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Previous: >>483148417

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Official Release Trailer | Waking of a World

>Opening Cinematics | Set Sail

>Featured Cinematic | Saving Light

>Global Launch Trailer | Waking of a World

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Yinlin

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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Top is ZZZ
Bottom is WuWa
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Stay focus chingli bros we can make it past Jinshi
What echos do you guys instantly lock? Energy Regen on Moonlit, matching elemental dmg bonus on set, HP% on healing set... anything else?
I go so far as to always lock ATK% main stat on 1-costs.
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None, I don't even check them until I need one
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Last chance to get your weekly weapon exp crafts
/wuwa/ is hoyoshill heritage. Why am I forced to inherit it? The writing is on the wall. I bet they laugh at us from their trannycord server whenever a new thread is made.
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Threadly reminder that you can report UIDs anonymously (Add friend -> search -> profile -> report, does not add them as a friend) . Picrel is the UID of the /trash/fag pedo who shitposts 18 hours a day if you want to test it.
Jinhsi's boots
For me, it's her legs.
I mean priority should be matching ele% everything else is niche it depends on what you are building or going to build.
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not an avid gacha player, how strong is 15% defense reduction
fuck off /wwg/ faggot
Feel like Changli gonna be better fit for my account, but everything about Jinhsi design hits just right... Fuck! Still don't know what to do...
Take your meds schizo.
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60% is bigly good. 15% is one fourth of bigly good.
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about 15% stronger than without the effect
It doesn't sound very good. Imagine if you could only eat 15% of a pizza.
Tacet discord is such a fucking scam
There is no reason to run it unless you need EXP or tuner
Should be the same as in any other game. It scales off the mob so it is very good obviously
Shred pretty much wary from "the best thing ever" to "don't even try to touch opponents without maxing this shit". So top tier stat, although it depends on the amount, cap etc.
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Tsubaki sexual intercourse and impregnation
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I love Jinhsi!
But everyone needs EXP
What are the advantages and disadvantages of both?
Potentially very strong, enemy defense is essentially another damage multiplier.
It's another multiplier that nobody else has
It's really damn good
i wrote this
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Fuck off hagpedo

EncoreGODS rule this general
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Gib tuners i beg
>posts ai shoggoths of her
no, you clearly don't
in 5 years Changli will be 50 years old
I'm enslaved by little girls
Little girls own me...
Too young...
Changs animations are better.
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>feetshit AND AIslop
I did some quick math. If this is true AND your Jinhsi is s1 then 2 3* echoes with atk% as main stat is better than 2 elements or 1 element and 1 atk.
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>used up all my rolls for Yinlin's weapon
>don't have enough to summon Yinlin herself before the banner ends
EXP and tuners is the whole point of tacet field.
The echoes are just a bonus in case you're too lazy to farm them in the overworld.
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only if you like menopausic hags

HAGS fear the encoreCHAD
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>no mole
AI really is soulless.
>I did some quick math
>doesn't post it
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I don't want to spend money on a commission.
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>mfw watching this cringe ass wuxia shit animations
>time in Mt.Firmament flows differently
Imagine returning to HagHag and Encore(forma senora) after completing 1.1 main quest.
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One day the Encorebwo and Verinabwo alliance will crumble and hags will defeat you encorebwos
Jiyan's look better
>he says while posting ai slop the character
With her weapon probably, would be reasonable given the big modifier
Without it I doubt it
Jinshi have no tits but have insane burst damage.
Chingli have huge fucking anime titties but no insane burst damage
>Jinshi have no tits but have insane burst damage.
Imagine how powerful is her squirt!
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This thread reeks of pajeet
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Then don't post this abomination here, retard.
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Glad my feet gens are appreciated
the slop is a dead giveaway
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Those sword afterimage lines are very cool indeed.
Wuwa's spin on Abyss is absolute garbage desu, there's no reason to reinvent the wheel after they already copied so much.
Fuck off hagpedo
i need the gold refund from echos so badly bros
fuck off hagli
you don't compare to encoreLORDS
They could at least have kept the holograms as a weekly activity like in PGR
It's fine. Having to do three in a row was always absolutely giga retarded. Especially with how element check Genshit is. Can do two fights no problem? Suddenly BAM walled by element check. Can replay it all.

The only thing I don't like about tower is how getting out of battle sets you in front of the tower instead of getting you back to the damn menu..
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Why did you summon for the weapon before the character?
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>The writer behind Lingyang’s quest is a man and he got fired
>There’s an infighting in Kuro’s headquarters
>Factions between females that they likened as extremists like the SJW and LGBT crowd vs writers who want to keep the MC pandering
>The latter faction won and the former were kept at bay
>Turns out the for (You) faction also have a lot of women but are in support of the (You) pandering, the main writer being one of them
>more male and female characters will be added in the future
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Assuming a lv 90 character going up against a lv 100 mob, 15% defense reduction nets around a 8.31% dps increase.
Because the weapon is going to be useful for the next 5 years compared to Yinlin who'll get powercrept by the next limited rectifier user?
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shut the fuck up incel
Encore could also use her weapon so I thought it was a better investment to start with it
It just took way too many rolls for it
Weapons will get powercrept as well, anon
Make some more please
Lmfao, yeah, average f2poor mentality. You cant afford big numbers, retard
Holy brick
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>"HSR's gear system is better"
Yeah I'm thinking women should stick to cuckshin gaypact where they belong.
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If they make the same mistake as genshin (like releasing nothing but homo characters for over 1 year) I am dropping wuwa as well.
I send my energy to the SJW femCHADS fighting for a Rover who actually has to be cool to get pussy
36% crit chance is guaranteed to be useful regardless of how much powercreep there is
At least it doesn't force me to waste my time running around the world killing mobs over and over again.
I swear to god, I have average slightly below 1 good roll per my pieces. HSR relics are the most rigged shit ever.
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Encore is for (You)
Encore is peak incel lolicon fantasy what are you even saying anon.
Are you trying to falseflag encorebwos as an enemy of everyone or something?
Uhm. My Anko beat this by the time this boss lost a third of its HP?!?

I'm starting to believe Anko might be too good. Other chars need to dance around hit one billion times miss because their weird ass attack animations.. while Anko just shoots 8 fireballs and then a big one to delete 1/3 of the HP bar... on a 10 second CD starting on the first input.
just do tacit fields then?
No hes just showing off how dumb anko players are so nothing new.
I'm dropping wuwa if there's ever a single back to back male banner. Simple as.
Sex with Alhaitham
I still don't know how to play Encore. Do I just basic attack? Or are the skills the main source of damage?
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Who you rollan?
What's you most favorite POGGERS moment in Penacony IYHO (In your honest opínion)
(Art by Freerun79 on X
It definitely is since nobody really needs to worry about more than two substats being relevant
if my doro peed outside the box i would cave its skull in
Hey at least you got to try, I've yet to roll a single piece with both spd and break effect
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You can't just steal the speedsters traits like that and give them to encore
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Thank god that at least wuwa male characters are not even 1% as obnoxious as gayshit male characters...
firefly needs atk speed and BE bwo
She has 2 attacks that are good for quick swapping between characters. Her E attack and her heavy attack with full forte. She's pretty cool
Maybe if they dropped mono element echos.
so is energy recharge a useful stat on jianxin?
but HSR drops 1 useless ass set in each domain
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>haven't been in /wuwa/ for a week now
>still the same off topic bait posts
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Fujos and yuritroons specifically. Yumes are ok because they’re just the same as waifufags except they want the guys to pander to the female MC.
Devs being given the liberty to insert their fantasies in the game is how you get characters like pic related
Proof of it being a trash/fag pedo?
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stop polluting our thread with your Genshin pics
Its a marginal improvment from the unironic bbc posting last week
aiee sI just want to basic attack and kill everything without ever swapping. Preferably with built in lifesteal so I don't even need to switch to a healer
she looks good minus the glasses
Oh god my fucking eyes AAAAAAA
>buttmad ethical artist your friend or did you never make it past drawing for your friends?
I remember an anon saying Sanhua overclocked and caused a blizzard, Is there any source for it?t?
The only good cool male in Genshin Impact is Diluc anyway, nothing has topped his gameplay and design. Hope WuWa does something similar someday, Jiyan and Calcharo are boring as fuck, even though Cal is electric Diluc gameplaywise.
the glasses are the only good part you retard
Unlike you, I simply don't eat shit.
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Worse animations than Lisa, a 1.0 character
leave this fucking abominacion where it belongs holy shit....
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Search the username and then search the /trash/ archive. He also posts on /lgbt/ attempting to groom children and keeps asking for discord UIDs in order to get gay cyber sex.
Bonus info is that he apparently got ass raped by a nigger.
Wrong, but I'll add that the sleeves and the ahoge are ugly as well. Nice legs and skirt tho
yumecel self-insert
hoyoverse i believe is ran predominately by women
Fuck off tourist
Is Jinhsi+Sanhua decent or they are better options?
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Sanhua is great with anyone
Jinhsi in particular wants coordinated attacks, if you do a lot of swapping with Sanhua (which you should) you can make it work though
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> yumecel self-insert
It’s a fujotroon self-insert. Emilie writes gay fanfics of Scaramouche
Canon teams are always the best, regardless of meta.
Jinhsi, Sanhua and Changli is going to be GOAT.
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her profile, she overclocked multiple times
First looks pretty nice.
They were before the devs changed her incantation stance attacks to Skill attacks instead of BAs. Now the bodyguard isnt even a good teammate for the Magistrate lmao
theres no way you got disheartened by a hands piece of all things, where the main stat is guaranteed.
Also, its not like wuwa is any better lol
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I'd expect nothing less in

