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Racism Edition

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Elder Thread: >>483051491
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como quito esta cosa? es molesta- ;__; pls help
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TBD waifus?
es baked gato uma delicia
el anono la foldera enb instaliero in hisero skyrime folderino
>skyrime folderino
I didt dammmed boy.
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no los readme el fileostructuro por los enfoldar quien binarias y sprito del sol
la seƱora
los lore
If you look up your toon's name in 4chanarchive b4k how many results do you get
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>What is Vivec
>What is Boethiah
>What is every Buoyant Armiger that's ever been sexchanged by Vivec during their induction
>What are Argonians
Who likes treasure
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I'm still waiting for preset or follower you fucking la nigger
>you fucking la nigger
le mao
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>crossthreading your irrelevant BS
Go away.
>what is my peenus weenus :D
What's that new gore mod people are going on about? The one that lets you dismember downed bodies?
>switches voice actor mid dialogue
what did todd's penny pinching ass mean by that
It' sunday
Post boobies and butts please
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bosmer love
I see a lorelet, I educate the lorelet.
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why this bitch have smallpox or som
My mind is telling me to play morrowind
My dick only thinks about skyrim
Styx really gets around, huh
those are freckles
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pute las grossas tetas in mi boca por favor senorita

>942 but she seems to share a name with a WoW (?) boss
Like for most things, I blame listfags (along with catfags and bosmer)
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sunday soles
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Your uncle has passed away in a bandit raid and bequeathed to you his tavern in a small town in Cyrodiil, but it has long since closed and needs to be re-opened under a new name. What do you call your tavern and what distinguishes it from the dozens of other accommodations across Tamriel?
I do!
The Wet Argonian
Twenty-five on /vg/
Most seem to be Kingdom Hearts related
I just want a wizard wife... preferably ice wizard....
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>anon posts thing in /tesg/
>someone re-posts it on /v/ as the OP image of a generic bait thread
>multiple people post it on twitter to siphon blue checkmark bux
I wonder if one could get these accounts banned by sneaking a semi-visible nono word into a random section of the webm/image.
Only 1 post and it's from me
And then someone reposted it on /v/, so the Twitterfags thought it got stolen from them
The funniest part? She's not even good looking.
>anon makes something out of passion (sexual frustration)
>some twittard makes money off him
hustle nation
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extremely based edition
After some moons, the bandits who slew your uncle hear the name you have chosen and return all the way from their camp near Bravil to burn the tavern down again. You infer from their behavior they are not fans of moist Argonian cloaca purveyors, and attempt to decide on a new name for the tavern once you gather the funds to rebuild it again.
the fren maker
>*the bodyguards*
Illia is the icecreamwich of choice
Sorry anons, I'm starting my career as the /tesg/ twitter bandit.
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I know someone on tesg made shell textures for khajiit overhaul around year or two ago, anyone has it perchance? Or knows about anything like that for khajiit overhaul as I can't find any
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maybe I should get a Khajiit female waifu..
although whenever they talk I felt like someone sandpapering my ears
>I wonder if one could get these accounts banned by sneaking a semi-visible nono word
on X? unlikely. The site is chud central now. You get away with anything you want now.
>on x
by what staff lmao
I'm going back to Morrowind.
Your tavern does well after the grand opening, and business remains steady, although you find yourself a bit concerned by the clientele. The place seems to attract the quiet types, who nurse mugs of ale alone in the corner for hours, staring at the bards and wenches. You wonder if it's the name or the fact that it's so close to the abandoned forts, but never figure it out for sure.
you always could, i stalk insane racists who spouted the nigger word constantly and insane whores self-mutilating for the approval of invisible men and nothing ever happened to them
Not really. You can say nigger but anything anti semitic and oy vey my son is gay!
I don't like racemixing...
I'm not sure if this is the same guy or not but https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91729 - there's a male version too by same author.
You'd be more likely to get banned here for disrespecting trannies than for posting a video of serana saying nigger to the twitter.
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If following the [adjective/rb][noun] trend
The Urgent Sturgeon
it pretty much does what it says on the box
breddy sure that's not for khajiit overhaul, or at least I heard it doesn't work with it
ive been banned multiple times here for being antisemitic when i got drunk but not on twitter despite being antisemitic there too
probably just because no one noticed there though
I have noticed the use of words incel/chud in a non-ironic way in last thread (0 in previous threads)
are we getting invaded?
the aldmeri dominion is w o k e
Your tavern is quite popular on opening, and the locals are glad to have a place to drink, although you're pretty sure you've lost some customers recently to The Dancing Scamp from the next town over. The local Argonian workers, however, remain reliable regulars at the Sturgeon for many years.
>people STILL don't niggermark their content
step it up
chud is a funny word and I will NOT stop using it
Always has been
>its a /pol/ tourist episode
>Make one of the best looking half Khajiit characters
>Don't post preset
>Meanwhile nexus is full of absolutely ugly shit
this but unicornically, diversity is our (wealthy oppressors) strength because it helps us pit the poors against each other instead of them working against us
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this guy gets it
Looks kinda shit desu
Today, they take away your free speech. But what of tomorrow? What then? Do the chuds take your pronouns? Your genders? Your flags? Your very lives?
It's just a less dated Mrissi/Ohmesrace creatura with a jeanneface
Have you seen other Ohmes-Raht characters and presets?
>free speech
cool it with the anti-dominion comments
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I need to consult my Aldmeri advisor for a state approved response
This looks like three or four different games/images stitched together
i don't share preset, only follower on a slow rate
I gave Serana the lustmord armor, though I feel like I might look up something else because I always give her one or the other older ones.
her face looks like a celebral palsy kid with downs and fasd
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Almost 400 for Eriandel
Almost 1400 for bosmom, probably at least half of them by that one who calls her an ugly lass
>slow rate
So when are you going to share this one?
She is kinda ugly, though... at least her body is great
looks bad
the only decent part of lustmord is the extra slot pieces
>*hits pipe*
Hello /tesg/ I come to you in a time of great need. I'm in the middle of setting up my modlist and resolving conflicts, especially with the leveled lists.

For example, with my weapon expansions, I was planning on trying skypatcher for LoreWepEx to inject them at runtime to eliminate conflicts.


I'm not the most experienced with these things though. So If have a mod like MLU or anything that edits the records of LoreWepEx, will those changes carry forward if you use the Skypatch method?
Yeah. And I've used it before on her. I might find something that'll keep the Molag Bal collar.
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DO NOT fuck your daughter while on skooma
once i stick with a final design,fix some shit like the paw, ect ect, then depend on if i manage to bring my dumb implentation idea,this year for sure
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I dunno, hard to account for all cases. Build it and check it in Sneedit.
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I'll keep an eye on you
I really like the way she looks, probably the best half Khajiit I've seen
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or in general either
Now where could my pipe be?

Will do, I'll buy a bible and pray
what's her name gonna be?
boobies and butts
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wrong message
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>leveled lists
I've been using synthesis' levellist patcher then doublechecking xedit for that stuff
skypatcher is like config txt files so it's might be messy comparing and editing them outside of xedit spreedsheets where you can see everything
and idk if it adds to the levellists or overwrites them
What Serana replacer is this
can I get ahhh "if only you knew how good things really are" pls.. pretty pls
Judging from the way the character looks it must be the only one you've seen
>play fall of winterhold
>enter building
>as the screen fades in get rocks dropped on me taking half my health
Fucks sake, never thought I'd see some mong implement "rocks fall everyone die" in a Skyrim mod.
That's a nice s word
What's it from?
I'm not creative for a shit
About 220. People never really bothered to learn her name so a lot of those results are just my usage of her name.
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Then post good looking half Khajiit
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of the ones who anons actually know the names of, not many. I'm not counting any of the times they came up in those dumb lists that kept getting spammed
> I'm not counting any of the times they came up in those dumb lists that kept getting spammed
cath armory https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20199
but I believe it's originally from leanwolf https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2017
what what?
I'm giving up modding morrowind
Even openmw runs like shit
I have more stability in skyrim with enb
>Spend all my time modding characters and NPC's along with their clothing and armor
>the game world itself remains completely unmodded
Terrain and architecture looks like shit but titties are too nice for me to notice until I look at screenshots after exiting the game.
Oh wow I didn't realize it was that Scimmy
I've somehow never seen it with all of the others that I have sidegraded into the game
ah ye forgot to mention it's the scimitar weapon

