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Previous: >>482674887

>20th Interlude Story Campaign:
●June 21 ~ June 28 JST.
▶Login Bonus: 2 Summon Tickets and 9 Hellfire of Wisdom.
▶Taigong Wang: 2 SQ
▶Dobrynya Nikitich: NP upgrade.
▶Both interludes will be open to everyone.
▶The AP consumption for all interludes will be halved.
▶The chance of achieving a great or a super success will be doubled for both servants.

>20th Interlude Story Campaign Summon Pickup:
●June 21 ~ June 28 JST.
5* Rider Taigong Wang
4* Rider Dobrynya Nikitich
Both Permanent.

>Summer2024 Support campaign to complete the Conditions of participation:
●~July 5 JST.
▶NEW Limited Missions: 5 SQ.

>Dancing Dragon Castle! The Deep Sea Princess and the Two Jewels Pre-Campaign:
●Event starts: Late June.
▶Login Bonus: 3 SQ, 1 Golden Apple, Heroic Spirit Crystal (5 ATK & 5 HP) and 2M QP.
▶Event bonus servants will have their interludes unlocked for everyone (~ July 3 JST).
▶Event bonus servants will receive a 20% increase in the amount of bond points per battle (~June 26 JST).
▶AP consumption for the Strengthening Quest of the event bonus servants will be halved.

>CBC FGO Fes. 2024:
●June 28, 18:45 JST.
▶Retweet Campaign: 14 SQ for 70000 RT.
▶Cast: Rumi Okubo (Elizabeth Báthory), Ayako Kawasumi (Artoria Pendragon)

>Lilim Harlot(Rerun):
●For current PUs and dates see previous threads or the links below:

>/fgog/ Friendlist spreadsheet:

>Pastebin for utility links:
That's my favorite Medb costume, shame they never use it for anything else.
new bronze servants like 2019
Strengthenings for my favorites
FGO 2 3 4 and 5 announced.
"Paid" spiritron dress shop with the anniversary ces' as the first set.
free ssr
Interludes with animation updates.
Something that matters for me and not shit like Destiny Order or what's its name.
2-Kun hanging himself
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Taigong interlude
>Nikitich getting along as usual with Taigong.
>Koyan sisters join the conversation but Dark is annoyed that Taigong doesn't answer them a word.
>Yume moment. Taigong takes your hand and asks you to hug him (the excuse is the fight).
>Again Taigong says that if he is summoned as a caster it would be Grand.
Bwos why isn’t the update showing up in the app store for me…
Sasuga Koyanskaya's lover.
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He did nothing wrong
>Koyan sisters join the conversation but Dark is annoyed that Taigong doesn't answer them a word.
This is wrong.
Dark makes a sarcastic remark about him "launching things" referencing how he fucked up the egg which split her and Light in two.
Then Light interjects that they don't give a shit about him, but he has to return (You) alive or else.
Melusine is the reason she split, dummy.
Why would I have any hope for this cuck game beside EOS
Also please stop making fake spoilers to cuckpost, it's pathetic.
Sakurai had to put shipshit, eh?
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Truly the character /fgog/ hates the most.
More like you cucktards need to act upon lies again.
>"you cucktards"
>he plays FGO and defends Sakurai
throwing stones in glass house.jpg
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Yeah right, go eat a bag of dicks disingenous cuck.
From Koyan mats
>She still can't forget the wounds she received in Faerie Britain. Without that, she could have matured as a Beast, but with that, she could be split into Light and Darkness.
Okay, you're right. Taigong did split her but Melu helped.
All I care about is the main story moving along and getting closer to eos.
Melusine made her lose a tail which had her rush her plan out and create Tunguska. But the split happened because of the egg shit and the two halves are linked to (You) and (You) only.
Special servants who'll disappear after and return to a whole.
Contrived shit, but it is what it is.
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You know exactly why she put the talking with the chink there. You are making the same mistake again.
Enkidu? for me
My most delusional hope is for Camazotz to finally be implemented but besides that, giving us more Anni CE costumes, bond 20, login rewards update, sqs that are actually useful in giving more team composition variety, ANYTHING that's not just bog standard would be nice
Future Colors
Is Sakurai truly the worst thing that happened to Fate?
Do you know how pissed I was when I was 12 and realized the full version of Future Colors is different from the anime version?
I don't have mental illness brainrot like you so I can read it for what it is, and it's not shipping. Disingenous cuck.
I don't even know who you are.
I was surprised when I listened to the album ver. the rhythm was different
It's very different. O-ZONE is the best one thanks to that.
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I guess you are just like those guys who ignore the signs when their wives cheat on them. Oh well.
What the fuck was Nasu THINKING.
I just want to egao
That was Nasu's idea
Nasu didn't even write the game.
Fate was always a cuck franchise
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I always wondered Tamamo over the years kept losing popularity.
But honestly, she was shit from the start.
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no no ushi, trust neco-arc!!!
Hakuno/n is a cuck?
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>want to grail Draco
>only have 15 grails
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>Finally getting a nendo
And it only took them four years!
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Wait, Kadoc nendo?!
Douman yumes keep winning.
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universal coins
To be fair all extra main servants did this not just her
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Samurai Medb.
Don’t know what they were thinking with this scene at least they’re removing it
Is this real? Too good to be true considering how rarely FGO gets new nendos now, especially the new ones.
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So.... Is Erice available in the welfare shop yet?
If this real then the right one is most likely 3rd ascension Oberon.
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The things I would let this rabbit do to me
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I send a support ticket, hopefully I can recover my account.
Sakurai stole my account.....
Nope. If she was, I'd grail her to 100.
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Alice... Forgotten...
I love evil women
So I cant mock women for loving evil men
>(You) were the only one that noticed Taigong was too pushing himself too hard and wanted to scold him for being reckless
Cute, you're really close to him
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Sex with Okita
freedom at last
of course, they will give pandering to yumes and fujohomos but nothing for Waifufags in this game
Ah yes, going on a date with Marie Alter and dancing with Jeanne Alter in OC2 was "nothing"
>Marie Alter
>hate your guts, want to manipulate you
>even in doujins they just got for the hate-sex aspect with her.
>Jeanne Alter
>"Hehe let's kill her forever"
Also, it happened like, 3 months ago. Nothing since while Yumes and Homofujos keep getting shit.
No wonder waifufags have a miserable time with this game if they're all as retarded as you.
found the roastie.
>Nothing since while Yumes and Homofujos keep getting shit.
Name something new they've gotten in between OC2 and now, not including Taigong's interlude.
Because from where I'm standing, no one's gotten anything new, but there has been a rerun of the summer where Kama's all over (You) and Draco's event where she declares her love for (You).
Interludes, the 1st April thing with Oberon, and more.
Yeah, nothing new.
>declares her love
did we play the same collab?
Fgog's favourite form of content is interludes but they just seem to get mad when new ones are released.
effgawg just loves getting buttmad in general, why you think so many reply to obvious bait in the first place (besides being genuinely stupid)
people want Interludes to actual characters that need interludes and less Sakurai shit.
I want an interlude for BB and how she fell in love with Guda.
>Takes all of five minutes to write(takes a month or two to develop it, but the writing can be done fairly quick and easy)
>They could release new interludes every month and it would be easy content
>Easy way to explore characters without usual limitations
>Any random fan could probably think of fun things to write about these characters their mythologies, just fun stories putting them in different situations. Iskandar idolized Achilles growing up, and Caligula and Caesar idolized Alexander, maybe you can play on something with that for example.
>It takes them two years to finally put out new interludes because the devs honestly forgot they existed
>Well maybe the interludes they've saved up all this time are worth the wait
>It's the most boring non-character thing you can imagine, your expectations were zero and somehow this was lower. "Ahh some sakurai characters made some soup, you loved the Christmas event right?"

