. It must be rewarding to see your efforts contribute to the enjoyment and success of your group or team. Keep spreading that positivity and generosity—it makes a big difference in any community or game environment!
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>be me
>chad human male Retribution Paladin (Two-Handed Warrior of the Light, big dick damage, big dick pigcock, BIG DICK PVMPER GIGACHAD)
>rogue in the party goes "Oh boy I wonder if MY dagger drops from the boss bing-bing wahoo!"
>dagger drops
>need on it because "I need it for tanking"
>mfw I never tank
>mfw I can't even equip a dagger
>disenchant it before his very eyes
>mfw another heretic shown his place in the foodchain

Retribution.... Is coming....
this didn't happen and if it did you would've taken a screenshot
>"My parents didn't give me enough attention as a child and I was bullied in school"

Don't forget to play as female healer to fulfill your mommy fantasies.
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I don't want to raid today sisters
Regardless of role, gear was never big for me. Of course you want your gimmick trinkets that boost your damage astronomically, but it's never been the primary goal of fun.
yeah i didn't get a lot of attention and i was pretty miserable so i know how it feels and want to give back to the world
ret chads literally CANNOT be stopped

>mommy fantasies.
Whenever I'm leveling in Vanilla I always have to ritually murder at least one Human Paladin in the Plaguelands before I hit 60. It is a ritual, a rite of passage, an act of balance that I have committed on every single Vanilla Horde character I have ever made.

I have only ever reached level 60 with one Horde character in vanilla but still, it's the tought that matters.
>Whenever I'm leveling in Vanilla I always have to ritually murder at least one Human Paladin in the Plaguelands before I hit 60. It is a ritual, a rite of passage, an act of balance that I have committed on every single Vanilla Horde character I have ever made.
i want to sit on someones face

Loot doesn't matter if you are a tank or healer. Still, it should infuriate when some retard DPS needs your loot.

You're a cuck.
The best part of alliance is being able to group with paladins
The worst part of alliance is having to group with paladins
Wrong. This is the best part of playing as Alliance:

Meanwhile in Orgrimmar...
King's honor, friend.
>feel when you're the only anonymous poster raiding in endgame BC
What happened to Tel'Abim?
*bbrrrrrtttttttt pfrrtftllblbllblblplat hrrrBRHRBRRBRHR gurglegurgle pltptlplftplftppft prrrhrbrggrbgrgPLOOOOOT*
yep that's me spamming my steady shot macro, how did you guess?
>Get PVP server
>PVP'ers migrate
>PVE'ers don't
>Noone to gank
>PVP server dies
They fell for the PvP meme, one of the pserver classic blunders.
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>Twins and Primordius HC down
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Durumu and Megan next week!!
>yellow on the left
>red in the middle
>purple on the right

very well coordinated guild
what kind of retard names his guild champion of not in op
We're the sequel guild
Mistblade is the most popular server ITT on the other hand
Only because there's no real alternative.
it sure wouldn't be if there was a competing MoP pve server that wasn't fully progressed already
wdym everyone is playing MoPmix on retail
that's unironically a subscription based funserver though
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>all star™ healer currently has a 100 parse in every fight except for a 97 on one
>I have a 100 parse in every fight we've done so far except for a 94 on one
>even once we finish every boss and I get a 100 on them I will never ever be able to make up this 3 parse difference and take his #1 all star™ spot because our group is getting better at avoiding damage and the gear difference between me and the other healers is decreasing
It's hopeless. I am deleting moppy from my computer and killing myself.
just solo heal
why not just play a living game instead? what's the point of staying with this corpse of a community?
anons are fun to play with
>caring about parse
neither of you will ever be a #1 all star™ in my book
>healer parses
Dumb even for frogposter standards.
Any non-Turtle RP-friendly private servers?
>Moronic /tv/ meme thread
ah it never gets old
Also TURDL WoW managed to shoot their feet off with their retarded itemization patch notes, pallies, shamans and warriors were fucked so hard that is funny.
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Good night.
>RET pally
Double dead
>Ench shaman
>Resto and Elemental
Also Dead
>All of warrior
Dead with tank on copium
it was updated
any of you hot chads want to impregnate me?
you don't have ovaries
i have a rare genetic defect and i have ovaries in my ass
I don't want to have babies with a mutant deformed freak because they would be deformed and I'd lie about loving them but deep down I wouldn't.
Grow some empathy

Like I know this string of posts is for the memes but it unironically sounds like you're completely emotionally closed off to the world. This leads you to dark lines of thinking and a complete lack of understanding of others.
I understand that baby is deformed and retarded and so it would be better off dead but it's not legal to have post birth abortions yet
Touch grass, have sex, and seek therapy chud-kun
>have sex
okay but only with a girl with ovaries in the right place
aborting downies isn't chud behavior. iceland is one of the most leftist countries on earth and they eliminated downies from their gene pool via a state sponsored abortion program
I will fill your ass so full of babies that it explodes.
You will die a virgin lol

Nah I'm good miss me with that eugenics shit. I'd rather my son be a literal retard than a chud :)
>Verification not required.
>implying your retarded son won't be both a chud and retarded and it won't put heavy strain on your marriage and you won't abuse him because of it
The failure of Tel'Abim falls down to Turtle Wow actively neglecting PvP and even making changes to hurt it, then deciding for some reason it'd be a great idea to not make a hardcore server despite the popularity of hardcore and despite the fact that hardcore holds the rest of the server back by affecting changes made on the main realm and segregating the population, and instead making a lackluster PvP server where they add nothing to vanilla PvP despite being a "Vanilla Plus" server. The end result is one of the worst PvP servers.
If they wanted to make a PvP server they should have listened to the PvP community and made the PvP changes that they wanted on that server. Things like overhauling the honor system, making meaningful and balanced WPvP objectives, and even incorporating crossfaction PvP and "outlaw modes" and so on. Instead they just flipped the PvP server switch from off to on and removed a few good features Turtle WoW has like crossfaction and hardcore. It was just stupid, lazy, and thoughtless, and the players felt it when they played on that server, which is why they stopped.
It’s not going to work this time Pearl
are you guys going to play everlook?
>implying our retarded chud son wouldn't hate you for being an alcoholic and constantly yelling at him, irreversibly ruining his confidence until you eventually start going to AA once he moves out and never calls either of us
then what do you play?
mistblade 2
I could be your pet.
Forget it, Anon, it's Chinatown.
To be fair every pserver right now is either full of chinks/spics or are low pop
This thread actually sucks!
yeah everyone except these two losers >>482959136 >>482961265
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so no one, because both those two losers are me, and you are me too. This entire thread is me. Shut the fuck up dumbass.
mmm no
I like playing with Chinese. Theyre usually far more inexperienced. They also often use translating addons or at least try to speak a minimal amount of English. Far more friendly than the majority of western players I've engaged with.

Yes they often buy cashshop shit like dumb little kids, who cares. I've even joined the <CN> guild on several characters and raided with them. I am now an honorary Chinese, when Xi Jinping takes over the world I will be elevated to Baizuo status and get a free smoking hot Asian WoW GF.

Stay mad westerncucks, the year of the Chinese WoW supremacy hasn't even begon.
I want to deepthroat her feet
Interesting, I'm an euro and know some friends who always seethe hard at russians in some other games but I always found them to be cool and I had plenty of games with cool Russians I like them. Not much experience with Chinese.
>playing warmane wrath for the first time since it was like, molten wow
>hit the point where i need to get lucky on the heroics or farm icc 5 mans for days to get upgrades
>don't have enough social capital to get sherpa'd through ToGC/uldar/naxx 25 and mooch
>not gonna spend money on this shit

Boys, this is hell, i don't know why i did this to myself, Especially because paladin and i'm gearing all three specs at once (though only playing ret till i get enough to be a tank against icc 25 geared dps)
Holy Paladin is arguably the easiest spec to gear up after hunters and shamans in Wrath.

I know a lot of oldfags run earlier raids for newfags or alts on Lordaeron.
I only know how to holy paladin one way. 30k mana, stack int and spam holy light. I'm not going to try that with how autism the tanks are about pulling everything. I do agrree it's easier however.
Any of you dirty degenerate sluts want to ERP?
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Depends what you play and what you're into
>Depends what you play and what you're into
NTA but it's near impossible finding cute/sexy ERP as a human male in WoW.
it's just cuckolding for you, goku hair. Futa elves and futa dranei are the only thing that gets traction with those degens.
Shoot me an email. bigfatcokecancock at proton dot me. We’ll see which itches need to be scratched.
At least be an exotic race. Male human is like, why don't I just go chat my cute neighbor up when we're jogging?
I’m that anon and I had some good cute ERP going on a human male I played for a while but you are right most people aren’t looking for human males. They want futa or monster cock typically.
Oh, I'm well aware. I played superhero games for the past decade and a half. You can put all the work into make an elaborate, interesting and fun but flawed human character, yet most people will see the ERP-bait, description-less green alien in slutwear and ignore you. The curse of wanting to play humans, I guess. Me, I just want romantic RP/ERP scenes.
Yeah I like romance storyline ERP as well but feels like most people just want monster rape ERP which is also fun but at this point I’ve raped over twenty players and it’s kind of hard to put a new spin on it for me.
Different strokes for different folks. I tend to avoid the darker stuff after some bad shit went down IC/OOC with a number of players, but everyone has a kink and as long as nobody is being hurt it's just a thing.