>594, 2083, 35
>kills literally everyone
She did it, she saved her
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I'm linking MEGA mirrors for hiros male hair and cosmos hair that I got in the half hour vectorplexus was up before it exploded again for any femanons/fags that ask. Enjoy.
>hiro's male hair v1.3
>Whichever fag made this didn't ESL flag it, but it should be fine to compress its FormIDs then flag it yourself.
>salt & wind textures for hiro's male hair v1.3
>Cosmos Hair Galore v2.9

Dismembering Framework? It got leaked a few days ago.
are you counting the instances of Sniffina? this is important info
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I know paid mods are bad but they did a pretty good job here, I really like it. I wish they would have focused more on the Oblivion realm or the Ayleid dungeons instead of splitting their focus on both.
Sometimes I think that people complaining about Nexus are right and then I remember that all of these small "classic" "soulful" modding site forums are shit like vector and I am consumed with murderous rage
Memories of having to make an introductory post before being allowed to download files and other such nonsense
The number of wives he has :^)
327, half probably when Myth was doing Myth thing
>26 sniffina, 3 snifina
Can't say I miss him. (I'm furiously knocking on wood as I click post)
no they're still right, nexus is just better than those sites and also steadily proceeds to being as annoying as those sites through eternal greed
How does that differ from your normal posting habits?
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He doesn't have THAT many.
really, only 26 sniffinas?
I expected more tbqh
I normally don't hit my desk when I post.
I call her Sniffer, personally.
now look up Sifinanon and see how many times anons called you this (I started it)
jk I lied. other anons were more clever than I. I said it best though
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>decide to install Xtudo's mod that adds some nice unique models to Hammet dungeon loot
>turned out it it required some of 4thunknown's armor mods for textures
>now I have gone down a rabbit hole of downloading a crap ton of mods mid playthrough again
unoptimised >:(
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this tickles my allergies
You do have Pee and Fart My patches and fixes 4k optimized 3BA 3BBBE CBBE HD in your game, right anons?
mmm she looks tasty.
obviously, for realism and immersion of course haha
>not using Pee and Fart My patches and fixes 4k optimized 3BA 3BBBE CBBE HD NG
Oddly in both LE and SE I've never run into a hammet replacer item that had a broken texture, I'll have to recheck what I've got
That escalated quickly
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kek that first mention
tfw also made that thread
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is Fashions Of The Fourth Era good enough?
I want a repaint for vanilla NPCs clothing, tired of seeing them with the same shit
i want to rest my penis in an elf's ear, and marry and impregnate an elf and have lots of children and a happy family
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It's alright, I use Common Clothes for NPC clothing diversity though.
Chey too? One bosmer slut with giga milkers wasn't enough for him?
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All your waifus belong to me.
I prefer old Chey over mega-milkers Chey tbhwyf.
>I'm going to pound this Dwemer so hard she too will zero-sum
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Krosis, I only know how to say sorry in the dragon tongue.
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Sometimes seeing which dialogue options have been used reveals a lot about a player or character
>look it up
>it's literally 90% Common clothes and armors
literally just use this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21305 you don't need to go out of your way to go to some random dude's website
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Another day another drip
what about the "fugly trying to be cute" one ?
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If anons are anything to go by, all waifus belong to Snakestone.
Hey, we're Dawnguardbuddies.
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Trying to figure out a way to remedy Civil War battlefields being such rich pickings for economy reasons
It makes a little bit of sense, and I already have hostility for shared crime factions seeing you loot a body, but having those heaps of gear just laying around for the taking irks my tism
There was an skse mod that made looting corpses (and most other things) become stolen goods and I kind of like that idea but the author's a complete basket case and it's not really configurable
That's where I'm at.
My man Brurthor got powercreped
We can go midder
I feel like a risk system should be in place.
They should be garrisoned by the winning side or be able to get raided by bandits (like the hand placed enemies system) so there's consideration to be had about taking the stuff.
I wish corgis were real in tesg
dumb Orc mage slut
How much work are you willing to do?
You can remove merchant keywords from the civil war gear so that you cannot sell it without the speech perk
You can make it all non playable so that the player cannot loot it
You can reduce its value(with the justification that no merchant is willing to pay for war uniforms)
Looting corpses of fallen soldiers is dishonorable. Learn to roleplay and imagine what your character would choose to do instead of trying to mod pointless tedium into the game.
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man I just wish for even more vanilla clothes with SPID so every save has its own fashion
For the most part the survivors tend to stick around and patrol the area but they're pretty easy to fleece and don't always care about you taking the opposing side's gear
I also have genesis running in the background so bandits and friends will turn up on occasions

Actually the speech perk/keywording is a great idea because I don't have it in my current Speach tree
Will have to see just how many things need to be altered at that rate

Non-playable armor is also a nice idea because it could make having more actors more manageable resourceswise but introduces its own issues and takes away from the essential "strip everything of worth" experience
does anyone have any video of Moe Paarthurnax like all I've seen is just screenarchery but no actual videos of Partysnax being a moe anime girl
Looks like the one and only girl I ever fucked
Why would I care about honor?
Half the reason it came to mind was that I have a chest full of hundreds of imperial uniforms as a result of turning them into skeletons and it's both silly to hang on to and remarkably annoying to actually make use of without just breaking them down into equally redundant raw materials
and then when it extends to an unscrupulous new character, happening across such becoming an instance of dissonant roleplay is precisely the annoyance I sought to fix
You mathematically can't. Quality is completely static no matter how much time or sanity is invested.
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I just deleted my overwrite directory in MO2, how fucked am I?
then turn the value of the imperial/stormcloak armor sets down to trash levels in xedit. Takes 5 minutes. All that mass produced tattered cloth and tin armor should be near worthless anyway, especially after being used in battle.
And here I am modding skyrim again
Cat was named by his father
He was still a racist like 99% people at the time
You and Yarti's fault for canonically having half a dozen waifus as the couple's sex servants
he also became a socialist and denounced his own racism much unlike most people at the time but of course nothing is ever enough to not be deemed a vile demon
If you had anything in it in the first place, you fucked up anyway.
>looting corpses of fallen soldiers is dishonorable
The dead have no more need of their spoils. And if it's good enough for Conan -- the most honorable barbarian to ever live -- it's good enough for you.
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These things happen.
He'd still be considered a racist nowadays. I'm sure actual minority rights activists of the time would be considered racist by modern standards
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>And if it's good enough for Conan -- the most honorable barbarian to ever live
Have you read the fucking books?
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>8 instances of Shitfina
>5 are me
Absolutely devilish

RIP to your Racemenu presets
You're also gonna have to rebuild all your Bodyslide stuff, and most of your MCM menus will go back to default settings, as well as all your saved smoothcam/IED/whatever configs (provided you had any)

I mean, Malcolm X was a notorious "reverse-segragationist" even for his time. Even if he was right.
There is literally nothing wrong with overwrite
absolutely they would be lol, lotta retardation posted online now
piss and shit general
>RIP to your Racemenu presets
You're also gonna have to rebuild all your Bodyslide stuff, and most of your MCM menus will go back to default settings, as well as all your saved smoothcam/IED/whatever configs (provided you had any)

Oof... but nothing lethal, thankfully.

True, just as there isn't anything wrong with keeping all your files in the trash bin for convenience.
I look like a male version of your waifu.
blame her clueless and the mentor mercenary who give "advice"about clothing
Bsaed fridgemaxxer
Have you read the original Robert E. Howard short stories?
I blame her mother for drinking during the pregnancy.
also this
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even back then we had seams
getting rid of seams is just not elder scrolls lore accurate
it looks like her head and hair are decoupled too heh
Are you hitting on me
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prove it
take a poop in the middle of whiterun
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Welcome to the party
>3/8 dentists agree
it's over

welcome, elder scroller
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>reacquired the slideset from last year that I accidentally saved over
lowpoly slop is back on the menu
I'm particularly proud of the nose seam
Ah, Michulrg gro-Jackorz
What in the name of all that shits.
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I'm talking about them. The ones where he (twice) almost raped a girl, barred from it only by the plot. Where he started off as a thief, trying to sneak in and out of the Elephant Tower and steal wizard's treasures. Where he betrayed and backstabbed his captain and took over his pirate ship. Where he raided, robbed and killed people across most of the known world for years because he lived only for his own passions and pleasures.
At some point, he was trapped in a fiend-infested dungeon, and a random-ass slave came down to him, risking his life to personally kill someone whose death was already assured, because this slave was wronged by Conan and his pirates years ago in a faraway land. Imagine being so downright bad, you can't even die in a prison filled with unimaginable monstrosities without one of your past victims happening to be nearby and dead-bent on personally avenging his brother and tribe.

