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Best Girl edition


>Latest patches

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

previous >>483141926
Are we the naughty nellies killing harmless natives in the underground
What went wrong?
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Infinite poise is cheating.
step by step instructions for dragon wife plsthxtobeit
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>I wonder why I'm getting oneshot...
no melina sex
GRRM probably. Jurnos hyping the DLC and saying it's 'a brand new game'. Re-using Radahn and thinking it's a good idea.
has the secret to mohg been hugging his ass the entire time?!
>some giga keikaku just to discard her flesh
>just says few words and it happens, no extra fuckery needed
She doesn't do anything. You have to agree to commune with Bayle for the quest, kill him, then go back her.
I think if you've Placi she'll say something about you having to he her Lord now.
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Remember to swiftly beat this DLC before the difficulty is patched
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First for remind chinks to upgrade their skibidi (if they could ever get past mohg)
>mfw I beat Bayle with 0 Scadutree Blessing because I thought it's temporary boost and fragments are scarce so why bother
He is a big dragon
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pvp/duel anons what builds are you running/ interesting builds have you seen so far
>gets a willing consort who's going to turn her pussy inside out for all eternity
>has to mindcontrol a flesh golem to get anything then gets shanked by ranni's boyfriend
how the fuck do you survive radahn's p2 transition
Reminder that vaatii the nigger is reading these threads
is she at least cute
>Didn't use the Spirit Upgrade thing the entire DLC because I don't engage in baby mode
>Turns out they upgrade torrent too
No wonder he's been getting one-shot lol, sorry torrent
Does he mind control Radah?
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I just finished the fight a couple minutes ago
MUCH much more fun than the final fight.
Literal slave insectoid race of beings

They never survived the Manchurian conquests
It's obvious Memhacki retconned the trailer and the radahn shit was all tacked on and out of place. The original game has a miquella ending.
Who knows? Radaman has no dialogue at all
no goonwyn
use a shield, dumbass
why the fuck would you think that
>Use the talisman from the shaman village to reduce holy damage
>Big shield his zippy zaps

The rest is up to you, Anon.
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>Mfw Fromsoft forces you to collect skibbi pieces like pokemon to increase playtime
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What are these pointing towards? I've already killed every Legendary Boss including Radahn.
>get swift slash AoW
i am the anime man, its me
Then why the fuck are we saying he is mind controlling Radahn?
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I did it bros!
We still don't know anything about Melina or GEQ even after Mitsubishi specifically made a point about the former having story coming in future content
I think we're getting more content for this game tbqh and not a sequel after the sheer gangbusters this DLC's sold 2 years after the game came out
towards the plot tree above the church obviously
Because he mind controlled everyone else and his two shot attack is literally mind controlling you into being a simp
No Marika H-scene minigame where you have to cum in her exactly right to get her pregnant, with a special ending if you knock her up with precum alone.
The fact that Miquella’s cut ending and quest line in the base game has approximately 0 mentions or connections to Radahn kinda convince me that this is a big retcon
Do you actually just wanna rush the entire DLC
>points towards the plot tree I burned already since I killed Radahn

Have you guys figured out how to get over to the black or green area?
he transformed mohg to look like radahn, put his soul in that body then forced him to fight you
>The dragon priestess has her own quest
>It bricks post killing Bayle
Who could have guessed.
If they can't swipe to max out their gacha characters the Chinkoids will seethe and cope about difficulty.
Miquella's plan didn't really work the way he wanted it to. Mohg was planned to be Radahn's new easily controllable body from the start but Mohg was never supposed to pull him out of the Haligtree
Is the Fire Knight Greatsword good?
Use the O Mother gesture that you get at Bonny Village at the Marika statue in the shrine by Gayass' boss arena.
Yes I have. Thank you for asking.
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What's the most you can get on Skibitree upgrades?
There must be a fucking cave or something leading to it because I've scoured every direct path and there's fucking nothing.
Yeah, I played the game
If i want to explore, I will explore, why do you have to force me to scout every place in the map in order to beat the dlc
It's amazing.
backtrack to where you enter Gaius' arena and theres a small shrine to Marika there
do the O Mother emote infront of it, a secret door will open up leading to the green area
>black area
theres an elevator leading to it after you drained the Church district
20 skadoos (50 skibidi pieces)
>40$ for 20 hours of content
>5 hours of which are aimlessly running around on a horse
>reused bosses
>reused weapon models from the base game
>sorceries with entirely reused assets and animations
>artificial difficulty mechanic that forces you to """explore"""
>new progression system makes all previous progression redundant and pointless
>spastic adhd boss design
>pozzed homofaggot story
>barren map full of smithing stone 1's and other useless shit
>pointless npc quests
>completely fucked balance and scaling
>last boss is literally a reused fanfic insert
>with reused weapon reward
>and reused armour set reward
>messmer is a disappointing pushover
>horrible headache inducing colour palette and lighting
>most new weapons are uninteresting garbage
>new weapon movesets are just worse versions of previous weapon movesets
>performance issues
And yet, fromcucks will still defend this shit
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So are all of the fucking jar people just these things? Alexander's collecting extra meat to cut up to put into these abominations?
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Look, even though a Haliglord ending was obviously planned and cut, I think people expected this and not Radahn. Miquella has 0 mentions of Radahn in the base game
Get the "O Mother" gesture in Bonney Village
Find the "Shadow Keep Back Gate" grace, then use it on the Marika statue around there
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Goldmask WON
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reminder that even the fucking ghost calls Miquella out on being a massive fucking faggot nigger
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when the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there' but 'they certainly weren't bored'
Well, apparently Miquella can mind control from the cocoon because Mohg's follower tried to break the spell but was bewitched himself.
I don't know the whole timeline thing js whack
>Marika's people are opressed and murdered by current privilidged race
>She counters this by turning the tables on them
>Because she fought back, she is cursed and reviled as greatest evil for centuries to come
She really was literally Hitler.
does the anon with the CE slider big muscle woman still lurk this thread?
Miyazaki said his inspiration was Ico, well where the fuck is it now?
Isn't the quest mutually exclusive to dragon transformation? It's funny that the characters that would want to be a dragon and have a dragon wife can't have both
Nah the entire DLC is telling goldmasktards that throwing away your emotions is the quick route to badending
>>pozzed homofaggot story
how is it pozzed that we beat the shit out of every gay couple we come across and the confirmed faggot shota mind controls others
>why do you have to force me to scout every place in the map in order to beat the dlc
Because there is content there. Why do you want to beat it so bad
The fact that the dlc has godwyn lore as well as a lot of undead enemies in it makes me think they originally intended godwyn to be the final boss here but changed it. I can’t fathom why tho so i might just be schizophrenic
Watching Asmongold lose his shit is the only good thing to come out of this DLC so far.
Fuck me, I forgot to summon Igon for the Bayle fight
Did I miss something?
So is the DLC actually bad? Or is it just journalists and casuals flipping out?
Before the Golden Order, jars were made by Hornsent by killing people and stuffing their meat into jars to serve as ritual sacrifice to the Crucible.
The Crucible is basically made of an ungodly amount of sacrifices, it's the concentrated life energy of all those dead piled into one place.

The jars in the Golden Order serve a different purpose. The Hornsent's ritual sacrifice isn't done anymore. Instead, the jars are used to transport the remains of dead heroes to erdtree roots. The erdtree essentially recycles the dead to birth new life, like a cosmic water treatment system.
Will there be another DLC?

Keep in mind the is the like
Yes, pure kino.
Its a game, let me do whatever the fuck I want. Great ''open world'' content btw
The erdtree jars dump the remains of warriors to fertilize the minor erdtrees.
The hornsent jars are criminals and shamans rounded up by the hornsent inquisition or potentates and are used as fuel for the crucible. Erdtree jars only use warriors, Hornsent jars use randos.
Can you still help Ansbach against Leda even if you already helped Hornsent fight her off, or can you only pick one NPC to help per playthrough?
Journalists loved the game actually. The DLC is much harder than the base game, but honestly I think one of the core parts of these games is thinking every boss is bullshit on your first go around
I hope they make a better DLC, but at the same time I am scared they'll make it even worse.
should i use a misericorde or an erdsteel dagger for a crit/riposte weapon
fth build, if it effects anything
how do you know the jars were meant for the crucible and the crucible’s actually distilled corpse juice? are there item/remembrance descriptions that hint towards this?
I think you only get the female dragon form from her. You get the male from the painting.
Based ghost points out Miquella's plan was stupid from the very beginning
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are these skeletons crying?
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Did you not talk to him after the radahn fight? He was basically collecting corpse remains from fallen warriors (possibly radahn’s corpse as well) to make into a meatball inside him.
NTA but it's the way Great Runes work so it can be easy to assume the same I guess
how come midra’s followers/people were beheaded and midra himself spiked instead of getting potted by the inquisition?
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>you have to gather 50 skibidis for every character you play the dlc with
Ok, I think I'll just skip it then because I'm literally not skilled enough to play Elden Ring without magic anyway. I barely made it through Dark Souls 3 as a melee build. I'll stick with DS1 and DS2 as usual.
holy misericode
Think about how the charm works on the Schizos of the Hawk when Miquella isn't actually present though. Mohg comes and kidnaps him because of the charm's effect on him, not because the charm is weakened while he's in the cocoon. Miquella just can't tell him no.
How does he fight? Isn't he crippled?
why not flame
Newfag here, I have a question. How do you fight human enemies? If they hit me, I stagger. If I hit them, they don't stagger and hit back. If I'm not good at parrying, how do I defeat them without using all my potions trading attacks?
I have a strong feeling they will because of the missing cut scenes
I just meant something to get it to scale with faith
in fact the quest reward shard is described to have pieces of red mane in it so you know he stuffed parts of radhan into himself
Greatsword of Damnation Ash of War spam.
His physical body may be broken but his soul rages on.
What enemies specifically? And if you just want them to stagger, use a bigger weapon/heavier armor so you don't stagger on light attacks
Most of the non-boss human enemies have very obvious combos and when they end they spend ages recovering, that's your time to go in
tfw no gf
try figuring out their moveset and roll their attacks once you learned it, you don't HAVE to trade hits
what's the difference
Doubtful but this one ends really abruptly...
You can beat it fine at around 15 Skibidi, and honestly most of the fragments are in places you'd go anyway for other stuff, you can get them on the way
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He's so angry he gets his legs back
So hows the arena right now?
Is it full of all the bull-goatse fags Im seeing running around as phantoms?
Why doesn’t FromSoft doesn’t give a flying fuck about mechanic-to-lore considerations?

The Rellana fight is actual dog shit once you read Ymir’s headpiece — apparently he is her superior/teacher but his actual boss fight (Ymir, Mother of Fingers) is just another Gideon.

I honestly don’t know what compelled the team to shit out another fucking moon spell either.

For some reason they hate designing an actually good wizard boss fight. Rennala isn’t enough.
>last DLC boss
>100+ tries doing an INT build, 90% of the time dying in the first 5 seconds
>respec to a heavy load/shield/spear poke build
>kill it in 3 tries

This game is so fucking gay.
Also, never doing the DLC again in subsequent playthroughs. Requiring the blessings for every run + the fact that every item I found sucked ass or was too niche.
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what the FUCK are you
I'm not sure what you mean
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Ive finished the DLC with the absolute shitter poise/defense build (mimic tear included) and I enjoyed most of it

The three big fights (Bayle, Messmer, Radahn) are 80% you fighting with the camera rather than the actual bosses and I pray for the sanity of everyone that beats these fights without a shield and mimic

exploration was fun, apart from Abyssal Woods and Finger Ruins as the forced stealth and artillery sections suck dick

Im going to start NG+ now with a martial arts build

>you didnt beat the game
Im aware, I wrote finish for a reason :)
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Gaius wasn't play-tested, the fact that you have to take a few steps into the arena to summon torrent clearly shows that they didn't bother testing it.
Radahn also has AOEs that hit with no visual clarity, like the groundslam rock shockwave hitting you even though you're behind him.
unless you cheat them in LOL
Casual pieces of shit got out of their cages and are shitting all over the floor.
oh so flame art and sacred are both viable.
get a weapon big enough to stagger them
Miquella's cum. (Not joking)
i cant find larval tear near the servant of rot that gives you cock book, where the fuck is it??
Nope. It is clear Miyazaki is fucking done with Elden Ring.
>beat lion
>beat rellana
>beat finger mother
>beat romina
Now what?
Fighting some guy called Adan in an Evergaol. I cannot damage him because he almost never staggers. Anytime I hit him, he can just hit me back while I'm in mid-animation. Like, I can get ONE hit in, but I'd be fighting him for like half an hour if I did that.
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What are stone coffins then? Are they not just normal coffins for dead people? What? People turn into slimes when they die?
it needs to be night
how much am I fucking myself over by not using any scadutree blessings? I'm at messmer and gaius and the damage I'm taking even with full goat set and dragon talisman is absurd
Miyazaki’s moon obsession honestly just ruined the Carians for me this dlc and I’m kind of bummed out about it
Have some of you seriously finished the DLC already? The fuck's wrong with you? Fucking speedrunning mother fucking piece of shit gangbanging cocksuckers.
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retard here
what's the lore explanation behind players character not dying permanently killed by other tarnished in the game? i mean NPC ones like from the Volcano Manor quest
i died to them plenty of times
Man after finishing the DLC does it seem unfinished to anybody else. Like they just rushed everything after doing the boss fights,
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All the fucking tourists getting their shit pushed in, bitching about the DLC being way too hard, lmao.
All the fucking tourists just waiting for build guide to get through the DLC and pretend the beat it, xd.
All the fucking tourist and shitters exposing themselves, oh such joy!
That's it. I'm done dodging like some fruity boy.
Time to play guard counter tank like a real man.
The worst part is it's not even a hard fix
>give the player the ability to cancel attacks with rolling
>fucking remove stamina
>make the player unstaggerable
>increase player damage and hp by at least 3x
Boom, game's fun and fair again
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It's been a couple of days. So are we in agreement that the new bosses actually all suck dick and the only reasonable way to beat them is to go with a shitter poise/shield build? Literally feels impossible to win with any dex/int build, at all.
+5% damage/effective hp per skibidi level
Yeah it's over, miyazaki lost all credibility now
Faggot final boss? No way
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The Radahn fight is actually really cool even if it's annoyingly hard
Post build
p sure Adan staggers if you have an estoc or a greatsword or something like that, try switching weapons or backstabbing him when he goes for jump attacks if you're using a dagger
I literally finished it the day after it came out lol. Now I'm almost done with the 2nd run.
It feels very rushed, yeah.
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Post Tarnished

