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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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/wowg/ - World of Warcraft General

Reminder to report avatar/signature use.

Previous: >>483147251

/wowg/ op pastebin: https://pastebin.com/YYerc7yy (use this when making a new thread)
/wowg/ op images: https://imgur.com/a/C5zycsV

- This Week in WoW:

- The War Within News:

>Mists of Pandaria REMIX: (May 16)
- Bullions spreadsheet:

>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>May Trading Post
>Summer Trading Post

>General Resouгces
Who the fuck actually made the UI on the minimap
>bro you can track only what you want
>except all these pieces of shit we want to spam you with
that's a man
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I'm out of non-timegated cheevos.
What now?
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do i main bear or blood dk...i like blood dk more but i like the option of being able to heal for easy raid pugs
healing is for fags
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unsub and use your money for a better thing
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That's a void demon using a cadaver as a meat puppet
free frost dk from the yoke that is death and decay
>paladin has feminine jawline
whats wrong with it
Why does Blizzard love their smug villains so much?
god i wish they just packed all the recolors into 1(one) ensemble per set in mopmix
kill yourself
smug = kino
that void elf is askin for a plappin
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I'm on day 3 of my 7 day forced vacation. Healing up some lingering wounds and injuries before they clear me to return to the fight against the horde.
Trying my best to keep myself busy by chilling with my boy Nat Pagle, telling fish stories.
the image that buckbroke the worlo shills forever
Yeah that is bonus points for druid, but I do like blood dk...
bro most worlo enjoyers hate the story and characters
BASEDdk is awesome, you should do it
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I like holy priest, it's easy and fun!
First the stony tony failed, and now the knaifu manjaw, shills have been very desperate to recapture the zappy boi meme magic for their dead tranny game.
What will be the next astroturf character? Place your bets now.
shit spec
shit race
shit mog
kill yourself nigger
holy priest is kino thoughbeit
What race has the worst animation and why is it female worgen?
Because female worgen players are transsexual coomers with no taste.
because worgen is the worst race
holy priest is the spec for those who've given up on life

plus tauren priest is stupid. holy cow!
I thought you couldn't do professions in MOP remix but I just learnt fishing, I see all you can fish up is bronze, quest objectives and quest starters (lucky I got the quest starter before I finished the objective for the other fishing quest or I probably never would have fished again to get it)

is it only fishing or is there an archelogy trainer somewhere I can see to dig up bronze from the earth instead of artifacts?
male night elves got fucked pretty hard by the model rework
Are we playing perma non dracthyr evokers in warwithin bros?
greatly depends if you can have 100% visage form uptime
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i find it funny how desperate the shithole that is MMO-Champion is to team up with the kiwis to flood /vg/ with this shitstain of a general every single time.
Even /wpsg/ and classic is less tryhard than this to a point of every fucking time make a new op with the shitty general name in it.
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World of Warcraft women owe me sex
what kind of person do you have to be to play discipline priest
someone who doesnt have to care where their group is standing or where the boss is positioned is my guess
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people that think they are too good to play holy and then fail miserably
level 70
Any reason to continue with the dragon campaigns
they're annoyingly gay
>was going to go back to xiv for dawntrail
>can't recover my account
>can't buy the game with my new account because of some error
guess its a sign
Honestly this
kek everything about that game is a spaghetti code mess it would seem
I've never met a spec with so many insanely good and insanely bad players with so little in between.
femworg spotted
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Lei Shen let us prove ta ya the might of the Zandalari. We will crush des intruders where dey stand!
We will never fail ya!
I report all "people" from illidan for harassment on sight
is holy priest really that easy though? It has so many key binds for different heals. I find restoration so much easier: simpler heals, fewer key binds and all round easier rotation.
gas monk players
gas evoker players
gas gnome players
gas worgen players
gas pandaren players
gas mechagnome players
gas vulpera players
gas dracthyr players
Are us trans gals excited about solo queue rbgs?
gas this guy too
Last time I tried to play it wouldn't let me log in at all and when I contacted support they told me none of the info I gave them matched anything (including my account name) and refused to ever respond to me again
Japs are even worse at customer service than jeets
literally everybody online is talking about dawntrail like not even prime era WoW got this much attention. 12 million players my ass, that was either a lie or XIV has 20 million players because we're so fucking tiny compared to their playerbase
as long as i can get the 1800 rbg vanilla sets from them im fine, group finder rbg players are a special breed of autistic retarded apes, quite possibly worse than m+ players from latam
WoW was always for nerds and third-world countries
XIV is for sexhavers
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>looks at you
bunch of wow twitch bitches on whatever podcast literally right now calling their audience terrible and are ridiculing the men who watch them. do you stupid simps need any more evidence of the fact all these influencies you all love and worship so so so very much do not respect you, hate you, and are only grifting to farm your stupid ass for money?

i think the wow community needs to start /spit'ing on twitch bitches and their followers to shame this behavior into extinction. forget the piggies. influencies are FAR worse for the game than piggies.

/spit was nerfed so start /pick and /fart and /burp or whatever works at them.
please tell me I don't need to do the fucking dragon isles story again on a side character
man this game kind of sucks
I do not understand why they need to have the mogstation and square enix as two separate entities, it should not be that tedious to give a company money lmao
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>Battle pets
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Well well, look at the city slicker pullin' up in his fancy TCG Spectral Tiger!
I never understood battle pets. Why should I care about some poor imitation of pokemon?
You're a case of twitter fried brain if you think that is feminine.
same reason 99% of shit since WotLK was put in: bro we're totes on board with like... minigames and shieeet nigga
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I tried to get into it once but it seemed way too autistic going out and finding specific pets to do specific fights with and all that shit, tried the celestial tournament and thought it was bullshit and havent touched it since Legion. I still think its cool they have pet battle dungeons though, too bad I dont care about that shit enough to go experience them (they probably wouldn't be fun anyway)
I do get to keep my timeless coins after remix is over right? I kind of want to save some for some of the stuff you can't buy during remix but if i'm gonna lose it anyway I would want to use it all now on all those sweet cosmetics, also hopefully I get to keep the time lost artifact I brought, not that it's very expensive at all
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I've met only a few people that were into pet battles, and all of them were women.
Problem chuds?
Anon, you can pretend be a woman if you want
But battle pets were shit and still are shit
Just like 99% of gimmicks they put in to appease zoomers
Pet battles maybe overdo it with the autism you might need to put into them in terms of collecting but holy shit at least there's something the absolute state of pokemon not wanting you to have to put any effort in at all
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>/wewgee/ is gonna argue about battle pets in the year 2024 because a xivtroon brought them up
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Battle pets are cute and fun!
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I know if you get the right pets and shit its basically pokemon levels of easy but I just dont feel like doing all of that. I think I cheesed the mechagon/nazjatar legendary battles with level 1 pets though. Can you do that with the celestial tourny and the dungeons? Maybe Ill give it another shot. I remember one pet bird (Ikky I think it was called) was really op and so was one of those Zandalari raptors from Pandaland but it was one specific one out of the 4
It used to be really straightforward paper-rock-scissors but then they started adding all sorts of different gotcha mechanics.
Like a boss that is a certain type that uses abilities that counter a type that counters it, so you have to get a pet that counters the abilities and has bonus against its type.

Not sure about DF and SL as I skipped that, but I remember pet battles being kinda mandatory if you wanted to rush the reps in BfA's Nazjatar patch, but you could still just look up a guide and even without it, it wasn't that hard, just annoying if you don't like the battles.

>cash shop pets
It’s the anklebiter I believe. Basically any pet that can apply a damage buff and also has a multi-attack is op
I only care about mounts and transmog.
Ya, aren't some of the cash shop pets super OP or something? I remember bitching about that but I cant remember what pet it was or what expansion it happened during
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Pet Battles are a big pain in the ass because it's a lot of starting battle, looking at what the tamer has, and then forfeiiting so you can scroll through your 2000 pets to find the ones with the correct type loadoutts to counter. Or first alt-tabbing to wowhead to get the correct team setup from the comments.
It could really use a better interface for filtering by both defense type & type of attacks, and an ability to save team loadouts instead of just pinning favorites to the top of the list, which gets clogged if you're favoriting both OP battle pets and ones that you just like to use as actual pets.
Why is most of the game furry animals?
what are the implications of all femsaken and femworg players being trannies?
I would tell you to be patient but after seeing the recent statement on new class combinations - like how they're not the focus of the The War Within - I don't know what to say now. It's never going to happen, I guess.
because everyone complained about blue human, and short human, and green human, so they went all in on different animals.
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For me, it's Tyrande x Tauren
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Whelp, I have nobody else to tell this to so might as well write this here since I know only the person this story is about that plays wow. My friend graduated college in February and had a job lined up to make a decent 80k a year. Not bad for being 26, family was proud of him and shit. We go out to the bar to celebrate and he tells me he wants to take some time off before jumping into the job, and I'm like, dude you're not going to get another 80k job right out of college. THEN he tells me it's because he started playing wow last year and thinks he "can make it" streaming. Tells me he's gonna give himself 1 year of streaming and if not, he'll look for a job since he has enough money to live frugally from his stipend.

I try my hardest to talk him out of this, and tell him he's a fucking idiot for trying to stream. It's over saturated, nobody gives a shit about wow, etc. He tells me he can do it, "he's got the personality" etc. I continue to call him a dumbass and he bets me that in 1 year if he pulls 300 views a stream I owe him $1000, but if he doesn't, he'll give me his old 2007 ninja 600 since his grandpa got him a new bike for graduation. I'm like whatever, you're gonna ruin your fucking life dude.