Every day I'm reminded how Intellectually bankrupt TM is
You don't want to believe it but they really do have nothing in reserve, they have no idea what to do with any of their characters anymore, and they couldn't write a short five minute story with any of them to save their lives

Fans would fucking rejoice if the devs just said "were adding all the 2016 and 2017 events to the event shop to play whenever you want, text only, no grinding, you get welfare free after playing" but they're too creatively bankrupt to do even that.
>Fgog's favourite form of content is interludes
/fgog/ told me they loved main story chapters the most though
Even the filler ones that contribute nothing to the story
>but they just seem to get mad when new ones are released.
They also seem to do that with the chapters too, weird
>Draco's event where she declares her love for (You).
If you count that, Setanta is into (you) very much in that event. Even reminding you constantly he's about your age.
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Morgan Kick!
>Name something new they've gotten in between OC2 and now,
YumeCHAD here. Oberon in April's Fool with your canonical baby with him ORT Liz. There were plenty of cute family art.
Yeah I'm tired of all the Nikitich content.
>Iskandar idolized Achilles growing up,
This was in Alexander's interlude, I think. That was Achilles' first appearance before his release.
But Romans aren't allowed to worship anyone but Nero Sue, I'm afraid.
There was nothing wrong with the interludes. Taigong was an epilogue of Chungus, to solidify him as for (you).
Cat Lady was about motherly love so a lot of mother types were there including Tiamat and Raikou.
don't care about yumes and fujohomos pandering.
Here a chinese drama based on Investiture of Gods, with Daji as a tragic heroine and love interest of the protagonist.
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Instead of giving characters that actually NEED interludes like Melusine and Morgan, nah
Its just an example of how you can work with the character relations and interplay between heroes, heroes have odd relations with each other you wouldn't expect, Nightengale was obsessed with Ozzymandias in life. You'd be suprised who knows each other and who idolized who. I know Alexander has mentioned Achilles in his room line but I don't think they really did too much with it.
Yes they keep neglecting LB6 characters.
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that was the best day of my life
The mom that fgog love
>25 new BA figures announced
>zero new FGO figures announced other than Kadoc nendo
Is it over? Why aren't companies tripping over each other to do summer fairies or Mexico City?
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I was mad at first that they released only 2 and were not even the popular ones. Then they released another 2 and I am starting to believe they may release small bunch of interludes monthly, so I guess I take it. Plus, Dobrynia is cute and Chink Scammer was funny.
Of course, the ideal would be to see any LB6 character. Even if I expect Oberon mostly.
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>more figures for male characters (chibi slop) than female characters announced
Just burn this franchise to the ground, it's done.
How many were announced?
Nendos for Pretender Oberon, Limbo, Kadoc, and Nendoru Gil and Lancer. The only newly announced girl figure was Figma Castoria.
Oh is wonfes going on?
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not everything is lost
It's a GSC and affiliates-only event.
That one was already announced, that's a prototype.
It's been months and I'm still mad they did a bait and switch with the default Melu pose.
>Why aren't companies tripping over each other to do summer fairies or Mexico City?
Because they are busy getting paid by Nexon to do figures for their game.
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Ehhhhh whatever then.
Skimming through its like 90% nendos of characters who already have like 20 nendos.
Shocking amount of BA figures and unshocking amount of frieren stuff.

Pic relateds the only surprising series, I know it was fairly popular but surprised it got a figure already
How many chances that Nasu is demanding for w*men pandering?
If it makes you angry to think about, then yeah, it's likely.
Nasu is a woman
Male Servants were a mistake. Can't wait for anniversary Camazotz to flop like Takasugi.
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And the bug
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Not new but showing off the announced Purin
My wife!!!
so they are releasing 2 interludes each month now?
>new castoria figma
how many figures does she have now again
>More cashitoria shit
Why can't they just give me Morgan figs, fuck Nasu or the whatever marketing wage slave is approving these licenses.
More than morgan and oberon i assume.
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>Just burn this franchise to the ground, it's done.
As someone who has Melt merch I can assure you that Good Smile is fine but ALTER is the company that you really want for them to make a figure of your favorite character. GSC Melt figures pale in comparison to ALTER's.
Even Bob and Melusine beat Morgan at getting figures, which is super weird because Oberon and her were the most popular characters out of the LB6 cast.
My guess is that Bob and Melusine's designs are more unique and make for better figure material than Morgan.
Oh, wait, she got a nendoroid at least. Still, weird that no company is capitalizing on Morgan. You would think that ALTER at this point would have announced a scale figure by now.
Morgan is definetly popular enough within the franchise to be guaranteed of selling like hot cakes. This is not a problem of "FGO original can't possible sell" when they are releasing Melusine and Oberon.
Morgan only having a Nendoroid and the majority of the rest being GK makes me think that Nasu is purposefully hijacking it. Not being a contrarian, not being bitter, not wanting to be angry, just trying to reach a conclusion.
And even if that was the truth, I cannot understand why would he do that. I mean he is very autist to the worst, but to this extent?
Is this the first time an NPC has gotten a nendo? I’m pretty sure Roman doesn’t have one
Anon, Nasu made Morgan the anniversary servant. He does not hate her.
Never said that he hates her, just that, if he is really holding all the Morgan figures, my question is, why? Actually, can a company that offer Morgan figures be rejected by the opposite party?
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Last WonFes they announced an alter, Amakuniand aniplex figures. They made a push but she should have more (especially alternate outfits or summer)
>Last WonFes they announced an alter, Amakuniand aniplex figures. They made a push but she should have more (especially alternate outfits or summer)
I didn't know this. Then why are Morganfags complaining? They should be busy saving for the ALTER one. At least Morgan already has stuff on the way.
>if he is really holding all the Morgan figures
He isn’t. Nasu is not trying to sabotage Morgan in any way. He wants her to be popular.
Ok then, that doesn't explain why there is no figures. Morgan IS popular, just as much, or even more, than Castoria or even Oberon. I don't think there is reason for an already big character to not have figures.
She does have figures, and she will inevitably get more.
Oh yeah, this is one of them.
I suppose that I should change my question. Why is it taking so long? I am used to seeing very popular characters getting high quality figures in time record.
By my count. Morgan has 5 figures (2 released and 3 announced recently) and cashitoria has 7 (5 released and 2 announced recently)

