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Previous: >>483046226


>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
Alisa is straight up top 3.
Arslan showing his amazing fundamentals
If fraudio is le bad why are there so many in every top 8
Arslan won. Mulgold can't win 6 matches because he has less experience and still didn't build required stamina for that.
Claudio v Alisa, the honesty duo
crazy how both SF and Tekken has the carried fraud that thinks they're good at the game
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wondering what kind of means Lee has in mind and why Alisa is blushing
He's switching to Nina and then it's all over.
>the honesty duo
But it's Jun and Kazuya.
please nerf Claudio db1+2 but not Alisa everything
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My Husband
why does arslan only play female characters
Nothing, Alisa just a whore programmed to think about cock all the time
>heat smash trade can lead to full combo
Nerd Claudio please
Waifuchad + tierwhore
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Alisa needs her range 3-4 moves being safe and mix you up on block even
this is all im gonna say
where's the arslan is carried and only good at tekken 7 retard
Tekken design makes all the females the cheesiest pile of garbage you can imagine
because he knows they're all fundamentally broken
still valid
Ash is the Messi of Tekken. The GOAT
For what reason does Alisa have a safe mid after you block her heatsmash?
>About to win his first tournament since T8 launch 6 months ago
spag, fuck off
I thought Arslan was washed...
Press F to spit
Being right? Arslan is literally proving his point right now
alisa might be retarded but it's not because of that.
he's going to eat the best italian pizza italy has to offer
and the fuck rocco siffredi
who will stop this paki
Excellent work, Arslan
>not a master event
>barely any good players
doesn't count, washed, flukistan
It had the same euros and gooks in the top 8 as every other event
congratulations Chanel of being subhuman enough and the first guy to ger Alisa finally nerfed (in a year)
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now we can talk about dicks again
Delete this
I bet Lili has an embarrassingly small one and even Asukas is bigger
I've been caged for over a month
How is this bad? That's extremely consistent.
temu 8
Yeah, consistently not winning
temu trophy
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>About as consistent as a bearfag
>These are the markings of the best tekken player ever
Yeah sure.
Consistently top 8 is pretty much consistently winning.
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lil bro got flushed out of TNS by random NA grinders
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Maybe if you're some random player, for the proclaimed best Tekken player ever 2nd place is basically the last one to lose in every tournament.
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nigga what the fuck?
This attitude is why you failed in life
You guys are right Arslan is bad at tekken! He didn't even win all the dekken 8 tournaments so far, he only won one. And 4 EVO titles? There were like 10 EVOs why didn't he win all of them? I don't have a job btw if that matters.
What you describe like the mentally of people pushing so hard that they kill themselves because they couldn't be nr.1 at all times i.e. mental illness, getting consistently to top 8 is a great accomplishment and makes you a top 0.001% player.
Tiger Woods didn't get to be the best in the world by getting consecutive 2nd places, this should be common knowledge for anyone that isn't completely retarded.
>like the mentally
It's called "mentality" you retarded ESL
>making the exception the norm
There is a good chance you might need assisted living or a legal guardian.
is larping as Spag the new way to make this general not reach page 8 (its natural state)?
idk seems sophisticated enough
I thought we were larping as kingjae
i need dadaist page 8 tekgen
>making the exception the norm
No one is talking about norms or exceptions you retarded bugmen, the person in question is tooted off as the best Tekken player ever and so far T8 hasn't been reflecting his proclaimed reputation.
being the best plays ever has nothing to do with being a professional coin flipper (Tekken 8 player)
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lidias tekken talk?
Can we all still agree Knee is washed?

His one top 8 appearance this entire year had him being completely washed by two Pakistani
people still play tekken 8? lmao
is special jim viable?
I mean as viable as any low tier character, but there's 0 reason to pick him over any Mishima
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He has dementia he barely can remember anything you re being to hard with him
Lotsa unhinged Slimeniggers on /v/
d8 is such a sorry ass game
tekken is so dead holy fuck bro lmao hahahhaaaaa!!!
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RIP the last good Tekken
>miss one hit
>more than half of you healthbar gone because you're getting juggled for 20 seconds
Cool game.
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Oh shit my bad, I posted the wrong image.
i slept through earlier one
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to be honest i'm not feeling that good about tekken 8, something wrong on fundamental level
yeah something wrong with you
shut up
game is fundamentally fucked its unfixable
wtf I just bought 10 copies of Dix!!
There's unhinged Slimepajeets on /v/ falseflagging as Tekken players. Unbelievable.
What happens to the one tekgen guy who can't leave because he genuinely has nothing else? I am concerned for him. We can all move on but he has to stay.
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niggas walking around suicidal because of you harada
lidia, marduk and fahk
fucking dog tags clipping all the time
sex with josie
sex with lili
sex with xiaoyu
sex with maven
sex with anna
sex with jane
sex with katarina
not another Miss, I lost 2 stocks
>ask niggas what they want fixed in the game
>"it's just broken bro on a fundamental level"
nice arguments slime and doom faggots
sex with julia
the 2d bar disguised, the kof cancels disguised, the tracking, the range 3 mids, all the new plus on block moves, the broken new lows, everything high crushing now, armor moves still safe and most of all

