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Previous: >>483350581

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Yinlin

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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this thread is MINE NOW
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Say something cute about this dude!
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damn this bitch makes me hard
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If (you) must hear it from me. Then yes! I am Shitposter!
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Camellya sexo
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I hope it willevolve into non furry waifu that I can fuck.
Boobs don't work like that in real life, imagine walking with your bulge bouncing around that's how silly this is.
This game is killing it. I haven't seen shit like this in a long time.
Hold up, wait a minute. Her Tacent Mark is under her boobs?
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I challenge you to find non-porn art of this game.
My penis can bounce when it's half erect
Webm bro can you make a small webm for that New Resonator tease? He/She appeared while Jinhsi's saying there's a huge LOONG inside her.
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Holy shit this game sucks.
>trailer shows both male and female roving

Nooo my head canon my fanfiction noooo how could Guro games do this.
who is this slut?
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>numbers don't even add up to 100%
is this saying Encore is bad? I invested heavily into her already
It is. Its fucking amazing.
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So true xister! I'm going back to Genshin.
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Get back in the Rover and don't come out until you're ready to transform into a cute girl.
i think its saying that when rolling for substats flat attack still out performs basic attack % substat.. meaning if you have two echos and one with flat attack and one with basic attack %, then the flat attack is better
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>numbers don't even add up to 100%
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Reminder that if you pull Jinhsi, you are a cuck who enjoys to masturbate while you watch jinshi gets triple penetrated by futa sanhua, futa new npc and BIG LOONG COCK

stop posting this lisping tro*n with ai voice changer and kill yourself
Jinhsi is spectro? wtf i thought she was glacio... I fucked up my prefarming...
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im not clicking on that while im still alive
this cute little girl >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SWEETILY
so sad to hear what happened to this guy
I didn't even know he was sick
Jue human form

Threesome with Jue and Jinhsi is canon now holy shit.
i mean, they are resonators for a reason
We've known this for weeks, bro
>number crunching in an action game

I don't think people understand it that playstyle, input and boss attack patterns throws all of this shit out the window.
so female rover is the canon rover now? are they going full into yuri route?
>transforms into a girl
>Rover... I... ruv you!

Who writes this shit
watching twice to pick up your slack.
Pay an ad, cucked baldie.
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The promo art literally has male rover in it, what the fuck are you smoking?
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flat attack bros are eating good tonight
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when's 1.2
After 1.1
The only character we have who has a horn is Encore right?
lmao this is her when she when she takes her hand and she puts it on me when i'm naked and my testicles + penis are out and she puts the hand on the penus and she grips it and she takes it in her hand and she pulls up and down and she keep going and she
I wish Changli were up first. it's gonna be a long wait

Solo mode and Co-op mode
Time trial 3 bosses in a row
Top 100 solo/ top 100 teams per server gets rewards

yay or nay?
Encore status?
needs to be preset gear and characters or its a wallet check
does anyone have the jinhsi / changli mats image?
I'm tired of hags
Next hebe when?
I know (You)'re also an FFXIV player
I'm tired of women
Next male when
True. It's also why Encore's RS damage is way more important than a fucking spreadsheet would ever tell you.
It's a LOT of burst on a low cooldown that you will always be able to rely on, even if the enemy cucks your liberation by jumping around, flying, hopping on a pole etc..

Don't spreadsheet, but look at your own time playing a char and judge accordingly.
There is no hebe model in this game
Why do you want to kill the game...
If I pull for Jinhsi I'll be NTRing all of them.

BTW is that pic a teaser of future character? A Human form of Jue? Is so by the looks of it will be female.
once per year like PGR
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>I'm tired of women
we need a weekly dungeon and bloody palace mode
I'm thinking it might be a leader of Huangloong and Jhihsi supperior.
it's not thrown out the window at all, taoqi won't overtake jiyan in a dps race just because they both had to dodge.. dingus
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>weekly dungeon
your 3x weekly boss? genshin didn't have any other weeklies so they couldn't steal that
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military dad/roboarm nerd/psycho general/psycho card dealer SOON
That is clearly a female, besides if that's a male that's a hell of an ugly looking one
No, fuck off nigger. The day this game gets leaderboards or pvp is the day I drop it like hot shit.
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The reward is tryhard and whale can suck my dick.
Genshu Lin alongside Camellya in 1.2. Turns out he's alive and well and joined Blach Shores after he found out Huangloong used him as scapegoat.
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Until someone figures out new tech and it's all obsolete.
Make it a per-character leaderboard
That's an old ugly hag
>transforms into a girl
>Still is a massive glutton and wants to eat lots
much better.
I think you should go to genshin for that.
Damn. WuWa puts more work into creating unique NPC's that we might often interact with than Genshin.
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if we start throwing in mmo stuff we will end up like this
Nay. My suggestion is a long-form roguelite procedural dungeon you can enter with friends and get rewards https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWmM3trAWzU
I on the other hand am really grateful for a GILF character.
psh, I don't need to see anyway
You really want her to be second Paimon?
Is that a parody?
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>Playing Genshin for the men
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people dont understand how bad the average shitter is at even pressing buttons now add a gacha player multiplier onto it
No I said transform into a girl, not a high pitched gremlin you braindamaged gigger.
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>have endless echoslop
>barely any char leveling items
are there domain-esques that I can farm for them or something? the world bosses barely give anything good
One of the things Mihoyo did right was ditching these chinky UI and set the clean minimalist UI as the new industry standard.
Nigga scar of all people is hotter on the male side than almost anyone in Genchink.
Pretty much this. That's the difference between 2D thinking and 3D thinking.
no its actually real
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>They are doing PGR style patch trailers
There no canon Rover. Kuro seem to switch and balance presence of male and female versions in thier promo material. Male is on poster female in a vid. Nect time roles might be reversed.
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I hope this can just be a permanent traversal mechanic, shield surfing is one of the most fun things in botw/totk. Gliding into a shield surf is always a great feeling.
>suddenly alive again
brainlet here, what's a PGR style patch trailer?
Same as Hoyo does thier patch trailers for all thier games. Its new industrial standard. And to be hobest it is effective and good as delivering most important and basic info.
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Punishing Grey Raven (the first game made by Kuro).
the answer in one second
Show story or major story event -> show new unit - > show locations, enemies -> show promotions and other minor events
They'd move visibly, but accurate soft body physics are hard.
If they don't fix the targeting and camera issues, I just might.
Here is one as an example
Basically lets you know everything that is in the patch in a couple of minutes while also teasing the new story.
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I can't take it anymore, 1.1 is still too far away
Anwser. Some might if theu looking for only a fast and flashy combat experience with rougelike elements without and exploration and traversingg lamdscape, were farming that can be done by doing combat challenges that can be cleared in under a minute.
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Hmm, do you guys think we could get sexo like this?
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I did it! Literally ran out of time at 50% hp, but I stacked tons of shields and echo cooldown, so it didn't matter too much.
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That's not what the Kuro in Kurogames is for...
>Will players qu-
Playing both.
>B-But you can't more than 3 gacha at a-
Playing 12 gacha.
Is Changli's banner first in 1.1? She showed up first in the trailer
Do not, I repeat, DO NOT trust this retarded tranny. He is known for intentionally releasing misleading information when he was doing tof """math""", and was paid by tencent to do that to trick people into wasting more money.
Shine forevermore!
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What does Morning Aix do in illusive realm diff 5? Why does he constantly aoe if I go glass cannon inferno rider build?
>Barely any audience
Yeah, Wuwa is done for
thats a lot of onion faces
>EN dub
>those viewcounts
Unironically why do they do this
zoomers love it
Youtube algorithm unironically, so you can blame google for that retarded shit.
Man, that really puts things into perspective. I was think ZZZ was going to flop based on those 50k reaction video views but this is a whole nother level.
I prefer Eastern CCs bros....
Give me one youtuber/streamer who got million views on reaction videos on the first 2 patches of Genshin.
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Do people know ZZZ is not a open world action RPG game ?
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E to the V to the I to the L
E to the V to the I to the L
E to the V to the I to the L
E to the V to the I to the L
Better hide yeah cuz Imma boutta raise hell
Danjin boutta come at you with those flames
I'm the kindest devil ever so remember the name
Every one a these motherfuckers is fuckin insane
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People objectively click on them more often because they do that stupid face... isn't it just the viewerbase's fault at that point?
unironically soulful UI
That shit is their full-time job, so they will do the same for ZZZ
they don't
I've even seen japanese people say it's going to be open world
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So now that Jue is confirmed a must have for exploration, should I build spectro Rover if I am not gonna get Jinshi?
this breaks the genshart
>Eastern CCs
>Various cups of ramen in preview
>Text littered all over
Are you retarded? That's the echo.
What should your webm prove?
The little lift?
Where would you even need it when you can run up walls and eat consumables to instantly regen stamina so you can run up the tallest walls?
>tower abyss dps check
lol lmao
nigger. literally the feathered heron can do that shit
We CN now.

