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Elder Thread: >>482936630
TBD waifus?
Post butts.
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Well stated
that GRR Martin guy is supposed to be discount JRR Tolkien or something?
yeah, sure.
What's either of those names have to do with Elder Scrolls or butts?
Whiterun is based on Minas Tirith
are any of the CC houses worth it? any that are immersive?
Ok but what's that have to do with butts?
pleased edition
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closest I've got for you
A job well done.
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are sewers supposed to look like this?
I mean... that lot of shit you could fit in there...
gotta be wide to fit your fat ass
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The tip gig economy sucks.
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butts, bums, derrieres, heineys, rumps, booties, etc.
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>this nigga unironically uses letterbox
I'd give her just the tip
Helps hiding all of the screenspace based effects.
good sir, my slider values are downright zeroed compared to usual Nexus shit
this slander is uncalled for
god i'm only halfway through dawnguard
i got old and sluggish
ass too bony and not fat enough
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I was just told it's fat enough to be called fat...
Yes to both. Homestead tundra is cool
CC Farming is pretty modest if you are looking for a vanilla-like house
that anon is gay listen to me and make it fatter
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how do i get rid of that weird scar going from his nose through his mouth??
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Its a nice muscular butt. Don't change it.
stop being a vampire
Tall and slim elf wives
Looks like 2 misshapen potatoes
Trust the american to bring up food.
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thanks it worked
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a brap mod ?
Trust the European to think Americans know what a vegetable is.
How about a rope?
I'm european.... Americans don't eat potatoes.
I thought it was fruit...
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breton racial + atronach stone motherfuckers
>Snifffag realizes the memes don't transfer into reality
Average tesg user
>u talkin shit bout my waifu?!
At least 20% is polite
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hey fuck you, someone had an epiphany in the last thread and I was playing off of it
potato literally IS a fruit, you donut
potatoes are root vegetables/tubers
>potato literally IS a fruit, you donut
it fucking isn't you retardo
I hate it here
Vegetables come out the ground
Fruits come from trees
You should of learned this in kindergarten
Clearly you don't hate it enough to leave.
vegetable is not a botanical term, dipshits
potato is a fruit of plant called Solanum tuberosum
literally call the fucking cops you shoot you
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>rush azura star
>rush aether crown
alright, time to start the game
it literally fucking isn't you utter brainlet
the potato is a tuber it's a storage of energy for the plant not a fucking fruit
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Butt why?
It's a vegetable not a fruit you deranged potato schizo
but why?
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This is a potato fruit, you utter americano.
That's what the commonly called potato (TUBER) provides energy to make.
I look like this
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>massive brapper
>chest brappers equal in size
oh ffuck im
no such thing as tubers
made up like umami
Uoooooh I love my wife
your grandma is a vegetable
you've just been told vegetable is nor a term for fucking plant produce
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I regret starting this download but I'm in too deep to stop.
who the fuck are you to educate the dude on botany when you think potatoes are fruits of the potato plant
Your grandma loves my meat and 2 vegtables
tubers are a hoax
go write your fucking manifesto
tuber? I hardly know her
tuber? I hardly watch em
For me its the Large Kwama Egg
star for easy access to grand souls without abusing alchemy to afford pre-filled ones
aether crown so i can have steed+lord

hand to hand nord brawler(male) with some mods
because im not abusing the craft trees or have a combat profession that levels up i am going to be somewhat of a low level throughout this entire game

steed so i can have weightless nord hero armor + carry weight
lord so i dont get my asshole turned inside out all the fucking time because low level sometimes fighting high levels
now you know why in this new Twisters movie they're shooting at tornadoes like they're some sentient monsters
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I played Skyrim since December 2011
I've never filled a soul gem
fuck are you people even ding cheesing easiest game in the fucking world?
because billy ate raw potatoes like any other fruit and got a tummy ache?
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even with hand to hand?
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Ebony armor won my heart the second I've seen it.
It looks like something the gauls would make if they had money. (The wings on the helmet seal the deal)
Never liked the helmet but the armor is great with good cubemaps.
she's hot. does she have big boobs?
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>It looks like something the gauls would make if they had money
Heaven Sent.
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>New Gnisis isn't available as an actual inn for Dunmer as an alternative to Candlehearth
that is extremely dumb
Mod that adds a way to change race without cheats thats integrated into the game?
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>does she have big boobs?
It's a tricky question, because someone else can go
>well, my waifu's tits are 3 times bigger, so these are small
looking at it
I will let you judge
seems mighty huge to me
Isn't it kind of dumb how the Companions run away from you if you get close to killing them? I thought they were all about that honourable death?
>never got into spells and shit when i was a kid
>fast forward to adult
>skyrim is king
>conjuration weapons suck donkey ass
>go back to morrowind to screw around some more
>find out how strong conjoured items are there
why the fuck didnt you all tell me?
post in /aco/ for judgement
Dunmer waifus.
Dunmer whores.
they are a good size! post more of her. what does her face look like?
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>what does her face look like?
isn't that the thieves guild lady
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what about 'em?
they're mercenaries they don't give a crap about honor
Bosmer waifus.
You're kidding? They care more about honour than any other group of people in the entire game.
Maybe Kodlak lol
Almost all specifically say they're in it for the coin
>They care more about honour than any other group of people in the entire game
imagine being too dumb for skyrim
I hope not
>Proving Honor
>Blood's Honor
>"We should honor Kodlak"
>"There's no honor to be had in the squabbling of jarls"
>"Ma didn't live long enough to see me join, but I fight to honor her and all my Shield-Sisters through time."
>"We're trusting you on this one. Bring honor to the Companions."
>"An outsider, eh? Never heard of the Companions? An order of warriors. We are brothers and sisters in honor. And we show up to solve problems if the coin is good enough."
>"So I hear. You've brought honor to the Companions and yourself."
Should I keep going?
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luv chorrol
luv colovia

