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Previous: >>483081135

>[Campaign] "TSUKIHIME" Global Release Celebration Campaign
2024-06-19 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] "Main Interlude: Ooku" Release Campaign
2024-06-20 21:00 - 06-27 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] "Main Interlude: Ooku" Release Pickup Summon
2024-06-20 21:00 - 06-27 20:59 PDT

>[Event] Nanmei Yumihari Eight Dog Chronicles
2024-06-04 01:00 - 06-24 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Eight Dog Chronicles Kyokutei Bakin Pickup Summon
2024-06-04 01:00 - 06-24 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Eight Dog Chronicles Minamoto-no-Tametomo Pickup Summon
2024-06-07 21:00 - 06-24 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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post them supports
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Me with my girlfriends.
I wish Takeuchi could properly convey these things with his art.
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Kama Love!
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>90 quartz
>Kiara, NP3 Emiya, NP2 Zhang, 5th Black Grail
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Good OP. This will be a comfy thread
Not unless we summon the Ciel schizo
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why is ciel so ugly, useless, and irrelevant?
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When was the gook's last sighting? Hope he's dead, as a Cielfag since OG
Why does mom have a boner?
He has synthesized its existence with cuck stancer
I hope I can get NP3 Ana-hole.
Those are some nice rolls, congrats!
Was this autism
No it was based and redpilled
Oh, wrong post link
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I'm about to commit a crime
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I know it through an anime Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East but that's all.
No, it's attention whoring at best (albeit successful, they got a lot of (You)s). Have you never been to somewhere public where they have a wall that anyone can stick a note to and leave guest messages on? There are local restaurants and ice cream parlors that do this where I live.
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Uhhh hags?
I thought the anime was pretty good actually but you do you I guess
Good morning, let's have a good Sunday. The accrued login is actually a nice reminder there's Tsukihime to look forward to next week
Do you also experience the glitch while triggering Bakin's 3rd ascension dialogs in my room? Just noticed today. I tried with other servants and other ascensions of Bakin and none of them have the same problem.
makes sense
zoomie males nowadays are taught that going after girls a month younger than them is pedo/grooming so they swing hard in the other direction instead.
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more like zoomie males these days are wusses who wants to be babied so they want a gf that also acts as their mother surrogate
The mother surrogate is the default template for wives since the old days
If it ain't broke don't fix it I say
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>turns out I'm a zoomie
I always thought I was a millennial
Anyway I can confirm: Hag love
more like glowniggers gaslight and psyoped the poor zoomer sods into having to settle with old used up roastie whores, through massive shilling campaigns and etc.
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Why is Ciel so cute, useful, and relevant?
>had to buy 5 big packs to get 1 Kiara

I don't feel so good...
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thanks for supporting fate grand order
have some Tiamat,includes some /ss/
Bro... Did you get anything good along the way at least?
>buy 5 big
you should go outside
No, she was the only SSR I got. I also got 3 Parvati, who I already had at NP5, and a Saber Diarmuid who I also already had.
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>>had to buy 5 big packs to get 1 Kiara
>400$ for 1 jpeg

Do you have a screenshot of your purchase history?
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Based piggy!
It was me, I stole your luck >>483115645
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10 tickets and 30 SQ.
I have finally reached the end point.
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Loli moms are good
he could have spent 400$ on a moneyline/over parlay on the dodgers tonight and made $550 profit

a fool and his money are easily parted
Looking at my purchase history, I've spent around $5000 on FGO over the past few years. And now I'll need to whale even more to get Arc and the summer Servants. I just hope I'll get more lucky with them.
oink oink
bro the game is free how is this possible
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Proofs? Screenshots?
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>how is this possible

Dat'z how:

oink oink squueee buhi
couldve had a motorcycle and a sleeping bag and 10 or 15 girls for that money
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jpegs >>>>> ???
I wish I was that lucky. It took me 3000 SQ to NP5 an SSR.
You could have used that money to hire an escort to cosplay as Arc etc.
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Kadoc is a lucky guy
>please take our washed up and shored out generation of women who never found a man
Anime girls are fine but no self-respecting man should take a woman older than himself. Can’t wait for WW3 so I can see normies start killing each other in the chaos.
I blasted like 300sq trying to get one more copy of summer mom np1->np2
but got np4 stinky yang
just wanted you guys to know you dont need to spend money on this game
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male zoomers are going full conservative tho, while girl zoomers keep going full retard left, there's a huge divide, look it up
You should have used that money to make a real woman happy instead of spending money on a gacha game.
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the "hagmaxx" thing was fake guys
its not a real trend
t. zoomie
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>Real woman
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>The corridor continues. SO FUN!
Young men are aiming higher, older ladies are aiming lower, it's real
t. zoomie
Buying an average of 3 big packs every month really adds up.
A new Bobtuber. She's British too
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well you should probably stop doing that matey
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Watch your calories, pookums.