Spectro echo... And who else you are gonna use spectro echo on?
Nice basedface collection wuwabro...
You can put it on anyone that has a 2/2-set instead of a 5-set
who the fuck watches this? isn't youtube banned in china? don't they use bilibili or weibo
Damn that trailer was fucking ass. Time to uninstall, the genkeks were right about this game.
yeap ytube is very dead in chinklands
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Built to be colonized by white male Rover
There is a huge Chinese diaspora living in Australia and Canada.
okay, then post bilibili views? I doubt it can reach 6k let alone 7k.
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post the bilbili version bwo
more like 600k
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Who is this? Is it supposed to be Jue?
New gilf NPC.
Dead game.
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You likely want Jue for Yinlin anyways, though the way it looks like you don't want Yinlin in Jinhsi's team.
Spectro Rover stocks rising.

Of course provided the wording for Yinlin is correct and damage triggers her stuff. Because a dot ticking once per second would be absolutely ideal to max her off-field dps. 15 secs long dot, too.
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So I just hit UL40. Do I invest in Calcharo for my Yinlin team or do I just wait for Jinhsi? Calcharo is lvl 60 maxed out with decent echoes. Gonna get her and her weapon.
Nice bots
me on the bottom right
you OK lil bro ?
One of the towers is electro focused and the other is spectro focused so build both.
please help
>Spectro Rover stocks rising.
Why would he be good for her?
No, Bocchers first
Boosts spectral damage with outro and heals.
He is a spectro flavored Verina.
Jue human form.
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>He is a spectro flavored Verina.
And what is Verina's element?
She buffs all damage.
Spectro Rover just spectro damage.
Man i cant believe i played that shit for 1 year
Verina is just Spectro Verina
I hope Kuro uses him as a "Paimon" that explains (with unskippable dialog) the clusterfuck of the story in a way dumb gweilos can understand.
>wake up
>see new trailer dropped
>see loli changli
WTF I thought that was just fake edit
Jinhsi wants Yinlin very much so, to build stacks of Incandecence. The wording is "when skill is released", so likely not triggered by her off-field damage. But since she has 2 skills she can maybe make it work?

It's ideal on Spectro Rover because 6 second cooldown and it's considered resonance skill damage + benefits from spectro shred.

Good for Jinhsi because of spectro shred. That's it. The heal is insignificant.

Jué is really good on both Jinhsi and Spectro Rover, but it depends on the final damage numbers.
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touch grass
Which country has the dumbest playerbase
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You got her, right anon?
i WILL touch that grass
>Copy Dev Listened because it was meme'd on
souless jewtuber
As good as Wuwa is, they fucking copied a lot from 1.0 Genshin. It's almost like a remake in some ways.
I will fuck the oji-san.
yeah like, you can't just appeal to the hags and lolis at the same time, that's so fucking unfair
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Encore got cunnycreeped...
Personally, i will drop the game if end game is nothing but a dps check. Why the fuck did they have to copy that from genshin?
why is changli so fat
Like I said, it's just about the dot. Yinlin's off-field damage triggers up to once per second based on an enemy marked taking damage.
Jue gives the skill a passive that applies a 15 sec long dot, that ticks once per second. You can technically slap it on anyone really, but Spec-MC would benefit from a full spec set.

This dot is for Jinhsi, to build her own stacks after the outro, but would also be really good to have for Yinlin to get her off-field damage out. Yet Yinlin doesn't provide enough stack building. Verina (due to her liberationt counting separately) and Yuanwu are just better at it. Verina liberation + the dot from Jinhsi herself + Yuanwu restore 50 stacks in less than 15 seconds.

Pessimistic assumption over 10 secs Yuanwu field time:
-10 stacks from Jinhsi's dot
-14-16 stacks from Verina coordinated attacks
-~8 stacks from Yuanwu's attacks
-~12 stack from Yuanwu's coordinated attacks

=~44+ stacks.

The rest you get from the short field time of Verina and Jinshi's own way towards her nuke.

We'll see how it performs in practice. But Yuanwu can provide Jinhsi increased interruption resistance via Liberation, so you don't get easily cucked out of your combo as well.
>Steals encore's element
>Steals anko's role
>Steals unko's fanbase
I think she just hates Junko
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>those views
Crystal clear those are genshin rejects thinking they would strike gold with wuwa.
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>has grass
yeah i doubt that
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Changli better
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YO wtf they're giving 15 free limited plus 10 limited wep pulls????
+7 each from the coral shop
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uoh child belly erotic
I hope ever CC that puts :O in thubnail just fucking die from chocking on something. Like jesus christ who the fuck watches people who make face of a 10 year old boy that sees 2girls and 1 cup for the first time.
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What's the viewcount of 1.1 trailer?
Nice. I think I can guarantee Jinhsi and her weapon with this.
Illusive Realm uses hologram movesets
NTA but what are the options when I want Jinhsi but cannot afford Yinlin?
Changli looks like THIS??
Out of curiosity checked plebbit, how in the world r/gachaniggers managed to spun the 1.1 freebies into something bad lol
What are the best main stats on echoes for Verina? I was thinking of having healing bonus 4 cost then 2 3 cost atk and 2 1 cost atk, but would it be better to through in a energy regen for one of the 3 cost? I'm trying to replace a havoc dmg hoochief I have on her that I haven't been able to get a replacement for.
This general is so dead. Trailer barely revived it.
CN? You know that You tube is illegal in China you stupic fuck. Only people who watch that will be EN guys that like CN voices.


EN has 120k views so far and JP litte over 20k.
erm someone post the bilibili view count of 1.1 video mogging slugcunny
Also the taiwanese
700k already.
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Kek 1 guy mentioned the censorship and instantly murdered
Literal drones
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why are they like this
>noooo this is not a hoyoshill sub!!!1111!
If genshit ever decides to give away a free 10 randomly (not anniversary), then they will praise it.
Faggots keep mentioning how dead this general is, but the other generals are even more fucking dead

So lets talk about new feature and gimmick shit that you liked in the trailer.

I like the clang bang shape matching puzzle shit
ZZZkeks absolutely destroyed and desperate to hide the truth
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You niggers need to stop comparing every single detail of the game with Genshin and help it form it's own identity (and no, calling the game "Genshin with/without X" doesn't help).
You also need to purge the reddit/youtube/twitter crossposters.
did that thread got deleted? lol
id rather talk about changli's unshaved pussy
I like the gimmick where Jinhsi puts her feet in my mouth
Appealing to the algorithm. Tying in all caps and using that thumbnail will put your video to the top of the search so they're all doing it.
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By making it seem like the reaction to WW was negative (by jerking off in that hugbox) they think that they'll somehow influence or kill the game.
But by now they just revealed that the sub is nothing but hoyodrones, so even less people care about their opinion.
watch this
they hated him because he told the truth
I hope the story is at least 2 acts long.
Idiot its definitely waved and burned away to be smoother than Anko's manko.
I think the Jué echo is better than people think. It's a passive DoT effect that you get just by having it equipped. It doesn't even need to be your main echo, you can run 4/4/1/1/1 with Aix as main and Jué just for the secondary effect.
Has there ever been a more universally disliked game like Wuwa in there? I think we might be first for some reason.
This is straight up pathetic, "mhhhh please don't say anything negative about hoyo", not a hoyo shill sub btw.
>some anon says to stop whining about shit and talk about the game.
>They actually do.
what the fuck how the fuck do I get this in my other generals.
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Lmeow even
Those people praised Neural Cloud as the next big gacha and BA as a dead pedo game
Fast forward and well, lol
Blame kuro for blatanly copying genshin
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>still bitching about reddit
>still bitching about genshin

Buck. Broken.
Kek that was quick
Absolutely malding
Not a hoyo sub btw
Broken just like your mother's pussy you paimon faggot that gave birth to a nitwit like you.
I think that'd be fine.
Chances are we'll get a Jinhsi character story that'll be like a.5 follow up to it, that said

Considering that we're getting material for Changli and Jinhsi both probably?... I think two acts would be possible.

