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Previous: >>482940232

>Current & Upcoming Rate Up Banners:
[6/15-6/26] Kururu (Perma)
[6/21-6/26] Selectable Limited Summer Prize Gacha (Saren, Suzuna, Pecorine, Karyl, Suzume, Tamaki)

>Ongoing and Upcoming Events:
[6/10-6/25] VH x2
[6/15-7/1] Dungeon Mana x2
[6/17] "Twinkle Summer Game" Side Story Addition
[6/20-6/25] Hard x2
[6/21] S.Suzuna/S.Saren/S.Io UE2s Added
[6/24-6/30] 500 Gem Pack On Sale
[6/25-7/1] Normal x2
[6/25-7/1] Investigation x2
[6/25-7/6] Exploration x2
[6/25] Clan Battle
[July] Abyssal Hunts

>New Player Guide by /pcrg/
>/pcrg/ Resources/Clans
>Kotposter Resources
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Thinking about cute little girls.
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Bro, our advertisers!
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you should have let us die
let's enjoy these last few months together
>let us
Sorry, I can't join a clan that posts pornographic material.
bwos, where's the nyews?
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Super important news: Matsuri is cute.
That's a falseflag, Looplets is the most wholesome /pcrg/ clan believe it or not.
Prove it
Join and check the rentry.
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Why would you do what you did
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It's up
>[July] Abyssal Hunts
First I heard of this, are we getting amazing new content?
There's never an announcement at this time
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>butt fangs
It's over
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I love this animation
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I will the Yuni.
I wish I were in Yuni's position
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Don't forget to use your boss tickets.
so where is it then?
Probably later this week.
Yeah it's really over
Bro you've been spamming the same shit every day every hour get a fucking life already
>Boring Maidens was a flop
>Plant bitch was a flop
>retard bunny is a flop
Has KMR lost his touch?
He can't help it, he's a retarded SEAnigger
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>kot link updated
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That kot image always makes me smile
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that was pretty funny
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That's really good.
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wedding swimsuit alt will save priconne
That or Christmas swimsuits.
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Forgot about my snipes because I was trialing CB comps, luckily didn't get dropped out of T20.
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Nothing today
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I don't really want any of these.
Bro most of these have a swimsuit lol
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I'm finally climbing in the princess arena
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Killing EN was a mistake
They should bring it back but with in house translators
>Killing EN was a mistake
nah it's the best thing they've done
true, now they should kill JP next
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I will do it Soon if we dont get anything exciting
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Calm down
If it was a good thing, why is Priconne declining?
Priconne never once took number 1
I don't care about how well the game is doing with EN or not
I just hate ENtards and want all of them to stop polluting the stuff I enjoy
I don't want to do cb this month really.
I better see you doing 3 puzzle hits or else…
>uma musume EN announced
goodbye /pcrg/
You are an ENtard too schizo
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my worse fear have come true
hopefully the game flops so it eos soon
Are there clans in uma? Let's remake the EN clans.
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>Its real
Ah that's why the announcement wasn't today then, they didn't want to overshadow/be overshadowed by this Uma stuff
Damn this is huge
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I'm mad they killed EN and didn't lift a finger to make the game playable to anyone outside Japan. I could download gbf right now and play it — in English — but yet I can't even download Priconne in my country without external tools.
>but that's DMM's fault not Cygames
Bullshit, the gaijin blocks have been a thing for years now, they could have easily done something about it but they chose not to.
by crunchyroll? also eos doko
I feel sorry for umabros but I hope at least this will make some of the more annoying /pcrg/ posters leave for uma
Self publish
bwos... you won't leave us for horse puss right?
I'll play both bwo
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I'll just play both, there's no real reason to drop Priconne due to it. Different genres and all, also a lack of hentai.
Yeah then the general dies as a result and is forced to move to /vmg/ lmao.
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I have never played a gacha game in English and this isn't going to change my mind
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>tranny meltdown
like clockwork
fucking finally
idk sis uma is whalecore only. the gameplay is nonstop cb and dupes are a must if you want to get high scores for ranking. at least the yuiturd poster is switching to uma
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If you mean me, I'm not. Just playing both, I'd never abandon my home nor any of you.
let's be friends on uma
I still evenhaven't checked the sheet.
You should kill yourself
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I hope we can all be friendly to each other soon enough.
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Time to make Umisters
Just borrow her
just borrow her?