Personally, I enjoy fleshing out lives, characters actions with and away from romantic partners/fuck buddies/significant others. RPing a couple who just fought to save the world having bed-breaking sex, or saccharine sweet whispers and cuddling is my jam.
What bad stuff went down if you don’t mind me asking?
And yes that can be fun especially if you are dungeoning or raiding together. Honestly I find it a bit more fun because you can actually do non-E RP as well and even involve other people in your storyline in a non-sexual way and have it be more realistic and not just sex sex sex sex sex.
>What bad stuff went down if you don’t mind me asking?
A medium sized group of players blackmailing some other players with a mix of ERP logs, fake pictures, coercion/threats and chatlogs. Started with the normal "We're all cool friends here. You're safe with us.", led to "Did you hear what group X said about you? I'm glad we're here for you." and gaslighting and psychological manipulation tactics. As incredibly gay as it sounds, they turned a number of players into digital sex slaves and were trying to force it IRL to an extent. It might sound silly in hindsight and for someone who did not experience it, but having someone say that they know your RL name and would drop anonymous tips on you being involved with CP trafficking among other things was frankly unnerving/terrifying.
>And yes that can be fun especially if you are dungeoning or raiding together. Honestly I find it a bit more fun because you can actually do non-E RP as well and even involve other people in your storyline in a non-sexual way and have it be more realistic and not just sex sex sex sex sex.
My thoughts exactly. I love what feels like a living, breathing RP world when you get the right people or group together. When you have adventures, or when you do slice of life stuff. Everything from crafting/resource gathering ICly, or sweeping low level mobs as a team. Just that sweet, sweet RP.
>A medium sized group of players blackmailing some other players with a mix of ERP logs, fake pictures, coercion/threats and chatlogs. Started with the normal "We're all cool friends here. You're safe with us.", led to "Did you hear what group X said about you? I'm glad we're here for you." and gaslighting and psychological manipulation tactics. As incredibly gay as it sounds, they turned a number of players into digital sex slaves and were trying to force it IRL to an extent. It might sound silly in hindsight and for someone who did not experience it, but having someone say that they know your RL name and would drop anonymous tips on you being involved with CP trafficking among other things was frankly unnerving/terrifying.
Alright, who am I supposed to be avoiding on turtle...
Different MMO. But some from the game trickled over to Turtle. Saw two of their old character names - names that are hardly common, when I was looking at the RP add on list and immediately began deleting characters.
Anyone retarded enough to give their real life name to someone they met in an MMO should probably not be allowed on the internet.
w h o m s t
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so turns out at least some of the turtle trannies are from here
pls kill yourselves and stick to torta's vacation project
Rent free
not him but you've been flooding the thread with your gay ERP shit for over an hour now, it hardly takes an obsession to do some nooooooooticing
Players are retarded. They give names, or they click links that dox them, or they are RL friends with someone and accidentally drop said RL name like a goddamn retard and dox you.
I won't drop character/player names, I will say they've got a NE based guild. Female/F+ characters only. It's probably not hard to find if you look.
That’s a wild story but I’ve also heard of it happening before. I think /soc/ also has this problem as well.
And if we weren’t both playing dudes I would be trying to set up something with you.
Sure but when you get friendly with people online and chat things will slip. Hell people will have discord names and such that if you google them they reused on other sites and oh look there’s their real name and where they live. It’s fucked and yes you need to be careful.
Lol I've been at work all night, I just checked it out before going to bed. Rent free!
Yeah some turtle trannies also post here. I used to talk with a few of them and they were alright. They had kind of a clique going from what I could see and would hang out in Stormwind. Not sure how active they are these days though.
Nightsong Sentinels, got it.
I’m one of the anons talking ERP and I am a man who plays male characters. The other anon I am talking to seems to be the same.
If you don’t like ERP shop talk you are free to discuss something else but this is the most lively the thread has been in a while.
I struggle to understand how you thought this changed my point at all. The point doesn't rely on it being literally (You) unless you're the only gay man in existence.
Just keep saying the line and pretending you're not a godawful stereotype.
Not him but I can explain it.
>not him but you've been flooding the thread with your gay ERP shit for over an hour now, it hardly takes an obsession to do some nooooooooticing
This is accusing that anon of "flooding the thread" with his "gay ERP shit."
That anon denied the accusation by stating it isn't him making those posts as he was busy with work and is now going to bed.
Ah yes, troon freakazoids that will eventually kill themselves once the realization of what abominations unto God and nature they are hits em in the head like a hammer. The undead race looks more human than you ever will, each time i see you i go collect Gloom Weed cause i mistake you troons for Gordo.
You is both plural and singular in English and was being used there to refer to the group.
But that's a pointless argument about semantics even if this wasn't the case, the actual point is that gay ERP shit is here and the original anon in this reply chain is commenting on that, not bringing up faggots out of nowhere. going "um ackshually that was other anonymous shitposter" doesn't change anything about that.
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>my mfw when entering this thread
>You is both plural and singular in English and was being used there to refer to the group.
Certainly, but when a person says "you" to one person (as is the case here) it is understood typically to be used in the singular form. Even if it was meant plural it's understandable how it could be taken to be singular. Therefore his reply "makes sense."
>the original anon in this reply chain is commenting on that,
Oh, but he wasn't. I actually took the time to go back and check the reply chain, and it starts with >>482976236 which gets the reply >>482976446 which led to >>482976521. That other anon wasn't a part of the ERP discussion but rather a different reply chain about how trannies were in the thread.
kek what
Alright now I have to believe you're just trying to get some petty win in here and don't misunderstand me at all. His post was very obviously in regards to the conversation about some sort of ERP cult right above him, he just didn't directly link to it, either to be passive aggressive or because he didn't want to mass reply because it went on for a while. This should be obvious, and I feel that you know it and are being dishonest.
>he just didn't directly link to it
Except >>482976236 isn't the anon >>482976521 replied to. >>482976521 replied to >>482976446 who did directly quote reply to >>482976236, and the thing >>482976446 replied to wasn't a part of the ERP reply chain but rather was about trannies.
not using the Light them in an attempt to make us think it's not you, huh? you belong in there.
kill all ERPfags

they kill any community
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I've been thinking about role-playing a Dwarf. I was thinking maybe a Warrior or a Rogue, but I actually have an idea for a Paladin.
Dwarf warrior is peak imo. Go full prot too.
True on Dwarf Warriors. I think I'd go full Mountain King if that's the way I went.
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Things I wish I knew before rolling on Warmane's Onyxia:

- RDF works, but if anyone leaves your group the option to replace them doesn't work. You can only use your party to form a new group which resets the dungeon and teleports everyone to the local gy.

- All mobs have +2 increased stealth detection compared to any other server or official wow classic.

- Chests and Trunks from fishing are almost always empty.

- RDF has the age old problem of longer waits for DPS, but multiply that by several hours as a lowbie because you missed the rush.

Final server rating: 4.5/10
At least the degens had an actual discussion in this thread about something game related.
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Any good pservs?
Another pity bump for a thread that is down on its luck and going through rough times
how do u find a team to run a dungeon on turtle do i have to spam the general chat or use the rdf and afk at the dungeon entrance
When is it time to just hang it up, bros? The only notable servers releasing in the next year are everchink, epoch (doa), and tauri legion (lol). It’s unironically over. Time to play another game. Or perhaps stop gaming altogether it all friggin sux
Tarisland won
We don't need a new server until we've fimished Siege of Orgrimmar.
Most private servers are fine. Just choose one that sounds fun and try to make friends. The last part is a big hurdle for some anons and why you see so many sad boys in these threads.
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What the fuck is this?
I can't do this shit alone.
I can help you, but what do you have to offer me?
Yes you can you fucking loser. That quest is warlock 101.
just worked out and my ass is feeling great
A thank you?
I am level 35. How am i supposed to kill a level 40 golden elite enemy?
how about you show off that ass and i'll consider logging on
post pics
>How am i supposed to kill a level 40 golden elite enemy?
Using warlock trickery 101. Just play hunter or warrior or other class for retards.
good health
loooooooooooong life
>Free to play
>Economy is a meme so people give free money
>Best for comfy levelling and World PVP is alive

>Raiding scene is hardcore
>Arena PVP is toxic
>Discord tier mods

Warmane (WoTLK) is very active and good for casual and hardcore gaming. Turtle WoW is Vanilla+ with focus on levelling.
I think if you just spam fears and dots and kite you can do it alone.
should i put my lovense code in my TRP profile?
I have never played MoP and I'm a low IQ Deep Prot Warrior. Does MoP have quality dungeons and heroics? Is Prot Warrior best tank?
>I'm a low IQ Deep Prot Warrior.
That's redundant.

>Does MoP have quality dungeons and heroics?
No, all heroics are the same "pull mobs boss to boss" hallways.

