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Previous thread: >>483128536

[6/21-7/5][Standard]6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Vanguard Poncirus, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Specialist Kazemaru (Shop)
[6/12-6/26][EPOQUE Re-Edition]Kjera
[6/21-7/5]The Rides to Lake Silberneherze - 5* Medic Harold
[6/21-7/5][The Sojourner]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Specialist Kafka
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger]Penance, Tsukinogi, Qanipalaat
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger Re-Edition]Carnelian, Leonhardt, Kafka

[6/20-7/4][Standard]6* Caster Goldenglow, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Caster Aroma, 5* Caster Rockrock, 5* Sniper Greyy The Lightningbearer (Shop)
[6/20-7/4]AK x Sanrio Collab - Log-in event
[6/20-7/4][Crossover]Goldenglow, Lee, U-Official
[6/20-7/4][Achievement Star & Vitafield Re-Edition]Flametail, Kirara, Aosta; Czerny
[6/25-7/9]Hortus de Escapismo Rerun - Insider skin
[6/25-7/9][Arbiter Aequissimus Retro]6* Guard Executor The Ex Foedere, 5* Specialist Spuria, 5* Medic Paprika

>/akg/ website:
>Redeem codes
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
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Bnuuy love
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nah Degen is the same as Saria. She's dumb and she knows it, so she leaves the big decisions to others and just hits things really hard.
Post sluts
Post some fluffy saintess
Post AIs
Why is Harold so based?
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Good morning, Mumu love
thread ruined
how are these even made
>>483152968 #
the way you argue doesn't even make sense
>I complain about Siege's role in the main story being lackluster, made worse by new info revealed in this event
>"cool, uninstall the game"
>I keep on topic about Siege
>"cool, uninstall the game"
>I dare you to make me
>then you pull the schizo EoSfield card out of nowhere when it wasn't even relevant to the discussion
>and now you bring Lowlight like if I don't know HG is busy with several projects at the same time
you seem like a really sensitive and easily offended individual who doesn't know how to properly respond when confronted
1-7 solo list, I am continuing to be lazy and not make an updated version, GG and Leto are going up a tier in the next one. Tests for other new mods still needed.
>He's still trolling
Harold can't solo 1-7
Yes you did help Susie. *Smooch*
Useless old shart
>Degen having the best personal relationships out of the trio
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She's so cute
it's amazing how they wanna drag shit from last thread over
thread is too fast again
You just have to pay attention and record when your ops start dancing.
>Gladiia, the AH known for dancing, excluded
Owari da...
Gulo is the best boy.
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Doctor is dead because of her...
Gladiia isn't popular
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>they never dance in front of me
i am hated...
It's because she is known for dancing that she didn't want to be included in this particular one.
The only op I've seen dance is Skadi alter, damn.
I meant the one on 1-7, each of them had a different dance and gladia was just angry at them

she is to me
>anything I don't like is trolling
The lore was a dumpster fire they were already trashing and retconning things. It was so bad that it is unlikely to ever improve considering the known state of things for HG and that it happened in the first place.
It's not factorio it's closer to satisfactory. It's shallow, shit, and unlikely to change.
Gameplay is dead on arrival.

Very grim for all of AK's time, money, and staff pulled into it.
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First for fucking anon's soulmate and cumming deep inside her womb
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she is here but just standing menacingly
>operators having idle animations mid battle if you leave them alone long enough
Too sovl, arknights could never
more like 36th
anyway she probably has some kind of asspull anti-impregration shadow power
>I'm a reporter from Victoria, you see.
This guy...
They can salvage this by hard pivoting into making it a 3d action tower defense game like Orcs Must Die. 1-7 3d will go down in history as the greatest stage in gaming history.
they would be kino...but it's too late now since we have too many operators
>The next Rhine-tent will mix up with Kjerag.
I can't wait...
>we could have had an Arknights 3D game where we fully explore Terra in a 3D environment, could interact with random people, play our favorite operators with a full 3D model
I'm not sad that Endfield doesn't look good, I'm sad over what we could have gotten instead.
Powerful image
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go ahead, i give you my blessings
Silverash and Siege are related but siege turned into a failure, where did it go wrong?
Haha Lowlight is trying to trick me into training Tsukinogi.
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this artist made a sequel of this?
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For my first annihilation everything was going so well until my beagle got rolled :(
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I forgot to write my meeting report because I've been busy all weekend eating and jacking off to perros
You can if you want. Most of the time there's enough slack in the stages to use her anyway. Half the IS have meme books that give her more value.

In case you didn't read the op remember you can pause and close Arknights to avoid being charged sanity. This way you can practice it until you nut.
do you have spot? he might be better
What's with anti-Siege posters being only able to communicate in disingenuous double-speak?
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They are? Suddenly all the art turns into incest.
Yeah, It was just a dream
>has Ines
>somehow loses this map
Just paste the saga bathing pic in it and submit.
Distantly i think, so it barely counts.
Normal for Royals to be fair.
Actually encouraged
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The day you were born.
How low level were your beagle? She should be E1LV20 at least...
Arknights once again proves to be an incest game
Respect Siege
It was the top that died she had no effect on that.
Nah fuck off
I don't remember satisfactory being shallow compared to factorio. Probably even more recipes, and the demand keeps changing instead of always being science packs. It's just way easier to spaghetti everything together due to 3D.

In Endfield's case there's limited build space so it will be optimized down to one or two builds, just like our current base. The whole mechanic seems pointless.
>The situations were snowballing
>Leto who was at the center of it still oblivious
I refuse
She's level 40, thought it would be enough because she was living fine until suddenly she wasn't. I'll raise her some and try again.
Thanks for the tip.
Let's see Arknights take on sexy summer skins
Have you thought about using that extra deployment slot you apparently had to point another ranged unit at her so she doesn't have multiple big dudes beating on her for an extended period of time?
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I need the current future mats farm picture RIGHT NOW
Cringe and childlike.
Oh, I actually cleared that stage recently and had the same issue, get a stronger medic, defender or both
a discord tranny loves her so nyo
>Trilby Asher stuck in a hole
Endfield's factory is shallow and shit compared to Factorio or Satisfactory.. The structure and presentation is a closer ripoff of Satisfactory as well.