I am expecting one act however..
Genshin blatantly copied things from BotW but eventually developed its own style. WuWa needs to leave the path of being "Genshin but XYZ" and set its own direction too, find more ways to make the game stand out (they have the flashy combat, but it won't be enough now that "Genshin killer" is becoming its own genre and other gacha in the making are implementing similar flashy combat animations).
Gig is as dead as fucking whatever the zzz general is called atm.
/z/? /zog? /zzz/ /z deez nuts/? Should call it /flop flop flop/ desu.
is wuwag, dare i say, the minority of gacha gaming? look at this >>483394989 how is this allowed? we are being silenced
Which 1.1 character are you bros pulling for?
Frieren wannabe
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They're both too fucking sex.
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Jihnsi the reddit
>Genshin but XYZ
If they aim for "Genshin but good" I would be 100% okay with that.

Jinshi is aesthetically pleasing, but I prefer Changli's gameplay so I'm pulling her.
Wouldn't mind getting spooked by thigh mole though.
post it on reddit gachagaming bwo... they'll finally see how they're basically the KKK
Jinhsi was the one I wanted since I started the game and saw her for the first time.
Changli won me over with pure sex and a beautiful visual kit
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Both hopefully
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Saving for the general.
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this looks like a hoyo model unironically
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Fire turkey
Her jacket burns off with forte state change that's aesthetic as fuck
Also I love thick women
The problem is Verina is spectro, so is Jue's dot. You can't stack them.
Both so I hope to god I can skip 1.2 and save.
Dawntrail comes out in a few days and I'm worried I won't have time to commit to wuwa for the next month at least...
It will never happen because on this website specifically, the core playerbase are disgruntled SEAniggers who hate Genshin with every fiber of their being for some reason. If you want an actual discussion about the game where people don't see the need to compare it to Genshin every minute, you need to search elsewhere
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You wish it was.
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ITT: niggers that can't read
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>go to that reddit thread
>half the hoyocucks speak in broken english
why do seaslugs defend genshin so much
am I the only one who is still playing because I got lucky with my pulls
So, what's the play here? Someone who uses two elements if counting the echo + Monk since Verina is algo Spectro?
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>50 pity
>0 saved pulls
>not guaranteed 5*

c-can i get them both?
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Yeah, and you're one of them!
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There's a chance although rather slim
Unlikely but spend em all anyway unless you're interested in rolling Camellia
mujhe badaboodaar bagalen pasand hain
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thoughts on white eyelashes?
And in the meantime it was nothing but botw comparisons, suck it.
Pray tell what element is Verina.
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You mean yourself? Look at her outro. And make sure to change the language to chinese, because English is outdated and bugged.

>When Xi is in a team, all characters in nearby teams gain the effect Shaohua Mutual Aid. Shaohua Mutual Aid contains two independent effects: When causing attribute damage, Jin Xi will be provided with 1 point of [Shaoguang]. Similar attribute damage can be triggered once every 3 seconds. When a coordinated attack causes damage, Jinxi will be provided with 2 points of [Shaoguang], and similar attribute damage can be triggered once every 3 seconds.

>Jinxi uses the power of the same frequency as the old master, and the Shaohua Mutual Aid provides [Shaoguang]. The triggering interval is shortened to the same attribute damage, which can be triggered once every 1 second. This effect lasts for 20 seconds.
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reminder mihomo niggas enjoy this
I play both. I'm a sucker for yuzhong...
>no tacet mark
playable neverever
Oh well right you are
Leaked story
Story leaked
Yeah sure retard cause Jue and Verina surely work together.
stop posting ai slop anon
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>check english trailer out of curiosity
>divine LOONG's blessing
How do you get Tacet mark anyway? Do you born with it or do you get 'infected' by it?
I really really like them.
Jinhsi manages to make a mostly monocolor design work well with a few close accentuating colors and just style of shape and such.
I think they off to good start. We will see if they manage to develop into something better.
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I legit forgot this shit existed. Can you empty it?
I want to shag the hag, bros.
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nigga what the fuck using a shiny skin fucks your substats?
Verina has coordinated attacks. Separate thing. So yeah, they do.
The dot gives normal stacks, the coordinated hits give the double stacks.

They largely did this so they actually work together. Yuanwu stocks rising was a nice bonus.
I got everything besides the Credits.
I'll give you one day to clean this, with how fun this mode is you'll be staying here for a while.
bricked, you'll have to wait for the patch
Fixed in 1.1
Depends. Some born with it, other get it after trauma, others mutate with it
Only need 4 rolls for for them and their weapons.
There's a chance but do not assume it will happen. You'd be very lucky if you get obe of them.
Has anyone wobbled as much titty as Changli in a mainstream gacha game before?
inb4 you bitch about the lack of credits on UL 60
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When ZZZ releases im making a gachagaming thread about how Waterkuma draws blacked pedo porn
It gets boring quickly. By the end of the run your echo is doing 99% of the work
>mainstream gacha
Is Nikke mainstream?
Does FGO count?
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I don't even activate Inferno Rider even once outside of his passive effects you get from collecting items
are they fixing this
Ehh. In some ways, but also its like half mainstream, half otaku/weeb mainstream. No live2d, only pngs too. It having bikini lolis is repellant to the worst of twitternormies at least

You know what lets count it. But again, static pngs..
I honestly don't know at this point. It makes a lot of money but do a lot of people play it out of gooklands?
You realize the reason shit gets censored is that it's mainstream, right?
>it keeps coming back even if you clear it
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Bros why isn't Kuro censored?
>do a lot of people play it out of gooklands?
not even /nikg/ play it, so no
OCDchads...... we lost.
everything in wuwa outside bosses is genshit tier content, the exploration is a meme you finish easily and overworld enemies are so easy to kill you dont really do any fighting with them, if bosses are the only content may as well do a domain based game
post it to asmon's subreddit too
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Dangerously based, even if threads get deleted everyone should continue to keep them informed. For the sake of transparency of course, new players should know what kind of degenerate blacked interknotted game they're getting into
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youre games are shit stop fighting
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Tower of Fantasy
More like
Tower of Faggots HAH GOTTEM
>yinlin outro 20%electro, 20% liberation
>changli outro 20%Fusion, 20% liberation
As a veteran player with 1 year of experience in other gacha games, my power instinct is tingling like crazy.
I recommend skipping Changli and Jinhsi.
This is the thing I loved the most about that game. Cute design and the stuttering made her even more adorable
wuwa literally had no general till days before release, you were spamming mobile games with shitty threads of how this game would top genshin on release and didnt happen lmao
what's rotation on jinhshi team looks like?
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Yeah you can't read.
Not really, the big overworld gives you a reason to play the game finding stuff is fun and also gives you something to do while you work towards the goal (for most is beating the bosses and tower).
ZZZ is a fine poop time game like action taimanin that's about it, i really don't think with the gameplay it offers you can do more than maybe 20 mins session a day.
Uhh bro this is the wuwa thread?
the leather club's two blocks down.
>I recommend skipping Changli and Jinhsi.
Why exactly?
When are we getting a 5* limited healer/shielder? Verina can't be carrying 3 teams by herself.
>1 year experience
>gacha powercreep theorist
I believe you.
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Roughly how much currency are we getting up until Changli's banner?
Jinhsi is too slow. changli buff is too common.
Save for next dps.
go check the most played gachas outside genshin only, literally overworld doesnt matter and the ones that do better are the ones having an easy way to hop in and do shit and fuck off in 10 minutes, not grinding stuff all day, most played japanese gachas are fgo and other slop you barely login to do anything, genshin and hsr go to like 8th every month
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Explain it to my dick
Pink cow S6
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Post your stash going into 1.1
Are wupags literate?
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Yeap sure but those games do not consistently generate massive revenue either at least on the caliber of genshin impact. HSR or wuwa
Preferably not a dogshit one please
Is Taoqi actually good at s6? I have her s3.
they also cost considerably less to produce so...
They also generate way less revenue so...
For anyone curious, LOONG is basically just chinese for dragon, but the CCP doesn't like using the word dragon because Taiwan uses the word dragon so there has been a push by the CCP to use LOONG instead when exporting media to foreigners.
The CCP really acts like mentally ill vg posters sometimes.
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Loong Dong
>The mentally ill vg posters really act like mentally ill vg posters sometimes.
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can you prease bump /hsrg/ we really need posters right now, im wirring to give 3 purrs to get my posters back
I just found this little feller. Why is he a different color?
you say this but arknights literally beat genshin inpact in your meme revenue charts for may so how less do they actually make
he's telling you his echoes are dogshit, literally
Holy SOVL, this is the kind of game gigawhales spend an entire estate on.
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fuck HSR im still ass hurt for having to build 3 characters + FF so i can play FF. maybe in month and a half she will be usable for MoC.