Bros, all he's done since Feb is stream like 5 hours a day tanking m+ dungeons for people and sends me his twitch recap for may. Mother fucker averaged 320 viewers in may...I owe him $1k. I've watched some of his streams, he's not even entertaining. Legit just tanking m+ dungeons over and over and talking about whatever the fuck. How the fuck? Wow players are fucking brain dead, and I don't even have 1k in my bank account. Fuck everything. How? HOW???
trust and believe im buying 6 million of those race swap thingies in TWW to play pretend undead paladin, i already have a ton of edgelord paladin mogs but these 2 are my fav
EU or NA?
>Doesn't support his friend
You deserve it
Some of the non edgy sets look good on them too but I want to be Sir Zeliek tier, the Deathbone set also looks kino on male undead. Cahm on Blizzard just pull the fucking ripcord I dont give a fuck about lore in this game anymore
Because Blizz are incompetent and they ruined them
undead not being allowed to be paladins because lore has always been flimsy when they've been able to be holy priests since vanilla anway.
>they can't be paladins because the light hurts them!
>well the light doesnt hurt this one
>oh okay then
fixed, literally no further explanation required
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>cata beta
>femworgen are sexo
>normalfags screech about blizz catering to degenerates
>blizz makes femworgen as ugly and jank as possible in response
>normalfags all quit the game anyway
>sexpervert furchads that make up the remaining playerbase are left with the mess
the best possible outcome besides worgen never being added in the first place
MoP cutscene
what did they originally look like?
Get fucked, pet battles are comfy
It's really baffling that they kept up the "well yeah there's 1 lore example of that race/class combo, but that's just 1 guy, they aren't common enough to make sense as an option for thousands of player characters" excuses during and after Legion having a core conceit that (you) are a special individual among your class. They don't have to acknowledge there being thousands of undead paladin character any more than they need to acknowledge that they're all carrying Ashbringer.
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Very low poly and like they were made by Disney-Pixar.
They weren't better in terms of quality, they just had more furry-like faces, which is what these furfags are all about.
they still looked like trash, anon
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They look better like this.
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pretty cool
Razorclaw is female
Nandos, Odo, and Rethilgore are male
They're canines so they look the same with virtually no dimorphism

then somehow a faggot at blizzard wanted to make disney doggos and give the female worgens tits and makeup and it went all downhill from there
Finally killed Messmer lads, fuck this greasy snake
The biggest differences were they had hairstyles that weren't just the same mane on every character, and their mouths could close.
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I always take in game spec/race combos with a grain of salt. I'm not too certain about important undead priest characters, doesnt Faol or w/e still use the light? And of course who could forget this kino fella. Just say fuck it, let the light burn them and hurt them, whats it matter? They are already fuckin dead anyway
That place is a cesspit that is worse than any of the wow subreddits, I can not believe my eyes when I check something on there and see some dude with over 100k+ posts
>you now remember that blizzard was the first game to replace the gunshot sound with kiddie plastic toy one to appease the anti gun mob
i can't believe there are still retards out there that think blizzard is not the most extreme libtard commifornian company to have ever existed
Bro, in the next few 24 months the system will back down on some woke issues! Trust the plan
To your second point, yep, it is.
To your first point the Scarlet Crusade was controled by the Dreadlord, so I suspect some fel / legion / void fuckery pretending to be "the Light" which gave the undead priest(s) their power in the chapel.

I have no clue if it's ever explored why forsaken can have priests if it's the real light, a cooerced light like what the blood elves had or real light that the alliance get.

I wouldn't be surprised if the troll pally light is actually a lesser loa botswami jr or some shit- blizzard can easily fuck up the lore in unexpected ways.
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I dont care either way, we're at the point where orcs can be priests in the game. They might as well toss all that shit out the window at this point. Shit, I'd play an orc/draenei if they could be demon hunters (and that would actually make more sense than undead paladins or orc priests like I said) since both got fucked over hard by the Legion. Just imagine this big hulking nigga tanking your key or winged draebaes in slutmogs and edgy horns
>you now remember
No I don't because that didn't happen.
>resto druid is easier
Until you realize it's a ramping healer and when you play in a coordinated mythic group suddenly have to play against your other healers.
is this upcoming maint not a day early?
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>the only sets worth getting will be Plate ones
>every rbg will be warriors/dks/palaturds getting stomped by mages, evokers and locks

Yeah gonna be great. If you could actually get other armor types it would make it bearable and 90% of your bgs wouldn't be plate.
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>Guns don't kill people.. I do.. hahahah!
Can someone pinpoint the exact moment blizzard stopped being a gaming company and became political platform for american democrap politics?
Was it when they sold out to Microjew or before that?
Faol is a member of the priest class hall, and is the one that raised Calia as a light-aspected undead.
There's been lore stating that the undead can still harness the light and be healed by it, but it's very unpleasant for them. Like being healed by the light will restore their senses so they smell/taste their own rot and feel the pain of their missing bits. So Forsaken holy priests are those truly devoted to the Light. and willing to persevere through the pain.
Well I was wondering with the whole warbands thing if I got 1800 rbgs on my main if it would let me purchase the set pieces for the other classes in my warbands so I dont have to suffer through that shit again and learn an entire new class. I've been pally main since Cata and Im too retarded to learn anything else. I have beein playing fistweaver monk though and it feels real fun and satisfying but the amount of buttons it has compared to ret is taking a lot of getting used to. Not nearly as bad as brewmaster tho. At least the paladin rbg set isnt too far off from this mog I have, just a bit blacker is all and the shoulders for the set look more retarded than the ones I have in this screenshot
Sidebar note: With all those leather straps on their faces, human experimentation, developing plagues that kill all life... I think the Forsaken LIKE pain.
Don't forget that you have to grind it on both Horde and Alliance . If you are after 2h weapons you can grind it with a hunter, which will make it more bearable, but every bg will be an absolute shitfest. Alliance Plate seems to be by far the most desired so you can try getting that first.
>The game isnt catering to furrows enough
Light magic is light magic, you don't have to adhere to the human 'The Light' religion to use it. Iirc they said all you need to use it is conviction and belief that what you're doing is right. A Zandalari prelate is using the same light as a human paladin, though yeah their mythology around it will be totally different and will involve loa.
You guys won't be ready for the shitshow that is TWW aug
Trannies REALLY didn't like this one, I can sense then trembling with anger as they shit and piss their diapers and cry to mods desperately for a ban, especially that PCU pedotranny posting undeads and foxes.
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They are forcing you to take at least 3 augs in every mythic raiding group and at least 1 in every key again so it's normal. Devastation is incredibly strong and Aug is just Aug - broken and braindead. Also every single dungeon has bleeds, and guess which is the only class that can remove bleeds if you are not dwarfmaxxing.

My honest advice to everyone that wants to get out of the maze faster is to abuse the first 2-3 weeks of the season will full meta comps. Literally do not invite anything except - MM hunters, Fire Mages, Aug/Devo and the current meta healer/tank. In the 3rd day of beta half the keys were "no melee" so think of that what you will.
it's been just conviction for basically the entirety of wow's lifetime, in the book following turalyon in the second war he's literally the weakest of the original generation of paladins because he can't accept that intelligent beings could be as evil and corrupt as fel-drunk orcs were. he concludes in the finale that orcs have to be cleansed from azeroth, at which point his conviction is so firm that he becomes the strongest of the original paladins. this is also why it's dumb that he hates orcs even though they're not demon-slaves anymore, because he'd be the first person to want to see the best in a sapient being
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they say aug is braindead but I can never get all my shit to line up properly
Naw I just want the blood knight set really even if I probably wont use it, its just my in game goal to have all the pally sets that are still obtainable. I could care less about the weapons, I got the Garosh looms a few days ago, Pigsticker is really all you need to showcase them pvp illusions
Millions must die.
You haven't been playing attention to the NPC text
For example, ask any early vendor
>I want to browse your wares
>My goods are of the highest quality
Yeah they are huehuehuehue
It's not THAT hard desu. I did the same thing but as a healer and was averaging around 30 viewers after a month. shoulda stuck with it but my dad died and I got inheritance so I got into drugs instead
Literally the same thing happened to me except I don't play healer
>hoping my spec isn't op when expac drops
Am I the only one that hates when their main spec is op and a billion people are playing it?
Wow 'o warcraft actually sucks ass haha
>main spec is op
>get invited to everything
>easily get KSH, portals, AOTC getting into the good pug groups
>Introduce support role
>Only have one spec capable of doing it
Are they stupid(retarded)?
Delves should give mythic raid gear!
They were going to add a second one (priest) but people threw a shitfit so now we'll just have the one in TWW
If it makes you feel better your friend will never make 80k a year streaming, and that was just for his entry level position
It bugs me a little when people say my class is fotm when I've been making it since tbc but I've got the cheevos to prove I've been playing the character all that time so whatever I guess
My mouth was made to pleasure them
Sod won...
whats she doin
Cata worgs looked like shit
The thing MoP remix has helped me remember is that I hated almost every tier set in Mists

