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Functional Game edition

>What is Dead By Daylight?
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer (1v4) horror game where one player takes on the role of the Killer and four players take on the role of the survivors. The survivors objective is to repair generators and escape. The killer's objective is to catch the survivors and sacrifice them.

>What is Killer Klowns from Outer Space: The Game?
Killer clowns is an asymmetrical multiplayer (3v7) clown game where three players take on the role of killer klowns and seven players take on the role of the survivors. The survivors objective is to collect items to repair exits and escape. The killer's objective is to capture and kill survivors to usher in the klownpocalypse.

>What is Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Game?
TCM is an asymmetrical multiplayer (3v4) horror game where three players take on the role of the Slaughter Family and four players take on the role of the Victims. The Victims' objective is to collect items to open exits and escape. The Family's objective is to kill the survivors.

>8.0.0 | Dungeons & Dragons
>Dungeons and Dragons Chapter Trailer

>Official website:
>Patch Notes:
>DBD Icon Collabs 2019-2022 Download

Previous Thread:
Sex with Wesker.
I've never met Skull Merchant. How is it playing as and against her? Is her power decent? I got enough shards to buy her.
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>you're older than I am and still immature
>Your swf has 40,000 hours in the game and I only got 1000 and still won
>You put more hours in this game in a day than I do in a week and I still beat you
Quietkills on Skermz
Your thoughts?
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>Lara Croft not even the old one

Why is she in dbd? Her franchise is not even horror.
Have you seen her new game? Its just someone's poorly disguised snuff fetish with how many different and brutal ways there are to die in that game.
>actually have a decent fucking match for the first time in days
>only two cakes so I get less BP than in the shitty matches
Genuinely laughing at how fucking pathetic Skermz is.
Like holy shit he is unreal.
You know the meaning of gay, right? So what's exactly gay about what you just said? In what way is it related to homosexual practices? Or are you using it in an archaic way to mean happy? Doesn't make sense either way
Gay hands typed this post.
you're still mentally stuck in middle school
Okay fag.
Thank you for proving me right
You're welcome.
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lara is such a fucking skip lmao, she looks so bland
Ok but how is Tomb Raider horror?
Sounds pretty horrifying to me. While we're on the subject, can zoomers even define what horror is other than suspenseful music and jump scares?
Yeah I hear ya. Too much sex is a bad thing. But Wesker keeps offering. It's not like I'm gonna say no!
what franchise do you think would be a good choice to crossover with Dead By Daylight?

i would like to see a Garth Marenghi's Darkplace chapter.
Now that Vecna's tower had those portals they can repurpose that for the classic door running gag.
I just love family photos. Makes me feel warm inside.
By your logic, how is Skull Merchant, Knight, Trickster, D&D or Nicholas Cage horror? Anything related to dark themes, gore or torture is included in the horror genre. I don't know why so many people only want jumpscare or slasher shit on dbd.
What about Soma family photo
Soma deez nuts
It wasn't programed to fuck its sister
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>play with an autistic female thats into me
>shes too retarded to bring a cake
>too retarded to ever bring an item because she likes to horde things
>run the killer for 4-6 minutes every much because they are low mmr retarded like her
>1, maybe 2 gen pops during this time while they have nothing else to do
i hate women so much in every aspect of their being bwos. i completely understand why men beat their partners.
Why do moids say shit like this and refuse to accept that the life partner they're looking for is a man
You actually think she's into you? Ok buddy whatever you say.
Maybe, hopefully. Pretty sure I'm straight though. I wish I wasn't. I just had to rant a bit sorry.

i've turned her down before :) tried to get with me while i was dating someone else
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>that forehead
Runway for smooches desu
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>teammates didn't bring cobbler
I forgot to heal and unhook and sorry I left as soon as the last gen popped bye!
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fuck off.

your raid target
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If you didnt bring adrenaline don't expect me to save you in the end game
Please for the for the love of all that is good in this world stop using Nic Cage as an example of not being horror. The man has starred in plenty of horror movies.
what a supremely gay post
It’s not, but it seems like they’re just taking whatever they can get (or rather, want) at this point. I guess Vecna really was the precedent for this shit
Anything that seeks to elicit an intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust in the audience? Pretty simple
>Anything related to dark themes, gore or torture is included in the horror genre.
Are the new Doom (the new games) also horror to you? It’s clearly not just that.
they’re so cute…
and what a good choice it is!
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I can't wait for the influx of new fanart when the TV reboot drops.
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Sexo with david
i tried her out recently and shes strong and very fun, now one of my favourites to play
people hate going against her for some reason though
I like playing against nurses, blights, spirits and billys that are good but not amazing
what can I do if someone is following me and revealing me as ghostface
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How it feels to give hatch to the p0 dwight that did nothing to help their team and hid the whole game
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Still won though.
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you still have to search around the map for it
next time it could spawn like this..
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Gee I wonder why people dont use totems huh??
>lara slop
who asked for this?
why is it that survivors will find a way to deligitimize my hits and downs in post game chat, even after i lose? it makes me feel sad and want to cry. i worked hard that chase and you say that it doesn't count and that it was just luck or lag or that i used a cheap trick. i think that is very sad, and that people should think before they say mean words to other s :(
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Buffalo Dykes on The Game?
>dev quote on the loading screen is from an animator
>talks about how the animations are DBDs heart and soul and are key to the horror
They think highly of themselves don't they
what's the best build for billy with no addons?
pain res
grim embrace
you think? with his mobility i was thinking ruin undying and something else
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>lara croft
>not ellie from tlou or clementine from telltale's twd
How does Lara Croft even remotely enter BHVR's self proclaimed "horror hall of fame"?
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>play killer, matched against a Twitch streamer
>solo but teammates are extremely altruistic so it's hard to tell during the match
>get genrushed and hit endgame with only three hooks/two NWO stacks, they're on death hook
>try to tunnel them, end up going after someone who won't stop bodyblocking
>camp, trade a couple times then move someone to another hook (farther from gate)
>twitch streamer, who healed and opened the gate by now, immediately unhooks in my face when I'm about to turn around
>manage to down them, avoid a sabo'd hook and barely get them on
>they start screaming about how they needed to escape, how they have to stay up all night now and how I should feel happy to have my one kill
Why didn't they just leave if they were on death hook and supposedly needed to escape
Artists are always full of themselves.
well? let them win, dude. why are you trying to get kills, he's streaming for gods sake.
You won't see that from Twitch killer streamers.
>survivor only chapter
choo mimimimi
choo mimimimi
choo mimimimi
one of the devs probably
because it just does ok??
could've gotten sydney prescott or Nancy Thompson but no we get Lara Croft instead
I dont even think BHVR gives a shit anymore they just wanna reach out to other companies for networking and building a reputation or some shit
Don't kill anyone. It's better for the stats of that killer and as long as they know you could have done it multiple times you've won.
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I love how its always the ones who play in most cancerous way possible that have this on their profile.
also the ones that spaz out the hardest and get their ego hurt the most when someone plays cancerously against them. like the people that have PMA in their name in dota.
>3 gens done in a minute
>in a 5 cobbler game
>but if the killer tunnels and camps im going to the forums and complaining that killers are ruining the event by playing sweaty
Every single BP event is like this every single one
It wasn't a killer I normally use and I don't really care if that particular killer gets nerfed
i mean i'm bringing bp perks and getting 4ks because the matchmaking puts me against noobs. in normal queue i get sweatsquads. though late night when the bonus switches 150% to killer that's when i get sweats in event queue.
If put into a trial with the pig and forced to endure typical SAW style shenanigans, which survivors do you think could actually take it and survive?
i'd take pigs strap in my ass and if i cum the sawtrap goes off idk im horny
It depends what kind of trap it is there's endurance traps, thinking traps, sacrifice someone else etc but if we're going "you need to stick your hand in a blender to get the key" then
Resident Evil Survivors all of them.
Ash Williams
Alan Wake
Jake, Bill, Ash, Leon, Jill, Ripley and Gabriel maybe
Isaac Clarke would be such a good survivor but nah lets have Lara Croft instead because...idk also they'll fuck up her face 100%
sex sells
I prefer Isaac doesnt die to teenager or woman with pig mask
We're well past that Leon and Ash getting killed by some random crackhead with a knife is already established
honestly I was hoping for a non-licensed character or something funny like Fortnite Jonesy
yeah youre right
At this point I'm sure dbd will just grab about anything. I wouldn't be surprise if we see Final Fantasy next since that was in the survey of what collabs you would like to see and Final Fantasy XIV is a huge game with a large lgbt community just like DBD.
Since only Yui, Ada, and James are really deserving of being in a saw trap I'd limit it to those.
What about Yun Jin also Feng and maybe Ace
makes me think of this dogshit
Forgot about Yun Jin & Feng. What was wrong with Ace again?
He's a gambling addict
Isn't Yun Jin also on that list? I don't actually read the lore, I've just heard she's a bad person or whatever
>decide to bring dead hard
>9/10 killers wait for it
Hacks? Usually before killers immediately swing but now they all wait like 4 seconds for it.
Ace would probably make it through, given the beating he took in his tome lore
You probably have a tell. If a survivor doubles back at me mid-chase and they've been hooked I'm going to assume Dead Hard and delay my swing a little. You might not be quite as obvious but if something seems a little too coincidental the killer might try to bait it out
Alternatively, if you use any other exhaustion perk then killers are going to assume you aren't also running DH
What kind of boring subhuman unironically plays artist?
I run balanced landing with it and i dont even look back before i activate it but they almost always wait. Is there a cheat for killers to see surv perks or is it just bad luck?
Its become a habit for me to wait it out. I even do it before a first hook because I forget and operate on auto pilot.
Why does Hag have an even lower pickrate then Freddy anyway
It's Freddy
She's fun when you go for bird shots/cross maps. But she's way more effort to play then she's worth imo.
Why people dont play more hag is beyond me she's extremely strong
If you back out of the game after being cocooned or klowntality'd then you should be timed out for an hour. If you back out after escaping you should be timed out for ten minutes. Congratulations, I've saved Killer Klowns.
we had literal years of mandatory bait dead hard training
Tbh killer powers should just be disabled while in a chase like the fact that so many killers can mess with looping is so unhealthy for the game frfr
You think empathic connection worth getting out of the shrine since it's about to get buffed?
If you're going to use the perk, buy it. It's the only one of that survivors perk I would use.
If I see that one of my teammates has empathic connection idgaf... Parental Guidance is the more fun Yoichi perk
>blight tells us our team ruined his game because we werent willing to play
boo hoo lmao dont play iri add on blight in the party mode
would you have not ruined his game if he was playing clown or trapper
we wouldnt have stood in a corner, no
Are blight's iris even still good? They've been changed 7 blightillion times so I cant tell
he is still miserable to play against, they didn't really do anything. Nurse or blight makes us all stand in opposite corners
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xth for the one and only dinobabe
How dare you play against a streamer, don't you know tahts their livelihood. You can't just kill him on screen, what if his fans see this and they don't renew their subs next month?! YOU ARE LITERALLY GENOCIDING MY INFLUENCER RIGHT NOW COTEEEEEEEE
>you can hear all stealth killers from a mile away
>You can't hear the skull merchant at all when she's undetectable
That's the only problem I have with her kit honestly
>>you can hear all stealth killers from a mile away
This is bad and should be changed but survivors rather face blight and nurse.
Is Lara Croft confirmed? She's not really a horror franchise at all, but I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth...
>She's not really a horror franchise at all
And real life actor Nicholas Cage is?
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>chuckly keeps doing the low murmuring laugh even when he is made undetectable through a perk and not even in slice and dice mode
no but hes really funny to have in the game
Quit horsing around... you know what I mean.
I hope not
what would she even do? there's no horse or dog dicks in this game
Any of the Resident Evil survivors could power through any of the traps with ease. Ash probably could too. Bill could probably do anything that doesn’t involve exerting himself too much. Silent Hill people would probably fold like paper. I wouldn’t trust any of the originals barring maybe David or something either.
Isaac needs his own full chapter though. Cote would be crazy to miss out on some Necromorph goodness.
Yes. See >>483113420
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>killer is farming but not really farming or is he and then he kills everyone when they're offguard
The kind of people who do math for fun
She got nerfed and isn’t as strong now
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New dinomommy content just dropped