Clear bias
Melu has like 4-5 figures (none released)
He also made her uniquely shit with the only conditionally disabled skill in FGO.
It’s not unusual for people in charge of any business to overlook and neglect a customer base that would give them lots of money, people are simply dumb.
Pretty sure yeah. Hoping for more Crypter nendos in the future (at least Daybit).
FGO now falls into the category of "has a lot of long-term fans so many people will buy it whether it comes out it one year from now or five years." The other category is flavour of the month/year stuff where sales are highest within the year it comes out before people move onto the next hot thing so they pump out a lot of shit right away to take advantage of it.
I hope for Daybit and Kirsch
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None of you buys figures anyways
Anon with how shit yen is right now Ive bought more figures in the last year than I ever have before
I have 18 fate figs but sure
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Have you bought this?
People really forget that Takeuchi has power in choosing who gets figures.
Now I may live in a shit third world country, but even I did my best for Nendo Morgan.
Buying figures in this economy?
Even if I buy them, where do I display them?
I don't even have my own house!
Does he?
Sometimes I really want to be happy of having my own house... that I live with others and is so fucking old it may as well not have a ceiling. It makes me mad among other things.
I really, need to learn to chill. Or have sex and take all the frustration away.
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>male figure
Cringe. I wish FGO was a game with only female Servants and a faceless male Master. Hakunon did irreparable damage to TypeMoon.
He's the co-owner of type-moon.
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Fortunately, Koyanskaya is not Daji. Amaterasu being Daji would be logical but in fate it does not seem to be the case. Daji has a strong connection with Taigong and I don't think they would want to cuckold Hakuno with someone other than Guda.
>By the way, I want Daji lolibaba.
>the first Crypter having nendo
>the most sales on the AGF merch
So if the Crypters become playable Kadoc will definitely be a *5 right? No way they gonna miss the yumebucks
I’ve bought a few nendos and few others
They're gonna release customizable masters instead.
He'd be a 3* like Izou. The CEs for last year's anni may be a prediction for their rarities.
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bit wank
Izou, like Mandricardo and Salieri, were cases where they got popular after the release though, Kadoc already got the popularity before the release. Since lore =/= rarity it'd feel like a waste if he ended up as *3
When are we going to get a homo servant for (You)
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Foreigner Daybit will be for (Me)(Male)
Isn't that Astolfo's whole shtick?
Oberon has a porcelain doll line dedicated to him though.
Daji in the drama show isn't a fox demon, the fox demon was possessing her to help her out because he was in love with her. There was a triangle with her, the fox demon, and her adopted brother (one of the immortal heroes). Plus that cuck king that was evil.
Technically the legend never said Daji was a fox demon, only that fox demon masqueraded as one of the emperor's concubines, Daji. That's explicitly there.
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>AGF merch
The what?
I think the only potential playable Crypters are Daybit and Kirsch because both have "np songs" like Meiren (Wodime and Void). Kadoc's gonna be an optional master path. Pepe may too (taken as companion to buff you).
>NTR Servant
All Crypters should be free units. Meiren gets a pass because she's a bitch.
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>The what?
Different anon, but Animate Girls Festival.
Personally I can't see Kadoc ever becoming playable either.
Didn't Oberon just got a nendo of his Fresh Summer Prince version?
Oh do we have rankings for that? I had no idea. His design is amazing. Since I saw him, I knew he was going to drive women crazy.
It was a nendo doll
The fuck is the difference?
Why does Daybit sit like that?
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That also got a porcelain doll version.
The dolls have joints to give you more freedom over their poses and cloth clothing
nendo dolls are more elaborated.
That sounds better.
Maybe his butt hurts?
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from what?
was, now he's known as NTR servant.
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No rankings but from nips' posts who got there Kadoc's merchs were the first to sold out and the price on re-seller site were high
Oh and after him? I bet Daybit.
Someone should give him Tezca hair.
>Oh and after him? I bet Daybit.
Yeah, also I think Kirsch was 3rd. I didn't see the posts about his merchs sold out but judging from the re-seller site price it's very likely. Overall they sold out well, even Beryl. I saw a lot of fans that bought full set of the merchs. I hope the lastest Crypters chibi merchs also sold well so there'd be more in the future
Nothing. Whatever minimal effort they could make they will save till next year for 10 anni "hype"
Why the fuck would you want that?
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Finally got her, bros.
Congrats bro!
Your waifu
Your mom
All me BTW
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>Paul took me to Dorsia
PHH Morgan
LB Morgan
Don't let /frog/ see this thread....
Daybit's Daybutt...
Yay Fergus appeared in one of the newest interludes, animation update soon I presume?
Does anyone unironically likes Fergus?
I all i want for anni is for them to refill the pure prism shop. I need more cookies.
I haven't used a single pure prism in this 8 years of FGO.
Yeah because Daybit and Kadoc are husbandos, the others are likable characters (and Beryl).
How come girls don't husbando Kirsch? I don't get it. I understand Pepe because he's gay (for real, not just fujobait) or Beryl because he's greasy.
Kirsch is for Caenis paenis ONLY and girls respect that
Being a dindu nullifies husbando status
I love Kirsch but it's like...an admiration nonsexual type of love (that's why Gudao/Kirsch is more popular, fujos sometimes do that), but he's so connected to Caenis that's difficult to think Kirsch without Cae.

>But Anastasia
Kadoc obviously had that doomed first love deal which is very popular too, but Caenis and Kirsch had a relationship that is ambiguous and soulmate-like. Kirsch's shop CE, Caenis' Christmas gacha CE, Caenis Summer and the Valentines, Caenis' interludes is all about the special bond with Kirschtaria. Caenis felt like Kirsch's destination, while Anastasia was Kadoc's first to push him to mature.
You wouldn't husbando Jesus.
He is sometimes shipped, but Caenis bond is too powerful. It's not written as a "tragic first love" troupe as Anastasia and Kadoc too.
Plus a lot of husbandos appeal is "fixing" them. Including Romani (who became popular because he's fucked up underneath) when they aren't crazy/evil/shitty people. Kirsch isn't broken. It's more like he already is the person in Guda's role to others.
Artist wants to get fucked in the ass by all of the woman's exes.
>Caenis and Kirsch had a relationship that is ambiguous and soulmate-like. Kirsch's shop CE, Caenis' Christmas gacha CE, Caenis Summer and the Valentines, Caenis' interludes is all about the special bond with Kirschtaria. Caenis felt like Kirsch's destination
I wish the servant of my favorite Crypter cares about him as much as Caenis cares about Kirsch...
Nasu probably decided that.
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It's rarer since he already has love interests in Caenis and Ophelia, but those that do are quite dedicated. There's a Kirsch yume who's put out a 130 page KirschxGudako doujin, then followed it up with a 152 page one.
I think is harder to ship him with Gudako because they would be too "alike." Unless they buy his exterior fake prince persona. I said above that is different than Kadoc/Anastasia because Anastasia followed typical tragic first love. Japanese media has a lot of elegant more aloof or mature girls dying for the edgy protagonist to kick-start their atonement journey. They are important and still a piece of their past. But the second love is usually someone genki, opposite spectrum to help them come out their shell and integrates them back. Gudako fits that to a T. Tht's why Kadoc yumes don't mind Anastasia/Kadoc, it makes their ship possible.
There's some that do but like what other anons have said, with having other love interests, bad/rough around the edges guys being more appealing, not to mention he's been dead for 4 years with only having one chapter to shine as opposed to Kadoc now being a part of the Chaldea crew and Daybit's awaited return, so it's not surprising that not many yumes are going to get attached
That too, opposites attract is very popular when it comes to pairings and Kadoc and Daybit contrast well with Gudako with their less than approachable personalities
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Yeah, I can understand preferring pairings that contrast one another more. But I kinda like how much they parallel each other, while still coming from opposite places in life so there's room to help each other grow there.
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The remake is going to suck specifically because they won't be remaking this scene.
he's too perfect, you can't fix him.
floating yes
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This is emblematic of civilizational decay.
Idk there was a fair bit of hornyposting for him ITT leading up to and following on LB5
Those were men.
I miss my ugly wife Daybit
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News Fuck Off?
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Cunny PVC
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News Doko?
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So Skizu decided to cuckpost everything related to FGO after he got laughed at on Twitter huh?
Yeah he did best buddy good for you to bring it up yet again here, feel free to celebrate once again since the game has nothing else to offer for you
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Ring. Ring. Saber eats delivery.
Pls open the door /fgog/
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Hold on, I ordered NEWS.
Content at last?
You don't see people shipping Gudako x Goetia, right? Same thing here. Wodime was the main villain of the Lostbelt arc (that is prior to the shitshow that was Olympus) and he's nearly as powerful and as damn evil as he is.
Event 3 weeks then countdown to Anni like last year you rike?
Getting the servant is just the start of the battle
The banana made a new BB set.
I'm interested in who's going to get costumes from the event's cast.
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The man? You
The woman? Me
Who is that oni?
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Make it transparent, anon.
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One more of those.
Woodwose got wood…
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sexual intercourse
Riyo... The Saber Eats joke was better.
Strange Fake feels pointless now desu
Even FSR canonically had higher powerlevel Servants in it and that wasn't even the point

And now we have all these Extra Classes Watcher just feels like another unexplained one among many
New FSR Berserker
Kishimoijin fused with an Ubume
Seriously why weren't Gilfags chimping out about Ibuki beating every Servant in Fate Samurai Remnant and then beating him too?
Raikoufag at least has the excuse Ushi-Gozen had her armor on so she wasn't trying. Gil went all out and lost

