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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous: >>483107069

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Official Release Trailer | Waking of a World

>Opening Cinematics | Set Sail

>Featured Cinematic | Saving Light

>Global Launch Trailer | Waking of a World

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Yinlin

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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You are ready for Jinhsi, right?
Which dps has aoe stun like Jiyan?
havoc rover is so bad
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How are you waves, anonymous? Mine are wuthering.
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Jinhsi Status?
I'm ready to skip Jue's cocksleeve, yes.
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How is the Jinhsi farm going?
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Heh.. melty
Character build planners, includes Jinhsi and Changli:
I look like this
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I did it.
cute dyke
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Fuck your wuthering flexing ass bwo
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Yinlin..I know its for your job but..
4-cost echoes are only worth keeping if they have crit rate or crit damage, right?
Would you ever want anything else there?
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>set sail
>rides train
>Would you ever want anything else there?
Only for supports
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Tsubaki sexo
I guess def / hp is fine for supports that don't do damage and healing bonus on anyone with healing and atk on anyone that scales with atk like Jianxin if you use her for shields as utility.
Roll for Yinlin or Jihnsi weapon?
I wouldn't bother with anything else outside first aid set mnyes
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Say it


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at this point, buy an ad
WTF is Tsubaki is this some ironic weeb thing?
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this game rules
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>he's never going to play the game
>yet he says it properly
why even live
Elitist weebs use JP names to feel superior.
>Thread literally at snail pace
So this is how its feel once all other /vg/ generals stop caring about us...
WuWa is the new king of gacha
but it just makes them look like dorks
It's lonely at the top, isn't it?
EN dub is the official dub.
Little known fact Wuthering Waves invented gacha gaming generals
Now that all the trannies/trolls have jumped ship, Can we go back to /wwg/?
You are still here though?
Fuck off
king of the dead maybe lemeow
There's no "we" you jumped up tranny.
Take your meds and dial 8
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yeah I think we're ready.
Wuthering Waves invented Dead Generals.
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>hidden flower chest
(You) did get it, right?
I would be posting in wwg if there was a wwg
Is that included on interactive map?
Wait for actual 1.1 release there are CC's and enough kino lined up to make the melty go nuclear
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>hidden chest
What do (You) think?
Okay anon. Stop with the shit everyone has. Tell me my last chest in DIM FUCKING FOREST.

It's probably a challenge btw. I even found them here in there in "100% supply chest" areas...
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Has the Jué echo animation been leaked? Do we know if it's cancelable?
oh great now the encores are getting uppity
Little known fact Wuthering Waves invented videogames and touchscreens
Nevermind, turns out it's included
No. I was planning to spend to get her, but my PC just died, so I can't spare the money for her now.
I NEED to win the 50:50.
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How are we this dead already? I'm now legit worried that we won't make it when ZZZ drops.
We need a DJ and KOF.
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holy baizhi
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>shit everyone has
I didn't find that in my first account so it's definitely not something everyanon has
Also don't forget to collect this chest from the cubes and the chest right behind it that you have to dig
Pray the 1.1 story is good.
Me in the back
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GeshuLin isn't dead you moron, GOD these fucking illiterate SEAmonkeys play from act 4 again.
I thought it was a summon, rather than transformation?
Is Encore aoe?
Does she have stun when using basic/heavy attack/transform?
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I'm ready for her 4* dupes without getting spooked by her and then rolling for Changli.
i already finished my 10 minutes of gameplay today bwo what do you want from me
>Spectro DMG
Let me summon echos mid-air or I'm going to shit my pants playing Jinshi and Changli
sis, your prefarmed Jinhsi/Changli echos?
Oh, is it really though? That's just beyond broken then.
All the chinese shills do not work on a sunday.
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>Got buttfucked in relevance and content
>Too scared to compare games now that it's obvious what the superior game is
Yup, it's concerntroll time.
At the very least, the wording for the echo begins "Summon Jue to..."
Kill yourself already holy shit
>still not a single video demonstrating Jinhsi fighting against enemies
Highly worrying.
>camellya fag
>absolute abhorrent post
every time
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you want more shitposters/goreposters/baitposters/hoyoshills?
>one bait post
>thread now at turtle pace
We are healing
prep it bro
did we get goreposters? wtf
Concerning even !!
1 GI cloud point has been deposited
>Spade Edit
Fuck off
Oops, Meant to reply to
Sorry. i'm shaking a little
weeks ago there was a mindbroken ukrainian spamming dead russian soldiers
>Prefarmed for Jinhsi, but not Danjin
did I just BRICK my account?
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no u
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Post your jinhsi funds
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She will never Yurusanai this insult
Bro, Jinhsi wants Yuanwu and Verina.
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Wuwa! Oppai! Manko!
I had to use ticket for Encore, but now I have all launch characters except furry cheerleader
Not like I will have mats to level anyone new anyway
I kinda regret leveling Danjin instead of Sanhua for Havoc Rover support, I don't feel any impact from her other than Dreamless drop every 20s. Concerto for outro havoc% buff fills slow af
I'm swiping but at least got Yinlin and Verina'd right after so shouldn't be too much damage
Waiting for end of banner to see where I'm at for rolls before committing/how cancerous the Spectro grind will be.
My dad works at kuro games and said wuwa is going to have a collab with BlazBlue
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>stealing yangyangposter memes
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none because my funds are reserved for the booba birb
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Our Chingli savings can make it past Jinshi right guys, right hahahahahahahahah
Ok but what about the obvious one when are we getting 2Bslut collab
I regret rolling for Jinhsi...
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>no homo
wait a minute
The most painful part of 1.1 is knowing I won't be able to explore the Red Velvet plains with her.
>rolling for hag sidegrade
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Just get Jinhsi+weapon in two pulls it's that easy you're not bad at gacha after all these years are you?
If she stops blushing, will she die?
To S6R5, I know.
The 1.1 release is gonna be huge
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It would be extremely bainful
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>all the troons left
There's still you discord faggot, wwg is fanfic and wuwa is official, keep seething about it
She has big tits
Changli is permanently in heat
...On opposites day.
...my massive dick out
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i dont have any astrites ill just save for phrolova
>wwg established a whole year before wuwa
>wuwa troons spam their own general and poll to make it look like they are the official thread
nice try troon, youre not changing history
Why is the schizo sperging out over the name of the general?
Changli's rack is going to be a huge flop, bounce, and jiggle.
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hmmm test
average control freak schizo. ignore it
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It's what being perma-online does to a mofo they tie their whole identity to dumb shit like that.
looks like shit
Warioware General was the first /wwg/ therefore we should be Warioware General.
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Like, imagine rolling for Encore sidegrade.
A melee brick at that.
A menopausic fat hag with more mileage and baggage than your average lyft airport ride.
Couldn't . Be . Me.
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hmmm built for BBC
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Problem with this game is that it tried to be GI too much, and when ppl realized it was just a worse optimized GI they went back. This game is already dead.
The game is on a dead period until 1.1 on the 28th. I have a full time job and other hobbies, but even I already cleared the 1.0 content. What do you expect? Also, we are an /hsrg/ colony and that game just got an update.
stop posting
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>didn't continue
I guess she's not for me then, an ez skip for Camelhead
This is the gameplay trailer that got me hyped for Wuthering Waevs back in the day. After rewatching it, I realized that the games is completely different now. Boss battles are not nearly as cool as it was shown back then, everything looked way snappier.
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spotted the based department
>aiieee I made it first so you will use it reee
Keep seething nigger nobody cares about wwg aside from you schizos,now go cope with your buttbudies from discord
The irony of this post.
Stop posting that blushing bitch
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>based retard can't read filenames
>thinks he can into basic bant
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Don't care nigger, I will keep reporting wwg threads and they will be deleted by the janny everytime and you can't do shit about it
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Jinhsi soon™
You clearly do care, retard.
I get how bored you are, so here's your (You).
mega Based
I'm stealing this webm along with your MEME
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>still seething to this day cause people won't use the thread he made a year ago
Sure bud now fuck off
Why do w*men have to ruin everything?
post discord. i want to join
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Why do /wwg/ have to ruin everything?
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AnkoGODs with the hard to swallow pills.
Relax there, tranny
Honestly if /wwg/ never existed, wuwa wouldn't have flopped.
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That's exactly the gameplay we have tho.
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I would've scrapped it after those first two rolls. Hell I've done so several times today. Only managed to get a single crit rate 3 cost so far, after killing all 3 cost spectros to extinction. I even used the malleable selectors for her.
1 cost echoes are ready with CR though.
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not say it without crying haglischizo
Totally organic posting. Nothing to see here.
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Very nice Anon
wuwa with a particle cannon when?
post the discord so I can plan the next raid with you trannies
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Thank you, onahole that lives in my hand
For 3 cost I go to +15, if there's a crit or 3 good rolls I go to +20.
I had sex today
Its getting tiring doing this routine everyday, I think I'll start doing that if one of the first two are skill/ATK% buffs.
lol wwg schizo is the one seething over the name for a month now, you already got doxxed discord freak
uh oh tacet discord tranny melty
What am i looking at? Context? I'm not mentally ill enough to get it. Share with the class.
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>discord trannies = tacet dicord abominations
Will never not be funny.
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What did they mean by this
What you're really saying is you have double digit IQ. Consider suicide, retard.
Basically, /wuwa/ was made by genshit discord trannies.
That 1.1 is in 5 days
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-Puts money into things that don't just generate profit, but thanks fans like Hoyofair
-Listens to community and ensures that all players feel represented
-Designs diverse characters to ensure maximum audience appeal
-Recruits from all backgrounds, instead of just straight virgin males in order to get as many diverse viewpoints in development
-Contributes significantly to legitimate artistic endeavours and culture to the point they become recognized by the government

