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Previous: >>482899046


>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
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My Husband
why do black women love tekken so much
fuck I had something I really wanted to post at the top of the thread but I have forgotten FUCK
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Love Tifa LOVE LOVE!
if you one and done then your true rank is your current rank -3
The older I get the more realize how superior Tekken is to Street Fighter. It has so many more variables in gameplay, bigger roster, bigger movesets, varied stages, actual customization and content.

I think 2D is just too simple and it always boils down to being some pixel counting spacing God or anime air combo autist. In Tekken, there is low, mid AND high whereas SF has only overhead to break the default crouch block state. Grabs are more complex to learn, oki is way more complex, mastering a character takes way longer and mastering the whole roster will take you a lifetime. Combos have to be adjusted to your position in a 3D space for optimal damage. A usual match in Tekken has a million more things going on than a usual game of SF. The skill gap is so much higher while also not being a complete bore for beginners to its free flow system.
yeah I posted in that thread earlier. Agreed
Yes goy buy the reused asset battle pass
It will take Slime Spammers five years of DLC to have the same roster size as BASE Tekken 8. Get the fuck outta here
>The older I get the more realized how dementia works
glad thats all you got from that post miserable retard
I shat myself today
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fit vampires with fat tits mashallah
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fit vampires with big bulges
Good goys you must buy ze reused tekken 7 dlcs
we are so sorry Capcom, we won't bully you again
so, uh, how's the weather
The big advantage SF has is that you get to play the real game faster without getting bogged down by infinite gimimcks. But I agree Tekken is a decent game in what you mentioned.
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it's nice
pretty hot
i have no AC in this room and i'm literally water, fucking shithole of a shithole shit
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Less hot than yesterday, but the announced rain is late. Just hope it won't be windy, in these conditions it has potential of being really strong.
france china and turkey in perfect harmony, before calm bnefore the storm before ww3, nostalgic xd
need sephi in me
>In Tekken, there is low, mid AND high whereas SF has only overhead to break the default crouch block state
Tekken only lows beat the default (standing) block. And 2D has lows, overheads and mids, 3 types just like in Tekken. Tekken is not really more complicated in this regard.

However often in 2D games (depends on the exact game, char etc. of course) throws are often the main way to beat the default guard, rather than overheads which tend to be reactable and otherwise shitty as well. I think Tekken lows are more interesting in this regard as they tend to have more variety in terms of damage, risk, range, situation after and other properties like evasion and CH etc. Overall 2D characters tend to have sharper contrasts with each other but I find that in terms of how they break the default guard option, they tend to be more samey than Tekken characters.
>tourney today
>finished top 100
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thank, needed my dose of COCK for today
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>dose of COCK
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shit illustrated by ai (2024)
best way to play tekken is to play for a week and then go on a break for months and then return

that way you keep it fresh and dont run into the same 8 people over and over again
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Best is to play 10 hours a day for four months straight and going to bed wondering if a hemorrage stroke will kill you in the sleep
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I didn't get jabbed though
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did arslan win
I will never shit talk tourney players again. Playing on stream is way too stressful.
He won an opportunity to get sent to losers by mulgold/ulsan
reina hard counters claudio
I haven't felt the embrace of a woman in nearly a decade
are you italian
I'm voluntarily celibate.
I volunteered my body for a sissy spitroast orgy but no one would touch me.
i will hug you so much that it'd fill the whole 10 years of hug absence.
just don't mind the poking thing in my pants
Kazuya has no command grabs right? Only generics and 1+2?
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Lidia's Tekken talk??
you mean 1+2 command grab? lol
After evo
She'll drop after Evo because the devs are content with the balance and don't want to ruin it a month before Evo goes down.
>late june
>still no release date
Namco really doesn't want my money
wish I was Alisa here
wish I had friends
NA is getting top 8 at Combo breaker and may even get top 4 at EVO.
Lidio transbieska is cancelled
NA already got top 8 at Combo Breaker lil bro. Why that wasn't a qualifier for EWC is beyond me since that tournament was fucking stacked.
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Lidia is NOT trans!
She is a beautiful woman, who has a penis
flopio transbieska
Tekken 8 Top 64 Character Usage at DreamHack Summer 2024

Jin - 4
• Claudio - 4

• Nina - 3

• Alisa - 2 (1)
• Jun - 2
• Devil Jin - 2
• Shaheen - 2
• Raven - 2

• Dragunov - 1
• Asuka - 1
• Paul - 1
• Lee - 1
• King - 1
• Yoshimitsu - 1
• Kuma - 1
• Reina - 1
• Azucena - 1
• Lili - 1
• Eddy - 1

• Feng - 0 (1)

• JACK-8 - 0
• Hwoarang - 0
• Law - 0
• Lars - 0
• Bryan - 0
• Kazuya - 0
• Victor - 0
• Zafina - 0
• Leroy - 0
• Steve - 0
• Leo - 0
• Panda - 0
• Xiaoyu - 0
that a lie nigga stop the cap
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>buffed two patches in a row
>still dogshit
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Nice form on the bear. What's his handicap.
Played by bad players
it literally just never is my turn
regardless of what my opponent mashes or what the attack looks like, I can never even press 11
it's just string after string of chain combos locking my character in place, chipping away my health, and if I THINK about pressing 1, or any other button, I get launched and I'm now at 20% health
Now show the tekgen invitational top 64
>Posting fake information
But for what reason?
Richie was #25 and he only played Leo.
The fucking Lionheart cancer is more a nerf than buff. I swear to God all the times I thought I was in Lionheart but since I held back for one ms it's no no you miss out on guaranteed shit.
who's Ritchie?
So you lack knowledge. Keep playing and be aware of when your opponent is doing mids. That's typically when they open themselves up after you blocked.
Better a fake info than a fake Tekken game
Tekken is simply more high IQ and more enjoyable game. If I have friends over, we play Tekken. If I want to tryhard, I play Tekken. SF is shit for casuals and competitive SF is just lame as shit.
the game where the protagonist is a vortex ape? high IQ?
Sorry chud but Kazuya is antagonist.
Spot on.
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powerful, brave
josiebros how we holdin up?
is harada more willing to add in more characters now that theyve seen some bad financial reports?
harada is too busy shitting his pants and getting his budget reduced
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Any chance they'll add a separate option for gloves the same way the ninja DLC added one for the face mask?
God damn I love ladyboys
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Alright, gotta pick my character. King presets? Nah, feels too basic. Law presets? Played him enough using my 2 bars. Hmm... eyes drift to the glorious red coat on Victor.

Yes. It's time. Time to unleash stylish dominance on these fools. selects character

Alright, who's ready for a dose of crazy? Dante, the legendary demon hunter, is here to show you how a real fight goes! Forget your fancy stances and fireballs, I'm bringing down the pain with Rebellion and Ebony & Ivory!

eyes customization options

First things first, gotta get that classic red trench coat. Gotta have that flowing movement during dodges and juggles. Next, gotta find some fingerless gloves. Can't be a demon hunter without some edge, right? Hair? Spiky, silver, of course. Gotta maintain the iconic look.