remove Jin, his arc is done
I just want the heat burst zoom in animation reworked, it just ruins the flow of the game
on the leather chairs in elegant palace
At the very least, they should do away with swift camera cuts. It's just tiresome in the long run. Especially for something as lame as a heat burst.
the wall carry, the retarded damage for everyone, low-high strings tracking, all the dumb effects for everyone, rage arts, backdash
This nigger read some shit online and just copypasted it without knowing fuck all.
also stop giving stocks to characters, you just know Marduk or Fahk will have some stock shit just like Eddy or Claudio, can't wait to see Fahk glowing tatoos to buff his kicks moves
>what do you want fixed? so I can """"""counter argument""""""" them
>list the things
>doesn't count, you copy pasted
alright let's talk about Arslan being the Tekken player ever then
blud said tracking and effects are fine oh my days
got dam this game so fuckin mid bruh
this game is not for you lil nigga, you might enjoy super smash bros
lil 24ers defending their first tekken oh my days
smash is more serious than d8 thoughbeit
Slimenigger still at it?
....... doesn't......count....give me a break until 2025.....please
>slandering goatten 8
boutta start a crusade up in this bitch
it was funny how you could crouch walk backwards in tekken 1
It all makes sense when you realise Harada doesn't understand the concept of a fighting game. He thinks people play these games to press buttons and enjoy the spectacle on screen. The idea of intelligent back and forth neutral simply doesn't register in his mind. The Tekken community have always forged a competitive game out of a casual product through sheer will.
a nigga wanna mash, a nigga gon mash.
they should put talim in tekken, i want to have sex with her
wtf she's like 12
too old
she's a 12 out 10 yeah that's why I want to have sex with
Okubo could've saved this game but ok, weird flex
niggen eight
>He thinks people play these games to press buttons and enjoy the spectacle on screen.
90% of people do.
>He thinks people play these games to press buttons and enjoy the spectacle on screen
not only he thinks that, he implements that because people want that, you and everyone here autistic fucks are a minority against the 6m Akuma players. Tekken 4 was the future but retards rejected it
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Is this why tekken 8 sucks
no, it's why Tekken 3-8 sucks
temu 8
Temu isn't that bad. Got some good stuff from there
i want to see knee :( preferibly outside of JAV
i looked it up and talim was 15 in soul calibur 2 which was released in 2002 which means I was younger than she was then and I wanted to have sex with her then so the fact I still want to have sex with her isn't weird it is just a side effect of the fact that she is a perfect ageless videogame character while I am flawed 3d flesh anyway harada if you read this please put her in the game
i would play fleamarket 8 if they put ichigo in
3 letters that bring orgasms around the world
This vf larp was funny at first but people really don't know when a joke is dead.
Lee's watch has a unicorn on it and the brand is Violet, so I guess we can safely conclude his company manufactures watches as well. At least for the boss they do.
what can Askuka do when she has her special charge thing activated?
>arslang is an alisatranny now
there goes my last ounce of respect for this sandnigger
everytime i beat a lee online i'm sympathetic and kinda want to touch their taints, but the moment i get beaten by them i'll fucking hate on their whole family tree and the family tree of the person who invented lee
Wait, I just realized there is too many lines to be 12 hours. The hell is he using it for then?
When I win online I look around my room and say "well, that just happened!" to myself, out loud.
I probably run into Lee's as much as I run into panda. I feel like no one plays him
I've seen people talk about playing Lee and post their progress, so there is definitely a decent number of them. Just not enough for everyone to match with them relatively often.
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its up
I spent my life playing a kusoge masher
Would Drag's f3,1+2 be useless if the gap allowed i12 instead of i10?
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Yes because a lot of characters have a i12 mid check but also because VF6 is right around the corner
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Love Tifa LOVE LOVE!
I shat myself today
me to)
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man said lobby up in deadgen
Let's face it, most of us are in the discord shitposting instead.
damn tekgen is finished for real this time
To be fair the discord doesn't have slime, VF or Tekken 5 shitposters tell you that 8 is awful and you should feel bad for liking it
to be fair sf6 is just a better game
Enjoy ranting to the void while we have fun in the cord ;)
I'm just an honest bryan/paul main, trying some azucena at the moment she seems fun and honest too
mid ass
dead ass
temu ass
discord ass game
shes shit now
zafina literally means "honesty" in some language somewhere in the world
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The VF and T5fags are there. The singular slimefaggot has this thread for himself most of the time as a result sadly. T5fag atleast brought some nostalgia to the thread
shhhh, she's honest, ok?
There are footage of him using Alisa since T6 though. Your respect of him never existed to being with.
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Ewww I'll never join the cord then
>they still don't know every poster is me
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>There are footage
good morning saar
lmao nobody cared about him until mashen 7
>play 1 match online
>error disconnected this feature is not available
>steam online, internet fine
thanks, guess no tekken today afterall
Why did Capcom do it?
Log in again retard. Sometimes the servers shit themselves.
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>practice with CPU on ultra hard
>have the same exact online experience of my opponents reading my inputs and always having the answer instantly
There really are no people playing this kusoge
Sorry lingbro. My isp shat itself, hope lobby will still be up in a hour
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The guy in the back trying to show him how to do it is the fumiest thing
na, this was the first time it happened in 150h I've played this game, it doesnt want me to play today, simple as
Zafina is hottest*
There is no reason to not code RAs to ignore hurboxes altogether and simply connect if in range. That's what VF would do.
no that's dumb they should go back to 7 where RAs had different properties and could be parryable
No that's dumb they should just delete RA
RAs if not deleted should be either
>interruptible by anything
>being able to be side stepped
>only do 40 damage and do even less with each hit tanked during armor
And they should finally make it that the cutscene gets skipped if it kills
buck status: broken
Unironically, excellent news.
I alone will save /tekgen/, I need some personas though. What personalities should I use for samefagging?
When Japan is asleep, Slime streamers and players drop like a rock. Opposite of T8.
praise virtua fighter AND dix at the same time
You need
>sweaty guy who practiced kbd for 5 hours a day still insisting tekken7 is real tekken
>guy who hasn't played since tekken 5 and even then he only played it on weekends at his buddys because he didnt have a ps2 insisting that t5 ks real tekken
>waifu barbie dressup fag (you pick the waifu, j suggest alisa)
>one persona that just copypastes random comments from /r/tekken
>one guy that posts increasing esoteric charts related to engagement metrics of different fighting games
>one that is constant character crisis complaining about bow their current main is trash and how do i pick up current flavor of the week character that their streamer said was busted
That should get you started.
Also add
>guy who makes up crazy theories on how ranked system works as a means to cope with being hardstuck at a given rank
But these people already exist
yeah nobody ever plays t8 LOL
I do all of these
Scrimblo Bimblo poster who says stuff like 'i might play this trash whenever they add bruce'
T5 and T7 are the best tekken games, sometimes its not a manufactured tekgen persona, its just someone telling you facts.
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T5DR is factually the best fighting game ever made. Literally impossible to hate.
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nobody has fond memories of tekken 7 you 17er
Yeah that's pretty good. Maybe next time don't mention the personas thing, but I think you got it.
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>she will never say that to you
just end it all bros
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Harada for fucking real. Where the fuck is lidia.
After evo
No because she told me WoW!! SO s m a l l!!