Hunter T15 is decent, Rogue and Mage T14 is cool, but there's so much garbage
High chances of getting nerfed but they let rets alone so yeah, i don't mind being op
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oh no no no noooo
6 different versions of the game available at once 100% beta access up rn and its still falling below 10k viewers on twitch AAAHAHAHA
Has WoW ever been more irrelevant in the gaming world?
The only way this game gets better is if there's less retards playing it xxy28
it's why i don't understand the obsession with cm sets. they look pretty bad
>cash shop pets
To my great shame I actually brought the little K.T
Can we talk archology next
Look at XIV. How does that game have ANY viewers? There is literally nothing in that game except a 3 hour raid once a week after you beat the story ZZZzzzzz.....
Honestly as someone who has been doing pet battles regularly since Mists (and hence has a lot of max level, good iv pets) the new way is much more interesting.
Why aren't there any video games...
>My dying mmo is better because there is less people!
The absolute end game of MMO cope. It took WoW a while to get here but its a sight to behold.
7 milly
why did you bring up final fantasy? If that's what we are benchmarking against its truly over for MMOS. No one gives a fuck about that game its not impressive for WoW to be above it.
so is it peaking and thats good or is there less people and thats good? You gotta stick with one piggy.
dismantling the horde, one by one
>Look at XIV!
Lmao this thread every single time
I just can't
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We won bros... we won...
shut the fuck up faggot
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Why WoW players are like this?
remember when lil xt made a fuckload of noise and made the ground shake in dalaran whenever someone had it out? kino...
Wdym. Wow has 7 milly subs right now with china looking to maybe double that
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Kek Jesus
Tell me why does Xal'atath have a manjaw? Is "she" a troon?
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>my boy DayZ up there after all these years of haters and copycats that are nowhere near there
Almost brings a tear in my eye.
Yeah speaking of archaeology, has that remained untouched since WoD or what?
>they noticed
>they enabled more drops
Archaeology is long forgotten
Since BFA.
Which is really nonsensical with DF at least since the first faction we arrive on the Isles with is a big Archaeology expedition, there's a big Archaeology related event, and they're spending a lot of their time looking for Titan related stuff.
Really baffles me how they came up with these different minigames like Bejeweled, untangling lines, connecting pipes and then some secret puzzles and shit, but they haven't found a way to build that into archaeology, which would make perfect sense and more fun than running about spamming the telescope and dig.

Like actual puzzle pieces that you put together, some "ancient text translation" minigame, just repurpose the code they have already.
tarisland won btw
It would get stale i would think. What you mentioned in quests are here and there but having a profession only with those idk
hell yeah
can always just make them rare popups that give bonus fragments
Yeah that's a fair point you wouldn't want that too frequently, maybe it could be applied to the rarer artifacts though
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sisters... our 7 gorillion players...???
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Hey gang! How's things?
I'm doing the operation shieldwall quests in remix and i'm at the part where you portal back to stormwind which I assume must be it's own separate thing to keep remix from actually interacting with the main continents yet they couldn't remove the few pandas they had laying around the bar here from what is supposed to be a time when pandas are newly discovered.
Mopmixxing. What's up gobbro
Also I assume not possible within remix itself but how do I get a sword like the King has?
begone tranny
uhm sweety wow actually has 4 million players as long as you count bots and multiboxers and treat every individual character that has logged in the last 2 years as a separate account and dont make any consideration as to how much of their sub month they actually spend playing okay so WoW never died and holding onto one third of your playerbase is a real achievement okay
Yeah removing the "collect 50 of these artifacts" and similar components is given, turning archaeology into grind was a stupid idea in the first place.
It should be an occasion.
I really don't know what they could do with it. They would need to add new stuff to it constantly otherwise any loop would get boring after a while
imagine the handjobs
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I am also MoPmixing. Bit dull but oh well.
doesnt matter how many hands shes got she's still only going to be able to use one thumb and forefinger on me
Also it should consist of these randomized puzzles that all the guide following secret solving discord trannies moan about.
Get a hunter ready, theyre nuts in tww, esp survival
titjob then but she's using all 6 hands/arms to put as much pressure on her breasts as possible for your pleasure
Someone is comparing to the only other mainstream mmo with a massive player base?? Wow so surprising!
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Survival Hunter, eh? I've had a Demon Hunter for a while and right now I just run all raids on Heroic for bronze coins but maybe I'll try that out.
>implying she wouldn't pump your dick full of fel energy until it grows to your heart's desire
>just so she could whisper in your ear that you're a real man now and that girls who laughed at you will be sorry
temptresses will seize on anything
If you have tww beta, hop on and give it a try
It's insane
Haha you can't get into ironforge unsurprisingly but you can take the tram all the way to the ironforge side and do the rat catching quest
Remember when WoW was massive? Now it's just a niche MMO for trans and furry communities competing with games like Tarisland, GW2, BDO, etc.
>Millions of players isn't massive
b-b-b-but anon! Fortnite has so many more players!
no mmo is mainstream. people only know wow because it was popular 15 years ago
ffixv doesn't even have 2m players. there is nothing massive about it. massive games have like at least 30-40m players
FFXIV is a massive mainstream game these days.
Ask any gamer what wow or final fantasy xiv is. 90% of them will know. Not people watching twitch, not people watching youtube vids on gaming, not ppl on 4chan or reddit. Ask your uncle or someone who plays some call of duty on the weekend. They will know of these games. To say they aren't mainstream is disingenuous. Also, I live in Fukuoka 6 months out of the year. FFXIV shit is everywhere in Japan. There are even vending machines with moogle sodas and shit. Stop thinking the entire world is the US. Anyone in the US knows of WoW, anyone in JP knows FFXIV. Stop trying to be a contrarian.
Imagine if EverQuest players were as in denial as WoW players and said that EQ is still a massive mainstream game and the king of MMOs.

Just lmao.
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It's the 19th most popular game on twitch as we speak. So yeah, I'd say it's still pretty popular.
How does it have so much less views than some stealthdropped trailers for a beta?
this dude.... this dude knows what's up. this dude erps
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Ride my face
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NTA but thank you, good timing.
Endwalker trailer has like 6million views. I think people just finally gave up on FFXIV since there is nothing to do. You play through the story, and then that's pretty much it. You can log in once a week for a few hours to do the raid and then there's nothing left to do. The devs literally tell people this is a good thing, and when there's nothing to do go play another game. People play mmos because they want evergreen content and stuff to play forever. That's one of the POINTS of playing an mmo. When it's taken away, people see no value in the game.
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which trailer are going to viewbot this time?
its still the king of MMOS its just the entire genre is in the gutter. Its playerbase is literally dying off.
>everquest trannies seething
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sshhhesshhhhh thats a big fall off
i want to lick her :3
MMOs were destined to fall off hard after the lockdown ended desu
She licks back
Why do all blood dk strikes go squish
put that puffy pussy on my mouth
https://files.catbox.moe/ocltpm.jpg nude mods always make the areola too small, literally unplayable
endwalker was boosted by:
>the end of a 10 years long story
>wow shitting itself
>eceleb treating ffxiv like the second coming of jesus
there is none of that for dawntrail
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>I'd always hoped to cut someone like that someday, to hear that sound. But to have it happen to my own giant prothorax is ridiculous, furthermore...
the problem with wow is it's fucking boring zoomers aren't going to stick around for the wait 25 minutes to fill a group then another 15 when 8 people inevitably leave on the first wipe routine
oh no that means zoomers wont play WoW
darn it that sucks
he didn't say furthermore THO
How did you get those suckable nipples
I am writing a post of my thoughts but so far it's just character creation shit.
Delves should give mythic raid gear
um nyo
It should give myth track in the vault if you do the highest level. Currently it gives hero track and the mode will be dead 3 weeks later since the items aren't worth it, unless items from it have great stats & unique effects.
anyone who plays a gnome should have their account deleted desu
just look at him
all gnome players can't be like that...right?
I hate when I get the itch to play again and it's so close to an expac. No point of playing for 2 months.
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Does Ion even play wikiwarcar anymore?
sis? your prepatch cosmetics?? farming df raids for transmog??
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no, some of them are even worse
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Some people just have that irl gnome look
that would kill both m+ and raiding
No endgame rules forever, anon.
It wouldn't since it's just another chance for a loot, plus they also said they wanted to make delves another pillar of endgame
dedicated players aside, why would people do raiding and m+ if they can get the same gear from more accessible (and easier) content?
To get better chances on possible upgrades. More is more.
where is better spot to find best loli erpers. goldshire, sw docks or sw orphanage? not sure where to put my trial character looking for little sluts.
tell me your in-game name and realm and i'll whisper you bro bro
loliislife moonguard. thanks for helping.
i don't think most players want or have the time to fill the whole vault. most would probably pick one pillar or at the best do a little mix of different ones.
I still believe that having delves reward the same gear as m+ and high end raiding would 100% affect (negatively) those 2. it has already happened in the past with the introduction of m+: the raiding pool got smaller and the devs had to find new ways to make players raid
>Trying to bait Maye
He ain't gonna fuck you bro.
And that's a good thing
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no problem bro blizzard will contact you with the details in 24 hours
play something else you knotted nigger.
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I ***REALLY*** need to talk to Perculia to have her fix that shit happening on their website.
>random straps
she needs to be tied down and used correctionally
How do you do this by the way? You are hyperlinking text that looks like one url but actually direct to another.
You can put html tags on 4chan comments???
Alright I'm back and I played some Tarisland.