>Is Prot Warrior best tank?
Prot really shine in the irrelevant dungeons, bad for raids.
The dungeons are 'okay' but there's only like six of them and at this point it's silly-easy to outgear them once you hit 90.
Challenge Mode can be kind of fun as that limits your ilvl so CD's and such need to be used

They aren't the best tank but they are usable
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>human male paladin comes up to me in Goldshire
>whispers me "do you need a slave?"
>tell him I have an entrance fee of 25 gold as a joke
>mfw the fucker instantly opens the trade window and actually pays up
What the fuck do I do now? Force him to pick flowers or some shit? This fuckhead tricked me into being a dominatrix gonna kms
Yes. You force him to pick herbs for you. If he says he has some other professions, you tell him to drop them and take up Herbalism. He will pick the cotton.
>Go to Warmane to do my own thing
>2 of my friends join in
>One of my WoW gamer buddy is fat and balding
>He plays as a Male Human with balding hairstyle

What did he mean by this?
kek. the absolute state of pservs
your friend is an embrace chad
Yeah pservers are based af
>Befriend a mate to quest and do dungeons with
>Suddenly he opens up his problems and his depression
>ask an anon for help with a dungeon
>suddenly being reamed from behind
I'm not that kind of a girl.
>Loch Modan escort quest
>A Female Human Warrior wants an inv for the quest but I already accepted the quest
>She goes into schizo rage, following me and spouting "cringe" the entire quest
>Horde patrol kills the escort
>She starts spouting "based" constantly

Was this Female Warrior larping or mentally ill?
Ok show dick
Human Female players are mentally ill as a rule, that's normal behavior
From what I've gathered

>Night Elf players are sexual degenrates
>Dwarf players are racist and spout /pol/ rhetoric in Trade chat
>Human Male is a non-English speaking slav
>Human Females have severe anger issues
>Gnomes are full retards or High IQ gamers

I don't know much about H*rde except Tauren are the dumbest retards in PVE or PVP, excluding Druids. Trolls are weed smokers.
>Orc players are the closest things to normal people in the game, but some might be tryhards playing for the racials (female orcs tend to fall into this category more I find).
>Not counting people who just want to play Druid, Tauren players don't give a shit about anything, but usually in a cringe way not in a based way.
>Female Tauren that make it to high level have a bizarrely high likelihood of being played by old ladies IRL, so expect a socially adjusted person that's total dogshit at the game.
>Male Troll players are memelords
>Female troll players are giga contrarian deluxe star platinum individuals who only want to play the most uniquest combo in the game. At low levels, expect them to reroll when they get sick of looking at their character, at max level expect an ascended individual.
>Undead Rogues and Warlocks have a 100% chance of being some degree of edgelord playing for the meme, especially Rogues. Other class combos are usually normal. High likelihood of being Chinese.
i want to produce soldiers for the horde
>5 Horde players patrolling Stonetalon crossroads to Desolace and Alliance FP
>Horde rogue patrolling in Stonetalon / Ashenvale tunnel
>Level 60 cougar named "Redridgeboss" ganking low level Alliance players
>Orc Hunter in Moonbrook got himself to a house rooftop and kills Defias Traitor 24/7
>Undead Warlock camping in Warrior Island to grief Warriors during their Berserker Stance quest 24/7

Is playing a Horde on PVP Realm autism?
>30 players
>6 of them horde
>3 of them are shamans wholly dedicated to purge wbuffs from the alliance retards who try to keep the server alive
And yes, Horde attracts the biggest autistic retards.
You want to be a drill sergeant and train soldiers up?
I just want a chill PvE server who doesn't hate warlocks to comfy farm and level alts.
no i want to be a mommy
I want to produce worgs for the horde.
He whispers everyone constantly.
is she peeing or pooping
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luv me some green heals
ate yellow heals
ate blue heals
simple as
I don't know what it is but dudu healing is always the most satisfying, stacking three HoTs and getting to watch porn on your second monitor for the next 45 seconds is peak Worlo Warcar
For me duid is the most comfy but priest is the most satisfying, paladin and shaman are boring.
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4 more posts and we actually succeeded the amount of posts in the last thread, good job guys! Can't wait for autumn so we can turn this general from 1 panda schizo and 2 guys on turtle into /peg/ - Project Epoch General. A new exciting chapter for weepee-esgee.

I'm sure Alex his schizopills will run out at that point and he'll be shilling Epoch at that point. Again.
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>they should have put in loads of work for a small crowd who just want to gank
They could do all of that on the PvE server anyways
The only thing 95% of WoW PvP'ers are capable of consists of:

A. Shitting on someone who has no clue what the fuck they're doing.
B. Shitting on someone at least 5 levels below them.
C. Shitting on someone with half their gearlevel.
D. Combination of any of the above.

Turns out playing on a server where everyone wants to be the Undead rogue camping lowbies in STV, means there are no actual levelers anymore. People level up their one PvP-favored class spam AV and then quit eventually. No sheep for the wolves, that kind of thing.
god i want to be a nice pudgy sheep surrounded by hungry wolves
spoken like someone who has never been mauled to death before
healing parses dont mean shit, stop obsessing over them
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they could matter if people used different metrics to determine if someone was doing well. rolling out buffs on point when needed, DPS, HPS/Shields along with doing needed ressing far outweighs pure HPS.
Druid healing is fun but no revive in vanilla makes it miserable
sit on my face
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fug bugs
Is leveling rogue on turtle fun?
What else?
suffocate me
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>tfw playing vanilla wow
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Cute, which mods? Are they on darknest?
>find a total of 10 players in valley of strength
are private sewers dead?
did i pick the wrong one? where does everyone play
Why would you not include the name of the server in your post?
does it make a difference? it's 永恒之望 from the op
where am i supposed to play and why are dead servers even listed
I've heard of Darknest before vaguely. What exactly is it? Last I knew it was a RP/ERP finding hub?
Why the fuck would you be playing a dead everlook chinese realm? Are you Chinese or something?
no but i have a japanese soul
please answer the question already i'm dying of withdrawal
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Just a weird lewd forum that happens to host a lot of lewd mods for games.
the bigger butts mod crashes my game...
I am so sorry anon...
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The bones!!!
>required to inform your pronouns
tranny hub
going to break out the toys tonight :3
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we play on mistblade
we're doing challenge dungeons today
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What's out there?
my fem oc x vulpera
rate it guys
Where'd you get it?
you can get it from the turtle forums
Go back to >>483046882 and stay there.
>install any MMO
>create character
>/join darknest
>futas, futas everywhere
nah but thanks for the offer
vulpera are lame i need big scary worgen and massive dogs
i can do worgens too
Calm down Pearl!
Ah, one of those places. I knew a female (female) in a MMO who got off constantly to the fact she used slightly doctored pictures of herself to advertise her peril RP characters on something called "Darknest". She was genuinely nuts - mentally unsound, but she was down to cam/send pics/etc and I was young and stupid.
Does /wpsg/ have a guild on Turtle WoW?
goonqueen pearl used to lead some gooners there but it's over now
tranny guilds include some older ones like blackwing guard and macrochelys
newer ones fall apart all the time but there's one that advertises as lgbt oriented
Guilds on pservers are why I quit playing. The people on there are so fucking cringe that it kills my entire drive to play the game.
Why are they tranny guilds?
they kick people for not using the right pronouns
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stop gooning in this thread
That really doesn't sound very unreasonable?
I only goon in SA, dumb frogposter.
it's not gooning when i rope over my own face
It's unreasonable to expect people to know or care. Courtesy is a given, but don't expect me to magically remember your Fae/Faer or demi/domi or whatever retarded pronouns you are using today before you change them tomorrow.
Oh, is that something that actually happened or did you just refuse to call a tranny 'she'? Because if it's the former then yeah, that's very silly. If it's the latter then it doesn't seem unreasonable.
What was the point of asking how they are tranny guilds if you were gonna argue about whether or not having trannies and encouraging their delusions was reasonable or not afterwards?
any tranny friendly wpsg guilds?
any guild on turtle
I don't think every guild on turtle is a wpsg guild bro
Because I wanted to figure out what your standard for tranny guild was and whether it was something I'd give a shit about. I'm guessing by this reply that you just refused to call a tranny she, in which case, yeah no shit almost any guild out there that isn't explicitly some weird wignat/4chan guild would in fact show you the door.
What's your standard for a tranny guild?
I'm doing slow and steady and at lvl 13. It's kind of a pain fighting higher level enemies because of parry/dodge. Not having any issue buying what I need off AH when I can afford it.
starfall freshie
CET - 19:00
GMT - 18:00
EST - 13:00
CST - 12:00
MST - 11:00
PST - 10:00
29* sorry im high af
It was worse. I was being pestered in VC by six or so people while trying to get my keyboard plugged back in, and dropped a quick, friendly "Dudes, just give me a minute to handle plugging this cable back in and I'll reply." Got kicked from my guild "for improper, bigoted and cruel use of misgendered language."
people never call me your majesty in return so why should i take part in their rp
my cute little GM can't be this cute !!!
I'm not going to end your suffering, Pearl. Be a man for once, like your parents wanted, and off yourself.
both confirmed pearl characters are known for having large asses
what does this mean?
big butts, big farts.
>1.12 client is ultimate client version in every way
>except for having atrocious nameplate behavior

I'd kill if I could just get overlapping nameplates in this fucking thing
Worgens don't have large asses
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Yes I play a female human rogue how did yo-ACK!
>if you don't call a dude in a dress a woman you're a nazi
Okay yeah we’re doing this shit haha
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>me walking into the dungeon giving the healer 4 stacks of conjured water
I (the healer) will offer you free oral and kisses regardless of gender.
Desperate and sad. Fuck off fag.
how did you know about my diarrhea
I think once someone's made the leap from relatively sterile trash like cardboard boxes to just leaving rotting food out they're too far gone
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I miss her
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I feel like leveling a Helf rogue on Turtle but their racial is so fucking dogshit on them because you can't even use it in stealth. The channel should've just given them 30-40% HP instead.
It's actually best for Warriors hilariously. For Rogues I've heard of them using Gouge and then the racial but it just doesn't seem that worthwhile to me.
A free scuffed evocate is bad? It's amazing in group content.
creepy virgin stop stalking me i want nothing to do with you
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Dare i?
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Yeah, i freaking dared!
>use exorcism on twow tranny
>they remove their pronouns on the discord
Based worlo enjoyer
What server if I wanna do some 2s or 3s arena?
You aren’t even her
Blackrock Warmane for Wrath, it's one of the few stable PvP servers beside Henhouse (which is vanilla).