Genuinely feels like Ibuki could curbstomp every Servant in Fate Samurai Remnant
Gil is seriously overwanked
Ibuki feels like she could curbstomp every Servant in Fate Strange Fake
And that's my point. The whole premise of Strange Fake has fallen apart because the series has gotten so powercreeped nothing in it feels impressive
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Cute couple
>She wasn't as popular as Okita/Nobu so they went full shiptroon on her, making sure she will never be popular

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LITERALLY NOBODY cares about Ibuki.
>Even FSR canonically had higher powerlevel Servants in it and that wasn't even the point
That's just Sakurai being Sakurai. Every servant of hers has to be some ultra powerful super duper bullshit kind of thing that can destroy all of Japan by sneezing.
Strange Fake is more for people who wanna clap seeing edgelord sane Herc fight serious Gil. It's for the people who go "oh fuck I know what that thing is."
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>first NPC to get a nendo
Our sempai is so cool and popular and beloved!
It's almost as if you're meant to look at characters within one entry and not across the entire setting. Tbh Sam Rem doesn't know wtf it wants to be. If it's about the bromance between Iori and Takeru then the inclusion of playable strays actively hurts it (and they're literally a plot device that doesn't even work as intended because Tsuchimikado is retarded). The DLCs being alternate routes (fake) damages the entire story. I don't mind the DLC characters but they're like a 5th wheel on a bicycle. They have story content (but not in the main story) and strays have main story content but just fucking scraps.
Who cares she's just one example of a list of many who undermine the premise of FSF
It doesn't feel like a HGW that is full of the strongest Servants.
The explicit purpose of FSF was to have high powerlevels clash
No, the entire purpose of FSF was making a story about Gil and Enkidu.
>high powerlevels
Shingen and Kenshin rivalry to romance has been a thing in JP pop culture since forever. If they'd made Takeda Shingen a chick, it still wouldn't have stopped the shipping.
No you retard. It exited to wank off powerlevels by putting in a number of insanely strong servants and giving them almost no excuses for lack of mana support like FSN by having each Servant have a source of mana support that is functionally limitless so they could go all out.
That's a symptom of FSR's development
It was intended to be a soulslike. That's why the first fight with Ushi-Gozen is super unforgiving and every fight. She was meant to be the normally near unbeatable boss you face in Soulslikes.

But they changed their mind because they were scared that since FGO is full of mobile player onlyfags in Japan they would scare off the playerbase by the difficulty
>Make him a chick
>Rival with Kenshin over Guda's attention like Okita and Nobu in GudaGuda 2

But this is fujohomo shiptroon game
Jack's Master is the high powerlevel
Dumas is just there because Narita wanted to wank Dantes
*every fight after that is pointless musou shit you can sleep through and still win
Wasn't Dumas introuduced before Dantes?
It's been so long.
In case you failed to notice, this nigga doesn't know wtf he's rambling about.
Wouldn't matter since he wanks him which works either way
If Dumas came out before Dantes him wanking him is foreshadowing wank

If Dumas came out after Dantes him wanking him is CLAPwank

Either way that whole story he tells about him and his very existence wanks Dantes
All Dumas does is expose that Dantes was an actual person he interviewed and wrote a story on.
Danteswank is the drama CD where he beats Roa.
All I know about Dumas is that his teeths are so dumb I kinda want to punch it. Or play chess on it.
Is Dumas even real?
>switches to cuckpost Kagetora
I thought gil in fsr doesn't have access to ea
His NP stat is EX so he might have it and his GoB is always the same regardless of incarnation. He just doesn't want to use it.
isn't his clairvoyance both a np and ex ranked? could it not come from that?
Sure, but there's also no textual evidence he doesn't have Ea. when you use him in battle and press the NP button he just says "lol no".
Goetia is a Beast while Nasu compares Wodime to Jesus.
>sees Ibuki
>lol no
>sees UBW SHirou
>yeah I probably should use it
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He had an actual goal he was pursuing in F/SN due to being incarnated, he wasn't just fucking around in a zero-stakes game (for him) like most grail wars. It's not like he needs a grail.
When are we going to beat up Nasu for his shit taste?
We love Nasu here.
That's not Takeuchi.
Nasu is based
In an ideal world we would get to beat up the entire typemoon office
I'd rather Lasengle.
His taste is kinda based
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Typemoon can be beaten until they are fixed.
Lasanga cant be saved, this entire office must be purged
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What did Nasu mean by this?
the fact that he loves NTR means he deserve death
couldn't he just stay a stupid vorefag and that's it?
>I wish I had a cute girl as an editor that forces me to work and gets angry if I don't
I wish Nasu had an editor that forces him to work too
>thanks to elden meme DLC we going to see more fujohomo shit

We were already heading that way with how Nasu set up Marisbury.
think of the bright side, Bromani Yumes and fujohomos will be upset since he's going to be the consort of Marisbury, they will be upset and cry
I wish for a less fucked up studio/development team more.
Content can also be made by one of the other 4 writers if they need to stall, but if the dev team can't put it into the game then it's no different than if the scenario writers weren't working at all.
Why should we?
Isn't that Sakurai's job?
Sakurai is the 2nd writer, the only time she had something close to an editor's role is when Nasu asked for a hand while adapting the Last Encore's script to the anime format.
Even worse
They went the Omni pandering route with her, trying to capture shipfags and self insert fags, and instead alienated both

People used to accept she was for you, since she said she loved you at the end of her original event, and her valentines event was pandering
They made an entire event with shipping, and people were shitposting for weeks about how she was fucking this guy, and shipper fags said "her my room lines will prove they're having sex"
Myoom lines proved she only loves Guda, and she isn't interested in the other guy
After another month of shitposting the shipperfags eventually admitted "pfft, actually you guys won all along, we were just fucking with you because we didn't want Gudafags to win, we were only NTR shitposting because we hate guda, we don't actually give a shit about this pairing". Meanwhile self insert fags by that point already basically abandoned her since they're tired of the constant Omni pandering and bait and switches in this franchise. Even with a super pandering valentine's they could no longer fix the hole in the boat, her reputation is now cuckbait.
Literally no one won, and she's left with no audience
Even when the devs try to side with self insert fags at the last second it doesn't work