Wuthering Waves
-Incel coomerbait designs
-Chinese spyware

People recognize legitimacy when they see it. And it ain't Kuro's.
we were the trainnies all along
no but in spanish?
Incel website.
>one singular spelling mistake
it's over for you...
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>Listens to community
Let's see that artifact loadout buddy
>-Puts money into things that don't just generate profi
Yeah, they invest in nuclear fission.
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Dude your South American archon is literally a white colonist. Diverse my fucking ass.
Haha someone sat down one day and made this shit
>wwg was made by a control freak schizo over a year ago who is sperging out till this day cause people don't want to use """"his"""" thread and is seething on discord
Even the devs use WuWa so fuck off

The future is brown, deal with it.
The Devs Listened to this extent...!?
>b-b-but this is what the heckin devs call it
lol this tranny still seething
Jhinshi boots were MADE for urethral insertion
I won't lie, /wuwa/ is a quirky le reddit name but I don't give a shit about this naming drama. This general is dead anyway.
It'll be even more dead after ZZZ releases.
h-hey... o wo) i>>483155412
fwogot my vyanse, so i whoopsdoopsied the reply button.. i hate whwn that wappens
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jinhsi's loong
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Just let him screech by himself, why do you keep entertaining his schizo behavior, derailing the entire thread in the process?
Hope this is enough for Jinhsi and Changli, I prayyyyy
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How do I make my monk more powerful? Do I go for the 5 star gauntlets?
>replying to itself
Post the left game's revenue.
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wuwu? Wawa?
dragon genes..
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You need to cultivate______________
>1.1 is just a single tiny map with like 5 new puzzles and a single new quest + a single new sidequest
What the fuck did these fucks do with the 140mil they made? That's fucking it for an entire 6 weeks? This game is absolutely fucked when ZZZ drops.
lol XD so funny nice reddit post brother!
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I'm hoping that Jinshi comes quickly, so that I'll have a big enough of a load left for Changli too.
What is there to even derail...?
i salute the yapyap
haha there it is, that number again that nobody can source!
they can always go full coom like snowbreak. even CN doesn't like wuwa so it's whatever really what they do from now on.
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Whatever's left of us after everyone went back to roll Firefly
Why do Anko posters want their girl to be fucked by BBC?
As Fate has decreed. Giggers will lost.
It's been sourced multiple times, dumb fuck retard. Go back to gig faggot.
>hit UL45
>feel nothing

.....I don't even want Jinhsi. I'm rolling more for Yangyang and Sanhua dupes and she uses the same weapon as Calcharo

I'm feeling like quitting ngl. And the dailies are getting to be a tiresome grind.
Chixia posters > Yangyang posters > Encore posters > FemMC posters >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jianxin posters
Wuwa's new trailer views surpassed firefly's recently, I'd say they're doing fine.
I miss /wwg/ bwos....
They're using the money to hire those 150+ employees for the game. Plus Solon Lee's gym membership.
This game is literally genshin with a new coat of paint on. If you were already burnt out by genshin, you're naturally gonna get burned out by this really quickly. Take a break, this game is ass anyway.
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Usually story discussions and attachments to characters keep us going, I don't think I need to say anything about how Kuro handled either of that. Character designs and gooning can only take you so far.
Stfu retard why would you assume I'm a retarded gennigger
God you faggots are insufferable it's like bringing up your first GF to everyone, it's inappropriate
Makes no sense, a gym membership is like 100 at month, he can't afford that? Bullshit.
Calm down discord sperg i'm asking in good faith. Be normal.
Got it, thanks.
is /wuwa/ the whites and /wwg/ the blacks? or is it the other way around?
At least you didn't spend any money on it.
do we not get a 1.1 developer livestream? I thought something was coming today...
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>It's been sourced multiple times
>doesn't provide source
Because why else would you be playing genshin 0.5?
No 1.1 dev stream. Kuro can't afford a dev stream every patch. If it's like PGR it would only be for the mid anniversary and anniversary patches. This game is dead.
Resonator Classifications
Hopefully more in the future
>>483156765 see >>483154959
Not here to validate you faggot. Lurk more.
That's when the patch drops you fucking retarded fuck.
This so much this genshinsister THIS!
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way to jinx thing yangyang
OMG I like TOTES agree! Like I'm going back to like playing Genshin lol XD like!