Also thinking about switching from FTH to STR for the DLC, should I?
ranni had to discard her flesh the meme way because she was in opposition to the fingers. miquella was their good little boy and doing exactly what they wanted from him.
I hope enough people buy it so we get a second dlc and everyone gets the answers they want.
Don't think about it, any attempt to explain it is just as retarded of the concept of death in ER.
I didnt take them either for a while, but then I realized that was retarded and I was hitting like a wet noodle with the zwei, the DLCs fully balanced around them so Id recommend taking your skud
>dlc set in literal pseudo afterlife
>lots of undead and ghostflame and death root
>plot focused on miquella who wanted to save godwyn
>final boss is radahn
>0 foreshadowing

What did they mean by this
Forget gameplay
Lore is done for
Ironically, allowing you to upgrade your armor in the DLC would’ve been a better mechanic
Scadutree? Midra? St Trina questline? Bayle?
Why? How does her flesh connect to the two fingers? Why not do it the way Sellen did?
beat your meat
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you sound mad
Pretty sure they ran out of time or just want to keep Godwyn for Oh Laws Dem Elder Rangs 2
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I decided to clean my ER folder, but I kept the first versions just in case I want to go back to them later and experience ER before the nerfs, especially Radahn's.
>I literally finished it the day after it came out lol. Now I'm almost done with the 2nd run.

>if it's annoyingly hard
Are you joking? Radahn has no health whatsoever, you literally can summon all NPC's and let them do the fight for you.
There we go Midra killed with the power of zeus, just need a short break to stop messing up the timing on dodges.
Life is recycled in the setting (currently) and Tarnished themselves are given the Guidance of Grace to assume the throne. If they keep fucking up, they eventually lose the Guidance of Grace and 99% of them will go crazy without that guidance and end up dying forever. Presumably.
genuinely surprised that mainstream outlets aren't pissed that the 2-3 gay characters are all canonically rapist freaks or that Miquella himself is pure gay/trans panic as a character.
fighting renalla right now. reapplying buffs mid fight seems borderline impossible with the unending barrage of attacks she employs.
>stumbling upon Shaman Village for the first time
The only area to actually make me tear up
Marika did nothing wrong
Yeah, too bad about the implications
use the sekiro tear that you get from the first giant firecunt
get good at timings
behold, easy mode!
Do I have to kill Count Ymir to fight the big mom thing? He seems like such a nice guy.
Renalla? Are you really having trouble with her?
Just sidestep her Comet azur and ignore her summons lmao.
Not doing skibidi tree, midra takes fucking ages to get to. Can I beat bayle with blasphemous blade?
A don't know anon, try and see how it goes, faith above 30 is a high commitment for not much return.
how many scadus can I get before lion?
not at all
Freyja and Ansbach literally tell you outright that he's coming back. There's also ghosts all over the region that allude to it less directly but almost just as obviously.
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No. Leave this franchise you fucking shitter.
Is there anything to spend runes on in the Land of DLC? I don't like sitting on a ton of runes and I worry I might be retarded to spend all my boss money on smithing stones back home
It's just fanservice because Miyazaki knows they aren't working on Elden Ring 2. So, since fans were asking about Miquella, they loved the Radahn fight and how he was a badass. He literally just retconned everything to be, "Wow, look at this slop and this boss fight." He knows he can't write, so he just does the thing that made ER famous: the fights.
>sekiro tear
QRD? I don't want to waste 30 minutes of hitting his leg and jumping on the horse until he's dead just to get a shit item I can't use like 99% of all the items in the dlc.
Pretty sure he means the new one.
Nyo, you fight him after you kill it
I've been beating most of the bosses pretty easily and I think it's pretty bad
>$40 to fight dozens of recycled base game enemies, but now they hit a billion times harder
Don't bother with buffs mid fight, none of the new bosses allow it.
Is the entire fissure a combat area what
I can't craft items or open the map or anything
use a shield
>can't escape from chinks in dota 2
>can't escape from chinks in elden ring either
lord, save me...
Nanaya… forgive me…
Marika… forgive me…

What the hell are they listening in on our memes?
just run from grace to grace
you don't need to fight every enemies
do what i did.
fist weapons, endure, pump damage stat + vigor, equip talisman that give buffs on consecutive hits.

hit L2 everytime you see him start any animation and just mash.

if you can slap some manner of bleed on too it's even better
Taylew is the only good summon of the DLC
yeah, but it's more Kino with the dragon hunter Katana since that's what the weapon was made for 10% more damage to dragons.
Not reading all that shit, die mad loser. FROM's most accesible game has filtered you.
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What? no spoiler plos.
>New one
its bugged, enemies fall through the floor and stay aggroed onto the player
Show your dex/int clears, now. Faggots.
>fight rellana at scadu 3
>get to 1/4 health, try to roll twin moons instead of jumping, eat all 3 hits and die from full
>fight again at 10 scadu
>get to 1/4 health in less than a minute, throw fight intentionally, in doing so find out you she can't hit you with most of her attacks if you're in patch's crouch gesture
>eat all 3 hits of twin moon, survive, recover to full with 2 swigs
>realise I didn't even have the magic dmg resist talisman on

I overcame the challenge through perseverance.
but what if I don't want to run around collecting scoobydoos hanging from trees and mountain tops?
there are a few merchants, nothing else tho
I've lost a few million runes by now because I can't level below 1.2kk and cba to spend them on smithing stones kek
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Bros, is there any boss in the dlc I should wait before killing?
I mean wait as in to not fuck up quests.
Also fuck that fucking cunt Miyazaki, he got me to accidentally kill npcs again.
Good, I'll let him live then.
I'm barely seeing signs and not being invaded at lvl90 with no penalizations/bans 3 days after the expansion drops, wtf is going on
no the other bitch. the new one.

Yeah, it sucks. I was really relying on Scholar's Shield a lot and I got a big fuck you in return.
no it ain't
it's the same shit as flask upgrades
Holy shit no wonder you morons think this dlc sucks
I'm amazed you know how to turn on a computer
literally read the giant pop-ups
>not using jedi monkey
idk if he's actually good but he's been helpful
Leave the thread now if you don't want spoilers. It's a big thing
elden ring ost
bloodborne ost
>ludwig, orphan, gehrman
What happened?
So where am I supposed to go from Rauh West?
>fingernigger shield
>reddit alien
It doesnt matter what others run because you will just return. Nothing is better
Radahn and Miquella is definitely something that came from George, Radahn was likely planned from the start of the DLC
The game beats it into your head that Godwyn is dead and dead for good and there is no way to bring him back, I doubt Miyazaki had any plans for him
Where shit got changed, I expect, is with the gloam eyed queen stuff. We were probably supposed to meet her in this DLC and then they changed their mind last minute
>plan is stupid
We all know all endings are stupid in one way or another, it's made like that so you niggers can argue about them endlessly like some moral high ground when there is no perfect thing.
Pretty much everyone is a freak though, it's not like gae representation is uniquely fucked
>le tranny
Miquella isn't a tranny he literally is many people in one body, if anything he's a schizo and can change his body at will (something trannies are defined by not being able to do)
I fucking love seeing new shitters getting steamrolled by the dlc and complaining on the steam reviews. It’s not even hard if you just play the game. Asmongoloid is the perfect example of a retard who should never come back.
frenzyflame perfume sounds kind of fun…
only good elden ring boss theme is elden beast, and arguably the second phase of caelid radahn ost

everything else sounds like an ai generated orchestra
is there a consensus on int vs dex for star-lined yet?
How's the sekiro deflect tear? Can you use it against Waterfowl for example?
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First time playing in years and am immediately reminded how dogshit the difficulty in this game is designed.
How the fuck are you supposed to iframe any of his aoe flame attacks? The animation of his foot hitting the ground does not link up 1:1 with the time you have to iframe, so I'm just fucking having to guess. This is the same retarded faggotry bullshit that a lot of the base game boss aoe attacks had.
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Here's my Ranni-Impregnation-Biomachine.

And you don't have to switch, more FTH weaponry than STR ones anyway.
Their loyalty to ledditors
>Commander Gaius
Dishonest game design. Bayle was easier.
I'm so fucking erect right now anon, I hope you aren't lying.
It makes no sense that Miquella could simply charm a demigod like Mogh from a distance inside his cocoon. Otherwise, he could have done the same to Radahn. I think Mogh had the idea of getting a consort from the start, chose Miquella and ripped him out of the cocoon, ruining the Haligtree plan in the process. Then Miquella has to pivot to plan B and charms Mogh to make his bidding.
one is dragon cult, the other is dragon communion
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He didn't get the dragon wife too bad you got softlocked from having a dragon waifu.
Not him, what are some good fth str weapons that aren’t colossal shit?
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Jesus Christ, Metyr just bleeds so easily.
I'm giving up on Senessax

worst fucking boss From ever put out, not joking
HP sponge and one shot dammage literally fucking ONE SHOT
more HP than like five Relanna
shit camera as always

what a fucking shit enemy holy hell
skipping this faggot hard
You didnt win. Thats why you posted here.
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I haven't killed a single one of these fucks
STR+DEX with straight sword.
Only 4chan and whatever that reddit sub outlet of 4chan are pissed at "tranny gay faggots"
It's just as stupid as throwing a fist at the Lothric princes for being heretic incestuous gays.
i tried it with 80 int 40 dex/60 int 60 dex/80 dex 60 int
the middle one was better, iirc it did more damage but i stopped using the weapon

it's really good
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Is there any other way to play elden ring in ultrawide besides flawless widescreen?
It doesn't show any plugins
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Anon, you are giving it more thought than From did. Its probably not worth the hassle
They're such a boring fight.
don't go into the water. It does more damage if you are wet. and you can summon Torrent in the fight.
Pure arcane, get fucked.
I am not mad about the gay incest relationship, I don't really care, I am just disappointed that the final fight is boring design wise and that there's barely a proper conclusion to the DLC
>Internally known as Knight of the Gloam Eyed Queen
>Originally meant to be a field boss
>Uses Ghostflame
So Putrescent Knight was 100% supposed to be what we got instead of the dragons right
QRD: its a tear that literally turns the game into sekiro.

it lasts 5 minutes, so you can only use it for boss fights, but it makes you take 0 damage and basically use no stamina if you perform a "perfect block", aka you block an attack with perfect timing, and it also increases the strength of guard counters

you dont even need a shield to do this, you can just use a 2h weapon to block
You didn't beat the game, faggot.
How get dragon wonan
>Dark Souls 1 meta is blocking
>People say "GET GOOD" and roll to dodge instead
>Community does this
>From starts punishing people for dodging
>People just start blocking again
thanks bwos
Be careful searching the game on Youtube also, because faggot nigger youtubers are putting the huge spoiler in the thumbnail
isn't she basically a golden vow bot?
what did you go with after that?
Miquella didn't charm Radahn because when you broke his great rune, freeing NPCs from the enchantment, Radahn still acts that way.
From just likes to stir the pot so they removed Radahn's dialogue , just so Radahnfags can have a sense of security that their idol isn't gay.
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I just got to Messmer, did he change voice actor? He sounds completely different from the trailer, it's way worse now
I've unironically used magic infused martial arts for every boss so far and had zero issues
i refunded the dlc after an hour

crazy disappointment
Yeah I haven't watching any of that shit, that's for the heads up tho.
Man I can't tell where the fuck the putrescent knight IS half the time with his attacks
His voice is pretty bad, yeah.
>That pic
I don't think Marika would give 2 shits
Rellana and Messmer are 100% fair and the best bosses in the DLC
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This is better than sex, I've never felt a wave of dopamine overtake my body like this
I'm shaking, legit tingles. This is my favorite boss in videogames, at least until the honey moon period wears off

good duel you piece of shit
So Messmer is literally just angry that we're porking his mom right
My plat says otherwise.
I mean that normies would be upset about it being a negative depiction of gay people. When it was just Mohg it could be dismissed because he's a side character and a cartoonish demon. But mind controlling rapist Miquella, who's driven by his obsession for a man that he literally chains to his will, who's the main villain of the expansion, and who is presented as feminine and androgynous, really can't be. If you're treating this like an actual story instead of a series of dungeons it's one of the most homophobic things in mainstream fiction right now.
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Gloam eyed queen content was PLANNED

