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Previous: >>483115272

>[Campaign] "TSUKIHIME" Global Release Celebration Campaign
2024-06-19 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] "Main Interlude: Ooku" Release Campaign
2024-06-20 21:00 - 06-27 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] "Main Interlude: Ooku" Release Pickup Summon
2024-06-20 21:00 - 06-27 20:59 PDT

>[Event] Nanmei Yumihari Eight Dog Chronicles
2024-06-04 01:00 - 06-24 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Eight Dog Chronicles Kyokutei Bakin Pickup Summon
2024-06-04 01:00 - 06-24 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Eight Dog Chronicles Minamoto-no-Tametomo Pickup Summon
2024-06-07 21:00 - 06-24 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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let her cook
>this was from a previous thread
And then people gets mad when they told the truth about /alter/keks being attentionwhores. You really are one of a kind, /alter/. And not in a good way.
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It's so over
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Kama Love!
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Let ME cook!
Rude... I love Morgan regardless of what a shitposter does. Haters gonna hate.
Kama is cunny.
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Mahoyo SWEEP
You must hate Morgan to be a true /alter/kek, though.
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Whatever you say /fgog/cuck morganfag
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vritra smells like flowers
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Maybe after Parvati forces her to take a bath
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Meant for>>483162698
You mad that Morgan kneels to Lizchads?
>this isn't even my last cope
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54 days until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:
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I was right, not even your last cope
Which Servant wields a bloody axe and is a viking?
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Can’t be a cope if your retarded ass can’t even hide your seethe in your shit general >>483153286
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Whoever posted that, please jump of a bridge.
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You don't like the re-re-run of Ooku?
Uuuuuuh, /alter/keks? Why are you going to onichan's place?
>2 hours ago
Oh so we've been raided by /fgog/ for the last two hours then?

Go back Morganshitter.
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Even better is how your dumbass couldn’t even wait a minute to seethe over here.
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>/alter/ having a case of schizophrenia
You love to see it.
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>Oh so we've been raided by /fgog/ for the last two hours then?
>still a year away
Can't we hurry up?
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Aesc is my gf.
>all this seethe over a sticky note
Indeed, it's hilarious to see all your coping.
time goes by fast
before you know it you will be living in a nursing home
Shouldn’t be surprised let alone when it comes to the morganfag of /fgog/.
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who the fuck are you??
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>Nasu himself saw the note
Oh no, Morgansisters..... it's over....
Liz will forever live rent free now like hands to Morgan.
Bros the content?
What makes you think that?!
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Let BB join the party
maybe the real content... was the bros we made along the way...
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We're almost there, kyoudai! After the current match at the 2nd VGL Bullet Hell Cup, our Kiryu will face off against /psg/'s Minorinrin. Five matches later and he'll be playing again and against Pixy from /aceg/, the first danmaku cup's winner! Come join the fun here; below is also the Challonge link with the rest of Group matches, both from yesterday and the upcoming ones.
Based and /alter/core
Yup. It's attention whoring time. Never change /alter/keks. You make good clowns with your schizophrenia and coping posting. Also your gaslightning.
why is there a plate underneath her butt
As if. They way I'm living, I'm out at 50
And this is the part where I just say. Game Over.
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Which Servants are the most and least autistic?
Heavy tranny vernacular.
>/alter/ going to /fgog/
Stop falling so low you dumb retards.
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Every post in this thread is me
For eating silly
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if i could, i would strangle every single fat tourist neet shitting on my beloved /alter/ with my bare hands
Morgan and Medb
Keep melting down Morgankek
You still have to clear most the rooms in the Ooku for cards, right? I figure I may as well clear it floor by floor instead of going back later
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She's following Nero's chilli con carne recipe
Xiang Yu and Achilles
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>they say and laugh while they know within themselves, they are indeed coping and seething
Please stop posting.
Morgan and Geronimo
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>still haven't done CQ yet
Yes but a fast clear is just about finding THAT room in the 4th floor and don't use master skills. Low Tokugawa Kama should be easy to deal with nowadays.
You are a clown Morgankek
As befits you
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How would you react if this happened?
And finally I have reached the goal I set for myself all these years ago. Next is Summer Ibuki. After that? Who knows. But for now I feel some sort of satisfaction.