What is the actual strategy I'm supposed to use against a swf when playing stealth killers
I can't sneak up on anybody when they've got a full cctv network covering every inch of the map
Which stealth killer?
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>get 500 cakes on Vecna
>think it’s a lot
>check twitter
>tons of people with 2000+ cakes
>tons of people at P100

So, as a player of 8 years, are we reaching the point where Prestige and the “blood point economy” are reaching a tipping point? It seems like everyone’s like 50-100 prestige at this point with unlimited BP and ultra rare add ons and shit
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also I know he’s been out for a month at this point, but I’m only just now getting around to playing Vecna

He’s a lot of fun and a breath of fresh air. I feel like I properly have the tools to win a match and always be doing something. Almost like an easier Pinhead
I just tried playing 2 games of him for the first time, idk he kind of felt like ass desu.
Damn I love losing because one faggot decided to spend three minutes doing bones.
Really helped the team out you piece of shit.
It was some shitty meme Mad Grit build Trickster IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN CAKE.
Nah man I have killers wait all the time and I don't run it.
>white ward
>brown BP offering
>killer map offering (Lery's)
Yeah EASY dodge fucking EASY
everyone fucking runs it buddy. it's time to wait for it again.
>complain Lara isn't horror
>oh and Nic Cage/DnD is????
No they weren't horror either you absolute fucking piece of shit cock sucking son of a bitch.
Dead hard should be a three time use
Blood Rush should be a two time use
laura's real issue is she's just such a nothing boring pick.

The only thing that's gonna save her for me is her perks and if she gets a ps1 model skin.
Then why didn't you complain at the time, are you just mad about Lara because she's a girl and you're sexist?
You should be able to set party pallets while being carried.
killer gives you pity points before killing you
>try to play TCM
>everyone is out by the time I reach the main part
>another lobby
>four-man squad all with the same name initials (clan)
>i leave the lobby
>3 minutes timeout for leaving a lobby

I'm still mad about the Pharmacy and Calm Spirit nerfs.
Do survivors think it's cute when I send my killer to their home turf for a fitting setting to our trial
that just further incentives remote hooking
Only if they're mostly playing along too i.e. James & Heather on Midwich with PH.
So instead of using it every single time it's available they'll????????
What would they do instead of using it as much as humanly possible??????
Educate me please I'm here to learn??????
I'm sure it's possible for them to use it more.I don't use it every time it's available
Lara being horror or whatever means fucking nothing to me what pisses me off is there are SO MANY other good candidates for a survivor only chapter that ARE from horror and was just skipped over for her
But are your preferred survivors guaranteed to make a deadillion dollars the first weekend they release?
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What's the most hideous cosmetic of all time and why is it this one
name 10 better candidates
The Felix belly shirt is way worse than Final Fantasy Haddie.
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Isaac Clark
Nancy Thompson
Sydney Prescott
Dean Winchester
Kirsty Cotton
Sally Hardesty
Alyssa from Clocktower 3
Rick Grimes
NTA but I'll give it a shot
Vampira (honestly a single horror host survivor with multiple skins would work best IMO but I gotta pad this shit my memory sucks)
Ben and Barbara from Night of the Living Dead
Mia from the Evil Dead remake (could also just be a legendary skin for Ash tho)
Macready from The Thing
The Walking Dead characters
Melanie Daniels from The Birds
The humans from Jaws
Stephen King
I would kill to get Ethan Larson(aka Almo2001) as a survivor over laura.
Stop using Cage he has been in a ton of horror movies you are not using a good example retard

>Isaac Clark = IP needed from EA so good luck getting that for cheap.
>Nancy Thompson = NoES content is lacking supposedly to do with IP difficulties so Nancy would be no different.
>Sydney = GF isn't Scream's GF so it could be an IP issue.
>Dean Winchester = Not enough money in it.
>Kirsty Cotton = See Nancy's issues.
>Sally Hardesty = TCM is a thing so not yet.
>Mulder & Skully = Disney owns them and they're amicable to crossovers.
>Alyssa = 14yr olds so no.
>Rick Grimes = Based but worse than croft.
>Elvira = Based, probably cheap and profitable if Sable taught them anything.
>Svengoolie = Wild card with low profit.
>Vampira = See Elvira
>Ben & Barbara = Based, but IP ownership for the original is a minefield
>Macready = Best idea so far
>Walking dead = AMC so unsure how they do IP licensing. Decent popularity?
>Meline Daniels = Based but low profits
>Humans from Jaws = Not likely
>Stephen King = Has distain in adaptations of his work.
Fantastic. The problem is, do zoomers even know who that is?
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i know my life is doomed and i'm going to hell
My idea for The Birds would be with a crow rework or a set of new crow perks for killers.
I don't know if the The Birds license would be cheap enough to justify it though. I agree that it wouldn't be popular but at the same time it's 'prestigious' so I could see it being expensive.
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jump off a tall building or bridge
yeah but getting access to lara croft was easy and cheap
>Hero Wars got access to her, a virus mobile game.
Unironically she must be very easy to get with.
Didn't her rights get sold recently? Gotta make back that money.
absolutely not
Does it matter? She's pure sex and her sales would make Sable's look like chump change.
No Crystal dynamics is doing terribly right now so rights are cheep this year is the year of the fire sale because D&D was probably Really cheap
i dont think zoomers remember lara croft as much as you think, plus she's licensed. if she looks cute and has good outfits she'll sell great though
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If a woman doesn't have a solid jaw and forward growth/side profile she doesn't matter
#cromagnon women mog
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believe it or not but sissy is a chad factory
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i drew kate. i really like her hair and perks
Now draw her getting vored by dredge
cool style, if you drew that
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>be attractive white woman with large breast, blonde hair and blue eyes and a modeling career
>decide to chop your tits off and try to look like a 5’1 boy

why do women do this? You literally have life on easy mode and yet they choose to go insane
give me a dredge build
>Alan's only good perk is in the shrine
And none of you bitches told me? I just saved 500 auric cells thanks
hey, was just thinking about playing that guy.
lethal pursuer, bbq, jolt, sloppy
ottomarian writing for the nice combo with lethal, then maybe malthinker skull or calendar depending on playstyle
I haven't played in a while. What's the hot shit right now?
the one jane just unfurled onto my chest
Hillbilly is the best killer in the game now
Undying, Third seal, Ruin, Face the darkness
I like hex builds even if they get instantly nuked sometimes
pain res pop grim embrace corrupt on every killer, hardtunnel someone out of the game
nigger i thought it was deadline fuck off
Deadline is a khia perk be fr
>playing with the same p100 Jake three matches in a row in solo queue
And he didn't last long in chase against Bubba, Blight or Vecna so what the fuck is up?
the prestige rework was 3 years ago anon
wait fuck i mean 2 years sorry, either way. also there was a crazy blood moon bp event as well as anniversary event, there's gonna be a lot of terrible p100s running around
i heard they're making blood moon a yearly thing instead of chinese new year too, so that's neat
prestige is not indicative of how good someone is
you're so god anon so fuckin good. you ownd thtat jake goood job,
Are u drunk
I wish my Jake was P100...
>Sloppy butcher
>Save the best for last
Time to slug as Wraith
He's not bad to slug at all. There is a Wraith named peepeepoopoo who goes around and just slugs everyone and is using a cheating program to get into ttv lobbies.
Haven't played in 15 months, kinda feel like reinstalling and giving it a go again. Quit after 1500 hours when skull merchant came out. Played both sides. Would anyone recommend doing this?
That’s a strange name…
>be attractive white woman
Let’s not get crazy here.
but yeah sissycucks can’t stop losing
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Oh no no peepeepoopoo bros I thought his build was infallible...
Cool Kate man. I like your style.
i need to suck on those milk trucks
It is but he is very infamous on NA west. He never plays normally and you can tell he doesn't have a soul.