simple as
Manyy such cases~
I love them. Especially if they're spellswords.
I love it here
I ain't gay, but once I get miraak as a follower, serana is gonna have to find someone else to simp for her.
Is Noble Skyrim still the best texture mod for Skyrim SE?.
>"You are due more honor than some calls and feasting."
>"The Silver Hand has been scouring the world for more pieces of Wuuthrad. One group has hidden out in [hold name]. Get it back, for the honor of us all."
>"This is a simple errand, but the time is right for it to be your Trial. Carry yourself with honor, and you'll become a true Companion."
>"You've earned the right. Your strength and honor are apparent to all."
>"It's a blessing given to the most honored of the Companions"
>"Just focus on your own honor."
>"Only our honor binds us together."
>"He has joined the honored dead. This will be a difficult time for us all."
>"Harbinger, I'd be honored if you joined me in my search"
>"To what do I owe the honor?"
>"It means signing on for the Nord ideas of how to live your life. Honor, battle, glory, all that."
>"We bring honor and glory to ourselves and each other."
>"I watch you to make sure you're honorable. If you are honorable and strong, I can call you brother/sister."
>"And would you raise your sword in his/her honor?"
>"Prove your honor to be a Companion"
Just a few more in case you aren't completely and utterly convinced of your own stupidity.
bait and bad interpunction
apply yourself
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being a vampire is more fun than i thought
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I'm trash at making faces, my man
How so?
>bad interpunction
My finger slipped
Upscaled vanilla is all you need
>able to make a guy this assblasted with one sentence
aye i do have a natural talent
>I was only pretending to be retarded
Keep telling yourself that.
all things considered, yes
>15 minutes finding quotes
no need to tell myself anything el lmao
Always remember, you're retarded.
The secret is using presets and slightly tweaking them in the direction of your taste.
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Altmer waifus?
Yes when tall and slim
at least i made myself some supper while you wasted 20 minutes of your life for a mongolian basket forum
Are Made for cuddling
Good job making supper, retard! I'm sure that's a big achievement for you.
it's tasty and nutritious
unlike your uesp quotes you spent 20 minutes looking up le mao
It was 15 minutes, remember? I know your retard brain can't handle much, it's ok. Focus on eating your supper so you don't choke on it. Remember to chew well.
Testing new ENBs butt
nom nom
you should give me some quotes on chewing habits
Wow, lots of quotes including the word "honor". That settles it. Please ignore a member of the Circle outright saying
>"You'll hear some of the brighter faces around here talk about honor and glory. I've got nothing against it, but for me, the promise of coin is what feeds my blade."
anon just wasted another thirty minutes because of you...
those are always evil tho
>We are brothers and sisters in honor. And we show up to solve problems if the coin is good enough.
Broski...read between the lines of your quote...
*betrays morality and common sense to become furries*
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your taste shouldn't be brain-rotten shit to begin with if you wanna flex it online, but if you want to see it so badly, here it is
they could be retards like me who voluntarily instigates an arms race against myself by installing mods that increase difficulty to justify cheesing the system. sometimes doing so with cheese mods as well.
not that bad anon, but not hot either.
>>"To what do I owe the honor?"
She has negative canthal tilt, use the "eye tilt" setting in racemenu to tilt it inward so she has positive canthal tilt, she will look a lot better.
not great but I expected worse
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Love them. My side character married an altmer. I added her as an npc in my main game and the group goes on double dates. It's very cute.
Knife Ears
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>canthal tilt
I don't even know what that is
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man I wish the greybeards were lolibabas with big fucking wizard hats.
giving the state of things I guess that will be forever a dream...
Some faggot incel shit.
kek lesbian double dates
Her outer eye corners are lower than her inner eye corners. It makes her look permanenty sad and low-energy.
based eugenicism
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its the way the eyes are tilted. the way her eyes are at the moment makes her look dopey.
Elbows too pointy
thats a fucking catgirl from ff14
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>literal tiktok zoomzooms in /tesg/
I... it's... the end of the kalpa...
Sheesh grandpa fr fr you aren't skibidi
It only entered the shittok sphere when the broccoli head gay ass zoomers decided to apply the science in their own vain angle.
That being said I wouldn't be surprised if some of them got in here.
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Are there any good Elven NPC overhauls? I'm using SassiestAssassin's Project ja-Kha'jay- Khajiit and Argonian overhauls, and I'm wondering if Elven NPCs have a texture overhaul mod of the same quality.
Please don't say Bijin, Pandorable, Modpocalypse, or Metalsaber. I want immersive NPCs, not bimbos and fuccbois with sims 3 hair.
She mind controlled cute vigilant huskies, this bitch is worse than any other DG villain.
We are being aged out. It is inevitable.
you guys are just sad there is scientific proof that your waifus suck
last generation you all were about masturbating to fetal alcohol syndrome faces until someone pointed it out then you shamefully setscale 1 their faces
back in the day we just measured skull width to arbitrarily classify humans... these zoomzooms ruin everything...
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mods for this peculiar sentiment?
I learnt about canthal tilt from making toons, not tiktok. We are not the same...
more like troons alphoomer
gotem *dabs*
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>sword by her side almost longer than her whole leg
>meanwhile minuscule dagger on her back
uuuuh IEDbros... not like this....

holy shit we got a fuckin butt scholar over here

>until someone pointed it out
Imagine ever actually taking any feedback on how YOUR waifu's face should look
As long as you like her, that's more than enough
I got more rizz than you and I'm younger than your gyatt ass hoe
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Gyatt-mane fr
>Imagine ever actually taking any feedback on how YOUR waifu's face should look
>As long as you like her, that's more than enough
just no. sometimes being bullied a small amount can wake you up slightly for the better.

you grew out of small faces
you grew out of eyes being too far apart
you will grow out of improperly angled eyes
>you grew out of small faces
>you grew out of eyes being too far apart
>you will grow out of improperly angled eyes
We in the same thread?
the Ultimate TESG waifu MUST HAVE
1. Far Apart Eyes
2. Small Face
3. Negative Canthal Tilt
4. No Chin
5. Moles
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>come back to turn in my murder contract
>greeted by this
>used to be really into yellow high elf skin years ago
>someone brought up jaundice
>stopped liking it
>go for more white or tan high elves now
stop fighting the future, anon
why does she have spider web on her face?
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how do you even begin to learn about this kind of stuff?
Med school
you watch le tiktoks and start thinking about shooting up malls
Spiderman came over
Calling someone high yellow meant something else many moons ago
probably art school.
It's ectoplasm from the spirit of Lucian Lachance
>(chiefly medicine or incel slang)
TikTok they got memes about Looksmaxxing
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imagine not being well-versed in the study of the gluteus maximus
nah it's still used...in some circles
anyone what the inspired the exteriors for nordic ruins? Like I know the interiors are Egyptian but have no idea what culture inspired the exteriors.
>not being an amateur scientific racist
>the interiors are Egyptian
They are?
Celtic/Norse cairns and barrows/tumulus
I hate nexus faggorty that even prevent people from trying to add cute things
It is a thing though and on Nexus no less.
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>Like I know the interiors are Egyptian
incel obliterated
Thank you it's been driving me crazy.
You learn a lot of autistic shit just scrolling through /fit/ sometimes
some ashyams here

you can go full bing qilin' with vanillaplus https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/118107
I kind of liked rose in the snow for some dunmer https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57661
I found it through mugshots tho https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/97595
The dragur are blatantly mummies and all the traps yeah because Todd is a massive Indiana jones fan.
she has that bogged look, is this UBE im guessing?
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it's just HPH, my man
I wouldn't even know how to begin using shit like UBE
He is?
Do a shot without any UI, maybe she'll look better without so zoomed in.
Is the body TBD?
antlers here

it's a speshul dagger
As long as you love your waifu, that's all that matters.
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he is literally directing a new Indiana Jones game because of it
>Nordic tombs are Egyptian
is fucking bullshit though

I'm not really sure how this helps
body is 3Ba, yes
>select default preset
>change hair to the vanilla one i like
>add vanilla lipstick
>weight to max
problem, barbieplayers?
Where's the giga tits at then
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I just realized you thought body was TBD...
Initiative to convert all waifus to futafus.
>ask for butts to be posted
>butts were posted
This was a good thread.
>Sifina keeps a stash of Akavir smut
i didnt realize 3BA can do the round orb titties like that.
did you make your own preset? share!
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You disgust me.
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my only problem would be your bitch ass thinking you're owning someone by pretending to be retarded