Yeah it's going to be bad
How about siege earns my respect instead of you begging for it
Only if she beheads every Duke, takes back the land and military the Tarans stole and Publicly humiliates Clovisia.
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You asked, thus I answer, my kin.
Do you think that SA enforcing militarization in his country is justified?
You don't understand bro, it's all part of his 5000 iq plan!
banana press
I think whatever SA wants is justified
Sar yes Siege is the no respect, now do the needful and no respect Siege Sar.
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Yes, Kjerag is by far one of the most stabilized nations with a bounty of resources waiting to be used. They sure as hell need to be ready for invasions.
This is just embarrassing Siegekek...
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thanks kin
to be neutral is to arm yourself to the teeth because no one will fight alongside you during war. otherwise you are just free land up for grabbing
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...Dr. R? ...h-husband?
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>have to wait until Tower of Babel for gel
No fucking way I'm at literally 0
>unironically resorting to shitskin shitposting over a harmless character discussion
Actually pathetic
was that Leto at 0:07?
>Lowlightdreana appears at the end
>Trillby shits himself
Entering a loving relationship with Siege! Getting married! Having children! Taking the children and disappearing! Waging a guerrilla war to put them on the throne of Victoria! Never contacting Siege while or after this happens!
A planet of Catastrophe. A planet of barbarians. A planet of literal man-eating monsters.
The mining companies are militarized. Fucking canned food companies are militarized. Everyone is militarized, because it's a necessity.
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real newpipi!
>Siege's husband is a discordfag
a fate worse than death...
We have the indian shitposter with bagshit already ITT and you pretend someone else is him because you're mad? Really?
This. It's like people never played multiplayer games back before all the moderation carebearing. You were either a perpetrator a victim. A fence sitting neutralcuck was just facilitating divide and conquer by sitting out until there was no one left to help when it was their turn to die.
>Siege is le bad because I lack media literacy
this should've been a Blazepost
They are neighbouring Victoria, it's necessary. I'm not even shitposting, look at what the Caster cunt is doing just a few years after their country capital got Third Impact'd
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So this is what uncle does on his time off huh...
Yes Sars, let the hate flow through you.
I have 0 gel and 0 stars
get on my level
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I love Lowlight cameo.
Siegebros, this is your strongest soldier?
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Have you tried not being awful?
Dr. Roland
There's two and they're both discordfags.
You look quite scary in here >>483155481.
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>A fence sitting neutralcuck was just facilitating divide and conquer by sitting out until there was no one left to help when it was their turn to die.
>Literally halt the entire war to a standstill until a literal gary stu decides to tip the scale.
You can farm them any time you want. Are you an NPC or John Freemanknights?
>Victorian scum!
Hold on, Arctosz...! He always recording!
Is this bait?
I'd win
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why did you namedrop 'him'...
Bold of you to belieb I know anything of skyrim lore. The point is you can't just run around shouting we're neutral keep out! like the great elder wanted to do. Stronger people just cum inside and take anything they want. Like you said, you're only neutral if you got the biggest cock on campus and the stamina to bed everyone else at the same time too.
But /akg/ told me to only run 1-7 when there is no event up
Siegebro, I kneel... have mercy, there is no counter to this...
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how is that bait tho? i don't see how it warrants a schizo response, or any for that matter
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Thank you for the advice and encouragement everyone. I had forgotten to use Amiya, once I did that there weren't so many overwhelming big guys up top and my beagle lived. Almost lost later when my melantha couldn't solo that logger on the left side but thankfully I dropped a vanguard and she just barely finished it off.
That took a lot of time but it was really fun. I like these annihilation maps, lots of strategy and you get to spread out and do multiple things. Can't wait to try the other ones.
akg is following socialist 5 year plan and always farm events, never farms lmd for short term gain and so on
The operators have idle animations if they don't attack for a certain time, it might be skin-only but it does exist...
When you get strong enough, annihilation maps just become a waiting room for the last wave.
I'm telling you now you can farm whatever you want whenever you want.