Also, 296698935. Always open to /alter/ friens.
Ok, schizo-kun. I would worry if you start seeing morganfaces everywhere if I were you, though!
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He looked way cooler in the preview..
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567 slots open. Always open to /alter/ friens.
If this post ends in an even number then Melusine is NOT a homewrecker
Nah, id post
based, I'm full of bros and I wished I could add you
Even on the first run of it going blind I never used the master skills, but full power Kama is pretty doable either way
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Is that Otsuki?
>one year since LB6
>/alter/ still physically incapable of not seething over Morgan
Eyup...I'm thinking she won
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bros...I didn't know about using dogs to do stuff until last night...
oopsies xD
Homewrecker SLUT!
/alter/keks malds for everything and blame anyone with copes
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Protea in All
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Kiara in all
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Cute teen mom, saved.
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Every mom is cute.
sent, scat in all
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*glug* *glug* *glug* *glug*
What has she done to deserve all this hate here? Treating sinful faes like they deserve is a reason to hate?
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>white character
>artist draw it with a little more dark skin
Everytime. I can't say no to Martha though.
sent, bazett in all
>tits hanging all the way down to her knees
gravity is cruel
Like 70% of it is seethe directed towards shrek and the rest is people doing gameplay hand jokes
Anon, i...
>In mathematics, zero is an even number. In other words, its parity—the quality of an integer being even or odd—is even.

That being said >>483165330 almost trips of 3 holy fuck that was pretty close lmao. Thankfully doragon gf is in the clear
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Are we looking forward to all the buffs in 2 weeks?
>white character
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why is the thread so low quality during this time of the day?
Uh oh, Morgankek melty!
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no... i can't unsee...
It's not night, so we can't have moths set on fire and spark pretty.
you're no true titman if you can't appreciate both rockets and hangers
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I already used her in all the farming, tea wouldn't be necessary
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Peak EU hours
Because you are here.
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>what a game does to a bunch of losers, aka /alter/
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Beni Rabu!
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Doesn’t seem like it besides the fgogfag continuing his raid.
I think it's time to accept that /alter/keks are always the laughing stock of /vg/ LMAO
I bet diarmuidbros are excited about his new buff
Her head looks copy pasted on the body
I have never seen a grailed deermud
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Uh-oh, /alter/keks coping already reaching critical levels! Ultra meetdown incoming!
Minor spelling mistake for you, so you can get another cope. I'm kind for you ;)
Funny how he could use that energy to you know not make his general dead, but rather seethe over from a lizfags joke.
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Have you even seen what some of these generals are?
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looking forward to void's buff
>No image attached
You aren't the real Chadsucker, faker!
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Hello? Good posts?
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Cool, another cope!
Don’t reply to the fgogfag projecting his own generals failures by being a prime example of their posters by shitting in our general as usual.
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Post your Ooku 3.0 mvp
Yeah and he's samefagging and seething so hard too
So this is the power of /fgog/ Morgantards
>Ooku main interlude has gold fous
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So not only another cope from (you), but also exposed himself. Hilarious, and sad!
What is your endgame?
I've used him on every node
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Don't drag me into this...
For you to reply to him just ignore him he’s here to just shit the thread.
Nothing, just killing time with (you)r existence.
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Based and canon
If LIZ is attached it must be true!
I kneel
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Ugh guess I'll slog through it then
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The third floor sucks if you use archer servant on every node…
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kek, based liz
Very nice cope!
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Today /alter/ it's more stinkier and retards than usual.
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>nooooo every single post I don’t like is cope
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RIP Guda
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>Voidstance and his ESLcord
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>Void and Voyager
Vro, I sure am
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>love barg
>hate vore
it's a complicated feeling
Vey nice, hive mind collective coping! Another minot(s) spelling mistakes for you!
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It's fun seeing her giant sword mow down shitter mobs, it feels like complete overkill.
I kneel
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Ain't no way Aoko ain't a tax evader
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Seems like a pretty simple feeling. She also hates vore.
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We do a little bonding around here
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every post i like is cope
then she should probably stop eating people
just don't get eaten
>only character I care about is also the only one I don't have
void-chan please come home
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>Redditor comes to 4chin
>Uses hivemind as an insult
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Qrd on cute Shiki strengthening
she's still useless
IF Davinci told you it's safe to eat servant poop, would you do it?
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No, but I would suck her massive cock if she told me to
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Did you know? Everything you eat contains microscopic poop.
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2nd match of the day has been postponed to next Saturday, leaving our veteran with a win from yesterday and a loss from today. See you then!
Gooooooood afternoon rats
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Does Mily drop her evil plans when exposed to children like her avenger self feared it would happen?
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Battery and targetable heal
Hey ***** your name is censored.
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>everything we eat contains poop
>everything we eat contains plastic
we live in a fucked up world
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Scat chads? Won.
>He still eats microplastics
>He hasn't elevated himself to macroplastics
Weak + NGMI
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Surprisingly many in Europe.
please rate my video
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Europe has all the culture so its only natural.
Voidstance activate!
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I want Bob to treat me like shit and drain me of all my money but then get all lovey dovey in private
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>double chin
do mutts really...?
No, she just became more protective of Yui>>483167930
this is old video, she has triple now
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>Morganfag after being forced to read their last 50 posts
>reddit is full of eurotrash, burgers and SEAniggers
>/alter/ is full of glorious sudacaGODs
Yeah /alter/ won this one.
What's been going on in JP this year, I have not paid any attention
Unlimited Rerun Works
aoko booba
Aoko, Nero Draco re-release, nothing else really,
A pretty risky cope but still very nice.
>Samurai Remnant collab
>Andromeda Valentines
>Chadlemagne White Day
>Mahoyo collab
>an unironic month of reruns in a row
I think that covers it
oh right, forgot OC2 IF, silly me
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European culture is in Bavaria, Southern Italy, and the Basque. The rest is just more or less interesting history.
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>still have 30 teapots
So anything to use it on? Im out of interludes since I dont have a large SR/SSR pool.
Is ooku worth using it on or nah?
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>minmaxing cucks
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Traditional European culture is unironically in Russia now.
Even the great places you’ve mentioned are infested with you-know-what unfortunately.
Use them on me bro, we can bond behind the fine china shop.
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>European culture is unironically in Russia now
You should go to to Russia sometime
t. Balkanoid with family in Russia
hunting quests maybe
I would rather live in a country filled with whatever you're complaining about than fucking Russia
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t. hasn't been to Russia
that's the only way you could say something like this.
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ja z polski jestem jak coś tak tylko muwie
The gang's all here!
Better off with the current 90+
Cnoc, actually.
i love Morgan!
My job lets me travel most of the countries without problems even nowadays so I can see a bigger picture of things in the world. I don’t dare to state the absolute truth, that’s just my opinion based on observation.
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>snek take photo with... snek!