Piece of shit banner.
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I have a LOONG UID bwos...
>you say this but arknights literally beat genshin inpact in your meme revenue charts for may
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i dont see how we would become this, most AFK idle games are like the above
You're kinda right. But you overlook one fact. Fgo and older gatchas don't grow anymore. They only maintain what they have and put insane effort into keeping these people. Genshin, Star Rail, WuWa on the other hand are growing. Faster than FGO and others ever did.

Age of older 2d gatchas is ending. Live 2d and 3d are growing in numbers, and overtaking the market and make more money. Also unlike fgo they are often more inovative and are completely new stand alone orginal titles unlike what is comming out of Japan that is always based on existing well known and established franchaise. They take risks and appeal to new or ignored niches and trends.

Fgo, one piece or dragon ball should not underestimate new games and be complement with thier status being a status quo.
Wait till you get the bug where they yeeet themselves to narnia
>inb4 anni banner vs genshin dead week
>don't kill me, I'm a rare species and I'm not tasting well (my echo SUCKS ASS)

This was once supposed to be a shiny idea, but the two normal ones existing aren't actually random but always at the same place. And they count as 4* even if they drop as 5*. Either work in progress, or axed feature.
>had almost 1 year to build MC
>more than 6 months to build RM
>Gallagher is a 4* and you could prefarm him weeks before release
I think you might be retarded.
What do else you expect from old, conservative, autoritarian backstabbers with inferioritycomplex toward US and Europe?
the most fun ive had in HSR was the candy crush event tbqhwy
What happened?
So there's only 2 shiny variations in game?
Turtle, one of the golems and the boss skins
fireflop killed the game...
Yeah, 2 normal ones, turtle and that bigger golem. Some boss' have them, but you don't get them randomly, but as rewards in some modes.

Mind you, might've missed a possible third one. Unlikely, as they aren't random, but who knows. I'm also missing a chest in stupid forest.
what was wrong with firefly? was she too weak? there was so much hype around her?
Do we know if the 2000 asterites for the battle video is something that everyone gets? Or only if your video gets picked as a winner?
How? She's too op so much ther from now on all content will be addjist to reqire her in a team? Or complete oposite?
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I am illiterate, ask me anything.
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>/wuwa/ Hoyoverse games general
Yurifags ran away from hsrg after getting btfo and the thread calmed down.
It really is just SEA. It's like I've never left /vt/.
Star Rail enter the twilight zone like genshin post inazoomer. Players in maintenance mode til 3.0.
Precisely the opposite. She's beyond broken. The entire story shilled her as the canon waifu. The entire game is centered around her. Mihoyo put all their eggs on the basket called Firefly... Only for her to flop.
I think they expected her to surpass Acheron's sale only for her to make half of what she did
That's too bad. I don't see how hard it would be to implement though. Just pallet swap and give each spawn an incredibly low chance of being shiny.
How did you get pass the tutorial scene where the homo tried to kiss you?
People probably noticed that they're only shilling Firefly so much because they want to make her the "canon wife" so that they never have to release another straight female.
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>Dont like harmony MC
>Dont like bar guy at all
>Did not have ruan mei
Sure buddy, god bless wuwa is coming in clutch with new content
is crit just worthless on rejuv glow set? I know verina wants er and atk, but it feels bad to ignore crit substats on some of these pieces
Blame Bosenmori Mei for setting the bar way too high. FF wouldnt have flop if her performance far outstrip Himeko in Pure Fiction.
kinda, but you can use that rejuset to do stuff with jianxin
Unironically, Acheron was giga carried by the HI3rd story. Firefly obviously has no chance. No original SR char has. You just don't have years of storytelling that changes a character to an extreme.
I can 100% see a real Kiana expy doing similar numbers. Or Bronya even.

If anything that should tell them how important the story can be, and that focusing on a few chars as a core-cast has the best odds to create something truly successful and impactful.

As for us... I'm worried. The story already drove away a lot.
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How good is yinlin sig compared to standard 5*? I want to get jinhsi and her sig so I won’t pull unless it’s REALLY good
yeah bro, so many secondaries paid attention to that flop of a game, not Genshin, motherfuckers don't even know what Herrschers are
massive difference in performance and the next limited weapons are looking to be even more so
All of the calcs are worthless because they calculate with perfect conditions, rotations, team buffs etc.
If you don't play Verina for example you'll have different numbers.
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I don't know, I think I liked mushroom and the spores snow better.
36% crit chance is absolutely huge and unironically will never be surpassed for rectifier DPS characters. I assume we're never getting another rectifier DPS tho, only supports for whom crit doesn't matter so you'll have to roll their signatures anyway
wasn't acheron the anniversary banner? having to beat a top up bonus reset is pretty hard
players are still farming critrate right now so it lookk like stringmaster is the better option
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Yet they foolishly set that high of a bar for themselves
None of the current content is hard enough to require signature weapons. Just grab crit weapons from BP/standard and wait til we get broken signature with ele/def shred like Rosetta in PGR.
One one hand i want to say that Mihoyo had quite the balls to introduce canon Love Interest waifu in a waifu/husbando collector game that still supposed to last few years. They decided to make thier story without panderinf to the crowd that cannot stand having other male characters in fictional story that interacts with atractive females.