Congrats newcutie. they're pretty cool yeah. Just know that chernobog and outskirts were the easy ones. Lungmen downtown has a bit of a stat or operator check.
I have slightly recovered since this was taken, but this is what true suffering looks like.
Side tip, if you are far in and want to retry without wasting sanity, closing the game will make you spend none
>akg is following socialist 5 year plan
Gomenasoiree, 5 yirr gaerm going on 25 yarr gram priss onstrand
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Why did they let siege cook
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Blaze love!
really? who has it? i never really noticed ngl.
Is Arctosz dumb? Why did he think Leto wouldn't tell him to fuck off?
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Leto's mom has got it going on
I would have hung myself.
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Balgruff was an empirecuck.
Also Whiterun was a region that holds the entire Skyrim economy, the equivalent of Lungmen in Terra. No shit he holds enough power to become a neutral power there (for a while).
Tomimi is the queen of Chernobog Anni. You can put her right between the two red tiles for an easy run.
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Can't really remember off the top of my head but I always liked W's idle animation
I remember some guy with a knife starts playing with it if he doesn't attack for a while
Then you have Texas eating her choco
He has hope.
It's all grandpapi fault.
Good to see that someone has hope for her.
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Dinner with Leto and her mom
based femdoc
Tell me about your relaxing Arknights fantasy.
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get his module...
fuck yeah more melon art
Surtrbro drew a sex Surtr
>also did eunectes
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If we get a collab with Bethesda, will we collab with Fallout or the Elder Scroll game?
Funpile with a nice Dr Emily
>Muelsyse just pops up with Doc at the very end for no reason
where is the black man?
/akg/ can't fap to this
>Give Harold 1450 def and damage reduction
>More HP than she has raw damage
Where did it all go so wrong?
Busy with Surtr
Try again in SEA/CN/AUS hours.
SA invited them to Kjerag so they decided to go there together.
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>thrown off by his ride
>had to flee on skate that he tried the first time
>literally on thin ice
How much jobbing can one man take?
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wtf is this thomas the tank engine ass theme?
Soon... I have no mats.
Also still need to get his fancy roguelike theater mode outfit.
Perfectly fitting for the event. Try reading it.
The fact that someone on /akg/ had to edit him black really demonstrates the insecurity of race cucks.
... why is Surtr's fanart always like this.
Hate this artist and his ugly
it was a surtrbro request
try fingers,
but hole
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Fallout is the recent hot one so maybe that.
...Unless Todd out of fucking nowhere announced Elder Scroll 6.
It doesn't matter in the end. Both of them fit in Arknights setting.
>135k views and dozen of art already
Has there ever been hype around a skin like this in Arknights?
Asymmetrical fishnet stocking. That is some advanced slut wear! Nice going Surtur.
that's a recolor, bruddah, someone's baiting you
Arguably the dude figuring out how to ice skate in like a minute was the biggest win the guy had in the event.
Why did you repeat what I said?
Instructions unclear, E2'd Windflit
>go outside for 2 hours
>come back to /akg/
>Sanjay is still shitposting about BA and cuckoldry
He's angry today after being BTFO eh?
lol... why would someone recolor the faceless mooks in porn? I just don't get it.
/akg/ literally requested this
people were happy that anon delivered
i wish you all the best newpipi
Shark sex
I hope you know that's not a lot
GFL was pushing asymmetry from ages ago. It's been percolating around the scene

Why would a mentally ill faggot shitpost in akg at the same time almost every single day for hours for months on end?
in this version of Earth, notRussia is actually dangerous and next door so yes. They need to militarize asap or else they'll get invaded.
yes, because that's just random account
as I said there is dozen of art of it already and people are hyped
can't say the same about AK skins
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*Steals your husband and cat*
I'm starting to forget but wasn't Kazimierz and Victoria part of that consideration too?
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They are insecure about skin color.
Probably because he's ugly, has no life and lives in his mom's basement.
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>Discord raid again
>caught being behind many of the worse shitposts
It wouldn't be surprising if sanjay was actually supah's real identity
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Here's one for the Surtrbros
Telling lies? Bad look for you, cuckbro.
most of interracial artists are trash so gooners resort to reskinning existing art or paying people to do it
/akg/ will love this
I fapped to this the other day
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shasha shark
Rosalind is a bit too harsh on Arctosz.
>Surtr fucks a white man
>instantly causes mass seething and edits from the ERP cucks.
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>right click akg folder
How big is your /akg/ / arknights folder bros? I've seen people with 20gb+ just for their favourite characters
>20 years and didn't even try to establish communication with Tatiana
He deserved it.
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I can't tell if Surtrbros are coomers or just... different.
I was looking at the second annihilation map and it says I need a Rope but I don't have her. I looked online and one source said you get her from beating map 3-3 but I don't see anything in game that says that. Is that true?
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what if...
with God?
1.5gb and I already can never find the pictures I want
Don't know why you're making this up, it was a one time edit, and it was funny at the time
>Surtr fucks a white man
>>Surtr fucks a white man
literally never happened
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Surtr is a nice girl. Stop shitposting her.
Big enough it needs to be stored externally
...he has his reasons.
And Enciodas certainly not let him have a break.
Speaking of, did Tatyana sent a letter at all?
Bro people regularly die of infection, banditry, starvation or exposure. She went too easy on him if anything.
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I can't believe I have an over 1.5k of Muelsyse's pictures
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It's okay Leto I am your new dad
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>My papa failed to show up when I still wanted one.
>And now, I don't need one anymore.
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>0 folders
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This, we love red woman.
no Zeus, i don't want to get pregnant witth twins
TR-1 Hibiscus
TR-2 Adnachiel
TR-3 Jessica
TR-4 Fang
0-5 Plume
TR-5 Durin
TR-6 12F
0-8 Lava
TR-7 Beagle
0-10 Ansel
0-11 Melantha

TR-8 Kroos
1-7 Orchid
TR-10 Lancet
1-12 Shaw

2-10 Amiya

3-8 Amiya

4-9 Amiya

6-17 Amiya

7-2 Therm-EX
Ch7 Amiya (Final)