I think Blackbeard would spend even more.
I don't know anything about dating. I just want to get and grail Xu Fu this anniv.
t. zoomer
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54 days until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:
I’m looking forward to seeing her and Summer Jeanne Alter talking.
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Finally, at long last.
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Good work bro.
reminder that arcueid is a bigot to ciel and indian people over ciel's like of curry
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Pick one, /alter/
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but i need ibuki tooo..... oh dear...
Congrats Kiarabro. Welcome to the 120 NP6 club.
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also keep posting AI ass
do i have to choose
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She can and should get pregnant.
ooku is such a chore
/alter/ I want to beat and torture you so so so very much
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breed hags
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Sounds fun
Congrats. Mine will stay eternally 100 because while I like Kiara I'm salty it's not the one I want.
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How come when Kiara is talked about the general opinion seems to be that some like her, some don't, but whenever she's rated up, everyone is rolling for and maxing her?
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Thanks bros. I can rest now and just enjoy my Kiara. Though I would like to do the same with Summer Kiara. And bond 14 because I want them to get to bond 15 together.
Can you include sexual torture?
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Bob ass
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Any posters in particular? What method of torture would you want to do?
Creating a special net environment for them. No matter where they go, no matter what sort of proxy they use, nobody will be able to see their posts. They'll scream and scream into the void but nobody will ever notice or see their posts. They can see other people's posts and reply to them, but absolutely nobody can see and reply to them. To everyone else, it's like they're ghosts.
am I shadowbanned?
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Picrel is my penis right now
Any updates on this >>482977319?
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let her cook
this is the quality of AI posters
Is there an uncropped version?
Pretty based.
I need it
i posted this last night
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Based beyond belief, thank you so much
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I really wish there was at least one version of Kiara that was just straight up a good guy. She's funny when she's trying to contain herself but it comes with the context of genocide and voring.
Kiara before Zepar.
I did aesc
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That's right, hold her down while I use her.
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>Kiara that was just straight up a good guy.
Then you're just left with a good girl doing her best to help others. That's just Jannu. Or Martha if you want the whole punchy saintly girl thing.
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How big is too big?
no such thing
Habby sex...
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bayzed :)
Bigger than an A cup is too big.
Just roll for Zenobia if you want an extra thicc good girl.
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>How big is too big?
Seraphix staff member Kiara was an amazing therapist and would have come in really handy right about now to help deal with all the traumas (You) are going through.
i like both flat and huge, but depending of the arstyle or overall aesthetic it can look retarded, like with Eiken, I dont like that kind of big or Cattleya

yet I like Passionlip tits
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True true
Regular Kiara can act as your therapist too.
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She's almost here.
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180 sq
>upgraded Kiara to np2
could have been better
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Our Quick servants will get such a nice powerup. I'm very excited!
these look like shit
3rd image is cursed.
I want to cum inside the girl I really like. After I marry her, of course. I want to get her pregnant and then have raw sex over and over again.
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I breed this
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But I want pre-zepar kiara. She's cool and a hero and I like her design. I WANT it.
watcha gonna do
watcha gonna do
when there's catnips on you
>nero shat in your chilli con carne to prank you
What do you do?
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Yes, and they get a new member soon after!
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If we can have evil versions of good guys why can't we have good versions of evil guys
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Tell her she did that because her mother poisoned her and throw it at her.
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Tell her that's an absolutely fucking insane thing to do for a prank and then get something else to eat.

I may potentially pretend to be about to eat it while she watches in horror, to fuck with her, but I wouldn't actually do so as I assume if servants poop, then their poop would be as unhealthy and unappealing to eat as a normal humans would be.
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The first GudaGuda Quick SSR since Okita-san...
>196 Saint Quartz
>240 Saint Quartz Fragments
>34 Summon Tickets
>will be buying a big pack on anniversary
>have just over 200 fully ascended servants (not counting welfares)

My current plans are
>roll on Arcueid banner on the last day of it if I don't get Xu Fu from 1 SQ daily summons, aiming for just a single Xu Fu copy early so I don't have to wait
>roll for Summer Skadi and Summer Wu (one copy of each is fine)
>roll for Rikyu (1 copy minimum but would really like 2)
Am I gonna make it?