nigga fuck lidia a nigga want a fight pass
Summer started 3 fucking days ago you mongrel. Realistically, she will come after EVO.
getting lidia just for the stage desu
>defense doesn't exi-ACK
Get to work, mike.
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>almost to tenryu
>massive losing streak and now in danger of demoting to eliminator
blud said he's about to demote to eliminator
oppa demote style
my /vfg/ personas are formulated its only a matter of time
you need to be a terminator first to rank up
the New Trailers Every Wednesday arc was the peak of tekgen's writing
oh my days mandem really saying t5 and t7 were good fighting games on my days...
The only girlfriend/wife I'll ever get is a virtual one and I'm struggling to come to terms with it
just get married to one of your tekgen bros. For tax purposes, of course.
Ive considered sex with men but it's a path I can't return from if i do
no kiss before marriage
ok we'll hold that L for 7 years now
men are overrated, go outside and try women for once
game doesnt have enough players above kishin, it takes so fucking long to rank up against noobs without win streak
ladyboys are GOATed
why was eddy so fast to release but ridia is taking forever
interns too busy jacking off while modeling her pussy
1 champ per season lil bro. It just turned summer and they won't release her before evo
July 4 would be 3 months after reddy was released.
>5 posts an hour
What did he mean by this?
Swee is a little racist ain't he
he's white. Of course
what do you mean majin doesn't talk like that
Majin is from Queens niggas there don't talk like that
is he actually from nyc?
paul's f1+4 feels pretty unreliable lately
it just whiffs randomly when i evade a move
>page 9
finna save this shitty general don't thank me
Sex with Asuka
came here to post this
Was just messing with Asska a bit in practice. I like her a lot better with a proper coomer custom
I wanted it to die
What's the coomer custom meta
i want my polish sexwife
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>check my recordings
>wifi pc scrub breaking punishthrows on f1
>cheater with auto inputs, macros auto block and parries
Man, why is the game dead? lol
I always rematch, why do people not rematch?:
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>why do people not rematch?
They either want easy wins or just see you as not worth fighting (usually if they're way higher rank where they only get 100 points per win).
when ridia?
Afrer evo
Tekken: mental stack of dozens of average difficulty simultaneous mathematical formulas

Virtue fighter: only one EXTREMELY complex mathematical formula
Scrimblo Fighter
I’ve been playing very mathematically and well recently and I don’t blame my opponents for not rematching. I don’t want to torture them if they feel like they have no chance of beating me.
tgirl time
Frame data? Fundies? MU knowledge? I only play through how I FEEL
>If I FEEL my opponent is gonna jab, hop kick
>If I FEEL they're gonna go low, orbital
>If I FEEL like they're gonna press, I continue my string
>If I FEEL a heat smash, power crush
You mean if you feel a heat burst?
But enough about Guilty Gear Strive
My power crush is faster than most heat smashes and I plug against Jack players
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This hit and I lost from it.
you extend your hurtbox before moves become active
hope this helps
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That's the end of the move.
Yeah you pressed, that extended your hurtbox and then you got hit
Why would my hurtbox still be extended if the move was done?
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glowing nipple
How do Lee fans feel about his Tekken 8 design/battle suit now, months after launch? Still ambivalence at best?
Did that NXXXXX EVER fix kazuya?
Not a Lee fan in particular but I dunno why they didn't just swap his Default 1 and Default 3 outfits
kazuya is the best mishima now so yeah, murray always delivers
who is bro referring to
>shitty wifi connection
>1 move spam (don't care about free wins if it's against a retard)
>lili player
I like it without glasses and SMG.
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Did you, or did you not press in the moments before you got hit
Below 600 views on twitch
I did not.
Then stay further away the next time real simple stuff really
Bamco should do what Capcom did and hire transexual vtubers from money they took from the players.
It's the worst tekken in history. Everthing is over the top.
>1 "new" character every 4 months
>with barely any news or updates in between

The absolute state of this game.
Slime Trannies Dix doing even worse if not for the Japs.
The 1 (one) legacy costume per month frankensteined together with recycled assets from multiple different games for some reason sold for $3.99 isn't enough to hold you over?
Beats having one balance patch PER YEAR with essential characters like Akuma and Bison sold as DLC
>if a game doesn't get spammed with DLC every week, it's dead
I want to kill this slime nigger spamming this

I am sure people just absolutely love having Tekken's dlc characters be shitters nobody gives a shit about. People definitely weren't whining when the dlc roster leaked.
That's way better than if they took out Kazuya or King and sold them as DLC. This is exactly what Crapjews do and its horde fanboys defend them for it too. How sad.

