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Previous thread: >>483153095

[6/21-7/5][Standard]6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Vanguard Poncirus, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Specialist Kazemaru (Shop)
[6/12-6/26][EPOQUE Re-Edition]Kjera
[6/21-7/5]The Rides to Lake Silberneherze - 5* Medic Harold
[6/21-7/5][The Sojourner]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Specialist Kafka
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger]Penance, Tsukinogi, Qanipalaat
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger Re-Edition]Carnelian, Leonhardt, Kafka

[6/20-7/4][Standard]6* Caster Goldenglow, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Caster Aroma, 5* Caster Rockrock, 5* Sniper Greyy The Lightningbearer (Shop)
[6/20-7/4]AK x Sanrio Collab - Log-in event
[6/20-7/4][Crossover]Goldenglow, Lee, U-Official
[6/20-7/4][Achievement Star & Vitafield Re-Edition]Flametail, Kirara, Aosta; Czerny
[6/25-7/9]Hortus de Escapismo Rerun - Insider skin
[6/25-7/9][Arbiter Aequissimus Retro]6* Guard Executor The Ex Foedere, 5* Specialist Spuria, 5* Medic Paprika

>/akg/ website:
>Redeem codes
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:

This thread will be better.
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Bnuuy love
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>This thread will be better.
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>Early thread
I get wanting to get away from that bullshit but still.
Why do americans hate andy so much?
akg LOVES Andoain and if you disagree you're a shitposter
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The Adoianfag did irreparable damage to his reputation
I have Degen and already have an Ines fren but I want new friends. My list is full, I'm saving your ID and spooking you when the 100 fren update comes.
This poll is so fucking funny
>Vietnam, Indonesia, Slovenia aka SEA and I don't even know what Slovenia is
All shitposters outed.
Atleast the FILIPPINOS are based.
Who got new modules besides Rockrock?
Burger education...
He's a teamkiller and andoainfags don't help
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>Be aceship
>Too lousy to even upload class icons now
>Be unlazy enough for a stupid April Fools day meme every year
>But TOO lazy to even take that down almost 3 months later
This fucking guy
I said SEA and Idek (aka Slovenia)
Some literal who EU country, I only know that much.
im onto you the single fag from the uk...
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What a nice girl, I'm sure she only has good intentions in her heart.
What the FUCK
Aceship has by far the best interface and layout for browsing ops info/materials. The wikis are horrible. but the acechip guy does not give a care about keeping it updated..
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>It's really there
fucking kek I'm sure he forgot, probably doesn't care
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not doing the heater minigame
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horsegods and chilegods
The 25 /akg/ posters..
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you'll never catch me
Ay bro your ops are a bit popsicly.
Please post operators by beach or pool.
Also is the new healer good?
Eblanana… I love you…
My akg rival...
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This poll doesn't prove shit schizo
you failure, you cant even fake being a brit
That's not yuri, that's predation.
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*Steals your husband and cat*
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What's wrong with wanting Andoain? I voted that I want him and have been telling retards to stop encouraging shitposts.
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Such a smoochable girl...
Why would somebody fake being a bong?
Of course it does. Only shitposters want Andoain.
Nothing, only shitposters don't want him. He's great and I hope he's on the same banner as Lemuen to make them mad
the duality of akg
This >>483179396 + maleschizos are very vocal
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We need to find a better more suitable male NPC to be the new mlynar/ulpianus we want playable next. It can't be andoian
Such is fate of having a character you like become shitposter material
t. pagpag
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I am become the Pool of Procreation.
I have basically like yours
Please do not post out ceo since I will be unable to control myself.
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i will make amiya a mother
Thanks for proving my point, good luck beating out the majority of CN still asking for him
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I hope everyone in /akg/ gets run over by a car today.
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THIS is the boss that broke /akg/? A boss that can be blocked and facetanked?
you got logos, degen, ulpianus and you still want more males?
It's like saying /akg/ represents global server
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what the fuck
You named 3 females
Why is Amiya hanging out with that mysterious tourist(C)?
There was a new NGA female dominated poll and Andoain was no longer in the top 5.
I don't screenshot pointless stuff like that though.

Andoain is not popular, it's just females voting him and even then he's no longer top 5.
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This doesn't prove anything...
kinda based
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Wouldnt surprise me if one of resident shitposters was kraut desu
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I'm not going to leave my home today, so it is unlikely.
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Viviana is so turbo giga shit it's unreal.

Even in /SSS/ with buffs she's useless
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Cute aurora
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The problem is for every one European Andy shitposter, there are 10 Americans waiting to give him (You)s.
Kinda funny how you can filter out shitposters by ethnicity.
No one cares about Toland
Why'd they have to make her so plump and squishable?
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Blaze love!
Yeah? I'll stay inside. Now what?
Andoainfags did irreparable damage to his reputation. I think they where aiming for memeability like Ulpianus, but ultimately failed to do so organically.
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Because she is plump and squishable
My soulmate...
we can still do it
i wish to touch a bunny
>Andoainfags did irreparable damage to his reputation.
>having shitposters influence your opinion on an operator
NPC mentality
Colombians are so insecure
They are very soft
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i dont like him because he wanted to invite devils to laterano and dats not cool
I'm not Influenced at all. I'm just telling you the state of things. I don't think about random Sankta NPC #5 at all.
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Wedding dress fanart doko...
this isnt a beach... its a bathtub!
>pretending Andoain isn't popular
>when you know he's gonna be at the top of the charts when comes out
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How much longer till shu, I need to get the assfucking on that banner over with
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Damn, didn't know we hired Emperor's kid too.
Around 40 days
When was last time there was a successful male only 6 star banner? Mlynar mogs shitdain in popularity and even he didn't sell that well. Stop coping.
While Harold is doing his aoe attack his invulnerability phases don't trigger
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Operators who know how to get down and fucking DANCE?!
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Two weeks of snow train time, then two weeks of ray omnibus, then I think a rerun and then Shu makes you eat rice if I got it right. Can anyone confirm?
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qrd on Andoain? I forgot
Just like Executor
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Repost the drawpile while I'm asleep
Unironically love how mad andoain makes some people here
no hate allowed
>The reason why I started to use these degenbrechers in the first place...
Is the game trying to gaslight me into thinking that's the name for a real sword type? Google doesn't give me anything of the sort.
I do
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According to the datamining that should be correct, yeah.
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Should be early august, at soonest the 1st of august.
>just let them destroy Andoains image in peace!
Andoainfags just keep taking Ls.
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Mlynar is the only exception, since he's popular among males too. He was the best seller standard in a year.
it's the German name, you won't find it on English sites
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Is doctor for (me)
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what did we think of the new Mushoku Tensei episode /akg/?
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Its actually a german word for especially wieldy and blunt swords. Knights would often target the head, shoulders or nuts - that where the name comes from, in literal english "dick breaker"
Ah, swordbreakers.
>it's the German name, you won't find it on English sites
I mean, looking up kriegsmesser does give you actual pictures of messers.
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How about a canal
that false translation is less open to jokes than an actual translation which would be Rapier Breaker, or Rapie for short
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It's a real sword type.
That's why I was confused as fuck whe she described it as some sort of a blunt edgeless weapon used to cleave skulls on more than one occasion.
Haven't seen it yet. Gimme 30 minutes.
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Did you even bother?
Degenbrecher is a nickname, this is AK a game with superhumans. Degen literally breaks swords with her own, she doesn't need those weapons that catch rapiers into them like you posted.