It's false. Any puller can work. You can use Gladiia from the Under Tides sidestory or Cliffheart who you get after 7 consecutive logins. It's just pulling the right lane into the hole. Rope was fairly common from the gacha and is common from recruitment but whatever. They should only need skill level 4 iirc and they aren't attacked in their placement so any work
I can't believe she has that many pictures total, unless it's AI
I really cried for Arctosz here.
That must have hurt a lot.
Of course she does. Remember that 60% of AK art is from CN.
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how about a daddy?
9.7gb, 8k files, over half of it is of my wife
Get the fuck away from my daughter.
>How big is your /akg/ / arknights folder
180 GBs
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Now I wouldn't mind slaying or being slain by THIS
My daughter now
I picked them from lofter, pixiv and twitter for over a year now since my old hard drive died. She also keeps getting new art regularly also helps.
Pixiv has 1,400 posts alone. Not even the individual images
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post your most used/go-to squad
I just finished watching all of that and... I think I finally understand Surtrbros...
About 90% of it is in the main unsorted folder
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Reeds will always be there, as for the rest, whatever needed to beat the stage. Mostly ops that need trusts.
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5 years later...
i am forgotten
>They are still seething that Surtr fucked a white man
Lmao total ERP cuckold pants shitting.
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Your response?
I feel like they kind of gloss over the bit where her mom had to react in some way, the lack of mention of it makes me think she agreed it was the right choice and Arctosz is just eating all the shit for it. Mind you he is a retard for not trying to get in contact with them when things settled down, but the dude has no idea where to even start.
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What do these do? Is this what unlocks event stories?
Should have prayed harder to Kjarr for guidance.
Please don’t mating press me
It's for omnibus
That's for vignette events like Children of Ursus (Absinthe). If you aren't in a rush just wait for a vignette event to start and you can get tapes with event currency. I bought like 50 back in the day then never used them
they are for a specific type of event, you can buy infinite with event currency during those events, don't waste your certs
That's not true. She was forgotten 5 years ago as well
yes, your honor
You first
>IS2 core
>Event core
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Did you like this girlfailure in her new event?
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mating press
this girlfailure is one of the hottest arknights characters
She's a cute dummy and its fun to see her scheming
all the USSG are my daughters now, you lost
Ratatos for Kjerag3 event trust the plan
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Arknights needs more characters like this.
why their skins are so much better than ours?
>Trilby Asher dared Kjeragandr right in front of her face
Do you like the new event, /akg/?
I haven't started it yet
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>trust the plan
I don't know about that, her plans so far were less than ideal
this is not a safe space for furries
beeswax becoming yami yugi in her e2 art i see
It's the best event right after LT.
Maybe even better because I didn't get any spoiler before I read it.
My wife is in it so it's auto 10/10 for me.
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Arknights is a furry game, bwo
Bagpipi is my favorite USSG member. My favorite moment was when she brought the battered armor of three-leg the ravishing where her family helped stop an Iberian incursion in 964 to show and tell
their skins are not overdesigned garbage, their are just straight to the point hot skins
why tho
Always read events as soon as the release in CN to maintain enjoyment.
Modern AI is better than most translators.
The best multilingual model is Claude.
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yes, i await for her release in the next kjerag event.
I hear it's expensive.
One of my favorite events in Arknights
Arknights wife for fixing
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Yes, it's fun
you joke but I do use her Zima S2 with her S3 a lot of the time, it's hilarious
43°53'06.6"N 9°42'54.3"W
Mountain (in a dress)
Fucking Sanjay's and Ursusfag's MOMS!!!
Do you have the bagpipi murder module or are you still a 2dp cuck?
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they are?
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Is Emily just a default computer name or something?
I have like 5,000 images in my wife folder.
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I enjoy it.
DR EMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Ursus language
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KEK the real emily appears
Wait a minute.. that alphabet...
At this point it has to be bait or attentionwhoring
>Emily was the Ursus Ceobeschizo all along
She's a cute techlet.
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i play maleknights
Changing your filepath like that for bait is too much of a pain
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Look at red woman, thanks
if you're gonna call me fake names then i'm gonna call you sebastian or something
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So the anon who found her twitter wasn't lying
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>woman (or woman-adjacent creature) hates cute things that men give attention to
Yeah that would track
Could chiave survive the seed rape in pyrolysis? I forgot to check
>her twitter
I remember that. He never linked it though.
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Me and Dr Emily.
he's one squishy fuck so maybe 1 hit or 2 at most
I'm looking, Surtrbro
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I look at Red Woman everyday when I wake up
*looks furiously*
raye bro...
Someone find a twitter account liking a bunch of male arknights porn and the name was the ursus version of emily, anon said they had a pfp but I forgot who it was
Wtf is that to the left of red woman, Surtrbro
when did that happened?
I must have missed it
I guess Surtr isn't the only one two-timing
A couple of days ago I think
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Joshua Schmidt...
a YGO card, and unironically the centerpiece of the most successful deck in the TCG
15 YCS wins
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Destroying Dr. Emily anally! Laughing when her Amiya asks why she’s wearing a diaper!
Dr. Emily is pure
It's crazy how people just obsess over random people here
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Pisscorders and literal kids.
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Find me her profile NOW
Ok Emily
Hey boys im new to this game can you rate my squad? >.< C:\users\Ashley\SHIT BAITS\AKG\squad.jpg
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>has been drawing art of them for 2 years straight now since they appeared
What dedication
20$ a month sub
No way, fag
not as cute as Dr. Emily
dead game
dead thread
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Are you sure he isn't lost then
>Old meta waifufag loves Surtr
>Also loves old meta YGO
I’ve skipped the story past the first chapter, why is AK putting out boring meaningless stories like this when there’s already several major looming and unresolved world threats happening? Seaborn and collapse demons. Ferranmut and the feral Sui. Also major antagonist / mysteries like the Beast Kings, the Ursus situation and the forever war with the Sarkaz and the Kazdel shit.

Is this just the formula for minor events? Side character explorations in minor locations? Even so, at least Jessica’s event wasn’t boring.
>just outside the shores of Iberia
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That looks about right
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he always knows the way
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Fuck off, fishslopfag
Post your publications
Anus doc. . .
I have dibs on Dr. Emily btw
Ulpipi file says he never gets lost. If he's there, it must be the right place
yes, I need your love
So……why, exactly, haven’t collapse demons wiped out life on Terra yet? What’s holding them back?
gangbanging Dr. Emily with the /akg/ bros
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How do we get rid of Bilifag?
Please post my wife
We don't. We're animals looking at animals at each others zoo's since we do the same thing with NGA
why'd this nigga not even bother translating the last one
Pray for Xi to purge him
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Collapsal lore is very subtle.
When asked "what are collapsals", the reply was that if "Terra was a leaf, the Collapsals are the equivalent of a being who had touched the leaf and left his imprint on it."