>Check out the internal name
i'm just using a magic malady with carian sovereignty
it takes really long to charge, but if you get an opportunity to use it, it does literally over 6k damage and instantly breaks stance
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Marika is a cutie
messsssssssssmer'ssssss flame
the dlc was originally meant to be a godwyn dlc then messmer fucked it up just sayin
>It makes no sense that Miquella could simply charm a demigod like Mogh from a distance inside his cocoon
Mogh was already charmed before Miquella went into the Haligtree
The charm lingered, like it does to everyone Miquella charmed, and Mogh decided to yoink the corpse from the cocoon. Mogh was always a pawn for him, and was always intended to die. Stealing Miquella's discarded flesh was definitely not part of the plan, but it didn't really stop anything. What really delayed Miquella was Malenia failing to eliminate Radahn
Why are you here? You suck. Leave.OH RIGHT. 99% shitters here. This community truly has gone to shit.
if you killed Bayle, she's gone from your game.
You have to give her the sleeping potion you got from Thiollier and exhaust her dialogue. Once you kill Bayle, she will be mad at herself for falling asleep. Tell her you gave her the date-rape drug, and she said that you are her new lord now, and you get her as a spirit ashe. Literally, the closest thing you'll get to a waifu in the game other than Ranni.
>These fuckers are Marika's response to Hornsent's genocide
>"you put my people in jars, I put your people in flaming wickerbaskets"
so why not just mind control radahn, which he ends up doing anyway?
So what new dlc weapon should I try out for an arcane build?
Feels like all the bosses were designed around having Deflecting Hardtear on at all times
>This community
What community? The game is as normie as fucking roblox
Stealing his flesh was the plan, Miquella needed him to get to the shadow lands
Radahn resisted. Mogwhyn was already mind-controlled, so put Radahn's soul into Mog's body for easy control.
the fight club fight with leda and the rest of the npcs proves just how fucking much they turned up the HP and damage output of everything for no reason. are they retarded, did they just assume everyone would be going in as a level 10000000 fucking sweat is miyazaki a dumb gook answer yes!
>missed getting this on my dragon knight character, who I'm never playing again after I clear the DLC
I legit want to kill myself.
did we get anything better than erdtree seal for faith builds?
Phase 2 of the final boss might actually be fun if you use it.
What a headcanon
It seems like Miquella needs to be physically close to you in order to charm you. There's no chance of him getting close enough to Radahn and the risk was exceptional.
He got Mohg because Mohg is a dumbass.
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the questlines are preventing me from having fun, i seem to have broken one or two of them already even though i autistically spoke to every one of them, it seems inevitable in fromslop and it triggers my completionist and FOMO brain, i am at messmer and im sure that if i kill him i will have ruined more shit and locked myself out of more armour and weapons.
The priestess? There’s no option to give the potion
they 100% were

they didn't add the deflecting thing as a permanent mechanic because it would completely trivialize the base game, but yeah i'm like 99% sure you're SUPPOSED to use it against all bosses in the dlc, they designed them that way

rellana became so easy after i used it and got gud with it
So how exactly did he charm Mohg's follower?
The quests are pointless, you can get the same rewards by just killing the npcs on first sight
Intredasting. I'll try that out with my moonveil then, thank you anon.
Pekora is struggling with Rellana
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use cases for this?
I liked the Godskin theme, but yeah. Music is really bad in general.
same, worst type of enemy design
Nothing in the game implies that Mogh was charmed from the start. The Pureblood Knights already existed before Mogh and Miquella made contact, meaning the Dynasty's ambition predates it too.
is this actually true? i thought you didnt get the weapons/shield if you didnt progress them until the end. i know i already locked myself out of dryleaf set by beating him after the gesture part.
I never want to see anyone defending this slap dash dogshit lore.
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>weapon of choice
>are you having fun?
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Get the Carian Sovereignty and put it on anything you like. Dump stats into INT. It does 42 stance damage per hit, like pre-nerf DMGS when fully charged. Use it before the YouTubers start making videos about it and get it nerfed.
>magic infused martial arts
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kino dungeon
>int build
get some mind and get some int. then you pelt enemies with blue rocks from your staff until they die.
I think you don't get their ashes of war.
The dlc story actually makes a lot more sense and is less fanservicey with Radahn as a mute because it better shows that none of this was really what he wanted, and Miquella is basically presenting Mohg's possessed dead brainwashed body with such sanctity as though it were a depiction of Christ when in reality there's few more profane things in the game
just level up dex, use perfumes, (heavy) thrusting swords, bleed dex weapons
What happens if you give Jolan the iris of occultation? She drops a cool sword but I don't really want her to suffer.
75 vig 62 str 80 fth with blasphemous. Don’t have to spend more than 3 tries on bosses
yeah il tell you what she looks like shes build for strength colossal 2 handers only
Any of the new ashes that combo infinitely as long as you have stamina.
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How fucked do you think Radahn and his twinkboy is on a scale of 1 to absolutely fucked?
Wait till nighttime. She'll be talking while asleep about her dragon lord or some shit.
How do you go to the east of Shadow Keep?
That anon was right, QED really was Velka.
How do I deal with the Furnace Golem near Bonny Village?
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poor abandoned loyal murder puppies
I will comfort and marry them
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the only new items I've actually used a bunch are the turtle and twohanding talismans
Guard counter is such a boring way to fight though
So what's the link between the Hornsent and the Omen? Are the Omen a curse placed on Marika by the Hornsent?
She dies either way.
That would actually make sense. Miquella was trying to revive godwyn it's told to us by a ghost at castle sol and the golden epitath description. NOTHING in the base game implies a connection between Miquella and Radahn.
>name is "Promised Consort"
>Miquella specifically references a two-sided vow
He wanted it.
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ma nigga!
oh and btw, it also gives you hyper armor while you're charging it up. as you can see, i got hit and still performed the attack.

it's definitely getting nerfed but we eating good for now
Ansbach literally says he faced off Miquella
gotta approach it from the east, start at bonny village and then cross the two bridges
Romina's halberd, I liked it a lot
Absolutely fucked in a really bad way.
I'm worried about future Souls games at this point.
People don't like this because it ruined their headcanon around Radahn
Yeah, but what does she say? I gave her the other eye and she seemed happy, but might have been some kind of mind control thing.
>We were supposed to get GED and Godwyn lore but they put Radahn in it because he's more popular
Goddamn it
bayle's heart should've been counted as a remembrance for purposes of duplicating so you can get both incants in one cycle, what the fuck were they thinking
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I don't know how perfumes work thougheverlybeit...
The night is dark then she dies.
What part don't you get?
its pretty vile honestly

kinda just makes me feel abit gross whilst playing the dlc
Ok, but where and how? He was in a cocoon
No one at castle sol mentioned godwyn

Miquella needed to kill Radahn precisely because he didn't anon
where get
I will trade you mine I am just going to cheat engine the fun stuff in for subsequent play through anyway
Honestly I believe it too, maybe someone pointed out that Godwyn's soul is truly dead and gone and that's why he can't be used, so they just picked another half-brother of Miquella's instead of redoing the story
>Get Rolling Sparks
>Aim at floor
>Press L2
>All the dust clumps gather together and make one big projectile
>Otherwise they're good for AoE
It's that easy
Bisexual sandwich between Messmer and Malenia…
Don't know what I need for it etc. What stats, does it work with ashes or what?
conceptually or difficulty? I think its kinda hot. probably overtuned for casuals if you mean difficulty but im not a casual so I don't care, give me a 12 million hp superboss please and thank you.
Bayle's tyranny is the only good one. The other one sucks ass.
dex, switching between helice, stitcher, morgott's cgs, perfumes and some random new weapons, a lot of fun exploring and on some bosses, no fun on some other bosses
>There's no chance of him getting close enough to Radahn and the risk was exceptional.
You know they have met in the capital right?

Or he needed Radahn dead for the secret rite
>Local Tarnished walks up to demigod and says "ur mum was fucked by me man"
Well ain't that something. Thanks.
A vow so two-sided Radahn fucked off on and him and had to be killed to actually live up to it.
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oh boy i sure cant wait for miyazakis next game to be
>dark fantasy
>vague lore
>cryptic dialogue
wow fucking amazing cant believe he has no more original ideas post bloodborne
It's fucked up, but instead of being disgusted I just cringe and laugh. I would be far more disgusted and personally offended if it was Malenia in place of Radahn.
She is an universally loved boss character like Radahn and it wouldn't feel out of place in case Miquella's psychoness turned on her under some twisted logic about saving her
somebody post the dark souls boss stickman comic
No sane normies have ever considered FROM's "gays" to be the symbol of lgbt because everyone is fucked in the head either way like Marika with her "transition". Just like how "normies" have never considered Griffin as their lgbt symbol and got mad at him for being villain.
The only thing he needed was a consort. Radahn stopping the stars was why he needed to die
Pretty much. He thinks his mom hates him and loves (You) more than him, which he can't abide because you're "bereft of light". He basically has an Oedipus complex and is lashing out at the "father" (You).
I will now spend 10 hours trying to kill Radahn.
Why do the fanarts of the women in this game look so hot but then I go ingame and they all look like disgusting slopshit? Can't they hire better character designers for this game? Maybe just go with an anime aesthetic which would work better anyway?
bros Frejya needs help and old man Ansbach disappeared after I gave him the document what do I do
I'm not bothered with the gayness and the incest, what I'm bothered by is that it comes out of nowhere and makes no sense and ruins all involved characters
The secret rite says the lord's soul needed a vessel
this desu
i'd be pissed if i spent 40 moneys on the DLC, but thankfully i had a half a brain to pirate it
i played for like 30 minutes and quit, it's the same old boring shit
How brief is brief, 10 seconds?
I got an "inappropriate activity detected" message while I was sitting in the fucking title menu. What?
So if letter grade determines the scaling efficacy of a stat, would that mean if a weapon has stats with A, B, C; you would get the most damage from just dumping everything into A?

Or would soft caps change that? Say if you had 60 in stat A and 1 in stat B would it be more valuable to raise stat B to 2?

And generally is it worth pumping INT/FAI/ARC past a spell's base requirement for more damage?
aren’t we one of the very few tarnished to have canonically never lost our grace after being called back to the Lands Between?
Why is Messmer a snake?
Honestly the sunken Church district was such a missed opportunity, I was sure I'd have to fight a water monster but nooo
>Tree Spirit
Kill yourself Hackzaki
Anyone cheat engine in scadutree fragments yet? Did you get flagged?
>fth str weapons
Good question, haven't done a run like this lol. I'd guess the Crucible weapons though
>int/faith dragon lady
>dual wielding seals
Holocaust survivor, racist, used her children as tools, genocidal
Groomed to be a genocider from birth, successfully genocided everyone he was deployed to genocide, was abandoned by his mother when there were no more minorities to purge
Abuse victim, retarded, raped and mindbroken
Abuse victim, mommy issues, not even loved by a tree
Well adjusted individual, fucked a dragon. Is fucking dead.
Made a housewife out of a ho. Murderous snake.
The least retarded empyrean. Also murderous
Well adjusted individual, possible rape victim, possibly gay, definitely mindbroken
Was supposed to he Miquella's Mesmer, couldn't even succeed at that. Has AIDs
Gay rapist
Which is why Miquella needs to bring Radahn back in Mohg's body after he kills him
>Shadow tree
>Land of death
>Inhabited by shades
probably yeah I imagine it's the same as the hidden blue
>GEQ was always planned to be a DLC boss
>miyazaki, browsing 4chan as he usually does, saw my incredibly well-reasoned and composed argument that the GEQ was in fact Marika, and Maliketh forced her to become a God on the Finger's orders just like the Baleful Shadow tried with Ranni
>was so moved that he decided to retroactively make this canon and cut the GEQ lore from the DLC, repurposing her knight into an unrelated encounter
Oops. Sorry bros, I'll endeavor to be less right in the future.
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Yeah and you'd imagine that Thaumiel would be inhabited by the GEQ like how Keter is Marika but noooooooooo
Can you get the same damage from incantations as you can from int shit like azur comet? What's the big boss melter for faith builds?
There's a scroll that talks about how to ascend a god needs a lord and the lord needs to die first. If he agreed to Miquella's plan, which the two sided vow and "promised consort" title both indicate that he did, he'd always have to die. Miquella says that Aeonia and the Festival were part of fulfilling his part of the vow and Radahn made Jerren promise that he'd die an honorable martial death before Aeonia (while Freyja said Radahn required constant war to invigorate the soul), so the implication seems to be that the deal was "ill be the consort so you can bring your Age of Compassion but I want an epic war first."
>satanic turbokike tree
It's also curious about these snakes, who are they and why do they influence the demigods? Is it just a Dark Souls reference?
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>equip martial arts
>drink deflecting tear
>royal guard
it's that easy
some other anon explained many threads ago that if EAC doesn't get enough CPU priority and power, it skips a cycle which is detected as disabled EAC
basically, just close any other CPU heavy programs running in the background, such as chromium based browsers with many tabs open
The big one would be the ancient dragon AoE lightning but it only works against big targets because it can multihit them with the whole AoE.
it depends. If you're doing something like a bleed build, get the minimum to use the weapon and then dump it into Arcane. If you're gonna do a caster build dump it into int. If you're doing a pure damage str melee build then Str.
catch flame
The letters lie. You may think an A is an A, but it could be a "low A" which is closer to a "high B". The values represented by those letters are within a range, rather than a shared fixed number.
>purtrescent knight's stupid fucking fire
Can we maybe evolve the camera to not being locked to 2 inches behind your head if we're going to use arena-wide moves and have bosses 60 feet wide? Maybe copy DS2's FoV???
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>Is fucking dead.
Death would be a release compared to what he is.
Do we think this will be the last DLC? Seems like kind of a low note to end their most successful game on
>about how to ascend a god needs a lord and the lord needs to die first.
No it just says a Lord needs a vessel, just like how Godfrey is his own vessel, we are our own vessel, and Radagon takes Marika's vessel.
> If he agreed to Miquella's plan, which the two sided vow and "promised consort" title both indicate that he did, he'd always have to die
Are you implying Godfrey/Tarnished/Radagon did die?
>Radahn made Jerren promise that he'd die an honorable martial death before Aeonia
Thats what Jerren said, not Radahn.
>"ill be the consort so you can bring your Age of Compassion but I want an epic war first."
That part I agree.
Very rushed. They clearly rewrote the plot to include radahn for some reason, the overworld is really big but mostly empty, there's a good number of glitches and poor hitboxes (weather/color grading transactions especially broken) and very poor performance. Lots of repeat encounters (furnaces, dragons) and places where you could fight enemies, but there is no reason to do so. I like a lot of what is actually substantial but it feels so cobbled together, like they really had to rush to fill all this map with whatever they could.
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No idea but you find his molted skin by the O, Mother gesture.
There's clearly something important with snakes. There was a giant god-eating snake in the volcano that Rykard fed himself to, there's a giant flayed snake there being worshipped as well as ancient snake-magma hexes, the Godskins have snake attributes and now Messmer. But I have no clue what it's supposed to actually mean.
That's not really what the scroll says though, it says the lord needs to usher in the god, and that the lord's soul needs to have a vessel, not that the lord needs to be killed first and then put into another vessel
gtfo bitch
So we know this DLC was at first suppose to be 2 separate ones, but what was the original plan?
The map is too interconnected for it to have been given out separately, so how did they do it?
i done told you all the games a metaphor for the occult, alchemy, and kaballah (although norse is the actual origin of yggdrasil I believe)
kill all vtumors
watching now
Already confirmed to be the only DLC we're getting.
Japanese still dabbing on the Chinese all these years later.
So fucking based.