Maybe I'll throw in a devilish grin for his entrance. Let my opponent know they're in for a stylish beatdown. Now, about the win pose... hmm... Pizza time? Nah, too goofy. Maybe I'll just rev Rebellion and smirk. Gotta keep that cool, aloof vibe.

Alright, Dante's ready to rock. Let the King of Stylish Action take the stage! cracks knuckles with a devilish grin This is gonna be fun.
I'll stick to leon
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Zafina should look like this.
This but unironically
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just hold on to Claudio, Jin, Nina and Sir Gay for one more year, just one more year
you really snuck claudio in there again, arlsan
sorry I meant, Claudio, Alisa, Jin, Nina and Sir Gay
Arselan would never snitch on his waifu like that
'nov? Yeah, I'm thinking he's based
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we need a community like this
oopsie I forgot to take out my plug again
I want the first whiff of your gaping hole
Holy based
i look like this and say this
i always play tekken with my buttplug in. helps me focus on the match.
I don't need a plug my prostate tingles from the moment the tekken 8 menu loads
Meet @PhiDXGames , a man whose story of success is so inspiring and batshit insane that it has to be told.
Is everyone playing eldin ring or something I can't get a fucking match.
rollslop dlc was a flop. We're all playing Fortnite Metallica Edition
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nice lili custome from my opponent
i wasted all day on olden ring
I'd love to give her a sniff
i hope the next dlc character is lizardman from soul calibur
I like lizardman
Nice, you playing this on your aunt's laptop?
Why does Jun say "cojones" in spanish during her strings? What does she mean by that?
blud its high settintgs lmao
She's practicing her Spanish for when she needs to apologize to Miguel with her body
that's how thirsty her womb is for seed

Alisa, more fair and honest than Fox News
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>cant side step the most telegraphed move in the game
green ranks need to stfu about game balance
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can someone tell him to shut the fuck up
jack and yoshi always have the best customs
>watch mainman's video with brawlpro
>TMM constantly complimenting brawlpro's setups and execution
>chat meanwhile crying about king and trying to run defense for TMM if he loses a game and how king needs to be nerfed into the ground
What causes this behavior?
Hit by a 56 frame attack. Deserved. Next you'll complain that jack can kill you in a single punch.
mailman bans everyone with dissenting opinions so the only people left in chat are the ones sucking his dick for good boy points.
Something I've noticed, TMM cries about every opponent champ except he has consistently downplayed King in tekken 8.
his original main was king
He downplays Mishimas and Bryan all the time. His most played characters.
So far playing Claudio:
>contrary to popular belief it seems his mids are quite bad but has good lows and highs
>his small poke game is very weak
>his mid range poke game is good
>his neutral is good
>is countered by Reina and King
>Reina counters him because he doesn't have a 13 frame df1 or a good jab string to keep her honest
>King counters him because he has no way to deal with his powercrush in neutral and the powercrush counters his wr2 ff4 "mixup"
>played 40 games of Claudio and thinks xim knows how the character works
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>playing with ultra settings, 60fps, feeling good
>arena stage pops
>your settings have been reduced to low
when the fuck are they gonna fix the game?
ultra settings are a meme.
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mainman was crying about getting throw spammed by bp on stream
Brawlpro will be at evo so themailman can try again on LAN
my fat is my.only friend
dead general frfr
fps will forever be the number 1 normie vgs
fighting games are niche genre
Kings supposed "buffs" that come in the exchange for murdering his throw game from the latest patch are absolute dogshit.
ff2? No one ever uses it, it's just there to surprise people. Them giving "frames" to it so it can buffer throws is a joke.
f4 being able to hit xiao is whatever everyone got that buff.
Nigga where are you going ?? what is your excuse ducking like that ..
db3 and FC df 2 being able to duck highs are decent buffs thou
db1+2, 2 is good, much needed

Shit patch, babies are still crying for more King nerfs
Bring in Lydia already so we can get Mardok
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>tfw 7 more months until fahk
Yoshi's flash is the weirdest shit ever. It has an active hitbox. I just don't understand this since sometimes you would want to bait a flash by walking towards Yoshi. But that shit hits you hard. Does Power Crush beat flash? Does Heat Smash? I am just tilted that its an active hitbox rather than a counter/parry.
Anyone else bogpilled here?
Flash is the same deal as Xiaoyu's phoenix you got to lab it.
As a general rule if whatever you do is blocked and gets you kissing yoshi, that's a flashing
no but i bog others
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Slimebros, why did the decline stop? It has 5 times more players than T7 did same period after launch.
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Why no one play ye olde good Paul in tournaments?
>le punch American
He's boring as fuck
Because no one honest is played in tournaments... ;_;
The karen haircut makes him unplayable. Even if you pick a different costume it's still there
You see we don't actually play either game so it's not about whether there's enough people of various skills to play with but about winning against Street Fighter.
Bryan mains are so dedicated to snake edge that is both inspiring and cringe.
I edge my snake
Nobody uses snake edge past vindicator
My favorite fighter is a rapist...
Whens the Italian dojo
i wish i had a rapist boyfriend
Anna pegging Marduk as I watch and AK masturbates
I wish Nina sat on my face.
she wouldn't let you cum THOUGH
i've been told he's good for long sets but bad for ft2, so no one picks him in tournament. something about not being good at small tekken because of no i13 mid to poke with.
uhmmm tekgen told me snake edges were bad
Snake edges are my biggest weakness
They are.
tell that to Arslami
I can react to Jin d2 but always get hit by snake edges
i can react to faster moves faster than slower moves because my reaction speed exceeds the speed of light and goes back to the first inputs of the faster moves
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Jin has the worst lows in the game.
D2 is seeable.
DB4 is seeable.
His LLRK hellsweep is seeable.
Nuh uh people fall for the mid combo qcf41 sidestep cancel into snake edge reset all the time in blues, even works on Tekken Kings and above 70% of the time.
that's because blocking a seeable low is harder on oki
I wish replays showed what move the opponent uses instead of having to decipher it from their mashing
you can see their inputs
it would be a lot easier to read the command history if they just displayed it horizontally like they've always done instead of falling for the vertical wingdings street fighter meme
how do I stop Laws from spamming wild dragon's flight in my face? it's 3+4, 4 and it's +7 on block. I have a friend who literally spams it until I'm locked in and then he'll either throw or do a low until I die. I can't seem to step it or jab out of it.
>good lows
stopped reading there you fucking retard
>getting good against Hwoarang matchup
>have no idea why