So what we are fighting are just "leftovers", but when there are enough of them, True Demons will start appearing on Terra such as Cresson. If Cresson had managed to manifest properly, it would have wiped Terra alone.
So currently, they just need to contain the contamination.
Could Degen beat the Sanguinarch?
Yes, you, carnally.
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>>483163478 Doko
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Sarkaz royals are way above superhumans like Degen
this is like those dbz shitposting tier lists
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could Degenbrecher beat Skadi in an arm wrestling contest?
Maybe if you are a clueless skipfag

Trillby Asher pegging…
So…so why did Ursus fuck with collapsal shit to begin with? Did they just think "cool it kills stuff super good let’s use it" without being even a little aware of the consequences? Or did they find out afterwards and the Emperor pretended the Blades never existed and now just hope they go blow up somewhere else?
>in this version of Earth
Real Russia ain't that nice to its neighbors either, be it Imperial Russia, Soviet Russia or Russian Federation.
Ok then smartasses.
Since all of you are so intellectually gifted, then make me hate Arknights. Give me some of that perspective on as to why should I not invest my time in this game anymore and why should I not play its sequel, Endfield. Make me, someone that has played for over two years, abandon the only gacha that I cared tomorrow.
Enciodas was in victoria during that cooldown period my dude.
And no not once did he even make an attempt to locate them once everything settled.
It basically is one
>Latefaggot shitposting
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First story I haven't skipped in a while.
Was genuinely fun to read compared to Zwilingt*rme
Knew nothing about it going in, came out liking every character involved. Can't say the same for every Arknights event story I've read. Even Trilpipi grew on me. Him doing a double take after opening the door to the train cabin containing a bloodied Degenbrecher got a chuckle out of me. Also liked Harold and Leto, I was pleasantly surprised to see Harold in the event shop after reading the story.
Just like we harness the dangerous Originium, they try to harness Collapsal's power. Kal helped them, she is used to utilizing dangerous things for own's benefit.

There aren't that many EBs anyways, probably 50 at best, considering the known numbers of Steam Knights and Silverlances.
>skipfag list
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A lot of AK writing confuses intelligence with verboseness due to terminal chinkyness. It’s extremely unlikely that each of the Big Bads will be resolved in a decent manner so a lot of the future story will be asspulls and holdingbackknights no longer holding back.

Endpipi will be decent but probably hoyopoisoned from the start.
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>CN is pleasantly surprised ratatos is liked over here
why would anyone assume we wouldnt like a pathetic girlfailure?
>The tierlist that make AHkeks seethe
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I love Kjerag and Kjerag products.
Reed Alter module worth it?
BTW Kal’tsit had NO call to wipe Friston. Having a friendly Od of Truth could have been MASSIVE for boosting Terra’s chances of survival. It feels like it was done simply to remove such a major element from Terra’s setting.
Always makes me laugh how canon makes them seethe so much
Respect his final wish dipshit.
Why would I do that? I love Arknights, I don’t want you to hate it.
Hi AHschizo
Keep making random tier lists for stupid bullshit so he has to dig through pure autism instead of whatever he normally grabs.
>yellow tier translates to "God Fragments"
>Chong, Ling and Second all above a God Fragment
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she's just too cute. can't help but enjoy the girlfailure
Dude wanted to get wiped
nope, wait for the second one that will actually buff the good talent
Those 3 have grown beyond a mere fragment and have found their own enlightenment. The only mistake is that Chong discarded his divine self and chose to become a mortal.
hm.. roast squirrel
Playable Ratatos when?
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Is Skyfire and Santalla really as strong as Eblana, NTR, Uncle and Degen?
It's not great, boosts her self heal but she doesn't usually need that much, 2nd mod should be better.
Man will go nuclear when Path of Life drops in global
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Wife-shaped Draco spotted
>The only mistake is that Chong discarded his divine self and chose to become a mortal.
And STILL manage to fend off Ya. He is a beast.
That's what part of what is confusing but I'm not going to start debating power scaling in Arknights. Just thought the translation was funny since they were literally fragments, but I'll leave it as they are above that point now
Skyfire nope, meme character who was discarded.
Santalla yes, not necessarily stronger, but she's atm top 2 of Sami.
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I see Eblana.
>top 2 of Sami
Redpill me on Sussie's base module
How big is DMG difference?
Speaking of Fernmut do they have universal weakness to high willpower defeating their reality-bending power? Or is that specifically a thing with Ya?
Skyfire probably not, she is probably better caster but eblana has too much innate power.
Santalla probably is.
You were already able to helidrop her to fight Kristen rape mechs in LT-S-5, I don't know what kind of situation that module is supposed to be used in
>51 pulls so far
As a f2p, will I be able to roll at least one 6* before the end of her banner? Idk what the soft pity is in this game
Ya specializes in illusion, Chong Yue simply has strong willpower that nullifies Ya's ability.
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Don't take this seriously
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Montis strong!
you should have around 75 rolls to guarantee it, 51 and above is the start of pity
Does Eblana know what sex is?
I swear to fucking god, how many times is that shitposting list gonna be posted
What list?
She does it every day
Dunno about lvl1 but lvl3 vs none is a pretty big difference
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Made for relaxing on a luxurious couch.
Reminder that this chart is
1) made by one single CN player
2) not peer reviewed
3) wrong in many ways
>Originium is the strongest entity
That's not a couch
Has long as it gives (you)s
>3) wrong in many ways
Here is your Dr. Emily bro, nice flag btw
Then do educate me, seating exper.t
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It's pretty decent, just level 1 is good as well if you want to cheap out if using S3 as Goldenglow S3 biggest weakness is needing to reamp after a kill and module makes it start at a higher % of drone damage.
The AH part is right, but the bottom half is wrong in many ways.
>1) made by one single CN player
Respected lorefag*
>2) not peer reviewed
He posts and discuss it
>3) wrong in many ways
Shut the fuck up, AH shitter and kill youself.
And the story is ruined...
Uh oh melty
poor siege...
>Respected lorefag*
Citation needed
51 is 4%
52 is 6%
53 is 8%
54 is 10%
55 is 12%
you get the idea
anything higher than 60 is lucklet territory and the banner will be up for the monthly cert update
kek reminder /akg/ thought the module was bad
What? It's litteraly wrong in many ways. Since it seems you want to talk about AH, I'll say that they are obviously underrated, and that's just one example of something that's wrong.
so... why are YOU in that discord?
Lmao no, it's made by one CN player who is clearly a skipkek. That's just the hard evidence.
that would just make /akg/ love xer more...
Why did you hide the dates?
So basically susie module is good but better the more time she needs to swap targets
Emily is Dr. Roland?!
That's not Emily that's just Roland
>Respected lorefag
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Stop replying to Sanjay discordfagging already Jesus Christ.
You only encourage it. Report him instead.
Roland is talking about when we talked about the siege fag, not Emily, retards.
Lmao you made the list didn't you?
Dr. Roland...
no anon is just trying to connect the two for whatever reason
kinda like when this same anon splices and modifies random coversastions in that discord to post here
Okay Roland
the /akg/ simps for this??
ofc it's a discord tranny...
he's dr. emily herself
Dr. Alex, stop covering for Dr. Roland (Emily)
Feels like the leto part was written by some seething roastie with severe daddy issues who self inserted as Leto. It wasn't even his decision and when kjerag was ruled by the clans and their traditions they killed people who didn't fit in.