Among other things
>mina aoyama still hasn't reacted to the new trailer
It's over, wuwa is irrelevant trash now.
Posting leddit links should be a bannable offense.
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Yeah... See you in 1.1 threads,
Why? Your thread name is reddit incarnate, it's only fitting.
Just like how she'll steal Rover from Yangyang.
but it is.....
All bar one of her Wuwa streams were sponsored. What did you expect?
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I gazed his gay energy when I first saw the pic
>x game is dead
if u can't kiss yourself in the mirror while saying that, then you're probably gay
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I wonder if covering the tacet mark means we will never get this as skin.
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>Your thread name
moles make this character

fight me you anti-mole aliens
>1.1 drops
>everyone is gonna be whining about the dogshit story or just skip it
>entire patch's content gets cleared in like 2 days
>/wuwa/ goes back to being a 10+ hour general that gets even slower when ZZZ drops
Please understand there is a gender imbalance in China.
Hot take but I don't care much for the chibi and english live streams, having the actual dev team speak about their work makes it feel much more authentic/genuine. Surely it's not that expensive, all you'd have to do is just sit down and talk a little about the development process and showcase the new area and characters with some video then translate to english and jp.
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Good news everyanon!
This. Have a reddit general name, have a reddit general. Simple as.
what kind of retard do you need to be to call this game worse than genshin
Why did you have to give it away right at the end? We agreed not to mention Z on ANY raid looking forward to you getting kicked.
The kind of retard that still plays genshit.
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Good morning /wwg/
Seh would just remove that to ult
Nope. It doesn't matter that Hoyo hasn't added an artifact system, because the artifact system is DESIGNED to RESPECT the player and time, unlike Kuro's RNG gaming trash. Like, do you understand you actually have to play the game at some point? If you had loadouts in Genshin, it'd remove the strategic element of sorting and choosing your artifacts with proper planning. But of course you just want the coomerbait gambling trash, hence why you're here.

Yep. WuWa is empty with no substance, and you can feel it once you tear off the god awful skin that Kuro stitched on top. The game has no care. The developers don't make well designed systems and they make them purposely disrespect the player and waste time, which is the complete opposite of Hoyo, who ALWAYS ensures that the fans come first. There's nothing to do in Wuwa, even when there's things to do and new content - but all of it is meaningless. Compare and contrast that to something like Genshin, which is constantly adding incredibly different designs of characters, minigames, web events and everything. That's a company and game who cares. Not this one
now you've made me mad. the mole is misplaced, adds nothing to the character design, literal blemish tier the concept artist forgot to erase, they understand nothing about negative space in art, YOU UNDERSTAND NOTHING ABOUT NEGATIVE SPACE IN ART, i'm so sick of you fucking pieces of shit acting all high and mighty when it comes to fucking moles, it's a fucking dot existing in a 3 by 3 pixel grid and they couldn't even get that right
>That ONE fag that prefers the old design and keeps calling the new one shit can finally stfu
Thank god
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good morning princess, nice day to cum on your face again
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Good morning bwo
It's just common sense? They already revealed the pitiful amount of content 1.1 is dropping. I don't see how it can compete with an entire game game in terms of content.
I think so far tiger boy is the only character I actually don't care about at all remotely gameplay wise or design wise and will be disappointed by if and when he spooks me.
What is it about this boy that's so damn unlikeable?
/gig/ is a 4ch general and is a cesspit, so I'll take it instead
all i see are 2 fists
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w-why'd you have to go in so hard like that bro, geeze i'm sorry wtf
detection target not found
You secretly love him and jerk off to twink furfaggot porn.
Yeah, this is my last post in this reddit thread. See you in the 4chan thread.
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>turn shadows on low
>game performance massively improves
>30 minute response
yeah he mad
Kek. Pride goes before a fall, retard. Genkeks will get dethrones.
>prefers the resin gate
>having no loadout system is actually a good thing
>there is never no content in genshin
Go back to your general
The funny thing is, Genshin has the auto-artifact equip option and everyone ignores it. I know that it doesn't save pre-set artifacts, but it's better that way because it means if you get a new artifact, it'll equip the better one automatically. And no-one talks about it or uses it. I'm not joking. I used it to build multiple characters and it gave, them top 1% builds.
/wuwa/ is a twitter/discord/reddit subsidiary
Honestly the only thing I look forward currently is Changli, I barely play the game anymore..
I just came into the thread 15 minutes ago to catch up.
Good night bwo, see you tomorrow
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check them
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Encore posters own this general you dumb redhead townbicycleposter
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what massacred the hype?
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I could beat up Chixia in a fight
Why not run Danjin and MC as both DPS? Works for me.
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>Chinese spyware
based I should have started playing sooner
I hope somehow my data helps china win
I absolutely love those animations. I cannot wait until ZZZ releases.
I can see it. This game will be the downfall of mihoyo.
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Nice try
don't underestimate american/global furry audience.
Know your place, Encucks.
Don't underestimate how boring that game is.
>mature encore
That's how you are supposed to run them with Danjin holding the moonlit set
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But does she nave a mole or scales down there?
They probably designed her like that because she was a peasant child who would be an npc even if survived before being adopted by jué, so she got imperfect skin (also being a dragon mutant) to show how she wasn't natively above everyone. Thankfully they didn't go with freckles.
So is changli’s sword now generically good? I was gonna roll for it anyway, even if it was ass but the buff seems nice.
If so I’ll probably just go for the gun with my 45 weapon cache
I'll roll for Sanhua dupes.
If I get her, then I guess that's fine. If I don't, that's just pity for Changli, which is also fine.
I have jerked to twink anthro furshit like marty and catboy traps like Felix
Still don't care for tigerboy at all.
I don't get it.
>But does she nave a mole or scales down there?
Now we're finally asking the important questions.
>Changli confirmed reddit
Thank god. I wouldn't want to be caught dead using a 4chan character.
>changli S2 now changed to 25% crit rate
OMEGA BASED. My sanity is worth the 300ish dollars its gonna cost.
realistically it's the part where they tried to advertise and build hype nearly a year before launch with no release date in sight for a while, no better way to tire out everyone interested
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my wuthering wife
goodnight /wuwa/wwg/
Bro Encore is melee during her ult
We still pulling the 5* sword from UL 45, right? No reason to pick anything else?
ankobros and changlibros are friends, resist bad samefags!
nah fuck ankopedos. redditli is where its at
BASED. I already know who I am saving for next after Jinhsi.
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Getting the rectifier for my encore
>but crit
She deserves better than a jinzhou keeper.
>but stringmaster
She doesn't deserve that much.
No, it's marginally better than the standard 5* sword. Wait for a sword with 25% gain at the very least unless your pigging.
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>>She doesn't deserve that much.
You don't deserve anko.
Nice samefag haglischizo
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I will play both Anko and Chang in same team, personally I find Jinhsi playstyle boring from what we've seen so far. Maybe her trial will convince me otherwise though will have to see
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>You can only choose one!!
Who's going to stop me?
You wouldn't give your child a $2k gourd. They're only gonna ruin it anyway. Same thing with a rectifier. Give her something that is fit for purpose, but no need for anything excessive when she's too young to understand the value and look after it properly.
also censor that cringe femrover design
You okay schizoxis?
I've heard there's a major drama going on in PGR community. Someone fill me in?
This, but unironically.
>forced ankek shitposting
>anons playing along with him
wholesomely schizo
This is the wwg schizo btw. You can tell because he always makes the "ack" way too long and it ruins the joke
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I want her to have nice shiny things but I don't want her to be a spoiled brat that only uses luxury goods. That's only for my wives jinhsi and camellya.
Maybe go the to pgr general and ask them?
i read this in tectone's voice
Femcel, are you okay?
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should i level anyone else as of now? my plan is to roll changli to play her with encore then wait for a female electro dps i can pair with yinlin
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>You wouldn't give your child a $2k gourd.
You don't deserve your child. These cost $500 a pop, but you'll buy one for you child without hesitation, right?
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I gave my Encore a stringmaster because I plan to use her even well after she gets power crept.
Her and Verina are the only reasons I play until Camellya drops and then I also play for her.
Holy fuck take your meds already. You're creating boogiemen everywhere.
>reroll account in case I can't get changli on main account
>spend 3 hours looking for lightning 1 slots
>0 crit rolls on any of the gold ones
>have to cope with purple pieces
Guess I'm not getting 18/30 on this one.
Chixia if you wanna pass around Echos to her.
I need math trannies to do calcs for S5 4* weapons so that I know whether or not my S5 Augment is good enough.
Thats because it is a mandated monopolisation by the japanese government
Resin gate? Oh, you mean the abundance of free, extra events, character stories, rich lore and challenges that are in every nook and cranny of the game? That's what you mean right?