yall niggas need to touch grass
bros I need constant change and new stuff I can't just play the game for what it is, I NEED TO SEE IT UPDATE AT LEAST TWICE A MONTH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
When the fuck has a Tekken game ever had DLC spam every week?
470 views kek
Turns out endless juggle combos thatturn the game into a single player game and unga bunga style gameplay is not exactly what the fans wanted.
You talking about the non-Jap slime streamers?
I got used to seeing it, but when I play Lee I use just about any other outfit except his default. It hides him too much, especially the goggles.
There's still room for improvement but they did fix what needed to be fixed.
d8 is boring as fuck to watch. i enjoy playing it more than t7 especially the late t7 with kunis and fahks but watching it is pure torture. shit's so boring.
thankfully kuni and fahk are coming back to d8
I can't wait, iconic fakurmam with his unique style and legendary tekken jewnimitsu, i'm having a blast just think about next season. Thank you murray, thank you Harada don't ask for shit haha!fuck you
>get scrubbed out online on 100+ms 2 delay and 2 rollback by someone who lives in that shit environment 24/7
it's not like they even play Tekken at those tournaments
my only problem is that it's currently only fun to play in lobbies due to ranked system being dogshit and no infinite rematching in casual queues
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I know I can just play him with Default 3/4 a custom, but it still annoys me. It's what he wears in Story Mode and in character ending expect Lars'. All his character panels are him with it on. And no matter the preset/custom you play him with, you're stuck with it either way becaus it's used for the small character render next to the HP bar.
A goofy suit with a pair of goggles is pretty much what will define him throughout the entire life of T8. The worst thing is that it looks plainly generic, not even like a high-tech suit. He just looks like a random nameless soldier with it.
At least give me a panel where he is wearing something cool so I can pretend it doesn't exist.
I have no idea what Bamco was smoking with these poor default costumes. Paul, Lee, Steve, Zafina, Asuka etc etc all look so bad. Asuka's default suit looks like some sort of insult towards the character. Fucking trash bag outfit.
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T5DR....the GOAT
Sadly, while there is chance for extra character panels, they will all come with fight pass, and even then it will probably take forever till Lee gets his turn.
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Asuka's default is a play on school uniform, but it would have worked better if the shirt and vest weren't like a mini dress and instead one could see the shorts in all their glory.
Game of ass trash yes
to the other guy in this thread, i want you to know that we are alone and that i have feel for you, lets build a family or something
do you see any toilet in that pic?
They would release a warning she is being released.
more avatar skins for battle hub
remember to erp there
remember to erp here too
After evo
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>no Tifa shit in the OP for several breads
I'm pleased
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why do you play Tekken instead of a based, FGC approved, and gender positiv title?
you joke but this is more beautiful than Tekken 8 Asuka
Id' rather kill myself than play slime spammers
ps: he won't because he won't play anything in 2 years since this is Tekken 8 final year
damn dude, its crazy how much money they are making on these, otherwise why would they kept doing them
tekken 8 is an early access and like other early access it'll last at least 3 years then it's "officially" released on year 4 and then it dies
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Slimenigger cope
that thing is more beautiful too, because at least you know how her head is connected to the body
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Sir calm downfor this is not thread to redeem jeet fighter
And my money stays safely tucked into my wallet.
if you bought tekken 8 at all, it shows that your finances must be terrible and you have no practical education on how to use your money.
so, no, they are not safely tucked into your wallet, they are at a huge risk.
sell your bamco stocks
buy sega stock
the decline of fighters is really making me want to go back to single player games
cause i can only play one or the other, you know?
*the decline of Tekken
having a blast with SMT5, Factorio and SF6
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I bought it on discount, like I did with majority of games I own. And I got savings. And a decent salary that I never get to spend all, so I can afford small indulgences from time to time.
haven't had a blast with sf6 for 9 months now
skill issue
I'm having a blast
Depression blast
I'm having a blast
Replaying RE4 Remake
i'm enjoying tekken 8, all you have to do to enjoy it is simple not rematch, ever, it's literally that simple
and activate macros
that goes without saying
'Jeet Fighter Dix
I'm having a blast
Of ropes
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season 2 leaked
They added Slime Rusher character?
it's Dan with VTrigger, Drive bar and heat bar
the dread of existence is settling in
play dragunov
he will solve all your problems
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play Lee
he won't solve your problems, but you will feel excellent anyway
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When is Asuka going to get pregnant?
A good idea, unironically.
Remove the (((american))) inversors from Sega.
really need a cute alisa in my bed rn
after Lili is killed and the guys around Asuka stop disappearing mysteriously
thank you so much Arslan for granting us the first Alisa nerf ever (in a year)
Do Alisa sisters even like her P1 costume?
most Alisas I've seen wear the P3 outfit
I’m a Lili main!
Chanel already won with Alisa weeks ago though (and nothing happened)
if anything, that should've been a bigger wake up call since at least Arslan has a history of constantly winning while Chanel was barely hitting top 8s in his last years of T7
incoming shionsex
next update will add kernel-level anticheat like Riot, please be excited for it
>Chanel already won with Alisa
did I mention Chanel? I mentioned Arslan exactly because he will win constantly for a year and they will gut her like they did with Kazumi
Unsurprising, that one actually looks kinda cool.
alisa looks best naked
But those barely do anything scripts and custom skins still work
very important part
alisa looks best dismantled and buried so we can avoid a skynet incident
Hachi is more likely to cause a skynet incident than the sexbot that can't even beat one Jack-8.
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Rate my stock activity
bandai namco decision tier
Seriously, Kuma, time to accept the fact Mishima zaibatsu is done for and sell that stock.
I'm not even allowed to buy stocks or dollaz..
buy nvidia stock before the bubble bursts
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this move is cheating
there is no bubble, Tekken 9 will introduce AI heat mechanics that will change the world forever
because this game sucks
DLSS 4 will play the game for you using AI
Is asuka hard to play for a beginner? my friend bought me the game and I’m not sure who to learn
no, it's hard to understand the game with her thoughever albeit *mashes*
kissing leo on the forehead
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kissing leo on the clit
kissing leo on the left testicle
>Hard to play
She will make you somewhat confused on how other characters work though
Her 1 jab is an outlier in that she doesn't use it for pressure because it's -2 on block (opponent acts faster), she has a bevy of panic tools (a parry, 2 sabakis one for legs and one for hands, b3, cancans, uf3 can count as one and f1+2 powercrush) that some others only dream of having
if by testicle you mean nipple then YES
>waaah waaah your character is op you are carried
yes and I like it, I'd much rather play a character that is good than a character that struggles to do basic things
imagine being a cuck who drops their character because they are "too good" or whatever
20 years in a row of feng/jin/alisa/whatever being top tiers constantly, I think it's fine for me to have that experience too for once
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based (but a little bit of a faggot)
Based non-delusional top tier picker
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elisa is a good guy indeed
replay take over really is the best addition to tekken, finally i can figure some shit out. was always too lazy in 7
plugging is the best feature in tekken
I need Reina to step on my face repeatedly.
now if only getting to the replays aren't such a pain in the ass
I want to eat Nina's poo
>i need a kid to do <insert weird shit here>
bro seek help or just work as a janitor in a school and live your dream
I wish Lars and Lee are my uncles
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So do I, anon, so do I.
If only my mother were still here...
>woke up at 8:25
>meeting from 8:30-9:00
>bit of tekken until 11:00
>nap until 12:00
>lunch and more tekken
>another nap from 13:00 until 14:55
>meeting from 15:00 until 16:00
>tekken until I'm bored
might grab a 7€ bottle of cheap burbon but I've already been drinking all weekend so outta squeeze in one or two dry days before going at it again or I'll fuck up my digestive system for the rest of the week
Hows your week going so far
but what if LEO was FEMALE?
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PUTA right here
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>best patch
>quits the game
>cpu doesn't support windows 11
what the fuck is this stupid shit
if you're mocking Indians working SF why are you running Windows and playing Tekken?
why would you ever upgrade to win11 instead of staying on a debloated win10 LTSC
what happens when it stops getting updates tho
the last win10 update will roll out built in viruses to force you to upgrade
LTSC 2021 has support until 2032
only for security updates, shit's already outdated in the drivers department
Lee has to be wearing a fancy suit or I have an aneurysm
i have too much 2d brainrot
why cant i use rage art as a reversal sometimes, isnt it one?
Oh hey welcome to future haha
someday science will be so far that men will be bale to give birth, think about that
You should use OpenBSD. It's easier to get into than ever!!
all i ask is a cute vampire gf
gf = good friend?
cause otherwise it would be pretty gay
good friend but youre always together forever
requires 8 frames of uninterrupted start up
ah i guess i should stop mashing it lol
wanna be my good friend then?
anna main btw
josie bros how u doin
uuuh i'm really shy..
yeah, me too, i also gotta ask my mom and she will probably say no cause i already have a good friend at home
I've just realized that Arslan ash has a built in cheat in his stick that auto breaks counterhit throws.
You saw it here first.
Just bought the cheapest 1tb ssd that I could find
any questions?
model? and how pricey was it in dollar/eur