It's so complex my muscle memory went past my actual memory and understanding in order to beat it.
blocking people to avoid matchups is pretty nice. imagine if you block every eddy player.
Fighting games are weird like that
I couldn't play charge characters my entire life until I decided to main dee jay in sf6 randomly and got him to master, then guile too, then I went back to every old fighting game to play charge characters
so random shit just clicks one day it's strange
if he could do ss4 from standing it would be a god tier low THOUGH
The final hit is a high so duck it
it would be but he can't so it isn't
The game really need to convey attack ranges better outside of Practice Mode. There are times where I lab a character and goes "THAT's a high/mid/low?"
>if the hard part was taken away it would be good
oh really now no fucking way
and the only other notable low is db 4,3 which has good range but slow and risky
basically claudio can't do shit against power crushes and I wish more people knew that
do you think he is weak against reina
claudio is 100% gay so reina wouldn't do anything for him
Do all Tekgens try to emulate pro players
db4,3 isn't slow, it's 15f startup but launchable and 0 on hit
d2,2 has really bad range and death on whiff
when I play I'm constantly thinking mathematically in terms of frames
5 days until Summer sale and I can buy tekken 8 finally.
how long have you been posting without having the game?
I can't duck, throwbreak consistently, or side step and I made it to tekken emperor.
I'm here since early tekken 7 days. In short, PS4 is going to be my last console and I have finally bought a new computer.
you can always punish 3+4 with a 13f move even if he finishes the string, though you'll have to figure out the best punishment for your character
for example, paul's best punish for it is f2 since he can convert into a combo if law does 3+4,4
Who will you play once you get 8?
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That's because of his stupid haircut
the only way to fix this is to let people customize the mini portrait and make his classic outfit the default one
No, it's cause he's still low tier. You think the people who main Dragunov, Feng, Alisa, Nina, Jin, King, Yoshimitsu and etc think they're cool? They're cringe but they're high tier
>200 replies in 6 hours
great, can we have avant garde tekgen back now?
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>post nut clarity kicks in
>first thought is that i should uninstall tekken
truly money wasted in cum
name 5 cool characters
aye bruh yoshi and king niggas prolly do think they're cool
who were u nutting 2?
Leo, Asuka, Zafina, Jun, Xiaoyu
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Cool AND I want to have sex with her
leo is hotter as a boy, i want to suck his cock and drink his cum
no 24ers chased the kino away
>women can't have penises
cool it with the transphobic remarks
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People who have had a boner before do not make faces like this. People who get boners do not look like this. Leo does not have a penis.
him and ash are the two most fuckable boys in fighters, i wanna marry both of them
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not tekken related
sirs why is arslan playing alisa now
lobby up for 15 minutes join if you want an ass whooping
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there is not a more braindead nigger flowcharting faggot character in this entire game.
yeah but i wanna have sex with her
>queued into each other nonstop
>had some good ass tekken every round
steve players are here to truly play the game. sorry about your demotion lil bro
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What are you even saying? and please don't use xiaoyu for your shit, thank you have a nice day
that is why i tolerate it
they're gonna make marduck a muscular brown girl with big tits and ass because of people like us
Come to think of it Pachinkken 8 could use some big breasted a little bigger than average girl female grappler
Anyone else after tornado run after the combo to push the floating enemy body with your body to extend the wall carry? Seems like unintended retardation but it's cool to do lmao.
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Why do so many bluds press after Scarecrow 2 and get hit by the extension? I win so many rounds off that. I can even hit them like 5 times in a set with the same shit, with no prior setup.
>blud self inserts as Zafina
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>play upbeat music
>play better and enjoy game more
It's that easy.
Is Bryan guard break at the wall braindead? It's a true 50/50 between pressing and getting wall splatted or not pressing and getting wallsplatted, I have no idea how it's allowed.
i absolutely do that.
Not retarded when you can sidestep if you don't have snail reaction speed to notice him charging the 2 punch.
seems like a canned mixup though, but i guess its fine as bryan isnt a braindead character so he can have it
quite nice customs I like the green hair
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is lee's slide not launch punishable or some shit
post your favorite upbeat songs
Bushin is just launchers and whiffing
blud got mashed on in yellow ranks so hard he reported his opponent
I'm not playing anyone as I dropped this mid ass game.
I play Tekken when Smash's gimmicks feel annoying. It's a good reminder of what truly annoying gimmicks and garbage party game game design look like.
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Stevebros cmon
this shows you value entertainment more than you value learning
thanks :V
why is lee acting like he hasn't fucked alisa hundred of times before lars has?
You're in for a treat. They really knocked it out of the park.
>Some random twitch vtuber got a single round off Sephiblack
I'll never be good...
how come not a single 2d FGC e-celeb is good at this game?
Because they can jump around mashing buttons like an ape and throwing fireballs like a faggot
how come i'm not good at this game?
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How I fare against the cast
is lidia out yet?
>just frame plug
not even mad desu
You lack the hard work, dedication, passion, and fortitude required for tekken 8. But it's not to late to develop.
He's so handsome...
He did everything right.
most of her mid/highs are at least 13f so they can jab you out. that or you got them guessing on when you low.
After evo
Are you red rank?
>checked a bunch of Tekken 7 tier lists
>nobody put Kunimitsu into S-tier
Why was she hated so much? Is that another Jun and Ling's situation when a character was overrated severely?
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Tekken Tag 3 when?
blud just asked if kuni was overrated
dead temu ass game
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can any1 boot tekken 7 and see if they can find any matches
trying to see if matchmaking is fucked or it is just me, shit says 1k players on steam but I can't get anything
Annoying backdash pussy playstyle
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Cute pic
lil guy thinks I have t7 installed
whatever bitch nigga forgot yall dont actually play tekken here
We do that's why we play Tekken 8
u rite nigga I dropped this mid ass temu game
fight me in t8 then lil niggy
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Here's to hoping for a 3rd one tonight.
I miss when this general was alive enough that others posted webms daily
no she was busted.
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Ohh impressive? pling is #10
It's ragequit and not plug
>btfo a poor Lili
>doesnt rematch
>meet xim again
>close as fuck game
>plays his heart out
>final round goes under my mid with matterhorn and wins
>doesnt rematch again

Kek, well played lil negro.
that was me ggs
I bet $100 that there will be AT LEAST one NA player in top 8 at EVO and Combo Breaker.
There will not be a single EU player in top 8 at EVO. One might make it at combo breaker.
I'm so confident in it that I'm putting a real fucking bet on it even.
And yes I know some bitch will say how none have made it so far but those events didn't matter nearly as much and most of them were outside NA so nobody travelled there.
combo breaker already happened you dumb nigger
nigga I haven't had a job in 7 years I have no money
Look I obviously meant CEO alright.
the valley by miguel, halloween by mastodon, neat neat neat and the entire summertime 06' album by vince staples
i work 10 to 8 and i make less than 500 a week
noctis main btw
>summertime 06'
highly recommend Paris Texas if you like Vince
CEO, maybe. Joey Fury made top 8 at combo breaker which had a much tougher field. Evo? Not a chance.
hey guys
hey hot stuff
up for a quickie behind the practice mode cabs in the fight lounge?
good night lil bro
wow that really was quick
a testament to my impeccable head game (feng main btw)
Arslan downplayed her despite maining her
this game sux lol
Speed just turned 28, do people not realize how young he was in TT2, sure he wasn't literally 12 like AK but still
It's just that I've been craving some Xiaoyu and I figured you could hook me up, whaddya say?
not sure you're getting the point of this whole "downplaying" thing
I need my ass pussy sexed before bed tonight
Wtf I'm older than him...
My Kuni just got raped by a red ranked US and KR player, so I guess the Rank match is working properly.
Jin not being an edgy faggot is kinda weird
that's how he acted back in Tekken 3
Is that true that Kuni was very difficult to play if you didn't try to cheese?
Kuni 1 yes
Kuni 2 no
>This random Flip did better in the Shaheen mirror against AK than Selphiblack