Of course he doesn't always win, but you can tell he is cheating running some kind of cheat programs and for certain a sniping program, because I never get this guy unless there is a ttv in the lobby.
Nic has been in horror movies and DnD has campaigns made for horror stuff though.
>IP needed from EA so good luck getting that for cheap.
Maybe not that much but it depends I guess.also better as a full chapter
>Not enough money in it.
Toss up. I think a decent amount of people still remember him.
>Best idea so far
Better as a full chapter
I just know her as the spooky sexy goth milf
He needs to top me
top = play
me = a different game
they should instead of lara croft put in rick dagless from Garth Marenghi's Darkplace

with a sanchez legendary
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If Lara Croft is announced I can finally have another girl to post AI sloppa pics in this general desu
pregnant BILL
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there's no data of most DbD characters outside of Resident Evil characters so I can't generate them in SD :(
I've literally not seen one instance of survivors benefitting from this event mode in the same way killers can hook you in the top floor when you were in the exit gate on the bottom floor
*pins you down on the bed*
Now you benefit.
Its okay I just draw it myself
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It takes me 30 seconds to render a 1024x1024 image then upscale it 2x to 2048x2048 per 4090. With two of them, I effectively can draw four Jills per minute. I doubt you can match this pace by hand.
The future is now, old man.
Try Cheryl (or, some say Heather).
Yeah but I don't want Jill so its of no value to me
>I effectively can draw four Jills per minute

You mean the program can make them for you, you aren't drawing anything.
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Deus omnipotens et misericors,
Pater noster qui es in caelis,
Protege nos, quaesumus, ab omnibus periculis.
Custodi nos sub umbra alarum tuarum,
Et defende nos contra omnes inimicos visibiles et invisibiles.
In te, Domine, speramus et confidimus.
Sis nobis turris fortitudinis et scutum inexpugnabile.
Per Christum Dominum nostrum.
sid the sloth lookin mofo
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>Let’s not get crazy here.
>but yeah sissycucks can’t stop losing
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lmao wtf is that jaw. also my wife is a 5'10 chad factory. her son just cant lose.
As a straight biological woman, I dont know how some men can swear they're 100% straight like surely with how good looking some guys are they all have had gay thoughts
Shut up and get pregnant
it's mostly just homophobia, desu. majority of people are insecure of being seen as gay
As a straight biological man, I dont know how some women can swear they're 100% straight like surely with how good looking some girls are they all have had gay thoughts
Well simple, women don't have anything to pleasure another woman, but men have a penis and a pleasure spot that can be accessed with a penis up their ass
Trying to force myself to enjoy DbD because my friends enjoy DbD and I don't know what killer I would be into. Is Trickster any fun?
most women I've spoken to about their sexuality say they're bi
most men I've spoken to about their sexuality say they're straight but would let a guy suck their dick
I'm not so desperate
If we're getting Lara Croft then it'll probably be the Sweet Baby Inc version devoid of any breasts. Can't have any nice things with these despicable french-canadian devs.
Fingers exist anon
Men have longer, thicker fingers
Hopefully we get skins that give us the Lara we know and love.
That wasn't the statement
who the fuck is laura
she looks native american 8n this pic
8 fucking years and they still haven't added a way to see what perks my teammates are using in lobby.
If you have one survivor going around, following you and disabling your traps when you're far enough away while the other three do gens it's one of the most miserable experiences in DbD. Similar problem to Trapper but Trapper is at least a 115% killer so using him without a power doesn't suck as much, and Trapper has an add-on to re-enable traps over time so someone who REALLY hates that style of counterplay could make a build that mitigates it
>Dumb cunt starts getting a little spicy in the allchat
>Forgets that her name and face are in her steam profile that she forgot to block
Would be a shame if someone sent all the racist things she was saying to her friends and family wouldn't it /vg/
>you can hear all stealth killers from a mile away
And killer players have been bitching about that for a very long time.
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just a couple more years
reminder DBD mobile has had this basically since it released
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>Bully Squad on Badham
>After the first Locker Stun I just afk by the gate all game so they have to do the one thing Bully Squads hate most (Playing the actual game)
>Still manage to get a 1k
is this thread exclusively baby killers or what
That's insane. Bhvr might actually be the most incompetent devs around.
cry about it monkey
I think both sides are somehow more miserable than before.
MFT is dead (thank fucking god) but on the killer end sabotage builds are insanely good right now between toolboxes getting buffed and background player getting "nerfed" in a way that actually makes it even stronger than before. Decisive Strike is a meta perk again, Iron Will is going back to 100%, Distortion still singlehandedly cucks aura if you don't devote your full build to depleting its stacks, and BHVR nerfed a fucking truckload of killer slowdown perks at the same time without doing anything to gens or survivor gen perks. Save the Best for Last is a dead perk and Sloppy Butcher is outright D-tier now if you're just using it to hit-and-run like before, so M1 killers are worse off in particular. There's also a new anti-three gen mechanic that limits the number of regression events that can happen to a gen before it can't regress any further for the rest of the match, so killers are pretty much forced to tunnel to deal with rush squads.

Survivors are objectively better off than before in a mechanics sense but are probably having some of the worst experiences ever because killers, in response to everything else, have upped their tunneling and slugging games 10000% to compensate. The slowdown nerfs mostly lead to killers stacking even more gen slowdown into their builds to make up for the difference. Weaker killers can't compensate for their bad powers as easily so people use the stronger killers more often. It's all fucked up
shut the fuck up and dance for us, stage hazard
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>You were poppin all that good shit last game Renato! Now look at ya! You just got double Mori'd!
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Absolutely soulless compared to this version of her. Now THIS is peak Lara.
>Play pig
>Survivor tries to boop
>Just down them
>They suicide on hook
>Another immediately DCs
This killer is free wins from how often shit like this happens
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le goodest gal piggo postoot :3 le piggy piggo

hehe he le boop le piggy le snooty xd

ur rite i mus like piggerina le cade

heheh le oinker ee me boop lesnood piggy lenboop snoot toot!!

lle piggu post xd yayya le cute piggu le piggy boopy snooty post xd dddd pig oinker el oink :333 oinkoink my mod hehehhe boop snoot le cute piggu oinker piggerina :)) then el litt le kitter n le snek come :))) le roar n oink le qt n comfy le meg n dwighty n feng go ith le snoot ;))

xd oinker n roarrrr

pig goes oink oink they fo comy

le meger n claudia go boop xd le snoody n piggu le oinks xd

kitty go meow n piggy go oink



E :)


EL PIGGU OINKER POST? :3 ? YOUUUUU> gONN BoOoOp LE snoot oinker piggu piggy piggerina
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Let (her) in
we live in a sausage....
Play IDV
If the devs wanted me to play it they'd release it on PlayStation
Don't you have computers?
For work, but games are for fun and relaxation. For that I do it from the comfort of my sofa not my desk chair
Wireless controller connected to your PC for playing from your sofa? You guys are hopeless...
Nah that sounds like too much work. I'll just wait for the console port
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But you'll miss part 2 of the Saniro event!
How's killer as a whole in dbd compared to 4 years ago better or worse?
lets see, 4 years ago we had ruin, and now we have zero good gen defense perks while survivors keep getting more and more gen perks, so how do you think its going.
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Human killers can't even compete
Is this DBD but for girls?
It's DBD for people without a self- flagellation fetish.
>games are for fun and relaxation
If you think that why are you playing DbD
The Chinese and 12 years are too hard for me to beat.
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lot of fake gamers in this thread.
>Singularity buff happens
>See them more often
>Because they were so rare most people don't know how he works or how to counter
>They get wrecked repeatedly
>They complain and bhvr sees Singularities stats are too high now
>Buff gets reverted and the killer disappears again
I can see it so clearly
They'll revert 90% of the buff but keep some small part, so survivoroids can say "he's so much better than before, they just made him a bit more reasonable" like Vecna and BHVR won't re-buff him
Quasimodo that you?
Don't you have chairs to go Sabo just so the The hunter can fix them 10 seconds later?
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Truly you are all too low IQ to comprehend the mind games that occur when it comes to perfect chair sabotage timing
Does it have a cute girl that wears glasses? This is vital and I won't touch a game without it
That's (You)_______________________ , Anon...
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She's not my type, but...
The poster below is very cute and you should cuddle with them and fall asleep holding each other
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sissy will never leave me
EoS soon
cope harder dbdcel
Sissy is made for big Grandpa cock
She pretends to love you but sneaks behind your back everyday to get fucked by him in the hopes of getting pregnant with her own uncle/niece then saying it's yours since you're such a pathetic schizo cuck
Nurse's first blink should be considered a basic attack but the second blink should be a special attack
t. retarded slut who never played vs Agi + Starstruck Nurse
Just what this game needs, Nurse giving BHVR justification to shit on M1 killers even harder than they've been doing
when I do use perks on billy they are pure chase perks so that I literally do not need to do anything except chase survivors and hook downed ones
>pain with agitation
>lightborn to ensure each down can immediately be picked up risk free
>deadlock or grim embrace as per your preference
billy moves too fast for info perks to be necessary, just go to where your game sense tells you they are and they won't have time to hide
I was the one playing starstruck nurse with infectious fright and I would drop survivors just to get value immediately
>play killer
>kill 3 survivors
>shut hatch
>go look for the last one
>you find them like this
What do?
>dbd out of nowhere
rent free + 8k hours
same thing I do if they start playing bardic inspiration or have positioned themselves somewhere 'silly' or are otherwise pleading for mercy. nod at them and let them escape and get my next +rep for the collection
When Elodie made dinner for everyone at the campfire, it was the most wonderful and delicious meal any of them had ever had. The crazy thing was that all of them requested a different meal, and Elodie prepared and cooked every last one in good time. Each survivor thanked Elodie personally... except for Feng. "I'm sorry Feng," Elodie had said, "but I could never harm a dog. Instead I will make you some gamer fuel!" It was the best hotpocket Feng had ever tasted... but after the meal, she strode past Elodie without a word and her nose up in the air.
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In the lush, verdant heart of the African jungle, a curious bond is forming between two unlikely companions. Here, Rebecca, a young woman with a keen eye for the wild's wonders, has discovered Elodie, a chimpanzee whose playful nature and endearing appearance have captured her heart.