Thats pretty based.
Yes, I'll spend all my gems on her and so I can watch her get fucked.
Jue is a female btw
Oyakodon sex
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Sanhua is for big blue pulsating insect dick though...
What's up with anime chinks using sheathed weapons to attack?
why are they looking at me like that
On one hand so do I. On the other hand I appreciate changes to the world as a result of questing
not worth using 1% of their power on trash
>new character are floaty af
>everything looks suspended in the air by cables
>no weight
welp, and i was doubting if droping this, guess im out, peace.
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>use this fucker
>second and third slams deal no damage because I accidentally jumped on the hitbox of one of the enemies
It's so clunky.
That part is nice, but still ended up generic.
Why does it do that...
How much better are 5* characters? Is it an upgrade as significant as 5* weapons to the point that you don't need dupes to match C6 4*?
God we need a playable hag (real)
Base 5* is better than maxed 4*.
everyone knows what chlorinde does before she came out. disagreements center on what teams she will be best in and how comfortable it is to play her.
people still correcting others on what exactly ginseng kit does. nobody can agree on how to play her, let alone where she fits into teams

just a cute observation
So how do we feel about the 15x lustrous tide, 15x radiant tide and 10x forging tide bros?
Are you guys satisfied with the bonuses?
>>sea hours
Alright goodbye
Correction, base limited 5* is better than maxed 4*. The standard 5* except Verina are significantly weaker than limited 5* and even rivaled by several 4*.
i mean genshin is extremely 123 . the gameplay of the character doesnt matter all that much compared to who you gonna pair the unit with
I'm satisfied, but because I don't expect any better
They should give one 5 star for free
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Enough supply to last us 2 must pull banners, whenever that is
>Jue will be the opposite sex of the Rover you chose, so will either be an ikemen for (you) or dragoness for (you)
Crits are the best stats because crit rate and crit damage work together to amplify the multiplier.
>Atk, ele, cr, cd all linearly increase output damage.
For example, if you increase atk by x% and your damage output increases by 10%, increase your atk by another x% and your damage increases another 10% for a total of 20%. The same applies for ele, cr, cd.
>Separate multipliers
If x atk% increases your damage by 10% and y% ele also 10% dmg, then total damage output increases by 21% > 20%. This is why you don't stack the same multiplier.
However, if your crit rate and crit dadamage increase your dps by 10% seperately, then together they increase your dps way more than just 21%.
>10% cr 150% cd to 30% cr 150% cd => 9.5% dps increase
>10% cr 150% cd to 10% cr 250% cd => 9.5% dps increase
>together 30% cr 250 cd => 38% dps increase
This is why crit is bad individually (4* echo crits are the worst, literally worse than atk) but if you manage to invest in both crit stats, it yields the most dps.
Thanks for coming to my TEDx talk.
I like it but at the same time I don't want this to be the norm. Otherwise, loud beggars are gonna expect it every patch.
I think i'm going to waste my guarantee on Yinlin, i believe i can get Jinhsi and save for Camellya.
i'm never satisfied
Do the illusive realm cheevos reset? The ones that give you ~15 astrite for clearing with X character?
And that's bad because....?
More free stuff please
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The way Kuro works is that they add a lot of npcs with unique designs and then decide which ones they make playable based on the player reception, so if you want an npc to be playable be very loud about it. If you want hags spread the haglove.
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SEX with girls! Female SEX!
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Pretty good, just wish you'd get them on 1.1 launch day instead of you know, drip fed like in genshin or star rail once again
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ugly, effeminate, overdesigned, midget, twink FREAKS. Sex with men! MAN SEX
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I know, and can't wait to get Bridget in global in PGR....
Also Lamia is coming home soon, my dick is fucking hard
But yeah I hope that hag turns into a playable character in the future.
Tbh, I don't even think I'll like ZZZ but I kinda want to play it just because Hoyo always makes quality games.
you still need to log in 7 days for the other stuff
so its fine
i dont like menu simulator games
and zzz seems to have a lot of it
this but it needs to be a loli hag
I'll build 50 pity of Jinhsi, then go all in on Changli.
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Man I hope we get some SEX design like the new Lucia....
Can't wait to get out from not-china.
that's a man
That's a man would
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Our godess about to get another version, get in here
Even better. Fuck now I hope that WuWa will also have a trap character.
god I need to kneel and worship this specimen feet while she calls me good boy
keep dreamin
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Its up
>PC client
You guys tried this on Linux via proton or vm with a passthrough?
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To everyone in my firendslist
If you don't reply to my emote i WILL curse you with a Lingyang spook.
unfriended and blocked
>Boobs don't work like that in real life
Yes they do.
Breasts absolutely move while walking and it's bizarre that people still try to gaslight on this matter when 1) there's infinite video evidence available and 2) any man who's fat can test it with his own fatty manboobs. I just did and even in a slow walk my moobs flop up and down visibly. Only thing games do wrong is that the motion should be more of a sudden jerk than a smooth slosh, but that's more of a physics engine limitation than anything.
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I'd like a proper fusion buffer/healer/shielder for triple overworld bike traveling shenanigans, Mortefi ain't it for Changli Encore
>replying the the boobs irl shitposter
If you don't reply to shitposters, the shitpost will be the only message anyone hears.
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>maintenance starts right when i go to sleep and will be up shortly after i wake up
I hope they keep this maintenance schedule
With how long it took for them to debut playable Bridget this is exactly what kept kuro from killing her like Chiko
I also want Jianxins master to be a needy hag
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Reminder that an account with this box is more rare than one that has used the box.
Never use the box.
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I used the box!
Mortefi wanted the icy pistols
But it's also twice the cost of the other stats, since now you need 2 stats for a damage increase instead of just one.
Which is why atk% and ele% scale better until they don't.
Not that it matters considering there are so few sources of crit, so you don't have a choice really.
is yinlin a good long-term "investment"? (meme term i know)
i enjoy her gameplay but i don't know if she is worth getting just on her own, her outro doesn't work with calchudo due to him needing to swap cancel, and who knows which electro units we will get in the future
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God why is femrover design so hot?!?
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Nooooo... They made this tower 50x harder now....
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I'm gonna open the box and give my Rover her sword dupe so she can be stronger because she's the main character and best girl.
i'll never play a game made by hoyoverse again for as long as i live, hoyoverse treats its players like absolute shit and the experience being as bad as it is now just is the worst feeling i've ever had playing a game and i can't stomach another second fuck hoyoverse dude for real.
DO NOT MERGE THE SWORDS YOU TARD. The sword dupe advice is in case you want two sword users in one team. DO NOT MERGE SAAR
If you want to sell that accput then sure. But I see no pint in it. Mt Rover deserved that sword after carrying me trough entire 1.0
Bricked lol
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I'll merge the sword so she can be stronger, she deserves it.
its legitimately a waste of a 5 star this early on to refine, i mean you do you, but the other anons are right you are fucking yourself over if you ever need 2 sword users that need a decent weapon, i wouldn't until later in the games life if im being honest.
>3% more ATK
>for 80 pulls
You do you
It's a negligible power increase compared to the flexibility you get from having two 5* weapons. Do not redeem
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Silence, there's no other characters beside Rover.
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Why is she so pretty?
i don't have a good broadblade weapon. can i use the 5* broadblade from the box?
>And that's bad because....?
Tell me one(1) gacha that has been as generous as this and has been running for years
is that chixia's mom? I skip unvoiced dialogue
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Oh no no no bros…
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Mother I'd like to FUCK!
how good does Genhsi need to be to make her a must pull? I'm saving my stones for a jiyan rerun
>hoyo trats players like shit
come on now wuwa isnt even reaching hsr levels of pulls, only with the compensations they get near but still it was mostly standard pulls, wuwa had 177limited pulls accounting for compensations vs hsr 218 on release, even genshit whos "stingy" gievs more rewards than 90% of the gachas out there only a few can brag they give more shit, hell the most played jp game which is fgo gives shit ammounts and added pity not long ago like a eyar and half, is still 150 pity yet jp spends on it way more than anything else.
Wow Jiyan really is a manwhore
Changli is the better titcow anyway.
Post screenshot of R2 sword then
she was carried by genshin retard not hi3 lmao barely anyone plays hi3 anymore, everyone rolled acheron to have genshin raiden
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I haven't unlocked the box yet.
Better to go for the pistols/sword from the base 5* weapons, and pull Yinlin's/Jinshi's signatures for rectifier and broadblade. Basically, anything that has crit is good
swipe and rank5 it. Rover deserves it
hsr isn't an open world game
This girl is probably the most simped over female mc in gacha game history ngl
yinlin in disguise
>3 wishes for chink newyear
yeah they dont grow outside jp, fgo outputs everyone else by nearly double in jp, of course no one gives a shit about fgo outside japan, im saying this because people always use wuwa jp metric as a form of success, genshin and hsr always rank low on that market, japanese people love their anime slop or obscure games no one knows outside japan
mihoyo spacing
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It's a free game.
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for me, it's Maqi.
How many hours until Jihnshi banner drops? I'm getting real bored of this dogshit game, atleast a coinflip will make me feel something
is true, they beat genshin in china, it was aniv vs dead patch but they did lmao only on mobile doe since arknights doesnt have a pc or console client and many people spend there but dont let the shills lose the narrative, people forget genshin has consoles when comapring wuwa too, those lame 53m are only mobile and most people play genshin in pc console
How long until we get Kuro CEO's waifu ported to wuwa?
Jhihinhshih on Thuhrhshdhayh
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i feel personally slighted by hoyoverse through genshin impact and no amount of dick riding will ever change my mind i will never touch a single thing they develop for as long as i live on this earth those pieces of shit i've never despised a development team quite like hoyoverse in any game i've ever fucking played its legitimately a terrible experience and i have no idea why i played it so long.
Haha no. Nobody likes Genshin Raiden.
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High on copium
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That's Djeeta.