breast perkiness -100
that's all there is to it
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initiative to hang you from your fucking neck
>The dragur are blatantly mummies
did you forget other cultures also practiced embalming methods?
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I hate modding.
>Wabbajack is gay because you only get prefab modded games
>manual modding is gay because you spend a gorillion hours modding your game and 30 minutes playing it
I don't understand why it has to be like this. Why can't we just have something like a 1-click-install for mods? That way you drastically cut time spent modding, but you still get to tailor the game exactly how you want to. Right now, if I want to add a mod to my game, I have to:
>find the mod
>read through the bloated description to find out how to install the mod correctly
>hunt for the correct files
>if it's a mod/tool with a nonstandard install, have to go through that process as well
>hunt for the dependencies of the mod
>hunt for the dependencies of the dependencies of the mod, recurse ad infinitum
>make sure I get no conflicts, boot up the game to make sure everything works correctly, etc
it's mind-boggling that no solution has been brought forward to this other than copy-and-pasting the entire fucking mod setup of some literally who (Wabbajack)
It SHOULD work like this:
>open up SkyrimModder™© program on my PC
>find a mod
>click install
>standard mods are installed normally, speshul mods are installed using a community script or the script of the mod author
>dependencies are installed automatically, version matching for other mods is handled intelligently
>known conflicts of mods are taken care of
essentially handled like a package manager handles packages. Is there any reason why this CANNOT be done?
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its so cute I died
but I want moar like this... you know any?
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>accidentally kill the dumb priestess when she tried initiating her stupid conversation right as I started a duel with that random encounter wizard
>her tard handler now just stands around Windhelm with nothing to do
should I just put him out of his misery with a Frenzy spell?
he is fucking retarded
Valid objections, but have you considered Bosmom fucking Chey fucking Keda fucking Yarti, all vertically lined up ass-to-ass and pumping in and out of each other, with the one on the bottom having her penis daintily flopping about? I thought not.
this is /tesg/ so i trust you completely
interesting proposal, but have you considered playing in traffic?
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I mean, you could figure that out by end of first sentence...
I've reached level 60 on my current manual install, skill issue
So Serena Dialogue Add-On (Serana) vs Song of the Green (Auri)?
Any mods that offer completely different content? Like trade and economy focused mods. Running a household like it's the sims. Administering a faction/guild. Basically anything that turns Skyrim into a completely different game.
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those walls have more mortar than stone
mortar is a binder
you just glue actual building material together with it
literally no one ever did buildings like this
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alright no all what is left is lolibaba greybeards with big fucking wizard hats
Windhelm is just a giant dry sandcastle ready to be pushed over
interesting. Now compare the time you spent modding to the time you spent playing.
counterpoint: nords have regressed from epic undeground stone cities to shitty huts with no walls
Sure, but I don't think the real world norse did.
Also, even the cults in universe that were in charge of the dead are ones dedicated to foreign adversary gods. ie The snake and dragon.
20% modding, 80% playing
You could lose weight.
And be less mad about superior preferences.
install one of the wabbajacks that is easy to build on top of and customise
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Nobody into futa is under 230, tubby. Your preferences stink worse than your fat folds.
check mod authors page
Nigga are you retarded? I'm watching that shit right now, and Whiterun is 100% based off Rohan.
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If I'm using an Armor Overhaul Mod with level lists changes and a SPID patch (that overrides the Armor Mod) to distribute said mods without touching the level, do I still need to download patches for the Armor Mod?
For example. I have a Forsworn Armor mods that touches the Leveled Lists. I also have a SPID mod to give those armors to NPCs in a conflict free matter. On top of these two mods, I also have Forsworn AI Overhaul mod. The Forsworn Overhaul has a patch for the Armor mod to account for the Leveled Lists changes. Do I need this patch? Or is it no necessary because of the SPID mod I'm using?
and modlist size?
I considered it and it does make things easier but the manual process of installing mods beyond the base still have the same issues as mentioned
His name is George
don't do him the favor of extending it
futa is gay
if you're into chicks with dicks nigga you're gay
"aaah noo the jewish conspiracy is posting gay pride videos, help me alex jones"
you faggots keep screeching about some character or other being gay in movies and games and then you jack it to futa
fucking this.
I have 1094 active mods I've been putting together since mid-2022 and my modding to playing ratio is at least 1:10
I actually enjoy stuff like dicking in Outfit Studio though
>futa is gay
more news on 11
No balls no problem
Yes and?
Myth be like
is there a Japanese version of Tullius?
>futa is gay
>aaah noo the jewish conspiracy
why not both?
>you faggots keep screeching about some character or other being gay in movies and games and then you jack it to futa
I can, do, and will continue to do both, all the while being completely ideologically consistent.
If the Mythic Dawn knows that Martin is in Kvatch, why did they wait so long to kill him?
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How do you respond to this without sounding mad or like an incel?
the character or the website?
>Leaves a whole tomato on a dirty tavern table
Call out her terrible dining habits
leveled lists need to be patched together to work with each other (use synthesis)
anything that uses spid is fine on its own
cast backhand
The ratio is completely pointless. If you've played 1 hour of skyrim but only modded a 1/10th or 1/5th of that time, that's just 12 minutes which isn't that bad. But If you've played for 2000 hours and modded the game for 200 hours (assuming 10th) then that's 200 fucking hours spent modding. As an aside, I really don't believe only a 1/10th of your time has been spent modding if you have >1000 mods. You must be nolifing the game in that case. Even 1/5th is pushing it, but with 350 mods then it's more reasonable. And of course, if you enjoy the modding process then who cares it's part of the process but it just seems so stupid
Kvatch isn't visitable until the Oblivion Gate is closed
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>If you've played for 2000 hours and modded the game for 200 hours (assuming 10th) then that's 200 fucking hours spent modding
the point?
that's 8 days nigga
you've wasted third of your fucking life being fucking unconscious
do you see me berating you for it?
>I really don't believe
I'm not a God, you don't have to believe in me
what in the fuck is that writing
Is that so?
So the Mythic Dawn had to open an Oblivion Gate so that you could close it so that they could go in and kill Martin?
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man I just had this awesome idea for a mod but I forget it..
can you help me anon... post (You)r idea perhaps its similar to mine
SL Solutions add-on for Bruma & Beyond Reach
>forgot to temper armor before enchanting it
>still 20 points away from arcane blacksmith
>go back to solstheim
>dead guards everywhere for more armor
Now you're learning, Boyo.
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i will no fall for your reverse psychiatry todd not this time
*seconds later*
Tophats and Bowlers for werewolves
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Surreptitious, rougish, bedeviling, troublesome, I may even say, dastardly, activities
Soulful character.
You going to finish that bee vomit?
A dwemer weather machine that lets you toggle Solstheim between 100% winter and 100% ash (arguably seasons bait instead)
A mod that adds grass records to all of those awful dirt cliffs
There was a third thing that I forgot but it was cool too
I say this and look like this.
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Draugr are based on actual norse mythological creatures.
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alternative paths hitting the books

basically just let the player sidestep everything by buying those books from the other college or east empire company.
With how popular quest alteration mods are getting this would be guaranteed to hit thousands of endorsements.
In name only. They're closer to ghosts in norse mythology than anything else.
>corporeal undead also known as barrow-dwellers
>more like ghosts
>omg green text makes so smart
>this but unironically
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funny thing I've noticed, you didn't really point out where he's wrong.
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draugr dungeons don't really look like pagan howes or even earlier european megalithic burial chambers. The design of nordic ruins with all those big arches almost look like whalebones.
There was no reason to.
More like
Draug queens
or something
I don't know
In the saga of Hervor and Heithrek, when Hervor encounters Angantyr in the form of a draugr in his burial mound on samso, she confusingly refers to him as a ghost, but it's clear from their exchange that he's actually meant to be a reanimated corpse. She mentions multiple times that she will curse him so that he rots whole in his grave and stuff like that.
I may have misunderstood your point, though. If you meant ghost as in they were more intelligent and malevolent, and not just viking zombies, then yes, you would be correct.
The slow motion effect is a nice touch
Is that the new gore mod that's patreon locked?
Can you punch limbs off
Yep, but someone leaked the dismemberment mod on f95 a few days ago

Let me try and see
Didn't even start it there as it is subject to thievery
Any good guro mods? Heavy focus on viscera and internal organs preferred.
if it's anything like simple beheading, then blunt weapons will struggle to sever limbs
You can, but it's not enabled by default, you have to go into the plugin settings to enable hand to hand dismemberment
a mod that lets me fuck a lobster if I was low on health/hungry
the basic answer is maximum carnage, but I think that mods pretty shot, honestly.
The only mod to wit that attempts to add sexy guro-type shit is yuriana, which has at least one falmer dungeon filled with the mutilated and dismembered corpses of fat titted sluts
Blood everywhere
If they're dedicated to the whale that makes it the 4th totem that has visible influences on the dragon cult because there are hawks scattered across too.