where is Craig?
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ok but ok but ok but ok but
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he asked
ch throws are just normal throw break window before t7
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why aren't all the old players breaking them then?
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i write the book with my pen-cil
why isn't he traveling around the world to compete for 20k in the big event (twt)?
They are breaking them pretty frequently, I break them pretty frequently.
The reason it's not consistent is because when you're ch your mind is generally set on something else, you're not looking for throws and you might even be mashing something else because you were trying to do a followup so you're not even prepared to press a break.
Ok so why does Arslan Ash always manage to do it then? Yet he gets thrown by non counter-hit throws.
Probably because he's really good at the game, but also not perfect
Just my guess
not feminine enough for TWT,
need mulgold and whatever other fag is there
Release Lidia nigga.
lidio flopieska
this nigga thinks current jin is weak
he should stick with the kiddie games like sf6
jin is actually super hard to play, the problem with him is that he has so many good moves it's hard to decide which one to use at any given time
you scrubs wouldn't understand
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anyone know what rank lily pichu peaked? i cant get stuck lower than a league girl
it's been a long time since we sparred like this
your moves are sharper than ever
How did we stray so far?
Just that one interaction has more personality than every interaction in T8
Would be tolerable as an alternate preset as a lore reference to his thing with robots (it would still be ugly af and I would never use it, but whatever). But as a default? A bulky armor for Mr. Eregance? It's a fucking crime against humanity. I hate, abhor and loathe it.
where virtua faghter
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Gee Paul, how come you get FIVE default presets?
That picture only shows four default presets
It didn't incluse his Default 2 but you get the point
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good day saars

I feel this as a male only character user but I cannot describe properly how or why it's like this. Is it how their attacks animate based on frames? Characters like Bryan for example I can usually gut check what punish would be best for certain moves.
I heard female characters have better evasion on their moves
heard VF6 will murder a company
hopefully it murders the right company (bamco)

Can Tekken 8 possibly recover? The shitty heat and forced 50/50s are just not fun to play. The silent majority are speaking.
the game itself is fun to play
what's not fun is that ranked/quick match are ft2 only so you spend more time sitting in queues than playing
Female characters pretty much universally smaller, tend to have better movement, and are almost universally more evasive than the majority of male characters
Make everything do less damage, nerf rage art damage to something like 35-40
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Game is getting shit on by Street Fighter 6 currently. I don't think they can course correct.
i kinda miss t7 gameplay
will eliza be as cool as she was if they add her here?
don't worry Murray will save us, by interacting with Aris on his chat
Lee's daughter and Tekken Force mode will save Tekken
fuck heat smash, atleast they nerfed heat burst

It'd be better if they made rage art a single use. It was more interesting in tekken 7 when you had to option select between drive and art. As it is currently you'd be dumb not to use it as an ender since it also removes gray health.
it's worse on purpose, they are capable of making good games, there's no amount of developer senility that can cause this shit.
must be part of a bigger plan
>wow people are dropping Nina, they see no reason to pick her now that everyone has their wall carry + wall damage, what should we do?
>let's make df1,2 track, give her guns, reduce the string bloat and add new tracking ones and reduce wr and overall execution
Even before long waiting times ranked was doomed. Between weird point system and plugging autism, people were getting too frustrated for what is supposed to be a relaxing hobby.

