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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous: >>482760889

Official: https://splatoon.nintendo.com/
Base: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/character/splatoon/en/
Wiki: http://splatoonwiki.org/
Booru: https://booru.inkgen.moe
Build analyzer: https://sendou.ink
Pool code: inkgen

• New Splatfest announcement - Palace vs Theme Park vs Beach: https://x.com/SplatoonNA/status/1804197080304333071
• Version 8.0.0 patch notes: https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/59461/~/how-to-update-splatoon-3#v800
• Sizzle Season is on until 8/31

>Media Accounts

>Map Schedules and Seed Checker

>Gear, Weapons, and Collectables
everyone asks who salmon but never how salmon>>482947834
Life’s a beach
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Great, ANOTHER fucking foodfest.
Is anyone hosting/playing SR on rotation?
I love green bitches
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It's that time of the season again. We've taken their pride, their joy, their previously uncontested Rainmaker; but it seems that's not enough. Once again /v/ has thrown down the gauntlet and challenges /ink/ to a competition.
>what's the format?
A Bo5 for each gamemode, where participants will be put on a team based on gamemode preference. With 5 gamemodes to play, that means 20 /ink/ers can cleanly fit on a roster.
>when is it happening
Tentative date and time of July 6th 1:00pm EDT.
>will this be streamed
Of course.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns; I trust you know how to (You) me.
Gonna join this for the first time. We need a full sweep on /v/tards.
you don't have to do this every goddamn month, have it be seasonal. also there's practically no /v/ to play against.
i guess ggs open
How salmo?
>you don't have to do this every goddamn month, have it be seasonal
I've got some great news for you.
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no salmo, your feelings are not important
Sorry b&b, my mental aim assist(jk) wasn't operational due to poor sleep & fatigue... I can use wellstring better than that
>weapon inks good
>control turf
>get easy picks because i can move good and enemy cant move good

>weapon inks bad
>no turf control
>team can't move
>i can't move
>enemy can move
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don't you feel bad playing with known cheaters? just my opinion
Account sharing is not cheating thoughbeit
Yeah, I'll send invites from the pool.
Any retarded nigger can pick up mochine and win, convince me otherwise.
using fizzy is annoying, too hard
Not in its current state, it gets destroyed by more than one opponent & strafing shooters
Rooms up
SR room 3/4.
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I will make sure to slap your ankles
Slot me in for a King.
Wave 3
Nana tummy, feet & bellybutton
filtering your sorry ass
>nono in women's clothes
no thanks
Anyone for a quick SR Dailys.
You're a tranny now Nono
It is, did you even read the Nintendo ToS?
Condolences to whoever gets nono in an open room by that point it's like only having 3 people since he likes to drag everyone one down as usual
I am 14 and 28 since I started playing with any other weapon besides the working man's aerospray
>just a phase
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Ask Xer why she got along very well with Noble, they are close friends, in fact, betting Noble groomed them into becoming a tranny.
Is he that bad? He gets the same k/d as a regular /ink/er
he threw a 100x splatfest with SS and some other /ink/ers now they all actively avoid him
i heard noble and nonotaro met irl kek
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Hit me with a woom, brother.
>the thread hasn't brought me up in a long time.. how can i get them to start giving me attention again without getting told to fuck off and kill myself?
>oh i know, i'll create an oc as a joke and post images of my wey as a veem to get them to make fun of me!
>n-negative attention is still attention..!
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what, i can't have a little fun with our competition from time to time
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GG's Salmonators!
GGs Ex, H & A.
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GGs bros, thanks for the quick cup of Joe
First gold brand badge I get because I keep investing all of my money into headphones
May I please have that list of names you got from that one time you didn’t get into the pb.
>nono gets carried
>this makes him a cheater
sound logic unlike any other schizoid interpretation of this post
would just initials be fine?
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Wow same.
yeah just curious
No I need the list from the image
>letting someone live in your mind rent-free this hard
He should have stayed gone and (You) know I'm right.
Then leave?
No one's keeping you here.
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>noble never sent feet pics
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hug marie instead
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no she smells
as opposed to the BLACKED idol? you are one dum squidiot.
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I'd let her sniff me all day.
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good night /ink/
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I bought the Octoleet Armor in bulk.
W i d e !
Her delicate hands can make two guns fire at once!
She's growing on me... I hate it
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Nonoctoro sodomizes toddlers.
Cod I Wish That Were Manmemi
I thought that was Goji? Or was it Squinty?
that's all /ink/ers
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When did Nono become a whore? Did he succomb to the coom?
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It's just a phase
kill yourself
Goodest veemo.
It's not a phase you retarded mouth breathing retard.
You can't even do it fast enough, you fucking idiot. How do you fuck up such a simple job?
You can't fix it like that, try harder next time.
It's phase 1
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>Asking for a list from the cord
>Sees an image from the cord get posted
>Immediately gets removed from here