Anyone notice some kind of structure or clutter that might be dedicated to other totems?
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is this that leaked dismemberment mod in action?
does it just work or does it shit the bed with modded bodies and whatnot?
Wait, did he behead himselft oo?
Yes, it's been a very smooth experience so far

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It's up
are there any extra steps besides installing and enabling, like running animation engine or whatever?
landsbros we are growing larger
Just requires SKSE, Precision is probably recommended like with the original beheading mod
Oh, and Address Library is required too
sweet, thanks
gonna try it out
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do you agree with Heimskr?
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>boots decorated to look like socks with sandals
Extricate this gentleman from the kitchen immediately
oh no, voice rape...
Promising, I hope it gets updated for blunt weapons and creatures too.
be honest, Nord anon, how many ales deep are you?
is it better than maximum carnage? i disliked that carnage required a bodyslot to apply gore
the website. Ive found some unique Korean mods on Tullius. I wonder if Japanese people have done something similar.
what are some good "vanilla+" combat animations? no dork soles, no anime, nothing too flashy, just something that's just a teensy tiny bit extra
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Saadia deserve more love
A LOT of vanilla female NPCs too.. like Ysolda
and no im not talking about overhauls
well they are about 2 or 3 in total
I was thinking about making a perma level one / no experience character and then I realized that the most efficient/accessible ability to kill is stealth archery and sneak daggers
I guess with base sneak skill it might be less stupid
Todd please tell us something about elder scrolls 6 I'm going fucking insane over here
I've planned absolutely everything there is to plan about my elder scrolls 6 character with zero information about the game
I like it better than maximum carnage. It feels like a light weight version of it.
That's fucking hot
Post more
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Yeah but who's going to stop them? it's over for voice actors
Not really, you can't control the tone of their voice, and it always sounds slightly robotic. Also, if voice actors stop providing training material, then there's nothing to make AI voices with.
In skyrim, What mods are used for pretty female faces? Specifically, how do you make your player character's face, as it feels quite shitty to use the default character customisation with added tabs.
I'd rather download a cute face than use those menus desu ne.
If that were true then why are all AI voiced skyrim mods just ESLcel wish fulfillment slop instead of the supposedly superior compositions of refined artists unrestrained by the strictures of people with microphones from this decade
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I already have ultimate combat what are the other two
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Todd please..... new game.... new info..... i'm out of things to be autistic about......
only 6 more years
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It only has limb cutting for now and lacks that blunt force trauma and other bells and whistles that UC has.
i'm dyne
just tell me tes 6 will have combat as good as Dark Messiah
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>light weight
that's rich coming from this character!
let's hope he doesn't drop it after this shit
Light enough for a Guar to carry.
What could a naked women realistically do if I crouched down, sneaked up, and shoved my arm elbow-deep into her pussy? Like what is she gonna do, try and pull it out? She's my sock puppet now.
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>misclicked in preset loadings
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>Maiq has shitposts... if you've got the donuts
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as soon as the fortify carry weight effect expires the poor thing is crushed by her assets
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>make any female a follower by simply showing youe arm deep into her pussy
it's different, I use both
for a second I though that was the jarl of windhelm
there's about 4 or 5 different answers someone could give you in here to that question
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Racemenu + high poly head+ hours messing with sliders

If you're lazy you can just download a preset
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>Save gives up the ghost
Oh well, time to start up that unarmored, unarmed alteration/restoration monk build I wanted to fuck around with.
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it's looking kinda up right now
look like T Rex heads or other dinosaur of those types. i can't remember their names i'm not 12 anymore.
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is there any plans from the creator to add quests to Baan Malur or is it just dungeon delving & exploring? I'm cool either way, just curious
Somehow the maxilla makes even less sense now.
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I like anon's muscular backs
i always eat him whenever i werewolf
You are early, sir. Early.
both these answers.

One of the very first things you start learning in art school is studying medical anatomy journals - not just people, either.
I imagine race mixing is extremely rare in Tamriel because every race believes they're the ubermensch and everyone else is pure scum
>I imagine race mixing is extremely rare in Tamriel
Not when I'm playing it isn't
Cute Dunmer
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Installed wetfunction redux. Need to tweak the settings but I like it :)
you're forgiven. I don't expect anyone here except for myself to be obsessed with dinosaurs
At least they no longer have a ceratopsian rostral bone. Got that going for them
Why is she so obese though
Now I have a boner >:(
>I don't expect
I used to be big time. Animals of all kinds. Even knew many of their scientific names, I just failed to retain the information into adulthood. Much like my maths.
>2000+ years into the future and we still have no power plants or cars and shit
>still have settlements
>and if it was not for game/console limitations on worlds things would easily be daggerfall size everywhere making normal travel impossible for farmers and shit
>average non-dunmer/altmer/bosmer age is mid30s unless super lucky
thats the only real way i see racemixing being rare
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I love elder scrolls Dark Elves so much it's unreal
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dunmer are dunmber!
not canon
She's hot
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seems Mu Joint Fix and IED are compatible again now, thank god. the fucked up knees were starting to get to me.

Now though, it is bedtime.
Humans doing ashface is not okay.
I wanted to say something mean about her nose but then I scrolled down
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OUT with that
>Made the mistake of teaching my wizard follower elemental burst
>I cannot let her exist in combat near any npcs because she is the skyrim equivalent of the AC130
>tried daggerfall on steam
>died to some half naked woman in 2 hits
>forgot to save
I'll do her ashface alright
Naryu is actually cute though i.e. making her all embarassed and flustered if you compliment her dress while she's undercover in eastmarch.

There's a whole hell of a lot I dislike about ESO, but Naryu is not one of them.
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the empire is gonna be completely destroyed in the next game isn't it?
dumb macaco doesn't know the forsworn are scattered between high rock, hammerfell and skyrim
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Nope, it will be in exactly the same state as in TES5, and the Civil war will not have had any impact on anything, and the story will revolve around some random threat, most likely Daedric, that will also have no long-term impact and will be able to be written off in the history books as "thing happened".
Considering the game not so subtly hints at you that you should side with the imperials, probably not.
>Considering the game not so subtly hints at you that you should side with the imperials,
Every games had the Empire declining further and further so
Listen to Rikke and Tulius' dialogue before they die. The game is basically like "oooooh you made the wrong choice ooooooooh you should've chosen the lame beta males who ride elf dick oooooooooh you're evil".
I find it just a little bit retarded that the Khajiit just take it at face value that the Thalmor made the moons come back considering defining characteristics of the Khajiit are their wits and silver tongues. I think they could smell manipulation a thousand miles away.
I don't think so. Blades and Skyrim are the two chronologically most recent canon games, and they both contain options for the player to support and uplift the empire.

My bet is on the next game being about forming a coalition between the empire, the former imperial states that broke away (hammerfell, morrowind, skyrim), and rebel elves who don't like the thalmor in order to stand up tot he thalmor, who have broken most of the Towers and are closing in on the last few, so you have to stop them.