I'll skip the character creation stuff, if you guys wanna read me sperg about that I can make another post for it. The gameplay is... about what I expected. Honestly maybe a little worse, since even on PC it's clearly a game made for phones. Everything feels a little disjointed and you move super slow like in a MOBA. The attacks are kinda big and bombastic but don't actually give any cues via visuals on what their effects are, at least for Warrior, which is only a problem because in the intro scenario it gives you like eight to use. Warr does get a channeled whirlwind attack though which is always my jam. Overall it just seems kinda... rushed? And there's not really any attention to detail, like the not-tauren have carts pulled by these lizard things wearing armor that looks like it was made by a completely different culture or some shit. There's a quest to kill wolves and the wolves legitimately are just milling about in the middle of the road in a mob. Maybe the ranged classes feel a little better but I'm not getting my hopes up, after playing a bit I legitimately can't imagine being excited about it.

Also the translation is some how both better and worse than I expected. It's... mostly coherent, except sometimes the voice acting deviates from the text in a way that flows better, but other times it doesn't and adheres to the nonsensical translation when it really shouldn't. The voice acting is also REALLY fucking abysmal, though, like if you played Black Desert in the early days, you may remember how all the story cutscenes were just really fucking awful. it's about that bad.

I'm gonna keep playing and see if it gets better but so far, it's disappointing and my expectations were already low.
Do people ever do wow nuzlocke runs?
"Holy shit! A nude female! With modest and realistic breasts! Im COOOOOMING!"

No fucking wonder WoW porn is primarily humans with penises on women without them
Conversing in /2, which is to say 50 times more engaging than tripfagging in a 4chan thread

I've been part of many vg guilds that were active and raided, yet none of the members ever posted here

curious huh
no, you capture pet not just randomly battle them without a reward
World of Warcraft?
>fem undead hot as hell from launch to now
>nobody but based healer dudes and pozzed femoids play them
Go on, jerk to your elves and your gobbos. tell yourself you're "not like the other coomers"

Yea, in-game sex havers. Launching their custom .exe, dragging up the overlay, matching IDs with their besties, "dancing" next to each other to have sex
>Tier 3 users are (if cloth) cute and comfy people who grinded for their dream
>toxic pvp elf niggers who uses a random TCG tabard that doesnt match their armor just to flex their 'wealth'
You can write anything you want in the link, what's important is the article number.
oh i cant do what i want to do in another general then
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Vulp druids when
hell yeah bro I love world of warcraft
God this game really is ugly as sin.
Imagine playing World of Warcraft general ahah!
You better motherfucker.
My hair is itchy but I don't wanna take a shower... what do i do bros
take a shower stinky
wash your head in the sink
stop being a dick. let them have fun with cunny in game. its not real so who cares if they fuck.
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>tfw no gf
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>play beta
>not a single faggot or troon related quest or dialogue
Is this it? Are the tides turning? Has the pendulum begun to swing the other way?
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>tfw gf
Jesus that fox ate a Kul Tiran!
it's just a movie "reference" and probably one of the most shameless in the entire game. not my really my kind of movies but i'd say if you're a long time wow player you'll probably like them.
>tfw you get a gf but it makes your life worse in almost every way
Pussy aint worth it lads. Stay single.
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Nice try FBI
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>be in casual guild
>read: they do normal 10m raiding and stick to like +6 for M+
>doing a late night +4 Nelth
>4 of us are drunk, just joking and screwing off on discord, no one cares about timing it we just want to complete it for the weekly on our alts
>notice I said 4 of us

Our tank is convinced that he is the main character and can't read the room at all. He's one of those "I'd rather leave the key than have a failed run on my logs" type of people and hasn't picked up yet that this isn't that type of guild.

We miss the key timer by literally 8 seconds. Whatever. Loot drops and we're still joking around.
>badoop sound as someone leaves the channel
>"I left the voice chat because I was trying to call things out but no one was listening so I hope that was worth it for you all"

Guild leader finally tells him to shut the fuck up. I just don't understand these types of fuckers.
This gaem is super seriouz to some people.
Cant really do much with those people
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there it is doood, never gonna use it
how big is her dagger?
lf2m only need heals and tank :)
>4 obnoxious drunk retards join key
>Tank bro agrees to tank for the 4 retards
>Drunk retards think they're funny for being le ebin drunk
>Tank bro leaves after the key
What's the problem?
Tank sounds like a sweaty autist, not a bro, ngl.
>person joins guild voluntarily and thinks they can turn drunk retards into le hard-core players
>gets pissy
A tale as old as time.
>lfm need tank!
>its a fucking warrior broadcasting this
Why do faggots do this?
Take a bath and exfoliate your head. Itching is either bacteria under the skin or dead skin that needs to go. Think of the comfy!
they should get a drunk tank to complete the squad, imagine the ebin fun times!
I've been drunk tanking many times.
I was the only one drunk most of the times as well.
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Back at it again.
>take a bath
No, you'll aggravate and leave standing water. You need warm, clear, clean water running along the follicles and disrupting dead skin -- so take a shower but not a very hot shower. Make sure you use 2 rounds of hydrating conditioner as well.
>we have a shitty duo officer boomkin + shir rogue
>druid is ok but rogue is always shit
>wait till they search for more for keys 1 evening
>rogue is ofc an arab subhuman and is drunk again
>he ofc brags how drunk he is
>send screenshots to our GM
>both of them kicked before next raid

Fuck junkies and drunk subhumans.
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>Join horde
>To put your new allies at ease you turn into a human
Lol or just light your head on fire for the same effect
based and straightedged
Why is blizzard so ableist?
>moonguard fags wake up
>ORCED posting begins
whats stopping this cripple from still catching a ride for a dragonriding segment like he said he already did for birdboy in amirdrassil?
make a second visage for Horde Dracthyrs was too much work, please understand
LOL no fucking way
>only good mechanic added to the game since the MDI ruined M+
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It just keeps getting better and better holy fuck. Death to gay and entitled femboi zoomies.
>I have cerebral palsy in one hand
Yeah, troll post.
>also blind in one eye and 20/100 in another
Who falls for this shit?
can i do class hall related stuff for the rewards without doing legion campaign?
I'm disabled but my disability is being shit at video games.
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today i will remind them
>Who falls for this shit?
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>Do a +2 as Arms with current tier set
>Suddenly very badly miss Execute proccing Tclap, thus refreshing Rend
>Awkwardly have to fit in Cleave somewhere in the rotation
Yeesh. Maybe I will get used to this after some time.
fuck off
Complaint aimed randomly
nice blog and selfie
yeesh maybe ill get to these tranny generals...
>*merikan blind fetish

Every single time
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which one is more interesting and can i eventually do all?
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so much for repentant, not even 2 weeks and youre back to the same shit you were hated for before
i didnt treat you harshly enough
Irrelevant, they're obsolete now. Just pick one and find out.
story wise dude
Pick one and find out.
can i do them all eventually though? i feel like i talk to chatgpt
just ignore it
i think you (You)'d the wrong post btw
their first post was 483272802
>I am bad at this game, therefore I think the game is poorly made.

97% of posts on this board can be reduced to this one sentence.
Quests tend to inform you when you can't take a decision back. Yes you'll do them all.
not him but you can do them all eventually
if i recall, fire and arcane have unique quests whereas frost shares a similar quest to other class specs
for example balance druid and unholy dk artifacts both have you go to karazhan
yes it is repeatable
meant to reply to >>483275649
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>bad model
>good animations except the ones where her spine just twists out of her body or some shit
>good-ish model
>shit animations
It's that simple.
Pray tell how I provoked your ire and why I should give a fuck, anonymous.
>Class critique upsets people

At this point I've just thrown Sweeping Strikes in the rotation no matter how many targets there are.
>10 hour thread
>only at 359 posters
what the hell? talk about wow now. lore or whatever the fuck to make the thread active.
Nah, man, nobody wants to talk about the game except the Avatarfags, which triggers the spergs to lash out at them because how dare they say stuff about the game.
Thread duration is double the time now with most of them gone.
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World of Warcraft.
do i actually have to change spec to do their story bits?
>people saw TWW beta dungeons are aids
>hero specs are boring
>delves are happy thorghast
>season 4 is a ghost town

I wonder why no one is in the thread?
then why is the other game thread so active? they have like 50 /v/ thread + go through 24 vg thread a day...
>not mentioning the Awakening Machine
How could you miss such grand feature?
This place isn't that far seeing the OP pics being literally r.edd.it and MMO-Champion every single time.
old /wowg/ would had booted the faggot making these ops out
>season 4 is a ghost town

>get sick of long dungeon queues
>time to tank
>log on to a balance druid alt I haven't played since BFA and respec to bear
>level to 70 in a day
>get all my bullions the next day
>get all my spark crafts done the next day
>bang out 11s and 12s in all dungeons over the next 2 weeks
>instantly in the top 10 bears on my server according to rio
It's pretty comfy having no competition desu

Because their games have attractive females to goon over. Go browse /gig/ for 5 minutes and tell me how much gameplay discussion you see compared to arguing about which teenager has the biggest ass.
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>Why are threads about the game people are playing more active than the one people are currently bored with?!
Because a sperg that's very upset with people posting pics of the game has to get in as fast as possible with his bland pics just to leave his little reminder that everyone ignores.
I know that feel, anon. I was in the maze like you in Sneedolands. First 2 seasons I quite literally did 20 keys per day and I enjoyed every second of it. Season 3 and Sepulcher of The World First Ones was when I stopped because that was the worst raid I've ever done with Amirdrassil being a close 2nd.

I'm now free from the maze because I'm no longer lying to myself that if I push with a spec/role I haven't before I'll have fun again. I also did some testing on the Beta and saw the new dungeons are the same absolute dogshit as DF dungeons.