Mistblade PvP is kinda dead, especially arena.
Warmane still the thing after all these years huh
Do you know if you start in S7 gear and farm up S8 still, and they have solo queue?
Their racial is pretty good for Rogues. You can pop it in combat so long as you aren’t getting hit and get back your energy.
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tfw you can't play as evil draenei
I think the seasonal stuff is over and you start in S8 honor gear again. You have to farm Conquest as always on any new character.

Yeah but that means you aren't doing any damage for those full 6 seconds. Warriors can use it prepull to get a free 40ish rage to boot, while in PvP 9/10 you'd wanna bandage after a Gouge. Idk maybe you could fuck with in some weird opener but I don't see it, unlike Arcane Torrent which was instant and off the GCD.
S8 honor gear is S7 arena gear and conquest points are arena points though
Fuck, then that is what I meant, haven't played on BR for years but it's still the most active PvP Pserver afaik
I'm going to play balance druid on legion to take pearl's gear
Feels like adminbros are just joking around, you know, intentionally releasing underdeveloped, unfinished shit with their sleeves down just to see how far their customers will go to eat around the dick in their salad.
worgen males
can i get a qrd on crusader strom?
is it going to be good?
what amount of population should i expect?
just checked the general after getting the wow itch again and its the only TBC server in OP.
Frostforge is also TBC, and ChromieCraft is currently TBC.
i'm going to play feral druid on legion to take pearl's rear
You wind up doing better damage missing out on some white swings to recharge your energy. It’s 5.5 seconds by the way.
Ok pearl
What's a good profession for hunter in vanilla? I assume the class gets away just fine without engineering in casual PVP.
Skinning is really good on a hunter because you can send you pet in to the next mob while you skin the one you just killed. Also really good with herbing or mining due to 30% movement.

Engi can help with kiting elites far above your weight class and you get scopes and Teleports which are pretty big. Also target dummies for when your pet dies.

Normally I would just take two gathering professions while leveling for the gold alone. You don't notice it at first but it really adds up once you hit expert level materials.
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Odds: Femhelf Warrior
Evens: Femorc Shaman
need worgen male
Please reconsider and make a femorc shaman.
I play a male worgen what do you need?
to sniff you
>Normally I would just take two gathering professions while leveling for the gold alone.
Do you vendor stuff or try to auction everything?
i want to be pregnant so bad bros
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thoughts on my druid transmog? I think it turned out pretty well
is that you sylma...?
It's very druid-y but sis, why haven't you enchanted your chest to be a bit less flat...?
but anon.. I love flat chests
Oh dear. You're keeping her a tall waif?
Honestly that mod is trash. So cartoonishly over-the-top.
i need to let orcs know i'm built for anal only rape
Gummy bros we're going home
The mod is for you only and we already know.
Stuff like leather, and ores sell for way more on the auction house usually. Herbs which are out of the way like Strangekelp too. With a simple addon like Aucrionator you don't even have to think, just post it and it instantly pushes it 1c below the others. The best early game, fresh character gold gathering method is fishing and nobody ever fucking realizes it. That or corpsewalking a level 1 undead into the EPL tower and check the chest there for blues every half hour or so lol
Well since you are being honest about it, sniff away. You be careful how much of me you breathe in. You wouldn’t want to become drunk off my musky pheromones, would you?
Video: https://youtu.be/FSIFq2H-BE8

I have exciting news about Skullcrusher, our new TBC server launching on July 21st. Skullcrusher aims to replicate the intended gameplay experience of World of Warcraft by addressing and fixing exploits and flaws that exist on other servers, including Blizzard ones. Our advanced Felmyst Engine ensures unexploitable gameplay, providing a consistent and challenging experience without altering the core design of the game. Unique features include robust enemy movement and improved mechanics to balance gameplay. In addition, Skullcrusher offers an authentic and unique World of Warcraft experience due our decision to ban addons. We're excited about the launch and have prepared thoroughly for a smooth experience. Visit our forums for more details and support. Thank you for your enthusiasm, and see you in-game!
Man TBCbros are eating well. Three new TBC servers coming up.
>no addons
But what about the human girls? Are you built for them?
Ok vespre
Well? Get down on your knees, bury your nose in my furry taint, and get a good whiff. It’s what you wanted, right?
It’s not bad but it’s just kind of basic.
I changed my mind and rolled a female Tauren Warrior
There's also Netherstorm that will have a beta july/august, so its 4 in total i think?
So do it!
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>gummy killing yet another server before it even launch
The absolute madlad!

I understand banning some addons, like DBM and arenashit but the default raid UI is pure cancer and removing QoL stuff like bags addons moronic. Unless they add some addons to the base client Gummy is going to break his own record at spedkilling servers.
Idk who that is.
I looked them up in the turtle RP directory but they don't even seem to have a profile.
Do they play on some other weird server?
>playing with addons
It’s you. You are Vespre.
I think gummy is a complete lolcow retard but the default raidframes just werk (just use mouseover macros) and you can get used extremely quickly to the vanilla bag system, imo it's nice to categorize each bag for a certain type of item.

Any retard who desperately needs Questie and fucking Healbot probably should play a different game. If you need help fucking ASK it's a social game after all.
No it's not me but I think I'd like to meet them.
very based post
Try a mirror Vespre.
Looks like they're level 52, who is this?
ok well this doesn't seem very productive so I'm going to stop talking to you now ok?
What's the state of battlegrounds on Warmane Onyxia, are they poppin' 24/7? I feel like rolling there. What are the most OP PvP classes?
Ok vespre
Onyxia is a pay2win server played exclusively by paypig Saudi oilprinces dunking on third worlders with their bought Thunderfury.

The best BG classes in vanilla are Hunter, Ele Shaman, Mage, Spriest, Lock and a Warrior with a pocket healer. Everything else is a meme.
Fairly active, no, rogue.
Read the item descriptions, know what you are rolling on.
Know if your character needs the item.
Know what secondary stats are important for your character class, and for your spec.
Examine what gear you already have.
Research the instance you will be going into for what loot has a chance to drop and decide ahead of time what you need.
If it is a Bind on Pickup item, you cannot give it to an alt. You cannot auction it. It probably has a poor vendor value.
Think beyond yourself. Stretch, you'll get better at it.
Loot your kills. Even if your bags are full, open the corpses that are yours to loot (other than on free for all). This distributes the gold to the party and makes the corpse available to your party members when you close the window.
If you need an item for your off spec, either ask if you can roll need on it, or look at the loot window and wait until everyone who could possibly need the item for main spec picks an option other than need.
The generally accepted looting policy is to need on items you plan to use now or in the near future (1 or 2 levels). Generally people greed or pass on gear, and pass on profession recipes they do not want or need. If a Need Before Greed option is selected in error, benevolent loot winners may allow a reroll with /roll.
Does it have 3.3.5 spells like Vampiric Touch and so on or has every non-Vanilla spell been disabled?
okay pearl
I'm leveling my alt his enchanting so technically I "need" everything :)
I’ll knot your hungry asshole you slut.
>What are the most OP PvP classes
multiboxing any ranged classes
warden is doing memory injection on launch, everything is in a 1.12 state
spending $180 dollars on a toy was the best move i ever made
Okay pearl
Post a pic of it
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some of these are beyond trash

i mean just what is this website
>60 accounts
and they say in their discord its a repack
are those even good?
That site is nostalgic as fuck
no i don't want something ID'ing me through the reflection of the silicon
t. never dispels in raids
Was Legion an expansion with personal loot? Does that apply to raids?
Things to dispel are bright blue in the default raid windows at least in MoP, they're impossible to miss.
not him btw
I'm a master dispeller and don't use addons for raid frames
>"I'm fucking retarded"
I know.

t. ret main

You never dispel or use BoP and your raid hates you for that.
this post didn't even really argue anything, just a spew of vitriol
settle down
Lmao fair so grab an image off whatever website you bought it from
>y-you're supposed to be le heckin wholesome and family friendly
Fuck off, retard. Next time don't talk about stuff you don't know shit.
It's one thing to be rude in an argument, but you still have to make an argument for it to be a conversation at all. What you're doing is typing out downvotes like this is reddit. And I don't go to reddit because I don't like to talk to redditors, so I'm not going to do it here anymore either. Go back.
What is Vespre's relation to Pearl?
>you still have to make an argument for it to be a conversation at all
I did. You don't understand it because you never played TBC and yet need to post your retarded hot take.
What size did you get?
just a medium
Not him but I'm going to clue you in on something: not every reply in a thread has to make an argument so please stop treating 4chan like that halls of debate and getting disappointed when anons simply call you a faggot for acting like a faggot and saying faggoted things like "not an argument."
I accept your concession
seethe harder
That's the size my high elf likes!
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>the default raidframes just werk
this man never cast a healing spell on another player in his life
Post helf
>"gl dispeling in TBC without addons"
>"but you can in MoP!"
Looks like you're too dumb to follow a simple topic. I'll add "NTA" but you're going to cry samefag either way.
>healsissies mad over their autism frames
No one cares bitch, figure it out before we force you to take your DPSissy abilities off your bar!
Not him but yeah you're samefagging and seething lol
>triple replying
oh yeah he's mad
yeah i can with a little effort
What do I get out of it!
Hot. When's the last time you put in a little effort?
normally saturday nights
Nothing at all. Now post your helf you silly slut
What kind of effort does it take? Just lube or do you have to warm up?
>actually dispelling in raid instead of parsing
Gayer than the guy taking about his dog dildo.
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Just had a mage in my Deadmines group who did 57,4% of his total damage with his Auto-Attack... He was level 25 too. And still managed to break everyone else their marked CC. He kept spamming "GOGOGOGOGOGO" too.