Loadout system - yeah, you don't play games and it shows. Maybe you should understand that if you want to git gud at something, you gotta put the time in. Put Kuro babbies can't, they just want to gamble.

Did you miss the brand new area coming to Genshin soon and the summer event? Even when there's no "new" content, there's still so much to do in the game, because Mihoyo took the time the MAKE A PROPER GAME before launching it - I can go across Sumeru, I can go to Liyue, fight bosses on different continents - what continent can I travel to in Wuthering Waves?
Wuthering those tiddies
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Gonna repost this in the wuwa subreddit.
Level havoc rover to max it's your strongest dps in that pic
Also build burst dps sanhua with glacio set to pair with rover
You will never use chixia again after changli is out in 3 weeks
These things are well made and very durable. I might consider it if I was planning on having more children so it could be re-used for many years.
But no, I wouldn't buy it as a one-off, $500 is too much. Honestly, after typing this I wouldn't even spend that much if I had two or three more children on the way. I can get a back that lasts long enough for $20-$30 and even if I need multiple of them over the years, it'll never add up to as much as one of those things.
>Put kurobabies can't
Wuthering Waves actually invented liking women
Why are you replying to a shitpost?
This is a reddit general. We reply to everything here.
You can slot her in for zero echo investment at that point, why wouldn't you use her on another team? She can solo the early floors too with Rider in the worst case scenario.
Is this how Kleefags felt when Hu Tao powercrept them out of the game?
>genkek can only reference one game
funny but also quite pathetic
Doesn't count
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By the time you get a reroll for Hagli dupes you're going to be swimming in Encorecoin.
Anon is right also hagpedos are cringe.
I wish it didn't count when your dad melee'd your mom's pussy with his manmeat.
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uhoh hagpedo melty
Such weak bait gigturd.
UID posting not getting enough (You)s?
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For me it's Camellia!
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You're so right. Real gacha vets play real games like Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail and soon Zenless Zone Zero.
What kind of zoomer bullshit is "Hagpedo"?
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Who are you talking to?
What do we want?!
When do we want it?!
>NOW !!
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Don't use my (2nd) wife for your low effort posts, hagpedo.
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cope tourist
you Haghua
gigger lingo same as worm, pag etc
Baby's first oxymoron.
Itsa me, WuWario and my brotha WuWaluigi!
Filter them, they'll get bored of samefagging in a week.
We need ANOTHER white haired female?
It's a pedo cope term
Why does her hair turn red when she goes sicko mode?
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im not ready for get furry tranny
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>Encope melty
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There can only be one.
It's supposed to be an insult but the construction makes it incoherent enough that instead of feeling insulted, I'm just confused every time I see it and infer that the poster is retarded.
So I guess let them keep using it, since it sucks.
>enemy search
is this referring to the camera/auto targetting? or like searching for enemies on the map
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The best thing people should be picking is 2x sword or 1x sword 1x gun, which most people should have by next patch if they used their standard pulls on the standard weapon banner.
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>wuthering wave is projected to have the most revenue in june 2024
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Yes. I don't even play that game but I want her.
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All those words make you sound super mad btw
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The kind that makes people seethe to guarantee this many replies.
encoom !
>the Hagpedo cries in pain as he strikes you
encoom in encunny
I think they're talking about tracking certain type of enemies over the world map to farm echoes but they should be fixing the targeting first IMO.
Reminder: encope posters are irl pedofiles that have never seen nor touched a vagina irl. They also live in their parents basement.
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Dunno but it's hot af
i hope we get more girls like verina and encore soon
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>posts HAGmellya
Here's your (You)
Can you post that image of KMR side by side laughing with Leviathan?
This but younger
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>na hours go full schizo now
hmm, ban me now. i'm done here
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i remember the day i quit genshit was me just spamming through npc dialogue and something just snapped and i alt f4d and just stopped right then and there. i had like 150~ pulls saved up too because i think itto 1st banner was the next banner and nothing looked interesting at the time
Vuthering Vabes
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Here you go.
holy kek
god bless
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Rent free.
You forgot to quote the post sister >>483163605
Yep that was me at the beginning of Sumeru. Barely got in the zone and I kept getting long dialogue after long dialogue after long dialogue of shit quests about some dad and his kid and a book. I played like 5 minutes for 3 hours of dialogue.
Doesn't help that the new characters looked like absolute dogshit right away. Never came back and never will, except if they add a skip button for all this trash
i love encore
i will have sex with encore
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Cunnychads RULE this general
Go back to r*ddit if you cant handle it
But I'm from reddit AND I like Encore.
True enough, 1.1 will give us active threads for about a week until ZZZ hits.
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>hagpaedo resorts to falseflagging
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>no encunny image attached
hagpedo false flag
I feel like a lot of people were drawn into genshin because of the premise of "gacha that is similar to a real game and not just gachaslop" only to later realize it was kind of hollow and dull and either stick with it out of sunk cost or ditch
People are so allergic here to the word mihoyo
Is this your only way of coping?
nice obvious falseflag hagpedo
Why the fuck are they like this?
Good idea for a meme. Put a (You) in the bowl
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Hello /wuwa/ sirs!