Do male characters have a leg up on anything? My friends say they do more damage but I'm watching my friend regularly pump 70+ damage with Ling
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male characters have cocks
post proof
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Not really sure, I feel like their good shit tends to require setup and conditioning. Only female character I play is Reina and she's fuckin' stubby but she's pretty easy to use and ff2 makes up for that a lot but I like to dash electric anyway.
Exceptions for setup requirements are lili and nina who just seem to get whatever the fuck they want whenever the fuck they want.
that's only proof of your wishful thinking
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that's a ballsack, i know cause i have one (it's smaller though)
God I need Leo to rub his crotch on my face after a sweaty day of fighting...
It's pants, anon, for all we know Leo could be keeping extra socks in there.
are you saying he might be wearing a cumsock at all time, that's kinda HOT
It's dick time take this *unzips*
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bought silver mx switches and some mahjong caps, looks like shit, just need to buy few 2u caps. should've wasted money on some qanba stick or something but im dumb
*commits a hate crime in tekken*
where da hood where da hood where da hood at?
How you gonna explain fuckin' a man?
it's a girl
Game is dead and this thread is infested with autism.
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where da hood at? where lidia at?
where your paper at?
we're just proving a broad example of Stockholm Syndrome for medicine
you're retards and it's always been this way
feel free to leave anytime nigga
If it was possible to cross dimensions and I could enter Lee's palace, first thing I'd do is have someone take a picture of me riding the unicorn and Pegasus statues.
Wario is here?
No just Barrio
looking at nu-eddy, it's very likely she won't be
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i will plug lidia even if by miracle she'd be honest
honestly all DLC chars should be plugged until they are free to use in p-mode
i'm thinking of opening a virtua fighter school once the next game comes out, so i can teach everyone how to play Goh
I'm thinking opening a brothel to teach tekgen how to have sex
I'm thinking of Leo
Why are Leo's thighs so cute?
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>b-but Tekken is sameface
Meanwhile every SF girl looks like some fat nigress that visits McDonald's five times a day.

Look at this repulsive body positivity shit
bruh nobody is fucking talking about SF
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Still better than Slime Spammers Dix Characters in base Roster
3bars wifi intel celeron opponent in sf6 works better than 5bars ethernet in tekken8
Why did they turn Cammy into some roided up monstrosity?
the slimenigger poster really is a unemployed nigga
Phone games generally are pretty lenient with delay so that's to be expected.
I wonder what sf talker suck dicker do all day do masturbate all day as a human failure
dropping tekken once uma musume english version is released
what about Juri?
can i post tekken here?
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/tekgen/ lobby returns.
Region: Any
Name: tekgen
Passcode: 1122
Everyone is welcome.
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Try maybe it's allowed
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>tekken online
>region: any
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where is the poll you might ask?
well sorry im just farming skibidi in ER and playing dark and darker
who the fuck boots up pachinkers8 anyway lol lmao
only EU plays anyway so it doesn't really matter
After evo
why does this transphobic game use different models for males and females ;_; the FGC cannot let this stand ;_;
it wasn't a fart, now my pants is packed with Lidia
>mfw tekken
lidia a hore
Going to check out her rule34.xxx page
Last I saw I think she was mighty ruler or flame ruler
what's wrong with being stuck lower than her? you're not superior to her in any capacity, we're all equal
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I thought Mashen 8 was supposed to kill T7 for good.
T7 with fast load times would have a lot more still playing
>30 day gain
>+ 13
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Instead of playing the game, I play the counting game. Didn't screencap all the girls, the ones around the pool are just too many.
tekken 7 can be bought for 5 dollars it's the game of poors
murray temu dogshit tekken vs good tekken (before season 3)
Could be worse. Could be MK1
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It get's worse.

How can H&M save this kusoge?
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wait what ahahahaa
Server Maintenance

The #TEKKEN8 servers will undergo maintenance on Tuesday, June 25 at 11:00 JST | 04:00 CEST | 19:00 PDT.

New items will also be added to the #TEKKEN Shop

All online contents will be unavailable during the maintenance.