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Oyari Ashito servant when?
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>he posted while voidstancing
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>hiding NPs
No, you don't
I'm still hoping for a George Kamitani servant
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I breed all of them
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Remember to punch your BB
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Archer Yoichi when?
I thought being 120 would make it obvious that they were NP5
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Imagine some sengoku era wojaks like this
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Quetz love!
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No! BB is my friend now!
NTA but you can 120 with NP2 which is fine btw and void stance can fuck off.
>being 120 would make it obvious that they were NP5
No? You can 120 with NP2
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>but not NP6
>clearly don't have all appends

It's over for (you), Morgankek. (You) lost.
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the boys
A few servants were released with the model of having one ascension be summer-esque like Aesc/Tonelico. So Kenshin (Kagetora) and Andromeda, and to a lesser extent Yui and Ushi Gozen. As if they were concerned that the newest Servants wouldn't have a Summer version if it wasn't baked into the original.
I miss the ramen meme
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Post Mikiya
Fuck off Albert
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Forgive me MorganGOD
look at that chuuni haircut, what a faggot
I only have the NP append true, I just wanted to save the coins for when they unlock level 150.
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Me? Proto-Mongol ofcourse.
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According to the calculator you need Bond 12 to 120 at NP2 and his picture is Bond 11.
Haven't checked his bond but anyway.
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I really really hope we get artoria pendragon lancer alter for a summer servant this year....
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based pigger
Was it worth it? :)
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Good luck with that, they won't even give her normal version an animation update
How is she so completely forgotten?
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Can't wait to roll for Cummer in just a few, short weeks!
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Why Morgan is barefoot?
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So, Arc on the 7th and then 2 dead weeks and then summer? Surely Albert wouldn't give us a whole dead month for anni...
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>Surely Albert wouldn't give us a whole dead month for anni...
>Doesn't really serve a purpose with Lion King already around,
>Morgan basically replaced her
>Doesn't really have much of a personality
I think they just don't know what do with her more than anything.
She's one of the few lawful-good alters, as she is an alter by forsaking godhood to stay a human and contain the spear.
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>Surely Albert wouldn't give us a whole dead month for anni...

Based tourist retardcuck. Anni IS your content

bros, it's cold... please hold my hand...
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But bro, I'll get pregnant...

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My queens
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>has to wear boots because she’s a High Queen and has to be formal
>instantly removes boots during summer
The queen is a footslut.
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My queens
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>His gimmicky CE is just IK resist
What if I leveled it to 100 and gave it to Shiki anyway, hmmm
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Thoughts on royal toes?
Skadi having Scathach's body is stupid clapbait
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Thoughts on royal ass?
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Image makes me think of Clannad.
Funny part is that their bodies has different measurements and height. They primarily look like each other.
You unlock a special cinematic sex scene from the perspective of someone crouched in a corner of the room watching the two of them go at it.
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obsessed with it honestly, spend probably an unhealthy amount of time making AI porn around it...

who or what are se supposed to clap to ?
>you become lucksucker
A fate worse than death
Based aestheticslord
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bayzed :)
Truly Nasu does Kino
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only 1 more year bros...I want beast Nero so bad...also really excited for the kunabishi beast nero book that's almost done...