Just going to post my favorite /wuwa/ character!

Have a great day, /wuwa/ brothers!
this but wuwa
*Tits not found*
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>The writer behind Lingyang’s quest is a man and he got fired
>There’s an infighting in Kuro’s headquarters
>Factions between females that they likened as extremists like the SJW and LGBT crowd vs writers who want to keep the MC pandering
>The latter faction won and the former were kept at bay
>Turns out the old group also have a lot of women but are in support of the (You) pandering
>more male and female characters will be added in the future
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I have a wife though
she's also a lolicon and she plays blue archive, I don't try to get her info wuwa because she doesnt like open world games
Stop projecting
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Used goods are always jealous of small girls!
Where do you find wifes like that
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Hello my /wuwa/ friend! This is my favorite /wuwa/ character. Have a nice day!
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I don't believe you
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Hola, /wuwa/ friendo!

I really really like your favorite /wuwa/ character!

I'm going to save your picture, if you don't mind!!

Enjoy your day, /wuwa/ brother!
>50 dollar weapon
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my wuthering wife...
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>ankoposters getting uppity
Post real women.
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>We will get Camellya (True)
When will wuwa get it's Ruan Mei?
I caved bwos.... I rolled for Yin Lin and her weapon so my jinhsi wouldn't be bricked but now I have no mats to level yin lin....
go back
gachas are where good writing goes to die
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Who are you rerolling for, /wuwa/ - Wuthering Waves General?
>real woman
I don't reroll in games that take ages to reach the point where you get anything.
i only want miyabi
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pits as always
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the moment chink dindu scar
I know a decent reroll took a couple hours in hsr, looking similar in zzz?
It's faster by default since you can skip and you're not forced to play the game at half speed, but aside from that it feels similar.
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You mean /wuwa/ kazuha? Last patch before major release if they copy even that. Wind character with off field grouping ability whose outro is "increase 40% all elemental damage for 20s".
the fuck is a ruan mei?
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I'll take what I can get but miyabi is cutest and I'm still not sure if the game will be fun enough to justify rerolling honestly
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>only one good faction
Explain this zzkeks
Pretty much how i felt. During the first few months i played daily but once i noticed the same kiddie events were being released and no QOL changes i played significantly less. The 1 year anni just cemented the fact that they dont try to improve
Miyabi, no competition there.
>he doesn't know koleda needs to be paired with the bear specifically
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enjoy waiting a year
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this is NOT what I wanted to hear while I was creating reroll accounts
I hate Asian bowlcuts so fucking much. It's so ugly.
I'd rather kill myself than reroll in a hoyo game, it's always a miserable experience.
It's insane how well designed she is.
Holy fuck I can't wait for ZZZ to release so you fags fuck off there forever.
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Hey /wwg/, Is it worth spending shell credits on food ingredients?
she looks... familiar...
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>the rip off blue archive girls + medabot girl aren't launch
well they do have a lot of experience with fully clothed females
please understand, private server not programmed to handle enemies correctly

i will roll for soukaku and then uninstall because bad gameplay and no marriage system
Do you need them to cook the food you use?
I'm not a shitter who needs food, so I don't know.
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>It's insane how well designed she is
koleda+ben duo is kino though
bearchads stay winning
Yes. You get +30% crit rate food from one the last recipes.
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>bowl cut hair serious traditional katanagirl #99999999999
>good design
Her clothing unironically looks better than any slutwear in this game.
>enjoy waiting a year
What do you mean?
I ended up quitting just a few months in since I got really sick of the elemental reaction system, it felt needlessly restrictive on teambuilding. I can't really blame people for how crazy they got about genshin since the whole premise was completely new. Nowadays where basically every new/popular gacha besides 1999 and ba is aiming for the genshin model it's a lot easier to see how shit it was
Where is the hype ZZZ xister
she's literally Ayaka 2.0
if you think she'll release anytime soon when their first banner is an ice attacker you're delusional
>posts haglin
The cooking level ups give astrites..
Don't shitpost with my wife, faggot.
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it's the only way to max your chef levels, since those ingredients can't be obtained any other way
but it's pointless to craft food for any other purpose than farming chef xp
>elegent jap ice katana lady
she's a clone of genshin's incest character who was in all the genshin cbt but didn't actually release until a year after launch
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Forgot pic.
It helps a lot with towers.
these girls are cute from whence are they
>generic red head slut
the irony
anon, I...
>It helps a lot with towers.
I guess I'll reroll in ZZZ a year from now.
Jhinshi, ayaka etc incels slurp these like candy
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I wonder why are zzz trannies even in our thread? Shouldn't they shill their game in one of the hoyo generals?
I will continue browsing here when I try it as well as hsrg
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Hey guys marketer here!
How do I get my gacha shilled in /wuwa/ ?
It's called Wuthering Waves and I want people to play it.
Do you have any forced animation to post?
Incel website.
make jinzhou maocai instead