Chinese play this game like I imagine some sort of Hive creature would, CE to max level, use all the op gear, use every op spell/incant, shit their pants and cry when the game cant be cheesed.
I wish there was an option in every game for "cross-region play but no Chinese".
>Rellana as a GS main
I genuinely wonder what the fuck were they thinking
>another garbage spin2win whore except this time she spins 24/7
>moveset so generic that the player can't even recognize the pattern
>totally immune to stagger unless smashed with 4 double giant hammers jumps
>oh, and let her do a third nuke even though we'll only show 2, lmao.
We know the DLC is weird because the veil lifting scene is not present in the actual game.
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What sidequests need to be summoned for boss fights?
Can I go fuck up Romina safely or will it brick someone?
>fought 4 Ulcerated Tree Spirits so far
are there more than that? why do they put that boss literally everywhere
Then why would the lord's soul need a vessel? That's a very good thing to add to a secret rite
>str/fth flame sword so i will do negative damage to these things
still haven't seen any of those regular enemies that drop skibidies
They said there are no plans for more content. Considering this took 2.5 years and is still rough around the edges, I doubt there will be another Elden Ring release. By the time they finished another DLC the PS5's life cycle would be over
Weird. I reassigned EAC to CPU thread 9 or something when I installed the game launch week and I think I've seen this false positive maybe once before and I don't remember what the conditions were back then.
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Does anyone where the pile of rock for this spiritflight? Top area is spicy and I can use some shortcut
why did they make the weapon catalyst so bad??

it's unusable, legitimately absolute dogshit tier

they either went out of their way to make it unbeliveably bad OR, it's bugged
Cute crystal fren.
she can do it, I watched her beat malenia, our bun will persevere
I mean, reeee im mad at cute anime girls for some reason...nah I don't care if I "fit in" what is this, reddit?
Use one of the omen brother's shackles on it.
You don't have to be a kike lover to recognize their mysticism.

Yggdrasil is just the same idea being approached by different people at a different time. The Tree of Life has a snake who eats it. Yggdrasil has Nidhoggr.
I'm pretty sure the implication is that the Lord you choose doesn't need to be alive
I mean, WE aren't alive. We died before the beginning of the game. We just use our own body as the vessel.
>another retard trying to fight the bosses like it's dark souls 1
where is the aoe WA
where is the swarm of flies
where is the spirit ash
where is mogwhyn scepter quickswap??????????
I mean, we know that the Shattering drove demigods to madness, and Radahn definitely looks "corrupted" in the intro. That could explain why he reneged of his vow.
There are shadow hollow dudes holding a jar over their head. Most of them drop a skibidi.
There's also a few random world bosses that drop them. Generally speaking if you see a bitch mob or former boss demoted to mob hanging around in the overworld with seemingly no reason to fight them and no nearby loot, chances are they drop a skibidiboobop
Hi Anons
Perfume Researcher here.

I think the Rotten Wingsword Talisman works for increasing damage on Perfume Ashes of War. can anyone else test? I've actually killed so many enemies that it's difficult to test damage since everything either dies in one barrage or is a boss (of which none are left)
Hi, I want to do a sleep spell build where I put people to sleep and then blast them in their sleep with a very high damaging spell. Which sorcery or Incantation do you reccomend to blow someone up in their sleep?
>we never got 6 man online
Fucking PS4 users.
Chinese gamers are so stuck in their head playing all those gatcha games like Honkai Star Rail or Genshin or the lastes flop game Wuwa. Thats why their skills are rusted and they have to rage quit as their is no pay to win option for them.
Its a sad reality.
I'm guessing part 1 was all about Helping Miquella, which is the top half of the map. Bottom Half is all about St. Trina telling you to kill Miquella and how he's actually evil. DESU, the St.Trina shit feels unfinished, like there was supposed to be something more than 4 dialogue scenes.
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>all these normies crying because they have to play the DLC and explore its content in order to play the DLC and explore its content instead of just doing a boss rush ignoring everything and letting mimic play the game for you from the get go
>the crying is so loud some are begging for difficulty selection, quest journals, minimaps and all the other modern cancer

This game will be the last FROM game without all the modern "acessibility" garbage. Elden Ring being so succesful and normies getting all over it was the worst thing that could happen and this DLC proves it, seeing that even this place is filled with all these reddit tourists who spend half their time crying and the other half writing posts about how it's le hecking valid to summon 15 people + ashes + "invaders are le assholes!"

It's all over. These games should have never been as succesful as they are. Pic related happened hard and FROM will cave in and listen to these shitters.
Could be, but it still feels weird to add
>No it just says a Lord needs a vessel, just like how Godfrey is his own vessel, we are our own vessel, and Radagon takes Marika's vessel.

Few can decipher the scroll, which describes the secret rite of the divine gateway said to be found at the tower enshrouded by shadow.

"A lord will usher in a god's return, and the lord's soul will require a vessel."

It clearly differentiates between the source of the soul and the vessel.

>Are you implying Godfrey/Tarnished/Radagon did die?

Godfrey and Tarnished yes. I don't know what Radagon's deal is still but it probably didn't involve the Gate of Divinity in the first place so the same rules wouldn't apply.

>Thats what Jerren said, not Radahn.
That's what the item descriptions said.

>Jerren served General Radahn as a guest commander, and they are said to have sworn an oath of honorable death to one another.
Because it means you can't kill a lord and just use their soul however you want. It's another aspect of the two that are one themes of the game and Miquella is perverting this relationship with his brain magic
In your opinion, which main stat / build won so far in terms of new gear?
pretty sure demons souls (ps3) and all the other games could handle 6 just fine hell I COULD play dark souls 3 right now, they were worried about memory limits due to the amazing graphics if I had to guess (which is why buffs don't last too long) if all 6 people cast elden stars at the same time you'd probably set fire to a pc.
you're telling me you enjoy the garbage inscrutable questlines with NPCs randomly dying when you fail some requirement?
Same. You know you have a Chinese host in coop when they just stand in the background waiting for you to kill the boss. I like baiting some "launch in air" aoe and leading it to oneshot them. They never have more than 20 vigor.
Having to go on a scavenger hunt every time you want to play through the DLC is not good game design. If they wanted a proper system it should have been like Sekiros where the fragments drop from bosses and just put them in dungeons so people want to do them.
It's probably just running placeholder stats. I have a feeling that a lot of gear is. Balance is all over the place.
Except Radahn accepted. Why would there be a two way street vow if Miquella could just brainwash him into dying for him without any strings attached?
Yes and a lot of people forgot about that. Marika also told her children to fight against each other to prove their worth. The way that I look at it is like Godfrey and Marika's marriage and how Godfrey fought us.
I will be mad if they give any of the bosses the Radahn treatment before I manage to finish the DLC.
Max stats Radahn set
>moveset so generic that the player can't even recognize the pattern
2 combo enders I found were the double forward thrust and the one where she (slowly) slices downwards diagonally. get a thunder infusion+thunder buff flask+talismans if you can and try to get your one stance break when she's about to go into phase 2 and before she does the giant magic sword downward slash -> roundslash move (she pretty consistently does that one at around 60% hp, if you get her to sub 50% before she does it she will often still do it as a start to her phase 2, giving you a decent damage window if you dodge both hits). basically the idea is to give her as little room as possible to use her busted phase 2 moveset
I beat her after 6h on NG+7 with a colossal hammer doing things this way
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Why does it work? Thanks.
where does this meme come from? the erdtrees just eat you when you're buried at their roots. the "honor" of holy burial is being fertilizer
>Except Radahn accepted
Accepted what, getting his soul stuffed into Mohg's body?
Marika being a god because of fulfilling an arbitrary prophecy at the Divinity Gates is 100% a retcon, right? In the base game she was a god because she had the Elden Ring in her body.
>Yggdrasil is just the same idea being approached by different people at a different time. The Tree of Life has a snake who eats it. Yggdrasil has Nidhoggr.
I agree with this, like dragons, some concepts transcend cultures.
like the seed of life pattern (6 around one circles) is found in nature (flowers most noticeably) due to the nature of logarithms (discovered by a mathematician looking at patterns in nature)
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>Walk too far north
>Don't use an NPC summon
>Don't kill yourself 6 times
>Don't daterape a dragon specifically during night-time when no dialogue leads to it

the NPC quests are fucking retarded
I hope they're done with the open world meme after this. Give us a game set inside a giant mega dungeon or something.
Knowing the knight you fight in the fissure is actually related to GEQ, I think you're absolutely right and the whole southern region was supposed to be it's own game.
Whoever made this image sounds like a real poopy head
It might be two different kinds of godhood
The Gates of Divinity granted her enormous power beyond whatever she already had as a shaman
She used that power to then get the Elden Ring
They barely compromised with Armored Core, it seems unlikely that From is ever going to change their ways
>you're telling me you enjoy the garbage inscrutable questlines with NPCs randomly dying when you fail some requirement?
First FROM game?
Use Margit/Mohg's shackle
The main change that will definitely happen is zooming your camera out during the lion dancer fight.
I honestly don't think any boss is overtuned except maybe radahn. He might get nerfed but I think it's more likely they just polish his animations and timings and he just gets easier incidentally.
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Why do some people put Metyr and Bayle on the same tier as Consort Radahn? Radahn is like a billion times harder than both of them.
>Godfrey and Tarnished yes. I don't know what Radagon's deal is still but it probably didn't involve the Gate of Divinity in the first place so the same rules wouldn't apply.
Yes but they are still their same vessels. Its possible that Malenia was supposed to give Radahn an honorable death as part of the deal in becoming Elden Lord but she messed up and his own body got rotten so Miquella had to get Mogh's body.
If anything, it also benefits Radahn as he would become Elden Lord.
>some concepts transcend cultures
On the other hand the serpent/world tree connection I'm pretty sure is specifically PIE. I don't think any culture which didn't come in contact with the PIE group ever had a serpent and a world tree it ate; most don't even have a world tree or important snake at all.
Accepted to be his consort. The rest we don't know. But he did accept
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I hate this boss so much I died like 100 times what the fuck is EVERYTHING that he does
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hello, based department? miyazaki did it again
Radahn not refusing the match is irrelevant. Miquella couldn't brainwash him to do anything when Radahn made the call to halt fate in the Lands Between, and then Malenia couldn't kill him. This coupled with Mohg coming for him is why the Haligtree plan failed and the Scadutree plan happened.
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Did they make messmer unparryable? FUCK
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so, what do you do with the great rune?
Bayle is fucking hard
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>meet Thiollier at the Pillar Path Cross
>talk to Moore at the Main Gate Cross, he'll give you an item
>bring the item to Thiollier and go through all his dialogue, he'll give you a concoction
>go up the path near Thiollier until you run into Igon next to the Pillar Path Waypoint grace
>talk to him and continue down the path toward the Dragon's Pit, you'll be invaded on the way there
>go through the Dragon's Pit and you'll run into a dragon boss just a little further down the road
>go south from where the dragon boss is and you'll find the Grand Altar of Dragon Communion next to the head of the huge fuckoff dead dragon
>talk to dragon waifu and agree to partake in communion, go through all her dialogue
>return to where the dragon boss was and this time go north-east to get to the Jagged Peak
>about halfway up the mountain or so you'll run into two dragons who are fighting each other, kill them and Igon will spawn
>finish all his dialogue and teleport back to dragon waifu
>talk to her about Igon and finish all her dialogue
>rest at the grace next to her and skip to night time, she'll be asleep
>drug her with the concoction you got earlier
>rest at the grace again and skip a day or two until she wakes up
>go through all her dialogue again then continue up the Jagged Peak
>when you reach the top you'll fight Bayle
>Igon's summon sign will appear INSIDE the arena after the fight starts, it's just next to the entrance on the left side
>make sure to summon him then kill Bayle (I think he has to survive the fight, make a backup just in case)
>once Bayle is dead return to dragon waifu, she'll give you her Dragonbolt incantation
>talk to her again and admit you're the one who drugged her
>finish all her dialogue and take her with you
Here's a shitty little map with rough paths, for your convenience.
Blue lines are teleports, blue dots along the paths are Igon.
Is something supposed to happen when you drink St. Trina's nectar?
I didn't break his rune though
They just need to be fun as well
i'm not sure what you mean by PIE can you elaborate please?
the twin snakes concept predates the discovery of dna by millenia, and snakes as a venerated symbol go back to tribal/zoroastra but were later shunned by like everyone later on (christianity especially with their everything foreign is blasphemy take) demonizing old gods
He is but he can at least be staggered and has plenty of windows to smack him. Radahn doesen't.
Accepted into being's Miquella's consort. About being stuffed into Mogh's body, it can also be Radahn's wish to become Elden Lord because he did have a dialogue introducing himself as Radagon's son at the beginning of the fight.
How the scadu level scaling works:

Malenia HP and Atk - 7.42x/3.79x

First DLC HP and Atk - 7.04x/3.74x

Max DLC HP and Atk - 15.34x/7.87x

Max Scadu level Damage and Negation - 2x/2x

Scaled DLC HP and Atk - 7.67x/3.93x

i.e., with max Skibiditree level the final boss should be Malenia-tier.
Final boss has an attack that marks you and if you get grabbed while marked you die instantly no matter how high your HP/defenses.
That dispels the mark
Messmer was easy as fuck he took me 2 tries. Dumb bitch Relanna was the blockade.
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i wanna cry
you jump retard lol
Different builds have trouble with different bosses, Radahn can be cheesed with a greatshield and stacking defenses.
>Miquella couldn't brainwash him to do anything when Radahn made the call to halt fate in the Lands Between
This is a headcanon
In all honesty, this is ALREADY the Fromsoft game with the most accessibility. Spirit Ashes are literally made for baby mode shitters who are too scared to use online summons lest they get killed by the bad red man. Spirit Ashes dont even raise the bosses health, so you get a free tank and no downside.

And know what, I dont even mind it. I kind of like that system. But dear god, complaining about the game while all this stuff is there to help you through and make the game easier if you choose it ? Not to mention the OP craftables and physicks that make the fights even easier.

All this backlash is just shitters first Fromsoft DLC, From's DLCs have always been a bit harder than the base game and they just cant handle it.
Literally everything is headcanon.
Imagine how many children came out of that
Wait so does Gaius really just guard 5 Skibidi fragments and his pants? There's nothing to do...?
you die.
Happened to me too brother, you'll beat her in the next few tries if you can get her that low
No. I played them all since Demon's Souls. It was cute the first two times, but got pretty old after that and I'm sick of it by now. It's definitely not good enough to be a mainstay feature.
is it just me using a melee character or does it seem like the dlc’s much easier with my rl 80 +14 character with only 1 scadu blessing?
reminder to equip fan daggers or something like that for chip damage when you're this close to winning and panic, and then pray.
I double cragblade Warhammer the legs it's ez
so some weapons are bugged right? cause i just saw someone post a weapon that had arcane scaling, no arcane requirement, but faith requirement instead
this dude goated
zwei... what??
Proto-Indo-European, the same reason why Ushas (India), Eos (Greece), Ausrine (Lithuania), and Aurora (Roman) are all lazy sluts who can't be assed to get up in the morning (because Hausos had all of these qualities and they're all just descendants of this one original dawn goddess)
how do you not know this if you're into mythology lol
>have to be hard
Ok, but what about being fun?
Requirements and scaling have nothing to do with each other
Why, because it makes sense? No cope you can come up with will change how Radahn never would've been able to do what he did if Miquella could influence him not to
Do the enemies scale with you if you get more Scadutree fragments?
Did you rike it? There's a statue you run past that leads to the next area
He's guarding his Albinauric waifu, too
Until you killed her
The one thing I hated about Souls series is being locked out of coop because char level or weapon level. I got seriously burned by that back in Dark Souls 1.
How do you talk to St. Trina
What's the difference between Sword of Light and Sword of Darkness?
It makes no sense at all, actually. Nothing supports these claims.
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>thought that Marika is closer to Nashandra
>she's actually Vendrick, completely broken by her miserable life
>everything she did broke something else
>her past continued to haunt her even through her kids who were born with a reminder of people who turned her hometown into pots
Jesus fuck
Drink it 4 times, and he will talk to you during the death scene.
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>It's definitely not good enough to be a mainstay feature.
FROM seems to disagree with you and you should have known what you were signing up for.
The fact that you knew better just makes you look like a little bitch.
It is a deliberately design choice to incentivize repeat playthroughs, where is when most people start cooping and pvping in the open world.
so the scalings of incantation or spells doesn't matter? what matters is only the scaling of thr seal or staff that i use?
None of that changes the fact that the bosses just arent fun to fight

Sorry, i dont enjoy waiting around playing a rhythm game whilst the boss does his 23'rd 10 string combo just so i can get a single hit in

I think most deaths come from impatience, which i think is valid. The bosses are way too spastic and aggressive and it simply isnt that fun. Its like a mockery of what souls games are supposed to actually be
Marika was a god long before Radagon got involved
yes you do kike get your satanic bullshit off our planet
The problem is twofold:
Negation follows a diminishing returns curve. 2x negation isn't actually 2x effective survivability. After like Going from 40 to 60 negation is barely anything in practice.
The second is that base defense is most of your survivability and it doesn't increase with blessings. Malenia has her damage perpetually cut by about 40% just by virtue of how the damage calcs work, but later DLC bosses only have their damage cut by 10%, because they've totally outscaled the mitigation from base defenses.

The latter is the main reason people complain so much about difficulty.
Black knife cosplay fai dex
2 black knifes
Extremly fun.
They've already been doing it little by little, with invasions being nerfed all the time, little things such as you being able to teleport from every bonfire off the get go in the most recent souls games, and now being able to teleport from the menu in elden ring and the open world meme.

Elden Ring 2 will absolutely have the generic assassin's creed template every other slop has because reddit normie tourists who only bought this game because it's the latest "in" thing to do that their favorite streamer told them to like >>483156815, >>483156859 and >>483157045 are throwing massive baby tantrums because they're retarded and can't play games that don't have a Tarnished Sense button that thinks for them since they don't have a brain.

It is, yeah, and the ashes thing was actually a pretty clever way FROM has found to appease these shitters and it STILL is not enough. People are literally crying because they have to explore the game's content instead of autowinning the boss. This would be like crying that you can't effortlessly kill every main boss up to the elden beast in the base game right after creating your character and ignoring the entire game while not levelling up.

FROM could send someone to your house to play the game for you and it wouldn't be enough because that's how the walking tumors work.
If anything the DLC spells it out there is no "they didnt do nuffin" innocent demigods, even Radahn.
>they have to play the DLC and explore its content in order to play the DLC and explore its content
Is this about the scadutree/revenant ashes shit?
Honestly I was expecting much worse, even at +0 you still hit hard enough and can tank 2-4 hits from most serious enemies.
I actually expected people to complain about the eternal combos rather than this stuff, after all high damage dealt/received is by far the best kind of difficulty.
That bastard is going to steal our Tarnished x Miquella doujinshi plot lines!
None of that allowed
Light L2 is a bunch of lasers that spread out, it buffs your holy damage by about 20% for a short time.

Dark L2 is an aoe that then debuffs the holy resist of everything that gets hit by it by i assume about 20%.
>The bosses are way too spastic
This is my main problem, them being aggressive is fine
Half the bosses I die the most on I'm fighting the camera, Rellana felt fair if a bit too long in terms of combo but the lion was just boring until I summoned Freyja and Lhutel and just hit it from far away
The plot elements are the evidence schizo
This is like the classic Rannifag argument about how Marika not only did everything wrong but actually planned Godwyn's death herself
Scaling of the seal / staff you're using is only thing that matters, if you dual wield the buffs from both stack.
Buff stacking is how people actually do good damage in this game.
How did you get that?
thanks I haven't heard that one before
i'm not exactly the history guy thats my friend, im more into the occult, and the bits the victor never wrote.
>cool as fuck area
It irritates the fuck out of me that enemies can hit you through anything like you could be standing behind a wall but their attack will clip through the wall and do max damage to you but if some random fucking lamp is between the arc of your weapon swing and your enemy, your attack will bounce of it. I never got this feeling in the base game. The new dlc just feels smaller and narrower in every way.
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There are so many DLC builds I wanna do, but I really dont wanna collect all this fucking skud again man
I cannot believe how cucked INT got this expansion. Like 5 sorceries, not a SINGLE staff, like 1 int-scaling weapon. What the fuck?
>giant black dildo monoliths
guess this map was drawn by the same faggot who forced the gay storyline
U rike?
I'm okay with the soft locking and NPCs dying. It adds consequences to your actions, but From needs to stop getting lazy with their quest designs. Not every NPC needs to die at the end of their quest. There should be branches if you do another questline or make a particular choice. The NPC questlines in the DLC were an afterthought. What if I wanted to join Miquella? What if I wanted to help Albernath?? It was peak laziness because they wanted to force you to fight Radahn.
If you see dicks looking at that you're the gay one
why do they look so fucking cute
I've literally beaten the DLC and 100% every souls game
The worst part of new runs in ER by far is having to run around collecting Seeds and Tears so you can start to play the game, and this DLC brought back what is objectively the worst part. It's a list of chores you have to do unless you don't want a super challenge run.

I booked a week off work and prepared 8 characters for the DLC but I don't want to do any of them because I know I'll have to run around a world filled with single recipie cookbooks and Smithing Stone (4)s to get to the point where the bosses don't have 1shots.
bros I'm getting filtered by blackgaol knight....
So, what exactly did Marika due to ascend to godhood?
pliant is the last word in the line

I think they're going to inevitably make changes to this system because it really didn't work out here at all outside the controlled environment they gave journalists

Mother of Fingers questline gives a staff
They still have to go back and apply arcane scaling to all the things that're supposed to have arcane scaling in the base game
take your time, its not going anywhere. ive been working on my holy build for two days and they're not even in the dlc areas yet (and I pre-ordered)
I did obviously check it out on day 1 but I am in no rush, and laughing my ass off at all the streamers malding despite using skibidi upgrades. I beat some bosses and my character is a mushroom with like 16 poise, git gud, please.
Why does the FPS in DLC areas drop so bad, especially crowded areas like Ensis bridge?
I know what I signed up for. I'm used to it, but that doesn't mean I think it's good. I pretty much only play those games for 'man hits demon with sword'. The lore, NPCs and questlines and all that fluff are pretty terrible.
As I said, it was cool and fresh in the first games, but after you come to expect the storytelling being vague and nonsensical it's just boring. Like a parody of itself, with the same insane NPCs, cryptic dialogues, ominous laughs and tragic endings for all. I don't believe you'd find it compelling after so many times. I can't get invested in their stories because I know it will all end in some misery porn death.
>summon ansbach to help in the fight club fight
>he does fucking nothing and just hovers at the edge of the fight with me 3v1ing until i force the enemies into aggro range of him
fuck this shit im getting out mimic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKW2GJ_KqCQ
Do I have to go through the Shadow Keep to reach the second finger ruins? I got to Manus Metyr through the bonny village so I haven't done the dungeon yet and I want to leave it until I've progressed everywhere else I can first.
Bro, your heavy weapon stunlock?
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>What if I wanted to join Miquella?
Miquellafags will be eternally seething after the DLC confirmed that their shota is evil and I love it.
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The Elden Beast chose her.
Because your pc is shit
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No you don't. Only by understanding the kikes have I truly learned to hate them.

This is an IQ bell curve problem. You're at the bottom end and I'm at the too.