Alliance Turtle players are uuuh.... kind of special huh... If I see one more fucktwit like this I'm rerolling Horde holy shit
lots of lube and lots of grinding
Well maybe next Saturday night if you're in this thread I could give you a helping hand.
He's clearly roleplaying as a spellblade you philistine.
did you guys hear about this one?
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I am raiding Sunwell Plateau RIGHT NOW.
don't care how you set up your UI, if your unit frames don't have portraits you are a soulless golem
No which thread celeb is that? Pearl?
it's not even my biggest haha
sounds like MoP is just the better expansion
the burning crusade more like the burning cucks
Oh? What’s your biggest?
any cool roleplay servers?
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Turtle if you know where to look, Echelon had some but it's completely dead and 90% was either the weirdest niche fetish crap or Crusader larps

Also always avoid any Nelf guild, they're all sexual deviants of the worst kind.
That is really big. And a little sissy like you can take all of it?
where to look on turtle? havent played seen before the pop boom and bust, what kind of creature is even left on that server i wonder
Not that anon. The server still has pretty much the same RP pop it always had because they had nowhere else to go. I mean a few left and a few joined but the numbers are basically still the same at around 100 roleplayers.
If you want to find them, use TurtleRP or go on discord and use the roleplaying channels. RP is there if you want to RP.
That’s impressive.
i want an eredar futa mommy
>pearl got banned for posting about his dildos
I'm raiding for another hour, bro. Suffering progressing on Felmyst and being the only on-topic poster.
come watch alexensual with me on twitch anon
why did this post get deleted but not the others
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How will we keep /wpsg/ alive for the next 3 days while the gooners are banned?
Quick anon post your dildo collection.
>pearl has a green dildo
>human females will never be real

god why even live
it's normal for the majority of dmg to be autoattacks
do you mean wand?
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Are you winning, /wpsg/?
I honestly don't like any of the original epic mounts except for the white tiger, dinosaur, and mechanostrider. Everything else just looks too plain.
I don't know
ty bro maybe i'll give it another try
will kemono come back
Maybe once I'm done with Remix
How's remix for a casual approach? I'm bored enough to try it and there's literally no playable pservers RN.
wrong thread buddy
come back and save KM
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I can't.... it's already dead....
>low levels running around with their 60 main killing everything
I fucking hate turtle wow
why are all the panda players trannies
that's everyone with a female character
Too many times have I asked a question and been ignored. I will have my addons or I won't play, simple as
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So what's the main tbc sv worth playing rn and are the new tbc sv doa or whats the deal?
i'm waiting for corecraft
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What the fuck are you trying to ask?
Use words, nigger.
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Let me rephrase myself in a way you can understand.

why many new tbc svs when its the least played exp
what's the main tbc sv rn
new tbc svs = doa?
serious question
whitemane or warmane for wotlk? do i go for the safe choice and just play on icecrown or do i give frostmourne (whitemane) a chance?
whitemane is a featured site on private server sites with ads, which makes it inherently suspicious
xfr fr fr doa
so i just take the warmanepill then?
sorry i don't speak french
how do you expect to communicate with the french speaking africans that will be your guildmates then
if you take the warmanepill, we can level together, no strings attached
i have to download the client though
no voice either as i'm too autistic for that
sure i'm pretty casual, i've played in blackrock for years on and off but want to do some pve now
any /wpsg/ guilds?
which of the servers and faction you wanna go?
if only we had an OP with this information
probably icecrown since i hate leveling, does alliance have perks or advantages? i have no idea
probably alliance if it has free shit
i was told most of them were dead
Random teaming/fresh joining a PS? Sounds fun.
so there's no /wpsg/ guilds? why have them in the op if they're all dead
then why you asking again bitch
aight i'll tag your post when download is finished, ETA 45m
<Not in OP>
Because when they got removed from the OP people complained and then added them back. Personally I think the entire segment should be scrapped and if people want to advertise their guild they can do so in the thread itself. That way the thread gets more activity and any dead guilds don’t get advertised. And people were already advertising guilds in the thread when the guilds were active anyway.
The 2 other than <Not in OP> aren't active enough to raid but they haven't disbanded and still have people that log in so it's worth having them there if people just want fellow 4channers to talk to while they do solo shit. Not like we need that space for anything else.
Oh missed the first question. Currently <Not in OP> has 8 or something raiders and still raids Fridays and Saturdays. <Khazar Milkers> is dead. <Full Moon Company> is mainly inactive but still has some people who play from time to time.
To be fair FMC was never a raiding guild.
i'd like to spam dungeons so i guess i'll make a warrior
unless you want to tank then i don't know, maybe i'll try and heal but i've only done a bit of disc/rshaman on pvp
You’re a sick man Pearl.
Good morning sir.
my body is ready, whisper gigaweeb
i'm having technical difficulties give me 5mins
i'm assuming you went alliance
no worries take it eez
i'm already level 3 just from running out of the draenei starting area
where should i go?
dead forum, dead community
t blizzard for killing it by banning nude mod users in wod
I can smell my penis through my pants
And it doesn't smell good
I can't sleep because I'm too excited for Everlook fresh what do I do
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Side_Shape on danbooru before someone asks who is the author.

Epoch was born dead already thanks to the shitty TBC balance and seal twisting faggotry that drove everyone minus the TBC widows off.
all is left now is pray that the Ascension one will learn from this mistakes or pray that Wall opens his fucking server.
>pray that Wall opens his fucking server.
The dude has spent the last month saying that he can prove he can divide by zero and that quantum computing and crypto are the secret behind his rigging new races for armor and emotes, good fucking luck.
watch videos of chinese people dying in factories and realize those are your future guildmates
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Hey puppers

Idk chief I played the last beta pretty extensively and besides memetwisting, giving warriors Bladestorm and the warlock changes it felt pretty fucking good to play on most classes. They're also bunkered in until they fixed most of the reported bugs, going for a quality over quantity approach. AFAIK Ktotes doesn't have an eye for profit either, hosting a WoW server is actually pretty cheap.
>want to roleplay on turtle
>there are no convenient helf lore resources
the fact that most of the morons in his team are TBC fags and all of them suffers from addonfaggotry to a point pallies and warriors now need fucking weakauras to time their shit shows that they are beyond incompetent.
Preach Gaming's Legacy of TBC did more damage to the community than it helped, since that fat bong pretty much fooled everyone with a "TBC IS GREAT" meme followed by "Mu'ru is bad" when every fucking pre-final boss or general raid fight since then has been m'uru with a variation.
>stirrups but with a shoe on top
What's the fucking point
I can't suckle on these
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The problem is that high elf lore on Turtle Wow already got retconned once.
Originally the quests and lore were written by Tamamo, who also developed the helf zone and ported the models. You may also recognize Tamamo’s work as he is the dev who added foxes, anime fox girls, and programmer socks to the game.
Tamamo wrote a long story about how the high elves rejoin the alliance and gain the trust of the nelfs ending with the helfs being gifted a moonwell. You explored old elven ruins, accidentally adopt an elf orphan, and even helped the night elfs by defending a moonwell from an ogre who wanted to use it as his personal potty.
Well eventually a dev called Shang joined the team and he didn’t like Tamamo or his approach to Vanilla+. Shang felt it was too “fanfic” and wanted to follow later lore a bit more closely. Eventually the team sided with Shang and Tamamo was fired. Much of Tamamo’s work was scrapped in favor for lore that followed Blizzard’s post vanilla lore a bit more closely. Characters created for TBC were added to the game, and TBC lore concepts like crack elves were used. And for some reason high elfs are fighting blood elves even though killing your fellow elves right after your own genocide is bat shit retarded. It would make more sense for the two factions to be at odds but have it be more of a political intrigue thing that actual fighting, but that would require smart writing. The current quests are just you doing task
Personally I think both Shang and Tamamo suck. Tamamo was way too fanfic but Shang has zero passion for lore and doesn’t get the concept that it’s Vanilla plus and not TBC minus.
If you want to know Turtle helf lore your best bet is to read something like Sunwell Trilogy. The quests all boil down to “you’re a refugee, do menial tasks for us” so there is no lore there. Basically use official lore kind of.
To add to this rant you could also go on their discord and ask for help in the roleplaying lore channel. Just keep in mind Sinrek is a retard and every opinion he has is wrong.
very much the impression i got as well. the bits with the helves fighting the belves just seemed nonsensical and a few of the quests felt like they were imitations of what was present in the blood elf zone in retail. it honestly made me stop reading it after a while, which left me wondering if i had missed something important.