Fuck! I'm never gonna get that list now!
Uh... by "guns" you mean benis? Fug..
I'm talking about being a Veemo, he'll be back to Weyyo before you know it.
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Yeah I'm not impressed with this place either.
>mfw this thread
>mfw the booru is down again
I want you in teehee
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i'm so tired
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Who is she going to beat up with that fist ready to strike?
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A disgusting veemo with tinted shaded that is whoring for attention
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It's OCTOED around here, squidiot.
She shouldn't beat up good woomies. She should beat up dumb yebbies instead.
Nooo.... don't hit ä... you will give woomy a band aid on her lower left cheek!
woomy or yeb?
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Anyways here's wonderwall
>even the discord schizo is coordinating
Anyone have those collages of a single woomy/veemo in different poses? I need one.
good night
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>moonrune-kun vanished from my friendlist
god damn this is funky
why didn't they announce splatoon 4 at the direct?
it's the only logical reason that would make sense as to why they haven't been updating 3.
I ain't played this shit (and not really planning to because not paying $60 for 20 year old game and they fucked up the localization even harder than the original)
There's per-chapter battle themes now?
Each chapter has a theme, some have a couple.
Didn't he change his name?
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>I ain't played this shit
You couldn't afford to anyway ESL.
I need a cute squid girl to ride my face.
I probably should have just learned Japanese desu
>there are now 3 rainys in the pool
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veemos r so innocent
>Said Wonderwall
>Plays All Around The World
Dum woomy
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Koreans on their way to make the best splatoon fanart in existence
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A reminder that it's okay to like feet. It's okay for your woomy/veemo to show their feet. there's nothing wrong with feet, whether you're a footfag or not.
kill yourself
Fucking kek how embarrassing
The twist revealed in the final /ink/ thread will be that thread baker was the foot schizo all along.
The twist reveal will be that the game was never good all along.
Nonoctoro is the worst of /ink/ pedos.
twists are supposed to be surprising
??? Freakazoid left who's friendlist?
There are three to eight inkers that use Japanese to spell out their names.
Why's this game chucking me to a game full of top 500s and top 10s in open? Wonderful matchmaking (or lack thereof).
he had enough of the french bullshit. any sensible person would also remove the clutter from their friend list.
it's really cringe and makes things unnecessarily difficult, there's only so many people you can call "moonrunes."
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Would you look at the time? It is now yebby HOURS.
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Have you ever spent quality time with a /ink/er like during a splatfest, having great fun and enjoying their presence in lobbies and suddenly they act cold toward you, that stings deeply. Guess that "quality time" was a one-sided experience.
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what is /ink/'s opinion on oc fanart? is twitter any good?
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I just play with friends for splatfest
what kind of quality time are we talking about here?...
Are you incapable of not starting drama? I can see why he removed you
>replying to the frenchoid having a mental breakdown over being de-friended

see >>482966291
the timing of /ink/ileaks couldn't have been better
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Panic & Fantasy will be next and then you will go back to being a loser loved by nobody like you cried about in the c*rd
Was that "nana" ocshit an attempt at "being appreciated" by "that side" of /ink/? Kek truly pathetic
slot me in
I will never understand the obsession with feet
I've never considered exposing them to be either "sexy" and/or "indecent" as if they were genitalia, the reason to cover them instead simply being protection from stepping on shit
Australian squid
somethin somethin vegimite
somethin cunt somethin road trippin ute
love ya down unduh
Spent quality time, yes. Acted coldly towards me, no. But I understand your pain bro.
More yebs?
Sorry anon, you were nothing but a springtime fling to me.
boutta splat myself all over the splatta zones worse than the Engadine 1997

[YES] [NO]
personally for me, I just like seeing the top of the feet. I like seeing pedicures, though even if woomys/veemos don't have toenails, their feet just seem cute and smooth that it just does something for me. especially with how much Splatoon likes to show them off.
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Yes. pretty please.
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>spot sniped
oh, okay then
From what I've read when I looked it up, it's apparently a common fetish and tends to increase during times where there's epidemics of STDs. Food for thought.
I just like the bracelet. Feet do nothing for me.
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this is a good mspaint
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I think T is pretty cool
So when are they adding the 3rd race: salmonlings?
cute beeb
>especially with how much Splatoon likes to show them off
>Marie's art for Team Focus on Healing
>Friendship Bracelet
>Various Splatfest artworks of Off the Hook
>Captain 3 wearing sandals
>Agent 3's Survival Suit in Splatoon 3
>Shiver's Splatoween Outfit
stupit. sorry.
the /i/ stands for ink
>using the vanilla kit
Dumb squid
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How is it a wipeout if he's still alive?
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good night /ink/
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The BEST haircut yebby duo... Now it's time anon... For us to play together.
I will use it when I play Open with you.
art of this woomy when?
Pro blue is simply vastly more superior
Did you know angle shooter had a faster firing speed than a second pro blast shot? It has more range too. You can imagine plenty of ways to combo between main & sub
And Killer Whail? Forces the enemy to move away making his movement more predictable and him easier to pin down. Makes chargers more vulnerable too.
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Conservative, common sense reefslider buff.
Tell that to the japs.
>now two teammates can hop on to be picked off during the recovery!
>more area to give indirect damage
Is it what the buff should be?
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Ok, fine, you probably know more about the weapon than I do.
You called the yeb dumb, so...
If woomies are silly the yebbies are dumb
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stop being gay
They are DUM, get it right...
Anon my best friend in the entire world.
woomy trying to learn to draw
gets burnt out grinding Woomis heads and makes no progress in 3 months, completely gives up
Woomy is just like me...
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Good Night friend
I'm sorry for being an annoying little fish
That's it, get me my roller.
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I'm running out of yebs lol
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You keep putting them in the closet, Guri.
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It's fine, thank you for sharing them with me.
When are we going to play together, new buddy?
im going to draw yebs for myself and never share them
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Lmao gottem.
Callie canonically got a ONWO tattoo once when she was made to wear skimpy clothes and dance in front of thousands of octarians while DJ Octavio played rave music
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No more yebs
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Be that way...
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woomsisters rise up
no more yebbies
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Drop me a FC then, we can decide when to play later.
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thanks for fsh. nogami can burn in hell.
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Just make a room in the pool when ever yo
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there's plenty already.
no porn?
I don't have my Switch right now...
I guess it will have to be another time, just don't get lost, new yeb buddy.
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Make your own binkyboy!
more please
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had a can of pop exPLODE all amongst my electronics in my little gamer nook.
had to clean it off my laptop, my switch, joycons, horizontal surfaces, vertical surfaces, fabrics.
So, that's been my Splatoon session thus far.
yaaaay. Friday night gaming.
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not going to spam thread, so last one. this is one of my favorite.
no thanks.
Sorry woomy. I've been there.. Is everything okay?
i have full salmon bar