I tortured myself playing Devil Jin at the end of T7's lifespan
Sometimes I question my life choices
sephiblack the type a nigga that suck dick for a living but he sucks at it bruh shit is unfortunate
I punish with ch.
no you don't
You whiffed
You are punished with ch
I goon
I gape
I plug
i also punish with close heavy
I main Bryan btw
2B is guest character.
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Chances of the KOS-MOS in the Tekken?
this is the middest most mutted pile of muttmeg I ever done plaid
Would somebody like to explain to me why Jin doing as much damage as he does with near unpredictable strings and retarded frame data is OK?
Anime main character privilege
because the jin legion has downplayed him forever
jin is bottom 2
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leo's so poorly designed, no idea what this masher character is doing
jin is a bottom
Ok, Jin. If you asked nicely then you are forgiven for all your sins.
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>*le murray in the office*
>ummm i14 CH mid shove... yeahhh that's a good idea...
>make it so he's stuck for ages in a animation if there is a counterhit. make it a fucking cutscene so they can think about it all their options while sipping some redbull
>now give him a 40 damage wallsplat from that shove... oh yeah
>and what if he can sidewalk and do a combo and his rage drive allows him to carry you back to the wall + flip over
>70% health... seems balanced enough for me
You know, watching Tekken 7 games when 2 autists are just KBD from each for 30 seconds without any single attempt at attacking made me realise why they made Tekken 8 playstyle more offensive.
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The Frauds of 2D: A Tekken 7 Retrospective
that's a crazy observation, man. anymore nuggets of wisdom you can give to the tekken general?
need more tasteful nudes
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what do you mean you want to see fighting in a fighting game?
Praise me boy and maybe one day you would be able to become as smart as me.
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Negan is so KINO
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>*le murray in the office*
yeahh I think asuka needs a hatchet kick for the big season 2 update
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He needs every tool in the game to be viable chud.
Have you seen Kazuya?
D+2 is seeable.
Bad winrate online.
Not even top 10 btw.
I know I'm a red rank shitter but is there literally anything you can do about jin's 1-2-3 strings beyond just guessing when he'll do a mid/high string and when he'll do a low one?
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how come do i punish it
good work arslan bhai
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T7 got gradually worse as they added more of these affirmative action gimmickshit characters.
I pray day an night for the first season of DLC for T8 to be the last, knowing full well that Murray is gonna add his selfinsert and Duk back into the game even tho nobody likes them AND he's gonna make them x12 more Mickey just like he did with Eddy.

God i fucking hate M so fucking much.
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is this just like the time he said he would main xiaoyu or is it different
He won't even play him for 1 full set after realizing Yoshi doesn't have a low he can abuse.
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sweaty creampie sex with boke...
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rape is not sex
finna buy the ER expansion i guess
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cream pie with strawberries..
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Nice ass buddy
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*farts on you*
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i wanna make Leo a mother
>he wants to cut Leo's dick off
For shame, anon. For shame.
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when will 3DPD understand 2D can't be replicated ? We love them for a reason, they can't be real.
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Tekken is 3D
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lemme smash
let her smash me
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Aren't you aroused, gamer? Maybe you should buy this epic cosplayer's onlyfans because you like epic hot videogame girls!
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3D computer graphics =/= real used up stinky cumsleeves selling their nudes for $3.99 to kids
anime is embarrassing and has turned you gay
What character do you play in tekken, anon?
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fat Eliza cock...
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fat Eliza cock...
Devil Jin
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Yea I restarted the game a few times and then it worked even got a promo we are so back
haha kuni mitsu get it hahahelp me
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did soupa ever recover from this
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>yooo buppamen stream finna watch some steve cocks
>open stream
>Street Fighter 6
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Should be "黒んぼ" desu~
why are straight asuka mains a minority
monkey can't be straight or gay it's a monkey
Because the one time he tried to fondle Alisa she nearly filleted him with her chainsaws. And unlike autistic military commander, Lee has no need for artificial women when he has hundreds dancing around his pool.
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shut up bitch
ridia status?
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Capcom pays Jap fighting game streamers to play Dix
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almost 1m views
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Sorry bro, if you're my thentieth Jin in a row I'm not gonna rematch.
>NA is getting top 8
In Nowhereville, Michigan, population 1000

Recently I realized all this talk about rank inflation is because of NA
>there was a time when hwoarang had a 0 on block df1
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>tfw constantly playing 2d tekken
I want the gene to step shit guys
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odd - Lee's kid will be a boy
even - Lee's kid will be a girl
0 - twins of opposite gender
there are more european players, retard.
All those girls have dicks btw
Just the one in the purple shirt, and maybe the robot.
Lee hugs Reina btw.
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When does top-8 start?
i want to go back in time
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honest question to all my tekken enjoyers, how would (you) fix tekken? it's in a pretty good state as of patch 1.05 but of course there's still work to be done
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>how would (you) fix tekken?
Your picture? Delete that.
That's where she got the idea for a harem of her own.
What are those brackets? I thought only top-8 left
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>it's in a pretty good state as of patch 1.05
i would put the soul calibur developers back to work making a new soul calibur game
nerf jin, nerf kuma, delete alisa
I've been saying this for months, tone down the particle effects I can't see shit
Are player matches unplayable because people make the lobby and just don't set a password? Any way to avoid this? Quick match and ranked suck with only the ft3
SF you can start playing in an intelligent way much sooner, in tekken it will take hundreds of hours to not be constantly cheesed
In SF throws kind of fill in to make up for the fact mids are very weak, a lot of it is timing your throws and tick throwing until they respect your offense
Again having a ton of characters makes it harder to play the game, if you aren't willing to put 2-300 hours into tekken minimum you will be getting raped by those characters and even then some you'll never meet (raven, zafina), imo this is a bad thing because as dlc characters become more prominent it worsens the issue and makes the game only available to legacy players or people who have been playing for 7 years, in SF you can start having pretty even matches much sooner as long as you understand fundamentals, especially with how sf6 made most normals minus
SF is the CoD of fighting games, Tekken is ARMA. If you have the slighest deeper interest in the genre, you're better off with the latter.
SF is a videogame, fighting game
Tekken is pachinko cuckcage
slime trannies getting btfo left and right, feels good to be a tekken chad
>tekken chad
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Slime Trannies is Pachinko. Just look how inconsistent tourney placings are.