I hope you find ways to enjoy the game out of maze, friend.
>Seplucher and Amidrassil
>anywhere near the worst raids
massive larp. Post your CE
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i can't tell if this is a bug or a mage thing
He's a shadow wizard.
>I stopped having fun because /wowg/ called me "mazed" and I felt ashamed
I feel pity for you.
>I also did some testing on the Beta and saw the new dungeons are the same absolute dogshit as DF dungeons.
smells like a skill issue
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I dont recall, they like you to demonstrate your class abilities but it might just be blink in the case of mage
he cast invisibility
It's so over this time.
>Mortylstryke has logged out.
I made sure to file multiple reports while you were standing in Valdrakken so you may wish to consider server transferring lmao retard
And it'll definitely be more effective than last time.
seethe troonie
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i thought dragonblight questing was the worst but if i was flying during that it would not be so bad
storm peaks im flying everywhere and its worse than dragonblight, i hope icecrown is better after i blast through grizzly and zuldrak
took a break from questing to play some total war warhammer 3
So fucking over.
Nah, I'm gonna continue laughing.
NTA, but all of these "WoW General" pics are pure faggotry off blizzard's forums or mmoc.
Retail is dead.
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fuck off
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>old /wowg/ would had booted the faggot making these ops out
old wowg would have booted the avatarfag porn addict AI spammers out too, because thats the only other option when people like me dont stop current OP and them by barging in with a garrosh OP
i gave up after one thread was derailed a while back calling my one garrosh op in the sea of nelf and draenei porn ops an avatar and started flooding the thread with porn
People are gonna come back for TWW. Everyone is excited for dungeons with even more mechanics and even more bloated kits.
>even more mechanics
>even more bloated
t. asmongold viewer
Jesus Christ man how fucking starved for attention are you? We all know you're the one making those gay ass posts retard.
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Uh oh m*ye meltie...
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>OP pics being literally r.edd.it and MMO-Champion every single time.

>old /wowg/ would had booted the faggot making these ops out
>NTA, but all of these "WoW General" pics are pure faggotry off blizzard's forums or mmoc.
>with his bland pics just to leave his little reminder that everyone ignores.

the avatroons arent seething at the OP for his images, theyre seething at the statement he makes
>Reminder to report avatar/signature use.
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>old wowg would have booted the avatarfag porn addict
do you not remember the dark days of the drannyjanny?
Yep, its definitely seethe. Not laughing at a dude rushing to make threads as fast as possible to ensure his little statement is there to be ignored.
oh no our general is slow!
what could be the reason?
reeeeeeeeee there are no rule breaking avatarfags! thats it!
ahahahahahaahah you can't be serious LOL
oh the genny is slow... how embarrassing! said no one ever, LOL

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>Finish a Remix H-SoO run with 9 minutes left before maintenance
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you will never be repentant, pedophile, i should have treated you more harshly and i will do in future you condescending egotistical prick
>Rushes to defend his OP statements like they're Gods will
Yeah. THEY'RE the ones mad.
>Rushes to defend his avatars like they're Gods image
Yeah. HE'S the one mad.
I am not even a avatarafag, is the fact that this entitre general now reeks of astroturfed shilling off those shitholes.
If anything a "Certain" Pisscord channel who took over.

i rather have him back by now, at least it was entertainment watching him and the dark iron tranny shitting the thread.
Everyones Maye again I see.
Fuck off Maye, throwing blame at people.
>shitposting in thread skyrockets the moment he logs out
look like hes upset nobody replied
>you will never be repentant
??? Bro what are you talking about and who even are you
His stalker got ignored again.
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>the avatroons arent seething at the OP for his images,
>arent seething at the OP for his images,
>arent seething at the OP for his images,
>arent seething
>at the OP
>for his images,
YOU WERE SAYING? >>483281208
That post connects how?
they are seething at the "bland" images with "wow general" on them, are you stupid?
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I concede, but I believe they're seething about the statement OP makes too.
Why did this post cause so much seethe? What is with the meltdown??
samefag replying to himself, pay it no heed
yes, both things
Nobody cares you disgusting furry
Yiff in hell
i will make the next op with faerin lok'tar as the image
Why are you responding to yourself?
Shut up Maye.
>Make a post about Arms
>log off for the night
>Mayhem and chaos ITT
What the fuck did I even do wrong this time? Seriously. What did I do.
dont reply to it
Nothing. You never need to do anything. They'll do it regardless.
You can be gone for days and meltdowns will trigger about you just because they'll assume some post is you.
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no coomposting

5 minutes
use anduin lothar (kino)
>What the fuck did I even do wrong this time?
You responded to your own post to astroturf more gay ass drama about yourself. It's fake, it's gay and we all see through it so you should stop.
Well in that case I'll just keep posting whatever I feel like doing if nothing matters. This board needs post IDs so bad.
so you are addicted to porn, cool
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world of warcraft?
i spent years in og general back when the game was better and it was like having 40 different t*na posters at once. mix that with occasional drama over with e relationship just disbanded or who erped with who and you have a pretty lightning fast thread. i imagine things havent changed much
>Retard-kun stalks my online presence
>He has done this before
>Oh but this time it's manufactured and fake! It just IS!
You're too smart for me anon, got it all figured out.
if you know, you know
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>it was like having 40 different t*na posters at once.
I don't know pls illuminate
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Fucking Tuna posters, I swear.
It's both and it's painfully obvious.
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can you suggest any flying mounts for me?
I don't understand this retard, skyriding is literally mouse and your main action bar that autoswaps, where you realistically need 2 buttons, 1 of which is substituted by jump.
I use an mmo mouse because I like to just play the game with one hand and have the other resting on my fat fucking gut, it's not hard.
Long-Forgotten Hippogryph.
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>old wowg was better
okay then niggas go back on a trip to 2014 threads and find out the thread had twice as much furry porn and ERP on it
Sounds a lot more fun than this wanna-be janny faggotry we deal with now.
Coomposting and erp is fun when you don't got a bitch in your thread crying about it.
Anyway good night /wowg/.
thats true though, "REMEMBER TO REPORT!!!" over WoW discussion lmao
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Well if you're gonna dress as the WoD Draenei, you might as well ride their mount.
Get the Enchanted Fey Dragon off the store.
>good night
As if you aren't going to spend the next 2 hours shitposting like a faggot
When did WoW lore officially jump the shark? For me it was resurrecting Illidan in TBC and turning Kael into a a total villain
A certain blizzcon and certain trolls broke this place hard 5 years ago
it was the E-Day of /vg/
When Blood Elves joined the Horde.
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>Obvious Nightelf mount
>Put it on Draenor and make it the Draenei flight point mount to sell more mounts
Always hated that shit. That said...
If you want a store mount that goes with that set, it's the Luminous Starseeker. It almost seems like it was made for a Draenei wearing Guiding Light.
>Have been avatarfagging prominently for all of Dragonflight
>Never banned for Avatar use
It isn't an actual rule. Nobody cares.
In my opinion "reminding" to report is the same thing as announcing one... which is also against the heckin' sacred 4chan rules.
Problem with that mount is Draenei for some reason keep clipping through it.
I don't know why, they don't with the other cat mounts, but something about their position on that one is wrong.

Which is a shame, it IS their mount, its the same kind of cat as the ones on Argus.
also 4chan rules is basically "dont post illegall content" and dont post porn on blue boards without censor
Question is, how do we get rid of the annoying zoomer's dogshit OPs?
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Better example. Unfortunately it is one of those stupid color changing mounts.
>Problem with that mount is Draenei for some reason keep clipping through it.
That's damn near any mount, especially the ones that are made specifically for Draenei. Legs go straight through every Elek. Their feet used to stick out of that light mech thing too, they might have fixed that at some point.
Yeah, but at least with the big mounts, everyone seems to clip through them in some form or another, so I can kinda forgive that. Or at least overlook it, because its still obviously stupid models clip through them when they have a variety of progressively wider mount sitting positions now.
But this one, I mean... Like I said, they're fine with every other cat mount, but this one for some reason is the only cat they can't sit on properly for some reason. It's not like its got a particularly big piece of decor to clip through, they just sink through it.
the sale on those ends after i get paid this friday, so i'll see if I can afford to buy one after i bought the retarded molten headed kodo for my tauren warrior
i was hoping theyd bring back the iron skyreaver for the sale

Is there an addon to remove those account voiced pop-ups from world quests?
space goat bro here >>483284072, yes it is when that fucking belt drops for me
... u kno wat
>*troons out*
I'm a womyn now chuddie ret paladin
for drae paladins?
yes, it's why yrel wears it as well
i miss her bros...