a based reddit thread

Jinhsi + sanhua is bad metawise but honestly just like kekshin there won't be any content that you actually need to minmax team setups to clear so do what you want. If you're looking for a meta setup anyway people have been predicting that monk+mortefi will be best for stack building.
HSR gearing is so bad is unreal
Just do the tacet field then you get the echos like you get relics in HSR, easier to be honest.
No you just eat shit that you like. The difference is AI art bro makes his shit, and doesn't have to eat if he doesn't want to. So until the 'real' artists catch up why don't you settle down little bro and keep shoveling your mouth full.
As long as all the males are also for me then I don't care if females are writing for Kuro. I just want (you) pandering like in FGO.
I cannibalized like three +25 riders with highroll crit damage because I want both types of crit on him. I'll have to farm 100 more riders to get a chance to do so again, haha
>people actually devote their time to reading machine translated chinkcel babble
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Anyone else excited about hitting sub 1k viewers next week? I think kuro will issue panic gibs again for sure!! F2P bros, we're eating GOOD!!!
next week is 1.1
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Today I shall remind them.
only drops can save the views
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>Imaginary culture war spams
>check hours
Solo levelingGODS
Damn. Genshin got mogged by a half-assed Solo Leveling gacha? EoS when?
I am tired of revenue being the only metric gachatards obsess about. You're cattle that's proud of being milked. It's Rover
How is p&d still doing well
Consistently entertaining gameplay and cute waifus.
E Q R E N1234 E N1234 E Heavy -> Swap
Pure gameplay
Not a visual novel masquerading as something else
Match 3 is unironically fun.
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shut the fuck up
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Exactly, as long as everyone loves (You) I can tolerate most anything.
I will never understand people who pay for characters that don't even like them in a game with a clear (You).

If they want to not do (You) pandering just don't create a (You) character and instead just let me play as a bunch of different characters with their own thoughts and feelings and then I'm fine with shipping or no one loving anyone.

I don't know why this is so hard for gacha devs to understand.
So no Verina? Interesting.
Also already using Mortefi in Jiyan team. Sure, can rotate things, but I don't really see other alternatives here if I would like to run Jiyan and Jinhsi at the same team.
Mostly thinking about it because Chixia+Changli seems fun, and probably better pick for me, but still want to find myself reason to grab Jinhsi.
>wuwa losing to NIKKE
I wasted all my golden/purple echo xp tubes on shitty substats because I was naive and didn't know that you have to throw away an echo if it doesn't give good substats at level 5. Now I have an army of level 25 goldens with absolutely terrible substats...
What do I do now? How long will it take me to farm what I have lost? (100 golden echo xp tubes and 450 purple echo xp tubes)
Bro, Calcharo hasn't even appeared in the main story. He orginally was in the old script but they literally had to rewrite everything because chinkoids got upset the characters were too mean to the mc. There was so much stuff they erased and I don't even know if the kept the whole story about Calcharo being an artificial resonator created by the New Federation.
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its fucking june almost july

I can't make heads or tales of some of that shit since I don't know enough fortune cookie language to parse whatever weird shit the MTL did.
Why was the tiger boy writer fired? Did they say? And am I understanding you right that the good guys (who had a lot of women apparently) won and we're going to keep getting fanservice instead of allowing the man hating faction to take over?
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Never forgive, never forget
you get refunded 70% of the experience bro, and if you haven't been rerolling your echoes early, you should still have most of your tuners. So you didn't really lose that much besides having to annoyingly recycle your echoes over and over again until you get good substats
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anko bros you did get your 21 stars right?
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Post your portfolio
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Sanhua was also a monk
And stop falling for FOMO
Everyone grinding echoes right now is wasting resources
Post manko or else
changlis is brickcharo?
Why would they do this?
Too much effort and too many bad rolls on my 2nd dps so no, staying at comfy 18/30.
Verina is a worse choice than mortefi because the goal is to use quick swaps when ultimates aren't available but jinhsi and verina share an element so their CDs on hits are shared as well, and for the same reason you wouldn't run monk and jiyan with her. You probably want to throw verina on your jiyan team instead if you do plan on rolling her, or just wait for changli like you said since her teams will be a lot less restrictive.
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I hate (you). I NEED people who hate MC and get beaten until they change their mind
>If they want to not do (You) pandering just don't create a (You) character and instead just let me play as a bunch of different characters with their own thoughts and feelings and then I'm fine with shipping or no one loving anyone.
Maybe we're not so different, you and I... I hate how Rover instant transmission's into my team without my consent. He could really easily be written as a "just another playable character, but free, strong, easily maxed out, and with lore significance". Hell, they could pull your current character's name to use during quests, since they already do that with your Rover's gender
Anyone building Mortefi for Jinhsi can't read
>tower enemy resets hp just because
amazing kusoge, kuroniggers
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she did her best
you got too far lol
Found one, lmao
sorry i've been too busy strocking it to anko to play wuthering waves
if you're talking about the wolves there's two replacement ones after the first two die, they're not restoring hp.
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I'm not building males.
Did kuro just take the money and run before the fomo ends? The servers have been absolutely dying for me the past 2 days.
you will get 300 gold tuners from converting purple to gold when 1.1 hits (you should have at least 1500 purples by now)
They are simply holding off to see how well ZZZ does. If it flops, they will reinvest.
nobody asked
Do some of you anons really spend time on chink message boards reading their fanfics? You already have to deal with this sort of shit on 4chan all the time.
Is it good enough for the tower?
Confused between aalto and yangyang for jiyan
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These problems only occur because gacha devs are trying to appeal to too many different audiences
In a better world gacha devs would be honest and pander to 1 crowd at a time per game instead of having conflicting audiences share a game.