Observe as Rebecca gently places her hand on Elodie's head, a gesture of affection and curiosity. To Rebecca, Elodie may seem somewhat dim-witted, yet there is an undeniable charm in her antics and a captivating innocence in her eyes.

Elodie, though perhaps not the most intellectually gifted of her kind, possesses a unique appeal. Her cute, round face and the softness of her fur invite a sense of tenderness and protection from her human counterpart.

Rebecca, drawn to Elodie's harmless demeanor, finds herself engaging in a ritual often observed among primates: the headpat. This act, seemingly simple, is rich with meaning in the complex social world of chimpanzees. It serves not only as a form of physical comfort but also as a means of strengthening bonds and establishing hierarchies within their groups.

Yet, in this interaction between human and primate, there is a mutual learning. Rebecca, through her fascination with Elodie, gains a deeper understanding of primate behavior and the intricate web of emotions and social dynamics that govern their lives. Elodie, in turn, benefits from the gentle care and attention of her human friend, experiencing a level of human connection that is rare in her wild existence.

Thus, in this delicate exchange, a bridge is formed between two worlds, each learning from the other, each finding in the other a source of joy and companionship. In the vast tapestry of nature, where humans and animals seldom cross paths, Rebecca and Elodie's bond reminds us of the universal language of kindness and the profound connections that can be forged, even between the most dissimilar of species.
imagine writhing in agony with a hook pierced through your chest, drowning in a red sea of pain as you fight with every miserable second to stay alive, and then you see salvation running towards you. then she does as you see in the picture there, and then runs away again.
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>play pinhead against ttv squad
>visit their chat to tell them good luck
>proceed to win at 3 gens
>11 hook match
>let last person get hatch
>go to ttv chat to tell him good game
>bitches at me for being annoying
>says he doesnt know how i have fun doing that
Even when I'm nice, I get people bitching at me.
People have said the same to me even when I let everyone go at eight hooks. Don't play for the survivors' sake, if you're gonna be nice do it for you
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Would you let Mikaela and Sable transform you into a girl with magic and then spitroast you with their cocks so you can feel better?
My wife looks like this
Real kindness is being kind for kindness sake.
Real Pinheads thrive on misery for misery's sake.
>>483278407 (me)
No clue why the clip cut. Fixed.
>>visit their chat
why do you do this mistake
99% of the time, we have a good interaction.
This seems like a lie
Give it a try. Stop by their chat prior to the game, say hey, wish them luck, then stop by afterwards and tell them GG.
I don't have a twitch account but every time I play against streamers they're usually crying in the end game chat/ replay of our match.
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gg ez baby killer
She doesn't look like that
Slightly related but I have a good friendly chat postgame with the survivors or with the killer if I was survivor most of the time. Only sometimes is there mocking or anger or whatever, and I always leave without comment.
>P100 Nea with Pink Hair + Purple Flashlight
Extinct species.
Slightly unrelated but I want to have sex with rebecca
Nea looks like this.
That seems like an unrealistic depiction as well I'm afraid I do like it more than the other one though
What happened to them? Back in the day every bully squad legally was obligated to have a pink hair flashlight Nea with DS + DH
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Here is a realistic depiction of my wife
They transitioned to sable
Noob3 quit game so did they.
Can confirm
I was wondering. The real doze lives in state where 2/3 of the cities were completed flooded last month.
I wonder if he lost his PC or even died. Lynn is the only faggot that talks to him.
He's a moron, but i didn't want the guy to have a miserable death like that.
I can't find his profile anymore.
I actually didn't notice the penis at first....
Sleep well to the king I can only hope to capture his essence....
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Sadako is objectively a worse Wraith, there's no point in picking her besides simping if you're a fan of her movies.

She needs some considerable buffs to become somewhat viable. For one, she needs to lose the goddamn lullaby. She's godawful at being a stealth killer. Second, teleporting to tvs need to occur instantly. No more delays. Third, demanifesting should grant a speedboost so that she can actually catch up. Right now she has zero chase potential. Fourth and finally, survivors should gain Condemnation passively just like survivors can slowly fall asleep in a trial against Freddy without any interaction with the killer.
But Sadakunny?
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After much practice, I've finally gotten decent with her. She can be stronger than wraith with a different playstyle, but you'll need to have all of your neurons firing at once to keep on top of shit.
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Sadako if she my preferred body type
i mean, you have to be careful you don't turn her into wraith 2.0 with teleports and a passive game slow down
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>Sissy is made for big Grandpa cock
>She pretends to love you but sneaks behind your back everyday to get fucked by him in the hopes of getting pregnant with her own uncle/niece then saying it's yours since you're such a pathetic schizo cuck
>rent free + 8k hours
The lullaby is fucked, Freddy needs to lose his as well. Manifesting/demanifesting needs to do something besides cuck you out of attacking. I also agree they should build condemn naturally since cleansing condemn is piss easy.
Me after Sissy headbutts me in the chin
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Have you tormented survivors as Pinhead, my fellow /assg/ killers?
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What a waste of good suffering...
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Why does she look like she's styling on someone?
Looks like shes about to break out into a Michael Jackson dance
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Because she's sick as hell.
>no Myers in the background peeking from behind a tree

kek SM is such a stupid character
Look closer anon
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ima dump webms again to dilute the schizoposting
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Opening with a cross-map chainsaw hit is always the best fucking feeling.
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>Lose lullaby

>Instant TP to TVs

>Demanifesting speedboost
I'd prefer telephone being basekit.