Also can drop in Highmaul

i guess WoD was where it REALLY went down hill because they were like "Lol we're in an alternate timeline heh *teleports behind you* yeah bad guys do that now xD are you not impressed?" then the next expansion they were like "That alternate time line? Nah fuck that we're back, that never happened at all heh."

though really i stopped caring about the lore after wrath or cata, mostly because expansion villains got less and less cool with each expansion and they had less mystique about them. people were just so used to "the big bad guy" at that point that it's just harder and harder to give a shit about the lore of a game that doesn't present it's lore too well. we're at the point now in dragonflight where i don't give any shits about the lore. theme of an expansion still matters and cool themes are the baseline for making the game interesting. but the lore is so far gone that it doesn't matter at all.
Whatever happened to Ralph anyway
Leatrix Plus.
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I miss blackhand
I miss grommash
I miss durotan
why did it have to be GAYa'rah that came through
yeah but the droprate (for me at least) has been abysmal and im not paying 200k for the AH
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yeah this is definitely a great combo.
>server down for over 3 hours on a non maintenance day

for me? it was TBC that killed WoW lore for me, what they did to blood elves, kael'thas, vashj and illidan still pisses me off almost 20 years later
at least some of the old novels w/ turalyon and alleria are still kino
did the original TBC have a beta? was it similar to TWW current beta where they basically spoil every plot, dungeon and raid?
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she looks like she has sex with human men desu
>then the next expansion they were like "That alternate time line? Nah fuck that we're back, that never happened at all heh."
The first antagonist of Legion was literally Gul'dan from the alternate timeline though.
BUILT for arthas
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Remember when Warcraft was made by metalhead nerds?
Also how is War Within Betaboys? I have the beta but have not tried it yet. Not gonna lie I got a good feeling about War Within.
And MoP remix? How long does it take to get the Blood Elf Mage outfit?
lmao even
and yes there was a beta. iirc everything for t4 was unlocked gradually over the beta.
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the expansion existed to add 3 memorable heroes from wc3 as loot pinatas as well as retcon blood elves into the horde to solve the faction imbalance/asian population issue
>TBC """""Plot""""" - What if we took the best characters in Warcraft and sodomized their characterization with bad story and out-of-character actions?
>It's an alternate timeline, go defeat the iron horde!
>Wait so there are infinite legions,? Why should I take the alternate legion seriously? Who cares what they do?
>Uhhh no it's the same legion as the main timeline's legion. They can travel across timelines okay??
>Well then why the fuck is archimonde here didnt we kill him?
>Ummm uhhh when demons die they go to the twisting nether and are reborn
>Does that mean when we kill archimonde in the twisting nether in the mythic raid he's dead forever and you'll never bring him back even if you want to
>Uhhh no uhhh look there's this titan on argus and uhh...
yes, as far as im aware eu servers are all still up
there's an eu community if you wanna join it
yeah and that was my favorite raid in legion, and the gul'dan fight was really fun. still don't think they presented it that well though, but what do i know i stopped paying attention to the lore years ago.
>And MoP remix? How long does it take to get the Blood Elf Mage outfit?
not long at all, just spamming dungeons while questing is a good way to level i think
then you do the krasarang or isle of thunder quests and scenarios (dont remember which is which for the class sets) and youll have more than enough bronze for them, i'd like to add also that you dont need to be a mage to buy the class set, you can be any class but have to hit the tab at the top to show the rest
An easy way around this would have been to say something like
>Garrosh has created this new timeline but the timeline only exists for as long as someone from the real timeline witnesses it. What this means is that since Garrosh has traveled in alternate Draenor it exists but alternate Azeroth won't exist until someone from the real timeline travels there, same with other places. Since Garrosh witnessed alternate Gul'Dan summon demons they exist in the timeline as well. It is like chunk loading in Minecraft.
Is this a good explanation? Hell no, but its the best you are going to get with alternative timeline autism.
im an atoholic there would be no point, same reason im in no guilds
>i'd like to add also that you dont need to be a mage to buy the class set,
Oh that's great and I did not know that thanks anon, I have been meaning to level a rogue and you can transfer these characters to the main server when remix ends right?
Only plot behind the toilet crusade was to shit up the lore and make chinese money.
ah well if you ever settle down on one character it might be cool to have you around! door's always open. alot of people in the community are playing alts too!
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thats what blizz has told us yes
would be nice to plow a cute blood elf chick in eversong that's for sure
pumping to this, you can't stop me
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Thats a hell yeah from me, thanks again anon
cover your legs harlot
are there people who have all the mop remix sets yet? i haven't played remix in weeks and wonder how much more of a grind i would have to do to collect more sets now that they give more bronze. i don't really care about upgrading my characters gear in there as its pretty pointless.
Animal abuse isn't funny
no problem bro
Why is there such a long maintenance today?
god I can't wait to get my complimentary blood elf gf when I move into silvermoon in midnight
Blizzard's spaghetti-code, needs resets etc.
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What other MMOs you play besides wow, /wowg/? I have been thinking of playing Lost Ark after being bored to death trying to level a FFXIV toon
used to play ESO but it's wank
dont play other mmos but play shit like genshit and total war
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More like Evermoan Woods, am I right?
Do what you've got to do.
Covered, for your pleasure.
You might end up with a Nightborne instead, just to warn you.
It doesn't take long to buy all the sets you want. They cost 750-5000 each and you get about 70k just by leveling up. Haven't played in a while so I might be misremembering but I think you get over 10k just by doing Normal/Heroic Scenario and Dungeon daily.
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>Covered, for your pleasure.
currently none but i was also playing ragnarok online some months ago
How am I supposed to dog in when the servers are down?
Big m+ changes will be announced this week bros. I think. Fingers crossed
what's with the chinese?
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the big change: m+ is removed from the game forever, everyone rejoices
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Why the FUCK is there maintenance today and not tomorrow? I have the day off and I woke up early to play and this is what I have to FUCKING deal with what the FUCK
ur not
I started playing it near two weeks ago, played for a week only doing all zone quests, all achievements in them, and a few of the daily LFR raids/dungeons/scenarios, not all cause they're boring.
I bought everything from all the vendors pretty easily. Didn't upgrade gear at all, was just going for the vendor stuff, the Bronze is pretty damn generous.
ty, something interesting to watch while i eat my kfc
all other MMOs are trash I'd rather go back to Skyrim
crazy how its still the best coded mmo on the market
there's 3 (4 actually) versions of the game right now are they all in maint at the same time?
So bimbodoreis were Hordelets because biofems only wanted to play pretty races?
>ran out of valley of four winds quests
>still need temple trainee's blade
well shid. are you supposed to just reroll alts for this?
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ok i got storm peaks loremaster, never going there again
time for grizzly hills zuldrak and icecrown
i miss this bitch and her quest like you wouldn't believe, and yrel was crap
>saddam hussein
thats a skip
Yes, blizzard just hoped that everyone wouldn't point out the fact that humans and high elves had lived together for quite literally thousands of years in Dalaran, the arathi, the troll wars and the second war
So far I've leveled 30 alts in Remix. I think I might just try to cap my character count. But what can I do with all of these alts? Anything useful, like easy gold farming? Anyone else here with an autistic amount of alts, what do you do with them?
no, the actual reason is gooks were too scared of horde races so they added a pretty one just for them
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forgot i was alliance and ran into the horde midsummer camp and died kek
Yet that later on caused a hilarious faction imbalance so bad that the game is still suffering from it
solo queue rbgs is the only reason to play TWW
WoW was a pvp game and it's only going back to it's roots now after being corrupted by the mythic+ trannies
why im still playing wowo wawa
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>2 quests into grizzly hills
>poop quest
I've gotten all fucked up in MoP Remix because I have characters on both factions. Have to be very mindful about which faction I am playing so I don't just fly straight into the wrong base in the Vale.
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bro you cannot expect me to wear rings i just shat out
thank god thats the last one in this expansion
pretty much, they've only recently started attempting to mend it with cross-faction and void elves which are such a massive cop out
whenever I replay WC3 i always find it funny how almost half my fucking alliance units available to build are high elves
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It was more than just Elves on horde. For a while starting around Cataclysm soe racials got reworked to be more competetive. Two that come to mind were Orcs and Trolls. On paper these amounted to maybe a 1 to 1 and a half percent increase in DPS.
Normally this wouldnt be cause for much concern or care at all, but soon the top raiding guilds started transferring horde to get that extra 2% dps increase because when you are pushing content like that you need it. And this was also during a time where it was "want to get gear? Raid or arena. Dont want to do those? Get fucked nerd." So of course some people see the best guilds moving horde and think they have to as well because they are mindless sheep and can only ever copy what other people do.
This was the start of the spiral because as people left that means there were less people on alliance to run raids or form guilds with, so they just left for horde too simply so that they would have people to play with. It got so bad in WoD that they created the mercenary system and eventually allowed cross faction groups.
Professions weeklies and wqs
haha I bet thhe champion of azeroth was really embarrased turning in this quest haha I wonder if the rings still smell funny haha
>30 alts
Hell yeah bro
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>On paper these amounted to maybe a 1 to 1 and a half percent increase in DPS
niggas out here acting like a 48-52 faction imbalance (where it has been for well over a decade) is INSANE and UNPLAYABLE
like seriously nigga human and nelves are individually almost as popular as belves lmao
it's nowhere near as bad as it used to be
and it still doesn't justify a literal alliance race being made horde to appease chinks who didn't like the kino monster aesthetic horde had
Daily reminder there are dung beetles in mudhuts and nightborne even commented on the smell of mudhuts
because the engine was created back when programmers actually knew what they were doing
>t. shitty modern programmer
>The Woke Titan
>no Dalaran for player hub like Wrathbabby
yeah, another reason why people wanting wow 2 are complete dumbasses
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valley of four winds complete. that's got to be the worst zone, no dailies means no repeatable infinite caches.
Everyone likes hot races
Tillers daily got disabled in Slopmix
no way dood, there's invisible rabbits under the map controlling everything, fucking bethesda-tier hack coding
so create a new one instead of stealing an alliance one
travesty, really, cause after I cleared all the quests and was still missing an appearance I just flew around sniping all the rares while mob farming inbetween, probably upsetting some cheevo farmers
blood elves left the alliance during wc3
i always maintain the best expansions had poop quests in them. if there's no poop in it, it's shit.
actual braindead retard
different alliance
Was mop remix fun? I only played mop for like 2 weeks at the very tail end of the expansion so did the quests, siege and fucked around on timeless isle - is there enough content I haven’t experienced that would make playing remix worth it?
How’s the difficulty? Everything falls over like in lfr or can you get a sense of how the raids worked back in the day?
can't say if you're a braindead blizzgoyim or just trolling
>Everything falls over like in lfr or can you get a sense of how the raids worked back in the day?
The entire game mode is designed around becoming extremely OP, so no, you can't get a sense of how raids played back in the day.
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>How’s the difficulty?
Remix is about pumping all your stats to the hardcaps, and then killing heroic bosses in 0.5 seconds.
A long time ago, before summerset, it had amazing pvp. You could fight 1v4 and win if you were skilled enough.
Then they just kept adding proc shit and ever since earthgore was added deathballs became the default untouchable pvp gameplay, killable only by a bigger deathball. Pity.
i had fun the first few days doing it, maybe 1 week. part of the fun was also seeing everyones characters going from complete dog shit to literally insane. and it's fun collecting your characters like gear/gems for the first time through but not really that fun kek. i got 1 character to 70 and it was decently satisfying to play through especially because like you i didn't really play mop much. but it gets boring pretty fast. id recommend screwing around in it get a character up and see if you like it, but right now lfr and dungeons and stuff are boring in the sense that you don't feel like you're playing them, people are actual gods in there and just rape everything instantly right now so thats actually boring for the people who are not playing a god character, you're just chasing after them the whole time and letting them do everything. questing on your own can be fun though.
What is the Gulp Frog of WoD Remix and Legion Remix?
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story went to shit after summerset too, in my opinion
I honestly can't tell if people try and use Garithos as an actual argument, or whether they are just trolling instead of being legitimately braindead.
Garithos was a retard and not a very good representative of the Alliance in anyway, so Kael'thas' actions make him an even bigger retard
>dwarves have been staunch allies of the alliance from the very beginning
>have never not went out of their way to help humans because dwarves are autismmaxxing and while not memed on have a big book of grudges and oaths like warhammer dwarfs
>Garithos hates dwarves for no explainable reason
even today dwarves are the most chud traditionalist faction
If Blood Elves are fickle enough to turn their backs on humans they certainly would never work with Trolls and UNDEAD
usually it's legolas the blood elf paladin who has never read a book, let alone a warcraft novel in their life desu