Meanwhile Tekken 8 top 8 is almost always extremely seasoned Tekken veterans dominating.
flashy lights to impress children and turn them gay: guilty gear
superficial depth to make people think they are good: street fighter
superficial complexity to make people think they are learning: tekken
real fighting game: DNF Duel
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>>tekken chad
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The performance with the latest patch has deteriotated even more. Each patch has raised the system requirements for 60 fps gameplay. Now I can no longer play on my handheld at 60 fps whereas at launch it worked without a hitch. On my PC, half the time, the game hits an absurd 50 fps cap and the game won't go above that. It forces my settings to the lowest but that doesn't do anything since this is a coding issue and not a matter of lacking hardware.

Fighting games have traditionally been toaster friendly, lightweight on hardware. But Tekken 8 is more demanding than literal AAA+ open world games with a billion calculations on-going simultaneously.
Tbh I kind of miss sfv now that sf6 requires you to constantly play around DR/DI, v trigger was much less annoying in comparison, ppl will say it's everyone saying the previous game was better but maybe they're just making every subsequent game more unga bunga in a bad way
>top 8 are the same since the dawn of time
that is not a good thing at all, it just shows that the game has failed to address what made these frauds stay at the top and it has failed to gain new skilled players to challenge the frauds.
SF is way healthier at the competition, not only by attracting people with big prizes but also giving a REAL chance at winning, instead of gatekeeping it to the same 10 fags.
these two games are universes apart in terms of actual enjoyment and engagement with fans
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>Little Jin, little Jin, let me in
Holy COPE.

Your pachinko ass game is pandering to low IQ nigs who just want to spam the slime button endlessly. Your game is a joke. The skill gap is lower than CoD. The competitive scene a bigger joke than CoD.
>Your pachinko ass game is pandering to low IQ nigs who just want to spam the slime button endlessly. Your game is a joke. The skill gap is lower than CoD. The competitive scene a bigger joke than CoD.
yo sounds like tekken 8
Why can't slimeniggers stop smelling the syrup?
Faking interest in a game by inflating prize pool to above that of winning the lottery is not to be celebrated. It just attracts the worst kinds of opportunists looking for some quick cash. I'd rather have a tournament scene where people play more because of the game, not the prize pool. Your slime spammer game is a fake.
i don't play sf
these people are actually making bank by playing that game.
it's only natural that it attracts people, anyone, even you, could become a champion in it and make ACTUAL money from it.
it's not only the big prize though, there's constant online tourneys in SF that actually get you money.
affirmative action 8
>these people are actually making bank by playing that game.
Yes and that's the problem. They don't play because they like the game (nobody likes this slime shit ass spam game with tranny characters) but because they want to become rich. You might as well claim the stock market has great gameplay because people are there to get rich. It's the same shit. Dix is not a game. It's a glorified casino for the ill fortunate money chasers. What a terrible fate for the series.
>zafina does 1,3 on block into scarecrow
>I jab
>get high crushed
>I df1
>get launched by PC
>I generic d4
>lose my turn because d4 is minus on hit

what am I supposed to do vs this again?
get on your knees and start sucking
>He downplays Mishimas
He's been up playing Reina since day 1
that doesn't sound logic to me, you're hinting that people play it cause they want money, if that was the case, i would be all over it instead of tekken.
people enjoy playing it and are rewarded for it.
if we got by this logic, people playing any sport are doing it cause they dream to become some big name in it.
while there's no doubt that some may use these games to make a name (streaming for instance) the majority is just playing cause they have fun.
sf player base is also insanely diverse, you get doctors, lawyers, pilots, military.. it's absolutely crazy what kind of people play that game.
if you go to any local you'll find 50yo family men having a blast in it
that DBD streamer?
No people play because it has massively inflated prize pool and the game is pachinko slime spam so any low IQ nig with no experience can reach top 8.
>sf player base is also insanely diverse, you get doctors, lawyers, pilots, military.
They're mostly unemployed blacks, NEET Asians and trannies. It's Tekken that has the normalfag playerbase, even at higher levels of play.
not the people that i know (and that torture me with infos about this game)
people are having fun in this thing.
>the game is pachinko slime spam
but enough about tekken 8
seriously we are in no position to call other games pachinko, we literally have a pachinko game about our series kek
false, but don't get me wrong, i was surprised too.
i have far too many friends who are into this game and join locals in their areas and it's absolutely outstanding, you literally get to see actual politicians in their areas playing in local tourneys.
it's slightly unsettling even for me.
You've already busted your ass Slime shill. Your game is dead and for poor niggers looking for a quick buck. kys
Fgs will forever be niche because they're ego destructive. I've had people plug in quick matches. And these people are fighting fans. Regular normalfag just uninstalls
if you pick sf6, i'll pick it too and we can play together, you clearly need a friend
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nobody ever plugged my gief in sf6, even at high ranks, just saying
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kek this faggot crying about Street Fighter 6(92% liked this video game) 24/7 probably samefagging and asking chat gpt to generate an argument for him what a loser
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I know you'd love that slime shill
god, they want to fuck each other so badly
Remove Japan, you have 10k players at the absolute most. And Capcom already admitted majority of their sales are on PC.
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>wanting to fuck
Is there a mod to completely mute Steve?
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This is not true
>remove japan
alright guess we'll remove the arabs from tekken and we'll see how far it'll go
there are problems too big to fix. i hoped 8 would fix some of them, but they ended up making them worse than i could have ever imagined.
this is just a base for a f2p tag 3 (the last tekken game)
they'll definitely take the best part of tekken 8 (the balance) and improve on it (aka break it further) with a tag system in the next tekken.
harada's magnus opus and his ultimate gift to his fans
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best part of tekken 8 is the girls
no fuck off
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Can't believe this slimenigger insists on posting here 24/7. Is Capcom paying his ass?
wtf I bought five copies of Slime Fighter now!!1!
reina ff2 on block into sen is possibly the worst thing added to this game besides plus on block tracking mid heat smashes
Ova hea...