Also she has 5-6 weapons on her.
second result, nice
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>There was a new NGA female dominated poll and Andoain was no longer in the top 5.
Nta but I would actually like to see that
The only recent poll I remember with him in it, though it doesn't have that many votes, is this boss one. And Andoain is pretty high for favourite bosses considering he's just a random side event boss while others above are
>A popular meme side event boss
>One of the most popular main chapter characters
>Another of the most popular main chapter characters
>A very popular NPC
>A popular main story character with recency bias
So he ranked really high among all bosses ever
Here she is in pool with her adopted daughter
oh my gosh who gives a fuck about andoain can you shut the fuck up about that stupid faggot already
Yeah, I've seen them before. Swordbreaker is a bit of a misnomer too since you can't really break a sword with one, it's a parrying dagger made to bind swords.
I'd say this is BS but bollock daggers exist so I believe you.
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I'm gonna take my adopted daughter to a pool as well
This is purely boss fights gameplay-wise
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holy shit finally, it only took 146 fucking rolls apparently
it was even a fake out 5 star bag
time to max her third skill...
Jesselton is at the top bro
>Andoain jobbed to JOBBERTON
oh NONONONO andoain bros we were supposed to be popular DELET THIS
It's named after the Chinese variant which is more like a metal bar meant to literally break swords rather than catch them.
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Her chinese name is jian which is a sword meant to shatter blades. It matches the blades she pulls out during S3 and her E2 art
She's based off that rather than the jagged dagger
Sucks she evaded you for that long but what's important is that you got her. Grats bro
Wait until you learn that Google isn't in german outside of Germany and I'm not bothering to change locations for that. Like I said, if kriegsmesser gives me kriegsmesser then I'd expect degenbrecher to give me degenbrecher. Since you insist so much, I counted it and the first swordbreaker was the 48th image. Hidden in a sea of goat because it's the only result.
Chinks love Bullyable bosses, yes.
First she said that she calls herself Degenbrecher because she likes to use blunt edgeless weapons because it's easier not to kill with them.
And then when she told a story from her childhood she pointed out specifically that she liked the blunt edgeless weapons one of the cops used to cleave skulls with, she even said that "his degenbrechers were pretty nice".
Apparently Lowlight thinks that "Degenbrecher" is a blunt edgeless bludgeoning weapons and no one ever bothered to correct him.
Where is crownslayer, the most bullied boss ever then
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this goat was playing hard to get
I had to use that to get her...but she's finally here
all that's left is to fully READ the fucking story...been so busy on elden ring dlc
If he had any different song theme nobody would remember him, hes purely carried by that angelic dubstep
>the most bullied boss ever then
That would be Patriot to be fair
99.9% players test new ops against him
>jian which is a sword meant to shatter blades
To add to the confusion, jian is also the name for a straight sword that is not meant to be a bladebreaker. Then again I think jian just means sword in chinese.
Oh, I see, that makes much more sense.
Then I guess it's not a Lowlight problem but the translation guy problem. Still weird that no one bothered to correct it.
I just told you this isn't the real world. Degenbrecher means sword breaker. In AK world, some people are strong enough to break steel.
I care
>That would be Patriot to be fair
Patriot is just a testing dummy, no one bullies him with puller and pushers, it's why there's no memes about it, no one thinks of it as bullying
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Nyo, only ecelebs bully CS
Did Degen live up to your expectations gameplay-wise?
That's how it becomes a meme, through popular interaction
and now to just wait for the trust and masteries...will be a little behind the other bros, but I'll get there