You want any of these?
if Blizzard doesn't announce High Elves soon I will be forced to cancel my subscription of 20 years. I've endured so much suffering over the years, and for what? To have yet another dwarf race be added instead of helves?
what about working with the ORCS WHO LITERALLY TRIED TO GENOCIDE THEM, only to be saved by their HUMAN AND DWARF allies?
MIDWOKE, they'll announce high elves for Alliance, just wait high elf sis
this, but unironically
if they don't add them in Midnight it truly will be NEVER EVER
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to be fair the former prince of lordaeron came to fuck up the elves and kill their king

Completing this achievement provides all characters on the account access to Ordos and Ordon Sanctuary.

Last chance to get access to Ordos even on Retoilet chars, because no one knows if they'll ever do Panda Slopmix again
He did, just after fucking up the humans and killing their king as well.
high elves being retards is actually par for the course with warcraft lore
their reasons for not helping during any conflict will literally fall back on they only made a treaty with Arathi people, so they will only honor that
the few elves that did help were Alleria's rogue faction of rangers
once you understand that nearly every race in Warcraft is 1:1 to Warhammer, but without plot armor to continue selling rulebooks, it all makes a lot of sense
so elves do retarded shit and end up getting BTFO for it
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...after genociding his own entire city and killing his father
Almost as if he was not in control of his actions the moment he picked up frostmourne

Yep.better join the faction of undead (who just raped silvermoon, the sunwell and the entirity of quel'thalas), along with the trolls (who cares if you had been at war with different trolls for thousands of years) and the orcs who also tried to genocide you recently.
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>tfw no drookie in WoW
can’t beat that BGC

technically TBC blood elves were getting pretty close, but then they got forgiven by the space chandeliers
maintenance on a fucking monday?
wtf is their problem
Spaghetti code, smol multi dollar indie company

When else would it be you neet retards
go get a job
Ion BGC Hazzikostas
Man TBC belves were so cool.
Why Windrunner sisters love the BHC?
humans and high elves fucking is normal, since they are allies
Who hate Arthas more than anyone, and are led by a Windrunner
From the other side of the world who, again, hate the Amani more than anyone
Fem high elves, humies, nelfs and space goats taking over Silvermoon soon
speaking of lore rapes, Sylvanas ever joining up with the orcs after what happened to Lirath is pretty lol
the game was originally supposed to be like EQ with a complex faction system and no blue side red side homowank
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Why do retards still attempt to defend horde blood elves when blizzard developers literally came out and said it was done due to chink pandering?
because the horde knows that without blood elves they'd lose something like 38% of their faction on most servers
Imagine if veng was ally exclusive and you couldn’t make a cross faction party
have fun trying to time +5, horde sissies
>the game was originally supposed to be like EQ with a complex faction system
it was? i thought they wanted to get away from all that like many aspects from everquest
real talk, what would they have done with demon hunters if they had never added blood elves to horde?
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when did the ram model get updated?
Assuming we'd have shamans on horde and paladins on alliance, which by this point would be identical class with different wrapper, they'd make up some class that mirrors DH.
they would have just used orcs instead
yes, it was also closer to a survival/crafting or runescape like game
a lot of this got scrapped in alpha, even up to the end of beta Forsaken were still able to speak common
demon hunter nelf and shadow hunter troll
wtf is a shadow hunter
fucking newfags...
wc3 troll hero unit
>shamans on horde and paladins on alliance, which by this point would be identical class with different wrapper
What’s funny is that retardin is now a half-ranged, qol heavy, immortal swiss knife while shaman’s design is still stuck in roughly 2008
thats because no one cries harder than paladin players
daily reminder that paladins need a buff
and shamans are crying hard itt right now
shaman has the shortest interupt, its also ranged
they have lust
poison cleanse totem
16 stops and stuns
i think you faggots just like to throw shade at paladin players
its bullshit
paladins did nothing wrong, nor can they do any wrong
That's bullshit and you know it.
For a very long time, ret was very shit because there were still plenty of retards who played it, so blizz and their "popularity-o-meter" didn't flash.
Shamans cry like bitches always, but let's not forget their phase when resto could outheal constant assault in arena by simply being in ghostwolf form among other things.
>main cc is called "imprison" and spawns a cage around the target
>fel rush is a green palette version of that motion blur dash all warden NPCs use
>"havoc" and "vengeance" are both non-demonic names that would be shared by wardens
>blur, vengeful retreat, blade dance
>every fel skill has a shadow counterpart repped on NPCs aside from eye beam
>warden was clearly a 70% functional reskin of DH

>canned because not having nelf DHs or having nelf DHs on horde would've been "a mistake"
>saying this when boomkins, mages and huntards exist
rets are up there but come on
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might use this in the mean time
moonkin player doesnt need to cry when they're clutched to some unknown dev's breast. i assumed it was hamletranny but he's left and they still get special attention.
>token on its way to 400k
its fucking over for me bros
no one cares
shaman hasn't seen a rework since TBC and anytime they end up OP in pvp is purely a math mistake on Blizzard's part
>get a gayming mouse
>write a few .ahk scripts for the extra buttons
>parse goes from ~40 to ~80
>also some qol shit like using healing item off cooldown rather needing hp pot/lock candy/class self heal
that feels rather cheaty


whats.ahk script?
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>leveling my fem nelf through BfA
>just wearing leveling gear
>nothing mogged
>have received multiple “cute tmog” and “cute outfit” whispers
I gotta get off Moon Guard
made for worgen knots
>t. paladins
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Did Blizzard ever cover how Alleria reacted when she discovered that not that her people had joined the Horde, but that her sister was now undead and leading them?
if you're using autohotkeky you are defacto cheating
end of
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Big WoW news.

The Secret Finding Discord pinged @everyone with a notification several minutes ago.

An undocumented update was pushed to TWW Beta less than 20 minutes ago.

Pic related, a book was added to a Burning Blade fortress in an otherwise forgotten zone, Desolace.

It references an old plot thread from TBC. Murmur, a cosmic horror made of pure sound energy who could shatter worlds by whispering.

Furthermore, Grand Warlock Netherkurse from TBC has had some of his code conspicuously edited. It appears almost like they intended to remove him, but he's still there in Shattered Halls... This could be an oversight, but he's also Shadow Council.