Part of the plot will be uncovering that the thalmor are deceived, they're useful stooges who have been fed misinformation from deadra, who plan to use the destabilization of the material world and general distraction the thalmor have caused to take the opportunity to gain the ability to more directly control nirn. Basically similar to Mephala's plan in ESO. Some thalmor will see the truth and change sides, the game will put an emphasis on there being some good elves, because market research has found that altmer are actually the most popular race among the playerbase alongside bretons.

It has the potential to be a fine story, I just hope it's not too predictable. It would be lame if it's just a carebear alliance to take down the bad guys. Make some tragic characters, like some elves who are honorable and die for what they think is right, they're just tricked. Drive home the message that being a mortal in TES means you're just a plaything for gods. Give it a tragic/meloncholy spin. Don't give us a marvel movie.
As it should be.
One member of each race will get to say a smartass line before hitting the central antagonist one time, and then the player, the Bornborn, gets to finish him off. His ghost says "I realise I was wrong now! Thank you for showing me the way!"
Then you go press the off button on the C4 at the base of the Adamantine tower and everyone stands in a circle around you saying "congratulations!" one by one with an awkwardly long time between each person while clapping.
>even the Reachmen are dabbing on the Impericucks
It's neven been so over. Also I take this image as canon that the Stormcloaks won.
and that the dominion still holds like, the entire southern half of hammerfell.
Next game?

No, they don't.
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You're trying to spark "discussion" since the thread has gone into late night mode aren't you,
it wasn't just the void nights, the mane was assassinated and the tribes dissolved down into their own infighting (as well as with valenwood) which is why the north/south are separate vassalages too
The player is encouraged to follow the imperial in the intro since he was the one you were following when you arrive at the choice with the imperial one being in front of you and the stormcloak being beside/behind you. Whiterun is the place you start the main quest and most likely the first place you are a thane of and buy a house in and the companion you most likely keep until the end of the game was a whiterun housecarl. Though whiterun doesn't side with the imperials until you already chose a side so it doesn't influence you that much pre-choice, and the end dialogue for the battle of solitude is ambiguously gray while the battle of windhelm is completely good.
It's up
Because writing and scripting doesn't come for free and the good AI is paywalled
maybe not the entire southern half, but definitely at least the hew's bane peninsula and southern coast.

>inb4 hurr durr Blades doesn't count

Even discounting that, Saadia was from Taneth. Kematu even says that there's a resistance still active in Hammerfell against the thalmor. Why would there need to be a resistance movement against them if they weren't an occupying force?
it's been up for years
I used the LE one but the SE one seemed slightly finicky
that sounds so incredibly boring, so that will definitely be what happens
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for fucks sake is Fat Skyrim of all things really what's gonna make me finally use Dindulod
seen any fats
what are some WIP/upcoming mods you've heard about that's cookin?
She was riding a Guar earlier
The absolute state of the Elden Ring DLC has me considering going back to screenshotting in Skyrim for a couple months.
f..fat skyrim?
that bad huh?
no, just 4 Imperial guards posted up outside of an empty Dunmer town with no doors to go through. was able to delete the mod without shitting my current saves so guess that's fine
Todd is always there for you.
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Kino ludo Zanzibar-esque bone chilling gameplay
What really finds my fears is that FROM is almost directly the source of these abhorrent video essays taking off as an ailing lit major side hustle across genres
and not only that, the reprobate responsible, v*ati, was ripping off random collaborative conversation from this very site at the dawn of Patreon grift
It's enough to make a man sick
there's no fucking way dark souls lore vids kicked off the video essay genre
mike stoklasa was doing several hour long breakdowns of the star wars prequels back in like 2010.
yeah but those weren't for normalfags who don't know how to consume their own media like the modern "essay" is
VV was making an absurd amount of money only a year after pushing droning patreon shit into the game space and convincing everyone else adjacent to try and get a slice
it degraded the format and discourse from "people talking about thing" to "person telling people about thing" because a vast majority of lazy idiots are lazier and more idiotic than even I
there's a reason you'd hear shit like "someone needs to make a lore video about this" starting last decade
how can I split different skins between different races anons?
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At least it's entertaining, cool presentation and all that
Narrative of bethesda games literally boils down to fetch quests
It works at low levels but even in morrowind the final mage guild quests with you becoming guildmaster just look silly
The closest we've had to something epic is morrowind finale but even that is pretty disappointing
Skyrim final battle is a joke and in Oblivion you're just talk to Martin
I'm thinking it's Fromsoft's worst offering to date.
he did star trek first but star wars ones are way more popular (and better tbf)
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>Baan Malur has ride-able guar
Based Mihail being the cornerstone of all modding. He is truly hobo Jesus.
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Oh, I see.
Always knew that Alvor was up to something
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I guess you wonder where I've been...
He's going to hammer that dirty rag and wake everybody up whether you like it or not
Spell creation is so much fun bros. They gotta bring it back and not in a stupid neutered state like the rest of their systems get changed into.
You made even more noise than the simple hammering. Thalmor won this encounter buddy!
Milk doesn't make much noise.
Poisonous titty milk? How do you kill with milk other than drowning? Oh they are severely lactose intolerant eh!
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need a lactose intolerance map but with Tamriel provinces
>astrid wants the dbh to be the best gold makers as possible
>but then having 50k gold means you have nothing to really spend it on outside of a house
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Unironically, the Nord would have a very high tolerance for lactose despite their constant barbs about it.
Don't you have some stones to collect so you can increase your gem gathering ability?
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"putting level 35 Watchers in Northwatch Keep" is not the kind of sadism I'd associate with Jesus
is it any good
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posing sucks without a full sized kb
It's alright from what little I've delved into, can tell the guy's put a lot of work into it
He is testing your faith. We are all his strongest soldiers. For me, it's three different Mihail mods affecting the final room in Sunderstone because jackass Runil sends me there at level 9.
Cute! but i prefer my bosmeri women darker.
>Don't you have some stones to collect so you can increase your gem gathering ability?
killers vs thugs guilds
I must have played them all wrong in that case
one of her parents is a nord.
>the empire got completely fucked
>the character who was emperor all tes games killed
>they just magicked it away and had it have zero repercussions in lore and game
which vampire overhaul do you prefer anons?
>you will never have a khajiit admirer deliver dead rats to your doorstep
why live?
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better werewolf and vampire
its a little OP at higher levels because a charge wolf attack can kill the ebony warrior and vampire can just DoTbomb everything larping as the soldier from tf2 aiming at feet to win
also if you download some destruction damage mods you can also increase vampire spells, both lord and human.
Better Vampires is still king.
I like Scion
it makes feeding less forgettable and deviates enough from vanilla without going completely overboard
>stop playing skyrim
>all these neat mods start dropping
I'm depressed.
dark messiah has dogshit combat lmao
90% of it is the level design
races have a naked skin texture
you can edit it to whatever you want and it will only affect that race
We know Seranafag it's completely obvious
Why are you attracted to beastfolk?
I'm not seranafag
Thank goodness then I actually care. What's up?
they have bobs and vagene
and more hair than me and robin williams combined
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>Wet Function Redux and Skyrim Outfit System
>Download all the mods and dependencies, compatability patches etc...
>Follow instructions
>Force Wet Function values and edit until I find a value that looks good.
>Create outfit and turn on
>Wet function only works on hands, face and feet despite being forced and compatability options turned on.
>Try literally everything but it will never apply to the outfit, only the rest of the body. Max all values and still nothing
>Load another character.
>Wet Function works on that charcter's outfit despite it not showing up in the MCM, but it looks like she's been dipped in baby oil.
>Try again with lower values
>Doesn't work