>read something like Sunwell Trilogy.
>Basically use official lore kind of.
i'll give that a look, thanks anon. maybe i'll be able to cobble together something casual. is there anything else i should keep an eye out for regarding paladins? their lore seems a little...insubstantial as well. outside of something like the silver hand, it seems like paladins are just trained holy spellcasters that need to believe that their cause is just.
>i'll give that a look, thanks anon. maybe i'll be able to cobble together something casual. is there anything else i should keep an eye out for regarding paladins? their lore seems a little...insubstantial as well. outside of something like the silver hand, it seems like paladins are just trained holy spellcasters that need to believe that their cause is just.
I mean, you're just a priest that wants to hit things.
They added the Silver Covenant to Turtle Wow but again there’s no deep lore behind them in game.
>Just keep in mind Sinrek is a retard and every opinion he has is wrong.
i feel like that's the case with quite a few people in that server, but thanks for the heads up. i might do that once i settle in a bit more and learn how to actually heal before i roleplay a healer.
It is but I like roleplaying and there are some good people.
You could also hit up an elf guild. I think there is a Silver Covenant guild.
Hope to see you in game.
thanks! i hope to see you around too. i'll do some investigating once i get tired of leveling. it's actually been a lot of fun compared to the slightly painful tedium of leveling a warrior.
Maybe we will! I want to start a Dwarf, was think Rogue or Paladin but now leaning toward a Warrior. Just I haven’t had much time to play.
i'm in a similar spot, finding time to play and make progress is hard. dwarf rogues are pretty cool though, something about them always stood out to me ever since i played dragon age origins.
They’re lesser plated but an interesting combo. Rogues will get axes on Turtle sometime in the future as well, and a Dwarf Rogue swinging axes sounds fun.
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Is this really your leader mudhut dwellers??
isnt wrath just tbc and wrath combined
Still can’t think of a good Dwarf name that isn’t already spoken for.
I find healing harder than tanking
skill issue
retardni the smartest alliance player ever
Nice but I figured one out. Now stuck again on whether I go Warrior, Rogue, or Paladin.
Healing mainly depends on not being high on drugs/drunk off of alcohol and having proper mouseover/Clique setup. It's far harder in MoP because of how much shit they throw at you but piss easy in vanilla where all you need to do is know the 5 second rule.

Meanwhile tanking in vanilla is tardwrangling a bunch of keyboard turning, ability clicking boomers through a dungeon while you don't have AoE snap threat abilities. It's far easier (and fun) in later expansion imo.
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>Progging HC
>Getting gear
>Finally got Wrathion's cloak
Thriving even
>Paypigging blizzard for a copy-paste funserver
any chance felmyst skullchrusher isn't doa?
None, those fuckers can't script for shit
Just because most levelers on Turtle are normies I don't think it should deter you from playing. It is what it is, it's the most famous server right now. WoW will always have these problems.
dedicated erp server with erp mechanics when?
It’s pretty accurate to the Vanilla experience. Back in the day hardly anyone was an expert at the game. Battle Mages and Battle Priests were sometimes a thing, especially on a RP server.
does it have custom sexo animations?
if violence is the supreme authority then how come i resolve my conflicts by offering my body ?
How hard is Feral Tank in TBC for the upcoming TBC realm? Can I tank Heroics with blue gear?
Shang is following the RPG Book ye dingus.
I sent him the Copies of the Books years ago back when Blizzard BEFORE TBC considered them Canon to the world.
Even their plan for the Barrens raid was based off the book concepts.

Per RPG Book bnnefore blizzard butchered it, Blood Elves were hated by both sides for being Schizos, Backstabbers and Legion Cultists, continuing from where Warcraft 3 ended.
Also Kael's sect of Blood Elves doesnt count as the full extent of Helf survivors.
Always remember of how they butchered the lore because of China and South Korea
Gummy server with addons banned
It would be a challenge to make a server even more DOA
3 year Deep Prot Warrior here.

I am thinking of going to TBC (Crusade Storm) next week and will play as Tank Warrior and I pick the most retard race/gender possible and show that I know how to play.

Should I play as Draenei Male or NE Male Warrior? Is Male Troll equivalent as full retard stereotype?
Male draenei or nelf are good picks, I'd say they're both equal in how minimal their racial bonuses are. I'd probably favor draenei since male draenei players are rarer and thus more weird, but night elves do have a stronger reputation of pointless racials.
any 'safe' places in orgrimmar i can park my nelf on turtle for ... you know....
Troll Males are not considered low IQ?
>Welcome to Orgrimmar. Have you come to serve the Horde?
Not to the extent that you're after, I think. If you want to make an oddball retard stereotype character on horde I'd consider female troll actually.
I have never played TBC on private server. Is 98% of population full Blood Elf and 2% Warriors and Shamans?
No he isn’t. For example the Silver Covenant is a wotlk invention. Doesn’t appear in the lore before then.
He’s taking shit from future expansions and slapping it into vanilla. But as a vanilla purist shit like the Silver Covenant doesn’t exist. Shit like crack elves don’t exist in the lore until TBC. And nowhere in those RPG books does it say blood elves and high elves want to kill each other because it’s fucking retarded.
If I played as an Undead with a dead celebrity name, is it considered funny or edgy?
Why do I get disconnected while flying on Turdie from time to time? It's just a server disconnect.
Again, wtf?
why crusader storm, seems kind of like a literally who server
Because Blizzard refuses TBC Fresh.
ass too big
but theres other tbc servers right?
More like 90% Orc due to the racial (which now applies to spellcasting) and Draenei.

Arcane Torrent pre-Wrath is dogshit too, only reason to ever roll a belf on TBC is if you MUST play a paladin Horde-side. Meanwhile every party in an alliance raid wants a Draenei.
Gummy 4, with a bright future ahead, and Corecraft is just around the corner.
Chudpill me on Ashbringer, seems like another DoA miner dogshit realm like schizocraft aka turdcraft aka wallcraft, troondle, blue ring and others that spam here for players (under 20 players world wide).
i'm gonna play a gnome fury warrior when legion comes out
i'm a homosexual and i play female characters
kronos 5 when not playing on evergook and i just want to level to 60 then quit
Shh I know pearl I know
im bi and same
why would a homosexual want to simulate straight sex by ERPing as a female character?
to get straight men duh
He’s a sissy and likes to imagine he’s the woman getting fucked
because female characters in wow are closer to my bodytype
Only the fat ugly ones like pandarens
yeah my bf is a feeder
>water is wet
No shit Sherlock.
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Played mostly priest and dudu, now trying a warrior on Turtle. I get it now. I get why people call it the "main character". Their progression from an actual random mook always out of rage, no proper escape tools, only relying on your weapon damage, to getting your first good weapon and just mowing down enemy after enemy. I get it. The second I got charge at level 4 I was enjoying it, but once you even get a smithering of gear you just destroy everything without stopping. No class compares to that progression and eventual rampage high. No wonder every warrior I played with turned into a lootwhore eventually.

>it is advised to not use Revenge during the leveling phase
Yeah we ignore that lol
>>it is advised to not use Revenge during the leveling phase

Never listen to leveling guides, they're made by people who hate fun
damn i barely fit in my underwear
so clean the shit out of it retard
any fun serverd zi could roll on?
I am too depressed to play WoW.
Yeah just wait till you get to 60 and start getting actual gear. Running around with a Bonereavers Edge in your hands turning priests, warlocks, rogues, hunters, druids and the occasional poorly played mage into a fine pink mist after a couple sword spec procs literally never gets boring
Male troll warrior here, we are canonically retarded it is confirmed
not too dumb to hit r14 though, Hardiness is a fucking crutch for shitters.
>male troll and ranker
Anon I...
>canonically retarded

Did I stutter?
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I never mained a warrior at 60, but I did get WW Axe at 30 on an alt once and I fucking get it, being a geared warrior makes you feel like a damn god.
I was implying that you're a double retard. And that was before the reddit formatting.
>complaining about reddit in 2024

You probably weren't even here when reddit blew up on 4chan. I format it like this because it makes sense, not some attachment to a different website you troglodyte
not him but it doesn't make sense, it is simply not how greentext replies are done and makes your post look retarded even without taking the fact that you're a redditor into account
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I don't really care what you think about my post formatting. I've never had a reddit account
Is levelling Wotlk from 1-80 comfy? Does it have a challenge?
>Is levelling Wotlk from 1-80 comfy?
Only the first or second dozen times.

>Does it have a challenge?
No. We're talking about WoW after all.
I mean it's just classic content+tbc content but faster and then wotlk stuff

It's challenging if you've never played wow before but otherwise no not really
>Is levelling Wotlk from 1-80 comfy?
Yes, the flow of getting new abilities and building up your character with talent points was excellent in WotLK. All classes are very effective too so it never really gets frustrating for reasons that feel outside of your control.
>Does it have a challenge?
Not really no, especially since most elite quests were nerfed and most classes can still complete the few remaining ones. The really OP leveling classes like DKs or Enhancement shamans or imp revenge prot warriors can even clutch out most 5 man group quests.
Last time I played a WotLK server as a death knight, literally the only group quests I couldn't solo were Ring of Blood, Ampitheater of Anguish, and whatever the fuck that Icecrown one that no one does is called.

And I mean literally, I got loremaster on that character because I'm stupid.
quick rundown on frostforge and crusade?
Which alliance race / gender should my warrior be? I’ve considered male dwarves but they are a bit awkward.
The only way I can cope while waiting for everlook fresh is by running around on a level 1 character doing nothing
daed game
I'm going femm ud priest for freshie
Who wants to level w me
Why is Genetics always defending trannies? Is he gay?
Mexicans in the stormforge discord use their real faces for their discord profile pictures.
Yea, LatAms are retarded like that.
How do I find you
My name will be Cromwell
Human weapon skills is probably the single best PVE racial in the game by a landslide apart from crutch ward I guess.
Gnome escape artist is great for PVP and their extraordinarily obnoxious mounts also offer a great psychological advantage.
Nelf Shadowmeld is fun to jump people with and being able to hide while eating is useful.
Dwarf Stoneform is good if you want to shit on rogues even harder but it never felt essential on warriors to me.
Whoa, my post was not an invitation for you to spread hate speech here.
Why is this general so much less unhinged than /wowcg/?
streamers can't stream private servers on twitch
because Classic attracts a ton of eceleb obsessed faggots and they are retarded
tauren warrior with totem is the most optimal warrior experience
>That's the plan
Are you level 36 yet? If no I'll boost you so you can wear [Black Mageweave Leggings]
Because Pearl got banned for posting his dog dildo. Don’t worry. This thread will go back to being unhinged soon enough.
I rerolled warrior lol, got tired of wanding and getting all my gear stolen by mages, locks and fucking paladins of all classes.