her combat prowess and stern demeanor can frighten enemies, that's pretty fucking hot desu
I have no idea, she's still E1 and I've never used a nuker outside of Cutter. But she does meet my expectations for being cool as fuck character-wise.
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AIIEEEEE, Amiya help!
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Rapier always sounded like gaul way of saying sexual deviant. Sorry I just wanted to say it. Take a Degen image.
BASE (real)
Love the big damage vulpo, simple as.
Female operators that are sexual deviants?
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Help has been dispatched
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cute Quartz
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BIG xof
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Degens rewards the best tchägättä soldier with sex after every training session...
Uhhh help im gonna
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Fox? Fox.
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>Shoots his squadmates and is proud of it
>Seethes at Laterano for not helping enough during the silence and generally wants them to put out more aid for non-sankta
>Had his faith in God shattered by learning the truth
>Is older than the Pope
I like when operators are just some dudes from mercenary company. I would prefer if they would make up a squad, but this is good too.
and a pagpag to you good monkey
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Medium sized fox tummy
I haven't tested her against any real brickwall enemies since the EX stages aren't out, but watching her delete the shield dudes from this event without ever bothering to use the heat mechanic is more or less what I expected, especially since I think they are a 2k wall at that point.
Windchimes is absolutely fucking stacked.
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sex with Suzu
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I fully expect a Looney Tunes style fanimation based on this event.
Forced mating press, while gagged, bound and blindfolded.
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sounds like a faggot
When are we getting the nyews? Tonight?
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prts.wiki is bugging out/being hacked.
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>Had his faith in God shattered by learning the truth
That's an elegant way of putting a really bizzare sequence of GA into words
>break into the Vatican
>meet Gaben
>try to 1v1 him
>you both miss because you're old and shit at FPS now
>go talk to a toaster
>it says it's fine that you broke the rules because lmao your aim is shit anyway
>have a mental breakdown
>meet the angry bird that's been trying to kill you outside
>say "nah I'm good" and just moonwalk away
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Yeah I played a lot in IS4 with her and she is just busted
Cute Lizzer.
I would Roll For Cliff.
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Stealing Delpipi's hat, then destroying ALL of her holes against her will, as she struggles and cries.
Soon all AK online resources will be down, all according to keikaku.
Frostleaf is a good girl, she wouldn't bind or gag you
I need a picture of dirty, taped up and raped Degenbrecher lying in an alleyway somewhere.
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I think if we're more likely to get Woodrow out of the two, but same
Why would you destroy her nose and ears
Soon the illustrious /akg/ will be the only source of operator viability.
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But I would to her, then leave her like that afterwards.
The only way you are raping her is if she lets you weakling
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Her milk game is almost as strong as Siderocas, but she is infected.
This but I would smooch Delpipi and then give her hat back
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Based bro. Sharing is caring.
>this anon reads abandonment play
>instantly thinks of cuckshit
Lmao, imagine exposing yourself like this.
Eh, Woodrow settled down with Jessica and Coomshot in the boonies. The latter two did become operators during their own event but I doubt we'll be seeing more of them. Cliff, on the other hand, definitely has big plans and I'm sure those will be the focus of some future BSW event. They can't make him the final boss again so he could just as well become an operator... or he'll be stuck in NPC hell, being cool unfortunately doesn't necessarily translate into being playable.
>Take note that our satellite-based IFF has become unreliable following the recent communications failure. As such, target ID will be done by processing the images from the infrared cameras on your monitor screen. Objects will initially appear as "UNKNOWN" on your HUDs, but will be ID'd once you look them up them for a set period of time.
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Strong operators....
>That's an elegant way of putting a really bizzare sequence of GA into words
>it says it's fine that you broke the rules because lmao your aim is shit anyway
Not really, Andoain was broken because all of his rebellion and "pathfinding" were calculated. Which was a huge blow to Andoain because his ego couldn't accept being a pawn, but then Fia shows up and he realizes he'd rather just keep doing what he wants because it's his obsession.
>Objects will initially appear as "UNKNOWN" on your HUDs
I clapped. Of all the ways to shoehorn the title into the game I never expected that to be it.
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when i started playing i watched some video about worst 6 stars and my first 6 star ( shining) was on the list, but fast forwards few months later her defense aura helped me clear that last event and get 625 points for all medals, felt pretty vindicated after that. Fuck rerolling. Thank you for reading my blog i will never listen to tier list fags again
Protip: there's no such thing as a bad 6 star.
Filming adult movies with Whisperain...
I mean Cliff is collecting mobile platforms no?
andoain the gollum of laterano, spared by cube just like gollum was spared by gandalf
...picking up doctor and carrying him off isnt really a good measure of strength
>but I would smooch Delpipi
That's pretty gay bro..
But at the same time he's the leader of Columbia's biggest PMC, and knee deep in typical Columbian bullshit. I don't know if they'd just let him walk away and retire Harold-style with some unhinged low sanity organisation after getting scammed by Kristen already
The game can be beaten with 4 and 5 stars bro, just go for the characters you like the look of, whether it's their design or their kit appeals to what you like.
Idk bro getting the boss as an operator feels weird
Yes, I know we have multiple gods, queens and celebrities on board already
Eh, your lovers and family are mine to fuck anyway. Expanding that to your favourite fictional character is a trifling matter.
He's going to make Outer Heaven.
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> getting the boss as an operator feels weird
>fail 50/50
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She is mid until some fucker destroys you Hoshi/Nian on skill and then she is your only* solace.
*not really, but still.
Probably, I've got a lot of broken operators now so Im free to roll for characters that I like
Cliff is the next major antagonist to Columbian/Bolivar stuff but Max literally doesn't give a shit as long as you're useful so I could see him getting pardoned.
>BSW event where maylander has to get involved for reasons
>We get a maylander solid snake operator
yeah we cooking
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bro, all you have to do is wait a couple of months to rebuild your stash, missing multiple banners in the process, game is not stingy btw
BSW vs Maylander would be pure kino event material
No no, I think he'd be one of those "partner" operators like Silverash. He could always become a proper villain in the next BSW event, I mean he wasn't the main villain the Jessica's the bank was, but like I said I wouldn't imagine him being the boss twice. Maybe they'll throw a mech at us, maybe Liskarm's PMC will be the villain and LiskAlt will be the boss. It's retarded but I want it.
BSW vs Maylander could actually be really neat
Just admit you're a cuck next time lmao. Own the shame instead of doing mental gymnastics, this was very telling about how you think.
>game is not stingy btw
you can NOT be serious, right?
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Thick Wuh and Ines
Operators that would star in adult videos?
my body is built to be compatible with devil women
Can we go a fucking day without one of your tantrums? Holy shit man.
>all you have to do is wait a couple of months
Degen is gone, and so is my will to live.
I really like Trilby Asher. Would be nice to get him as an op
metafags deserve the rope anyways
Susie Glitter
I dunno but you reminded me of that one coomfic where FEater gets doc to film one with her while click and scene work the cameras.
They eventually get worked up too and take over for FEater iirc
your waifu
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Arknights is f2p friendly if you're day 1 like me.
my friend got fartooth instead of degen, could be worse
W in snuff videos.
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Latelets and impulselets deserve to suffer
i bought 2 rape tickets and like 6 monthly passes im a whale now
>"slave away for 4 years, and yostar will reward you with a few PNGs like me"
just spend money fag
You will rot in time and I will be the oldestfag.
>cuck accidentally reveals his power level completely unprompted
Where can I view this?
settings - other
Bro, your onlyfans mouse?
I got two Degens, I'd trade one of them for his Toot if I could.
Ace's brother. (The one that got all the inferior recessive genes)
Based collectionfag.
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When did NTRfags become prevalent here? It wasn't like this several months ago.
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I want to fuck this cat
Hey Docktah I just wanted to let you know that Amiya is pretty