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sf6 might be pachinko due to neutral DR and DR cancels but the previous entries were solid or had a very solid edition
What am I supposed to be angry about?
Yes I agree. My grievances is with SF6 and only Dix. I respect SF's legacy.
In regards to sf6 not only is there the gay faggot slime shit, modern also makes whiff punishing easy as fuck because they have one button supers and one button DPs. Game is a fucking joke. Should have never let modern in ranked/tournies.
>character gets hit
Jesus I thought T8 was bad but we got off pretty tame
I tried teaching my friend sf6 and he immediately quit the game after I jumped over his sonic booms
The issue is ultimately that most people don't want to play a 1v1 game where one person wins and one person loses, beyond that all you can do is make the game look cool to appease casuals
Strive is so bad. Xrd was way better.
fighting games combined probably have a 50k daily player base, halo 3 had 1 million. CSGO has 600,000+, Valorant we don't really know but I assume 3-400,000, it is 1/20th the size or smaller of popular genres. Of that a huge portion of the players are people sitting in single player
hipsters should die
nobody gave a shit anymore granpa
I agree then, I really dislike sf6 because every time I try to play neutral people can just DI or DR to negate half my options. If you don't use a cancellable normal then you get DI'd. At any point they can randomly neutral DR to try and negate all your footsies. It's so fucking stupid, every game became guilty gear but I remember hearing that guilty gear actually has better defensive options. In SFV at least it felt like you were accomplishing something by keeping the opponent out or getting in because it wasn't tied to meter, close normals were just very plus so it was a bad situation to be in
i'm sure comparing fgs to current forkknife or destiny 2 or whatever the kids play will be more favorable
yeah exactly, and halo still had 1m+ players per day
no one gives a fuck about fighting games except people in the fgc, everyone just knows about them because it was popular on the ps1/ps2
i don't even own street fighter, faggot.
I literally can't tell what I'm looking at on this guilty finals
Me neither. No way Xrd was this obnoxious.
That’s it, I’m playing Dragunov
That's it, I'm jacking off to Leo porn
How do people even understand what is going on on the screen?
>win first match against Jin
>lose second
>so salty I don't rematch
>instantly matched up with him again
>literally shaking from rage
>somehow it gives me strength and I 3:0 him
>don't rematch
I hate Jin so fucking much. I can't stand this Mary Sue faggot. Every time he successfully lands d2 one me I wanna go to his house and anally fuck his mother in front of him
jin d2 is seeable hope this helps :)
Why do people rage at Jin's d2 but not Kazuya's d1+2? I swear the God Kazuya's harder to react to, evades and crushes highs, and leads into huge combo.
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What makes Jin's d+2 unreactable?
It's mostly dlc characters that were obnoxious as fuck starting with happy chaos
The Tekken doomposting campaign has failed.
it's so dead there's nothing to doompost about
me too but only where he's drawn as a man
those red bean paste fish things are good
Kazuya’s is either worse or the same compared to Jin d2, only difference is a full combo on CH vs no tornado juggle
23F startup vs 22F
20 dmg vs 22 dmg
-14 on block (same)
Jin d2 has more tracking
both hit grounded
both CH launch, d2 spends tornado right away
So they're practically the same, only that Jin's don't combo as hard. Why does Kazuya get special treatment?
They’re not the same…Kazuya’s is worse in more ways than Jin’s is, and the combo from d2 CH launch is still high damage, just less wall carry since you can’t tornado
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we love feature bloat, yessir
Range and tracking? Another thing is the overall kit of the character one thing that can be a serious problem on one character can be a non issue on another even if it might be as good on paper.
after evo
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slime 6 is starting now so after that
More bikinis
Make Leo naked
It's OK watch 10 minutes of jeet fighter and you'll be put to sleep. Set an alarm first. Then you will wake up to tekkino
I've never heard of anyone watching pro sf since sf4
Good DLCs and crossovers, more story content, Tekken Force mode, rank reset
Is it possible to buy deluxe upgrade when I already purchased Eddy?

I need three day early access to Lidia so I could get to Tekken King before people learn the match up
Link me full pic. I hope he has a dick
that's like the only porn pic of Leo with a vagina lol
Brings a smile to my face. Why do I love her so much?
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Why are you a liar?
He’s correct
The only reason I ever get right side practice is when I choose to play characters with a wavedash
Holy SEX
nina's backussy
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found another slavic pornstar who looks like leo
now show us one that looks like marduk
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brown tits
Leo dick
>most people don't want to play a 1v1 game where one person wins and one person loses
Zoomers aren't people
im starting to doubt the existence of the lidia tekken talk
Leo dick (vaginal canal, vulva, and clitoris) and balls (perky B cup breasts)
After evo
The Marduk reveal event. Crowd is going to go fucking wild
If anything fgs are the most popular they've ever been due to zoomers, it's boomers that can't handle it and quit immediately in my experience
We will get Julia.
give us some black girls
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by her own mother
there isn't work to be done, d8 is unviable. i'd delete it.
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>trying to get a few of my subs to tekken king along with my main
>this is what I have to go up against
She'll become even better...
the only skilled player in that list is Nino
and even that piece of shit consistently leaves after 1 win to keep his rank
Thelamemanswe is getting flushed by a purple Jun. Maybe he should stick to DBD
It was Tekken King
tekken king is the new warrior
yeah but I'm a really bad player and my dvj is complete ass
meanwhile retards with 200k prowess get matched up with actual '24ers who can't throwbreak and try sidestepping at -9 and get a free ride to bushin
Um, no, sweetie.
Holy hell 'Jeet Fighter 6 is awful to spectate
not a problem in VF
>tekgen already dead
but you know what, I don't miss the green ranks raging about balance
literally nobody in the tournament chat is talking about street fighter
Slimenigga damage control due to thread falling asleep being forced to endure Dix before Tekkino
The rank inflation is so extreme. I'm about to hit fujin and I find out it's only the 25th percentile. SF6 and Strive pulled the same shit. I placed diamond in sf6 only doing c.mk and st.mk and anti-airs. The ranked systems in these games are designed to inflate your ego so you don't quit the game by being dishonest and not reflecting an actual rank system where you lose points as fast as you gain them. Strive did the same shit with floors 1-8 being totally dead and floor 9/10/celestial being basically 9 new to fighting games, 10 has played a fighting game in their life, celest = 30 hours or more in the game.
I love rank whores getting a reality check. Online warriors are a joke. TMMCuck reached GoD in T7 just deathmatching the same dudes over and over again.
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I'm not sure what you mean. I think everyone wants rank to be meaningful. If you are god of destruction you should be very good at the game and probably have years of fg experience on average. In SF6 and Strive it means you've played for like a month and hit master or celestial. Tekken 7 had a decent system besides deathmatching and choosing not to rematch as you said
>Strive did the same shit with floors 1-8 being totally dead and floor 9/10/celestial being basically 9 new to fighting games, 10 has played a fighting game in their life, celest = 30 hours or more in the game.
they fixed that some time last year. On launch it was impossible to demote beyond 2 under your highest historical placement, so people would luckstreak up to 10 and then get stuck ranked at 8 or 9. This made everyone cluster at 10. When they removed this safety net people started falling a lot further and the lower floors became populated again.
I think you should focus more on your personal skills than rank. I've seen so many frauds reach Tekken King exploiting the scummiest shit possible at launch. And once knowledge caught up to them, they found themselves in a much harder matchmaking queue due to prowess matchmaking and are perpetually getting dunked on. If they had focused more on skill than rank early on, they could've avoided that. Unranked is filled with Larsfags on their secondary characters because ranked became too stressful for their fraudelent main.