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now ArcherNobu. Also Maou and Nobu in a wedding suit
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I can't believe I have to play this garbage for a third time, I want to cut my balls AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH
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i dont get it
It was a cool idea but lasagna was simply incapable of executing it properly
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>I want to cut my balls

Keep supporting Fate Grand Order.
Fate Grand Order

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I don't get the hate. It gives decent bond, a lot of materials, cost efficient and easy enemies. You can play around with those servants you've gained over the years.
Loading screens.
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I want more content with Kiara in game.
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I just want characters I like to be happy. Why do you have to make it weird
any okita left to smooch?
dont take any time at all
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>loading screen
>quirky message I skip
>5 AP battle with the same team over and over and over and over and over and over
Are you enjoying the event /alter/?
>do not save the picture
>do not use
>do not repost
>do not use my art for learning ai
Uh, bro?
Why are lippers like this.
Based shipper
why is void cucking shiki
It does, you to 5 seconds.
no doesnt
Which servant is made for me

My age: 30+
Preferred personality: Sadistic women
Preferred age: Younger
Preferred body: Either very flat or very big boobs
Preferred gameplay: Support
Like what?
eric axe
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We've run the analysis and your ideal servant is:
low test
Which servant is made for me

My age: 25
Preferred personality: hag
Preferred age: hag
Preferred body: hag
Preferred gameplay: hag
Yes it does.
Just because your phone doesn't doesn't mean it doesn't happen to others. And those add up with the many corridors
maybe time to upgrade your nokia 3310 then
My wife is Kiara.
Which servant is made for me

My age: 26
Preferred personality: as long as she is fun.
Preferred age: not too young not too old
Preferred body: nice butt, not too big but something there.
Preferred gameplay: I like snowballs that become stronger with specific conditions.
I like those...
Stheno is a real answer here, btw
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>tfw never done Ooku before
>tfw still haven't started it
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I'm not doing at all. It'll be forever there staring at me
I love Morgan
Damn, he is still at it since yesterday? oh well.
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Kama jobs to the floor after she acting smug through the slog of her event
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If the artist didn't want me to share it they shouldn't have made their art cute and funny

Weakass normie dude head over heels for the schizo woman who can delete him in a snap but he grows on her and then she has to cope with the fact that ordinary happiness is within reach after all is a Nasu pet trope. Good think I also enjoy it in my fiction

If that's your conclusion then maybe you should self reflect and come to terms with your own cuck fetish
Kinda ends up giving more of a butler vibe, ngl
Which servant is made for me

My age: 27
Preferred personality: cool
Preferred age: same or older
Preferred body: tall + big boobies
Preferred gameplay: kill
This always makes me think that Nasu is a schizo woman and can't believe Takeuchi stays with her.
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>Preferred gameplay: Support
>cant handle Mily's wild ride
Lmao baka ngmi
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which cunny servant is most likely to rape you in all night lovy dovy seks
And then the ending where she says that instead of a knife, all she wanted to hold was his hand... my kokoro... KNK was so good...
Eric bloodaxe the king with the bloody axe
Eric bloodaxe or blackbeard.
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>Finally get enough proofs & swords to ascend Charlie
>forgot Roland need those as well
AAAAAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAAAA I’m NEVER gonna escape the mines, I still haven’t finished farming for ash for Kriem either…
Beast Nero
Which servant is made for me

My age: Same as that handsome guy known as Eric
Preferred personality: I have a bloody axe
Preferred age: similar to a barbarian named Eric
Preferred body:Hairy with an axe
Preferred gameplay: bloody axe
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Unironically Eric from /v/
And now we're Code Geass
Abby, Kuro and Draco.

It is kinda funny that 10 years later both of them would become teachers
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I'm back
I was totally not cheating on Fate with other franchises or anything.
did you bring lunch?
Aibros can you do Goth nitocris (while still making her skin dark)
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You won’t survive the EX riding
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Of course!
Can you give me a quick rundown what that would entail as far as you're concerned? Since probably you're not gonna get what you want if I leave it to BB's discretion.
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What a cutie.
>Rolled on Charlie/Roland/Kriem
>Only got Charlie
Somehow saved me from being eternally shackled to the mines. Focus on whoever you actually plan to use/find more fun first, the other can croak and wait
Nobu a cute
The AI spam is getting out of control...
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At least Hero Proofs will be in Morganfest in a few months for future servants.
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Reminder to play fetch with your doggos for mats and QP!
Until AI can make pictures like the saber vagina walking boob body gif then no AI hasn’t gotten out of control yet.
I'll survive if she gets pregnant before that kills me, and thats a risk im willing to take
I'm gonna miss them and their free mats
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>Are those 10 AI images posted by 4 different IPs?
>Over the course of 3 hours?
You could have gotten 100 bones easily within those six hours they went fetching
Mushroom lore accepted
>Nasu grew up in a family of sisters and is an unabashed shoujo enjoyer
Lots of things start making sense in context, but it is much funnier to imagine Nasu as a woman and basing all the MCs after her Chad
>Captcha: DYKYS
You can see those?
So you basically just want the ability to make gifs
Black lipstick, fishnets stockings, those platform boots, spiked wrist things, Guess the tunic would be black instead of white and piercings in her ears, dark eye makeup. Hair must be the first and second ones, bot the third one.