Omni pandering kills the popularity of servants every time now, people are sick of it. They're sick of kiyohime being for you and then having a semi canon story about how she would abandon you in a second for anchin. They're sick of having Kama love you but having lines for muramasa. They're sick of Castoria "kinda sorta" being for you but also being obsessed about muramasa.
It kills girls popularity
Castoria went from 10/10 to 4/10 for the fanbase after a single dumb event that gave shipperfags all they needed to shitpost her forever
Nasu only cares for Elden waifuge.
He based Tonelico on Ranni, what he will take from the NPC is 100% Messmer or Leda
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It has been a entire year, get a grip already LOL
>We, they
Your mental illness doesn't represent anyone you literal cucktard. Nobody shunned kiyohime ever and you are already preparing your ammo for the next event like the autistic retard you are.
Kill yourself.
>DLC also makes it clear that carian women are fucking lovestruck to make it clear that Ranni is absolutely smitten after (You) basically proposed to her
GudaBB love!
Just like Morgan with Guda yes and it's why he inserted that ring reference. Another reference to Ranni and the ring you use to marry her in ER.
Don't forget Melusine.
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>>483038369 said he love you. >>483037567
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imagine the sex...
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that's a lot of flopmant spam
He has to always rely on samurai remnant art to cover up his cope.
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Nah, nobody really thinks she's for (You). Her bond CE say everything.
>They're sick of kiyohime being for you and then having a semi canon story about how she would abandon you in a second for anchin.
I guess raikou won this time
Can someone explain the baby dlc thing? He was a baby heroic spirit and was chain summoned in his own class or as a part of rider?
Sakurai won this time. Raikou is history
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>Raikou made it in
Just another win
Kill yourself kike
>Raikou is history
Ryona girls absurd popularity always gets me.
Pretty much the perfect example of a single side girls popularity completely eclipsing the series itself
Crazy how he can style chameleon thousands of artists but can't do RAITA's style
to be fair do you really want to do RAITA's style?
The hell are you retards talking about?
Discordcucks and twittertards own this general
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My wife will clean the dlc
fuck this boss
I think Hakunocels are the bigger crybabies desu.
Even twitterfags laughed at your posts in here trying to pretend Melusine isn't ultra for (You) schizo. You lost.
Part 3
White Rider - Nasu
Red Rider - Sakurai
Black Rider - 2-kun
Pale Rider - ???
Yes but they still think one person represents the entire /fgog/ user base lmao.
If Nasu was based a Tonelico/Morgan route would be more of a SoL scenes with scenes that would be equal to eating ice cream with coffe until you get covered in a very cold yet beautiful and unique sweetness at the end.
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What mission is this?
clear 5 quests with a saber in your team
Why should I care about self insert fags opinion? They are already delusional. Anyone who actually read LB6 and got her bond CE know exactly who is her true love.
You care a lot considering you turned your entire life being a laughing stock like this because we made you mad lmao
Marisbury is going to shove Galahad’s soul into Chaldeaman’s corpse and become the final boss
Ozz is a bitch
This infinite argument is just boring, I honestly hope that the dead internet theory is already real because I can't fathom a human being living like this.
Sonic Forces is awful so yes.
REEEEEEEEEE but yes you right.
EbolAi is not an artist and should never be considered as such. Also, Extra CCCucks are crying little bitches.
Because its not living, the guy comes here to cuckpost literally everyday and probably whenever he's not here he's in some other general or twitter doing the same.
Since those people are stuck at home they never end up in asylums, but eventually they'll die so you just have to wait.
C'mon now, he just spend 1 week having a meltdown over 1 fan art, that was different than the usual
Kizu doesn’t post here.
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Ok, but where's dude's NP charge?
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Along with his dad as a playable servant
I could go for Phillip too
not enough non mythical Greeks/totally not Greeks I swear
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clown evolution
Why do blue cubes have an expiration date?
Kinda dumb
They don't think shit through
The same reason teapot has one too
They're stingy cunts
Where's this from?
I want to know how's the current damage situation without having to calculate shit by myself.

Nah they'd just go all in on Waver and DUDE and confirm their homosex. Radahn is literally just DUDE: Fromsoft Edition.
>Miquella and Radahn but it's Morgan and Uther chapter
Holy KINO.
kill yourself
Or Melusine and Aurora

Morgan's a woman anon.
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Post more.
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>never made that sequel doujin he promised
fuck this artist
You expect a third worlder like him to have the money to buy elden ring? His entire savings are spent on leeching equipment to steal internet from his neighbor so he can cuckpost his life away and still fail at that kek
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5* with less than a 30% np charge are kinda pathetic.
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>AI cuporpa
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>everything is AI
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>those feet and fingers
>not AI
ok AI slurper.
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Perfectly represents Hakuno/n
Miyu's big BUTT
What ever happened with that did he just give up?
this is the only image of its type that's unquestionably correct
literally what actually happened to Circe popularity-wise
She used to get DOUJINS for god sake.
Been 20 years and no one has been able to unseat Illya as the prime Fate, hell prime Type-Moon loli.
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Player 2 Illya did
If the two eyes look the same then it isn't AI

Abby was close during her popularity prime
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That is true yeah. Abby was doing pretty damned well.

How does the timeline go?

Len was first and Miyako for a bit but she didn't outshine Len. then Illya hit like a truck and never stopped. Then came Prisma where Miyu and Kuro came around. Jack was the new hotness for a little while. Then FGO came and Abby was ultra-hot property. But as time passed FGO stopped being quite as hot and Prisma kept going even if it would release chapters every few months. But it had those anime adaptations.
Gil also lost to Iori lol, there's no evidence that Gil can go all out in FSR since he is a rogue with no fame boost at all because at that point of time epic of Gilgamesh hasn't been found yet.