That's the second priest in Turtle which I quit before level 30. At least as a tank I can set the pace and pre-select other classes/check their level/check their English while forming a group. I healed a Dwarven paladin tank through Deadmines who had 412 HP, didn't speak a lick of English and started going "UHM HEALS??????" which broke me, the cool stuff like MC isn't worth suffering through with this class Thanks for the offer though
Never played a healer to an extent worth mentioning so wouldn't know how it is, but playing a tank during leveling is indeed amazing, the privilege of making your own groups and actually picking classes for it is what made leveling my warrior and prot pally great.
My offer still stands though. Turtle has basically become an Epoch waiting room for me but I don't mind helping people new to it. Applies to anyone in this thread.
>Turtle has basically become an Epoch waiting room for me
Same, the last beta was fun and the fact they're letting it cook to fix all the bugs instead of rushing it out the door speaks volumes. 3.3.5 plays so much better than 1.12 too. What class/race are you thinking of rolling?
I'm still torn between several. Wanted to play warlock at first, but the fact that they replaced Demonic Sacrifice with some shitty useless ability made me look at other classes. I'll probably roll an arms warrior to play with an enhancement shaman friend. Maybe rogue or warlock if I play solo, didn't give it much thought yet, desu.
more like
^ will get 'DoSsed on launch 100%
1.12 tranny seething
i fucking love south americans in online games, they always play boomer shit like king of fighters and classic wow, definitely nicer and friendlier people than the average american you come across

i think the recent reveal of twow is that its going to be 3.3.5 anyway, most private servers are probably going to switch to it in the future due to popular demand/epoch panic
bcs hes a gigachad his name is genetics bruhhhhh
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Everyone you run into on a vanilla wow server plays vanilla wow.
They can't, all of their custom shit is build on 1.12 you can't just port it over like Warmane did with Warden injection on 3.3.5. Epoch also is completely custom tweaked from the ground up and it took years.

There's a reason you see so many Epoch doomers here and on /r/wowservers, Turtle is essentially finished if Epoch's release is successful.
i hope so, even as a twow player im kind of sick and tired of how poorly it runs, i really dont mind starting over if it means stability and longevity
Epoch is mostly just the newer client on the older game + some new stuff, other than being more stable its not exactly beating anyone with its added content
>ChromieCraft - https://www.chromiecraft.com/en/ (Progressive Wotlk client, currently at TBC)
>Athena - https://twinstar-wow.com (Cata)
>Mistblade 2 - https://stormforge.gg/mistblade (MoP)
>Sanctuary - https://www.sanctuarywow.com/ (Vanilla)
>Valanior - https://valanior.com/ (Vanilla+)
>永恒之望 - https://cn.everlook-wow.net/ (香草+)
>Ashbringer - https://wow.classic-plus.com/ (Classic+)
>Epoch - https://www.project-epoch.net (Vanilla+)
>Tauri - https://tauriwow.com (Legion)
>Wallcraft - https://www.wallcraft.org/ (Vanilla+)
>Crusade-Storm - https://crusader-storm.com/ (TBC) - Coming July 5th
>Frostforge - http://frostforge.servegame.com/ - Coming July 5th

12 giga doa omega dead servers being shilled LOL!
Epochud most players on the first beta where like, low 200.
Vanilla plus dot org aka the server we needed but didn't deserve hit 1k-2k without bots and then got DDoS by the evil russian trannoid known as Shitnna.
I dunno if Epoch will be a success or not but you are right that people are going after it to protect their servers. It’s really fucking gay that we can’t talk about other servers without fags getting all insecure.
Epoch will get DDOS'd into the ground like v+ did.
Don't forget that Shenna is incredibly sketchy.
I'm gonna make a gnome and I'm gonna name it Fiveeleven and I'm never ever gonna get invited to a raid because all raid leaders are coping manlets who will take offense to the joke
>want to run sm armory for gear
>no one wants to tank
i'm going to need to respec and become a prot paladin aren't i?
man valionor fucking died
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dooming on an upcoming server doesn't necessarily mean you're protecting shenna or whatever. don't get me wrong doe that coke fiend is paying people to promote her shit for sure.but you nigs already know how deep the iceberg goes so you better be expecting a rape attempt on epochud's launch
How dead?
I wanted to check Ashbringer and Valionor but neither list their actual fucking changes.
Like are warriors, druid and paladins still the only tanks? Is mage healer a thing there? The fuck do runes do?
Bros, if only vanilla also had DK as a class, I wouldn't even need to play any other expansion....
>if vanilla would have the broken class that was DK in Wotlk
I macro'd Battle Shout together with /roar

You did this to me. This is what you get. Enjoy someone screaming in your ear with 300% volume every 2 minutes. I have become the villain.
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>Blood Elves have been removed and will never become available as a playable race.
>Draenei have been removed and will never become available as a playable race.
my hype for epoch = gone
Hmm if there only was a way on the 3.3.5 client by which you could change your own player model to whatever you wanted... Hmm...
The point of being a GOONGODDESS is that other players can see my beautiful goonself and GOON with me in epic goon seshies.
okay pearl
i don't want to play the 144p vanilla races anymore desu... i guess the best would be if they added the updated models and animations from legion or whatever but i guess that wouldn't be LE VANILLA anymore so it's not happening you will play your 3 triangles total character for the 239053408534th time and u will like it
>updated models and animations from legion
that's gay af
Is there no good PvE servers? I don't like getting ganked I think it sucks
Turtle is PvE, even in red zones you won't be flagged (greedy fucks still turn on Warmode and get ganked into oblivion, then cry in world)
WoD models are the most horrendous looking Disney princess shit ever put into the game, get better taste
wrath was probably the best, model wise. i was a big fan of the druid model rework around then. it felt like an improvement from vanilla without losing wow's style. legion onwards just looks awkward and cartoony.
He said "good".
>people are actually talking about wow private servers in /wpsg/
What happened
you stopped shitposting
just report for off-topic posts bro
Yeah probably a good idea
Chromiecraft is a good PVE crossfaction server I guess without custom crap but it's a low pop server.
Pearl and friends got banned for posting their dildos (and seems they're too dumb and new to ban evade).
I’m playing a dwarf warrior right now on Turtle and really loving it.
Dwarfs are sexy and all but I really hate their mounts, the goats are so stiff and lifeless. I really wish they like, rode on boars or crocodiles or something
Dorf master race. I'm playing a mage so I can live out my desire to play a dwarf mage the manual promised I could 19 years ago
How is mistblade2 ? I’m really feeling mop lately
It's okay, they've made a few boneheaded decisions that they've now reversed but otherwise I have been enjoying it. I have stayed mostly within a guild though so I can't speak much for the playerbase outside of that

I also never played MoP on retail so my comparison is limited
Kinda dead, 90% Latin Americans from the bario. It can be fun to level but endgame is ninjalooters and school shooters galore unless you're in a dedicated raidlogging boomer guild.

All the sweaty parsetrannies fucked off to MoP remix because "muh official loggies"
But I think I’ll go full sperg, grind out Wildhammer rep, and get a griffin.
Nice! I really like dwarves but haven’t played one in a while. Now I’m back in Dun Morogh and it’s very comfy. Heard gnomes have a new area. Gonna check it out later. Plan is stick to dwarf zones and maybe pop over to human zones every now and then for a bit.
>just want banilla pvp servers
>they have devolved into absolute fucking garbage over the past 6 years
If chinklook 2.0 gives me at least a month of amusement I'd have to count it as the best I'm going to fucking get I guess.
>just want banilla pvp servers
I enjoy them.
Nta but can I ask why? I've never seen someone say they likes pvp servers and didn't parrot the usual bullshit around them
I am that anon and I’d also like to know why.
I simply like the thrill or risk of ganking and being ganked. The stories of massive level 30 wars over shit like yetis in hillsbrad or STV are such rare one off events but when they do happen its great. The current servers being garbage like in >>483024897 or phase 2 of classic is the degenerate shit I dislike.
Few months ago I was playin a mage on turtle pve, probably the first time I leveled as fire instead of frost over a dozen mages in vanilla and hell the novelty of it was fun. Did botched as hell "aoe" flamestrike pulls where I would usually end the fight at >15% health/mana but I always felt the risk of wpvp was missing and just got boring.

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk where I ramble like a schizo.
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>fresh vanilla pvp
>battlegrounds disabled at launch

this was the worst meme to come out of cl*ssic
Valanior's stress test was less than 80 players and they made the majority of the game singleplayer. It was DOA.
Shame because it could've become a decent alternative to Ascension, and they could've pulled a lot of players from their dying Season 9. But they fumbled by barely advertising their project, making the majority of the game singleplayer and going for low rates exp.
The singleplayer aspect totally killed it for me yeah
Yeah that's fair. Even staying perma flagged on a PvE server just isn't the same. I guess my thing is how unsustainable PvP servers always are and the necessary lack of accountability for griefers (i.e., the wolves and sheep paradox). Like unless the devs take steps to enforce faction imbalance (which are usually unpopular for a variety of reasons), it's practically a guarantee that one faction will overpower and dominate the other, leading to the slow death of PvP on the PvP server. But you also have griefers, which while annoying as fuck are also a necessary part of the experience, the wolves must hunt the sheep but the sheep can decide to just stop playing if they get annoyed enough at being camped on the way to Blackrock mountain.