Guess the pose can be a simple one showcasing the full body.
You can see when a new one enters, yes. In this case I'm just counting the distinct prompts.
This summers going to bring up revenue right? Can we actually beat genshin?
There's nothing good this year though.
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>it's been over 20 years
>still unconfirmed if nasu is a guy or a girl
the girl theory always made more sense tbqhwyf, no guy would write things like this no matter how much shoujo manga they read
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we're never beating genshin. I don't think genshin is even at the top anymore. It's HSR
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I really want to go to FGO fest next year.
Yeah also seeming lack of familiarity with how a penis works
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The IP's on borrowed time when even the artists are leaving
Harry Potter and the Fae Knights
Is the break bar big ghost on floor 4 beatable without using the Mystic Code? It nearly wiped the floor with my Sitonai.
Jeanne d'Arc which ascension to use?
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Have you ever removed your /alter/bros? If yes, why?
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They left...
The Dance Outfit
I don't remove bros
I remove rats
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Find the schizophrenic woman.
Seems like genshin is abandonware now and it feels like it massively underdelivered on the story. I don't think they even explained what happened to the other sibling.
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Come on, bros... Come back...
This actually worked way better off the bat than I was expecting. It's still hell wrangling 50 fucking belts in place.
They give tidbits of information from time to time. The sibling is the end game of the story, and each chapter with Dainsleif leads to it.
What if Nasu is an androgenous person who got an accident in his early days and is practically a Barbie doll down there.
Then why is she such a horny motherfucker?
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Yeah but that's barely moved on
Yes. For leaving the game or veteraning too hard. Maybe by accident too in case I forgot to lock a bro and mistook them for cutting off a rando
bro... he said that he quits on /alter/...
Because Khaenri'ah is where everything will most likely be explained. To my understanding your sibling is not themselves anymore, but has someone else inside them. And the Sumeru chapter with Dainsleif had that voice which I think is the person inhabiting them now.
Always knew that last guy was a veteran. Never added him.
Yeah the Sthenofag that got permabanned. He did come back after going offline for quite a while but he quit again.
They're making better progress on their main story than FGO desu
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I just can't. He removed me over a misunderstanding and took me back after feeling bad about it... I can't just let him go...
No one gives a shit about the main story of FGO, desu. Everyone just wants self contained kino like LB6.
Thanks, it really looks pretty cool

Kinda funny that we never got a servant in this aesthethic yet
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Do you miss the past, /alter/?
Sexo team
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yes. I don't miss old /alter/ in particular but just the past in general...
FGO just finished lostbelts. I don't even know genshin's story to this day. It seems like they introduce characters and concepts then dump them
beato i miss you... why did you end yourself...
I remove everyone who quits, is that simple. We have got to keep moving forward.
That isn't the same thing, this is a mourning dress not a goth one.
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Life isn't fair sometimes.
I miss gameplay talk. When we started, everyone was talking about their experience since everyone had different rosters, and which servants to get. Now everyone has a stacked roster.
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I miss shitting on soulless gameplaykeks every thread...
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we should merge with /fgog/
Battle armor.

The closest we ever got was artoria alter goth lolita in hollow at that wasn't even used in fgo funnily (her fgo dress was designed for a doll before being used in FGO)
It's pretty much the same shit as it was back then but we traded in some old schizos for new ones
I miss my gudagudabros
Did you not see the last thread? We already have.
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We should merge with /bag/
I'm glad Liz put them in their place
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Lip love!
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Say hi to my lesbian girlfriends
I wonder how fgo will end. This is the only successful gacha that's lasted this long. Others hit eos. Will eventually hit that top but I wonder how they'll handle it.
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YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That retard eating lipstick!
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>Kinda funny that we never got a servant in this aesthethic yet
Are goths even popular in Japan? I thought they were mainly a western thing, I never see japanese art where characters are goth whereas westoid porn artists are obsessed with them.
(You) will have a generic happy ending with Mash. Or maybe (You) will sacrifice yourself for humanity. I'm sure no matter what happens no one will like it.
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Ever since i got done with the event last week and until today i completely forgot to cash out and do the dog expedtitions.
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CCP hoyoshit storytelling format is horrible for the simple reasons that they do one part drop every 2 months to a year, and there's no way in the game itself for you to revisit past chapters and get a refresher. Sure LB6 was released in 3 parts, but you guys really think it'd have the same impact if there was a whole freaking 40~50 days delay in-between and chopped up to 5+ parts instead? Not to mention the main reason LB chapters get cut up are because of crunch, they're not written with tangible breaks in mind. Hoyoshit otoh absolutely is, so there's more padding and focus on making clap moments more epik than any concern for pacing and overall cohesiveness of the story.