On a related note, actually, how much does she need Append 2? With that 30% battery I assume it's valuable for her, which is frustrating as it means 120 is impossible without NP3.
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Rikyuu more like RiCUTE
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you're mom
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I'm pretty sure I'm gonna 120 her since no other Rider seems appealing enough. She's cute at least.
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And they're a great pair.
You're putting a little to much faith into gacha luck I think but after anni you are probably good. I got about 800sq ready for a copy of Grand Ice Cream Eater (Extra hot) and as many Rikyu copies as I can.
I'm not sure about the gameplay I'll worry about that later.
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cute rapebait
I like her a lot. She's a sweetheart. Deserves at least a welfare.
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>Am I gonna make it?
>How much does she need Append 2?
Ngl it is valuable.
What the fuck is wrong with you guys?
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>how much does she need Append 2
Append 2 is almost mandatory for most quick servants since that allows them for either cheaper or more reliable setups in general.
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Boudica has a hairy anus
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Pick your lancer
Both are niche
The first one is an expert of analsex while the other is skillful with her feet.
One smells like shit while the other reeks of sweat.
Both are not virgin.
Mentally ill faggot!
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I'd rather pick a new dog for your Shiki.
horse cock bros WE FUCKING LOST
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ooku isnt fun a second time. it's so fucking slow.
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isnt it third time
Trade it for BBs
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i love fox
yeah but you know what i mean
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I want to do dirty and smelly stuff with Tamamo
Guess I'll just have to live with no 120 unless the gacha is ultra nice to me.
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This book was beautiful but so short. I hope he will come back eventually and do a longer one with much more Rikyu and Koma.
Tamamo isn't all that niche anymore.
FGO veteran here. Who are these cunts and why do you keep posting them?
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>Roll for Scheherazade
>Frustrated with bad luck so click to SKIP the 10 roll
>Caster (silver card)
>Doesn't turn to gold
>It's the new Traum old man