30 more free rolls please.
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Holy seethe. Go back to your hoyoslop.
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Link your general. I think your general name should be /wwg/.
I would pound your pussy hard and I still think that Jinshi is cute!
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They'll be in ZZZ apparently
I'm very into the robot
Yinlin suit skin without elf ears when?
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oh cool gotta save from launch to blow my load on the middle girl and robot then
begone nonce
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I don't care about the censorship.
Cunning hares still have the best dynamic.
Now post the censored version.
I'm a major robotfucker so I am too, all three seem pretty cute from that concept art
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How homo-seeded is (You)r account anon?
Ben is the only furry I'll tolerate
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Dante+ tits + kuudere is a pretty solid team
I wish Wuwa had more squads like Blue Archive and stuff
I hope Black Shores content isn't too far out, they seem like the most fun faction
Add bra patches and ur good
t. furfag
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i never reroll because thats cringe
i want pic rel and will save until they come out
I think the robot guy looks cool but the animation threw me off because everyone moves like jello.
how will they be zensored
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He's a homo.
wuwa will probably lean more into factions over time, going by the hoyo model they most likely want to give you a taste of a lot of different groups for most of 1.x then allow you to invest in specific factions later
They'll get the Mihoyo special, low res black fabric
The game will hit EoS before they come out.
What do you lads think of echo routes? They honestly look a bit too cumbersome to do daily
wtf. why are people shilling this again?
I just fuck around until I'm bored, echo routes seem like an easy way to burn yourself out
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They won't be because they're not launch and by the time they drop the censors will be busy elsewhere

T. Manifesting this result actively while also manifesting lolis into more gacha games
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Do them like one two times then never do them again
Same thing as mining routes
>farming echos pre 1.1
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
I don't bother, I need echo xp/tuners to raise them in the first place so I'll just get echoes through tacet fields and malleable echoes unless it's a 4-cost.
I didn't give a shit about crit substat and I was still able to 18/30 tower, the only content that matters.
Just pick an echo and go after it until you're done, then pick another and do it again, you can follow routes if you really feel a need to but the only routes I follow are the ones for ascending flowers.
They're for autistic NEETs. Just use the tracker and find what you need.
You forgot about the breast reduction and that loli got censored as well
>unironically shilling a blacked pedo artist's game
are there any lower subhumans than zzziggers?
Hoyocucks are not people
Yes, /wuwa/keks.
You can't convince me that something isn't wrong with the RNG.
Everywhere I see "runs" on characters - people get a shitload of one character, and barely any of any others.
It might be balanced on the macro level, but individual accounts have something fucked up.
Gacha should open source their RNG.
I'm interested in the New Federation since that's where all the nonchink characters came from apparently. They sound like a country ruled by tech priest.
Waiting for 100%/50% until I start farming echoes.
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I've done the full echo route so many times I remember by heart where every 3 cost elite is on the map
Everyone moves like jello in zzz.
They have heavy emphasis and morphing the models alot.
It's generally a much harder animation style but it's also not for everyone.
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can I get a b-b-b-based?
We needed to gatekeep harder
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I think they're cool
I do echo routes to quickly gear up new characters, once their gear is satisfactory I can just stop doing them
How does AI slop mess up tummies this bad?
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>SEA niggers seething so bad they have to come here to shill.
Y'all are so cute.
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>hating on an artist for making money doing degenerate content
Well I guess basically every asian game is off limits now
I didn't forget.
The art is just wildly inconsistent with her breast sizes regardless so there was no point in bringing it up.
Yep, this is 100% the reddit general.
What do you expect from a general with a >>/r/eddit name?
>he wants his cunnies fucked by niggers
kys cuckie
You can tell if it's pre mastectomy or not by her hotpants since they nerfed those as well.
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if you want to kill 2 hours, have a brain off grind while watching something or your autism compels you to its something available to do
its better to target farm the elites you want if you cant handle grinding, use a map to eye ball a route if you want a bit of extra time save

fun fact wiping 85% of the map of elites is about 16k coin
it's not sloppa, just by an iffy artist. Might try to generate anko tummy now that you mention it though
ai gods won
You guys like really need to stop using the 'N' word.

It's very obnoxious and not nice to people of color.
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It gives some decent exp too my Verina gained like 8 levels in few days, wish I did this on more characters
>people are now mistaking real bad artists for bad AI
how far we've come...
I don't need to "identify" what I posted was like some the oldest official art.
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>our anime girl #76546 is better than your anime girl #246786
That anon was probably confused because the artist just drew one body and then mirrored it, which makes the image look a little uncanny.
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what could've been
This, but unironically.
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I was being unironic doe
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zzkeks explain how this is a good thing
i will now try your game
Explain how it's bad from a consumer perspective?
ZZZ is living up to it's name obviously. Also Mihomo has been leaning more towards making their games as casual friendly as possible, they want the monopoly on the normie market.
>abundance of slop, behold the same open world ive been frolicking in for 3 years cause the devs like making candy crush sims more than combat

>character stories
>VN style branching path dating sims that *dont* let you skip through the stuff youve already read

lol. lmao even
They know that shit gonna crash first week, side of the side game is the best they can aim for at this point
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2b collab is here
>rerolling a Hoyo game

just buy god reroll account for $20, why waste your life away for a week when you can just have some india or bugman get you what you want for the price of a McDonalds Double Chicken Sandwich Meal with Extra Large Fries.
My last 5 crit rate tune results have been:
I'm starting to think there's some shenanigans.
>SF6 collab
Then why do they keep pouring money into it?
>already gaslighting the community into thinking that NO CONTENT is actually a good thing