why 4 runs no joe
uh. I thought it was, but now my left stick isn't working right.
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>ywn be able to access the forbidden salmonid doujinshi
>no thanks.
fucked up...
Weyy named Octo.
Think they named their Goldfish "Fishy"?
Damn, that's tough.. sorry bud. Joycons tend to fuck up all the time anyway.. If you can afford a pro controller, it's a worthy investment. I switched to one when my joycons went to shit and it's solid as hell and the battery lasts for like 2 days.
>3 matches in a row I've got a player with 1 kill on my team
>last match had an opponent with more than 20
I can't work under these conditions. What's the best weapon if you have to hard carry an entire team by yourself? Basic splattershot?

The other players didn't have full bars
>uh. I thought it was, but now my left stick isn't working right.
Well naturally. It should be working left, the right stick should be working right.
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two eliters having a sniper duel over the middle section of lemuria hub. I sort of just wanted to sit there and watch. But I had to, you know. contribute.
Can always play it back in the replay.
yeah, I thought of that.
But there's just something different about making the choice to be a live audience. lol
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makes sense for a trans woman
acht is feminine-representing so more likely could accurately be described as a demigirl or genderfluid
No it doesn't, the first thing troons do is try to grow moobs, and if they can't they get implants. It wouldn't service the fetish to be flat.
of course that's assuming they were AFAB, which they probably were considering they went to Tako school and there wasn't a single weyy to be seen
when inklings get splatted they turn into genderfluid
When I see a woomy bending over I shoot gender fluid in my pants
>try to grow moobs
Gynecomastia bros...
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parko is an enemy
it's not your fault, it's the estrogenized water supply
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It's okay, she's cute.
I know it's generally recognized by people that Splatlandian octolings like Shiver are completely separate from the Octarians, but does the game actually make that clear in any way or is it just extrapolating based on what we know?
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I love Aori.
like how field niggers turned into white-collar Tiger Woods type niggers? People you would allow in your gated communities? (Not to live, but certainly to visit.)
>an enemy
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not homophone
god, I fucking hate hydra.
"Press "Y" if you hate Blobblober"
oh god, I've never been more tempte-