Ruler Ibuki doesn't have Anti-world NP or anti-purge defense, she won't stand a chance against FSF Gil or Enkidu. Don't forget that there's Alcides, Ishtar, Gugalanna whose scream can reach the other side of the planet, Thia and heck Ibuki wouldn't stand a chance against Fathomless Assassin's NP lol.
Not true. If he's a third worlder, then he'd be dead by now since disease and hunger is rampant in shithole countries.
Off to bring this thread to page 10
Meh, I never really liked that pig woman
Aren't you happy you have fuckers like them in your threads? Without them, your threads would always end up at page 10 or even dead early.
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A cat is fine too.
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Musashi Alter for the anniversary, Y/N?
why her tatas so big?
Is Kriem remained the only not for (You) that /fgog/ likes?
>liking not for (You)
Why would that affect whether or not you liked a character?
Or Artoria and Morgan, it's gay SIBLING incest after all.
/fgog/ likes Medb so no.
ggog is dead.
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The diss track.
>Wife of Sumanai
>Basically ultra-tsun goth Kaguya
>Has the most over-the-top tsundere reactions and a funny as hell Valentine's scene
If she's not going for (You), might as well go all out with her instead of just sexy boring like Andromeda or Brapamante
>Becoming the new /atg/
Not wrong on that.
Nothing like saying or doing funny shit to make her embarassed or mad, knowing that despite everything at worst she would just slap us.
>unironically asking Siegfried about a gift, in front of her
>gets mad
Always get me.
Masakado will appear in OC3 and TM, Lasengele and Sony will mysteriously shut down a day later from sudden and immediate bankruptcy.
Nasu is to much of a pussy to use him.
>Persona Masakado
Now that's a gacha death flag
Fgog's favourite dude.
They pretend to not care about Japanese servants but at the end of the day all they want is Masakado.
The thing with these characters is that unless you give them something else to focus on having their primary mode be directly centered on someone who doesn't even appear is fucking stupid. Kriem benefits because even as she's written to essentially rely on bouncing off of Siegfried, Siegfried is actually present.
i kind of want to buy FES tickets but i have no one to go with...
It's time to settle this.
Tomoe or Kriem?
They'd rather bring in a 3* Prince Takamochi than ever consider bringing that chad in.
That's where you are wrong, kiddo. Kriem? For me. See? It was that easy.
Tomoe? For me too.
>The first samurai
>Led a rebellion in an attempt to take control of Japan, got killed by Riceman
>Legends say he lived on as an immortal spirit hailed as a God and a demon king that would float around as a head and go "I WANNA FIGHT AGAIN WHERE'S MY BODY"
>Became hailed as a protector God of Tokyo too
>Seen as an equal to Sutoku as one of the Three Great Onryo of Japan
>His daughter was a frog sorceress who's the one that summoned that big ass skeleton yokai (Gashadokuro)
>Fucking with his shrine causes him to curse the shit out of you
>If you ever use him and don't suck him off as being absurdly powerful (something shit like SMT, Dark Gathering, Teito Monogatari) he will also curse the shit out of you
>He's been brought up in FGO like once/twice and Raikou FEARS him to the point of refusing to even have his name be mentioned
How about the WWII Jap dudes?
I'm sure in the Fate universe, the Yasakuni Shrine turns the Japanese soldiers and officers enshrined there into Divine Spirits.
Sounds like the typical arrogant Zeus that need it's own Kratos to be put down.
I have enough of all this Gods piece of shit if you ask me
so Riceman strong?
Unironically yes, Riceman should be one of the best nip servants you could get but they love walking other trash instead.
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TaiGOD Wang, EMPEROR of fox-consorts and meteor bitches.
Lore wise?
Tomoe even if Yoshinaka shows up, she probably won't betray you because she knows the duty of being a servant.
Her love and her duty can be two separate things.
As for Kriem well she can't do that. She will do what she likes which is a minus for me.
Love seeing all the bullshit and chaos as part of the Chaldea Life.
She's not boring like Tomoe, but not a fucking shithead either like Paisen.
Off to page 10
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Why is she like this?
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All I want is lower exp requirements for 120.
Imagine grinding 5000 exp cards that can't even fit in your inventory or storage.
its nice when girls have huge breasts
This. But with Guda referring to BB.
Redpill me about Ranni. And also if you have any basis about the ring and Morgan.
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galacute doko?
Are we going to get a third Vlad?
Mad Vlad?
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iori is so lucky to get to fuck this
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Wrong pic
I'm pretty sure Ushi Gozen has more art of fucking Yui than Iori the HOMO.
There are no gay characters in Type-Moon.
Unfortunately, nobody truly give a shit here. That's why retard always bring it up like you.
Every thread is better without them. Unless you are same with them.
Because every servant also beats Ibuki. FSR powerlevels are nothing to talk about because Gilgamesh is more nerfed here than he is in any other setting. He doesn't even have/use Ea available, and they still ended up wanking him well above Arjuna and Takeru in the story, and Ibuki was also captured and imprisoned by him.
>Genuinely feels like Ibuki could curbstomp every Servant in Fate Samurai Remnant
She loses in every route that isn't her own.
>Even FSR canonically had higher powerlevel Servants in it and that wasn't even the point
Literally who is even strong in FSR? FSR is filled with shitters.
Only of one variety though, Nasu hates yuri.
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im gay though
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You were right, /alter/ is based.
>Nasu gets raped and molested by her sister
>hates lesbians with a burning passion
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>Nasu self inserts as Agravain
Deepest lore.
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Ranni the witch, She is a demigod and one of the candidates to become a god, her quest is one of the most elaborate ones in the game, it culminates with she giving you a sword, a tradition of her mother's royal house, to gift it to the consort of the Queen. One part of the quest is also she giving you the key to a chest, where you find a ring, if you choose to become her consort, the quest ends with a cutscene of you putting the ring on her finger, like when you get married, and accepting the role of consort for when she becomes a goddess, in turn she gives you the sword, her way of saying she accepts (you) as her consort.
Tonelico, the rain witch, is a reference to Ranni, from the clothes to the sword she uses in some animations which in turn the ring (you) give Morgan can be a reference to the ring (you) give Ranni.
I'm sure someone can explain it better but thats pretty much it, iirc Ranni ending, the one where you become her consort, is also one of the most popular ones.
The dlc now implies that the women of her house can get kinda obssessed with the one they fall in love, and that Ranni is indeed in love with (you)
>Morgan and Artoria sex scene was Nasu recreating what her sister did to her while they were younger minus the futa and gay incest baby.
Holy shit bros....
That reminds me, the Shingengumi should be weak as shit right? Okita still gets wanked and people talk about how without her tuberculosis she would have been OP but considering how close they are to the modern age even a perfect Okita, let alone the rest of the Shingengumi, should be on the level of wraith or phantom spirits no? Okita Alter gets the Counter Force buff so whatever, doesn't count.
>Okita still gets wanked and people talk about how without her tuberculosis she would have been OP
Nobody really talks about that and even without tuberculosis she's too mundane and about one of the worst sabers you could summon, (which is the joke), the shinsengumi as a whole is just a bunch of shitters
>Genuinely feels like Ibuki could curbstomp every Servant in Fate Samurai Remnant
Really? I left with the opposite impression. Gilgamesh alone already had her defeated, and required Team Caster to break her out. Ibuki gets a lot of hype but ultimately she still loses to everyone in the end. And most of the servants were nerfed to hell. Sakurai writing 101
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>the Shingengumi should be weak as shit right?
Yes, they are incredibly mediocre in the grand scheme of things, even if you restrict it to just japanese HS they should be low tier, but since nips love them, they get underdog status that will allow them to asspull wins.
>they get underdog status that will allow them to asspull wins.
I feel like they haven't been the actual focus in a gudaguda in a while, they're all there to clean up the B-plot
The only things that are canon in the FGO story are:
>The events of the tutorial prologue (Fuyuki) and eight chapters of Arc 1
>Prison Tower
>Four chapters of Arc 1.5
>Ten chapters of Arc 2 (I consider Atlantis and Olympus separate chapters because they differ vastly in quality and are by different writers)
>Imaginary Scramble
>Tunguska Sanctuary
>Three chapters of Arc 2.5 (that we know of so far)
>Upcoming Foreigner tribute chapter and Arc 2 finale (hypothetical)
Anything else, including gag, collab and summer events, Interludes, Valentine's scenes and especially material that are not in the game itself, are fanfiction or headcanon.
Would someone like any of the heavy hitter KOTR like Gawain or Mordred be able to kill most of them by themselves? Assuming none of them are the ultra nerfed ones summoned by their flag or whatever.
>Hate yuri
>Makes Melusine yuri cuckbait
What about all the event ans collab servants that show up for the Solomon fight?
bros, any of you wanna go to fes with me?
shut up georgie
>but since nips love them,
It's almost like a series featuring mythological and historical figures made by Japanese creators will definitely have a bias or favoritism with Japanese figures.
Mordred alone would kill all of them, unless she gets hit by shit like okita's sandasuki but that's dodgeable
Comparing gudaguda to everything else in power level fagging is just retarded when it's all too different compared to the rest of fate
power level doesn't work well in Fate since they go by a RPS system. GilBITCH got assfucked when his GoB got countered by a weak ass Japanese boy who had the perfect counter to him.
That's the thing. It didn't used to. Hell their are still staff members on there that still favor non-Japanese myth and folklore. desu these dudes should have just hired westaboos and the like. Until FGO Japanese stuff was kept to a minimum in things like FSN, FHA, Zero, Extra, FSF, and Apocrypha.
Retconnedbro. Nasu said Gilgamesh used C-rank weapons
Mordred jobbed to one of them because one of the captains is a counter to her.
Mordred is the most powerful knight in the Nasuverse.
Takeru is extremely, openly gay for Iori.
>Until FGO Japanese stuff was kept to a minimum in things like FSN, FHA, Zero, Extra, FSF, and Apocrypha.
GudaGuda was its own thing before FGO and keikenchi was there since type-moons inconception
Considering what Galahad effortlessly did in Lostroom, yeah. Didn't even use his weapons until one-shotting Saber Alter or anything, just punched and kicked people to death. Ushi could barely trade more than 2 blows with him.
Are you cute?
Did that ever matter? I thought the whole point of UBW vs GOB was that as soon as UBW launched it would outspeed Gil. If it takes 1 second to summon a weapon, it takes Shirou a half second to summon its copy and knock it away, forcing Gil to fight him in hand to hand when he didn't bother putting on his armor. Sure Gilgamesh was sandbagging the whole fight but even if he was trying to use A-Ranked sword Prostate Ripper or whatever, it didn't matter since Shirou's own copy would slap it away before Gil could activate it.
>Did that ever matter?
the interview said shirou would have lost immediately had they been higher ranked.
The Gil/Ibuki ruler duo losing to Musashi pre Shimosa and Samson is hard to forget...
Shirou can't trace high ranking NPs or something
They lose to Lancer Jeanne.
That entire DLC was anti-power levels.
The reasoning given was that A-rank weapons and above would atomize Shirou before he would get the chance to project.
>Did that ever matter?
No, it shouldn't.
Shirou. Defeated. Gilgamesh.
That is what actually canonically happened.
Isn't Lancer Jeanne like a super depowered version? Like Galahad Alter from Requiem who lost all his holy powers? What the fuck sense does that make?
That honestly sounds pretty lame. Type-Moon stuff lives and breathes on technicalities so I was totally fine with the idea that a half-cocked Gilgamesh that got caught with his pants down and tries to get serious just couldn't do it because of technical limitations. Going 'oh yeah but if he was summoning this random A-Ranked NP from the gate the aftershock alone would have killed Shirou even before Gil fully shot it out' kind of sucks.
It's the inevitable when the setting expands. Gilgamesh appears in posterity so you have to re-explain his defeat in a new context which ends up devaluing the story of the original fight. Shirou's monologue about Gil's limitations, for instance, loses most of its meaning and depth due to such retcons.
>it is canonically possible for the throne to remove your weakness if you manage to train to overcome it in any timeline
Mememdb is no longer the weakest servant. It's her time to shine....
The reason why Gil loses is the same every time it is brought up, Gil does not take it seriously until it is too late. The rank A weapon is just another reason to explain more about what Shirou can do. He can trace it but he won't have enough time. But the thing is Gil’s pride. Gil won't pull it out, he won't forsake his pride until it is too late. Gil vs Shirou in fsn context will always end as Shirou won because Gil won't take it seriously.
What do they all have in common?
Want gudacock?
He technically didn't solo him.
All belong to CHADrou
Kamavatibro btw
all weaker than gilchadius
Enuma Elish? What's that?
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HassanGODS... I kneel.
Which is itself another contradiction of how UBW works. The initial swords that are generated in UBW are free and Shirou isn't projecting them. I think I figured out a way to accept the retcons though.
Disregarding the animated adaptations, whether DEEN or UBW and going solely through the VN