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>going on a date with Chen
>date goes very well
>Chen suggests finishing the night st her place
>lean in to kiss her
>see her tremble as she closes her eyes
>tell her that I don't think I should be her first
>give her a hug and call a cab home
>tell everyone how desperate she is
>send her a letter that reminds her that she's a virgin
>It wasn't like this several months ago.
It was
That's a way for you to get raped
OK but do you want to marry her?
Not only that, but she's all I'm missing to complete the Pinus gang. Feels weird having honse and squirrel in the factories with a random third op.
You WILL get raped
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Near Light was two years ago.
Sorry man but I've always liked horse knights.
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how does Degen suck you in with large force when she uses her S3?
Basicly everyone makes fun of cucks now, so they have more public meltdowns.
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Whoops, that was the outdated version.
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I only lost f2p status because I wanted to catch up to my friend and do the same content as him as he's got 3x the time spent on it...
Dunno, but it's an easterner thing so it stops when they go to sleep.
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"Executosa" the child of Frederico and Arturia....
This is the most deranged meme I've seen in a while. Got more?
Arturia looks good in Saint garb but she looks better in lingerie
As much as you give AK shit for having a hard time getting new players caught up. So does every gacha, there's not an easy way for them to get all the years of characters they missed anywhere
>join 2~3 years after the game's release as F2P
>don't plan your pulls and impulsekek on every single standard
should have been there, or open your wallet, I didn't do Anni manually for 2 months and then have it on auto for about 40 mins each week just to have a spoiled fuck complain about not having a squad similar to mine
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Literally built to bear Doctor's children
Does Arctosz deserve to be ostracized by his estranged daughter?
What Doctor the smug midget in need of correction all along?
Did Kjera really /tp Asher out as a "Stop trying to pick a fight with Degen you fucking retard"? Gave me a good laugh. Are those rocks one of her abilities as an op, did they show up in the last Kjerag event or did they pull that out their ass?
Just wait for Arknights Offline version. They'll do it once Arknights is settling down and Endfield is in full swing. Trust the plan.
Dont think ostracized is the word here but yeah kinda?
The drones? Yeah they showed in BtI
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Where is OUR fusion reactor HG? Are we really losing to genshin this badly?
>Was scrolling Jap Twatter for Arknight images
>Half of the feed is love for Trillby Asher
They fucking love this guy, Jesus Christ.
I havent finished the campaign or her story but Boss is the only one she accepts, yeah?
Everyone loves a jobber that's dedicated to his cause
If you buy Final Fantasy Tactics now you will have the same characters as people who played the game for 20 years within a few hours.
Ah, so she's a Drone Caster. I figured she'd be some sort of Supporter for some reason. Serves me right for not doing BtI before this.
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eslbro probably meant something closer to estranged.
how to say this... basically cucks get off on being insulted so you can assume they have a hard-on as the thread shits on them
its why they are some of the hardest to shake off shitposters
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Trilby Asher is a cool character always liked him
> Are we really losing to genshin this badly
Bro like everything, but like 2, are "losing" to genshin. The fuck are you blathering about?
Do other gacha threads deal with people crying about how stingy the games are or is it an /akg/ phenomenon? It's like complaining about how you lose more than you win at a casino.
How rude, we do too. Everyone does.
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Yes, but I'll post them when you least expect it.
why are you bringing up a game I would never want to play
>>Half of the feed is love for Trillby Asher
No it's fucking not, stop exaggerating
wow, a one and done game that is self contained vs a live service game that gets constant content updates, surely the comparison is appropriate
Doesn't matter. Its always morally correct to make fun of them.
Every thread has their own sins to carry. There are same sins, but as a whole they come out in different ways.
>NTR talk
>random stingy talk with no screenshots
It's the fucking shitposter. No one considers AK stingy in CN, just average. I remember a big Tieba thread talking about it, AK is 3/5, AL is 5/5 (they get money from expensive skins) while Genchink is 1/5 to them.
To show you joining 2~3 years after the game releasing and getting everyone is the normal expectation of the consumer.
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Realistically, is Logos the luckiest guy ever to be born on Terra?
Are you retarded
worthless post
>Final Fantasy Tactics
Do they even seel that anywhere? It being that cultish that I would say that getting it from definitely legal sites to your favored platform is better alternative.
>no bro, /akg/ is not a cuck general, stop shitposting
*someone posts cropped out cuck pic*
>AL is 5/5 (they get money from expensive skins)
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I'm a latefag, I get everything I want by paying $5 a month. What's the fuss?
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When does the story start to pop off? I'm reading stage 5 and its kinda slice-of-life right now