upgrade weights are heavily skewed towards low/mid rolls on crit rate
its like less than 5% chance to hit max roll
At least they admit it. Meanwhile we are sitting here with absolutely nothing to do for 5 more days.
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wait I thought /wuwa/ being scared of furry zone zero is a joke?
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So if I go to the ZZZ general is that where I get to actually discuss wuwa?
It will make money but is not going to be massive hit like you would expect from a company with so many drones shilling for it for free.
I will be very surprised if they reach top 10 first month
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Considering how I'll be in both generals
Mihomo has 3 other games to keep running, anon. They want to make sure the only gachas in the top spot is whatever they make, slop content and no content are how it's going to be.
Mobile games not being a job is a good thing
First gatcha general?
true, doesn't mean they shouldn't have content.
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this streetlight motherfucker jumpscared me while i was picking flowers
>Slop Fighter 6
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>farming artifacts 24/7 is content
It's a nothingburger, you can come back to where you were in a story mission or their equivalent of the door game mode and that's it.
who are you quoting
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bwos we have wildlife at the sea
i love slime fighter
I don't want to go to sea. I don't like the ocean.
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decide for yourself
im so tired of mmo refugees who want to turn gacha into 24/7 gookgrind sims
>b-but muh content!!
fuck off to lost ark and slave away for less than minimum wage if you want "content"
i will settle for logging in to flirt with my wives for 20 minutes and then go back to gooning to their doujins.
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So basically there's nothing to do in the game that's what they mean
you know you can just not do the content, and still be a casual little cuck who logs into a game just to look at half naked girls
Tsubaki is easier to pronounce then Camellllililia
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You gotta detox from genshin. A game not having content is always a bad thing. Now finishing said content it depends purely on the player but there should always be something to do or aim for otherwise what is the fucking point.
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how is this a bad thing??
we should learn from them
if all gachas do this we would be colonizing the universe by now
It'd a nice sentiment but I don't believe it.
It's relic system is the same as star rails
And I bet you if you but the 5$ log in pack that you will still be required to log in every day to get your paid for rewards.
Majority of gachas nowadays do this. Gacha games are above all just something to do on your phone when your bored, the market has just gotten bigger and now gachas are basically encompassing the gaming sphere outside of AAA stuff that's actually good.
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>AAA stuff that's actually good
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>Click on one of those compilation videos
>Entire feedback looks like this now
I meant that in way when there's actually a good AAA game that comes out. Normies regardless of how good a gacha is tend to still want to play a regular game.
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Soo, what team Jinhsi gonna use in the end?
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>Ayam cemani with silver leakage
This was the last place I expected to get my chicken autism triggered
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What does Jinshi clitoris taste like?
Verina and any other sub DPS you like. Jinshi is looking to be really really strong so i think as long you have verina the third choice is whatever
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I wish we had a little flying gremlin in wuwa
This general is infested with normalfags.
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Jinshi bathwater...
Unsurprising in a reddit general.
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>exploration based game
>1 game explored completely
>It's time to explore another game
It's just that easy...
Who's the better main dps between Jinshi and Changli?
Sounds almost too good, but I won't doubt they gonna shill le non-china leaderTM. What about Changli? Still on the edge a little between both and prefer to not spend that much.
Also if you liked genshin there is literally no reason other than autism, to not play wuwa...
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bwo your handstored living onahole?
Problem is, genshin exploration feel so sluggish after experiencing Wuwa...
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I liked Paimon and I know I'm in the minority here.
how you get these echos?
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my main complaint so far is that questing drops you at around ul 35 so you're stuck echo grinding at 50/50 instead of 80/20
>all the anti Wuwa posts always mention streamers and eceleb doompost genshit for wuwa as the reason to hating wuwa
Who care what those ecelebs say?
Or is it little kids are mad their favorite internet "friend" abandon them for new toys?
Hey man i'm just stating the facts, me personally i'm skipping for chingli even tho jinshi is pretty obviously the better one of the two when it comes to performance at least for what we can expect from the leaks tho
The only complaint I see people have with her is that she's over-expositive and her voice gets higher and higher pitch as the patches progress.
But then I realized that the only people with that complaint could ONLY BE dub listeners, ergo retards.
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i'd guess Changli would be able to take more Dicks Per Session as shes more experienced but we'll have to conduct some thorough testing to find out.
>look at this 4 year old game compared to this month old one
I accept your concession
Jinshi is not main dps, she's a burst support.
The problem is that you can't skip that cringe ass dialogue in the first place. Those listening to that bullshit exposition are the real retards.
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That shit doesn't work. The channel will show back up in a few days/months.
I just didn't pay that much attention to leaks and heard Jinhsi initial version was veery mid, although I know about buffs.
Got Jiyan trying to Chixia sequences and simply wonder which one would put more into my account. I guess having dps in every ele would be safest approach, and I doubt we gonna get spectro dps soon enough (especially one who I'd like more than Jinhsi), but wonder about Chixia-Changli synergy too (if there is any).
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Hey guys did you know [GroupofPeopleYouDislike] play Wuwa?
I think it's time we all stop voting wuwa don't you?
We can't let wuwa get away with [PoliticalStanceYouDisagreeWith] anymore!
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what do i use for my 3 cost echoes? do i double down on elemental damage?
So Changli won?
You clearly haven't seen many complaints then.
The main valid complaint is that she repeats literally everything that happens into baby talk, extending dialogue that could be one sentence into something 50x longer.
>is it little kids
You did it anon! You solved the grand mystery behind hoyoslop community
It's either 30% elemental damage or 30% attack it's obvious at first glance which one is better
Yeah, but it's hell to farm
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My wife sent me this, what does it mean?
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It's a separate multiplier, why the fuck wouldn't you?
remove the video from your history
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Let me try this.
>Hey guys did you know [stalinists] play Wuwa?
>I think it's time we all stop voting wuwa don't you?
>We can't let wuwa get away with [raping all the women in berlin after the ww2] anymore!
Damn, it's really bad today.
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>there are unironic jivers in this general
Slime fighter may be shit due to slime rush but it's leagues and bounds better than fucking Jive
I kind of miss having an inhaler. Someone yapping, I take a hit and it completely distracts them
2x elemental or 1 of each, depending on your luck
Let me switch off the fucking dogshit animations already holy shit.
I was farming Tacet Fields and the enemies weren't even able to touch me because of the lag delay
>Aero DMG Bonus and Resonance Skill DMG Bonus are additive together but multiplicative in the damage formula
HUH? I thought they were just additive. And there's tons of videos saying
>hurr durr DMG Bonus substats are garbage bricks that don't improve damage as much as ATK% and Flat ATK do
Is Energy regen worth going for?
We need to settle this.
god you're dumb
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Why can't jewgle just make something that works for once.
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as substat you need it for quick gameplay that is for sure now if you run it on your main stat 3 cost you are retarded 100%
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They made a female character replace a 1 year old male and the fujos are mad, they are also pretending to be normal males in /pgr/ and doomposting that they are gonna quit the game because the design is generic. It is, but thats 80%of the designs. They got a free s rank male last patch so its even funnier
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dumb whore
ill admit, the only reason i still spend on c0r1 in genshin is because bbc fanart
wuwa devs need to step up their commissions soon
Why isn't anybody streaming Wuwa anymore
Will Changli Encore Verina work?
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Aero DMG Bonus and Resonance Skill DMG Bonus are additive though
bonusSkillDamage = Resonance Skill DMG
looks good to me
People are stupid. If anything, ATK is better because we can get dmg% much easier in this game, but that can also be solved with a simple 3 cost ATK% mainstat.