Low IQ
>Fuck the jooz, Death to ZOG
Mid IQ
>Oh no the heckin semiterinos almost got holocausted to death! Support Israel!
High IQ
>Judaism is a racial supremacist theological idealogy that places Jews above all non-Jews and features the belief that you can trick the omnipotent diety of the religion by following the rule of His law as opposed to the spirit
>all the numen women have silver hair
>the numen men have silver hair based on the character creator template
So did Marika originally have silver hair too?
Also what's that symbol on the forehead?
Actually, I got confirmed he is kind but misguided. He's great and I want to join him
>single recipie cookbooks
this shit pissed me off so much, surprised more people arent talking about it

such a shitty way to spread rewards thinner and pad things out. beyond fucking lazy
Red pill me on Gaius
I mean, so what? The Dungeater is an evil piece of shit that's even worse, but you can join him anyways, is the yandere homo shota were we draw the line?
Ascended the Tower and touched the Crucible. Later, the fingers offered her to the Elden Beast and it shaped the power she had taken into the Elden Ring.
i'm just imagining the seasonal anime title
>my shadow fallen empyrean can't be this cute
Does any of you play on One X? The game seems to run better than ever
tell me, for whom do you fight?
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how do I get there
It looks like Marika's rune and the rune of death overlaid.
I have a 4090, and that Bayle fight was causing so many fucking frame drops.
why? Sekiro did this and it's fine.
for dancer?
just north of the west coast bonfire drop down a ledge to find a cave
>tfw no Centipussy
>Miquellafags will be eternally seething after the DLC confirmed that their shota is evil
>MIquella is evil because he had to discard his kindness and love to ascend to godhood
We just love him more what are you talking about?
You only have to do a small portion of it
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>I don't believe you'd find it compelling after so many times.
Nigger I've played every soulsgame including demons and BB, I even played Sekiro.
Maybe the issue is with you rather than the game, I'm getting exactly what I signed up for and I'm loving it.
It's like you've walked into a Mcdonalds and started complaining that it isn't a Wendy's
>bell bearings
>scadu trees
>memory stones
>and on and on and on

Holy fuck getting a new character up to speed is fucking suffering in this game
there's so much fluff to collect
I mean sorry south, not north
which item descriptions state the giant corpse gate to divinity is the crucible?
this unironically
the way the modern jews act is fucking hilarious because for all they cry about nazis israel is essentially an ethnofascist state
how many scadutree levels did you have when you beat radahn? it was an absolute fucking slog at 16
I just cheat engine all that shit in. I fucking gave myself 99 Larval so I can try out all the new builds.
gonna fully explore and get to 21 before I even bother with the final boss
Have anyone tested Bayle spells in pvp? They look like they will eat panicking shitters alive.
18, it wasn't much better.
wtf how many kids does Marika have? Who keeps getting her pregnant?
>Trying to speedrun a open world game
Some people just want to suffer I guess.
i fucking HATE the vertical design in this DLC
it's so unintuitive and hard to navigate

>oh you wanna go to this thing that's 2 meters to your right? uh-uh, go through an entire underground passage, then climb some stairs
Was the lake ghostflame dragon supposed to be a fucking joke?
>kike apologist
fuck off nigger
A real stand up guy, although from what I understand he walked a hard path but he never got cold feet. Glad his mate Messmer was there to give him a leg up in life though.
She'd get pregnant a lot if she was my wife too if you know what I mean
Holy shit the greatsword of damnations L2 is so satisfying to land in PvP
16 is around the time most people get to Radahn.
isn't 20 the max.
10 if she and Radagon are the same person
>Who keeps getting her pregnant?
She does.
>they’re supposed to be shit
wait can you cheat engine memory stones and all that shit? I thought you couldn't CE anything with a fixed limit or the game would flag you
Haven't tried them myself yet but might bring them whenever there's an FC
That black Katana is going to be a menace in PVP. Putting a weapon people can't block is just asking for balancing issues.
I only know the old items talk about red gold and that the crucible of life was a "primordial form of the erdtree" before marika changed it into the erdtree.
its also sort of obvious visually when you look at the "doorway" upon reaching morgott, and comparing. just the actual "wood" not the gold illusory tree.
sorry can't help with dlc item descriptions yet I can either spoiler myself on the whole ass thing or do a lorethrough like I did originally and get it right by doing so, instead of listening to youtubers or whatever other people do.

I watched the most recent chalice one, which summarizes the family tree pre-dlc and while there are a couple of things I could add, she came to the same conclusions I did and backed them up with sources (the biggest being marika and radagon were NOT always the same being, which is up to interpretation, but think about it how could marika order radagon back to the capital if they're the same person using mimic veil? doesn't make sense.)
>Sekiro did this and it's fine.
It feels very superfluous tb h. You already have souls and gear for build fuckery and that's the fun part for number lovers.
What's the point of giving you a generic power up to keep up with enemy stat inflation? It doesn't feel like you got stronger that way, so just tune the enemies for you base power instead.
It's fine in a dlc because you don't want to fuck up area scaling in the base game, but it really shouldn't be a main game mechanic. From is not ubishit, they shouldn't tie difficulty to numbers and collectibles for playtime padding.
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Just finished Ymir's questline. That was really cool.
Are there any others I can do after burning the sealing tree?
Lmao, I hope Israel gets glassed.

>But you see my little goy child, Aryanism was wrong and immoral but only because they got the issue of which race is the master race wrong!
WAIT so was Tanith from Ranah?
Yeah, you can see it even ITT. Asmongold quit the dlc because he's a retard who ignored the mechanic and got stomped by bosses, so now you have his zoomer crowd regurgitating his -200 IQ opinion.
reminder that Radahn isn't mind controlled in the final fight. The Great Rune that Miquella was using to weave invisible charms like this had already been broken and his spells had worn off. That's you still see his personality i.e. him doing his chuuni intro like he did against Malenia.
godspeed, may you not be spoiled of the final boss a day before playing like i was

i curse the chink youtube channels who were suddenly recommended to me on youtube
Start the game offline, cheat it all in, restart it, and play online. I don't PVP much I just do Coops with my friends.
No one good blocks in PvP
People were complaining about the damage scaling before el goblino even played the game dude
You realize that isn't even the first one of these weapons in ER right
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I chose to BE the dragon wife instead of dateraping her on my first playthrough.
I will daterape her next NG+ cycle though, rest assured.
>there's already a mod that removes the priestess dragon forms clothes
How long until there's a sexify mod for her?
hes not wrong though you don't have to practice kaballah, at all, to notice things like their use of red string around the wrist, putin...
it just means you notice more "hidden" stuff.

I sometimes consider myself a zero degree in terms of freemasonary. the fool tarot card if you will (the only one thats the right way up when the world is upside down)
>people shocked the guy who ordered Caelid to be nuked, who has suicide bombing fanatic soldiers, and was said to mind control people while preaching equality and other left wing faggotry is bad
low IQ people and leftists getting exposed badly. Miyazaki is a right wing ultranationalist who denies Jap WWII war crimes, Radahn represented the ultimate conservative figure protecting tradition. His biggest mistake was even slightly tolerating his trans little brother out of naive kindness, Miyazaki telling the world you have to have a zero tolerance policy or the slippery slope will kill you
If my shield already has 100 physical damage negation does it make the dragons crest greatshield talisman moot? Or can physical damage negation scale to over 100%?
It is strictly in this DLC, it worked fine in Sekiro because of its more linear nature, and they didn't carry it directly over to Elden Ring's main game.
I think the quests were less jarring without the open world. I really don't like how it combines with the souls formula. I didn't mind it that much in Sekiro, or DS3, but I really dislike it in ER for some reason.
that's negation while blocking
>find new cool weapon
>it suck dick
many such cases
Can you culture war retards go project your ideology onto someone less based like Macron
nah I knew that I've done it for consumables, but I feel like I remember reading that if you give yourself a fixed item, like the whetblade, the game would see two in the game and flag you and ban you
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Was there ANY Rykard lore in the DLC?
>low IQ people and leftists
I actually think it's more the latter than the former in this case lmao
Rabbath's rise secret zone. You need to already have her big sister's ashes.
this perfume shit has actually saved my life
Forgotten like Malenia
someone found aspect of the crucible: tongue or is it andcentaur/bull enemy exclusive?
>godspeed, may you not be spoiled of the final boss a day before playing like i was
nah I made the dumb mistake of being in this general during the discord raid leak, i'm happy to say most of the rest is still there for me to discover though.
I only cared about weapon requirements like I always do ahead of time but at some point I even decided against that. I haven't opened a wiki list page since the dlc dropped because I almost spoilered myself on ALL spells by doing so and quickly clicked off. I only looked up faith requirement for miquellas new spell so I know the new max is 72 not 50, for a faith (holy, int faith) build so now my build has jumped from 37 50 to 37 72

its hard to avoid spoils.
But I like my new tips fedora weapon. It's like straight sword but long reach.
I always give myself full talismans and I've never had any problems.
>walk into a village
>some naked guy attacks me
>greater potentate
>he's naked
>he's wearing PINK panties
what the fuck lmao
So in short, you're the issue and the game. Sounds like you should go play another game then, plenty of games out there that hold your hand, do the thinking for you, pat your back every 5 steps telling you how hecking awesome you are and throwing waifus at your feet. In fact, that's literally every other game out there.
How do I activate Miquella's Great Rune?
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2 years later I still have no idea about the story nor I care enough about.
you should lay off the drugs man
>I've been a moron this whole time
the game has now changed for me
braindead retard says what?
>It is strictly in this DLC
Yeah I know, I was referring to the "future souls games" bit.
>it worked fine in Sekiro because of its more linear nature
True but let's be real if a part of the growth is so automatic it applies itself, do you even need to put it in the game?
Milady is kind of based? It's got the speed of a longsword but is much longer and the moveset is insanely good, it even has a super smooth R2 R1 transition
i thought he was a reference to let me solo her. especially with the pot on his head.
>This man is not corrupted, I swear.
Are there any good bow?
Who? Ranni?
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K, I made the collage.
You might be in here even if you don't wanna be. I gave up on trying to make it fit nicely early on.
Anyhow, this was every tarnished posted in the final thread prior to release, even after the dlc itself dropped.
Full scale uncompressed 40mb version here.
uh oh stinky!
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they really outdid themselves with the graphics in this DLC... look at that view......
No the sword you retard
Most satisfying weapon Ive found so far
I am you and you are me, take that with you wherever you go - large CEO, steel cog V
thats the beauty of it, its not forced down your throath like in other games
if you care you read about it, there is no shitty cutscenes and shitty multiple options dialogs scenarios every 15 min of "game play"
Why are you whining about my preferences so much? I'm free to come here and leave some complaints about a bad installment to a series I enjoy.
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>the thought of having to gather blessings on all my save files to survive the DLC

Nah, just finished this piece of shit and never doing it again. Waste of $40.
Blasphemous or black blade for messmer? Does fire even tickle that nigger?
Not after what he did to Mohg
Have you thought of not biting bait, Anon?
Bayle can fuck off
Ok, now make one for post DLC drip
just taking a victory lap after being proven right about Radahn being the good guy, anybody with high IQ could tell simply based off the body language in the trailer. Malenia simps argued for literally 2 years that she was the good guy despite invading and nuking somebody, saying it was for the greater good or some misunderstanding. Omen simps are also BTFO, we now Radahn was always huge now so the opening image they claimed was Radahn getting beat by Morgott is disproven(not a single item or lore mention of Radahn ever attacking the capital)
is radahn gay now? is that canon now?
is it possible to use a save editor to lower a character's soul level? or should I just make a new character to rush through the dlc & get the new staff that lets you cast sorceries and incantations? I'd want it on a SL99 character.
t. Igon
>dragon cult transformation is obviously female
>dragon communion transformation is obviously male
Why not just gave a single stone that buffs both and just looks different depending on the sex of the character like in Dark Souks 2?
good is subjective but albinauric is pretty sweet
it needs your whole ass build put into it for damage though (going to at least 80 dex with mine if not 99)
Sekiro didn't have builds.
Sekiro didn't already have an existing stat scaling system underneath a collection based one.
I used Black Blade and it worked for me. I think Blasphemous was nerfed this patch but it's probably still really good.
I can't believe they just put this in
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Their next game must be pretty deep into development at this point considering how it seems little time and effort was put into this DLC relative to the 2.5 year cycle it had.

Im curious to see what theyve been working on, because honestly im starting to lose faith in From. The gameplay is messier than ever, the lore is messier than ever, the balance is messier than ever, and so on.

Pretty concerning that it seems the more success they garner, the more their games become warped into soulless, diluted normie slop, just like every other company that has gone to shit over the past decade.
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Does Trina give new context to Millicent? Especially since they're both literally flowers. She talks about Malenia abandoning her pride and sense of self after the Aeonia and wants to return it to her. The item description of the last version of the Unalloyed Gold Needle says you do this by returning the needle, covered in Millicent's dew. The guide also confirms this.