Also Leto has no concept of stranger danger
Your post stated that the expectation of getting everything 2~3 years after release was unreasonable, I debunked your claim by showing the opposite and that expecting to get everything is what is actually reasonable.
She's ready to step on some balls
AK's roll situation is actually pretty fine. People can get ALOT of Orundums from the Originite Prime they accumulated BUT people keep blowing their stash on skins.
Interesting how they intentionally avoid any talk of Logos passing on an heir. He is in a position many people dream of but they don't go the route you're thinking.
Porn is porn, idc
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love wolves
why would he be?
Poorfags crying. Like they always do.
You can buy it on google play, don't know about the other versions.
The point is that AL practically gives characters away, which is to be expected since the actual gameplay is pretty weak. Since it's more attractive as a jpg collector people are willing to pay for fancy skins but if you're in it for the gameplay only it's not a bank breaker.
Let me fix that. KEK KEK NTR NTR MALES
That applies to a lot more characters than just Logos.
Well it's not really relevant to the game
i mean he is especial because he is a male banshee, not because his descendants are assure to be male
so its just business as usual for his race once he dies
Is copy paste disabled again
no I just popped in to agree with the other poster.
Gacha has a cornerstone on manufactured exclusivity.
You had to be there or spend to catch up
worthless post
If they were generous, they would make it like that.
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Pure Banshee can produce more Pure Banshee with any race
worthless post
>Paying for FFT
Just wait until these niggas discover about Mednafen and mGBA.
2-3 cucks are not /akg/
How is the Duke of Caster dominating Victoria if the Trilby Ashers are such jobbers?
I self insert as the fat ugly bastard
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It's a game, it doesn't really matter. In reality there'd be a lot more stress on everyone, not just Logos.
>SilverAsh as the head of the family
>Nearl as the head of the family
>Siege as the latested descendant
>Lee as a noble
>Ch'en as a noble
Etc etc
>because his descendants are assure to be male
They aren't though
That is because they chose to be stingy, they didn't have to do that.
So Rogosu will sire pure Banshee children regardless of his mate?
He still evaded Degen and found out about the metal smuggling, did he really job in the grand scheme of things?
My twitter feed is filled with this BA girls art despite only following Arknights artists
No complaining tho, it's refreshing to see actually good art sometimes
Or most unluckiest. You might think of a race of 99.9% female population a paradise, but for logos it has become a far too common sight to be anything but.
Well, we don't know really know how it works with males, but probably
>Lee as a noble
wait? he's a noble?
Assuming he's not infertile for being a mutant
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Bwos, I always knew I shared birthday with Reed, but only now I just realized that it means that I also share birthday with my wife.
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Threads today were something else...
How many rolls you got ready for her pot6?
>but for logos it has become a far too common sight to be anything but
I said realistically, for anyone it would be. Logos obviously has to be written as a paragon of purity and self restraint.
He's a Lung, they're basically the superior race of Yan and make up a lot of the upper class
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really is one poorfag complaining in all gacha generals
Extremely high quality compared to the average weekend /akg/
Arturia daughter RAPE
>it doesn't really matter
Wyell....we have a sequel coming up so they can only tiptoe around the matter so much. Chen2 is a "distant relative" and Angelina2 is a "clone", they can only pull those cards so many times...
I'll start saving when she is announced in CN, but if luck is not on my side I'll just have to use THAT.
The BA anime ended today and no S2 was confirmed, so he is probably angry. They recycled a game PV instead as teaser for next content.
>lesbians fantasising about having children
Gives me a good laugh, shitty artist though, stop posting
once again you are showing how stupid you are
when I joined this game Blemishine was the newest 6*
there were less than 150 operators back then
that was my "catch up" number
the number of operators has more than doubled since
if someone joins in this very instance there's over 300 different operators they would have to get to "catch up"
do you see the difference now?
there's day 1 f2p players who have everyone in this very instance
the FFT comparison is fucking retarded because as far as I'm aware of that game has not added single new character since it's release
fuck you for making me type all of this
good day sir
I look forward to your imminent success, El banactor
>they can only pull those cards so many times...
They don't have to, and they shouldn't.
Clones were already a mistake, they should just make all new characters unrelated to the past ones for the most part.
thank you bwo
>paragon of purity and self restraint.
Or it could be the johny bravo situation, where he fucks, but the game/show does not focus on it.
He could also have contracted the big gay or maybe male banshees are just bottoms all.
There could be a doting mother shooing away every thot.
Also you think "realistically" is how (you) would take it. There probably are guys who would take it as a curse. Me? Don't know haven't been in that position.
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That's not a femdoc
Lee isnt a noble or anything
Just a VERY powerful fangshi
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A lot of Mostima art doesn't get posted to danbooru or pixiv from Lofter, and ever since they went full retard with the required phone login I can't browse it.
Post Mostima
embarrassing post
Dude has been on babel/rhodes since he was a kid right?
Outside of visits he probably doesnt spend much time back in his birthplace.
What's my name, Doctor?
Is that arknights the hedgehog?
>since he was a kid right?
That was only 5 years by Victoria. Remember Logos is 20ish
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>This particularly uncommon name is directly connected to a certain illustrious merchant family. Lee himself never attempted to hide his background
He's from a rich merchant family, I don't know if it counts as noble, but obviously that's an upper class family
>Also you think "realistically" is how (you) would take it.
Yes, and you're gay if you think you wouldn't enjoy that
nope lol
worthless post
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Why are you like this?
It'd be stressful, especially being seen as a special tool and not being able to trust anyone.
For me? I'd follow the Doctor and Rhodes.
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why are you begging for art? use pixiv or something faggot
>Yes, and you're gay if you think you wouldn't enjoy that
Bro really can't empathize with other people or see different view all together. Be better and open that brown starfish since here I come for you ass.
Coomlords, get on it. I'm expecting 7 pornos by the end of the week. Do not disappoint me.
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Bros... I forgot to log in yesterday...
Was playing Elden ring...
>upper class
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Yes it fucking is, what do you mean it's not
kill yourself
how to filter elden ring
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Mb I will
just go to the porno theatre then.
Doctor, zap to the extreme!
I wonder if anyone ever playtested the emergency ice-cream boss
it already filtered (you)
Are you illiterate? That's about art from lofter not getting posted elsewhere.
Use this
on tampermonkey and you can go to any tag search by putting it at the end of https://www.lofter.com/tag-workaround/
> illustrious merchant family
Bro I quoted his file for you, he's from a well known merchant family and lung are the upper class of Yan
Is the window that shows you how many times your supports were used gone for good now?
It was so nice to see how much my ops were used...
It made me happy.....
Why do Siracusans get to be sexualized?
For me it's always 0 so no harm done on my end.
Thanks now I can download more shipbait and yuri stuff
You completely missed the point, the point is for games in general the expectation is you should be able to get everyone regardless of how late you start it as it is how the majority of games in the last 50 years work, Thus it is the default anyone should expect from any game.