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>FGO veteran here
>>>/vmg/fate is that way
Post Florence
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This Nightingale looks weird...
you look weird lipper
disgusting even
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Would you marry cnoc na riabh yaraan doo?
So what's our content for the next week? Having a dead week before anniversary seems shitty.
Hunting quest
Would've been a perfect image if (you) weren't there
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An exciting countdown to the anime expo with summer gacha
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>the state of NA
just pretend its (you) in there
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translate it weebs
They summoning their Persona
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The pleasure of being cummed inside
what do you think, bros?
>shits on a plate
>put some rice
>call it curry rice
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I'm sure Lip will get something this year...
>got told to summon her
>don't have a choice to say no
Good thing I already liked her
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hakeuchi knows summer lip would overshadow his slop
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Die lipper
I hope Lip gets a summer SSR just so we can see those charts showing FGO being even lower than during peak pandemic period and that summer ends being the lowest ever rate up doing worse than even SSR Bunyan.
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aren't those charts driven by gameplay anyways?
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Doesn't matter. While I'm at it, hope summer Lip's scenes are also handled by Sakurai and japanese sites gets flooded with people complaining about summer Lip's scenes, calling it a bigger fiasco than summer Suzuka.
yasuke's whore
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Free Markets and Open Guilds
Thanks for keeping our servers afloat!
Oh my.
how do you make a real woman happy?
By spending money oh her hot twink gacha game.
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You hand them various random items and sustenance until their likeability meter goes up
bros... stop joking...
public hair
Bro, that was 15 years ago. Now it's just microtransactions.
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It's time to show you who is the best
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FGO2 leaks??
Unless you wear a hat, hair are public, indeed.
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Nero's leaks
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The corriders never end...
I'll admit the Neroposting is making me laugh because I'm imagining Nero typing these at her computer trying really hard to get people into her fetish.
The corridor continues.
So fun!
It's easy
give her money when she asks and don't bother her when she is with her bull
Be a good person
Treat people right
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Our emperor
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jarcher bros, our opinion?
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I will be grailing my Liz Classic soon, next on the list!
Don't you think Scheherazade is pretty cool and memorable in this event?
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which event?
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Finally had the time to read Traum. And it feels like it was Higashide's weakest story to date. I liked Young Moriarty, Don Quixote and Salome, and the generic servants were fun, but the actual conflict of three kingdoms were nothing special and just wasted time until Holmes resolution. At least Kadoc finally got some screentime to actually do something and it was pretty nice. Hopefully he stays by our side going further.
Could you please do Molayposting instead? Thank you.
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kuroha love!
I hope it's an anni CE, would be really funny
Gonna smooch Kadoc
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I think I do this already, bro.
Another banger post from Mebbers
Not really, all I remember that's notable out of this event was that other guy turning himself into a sword for Yagyuu to use fight Kama.
Oh and of course, the parvati face NPC going I'm the Ooku!
LB7 is next in December, right? I hear it's actually pretty great.
Yes. Medb will finally be released in the next game.
I can't tell if she is requesting or demanding me to come in Molay or if she comes in Molay.
She comes in Molay according to full comic.
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That would be a win in my book.
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Scheherazade power up!
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It would be nice to get an Anniversary CE...
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Lip love!
I don’t remember this character
princess whore so and so
princess whore whore
Remember that time in Hollow Ataraxia when Rin took a shit in Shirou's bidet and flooded his bathroom floor with poop water?
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>thousands of FP out of nowhere
yeah holy shit the anni bots are revving up hard
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Don't leave me...
Shut up and go back to serving drinks to Columbus. My man is looking dry.
it's an npc from traum
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Gilles, we're leaving.
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Idea for a lostbelt: Gilles marries Jeanne and their offspring is Jacqueline de Molay, who curses everyone in the world to become lustful women and wear glasses.
Congrats Schezbro!
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ayo he bald
why are nero haters always resorting to scat to shitpost?
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kama fucked him
I think he's just into scat bro
Because nerofags started this shit with tamapoo.
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Roll for Schez.
I already have her np1
flawless dogeza form
Noob here. Tell me about the anni bots.
Seems like a wasted slot honestly
What if Woodwose got wood during summit of clan heads?
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He doesn't have one.
Failed every single rateup during this event period, but at least I got this in the end.
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They give you fp if you put an AoE in your all slot while they farm quartz accts
I want to turn Kiara into a Stepford wife.
this year for sure
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Erice if she summoned a kaiju instead of a space probe…
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I wish I had a body like that, bros
I doubt it if only because they haven't brought on Namaniku ATK to do anything at all since EoR. No CEs or costumes or anything. It's been about seven years since he did anything with TM. So I'm not hopeful to see anything new come out of whatever working relationship they have. I'd love to be mistaken.
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lmao baldy
Melon22 = God
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I like Kiara by virtue of being a cock-hungry being like me.
are you gay?
>My name is Lalter, but you can call me anytime!
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Mom tea
Kiara is cock-hungry because she's a slut
Anon is cock-hungry because he is gay
You are different
I'm hoping for Summer Reines actually.
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wrong thread oniichan
Show me your Arc/Summer savings. Are you going to make it through the quadruple back to back madness?
I'll skip arc. I didn't like near side routes that much and haven't read the remake yet.
she doesn't have a personality
Skipping Arc. Primarily to not risk my Rikyu savings.
Getting arc and Aesc should be possible. I hope.
>quadruple back to back madness
I only want Skadi tho
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More like summer Bob savings.
Aesc is 2 years away, sis, you are rolling for Arc this summer
for my quick servants
I only want Ibuki and have her guaranteed already.
43 SQs and 7 tickets
I hope that's enough for arc and summer skadi
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Of all the characters to say this about, Reines seems like an odd one. She's a sadist that has led a life of being betrayed so she appreciates sincerity in people and enjoys both seeing them suffer and seeing them overcome that suffering through willpower. She's somewhat of a princess trapped in a castle scenario so she's lonely and just wants good friends like Grey too.