>Passive condemned buildup
Nah, only would say yes if it was very minor.
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she wouldn't touch you even with a stick
And a ching chong bing bong to you as well, good sir.
i don't speak rice
Stop posting this trans chinaman with hair dye on my Dead by Daylight discussion general
no more fucking sadako changes holy shit how much times does she need to be changed?
Identity V*
I swear hitting people with Pinhead's chains does nothing without impaling wire am i misisng something?
You run Engineer's Fang with Genetic Limits + Mindbreaker and watch them all DC
insta kills is such a bad mechanic, thats why they're too afraid to make them too oppressive. sadako and pig would be much stronger if condemned and the trap hindered, slowed down gen progress - anything but the half arsed insta kill that only triggers once in 100 games.
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sissy is a cromagnon woman and ricecels dont have strong bones.
>Stop posting
make me
There’s definitely more bi girls out there, just by virtue of the way sexes work and interact
>The perfect woman doesn’t ex-
Shut up faggot
What is the ultimate protect yourself build? I've had a bunch of bad matches with solo Q retards and want to ensure my victory at their cost if necessary. Maybe
>calm spirit
>left behind
Are there better perks than this? I made it off the top of my head
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All true. This faggot just keeps coping. maybe if he’s lucky sissy will let him clean her up
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my cromagnon wife mogs this med monkey to hell and back
Sad but true. Troons ruin everything.
Pretty nice but pyramid tits are hard to top
When do you plan to kill yourself
恶心的猪狗 我希望你所有的社会积分都被扣除。
Cute girls but game looks whatever
that’s the best looking xhe is ever going to get please understand
off topic
What an effeminate looking young man.
It's literally just DBD, but better. There's no difference...
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Also for people that don't like playing on their phones and are unaware, it has a PC port!
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dbdcel cope
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Reject schizoposting,
embrace dinoposting.
a charming display
instant hatch
>’YEARS’ ???
yeah no shit
it's not an insta kill
can nurses calling get buffed to 32 meters please
Pls don't give us the meat grinder counter-argument that its technically not instant.
Just a small idea. But Sadako should absolutely lose the lullaby, and make no noise at all demanifested. She should only a create a noise while manifesting, and this noise should be identical to a noise the live TVs make, which gives survivors a reason to turn the TVs off. For our one hundred and six hearing impaired players and 2.5 billion players taking advantage of it, live TVs can always give them the red circle, and so can the sound of Sadako demanifesting, so if you know the TV is off and see the red circle, you know Sadako is about to manifest near you.
I know dbd is infested by faggots but holy shit
What's Otz's opinion on the fact that non-deaf people use the heartbeat indicator, including himself? Is it just a 'yeah I don't care you need it' or some other excuse?
>including himself
he does it for "the people watching stream"
dbd mobile was made with it, bhvr has to work with 8 yo pile of spaghetti code
X niggers should fucking kill themselves
I am a man who walks alone
>match starts
>killer leaves
>"Post-Game Bonus: 37k"
Don't question it. Just enjoy it.
i don't know what the "meat grinder counter argument" is but words have meaning and that is not what instant means.
>first ever game as Skull Merchant
>3 people DC before 1 gen is even done
If I keep using her to get instant wins like this it's gonna totally fuck up my MMR for other killers isn't it
Most of my games as SM don't involve 3 people DCing. Most are 0-1.
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what dead by daylight mod is this
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stfu cote
i'm not giving you any money
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Not to sound like a shill but this build works pretty well actually.
What are the chances of me getting sent to the Game too though?
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what did they mean by this
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>with the community, unhook people 1,125,000 times
reduce gen speed and give us visable hook states plz you give survivors all these buffs and nerf all our shit :(
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her ptb is tomorrow if you even care
I love Lara so yes I do care
Is it actually?
I feel like this snuck up with zero fanfare or interest.
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Yes, she's coming out July 16 which is 3 weeks from tomorrow
she looks pretty perfect desu
I don't think that's actually her DBD model but it would be pretty cool if her P6 was that bloody
>Leon loops me at shack for like 3 minutes
>Still 4k
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Fun fact: with filters you can make red look white
Good for colorblind folk and to make your bloody prestige characters look like they're caked in semen
120 second gens when?
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why is she so hot guys
Dios mio... la creatura...
>killers after sweating so much you'd think somebody was holding a gun to their head the past week: WTF why are survivors trying so hard??????l
>Dios mio... la creatura...
I miss old max stacked purple medkit.
Leveling up survivor is so fucking boring.
All the map shit sucks.
All the key shit sucks.
Flashlight shit is super mid. I guess battery is good but boring.
All the medkit shit sucks now. Boring Insta or at best getting two heals? Zzzzz
Most toolbox shit is boring, there's like one combo that's good. Sabo only matters if you're SWF.
Shitty BP offerings.
Pointless hook offerings.
Pointless mist offerings.
Pointless luck offerings.
Oh wow more chests for my team to waste time on.
>still pretending to care about MUH LAYOFS
>trickster blinding bug
what's that?
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Me when Emma maid
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only boneless subhumans don't like sissy
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>Laurie scream on an indoor map
>jun 1
so I assume it's a very rare bug then since the killer is not KS'd
which makes that "meme" above even more stupid
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>Oh chiiiiildren!
>Someone's gonna answer for this blood on my hammer!
Accurate rendition! Trans representation keeps winning!
>still pretending to care about MUH LAYOFS
What’s funny is they think their screeching is gonna do anything. Oh no the dei consultants!!
>those hairy pits
Nice attention to detail. Really captures her freakishness. Keep ‘em coming.
I didn’t know it was tomorrow. She actually looks pretty good. Shame she’s such a boring choice.
get to it, challengecuck
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I love Kate desu
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Apparently it only occurs when certain add ons(that most people dont bring) are equipped and as for KS maybe its because of event so that people can level him.
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>lara croft can't join dbd she's not horrorrrrrrrr
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shes so ugly in a cute way
she scares my dick stiff
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Old Laura was also fighting horrible flesh monsters
I always hatch baby Dwights as long as there's not a James in lobby, since he's priority one on hatch
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As a James main, let me be the first to say JAMES IS A POS
this isn't fortnite. i'm not seeing what she adds besides bare bones residuals for the IP owners. when was the last culturally relevant tomb raider?
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He was at least Dracula in one movie and starred in other shit horror programs. He deserves it on the same tier as Bruce Williams/Ash
I fucking hate how rare a PH match is, I always play James and I never see the son of a bitch
kys unironically the horror community doesn't want you
I'd kill for that man
the "horror community" doesn't want her either. i think you're just 30
The oldass PS1 games were scary/creepy as hell, the ambience was definitely unsettling. Let's also not forget that she deals with the literal undead, demons, horrible mutants and some other wacky shit in the classic quintology. All of these things easily qualify as horror.
the horror community is rejoicing her addition. it's you who doesn't belong here.
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I had a bunch of PHs over the last couple of days.
your theoretical anecdotal arguments convince no one lmao. she just looks like jill, will have mediocre perks, and bare bones lore while costing 1000 cells for the enrichment of a couple businessmen.

have fun with this being the future of the game forever, cause they're sure as HELL doubling down on having more licenses and less original chapters
Even the newer games have her fighting undead and being tossed into a cannibal nest and swimming through an actual river of blood
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Sounds like someone doesn't get the Leave ending.
Honest to God I've been keeping track just in notepad and out of the past 200 matches I've not seen a single one. The only other one I've not seen is Singularity and just one Deathslinger. Feels bad because I want to do goofy shit against PH
a retro cut here
kys honestly
I just know I'm going to have an awful time as a survivor whenever a teammate is playing as Sable.
She looks nice.
Yeah he was rare for me too till recently. I was playing PH as well and ran into a james that was using scene partner and it made me crack up. I really need that perk once its in shrine.
cry lol
1/3 of the killers I face lately are running a pentimento build, what's up with that
it's a soloq destroyer. you run 2 slowdown + plaything, they cleanse the plaything, you let pentimento pop and it's over
nta but i love you
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love you too bb
I'd rather deal with penti than Franklin's WA to be entirely honest
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I want to eat pizza with Zarina while we binge watch her documentaries together
More girls that say that they're bi than men, not more bi girls
this >>483339389 lol. there's the same amount of bi men as bi women, most just never come out cause they're more sensitive to homophobia
>the strength of a killer is mostly determined by their mobility and and ability to end chases quickly
>high tier killers are usually those like blight who have both
>knight used to be able to end chases quickly because of using guards at loops but was still weak because low mobility + clunky and unreliable
>take away the ability to use his power mid chase
>he’s effectively just as shit as trapper if not worse because trapper can still shut down loops
What were they thinking with the knight changes. Hope to god feedback from the ptb makes them change their mind or else knight is on track to be the weakest killer hands down
Rosie O'Donnell survivor when?
I wish she was in the game just so people could remember and get pissed off at this again. Could be funny for a week.
survivors add nothing to the game unless she has a new second chance or exhaustion perk so no i don't fucking care
You just know it's going to be some shit like
>After opening a chest you can see the aura of the killer for 10 seconds
Nu-Laura doesn't even use twin Berettas now, does she? So we can't even have some kind of funny blast mine equivalent thing more than likely
residual manifest but for keys
>the guy with the longest killer win streak tried to do an escape streak with his swf
>They each have 10000 hours in the game easily
>They could only get to 15 before losing to a hag
But I thought killers said the game is survivor sided if they're well coordinated?
Thinking about skermz raping me makes my pssy wet
mmmm she the
she a bad lil she a rebel
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Tomb Raider is action adventure, not horror.
>b-but stealing cultural relics of PoC civilizations is scary to me!!
You want horror? Take a look in this mirror, tranny
>play role that determines the flow of the match depending on what they bring
>use a top two character in that role
>huge win streak
>play role that has to play in accordance to what the other role brings
>this role also requires having to rely on teamwork vs your own intuition, further increasing potential for error
>significantly harder to get a large streak
bro dude I'm so....le shocked!!! bhvr buff survivors plspls!
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yui you cant say that...
>DUDE it's the word white people can't use bro!!! LMAO
Shock comedy has always been retarded but at least we had the balls to actually say the 'bad' shit
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>Loop Billy like a fiend on Badham even though I'm terrible at looping because he's constantly sawing
>Actually manages to 2k
>Downs me right outside the gate and grabs me
>Could've wiggled free but decide to just let him take it because he made me proud
>play any other killer
>little babies that are prestige 3-15 at best, can 3-4k with relative ease barring some oddities
>load in as Deathslinger
>prestige 50+
>blatant SWF coordination
>gens flying
>lucky for a 1k, a 2k is a miracle
>average of 3k hours to my 600 hours
I'd be OK if it were a fluke in matchmaking but this shit has happened 9 times in a row on him and the lowest time played player I've seen was 1200 hours. I get that there's varying caps on all killer MMR but how in the fuck can it be that different on a killer that I do middling at in the first place?
Also does anyone have that Deathslinger image of him in the Doom pose with dozens of bunny Fengs? It really sums up this old fuck
I don't understand Killers logic turning friendly after killing one or two people, either be friendly from the start or don't be friendly at all.
when you win too hard you dont get as many points. Simple as. take your pity escape.
tired of this "spaghetti code" shit. BHVR is just fucking lazy. there is no excuse.
I don't understand why these fucks can't just have a health update or two. I don't need a shit Survivor every 2 months, how about we fix the games baseline issues and maybe meld some shit perks into something actually decent to help with bloat?
>I don't understand why these fucks can't just have a health update or two
because that means not making any money in a 3 month cycle
They could unironically do nothing but shit out coomer cosmetics for the next year and focus solely on health patches and be fine.
Yeah they bothered actually moving to UE5 not that long ago, it's just laziness
what did moving the game to UE5 even do
it runs better than it did on UE4
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I will ALWAYS run James and I will ALWAYS run scene partner with him. You WILL hear my goofy ass screams and you WILL be amused by it.
>hit mikaela through a window
>she pops a syringe on the other side
>down her just before the heal goes off
>she DCs
takes virtually no effort
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Why does Dwight have the most thug gangster walk of all time?
Look at his determination.
His fists are balled with rightous fury.
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mentally Jill
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I love her
why do survivor mains obsess over every word that comes from tru3ta1ents mouth
Tru3 can top me
He isn't even playing dbd at the moment. Even when he isn't playing dbd people still have to seethe about Tru3.
>actually chud, words don’t have meaning!
As expected from this crowd
>b-but stealing cultural relics of PoC civilizations is scary to me!!
The horror here is how scarily accurate this is. These freaks are one hundred percent just pushing for her because she’s le girlboss in xheir minds
shit character
What's the shrine today? If it's not play with your food or bbq and chili they can keep it
she can and she will
it’s just based is all
there’s more bi girls, a man being sexually dominated by another man is ceding their masculinity, or at least the submissive one is, there’s no such dynamic for women because they aren’t the dominant sex so they can kind of do whatever and not have to worry about their social standing
But a man sexually dominating another man isn't so what the fuck?
Actually pretty cute :)
you do realize i said exactly that in >>483340000, right? how can you possibly disagree with my premise and then immediately agree with it in the next phrase?
its always funny to see people realise that corporations are corporations who'll lay off 100 employees if it saves them a dollar and not their friends "what my wholesome corpo said happy pride month and posted memes on twitter why would they do this???"
You get banned for bad words you know. That's how my good friend Lynn, an old regular here, got permabanned
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If it wasn't for Jewish brainwashing (Christianity) most guys would probably be down to trade handjobs. Being the bottom would still be seen as unmasculine however
I'm a straight (not trans) woman
i"m a man with a surprise
Did they ever fix Sissy's poison so that it actually marks victoids who trigger it or is she still completely useless.
Does anyone know which skermz video it was where he was like why aren't my teammates doing gens and it was a duo of dwights with appraisal, plunderer's and dramaturgy just stocking up on items
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He's fine V****o
What are those perk icons
old /assg/ icons
dbdcel cope
yes they did
I don't watch bland content creators, sorry.
Even funnier that womb raider is going to distract everyone from it.
>"New femoid character vs. the livelihood of just under 100 human beings? Easy choice. BHVR take my money."
this was a cute lobby but then zarina joined...
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...making it the cutest lobby!
dbd players are merely boneless manlets...
calm down nina
This guy has fun.
it's a mix of everything
shit code, incompetent devs, and priority of releasing new khantent every 3 months instead of fixing existing game
Remember when assgee tried to gaslight everyone into thinking a killer with a mobility power, an information power, an anti loop power and a damaging power was shit?
yeah I love skull merchant
but enough about Legion
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>you can reverse vault this window in hawkins
I actually used this to get a down on someone with bamboozle somehow
vecna feels like ass to me