The fact that this is not possible in this game, makes it a game that is wrong and stingy.
>Female spirit
>Skade drew in the female blue and white and grouped him with the women in anni art
>Never shows any reaction to questions about his gender.
Being serious, the game and Skade seem to view Logos through the angle of him being female in all but body. Even if only because Banshee's don't have a real idea of what being male is.
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I was told that I should E2 a 4 star first. But I'm not sure which one I should do. I was thinking of Meteor since the only other sniper I have is kroos. But maybe I should do someone with utility like Myrtle/Perfumer?
Also I know Amiya has to be E2'd so was thinking maybe it would better to just raise her but that would probably take a little longer not sure if I should just do it first or wait.
Myrtle would be a safe bet, Kroos and E1 meteor should take care of you for a while
Perfumer or myrtle would be good
Holy headcanon
Maybe he is just a princely woman? I would buy that. I guess we have Underflow these days to fill that gap.
You know, I kinda like that we still get people like you aka those who have never played gachas before.
Better than pagpags who only play gachas since these are free games.

Welcome aboard.
Mental illness
Agreed on Myrtle or Perfumer and yes a 5 star will take longer so I'd advise just going with your favorite 4 star first. Amiya is only needed for one specific node in the game right now. Theres no rush in getting her up for that, or even a need to at all really
Eblanas an older sister not a twin though
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If you want to avoid regrets, E2 your favorite first.
>and ever since they went full retard with the required phone login I can't browse it.
I thought they removed that already, I created an account using WeChat not so long ago and can browse lofter freely
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yeah, I don't play video games.
>is HE gonna like it
No, that's a male doctor.
It works perfectly, thanks bro
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>>Female spirit
And explicitly told to be male
>>Skade drew in the female blue and white and grouped him with the women in anni art
What? He's grouped with Executor and Specter, and he's already with the boys in the background in a previous anni art
>>Never shows any reaction to questions about his gender.
Why would he?
Myrtle is highest priority by far, she quite literally changes the way you play the game, after that Perfumer, Cutter, Click and Gravel are all good choices, Haze and Gummy are pretty good too once you get them, Indigo is a bit tricky to use but she got high attack and can soften up dangerous enemies pretty reliably
If you don't have a some basic defender I would say that cuora brings lot to the table.
Myrtle is good, but as a first E2 you don't really get much from her since your teams should not be that DP heavy as a beginner.
Mousse also can help you strong arm some enemies that you could not without her.
Gravel to E1 is good since you unlock her S2 and you can keep her E1L1 and she does her job well even then.
He could just be a gay little femboy waiting for a burly man.
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Does it hurt? I BET IT DOEEEEEES
>always draws them as female doc
>except now
So an actual tranny? Kek
those expectations come from a different game model in which the content is finite and self contained, not from live service games that have vastly different systems involved
this started with MMOs having event exclusive items or other limited time rewards like mounts, weapons or fancy titles
not everyone playing FFXIV gets to have a Goobbue mount
WoW has items you cannot ever get again unless you get into a classic server
Fortnite skins didn't rerun for the longest time
you are an imbecile
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What the fuck am I looking at here?
I wasn't even talking about it in a tranny way, brainrotten homos.
Logos is a handsome gigachad though
Older twins exist. Usually it's whoever comes out of the womb first
You can be 100% collection in AL without ever paying for rolls and have a stockpile of over a thousand when realistically it takes 50-200 to get everybody in an event with shit luck. You do need to pay for dockspace though. Dockspace isn't expensive, but adds up since the game has over like 500 boats now. The paid currency in AL is extremely rare to get outside of paying, so skins are where most of the money is made. The fancy live2d ones are essentially minigames at this point with lots of hidden lewd interactions. AL is a collection game though, not really a gacha. The gacha is just a formality mechanic.

AK, you have to pick and choose, but it's relatively easy to get who you do want. That's the basic standard for gachas, AK isn't doing much better, but people don't understand how much worse it can be. Games with sub 2% rates, high exchanges, never adding new units to the standard banner, and requiring dupes/unique equipment to even be usable. It's still miles ahead of Chink Erolabs kusoge which have some of the most jewish systems I have ever seen.
>brainrotten homos
Nice projection
>Theres no rush in getting her up for that, or even a need to at all really
I was told you have to have her E2 or you can't start? Or beat chapter 8? That seems kind of important doesn't it?
You people did nothing else than took my Susie's first (one) [1] time.
I don't know what else would caused that reaction
It would appear to be Ceylon and furry Schwarz who is completely naked.
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I find this Logos discussion dumb and the people who keep replying to that post retarded
Misinfo. The very end of chapter 8 requires an E2 Amiya. As in the very last fight does. That's it. You don't even need to do Chapter 8 to do Chapter 9-14. It's literally only that one node and the four Hard Mode stages after, you could completely ignore it and all you're missing is the OP from that and the mentioned Hard Mode stages
>those expectations come from a different game model in which the content is finite and self contained, not from live service games that have vastly different systems involved
And is the default expectation because that's how most games are, live service is an anomaly that started only ages after the internet, it's a wrong model and should not exist.