The birth of a new meme.
wish it had music as good
this. people only like the sexbot raiden, the NEET raiden is a loser
Naw. It's Yinlin after she popped out 3 of my kids.
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>she sees all her AI generated feet pics
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I want to play this...
Looks like age of wushu
I quit genshin because My illustrive dimension event still in difficulty III.
What reward that I absolutely must pull there? it will end tomorrow.
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So shat they had to ruin her with those chinese penis looking "dragons".
Close eyes, stay focus on changli banner
instructions unclear, came inside Yinlin
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Jinhsi, my beloved.
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You can run but you can't hide
>Lighter Color
>Darker Color
Remember all those organic posters screaming about all female vs male banners? I wonder where they went? Hmmm. *starts drawing conclusions*
Is drip marketing still possible before maintenance starts?
With Yinlin they dropped promotional material right as she dropped so who knows.
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What happened?
Nothing, people are waiting for 1.1
Baizhi's Baizhis
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Definition of 3DPD
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>thread slowed down to a crawl
Who do we blame for this
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List of girls that dresses like a slut because of her tacet mark location? List of girls that dresses like a slut just because she can?
when does jinhsi come out?
Should I roll for her?
no roll for changli instead
new hot vtuber drama, all the SEA schizos who love stirring shit just moved there instead
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It's been slow for some time now compared to last week
jinhsi gets the jew echo, what does changli get?
No I meant for like 1.2 characters. Pretty sure we got those for Jinhsi and Changli before 1.0 dropped
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lava dildo
Anons are either working or playing the game
whats the drama?
Stop posting disgusting porn, post feet pictures instead
okay so i've explored 100% of the world. took me a bit and i'm never doing it without a map again.
What do I do now?
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You enjoy your vacation and take it easy until 1.1 comes out.
Why the VAC ban?
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Can't wait for the totally real sex scene in 1.1
We got the datamine leaks aka changli 1.1, camelliya 1.2, phroloya 1.3 very early almost right away, but the actual 1.1 drip marketing you're talking about was right around yinlin banner; so if they keep the same schedule expect it in ~2-3 weeks
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Leaked 1.1 Jinhsi model has detailed genitals, ridges, and pubes.
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Jinhsi is too young. You will skip her.
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WuWa 1.1 JP video just casually increasing by 20K views in the last 15 minutes. The juice is loose
This bitch is actually a loli herself, watch the fucking trailer
is there any tier list that will be accurate?
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Male Rover is canon confirmed
>less than 100k views
We are so dead bwos..
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20K for EN trailer as well pretty much instantly in the same time frame. Screencap taken at exactly 8AM
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Does this look like a male to you
All the salarymen just came home from their shift
Jinhsi is so flat
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It's going up ridiculously fast now like the last trailer after 8 hours. Here it was after 3 hours
FYM? I'm eating dinner right now
Jinhsi is not flat enough.
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No new 4*?
Will we finally get some good music in 1.1? HSR mogs this game so completely in music that it's a bit jarring.
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I'm rolling for Yae Miko.
The main thing they should fix is the performance
I don't care about anything else if the game can't run properly with a decent PC
Zero performance issues here
Are we getting a new endgame mode besides tower in 1.1?
no. wait for 3rd year anniversary
I salute the yapy- wait, who is this?
"Endgame" players will never be satisfied.
Especially since this crowd invited the jobless F2P MMOfags with the Echo grinding.
You cannot create enough content to satisfy these beggars with time and no money.
Trying to satisfying them is fruitless, and ends up harming the game by alienating the normal audience.
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is this enough?
for what?
to guarantee one character no matter how bad your RNG goes yeap.
yeah, you'll get 10 more after this too
Not nearly enough.
I hope we can at least get 100+ more pulls for Tsubamellya
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You can guarantee every character so long as you don't do dumb shit like
>rolling for dupes
>rolling for weapons
>rolling for males
>Play loli porn asmr
>Open wuwa
>play with Encore and Verina
Jinhsi or Changli bwos...
both if you're not poor
You are not getting off from her ugly ass, stop kidding yourself
Shut up man. Back to Discord.
Almost doubled it's views in the last 30 minutes. 8 hours to get to 58K. About 30 minutes to get the next 50K. 1 new comment, barely any new likes. Extremely organic stuff Kuro Games/Tencent. Guess this ones going to 2 million after all.
goty if they use jinhsi's trailer music for the boss
This has been bothering me for a while now but how the fuck does her hair work with those huge golden rings.
Do you mind posting the uncropped one with clothes pls i really like their colour scheme (and wouldnt mind a microbkn version)
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damn MRover looks like an abusive boyfriend in Josei anime
Jinhsi, Changli or Camellya?
extensions, but with a ring
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This is enough.
they are bolted onto her skull
This, I don't want time wasting endgame modes, tower is enough.
Camellya. She's the wife.
Whoops Japan noticed this time
Tencent bots I kneel...
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Have you ever considered that they're using the video as an AD? Or are you just being retarded on purpose?
wait, ad works like that?
>grinding for gems
>Free 2 Play

True Free to Play, means I got so much ca$h that any money is free.
You ain't free to play. Nigga u poor to play.
Who the fuck likes videos on youtube?
Nearly 100K in the last 30 minutes for EN. Give me all the juice to vanquish Hoyoverse Father Tencent
this video must be botted too since it only has 2k likes
Nice username mihomo shill
how can you blame the game for your lack of foresight though?
same type of players who skip topaz on first run and now pretend fua team is for whales

no you just didn't believe and bought in too late same with RM
Then give me something to grind on you dishonest faggot. I've already poured hundred of hours into echo grinding and Tower is a stat check. Scratch the endgame part, provide me with something new that can consume my time entirely. Housing feature for your characters is one, expanding illusive realm is another. I'll take anything as long as it does not involve echo farming. I've burned out myself with it.
What's wrong with wanting to play the game and not treating it as a gacha, faggot?
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but geshuli looks really cool and is 100% going to be giga busted.