She's sadistic and a bully, but ultimately a little lonely and appreciates sincere people. She has plenty of personality.
>appreciates sincere people
citation needed
her personality is being in love with gay
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Kadoc is still loyal to his gf.
Take a hint why nobody likes you.
sluts btfo
just kidding, sweaty. but summer skadi doesn't seem to really save quick...
Yeah well I'm not, and he's wearing a bomb collar.
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Reminder Kadoc's version of Ana was heavily modified and basically half demonic beast.
Also had smaller tits.
Okay and?
Doesnt stop them from loving each other.
So who do I use to mop up the CQ this time around? Should I NP spam STs or AoE?
Enlighten me
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The real Ana will never love him. His OC version was basically brainwashed and gene edited into caring about him.
Congrats anon.
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The only people she has unwavering and unguarded trust in are Waver and Gray, both of which are incredibly sincere people. She also always has a noticeable reaction when Waver overcomes what he's dealing with or when he persists despite what he's going through.

She spent most of her life after Kayneth's death dodging potential danger from inside her own family because being the de facto Lord of the El-Melloi family but not being of age, people want rid of her. She's spent her life dealing with fake people close to her, hell why do you think she made herself an mercury maid instead of having an actual one? Then Waver walks into her life (well, she forced him to but still) and is the single most sincere person she's ever probably met and she makes him her brother.
Anon asks specifically for Arc/THIS Summer savings, and you have to bring out about saving for the NEXT summer every time
I did Melu with Vitch/Oberon to wipe out Bakin in 3 turns and leave Oi with the final HP bar. He used his NP, cleared the field, and then that left me with Bazett to nuke him on the next turn.
Time to save.
I finally put in my preorder for TsukiRe.
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His Ana loved him for many reasons and being forced was not one of them. She still loves him after death too.
It's more that his version had a different outlook and thus joined him against PHH.
Regular Ana will always fight for PHH so she would never be with someone against it.
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I dunno, regular Ana isn't half demonic beast or genocidal!
I'm too scared to check, but I think I have at least 300 SQ for Arc, don't' care about summer.
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Not at all.
playing through Agartha rn just got done with ys wondering what's the deal with bootleg drake and little Fergus like they're apparently Chaldean servants but how does that work like is (you)r drake just dead by a flash flood now?
yeah wait until lb7
choco pussy was too tempting for him
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Why does she throws herself onto other than protagonist’s cocks bros?
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Thankyu friend!
they were in Chaldea
then summoned to Agartha
then returned back so fast nobody noticed anything

don't think too hard about it
*does she throw
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>Another day of a female trying to ruin someone's relationship
Really makes you think.
Close to 500 quartz + 50 something tickets
I might actually skip on rolling this summer completely
Nito doesn't throw herself at anybody
it's not her fault she's so rapeable
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Such is the punishment for the sin of genociding humanity. Cry about it. It's not even yours anyway.
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Wait is nito alter cuckbait? Might get to save some quartz next year
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Use your Taisui. Both enemies are weak to Alter Ego and they're both "Man" Attribute (his NP has bonus damage).
this one is kadocs nito with anubis mixed into her spirit origin
definitely not for (you)
Uhhh bro? They are based for that!
Not at all. She's so fond of you in OC2.
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That is NOT how it played out at all lmao
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When is anniversary
When you are into NTR every servant is cuckbait.
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this, but as the bull
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Gudao will never be the bull.
OC2 is (your) delusions
fagdoc doesn't have a nito
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Thank you bro
OC2 is notable because it's written like a slow burn action mystery drama and as such sticks out in the context of an action comedy like FGO. The warm reception it got should signal to TM that the audience of FGO is mature enough to grapple with the heavier themes and more subtle storytelling.
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Thankyu Lipfriend.
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Remember to do your weeklies.
The king's butt looks nothing like that.
Thanks, flopbro
Don’t need to know you have Takeru’s penis on your face.
Funny flopbro
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Mom is taking over /alter/
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Good moming
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Raicow spam incoming…
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Good morning bro
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Morning mom
Good morning, Mombro
Good morning, Gudakobro
Good morning, Nobbubro
Good morning, Kamabro
Good morning, Abbybro
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we're all gonna make it, bros.
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Good morning, Takerubro
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Good morning, Bobbro
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Use Gogh!
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Huggable man…
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I somehow hoped for Nubu getting added in Samurai Remnant.
It's always at this time huh.
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Good morning, Siegbro
Good morning, Lipbro
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Good morning, bro.
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Scale from 1 to 10 abd taking inti account FSR, dlcs and FGO how much would you say teen mom enjoys violence and bloodshed? I mean in general not just against oni
Good morning mombro
Good morning, Ushi Gozenbro
Hair-cuttable man...
I think she just considers it as the norm.
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Good morning to you too bro
She’s basically an “oni” during that time so the same as them which is basically being just honest in their actions without thinking.
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>log in
>look at friends list
>yup, soul
>log out
So does it mean that Kiarabros won the 120 NP6 race?
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This is gyaru Neropoo, a crossbreed between jk fox, nero and tamapoo.
Say something nice to her.
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Painted my nails again.