bluds literally waiting for Bison until they can do something
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the last time you could say that was some GOOD ASS TEKKEN
>New items will also be added to the #TEKKEN Shop
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they're all avatars
give 7 8's fast loading times and i would literally not be playing 8.
MK is fightan slop for people who don't play fightans. They go through story mode and then go back to CoD and Fortnite. The only thing keeping the MK brand alive is the colabs with popular media characters.
Tekken is saved
The slimenigger is posting steamcharts again?
Slime Trannies will die the moment Capcom shits out SF7. Capcucks are the biggest bandwagon training mode grind faggots.
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Why should H&M save Street Fighter?
Seething, coping, and dilating.
Ono was a double agent for Namco, and Nakatsu is Capcom's double agent
Slimenigger too much of a pussy for direct replies
so is everyone in tekken 7 1st dan a smurf or am i really this bad
Mashen 8 nigger is in HEAT mode.
>Slimenigger still too pussy for direct replies
>people want legacy outfits
>they keep making avatars
But why?
dixbros... it's fucking over...
500k are me running bots to farm skins
Mashen 8 nigger uses his HEAT SMASH.
>Russia vs Japan
I've seen this before. It doesn't end well for Japan.
some random kingston for 56 eurodollars
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Me and Nina
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fighting games sure are dogshit
OW has the better porn
oh boy time to get my internet points taxed by some giga niche character
Tekken explosive golf mode would be a pretty good addition.
now watch this drive (bar killing Tekken)
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Where is my Lidia release date bro...
Fighting games have always been a niche genre
Our bitch still doesn't have an avatar...
Dixtroons, our reply? Was Overwatch better all along?
not seeing Tracer or Widowmaker ass in any fighting game, so yes
My Claudio run ended at about Revered Ruler spamming 3,2 and wr2. People are ducking I can’t go higher unless I optimize combos and play him seriously for several weeks.
>sidestep WR.2
>end up in drags back
>trying to do 3,2,B~1+2 for dumb damage
>get SS.3 instead
There is no way around canceling the sidestep right?
Isn’t she come with the deluxe version xF
on paul? do 3+4 instead of 3.
1st of July 2045
tap back (or forward for that matter) into neutral and press 3 and you shouldn't get ss3
that or if you're sidewalking, holding the direction while pressing 3 should get you standing 3 rather than ss3.
they go to work every day
She will because I'm white
>he thinks instincts and conditioning don't matter
All of your FEEELY FEELS OOH SO ILLOGICAL FEEELS are just related to awareness and conditioning so yes, I do feel like they are gonna do X because I mindfuck reddies like you into doing the move i want when I want you to.
Arslan made Ulsan stop using lows for 2 sets straight with pure instinct and conditioning
Arslan is using a stick with input reading. He’s good, but he wouldn’t win big tournaments without it. Notice how his rate of low blocks is so consistent and much higher than average. He didn’t care to switch up the % on the script.
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everyone should collective apologize to Bronson, he is a prophet
i lost all my ncss clips
“Your peepee is so small, anon-Chan… so cute~ I will make sure to make your peeepee feel happy today..”
Most vile thing I have ever read
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>FPS fags be like
>Everyone is cheating!
>VAC isn't working!
>There is less content in the new game than there was in the old!
>The balance is totally fucked!
>...anyway, time to eat more shit and gamble my lifesavings away
I thank god every day for not making me a glorified CoDfag.
At least FG players have the temerity to let a bad game become a discord fighter, FPSfags are completely buckbroken by their AAA overlords.
>i thank god i'm a tekken fan
the delusion is real
>Backbroken Valve dickrider doesn't even have the backbone to reply directly to me
This is why your games are shit Timmy.
Keep clicking on head and have the server not registering it because the tick-rate is fucked lmao, i'm sure you'll be GE one day.
>first round first match with someone I've never played before
>spend the first 10 seconds moving around and getting a feel for how he plays
>do a few jab checks between his moves
>he does like 6 mids or highs in a row
>does his first low
feels good
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eos tonight I can't wait
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this but Eddy and Alisa
This but Dragunov, Shaheen and Bryan
This but Nina.
God i hate Nina's infinte pressure pokes so fucking much.
>the game itself is fun to play
No it's not.
Forcing a guaranteed 50/50 is not how Tekken should play.
It's fucking DOA6+SC6 and both games died in less than 6 months after the release.
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Yea for real.
I might be a 17'er but in T8 it legit feels like there are situations where i can do nothing but hold the mix.
i got grappled to death by one today. there's no way i'm teching all that bs
This game doesn't show lag properly like T7 did.
Also Consoles are constantly lagging for some reason.
It's basically not much different from playing against wifi-tards.
Their launch on block d3,4 move got easier to punish bro, he is low tier now.
>launch on block
>go to Tekken general
>"Aieeee we are only the second most played fighter it's so over for us we are dead ..."
>Go to street fighter general
>"Aieeee this game is dead nobody outside of Japanese vtumor bots play this game I have been in queue for 30 hours it's so over ..."
Why are the 2 biggest fighter communities behaving this way when they are miles above popular than other fighters, a bit embarrassing isn't it?
>second most played
we're so back
>go to Tekken general
>ai generated porn
>in game porn
>rule 34 porn
>self poster porn
>jav porn
>porn from other games
tekken porn?
I wish this was true
this game fooking soogsx
I had sexual intercourse with a married man and I rather enjoyed it
Slimebros geniunely have to wait in queue that long since the game is dead outside of Japan. And if you get a match, it's most of the times a Modern Controls whore who isn't even playing SF.

What a game!
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why does /fgg/ exist
temu 8
dead 8
All the posting in /sfg/ about garou finally killing SF6 and how similar it is to Virtua fighter posting made me realize we share the same shitposters
it's one bitter samefag
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I like Tekken
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the Tekken 8 experience
OnlyTheBest was fun. When's the next event I can streamboar?
CEO is on friday brother
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Asuka Kazama's farts. Discuss.
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It's only smellz
otb sucked cock lil bro
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Holyy seheeet
>Two bears
Lol okay
If this was Slime Spammers, it would only be half as big and Kazuya would be DLC
it would also be good
>same face so bad people thought alisa was a lili edit
That's not a symptom of sameface that's a symptom of people wanting to be the face of reason and myth debunking so fucking bad they'll see anything they want to see.
>noooo why doesn't half the female roster look like absolute trannies, they're all le sameefaceeee
kys slimers
you play Jin?
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makes me leak
There's nothing else for you to leak we already know the complete season 1 roster
I love scat
makes me filter md5
Recommend me a good keepout character
File deleted.
Play Stellar Innie
>not on PC
i would but alas
based lidia fan
Steve is fucking garbage
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he needs it
this game is not even playable until there's deathmatches

you need 10 people to play a match of overwatch and need only 2 for a FG.
If they add death matching I'm boycotting this game
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What if those 2 are in Japan and you live in Europe?
>people want deathmatches
meanwhile i only do one and done and if i press rematch as a mistake, i just alt + f4

Then you get overwatch tentacle porn instead of furry porn.
netcode fucking sucks
me too
netcode is fucking awesome
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I wanna plap titty queen
you too
i want to kiss asuka on the neck
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what low quality outfits are we getting after maintenance
bunch of chibi avatar shit, think there's something kuma related
My boomer brain can't comprehend all the visual density of modern fighting games. What happened to simple elegance?
This shit is a visual mess to you moron. You just have nostalgia goggles.
oh my days he posted it again blud really be obsessed with shit diarrhea 5
>This shit is a visual mess to you moron.
No it isn't.
Post more steamcharts, slimenigger. That's way better content.
cool devil jin activated heat i can't sidestep duck or backdash anymore cool game
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literally no different from 8 or slime
It's been a while since the slimenigger posted granny edits of T8 characters. He usually tries to post them atleast once per thread, often twice.
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>literally no different from 8 or slime