Its funny that its happening at exactly 8 hours like the last one. Some people in Asia that are probably used to this shit had the same idea to track it like I did.
>SEAnigger discovers what timezones and lunch breaks are
impressive to watch in real time
>I'll take anything as long as it does not involve echo farming. I've burned out myself with it.
Then why did you do it
1.1's trailers are just that good.
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There are different types of ADs on youtube. One of them is literally just playing a video that the company that bought the AD space uploaded.
Because I like the game and I want to spend hours playing it? Are you retarded?
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>I've already poured hundred of hours into echo grinding and Tower is a stat check. Scratch the endgame part, provide me with something new that can consume my time entirely.
>I'll take anything as long as it does not involve echo farming. I've burned out myself with it.
>What's wrong with wanting to play the game and not treating it as a gacha, faggot?
Go play a MMO faggot.
Its happening for both the EN and JP trailers moron
Moron, people are starting to wake up in burgerland.
Still not addressing the fact of having to build 2 of the most uninteresting characters in the whole game and one of them being male. There's no alternatives to that btw, on the Topaz team you can be flexible and it will work just fine.
Try running firefly w/o r/dditor MC and ruan mei. That is just poor design
>Havoc character number 2194012451232305
Nah, Hrover, Camellya and Danjin are good enough
Extensions, the same exist in real life I've seen some in the modelling industry but I can't find a picture of it, some anon posted it a few weeks ago.
I too take my lunch at 10PM and 9AM
>I like the game
>So I burned myself out on it
You're not the sharpest tool in the shed
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every vtumor is botted too. we know it already, rajid.
You're arguing with gambling addicts.
They want to pull the lever, get the shiny sparkles, bragpost about it on discord and 4chan then move on to the next game where they can do the same.
They'll call any amount of gameplay "grind" because they don't want to play a game, they want to rooooll. And participate in parasocial circlejerks with others like them.
So the botting has started huh?
bro? top players use him with cadenza using dps pistol on him is brick
see >>483413693
Explain the trailers getting 90% of their comments in the first couple hours on both trailers and 50% of the views in the last 45 minutes on the JP one then? EN WuWa trailer had like 3000 comments apparently in the first few hours of being up. Now the view count is exploding but the likes and comments are barely budging.
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kek I have e6s1 eula and e6s1 Raiden on my genshin account I don't have to add that I've quit that kusoge, right?
It's probably being used as an AD? Why did you conveniently ignore my post about that?
at that time the game still pandered to straight males so you're safe
Typical gachabrainrot. Gachas have programmed your mind to engage in minimal activity by logging in for 10 minutes and then logging out. You're so pathetic. Lazy fucks like you should appreciate the game more, but I guess it's too much to ask. Go 100% your exploration.
The solution is to literally play a different game.
No single game has the amount of content you're looking for.
If you want endless grind, go play an MMO or ARPG.

Sunk cost fags who want to squeeze blood from a stone and constantly badger for content to come out when they consume everything in a week are worse than insects.
Bots or no bots, the fact is that it still did well before the 'fake' views start coming in
>he doesn't know how youtube updates their views
Wuthering bots
Because its a hoyocuck having a melty, the retard probably doens't even know that Hoyo does the same thing, boosting the views by using the video as an ad. It's even weirder behaviour because the most viewed video on youtube a couple months ago was a discord ad and there was a huge fuss about it.
do you overworld farm or anything? or is it purely using your 240 stamina and logging out immediately
Extremely organically popular game. Truly number one worldwide. A smash success
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Why are giggers here anyway, we don't have any mint to pick?
crit, 10% atk bonus for Jiyan, energy regen, and higher base atk go hard. I'll use the pistols on Chixia too, I just need some more dupes for her.

Hell, main dps Chixia with burstdps Rover seems like a good combo as well
>dps with Chixia, hit concerto, e r q on Rover, back to Chixia

Hopefully limited 5* pistols will suck so I don't have to pull for them and can just slowly upgrade Static Mist to rank5
hold up, don't tell me hoyo actually used furry guy as the main ad of ZZZ and that's the reason why the views are so ridiculous on that vid and not because furries are interested in the game?
Don't show this hoyo tard the hoyo trailers that are botted to the brim with unusual view counts to like and comment ratio.
lmao geniggers moved goalpost so far, that now it's all about "muh yt bots", go back to picking mint you idiots
>Inferno rider
>Tornado on charge atk
>1000% fucking dmg on charge atk tornado
>50% amp on charge atk
I love turtle shell immortal Baizhi but Yangyang pulverized everything on the roguelike (cant imagine how stupid will be to use Jinhsi)
They should have botted Ami Koshimizus vidwo too. She deserves it more than this trailer
I believe its exactly that, it doesn't make sense that people interested in the game wouldn't watch the other videos just because its not a furry.
>Extremely low twitch views
>Dead general
>Dead reddit
>Somehow getting a ton of YouTube views?
Very organic kurosisters...very organic.
Those 1.1 trailers are absolute soul.

I struggle to think of games recently that are on par with that, alongside Star Rail. Japan is starting to slack.
Seems pretty normal to me in comparison. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lCpXR60xEY
Echopickers, time to fight back!
MMOs are plagued by exactly the same type of player as you, mindbroken parasocial addicts except instead of gamblers it's ERP second life socializers.
They want to idle 24 hours in town /dancing with the newest slutglam and as soon as the game is in danger of adding something fun or interesting to do they start hyperventilating and screaming about how the game is becoming a second job and it's being ruined, because they can't stand the idea that there's content in the game that they aren't doing, because they don't want to play the game but they want to feel like they're the in crowd anyway.
It would be a great solution for you and similarly damaged individuals to play second life, VRchat or coin master but you're going to be parasites on video games for the rest of time instead.
The idiot didn't even notice the 30 pulls at the end.
Yeah it's successful, gonna cry now.
but enough about zzz, lets get back to posting about wuwa
Because we're real gamers. We don't watch things for little kids like Twitch.

Look at that trailer. Trailer, then facts. 4 minutes. Perfect.
Back to my wife while these idiots argue online about whatever.
Too busy checking Changli out he's a coombrain
They must be botting sales too OH NO.
the little bit of gameplay they showed looks soul I'm positively awaiting release
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Daily reminder not to fall for the /hrtg/ troon squad and the fucking giggers with their mihomo bait-posting. Let their mourning aix wound fester and rot.
Inferno Rider Yinlin is completely busted. It's the easy mode for the roguelike.
Very organic post lol. No one talks like this. Sounds like fucking marketing slogans.
sorry wuwaggers, I'm staying at /vt/ for now to talk about the new vtuber debuts, I still play wuwa though!
someone post the genshin baby puzzle please
Thanks, Doro. You're the best!
I mean it's no wonder they're all here, there's nothing to do in their mihomoslops
give me a break I just watched the trailer and that's all I had in my tiny little caveman brain
You sound like someone who’s never gotten a world or server first and just copes by sweating it out in a single player gacha game.
Pretty dead twitter too. The only thing they've been bothering to bot is youtube and bilibili views
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>they replaced one of the three (3) meta male characters in PGR in under two years
>when there are multiple 2-3 year old females they could have replaced instead
Let this be a warning for female players. Kuro hates us and doesn't want our money.
>7 hour thread
>Meanwhile /gig/ is fast as fuck
Even /tofg/ was faster than this during the first 3 months of release.
Replying to himself another kind of retardation.
Wuthering Waves made by Kuro Games is quite possibly I might say, the Jeoff Keighly Game of the Year for 2024 Chinese new year of the Loooooooooooooooooooooong
>Jue is male
Well, that's disappointing
Apparently not by Yinlin looking like it's sold about a little over half of what Jiyans banner did in a week longer
Nope, I'm not that guy. Projecting though, kusoshill?>>483415427
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This one?
anime aesthetic never panders to straight males, you tranny freak. This is a high estrogen Stacy medium, if you're a XYsissy, leave
Solid doubling of view count in an hour. Forget the only 5 new comments and only 100 like increase, Kuros here to play for keeps clearly
It's the fire curse, Nanamech got replaced by a male too
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Based doro
Watching the schizo sperging because Wuwa view counts mogged his shit game is funny though
Tencent should bot this thread too IMO. Make it happen
>hate chink botting/monetization
>only like chink games/games the chinks colonize (warframe, wild rift, wuwa)
why am I like this
>Kusogames get exposed as view botters
>Thread dies shortly after
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hi wwbros
I'm doing my part by refreshing the trailer every second.
>Trusting /gig/gers
expy when?
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I did, and thoroughly enjoyed it without burning myself out like a retarded addict. And I will do the same in 1.1, while you cope.
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On the scale of WUWA to ZZZ
How excited are we for 1.1 Patch?
Exposed to whom, like genuinely like do you think you're doing something here by posting like a retard 24x7, like what do you think have you accomplished in your head as delusional as you are , if anything it shows how obsessed you are with this game faggot.
Hi livlov bro
Genshin (5/10, mid)
It looks boring. It's legitimately weird how many views the 1.1 trailer got. Almost like....they botted the views...?
I'm ready to get my waves wuthered again.
Kind of wish I could roll for Changli first
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You know why these mihomo genshill drones can't stop pestering our wuwa? *poof* It's because they hate seeing us enjoy our game trying to git gud and beat the holograms while they have mint picking as one of their main gameplay elements. Looking at how we dodge, weave, and parry made their homo "gameplay" of spamming the most broken elemental reactions seems so lackluster. Seeing us play our roguelike while they have to catch their breath because they climb 8 feet upwards. They especially hate how Kuro just showers us with apologems, standard pulls, limited pulls, and even weapon pulls while they get handed out a pittance for enduring hours long stream that can be summarized by a random youtube cc in under 10 mins, like the rags they are. They hate how we enjoy our life while they get flogged like dogs. It is what it is lads... The grass is greener in our side and they hate looking at it that's why they're shitting themselves.