Guess I'm not hitting.
which boss, i could build one of these teams i think
3 different bosses use some variation of those units.
Is TS Aoi good?
What about the thai, cn, kr servers
Alright, outside Asia.
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Shan't hit the kani — leave that shit to the late hitters.
Are we installing Uma Musume?
CR already poisoned the well when it comes to Priconne's reputation in the English-speaking world, it's safer to go with something that was never in English before.
They should add English to JP like with Grubble
kill yourself.
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I don't give a fuck about horses but I'm happy for you. I hope it turns out better than Priconne EN did.
Would be too much work. There are already enough scheduling issues when it comes to VAs, if they throw a simultaneous English translation in the mix there could end up being unexpected delays in content.
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It won't happen because they'd have to double the production of some things and also deal with a massive backlog of work spanning 6 years.
>EN makes no money in revenue
>They should spend money to get players that don't pay
EN deserved its death and Grubble is a browser game
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They can just do something similar to corneliá's patch and make it official.
Too big
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>monkey man strongarms DMM into lifting the gaijin ban and then canonizes Saint Cornelia's patch
You fags are literally getting fucking in the ass whenever DMM gets fucked or when Cornelia messes up
What happens if DMM just straight up kills your emulating asses?
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It's not impossible, but even then you still have the issue some things you need to redo for EN purposes.
Cornelia does the buttons for the UI and other things by herself for example, mere text sure you can just employ what the patch does but there's more than just that.
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I only play on mobile nowadays after DMM became a hassle. I just watch the story on youtube when I feel like it.
I don't use the patch because I have a functioning brain and learned the language quite some time ago
now kill yourself.
No. I like the horses, but people talking about how much time it takes each day have completely turned me off from it.
And those were people trying to shill it to me, too.
yeah but it still won't take years to do anymore. 6 months at most if they really want to with just 1-2 employees
>Whenever Cornelia messes up
But I don't need the patch
I have the game on DMM and phone. I read the story on my phone, since it's comfy to read in bed. Used to do CB on phone before and with SET, it wouldn't be an issue going back.
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I don't believe you
I will never kill myself because I am strong
I want the EN so everyone can play
Meanwhile you are a bitch who only want things for yourself
Take your own advice
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There's a way I can see it happening to be frank.
If they merged Grandmasters and Re:Dive into one, and then with the excuse of Grandmasters TL both. Sort of like how that Kingdom Hearts game used to work.
Kimura said Grandmasters will be back, it wasn't in April Fools so the idea it could be made part of the Re:Dive app is up there too.
Based kot
>how much time it takes each day
So how long?
It already irritates me If I play priconne for more than 10 min. that's not just reading story. If it's longer than that then I'll pass as well.
more than 1 hour
don't play it.
even if its just the dailies?
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which uma girl will yuiturd pick so I avoid her
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why do you let ecelebs influence your tastes
I usually don't care but Yuitard is a special case where I started to dislike Yui simply because of how obnoxious he is
You sound like you have issues
171m OPeco comp
>Can't separate between an avatarfag and the girl
That's sad, Yui is built for sex and some pathetic avatarfag qon't change my mind on that.
is cb this or next reset?
This reset
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it's nyover
>all master skills
>second page
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Get to use both time travelers in my full CO hits.
you wouldn't abandon your girls for some horses, would you?
Not if I need to play 1 fucking hour every day for dailies
Already played and quit horse game
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Never, even if I'm the only priconne player in the world I'd still play it

Yeah she's the one I'm the most visually lead towards and how the fuck did you even guess it right lmao
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Any cute horse feet? What's the gameplay like?
of course I would
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priconne for this feel?
If I wanted to play uma I'd be playing it already
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Is there clan battle mode in Umamusume? How does it work?
Just spend less time on Priconne
I'm reading the story and it seems to be a lot better than priconne which I got bored from the start
Didn't Umamister get kicked?
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Will she get her 6* before the new Shadowverse game?
Magic 8-ball says "yes, definitely"
I want to impregnate Yuianon
syo Priconne EN published by cygames announced at half anni?
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It's not too late to pull her
My clan pulled for her so by extension I pretty much have her
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Stupid fairy
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La cucaracha, la cucaracha,
ya no puede caminar
porque le falta, porque no tiene
marihuana pa' fumar.

Ya murió la cucaracha
ya la llevan a enterrar
entre cuatro zopilotes
y un ratón de sacristán.