>SMASH that Y button, and HIT the DIVING BELL if you want more PLAZA content like THIS
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Paruko accepts any money
>that angle
>that flatness
you're not welcome here
why do you hate bloblobber, it's a fun high skill ceiling weapon
>there's no skill you just blob into an area
if you hate those then the problem is entirely on you, low skill blobs are easy to avoid and easy to kill
if i post a replay will anyone give input on it?
show me one ceph
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you fools
You don't want my ceph.
neat little prisoner's dilemma situation you created here.
/ink/ failed of course.
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I throw a tako at you.
I might as well do it since im still awake...
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spoilered to avoid ban
dead thread
>nobody inks the ground
>nobody guards basket routes
>nobody pushes to enemy basket
>nobody times their specials
>enemy is invincible, omniscient and shoots from ten directions at once
Another hour, another rotation, same fucking shit as always.
did you press ZR? that bypasses enemy invincibility
Forgot to add
>all western names on my team
>all idolshit and other casual badges on my team
>at least 2-3 japanese names on enemy team
>enemy names, badges, outfits that just scream "tryhard"
>120 seconds to find match in S on Friday evening
Shit is fucking dead and broken.
SR lobby at rotation change
Won't feel as bad going amusement park because of the new mirror rules
Oh and also
>always 2-3 multiple series crowns on enemy team (saw a 9 at least a few times)
>never ever on mine
This shit is too fucking much to be a mere coincidence time and time and time again for nearly two fucking years, while everyone else marches into S+x and top 5k and better like it's their fucking birthright. I swear Nintendo is running some kind of sick A/B test and I got the shit end of the stick. I hope they fucking burn for it one day.
how do I learn e-liter
lower your sensitivity and practice your aim
and always remember that you outrange everything, no need to get closer than necessary
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anyone wanna open at the hour?
room up
I give up, these solo q retards are ruining everything and nobody in this general ever wants to play SR
At least you chose the best Rank mode.
An attempt to coax people into playing, however just to recap, the “nobodies” you are referring to are western usa and/or young adults who still get up at the crack of noon
last time i played with you i got insulted
The fact that Cuttlefish doesn't give a shit about Nu3 possibly being an Octoling says enough
Maybe the total damage of three Reefslider explosions would finally allow them to destroy bombs
Which option lets me not pay rent?
are they actually not?
Sorry, Nogami doesn't want another Baller so this won't be an entry tool you can use without killing yourself. CHEESE THE FUCKING ZONE!
If they were Octarians, why didn't DJ Octavio simply move to the Splatlands when he lost the war? That's the only explanation there is
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making it actually work would be nice
>The bomb didn't kill them either
Now that's some bullshit lag if I've ever seen it
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Playing with my wifi hotspot lately and it seems depending on the IP I get everything becomes either.52 instant death givers or Nova tickle damage doers. I swear I survive things I never usually do
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You're supposed to say "kill yourself" you fucking idiot. Get it right.
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That's how you do it, don't let me catch you slacking off on the clock.
Reply to >>483012250 you spineless cuck
Did the network get worse? Because I can't seem to get any slom shift with freelancers without one instantly disconnecting at the start of the first wave.
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Good wooming.
ggs m! thanks for joinin
GGs open. I would like to continue, but this fucking gyro in my joycon is kinda lagging too much today.
Wooming to you too
>it's yet another "rangelet gets on your perch for no other reason than to bodyblock you" episode
Wish I could friendly fire in this game.
erm i'm a splattershot jr, I need the perch to throw bombs thank you
I was doing that last night.
Me and a Naut were on the same perch. The problem is that I was using it, so fuck them. But also, It was on lemuria hub, so there are plenty of perches. It's a map of perches. They can find their own. I turf better than them.
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Why are you on a perch? Go down and be a good cannon fodder.
>Implying I can't still be cannon fodder from a perch
people toss bombs up onto perches. I need to be there to catch them with my face.
I've got a fizzy for you
We both blow up you nincompoop.
le woomy xd
ggs open!
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gggggs open!
GGs open
How many licenses do you think I'll need to save for the third kits? ;_;
i'm keeping 10 handy just in case
3rd kits are always released before the final fest and they aren't going to add weapons mid season
Every main will get a 3rd kit. It's splatoon 3 after all.
Just like we're getting 3 map rotations.
superjump reefslider
>but splashdown
who can say no to whole two specials to aviate with
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>Frye got the most popular choice of the three
beach seems to have some popularity on the west
An entire themepark with no lines bro.
Just make it slide around objects better or give it a single use small jump or wheelie. I'm tired of getting hung up on a small corner I should be able to just skip past with my great speed and weight.
Renting a beach is the ultimate cuck choice.
let people enjoy things?
you would know
let me enjoy ridiculing you for picking the ultimate cuck choice
it also implies he would be able to recognize every octoling from his army which is cute
You do more harm by existing than not, so no, I will not let you live and enjoy anything.
Hit me with a muffin.
What if it wasn't a beach but a whole island?
It's just Splatoon Twitter Westoids virtue signaling because "Watermelon = Palestine flag XDdd"
I'm fresh...r-right?..RIGHT?.........
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Absolutely soulful art today.
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freshly baked, just for (You)
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Mmmmm pepsi.
Oh my Cod, this so cursed and I love it.
why can't they just put the map in the corner like this?
They want you to replicate the Pii Puu experience of having to look away to check the map.
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why? beaches are free. unless they're the private property of a resort, you just walk down to the ocean. bam, beach. No reservation required or needed.
Also, beaches suck ass. All beaches. You know who picks beaches? Floridians. Gross. You know who else? Californians. #TransBLMmetoo
I rest my case.
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replaced with a yebby
nobody other than you pissbaby seems to care