Sure, he had his character development, and became a good king at the end, but "most honorable barbarian"? Bitch, please...
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No, you've got it all wrong, MJ was speaking out against the bloodsucking subterranean monsters whereas this one is just pre-prepared with everything except the eyes
not bad
>when a snowskin motherfucker says something so nedic you need to break out that aldmeri stare
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I love serana.

Serana shows up almost 11000 times, because she's the most discussed elder scrolls character.

My own character's name from Skyim never comes up, because I don't post about her. But the name does actually appear a few hundred times coincidentally, because apparently she shares a name with a popular boss from final fantasy, magic the gathering card, and it seems at least one character from a japanese fighting game.


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Unga bunga PhD in philosophy goes brrr
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Has anyone using "Market Stall"
encountered the save corruption script issues that I've seen in the comments, or is that down to user error?
There are different levels of modifying a character in a way that is not vanilla friendly.
level 1: giving serana a hat
level 2: changing the size of her breasts
level 3: giving her a new face
level 4: replacing the entire model completely
level 5: adding male parts
That's not Todd with +40k mention, my favorite tes character
You forgot the voice actor which is one of the more commonly altered parts, and "replacing the entire model" isn't how the game works vs. increasing cup size anyway, those are the same
So really the entire premise of your post was because you wanted to discuss penises but needed a cover
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The current iteration is a little lighter on being a titcow
Well by replacing the entire model I meant like replacing serana with a model of a train or master chief.
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Look at how they treated that poor man, persecuted for his craft, and falsely accused at that.
The most vanilla friendly way I've found to modify Serana is https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/65825
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Much better, desu.
I don't know what it is
Can't imagine wishing to bang Serana when her mother is right over there.
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Yeah, we usually find some privacy first.

*ba dum tsch*

Giving Serana a hat is kino though
Come on, it's only part of your soul...
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this is my most recent pic of serena, sorry.
>forces you to white knight a prolific murderer
What did he MEAN by that?
She's got an ass like a sabertooth
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i don't advertise him as much
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You wouldn't, right?
Cheyenne and Eriandel doing boobelf things together
has dawnguard side any reason to do all that elder scroll/bow finding expeditions? in the end we still fight harkon without any special edge from those. We could just rush him way earlier and result will be the same instead of selling my soul to enter soul cairn or vale adventure
You could bang both. Oyakodon is the thinking man's fetish.
Her voice is awful
suits the lame ass character perfectly
wat mod?
You pretty much want to get the scrolls to find the bow before Harkon, and you also need the bow to fight him.
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Theyve already done that tho
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This Reaper mod takes longer than I had really planned on so I think I'll be coming back to it
interesting either way
The arcing shot magic skull spell looks pretty fun

You can give him the bow (why?) and still kill him, you just have to wait for his blood bubble bath to finish and it takes longer as he heals
It'd be as you said if they hadn't added the option to surrender it for no reason, narratively or otherwise
Being even partially soul trapped is not good for your physical condition.
Yeah? And how do you know that? Are you a soul-trapping expert?
M'aiq was soul trapped once. Not very pleasant.
You should think about that once in a while.
Yeah there's a lot of problems when it comes to the writing of the Dawnguard dlc, still, I really like it.
whiterun is a dump anyway
>infuse arrows with sunlight that doesn't even tickle serana
>they blow harkon the fuck out of the sky
The dead eyes and hair greying shortly after being (partially) soul trapped are indicators. But maybe you're correct.
Now this is shitposting
They can do it again
>install dyndolod
>riverwood bridge disappears
>install dyndolod
uoooooh cum gutters
You basically just called that waifu a gutter slut man that's not cool
If those are gutters to you I'd hate to see your house
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did you dindu your lods after installing it?
dyndulod is garbage crap software
Honestly i'm half-tempted to just do it all through lodgen instead. Is it any better?
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I love how 4chan is filled with rabid contrarians, 90% of population will hate anything and everything at least remotely popular solely because it's popular.
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its hot right
>wahhh you dont like thing i like contrarian contrarian!!!!
get over it you faggot not everyone likes the same thing. maybe go back to kindergarten and learn this
I wouldn't be surprised if a significant percent of the dedicated userbase of dinnerlods posted here as compared to the ones who just do it once sometime
anon... you do both...
is my brain fried or does this not make any sense
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Whatever, just be ready to jump the ship when whatever you stanning for rn get over 30 endorsments on nexus.
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I enjoy thing
love em
will you ever do suprathicc chey again?
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Bsaed thing enjoyer
>wonder if the wife will let me fuck this one too
i think it's probably something more along the lines of those with strong opinions on w/e being the loudest
just like with politics, youtube comments and waifus
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I also enjoy thing
Yes I know, but lodgen can handle object lod and occlusion as well as terrain lod, you just normally leave those for dyndolod since it supposedly does a better job.
Nice rack
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i am not enjoying that you are enjoying thing as it reminds me that enjoying thing has been less enjoyable the longer i am enjoying thing also, therefore i am resentful of you enjoying thing
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Probably, my body tastes change with the wind
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based creature mod user

Snakestone isn't a waifu, therefore he doesn't fuck animals.

are there any good OStim modlists that include stuff like rape?
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>snakestone isn't a waifu
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waifus don't have benis
What is the lore reason for the heterochromia?
i agree with the sentiment, but we seem to be in the minority with this opinion
She's turning into a vampire dumbass
One eye at a time.
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Picrel is 90% of all ostim SA mods
Ostim barely has anything rapey, I mean there's the acheron submods Osimpledefeat and Assault, but the only anim packs it has that are agressive are Baka's and a port of funnybiz
are those dogma animations the ones from the thief alpha or from the full release?
That's what she gets for forgetting the cumbrellas
name 5 waifus that have a benis
so would it be better to just stick with SexLab, or just give up on the rape part, if my main goal is an immersive and actually polished experience
What was the Soul Cairn's tax policy?
both of blints waifus
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I always do the soul trap option. Not just because being a vampire is stupid, but also because I like to make a little necklace out of my soul and give it to Serana, so my soul is always close to her heart....

>but that's not how soul trapping works
Snakestone is the only waifu on that List
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>goal is an immersive and actually polished experience
>bethesda game
Keda is an honorary waifu, all of those other ones are just downright men.
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they were just some anim pack I found while looking for animations
I didn't even know there were part of another mod
>when all of the submods and anim packs are still Hard ESPs and jank as fuck
thanks for the link, i guess its just the old slal pack from the alpha converted
kinda sad, because the animations in dogma's mod are quite smooth and good
fyi they're from the mod thief on loverslab, which is probably the only worthwhile quest&coom mod
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bros pls help me im LOSING it
WHY my game is slightly too fucking bright at 1pm?
I uninstall everything and re-install + tried other stuff but I still prefer the vanilla look (I had nothing but Auto Parallax + Community Shaders in the first place)
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I have a masters in enchanting and a Phd in conjuration (contra Mystica, Windhelm university press, Windhelm) and I can tell you that trearing your soul apart and transfering parts of it to a foreign object is not good for you.
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No. Keda is forecer ruined because of the penis oh my days why is the only known redguard waifu a futanari is this what I get for liking them brown?
do we have more TES versions of this meme?
are you playing skyrim on a TI-82?
Looks good on my machine
>download male preset
>doesn't work
>download another male preset
>doesn't work
>download another male preset
>doesn't work
>download another male preset
>doesn't work
>download another male preset
>doesn't work
>download another male preset
>doesn't work
what went wrong? i have high poly faces installed.
I found a Soul Trap tome in the dumpster and learned the hard way. I miss my Mom bros...
>male preset
just create your own males are the easiest characters to create
Are you importing the sculpts as well
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here, I dunno how that was broken
She's a babe with big heaving brown tits, handlebars, a loli form, AND a huge fucking horse cock. What else could a man need?
Da bad poussey
>Not a werebeast
Don't want it don't need it if I can't smell her from down the block she isn't worth my time
best melee companion? (mods included)
a restraining order
Optimus Prime.
>multiple House M.D. references the last handful of threads
Alright damnit I'm going to finish which ever season I left off on while I write up and craft my next Oblivion character.
I use House's withdrawal episodes ad sleep aids
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so let me get this strait
why not just collect male semen to use for soul food or whatever