What the fuck even is this mods spaghetti code??
life just seems meaningless
cheer up emo kid
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here anon
it could be. where do you find meaning? how do you find it?
And that's a good thing
it's UP
I just beat her ass and recruit her to the blades.
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rigmor balls
BS will never be this kino
This looks so bad lol
cool, I like his character expansions
Is anyone familiar with a weird bug that causes corpses to fade out of existence (but they are still there, just with invisible mesh) which also persists through reloads when this enemy was alive making them pracitcally invisible but still fully functional?
And no it's not some form of performance culling, this happend in tiny cells with a sincle enemy and open fields with nothing going on.
If you search your waifu's name in google images what do you get
lets see u do better
Kino. Absolute kino.
some true cringekino right here
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Can you search by armor worn in SSEDIT?
For exemple want a list of all NPC wearing this "armor" (actually hair)
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Really? The youtube previews showed meat popsicle explosions with warhammers. Maybe it's still in testing.
Um, sweaty, that's like super racist against the ohmes rat... that's catface...
have any of the sex mods developed into more than just 2 models slapping against each other while some awfully dubbed VA moans?
that's literally waht sex is tho
Despite the chumps saying otherwise, the Crow Friends are the best thing ESO did.
dog you know exactly what i meant
uesp article
yeah actually there's lots of quests and addons for sex mods that cover plenty of fetishes. What are (you) looking for exactly?
a sex mod that is better designed than sexlabs or whatever people used 3-4 years ago
i tried it back then and the sex animations just felt awkward as hell
mostly looking for realistic stuff that would actually fit the world like kidnapping, rape, etc
For rape and kidnapping unfortunately you have to use SexLab instead of newer things
you probably were using shitty animations/default sexlab animations that were made in 2013. Try using animations by Billyy and Anubs for some recent and better stuff. Sexlab Defeat Baka version is probably the best rape mod out there. It can let you tie people up and put em in a sack to carry around(very fun)
>instead of newer things
really? what are these newer things? do they outweigh the benefits of the other stuff?
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After all those years Defeat is still the best
OStim and I've never used it because it's just for vanilla sex which I don't care about
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how the hell do people give non-swarthy characters tan?
tweaking skintone just makes it look ridiculous no matter what I do... is it another bunch of mods I need to install?
>in Oblivion you're just talk to Martin
Yes, because the Oblivion final battle is against Mankar in Paradise. The IC sequence at the end is Martin's final battle.
This is unironically pretty cool.
I just had the wildest idea and I know that if anyone can make this a reality, it's you. Is there a mod out there, in the vast, glorious cyberspace, that lets me strap on a snowboard and carve through the frosty landscapes of Skyrim like I'm in a freakin' video game? I've leveled up to Hoth-slayer status in my mind, and I'm dying to transform this epic fantasy world into my own winter wonderland. Imagine it instead of me trudging through the snow with some redundant Nord boots and a fur cloak smelling like a geyser's gas farts, I'm soaring down the Throat of the World, popping off trolls and dragons like they're just part of my extreme routine. Or grinding down the iciest regarding lines with pure Dovahkiin style, leaving a path of sizzling fire and cold steel in my wake. Think of the possibilities! But here's the catch, I don't want some half-baked piece of shit that's going to make my game crash and burn like my social life every time I catch an edge. I'm talking real deal, physics-based, gnarly tricks included, and maybe throw in some sick jams, like Dragonforce on a loop, 'cause why the fuck not? And don't you dare think I want to be sticking to the beaten path. Oh no, give me the freedom to go off-piste and carve my destiny into every mountain face and snowbank from Whiterun to Winterhold.
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>promised myself years ago I would never bother extensively modding the game ever again
>watch anons' gameplay webms, some look pretty good
>see a couple of interesting quest mods on the Nexus
>actually decent gore mod is finally out (this time without ominous in-game notes asking for Patreonbux)
It's over
Todd does it again
Can't wait to kms over Dindus once again

>the guy from the Minions movie, but black and blursed (?)
>vampire/angel of death/magician fujobait homo from some Korean webseries
>17th century Swiss architect

Absolutely get https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/26795
Then I recommend copying the tanned skin colour, applying it to the overlay and tweaking it down to 1~5% alpha depending on how pronounced you want it to be; it's always better to be super subtle so it doesn't look like your character was dipped in frying oil
Also remember to always turn off Racemenu's facelight thingy because it makes overalys look way too pronounced compared to the lighting setups you're likely to stumble across while playing
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>almost got tackled by the fucking cat sprinting up his ass
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You probably just need to increase saturation and lower transparency, or use a different skin texture. Tanlines help a lot too. This is an imperial with BnP but I can even get orcs or dunmer to look pretty damn natural. Like the other anon said it has to be pretty subtle to work.
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tanlines are tanlines bro, but I can't even make my character a bit brownish without making it look like literal synthetic paintjob or like a goddamn ganguro, there is no inbetween whatsoever
ostim is kinda more "immersive" and interactive
but devs are vanilla as fuck to the point where cucking nazeem is the gray zone already for them
I remember back in 2020-2021 where I kept shilling Ostim in this general for being a great vanilla option. There were days where I wake up and do nothing but spend 12 hours having vanilla sex with npcs

Good times, I miss the lockdown.
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Literally set alpha to 5% and that's it
They look jarring because you're probably bumping it up too high and they stand out far too much; as a general rule of thumb, if you're able to actually see the distinct lines while at a decent distance in 3rd person, you dun goofed
You can try playing with the tint a bit if you want a more brownish look, but keeping it close to the chosen skin colour prevents your character from looking like she's made out of Legos
Inside Skyrim - I identify best with the Khajiit. They are cat kitty smoke weedy so cute for cuddles baby boys. I will be the kitty and that why I (almost) nearly always pick khajiit. I like their lore too. It be like “Akatosh but cat” ahaha. Cats are chill.
Imagine a blacksmith orc wife
anon she has to be atleast a foot taller than me or i won't consider your hypothetical
Lucky you, orcs are usually taller than most other playable races.
What's the thread stance on Neferam?
we don't like it
Who the eldsdrolls elder scrolls the most drugs in the games?
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I feel like a lotta normie(fags) keep finding this thread to ask about mod lists lately
13 years just mindbroke us
I'm going back to Sinitar
well some dumb fuck did just share a webm from here to Twitter and tards in the comments were going "umm mod list pls!!!" along with another dumb fuck mentioning the general on f95zone so there you go.
time to mention /tesg/ on r/TrueSTL
I like that subreddit sometimes. Even in winter
nigger people post tesg on trustel already
Must resist urge to download cringekino.
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You mean what already happens every day or 2, tardbro?
chad from truestl here
we don't think about you and your shitfus at all
when someone posts a /tesg/ screenshot once a year we cringe and carry on
>is here
erm what the sigma
This was weak and low hanging fruit, do better chud.
we don't want you trannies thinking about us at all. Stay in your lane
I’m a moth priest basically
Shut up and post the latest LL mod you have installed or updated.
For me it's Drty Deeds, it's shit because the faggot still didn't fix the follower support.
SL nightlife got updated a couple hours ago. Pretty much the only decent LL mod being worked on these days
huh, seems like it was done dirt cheap
I wish it had threesome support.
Also it doesn't really work well for bandit camp slaves and captives.
I need to use YARM for that but it has no hotkey toggle and makes people stuck ontop of beds sometimes.
how do I watch my avatar walking forward? third person cam is always a backshot.
I haven’t installed any mods
>latest LL mod you have installed
BDOR Collection, already deleted it
I don’t love men I won’t marry khajiit boys
sweet little lies
We are living rent free in your head
anyone has patreonlocked ostim animations from ace? kemono is pretty outdated at this point
Why is it called like this, I thought it's some 3d file sharing community
>Why is it called like this
You're a TrueESL
now why is it called like this
Is there maize in Skyrim?
it's based in st louis
Yeah, High King Krushchev introduced it.
Sexy corn I want to farm it. Make corn tortilla chips.
Is there a mirror to that old mod that added oblivion gates to skyrim? Sounds cool if it worked like Oblivion.