fly feels bad with the long ass recovery.
bubble is ok
skellys are doodoo
hand is ok
It's actually absurd that getting a character to p100 doesn't give you a unique cosmetic, banner or icon
How do this???
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what is the best killer to grind the event out with a podcast in the background?
i dont care about wins, i just wanna be done with the event tome asap
Ghostface who isn't ever in stalk mode and teabags when you see a survivor at a distance is the quickest most easy to read 'I'm not dangerous, let's farm'.
bamboozle+enduring+spirit fury and just hold W
but i dont want to farm
I thought you wanted to just grind out the tome challenges? Most are easily done farming.
>dbd bubba
>tcm bubba
do you want me to spell it for you
you fucking retard
No need for that. That's gone and hurt my feelings.
He might be doing saw only, not uncommon.
Lara Croft

Invocation - Double Trouble:
Once the Invocation is completed, the following effects apply:
-you equip two pistols that fire 12 shots each. The bullets can be used to stun the killer, create a distraction, sabotage hooks, break pallets, break walls, and disarm bear traps.
-survivors for the rest of match immediately replenish an item after use, however once its been consumed a second time the item cannot be replenished by any means.

Nimble Navigator :
-While in chase you can see the killer's aura within a short range when you are vaulting. You are granted the ability to climb up walls when there's an elevated vault. When at an elevated vault you can cliffhang for a few seconds.

Relic Retrieval:
-spawns a Relic Chest that cannot be opened by other survivors , but survivors can sacrifice an item to the chest
-When the exit gates are powered the relic chest automatically opens and survivors that sacrificed an item to the chest are granted a powerful and unique version of any item they have sacrificed
-the more items sacrificed, the better quality items survivors will get!
-grants the survivor the ability to see the auras of dropped items
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Yeah, for P100'ing Rebecca we should get a skin of her in lingerie
>Feel like playing scratched mirror myers
>Foolishly bring cobbler instead of a map offering
>Get Azarov's resting place
>Survivors have no mercy and t-bag relentlessly as I fail to catch any of them off guard and trek for hours to reach gens
Rate my killer build

Playing Nurse and have 4kd 50 times in a row with this build, highly recommend it due to the amount of seethe it causes
We need a asym slasher game where the survivors are all different animals with their own abilities trying to evade a vicious pet serial killer.
Or perhaps trying to escape another animal that has rabies or something
Just make a game where I play as a cute animal
We already have blacks in DbD though
Someone tried to punch me yesterday and I dodged it by doing the dead hard animation
Some wackos with plastic sticks dressed in a funny blue outfit with flashing lights on their car tried to chase me yesterday but I got away and teabagged them
if you see someone with a DBD decal on their car and you want to take a picture of the car be sure to not include the license plate in your picture. please and thank you.
I met a girl in DbD who says she works for the Iowa coast guard
She says she doesn't have much work so she gets to play DbD during it
>Coast Guard
Futa is straight
Straight is evil
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Guys, does this twitchie seem like he's cheating to you? He's 21 according to his bio, yet he has prestige. He also got a blind on me mid-chase from some awkward as hell angle that was functionally instant. Could use some input from you guys on whether or not this autist is legit.
Not only cant he use power well mid chase, even if he manages to place a good guard and cut survs off, the guards run out a THREE TIMES RATE when you're close to them while theyre chasing a surv so theyre essentially useless, and double hits are impossible. Not sure wtf they were thinking. Why not show the flags aura and not have this second awful downside on top of the 10m minimum path length? It's not like double hits wwere hard to avoid either for survs.
i like his aquarium cam
I'm less concerned about his aquarium cam and more about how his gameplay looks a little fishy.
>people thinking knight will be shit
Whats gonna be good about him? Waste 10 seconds off survs time before they grab the flag?
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>watching dev stream
>"As a survivor, you can now trick knight's guards to get stuck near windows by brushing on them mid chase"
>"I mean, you could always do that, but we made that bug into a feature!"
Simply awful. I'm fully conviced they're not fixing the getting stunned in ghost form bug either.
Let's be honest. They're just making it a "feature" so they don't have to try to fix it. It's laziness, not intention.
RIP knight
At least HUX could use his biomass for some buffs
he seems nice and i like his energy, not seen anything sus
>hurr i only used knight to double hit now i cant do that anymore hes shit now that i cant do that!!!
Knight finally got the nerf he deserved. The summons had way too much crowd control and there was no counter play to being chased by the killer and a summon at the same time. The summons should have not been able to spot survivors through walls and fly up hills/stair cases. Knight can at least now choose to summon .
they finally addressed the spirit butt glitch. nice. no more starting a game with the camera focused on her ass
>hurr durr i play against dogshit survs that dont know that you can loop the guards for 5 seconds then pick up the flag
>pick up flag
>still get hit by guard

umm you have to wait 15 seconds for the horn to sound chuddie mkay?
Great, they took out the only reason I'd play that ghost bitch
Are you trolling? Do you know what picking up the flag does?
so in those 15 seconds the Knight can double tap me even I get caught in a dead zone


man this game is not new player friendly. there's nothing in the description that explains when you can do things and what things do.
No I don't to be honest. I don't play Knight and I don't do well against Knight to know how exactly he works.
>It's not like double hits wwere hard to avoid either for survs.
really funny how survivors were being herded like prey animals desu guess now they'll be happy knight will 3 gen every game
so survivors are really getting guns when the Lara Croft update hits. holy shit.
Then you shouldn't be so confident in that he'll be stronger now. What picking it up does is, it ends the hunt, despawns the guard AND gives you both speedboost and endurance for a few seconds. Guards by themselves are worthless because you can vault a window or pallet to slow them down, then go grab the flag

But youre right about this shit not being beginner friendly. Nowhere during gameplay is this indicated. They could at the very least show the flags aura, show it filling up, make it white and outline it when you could pick it up, etc. Hell, maybe it already does but, its still too unclear.
>knight will have no chase power and no mobility
>guard ai is dogshit and maybe gets a hit 30% of the time at best
>the most optimal use of your power is now to waste people time being chased by jailer
>that’s it, that’s your power
Unironically going to be fucking worse than trapper holy shit
apparently the new killer will have something to do with Ice Cream?
restart steam to get the beta branch
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oh god what the fuck is this??
Those perks seem very mid. I guess hardened might be OK in niche builds with scene partner but otherwise you're just hoping to face doctor.
Also why the fuck would you bring out an anti scream perk after they changed ultimate weapon to be aura focused?
This company is fucking retarded
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Roman rules. You fuck = not gay. You get fucked = gay

Simple as
Genuinely fucking destroyed Knight what the fuck?
Also loading screen disconnect bots are bullshit MAKE BOTS BETTER
>New Perk: Specialist

>Each time you open or rummage through a chest, gain 1 token, up to 3/3/3. When you do a great skill check on a generator, consume all tokens. Then for each token consumed, reduce the maximum required generator progress by 2/3/4.