like at what point does a soul become mature?
Did you skip the day in school when they explained what reproductive cells actually do?
It's up(dated)
it's op
fuckable female please
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I'm pretty eager to give it a try but I'll wait until I'm done with my knighfu's playthrough before updating. I'm sure there's going to be some bugs popping up they didn't catch during testing that'll need to be fixed.
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>tfw new update
>it's 1.5gb bigger than preveious version
>you can't update from the previous version without starting a new game
>oh and it's hit it's TENTH anniversary
I think I might screenshot a bunch this week. What percentage of it should be outright porn versus SFW?
How horny are you
Getting soul trapped must suck in part due to your incorporeal form always wearing the same clothes for eternity. If I were an evil man, I'd execute criminals while they were wearing a maid outfit.
could justify either and /aco/ is continually in a stage of dying
Should have added another A or B to ensure being at the top of the list allways
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Fairly horny, but I don't do lewd photosets very often.
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What are ENBs that work with nighteye?
>continually in a stage of dying
If you don't start lewding your blue cow over there it's going to be a reckoning and pox upon your house.
I would but I get slapped whenever I do. What a horrible night to have a curse.
not blue-fuposter
Getting kotposter vibes from this reply
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made some 50ish chad with armor and no face, he's a war mage and is gonna make his harem of big tiddy virgin qties and bring justice to skyrim and spread the word of thalos.
Not quite
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and oldie but a goodie
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here's him without the helmet
thank you
make it next edition
reminds me of a bruce campbell off-shoot
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alright I had to install a weather mod to fix it (perhaps there's another way but I had enough)
Nights = horror but I hope Vanilla Nights will fix it
good night anons, good night todd
I'm done
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Now eat it all off the floor
I see that bloodstain as well
yuge sweeping opportunity
No loligagging
She gagged it on her own accord, I swear
I may or may not have hit Mirabelle a couple of times by tossing stuff down.
Altmer babes bullying Imperial hebes with wedgies
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>serana can't be this cute
i can fix her
would OStim be better for what i want then? or did skyrim mods just never reach what im hoping for?
Namira is the scariest daedric prince, followed by Vaermina, and Sanguine (if they went full slannesh with him)
nice clothes, mod?
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so.. ugh...
do I have to clean up my mods or it's just workā„¢ with other existing mods?
It does not just work
my Thalmorbros.... it's only matter of time before the rest fall
then up to the waiting list it goes (will never download)
you're just jelly your god doesn't have big tits
opulent outfit replacer https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/41079
SSE bros
it's finally here
In the context of Rape? yes, Osimpledefeat and assault are okay for being victim and the attacker respectively, though there's no NPC-on-NPC emergent struggle-snuggles. no beast stuff either if your into that. But overall Ostim SA has largely replaced Sexlab in my modlist, it's more focused on being "Big R Roleplay" with all the romance and sandbox mods rather than the more Fetish-y gooeyness of SL, Plus it's far better performance and loadorder wise
Iā€™d shoot him
that actually sounds way more like what i want, im not into the goofy monster shit or anything
do you have a modlist you could recommend or make?
Why are nords and orcs the most common race among bandits? Do they not have actual skills that benefit society? Surely, finding a stable job with a nice wife or husband is more suitable.
almost like skyrim is the country of nords and theres a bunch of orcs in the mountains or something
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>install female kaidan for kicks
>I've been camping above the abandoned prison this entire time so go down there
>start hearing a steady thumping noise, that's kind of spooky
>see this
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I can make her worse
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TOYMY, literally. disregard modpacks most are genuine shit made by trend chasers who are as tech-illiterate as your average smart phone drone. you speak like you're not really familiar with skyrim modding if so there are numerous guides on the tesgeneral website that should point you towards the right direction. there was once a guide made by the Viva New Vegas guys I would've highly recommended, but I think they threw a tantrum after the anniversary update and destroyed it.
Nords are retarded backwards savages and orcs are retarded backwards savages from a retarded culture that alienates all none-chieftain males.
What are some of the better core gameplay overhaul mods for Skyrim?
oh thank goodness someone archived it
Brother, you cannot fix somebody who willingly invoked Molag seed into her very being. She's his forever or until she gets STAKD
This however, is the only way it works. Making her worse is possible.
I'm just saying.
Well there are some good nords like the ones you see in towns but it's crazy that alot of them prefers being a bandit instead.
What helmet is the nigga wearing
She's getting absolutely tonycubed in there (the sun aura can't reach)
Using both hands to cast bukkake spells.
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wait a minute....that's not magic...
Masturbation is a perfectly valid school of magic!
I'm pretty sure there's no trainers to raise that skill.
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hello, cheesey kot
what are you thoughts on this mod
Kajcheese haha get it. ty ty
i don't think she willingly did it
Me. I'm the trainer and some openings are available.
She certainly did.
>steam screenshots for oblivion
>landscapes of all types
>hideous player characters
>funny jokes

>skyrim screenshot page on steam

Yeah not sorry, the Skyrim community is way better.
no she didn't
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I haven't launched SE since last year and there's an update that's set to auto-install when I do so. Is there a way to avoid it? Should I even avoid it or just accept it?
Valerica says
"It was expected of her, just as it was expected of me. Being selected as an offering to Molag Bal is an honor. She wouldn't have dared turn her back on that."
however, Serana herself says
"For those willing to subjugate themselves, he will still bestow the gift, but they must be powerful in their own right before earning his trust."
"The ceremony was... degrading. Let's not revisit that. But we all took part in it. Not really wholesome family activity, but I guess it's something you do when you give yourselves to a daedric lord."
>Do you ever think about curing yourself?
"A cure? Why even think of it that way? I can't think of any reason I'd want to lose my gift. Especially after what I did to get it."
>I admire your devotion.
"Not many people understand the appeal. You keep surprising me. Now, you might already know that Molag Bal is the original source of vampirism. But what you probably don't know is that he still grants it to his more impressive followers."
Looks pretty willing to me.
Oh, and of course
>I'm a follower of Molag Bal, myself.
"I have to admit, I'm impressed. I didn't think you had the spirit for it.
Now, you might already know that Molag Bal is the original source of vampirism.
But what you probably don't know is that he still grants it to his more impressive followers.
This isn't that watered down child's power that you simply contract from another vampire.
We're pureblood creations of original vampires. We earned this."
Quite proud of being a bloodsucker in fact! Not just a normal one but a superbloodsucker as it were.
I usually pirate but steamed hams say picrel werks to prevent updoots
if you have some mods setup you'll most likely want to avoid it
otherwise it's not really a big deal until you get picky about ur mods
It only autoinstalls when you open the beth launcher (not running SKSE via mod organizer) but you should also set the manifest to read-only as was said before
there is a small chance that it updated without launching if you left it for a year but it is not likely
Well she is an evil bloodsucking fucking shit that deserves nothing but a stake to the heart like Bal gave her a mace to the bum.
I'd corner her house of troubles if you mean my catching
Define core gameplay?
>Basic aspecs of gameplay (Race, Perks, Magic, Combat etc.)
Try EnaiRim or SimonRim those are the two main "rpg-ification" overhaul mods everyone uses
>Level scaling?
Morroloot Ultimate or Sky revamped
>Vanilla Questlines?
At Your Own Pace slows the storyline down so that you can do you without the stress of a world ending apocalypse looming over you
i like the way you think and that is the darkest elf ive ever seen. brilliant.
I have decided to mostly screenshot SFW pics because I want to fuck around with that fantasy series 6 version now that I have the full version of it.
it's up
we are one step closer to a true /tesg/ cowfu
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Eh. It's pretty clear she was groomed into it by her parents, but she also went into the ceremony of her own free will, after grooming. So the exact line where it's her idea is shady.
For what it's worth, in cases where grooming is proven to have occurred, plenty of cult leaders and other various predators have lost the case and gone to jail for saying "well they consented" or "well they joined my cult willingly" and other similar things. Most people know what grooming is and how it manipulates a person, people here just like to meme.

You can also examine her dialogue to learn her true feelings. She never actually says anything positive about Bal personally, she only speaks positively of the power he grants his followers, and that being tough enough to endure the religion makes you a badass. She says outright that vampirism "was on the whole a bad thing" and that she does indeed "regret what it did to my family".
When you ask her about a cure, she says she doesn't want to give up the power she has been given after the shit she went through to get it, which is not what a religiously devout person says. A religiously devout person would say no on the grounds that they want to follow their god. This tells us she doesn't like the religion for real, she's been told it's power and she likes the benefits of the deal. Imagine if you asked a christian priest to give up his religion, and he says "no, I like the power that the priesthood gives me". Every other priest would give him shit for that style of belief. You're supposed to actually like the deity you serve.