And the fact that Tatyana didn't scorn him at all should say something but no, better make arctosz just 100% a deadbeat cuck with no redeemable qualities. Should just cut away the leto part of the story desu.
What is this autism?
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>posted 5 days ago
We already know she's a kroosfag
its kinda weird that siege attracts complete failures... or is it ?
Is there a worse fate than being Siege/a Siegefag?
Thank you. Hopefully I won't lose the 50/50 tomorrow
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Yes, same logic will apply if she gets her second module since we know the base effect already
this proves that its just a bunch of discord faggot shills in this general now.
that never works, janny only cares about nipple pixels.
Stupid horses.
I only post tierlists trusted by the entirety of CN and NGA, if you're too stupid to understand that your favorite victoriakek/ahkek/horsekek/suishit character isn't at the top, you should learn chinese like me.
So Y will always be better?
Good morning. Arturia hate.
>You have been identified
Jesus christ, just how bad Discord can get???
Uh... could this be that Kroosfag pachka5g or whatever the name was?
You made the chart didn't you? You got a lot wrong, and you never had it peer reviewed clearly.
Mix it up with some BA futa porn Sanjay.
i wonder how much of this is just the anon replying to his own post
>I only post
Thanks for outing yourself as the sole spammer
>post about the tranny discord
>futa spam starts
>Discordtroon got exposed
>Immediately starts seething to attract jannies
>faggot was spamming tierlists all along
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>this new module X seems pretty strong already
>it is, and it would even outperform a hypothetical Y if it happens most of the time
>so Y is better every time?
Citation needed
"Emily" is probably just posting pics that resemble his visage
Why did he hide the dates though?
Anon, it's simple maths, just look at the chart. At high RES, if she gets at least 20 RES ignore her 2nd mod will be better. At low RES, 50 or less mostly, her 1st module will be better. So depends but her first will likely be the better one unless they give her a ton of RES ignore
Dario lost hugely. He even failed his mission.
don't want others to know timezones
S3 should be better with the current one in most cases, the extra RES ignore wont help her kill the trash globally as fast. While bigger explosions will so she will move onto other targets faster.
to hide his timezone probably, they don't know whose leaking
Doc X Silverash
i can only come to the conclusion that the anon that keeps posting discord images is the discordfag and is farming (you)s
To hide timezone obviously.
To hide that it wasn't a screenshot from today, as some discordfags just said ITT.
>Okay we just take chen, but triple her numbers and change the ranges slightly