General way to build a char: 4 cost, 1 cost, 1 cost and then depending on how things worked out and your weapon, the two 3 costs.
Jinhsi is gonna be a good example where atk% isn't actually bad if you have her weapon. Depends on subs.
Sorry, I meant they just get added to the Skill Multiplier. Like, 100% + 50% + 50%, not 100% * (50% + 50%)
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Why has there been ZERO marketing for the next two banners? I have seen absolutely nothing of their playstyles or their skills. What are they doing? At this point I don't even feel like renewing my Monthly or doing my dailies when they give me nothing to look forward too at all
what do you mean?
you've seen the leak marketing
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nice alive game btw
Thanks, I'm sorry about priconne global though.
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No I have not. And *leak* Marketing sounds retarded
smol pp
Maybe because you call the game something a retarded baby would say.
>if you run it on your main stat 3 cost you are retarded 100%

Guaranteed 60% ER is bad?!
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Huh? Mine is average. So that's WAY bigger than average... right?
post yours big guy
oh that was the funniest shit ever
ZZZ has worse character models than wuwa.
It's fine on Verina and her fucking huge energy cost and extremely shit atk scaling, both for damage and healing. But I think that's that.
post ur discord faggot
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I'm only UL 30 and DB 11 right now. How BRICKED am I?
not a tranny, sorry
Some of them look ok but I don't like how rubbery every character moves, it's weird as hell to watch.
All the streamers beat hologram and tower. There's nothing else to do. As long as they build content that's centered around not using lightning, they can farm streamers, because most of them whaled for Yinlin. They can just add more Tempest levels and call it a day. There are already level 120 mobs in the game, so it shouldn't be that hard.
>gachaslopzoomie sees real animation for the first time in his life
Character ATK = (Base ATK + Weapon ATK) * ATK% + Flat ATK
Base Damage = Character ATK * Multiplier (of the basic attack, skill, liberation, or whatever)
Final Damage = Base Damage * Elemental Bonus * Basic/Skill/Liberation Bonus

What is meant by
>Aero DMG Bonus and Resonance Skill DMG Bonus are additive together but multiplicative in the damage formula
Is that if you have two +10% Aero Bonus, then they stack additively to be +20%, rather than multiplicatively to be 10%*10% = +21%.
And that the sum total of Elemental Bonus is multiplied by the sum total of Basic/Skill/Liberation bonus.

What is meant by
>hurr durr DMG Bonus substats are garbage bricks that don't improve damage as much as ATK% and Flat ATK do
Is that Basic/Skill/Liberation bonus only apply to one type of attack, whereas ATK%/FlatATK apply to all of your attacks.
This is important based on how a character deals damage. Sanhua, for example, deals damage evenly split between Heavy, Skill, and Liberation. Because of that, boosting her ATK in general is more valuable than boosting a specific type of attack. In contrast, half of Encore's damage comes from her Basic attack. So a bonus to her Basic damage is more valuable.
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It's the faces again, they're too fat. Compare the 2d art to the 3d models and it's very clear.
I don't think hoyo cares. Their main target audience is existing hoyoverse players. They know those retards will eat any slop they put out.
They need to use ancient modified engine so it runs on pajeet phones please understand
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What is the difference between SkillScalingBonus and bonusSkillDamage?
Characters constantly moving like they're inflatable tubeman outside a walmart isn't impressive, retard.
>t. thinks modern animeflasheffectslop is "real" animation
Mosquito bites...
this wtf, I could barely handle doing my dailies
Yeah. I mean, I like watching titties jiggle, but I'd prefer that it be implemented in a way that conveys the WEIGHT that Taoqi's chest should have.
WuWa models are still an improvement over similar games in the space, though.
Have a read https://wutheringwaves.gg/damage-calculation-guide/
Compensation NOW
Or just eos
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intelligent maiden
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thank goodness it wasn't only me
I thought my notebook was finally giving up on me
Same. I prefer animation on models that don't over do it with the jiggle or stretch. Wuwa has great character animations and the models all look clean as hell.
>turd world internet issues
Jue is a girl tranny
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So is the Pioneer Podcast (battle pass) worth it?
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the only fun character to play in this mode
yes, the shell credits and tuners it gives are a godsend
For materials yeap, for pulls nope
Dollmaker's POV
>click into the wuthering waves general
>everybody is talking about zzz
I unbricked my roster with this and 20/30d
Do you feel entertained, and how much are you will to pay to be entertained?
I view the battle pass and the welfare subscription as donations I make if the game is fun to play. So if you think that you had enough fun that you wouldn't mind donating money to Kuro, buy it.
>one anon = everyone
can't help it. there's nothing to discuss about this kusoge
The usual hoyo free shills. it is what it is
I wouldn't have known about ZZZ if it wasn't for /wuwa/
Not really, you get 12 purple upgrade materials and 4.5 star weapon. All of which can be acquired by just having some patience. Monthly pass is still the only real worthy purchase.
so whats the current build for yinlin? what 3 cost main stats?
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It was actually only me replying to myself
what is ZZZ?
boring and bland
Anything goes in reddit threads.
What echos do you guys instantly lock? Energy Regen on Moonlit, matching elemental dmg bonus on set, HP% on healing set... anything else? I go so far as to always lock ATK% main stat on 1-costs
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what the fuck bros, db20 btw...
Yellow mats is nice. Battlepass weapon is also nice in case you want to use Yinlin and Encore together, but don't have 2 limited weapons, although won't matter much if you can't clear it fast enough regardless. Tuners are also nice to have. Echo stuff is garbage since it's bosses only, which is easy to farm. Extra money can't hurt either.

Use it if you want to catch up in content, otherwise skip if you're fine being a casual.
JP is still going strong, no?
That's how my first tacet was today as well. Spectro one though.
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female players are getting pissed with double standards lately
This is a good thing. Women should be relegated to cooking mama and BL otomege like genshin.
incel fantasy
better than using unr*al and losing out on half the asian market
So? They're always whining about something unless it's the most disgusting, raunchy shit in the world that repels men on principle. They don't matter.
Yes that is what gachas are supposed to be and they should come in 2 distant flavors
Pandering to girl incels, and pandering to boy incels.
If you disagree you just want everyone unhappy.
They're mostly useless, and the reason why men get paid half as much now-a-days, all women working from home means twice as much money for men without women having to lift a finger at work. It's not my fault they fumbled the bag.
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There are so many players that the servers can't keep up

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