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I can't play like that... I have the PS4 touch pad button to bring up the map for S1 on Pretendo.
Odds PB, evens nap.
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Gonna miss the PB rush due to feeding the dogs as it starts and I have to watch two more for couple days...
have a nice rest, anon
Does he eat xp tickets? Got way too many
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PB2 at the hour
I've built up so much frustration freelancing earlier I'm going to unleash it on the battlefield
So do you make the post then play in a match so you can be out in the plaza?
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PB 0/10
Who the fuck started making posts in splatsville telling people to join our pool?
PB2 5/10!
Special PB with a female host to feast your eyes on! Come in come in
A 4 with the line up, a J with an extra line, some other type of j with a line, a crocked T, an F without the top line, &, the 4 again, an line with a j like curve.
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thank you nintendo very cool
kill yourself
A backwards C, vertical line with j, a horizontal line, h but the curve is higher, a line with a j that has two dots, crocked T, F but the top line is two dots.
PB2 is back
Sorry the router had its powercable off and turned off, I saw it earlier but then forgot when something took my attention away
There should be no more issue
Nonoctoro rapes boys from the local kindergarten.
L can i have your banner
L crocked with an extra line, horizontal line, horizontal line with a j, &, 7 with an extra line, a crocked 9, a horizontal line.
Slom with me some more for insane luck
Something about this map makes my brain go smooth
this man is the schizo btw
Go back.
>But it's Nintendo rela-
Back to your containment board, your US election's calling for you.
we're going to build a splash wall and the octarians are going to pay for it
hope you wall yourselves out of the splatlands too so we stop dealing with you inkadian tourists
>man I regret picking this weapon here, I should've gone wi-
>double vShot
Yeah, FLAR.
PB2 has room, you're missing out
Veemo is getting sweaty
Sweaty pits
I try to do this but the sensitivity is awful on that thing so it's easier and quicker to just reach over to the mouse
I am the worst PBer.
kill yourself
We all have are off days. Just remember, it’s for fun not for glory.
i miss when we had good players
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No, im the worse.
Anon speaks Truth right here.
Nuh uh i'm worse i don't even have an original name
you could have stepped it up yourself
Take a breather dude.
I'm not sober enough to discern what just happened.
what do tacticoolers taste like
Like Monster Energy. Not the ones that taste good, regular ass Monster.
Welcome FF.
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You could have at least let it play for 4 matches before changing it.
I'd say I miss this yeb, but bootleg goblina is very cute and sex so I'm conflicted.
There is no such thing as ink armor
Sorry, I wasn't keeping track
That’s a poor excuse.
As a splatoon player, it should be my god given right to be able to end my life peacefully.
I'm not sober enough for this shit. How did we win?
As if any of us are giving it our all
>invincible special
>invincible special
>invincible special
>invincible special
hate this fucking gam-
>invincible special
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I would've RQ'd on the spot upon seeing two Dreads if this were anarchy.
>There we got you your victory, now let’s move on.
Tri-color stage & July sr gear please?
God damn it everyone is waiting for the pb’s to end so the “fans” can post their shit!
doesn't have range to kill you
doesn't kill you
no other invincible specials
anyone wanna SR?
CB Mincemeat isn't so bad after all. :)
not enough woomy
x00 x10
Well I’m out of ideas. I don’t know how to get into the plaza’s by posting.
Oh fuck my bad, I did not know that was an option.
GGs PB2! We ended up at 4 but those were good matches!
Do you want more nana veemo or do you prefer nono weyyo back?
To next week!
You either stay committed or it’s just a phase.
GGs everyone. Thanks for playing.
GGs! Thanks for hosting.
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ggggggs pb!
Forgot pic
GGs PB1. Thanks for hosting >>483048531
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GG's PB'ers!
And thank YOU for hosting!
GG PB2, see you at the splatfest. Also more sexy veemo
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die faggot
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I think variety is good.
Aight I will do a McRib. I'll bring her back when people least expect it. Sorry I am speaking in terms americans can understand :)
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ggs pb1, fun games as always!
you're garbage at splatoon
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ggs pb! f, were you trying to reference my name or something? i laughed a little
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Why is the enable gyro option in Cemu grayed out if Steam is not installed?
they should fuck
Is M&S FF's new boyfriend?
Yeah. Not exactly opposites, but I switched the name for a descriptor and vice versa.
They probably only want to fuck little kids like Grezar and Saber do.
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aw thanks, made my day better so i appreciate it! glad i decided to join the pb today
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Americans, is McRib really this good as I heard?
Who is the other one you’re talking about?
Scarcity creates inflated value & demand, it's mid but since it's "limited" suddently people flock to it
It's just a pork patty drenched in bbq sauce with onions & pickles. It tastes like how it sounds
So about that Tri-color stage and July sr gear.
GGs pb2, fun games as always
octavio dome
As a clapistani, Ive never had a McRib. It sounds good though.
Yes. It's so good the germans eat it year round without interruption. The artificial scarcity is a deliberate slap in the face of the american.
i have never seen someone this desperate to be noticed in my life
Remove your woomy's shoes
>twister time
Wha...? Is that EU or Canadian?
Whose internet connexion is at fault
It's mildly tasty slop like >>483050690 described.
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Two buckets tomorrow
panko feeto
Possibly the best woomy.
Possibly? I won't deny your statement but, who is in the rankings to create such a thought?
anyone up for a suicide sr lobby? need 40 more bronzes for the octoleet boots
I'll join if you can't find enough people.
>just grabbing the fish with ALL THREE of the enemy's artillery still alive and no turf control
anon what did you expect
to push?
to not die immediately?
what was the gameplan?
game might've screwed you out of dying with the fish and resetting it but that might've been a good thing for you
>summer temperatures started coming
>first overheat shutdown in months
>fans sound stuck and no air is coming from the exhaust
it's so over, switch 2 when
Based, good woomy.
go to aliexpress dot com and order a new fan
My switch was overheating a couple of days ago too.