This is fucking insane. Who the hell approved this?
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this will be knight's only saving grace and survivors will get it nerfed before it goes live
Literally the most popular perk in the game makes survivors scream.
that's actually pretty cool. i also wanna point this out:
>Decrease the camera push distance when entering path creation mode to 80 cm. (was 160 cm)
couple that with being able to select carnifex any time he wants, he can now throw out a carni and break pallets any time he wants almost, without fighting against the weird "can't place next to a wall" bullshit. so that's something. kind of fucking boring but oh well, we'll see.
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>Machine Learning gives 60s haste + undetectable
>mfw running this on double Iri Myers on Lery's along with having 3 stacks of PYWF
inb4 it works on killer chests and nerfs Vecna and Wesker into the ground
The reduce generator progress instead of just adding progress is certainly a very interesting decision since that is guaranteed irreversible progress, but is it really better than just straight up doing gens vs wasting time finding and searching chests?
And if they devote their entire build to chests that is honestly a net positive for killers since that means less second chance/meta perks to deal with.
Windows of Opportunity makes survivors scream?
>killers already crying about the perks when a month from now you will only see them once in 50 matches like 99% of survivor perks
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new vault animation for the perk btw
I think it's strong because you can save it for the last gen.
It will reward organised SWFs tremendously which is not really what the game needs.
You know I meant killer perks you cunt.
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oh my god yes more fucking aura reading, just what we need!
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Couldn't resist, anon
They already had featured tomes this is gay.

BHVRs pandering to the japanese strikes again.
Nea and Mikaela also get new skins in pass.
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babe wake up, new tunneling off hook addon just dropped
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When are they putting Eddie in the game?
just dipping in to say haha you guys got nu-Lara
nu lara is based and her first two games are excellent
*pins you down on the bed*
What's wrong with nu Lara?
been playing some singu and he feels kind of bad. the camera auto locking on is weird, they nerfed the lock on time from 0.6 to 0.8 seconds which his a huge increase, the "sticky" pod placement and teleports feel off, the 3% haste from soma basekit don't actually feel like they're working right, feels like they're not applying at all, i might be wrong. idk... we'll see.
The prefix nu- itself has a negative connotation.
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June 2024...I am forgotten
Wow 3 dogshit perks and a skin so hyped! Which one of the 3 dogshit perks do you think everyone will blow out of proportion that'll be super duper op and game breakingly meta?
gen repairu one. you can stack it with bnp, sable's invocation, fast track and 2 survivors with potential energy to instantly finish gens or something i guess whatever.
oh right thats always the case every time a new gen perk comes out a youtuber has to go "WOAH NEW FASTEST GEN SPEED?!" and its the most fucking outrageous set of circumstances that has to happen to get even half that speed while everyone in the comments goes "heh and they say the game is killer sided" "this is so crazy dude this has to be nerfed!!!"
With the new vault speed perk no killer will ever get a hit on survivors ever again.
Enjoy your twenty minute wait for lobbies survivoids.
Is the clown game dead already? Havent seen much discussion here apart from launch week. Havent played it so idk nothing about it
At least we didn't get "Unified"
Still TR is the most underwhelming dlc we've ever gotten and the only license (other than siege) people can point to and say "why does this belong in the "Hall of Fame of Horror""
>Nic Cage
has been in 10+ horror movies (more then some of the other actors that are in dbd)
>Attack on Titan
The Titans are giant Zombies
Is a system and can be literally anything
She sucks anon
Totally different personality to the cool adrenaline junkie from back in the day. Also the lack of tits, but that's secondary
Yeah, she sucks me well
>ripley is getting a skin from alien romulus
I wonder if they will add something for SH2 remake.
She deals with different types of zombies so she fits in the hall of fame of horror tm
im sad james was a skin and not a character.
Did anyone expect anything different?
i don’t think ‘homophobia’ is the right word, it’s just natural power dynamics
being gay was looked down upon pretty frequently without christianity too so i doubt it
Not him but I astral projected back to ancient Rome for a week once and all you modern faggots would be crucified desu
Futard cope.
Well, they’re some of their best originals at least
Should I pick coup or PWYF for my speedy M1 knight build?
>Rapid Brutality
I'm inclined to do PWYF to stack with Rapid Brutality but Coup longshots are big funny
Hopefully not anytime soon. Way too vanilla like most of the villains barring Walrider
An Outlast chapter would be kino, but they would probably pick the Walrider to be the killer. Wonder what the perks of Miles would be
It’s done. 40 dollars down the drain for whoever spent it
I think you’ll get more consistent value from coup
pfft HA your funny, is she fighting zombies the entire time and do themes and plot of the story revolve around them. Zombies as set dressing aren't horror. If that's the case then anything like Thief, Timesplitters, Uncharted, Yakuza (not dead souls btw), Fortnite, Persona, would fit in DBD.

TD:LR Tomb raider isn't a Zombie game about Zombies it's a tomb raiding game.
Attack on Titan is a television show about Titans (It's in the name).
Coup is more fun
Behavior is so schizophrenic with this shit. Fucking Ripley gets a new skin for a new movie she’s not even in (I think) but they skip out on Saw, Evil Dead, Hellraiser, etc.
>game in a niche genre based on a movie only hardcore horror/B-movie fans would even know of
Anybody with a brain knew this game was DoA before it even released (even without DBD and TCM)..
they are as much of set dressing as they are in dnd.
fortnite yakuza and persona should be in dbd, now cope
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She's in
I mean it's ultimately up to the license holder but I genuinely believe BHVR is just shit at negotiating cosmetics.
Yeah i recently discovered he was originally meant to be the surv but they changed it to cheryl for whatever reason. Cheryl is still cool tho.
>for whatever reason.
female survivors sell more skins. That easy.
Even Ellie from TLOU2 would be better than this shit
Let’s not get crazy. That would be a shit choice for different reasons
It would be shit but it wouldnt be Lara Croft shit
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isnt this like "fix" number 5 of this?
Now you are just being funny can't wait to see Tony show up

Is a system and can be literally anything
other Gaas slop like Fortnite and Siege do not belong.
As a Yakuza fan I know what you want. stop. Majima on trickster won't work
I used Persona specifically because there a better licenses to connect yourself to if you are going to work with Atlus (Catherine comes to mind)
I mean I guess it does complete the trifecta of SH1 map, SH2 villain, SH3 protag but I think it was motivated by >>483439365 too
When does the patch drop on live servers? It's been ages since I've started playing again
16 july
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Next chapter is Evangelion
Why do I remember her being so much hotter when I was younger? Why does she seem ugly now?
Loot goblin chads... WE FEASTING THIS PATCH
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You grew up and decided to take your Megs.
Internet rotted your brain.
Constant stream of filter using prime hotties available for viewing 24/7, any room of your house, in your car, at work, while shopping etc.
Also looks like she had work done. Not much, but some.
Now Hackers, THAT is some prime Angie.
I haven't played in a while. I did however see they did a UI update. Did they go back kind of how the very old UI was??
>looks like she had work done
Okay, yeah. That's it. I find chicks who have work done to be unattractive.
because you remember all the promo shots and trailers and movie posters where she's dolled up and photoshopped to fuck, vs a blurry bad quality image taken during what was probably some kind of action sequence where she's sweaty and her hair is a mess