You deserve a roverless (You)less game with unique characters treated as such
And (You) pandering enjoyers deserve a game where everyone kisses their ass
The sin here is they're trying to do both in the same fucking game which is impossible so now we get wars until they piss off both factions and no one is happy
please understand, every post on this entire forum was copied directly from reddit, including this one.
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>Why was the tiger boy writer fired?
Probably because Lingyang isn’t well-received by the chinks
>And am I understanding you right that the good guys (who had a lot of women apparently) won and we're going to keep getting fanservice instead of allowing the man hating faction to take over?
Correct. The seem to have taken the ML word from FGO which meant “Master Love”. These women from the old staff which they also call the ML faction got pissed at the LGBT and SJW fact they made the female characters’ breasts bigger
do you not have mortefi?
Chinkoid fanfics are the only content this thread can talk about outside of comparing Wuwa to Mihomo games and salesposting.
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I asked
Though stop trying to paint Encore as aggressive and mean, she's a good girl!
Hit a nerve huh
I'll take that as a concession and stop replying
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Taoqi Calcharo Jianxi

Mortefi Jiyan Verina

Yanyang Rover Baizhi seem like decent teams
(you) panderers deserve nothing. I want my Nigga Rover to become a proper martial artist short king who ignores hoes (except his wife Jinshi)
damn fairies, is Britain not enough for them?
I need to male sure my opinions align with chinese men.
unfortunately not...
If this means we keep getting tits like changli's then im all in

I do wish they would keep the quality of the story up though. Apart from the big hits like the scar village scene, certain moments like when we meet encore / alto really shine out compared to the rest
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After all this time, I have finally obtained a set of echoes to use on Yinlin. I don't think I even want Jinhsi anymore if this is how it's gonna be.
hope they go snowbreak route
Did they fix the camera censorship yet? Or are there mods that fix it? If so, can you get banned for using them?
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kill yourself falseflagger

encorechads run this general

and everyone else needs to bow down to us
>Probably because Lingyang isn’t well-received by the chinks
Wasn't it because the furfag stole your credit in a battle and sneered at you with "we don't need you here fuck off gaijin"? Or was that just /here/ shitposting?
You can get good echoes in 10 minutes. Just don't be a substat autist.
I knew China had sjws.
But they had LGBT?
I thought faggots were poorly revived down there and lowered your China privlage or something
We haven't had a ban wave yet outside of china so its hard to tell what they'll actually be banning for.
>go the no money route
>all these people throwing their resources out the window for 1.0 echoes
Almost as stupid as rolling for Jiyan
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Anon in my hypothetical you're not fighting the (You) panderers
They have their own game and you have yours
You don't have to fight them or even care about them in my hypothetical

Please stop, we don't have a rude loli (yet) so all loli posts for wuwa should be nice!
but not as stupid as rolling for SUB DPS amirite sis
>go the make less money then literally every other gacha route
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Let's see how many change their mind when Camellya is dripped for 1.2.
I can smell fear from the mihoyo drones
Imagine paying for characters and then you are still not allowed to get near them. Cuck game. Ill check it out once they fix this trannyshit.
3 sub dps is the most fun team
Nothing more cringe than "maining" a unit
But I am fighting the (you) panderers
And I want all games to be for me, and not for them
But I want to. Give me total SJW feminist writer victory or death
Well if the rumors are true then they fired all their cuckstaff so theres a good chance this happens, unlike genshin which doubled down on it.
cowtit lovers.
For people that have reached "endgame" how is the daily rotation? is it much bigger than HSR?

I dont have a lot of time to sit and play so I'm wondering if this game requires a lot more time. I noticed dailies take longer, but farming echos and stuff seem to take long aswell.
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> But they had LGBT?
Mihomo’s current Global PR is a former manager of the biggest LGBT group in China for one
I will fire all the (you)cuckstaff and TRIPLE down on anti-harem kino. Rover is for either Jinshi or Jiyan depending on the gender you chose, for one
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>lying about the game's massive financial recovery via (You) pandering and fanservice

Why do this? It's not even competing with wuwa on any level from gameplay or even genre. It's no competition or threat so why care enough to be angry at their survival?
hagpedos are


not suprised
it takes 5 minutes for me, im UL 50
What is this massive fanfic cope? Low level employees like writers dont get to make a "faction" and dictate the BOSS's decision.
Mihomo raid
If the "good" echoes make me deal half as much damage as the characters I have with "autist" echoes I get by playing for 20 minutes a day, I do not particularly care to pull for that character.
>Women got mad at other women and fags so they gave the chicks in the game massive fuckin' honkers
I kneel...
That said I'd be fine with more characters where you have to earn the (You) love. It's a little weird and gets boring when people just seem to love you on sight. The start of the game threw me off with that. Give me cool bros and hot women in the end though, don't take it to the extreme of before the rewrite.
dailies dont take long bro, it's pretty much always "kill 3-5 enemies", and synthesis or cook something gets you everything. if you have extra time you can kill some elites you need but thats optional
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who is Calcharo? we meet all the other standard 5* in the story but i never recall him showing up once?
I don't care about their finances, I don't even mind them competing with Wuwa, I just dislike women, at least when their existence is a result of male erasure.
I came from PGR expecting suffering porn and god I was disappointed. What the fuck is this shit?
It will be a situation like Nikke, huh? Where they uncensored the game after launch. Maybe i should keep up with WW after all.
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This lines up with the rumors of them bringing over PGR staff after the feedback, PGR is full (you) pandering, there was also rumors of a writer being pretentious and wanting none of that (you) pandering so that was probably the writer for CBT 1, him and the others that wanted it to be more like mihomo are probably new hires that are getting replaced by the PGR staff that they are bringing over, Kuro's old staff are probably the ones pushing for (you) pandering.

TLDR: Kuro realized that listening to new hires was retarded so they are replacing them with the based PGR devs.

Considering Mihomo is literally mainstream and is the biggest gacha company in the world right now. Not surprising at all since they cater to normalfags.
Farming echoes is for retards.
They spend days wasting resources on 1.0 echoes but still can't go beyond 21/30 in tower. Wait a few patches and all of their echoes will get powercrept.

Just don't be one of those retards and your dailies are done in 5-10 minutes.
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Why do you want to fight?
Why do you want to deny people their own games though even if it hurts you too?
that's a boy right
It gets very boring if all girls are unconditionally for (You).
Jinshi LOST
Chang WON
She's pretty cute
>don't be retarded bro
>just wait 4 months until new echo set comes out
is there any gacha writer that doesnt sniff their own farts? literally not a single one has any self awareness thinking they are going to win the pulitzer prize for getting paid to make a story that panders to lonely gambling addicts
what are the chances of ccp stepping in and censoring future female characters when the game gets popular?
(You) were originally supposed to meet him in the main story before they rewrote everything just like how Jiyan was supposed to be your companion. I dunno when he'll show up now.
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I like wuwa men
Post your tower and prove me wrong then
You won't, lmao
Won't progress be super slow playing like that?
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I want to fight Yapyap for denying me my cinematic Scar fight, for one
We need to go beyond normalfaggotry. We need normalstraightcore gameplay of there being multiple canon couples and you being able to play any character as the "protagonist"
You can say that in 1.1 - 1.2 - 1.3 and so on retardbro
Since Mihoyo is part of CCP, very likely.
I doubt they will add new echo sets till next anniversary. But you are correct that people should not autism farm 4 cost ones as they can be powercreeped any path.
>Do daily tacet fields
>all HP/Def/Off-Element
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This game is not for you then, shit taste kun
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I..I said snowbreak isn't competing with wuwa though, it's not open world gacha it's a different genre and it's aiming to be a male (You) pandering game exclusively which wuwa (thus far) isn't trying to be.

This is like being mad at a puzzle game selling well enough to not die when your favorite game is a shooter that's selling better anyway. I don't understand.
hiding your shitty image with a spoiler won't stop me from filtering you, monkey
No, all you need is correct mainstat, substats are not that important right now. People autistically farming echoes get maybe half a pull more.
Calcharo my homie with no story appearances....
This is not genshit, substats are very important here.
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Need erufu
I definitely believe all this.
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Just came back from a business trip.

What did I miss?
As is already the case with Jué.
Expect more passive echo effects.

Oh yeah? How far is your tower then?
>Wait a few patches and powercreep
>but those will also be after a few patches
>and then again
Idiot. What you are saying is never bother with echoes.

And I hate to disappoint you, but they are not gonna shit out enough new enemies to make entire new sets to replace what we have on a per patch basis.
I wouldn't even be surprised if we only get new ones in 2.0.
You can get 18/30 without giving a damn about subs.
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Brown dust 2 is about a distinct crew with no (You) I've been told
There are gachas that appeal to your tastes already anon! (Though I'd argue real jrpgs honestly would satisfy your desire for real characters than any gacha on the market)
There's no need to fight!