How are the air intake vents on the back looking? I cleaned them out with a soft toothbrush and a vacuum cleaner and my switch stopped overheating.
how in the fuck does that happen
my switch from 2017 has never had any thermal issues even in those handful of times outdoor temps went over 100F/40C
open 2/4
It wasn't overheating enough to shutdown but it was getting warm enough for the fan to become audible.
>it was getting warm enough for the fan to become audible
That's normal for when a game like Splatoon boots up or has a lot going on.
Yeah that's normal happens all the time
they looked normal with no outside dust, I clean them pretty regularly
the fans just don't activate
well they eventually do but then I need to spend 10 minutes in recon every session first
I liked grey eyes panic more but this one is fine
In order
To get the game moving, if not then everyone would just be trying to splat each other to no avail.
You gotta keep the opponent guessing.
pushing into a relentless multi-player artillery barrage without turf advantage gets you killed approximately always, maybe slightly more than always even.
the game's moved, now the other guys have the advantage because you are dead. it's a good thing you didn't pick up the rainmaker because otherwise wellspring would've moved up and popped the new shield in two shots, baisically a free push off your mistake.
you could've tried to grab it and immediately move back to get an artillery of your own to shell them with, especially considering you've just used your special so you don't have much to lose, but you did not do that, you moved forward with it, not back or even to side.
none of what you've done made any sense. terrible everything.
I’ll play
opening up
Who dis? I can join next game.
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I like the 777 hat
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Opening up a suicide SR room at the rotation change.

5 throws, then play normally.
nvm then
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Is north country parka worth it? Is it a nice comfy design? I can't pv it like other clothes since it's sold by grizz
I can join for 3 kings
I'll hop on
yoyoyoyoyoyoyo let me in
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though I'd hardly call the beebofied weyys refined
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Open, but it'll probably instant fill by the time this is posted
3/4 w2
nvm, 3/4 for the time being, retry for a 4th in a few minutes
I want to plow the brown beeb
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oof high tide on this map rapes me so hard when I have hydra
It's ok, kinda hard to make an outfit for it tho
Any room?
chuchuho... oink oink...
Bro... Your reefslider?
GGs farmers
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thank you lads, i finally have enough for the octoleet boots

it took 3 months of grinding, and an egregious amount of slurs being said, but i finally have my cool looking boots.
GGs farmers, nice Joes
congrats on the boots man
GG's Crawling in my skin room! Hoping for a glowie wave so I could just get swarmed lol
>three months for just one piece
no wonder I have no motivation to grind this shit
Not only not, but in the past 300 hours I've spent playing Splatoon 3, 270 of them were in SR. I only played outside of SR for splatfests.