Servants for this feel?
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Against who? Also isn't there like a fuck ton of 120 NP6 in /alter/ already? I thought we had a whole infograph.
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hairy old man fingers.....
Good morning, Barghestbro
Good morning, Nerobro
Good morning, Suzukabro
Good morning, Claebro
10, but then again she’s basically raised to have no emotions during that time so it might just be her demonic getting warped.
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need loli liz spats
Good morning, Lizbro
>this room seems unremarkable
>a ghost attacks unremarkably! It's so normal!
Holy... is this a SZS reference... with spoilers included?
Ooku was Kafka all along...
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Good momning! It's 5 pm here.
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Good morning, Gudaobro
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+ 202 tickets
Don't care about Summer, simply going all in on Arcueid
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Schez and Nursery Rhyme's interactions are pretty cute. They should hang out together more often.
Umm, she is the best omni-looper?
My account is strong enough to shit on most content (asides from maybe 90++ stuff, but I'll deal) but more importantly, OG Tsukihime was my first foray into VNs and I still really like Arcueid to this day.
I mean you have more than enough to NP5 her, not to mention anni free SQ, why would you want to go all in for her?
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>Umm, she is the best omni-looper?
Why not? Ibuki looks atrocious, Proto Merlin is irrelevant just like Prototype while OG Merlin is cooler, Skadi is cringe.
You can get all of them with that amount of SQ, my dude
Tell me /alter/. How does it feel to be the bottom of the barrel? And knowing that your final days will be full of seething and despair? Because that's what will happen to all and each of (you).
You're replying to someone else, but I don't mean throw literally everything, if I manage to get her NP6, which I have low hopes with this amount of SQ, given how gacha has fucked me before.
>more than enough to NP5 her
lol no such thing
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That's not very nice...
I take solace I’ll never have such a shitty life that I need to make retarded posts like yours.
It takes ~330 SQ to get a single copy of rate-up SSR
Just because you can do a thing doesn't mean you have to do it. Especially when the post literally said Ibuki is atrocious.
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I don't care in the slightest
Lying is not good, anon.
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You should be following your advice before giving it to others.
Me throwing about 5 big packs at Nero Bride's 2nd rateup and not getting a single copy begs to differ.
Also while I personally like Ibuki's design, there's also one more target I have for NP6 and that takes priority over Summer
In my final days I will take a look at my support page and say "Yep, it was all worth it."
Who is it? Light Vitch?
>he says while looking for youtube videos and shitposting anywhere to cope with the fact he is a failure in life
Neither is this place.
I am already giving you advice. Shouldn't you be with outside, too instead of here like the rest of us?
Unfortunately you will get comatose before that happens.
Nah, Draco.
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Ah, I thought you meant someone who comes before Ibuki
>/bag/ get the police girl and loli cops on swimsuit, all for (you)
>meanwhile here
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>>/bag/ get the police girl and loli cops on swimsuit, all for (you)
>>meanwhile here
If it makes you feel better, she is in a better state than this place. This place is indeed filled with rats.
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Good morning, bros. Lip love!
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Come on, man. /alter/ isn't bad.
Good morning, bro.
>120 NP6 race?
Sure. They are at the front seat in the short bus
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Swimsuit never ever, lip bro!
>NP5 is basically a given
>i feel safe
you just cursed him to NP1 Arc
Nah all of them died out, things are going to be different this year, NP6 120 will be dominated by Melufags with Kamatards coming second
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Hah, I'm not retarded, I don't take anything in gacha from granted, it's pure numbers and SQ is just a means of bruteforcing it
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Morning bro
How so? He will have double the amount of SQ needed for NP5 by the time Arc comes
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It’s just second nature because of her background and the way she was raised. Its made a point in Onigashima that she disliked the needless killing of aberrations and brought up again with Nursery Rhyme in Heian Kyo with loli/teen mom wanting to have a better relationship with them that wasn’t both the human order and mystic order wanting to topple the other.
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Shouldn't you be outside right now? You are at least with some good company right? And no, this place is not a good company.
You really can be pathetic, at least you are funny enough with your pretentious acts. What's next, attentionwhoring?
>inb4 projecting
I am just killing time, and today I woke up based to shit on all of (you) and (you)r rolls.
Pic related is all of (you).
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I'm sure everyone has their official /fgoalter/ GAUNTLET tracker ready!
Nice projection, EMIYAbro.
nothing is guaranteed beyond the first pity (NP1).
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Nice projection bro
Nice cope, retardbro.
Nice deflection troonsis
>troon projecting
>also /alter/ has trannies
Oh no no no no no
But it isn't a surprise when you like ankomeme
wtf, emiya shirou is in this thread
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>/alter/ having a meltdown
Hilarious. What did you losers lost this time. Your virginity? You wish LMAO
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I'm sat here listening to Love Live music (Eutopia by Lanzhu Zhong) and shiny hunting in Pokemon as part of an online shiny hunting week long event where people specifically hunt in Safari Zones (the idea being that there is an inherent risk of the shiny running away, but there's the bonus novelty of them being from a unique place and in some games, caught in a very unique Pokeball). Occasionally using my AP in FGO to finish the event store too.