Also we fought and beat scar later watcha mean?
Updates soon plus schizoing over ZZZ releasing.
>pandering to ML schizos
ready to dump the game in a few months when every character turns into a void of personality that does nothing but suck mc off
1.1 trailer and x10 of each type of pull being given first week of july
Every new region will have new enemies.
We will see who is right. It will be me.
fucking homosexual´s, and then they dare to call "mihomo" and yet you all want wuhomo
okay, cuck
you dont have enough tuners to level all echos even if you do farm echos around the map
I similarly didn’t really like the start (and still don’t really like yapyap as a character) for that reason, the relationship between her and rover feels like it happens because the game wants it to and for no other reason
That's already 90% of the cast
Only one echo matters, the one with the skill
Sorry bro
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I don't know why but every clips like this make me moist.
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Not if you're an incel and pretending you're a video game character that automatically has video game girls that like them is all you have.
CCP is scared and playing hands-off with gacha currently since they tried to force stuff like banning battle-passes a year or so ago and all the investors started pulling because it would have meant lower profits
Sounds based
they will quit wuwa for the next big thing too, right
Girls Cuckline 2 might be more up your alley.
Pulls in July? It's not even June yet wtf
Encore with sub Yinlin+Verina
How does that sound?
I love fighting from afar.
Will it work?
Or should I just stick with calcharo for Yinlin?
When should I use my stamina cubes?
>I’d rather actually develop relationships with independently interesting characters than have everyone throw themselves at me and have no personality outside of their design
“Heh… Cuck…”
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Hoyoverse isnt censoring them due to the CCP they do it to pander to everyone
That's just the guy that makes damage per screenshot builds though, that's clickbait.
except they're in full damage control and turning things around, for better or worse
not that global will happen before eos
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I, too, am a chinkcel.
how are they turning it around
>every character turns into a void of personality that does nothing but suck mc off
Compared to the fanfiction you people make up to cover the void that are genshin or hsrg characters?
How many days till Jinhsi?
Should have gone balls deep on Lingyang if they were going to do it at all.
Lean, ottermode adult, emo styling. Give him obvious fangs, put a literal mane on him and have him wear an open-front vest so that the mane looks like it's part of his outfit.
Accentuate the suffering and ostracism for his story. Overgrown chuuni-emo as possible.
Have him turn into some kind of were-lion thing during burst.
Designed for cringe kids to go SO COOL and for adults to laugh at.
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This niggas posting from Mt firmament
What level of insecurity makes you so hostile over the idea of actually earning the love/respect of characters and not having them all be archetypes with no personality that love you for no reason
(You) pandering is good and shipfaggotry is obnoxious but if you’re on board with “master love” people you have no clue just how bad they are
Spent a few months doing story rewrites
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Snoggers are tasteless faggots, you're on the extreme of (You) pandering, it's alwful
If the next big thing is genuinely better then sure. It's gonna be hard to top wuwa core gameplay tho. I want to see the future of this game.
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Rate my standard weapon banner rolls.
Don't know why Chixia and Danjin love me so much, I want Taoqi instead.
Compared to the fanfictiion that you are the protagonist of the game?
Yeah, Yangyang was one of if not the worst one. I could believe Chixia a lot better if they started it out with them being suspicious of us but we help them and she likes us after that since that's pretty much her personality, they could even play with that by making the others later on suspicious of us but her sticking up for us which would make things more believable. Yinlin was also a little better. That "leak" seems to indicate the writing gets better so here's hoping.
Tits too small
Yeah sure. Maybe in 2026 or 2027 when Project Mugen comes out. I need to get a better PC by then.
Its not tied with the weekly resets??? Damn thats farther than I expected
How did you roll on standard 140 times already
that's how it was in cbt1 and chinkcels cancelled it
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Funnily enough pandering to ML schizos will lead to the exact same horrible character writing genshin has what with the whole:
>do my chores
>chore done
>oh okay you’re great now
thing and no other signs of personality
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Like this
Why are you looking for deep interesting characters/ story writing in a gacha game of all places?
This thread seems pro chinkcel what with celebrating pandering to master love groups, I have a feeling they just have no clue what they’re talking about though
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more coom
Why not tue best of both?
it's not about competition, it's about denying female centric media, it just doesn't sit right with me. Maybe it's a result of my misogyny bleeding into the media I consume, I can't imagine a female dominated space that's not infuriating to be in, so Snowbreak's setting sounds like Hell.
I picked all the murderhobo options while talking to Scar in the village, fought him a bit, and then Yapyap interrupted by shattering Scar's domain. I just wanted to fight my bro
I don't even know what any of these terms mean. I don't read fucking seamonkey MTs. Does fairy school mean LGBT?
>all this saving and still ended up with only 1 weapon
I'm so sorry
because it's literally selling characters
Oh I’m totally fine with (you) pandering stuff, camellya is one of my favorite characters just because she seems really fun and insane out of wanting to get something out of rover. I just don’t want slop where everyone thirsts over you for no reason and barely has any independent personality
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what level am i supposed to do the holograms? heron lvl2 is fucking obliterating me.
Those are the people who want omnipandering probably that’s why the for (You) group was against them
I feel same way about any art of Verina that completely forgets that she has this long plant vine growing out of her back. Yes it is actually part of her body not a decoration.
Just like Firefly, am i rite? lmao
is it $300 swimsuit like snowbreak ?
Proceed to the next one whenever it stops oneshotting you
t. casual
I wouldn't mind a shipper gacha(certainly the fucking normalfags need it). It would be kinda like old school fire emblem. There is no (you) there is either established pairings or you can pair anyone with anyone else. That's what these shipperfags need to get off our backs. If Mihoyo really wants to pander to normalfaggots then do that.
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Bro your dodge button???
Doing holograms that are more than 10 levels ahead of you is a waste of time
The same level as the hologram or at most 10 levels under it, they're meant to one shot you if you get it by the wrong move but if theres too big of a level difference you'll fail the damage check.
It's just the same trash faggot who avatarfags with random girls and Encore. He certainly is loud.
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Am I supposed to delete 1-cost DEF echoes?
Yeah kinda sucked having to go to 71.
3 out of my 4 used characters are sword users so not too much of a problem, they can share.
Inferno rider Yinlin is really fun
firefly story was like 30 mins quest during a long ass campaign kek
>gacha fueled eugenics
oh god
bro your Taoqi and Yanwhu?
...please don't tell me you're using Hrover against it
Yes hp% too
I also started trashing atk% 1 costs after having 30 of each element locked up
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how else will they recoup the losses
Everything with scar, camellya, and Aalto/anko are really fun, even a lot of jinhsi’s stuff is pretty interesting. The rest is slop though, yapyap’s affection early on (and even rover’s reciprocation) felt really forced and the later end’s hollow war room talk came off as really lame and bland
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I cant get the hang of dodging...im literally the same level too..
Did Kuro fix the slow mo glitch and have they banned anyone yet for using it?
What if they release a defense scaling unit that wants 1/1/1/1/1 bro???
There is a """person""" here who shitposts for 18 hours a day during NA times basically on cooldown samefagging his own posts to try and sway public opinion or gather (you)s. If you see a retarded opinion and """people""" are agreeing with it chances are its most likely this one retard continuously responding to his own posts.
B-Bros ...
>master love groups
Warriors shouldn't be so soft and uncoordinated. You bring shame to China!
HP% incoming im calling it
no im using spectro
>heavy attack damage bonus
Already bricked
>heavy on electro user
It's already bricked
Do (You) believe that Kuro will fix the filter for data bank merging? pffft
Girls Frontline bros, we fucking won.
why can't they just stack? la
they are literally the same at +0
Please don't do this to me not today after 300 tuners down the toilet..
Uma Musume is already doing that sort of with inheritance skills.
Isnt type 95 the china girl ?
>No global in sight
Not yet
should i buy the new sirus unit or wait for anniversary?
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Am I supposed to delete HP% echoes in aero and havoc set??
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Most important thing when it comes to the Holograms is stop trying to kill it as fast as possible.

5min is a lot of time, so a lot of that time should be spent being careful and dodging his attacks.
Regardless, you can also eat food if you're having a lot of trouble when it comes to them.
Very rarely does one lose against the Holograms because of a timeout, its because people get greedy and attack and want to shove in an attack whenever they think possible.