>Gilgamesh throws around a low of low ranking NP's at the temple
>all of them get copied into UBW
>Shirou summons 17 replicas one by one to counter the 17 Gilgamesh summoned. Assume these 17 to be relatively crappy swords as well
>Gil uses Ea at the lowest possible setting, knowing Shirou can't copy that
>Shirou lives
>Gil summons a lot of NPs which Shirou calls third-rate after seeing Ea. Assume these to be low tier shit as well
>Saber saves Shirou from the rain of NPs before going to destroy the grail
>Gilgamesh summons 30 NPs to sword rain again. Assume these are still C-Rank stuff.
>Shirou activates UBW before all of them get through to him
>Ignore the line about how Gilgamesh readies more NP's and opens GoB to summon more swords
>Instead, the fight happens when Gilamesh just has like 20 or swords 'open' which Shirou already has in UBW and does not need to project, just call them to his hand
>they fight with just those swords Gilgamesh already has out and Shirou using their copies and smashing them against each other.
>Gil finally decides to take it serious and summons Ea again only for Shirou to cut off his arm using K&B

This way Gilgamesh never opens GoB once in UBW to summon high rank stuff, instead as soon as he decides he needs to get serious, he goes for his standby of Ea which doesn't activate fast enough to prevent Shirou from cutting off an arm. Does this make sense to you guys as I try to justify headcanon now?
most of these would die to gob spam lmao
>historical figures who represent important advancements for humanity
>the greatest threats to humanity
>beings from beyond this galaxy who've crossed space to be here
>and mountain man
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which one is napoleon
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Sure hope Nasu doesn't take inspiration from the latest Elden Ring lore...
>Doesn't take inspiration from Elden ring dlc
>Four days ago fgog talk about this in the deleted thread.
not gonna happen
we already have a demigod with a blonde twink boyfriend
what's the fgo equivalent of bonney turning into nika?
Herc and Jason?
it will happen trust me.
They were shadow servants though.
And yet she didn't end up with any of those guys. Curious indicator of her worth.
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servant like this when??
First one considering that FGO Napoo isn't even the actual one but an idealized version of him (from nobody to emperor).
>muay tae
Someone being able to turn into a grand servant out of nowhere
Anyone and everyone wins in their route.
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Castoria is none of this
Caenis and Kirschtaria?
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news doko?*
Waver isn't blond bro.
As opposed to Daybit's relationship with Pepe and Tezca? Kirsch referring Caenis as he, and all their special relationship? Whatever the fuck he will cook with Moneybills (now it's confirmed Olga's not his biological daughter, the guy was never straight)
not the japanese high schoolers.... AIIIIIIIEEE!
>almost all the beasts are immune to enuma elish
Gilkeks??? your response???
>beats KEKiara and Tiamat anyway
Arjuna is the one who lost to Iori.
Gilgamesh lost to Iori+Takeru.
to be fair sonic attacks have few resists
4 years already damn

still mad they blew their load on quetz and made both enuma elishes so bad
Doesn't matter he still job anyway.
FSR feats is as credible as Extella lol.
Can anyone cite the UBW quote everyone's talking about and what it's from?
just because you're correct doesn't mean you're right
That's not a "but". That's a correction
yeah i agree
What was the point of this cq? Was it supposed to be an arts filter?
What's the point of any CQ nowadays?
Oh yeah I can see it with a random egyptian deity
>Mongrel intruder.
>Thou'rt a Master, it seemeth.
>Mother, wouldst thou truly Lordship sanction, in one so bereft of light?
>Yet...my purpose standeth unchanged.
>Those against mine order shall all meet death.
>In the embrace of Meretsssssssseger'sssssssssss flame.
It's a reference to Arcade's PVP mechanics.
You win when you get 100 points instead of when all the enemies are defeated, and the points are gained according to the rarity of the servant defeated (more stars = more points).
Halfway through, your frontmost servant gets that Holy Grail buff, which doubles the point gained when THAT servant defeats someone. If your Kali was at the front, you would have been done earlier with it.
Which missions are these again? I can't find a guide
Play the event
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Bottom right, Black or Brown hair?
/alter/ will suffer for this, as well as (you).
How is it that in a world filled with AI Translation Tools and Google Lens, you can't figure this shit out? This isn't complex stuff where you actually need some background in Japanese to suss out, it's just literal copy and pasting or snapping a screenshot and plugging it in somewhere.
We call this "learned helplessness".
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I wonder if Nasu took inspiration of that for the upcoming Tonelico/Morgan route.... Let me dream ok?
>Let me dream
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One can always dream
When was this said?
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Do you think we'll ever get a proper explanation for this guy?
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Maybe in the Foreigner OC
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Question. Why other game get a new summer event AND new story chapter in the same month with just a week apart? we could be doing the same lasagna bros.
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Because they're dogshit while ours aren't
Because FGO is lazy as shit
Its been 9 years anon how do you not know that
Anyone wanna go to Fes together with me...? First, no homo. Second, no weird shit like dressing up as Artoria despite being a guy.
Both of these are true at the same time
>FGO is lazy
FGO gives you 7 swimsuits servants every year + an actual big event.
Those 7 swimsuits servants have 3 different versions each so in reality its 21 different swimsuits you get to see.
You're comparing it to some dogshit korean game that can't even show bikinis or their chink overlords get mad. Get real. There's nothing to envy there at fucking all, I'd quit this game insta if the swimsuit quality was lowered to that dogshit.
Nigger we went from 60+ servants a year to sub 30.
FGO is so goddamn lazy its unreal.

You dont even need new servants for a story chapter technically.
But we dont get those because typemoons writers dont give a fuck
Actual big event and 7 new swimsuits are fine
But I'd like it more if TM did stealth marketing to get those fanarts pumping.
Move the goalpost more, you're here shitting on our summer events when they're still the best around because they're actually delivering on what people want.
I'll never bow down to the idea a wet t-shirt is summer over a fucking proper swimsuit. You can stay with that shit.
And never come back.
Faggot I said FGO is lazy.
Which applies to more than just summer.