The grind is that egregious.
sex with this beebo
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>enemy goes 70
>you go 50
>enemy goes 30
>you go 10
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I hate the sound of screaming woomies
I thought I could at least get a certain bracelet to piss somebody off because on paper it seems cheap but then the game just decided since the start of the month that it's just not going to give me gold anymore.
Don't worry. Once support ends in a few months, they'll increase the scale droprates.
It's like it knows which types of scales I want and makes sure not to give me them. At launch I wanted silver for the slopsuits but it kept giving me gold instead. (That I spent like a dumbass)
>blu sentry is at red's base
>all of blu looking backwards
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Notice how this guy no longer post those pics whenever feet is posted, he is probably getting tired of doing his little ritual
He just posts that image that is meant to "own" whoever makes fun of him
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good night...
It's only 3amn, the night is still young
It's a bot. We've been over this.
anyone who denies it is in on the conspiracy because they like the bot and want to keep it around.
>muh footschizo tradition! v8vawm
those are actually rollerBLADES, but I can see how you would be confused.
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Does Woomy Gum wear panties?
It only gets more confusing when you realize ice skates look more like rollerblades than roller skates
Please stop freshing me.
thats a fresh from me!
yes. but we're talking about the English language.
The only consistent thing about it is how inconsistent it likes to be...with everything. Spelling, grammar, word choice.
A singer sings
A runner runs
A finger... fings?
I'm sorry, it's a force of habit. You'll get that power back in no time I'm sure.
Why would the freshest woomy wear something hindering her freshness? Her woomy lips are flapping to the air and make her sail away!
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Woomy is shopping need anything?
a girlfriend.
sigh :(
Pickled flops, if they have it.
>lost to a full SCU vsploosh
Alright I'm killing myself.
Sorry, I'm legally encouraged to tell you not to do that. And to seek appropriate help.
GGs Lepie!
Why is everyone boasting that ugly-ass hairstyle? Oh euh... no offense!
the only uggo I see is (You)
Rude, I like his woomy
Has there been any Triumvirate sightings after BR? Any Private Job codes with them?
creep tier nickname
Careful I've heard there are creeps roaming on /ink/
Wouldn't want woomy to touched by them in strange places
There's a heat advisory tomorrow. Is my Switch gonna die?
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Yup, I think it's yebby hours, please post those yebbies.
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Yebby hours are over they rose to high and died.
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Splatoon is a matriarch and yebbies serve no purpose, even less for weyyos
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Wtf, you can't just end yebby hours like that.
Let them rise to glory.
Be honest... was he a hindrance to your games? Using aerogay is actively throwing
He did good.
Somehow I doubt that
Looks like just a fluke
Just like you.
I obviously picked the best example, but most of our games were good.
Aerogay is still trash no matter how many low mmr children you kill with it
Play 2000+ X with it and find out, oh right I forgot you didn't even make it to 2000 you shitter eyesore
makes 'em the most based. Fuck the system.
You need to stop obsessing over him.
Aerospray isn't a good weapon and I never said it was. I was asked if he hindered my games which he didn't.
Is there anywhere to download splatoon soundtracks?
>just listen on youtube
With that baking ads directly into the video shit this might not be a good option for much longer, that and also local storage means no worrying about them being taken down
too lazy to fill in all the titles, artists, etc myself
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2000 power is shitter territory
Sounds like cope, why are neither of our PB hosts that high? Strange isn't it
Finished PB2's Photoshoot! Enjoy
Noooo, it's too big! It won't fit!
>account required
how fucking gay
Forcing my splatana into veemo! Making veemo moan! Splatting veemo!
Huh, they didn't used to 15 years ago.
I think I used this site around 2019 or so and it required an account to download entire albums at once but individual songs didn't
Crusty Sean's food looks so fucking tasty
hello fat veemo
Im no veemo...
This veemo looks both cute and disgusting
>give in and make one
>oh actually you gotta give us money or free advertising
fuck this shit
>yebby hour
>more mention of veemo
What happened yebby bros!
does happy sky still play splat
yeah just not with /ink/
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Went to the beach today and had an epiphany
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>suck so hard you quit after 2 rounds in shame
>still make the photoshoot
I guess good things do happen to bad people
When did this yebby got BOOBS?
He's very dorky and special, would smooch him.
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GGs again.
fuck off shitter
I remember the old pbs... so many lost /ink/ers...
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could i play splatoon stick controls with my webbed foot like that one streamer
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I am very flexible
do you want to see me put my foot in my mouth and suckle on my sweet toes sis?
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garbage gameplay
Why is /ink/ so toxic
No one is posting yebs.
it's the /v/ tourists
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>This way!
>check schedule
>everything is terrible
What the fuck am I supposed to play, Side Order?
bro? Erdtree?
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Nice, thanks for hosting
Kill yourself Nono :)
Thats Nana :)
Nice feet bro
cute feet
>be bored and don't feel like playing
>try crb in tc
>get mogged mercilessly by
>- eliter, because eliter
>- golden dynamo shooting 360 noscope verticals with 100% accuracy and 3 second foresight
>- ninja turbonigger inkbrushfag because crb can't ink for fucking shit
So where is this mythical CRB "Win" button that every CRB player other than me seems to have I fucking hate blasters and never play them normally
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well well well
>never play weapon
>expect to immediately be good with it
>So where is this mythical CRB "Win" button
Nevermind, I think I found it.
>that fooltuber
I know, doesn't count.
Where is the setting to make it match me with opponents I have a semi reasonable chance of beating?
Kill myself
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Who would like to SR?
Open up
Wave 3 rn.
that's called getting good
This weapon makes me feel dirty :(
I wish this game would reward honest gameplay, and not just cheesing and/or autistic minmaxing
Well shit
crb is a knowlege check, and solo queue players are failing it hard
>crb is a knowlege check
How so?
Aww, pay cut!
it needs special considereation to defeat, and the entire team has to be on the mark. if you just rush it like everything else, it'll eat you alive, and then eat the guy trying to avenge you alive too. you have to be aware of it at all times and go on defense if needed because you don't want to give crb the initiative ever, that's how you get shot. all of that is not hard and many do that already (although with the latest meta conditioning players to be aggro it takes a bit of adjustment), but it only takes one guy to fail the crb check to turn the match into a 3v4, and from there it's a long way back up.
people also gotta relearn to bait krakens out. nobody does it in 3 for some reason, in 1 it was a staple of counterplay to that special. ensure retreat path and display threat to get them to kraken up, if you've done everything right it's not going to do anything to you because it's got no range and no inking.
One more boss and we switch to turf.
Lets lose this freelancer please
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conflicted because now I can see anon's posts but pearlwoomy is missing....
where is the rape of this creature
blue board :(
GGs M and N, that was a bumpy start but we kinda started getting it by the end
Oops forgot to change my weapon after ranked
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GGs and yeah, that was rough at the start.
Holy fuck I don't think I have ever seen this map in turf lmao, where are my ramps and stuff
I'm gonna grab food after this match but I'll rejoin
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Say when you are done.
Done now. I meant in game food lol
Kek, I even forgor that you can rejoin without invite.
Thanks for writing this out, that's interesting. When I play anything else I usually get mogged by blasters myself (because I'm a reckless rangelet). So it was a nice change of pace to be able to cancel almost everyone, instead of being cancelled myself 9 out of 10 times.
I'll see how I like it further down the line. It's probably different at higher levels of play, but where I am it feels like an almost cheat-tier crutch.
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GGs Y and M! Almost 5 am for me so gonna sleep.
GGs N and Y. That was some nice turfing.
GGs! This is the only time I find turf tolerable. Also double cooler is fun once you get into the rhythm. 3 am for me so I'm gonna peace out too.
this outfit and skin tone makes those toes look very suckable desu (sorry, had to be said)
die one thousand deaths
>die one thousand deaths
easy there jaymz
this is true
this faggot is teaching kids to actually function as players
what have you done for the game's health today? besides whining about crb.
It's not my responsibility to care about the game's "health".
he said, before complaining that all his teammates suck and the game is unplayable for the nth time
it is in your direct interest to have more high-grade players around
I had a good This Way! moment in Open not long ago (though rather symbolic strategically, since the match was all but won at that point). I did not make a video about it because I'm not a youtube eceleb nor have I any desire to be one.
Ah yes, the RQer
poundland woomy
many pounds on woomy
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you know, one tricking the vanilla stamper for the past 3 months had made me quite comfortable with the blade