>not everyone playing FFXIV gets to have a Goobbue mount
>WoW has items you cannot ever get again unless you get into a classic server
>Fortnite skins didn't rerun for the longest time
The same applies to them.
>What? He's grouped with Executor and Specter
I think he means the color coding. Males are in black and females are in white with logos.
Nobody mentioned anything about trannies but you. You are projecting
I guess though nothing has ever said that they are twins either though.
>Males are in black and females are in white with logos.
It's cause Ms. Christine is already black and blue too, so it's 3-3.
Ah, I thought it was like some leather bdsm suit or something.
I really hope that the actions against The Crew work out and do some crippling blows to this type of model.
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Looks like the sarkaz are up at it again.
>It's cause Ms. Christine is already black and blue too
No, Ms. Christine wears a blue ribbon because she's female and Logos wears a black undershirt for his maleness.
Them being almost identical is literally a plot point
not even self contained games were always like that, iirc some Pokemon players have very rare Pokemon attributes because they got those in irl events, which cannot be obtained anymore
you are a jackass
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>because she's female and Logos wears a black undershirt for his maleness
Bro I don't think Skade gave a fuck about maleness or femaleness, just that had nice split between 3 black and 3 white
That's not the majority of games, and therefore not the default expectation.
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I am now prepared to take Harold on. Give me your strongest elderly retiree, I'll fuck him up.
You're retarded, all the burrs also wear blue and white so it's obviously not a balance thing
Those wish Chanceys/Blisseys and Salamences go hard. Not sure if you can bring them into newer games tho.
Speaking of: Has our Excel pokemon guy posted updates?
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Is this lore accurate?
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Probably because of last week. Drawpipi put this in when you can.
Bro, it kinda is nowadays since everyone has jumped on live service bandwagon.
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Arknights: Endfield beta test footage
my first E2 was Ines then I realized her E2 didn't even change that much kek
This one's mostly a comedy anyways so take it as it is.
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Where do you want me to put it?
I sometimes think that Hypegryph can't do chibis for shit, but when I see these fan made ones I realize that we eating good.
Is this real, did they add a tower defense mini game to endfield
I didn't even realize but I completed my first faction ever in my profile by collecting all followers. Im no longer a newcutie...
Anywhere is fine
We need to do something about those horns and antlers.
Nah, the expectation is that they work the same as they did, that's how people are taking action against Ubisoft for The Crew shutting down, and government doesn't even know what live service games are, they are still treated as goods and not as a service.
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I just don't think the opera is for me....
bwos i peeled my scab off and now its bleeding a lot...
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There's nothing wrong with Meteor, she's a solid 4* with a very defined niche. But that niche can be just bruteforced by more damage with higher rarity operators, and like others said Myrtle and Perfumer can still carry their weight in a considerably well built rosters
logos is my onahole
i don't care
Do any of the event maps drop Grindstones/Integrated Device/Loxic Khol?
not particularly
>I sometimes think that Hypegryph can't do chibis for shit
Why do you think that? Theirs are some of the best.
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cute dog
fuck off
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Cherish and appreciate them?
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>opening a wound in an active originium festered thread
congrats, you're an infected now
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Now that the dust has settled, was degen worth the wait?
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Pull out you teeth out. Let the grass grow. Let them free of their prison of dentin.
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It's funny how inaccurate these always turn out.
Good thing Rhodes Island treats Oripathy, right?
stop avatarfagging
Ori-what now?
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Some feel quite scuffed in my eye like Dur-nar and mountain. I just sometimes get those feelings. I can't psycho analyze myself good enought to explain it.
Your platelets worked so hard to make that scab, and that's how you thank them?
Maybe you've just been staring at Dur-Nar for too long
An unprotected wolf
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>stop avaterfagging the doctor, a self insert character for the game Arknights in /akg/
i know this is a tall order for you but maybe try to think for a second
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After marriage.
Holy shit you're retarded
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I have an idea
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maybe later
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lappland? more like plappland (i plap de wolf)
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Believe me, I love some fox honkers and her outfit is really good and character too, but the chibi just read to my brain like a pug that was hit with a bat.
missionary with lappipi
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>born with no special power
What's Chong doin
I am kind of impressed how you can take the time and effort to organise this with your conversation platform buddies time and time again.
Training the S3. This was the fastest way to find durnar chibi.
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>Can't even saturate a red belt
Nice starter base. At least you managed to balance them.
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What is schizo talking about?
Me. He is talking about me, like everyone of you should
>too long
No such thing
is maria a train autist?
Me. He is talking about me, like everyone of you should
this is gonna be in endfield
>had 3 Fast Redeploy tags in recruitment
>3 Jayes
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There is a person pretending to be several lapplandfags and a person who thinks everyone who posts lappland is the same person.
A match made in heaven if you ask me. But nothing as fun as what we had with the GoldernGlow schizo who would mass reply to every GG image again and again.
Just tried to make some flan pudding and holy shit I think it's turning into a disaster.
Operators that would make flan pudding?
all me
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Are you me? Except the bad part.
DurNar probably could hook you up
Gummy, matterhorn, and Shu probably could make it
I dont remember all else who works in the cafeteria or is mentioned to be a good cook
Nice to see the GG schizo (nose variant) is here too.
Bro there is like 2 of us. Or he might just be me and me him.
all me
all me
Is Degen a good starting pick for IS3 a15 too? I've been revisiting it lately and getting pretty good results out of Jessicat, but struggling to get a high-quality team by the time I'm on floor 4 which usually sinks the run.
Thanks me.
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Loughshinny love
You either have a type or you have missed the barn door with you shot.
Is that a no?
Polyester / Manganese / Crystalline
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Damn, is there any place easy to get Loxic Khol?
Reedfags either don't recognize their wife
Reedfags play Family Guy Online.
Pick your poison. Either is one for execution.
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I kneel namiefag (true)
>let's ruin the thread by existing
Lappland image
Next event with loxic is going to be Shu event
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lappy please i JUST bathed you 20 minutes ago
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Truth. But on other hand those who enjoy her with nose are in no way wrong either.
Fucking lair kyss
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jokes on you I'm a lv 87 cleveland main
Both are fine desu
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Get that ugly ass shit outta here. We stan for Namies vision here.
Please talk about my wife
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How will the world react to lapipi2?
How will /akg/ react to lapipi2?
What the fuck
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I like pairing her with Santalla for maximum skyfall and CC.
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Here you go.
i was really confused for a second but holy kek
Gamepress is so great they're making Gamepress2...
Lapipi gets an alter
but instead of badass alter she gets swimsuit meme ala choom
Finally, thank you