I am in my zone. I love my zone.
Not even gonna bother, also nice incoming power outage, bro.
I lost my place in line, now I have to wait longer for my turn on your Shiki, cucksucker.
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You’re going to make him meltdown more now bro.
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sisters won
Lmao he isn’t hiding its him now.
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I bet he didn't even fuck her lol
I've never had an ice cream float, how exactly are you meant to actually eat/drink them? Eat the ice cream with a spoon until there's enough gone to reach the drink? Does the ice cream sitting in it make the drink sweeter or something?
Tell me /alter/. How does it feel to be attention whores?
I'm always saying this.
Tell me cuckstance how does it feel to stand in the corner?
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I need him in this position
Who is cuckstance? I'm sorry is this your new scapegoat?
Pretty sure he enjoys it.
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Which servants would wear those?
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My nigga
Sei wears something similar already.
>/alter/ already shitting on the bed on the morning
You niggers never learn...
I like it. I like all these attention and seething directed at me. It arouses me...
Sorry, but voidstance is pretending he isn’t here.
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Figma > Nendo. Bros won
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Roll for funny vamp
You're mom
You literally have one job you dumb retard fucking imbecile. Why can't you just do it right for fucking once?
I prefer cunny vamp
>/alter/keks seething
You love to see it
I refuse
I never had one either...
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Stick in your corner voidkek.
We're being raided
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Please translate, specifically what Gudako is saying.
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nu-Arc is too soulless for me
Projecting again? Were you scolded by your deceased parental figure?
>why yes I am coping
still fuckable
Literally paisen love
Need some drunk sex with Xu Xu
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Post a female servant RIGHT NOW.
What does that have to do with using a command spell?
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Jofuku my beloved...
I don't have a picture of your mom.
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Hey there, it's almost danmaku time. Again. Before /fgoalter/'s VG Leaguematch of the day, our Kiryu is up for two more battles in Day 2 of the 2nd VGL Bullet Hell league! Today we're up against /psg/ and the ongoing champion-bearer of /aceg/. Today's session is already started, but I'll post once again before the first of our matches!
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honestly yeah, remake designs really fucked over arc and ciel in particular. but turkeyhandle was a formative piece of media in my hs years and i liked it more than fsn, so I must pay my dues
Good timing for your new streak of jobbing, /alter/. Enjoy it!
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Stop posting off topic crap.
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Don't mind discord raiders, bro
I'm sorry, I expressed myself poorly. Post an actual WOMAN servant right now. No womanlets, please.
And you don't seem to understand...
Like every female servant.
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>was a formative piece of media in my hs years
I said already that I don't have a picture of your mom. Your mom served your rapist dad very well you know?
Apologize to your mother right now