Learn the patterns and you'll do better.
They gave out gibs to keep you playing now we wait for the game to be fixed
All gacha's take place in China, including League of Legends (skin gacha)
Bro you aren't merging before we get 100% golds from 1.1 are you?
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A skk can dream.
How much does this shit cost? If it's more than $60.00 when I'm already rolling for shit then no.
She is very strong if thats what you are asking
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“Master Love” is a mindset around Chinese gacha groups, a lot of people here like to refer to them as “chinkcels”. They’re basically a group of schizos that get set off by any girl in a gacha not showing affection near-instantly and care about having a waifu collector / harem simulator rather than decent story or characters. Actively pandering to them is a death sentence more often than not since they get really uppity really fast
Wait if we spend a patch on Mount Time Bubble, what happens to Jinzhoakdgjiozhou?
>Leveling a bricked echo to +25
What the fuck are you doing
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Am I supposed to keep ATK% 1 cost echoes?
Game is unplayable, and won't let me loot, until I delete echoes
write it out
Every. Fucking. Time.
I understand the worry but I think Jingyan scared them off. The chinese ones anyway.
Suomi weighs about 200kg, thats a strong fucking rubber duck
Really? I heard it was a lot less that and a lot more
>Everyone fucking hates you
God i need the 3d version of tittyca and dp12's summer skins.
Is that coming out in 1.1 or do you have to be ul50
EXP is not gonna be the bottle neck
tuners are
why wouldn't you level echo you intend to use?
if you're at that point, nuke half your 1-costs and any mismatched 3-cost

IIRC Chixia specifically was like that at first but warmed up to you. Lingyang actively hated you though.
What content are you doing that requires +25 echoes to clear?
Bros, where are our swimsuit skins...?
Why anon
I don't know if it's locked until ul50 but level 21 databank gives 100% chances
Chixia didn't hate you. Just suspicious. Lingyang was a bitch kinda like how Rapi and Anis were in Nikke at the start but worse.
Nice question, bro
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>Firefly flopped
>little talk about 2.3 HSR at all
>Elden Ring DLC getting hate
>No buzz for Furina rerun and no one cares about the loli
>Emilie ugly bad animations, no Natlan hype
>Dawntrail more likely to flop
>Both "top" games going to hibernation for the sake of ZZZ
>Last trailer got a lot of hype and praise
The stars sure alligned for this moment huh. If Kuro fucks up iy badly then they deserve to flop after all. ZZZ is the last hurdle and I don't think it's that hard to overcome since doesn't resemble Genshin like Honkek. Only the hardcore hoyodrones are going to play that shit.
china man is weak if there's even doubts on the characters is the same is hate.
We all know how CN is perma over cooking stuff to be mad about is like twitter and r/eddit combined
>safe horny omni pandering genshin clone
>swimsuit skins
>Can't answer
Enjoy your flat defense
But anon. lvl 50 tacets give no more exp, but 33% more tuners.
Are you SURE?
>no Natlan hype
I'm hoping the leak about the archon being conquistador themed is real, the meltdown would be glorious
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We are pro chinkcel here, femcel. Fuck off back to girls cuckline.
It was schizophrenic writing; go watch it and Chixia changes her speech and tone with the MC 30 times in the span of a single quest in the city.
It wasn't as good as people make it out to be but it wasn't so bad that it should have been thrown all out like they did.
Obviously, if your goal is to not level echoes to 25, you can (not) do that
you don't have to do anything
amazing how nikke made those 2 characters named after their fetishes
>it's almost middle of the summer
>we are going to some shitty snowy mountain
>when we could be going to some tropical island and getting swimsuit skins like this instead
it's so fucking unfair
Shadow of the erdtree is whack and Dragon's Dogma 2 was blatantly unfinished this is the worst year for gaming in history at least WUWA and Unircorn Overlord are fun
>Lingyang was a bitch
>Lingyang actively hated you though
That'd do it then, yeah. Should have just toned that down instead and made sure the tiger boy wasn't a cunt and they'd have been way better off, minor adjustments instead of a while rewrite. I still like how Yinlin was done and how it was harder to get a read on her at first until you really started helping her, then she clearly liked you a lot.
Is this why they are infesting this thread right now talking about writing? Lol niggers
Sounds like poor VA direction if anything. I can see why they would want to make the characters more consistent though and thus made it a safer game.
>abort a lot of females
>demographics get fucked up
>incels become radically, rabidly obsessed with anime girls
China unironically is the #1 world superpower if they can harvest that autism for their military. Pay those niggas in the women of the lands they conquer, like some fucked up version of Rome
Fuck off with the skins man we already spending on pulls and BP daily pass and what not.
I dont know how people want more shit to buy in these gacha games man
no they had lingyang kill steal and dab on you
That's a very arbitrary and weird goal to have man. Don't complain about resource drought if you're gonna throw them out the window for no gain.
Wuwa can easily drain me dry with a single not-Alpha character. I hate how these gacha games know the right bait for me.
You know that you don't have to buy it right?
I have 1000+ tuners but 0 EXP

thanks for the replies. I didnt mean daily only. I meant the whole process of spending "stamina" to get gear or tuners or wtv (im new and don't know the whole names and importancy. just started 2 days ago as a side game but seeing me protentially moving if I can keep up)
>if they can harvest that autism for their military.
THat's the problem. The autists would rather lie flat and be jobless.
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im still playing elden ring
What exactly is your concern? That I will not have enough exp to level echoes that have ALL correct substats?
>shitty ugly coombait slut skins that break immersion
shit taste. I kneel to Kuro for not selling out
Them being focused on slut skins for women takes away from the resources they could use to make more MEN. I'd buy a bunnyman Jiyan or a gstring skin for him tho
It goes pretty smooth until UL50, which is where weekly materials heavily gatekeep you from upgrading your character skills.

But it bears repeating that if you autistically farm echoes you will be 3 times as slow.
Taking everything to +25 presumably
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Dong (the lead dev for WuWa) is the one that made Crimson Abyss, not Alpha is happening for sure, they are probably saving her for a massive patch like 2.0
Thoughts on it?
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this looks absolute fucking retarded
I will now play your game
It's gonna be punished YangYang isn't it?
Can she have massive tits? I like massive tits.
My goal is to have my characters be strong now, rather than later. Simple

Besides, what's with the focus on the +def. As long every single stat line isn't perfectly max rolled, you are "throwing away resources"
Obviously you have to decide how far away from perfect you're willing to have them be, and still level them (this will be an arbitrary decision. Everyone does this)
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no, a blade should be flat
im ul 50 and have a fuckton of exp and no tuners (or gold)
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Punished Yapyap: a midnight ranger deprived of her Rover
It's going to our lad Yuanwu
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Skipping hagpedo bait for my wives jinhsi and camellya
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why are people saying an atk% both crit% 3cost echo is bricked
This is just fucking ass
made me loose all desire to run around and kill stuff, when I have to deal with this retarded interface
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Notice how her toes wiggle seperately to the whole foot, which means they've indivudually rigged her toes as part of the model.
Genshit, Withering, Fifa? They could never.
you do like 4 tacit fields and the stamina goes poof
If all you try to get is perfection, you will never get anywhere. So you are just being an idiot for the sake of being an idiot here.
Bro you need full element% bro
Like bro who cares if you already have diminishing returns from the character's kit bro, just stack more element% bro my favorite youtuber said so
What the fuck is a hagpedo anyway? Is it liking hags that are actually 3 years old? The term doesn't make sense otherwise.
i meant that electro% flautist above
The new hsr dripfeed is footpandering pretty hard iirc
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Uh...why are they making a big deal out of giving a 3 star weapon?
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Probably gonna be a new character, none of the current female characters fit Alpha.
You are gonna have to wait for not Bianca and not Hanying, Alpha is for autistic sexo.
I hope we get character variations and that the story is able to focus on and include as much of the cast as possible regularly, as opposed to having a hundred characters that we'll never see after their personal story patch.
I am still mad that Genshin didn't give us Delusion variants for existing characters
Oh, because of heavy attack damage bonus
Which is worse than flat ATK even
Perfect substats are
>crit rate%
>crit damage%
>flat atk
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Tall girls with big breasts are objectively closer to the ideal sword form than flatshits
Is this the new meme of the week? Don't level your echos to 25?
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Mind analyzing this body of work for me?
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I'm sure it has a very unique and useful effect that some supports can make good use of and unlock new gameplay optio- ACK
If the character has enough ER% that more ER% wouldn't change their rotation that extra ER% becomes useless, in which case you would take a Heavy/Basic/Resonance/Liberation% damage bonus in addition to the other four. We don't have a thunder unit who would want it yet, but that would have been a future BiS echo for an electro who focuses heavy attacks until it rolled Def on the last substat
Bro your thrust?
Slashing swords are for amateurs. Masters utilize the point.
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havent even started the dlc
I spin to win so I need to SLASH
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I just got the 5* Lvl 45 Weapon Selector, what is the best pick? Sword for Rover?