Getting kinda tired of B-team. I hope Endifeld is better.
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Pramanix has a present for you
Probably because of timezones or to hide the fact it wasn't posted today
Its kinda weird that despite being musician virtuosa sound design is pretty boring
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>I hope Endifeld is better
we were talking about Dr. Roland earlier you massive retard
Triple smooching Ch'en!
They should post the actual timestamps then
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It is from today
Im in that discord
Its from today
Dude is just hiding his timestamps
If she gets a decent boost in the second module, S2 value will go up a decent bit, it's already pretty solid sustained damage. First module seems a safe bet nonetheless to invest.
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>randomly spams futa
Why does he do it?
To get you to stop making fun of him
Dude is hiding his timestamps
Probably a seanig trying to derail the thread
Seems to have worked
He thinks he's "killing /akg/".
I don't even care enough to filter md5 for the futa images, lol.
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while anons are busy replying bait no one will know i put chocolate in their pasta
It is weird, since other musician operators get cool sound effects.
Erato uses a harp, and her skill sounds like you just entered a magical gnome forest.
arknights is a futa yuri game.
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It's nice seeing Vigna being top tier in the only tier list that truly matters.
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Uhh bros?! I can't find their name in game anymore! They changed it recently!
how many times are you going to make the same post?
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Won't that still depend on the explosions RNG? You're less likely to jump between targets all the time, but when a drone explodes it will still reset back to base damage even on the same target, yeah?
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Monster. Is the +100% ATK boost for 1 second after skill use worth such a sin?
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Don't worry Aosta, I enjoy that kind of cooking
Why did I get a warning for saying that Emily is my favourite poster
It doesn't even bother me that much. Posting futa is one of those cases where the report button will do its job guaranteed so I appreciate it when the futanigger exposes himself.
Crazy how Aosta's gang walks into a haunted castle and the first thing they do is start arguing about spaghetti.
Sorry Broca I always confuse your names
Why Ursusfags are like this?
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Most of her skills do, until you hear the sound of her S1 impacting for 3.1k damage
This is hot if it's not futa
this is fine?
degen frightening my cock
pachka5ig is a discordfaggot and a shitposter so the loser should also be ignored like Sanjay
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/akg/ more like /gig/-lite
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Huh, I could've sworn that you were able to directly link skill SFX before
She's going to disarm your cock
i do it when the thread is shit
Hey akg how are you doing today?
The other module branch increases drone cap up to 120% ATK. it does depend on explosion RNG, but generally Goldenglow doesn't get that many explosions on average, S3 gets a lot of swaps because of target kills added on top explosion which reset all 3 drones, S2 will get to the cap and stay there for a considerable with each drone when hitting tough targets, so overall value should be higher. And remember S2 makes Goldenglow herself attack too, and drone explosion talent doesnt affect her own attacks while the RES ignore one does.
Any advance on how to beat IS3 on surging waves 9? I've been hard stuck on this difficulty for days. Final jelly boss just goes berserk during the second phase and wipes everyone out no exception.
We don't homopost all day tho
>Check friend list
>Not a single degen to be found either in support or as assistant
The janny is transphobic
>Aosta gang
it's funny how Aosta acts like the leader of the gang but it's actually Chiave that is the actual leader
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7 slots open
I forgot to precraft my guard chips.
kek, edit or did you actually change your name?
Always name your 6 stars while asking such questions.
The trick to Highmore is simple, you need high ranged damage.
Horn, Typhon, Pozy (typewriter in the top left pointing right).
Keep highmore in the center circle with stun and bodies.
we are not friends
I'm waiting for her module
Boring chen replacement.
With jelly you mean Izumik or Highmore? I assume Highmore. A9 isn't too crazy, Texas Alter can still pretty easily carry most of the run. People Squad, Mind Over Matter and Caster/Specialist or Guard/Vanguard are really strong ones to use, Resourceful can highroll really hard too. Kaltsit, Mr Nothing, Horn, Pozyomka all are very strong against the boss even in phase 2, Mr Nothing can permastun the boss on phase 2 with module. What ops do you have?
You all agreed to not put her up to punish people like you for skipping
I changed it.
I don't change my supports because I hate it when others do
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But I have her, I just dont have lmd to raise her
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silverash more like snakeash
>walks into a haunted castle
That from an op rec or something? Sounds funny
I keep remembering them aw the ABC boys and since A comes before B and C, my mind gets them confused.
I miss the AIbro...
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its monthly squad in is2 lore, give it a try it gives tons of resources for low effort and there are some fun dialogues too
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it's from one of the monthly squad in IS2 (the haunted castle in question). it's the funniest amongst the bunch
My soulmate....
Oh kek makes sense with the haunted house bit. Thanks bros, I never got caught up on those and forgot about IS2s
These are the ops I used last time. I always make sure I push for Typhon (S2) Texasalter(S3) Mlynar (S3) Ines (S2) and Eyjalter (S1) everytime. The rest it depends on my luck but I own all the "meta" 6 stars except for Ling.
You can't be this fucking useless
You can become one yourself, its pretty accessible ya know
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Pretty good, thanks. I just hit rank 145 in IS3 so I got a sweet new profile icon. Just 10 more ranks until I get the ocean background.
you won't fool me Super Satan
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Don't open
oh nononono
Congrats, hope you can get it. Other Side is seriously beautiful.
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Im gonna open it
See >>483173564
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Pretty decent, not liking the elden ring dlc as much as I hoped I would but I've been sleeping better these last few days of my vacation so I can't complain.
Is this why she's always asking where the breeding room is?
based /akg/bro, you are welcome here
Mumubro we don't care about your fetish
Is he a wolf or kot?
Sounds perfectly meta and enough for A15.
Guess it's just a positioning problem then, let me tell you.

Mlynar goes in the top left pointing right towards the blue red gate, in the colum of ranged tiles. This way he can hit highmore phase 1 too.
Typhon uses S2 to kill highmore.
Kal in the left healing Mlynar and Mont3r should be used to stun with module X on the left side.

And that's it really. Important thing is throwing corpses to keep Highmore in the middle.
*kills the dogtor*
Heh now what rhodescucks?!
She is too busy being my assistant to be any of theirs.
>Loves Sharpe who is a strong black man
..the Blacked knight.
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seems a bit unhealthy to keep coming back to something involving something you dislike bro
Sex with croque
There sure is a lot of drinking and people getting drunk going on in this game. Are the writers alcoholics?
I have this same issue and I blame /akg/ for it
When do we get the Caster chapter that explains why everyone simps so much for her?
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He does the same shit in /bag/ too btw, he just got banned.
>own all the meta 6*
Then should be easy. Typhon on the left with Mlynar clears the boss and phase 2 Broodmother rush, Texalt drops boss and kills right side Sea Drifters, Ines can kill Stonecutters and Eyjalt S3 can let some tanky op stall phase 1 with her S3. Honestly you just need some stunners/high DEF ops for phase 2 and Typhon/Mlynar can kill Paranoia Illusion easily meanwhile. If you have Nian S2M3, she can helidrop onto the boss when its grounded and stall it for +40 seconds no problem, and that's just one way. Save your dice for phase 2.
Most East Asians are. It's just part of corporate work culture.
Any favorites?
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the last letter in the gang is the leader, and if you join them it becomes ABCD
Thanks I'll try that out.