But we all know summer is after anniversary despite there always being a month of nothing before anni is because FGO has so little to announce at anniversary they need to announce summer servants to hide the embarassment.
There's nothing lazy about FGO's summer cunt, that's the entire point. You're wanking dogshit "games" that do even little than us on average.
>best around
Summer peaked with 3
Your existence is embarrassing tribalschizo. By your logic, Genshin is better cause it makes more money.
You're like those marvel fanboys who judges a media based on sales and not on quality.
>There's nothing lazy about FGO's summer
Did you even play last years summer?
3 weeks long, no part 2
Gee I sure wish we were getting FGO 2 soon, haha
And you think your poorly made gookshit has quality? Please suck less Nexon dick, pretending that summer event can even compare to any FGO summer is pathetic as fuck.
They can't even show a loli in a swimsuit lmao
I have, 100% more high effort than most summer events in popular gachas nowadays.
Last year they reuse the Anni servant as a swimsuit servant and rather than swimsuits they started making casual clothes ascensions (Barg got it the worst)
They are definitely becoming lazier and summer events don't feel like fun summer anymore
Then why FGO doesn't get more fanarts than that poorly made gookshit.
No one cares about gameplay in a gacha. Only thing that matters if a character has good designs and if she's a waifu or not.
>in4 stealth marketing
literal meme reply that annihilates the gravity of your argument. my precious (you)s are safe.
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^ NTA but it' really simple. If it's made by Type-Moon I'll play it even if it's a mobage/gacha, otherwise I avoid them like the plague.
Damn, you're so mad you started being extremely defensive even to the most mild criticism
What's a Sabataro?
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Barg ascensions suck so much
>Ranger and Maid, no swuimsuits at all (Maid is at least cute desu)
>3rd ascension is just her normal Saber 3rd ascension but blue
>FA isn't playable
This CE was a much better swimsuit.
>deleted for telling other game shills to fuck off using fgo arguments
>their posts don't get deleted
Nice dogshit moderation no wonder this general is in such a state whenever you're more worried about defending your over shilled gookshit from criticism than deleting actual garbage
Morgan is soulless trash for retard coomers
Kill yourself imouto
We already have gay incest though
Can't wait to fight Moneybills piloting Galahad's body in the DLC, his Lord Camelot/Anima Animusphere attack is gonna be kino.
We have this problem also bargest didn’t get a proper swimsuit ascension and no asc 4 pic doesn’t count since she can’t actually wear it
/alter/fags are welcome here.
Have you seen how short their stories are?
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The characters /fgog/ hate the most (and their mom).
can't believe galahad's will is weaker than moneybills
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We're up next on divegrass against /kfg/, last match of the group stage
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Come on /frog/.
What happened?
Something about the streamer forgetting to reapply a special instruction which gets reset after subbing in a player, but he went and reapplied it before kickoff so it's all good.
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Based GrayGod
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Why do the games and doujins pretend she's Irish when she's Scottish?
Ireland, Scotland, same thing.
because back in the mythological period we're talking about, they were essentially the same thing.
It's over.
It's FGOver.....
We can still go though but we'll need the JETSbros to demolish /twg/
>get blue Bane again

well if /twg/ loses by 2 or more /fgog/ still advances
Where are you guy getting this?

We literally see Shirou and Archer trace B rank and above weapons in the VN
Finally got back to my computer after being at the hospital all day only to see it was some torrid dog shit and then /aceg/ couldn't kill off /twg/ which means we're out. The blame falls on me because I should have set the team up better to begin with. Thanks to everyone who came to watch this summer, sorry it wasn't better but as we move on to PES17 hopefully a fresh start will turn things for the better.
Sorry to heard that, hope everything goes better next time.
bane needs to go
Thankfully it wasn't me, but I had to drive my roommate and wait to see what was wrong. He had a kidney stone, so remember to drink your water, /fgog/.
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>page 9
yaa gomen gomen ~
Morgan is pure garbage
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Sakurai won.
my inner demons.... are awakening.....
Matthew belongs to Beryl
Everyone else belongs to us.
Vritra love? Vritra LOVE!
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Fuck off back to imouto, we love Morgan here.
vocal minority
>Fuck off back to imouto
Tourist morgankek.
Not him, but i want that. A whole bunch of low rarity servants was one of the coolest additions back then
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you mean samefaggin?
Honestly hope that /alter/ actually dies. It's one bad shit to another because of a bunch of actual tourist that pay some obnoxious fatso with it's shitty translations and localizations. Not to mention trying to gaslight everything.
The EN server runs on potato insome forgotten corner of the Lasagna building and it makes them enough money to consider unplugging it, the only way it dies, it's when we ourselves hit EOS.
Post your Mashu's date right now faggot.
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Kill yourself, tourist necrobumper.
Should have used a okita pic instead
(our) wife
Don't care. The fact that /alter/tards are still here instead, as well as their shitposters that run this place since LB6, gaslighting everything makes me wish to just fucking nuke them.
The only reason I want OC3 now is because I want to use my Summer Melu with full Class Score boost...
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Hey man.
I wish for more GudaBB, bros.
Based guda /alter/bro.
Cry more, retard.
I would like to know what the fuck have we done (if anything) to have tourist niggers from imouto. Do I need to remind you that your emiya alter was fucking censored? Why do you act do mighty when you should be on the fucking floor.
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Could warships be servants?
Spaceships can be servants so sure
Ugly whore of Beryl
Who did this?
>hour late reply
>also samefagging
what makes you entitled to that info? fuck off retard
She really wait for Aurora
What went wrong?
Not a single one of them had a good showing, some were given the dindu treatment to early to be effective as antagonists.
2 of them are the same character, 2 of them were hastily added, 2 of them are clapbait, and 1 of them is my wife
Holmes was stupid, Olga was stupider but everyone else was fine in general though less so for the last two Apostles with only having appeared in the chapter they debuted before immediately being dealt with
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Cock in my mouth
I love my plotsquad.
They know the secrets to the plot but have spent the last 6 years teasing us with them.
Holmes' arc was even about how he couldn't possibly tell us the plot to such an extent that he killed himself (or did he?!?!) instead.
Honestly is the plot really that important to this game?
>Say Ushi, I hear you like em young
It's all that matters and the only enjoyable part.
That's wrong in both fronts
not really, we lost the plot years ago. the only thing that matters is sex girl designs for new characters.
Yeah sorry I forgot about all the other enjoyable parts of the game.
It depends on what you mean It matter to an extent but we’re mostly in the this state because of lack of content if part 3 was episodic in nature with no overarching plot but was released in a timely matter we’d be in a much better state than now
After Olympus? Hardly.
Bringing back Olga and turning her into a clown soiled the plot for me.
Maybe that's why LB6 is great. It's mostly contained.
They're somewhat the main source for anything of substance for characters (besides a handful of past events and GudaGuda), NPCs and servants alike so kinda? Too much inconsequential fluff isn't good or sustainable if you want people to be really invested in the long run, especially if your game is framed like a VN and is as old as FGO.
The problem is that TM are fucking stupid and stretched shit out for years so thinly that most of it is barely about nothing and a lot of stating the obvious because they take forever to get to the point (and only one mushroom can really do that point, but him and everyone around them are dumb, incompetent, autistic, lazy bums to reach it).
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servant like this?
It becomes increasingly obvious Nasu wishes he was a shoujo writer
We've gone over this. Interludes are most important.
Look how fast the threads became since we got the new interludes.
Trashu after you married her.
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alter when
>wishes he was
I mean, look at Protoype...
You could've just said mashu and be done with
but as for an actual answer paisen
Honestly? They should expand more with Guda and Servants. It's legit the only reason I would wait now. The thing that I love Fate the most is how a Servant and a Master can interact, and if Lasengle were intelligent, they would do that shit.
It doesn't need to be for (you) shit (though ideally it would be preferable). Kriem and Guda's relationship is very wild and hilarious to watch for example, and I am not gonna go with the for (you) servants.
please, will anyone go to fes with me? i want to buy my plane tickets early
>Wanting to go to a convention with some rando from /fgog/
Can't you invite someone from your family or something?
just invite your gf, anon
are you a cunnybro?
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I wish you the best of luck
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perfect chemistry~
In a way her ruler is her alter
I don't know how to feel since she is not my waifu
*plap plap*
think of other anons
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