I have Verina, Encore and Yinlin and Yinlin has her signature weapon with no other 5* Weapons.
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>day 5 of not getting anything good and shitty substats from double tacet field drop event
The real meme is your tower clear still being stuck at 21/30 or below with +25 echoes.

The bonus% are so marginal that I'd rather take too much ER% and have a piece that can be reused on more energy hungry units
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They're foot pandering, but even they would never go to the effort of indivudually rigging toe bones.
Just to use Camellya as an example, they probably would have defined an area like this to bend as the foot moves, but going to the effort to do every toe indivudually requires having a massive footfag on your team. Like someone in their dev team spends all day thinking about feet, dreaming about feet, never thinks about anything other than feet.
only do it if at least 3/4 are unbricked stats
they will upgrade it to 4* to farm the dev listiening meme again like they did with 30m downloads
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When are we getting our own Sophia?
Are you pulling for jhinhsi?
You don't want to be using her with a 4 star weapon
The effect is clearly super optimized for Jinhsi, it having 3-star stats is probably gonna brick it regardless though; not sure why they didn't just make it a 4-star
Don't make my choco fever flare up again
according to spreashitters the sword and gun are the ones that can scale very well due to crit being hard gatekept for now, but the other options aren't bad at all since they're huge ATK sticks, and as of now, its very competitive, but we really dont have shit right now so just pick the one you think your best dps will appreciate the most in case they dont have a sig
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Thank you.
>devs are still listening
>just yesterday, they changed the 1* weapon awarded in the main quest, to a 2* one
lol, do wuwakeks really?
>those stats at rank 5
Unironic reverse powercreep. FOMOchads who rolled for Jiyan and Yinlin's weapons are futureproof forever
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It's 3 star so people don't use it for actual combat, imagine jinhsi fighting with a giant banjo instead of a proper weapon.
The only interesting part about it is that it doesn't seem to have a cooldown, so yes like you said with Jinhsi it might be interesting. Or anyone else that intros/outros a lot.
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i still dont have a good electro flautist but 20 electro herons just sitting there unlevelled
Unless there is a zone with a desert (probably there is) i'm going to say some black shore operative would work.
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Monkbros, any cultivationcore I should watch?
Because Mica put a lot of effort into their 3D models and animations. https://weibo.com/tv/show/1034:5047016842264615?from=old_pc_videoshow
Just use an ATK% one.
You're not getting beyond 21/30 even with perfect flautism.
The soles of her feet even have basically zero detail (Yunli that is), they did the bare minimum. Someone post that dork from GFL2 pretending to shoot with her foot and compare how detailed her soles are
So what is it fir then? Why promote it?
Assuming you're not using Yinlin and Encore in the same team, they can share Stringmaster in the tower.
Verina is hard support and doesn't gain much from the 5* rectifiers.
If you have a main DPS without a weapon, like Jiyan or Calcharo, that you want to use heavily then get a weapon for them. Otherwise, sit on it for at least a week to see what Jinhsi's weapon looks like.
Imagine its an acoustic guitar and Jue gets a sombrero and a moustache.
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>not a single energy regen healing set piece in 4 days
Cursed luck, i'm so sorry Baizhi, i'll try harder.
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how can other girls even compete?
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im 24/30 already bwo did you just assume my score?
Either they're planning for a "devs listened" meme again and bump it up to 4-stars last second, or it's there for flavor / extreme mega-cope weapon for someone who doesn't have a even a good 4-star broadblade
I have like 8 of those
You should be farming every elite and 1 cost in sight to fuse them later
Even better because you only get 50 Asterite for the next 3 stars lol
Thunderbolt Fantasy
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>runs all day every day
It's true, compare the CBT1 cuckfest with launch wuwa.
PGR Devs and players saved wuwa from a worse fate
I like that one with the puppets, also all best characters are monks
>Genshu Lin if hes good
Oh finally a weapon that helps Taoqi with her energy issues!
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Someone still had to design it, and if they didn't leave there no one would remember it existed once everyone automatically and accidentally feeds a random weapon with it.
I'm doing that also but i really hoped to get one from the tacet fields.
I should probably focus on some other tacet fields and just farm that one.
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Cope hagpedo
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>it's a banjo
>Calcharo gets Raiden's mariachi uniform as a skin
kino and bumps my nigga to S0 for the style points alone
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Already got that one covered.
bro your discord?
>Once every 20 seconds
I hate the way the people in this game move like tiktok. It's weird.
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Yeah, I'm thinking I'll be pulling Jinhsi... and Changli...
I was leaning towards Sword and Gun because of the Crit Rate stat. My Gunners are weak though and Aalto is like S4 and still several magnitudes worse than my S1 Chixia who is falling off

I use Encore and never pair them up because I really don't like the way Yinlin plays. I don't have Jiyan sadly or Calcharo but I could use my Selector on Calcharo or Ling Yang or Jianxin. Maybe I will just wait then, I'm using this Sword currently.
post your favorite character design list

Jihnsi > Camellya > Yinlin > Sanhua > Danjin > Encore > Verina > Baizhi > Changli > Yangyang > Chixia > Taoqi > yinyang girl > Scar buddy

Scar > Aalto > Jiyan > Sephiroth > Mortefi > Blue haired dude >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lion kid

not a sex list
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Taoqi needs her naps
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>0 gold
You went all in on Yinlin?
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What do we think of this
Pretty good
>femoids should not be allowed to touch games
>(You) faction had a lot of women
>Fired writer was a male
Anon is sending me mixed messages.
If there is even 1 positive stat besides crit low rolls I wouldn't bother improving it
>minimal CDMG roll
>almost minimal CR roll
>brick attack dmage bonus
thats -35 gold tuners buddy
devs will add a way to raise substats in the future for sure, so it's effectively perfect. What element?
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I like general Geshulin.
low rolls, unusable
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you're not supposed to order them based on the colors of the tiers, S is supposed to be best, and D, worst.
originally I went about 1 x10 Convenes in Yinlin and her Weapon for fun and got nada then a few days ago I was really drunk and just emptied everything until I got the 5*.

I don't like using her and regret it immensely.
Unironically reroll
Ok but why didn't Calcharo and Danjin have any appearance in story quests yet?
I regret building them...
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Danjin > Jinhsi > Camellya > Phrolova > Sanhua > Chixia > Changli > YangYang > Yianxin > Baizhi > Taoqi > Encore > Verina

GeshuLin>>>>> Aalto > Calchudo > Yijan > Morfi > Yuanwo > tacet discordtroons >>>>>>>>>>furfag
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They can't.
Spectro. for Jinshi
>the dangers of drunk gachagaming
Thank you for this PSA anon
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Based drunk gambler
But really if you don't want to waste money just reroll if you aren't too deep into the account.
If I have 92000 stuff can I get Chang Li.
Yeah, I'd just wait a minute until you've really settled on the characters you want to use. You can't get it back after you use it, after all.
I know that the 4* weapons all math out to be pretty bad in comparison, but all the calcs I've seen are done with R1 4*s. I haven't seen anything to compare R5 4* weapons to R1 5* weapons. If you pull a sword now, and by the end of next patch you have a maxed out 4* sword that's only 5% behind, while there are still no good gauntlets, then you might feel like an idiot.
nah bro you need more stuff
The art is so good but dude makes her look too fucking old i'm conflicted about your choice anon
I'd say you need at least 50k more stuff and you'll be fine.
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>get electro dmg on cyan heron
>get aero dmg on violet heron

we love hags here, bwo
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Just get the 5* standard sword and it's fine
If you aren't getting her signature weapon (or own greenmans weapon) you might as well just lay down and die in a ditch somewhere