Is it just me or is Degen's S3M3 average in stats
Dont forget the psychotic addiction to tea and rice
Dirty chinamen!
Kill yourself
Worst sound effect?
I messed up my wording a bit.
Typhon in the left facing right, Kal facing up in order to heal Mlynar, and Mont3r helidrop on the RIGHT for those flying things so they all fall in the hole.
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What the fuck
Eyja and Blue Poison, La Pluma's got some good ones too, I'm talking about all the ai slop they get of it
Clicking on Bubble's chibi
Deepest lore
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/akg/ is /dbs/ of /vg/....
POST SEXY EJA pretty please :(
Don't remind me of... that monster.
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YOU signed the contract doctor.
you just like ai slop
aosta is just the tard wrangler friend with the dumbest one being the actual leader
Yeah, that's true, but specifically from that blacked artist
>dude he deleted his post that is PEAK comedy
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Lupo SEX!
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Yeah I'm looking forward to it. Maybe I'm crazy, but I feel like rank progression in IS3 is a little slower than IS4. I was able to bust out the Typhon skin very quickly, but IS3 seems to just keep going. It's probably all in my head.
Yeah, that's the artist, his slop is really good
>Burgers get up
>Starts NTR posting
Stop. You're as bad as the seafags who mumupost upon getting up
I think I'm married to Beanstalk now
That sounds extremely OOC for the notoriously loyal Skadifags.
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It's actually 2pm in the US EST (the good time zone)
For me it's the 2nd Amiya image
It is peak Euro hours right now, and this cuck started shitposting hours ago.
He must be mad everyone makes fun of him lmao but remember that it is always morally correct to mock and insult racist cuckolds.
>responding to a shitposter
do keep in mind the passages count as extra floors so it adds up a lot of score very quickly
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I really want to watch Typhon masturbate. She seems like she would be a squirter.
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Oh yeah, I love Boskys. That's probably it.
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It's way easier to stack bosky passages to cap the floor number bonus at 7 in IS4. For IS3 you'd need to go for 3rd/4th ending and go through a much more scary wonderland node, but with Bosky you can get 7 floors basically for free.
Or get an emergency that loses you the run because you got that floor modifier that reduces all your operators ATK by 50%, that can happen too.
I can only get hard to Suzuran
Typhon breast sweat
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Behave yourselves guys
Dark skinned posters, THIS is your best falseflag? Embarrassing
you mean the krauts, SEA , and one guy from the UK
also on a differnt note i was a bit surprised that muelsyse was being posted yesterday with minimal shitflinging
was kinda nice
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I have a whole folder full of pics of your wife
Didn't read her event yet, does she even know what that is?
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Sex with perceptually impaired operators.
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i mean you did sign the contract
dragon ball fags literally have nothing to discuss since z/gt were 2/3 decades ago and super ended in 2018 so they gave up and just shitpost
Got Leto already, I'm good
But do you have a folder full of pics of Pea-chan?
No, she's dense and has no person skills. Somehow less dense than Maggy though.
I'll admit, I've been avoiding the Wonderland nodes. Good advice, thanks.
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Sadly, just one gif
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Too tired to maintain the smug...
Very cute
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Well now you have two
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One of the worst threads we have had in such a long time, can't believe you people have nothing better to do than entertain discord screenshots, power level tierlists and blacked posting.
Everyone in this thread should be ashamed of themselves.
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They're only really death in high ascension is3, anywhere below that they're good to fuck around, get a bunch of op relics and refight is1 bosses then zoom into the final fight
Beanstalk's hairstyle is my weakness
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/akg/ has 2 states now
Dead and shitposting.
The eurocucks are too strong...
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why does she dress like this
Huh, do you have Chestnut there for Pozy's bonus? Or are you doing orundum. I usually just leave him on the right side
Okay I added mine, but she's only e250 with S3M2 so far/ 45 trust
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The anon posting discord screenshots is a discordfag and i have no idea why people entertain their shitposts since we have other anons in the same discord that have proven they make shit up.
easy access
Lack of a father figure in her life.
Yea today's thread is a weird one. I actually prefer when it's just 800 posts of "Operators for ____?" followed by lewds and catbox links. At least nothing makes me cringe during those.
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Operators for Girls Gone Wild?
Let him rest...
nah pure coomposting is worse
So what have we learnt this thread?
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Also no father figure(not that she wants one anymore)
Imagine getting tackle hugged by her and feeling up her bear stomach
American hours, please come back in 8 hours.
Discord screenshotfag is just a discordfag
But that's when yuri starts getting spammed
I'll add you if you dont mind, always open to new friendos
yurifags just post art don't be a schizo
This guy >>483177397 likes this stuff >>483176861
didnt we have that one poll that revealed the regions that our shitposters are from are primarily the uk, germany, and sea and surprisingly not burgerland?
Yuriposting or cuckoldry, pick your poison. I know which one I'd rather take.
Yeah but akg likes yuri, only shitposters don't
It's honestly insane how insecure other races have become about white people.
yes the only based ones were columbians and horses
Yes, it confirmed the Solvanian and German that do 90% of shitposting are awake during burger hours.
We do not like yuri
Correct, we LOVE yuri
That was a bullshit poll because no one knew they'd be tracking who was from where, that's why it should be redone.
>That was a bullshit poll because no one knew they'd be tracking who was from where
That's exactly what makes the poll valid
The best hours are always the brief 2 hour window when everyone is asleep except NA and SA. Those hours are always comfy image sharing.
thats precisely why it worked lol
Yeah, burgers aren’t at fault
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Yeah essentially
Are you retarded?
>Falsefag to shitpost somewhere else
Polls like that are never really valid. /akg/ can't even do a metafag poll without waifufagging it, we can't be trusted with polls
I like Yuri, he's a pretty good VA.
>it should be redone.
So you can change your location?
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Anyone who wants degen or ines can add me, it's good
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spam THIS faggot
Lmao. Forget your VPN or something?
bet you love blacked porn
German people are cool. Its the polish that are the huge faggots
Found the german
can you guys please post more mlynar reaction images? I would like to have them.

Thank you

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