A ranked system that is FT2/3 will always promote shit gimmicks and fraudelent wins over fundamentals and gradual wearing down someone's defenses.
tickling sephiblack in the cock
>hold back
>nothing gets blocked
What the fuck am I doing wrong? I just got the game and am new to fighting games, pls explain I want to git gud but I'm shit.
I am convinced 80% of online players use low block scripts
Just set it to block 50% of lows or something and now you can easily autopilot to god and noone will suspect a thing
Post a replay and we'll know. Being too passive in T8 is a death sentence.
Are you retarded? People get to gold ranks by playing Zafina/Bears and plugging in case they lose. Not to mention shitton of legacy players getting free points from newbies during first couple weeks. Ranks don't mean shit.
>Are you retarded?
Reina main, btw.
I believed it to be cope until I met a guy that broke every single grab. 1/2, 1+2 and 2. Every single one
Slime Spammers is so fucking ugly. How can people stand to look at this game? I hope this shitty Top 8 ends soon.
>retarded Reina main
Nice false flag. You'll get demolished for pressing wrong button after sentai and forever stay Warrior
sentai this:
*spreads ass*
>losers semi
for fucks sake this Dix event is never ending
paul is legit bullshit but bryan's crushing moves are all pretty sensible like fcdf4 is a FC move and u4 is an orbital
kaz and dvj players are the biggest fucking mash monkeys on this planet
i'm an anime game player, I only know air movement, massive disjoints, invuln moves, and silly projectiles, no knowledge of spacing, whiff punishing, or any of that shit. I got this game at the start of last month. I got up to yellow by basically just blocking and jabbing, with the occasional throw. To get to orange I started using powercrush and learned a combo from my launcher. To get to red I started using counterhit launchers and low crush moves. In red I've learned that I should duck high moves, and just yesterday I realized that I can sidestep out of certain strings so I should probably learn how to do that.
to me ranked is interesting. Sorry for being the target demographic of the horrible system they put in your game. I'm used to asking people on discord for games.
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...sneaking out of Lee's bedroom.
Yeah this is fair, I play lee and try to poke, counter hit, play to frames. If I played victor I would've been blue a long time ago but I would've hit a cap and had to relearn the whole game. I run into purple victors who don't know you can duck 2,2,2,2,2 and launch then they just refuse to rematch
I wasn't trying to be a hater but consider the following, you will get to red literally by playing the game. You lose almost no points in yellow/orange. I think you can't even lose points in green.
Most important things you can learn are rely on pokes, kbd, ducking strings, punishes most red rank players kill themselves then capitalize on your punish with oki and with a 50/50, you usually win after a single punish because of heat and wall carry in this game
getting to orange and deranking there is what forced me to explore more of my character's moveset. It was a sign that what I had been doing wasn't going to keep working. Yes, I would have gotten to that point without it anyway, but it's as close as the game can get to popping a message up on the screen telling me to do more research.
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Based Medusa against Joka

He still lost
imagine if reina was a good character instead
learning to play with my fightstick on my lap is the most retarded decision ever
I can only do my fancy execution stuff if my knees are at the perfect height
also I have to unscrew the armwrests on my chair each day (I WFH) I want to play ranked because otherwise they're too high and get in the way
I want to a buy a chair that has armrests that are more adjustable so I don't have to unscrew mine every day, but then I'll probably have to relearn how to play on the new chair
play with me on your lap
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He learned bro...
>42 minutes until Tekken
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These niggas be busting our balls fr
I have a lot of hours in this game and I still have no idea what my opponent is doing most of the time
Even if they play a character I play
Does it ever get better or am I just not made for this game...idk man
>sf6 entire top4 chat is just people asking when's tekken
>sf6 wins...because the steam charts said so!
he's cheating kek
Eu tourney. Tekken is more popular there.
It works fine on my steamdeck with the potato stage mods
Define a lot. I'm a noob but I usually wreck in mirror matches
9mins boys, I'll be booing live
Sf6 kills tekken in players and viewership even though it's several months older. A couple of guys asking when a top 8 starts means nothing you delusional coper.
>no knee
why are we even watching when we could just be in bed caressing eachothers nose hairs
mink mink mink mink mink
>shiggidy six had 44 entrants
>kekken 8 had 169 entrants
sf6 is totally killing tekken in players even tho it's several months older you're right duder
I wanted to post a webm but Shadowplay doesn't seem to capture the game for me? It says that the clip got saved, but nothing new shows up in the Shadowplay folder.
hmm today i will... engage in petty tribalism over japanese anime beat em ups with strangers on the internet
The slime 6 fanatic is getting bodied in /v/ again get ready for some backlash skitzo posting
it's 7am what the fuck else am I supposed to be doing
getting into my bed
>and the crowd loves it
>dead silence
ulsan figured out claudio sucks, can redditors stop crying about him now? Thanks.
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>Jodd hovers on Steve in character select because he's the absolute least likely pick of the roster
Mulgold bros what happened...we were beating Ulsan last time...
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Nevermind it saves the game as Polaris for whatever fucking reason.
Anyway, what the fuck am I supposed to do here? I'm holding back and I'm still eating hits like a retard.
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you are pressing buttons while holding back so you are getting counterhit. If you want to block don't press buttons.
You're definitely not holding back. You're mashing. Also don't use power crush when you expect them to block. Use power crush when you expect them to hit you. Regardless King is sort of hard for beginners just so you know.
Ulsan downloaded his fraudio in grand finals of last tournament.
holy based Arslan for outing Alisa as the fraudelent Robo bitch I've said since day 1.
Mulgold got rolled by Ulsan at dreamhack
Will people finally stop overhyping Cuddle Core now that Alisa frauds are exposed by Asslan?
Claudio really isn't that good, you can clearly see his weaknesses
ulsan is gonna destroy the only good player in flukistan
Sorry, i meant to send this replay
Alright thanks.
>Regardless King is sort of hard for beginners just so you know.
Who's easy to pick up and learn, then?
I was gonna click that until I read the url lel