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Not doing my hits after day 1
that's fine, /pcrg/ clans are all casual, just take it easy
Looplets won't get t1000 because of you
Say it in clan chat or don't say it at all you massive pussy
Not getting it regardless also how did you know I am in Looplets
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it's too hot for CB
When can I roll more things?
Doing all of my hits every day
A little over 30 hours
Ayumisters will get t300 because of you
With that roster
no chance
who's coming up?
Yes, NYKasumi too
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Not if I can help it :^)
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So close to the HP node. Too bad...
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Why was I told about this? I was manually refined equipment by hand all this time.
You can still make it if you refresh, it doesn't need to be level 5 for the DP.Maho comp to work.
you have to be joking...
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I can almost do all the ayane comps that will be useless after today, luckily there's one that works anyway
>Why am I retarded?
I don't know, probably because you don't bother reading.
same bro
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I live a fast and exciting life, you think I have time to read
I don't like refining equips outside of syncing because it prioritizes using the blue stones before the green and yellow ones for some stupid-ass reason and if I run out of blue stones the green ones won't always match the amount of energy needed like when upgrading UE so it feels wasteful
You now remember that time /pcrg/ told you Summer Saren was a hard skip.
You are a kotturd. You occupy the space of two normal people.
No Summer Saren get kicked from clan.
i remember danchou didn't kick ssarenlets and we didn't get S back then...
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You WILL play Uma right?
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Did we always get jewels for defeating CB bosses or is this something new?
There's even less gameplay than Priconne.
You always did
>no PC port for EN
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Yeah. I'll probably sidegame it.
i left a nasty deredere for my clan
4x speed for hits when
you can't sidegame Uma
Why not? Trying to take pvp seriously burned me out the first time. I'll just farm fans on my favorite lucky horse instead.
hahaha your game is dead!!
you're playing a dead game hahaha !!
I'm already playing uma, I call it idolm@ster Gakuen
How is this post still up?
because you haven't joined
/pcrg/ has no mods unless the report tranny is here.
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Wait 6 hours first
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The new face of CB
give her loli alt already
Looplets rule this joint
They rule not finishing 1k
Hag game. They don't want us anymore.
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Please join Looplets
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It's Kaya's birthday, where did the Kayaposting go?
Waiting for -THAT GUY- to fall asleep so we can avoid his hate-spamming.
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Don't give a fuck, Kaya deserves love and some faggot won't stop that.
I'm glad her 6* was exactly what she needed to see more usage in CB and Arena. Her niche is cool.
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I like her too, just didn't want to spoil it with his bile.
Her 6* is really good. Honestly surprised how much I get to use her.
nobody cares about her
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This is the face she makes when I'm plowing her from behind.
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>Notice that Uma hype is dying down
>Release global to milk ENkeks
>Rug-pull a year or two in
He's so devilishly evil kek
When is pricone EN revenge game? He hasn't forgotten about us right
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He saw your spending habits
now that I think of it, it'd be ultra based if they revive EN and then kill it off whenever JP also dies for priconne
>wasting money to have no one spend money
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Get over it already.
EN keks were always skipping banners. That's why it died. F2p leeches.
kill yourself already.
it's because global had foresight into which banners were a skip, same thing will happen with uma
Thoughts on this?
That's a child
You must not touch her
But she's presenting herself.
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I will be posting clans and names until the general dies
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Which kot in Priconne deserves love
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too big
off model
too tsundere
This man betrayed me, fuck him
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dumb vampire
Would Mahiru wear something like this?
Yes, in the privacy of our home
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Sexo with worm and lynd
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Ugly shit.
/pcrg/ meet-up at Anime Expo.
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Weird way to spell cute.
>South Korea
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I can't. I have social anxiety.
that isn't real
Fuck this
don't mind if I do
I'm trying
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Her TLs are kind of stinky... sniiiiiff
how are we doing today /pcrg/ bros
wageslaving and waiting for horsecunny
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Fapping to cunny.
Waiting for EoS
>have to do actual hits tomorrow
>RESTOCC again
This is the second time
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>not doing puzzle
You will take my 6 hits on stage 3, and you will like it.
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I'm sorry danchou
I can't beat anything at 3th tier from CB
I was the one who left the crab boss with 5% hp...
It was dead when I did it on try...
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>kot link
start looking for a new clan
Wait, you guys do hits???