This shit is migraine inducing
>LORD OF WAR and 7TH KYU taking up space for 0 reason
>wooden jin on fire for no reason
>background has random distracting steam and shit moving everywhere
>d8 is so dead people don't even care to make fun of it anymore
Far more fidelity and aesthetically pleasing than T*kken 5
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thanks for the reminder, also, as a reminder, SF6 is way better than any of the current fighting games out right now.
i'm sure you don't need the reminder though as you get PTSD flashbacks everytime you see 4 bars on d8
>Grabs are useless at high level bro, King needs homing grabs
>Nobody breaks any grabs during the top 8 of OTB
Garou 2 gonna finna kill SF6 THOUGH
>pic has leo
>pic is more pleasing than anything related to t5
well yea, leo is fucking smoking hot and his cock is amazing
Actually, Arslan was breaking all counter hits throws.
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There it is. The slimenigger is not even hiding his agenda anymore though, which I'm happy to see.
So which game does MK 1 compare themselves to? Guilty Gear?
>HUD elements
>character customization that is not distracting
>cool background
Try harder homo
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even julia (the whore) knows that SF6 is a better game and moved over there, just like 80% of the initial t8 user base lmaooooooooo
Mk doesn't compare itself to anyone. Everyone else is still trying to catch up to its week 1 sales.
Ok so this schizo was also the slimenigger? Shit it really does make sense now.
T5 timmys are legally blind
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I love tanned Asuka, i know she's constantly sweaty as fuck in that jumpsuit.
it's all me
Yea, just like he blocks all of Asuka's d+1+2s LMAOOOOOOOOOOO
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Who would have known buffing the shit out of king when it was supposed to be nerfed instead would make him top tier.
2 days for bison DLC btw, observe SF6 numbers in two days to see what a healthy game looks like
That shit is less seeable than Jin's d2. Boke literally only spams 1+2 and d1+2 and he gets to Kishin. Fraud character
meanwhile temu8 still has no lidia
>Boke literally only spams 1+2 and d1+2
have you tried not standing 1 centimeter away from asuka?
i'm more excited for the new stage, but i also want to see lidia cause i plan to plug on them all (to make people feel like they wasted their money)
t8 can be fun
>xiaoyu never win anything
>not even close to top 8 in big tourneys
>nobody relevant plays her
>always top 5 or top 10 minimum since launch in tier lists
how does she do it
This is what a healthy game looks like
you want healthy looks? here:
*spreads ass*
my ass is gaping rn
the answer is to just never do anything worse than -5 on block, never get hit by any pokes, duck every wr1+2, never be near a wall, never get comboed, never get heat engaged on, never block her heat smash, never get knocked down aaaaaaaaaand you are good to go, matchup solved
turns out a matchup is easy if you just never get hit by anything or never get into even remotely disadvantageous position
it's not like this retard generalization works for every single matchup and situation in the game
anyway you don't have to do the funny downplay clown act here, harada doesn't read tekgen
back to xitter
one of the worst tierlists i've ever seen
No THIS IS what a healthy game looks like
add lei wulong and t8 is saved, it's literally that simple
>titty queen
literally same size as Aris
Stop being homophobic
start by giving lidia a fucking release date
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>/tekgen/ talks about us again
Cammy looks like she fucks ________
Meds, slimenegro
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with the time you spent writing that wall of text you could learn how to play against the most mid character with objectively worst jab in the entire roster
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>roster of 18 instead of Tekken 8's 32
>essential characters like Bison and Akuma missing and later sold as DLC
>lacking roster despite each character having like a dozen moves at the most
>every character plays the same due to slime rush
>modern controls means fuck you for trying to learn execution
Holy fuck what a travesty
I know how to sometimes press db and sometimes b
I've mastered the matchup already
i fucking wish we didn't have 32 characters in this bloated ass game
slimenegro cope
This game went from having "no content" to "bloated" in mere minutes depending on what fits the Dix shills narrative.
kekken doesn't have any essential characters to leave out because they're all shit. Literally the only one is heihachi and they'll probably sell him later down the line.
>turns out a matchup is easy if you just never get hit by anything or never get into even remotely disadvantageous position
yeah now you get it. asuka is a defensive character
>characters with 329820482390 moves
>32 base roster with 2 bears taking two slots
>not bloated
what the fuck is wrong with this shithole can you fucks stop mentioning sf6 for 1 second?
SF6 fucked my wife.
least mindbroke general
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Imagine the body heat
imagine tekken with good art
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you didn't see /sfg/ a week ago. Thread wars and spamming every day
they literally shut down the cod servers for black lives matter lol
thats when i quit playing fps for good
I dont even play sf, I just hate tekken 8.
i only tried the open beta of sf6 and i believe it was good, but i found the game too sweaty, you need to be on meth to play that game
Josie will save T8
my back fat is sagging, it hurts.
physically or emotionally?
physically. I'm a disproportionate blob where most of my fat is in my upper back and my mound maker.
i want to stretch it for you, with my tongue
why dont you try ozempic
the people isprescribe it to seem to be okay so far
>more content is bad
Slimenigger cope.
according to wavu, highest rated character in EU and middle east is xiaoyu
I haven't gone outside in several years, I don't see that changing anytime soon. I'm going to wallow in my fat, piss, and cum until I can't anymore.
She made knee seethe in some deathmatch. She got nerfed afterwards but nobody remembers that.
>never heard of quality over quantity
your posts could use that
your probably orange rank too
why do you have to make me feel pity for you asshole?
>retardsuka downplayers
>slimefighter melty
see you tomorrow
and my ass can't stop itching
keep that shit to yourself holy fuck


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