Doesn't count.
>"look at the life lead though"
>3 lows later it's gone
Is that over for MulGold?
It was winners
Jin since you can keep your opponents constantly guessing with his ff2 and d2 and also with very powerful heat smash. But really pick whoever you want because playing a character just for winning is awful experience.
Asuka is a really simple gorilla, biggest tits in the game too!
asuka is the only character I would consider pick up and play at this point. Victor was but they changed him too much this patch.
She teaches bad habits of mashing. I think generally defensive characters are better to learn the game since it forces you to atleast process what the fuck the other player is doing. With Asuka, you're supposed to overwhelm them so you can't see what they're doing.
Where are all Fengs?
>With Asuka, you're supposed to overwhelm them so you can't see what they're doing.
That's every character in Mashen 8, offense wins
Feng is last year's snow, now everyone is into gay osserva porn.
mulgold will probably have to switch to him now that someone decided to take 5 seconds to learn the matchup
I will say Paul, Bryan, Steve, Jin to some degree and Yoshi are very defense-centric. Lili too but she's very tricky to learn.
Honest characters like Dragunov, Jack, Jin, Lili, Shaheen.
this nigga sponsored by pizzahut
Look how awesome this tournament is. Huge variety of players. Not just lotsa Japs/Gooks/Nigs/Trannies hogging up all the seats. Based Euro scene, love it.
Jin fraud getting worried about the nerfs
Shaheen is geniunely more busted than Angry Chink Man
Angry chink men remains a bandit character
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Speedkicks is a funny guy.
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it's my birthday today
i swear i'll SUCC sephiblack and make him pregnant
Hey, speednigs? You wanna play on the another side? Just select it, retard.
He's right. Choosing player side is so fucking dumb. When we were kids, you had to suck it up.
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Happy birthday!
happy new years sugar
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Order pizza
Feng isn't a fraud character btw, please buff :)))
Tell me your main before I wish you happy birthday
He is right about "random side feature". It would really comfortable for learning.
but i haven't played in like 2 weeks
Why do people pretend Sephi is way better than he actually is? The guy is losing to danielmado's pocket Feng
Sephiblack is washed
cumon sephi step it up
i wish i were steve bros...
This is some good ass Tekken. Starting to wake up from that vile Slime top 8 I endured for some reason
The winner of the tourney gets a deep dish pizza
Every freeu player is trash
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Our hero
I'm not gonna wish you a happy birthday until you play again sorry
He should be in prison war criminal
>Picks Feng to protect Jin from the nerfs
>Wins anyway
True Jincel
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I don't like his haircut and face after Tekken Tag. Looks too emo. T3 Jin was uber chad.
This "finished" version is unironically worse than his original draft. The finished one looks so smudged and overly edited around the lips.
Who is the strongest EU player?
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it's me
TMM beat Asslan, which yuro "pro" can say the same
blud is really trying to sidestep Claudio
Arslan Ash
Io non capisco il senso di certi nerf del ca**o senza senso , cioè o mi fanno un pg sboccato di brutto o mi fanno uno nerfato malissimo?
imagine losing your tournament run because you don't know how to punish Claudio's lows
Why did they make tracking even worse than it was?
Low tier Jodd
hmmm Nina upplayers.....who else plays her?
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>essay worth of weaknesses
>compared to "muh execution" and a meme answer because wavu literally can't think of an actual negative
why is the fuck is this allowed?
The strongest
The bravest
The bestest
I'm not particularly impressed by Nina in T8.
let's touch some fightsticks togethers
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Speedkicks every single day
world touring is crazy
arslan and mulgold and ulsan really are in the pit of italy just to get some points?
how fucking much does all that travel cost
are they the entire year away from family?
let's evict you from the thread, actually
>entire year away from family
why is this bad?
Who the fuck are you?
>travel around the world to see the sights and play some Good Ass Tekken
lucky bastards
>pit of Italy
You make it sound like they're in 1943 Poland. It's basically paid vacation by sponsors with some vidya included.
My name is Speedjabs
steve is so lucky bros...
They should add this art in the game. Why does this game not have more art for character selects?
blud tried to whiff punish Jin heat smash
because they refuse to make another fight pass
>You think the people who main (...) Yoshimitsu and etc think they're cool
What a rookie mistake
Uh oh Jinbros, Mado is exposing us right now
People only main Nina because they want to have sex with her and I don't blame them.
The one lone fight pass we had gave out some more art, so I'm guessing they are saving it for future sales.
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add this
Harada only wants money to himself
Speedkicks will appear as secret final boss
Dishonest Claudio main robbing an honest Jin main
You're probably right.
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nigga wtf
Should I buy Eddy?
i look like this
>Eddy is black
>you can buy him
What did Harada mean by this?
wanna have a child with me?
That was Michael's decision.
what fucking purpose does thes streak system serve?
just missed my tekken god promo because I went WWLWW instead of WWWLW against a retarded alisa spamming b3+4
if you are capable of making a child i'm not interested in you
I need to have a sissygasm today
what streak system
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when you have your character running naked across the stage
I wish I could get the matches with just the ingame sounds and music and without the mid commentary
go go Ash!

Look up a restream. Usually they're more quiet.
>picks Alisa
>drops Nina stuff
Arslan is beyond brain damaged
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Looking to mod my stick, what are the best buttons for tekken? Please help me thank you
Arslan is playing so much more skilled. It's so apparent. Dude is making insane reads
why are they both playing T7 in 8?
The defensive patch bro
Black people aren't welcome in my home
Ulsan mysteriously dropping all his wall combos and not breaking throws vs Arslan
I noticed in every match, Arslan starts being at disadvantage only to gradually wear down his opponents. IMO this is why he's the absolute best. He has an intuitive understanding of behavior that makes him so good at reading movement.
what if Ulsan used his lows?
Dragunov's heat smash...how despicable
Ulsan washed
Arselan won the tournament
yall niggas still gon say arslan washed bruh
crazy how he just stopped doing Dragunov things vs Arslan
that was some ultra high level tekken holy
What the fuck was that? Why did Ulsan just stay and do nothing? He could win one round if he used any quick low.
how do you almost lose to supah akoomer but convincingly beat ulsan
sanwa obsf
Supah is strong people just down play him due to Akuma hate
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I have sanwa right now. I was looking at the qanba Gravity KS for a change. Might try them, not sure if they'll feel good, just wanted to see what other people use as well
Lee's sex appeal is really powerful, can make one confused for a few moments.
imagine still thinking we aren't watching rigged tournaments for 7 years
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>niggas in the chat are starting to fight
You love to see it
i just bought some qanba gravity KS buttons, will report back if they're good
*29 years
Why would they rig it? What's the incentive for rigging it?
wish we got rsky instead of this bum ass nigga tetsu
Claudio v Claudio
Zzzz I sleepa
>I'm ur mother's lover
>I'm ur mother's lover
>I'm ur mother's lover
>I'm ur mother's lover
>I'm ur mother's lover
Kek. Did someone insult Arslan?
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the newest version looks the best imo
speaking of bum ass niggas fuck that nigga shadow his sponsor need to drop him
>sportsballs faggottry
>but with fightans
>"noooo my eceleb is stronger than ur eceleb!!!"
i hate normies so much it's unreal
thanks if serious bro look forward to your verdict
why wouldn't they pay Qudans, what's the incentive for doing it?
why a bunch of people from Middle East suddenly appeared competing at every fg event and started hosting it left and right
why is Shaheen and Rashid completely busted on both games for years
why Jin pressed X?
why can't Speedkicks stop shitting with his fingers every day?
why is Leo not real?
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Jin pressed X so he could have this for himself
Background doesn't add much to this. The face is a bit overdone compared to the one you replied to. Otherwise it's good. Good texture on the dress.
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i'm very serious, i have 1 tekken stick that's already fit with a Crown New Helpme, just need qanba gravity

i'm also planning to build a shmup stick that'll have a LS-56 stick. But i dunno if i should go with classic sanwa or gamerfingers for buttons.
I'm leaking...
Another tournament dominated by top tier character Steve
I wish I could pleasure a woman why is this world so cruel
I don't want to see ulsan v mulgold ever again
sorry im hitbox peasant
you're making it sound like they'll nerf Dragunov and Claudio to bottom tier in S2......
Bro, your BWC?
We can only hope
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next tourney
kazuya on screen
deserved for """"jobbing"""" to Arslan

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