The precise details and word choice Serana uses throughout the dlc is actually really interesting to examine. There's a lot to gleam between the lines.Sometimes I wonder how much of it was intentional and how much of it was accidental or added by the voice actor. Because her lines after she gets cured end the question, she prefers being free. They are beautiful lines and anyone actually wondering sees
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I have a serious self control problem
recommend more weapons and armors, preferably non-skimpy
cool, have fun. I'm gonna go do the opposite
I want to racemix with khajiit
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*blocks your path*
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Ok /tesg/, you upset my grandfather with your half-naked waifus. Why do your toons not wear actual protective armor?
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mages don't even need to wear clothes
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Ty. Looking back through old pics, that's the last pic I ever saved from this general for future reference. I never saw the tiny "appmanifest_etc" text until just now. Now it makes sense
because of
si senora
Sir, this is not Toontown, the game in which your characters, AKA your avatars, are called Toons. Because Toontown. This is TES general
Greetings brother Elf. Good to see a familiar face so far from home.
Bugs Bunny only wore clothes when it was funny.
Magicka is restricted the more metal plates you wear. As for my headcanon case, her breasts can't fit in normally deigned breasts plates so without it looking too silly she provides a plate on top of her puppies plus the skull activates stoneflesh in combat.
I haven't posted my half-naked waifu this thread, though.
now i can be just like starfield
Anyone try framegen from lossless scaling on skyrim yet? Wondering how bad the additional input lag really is

>Why do your toons not wear actual protective armor?
because it's 9:30 at night & she's enjoying sujamma in her inn room, your grandpa is a bitch
ah, the ol' pyjamma sujamma
Pretty nice cope
da faq is this shit anon?
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maximum comfy
The best time of night.
what does sujamma taste like?
>look up answer
>get some random reddit post
>scroll down
>see this
Uhhh. . .
I mean it would make sense. Other waifus do it because they're sluts without shame and dignity and they should've had breton mothers to raise them.
sujamma is the only one that we don't know the contents of, the other ones are basically moonshine levels of comberry and saltrices
it's just described as a liquor
I wish Synthia was my breton mother shamefully raising me
sake, probably
>install futa texture
If we're going off posted lewds (all lewds are canon), you've got nothing but prostitutes. Perhaps Breton parenting isn't all it's cracked up to be. :^)

It's meant to be potent but doesn't fall into the existing categories of harder liquors we've got more descriptions of. tl;dr dunmer booze folded a thousand times lightweight s'wits go home.
>just a cheeky sos swap and bang
i believe you found a certain somebodys screen name
And you'll perhaps turn out fine. Hell, you may even get a well respected job like a professor at the mage college.
Well in alot of those non-canonical pictures, the waifus are just the victims.
>non-canonical pictures
maybe to you
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when you can't think of a name for a monster in your mod, just smash your face into the keyboard
We both know there is more to the magic than just that, this isn't a woman we're talking about after all
>leggings tone is close enough to look nude
elf tricks
I can't believe you're allowed to walk around like that
So they're not just canonically hos, they're also constantly walking into trouble. That Breton parenting I tell ya, it's a mess.

If it works for the Welsh naming their kids, why not critters.
>11babs voiced argonian follower
aaand dropped
CLEARLY you have no honor. Thus, you cannot define it.
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not sure how much I'll be playing today. Doctor's visit.
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it's clearly battle pants fit for maximum maneuverability. old Chimer technique passed down through the ages, you wouldn't understand
I will not judge them on their word casserole names when my culture seems to think adding -iqua at the end of things is peak naming
GP. Asking for a referral to a orthopedist for my leg.
any good alternative start that let me wake up with an armor a sword and a shield and completelly skip the greybeard initial quest?
making mods has burnt me out. it feels like a job now whenever I think about booting up Skyrim. feels bad
alternate perspective
can you make a mod that adds ranks to mystic binding so i dont have to exploit to make cjn weapons tolerable? 200% dmg on all pieces of gear is kinda
What gd Serana replacer is this
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I feel ya, dude. I need to schedule a neurologist appointment myself to get checked for sciatica
it's updated 5 minutes ago
The combat. Eg: Attacking, defending, magic and bows.

What mods make the combat better?
My last name has 25 letters and a cultural fondness for run on naming altogether so I can't judge them too harshly on that but since we don't share a romantic fondness with the kiwi choice of partners I can still claim the high ground.

Unbound lets you pick some starter gear but it only skips Bleak Falls as a requirement before they dingle their bell. Or just disables the MQ altogether.
I don't even know what mystic binding is nigga
I never see anons talking about this mod as opposed to Thief
conjuration tree, effects bound weapon damage
what's wrong with your leg?
It's alright. It's not some giant questline spanning the entire world full of minigames and branching choices though. Thief is on another level.
nevermind, found what i was looking for by using other keywords

i am a retarded magician
what happens if you constant effect enchant Bound Whatever on something?
woke up with mystery pain last september. past 9 days it's gotten worse. last time it was dismissed as an inflamed tendon but it's definitely not that.
rip. how old are you?
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this burning banners mod makes banners solid so you can't walk through doorways when modders put banners as doors. dumb
What kind of pain? Knee pain? Back of leg? Does it radiate from your spine?
or I could just uninstall a shit mod
I bet if you knew how to mod, you could easily open the mod and disable collision on everything.
or I could just uninstall it because the creator is retarded and probably fucked it up in other ways that I have yet to discover.
You guys know how FO4 has mods like 'better locational damage' that greatly improve the combat? What does Skyrim have? Anything that makes the combat deeper and more difficult would be nice.
precision is the closest match for your example, but sadly there really aren't any mods that materially improve the combat significantly aside from that. precision + one of the basic rebalancing mods for combat is about the best you can do without getting sucked into a quagmire of bloated garbage.
"Aim low. Aim so low, no one will even care if you succeed. Dinnerā€™s in the oven. If you want some butter itā€™s under my face."
I heard that there's some mods that make the combat more like Dark Souls.
yeah that's the quagmire of bloated garbage I was talking about
outside of my thigh, lingering but worse or better on occasion. I can't put too much weight on it so I use a cane.
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Well shit, guess I will change my vampire character up a little. Still having regrets that I could not properly finish my dark elf conjurer from a few weeks back
>better locational damage
That's just rebalance, nothing special
Skyrim has a ton of stuff like that, blade and blunt and so on
>leg problems that young
ngmi. maybe try losing some weight if you're overweight to put less stress on your legs
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Urge to use a 2h axe again with Snakestone is rising.
I'm underweight. I'll die if I lose any more weight
>outside of my thigh,
I was thinking it might be something caused by pronated feet misaligning your knees, or nerve pain caused by sitting all day. If it's not tendonitis then I'm betting it's nerve damage from you sitting a lot and/or being overweight. Either sciatica or meralgia paresthetica.
I'm not overweight so I doubt that's the cause. ~60 kilograms for 1.87m tall.
Ah, the serpent stone. I don't think I've ever used it. I had to look it up to figure out what it does. That's neat. I hope TES VI makes the standing stones more than once a day. I suppose if you want to paralyze and two-hand, alchemy is the optimal way to play it.
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Double-Bladed Battle Axes are one of my favorite fantasy aesthetics. The symmetry really does it for me. The single blades are cool too.
>That's just rebalance
Just off the top of my head it, it changes shotguns to have mega damage inside of 1m and gives a chance to blow a limb off while the person remains alive for a while. It makes all headshots lethal so long as you have the right caliber to get through someone's type of helmet or a beast's skull. I found that it made me use the 10mm solely for ghouls and keep a 50cal for one shotting behemoths.
Do City mods break Quests and NPC mods? I'm running a fairy mod heavy setup right now (600 mods) and I'm looking to add some City Overhaul mods. But, I'm worried that installing City Mods could potentially break modded NPCs and Quests. Am I right in assuming so, or am I wrong?
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Never actually used the serpent stone. Might make sense to.

It's just something about NordWar's Sons of Skyrim axes that are doing it for me. Maybe it's just how Nordic they look and feel.