No one is gonna care about the twins by the time the story concludes because it means you would have had to stay invested in them for like a decade, during which you get one chapter per year about them while the rest is filler. Solving every nation's problems and bffing their Archons are no better than sidequests if you consider the twins' reunion the main plot, and unlike FGO where you can easily at least just pull up your archives for a refresher of past chapters, genshit has nothing in the game itself. You're basically forced to look up Youtube or some other external resource if you forgot details of a quest from 3 years ago, this is like trying to read a book in which you're only allowed to progress 10 pages per year, and the pages you've read just disappear once you're through with them.

TLDR hoyoshit story will never be good because they drag the fuck on forever and works to instill FOMO in ADHD zoomers. t. put up with genshit since launch and on the verge of finally uninstalling this year
oh right...
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As an SK enjoyer I've noticed that goth and punk girls and costumes are actually considered western bait.
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Another bro gone veteran. I wonder if this general can be alive for another year. Non-US hours are dead af already.
They are a subculture that was trendy a few years ago, more like a decade.
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>Jalter was pretty much the first servant to gain worldwide traction and what launched fgo into the western radar back in year 1.
You might be into something....
Is Jeanne d'Archer summer going to be a rerun banner?
first fgo OC servant**
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Deleted three people who haven't logged in for 10+ days so please add me if you'd like. Otherwise, let me know what you think of my supports


I don't mind what level your account is or whether you have meta supports or not btw. As long as you play regularly (and I'll keep you past 10 days if you put that you're gonna come back in your bio message)
If they're not back after anni then it's truly joever
How do I get the two swimsuit FGO Jeanne d'Arc
>hoyoshit does this
>but fgo does it too but it's different to me
Scathach was the first big FGO servant, unless you're going to say that Cu mentioning her once in F/HA means she's a F/HA servant.
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does anyone have that pic of super orion and astolfo sprites side by side
Didn't jannu showed up first in france then scathag formerly debutted later on an event then america?
It was Mash
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Leaves my beloved...
Man I should get a gf and have awesome sex everyday
If you genuinely believe that then you may be illiterate.
Minor blogpost continuation from >>483059635

I reached the end of the 2nd floor right before login reset, spent 30 AP on bones so I can sleep some more without losing AP , and then started on the third floor. I am at the end of the 3rd floor now so I guess 3rd floor is about ~15 hours' worth of AP.

Probably going to stop and then resume after login reset since I remember 4th floor being huge so I'm not going to sit there and obsessively check every couple mins when I can just come back when the AP bar is full.
Kagekiyo in all
Added. I like your supports, lots of very dangerous women.

2 more spots free. I'll only add if you confirm here btw, since I don't know if you're from here or not otherwise.
I've done a good job over the weeks to rotate each expeditions at least 2-3 times per day. I know being 100% efficient with the timings is impossible, but keeping some consistency has helped to fetch a bunch of materials.

I'm actually having inventory issues right now because my second archive and inventory are full of 5* embers. Wish I could transfer embers to my gift box, it's the only thing I have some space.
People used to do nude edits every year for summer..
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just 14 more days bros...
No, I'm just not as pretentious.
NTA but Scathach's Trial was pretty early on in the first year yeah, around November.

Her first Lancer class PV had over 500k views at the time and was the most watched class/servant PV, she had a lot of hype.
Do I have to do Ooku for the 4th time or can I just take a break
do it when you feel like doing it, or if you are desperate for SQ do it right away.
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I'm at the 5th floor right now, done around 40% of it I think.

That's the last right, how many floors are there again?
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French girls
Explain the appeal of grailing Medusa, Nobu, Jeanne, Jeanne Alter, Melt without owning their summer Servant Class versions.
Ah so it still gives SQ again, guess I'll do it
5+1, but the final one is just one room and the conclusion of the story.
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Tametomo goes away tomorrow right?
Chinese girls.
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Summer Medusa...
>summer version
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She's Meduseful
Fifth is the last, but then you have some extra shit to do afterwards.
I think Takeuchi said that was in plan but not yet in 8th anni interview
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There's no time limit for it, so you can do it whenever you like. But bear in mind these are the mats behind it, in case you're lacking gold fous or are hit with a streak of bad luck and need the extra SQ. Plus, it's a pretty good source of bond as well.
Cool, I should be done soon then.
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Every time I see an alterbro gone, dead and forgotten I don't get sad, that means they finally moved on with their lives and are doing something more meaningful with their lifespan than play a kusoge and stay in this place 24/7. You should feel happy too, at some point life will force you to leave this place so the sooner you realize this the better.
Kiara or Kirei as AOE arts alter ego?
Sent, Herc in All. Please don't mind the skills, the mat grind never stops...
Or he an hero.
I bet you're happy when your friends leaves you in real life moving on with their lives.
nah, he most likely an hero
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based grails
oberon in all
bless you bro
Me on the left.
Oh yeah, you have to go back doing hidden rooms after you're done with the sixth room. 23 extra rooms in total.
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That's a fallacy, two while different situations. You guys are my anonymous acquaintances that share a TM connection but you certainly are far from being friends to me. My irl friends are different, I say this because I am close to leave alter too. I hate it but that's life... More than 18k dollars down the drain for no reason too, feels bad...
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Just stop spending. The game is still fun. But if you have a gambling issue, you should maybe stop for your own good.
>you certainly are far from being friends to me
post your support so I can unfriend you you ungrateful faggot
Added. It always makes me very happy to see a grailed Artoria. Hope my supports can help you with any mat farming.