Yeah I do a little meth.
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Please janny the crab, k thanks
I intend to but I'm going to pad the fuck out of my other two hits, it will be magnificent
Leader I'm too tilted to do my hits there's some firebomb section in Elden Ring that's filtering me...
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No miracles for the next four days.
I feel it in my bones, Misora in 3 minutes
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Slimebro will be pleased
I'm happy for the slimegirl lover.
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I expected misora but not riri, wow
Easy pass.
I did well in saving up this is a godtier first summer. They even made whoever's the welfare a character you want to get.
I wonder if we'll get to see the other Alter Maidens in swimsuits but not playable
riri welfare onegai
I hope so. Would give us something to look forward to.
Now all of the Rage Legion girls have swimsuits
reverse trap summer kariza
Sheffy is next
yooo, we won bigly
>あつまれイイコトクラブ! ミソラの愉快な夏休み
>Gather around and enjoy life! Misora's fun summer vacation!
Is that the title?
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>Lily's chest looks small because she's near two monsters
That's really funny, I wonder how Nea's swimsuits even got past the age rating lol
The misora haters from twitter is not gonna like this
Stabbed in the back.
Left for dead.
>Suddenly saw swimsuit Misora popped up on Twitter
I’m fucking back bros. I haven’t played this shit for more than a year now. What do I need to know for all this element stuff they added?
>slime sex
>menhera sex
>yamete nakadashi sex
my poor jims
First is you join Looplets right now and do your hits
>What do I need to know for all this element stuff they added?
Having more characters of one element in your comp will increase their damage by up to 50% unmodified. Some bosses are also weak to certain elements.
You will also never catch up.
I'm glad I can save for another month.
イイコト is supposed to sound a little sus imho
You should have known that kmr hates cunny since he aged her up.
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I like the OST already, feels summery
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>ntr smile
dyont have jim either way
They did that to spite him.
>There won't be a welfare
It's over.
>evil women summer event
Now that I think about it all 3 was antagonistic towards you at the start
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Oh now I understand the title of the event. It's another follow up to Misora's bonds and asking her to do good things.
So "good things club" is a result of that. Makes sense.
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dead again
Great post to revive the thread retard
The more I look at Nea's chest the more I realize how it's barely covered. Goddamn this game truly is the last bastion of sex in this industry when it comes to summer.
>this game truly is the last bastion of sex in this industry when it comes to summer.
All thanks to no ENkek server handicap
That has nothing to do with it, it's because the devs are japanese.
If EN server was still standing today then your shitty localizers would be all up in the devs' ears telling them to ESG it up
>Goddamn this game truly is the last bastion of sex in this industry when it comes to summer.
Compared to what, genshin? Last year nikke had a hard nipple and a nipple slips on the chibi model. Brown dust 2 has a girl shaking her ass on screen and a fox whore half naked. Priconnes summer are baby tier compared to so many different gachas.
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go back
They didn't change anything with Mature Lady so I've no idea where you get off thinking that
Mr. Nice Guy....
>Compares priconne to nukige shit
That's not the point retard, priconne is able to churn out swimsuits that look like swimsuits for the reason and they look sexy because they don't look out of place
Nukige shit makes swimsuits look like every other character they release because it's all mindless sex bait
>Easy skip
Thanks for nothing KMR
>Loligods can keep saving jims
>Nukige shit makes swimsuits look like every other character
You got any proof from browndust 2 and nikke? Oh wait you dont. kys retard
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I can't post brown dust 2 shit or I'll get banned. As for Nikke literally one of the first nikkes you meet in the prologue, Anis, has bouncing tits down to her nipples that are fully visible.
It was surprising for Nikke to add a character that wasn't nukige shit like the free robogirl if anything.
>When we're talking priconne
Again, nothing was changed about Mature Lady whatsoever. But I guess I'm talking to a granblue autist so expecting you to have a brain is asking for too much.
>Ignores the company in question
Go ahead and play Uma global, faggot.
It will be hilarious seeing you experience EoS. Again.
EN translated Misaki's sexy to stylish but kept Suzuna's sexy.
What's the point of pretending there's anything to even censor about Uma, retard?
>bikinischizo won
They are in fact bikinis, but not on the girls I wanted.
>gbfg schizo mad his game was the only one subject to visual censoring he has to lash out at other games who didn't and cope
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EoS would've prevented this
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Next year for sure.
slimefag... doko?