I've never ran into any issues. Most city mods edit navmeshing however, so a quest that requires heavy navmeshing might be altered in some way?
Your lifestyle? Are you sedentary? I mean I assume you are now, but before the pain, were you exercising often and maintaining good posture? My money is still on a compressed LFC nerve, but you might also simply have a weak thigh muscle that needs some stretching and training.
hope it's nothing bone related.
There's simply no point in making a war axe double sided. It would make way more sense to put a spike on the back for penning armor and pulling mounted soldiers from their horses.
Certainly, but I did say "aesthetics" not "practicality"
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I'm sorry anon- if it helps, you can look forward to TES6, which will no doubt be full of brown boobies!
I think that's very unlikely at his age. Besides that, bones usually don't hurt unless they're broken to some degree.
You've just described simple rebalance
All these things are already part of the vanilla game and mod just alters values
You aren't sorry not one bit!
Cancer. All the reason our homeboy needs to get it checked asap.
The coloniser memes would break containment if Skyrim 2 was set in Hammerfell. The screen of the land we saw totally looks like High Rock terrain to me, though.

>Implying it won't be both
I bet that will be what happens.
The closest thing to that sort of rebalance for Skyrim (that is good and works properly) is KYE2 Armors - it adjusts how much damage you do with certain weapon types versus certain armors (so if you use a greatsword, you might want to keep a mace handy or learn a shock spell for heavy armored enemies).

Locational damage is pretty much separate, there's a framework for it with Precision but nothing that doesn't require megabloat yet. I'm looking at the config files now to see how viable something lightweight that just touches damage would be.
I go on extended bicycling trips fairly regularly (even now, it doesnā€™t affect cycling as much), and Iā€™ve taken precautions to improve my posture for the past few years of my life
I donā€™t think it is. I had an X ray last year when this started
I hope witcher tranny doesn't get cancer. I like the memes about him
Hard disagree. Helmets and headshots are totally different. It's a new game with that mechanic. In some ways it reminds me of how FNV made you pick your weapon based on more than just DPS. You benefit greatly from assuring armor pen.
i wonder if we're gonna get playable briar hearts if skyrim; 2 electric boogaloo is set in high rock? I'm really hoping female characters get a more accurate briar heart placement compared to the mods we have now
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>run nemesis
>update engine
>generate behaviors
>rinse and repeat 17 times until it works randomly
I know i've got a lot of animations but sheesh
So it's pain, but not loss of strength if you power through it. Honestly it might still be tendonitis, or the after affects thereof. I injured my right forearm tendons badly by ignoring the tendonitis warning signs while doing weighted pull ups. Even 7 years later, they not gone back to their pre-injury feeling. I still get flair ups of pain if I do push ups, hammer curls or pull ups because the tendons in that arm are less stretchy now.
I'll look into KYE2 Armors and Precision, then.
Physio thought it was tendonitis but I donā€™t think that even after PT treatment that the tendonitis would stick for 9 months and suddenly get worse. I certainly hope not.

Regardless. Orthopedist referral made. Iā€™ll shut up about this now.
Blood shouldn't look that bright.
>I donā€™t think tendonitis would stick for 9 months
Ha, it can stick around for ages if you progressed it to the point of scar tissue forming. Tendons take forever to heal, which is how tendonitis gets you. You might think "Well I did nothing for 3 weeks, so surely it's fully healed", but then you start your regime again and "ACK". For some people it feels like barbed wire sliding inside a sheath. Funnily enough, I also had problems with it at your age because I was a retard and didn't rest my muscles for at least 48 hours after each workout.

I'm sure you'll be fine though. You're getting way more care than I did.
You don't look that bright
He isn't a mod. Or is he? Model for Schlongs of Skyrim I'll wager.
only a model for size 1 schlongs of course
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hello guys :)
she doesn't need it
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But she's wearing armor where she needs to!
how's it hangin' bud
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near the knees
balls are loose
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They're all mannequins to me
the new business model for Bethesda is a bare minimum game at launch.
then they will drip feed the creation kit without any meaningful features, so people will buy their own made dlcs and creation club content.
they want to release their own dlcs every year for probably 10 years until fallout 5.
so any cool mods or features probably won't happen until at least year 7 of TES 6
Taking shits must be tantamount to involuntary to water sports
fuckin soothsayer right here
I'm just being honest. starfield and the latest Todd interview proved as much.

the sad truth is the modding community we've enjoyed the last decade and a half has always inspired Bethesda to monetize mods. theyve tried twice and somewhat succeeded, but now with Microsoft who has a playbook already with Minecraft, it's game over.

just another dystopia of modern gaming. gacha shit and micro transactions everywhere
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it is do be like that yes
>then they will drip feed the creation kit without any meaningful features
retarded take. the new ck is so much better than the previous ones it's not even funny but your a bloo bloo narrative wouldn't fit
Finally, skyrim can look like a AAA game
Yeah well Starfield doesn't even let you install more than 10 ESMs because of engine limitations that were brought in with Fallout 76 and went unnoticed because you can't mod F76.
dude all mods are ESM now what the fuck are you talking about
>bloo bloo narrative
nigga what?
the starfield ck doesn't let you make voice lip generation. that's beyond pathetic
maybe you should sync your lips to my dick how about that?
i didn't say it wasn't broken but the overall features are so much more than what you get in skyrim
Shame there's not a rush to mod that POS lol
no rush but how many skyrim mods made before 2018 are you using?
none. i dont play skyrim.
I don't understand how they could even ship it without such critical features working like that. I heard even the procedural generation stuff for points of interests weren't even working.
their incompetence is starting to feel intentional
>their incompetence is starting to feel intentional
is it really incompetence when they are the only ones giving big modding tools?
witcher 3 modding tools took 7 years to arrive
BG3 mod tools are coming this september hope you are looking forward to them because they ain't shit.
Was looking up some Dexion stuff for reference and lol:
>Dexion can occasionally be seen acting as though reading an Elder Scroll in the center room of Fort Dawnguard after the quest Seeking Disclosure.
>[REDACTED] fixes this bug.

He can probably see things we can't at this point in the story... Who's to say he's not still reading it?
the difference is those two games are excellent and were goty in their base form. starfield NEEDs mods to make it not just a slop game
you fucking wish that your favorite game shipped with modding tools
That's a really good point
Not really cope when it's true
cope harder, community support is what gives game longevity so don't try to down play it since this general is living and breathing through it
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>you wish your favorite game shipped with modding tools
people like to forget Fallout 4 didnt
their favorite game isn't skyrim this general is filled with self hating cucks who played skyrim for gazillion hours
I don't think any Bethesda game "shipped" with tools. it was always after
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i don't look like this
Yeah? Cat Cabal, you truly work in mysterious ways.
do I have to be trans to join the discord?
But NWN had mod tools on release
It was basically the whole point of the game
Sometimes bugs are just funny
>The door to Drelas' cottage is owned by Ulfberth War-Bear.
>When asking Bolli about his relationship with Haelga he will remark that he has never slept with any woman other than his wife Drifa. However, Bolli's wife is Nivenor.
>Embry was supposed to sleep at the inn between midnight and 7am, but he just keeps drinking.
>Faendal is set to follow Camilla Valerius, so if you marry Camilla, Faendal will sometimes either be found in your house or just outside.
>For some reason, Lortheim and Jora are part of the faction that owns Viola Giordano's house and front door, while Viola herself isn't.
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>>When asking Bolli about his relationship with Haelga he will remark that he has never slept with any woman other than his wife Drifa. However, Bolli's wife is Nivenor.
welcome to the champion's club
im a lizard lover
shartmoor fixed most of these
Why are Starbabbies so defensive and uppity anyway?
>be Delphine
>come up with brilliant idea to lure the Dragonborn into coming to me
>they show up according to plan
>but wait how do I know theyā€™re really Dragonborn even though they knew about the horn?
>come up with idea to force them to devour soul in front of me so I can prove they arenā€™t larping, seeing is believing after all
>speaking of seeing, we watched some dumbass black dragon revive our target and have a whole conversation with it
>the thalmor obviously did this
>also this guy isnā€™t even Dragonborn even though he used whirlwind sprint several times to get away from me
Every time Iā€™m forced to do the main quest Iā€™m forced to remember just how much of a retard she is bros
their game is shit. insecurity
There's no shortage of hatred for her or other forced bullshit in Skyrim. YEAH YOU IM MAUL I NAMED MYSELF LOL
>Embry was supposed to sleep at the inn between midnight and 7am, but he just keeps drinking.
Man on a mission.
because you always get btfo by me
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Don't care.
This is just a list of real nigga behavior that modder geeks simply cannot comprehend.
Morrowind was the only one, it's used as another excuse for the 'Morrowind Was Betterā„¢' meme.
morrowind construction kit is basic af
It lets you do everything the developers did, how's it basic?
Can you stop stalking me? Cat cabal hates my waifu and i didn't do anything to them
because Todd is still out there creating shit games. we shouldn't always do what the developer does.
morrowind itself is basic but it's better for dungeons and quest mods because no voice acting
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>trans jokes
what aren't you telling us?
I used to rag on Dawnguard but honestly this shit is peak writing compared to the MQ and every other questline
>Invoking the mistake that is Serana
nah mate cant get down with that
what if I told you Arthmoor doesn't like niggers much?
I mean it's still nonsensical
The rest is just much much worse
I'll report his nexus account if he opened his mouth
fair play bud but i really do dislike her that much
How does Vyrthur "coming up with that prophecy" work again?
Relax that anon is probably just happy he finally has a vampire hunting faction with cool fashion. That's the only justification I have for it at any rate.
Same because it's peak tumblr but the best character in MQ is Hefid the Deaf
great take lad because he doesnt have to suffer like we do
Bucket. Knife. Book.
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Don't care.
"Fixing" features will always make him a retard.
The main problem with Dawnguard is not letting me kill Serana immediately.
It doesn't even give you the choice to axe her after the fact that she is instrumental to fulfilling the "prophecy" by definition is revealed. Even if your character was braindead enough to not kill her on sight as a Dawnguard member towards the beginning of the questline, that should be the point at which all bets are off. Why are there no more Daughters of Coldharbour anyway? Sounds odd for there to only be about 2.
You aren't wrong. Dude worried about representation of retards and stepped over the line.
100% and I say this as a Soul Cairn hater. It's not even that she sends me there, that can be worked around. It's Serana as created.
This really sums up the choices in Bethesda games.
Playing LE without mods so I can't alt+tab and screenshot my game