Added. I always grail for love. And yours are super based. Grailed Bedi is awesome.

Thanks bros
I'm staying with this game until it crashes with no survivors.
>at some point life will force you to leave this place
Me, cutting my 67th Adrenochrome replacement short so I can see what Keikenchi(BB) did with my GudaGuda #1337 request.
Oh so we don't count huh? Fucking faggot I swear. Stick to your shit irl friends loser, I don't want you near me anymore.
Thank you bro
Kiara is better other than Kirei's taunt, but his taunt is fucking insane since it lasts 3 turns. Just depends on the content
fake mombro moment
I am going to assume you are Shrek because only him acts like this entitled cute bitch. Shrek you are one of the few I can consider a friend although we don't share a close connection and I am eternally indebted to you. Alter changed and isn't as fun as it was before but trying to pursue harder things in life. I will always remember my alterbros, quite a few ..
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I will continue to stay until:
>story ends
>I lose my data for good
>my devices are no longer willing to run FGO & crashes every time
only a soulless whalekek could make a post like this, begone from my /alter/ and never return.
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>had to hit pity to get Kiara

My Arc and summer savings are gone...
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>more motherly than raikou
>curvier than raikou
>actual endearing reason to protect you as a mother
>literal god
Same but with kama
Okay shrek. Now fuck off.
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This doesn't look like a bird at all.
literally who
i wont read lost einherjar fuck off
Hoping she's in F/GO soon.
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Sounds like your just here to shitpost against the actual mombros.
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NP goal?
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What's the best age for a mommy gf?
>sucked dry by the ultimate slut
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NP6 120, all appends. But only after Beni Alter.
dont call her that, kiara is good girl
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15 to 17
mine is np1 and i never used her
Dark Beni when
time travelerbro...
just got to the swastika room, how could Albert do this?
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So quick is still irrelevant in the future...
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teen mom is more like 12-14 going by her current tit size and where she ends up by her early 20s
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I don't know but I'm hopeful.
Bob isn't very pretty, but that smug is authentic Bob smug.
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You should play the first Legend of Zelda.
Aren't we playing divegrass soon?
Just got to this part of Blade of the Immortal, how could Albert do this?
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jeanne (archer)
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Good night, bros.
Night lippa
Mom deserves a Mom too
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i deserve mom moms
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boring thread
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If we must merge with gooks, might as well be /lcg/ instead
Make it interesting.
I prefer the term comfy
Get out of here with that Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid pandering
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That'd be a based place to merge with if we had to choose a gacha general.
/alter/ wouldn't survive a day in /vn/
Good night Lipfriend.

Uh bro, I have my HFK's locked and loaded. And my shitposts versus moeges. We'd fit right in.
Kill yourself
Why would anyone willingly go to a God forsaken place such as that?
your mouth wouldn't survive deez nuts
This is heartwarming.
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Speaking of /vn/, divegrass is going to go live right after /vn/ finishes playing /domg/! Tune in at: https://cytube.implying.fun/c/vgleague
/alter/ wouldn't survive a day in /vt/
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Which good aligned Servant could tard wrangle the bus? They still have their memories and powers but their head is the time clock
35 to 50.
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>place infested with more schizos than /fgog/ and /gig/ combined
Yes, you are correct.
/alter/ wouldn't survive a day at my BBQ pool party
>grub crystals
>feh orbs
what are the other 3?
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Its Kaming home
I recall someone from here going there to make a vn based on redman.
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watch and learn
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/vn/ wouldn't survive outside their house.
/alter/ wouldn't survive a day in my father's bed
i didn't even realize that it was gacha currency, that's kind of kino
Peak teen
Pools closed bro.
kama kama kama kama kama kameleon
she kam and go
she kam and goooo
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>why did beato end himself