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We just keep losing
has no jims
These are banned designs.
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shant do cb
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Oh gods above, please bless this sinful misora fan to waste the minimum amount of jimz possible to obtain what he wants. I sacrifice this cute Rino so that she may be cursed to appear in 3 random anons pulls in the near future!
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I'm pretty sure that Misaki will appear like that in this event
Join Wide Hips.
Wide hips sis, use this
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Join Ayuhipsters
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Happy Birthday Kaya-P
Touching that pit.
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Join Riripets
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Licking that pit.
>They're actually massive too, she genuinely is just mogged
What a weird visual effect
Cute concubine.
Will do, thanks anon
Retainer of my semen.
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I wish they bring back the ip count. It feels like its just the 5 of us talking to each other over and over again
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Huh wow you summoned Ninon in the 4koma
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We need flags.
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I've tried using Clear in Arena to poor results. I still want to find a way to make her work
what a huge difference when you look at her alone and then put her next to those two
what a bunch of retards
Why is she black
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For me, it's Okinawan.
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This event is the first alts for all 3 girls. An occasion that actually happened last year with the Djeeta event technically speaking where Vikala was new but the other 2 were the first alts for Djeeta and Karin
>Alter Maiden perfectly counter SHatsune
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wut, it is cb already
Shuffle well KOTTURD and hope that danchou never stares at the bottom
There's still one more summer event
I always stare at your bottoms
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do your fucking hits...
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I did
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Hope Nea isn't limited too
>Half of the clan still have not done their hits
How do we convince them bros
should i roll as someone new? i saw on gamewith that NYHatsune is very good
I'm glad I don't fucking care about any of those swimsuit characters which means I can roll for new York Kasumi with no reserves.
Better save your jims for Misaki/Monika/Shefi.
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My 5 jewels...
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Hello there.
The long lost brothers... finally together...
I fucking hate Nea. Please make her a trash perma.
we don't, it's over
>no Misaki AGAIN
they need time to make the Summer Hag Misaki design
One of the few things that would actually make me quit the game and don't look back
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>middle finger
stay dead you fucking bitch
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Flipping the bird at me huh, HUH
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This is disgusting. Who asked for this?
t. gay
praying all those hags are as useless as they're ugly
Misora will be top tier and you know it.
Too black
praying all the hags from now on will be human rights
go back
So who's winning and who's losing this CB
past puberty = hag
Winning: Looplets
Losing: Doodoopettan
I want the awful person and the slime could care less about the other one
Above 12 = hag
Above 18 = granny
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Very curious to see how IRL Misora looks with a swimsuit
I don't like gyaru but I do like natural bronze skin it's so tiring
syo will we get a third banner next month for Riri or will she stay in unplayable limbo like Chieru?
Well to be frank if you look at Geo Gehenna and its other denizens her skin can be natural, it'd just be IRL that she's a gyaru
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Who does this appeal to? It's so bland and vanilla
Me. I like simple and refined girls.
Lily lovers
>Who does this appeal to?
Straight men
Normal is good.
a guy with good taste (me)
Me Lily is sexy, cute and polite
post your maxed UE Riri or shut up yuiturd
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/pcrg/ unity!
I don't really care much for any of the arc 3 girls except for maybe Fubuki and Wakana.
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What now?
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I did.
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>cunnykek melty
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I still see some of misoras swimsuit and all of riri sarong
Gooning to this when I get home.
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I can't do my hits at this temperature
Not rolling for these hags unless they're meta
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It's so hot!
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Hot and sweaty...
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why would cunnychads cry when they got a swimsuit to roll on?
Hot steamy, sweaty sex with Kaya.
go back
That's pathetic looking lmao
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mogs the grannies we got at the very least
I don't like BA but it's clear which one is better
No not really, since they atleast have a swimsuit and not that burqa. Also you lolitrash fags are pathetic shilling like this
>hagkek melty
>BA shilling hours
see you tom /pcrg/
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The classic, perfect swimsuit.
But we're not you? Considering the baggot you're shilling is 15 so an hag according to you kek
seethe more lmao
your game will eos soon and the main reason why is the lack of cunnies kek
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in pricunny you can spread an 8 year old
hagcucks are so fragile if one spoilered picture is all it takes for them to go full meltdown
>seethe more
>keeps seething himself
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Thoughts on this then? Me personally she's the only one I'll consider rolling even if she's bad because I like crazy
that swimsuit doesn't look good on her
you are blind
sex with evil woman
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there’s lightning outside should I risk doing my hits nyow?
yes if you're in looplets
3 words. Massive. Evil. Sexy.