First post decides my race and gender
Female Redguard
>two redguards
What if, starting from the next thread, a bunch of useless shit was nuked from the OP in favour of actually relevant and updated content ?
I wanna shop around for city overhauls and I know Fugstone has some guide thingy that is surely more descriptive than whatever's on the site, but I gotta dig around the archives looking for the link
Meanwhile the OP has bunch of shit I've never had a use for and was last relevant maybe 10 years ago, namely:
>/tesg/ stories
>/tesg/ social
>/tesg/ (unironically who ?) mods
trans redguard
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bros... i think i am addicted to being a breton with the atronach stone.
being magic immune changes your fucking life.
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never understood this menu, I select full smp because I'm using fast hdt but there is no spell or toggle. wat do anons?
>representation of retards
What does this entail? Did he rewrite an NPC or something?
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>When men run around half-naked its seen as badass and empowering
>When women do it everyone loses their mind
Hotkey in mcm
trans bipoc redguard with nose sliders MAXED out
>What if, starting from the next thread, a bunch of useless shit was nuked from the OP in favour of actually relevant and updated content ?
make it then and ze people will decide whether it's good or not
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Men are strong and women are weak
Besides, no one wants someone staring at your woman, so hijabs are based
I am merely proposing it, I dunno if I'll be here when the new thread will need to be made
That aside, I don't actually have the links to provide in the first place
>I am merely proposing it
If sitting in generals taught me anything, absolutely no one will do uneccessary work because most people are regulars and have not looked at the op ever
You either make it and try to force people to like it or it won't happen
Provide me ze links then
I know fugstone's guide exist, but there's prolly a bunch of other relevant shit around
Maybe the dismemberment mod ?
oi vey
I dunno what links you're talking about but someone will surely come up and link em to you
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you're a real slut aren't you
Autistics can also be retarded. Which he is. Also power hungry.
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When Wet and Cold says "Add to levelled lists" does this mean the items are added to the levelled list? Or I need to to click on it to add them?
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Okay dookie. His name is Red The Guard
Looks good. Man I saw a really really Dark Elf the other day. I'm addicted to Elves now. I suggest you get to know one.
It's fantasy, so women can be strong and deflect arrows and blades with their abs and tits alone.
Juice up those lips will ya
Well that I get, I was just wondering if he altered an NPC like Narfi or one of the babbling beggars in the ratway or somesuch. I know a lot of his alterations actively muck with the base game and are based entirely on personal preference. I'm still kind of stuck using his damn patch just because so many of the mods I like seem to have it as a requirement for absolutely no discernable reason.
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looking good my brother!
With the Shartmoor you never know
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I fucking love Solstheim bros. i got this many roots from barely fucking trying and this is from raven rock to telshroomin without green thumb
Bethesda listened to the MMO devs that increasing the hardships of past games, will entice people to buy your new easy shit.
Maybe I should make my own Unofficial Unofficial Patch Patch that will get patched up by the Unofficial Unofficial Unofficial Patch Patch Patch
It'd be pretty fun to see the garbage in there
I wouldnā€™t call it better writing but at least every quest in Dawnguard served a purpose. You can cut out most of the main quest and the plot not only doesnā€™t change but gets better for it. Everything from getting the horn to essentially meeting Paarthunax is useless.
>but you have to find Esbern
The thalmor could just straight up kidnap you like they do half of the population and end with the same result
>but the wall
Everything Esbern said could have just been in a book, specifically the one that was on Delphineā€™s desk, and in helgenā€™s keep. Thereā€™s also an entire college youā€™re sent to several times that would literally have a book like that on hand.
>b-but the truce between stormfags and the mongrel dogs
You donā€™t need to have a 15 minute cutscene to come to the conclusion that fire breathing dragons and the literal end of the world is more important than Ulfricā€™s bitch fit
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Don't care
I prefer modestly dressed women in my games
Bikini armor is cringe
>every quest in Dawnguard served a purpose
Kill Serana at the start like a proper vampire hunter should and whatever "purpose" they have disappears
Should my paladin waifu paint her nails a classic and reserved red or eye-catching gold?
It's only cringe if you're a coward
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There's nothing interesting about bikini armor
Pretty > naked
Simple as
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This. It would have been a valid fasttrack to completing Dawnguard and just getting on with the comfy faction radiant quests you get from Isran and Co. Destroy the Daughter of Coldharbour and Harkon no longer has a means to enact the prophecy, which he won't even know because he will no longer have access to the Elder Scroll as it will either be 1) in the care of the Dragonborn or 2) sold to the College of Winterhold, a place the vampires would be much more shy about attacking than the Hall of the Vigilant.

Everything mind-numbingly stupid that requires mental gymnastics on the part of a player just trying to be a vampire hunter in that bullshit DLC could have been dodged with a mace to the face the second Serana steps out of her stone coffin to spout nonsensical 21st century dialogue at the player.
Who is the ass queen of tesg
Who is the tits queen of tesg
Who is the tummy queen of tesg
Who is the cock queen of tesg
If you just kill Serana and be done with it at the beginning, youā€™d have no way into soul cairn to get the other scroll, Harkon would still be alive and youā€™d have no way to actually use the bow in the way that youā€™d need to.
>but you can just storm the castle!
She takes you there
>but you can just kill everyone when you get there like in that one webm that people post whenever anybody says anything positive about growl
You had to kill Harkon with the bow that you wouldnā€™t have
>okay but what if we find out about the phropecy because we cut the bullshit and had the scroll from the beginning?
You still have no way into the soul cairn
>morrowind guides tell me that enchanting armor skill is better than shield
>cant find fortify armor spells anywhere
>wikis and usp something says its only available through console commands
so... enchant shield?
Don't have the inclination to explain to a man that doesn't understand art what makes artistic depictions of barbaric fantasy compelling in the first place
i prefer adequate protection for the duties involved so i dare say you are based but maybe not in the way you intend. my evidence? choosy sluts.
Why do you even need any of those in MW
I'm still learning how to play.
How do I make Lydia dual wield daggers? I tried giving her two but she only equips one. I'm using NFF. I wanted to setup 3 different playstyles: Axe and Shield, Dual Wielding Daggers, Strictly Bow (Not switching to melee in range)
Dunno how to do this properly for Lydia
no way this waif can wield that shield and that spear. even if she could, she is as threatening as my upside down chef knife sheathed in my kitchen because i am concerned that it might slice the wood.
>Harkon would still be alive
Doing fuck all like he's apparently done for a millenium with no access to any Daughters of Coldharbour.
>youā€™d have no way into soul cairn to get the other scroll
You wouldn't need it. Harkon has no way in there either and can't even begin to fathom looking there. It would be perfectly safe and Valerica would be damned to a hell of her own making essentially.
>Harkon would be alive
Not for long if you just charge the castle with the Dawnguard like you do at the end of the questline. There is literally no need to use the bow to actually kill him.
>She takes you there
Yes, I forgot that understanding watercraft and how to pilot a jetty would be impossible without Serana's knowledge. Tracking down the Volkihar threat wouldn't really be that hard for the Dawnguard once they properly establish themselves. You don't even need to alter more than one line of dialogue to end it the same way.
>You had to kill Harkon with the bow
No, you really don't. There is an option to give him the bow at the start of the fight, and it makes the fight harder but not impossible.
>no way into the soul cairn
Don't need it. See above.
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gamers in 2011: these graphics are epic winrar xD
>just kill Serana
Heard all I need to know. Now looking for mods to fix this oversight. Questing uninhabited is the way to be.
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>This naked ugly whore is art!
gotta love that grass lod cutout aprox 2 meters from you
Showing too much leg + visible toes = get your gay fetish shit out of here retard
that view distance reminds me of morrowind. really takes me back. oh. i rented the game. consoles and all.
Nobody here is talking about your mom, anon
>looking at the woman's feet out of the whole image
>didn't even see it myself
tsk tsk fufu pervert anon
man i am just some retarded ass nord trying to not die all the time that happens to have some enchanting mods for constant effects for non-grand souls