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They keep falling for voidstance’s surveypost.
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me on the left
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I accept your apology.
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His apology does not make sense, Bob is not a womanlet
Imagine fucking Nemo Nurse and Captain feeling you inside him even though he doesn't have a pussy haha...
Where's Eric Bloodaxe poster when the word needed him the most...
Finally a good post... Morgan's milkies, please save me...
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/alter/ hates morgan. Sorry, bro! But you can drink this anon's mom>>483157825
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Thank u
Why raikoufags are like this?
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Wow, she's so fucking cool!!
Altera is a true hero
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I can think of worse. better than this zoomer gen getting formatted by chink gacha for starters
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I'm looking good bros
That's true.
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the Ushi council will be notified of your transgression
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Would you be willing to post your supports in the current thread?
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Yes you are. But why does Akiha have your CS?
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It's so over
Altera? More like septem cause she killed any interest people had on extra along nero LMAO
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No. I'll post it after anni once I have my NP5 Arc up though
Most coherent Ushikek insult.
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We shall see
Thanks bro. Gonna watch it, but please remind us later about it as well.
Is this your new cope?
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>210 quartz
>chevalier de eon, princess pilgramge x2
They both look bad.
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5 months till Grand Kino.
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Now that I think about it, after getting NP6 120 Kiara, I kinda don't care about the game in general.
So that's how they felt huh.
I have no idea who those are
Huh? Tez's rate-up is in February, isn't it?
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All the demake designs suck ass
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We are so back
Yeah but 7.1 drops I think around Christmas, just a week or so before NY.
I think they meant LB7 in general, though even then 5 months from now would put us in November rather than December.
>/alter/keks thinking about their nonexistant future
The biggest question should be why did you NP6 Kiara and not Semiramis with Amakusa, cuckposter.
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Gudao looks like THAT!?
>nero broke the AI
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Life is cruel...
They are going to speed up a month. NA anni is one month prior to JP.
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Oh... Yeah I guess you're right...
6 months until grand kino....
>offtopic blabbery
You mean until Grand maintenance, you will lose your login streak and they will only give you the bare minimun hahaha.
Nero buck broke BB
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...and some things can't be avoided...
She thinks you stink.
Because I am.
Breathe it in.
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Hey pal, listen to this song...
Jalter probably thinks soap stinks
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Wait for Cagliostro. I think you are going to like him.
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I am super sure LB7 will be great.
Stll posting here, huh? Chud
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I don't want the Amakusa poster to get their hands on Cagliostro though
Hey pal, listen to this song...
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I have a PTSD over Dantes rolls after the same PTSD over Kiara rolls so Idk. He looks COOOOL I guess.
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Why? Why do you hate him? He seems like a nice guy to me
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Not funny.
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By the power of Runes
Yeah, /alter/keks are more funny with their posts.
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There’s a long road ahead…
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Aoko is a very talented guitarist, she can play a lot of cool songs like Wonderwall for example.
You deserved this /alter/. This is the consequence of your choices, shit taste and dissing those that should NOT be.
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I really need to restring my guitar, but I can't find the package of strings I had saved...
You can't even find a good cope for lips swimsuit never ever
>doing a Tunguska run using only living humanoids and divine spirits servants
>having trouble with Ivan
>forgot Kama is both living humanoid and divine spirti

sometimes I'm a moron. and I love my Kama's cunny.
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One day.
Takeuchi would not allow it.
>the state of this place
Oh no no no no no
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That's a bass though.
>inb4 we are raided cope
Get the Melties ready...
where can you find a girl like this irl?
stop wit the slander. Kama is just love. pure sex. best goddess of love.
I can't believe we are being raided
I'm not saying it would have prevented things from getting this bad, but if you had bullied lippers harder, things would be better.
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Need those things around me…
maybe next time you should be less jerkass?>>483161449
what's going on
I can't believe we are being raped
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I can't believe we are being
Sorry have this maintenance that will kill your streak and flag your account with bad luck. Stop being greedy and never ask me for anything ever again, same with /alter/
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>Hope this avatarfag doesn't start doing it with another Servant
>Why you hate them bro they seem cool
Can you read, bro
Avatarfagging aside they do seem gloomy to me. Can't say I particularly like them but hate is a huge stretch
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2 more weeks
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I wish Nasu wasn't such a pussy and let the lion fuck Mash
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>when you see it
I am gay for Lancer from Fate/Stay Night
Oh so thats with the weird meltdown today, Zeno is back.
post your 120 lancer then
I'm gar for archer
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Thanks for bringing this up, I was right all the time.
>morganfag so btfo that he starts having a schizo meltdown about a "tranny k"
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Liz love!
Kino I dare say
Beryls baby
Morgan is an ugly bitch too
just some bantz
諸行無常 sounds so fucking cool
Love that one Ali Project song because of it

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