Also I'm currently fighting through every single gems pinching activity I can find because I CANNOT let her escape me. Even if I get bricked by a surprise prifes or whatever.
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none of that is allowed
Priconne is six years old and so devoid of cunny that the only characters worth posting is the loli trio back from release
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That's because cunny doesn't sell. Pedophiles are looked down upon.
Kani dabbing on kot
You should be thankful priconne still caters to you from time to time instead of bitching like this considering how literally marginalized and soon to be forgotten your kind is going to be lmao but keep doomposting I'm sure you'll find lolishit with all that gook and chink crap around
tfw no cunnyge
>That's because cunny doesn't sell.
A korean cunny game literally murdered this game and threw it off a cliff thoughbeit
>cunny game
>Hag game
>They're 17 at most
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This is a hag
>korean cunny game
I checked the characters ages and only saw two 11 yr old and one12 yr old. th rest are teenagers.
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I wish the hip bones were a bit more pronounced, but sexo
>pedokek melty
love to see it
sex with all in the 8-15 range except the ugly boy
top 3 general btw
Hey the guy having a melty is a baggot, take it up with them. They're the worst breed of scum across all /vg/ for a reason.
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Hag love
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>Muh ages
The opinion of ironic lolicons do not matter and has never mattered. Yuni is legal and sexier than all the lolis for example.
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Is this a hag?
someone needs to update this
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EoS doko?
you mean the posts that you wrote yourself larping as pedoGOD?
That's not a very nice thing to say a bout Yuki.
same schizo
no, the other boy
5 months
>Nobody is older than 27
>Literally only 3 chars are above 25
I'm so tired of kids that pretend 20 year olds are hags because they're 15 and horny
a reminder that Eris looks like she's straight out of a NTR game
this is what hagkeks consider attractive
Sweet release of EoS....
No one with a working pair of eyes considers Yuki ugly
there's a little thing called "the wall" also known as puberty and if you pass it, you are a hag
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age matters a lot and single digits are where it's at
nice to see the general alive and well
women hit the wall at 25
>>Nobody is older than 27
that's the cliff
the wall is at 12
>Literal tranny
Priconne is so progressive
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You will kiss her, and you will like it.
would cum inside with the force of a thousand suns
did KMR skipping summer Misaki really mindbreaked you lot
summer was so shit that all it took was a mention of a better game to derail the thread completely
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i will
Kurumi has such good taste.
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I will date her.
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Leave it to me, I'll update it in a jiffy
I don't understand the cunnyfags that latch onto games that very clearly do not pander to them like hoyoshit or this then try to drag others into the swamp with them

Can't decide if it's utterly delusional or if they merely want others to suffer with them. Or third option and it's falseflagging hagkeks looking for more people to make fun of.
Cunny>Hags(Like actual hags over 25)>Teens>Everything else
now go ahead and reply to your bait redditbro
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Matsuri in heat.
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but what about hagcunny?
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EoS offers equality to all
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lolis > toddies > an indescribably large gap > all else
stop making /v/ threads
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so no prifes this month?
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That's a lot of teens (besides 19)
Yeah well, most of the post 18 girls either are NEETs or have a part-time job/job that allows them to VR game.
Otherwise it'd be hard to justify it for all girls.
bros... your hits..
How'd Kuuka get so kinky by 18?
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Skip these swimsuit alts and save for this cutie instead
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She read about all sorts of things
pad or hit the first two bosses?
You know looking at this made me realise that Nea having an age vs Lyrael not having one is very telling about recent reveals
Pad — let the late hitters clean up what's left.
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How many tails does Tamaki have
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Matsuri is always cute.
One. Her second "tail" is actually a butt plug she uses when she's in heat.
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Strange that luna and vampy's age aren't known
I picked them directly from their profiles so I can only assume it's because Vampy is a vampire while Luna is... A revenant/ghoul/spirit whatever she's supposed to be
Vampire is centuries old her race is just incredibly long lived
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What's next for /pcrg/ after EoS?
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I'd imagine a good amount of people moving to uma and then that also gets eos
ENkeks deserve everything they get
I recall that she is older than Illya however.
Technically speaking Minerva would be as old as Kokoro maybe a few years older.