lydia is semi-hard coded to never dual wield
if you want just a DW partner you need to get some mercs.
that female dark elf in the drunken huntsman 100% DWs. that oldass nord woman in the bannered mare might DW

but something about lydia and heavy armor and her steel shield is hard to get off
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>posts fetish image with retarded armor aesthetics
>gets called out on it
>gets mad about it
>tries to deflect
Many such cases.
>man i am just some retarded ass nord trying to not die all the time that happens to have some enchanting mods for constant effects for non-grand souls
wtf are you doing
i love the game but it's literally the easiest game in the series combat wise lol
don't worry anon
liking toes isn't weird, you don't have to feel that way about yourself
tsk tsk~
>can't see why wearing sandals into combat is dumb
Actual moron
Iyaaa Anon! Stop sniffing these! It's disgusting!!~
Don't forget Frea from Dragonborn. She dual-wields as a rule.
Romans were doing it forever. Are they dumb too?
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>fetish image
It's just Roman armor
Tes empire is inspired by it
And yes, sandals and no pants is pretty historical
Is that a problem with all housecarls? could Iona or Jordis dualwield? I read somewhere that housecarls are the best followers because they're fully voiced, without a levelcap, and you can marry them.
Also how can I make them just use a bow without switching to melee when enemy get close?
>projecting fetishist
>also an uneducated tard
This is the /tesg/ I'm here for.
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Are there any good model replacers for the bound weapons?
They just look way too silly, and the crossbow from bound armory is outright unsable since it covers the whole screen.
There are so few mods for bound weapons, it's saddening because I love the concept.
>local man angry about soldier's tunics and snadals
It's up
>Also how can I make them just use a bow without switching to melee when enemy get close?
that i dont think you can do without a lot of mods i dont know about. even faendal (woodelf in riverwood) and aela switch to melee despite being archers
Legate Quintilius... the barbarians have sent rats to bite our spearmen's toes... the war is lost...
>not wearing sandals in image
Rayya dual-wields. Easy to get. She's the Falkreath housecarl.
Pants are for chumps.
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Ask Todd
Sandals would probably look too out of place in skyrim
>sandals would look too out of place in Skyrim
Falmer go barefoot
they are also not people
How dare you. They are the original inhabitants of Skyrim and they deserve to not have their land stolen by a bunch of colonizing blonde-haired whiteys with a hard-on for drinking fermented bee shit
use less words. found 9 pages in nexus by just using "bound"

currently fucking shit up because >>483250602

not much for cosmetics tho, just kinda makes cjn weapons useful
The men need more mouse bites to live.
And why did you neglect to screen the spearmen with khajiiti skirmishers, tribune?
baka todd is a foot perv!!!!
Is Vokrii good? If not, what's a good perk overhaul?
seems farkas has punched her straight into face
UBE ass face
Vokrii is more of the <number change = overhaul> but people like Vookrinator Black
those are 2 completely different things
yes? esl-kun...
>sent rats to bite
I'm already at S6 E13 what else do you want!!!
more a furry with the evidence we have
actually I just like Vokriinator without the Black
Vokriinator Black is the best one overall if youā€™re a bloatmaxxing chad
Ordinator > Vokrii > vanilla >>>> Adament
my problem with it is that it makes you waay too strong by level 20
unless you are supposed to play it without mods that add more perks but then what's the point of bloated trees
It's up.

I think a good compromise for that is using mods where you have to earn extra points. I use the one that works with Missives and the one that lets you convert dragon souls to perk points
Okay I fucked something up anons. I removed all my armor mods and rebuilt everything in bodyslide now gear is invisible. How do I reset everything back to vanilla and try again?
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>I removed all my armor mods and rebuilt everything in bodyslide now gear is invisible.
you'd have to reset every npc equipment if you're talking about this
>SexLab 1.66b or newer
It's down
You just have to make really specialised character
Having all perks makes you too strong and broken
I ran one character from level 0 to 100 using vokriinator and other enai mods and I can say that you get just enough perk points
It's all built around idea that late perks are unique and you just shouldn't have them all
For example getting max melee damage only requires 2 points. In vanilla it will require 5 skill points. Everything after that is specialized skills tailored to specific playstyle
Also wintersun has a very interesting and unique way of getting skill points that doesn't break game
I can't wait to shit on TES6 hard and then astroturf my opinion 3 years later for the chuddies
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i kneel
I swear I'm about to make a Khajiit just to screenshot a lot of cheese but with more effort
step up you game cat
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You WILL pack a lunch today before you go out on your adventures.
no one said good night to me how RUDE
anyways good morning
gonna dumpsterdive nexus after some coffee
>closes the eye she's aiming with
Skyrim needs gun instructors
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Is there a mod that makes khajit more anime catgirl-ish? Not like totally final fantasy or anything but just something that leans more in that direction or makes their faces more human like.

Also, are there any mods that add goblins? I miss those little dudes from oblivion
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She's doing her best
>playing rune factory 4
>wife makes you a lunch every single day and gives you a hug
>has tangible effects too like hp recover, mana recover, and temp buffs
Surprisingly one of my favourite mechanics
didnt sleep long i barely remember you
Forte and Dolce are the best.
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Yarti always packs him a nice home cooked meal before he sets off. After that it's inns and fishing to feed him on the longer trips.
actually that means she left a septim in his cold dead lips to buy a ferry to sovngarde
your immersion will be ruined once they utter anything
Dunmer guys with Ohmes wives.
>make misc separator where I would put all mods I can't categorise
>end up putting half of list there
oh well
I just make separators once in a while without much sorting
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>he organises
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I'm fine with that, and with the face still being covered in fur. I just don't like the dopey, stupid look they have in vanilla
Probably not what you want but check it out
it's up
that's way too much to ask both in real life and modern games
for me it's either 1 or 5
All 5 at the same time
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>not reverting it back to glorious digitgratism
man this mod was and forever be so fucking ugly
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But he's not dead (yet).
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>Started putting modlist together
>Lotd is updated so all patches are broken
Well, at this point I'd rather go play something else and wait for those faggots to release everything they have planned
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hmmm I wonder what's the next edition gonna be
I can't believe the fucking Italians stole from the widely acclaimed TES III: Morrowind: Tribunal DLC
>they updated it three days after i had a great new list and game
eh fuck it i liked it as is anyway

oh it requires post 1.5.97 so even more le mao never gonna install
No, it's just that old patches like bruma or 3dnpcs won't work
you think I won't just make the thread fucking cliff racer edition and use this image? Don't test me bro. I will bake it real good.
Do I have to pack a lunch if my "adventure" for the day is revmoing a decayed log pile?
nah it says so in the logs
yeah you could use the downgrade patcher but meh
Asians don't use scopes, they just do the trajectory math in their head then fire.
Where is th ehead from? Dark Souls?
I can't see it
Can you post it?
Any mods that let me play a filthy Khajiit whore that gets raped regularly and that pleads pathetically to men not to rape her but she gets raped anyway? With lots of racism?
fucking kek >>483279973
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You're not supposed to close an eye when aiming at all.
>cock queen

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