Simple, he couldn't handle existing in the same time frame with this chad.
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Is your father comfortable if I sleep with him?
This is my... Tsumukari Muramasa!
What a retard lol, should just self insert as him just like me
im Muramasa btw
The softest
On the way to becoming the softest
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Muramasa 1 0 Kamakeks
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Seeing as they all got people from novels as company bus goers, we could crank out the servants from literature as well - Achilles/Odysseus, Dr. Jeckyll, pic related, Nursery Rhyme, Miss Crane, Galatea
even our own Don Quixote
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Oh yeah? I remember I spent monthes finishing Umineko. Reading FGO chapters is too easy in comparison.
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>tfw you don't have enough SQ for xufu on anni
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This stains the Russians bedsheets
You only need 200FP.
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if you are serious and you meant enough to 120 that same night then you should know that if you got over 200 servants thats easy 600 SQ.
this event reminded me that dogs>>>>cats
What am I looking at?
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Get back in the shed, bitch
Shiki agrees
based and true
dogbros...our response?????
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It's a spread by Kankan who is pretty well liked fanartist for Limbus Company and he also does a lot of FGO stuff. I don't know all the characters, but it looks like LB6 fairies, cynthia from Pokemon, Undertale, demonborne? and Limbus Company I believe is the 2nd from the right with that moon above the two dudes.
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Abby is a young white blonde hair girl she knows what happens when she gets older.
kadocgudako breeding hideout anastasias not allowed
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Eight Doro Chronicles
I honestly didn't know Abby was afraid of dogs until this event.
if that was another cat it would have sperged out, dogs are tolerant out of kindness
I would spank Abby for saying shit about dogs
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What will be your Arc catalyst, bros?
Abby will kill your dogs while you sleep.
Buying the VN, I guess.
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Using kama to loop all the nodes on the kama event
the Nanoblock Neco Arc X that was inside one of the FGO Carnival Phantasm releases
Looks like a Hieronymus Bosch schizo painting.
Submersive kama...
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Well kankan is actually well known for being unironically schizo so checks out. Love his stuff.
More like a postmortem photograph
Get a Enka vinyl record from the 60s and play it.
Put the film 'Puppet Master X: Axis Rising' on the television.
Smoke a cigarette.
What's your verdict on the doggo event, /alter/?
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servant for this feel?
I skipped it
For me it's the annoying text box that appears after every node that doesn't disappear until you tap it again.
2 weeks too long
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lmao her right boob is bigger than the other one, nice job aitard
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I liked the cast of servants they used.
it was okay, 3-week events suck ass though
Beat her in EXTRA
my deluxe copy of tsuki:re
Mats are nice but are really obtusely designed, just have a button to resend all dogs where they were originally. Annoying to recollect and then manually click each one.
Story is pretty mediocre. Had potential but felt like it fell very flat with the reasonings just lacking.
Characters and character interactions were good. Oi with Bakin, Izo, Barg, Lobo all pretty nice.
New characters look cool. Bakin has great art, Tametomo is pretty cool.
Dogs are cute.
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same. mats and bond are nice though. If only we had 6 servants for bond.
You can't even fucking use AUTO for it, it's real fucking stupid.
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3 weeks of passive free mats and XP/QP is cool but otherwise it was just okay
Call me soulless but I would not go out of my way to *wink wink* artificially increase my chances of a successfull summoning
Does nurse want a hug?
Gotta look up this guy, his stuff looks positively insane.
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can you make shotaGuda and Erice?
I need no catalyst for Arc, I only want Xu Fu.
you will roll 10 arcs and never get xu fu
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I didn’t get Tametomo so it’s shit
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Eat 100 pounds of ginger.
holy soulless
We're going live now!
hey if i get xu fu and you get arc we can swap
One week until Albert fucks our pussies.
>BB on the other team
WTF Bros
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>8 years' experience
>Bachelor's or Master's degree
>barely above minimum wage
i'm just trying to get SQ....
Looking at naked ciel
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We made her cry too much in the last Grail Front event
You absolute fucking monster.
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Ericeanon body swapped into a Erice with a shotaMaster. Also 6 fingers
Based and same
OOPS,here fixed
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I was going to buy the VN but fucking amazon is billing me import taxes for some godforsaken reason and its way too expensive for a catalyst.
I'm buying the VN and marathoning Carnival Phantasm. even if I don't get her it'll be a fun weekend.
Our divegrass match is about to start bros
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>Missed the chance to put in a seventh finger
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Here we kam
How loose is your butthole, jesus christ.
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Don't tell anyone but if you roll NP69 Arc you unlock a NP5 copy of Super-Ultra-Mega-Rare 6* Servant (Beast Class) Neko Arc.
Heard this from an unreliable source though, dunno if it is true.
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>bbeats you in divegrass
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>the fucking Kiryu
Ok that stand-in BB IS funny
>I was going to buy the VN but fucking amazon is billing me import taxes
Eh? Just buy it as a digital copy on whatever platform you prefer.
>but I want to own it
If you lose access to your digital copy for whatever reason you can just pirate it.
why is BB on the other team?
i unironically just want phisical merch of Arc, nendos-figures are way more expensive, so why not the game?
Its a BB match
She replaced Morgan and took over Veteran's name
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My last hope for Tametomo...
Gee Jeanne, why do you get to be TWO players?
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Swap Jannu before it's too late. She's going to job.
Good luck bro. Did you complete Ooku already? That's another 34 SQ on the line.
would BB technically be an American since there's an American flag on the moon?
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Godspeed bro
snore ass boring ass motherfucking game fuck you motherfuckers
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>there's an American flag on the moon
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There is unironically nothing wrong with reddit or jalter compared to current year 4chen

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