>Restore Fatigue
>Restore Intelligence
>Damage Agility
>Shock Shield
What did they mean by this?
Cornerstore Pharmacy tech
did he fucking replace rigmor with serana
looks like a rat
Mogs sharti, shitey and shitmom
Is that Mikaela from the hit vidya game Dead By Daylight???
I've met this woman at a party.
she's cute in an I would have a shot with her IRL kind of way
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Saved Morthal from the vampire menace only to be rewarded with 600 coins and my scroll wheel breaking resulting in a free tour of what goes on in the Jarl's head.
This one orc is based, take notes all
i dont get it, does it just not let you have sex with whoever you want?
I'll stand together with my elven wife
this has me thinking, the dragonborn has canonically
>Been declared the dragon of the north by the greybeards
>defeated the world-ending aspect of the god of time
>gained artifacts of some of the most powerful nords in tamrielic history (Ysgramor, Shalidor, Gauldor, etc.)
>gained powers from consuming the souls and knowledge of ancient primordial beings (the dragons)
>learned the secrets of the snow elves and the library of apocrypha
>defeated one of the most powerful vampires and one of the first dragonborn
geez, no wonder hermaeus mora wants your soul so bad, you're literally one of the most powerful mortals nirn has seen in centuries and could straight up unify tamriel once more
Does Perks Unbound work with perk overhaul mods like Vokrii?
I want to skip over the annoying soultrap perk to avoid earrape and epilepsy from bound weapon kills.
you can fug any humanoid npc
it's vanilla because there's no rape, no bestiality, and the animations, eh... aren't set up to accommodate major size differences between actors.
>gained artifacts of some of the most powerful nords in tamrielic history (Ysgramor, Shalidor, Gauldor, etc.)
pcs only do the main quests
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has anyone of you anon tried Skyborn

looks quality but I dunno
looks like just another "edited a bunch of numbers so its now an overhaul" type of mod that would've been ok back in the morrowind days but is completely meaningless now
yeah honestly all these overhauls are meaningless
whooho i get a different 15% number
who are the 5 best toonposters
i will put my weenus between her eyebrows
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Does DF Unity change the to Hit formula? I just made a redguard knight and couldn't hit shit; then I remade the character in the vanilla game and combat works fine.
its up lmao
Who cares
My penis is down.
I believe it changed hit boxes so you can't just swing wildly you need to aim
>- Replaces Lystry Argonian maid with Sultry Argonian Bard
Just why?
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man do I hate Solstheim
its just to fucking depressing
even mods didnt fix it
what a stupid fagola
i love solstheim
only place in skyrim that isn't all sorry depressive complaining cunts and that acknowledges you
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This had better be the best goon sesh ever.
What dat? Doesn't look like wabbajack installer.
Based. It's comfy. My only wish is that it was bigger.
Using vortex to install the Domain collection.
Tru, tru. But the quests we got are best in Skyrim honestly.
Should've had guars and scribs tho
I really like Solstheim too but I wish there some mods to make it feel bigger. To me it feels like the devs didn't have enough time to finish it.
>The comments
Jesus Christ
That's bullshit, it should reproduce the vanilla game, any change should be an option especially something as important as combat.
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ALRIGHT im at page 2264 on nexus (starting from 2020)
nothing caught my eyes other than
>a headless khajiit
>cute Zelda follower (not voiced by her sadly :( )
>rolling after landing
Those are VERY nice bonemold armours.
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I've heard all about spontaneous combustion, but spontaneous explosions are new
meanwhile the guy changing sex references from arundil for his kid but not the necrophilia
>download regalia of the scorned
>3 pieces, body arms and feet
>no head
>no head
well this is useless can't get the set bonus without a matching headpiece
OAR keeps crashing when I try to preview idle animations. anyone know what's up wit that?
Anyone know why the CBBE sliders aren't appearing in Racemenu? I made sure to add them in when I downloaded the file, and yes I did check the right boxes in bodyslide.
OAR crashlog confirms this is a common issue... Why do these fucks have to update their shit and break everything constantly?
>it should reproduce the vanilla game
fuck is the point of remaking it then?
how bout i reproduce with you instead
Reproduce with me please~
Is anyone here autistic enough to go through the trouble of removing the quest rewards "Agent of Mara" and "Agent of Dibella" if you go vampire? Because I'm thinking of doing that for a more hardcore RP playthrough I've been doing. So far I've been playing a pretty "good" character, devoted to the divines, and I'm tempted to have them go vampire lord when the opportunity presents itself again later in the Dawnguard questline, before entering the Soul Cairn. I'm thinking my goal will also be to eventually turn the entirety of the Dawnguard into thralls (thanks to Sacrosanct). Sort of a "history repeats itself" moment if any of the backstory you get on the actual Dawnguard is true.
Finna make a lore friendly redguard kween using Panam as a reference, based or cringe?
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>headless khajiit
Waifus for this feel?
>exposition note
Voiceacting was a mistake.
Just cut the head off of any cat
Yeah but how else do you hold the rapt attention of twitchy teens that browse social media all day and have the attention span of a hummingbird
Something about your statement deeply disturbs me
very based
Make sure she has bigger tits.
Very based.
So I've reinstalled both CBBE and 3BA and ensured both have the morphs downloaded and I clicked Build Morphs in RaceMenu and still no sliders appear in-game on racemenu.
The time honoured way that has worked for a very long time, displaying secondary sexual characteristics and saying wicked words.
Panam is all about the butt, huge tits wouldn't look good on her.
Might be missing a racemenu dependency, check it. I had the same thing.
How do I change Lydia from a nord to a bosmer so a character preset has the right head?
What dependencies does RM have? I've never had that problem before. This is the first time since I redownloaded my mods.
I don't even remember. Wish I could help you.
if you have the Tullius hair mod installed, hers should be one of the options (or it's HG Hairdos, I don't remember)
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What's a good all-purpose texture replacer that's decent for performance?
Why not both? https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/4843?
ew gross
2077 is such dog shit
The only thing I'm finding is for LE. Is that compatible?
It's actually has a LE patch not the other way round
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>fully voiced
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Yeah but she's not carrying her head. In fact the page suggests it was eaten by a dragon. Explain THAT, Mr. Wizard.
I bet you think garbage like sharti or shitmom looks good
Well, you see, first we deco—ohgodohUFCK
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Is the is the post-block decollated look in vogue again?
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playing as a child is really fucking cute, everyone looks down when talking to ya
sadly all the kids are so fucking ugly (even me)
what kind of fucked up mod just pastes over adult faces onto the kids that's uncanny
show us your character anon
>jfc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbCiHn1a9cY