just throw some ink savers on it with 2 subs of both speed ups and you got a pretty good weapon
I AFK'd at spawn when the score went under 30 and called some kid nigger.
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Woomy drinks kvas.
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>Winter weather is making my hands dry out and crack
>Middle finger on my right hand is a mess
>Have a bleeding crack on both the top and underside
>Fucking agony
>Hurts whenever I move it, can't bend it all the way
>Having trouble gripping stuff
>Can't scroll like I usually do because I use my middle finger for it
Please make it stop. I'm in hell. Why couldn't it have been my non-dominant hand?
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You that brazilian guy who rages a lot?
I need two scientist cephs please.
Nah Ausfag
Does it even get that cold there? Heard it gets to 50 celsius in the summer
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Are you Christ?
I revewed those matches and you were using MG, right?
Are you fully using Gyro controls? I felt as if you were too reliant on sticks, you had good control of them but gyro is a game changer. It's like going from a 4 directions pad to 8. You make weird & clunky camera movement to adjust your aim when just a flick is what a gyro user needs using a fraction of the time.

Speaking as a long time 5 star MG user, you should also learn how to fizzy combo. With reefslider or simply your main. Fully charged or simply semi charged which deals 50+ damage when well placed. A reefslider indirect deals 70+ damage while a regular uncharged fizzy is 35+ which means one uncharged fizzy is all it takes to take down a reefslider survivor.
Fizzy is your best range option & it helps your teammates too in fights you are too far or too weak to engage.
Your main gives you movement & paint, just hold ZR, look down to your feet and enter & exit swim mode while going forward & you're almost as good as a sploosh in movement. Paint needs no explanation, this is the best painting shooter on purpose. Your bullets do spread but by entering swim mode while strafing (ZR/R+Swim mode) & walking forward you can have a certain guarantee of having your shots straight for a small amount of time with your best range. This is risky in regular encounters against mightier shooters but very valuable when taking enemies by surprise.
MG is the kind of weapon you need to think a lot before & while using.
You're like a Jumping Spider, weak little spider that hunts bigger ones through its great genius intelligence & fierce assaults.
Shut up
I didn't even need to see the post you were replying to to know who it was
Is nono the tofu of turf war?
Wish Wave Breaker wasn't a glorified point sensor. They should bring back that bug that cut healing even if you jumped the waves.
>That was a bug
>Not something characteristic of Big Shot waves
I just learned about this and I'm disappointed
Tofu is at least good in SR. You can't say the same about Nono.
You need to be knowledgeable with all weapons in order to fit that category.
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The only fest I was ever mad about was orange juice, if you like pulp you’re genuinely a fucking psychopath. Why would you want a bunch of weird solid shit floating in your drink? (If it was done in 3 there would be a “some pulp” team which would win due to sopranos fans)
imagine liking fruit but without the fruit part, that's you.
Healthier for you, gives you a nice mouth feel and a sign this orange juice was freshly hand squeezed & not rehydrated powder shit
Cool, but why would you want a drink with solids in it? Do you enjoy touching wet food when you wash the dishes?
This is why apple juice is better. No bullshit about choosing between types like some weird fruit version of milk, just pour it and drink it, tastes better too.
Your next line will be "ice cubes don't count."
Why the fuck would they? You won’t accidentally swallow the ice cubes unless you either have a mouth the size of your mother’s vagina or a brain the size of your own dick.
You don't accidentally swallow the pulp when you drink juice you know has pulp in it either. Sounds like you're the retarded nigger here.
>ruined a wave due to my Big Shot greed
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panic SR lobby at the rotation
GG :) Nice to see someone else in the wild
Boss badges were a mistake, encourages griefing
Not him, but even without the badges I see a lot of people that will tunnel on the cannon and make the rest of us lose as a result
Any other Salmon rooms open?
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I’m surprised Splatoon doesn’t have a spin off of any type.
>been playing for a year & a half+ this is my progress
Post icon ideas. Woomies preferable.
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Big Shots are just statistically limited by not appearing during High Tide waves that become more common at Profresh and above.
Autistic faggot
ggs slom!
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GG's Slam!
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Only 1 boss? Geez...
GGs Panic SR crew
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fun rot, wellstring op
We would have played more if Goji joined instead of you
Not just that but I believe the Big Shot cannon has a 50% chance of spawning during a wave so you either get it or not
Yeah sometimes they don't spawn at all, which is good for surving a wave but bad for badge progress kek
You weren't in that room
>Only three people joining the lobby show up in the pool
>Instantly know the fourth person is Nono
Sounds like I didn't miss out on anything
Pretty much, I'm only about to get 6K Big Shot kills myself and that's the last gold Boss badge I need
At this pace I'm sure I will get Zuna's and Boris' badge before Big Shot's
Goji doesn't hate that guy, nice try falseflagger
Have feet
kill yourself
take your own life
I feel like 3 is starting to bore me. Any ideas?
4 star every weapon
play another game
You're a retard by thinking I'm trying to falseflag as someone else when I just genuinely don't want to play with you
What types of birds live in the Splatoon universe?
>nono trying to act like hes someone else
dont you have other /ink/ers to cry over deleting you?
Goji and everyone else who isn't retarded knows Nono is a laggy Fr*nch tranny.
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kill yourself
Mostly common, non-endangered species it seems
>frenchoid shows up
>thread quality immediately plummets
I don't care if you hate me, schizo
I will always love you
I like coconut juice with meat. They rebranded it to pulp though when meat better describes it.
If you don't care then FUCKING LEAVE
Life is starting to bore me. Any ideas?
life 2
Remind yourself that woomynes is a silly and insidious splatter.
i love you to pieces, that is pieces of you flowing down the seine river
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I will be here FOREVER and so are you
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i splat
get out
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Silly creatures.
Reminder to ignore thread schizos
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I just ate a big burrito * OMPH* I will attempt to play, anyone wanna do Open?
>they have a top 500 badge
>we don't
>decide to play the game
>the top 500 player singlehandedly spawncamps us
why should I not leave the match immediately? matchmaking in this game is a joke
fuck you then
>Trip Nono, bully Nono, gaslight Nono, lie to Nono, badmouth Nono, make Nono cry, put a banana peel on Nono's non-existant Splatfest float pic and make him slip and fall on his ass on live TV, make Nono ugly cry on live broadcast, scare and startle Nono, push Nono into a body of water, call Nono mean names, slap Nono, tell Nono he's the worst player in all of /ink/, break up with Nono, tell Nono you hate him, yank Nono by the testicle, snip Nono's testicle off, push Nono down the stairs, slap Nono in the face, tell Nono he's a failure, loudly accuse Nono of lagging in salmon run, report Nono for throwing, celebrate Summer Nights and Splatooween without Nono, call Nono a worthless bitch, demoralize Nono, call Nono a cheap tranny slut, shame Nono for his bodily image, make Nono insecure, spend Nonos's money on stupid shit, evict Nono, fire Nono, compliment every other /ink/er besides Nono right in front of xer's face, sabotage Nono's Grizzco weapon to make him break it and land in crippling debt, indenture Nono to make him pay back his debt, avoid eye contact with Nono, push Nono down an open manhole leading to the sewers, make Nono flinch by raising your arm to hit him, punch Nono in the face and give xer a black eye, hadouken Nono, pants Nono in public and expose his smol oui oui to the world, Instant Loss 2koma Nono, smash Nono over the head with a Nintendo Switch, replace Nono's aero with a better weapon, tell Nono that the coffin reminds you of him, make Nono lick up Salmonid "ink", play tic-tac-toe on Nono's fat ass, kick Nono in the dick, slam the studio door shut before Nono can enter, ignore Nono and act like xe doesn't exist, socialize with other /ink/ers while Nono is left all alone, push and lock Nono into xer locker, lock Nono out of the studio and say it was an accident, push Nono headfirst into a trashcan/dumpster, force Nono to main Big Swig, erase Nono from /ink/ forever
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I'll join
They're not invincible, gangbang him with subs, specials, shark on him. He's a lone player
Haven't seen that copy pasta in a while, tho it was about someone else
I drove Joey out of /ink/
It's only a matter of time before your fragile ego breaks
Unironically hang yourself freak.
D/c but no penalty.
You first
>never played with the thread
>posted a webm once in a blue moon
>think you drove him out
What, do you motion your hands to open automatic doors at the store too?
He probably just got bored with Splatoon. Sounds like you've built up some retarded ego of your own.
Peak nintendo servers
i will bring joey back
even he doesn't come back, i will become joey 2.0 by mastering bloblobber, unlearning motion controls and force myself to play stick controls, and take on his persona
joey only plays on splatfests and big runs
You’re a genuine waste of space and you know it deep down, and everyone else knows it too.
page 10 can't come soon enough
I'll play if there's room.
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i dont like how this threads going can we get a new one
Slot me in too
Projection :skull:
Woomy in the dark
Hungry for bread
that never comes
i could use some nana x nono porn
woomy in the dark
she's been wandering too long
the paint has faded

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