Could be a cryptic hint at a future update. Might Murmur return in The War Within 11.1? Might he tie into a future plot thread? The Secret Finding Discord admins are saying this tracks with the rumors that Blizzard are going back and finishing old cut content.
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Didn't i see this exact post like a month ago?
>An undocumented update was pushed to TWW Beta less than 20 minutes ago.
I didn't download anything.
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i did my bestu
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Earliest I could find was 16 months ago
thats a very conservative estimate
Damn, return to auchindoun sounded good.
They update models all the time but havent seen that one either. Looks nice
They made dryads look like ugly trannies now
With a dragon mount, you can go anywhere you want
Centaurs too
Damn, really? I always wanted to bonk those dryads from stonetalon
Another day of pandatoil and Doordashed Sweetgreen. Yep, life is good.
I want to bomb civilians in third world countries. Which spec is for me?
>edgy faggot
>edgy faggot
Sounds kinda gay but I’ll check it out, thanks
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Why doesn't he react to Khadgar's death? What about Kurdran and Danath, do they say anything?
He sort of forgot about khadgar
Human ret paladin or undead male rogue
they cant add anything regarding his death right now and who gives a shit about those two lmao
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The way no one in game seems to care much about Khadgar "dying" leads me to believe he'll just turn up at the end of the Nerubian raid.
Turalyon and Khadgar were best friends tho
still they are not going to spoil it and I meant danath and kurdran
Yo when is next xpac coming out, I wanna play worlo
damn being OP as shit in Remix and one-shotting everything gets old after a while huh
The beta is out right now if you pay an extra 40 plus your first-born's tip
Are Turalyon and Alleria the only couple in the game with a child?
I guess Vereesa too but Rhonin is dead
That was like 10000 years ago for Turalyon. He only cares about his lightforged bros now.
Why doesnt anybody use voice chat in worlo or xiv? Its way comfier thqn typing
Thrall and Aggra
True, but at least some mention of past friendship would have been nice.
>10000 years ago for Turalyon
This is so stupid. 20 years in space for him would have been just fine instead of this 1000 years of war nonsense.
Me and Yrel
still alive couples only?
because moira and thaurissan have their son
Is there a new class in new xpac?
yes. doubly so because they didn't remove the stat caps. if you have more than roughly 36k in any secondary stat from gear + cloak, it won't have any effect. very quickly you get to a point where you're only stacking mainstat and stam. so you either quit........

..........or go farm the remix-exclusive greens, of which there are hundreds, which requires you to farm the shit out of every zone, scenarios, dungeons, every difficulty of every raid on minimum 3 characters.
>hunter for ranged weapons
>cloth caster for daggers + wands (or rogue / druid if you don't care about wands)
>warr or paladin for everything else

if you're looking for something pointless and VERY time consuming, here's the add-on people use to track what they've farmed and what's left
No. Thats midnight
>cyberbunk releases tv shit, people like the game
>fallout releases tv shit, people like the games
Why won’t wow release a porn movie with wow characters? Are they stupid?
what does he want to say to alleria bros?
I went outside and the sun is way too bright
don’t do it bros
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I got sunburned cause I told my bro i'd join him at a flea market
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>no living Bronzebeard has an heir to Ironforge
Thargas Anvilmar is probably the next most likely candidate to be the King of Ironforge, since Brann isn't interested in the position in the event of Muradin dying
this is, of course, if the writers remember the dwarves exist as a culture and not just "DUDE BEER" memes
I guess we should be thankful because it means it hasn't been pozzed by California idealpolitik
Yeah Arcane Barrage getting boosted by Nether Precision is such a dumb fix it should already be on live
That he hates her.
Nu-Blizz are unironically years behind in how they operate. They only just added a new dynamic flying system when other MMOs like GW2 did it years ago and korean MMOs like albion did it even before that so it has no novelty anymore. They're only just now starting to try take their storytelling seriously in any aspect when other MMOs like XIV, GW2, and SWTOR have been praised for those aspects for years. They tried a dumb battle royal game mode recently, years after the fortnite/pubg craze had come and gone. They've only been doing crossover events and promotions in OW in recent history when shit like fortnite did it years ago and OW is way past its prime.
Arcane, last of us, fallout have shown decently made short shows based on video games are greatly enjoyed. Blizzard will probably try to cash in on this a few years down the line when nobody cares anymore or the market is saturated with it.
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nice try liadran
>praised for story
>TORtanic praised for anything
stopped reading there
delusional slop rant
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>They're only just now starting to try take their storytelling seriously in any aspect when other MMOs like XIV, GW2, and SWTOR have been praised for those aspects for years.
It's way too late for that, as others have said any hope of their story not being a joke went out the window in TBC.
Learn to read before replying to me. It's not praised for it's story, but the storytelling. The way you play a story from beginning at level 1. The entire first 30 levels or whatever are more customized based on your race and history chosen. Tons of solo instances with story fights, mini cutscenes where your character is physically displayed talking to other characters and them talking to you. Same thing for shit like SWTOR, it's not always the stories themselves but how the storytelling is presented to you.

Obviously nobody liked trahearne and him taking the spotlight in GW2 base story.
>They're only just now starting to try take their storytelling seriously in any aspect when other MMOs like XIV, GW2, and SWTOR have been praised for those aspects for years.
Watching them try and fail miserably is truly sad. This is not Blizzard's time anymore.
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it's literally not, I've played GW2 since release and the story has been a piece of shit since it's inception
especially with how jarring it is going from the background > racial > order >pact storyline
none of that shit you chose matters one bit and you end it by pressing 1 to kill Zhaitan
You never read it to begin with, just like the other anon.
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>the armistice between the alliance and the horde is more fragile than most realize
Are Blizz writers morons? They've been shoving gay shit down our throats like hand-holding and factional friendships, but now the armistice is suddenly fragile. Why? Is Turalyon bloodthirsty? Or an incompetent leader?
What’a the weeb class? Mage?
Demon Hunter, and it's not even fucking close
Holy shit how can you still not read? How retarded are you? IT'S NOT ABOUT THE STORY YOU FUCKING GREMLIN. It's the storytelling, the way it's presented. Not the content of the story itself.
Yeah nobody is going to read your delusional cope made up of phone-gamed streamer opinions you've learned to parrot instead of actual experience with any of those games.
>Why? Is Turalyon bloodthirsty? Or an incompetent leader?
all it takes is one stupid asspull plot point for it all to come crashing down
Mage is certainly up there but the game has Monk too
He is white heterosexual male, therefore he is literally hitler and must be killed.
and I'm telling you the presentation is bad and no one praises it
you've clearly never played it if you're hyping it up
he only hates orcs, and for good reason if you've ever played wc2/read the two books based on it desu
you dont even know whats going on back home tho
I played it years. Yes it was praised for those aspects, it's actually the only reason the game still exists today and keeps getting updates.
Find one example. One. Surely if it was sooooo praised you can find one within minutes. I'll wait.
that is very problematic sweaty, don't you know that orcs represent marginalized people of color?
warrior dual-wielding katanas
Are you actually fucking retarded? What are you talking about? Find an example of someone saying they liked it? You want me to post a screenshot of some dude in game 7 years ago saying it's nice? I can't post proof of an opinion you fucking idiot.
Exactly what I thought. Sooooo praised yet you can't find a single example of any praise because nobody ever praised it. I accept your concession and block your goalpost movement.
Yeah sure dude. You win this imaginary argument in your head. You can stop replying to me now. Fucking retard.
>they were? where?
>indirect reply
uh oh
>they were praising the story!!!
>no they weren't
>can you show literally any example of any praisee?
>story is good
>nothing you did in your racial storyline matters
>every character you are introduced to will die in the next quest unless they are a member of diversity's edge
>nothing you do in your order story matters
>nothing the pact did matters, gets wiped out at the beginning of the first epxansion
>several portions of the 'living' story are locked behind real money unless you played when they released
>Scarlet is the greatest plant person ever, she graduated from all three Asuran colleges top of her class, became a master engineer even better than the Charr, and was able to unite all the enemy factions who hate each other and women but listened to this female flower lady
>By the way, killing those dragons? bad, so we're gonna have to kill god because he wants to kill the dragons
>NM we need to kill all these dragons again
>bigot sandwiches
and the most recent story ended on a wet fart with half the story happening in a public event a lot of people didn't do
Congrats, you triggered them.
WoW is dead.
Yeah i knew the meltie was coming. Hilarious that this retard >>483315143 is still talking about the story itself when i've already said multiple times it's about the storytelling and how it's presented, not the story itself.

This board is full on actual mongoloids lmao.
new player. what am i in for?
Ummmm like can you not? I'm trying to convince you of this epic argument I read on the asmongold discord. Can you shut up and take my retarded post seriously already?
draenei bro save us like you did earlier
>asked for one crumb of proof to your objective, easily provable claim
You couldn't concede any harder if you tried
the story is presented like shit, because nothing in the story matters
getting 4 quests every 10 levels and being wow'd by that makes you a retard, because there are deeper stories in individual WoW zones and they're presented in a much better way
WoW is just too late for the story party.
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Shadowlands was more tolerable and cohesive than end of fagons
WoW started the story in MMOs party
what the GW2 praiser is trying to say is that WoW doesn't give you choice and GW2 does, but the choice GW2 gives you has the impact of choosing what zone you want to level in
Didn't they practically lose about that amount already when Velves got Blonde hair options and normal skin tones?
hey now let’s not get crazy
No and void elves didn't make a dent on the alliance race stats, its all nelves and humans
never happened, helfchads are protesting velves
SL with DF talents would be nice
It's true tho
shadowlands was at least funny bad
EoD was embarrassing bad
no, while it is obviously better than nothing, it is still not high elves which is what people have been screaming for for the last 20 years
Turalyon is going to die in Midnight
Kind of sad how wow failed with it's story telling.
just say you want a shitposting thread like before anon lol you don't have to pretend you're talking about the game
2 more weeks
I need to corrupt a voluptuous Holy specced Priest
>17 hours ago
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I think i am going to give blizzard 30 dollary doos to turn my female tauren paladin into a male human paladin, thoughts?
The original animation was done by Rexx.
I made the dismantle GIF.

Maybe the original filename for the animation might help you?
It's an old file and he reorganized his archive a couple times and his site got killed (Blizz cease and desist) since, but this should be a Feb 6, 2015 animation.
I can not play retail hunter for that exact reason. The bow/gun sounds are fucking lame
Thats my feelings but towards Cata gear. I didn't like any of that gear
Transmog from BfA was actually pretty good.

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