Eris, Isla and Shinatsu would be also 17+???, 16+??? and 18+???
Ameth I don't think there's anything to assign her an age with
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bunny boy
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why does priconne have so much pissing art?
I'll take guesses for the not yet known ones.
>Bandy sisters
Yamato is 24, Wakana is 17 and Fubuki 14. Yamato drinks so she has to be 21+
They're twins and I reckon both being 12 makes sense
Probably older than she looks I would say 19
Nea is 19, she is an older sister. Probably 25 or so.
>Violet and Grace
Probably 16 and 17 respectively
Most likely ??? but 14 fits her.
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I don't think it has a particularly large amount (I checked)
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>Commissioned by HHH
Quria Cult
>it's real
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>kotturd twitter link
every time
>being so fragile that you have to block people on twitter
The CN-only character is 25? That's surprising.
If this was true then I would leave Looplets
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Well, that's Kanna Hashimoto age
If Hatsune doesn't drain my roll I can probably get all the summers. Is Hatsune worth the 200 if I get keked?
Yes, she is core
Nyo you can borrow her.
Her character is officially listed as 14, they aged her down for the game: https://wikiwiki.jp/yabaidesune/%E3%82%AD%E3%83%A3%E3%83%A9%E3%82%AF%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC/%E3%82%AB%E3%83%B3%E3%83%8A
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>Is Hatsune worth the 200 if I get keked?
no you won't be able to build a team with her
But I have everything else for the team
Alright then I'll correct it, bit of a wish fulfillment on her part lol
>But I have everything else for the team
then just borrow her. there will be better units soon since the game is dying so cygames will be more desperate
I have everything but Rairaeru but can I replace that instead and borrow hatsune?
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was he right?
It's not any of the 3 they just showed unless this guy is a complete gyarukek for the slime
Gyaru lovu
Look at the stars in her legs that's her actual skin color
He could be talking about one of next month's characters
>absolutely zero reason to invest in SP.Chieru because she can't get a UE2 until after her base form gets 6*
I've seen better swimsuits from cygays I'm not impressed yet
it was really underwhelming when I was expecting stuff like kaiser, yuki, and maybe misaki in a swimsuit
Probably Nea since she's the most lewd swimsuit they've released.
I don't want to pull for any of them unless the are broken OP
Yuki's VA is still in maternity leave or only left it recently so there wasn't enough time to do a Yuki summer alt this year since events need a lot of preparation. Would be nice to see a summer alt for him next year or so.
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Who are some good artists to commission for summer Nea art?
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They drew her before and was pretty good
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spreading kyouka's cunny is allowed apparently
uhhhhhh bro? I don't see condoms?
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stop being gay sis
Misora sex
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Loopbros please log in and do your hits
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fuck off im busy
I'm waiting for stage 4
I'll do it as soon as I get home in 3 hours
I'll do my CO if we dont reach stage 4
I'm going back
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the turtle claims its first victim
can't wait for tomorrow
>he gambled and lost
kek couldn't be me
Ayusisters I need an ambulance...
Check the hit sheet in the rentry or post a screen here. We do have some turtle hits left.
i want to ROLLLL
kururin, kuru kuru
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please give us prifes please give us prifes please give us prifes please give us prifes please give us prifes please give us prifes please give us prifes please give us prifes
Does the banner change in 9 hours or in 21?
Banner change is in 9 hours.
August 31st JST
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Let her cook
Do you have the stamina to fuck both of them in a single session, /pcrg/?
It depends are dragon lolis stronger than normal lolis
nah I cum once prematurely and can't get it up until a few days later
Yes, might need some water after the 5th time.
If it was me I would use it on Wurm at least. Her reaction would be funny
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>failed to kill crab
It's over bros...
Nea sure has the hottest swimsuit so far
Don't worry kotbro, we never expected something from you anyways.
They better be talking about the next one or they are completely deluded
I doubt his uncle works at Nintendo but that was my exact reaction to Nea
I can't see it being anything other than Rima or Yuki, the reaction doesn't make sense otherwise. More likely just bullshit
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Turtle is still fun but way too much clutter nowadays.
The best of the three is Misora and she's only fairly hot. I hope the next summer event is better.
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>the hottest swimsuit alt announced this year is unplayable
I fucking hate Cygames
Sounds like something a 40 year old Gyaru fag would say
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>three hits
>three sharts
At least you tried your best
>>but way too much clutter nowadays.