Broadbladebros... why are the f2poor options so shit?
why only 92k?
100k or brick just saying f@m
I like the game but this is the most garbage general I've ever been to. I barely even lurk anymore, much less post. I thought at first it was just because the thread was full of new people and tourists but it really hasn't gotten any better, just garbage in a different way.
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What about this one?
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Another Yae.
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>I like the game but this is the most garbage general I've ever been to. I barely even lurk anymore, much less post. I thought at first it was just because the thread was full of new people and tourists but it really hasn't gotten any better, just garbage in a different way.
But one that looks good in-game too and not just in artworks.
>barely any difference between standard 5* broablade and R1 BP broadblade
signatures being a 30% increase or more over the standard 5* is ridiculous btw
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KYS hagpedo
Isn't the pass broadblade pretty good? I kinda wanna get it for Calcharo
What set and who is it for?
Rolls are lower than median, and depending on character, Heavy bonus might be a dead stat.
Flat attack is fine, btw. It's not as good as attack%, but it's still universally useful. At max level, with a 5* weapon, flat attack is going to be about 60% of the value of ATK%.
You get five substats, none of them are competing to be "improved" when you level the echo - they're always scaling with the echo level.
You want
>Crit Rate
>Crit Damage
for sure
The other two are going to depend on the character and likely between Flat ATK, Energy Regen, and Basic/Heavy/Skill/Liberation bonus.
Verrdant Summit is Jiyan's sig bro, it's a 30% difference between the standard banner 5 star
Sauce me up bwo
Rude but honest
Men can be femoids and not all women are femoids.
Adding buffs like Verina to calculations is disingenuous as fuck btw if you're intending to calculate generic comparisons for weapons.
yes, that's what I wrote.
type it without crying this time
Now post anko damage
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Standard Broadblade/Rectifier/Gauntlets are terrible (with good echo substats) because they have attack instead of crit rate.
Changli's sword is only 8% better than the standard 5* because of that
VPN bros has anyone tried to top up recently? I bought the bp a few weeks ago without issues when they used xsolla as a payment processor. When I tried to checkout today using my card it got declined because all it asked for was the card # + name and when I called my bank they said the address was entered incorrectly when it never asked for any.
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>bro you only 6.7% crit up instead of 6.8% crit up your are literally bricked
do you fucks even play the game or just run excel spreadsheets for fun
How would you guys adjust 1.0 story to be more appealing and interesting? Hard mode: Keep plot relevant items and character introductions so that future story developments from kuro do not feel like retcons
It's ok to be a lucklet just don't be bitter about it.
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they put obsessive levels of detail into the feet
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If your bank is being homosexual then you can pay through here with a vpn and then use paypal
is the rubic's cube solving on point tho
I just think it's entertaining to see people waste their resources on inconsequential shit and make fun of them appropriately
Thanks bro I always just entered my CC for hoyo games since I assume paypal would use their own shitty exchange rates if we used them
I'm saving all my elixirs for the final boss
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I should have rerolled when I used Astrite on 2 x10 Convenes for the Starter banner. This is one of my first gacha games so I didn't understand the differences to the currencies and how this stuff works...

I poured my blood, sweat and tears into this account and giving up on it would suck and going through a second time would burn me out 100%. I have Verina Yinlin and Encore and my 5* selector still so I think this is a decent enough roster so if I 100% the new region and clean up the current one I can maybe squeeze out some Astrites for Jinhsi... she has very cute eyelashes
>got crit rate echo on the piece the aix quest gives you

wow. thats some nice rng. dont have to spend time farming for spectro rover.
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Is Calcharo main DPS or Sub? I only bring him out for his ult and resonance skill heavy because his basics feel bad and slow.
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>going through a second time would burn me out 100%
Kek for sure, good decision to keep it.
I hope you get Jinhsi bro
Aix is already getting powercrept by Jue in 4 days my dude
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The only based post ITT
I am burnt out. I don't feel any motivation to play anymore
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>dont have to spend time farming for spectro rover
Too bad Aix is getting powercrept in a week
They are adding tags on 1.1 because of this. His tags are main damage dealer, resonance liberation damage, meaning all his damage comes from his ult, so ult and switch to someone else.
they should add a bazillion value packs every patch like in pgr
I learned from other gacha games to never grind. You will burn yourself out.
Keep in the old prologue cinematic with Crownless dunking on the team but delete the Chixia scene at the end
Have them more suspicious of you until you reach Jianzhou where they get confirmation that Jinhsi has given orders to escort any weird strangers to the city hall for identity confirmation because one of them is going to be a VIP
Delete most of the fetch quest stuff in Act 2, just keep the compass thing. Replace it with Jinhsi asking you to inspect the same areas before meeting her in 3 days.
For Act 3 just cut down on the repetition a bit (if the player chooses to play along with investigating the village).
Act 4 and 5 can be the same.
Act 6 add Yuanwu (and other character quests) back into the game or delete Yuanwu from the scenes because you literally never meet him
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There will be a slight conversion fee, but it's not very big.
This is how much it was when I bought the BP, but it'll depend on what state the Japanese economy is in, since that seems to change every 5 minutes.
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>meaning all his damage comes from his ult, so ult and switch to someone else
sir this is a genshin clone
Main dps same as Jiyan.
You do his ulty rotation and then swap in Verina for the 30 sec dmg buff followed by sub dps with energy regen set to you can swap back to him with ult ready.
no because im an honorablepaypigbro
Obviously I mean do all his ult attacks, and then keep him off field until he can ult again, maybe switch to do skills to charge it faster but that is all, his basics are garbage.
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why do I have to click this twice every time
Are they adding buff icons? I need these.
i always get a "gameplay incomplete" prompt when I try to claim these
>gauntlet terrible because attack instead of crit
monk wants attack due to it affecting her skills
no one cares about lingyang so this is the defining stat for her since it also includes some energy regen baked in.
Tits too small
They already have buff icons for food, so that should be a simple addition, keep mentioning it in the feedback and they will add it.
>le crying
is this really the only thing zoomers can reply with?
you have to stand in an absolutely perfect spot to claim it
if you try to raise echoes right after completing the tacet field you can't because you're apparently still in combat
small indie company
Because clicking it twice completes the gameplay.
That just means the server hasn't yet recognized that the enemies are dead. Which presumably is what they tried to avoid with adding the animation in the first place.
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im farming lingering tunes the entire week since I hate rider man animations.
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real paypigs have this bookmarked
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>that face
This artist draws Baizhi's like a sex goddess
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is this worth it if im looking for games like wuwa to kill time
MRover confirmed small dick then if he has to enhance it with echoes
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>harem doujin
You what?
Yume sister.....
She is a sex goddess.
i bet this is a gook artist
Jinhsi WILL get loong'd
Baizhi is way too sexy and sensual for a starter character.
it would be tough to finish any of those in a week
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Why the fuck is rover so big? Dude looks like he's been juicing tren.
Tales of Arise and Scarlet Nexus are team based with switching like wuwa.
Code vein is just trash.
Definitely Western artists who faps to too much ThiccWithAQ.
M.Rover if he wasnt a twink
There's only one good game in that bundle
meanwhile Jiyan mains needing Energy regen, crit rate and dmg for every piece
erm which one
Stop making male rover unrealistically hot, how am I supposed to self insert if he isn’t a loser like me
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we side scrolling now
don't hate on the best western artist of our times
He'd be fucking the tiger twink if that was the case.
Post your m rover account RIGHT NOW
The one with Mia in it
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Echoes, son!

Beautiful part of his quest, i really liked the ambient and the camera change.
>5 days until Jinhsi
>10 days until ZZZ
>I feel nothing
damn the hype died
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How do you achieve f2p S0 Jiyan 8k per tick damage? I've seen a lot of these videos lately
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play them all and find out
I remember Code Vein feeling like a jank Dark Souls but with sexo girls at least (lots of really long walking segment "cutscenes" too), dunno about the other two. If you're buying games normally though it'd probably be worth it just based off how high the discount is
now type that without crying
i had the opposite impression to this anon
tales of arise is a soulless hp sponge game with like 10 enemy types repeated over and over and heavy pushing for their cash shop items due to the only 15 spaces of inventory and Scarlet Nexus is dangerously close to a visual novel because they cheaped out and did novel comics instead of animated battle cutscenes
Code Vein is a knockoff of dark souls but at least you have cute girls and can decorate a house and shit, oh and can mod it to whatever you want. (mostly dress up)
Holograms are almost impossible on mobile
these small changes would already vastly improve the experience. alas we live in a worse world.
mid as fuck unless you stack enough of it, like 80% or higher
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>weakjinposter with the shit taste
Is it just me or does she seem really clunky? All the animation locking and air time will probably feel like shit against bosses.
I want to have sex before marriage with Chixia
no, those are leddit reposters, anything posted on leddit is almost instantly posted here. I dare anyone to go check the two leddit forums and then compare to our threads the last few days. I found 1:1 matches on pretty much everything. Though, the dumb shit posts are easy to spot, sometimes the new stuff is more covert. They don't even bother to change the images usually.
>wormfag replying to himself
Food buffs (25% attack and 15% aero) + Mortefi with whaled 5* pistols + Verina I assume. Beyond that, it's echo diff
I agree that he is based, unlike the redditor above me
That makes sense since Changli is a subdps like Jinshi
That's sacrilege, heathen.
3 games I bought and have never beaten. Bamco really went to shit.