I guess I just don't think the once or twice you have a Hillsbrad war doesn't justify the eternal agony that is existing as the smaller faction on a pvp server, and that even if you're the larger faction you probably won't be able to find anyone to play against in a few months once the sheep decide they'd rather just play the game than have to fuck around with the sweatlords
Nah I think that’s fair and it’s what I liked from vanilla pvp. Getting ganked and then joining up with other guys who got ganked and rolling the other side as we quest together like bros only for them to form their own gank squad and it escalating into a war made the entire experience a lot richer and it’s kind of sad private servers have moved away from that.
Honestly all my best wow memories are pvping in vanilla and not even just the times where I “won.” Trying to take a boat to Darnassus from Wetlands only to get ganked by a troll dressed up as a sailor with a broom was “swabbing the poop deck” is a good memory that I’d never have had had I played on a carebear server. I would have just taken the boat and mundanely reached my destination.
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humiliation ritual
What's even the point, there's nothing worthwhile to craft...
Cromwell come back. It will turn out he just lost access to his account so he'll make a new one with a fresh shadow priest, and I'll be there to make gear for him.
>crafting sucks on every expansion and it's just a mandatory humiliation ritual just to get a mandatory samey flat bonus
WoWbros, not like this...
It's the most populated MoP server, and content is decently scripted.
Random groups range from dogshit to okay (clearing several HC bosses with no comms, but wiping to Jikun somehow) if that matters to you.
We've been months in the current tier, so many are raidlogging until 5.4 for the most part.

Many people here already said it: enabling solo-players, nay, making playing alone optimal, pretty much killed any reason to play.
MMORPGs already compete with many other games, but they're carried by the social component they have; if they become singleplayer games however... lol.
It’s great that they tried a new idea but yeah turning an MMO into a single player game is dumb unless you were to turn WoW in a single player western RPG with a strong story and a lot of options that actually affect the story and the world around you. That would be cool. But Val just feels so pointless and empty and too damn easy.
Cromwell is gone, just like Hat and the rest of them
May they rest in peace
“Most populated” is a bad thing when the population is 90% non-English speakers. I’d rather play on a server with 100 players who all speak English than a server with 1000 players but 90% of them don’t speak English because at that point you have all the drawbacks of a populated server with few if any of the benefits.
pretty sure a majority of the /wpsg/ guilds are third worlders too
>every expansion
Alchemy and Enchanting have consistently been god-tier for the entire game
Engineering is god tier in vanilla and while not as good it's still reasonably useful or at least fun in later expacs
Tailoring is easy to train, shits out bags for money, and all the worthless gear makes it a good combo for enchanting
Jewelcrafting was good before blizzard went full retard and basically removed jewels
Cooking has always been an easy way to get buffs
First Aid was basically required in vanilla, and still kind of worthwhile for classes like rogue and warrior in tbc and wotlk before the expansions past that made bandages heal fuck all

It's really just Blacksmithing and Leatherworking where it's too much of an investment to train with no consistent payoff since the few actually good recipes are too niche/rare for average players to take advantage of. Just stop making blacksmith warriors unless you're founding a guild that's going to make sulfuras or something.
oh yeah and inscription is in the same boat as jewelcrafting. I don't even know what the fuck you do with inscription anymore other than waste time making those stupid scratch and sniff cards.
The makeup of <Not in OP> is
>2 Americans
>1 Brit
>1 Dutch
>1 Israeli
>1 Palestinian
>2 slavs
>1 guy I don't know
Are you here to talk or to play the game?
he plays mop remix
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>(until phase 3)
So in a couple of months Starfall will have multiboxing pvp as well? Why is Everlook so fucking retarded?
Those are all 3rd world.
Cope, literally can't get more first world than the Dutch.
>America, Western Europe and Eastern Europe are all third world
Good morning sir.
>can't get more first world
That would be China
What they're saying seems to be that multilogging on starfall outside of cities will be bannable until phase 3, where they're going to revert to everlook's rules where you're allowed to have your main follow your alts like a faggot. Multiboxing bots are banned regardless.
It’s an MMO. I play in large part for the social element. Kind of ruins the experience when you can’t communicate with your fellow players.
This isn’t entirely accurate but whatever close enough.
No because playing with bots is worse than playing with third worlders, especially if you are paying to do so.
Which class suits for my personality the best?

>Anger issues
>Only learn through repetition
>No leadership quality
rogue if you are a seething anger
warlock if you have explosive anger
Arms Warrior

>Anger issues
Always out of rage
>Learn through repetition
Mortal Strike, Overpower single target. Cleave and Whirlwind multiple targets
>No leadership quality & anti-social
Refuse to tank.
I respectfully disagree. I can give the bots voices in my head, and those voices will be speaking English.
Yes i know what it says, phase 3 is a few months into the game and by then i will be allowed to dualbox and one shot random people in the open world. It's truly clown world shit.
Then what about premade groups and guilds?
good luck doing that without bannable multibox software I guess
Roll any healer class while refusing to heal. I'd personally suggest female human paladin.
2h fury warrior that doesn't even train defensive stance.
Oh and you're the guild leader too.
I think limiting yourself to playing with only nine or so other people not only misses the “massive” part of MMOs but also sets you up for disappointment when a player has to quit and now your guild can’t raid. Personally I like being able to meet and play and joke around with a bunch of other people. The other day I went to add a buddy’s new character to my friend’s list only to be told it was full, and had to sort through people I hadn’t seen in a while to make space. It’s a good feeling.
be really cool if Turtle added DKs
epoch is never coming out

>all of their custom shit is build on 1.12 you can't just port it over like Warmane did with Warden injection on 3.3.5
1.12 and 3.3.5 are pretty much the same client with the latter having some improvements made like vertex shading
it would take time but it is possible to port all the work over
how do we rescue <khazar milkers>?
Is there any chance wallcraft actually turns out good? He's going full blown pyschopath with a feature bloat out the ass and the mercenary system he's making just seems like you're gonna have 40 man raids being controlled by one neckbeard
We don't, I killed it on purpose for revenge.
why would you?
never playing your shitty gacha """game"""
I think you'll find that most private servers have non-English speakers; most people seem to speak English to some degree though.
Also, is it you, Sanctuary-anon? I still think that things aren't a dichotomy between "comfy 100 pop server" and "megaserver where 90% of the playerbase can't speak a lick of English" like you imply.
Have you considered instead that the problem may be related to QoL changes between Vanilla and modern expansions? even on Warmane Onyxia of all places I had no issue having a great time with other players while leveling, but on MB2 everything is so fast paced you have to go out of your way to talk with your fellow players in the open world.

I'm convinced they don't want to be "rescued"; I've asked them many times about it. And I'm not sure I care anymore.
okay pearl
>first world
haha got a good laugh there
I do not play on Sanctuary.
There’s a difference between a server where there are some non-English speakers, and one where the majority are non-English speakers. And the difference is that, for me, one is playable because I can communicate with other players, while the other is unplayable and wholly unappealing. And your description of MB2 makes it sound even more unappealing if it “is so fast paced you have to go out of your way to talk with your fellow players in the open world.” At that point I would just uninstall WoW entirely and play a good single player game. The idea of playing an MMO with little to no interaction with other players outside maybe nine or so guildmates is downright dystopian in my humble opinion.
>America, Western Europe
>pearl gets banned after posting his dog dildo in thread
>all the weird “i want to fuck worgens” “i want to fuck pandas” replies disappear
>anons actually discuss the game
>quality of the thread improves
>thread hits bump limit with anyone botting it
Stay gone.
>There’s a difference between a server where there are some non-English speakers, and one where the majority are non-English speakers
Yes, US retail servers and the rest. So do us a favor and go back.
I've been discussing servers all day Anon, take your meds and/or stop shitposting
I don’t play retail either.
So have I. So what?
New thread
Then we are both here for the same reasons and there's no need to invent drama, the shitposter was banned
We won
You make up all these little stories about people you've never actually interacted with and use them as evidence that anyone you dislike is actually those people. It's cyclical and has no basis in reality. Pearl is not the dildo poster or the one talking about fucking dogs, I'd put money on it being Flag but even I can't be sure because it's an anonymous imageboard and I'm not arrogant enough to think I can pin down every single poster's identity.
You obviously never played at all if you believe that pservers had a majority of native English speakers at any point. Recent newfags somehow parrot this, guess their favorite streamer/shill told them that.
>Pearl is not the dildo poster
then how did he reply to you and have his point go over your head if he's banned numbnuts
I’ve been playing WoW private servers for a long time.
Everything you (or you and other anons) assume about me is factually incorrect. It doesn’t bother me as I’m anonymous, but it makes me immediately dismiss whatever you have to say when you so confidently spout things about me that I know aren’t remotely true.
Are you seriously so new that you don’t know how easy it is to ban evade on this site, or are you hoping that I am?
okay then this entire post >>483452043 just collapsed because you just said the reason the thread is good is because pearl isn't posting in it
You're so desperate to eek out some sort of petty little win here that you let the entire foundation of your dramaposting fall apart. I'm done with you.
I’m not that anon, anon. I’m >>483453162 and I stand by that statement
And that banned shitposter’s name is Pearl.
So tell us, which pserver had a majority of English native speakers?
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I'm just telling you that modern expansions have gotten rid of some things that made socializing with strangers almost expected and natural, e.g. group quests, having to form groups manually and run to the instance, and downtime in dungeons providing some space for small talk and banter, etc.
This is an issue unrelated to MB2 or any server, but to changes in WoW's design over the years. Social interaction still occurs, but it's not required as it was before, so timid players may find themselves easily soloing everything.
In any case I'm not trying to convince to play here or there, so believe what you will.
Anon... let it go...

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