>move my mouse half an inch
>lose track of the cursor
>now desperately scrambling to somehow hit the pause button so I can get everything in order again
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The hottest swimsuit alt is in backlog since 2019.
Cygames is too cucked to do this in 2024
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Great game.
How does it feel to have such terrible tastes
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>Got put in the same bracket as Spaerk again
I feel stalked
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Did you ever hear the tragedy of Daft Luminesis the Ack? No. I thought not, It's no story a mister would tell you. It's a hotglue legend. Daft Luminesis was a S hitter of /pcrg/, she was so useless, Yet so stubborn. She could use the bonsaige to influence the timelines to create... full-auto. She had such a knowledge of the Shitter side, she could even keep the ones she cared about... from tryharding. She could actually, save the ones she cared about from looping? The shitter side of the bonsaige is a pathway to many comps some consider to be unnatural. Well what happened to her? Daft Luminesis became so obsessed that the only thing she feared was graduating, Which eventually of course she did. Unfortunately, she bricked her account and raised Ninon. So she killed a pinoy stealing their account only to brick it again. Ironic, she could save others from sweating it... but not herself. Is it possible to learn this power? Not from a Mister.

Good luck, have fun.
I don't see how S.Kyouka's homescreen or Precia's bare ass in that onsen episode are any better
Ima too tried from grubble gw to deal with manual nonsense. Good luck anons.
wtf, did arena reset? i didn't get my 1st time rewards
No I've just been climbing and he popped up while I was doing so
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Next month bro, trust the plan. They'll give her a new swimsuit. It will be even hotter somehow.
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You know what, I'm not doing cb. I over this
It will be swimsuit, but hagified.
who gets put in NPC jail?
I got so tired from grubble gw one day I quit entirely when I saw an incoming gw on my worst element
It's ILLEGAL how hot Nea looks like this
Left obviously they already look like an npc like this next to those other two. They'll give her a hotter swimsuit later tm
I don't know whenever they did it with Saren/Kasumi/Misaki/Chieru there wasn't really any criteria.
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Cygames employee please
No I'm just not a faggot
Probably Lily, they should save her for a full AM summer event.
Cygames should start calling anyone who doesn't roll for banners gay, maybe it will work
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Misora is about to pull a prank
Imagine when we reach Saturday, all ready to see the Sexy Misora 3 star art and suddenly... PRIFES!
It is then that every hope and safety is shattered.
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You are not allowed to leave
"Not rolling for Yuki? What, are you gay?"
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The image I have in my head for Misora 3 star art is her dragging (You) into a pool or the ocean to mirror her dragging (You) to fall to death in her OG bonds.
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Is anybody else here mp8 like me?
I'm not a whale
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how did you even do that?
Just skip all hags.
Somebody else do ranks this CB, I can't.
at least you have hundreds of thousands of jims, right?
Is it just me or did they increase Misoras bust size?
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No, she's always been that big
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just you
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>Check pixiv
Kill yourself sHHHit
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What does padding mean in regards to CB?
carrying your clan
guy who told me to watch unnamed memory, explain yourself. what the fuck is that ending
You know when your strongest player does the biggest hits with their superior units and PK level, well that's actually bad and you should let the full auto shitters hit those bosses instead for reasons
We need to kick from the top.
petturds LOST 3 hits to the turtle no top 100 this month either
holy fuck I need my coffee
you need god
Which one?
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choose wisely
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Muhammad's fine by me since he liked them young.
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Ayumisters 164
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Do it yourself you lazy cunt
>all those rank increase
dead game lmao
Post them.
Uma will save us.
>gbfg schizo hours
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I blame elements.
What rewards am I missing on by not having a clan? I assume my lvl 100 account is of no use to nobody
You are missing out on at least a 10 roll, CB coins and some extra goodies. You are also missing out on EXP daily for doing a CB hit, which helps you level. Join a clan, do a hit and you'll be happy you did.
A few thousand gems each month. It's not a huge amount compared to PVP gems but it adds up so it's a good idea to get into a casual clan as soon as possible even if you can only hit tiers 1-2.
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Join Looplets
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>new thread on page 1
he NEEDS to have the OP
That's looplets coordination for you.
How new?
I remember when nobody would bake the thread and I'd have to do it, now it gets made like clockwork thanks to yuiturd and anti-yuiturd.

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