My favorite was an arena lvl 30 party fight in Arise, which isn't affected by difficulty or anything. To barely beat the par time and to make the battle actually feel like it's intended, I had to cheat engine x5 damage to my party.
Yes. 5 fucking times.

I don't what happened, but somewhere during balancing they fucked up something. The par times were likely hinting at what was intended at first. Could've been a good game.
Apparently her dodging doesn't fuck with attack combo count/animation times for a lot of these, so on the contrary she (should) be very smooth to play against bosses. If anything I'd probably be more worried about targeting with trash mobs, which is the same for everyone without massive aoe / grouping
New federation will be metal gear solid 2.0
Quiet Encope
The dragon summoning is really cool and aesthetic. Genshin could never accomplish something like this.
>Apparently her dodging doesn't fuck with attack combo count/animation times for a lot of these
That's good to know, thank you
>female dan2
it's that easy
>turd based shit
Doesn't count. Real time combat only.
Anko manko~!
hagpedos get down
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>decorate a house
wait how did i miss that, i just remember the mixed hot springs with the main cast
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>changli flashing her chicken breasts
>anko flashing her manko
I can't take it anymore JANNIES HELP
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So is this just straight up 2000 astrite for EVERYONE that enters?
No, report them for false advertising
>cant read
I'm looking forward to people seething for not getting anything
sugoi sugoi!
You are free to enter
You are not guaranteed to WIN
If it isn't then I will demand they fire their retard pagpag seamonkey PR department who can't speak english.
>to win Astrite x2000 and a chance to get featured on our social media
yes you have a CHANCE to win astrite + a shoutout from them you illiterate retard
>Home Base is a den where the players talk to NPCs and also have access to the services of the Merchants. Once you defeat Oliver Collins, you find yourself in the Home Base where you are explained about the birth of the Red Mist and the society of Revenants.
it can be upgraded and you can do things there, mods can expand it a bit.
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most contests don't straight up give you a 10 roll+ just for entering, so i am leaning towards it being mistranslated or misunderstood.
What does the CN version say? I'd bet it's more like
>share ... for a chance to win x2000 astrite and get featured on your social media
I just logged in to send a yangyang heart to all the /wuwa/ friends I have who I never messaged before
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what the fuck?
does they/them not exist in this universe?
cool now post it on twitter for free karma
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There are only two genders at Kuro HQ.
hagtards could never
hagkeks could never
>6 main stats
>2 set types
>80% chance of 5*
>30 turtles and still don't have correct main stat and set
Fuck this, data bank should let you trade in 10 echoes for the right main stat or some shit.
its rover...
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is there a problem anon?
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the calculations on substats suggest 400+ days for a 4/5 piece and 800 days for a 5/5 piece on average. Getting a 3/5 piece is pretty easy in comparison.
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Still farming for a healing bonus brick and not using atk% like a proper human being? Kek
Why is it specified that you have a CHANCE to be featured on their social media, then? Wouldn't it be implied that the WINNERS are those who get FEATURED if that were the case? I demand my 20 free rolls for this false advertising, Kuro
>I bet
not good enough, we don't go on your gut feelings in this science respecting general, bubby
bro i played whole game, twice even
really dont remember shit about house customization T.T, just fucking around with the piano keys to entertain Io
that comes out to 2k echo kills at best and 4k echo kills at worst.
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I want to change my gender so bad.
I regret it every day...
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Did they have to make him look like a harmless puppy here?
Strongest, least pathetic MRover disrespector
>oh Changli is voiced by Chiwa Saito, what a coinkydink! She's also a foxy cunning perpetually horny lady like Tamamo
>watch Tamamo
>a fucking uguu kawaii samurai
fucking LIARS, I'm never believing you again
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manRover's EN voice is so much better than femRover tho
Nigger this is a gacha game, a virtual casino, gambling den, lootbox simulator, slot machine
Get used to betting
What the fuck bro you just took my chat virginity without my consent
wrong Chiwa Saito character
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>en voice
Do male rover faggots really?
Imagine picking a man over this.
I always go until pity because I'm a responsible general who doesn't gamble his tides in vain.
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nice gameplay hsrkeks
wrong thread
Might want to post that in /hsrg/
I dread the future minigames
why does every gacha have to have minigames
new season NEVER
Just wait until you see PGR
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it's fun
Nikke minigames were overall pretty amazing
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A responsible general would lead his entire army to kill themselves while leading by example with a rope around his neck.
a responsible general would win tho
I chose male Rover for immersion purposes because I am a manly macho man. I didn't know how hot femrover was at that time by just seeing the main menu. Now I want to be her...
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>now I want to be her
I will make you my femaleRover
I am also a manly macho man and I picked female rover because she's hot as fuck.
>Wuthering waves
>Tags: sissification
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hsrkeks are literally on our side
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>waveplates were at 240/240
Did I fuck up?
Should I reroll...

How do I hope to catch up to people now, I can only imagine just how many waveplates I lost...
Would have liked to see a /wuwa/ + genshin option.
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>The writer behind Lingyang’s quest is a man and he got fired
All my ligga did was do a cool dance and everyone hated him for no reason, i’ll never forgive you retards
It was polled in the hsr thread so understandable
kill stealing furry
abandon account and wait for the next game from Kuro(it will be turn based)
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>falling for male manipulators
Sisterbwo please stay focused
CCP propaganda to sissify the west is working too well
They'll add the resin overflow thing soon(tm), along with 100 energy cubes for anyone who lost any energy to it not being implemented yet. Trust the plan, 24/7 optimal play incels will get punished for their obsession
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I just finish the quest, what kill did he steal? I missed something?
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maybe have a less boring questline next time
>Source: Dude trust me, im a foreign language post with even more foreign language "sources"
Geshu Lin will NEVER be playable.
How does that make you chuddies feel?
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>people here still haven't realized that Scar is Geshu Lin
type this without crying this time
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>join to win 2000 astrite, and ALSO, separately from that, a chance to get featured on social media
That's what it says, dumb retards.
If we don't get 2000 astrite just for joining (we won't), it's false advertising.
He's definitely going to be playable, the sad thing is he's definitely going to be another broadblade character
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Genshu lin is literally picrel he better be playable
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what do you think WIN means
The seethe will be glorious
now I am skipping
As far as I am aware it is an antonym of (You), a loser.
I thought the same because the tacet mark.
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>first and second best male character
how does he do it? How did he mog Jiyan(pussy) so hard?
These kuro niggas fully intend to give one singular person the 2k astrites, then choose like 10 other people to feature on their social media without giving them anything lol.

Second definition means that anyone who posts and follows the criteria should get the astrites
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Gunbros... wheres our characters... wheres our 5* characters...

PGR only has male gunners... the girls use bows... so theres no cute gun girls to port over to here... and if they only use Pistols then its going to get very repetitive fast...
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>10 EXTRA winners
This is indicative that "winners" will get 2k astrite and be featured on social media.
And that 10 of those will get an extra bonus.

Do you also need to be reminded just how much work it would be to jot down every UID replied to you put it all in a database and give said people pulls?
Twitter is not the best place when it comes to this, the amount of effort required to give EVERYONE who followed the conditions of entry extra pulls would be an extremely lengthy process.
does anyone know what he meant by this
>1 hour ago
uhmmm.... jannies?
HSR finally added gameplay?
pgr minigames was hell for the 6 months i played, very repetitive and unfun.

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