Originally I thought she was just referring to the needle but now I think the dew also matters, Millicent's essence. Because this DLC told us "Miquella cast out Trina on the way to godhood, and this literally caused his "love" to become a physical, separate person." The difference seems to be that Malenia still rejects her godhood even without Millicent, which gets repeated a couple times in this DLC with the lore around Moore and Romina. She's just not able to resist as well without Millicent and the needle, hence why we return those things. Miquella meanwhile deliberately cast aside his love as part of a preexisting plan he's still trying to fulfill. And Trina reveals that fulfilling the plan would simply create Malenia/Millicent's nightmare scenario, an imprisoned god who can't actually save anybody. Because of this Trina just wants to put down Miquella instead of save him as Millicent does.

tl;dr: the DLC heavily supports the "Millicent is literally a personification of Malenia's pride" theory.
I love it
Kinda shitty that there isn't a heavier armor than Goat still
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I mean I just beat the boss and the item description could be something like le spirit of a maiden who was in love with Malenia's rotussy so she turned herself into a Centipedussy and I would be happy.
Mogh is a psycho who wants to turn the world into a puddle of blood.
Characters don't have sexes, just body types.
new player
will i be ok in the dlc around level 80~ or is that too low?
Radahn is shown to be a dupe for literally everyone and accomplished nothing, defending Caelid out of greed for his own power. Both Radahn and Malenia lost so hard it's difficult to believe.
pest thread spears on big enemies is straight up broken, killed senessax in about 20 seconds just spamming that shit
feels like Messmer should be related to him somehow, they are like 90% similar
>her past continued to haunt her even through her kids who were born with a reminder of people who turned her hometown into pots
is this referrring mohg and morgott being omens or something else?
>Who keeps getting her pregnant?
Okay, body type then you pedantic dipshit.
tldr: putrefaction (rot) is a key step in the great work (alchemy) by returning the needle to malenia it purified gowrys nonsense red blob thing and leaves you with the (incomplete) gold needle ready to be finished at the end of time (plasidusax)
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Does this... work in pvp?
Because you can get this weapon without killing a single enemy in the entire DLC
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I do genuinely love exploring, even if the rewards in some areas aren't good
The game is tuned for soft capped characters.
If you're good you can rl1 that shit of course, but most people will want 60 vig and at least 55 attack stat, so rl80 is too low.
Pozzed game took the anastasia/maneater mildred archetype and fagged it up by making the potentates all men
the map for the DLC is so shit, needs multiple layers or something. Half the places you have to go through random unmarked tunnels in a completely unrelated location. How do you reach that giant temple looking place in the ancient ruins ? Still haven't figured that out
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ALL the /v/ threads are shitposting when the DLC is actually peak, then complaining that Rellana is a totally unfair dogshit fight.

She's actually more like if From decided to make another boss like Malenia, but fiix ALL of the issues with that genuinely unfair dogshit fight and fix them.
So obviously /v/ got filtered
I wonder if some of the response is due to people rushing the DLC on low level characters, but I'm sure you all know how good it is.
Here's my Rellana finish
Based lover of things
>guy that fought mindlessly and ate corpses for thousands of years
>finally dies to a bunch of clowns
>not too long later suddenly revived
>still a mindless retard that knows only battle, can't even talk
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Hmm, I expected more by now.
>She's actually more like if From decided to make another boss like Malenia, but fiix ALL of the issues with that genuinely unfair dogshit fight and fix them.
I felt that way with Messmer, he was hard, but fair with a similar moveset to Malenia but with none of the unfun stuff like waterfowl or reheal
I wish I could start the game with it. It's criminal that we have to wait
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jesus fuck what a pain in the ass

how much worse are gaius, romina, messmer, frenzy guy, and skelly knight compared to this piece of shit
This dlc is mixed reviews on steam anon. Clearly it isnt "peak", no matter how hard you try to convince yourself
>defending Caelid out of greed for his own power

>respecting tradition and past impressive heroes is being a dupe
>not letting yourself get turned into a puppet by the globohomo tranny is greed for power, just let them invade and brainwash your people
>if you kill your enemies, they win
leftists absolutely mindbroken by this DLC
Gaius is genuinely trash, the others are okay.
Faggots complaining about malenia are either adhd zoomtards in honeymoon phase or cock lovers. Malenia was more fun and fair than any spastic boss in this dlc.
>Miquella's kindness extends to only those who've never done anything questionable
So he's not actually particularly kind, just a regular person who only treats the people he likes well
>savage lion's claw on the great katana
>spam weapon art
>steamrolling everything
Fuck, didn't even know you could give it to her and I already killed Bayle. What happens exactly? What does she say? And what do you mean "take her with you"? Tried finding videos of it and found nothing.
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Is it just me, or did Rellana's boss fight theme feel... artificial?
Gaius may be broken with that hitbox of his
>we added ten thousand new weapons and talismans and ashes and a million new ways to build a character
>you need to finish the game before you can get any of it
So stupid.
Can you still do Thollier's quest line after burning the Sealing Tree?
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Do I need an item for this? I tried calling a spirit summon as well as hitting it with a glintnail
>they spend ages recovering
Maybe in the last game...
It's going to be hard to live down how much wasted potential this DLC has. Given that this is their last entry into the Elden Ring franchise for the time being, they couldn't have left it on a worse note.

>Retcon and rewrite prodigious messianic child god with a cute treehouse into a machiavellian Griffith knockoff with a Guts complex discarding all his previous motivations and wisdom that made him able to resist Outer Gods for the sake of his sister
>Make Needle Knight Leda and the rest of her compatriots turn against the player cause it's a soulsborne game and no one can be left alive by the end.
>Keep same shitty quest system that forces players to constantly start new playthroughs or guide scum.
>Tease answers to lore related questions in interviews and even cinematics, including the end of the gameplay trailer: https://youtu.be/qLZenOn7WUo?t=170 but either never answer them, forget they existed in the first place/remove them from the final release.
>No Outer God boss fight that would've been a nod to the Blind Swordsman who sealed the Rot God.
>Miquella doesn't sit by sites of grace like Melina halfway through the game and provide an additional revive Prince Lothric style
>No restored Haligtree. healed Scadutree or new freshly grown Erdtree with a Roundtable Hold that has Miquella serving as Firekeeper gradually removing the damage and negation debuff
>No kino final boss fight where Miquella joins halfway through the fight and interrupts an instant kill attack the Tarnished can't evade.
>No save or endless revive interruption boss mechanic
>Malenia questline left unconcluded (she's just endlessly hanging out in a Scarlet Aeonia at the center of her arena with Millicent's memories, destined to never wake up in-game again)
>Can never save the Land's Between in a permanent and lasting way. The only hope was Miquella ascending to godhood and using his powers of healing and purification to expunge the deathblight at the base of the Erdtree and the Outer Gods.
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Man this last fragment sure is out of the way.
Doesn't help there is a faith weapon also here at the very end of the game.
Those Rellana combos sure are long...
Damn... wish my knigga could be in there
vidrel is me

That's really good to hear then damn, I'm super hyped to fight him, but rn Rellana's my only remembrance beaten, and I'm following all the winding paths down in the river ravine under ensis, the level design is so much better than the main game it's unreal. I feel like the whole map is just Dark Souls 1
I'd rather fight Messmer than Malenia, waterfowl and healing on hit/block is just that shit.
I feel your pain, I made a glintnail too and nothing happened. No, you need to go find Ymir in the manor east of Scadutree Altus and do his quest to get ring finger ruin bells
It's going to take me longer to beat Radahn that it took to complete the entire rest of the DLC at this rate. I'm sick of no hitting phase 1 only to get bodied by his fucking nvidia special.
A song of Ice and Fire
What was wrong with Godfrey's sperm to produce Morgott and Mohg?
Doesn't he look like that before he got brain rotted?
Also makes me wonder again why she's almost never mentioned because you'd think "Malenia rejects godhood and Miquella pursues it, Malenia knows godhood is terrible but her main flaw is blind loyalty to Miquella and naive idealism about how his Age of Compassion would be uniquely different" would be like thematically relevant. But the writing in SOTE is complete buffalo diarrhea shit so that's not too big of a surprise.
Radahn got fucked up by scarlet rot, no shit. What's the point here?
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>Who keeps getting her pregnant?
>waaa it couldn't possibly be me being a burned out faggot who grew into a giant baby witch waaa no it's the game waaa

You're also free to kill yourself. Try that.
Daily reminder:

>If you finished the DLC using double big weapon jump attacks or the fingerprint shield, you didn't really beat the game
Have to break a few eggs to achieve your goals
It's not even like in the first five of these weapons or weapon arts, not sure why people are concerned.
I blame GRRM, he just had to bring his retarded GoT plots in.
the needle you receive is explicitly different than you give to her, which she keeps.
Why do frombabs get so triggered on a personal level when anyone criticises their games?
That's not what a kind person would do
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Lets be real certain things in this DLC is absolute faggotry give me my damn horse!
>cause it's a soulsborne game and no one can be left alive by the end.
Now I understand why DS2 isn't seen as a souls game
>use summons and spirit ashes
>game is now piss easy
what did kojima mean by this?
He already had that aspect before the fight (see cinematic).
Karma. Marika's only golden child, Ranni, kills, lol.
The atmosphere in that area is impeccable, but then fucked it up by making it so damn empty, and putting in immersion-breaking rats and animals.
Not unless they were driven to desperation
you have hold over me no more. begone trickster.
Radahn and Godwyn are both "good" guys but the issue is that we only really see them at the end of a massive war where the demigods were far more plentiful. We don't know if these were the best, goodest guys or maybe just marginally less bad guys than people who nuke an entire region or something. No real reason to say Radahn was the best guy ever. He definitely did a lot of good but demigods usually do plenty of bad regardless of the good they do.
Nah, you don't get to do unkind things and still claim to be kind just because you were "desperate". Kindness is how you treat other people, not "I'm going to use and trample you but it's for the greater good so it's okay"
>respecting tradition and past impressive heroes is being a dupe
He freezes the stars to "help" Ranni (entire goal is to destroy everything that came before) like a retard and is used as a tool by Miquella
How is that not being a dupe
>respecting past impressive heroes
Godfrey would kick Radahn's ass and piledrive him for doing the shit he does, you think Godfrey was a champion of tradition when he went around genociding everyone Marika looked sideways at?
>Retcon and rewrite prodigious messianic child god with a cute treehouse into a machiavellian Griffith knockoff
you thought a FROM game with lore by GRRM would have a completely morally good character?

>No restored Haligtree. healed Scadutree or new freshly grown Erdtree with a Roundtable Hold that has Miquella serving as Firekeeper
here's the real issue with the DLC haters revealed, it's a bunch of schizos who spent 2 years coming up with deranged homosexual headcanon. They were never going to be happy
Rennala won.
>Miyazaki is a right wing ultranationalist who denies Jap WWII war crimes
That's OK, I still think he's genuine in wanting to save the world
>"their" game

Thanks for outting yourself as just another /v/eddit tourist trying to shit up the thread.
>you thought a FROM game with lore by GRRM would have a completely morally good character?
We actually have tons of morally good characters in from games, they just die because teehee.
>you thought a FROM game with lore by GRRM would have a completely morally good character?
So it's dogshit.
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All I've read on there is
>performance issues
>performance issues
>performance issues
>Rellana is overtuned
>performance issues
>performance issues
And performance issues? fair enough, but it doesn't critique the gameplay, so I'm not gonna weight it the same. Turning off rtx fixed all my issues, heard it was poorly implemented and I never turned it on since it was post-release

Picrel is just gitgud, and I don't say that lightly bc I tire of the "git gud" meme. These guys are just bad/retarded. It's really not Late Game ER, it's Late Game ER if it was actually fair to learn. I'm all for criticism, but these people probably don't even use 90% of what's available to them and then complain, on top of not playing well with what they do do (heh). That's gonna happen, but that's a them problem. not the game.
The qualities that attracted Miquella to Radahn were his strength and kindness, so I think is safe to say that he was good.
Does anyone even know where you get more skibidis? Only have 10
Is ancient dragon's blessing infinite or not?
He should've started with Mohg
Have you tried playing the game more
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Without annoying doomer shit, is the DLC actually good or no?
All of the positive steam reviews are pretty cringy, but a few of the well written negative ones seem to think it's kind of just meh overall
>his strength and kindness
nigga Miquella literally throws away his love and compassion you think he knows what kindness is?
umm sorry sister but those are STR weapons and as we all know, STRchads are based without exception
sorry but not sorry
gaius is easy if you use the deflect tear
how is a healed scadutree "deranged headcanon" it's literally in the trailer
Rellana is pretty easy to parry, huh. Almost exactly the same as Malenia but only takes 2.
2handing a bonk stick is just better, braggarts roar with roar medallion and the new two-handing talisman deals an assload of damage. Jump l1 leaves you too open and uses all your stamina too quick, meanwhile blocking with a heavy 2hander is more useful than people give credit.
Yes? Or else he couldn't have thrown them away
not worth $40. $20 maybe
It's meh, the exploration and gameplay is okay, some bosses are kind of ass, the others okay. The lore and payoff is garbage, aside from the Marika stuff. 8/10. Wouldn't replay it.
Nah I hate it
It's single use but you can get more from the priestess until Bayle is killed.
For me it falls into the "too limited to use" category and I'm fucking tired of things like that. Wish more items like this would be a once per rest kind of thing.
Mohg wanted to establish an Age of Blood, which sound like the antithesis of the Age of Compassion that Miquella yearns.
The DLC exclusive upgrading system was an unnecessary mistake.
Miquella was always questionable and odd. He absolutely was trying to do good but his way of getting there was undoubtedly extremely manipulative. At the end of the day, it SEEMS his goal is, if you're being as charitable as possible, to rid the world entirely of all Outer God influence. But he himself has to become something greater to challenge them and he can't get there by being wholly good all the time.
8/10 good but could be better, dislike how guard counters with the sekiro tear trivializes everything, some of the bosses have SEVERE camera issues
>build variety
6/10 hope you're not an intfag or want to not use a shield/perfume
absolute garbage
10/10 they did it again fuck the piss filter over some maps though I get it it's bleak and depressing
Some of them get old really fast but most of them are fun to fight, 8/10
lol! lmao! final boss is fun to fight I guess
overall 8/10 it's ok
>another baldachin blessing
this >>483162536
the other 20 monies comes from brand and fame, not from quality
Mountaintops of the giants: The DLC
If you like difficult boss fights and good visuals then yes
Reminder this dlc got so much praise because it’s fromslop, who are renowned for low quality games. Any other company would have gone bankrupt if they released this.
>Without annoying doomer shit, is the DLC actually good or no?
It's just more of the same. I liked the base game so it's good for me. Same as every other From dlc, really.
Retards expecting a whole new game due to the inflated price will be disappointed though. Should have just pirated it.
Thank you for the level headed responses. Might just go play base game or BB again.
Complete her quest and she gives you the incantation that has the same effect.
>At the end of the day, it SEEMS his goal is, if you're being as charitable as possible, to rid the world entirely of all Outer God influence
That doesn't seem to be the case at all anymore since now with the saint of the bud bullshit it seems the rot god is just a normal person or maybe a giant slime or some shit that the normal person infused with power
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I love Miquella and won't hurt him. Patch it in, From.
just pirate the DLC. If it engages you for more than 2 hours, than buy it
This is a far more interesting character than "rawr, I'm evil" like a lot of idiots are painting him as
And Miquella bewitched him and could've gotten him to do anything he wanted, but just wanted to use him.
>Age of Compassion
Yeah no, you can't build an Age of Compassion over the manipulation and desecration of someone
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idk guys i'm hella enjoying this dlc, i'm amazed and happy as a child
so much time since i had this level of fun
What is spontaneous guard?
I agree, I always found him super cool. Also I theorized him and St. Trina were entirely separate ala Marika/Radagon far before the DLC and I'm happy to have been on the money.
Its fine, but in no way lives up to the expectations that most people probably had, and it looks pretty pathetic relative to how successful and big Elden Ring is as a piece of media.