Soon enough it will be back with no more typhon :)
I fucked Susie and liked it
Like nearl. There is hype for a while and then it wanes out and she is less popular than before the event.
The more you get to know about the character less people like them.
Popular operators today? Typhon?
>gamepress got an alt before some ops
What the fuck...
Red, I kneel
We are not talking about Skadi here.
Lapp is still as popular as before and she has even appeared in Siracusa events.
>Lapp is still as popular as before
>Like nearl. There is hype for a while and then it wanes out and she is less popular than before the event.
I'm pretty sure that only happened to Chen and Gavial
>The more you get to know about the character less people like them.
explain uncle then
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He is a man in a game for women
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My wife
After checking every single 4 and 5 star I have it will unironically be easier to E2 one of my 6 stars. None of the mats the other ones needs is in the event or IS rewards but if I farm a ton of IS I can get the mats to raise one of my 6 stars.
Guess I got really unlucky with who needs materials this is going to take a while.
She's so cute
Well maybe I was too hasty on that
>The more you get to know about the character less people like them.
It's some kinda curve where people want* the outlines, but don't want the full story
*want is not something that people recognize, but when side characters get screen time they become more unpopular or something like that.
Of course all of this is only my observations and you might have a different opinion or observations, but for me and people I have discussed with this is quite a common end point.
Trilby Asher will be welfare for the Siege event where she gets her alter
why juice squirts out of the bottle?
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Typhon is my guilty pleasure goon operator now. I can't believe I ised to shit talk her...
Typhon is hot but after hearing her EN dub I can't see porn of her without imagining sex with greta thunberg moans
ethan/manticore is there drinking and spilled some out
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someone make this poster dead please
Lapipi kill this man
seconding this request
dead thread lol
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>run rs-8 6 times in a row
>every single auto for rs-8 had a different outcome
this is not kino
Farm polyester
sarkaz exist to be BLACKED
why were you born like this
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I love my 135cm wife Shaw!
this but every operator in Arknights
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>Posts Weedy
>Can't engineer a perfect auto
because my parents were black
Perhaps your sanity is too high to enjoy doing the same thing having different outcomes.
Im so sorry
Understandable. Don't be weird about it. Just fap to Nyamota.
May you someday find forgiveness.
I'm so sorry
beats being a pathetic whitoid
Sakuya would make Flan pudding
What is your expert opinion on this operator?
nta but holy fuck i want to paint her white
Hello, Peak.
Typhon showed me her tits
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Tricking Saga into practicing Bolivarian Jiu Jitsu!
>no prosthetic arm
Do not the dog.
Awful threads today
you couldnt even draw within the lines...
holy BASED
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Germany will sleep soon
is this /akg/ culture I keep hearing about?
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In Sargon, the camel bukakes you.
Germany isn't real.
Bro, being pathetic and begging someone to edit porn for you are living under the same roof or at least on the same street. Your skin color is the second most embarrassing thing that even I know about you.
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Good thing we are on rhodes island
It's crazy how anons here won't make creative memes/art anymore, but they'll go out of their way to make blacked edits
/akg/ is lost
You forgot the shoulders
honestly it probably is the kraut
Careful, one of these little foxes is an impostor.
>still very obvious white sections
I feel like blackface is against some HR rule doctor...
Sanjay, you will always be very very obvious.
its like one or two shitposters anon
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IS THAT a custom Raythean -Plus six-wheeled operations platform Castle-3?
are you even a nigg lol? could be sanjay since jeets tend to try and pretend to be black since caste brain makes them think blacks are above them
post skin
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Do not read her talk #3 then.
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Can I still get this operator if I'm a new player?
You replied to one of them
Pretending to be black sounds like the second most pajeet thing I've heard
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rat ass
You again?
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Can you stop being racist when it's obviously some falseflag
Yes but she's limited so you have to wait for our anniversary event and you'll have to reroll a lot
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>Never seen the equipment on my back before? Right, come over, put your hand here... keh-ka-hahahahahah! Look at your dumb face! You wanna know what just came out? It's water! And what's mixed in? Heh. You don't get to know.
squirting all over doc in public seems kinda vulgar...
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No. She's super limited. You missed out.
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Need ratto swimsuit
It’s only acceptable to post those types of images with Muelsyse.
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Can you repeat the question?
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>No lighter palm
Shit art.
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>Going almost all the way with Chen, from Arknights, then telling her it's just not the right time.
>Laughing about her STILL being a virgin with all the other Operators and showing them the lewds you convinced her to send you.
Keeping Chen, from Arknights a turbo virgin forever.
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I do kinda think hugging the elf would be nice since that comic was dropped
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It's time
She WILL rape you doc
I can't fucking take these threads anymore
def a new shitposter, wonder what mindbroke this one
then again it could be sanjay
>blacked edit shitpost doesnt get as much (you)s as shitposter wants
>casts his shitposting net with new bait
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Tuye is a forte and an A type Azling. I'll touch her.
Please coom post
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I want to squeeze that ass. Respectfully.
yeah that one
i'd give the elf a hug if she came to me after a nightmare
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This is some pipeline for some scat fetish if I have ever seen one.
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This is erotic
What is there to talk about?
/akg/ made me like feet
So what did we learn today
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Her skin does her wonders
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Leto's mom?
holy fucking smooth
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Sexercising with Nian
We were reminded where our shitposters come from >>483178232
and the anon that requests blacked edits likes to pretend to be black online for reasons?
which operators
>smell nice after a shower (no soap or shampoo)
>smell nice after a workout
>smell nice in general
When we had this? I should have pumped my countries numbers up.
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Nian likes handholding!
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I also like her base design though
Even if its an acquired taste
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>My wife
>My wife
>My wife
It would be a little more difficult to do that considering the website the poll was done on anon.
wtf I love camels now?!
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Doctor RAPE Doctor RAPE Doctor RAPE Doctor RAPE Doctor RAPE Doctor RAPE
Next thread will be better...
I mean I would have joined my country men. Given the one vote more to killing andoian. Or it might be me and I forgot.
You're a shitposter too if you think wanting Andoain = shitposters
>t. shitposter that voted for andoain
Tell me when the nyews is or next thread will be worse.
It's good, just her E2 art has some issues
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That camel is a bit cheeky but she is a good girl
WARNING: As chili aficionado Nians tongue rates 1,6 milion in scoville scale.
There are only good people on rhodes island.
cope faggot
News on the kazdel omnibus should be in a week or so
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Doctor has fire resistance, I can take it.
Should be fine for doc consideing he can keep boiling water in his mouth
My bros are good people
Fly over.

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the kiriko brought you donuts

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