Angelina Jolie's "hotness" was always a meme, but she was good as Lara
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yea he is definitely going to be in the game.
Post survivors you want despite not even being remotely horror-related like Lara.
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>load into game as killer
>some bunny Feng is literally named "Tunnel Me"
>tunnel her
>tfw she has Decisive Strike, Off the Record, Dead Hard, Adrenaline, and a Styptic
Some things never change.
I just want a Tommy Jarvis Survivor and a Gambit legendary skin for Trickster
>Gambit legendary skin for Trickster
That would be really cool until you realize BHVR won't put any effort into in and he'll still throw knives and speak Korean.
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he's in
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Only if it plays American Venom in the lobby
Yeah... I hate you're absolutely right
Here's hoping when Solid Snake inevitably gets in awhile after Dracula BHVR remembers to give him a "leans up against a wall and pounds the wall distracting killers" gimmick and his own chase theme.
Bonus for him being able to call someone up for a dossier on a random killer in the lobby.
>if a player DCs in loading then a bot will load in
why the fuck would anyone want the retarded bots on their team? fuck off.
The mindgame began before you loaded into the match
Next time the survivor will be named "Do not lock your door" and if you don't they'll come in to beat your ass with a big metal flashlight (you cannot win if you are in a coma)
Finesse sounds like a perk that's gonna boost a lot of shitters.
damn the cromagnon woman on the right mogs the neanderthalcel on the left
>want to play farming killer because ive had enough of sweating
>post game lobby tells me I'm "boring" for 8 hooking and letting everyone max points while they cranked gens on my p100 ghostface
lol okay I'll put grim embrace back on
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Bless your heart
Y'all'dve always welcome to come farm with me
tranny pov is not straight
The dick is just a bonus, she still has a pussy and some great curves.
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I wonder if they'll give dc penalties for closing the game during loading now. Anyway they should gut map offerings before putting this in
>someone burns map offering
>no no you dont wanna play on our shit maps? nah dc penalty
hate this shit
I dont get survivors who dont want the free points. truly. Play sweaty? Told to kill myself. Do 8 hooks and give healing points? GOD IM SOOOOOOO BORED! BOOOOORING! but WHY IS THE KILLER PLAYING TO WIN IN THE FUN MODE???
atleast you cant depip so just go stand at a hook like I do
>wonder if they'll give dc penalties for closing the game during loading now
They should already be doing this
Sometimes I just want to go to Midwich as James or PH, alright?
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That's your fault for playing an incel manlet killer who's as tall as a girl survivor
Play a real big man like Dorito Daddy and they will love you
I'm talking about the human
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>"Trapper...? So he sets all kinds of traps?"
>"No Snake, just bear traps. He lived near the woods by his father's mine and often used them there."
>"Only knows one kind of trap? Not much of a hunter if you ask me..."
>"Don't underestimate him, Snake. His strength is unmatched and he is known for his cruelty. Look out for tall grass where visibility is limited."
they'd never do something sovlful like that plus it would mean giving snake more voice lines after every new killer comes out
So you're into male x futa but against futa x futa?
I do play geometry face. People dc
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rebecca if she real
lets break this down
Male x Futa? gay
>b-but its like pegging!
nope its an organic cock doesnt matter if it has a vagina too that is a real penis its not a sex toy it is a real cock
>futa x futa
gay as fuck even if she has a vagina you specifically WANT a cock not only that you want a cock to go into another thing with a dick you are turbo gay
>futa x woman
not gay. While you are specifically looking for a woman with a dick its still not gay otherwise male on woman would be gay the cock to vagina ratio stays the same in futa x woman vs just regular woman and regular man
>"The 'Legion,' huh? I only see one gangly looking teen. I think I'll just restrain them..."
Literally just for killers to force survivors to playvs their shitty Midwich or whatever offering.
I would figuratively fucking kill for a farming killer.
I'm at like 150 survivor matches this event and haven't seen ONE farming killer. There was a killer who got eight hooks before they started killing which was nice I guess.
Based anything with more than one dick involved is gay.
>get sacrificed as snake
>radio voice line: Snake? Snake!? Snaaaake!
would be kino,so dbd would never.
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bring bardic, it's funny every time.
Snake would most likely have no codec support in the entity's realm since there's no existing radio connection to his team while he's in a different dimension.

The potential for skins would be quite considerable however.

>Young Snake
>Old Snake
>Naked Snake
>Big Boss
>Liquid Snake
>Venom Snake
>every knight guard has an individual cooldown that is much longer than what it used to be, so you can't use the same over and over
what the fuck is the point of letting you select guards then? at best you'll have to swap between two separate guards anyway. this change feels fucking terrible. the only good part is being able to activate your power more easily because of the shorter initial draw path, and the other basekit buffs. this isn't even any good, especially against good players. lame.
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Probably should've just finished that last gen faster.
Doesn't mean he can't have codec conversations, just imply its not actually Otacon and the en-titty created a fake Otacon. Or Snake is insane and imagines the conversation. Or he talks with the Observer instead. Or fucking anything, if they want to put it in they'll find a way, if not they won't bother.
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Le becca post?!?!
>Disconnect Bots will now be able to spawn if a player disconnects during loading. This should allow for games that used to be cancelled for not having enough players to continue on.
are they retarded? they asked this in the survey not too long ago and I can't imagine someone agreeing to it
why do they keep adding shit no one asks for? bunch of fucking idiots, they don't deserve having so many people playing this trash
How many charges does it take to heal yourself with a medkit?
Holy moly that ass is unreal
All of them.
(∫024 sin(x) dx + e^π) * (∛(1728) - φ) + (∑ₙ=120 1/n2 - ζ(2)) * (log2(4096) + Γ(5/4)) charges are required to heal yourself in full, without modifiers.
Apparently I'm a shitty teammate if I go next immediately because I don't like the killer or map or they ran a dishonest perk like lethal pursuer or has OP add-ons.
Apparently I need to touch grass and kms.
Damn that's ass. So I need to bring both charge addons to get two heals?
I dont DC on mori's because theyre unfair, theyre fine. The problem is that every killer with a mori just tunnels off first hook to secure the mori ASAP and its grossly unfun
gentleman's rule is bring the +10% skillcheck bonus one and bring a syringe
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le becca post
To expand on this, if you are affected by the mangled modifier, you can use this simple equation to calculate how many medkit charges you need:

{[(∫024 sin(x) dx + e^π) * (∛(1728) - φ) + (∑ₙ=120 1/n2 - ζ(2)) * (log2(4096) + Γ(5/4))] * (1 + [√(∏ₖ=15 prime(k)) / (∑ᵢ=1100 i) - ψ(3)])} + {R(Li2(i)) + ∫01 (x^x)^(1/x) dx + [W(1) / γ]}

prime(k) is the kth prime number
ψ(3) is the digamma function of 3
R(Li2(i)) is the real part of the dilogarithm of i (where i is the imaginary unit)
W(1) is the Lambert W function of 1
γ is the Euler-Mascheroni constant
When Lara Croft entered into the fog, Elodie, who was also a treasure hunter, was humbled by the greatness of the legendary tomb raider. But Feng was not. "Don't you know? That's not the REAL Lara Croft... that's the sissy remake version!"
"Feng, I won't tolerate your rudeness, not today," said Elodie sternly. "Miss Croft is a great hero of mine, and... wait a minute. You're right. That's not Lara Croft."
"Um, hello?" said the flat chested, anxiety ridden, horse worshipping imitation of the legendary tomb raider.
Elodie and Feng shared a glance, nodded, and then they each drew a pistol and blew this supposed 'Lara Croft' to smithereens. Eldoie was not a killer, and this was not Lara Croft. Instead of blood and chunks, the evil, black sludge of the entity was what the imitator tore into.
"And now," said Elodie, turning towards Badham Preschool while smoke rose from the barrel of her gun, "let's do what we should have done a long time ago."
Anyone else excited to see the Castlevania cosmetic that Susie is gonna get?
Does it show her breasts? This is my sole judgment criteria.
Snake having a codec conversation about Sadako could be cool since he's dealt with all sorts of psychic power bullshit before already
Why the obsession with Élodie? You lack the appropriate e acute letter on your keyboard, as well as having a mastery of grammar and vocabulary far beyond the standard melanin enriched urban youth. This is sufficient evidence to lead me to deduce that you are not a member of the Americanus Basketballensis subspecies, and thus the question listed above arises in my mind.
this made by chatgpt?
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>Anti healing perk
>Euler's Constant Pain
>"Your probabilistic models are significant to p = < 0.01 and all experimental hypotheses lead to death."
Sup Lisa
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>"Is that...a pig?"
>"yes snake, according to our records that seems to be Amanda Young from the horror-franchise "saw"
>careful snake, if she sneaks up on you she'll put a reverse bear trap on you
>A reverse bear trap?
>*footage of jigsaw making an rbt plays* designed and manufactured by John Kramer, the reverse bear trap has a intricate gear system attached to a timer. when the timer hits 0 the trap will close killing whomever was placed in it find the key if you have one on your head snake. It's the only way to free yourself
>*call ended*
>zesty fortnite gojo dancing webm
>gacha general
>casual homophobia
kino, i guess?
Easter egg, if you codec call with 1 second left on the timer Snake says goodbye to Otacon
I post in /fng/, occasionally there are gojo faggots and I get ptsd
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I wish that game didn't have a fucking AR and SMG every season. I hate faggots that can't aim single shot weapons
literally all they need to do is remove shotguns. Im so fucking tired of getting mythic shotgunned every single fucking second. I HATE SHOTGUN APE NIGGERS
>Codec calls become real.
>New players get a new tooltip system.
>It only required a AA tier character, thousands of man hours in his implementation, and for people to spend £14.99 additionally to the game.
It somehow fits BHVR's model of being too big to fail atm.
pump blink pump blink
>runs you over with a car
This game still sucks ass for new players and it'll never change. I cant imagine getting into this game now
>awful mobile game tier grind
>sometimes your attacks will cause the survivor to flash yellow sometimes your gen will be blocked sometimes the killer will speed up for no reason oh look its a killer you havent seen ever because 2 people on the planet play them oh its a killer you've never seen wait nevermind its a legendary skin for a killer you HAVE seen. Sometimes you gen will blow up for no reason etc etc
I don't mind shotguns if they're not automatic because at least they have to get close to you and risk beefing their shot and getting fucked on, but somebody knocks me with an SMG or spams me out with an AR from a distance since I play zero build? I mald like a fucker.
Also I miss bows, I actually got decent with them to the point they were the only weapon I would carry alongside 4 healing/ utility items and for the past like 2 years they've not shown up anywhere
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atleast its not that new reload mode or whatever. I got oneshot through full shield with a sniper in there and just closed the game for the night.
>can cancel the patrol so you never go on cooldown
>you still get free info because you can hear gen and healing sounds
guess Call to Arms + Map is still the addon combo. Knight's contract seems pretty good too but I'm predicting it to get fucking obliterated once they actually fix cooldowns
>Mobile game tier quality
>When the mobile version is actually more helpful for newer players. (see other teams loadouts, forgiving skillchecks, etc)
May god help us all, we decided to be part of THIS general?
also next person to do the op can meme arrow the ptb header, im a retard
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unlike dbd killercels chop top oozes dark triad energy
chopped top takes mansons loads
Based my wife deserves it
Would be cool but I love him too much to see him in here
Actually pretty cute
So true
Not really
>casual homophobia
shut up fag

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