mihomo raiders, stop and get some help. Or get some rope.
ZZZ as in sleeping?
don't get baited, that nigga have been replying to himself for like an hour straight
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>People are excited for Changli than Jinhsi
As a JADE BEAUTY enjoyer, i feel more special and based
i think the hate is largely due to genshin's cc switching to wuwa and enjoying the game. such insecure niggers
They're Chinese, of course they cheat wherever they can. Mihoyo are Chinese and bot their shit as well, buddy
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im going to wuther jhinsi's waves
>showing off her bare ass to the entire thread
Mihoyo sure is ruthless when it comes to utterly crushing their competitors
>Pay people to talk shit 24/7 on gachagaming and the official wuwa subreddit
>Do the same on NGA and tieba
>Pay people to do the same here
>Terminate contracts with cosplayers it they cosplay any Kurogames characters
Scary. If I was Kuro, I'd just give up.
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the real question is, will ZZZ be good enough to become my new toilet game ?
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I'm really excited for 1.1 to finally be able to play Jinhsi.
I have almost no interest whatsoever in ZZZ but I'll probably still check it out since it's getting a PS5 release simultaneously.
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The last time I was excited for a gacha update was fgo solomon back in 2016.
Think about it, that AAA and Indie game kickstarter are more predatory than gacha games.

Gacha games are essentially free games where you can buy pokemon card booster packs.
>But the gambling!
That ain't me lmao lol kek rofl I keep it real and tip the devs when they do good jobs. I don't roll for no one. If you get it, you get it.
>B-but genshin does it too!
Weird cope lol. It's like genshin lives in your head rent free or something
jus is so lucky...
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The view schizo is recent, he start malding after every new Wuwa trailers mogged genshin, zzz views
Our new 1.1 Trailer is already mogged Genshin new trailer, that's why he start sperging out again
The sad part is that they're not getting paid. They're sucking Hoyo's cock of their own accord and choking on it in the process.
>healing turtle
>energy set
I have to say Jinhsi design-wise looks stunningly good. Changli has a few weird quirks to her design.
But I'm still rolling for Changli because gameplay-wise she seems much cooler.
>literally taking the newscaster role for wuwa social media
Just be honest with yourself, you love this game too.
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>Kuroshills aren't even denying the allegations anymore
This is the problem with paying people to defend a product they don't even care about. They have no passion for it so they don't even try. Sad really.
Changli's gameplay seems a lot more unga bungna. You just stay on the field and mash buttons. Jinhsi really requires you to switch to optimally build up stacks for her. I think between the two, Jinhsi will be harder to play well.
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we actually won
>Botted views
>W-we won!
I think Wild Rift made me hate the Chinese and shitty FOTM gachas like Solo Leveling made me hate gachas.

Wild Rift for being a SHITTY RIGGED CUNT, Solo Leveling for having that scummy "FIVE ten pulls from which you can keep one" "jk pay up gwailo lmao" event
Tencent bots ranked matches in Wild Rift and Warframe events default to "100% community progress". I am just glad there's no pvp to infuriate me.
But Changli does have the problem that she's too flashy for her own good. You will have trouble seeing what the boss is doing because of his visual bullshit on the screen. I don't think she's gonna be good for very tough fights unless you've completely memorized and can do it semi-blind.
Yes we won
To me harder to play does not mean more fun.
I think Changli's animations and especially the soundeffects are much better than Jinhsi's. From what I've seen, Jinhsi's rotation is comparatively short where you basically want to dish out your 3 skills + ult as fast as possible.

Changli has more freedom in her combo I think.
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we fucking won bros
>More whataboutism
You sure you aren't a chink?
I'm pretty excited for 1.1 I like playing this game.
ZZZ gameplay look boring compare to PGR, I will check it, but I'm not looking forward to it. They can surprise me but I have low-expectation.
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I was more excited for it than the Elden Ring DLC. I still haven't touched the DLC yet.
Yeah, so? Kuro bots, Mihoyo bots, the Chinese are losers. Tell me what else is new
Magistrate impregnation

四文字熟語 is kino, impossible to replicate in English
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It's time
Damn, kusoshills like you sure are easy to BTFO. Well, I guess I accept your concession... Even if it came too easily
It's a turtle so you'll get defense
Another day, another mint picker meltdown. They do it for free
What the fuck was that lame ass avenger assemble bullshit during act vi?
no problem mihoyoshill, you're welcome to dodge the lego minigames in our superior general
energy regen or flat atk
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Ehhh it's okay, i really don't like the new difficulty gimmick, it's like genshin where you have to explore and collect seed to upgrade else you get 1 shot.
And Elden Ring open world is such a boring empty field
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You meant kino ass avenger assemble awesomesauce, right?
Changli doesn't look that important as a pull if you already have a well invested Encore. There's no need for a strong second Fusion.

You will be bricked on Spectro dps without Jinhsi for a while. There's no good alternatives.

Despite Camellya's popularity, she may be a hard sell due to how strong Havoc Rover is. Havoc Rover gives you a good Havoc dps for free that will only get better in the future with sequences. Camellya is gonna have to be absolutely crazy to convince a lot of people to roll for a new Havoc dps.
maybe if lingyang isn't there.
die metafag
spectro rover is fine as a dps
clearly Camellya is going to be Havoc's personal Verina, HRover - Danjin - Camellya team is going to be insane
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>Camellya is gonna have to be absolutely crazy
I think she has that covered already
When are we gonna get news about skins. I'd open the bank for chixia skins with her bangs down.
I may be in the minority but I feel H.Rover to be quite weak. They only do good damage with their ult and only if you have their ult and enhanced form up simultaneously, otherwise it's shit. My H.Rover has the standard sword and 80/200 ratio and she hits like a wet noodle compared to my Encore. I think this character is grossly overrated.
>800 replies
>No one wants to make a new thread.
I love how not even kuroshills are enthusiastic about this dogshit game
so there's nothing to do in wuwa. should i try PGR?
>triple havoc
oh nonononono. Did anyone inform this poor fool? Clearly not
Genshit Impfart
don't a lot of enemies have havoc resistance
>80/200 ratio
I mean
That's bad
Especially with HRover's next sequences
finally someone else noticed. rover is shit.
Camellya is going to be a support or subdps like Yinlin for HRover. HRover is the greedist dps in the game with a long ass field time.
I too don't get paid to shill mihoyo, fellow mihoyo shill.

Isn't Genshin Impact™ just the greatest game ever!
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It's 200cv. It's actually pretty good.
>posts embedded in discord
>gets accused of viewbotting
Genshitters brains are truly tiny.
I actually regret building him
>Changli doesn't look that important as a pull if you already have a well invested Encore. There's no need for a strong second Fusion.
This is the cold, hard truth.
What the hell is critical value.
>He thought wuwa would ever amount to anything past 1 month
holy kek
Are you new to gachas?
Crit value is a fake metric, only crit damage matters and you should just luckchad every ult for a gorillion damage
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I personally dont like playing havoc rover either but thats more due to how clunky she feels to play compared to spectro. Pretty much main draw in using havoc rover is the dreamless echo
Naw. Encore sucks for aoe. Changli is all about aoe. You're not gonna see anyone doing tower with just Kakarot unless they're a masochist.
Needs more botting I places besides youtube and bilibili IMO

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