I liked starting with skyland aio and skyland bits and bobs
Why the fuck would you do this
This better be her official theme now.
Does anyone have the Evelona follower handy? I'd like to continue an old playthrough with her but can't find the file anywhere. Didn't some anon make a mega recently for followers?
lol holy shit. I mean it's not as bad as you would expect a song with 200 views to be, but lmao.
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Iron Age Greek states
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default nord child
Is that that little shit from Riverwood
Do you play with ATF mods?
my game looks slightly brighter but I don't know what I did (0 lighting overhauls)
ToT this is sad
>He named his waifu Pisidia
for shame, anon.
Narfi did nothing wrong. Narfi only put scroll of fireball in Narfi's butt. Narfi didn't mean to explode!
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it's up
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nop, just cheeking
anything worthwhile there other than SEX?
I have a survival profile where I play as 12 year old version of my character on Chanterelle, it's fun when I want a change of pace and there's no NPCs to talk to so it doesn't get weird.
prey eyes make sense on a whore i think
thats a facegen error retarded pedo
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it's up https://mega.nz/file/TMlDHYrA#pMrRLQsNVCzsKa8Qzc52EDTDqa4VgrV0Q-LwYF-NcpA
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Lydia was not Greek.
Sfard was peopled by a proud Anatolian people.
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Many thanks!
added a mod that requires me to have a map and a compass to view map or compass
I'm ready to get annoyed
I love orc women so much it's unreal. Even in Vanilla I used to marry either Borgakh or Ghorza
I haven't installed anything from LL in a good while. Somewhat recently I tried to set something up with scrab's matchmaker for autonomous npc/npc stuff but I couldn't quite figure out parameter settings without it turning into a situation of nothing happening until someone reached the arousal limit then because of exposure the whole area erupting into a giant orgy cascade.
I know the game world too well for that to be a problem teebeeech
yeah, but still
also I haven't really touched modded areas so there is that
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Jewish or German
based adventurer
close but not quite
How many pics of mai whyfoo will it take to train a stable diffusion model to churn out good pics of her
I got so tired of helps to have a map I simply handwaved it and accepted that the map I had was magical.

The compass (or player map marker) don't bother me at all though, never use either and rarely get lost.
Yeah, I think they're pretty neat too.
hey it's the litter guide
none because training on 3d will give you shit if you want 2d
My canon dragonborn (a male Nord) will marry Borgakh, and my tertiary character is a female Orc for no other reason than because I think they're neat.
>he doesn't want a character background
Whats a mod that bounds npc levels something like this:
NPC's have a static base level if you are bellow them, some atrinoch will be lvl 20 up to the point YOU are level 20. But once you are a set amount of levels above their base level, they start to have a level that's proportionally based on yours. Like that Atrinoch will always be 10 lvls less then you once you are at level 30+, it will be level 50 when you are level 60.

Basicly, things dont get left far in the dust, but they also aren't your equal for no reason either.
It's a shame you can't get her preggers
for skyrim.
>you can help flipped over turtles
Won't stop me from trying.
I wasn't gonna install it, but now I will.
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>mfw by the 5th era tamriel adopts pronouns and rainbow flags
How the fuck do you make morrowind run smoothly?
No matter what I do I get random freezes and drops to 30-40 fps
I'm using this guide https://sigourn.gitbook.io/morrowind-sharp/mge-xe
Well after 3 1/2 hours of troubleshooting I guess I'll just play another game. Racemenu is fried, morphs don't work for CBBE.
Yeah nobody's buying that.
openmw for trannies
If you're using obody you can't see morph changes in real time in racemenu. Just make a custom preset in bodyslide and load it with obody once you're ingame.
i use the normal edition but you do you
Morphs just don't show up. I have no clue why. Racemenu is the correct version, and I've made sure ten times now to ensure the morph files get downloaded from CBBE and later in 3ba make sure to check off the box for morphs. then in bodyslide I click Build Morphs and do everything there correct but nothing.
Can't wait for Elder Scrolls 6 including non binary characters
How the fuck do you deal with terrible ui?
I can't even install a mod in openmw
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it's gone
The sliders don't show up in racemenu? That might be a separate issue then, you have racemenumorphscbbe.esp enabled and it's provided by 3BA right?
i play the game not the ui
>you have racemenumorphscbbe.esp enabled and it's provided by 3BA right?
Where does that esp show up? I'm using MO2. In the past, they simply appeared without any issue.
But how do you install mods?
It's up!

I'll use this to cuck Arnbjorn beyond the grave
in openmw.cfg
You're mentally ill
Yes, the RaceMenuMOrphs appears in the 3BA folder on MO2.
Like, seriously, how do you install mods for openmw? That ui is just awful
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Why would you need to imagine
It should be provided by CBBE and overwritten by 3BA.
Hmm. Does it work if you don't have 3BA enabled? Are you using obody or just trying to edit the player?
What are people referring to, when they talk about "that OTHER modding site"?
This is my appearance
altmers look like this...
I used this to sort things out while modding as usual in mo https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/45642
it fills out the config with ur mods and load order so you don't have to do much in openmw's mod manager
Why openmw is so gay about using their own launcher?
Naw nothing changed there. Maybe it's because I'm using the latest version of everything or something.
loverslab(sex mods) or allthefallen(pedo sex mods)
Wow. Didn't expect an answer. Thank you.
I saw that kat the other day and thought about using it, seemed odd
how do I find out which SPID mod is giving an NPC an outfit easily?
I honestly don't think this alone will work, I need some way to load a sculp head on npcs otherwise it won't look right
but do they say like this?
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whaming. just robbed Dushnik Yal of all its ebony ore without doing the quest first eat shit greenskins
honestly I often thought about a mod that would remove all signs of any inteligent and nord life from skyrim
>white woman
>stealing resources from disenfranchised colored people
find which esp the outfit belongs to and search the file in MO2
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Not very progressive of you, anon. You know those orcs are meant to represent P.O.C. minorities right?
it'll grow back anyway, like the dingleberries hanging off boethiah's asshole (orcs)
Yeah, Skyrim belongs to the nords after all
wink wink nudge nudge
it's UP I suppose
Jewish or German?

I saw this last night and I'm thankful it did not enter into my dreamscape.
The worst part is that he said he got the asset from some barbecue thing
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so true, the nordaboo bretonfu agrees
>Jewish or German?
trick question. Neither
She keeps flirting.
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picrel ahh face
How could you possibly find installing morrowind mods hard? Is drag and dropping a folder hard?
anon tik tok zoomzooms literally do not know what a folder is
manual installation today is an art known only to the oldest and the most veteran modlist creators, almost impossible to find
Dangerously based post.
why mine are so fucking ugly though (NPCs too)
am I missing something..?
because >>483172304
you grew up in an era of needing to be tech literate. now tech is all walled gardens.
Children mods need lots of patches or they end up looking fucked like that.
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post tummies
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Installing morrowind mods is easy.
But setting up openMW modlists, now that is the work of the devil.
i always have a sensible chuckle when i see this image
foture tummies
I install all my mods manually still
Including stalker mods
i will post about amphibian men again and you can't stop me
any suggestions for the next thread edition?? I will bake
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Why do I get this dog-flea instead of sun rays? what did I install wrong? :(
my balls edition
To be fair, when mod installers first started coming out they weren't great. I didn't trust them to do things correctly over me manually dropping the files
loooook at this duuuude
this fools done install the whole folder in his skyrim folder
baked khajiit storage
Kiss all Bosmer
Love all Bosmer

help ;____;
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A succulent dunmer meal
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This has been happening a lot more lately
based bosmer enjoyer
>almost 15 years of skyrim
>still no mods to explore any part of vvardenfell
>at least two mods that have in depth quests and take place in many parts of cyrodil
i think your cat may be autistic
also only frogs count
they're the master race of the amphibian kingdom
t. will probably end up on a watchlist for this post
got it
>not browsing 4chan incogneeto
uncunny indeed
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