Its surprisingly small for a game like Elden Ring. In other From games it was less noticable, but because Elden Ring base game is so huge, this DLC feels all the smaller as a result. Its absolutely overpriced in that regard. And if youre an INT player dont even bother, theres literally nothing new for you that is meaningful or interesting.

Also, performance issues, bugs, and so on. Id probably wait for a patch or two to come in before id recommend buying it
It's so cool that they reference previous souls games in this. For example most grab attacks reference DS2's shitty hitboxes.
That happened after the Shattering. Anon was talking about Miquella's childhood when both of them were young.
The problem is that it doesn't really make any sense
Discarding your emotions isn't required to become a god at all (see Marika/Ranni) and since he doesn't actually cure malenia of rot or godwyn of deathblight it ends up looking like he's a delusional kid who's going through his edgelord phase rather than kind and wise, greater good faggotry simply doesn't work
Really, Godfrey has the best counterargument to him. A crown is warranted with strength. Miquella was trying to shortcut his way to the top and it doesn't work.
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>Picrel is just gitgud, and I don't say that lightly bc I tire of the "git gud" meme.

why do you tire of it? it's actually really accurate. in fact, it's actually a really good philosophy for life. it basically means that you should take personal responsibility for solving your problems instead of falling into a victim complex and giving up. that, in the vast majority of cases, the problems you complain about are not insurmountable, but that you simply need to practice and learn and improve yourself and you will overcome them. further still, even in situations where life is "unfair", legitimately unfair, it's STILL a better strategy to "git gud" rather than being a whiny complaining victim complex "scrub" who takes the lazy, cowards way out by giving up when faced with adversity.

it became a meme that has lasted for years for a reason. at it's core it's just about life and the human condition. stop bitching about your problems, if you simply improved yourself and got better at whatever the thing is, you'd likely win where you were at first losing. being a scrub is something to be mocked incessantly. Leftists are a perfect example of scrublord mentality.
Nothing. But it probably means Morgott and Mohg were born after Messmer went on his crusade, which must also have been after Radagon married Rennala, but before Godfrey finished conquering the Weeping Peninsula.
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Wing of Astel is still the most fun build
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>preddit all over the internet (including itt) getting filtered by this dlc
>meanwhile I have done my due diligence, collected skibidi fragments
>dlc is slowly becoming as easy as base game
This is some disc 2 of Xenogears shit. You're also supposed to know to drink the kool-aid 4 times to even get this.
I don't think they are separate I think it proves the Radagon/Marika split was pretty much entirely one-sided
St. Trina is Miquella but Miquella isn't St. Trina, Radagon is Marika but not vice-versa
Radagon is probably her loyalty to the golden order that she discarded when she found out about Metyr
>collected skibidi fragments
You didn't beat the DLC. You'll never have the satisfaction of beating the bosses without resorting to cheats.
And yet he didnt.
despite aknowledging the flaws of the base game they did nothing to fix them
basically the way the game is directly hurts this dlc
quests are unironically worse (at least their actually finished on launch this time) and you have DS2-tier bullshit triggers like having to summon NPCs for bossfights
way too many reused assets yet again and the new bosses are nothing to write home about
I really wish for them to drop stats entirely if they want to move away from DS enemy deisgn
>her dew
>her essence
why did she stick the needle in her cunt
>enemies get glint ricochet spells
>you dont
Sorcery sisters...
It's no different than Ranni having to kill her older half-brother and unleashing Destined Death, killing off the fingers and the Elden Beast, and putting an end to Marika and Radagon to take their place.

Romana isn't the goddess of rot, she's just the latest person to uncover her influence and bring the scarlet rot back into the world after it was sealed by the ancient culture.
I partially agreed with you until you had to become an American at the end
Can you niggers stop letting "leftists" live in your head rent free?
Yes, which means he is not Kind.
>Its surprisingly small for a game like Elden Ring
I'm not even close to done, the only way this DLC could feel small is if you are using a guide to speed through things. I'll do another playthrough on my other character to get all the quests I missed, blind first playthrough is the only proper way
I still wish we can join him. We can join Dung Eater, who is objectively evil
Dude I skipped the lion for after Rellana exploring and went in with like +7. It was a joke. I unironically overdid it.
Migrate to the other thread

Ranni didn't have to kill Godwyn, killing Godwyn was a way to make it so the Fingers didn't have tabs on her 24/7
Ranni is probably the least accomplished of the gods we see since she arguably doesn't even become a proper god
A lot of idiots here just want him to be pure evil and Radahn or Mogh to be 100% innocent who didn't do nuffin when all of them are both good and bad.
I think they can absolutely be two parts of a personality separated by consciousnesses but they're undoubtedly conjoined into one entity, even if one isn't conscious. I know a lot of people theorized that St. Trina was just a disguise that Miquella used for a while.
I don't get these people. Like if you think the boss is overtuned, just use your ashes or summon the story phantoms? Wow every boss is suddenly built for casuals
To be fair, he thought he would cut them by rising to godhood and cutv that open short.
But I feel like we are missing why he is dropping his flesh and emotions.
where get
Canon ending
>tarnished adopts maliketh and blaidd
>has a harem with melina, malenia, millicent, sellen, ranni and marika
>skibidi tree is only miquella’s dream and not canon
Fixed the game
>performance issues
people hating on the DLC are confirmed poor 3rd worlders with shitty hardware kek
>four /erg/ threads because you faggots are so impatient
>brainless think that's his skin tone and not all the fucking bloodstains/grime/firey ash he's lived through
you can literally see radahns tan skin under the soot
I'm pretty fucking sick of everyone is le good and le bad when real life doesn't and hasn't ever worked that way
There are people who are genuinely just good and kind, even if flawed in personality
There are people who are genuinely just evil and twisted
Isn't it weird how we get representatives of "most people" (neither good nor evil but a mixture) and people who are just complete irredeemable niggers but never ones who are just decent people you can cheer for?
it's balck flame monks all ovef again
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it's Machiavelli in a nutshell, really. The Prince is basically "we need good christians to run things. but if you're too caught up in following the rules all the time, and never doing evil, then the people who have no problem doing evil have a major advantage over you, like you have your arms tied behind your back. no, if you want to be a good christian king, you should obviously be good, but also know when to do evil to protect the good against the evil. it's hard to be good because evil people just get to be purely evil with no conscience, but a properly good king has to be good and evil at the same time, doing evil shit and feeling bad about doing evil shit, and only doing evil shit when necessary."

basically evil will always beat pure good because evil can do anything, and good is restricted. if a good person really wants to do good then they have to be willing to do evil sometimes, very careful not to overdo it of course, because otherwise the evil guys will just kill you and take power and then everyone is fucked.
mohgs slayer concert would be lit. raining blood is obviously his favorite track
The reality is the world of the Land's Between is fucked without an Empyrean who can restore it while having the necessary understanding of what their predecessors got wrong and right.

Miquella is that somebody. What happened was is that From got afraid of their western/chinese audience, imagining the potential PR disaster of having the masculine hero character shown in promotional material marry a boy. Giving into fear, they made disingenuous fanfiction to appease both shareholders and their audience destroying their credibility as a studio in the process and dooming the Land's Between universe.
I love exploring too, but I hate how these shitheads keep putting bullshit in cool places. I shouldn't be at the end of some cool scenic area and get a fucking smithing stone 4. especially in dlc that's a slap in the fucking face. like lol thanks for the 40 bucks this corpse had a mushroom on it
The problem is Machiavelli only makes sense in our world, where the power any one person can have is limited and most power comes from dealing with other people.
This is obviously not true in Elden Ring, and even if it were Miquella has enormous power over other people, in fact his ability to control other people seems to not even necessarily require mind control, he is just dangerously charismatic all on his own
Machiavelli was talking about the unstable equilibrium problem but even then it usually just leads to a race to the bottom, like modern day.
I'm getting performance issues on my SeX
it's like batman and the joker. batman has a strict rule to never kill. he keeps putting the joker in the asylum but because he never kills him, the joker always gets out and causes more mayhem. because batman is unwilling to simply shoot the joker in the face, the joker has killed hundreds if not thousands of people, and will continue to do so his whole life. because batman is unwilling to do that 1 evil act to save everyone, instead a whole lot of pain and suffering and death is allowed to continue unabated. that blood is on batman's hands. the joker is free to kill or blow up whatever he wants, he has no restrictions. even in injustice iirc, he just nukes an entire fucking city because batman would never just shoot him in the fucking face and get it over with.
>What happened was is that From got afraid of their western/chinese audience
What? The Japs hate it too dude go look at the boss reveal on jap youtube and check the comments
If they wanted to pander to le people scared of le gays then they could've literally just had Miquella NOT marry anyone, or marry Malenia, or whatever.

>Miquella is that somebody
He understands nothing, he makes a mistake that people in game call him out for and coincidentally proves that goldmask is the worst ending, worse than poopeater.
I'm kinda meh on it right now. killed rellana and the lion dancer and a few minibusses. ghost dragons are gay. I'm ng7 and everything hits like a brick shithouse and takes very little damage. I'm rotting/poisoning/blackflaming/and blade of deathing all at the same time and these health pools are actually unreal which I kinda expected but it's now starting to just get tedious when I get two shot at level 4 scads and have to eat 100000 damage wicker men or rellanas all over again.

the map is really empty too like where is everything? I had to look up where the great katana was and it was in a fucking lake just sitting there lol
i'm not made of spell slots item is better
you haven't convinced me the same isn't true in ER tbhwy. whatever the power levels, it doesn't matter. a good person is restricted and an evil person isn't, doesn't matter if you're a king or a god. the evil outer gods aren't restricted, which means that a good god can be taken out through evil means which the good person can't counter, because countering them would mean he'd have to do something evil.

it's like in classroom of the elite: violence is the strongest power in the world. if someone is a good pacifist, someone can just kick your ass or kill you and you couldn't fight back. the trick is that you have to be good enough to kick THEIR ass or kill THEM, but only enough to deal with the evil people, not going overboard (in which case you just become evil yourself). that's why it's difficult.
fancy name for perfect guard
>Trump has enormous power over other people, in fact his ability to control other people seems to not even necessarily require mind control, he is just dangerously charismatic all on his own
How do I deal with death affliction in Crumbling Farum Azula? I don't have enough Rejuvenating Boluses.
Batman uses not killing Joker as an excuse. His psychology is utterly warped. Gotham City doesn't need the Batman, Bruce Wayne needs the Batman, and the Batman needs the Joker. This has nothing to do with Machiavelli or utilitarianism or whatever the fuck. There are other ways to deal with the Joker, Batman willingly chooses not to use them.

>whatever the power levels, it doesn't matter. a good person is restricted and an evil person isn't, doesn't matter if you're a king or a god
This doesn't matter because a crown is warranted with strength is my point. It doesn't MATTER if you're restricted or not because there's not enough competition to warrant it. In real life you use all the tricks you can in order to get an advantage. In Elden Ring he has Malenia, who nobody has ever beaten, and Radahn, the only person Malenia has ever failed to beat. Who the fuck is challenging him? Godfrey?

>violence is the strongest power in the world
Violence IS the strongest power in the world except Miquella has the ability to control violence utterly and completely. He chooses to let go of his love and his emotions. He was not forced to in order to gain greater power. He simply does it because he's deluded.
nice headcanon my dude
By not standing in death farts
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>found Bonny Village
>those fucking naked men in loincloth with greatswords sharpening their blades staring at you when you have a distance between them

I fucking kek'd so hard staring at them. What the fuck is even the lore with those guys. I haven't laughed that hard ever playing Elden Ring
Its pretty good if you like exploring
If you dont then the bosses will all suck too due to lack of skud

these guys at 1:15
>the abyss
>oh it's some sort of silent hill horror gimmick
yeah no thanks. not doing this area.
fuck those kinds of games.
if it's mandatory then i will just stop playing
works fine on my steam deck
how is the SeX worse than even the 'eck
They just love edging anon. Miyazaki is a literary genius.

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