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"Not beating the allegations" Edition

Previous: >>483384736

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Yinlin

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
What's the new agenda being posted about wuwa this time?
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But it looks better than colorful pixar for girly girls that is that one other game though?
That Jinshi is cute
jinshi is a brick. don't know why it's just the new "sub dps" shitpost
"muh yt bots" or "free shit is ackchyually a bad thing"
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>their H.Rover don't hit for over 50k with a liberation
>less flashy
>more practical
>aoe dot ult
What's there to hate? Too many visual effects are a bad thing
if she chinese why speak japanese?
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For me it's Ankobwos.
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genshit perpetually mogged by the better game. genshit will NEVER recover
Honestly, still more colorful then what Kuro usually does if PGR is anything to go by. I'm surprised we don't have more blondes.
It's more Rock like that apparently
Did you miss the part where crit rate and crit damage should be in a 1:2 relation?
My god genshin is so fucking bad lmfao
>literally RNG rain that might or might not hit the enemy
Yinlin love!
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Absolute brutal mogging
No wonder the /gig/schizo is having a melty lmao
>this is what Ankotards unironically play
Why. They have the same value on DPS as long as you don't go over 100% crit rate
ok that sucks then lol, I thought it'd be a constant damage zone
Why do we suddenly have dedicated shitposters again? The last week was pretty nice.
It's the meme ratio in HSR/Genshin (which isn't actually optimal in those games either, but it's easy to remember)
>They have the same value on DPS
They do not Mr. Brainlet
>can't past 1m views in a week
Wuwa new trailer broke them i guess >>483420095
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/gig/ is having a meltdown right now because of Siggy and Furina rerun flopping so he's probably venting his frustrations here.
1.1 is releasing soon. Hoyoshills are in panic mode.
Good morning bros, are we feeling good?
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Hold on.. I thought the patch was tomorrow since that's when the current banner ends.
>Absolute kino
>GET WELL SOON~ pedo bait
>Yinlin ripoff

The clear winner was by our side all along.
They should but 20% more crit damage isn't going to make a big difference.
Yikes don't show /gig/ this, they might hang themselves
>one wuwa video with 3(three) times more views than two(2) mihoyo videos
Nope, it's a day after the banner ends.
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>The only design I liked from that game
>sub 200k views
I see how it is...
It's 60% crit damage that he's lacking.
Not considering the additional 25% crit rate HRover gets from sequences.
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But it's 9PM....
Unless you went to keep resetting for crits, 70% should be what you aim for on crit rate. The 1:2 ratio then means you need 240% crit damage in-game. 70/240 requires nearly all your echoes to have double crit. So easier said that done.
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Are people even looking forward to ZZZ? All I heard is that it's basically Hi3 but with furries.
it'll go up once the game releases
Sorry, I think most people lost interest after seeing the furry.
I am curious though to see whether Mihoyo decides to damage-control and switch away from furry-pandering or go all in on the suspiciously wealthy furry demographic and accept that people who aren't furries would be more interested in any of their other games
It's a bad metric to measure crit performance.
Use this instead.
cr * (cd/100 - 1)
Example: 20% cr, 250% cd
20 * (250/100 - 1) = 30
It means 30% average dps increase compared to 0 crit.
Don't tell me what the hell to be exicted for, how's that? How's that pal. I'll play as many gacha as I wanna play.
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Eh i doubt it
The official social medias also shill furries more than normal characters so i think they will go full on pandering those degenerates
Since it's all RNG you should not be particularly aiming at any arbitrary value, but rather to keep your ratio at 1:2 for best bang for your buck.

Not like it matters while you're still building, but the ultimate goal is 1:2.
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Only furries are looking forward to it.
>A character needing high crit damage to do "good" damage"
Trash. This is what f2pers have to cope with when they can't pull the premium limited ones that are good out of the gate and high stats make them broken.
There's no agenda, only the legal truth.

Kuro is a fucking waste company man that has to astroturf bots and shills to get any discussion about their game. And no, you can't say 'mihoyo does it too', except it's different, when mihoyo does things like run their videos as ads it's GENUINE. The views on mihoyo videos come from being promoted as ads, which Kuro might do the same but it's a lame copycat, like why do they have to use video ads just because mihoyo did? So that's why Kuro deserves called out.

Oh wow yeah great millions of bought views and rip off gameplay. On the other hand Genshin has dozens of trailers already with combined tens of millions of views, you don't have any of that, it doesn't matter how many botted views are needed, wuwa is soulless and the low quality of it is hurting the reputation of genuine soulful open world anime games like genshim which had so much love put into them
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Wuthering Gray, hell yeah
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Uh oh gig melty.
Thread is going so fast that no one will know I'm posting in both /wuwa/ and /zzz/
lmao so that's why r/gachaniggers are in so much panic lately
I ran out of things to farm
Am I supposed to run tacet fields
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You're the kind of an idiot that thinks 50/200 is good because it's the 1:2 ratio, aren't you? crit damage is worthless if your crit rate is too low to be reliable.
Bro your Broadblade/Sword mats?
go back to r/gachagaming, there's no mihomo shills to updoot you
I have never heard of zzz until I started lurking in here. Good job advertising your competitor's games I guess?
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Whoa...they're actually getting attention from furfags?
It deserves to flop.
Indomilk banana
The gigbot is so broken it's not even funny anymore...
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ZZZ and Wuwa aren't anything alike though. How are they competitors?
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My waves are properly wuthered Maxcomfy
Monk milk...
>You're the kind of an idiot that thinks 50/200 is good because it's the 1:2 ratio, aren't you?
No need to think, it's cold hard math. 50/200 is certainly better than the equivalent of 70/160.
Oh so mihoyo isn't a competitor now? How delusional are you idiots?
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you fucking seanigger stop spamming this slop
I can't wait to see the new month begins and seeing a melt down never seen before from genshitters once rev appears.
press purchase level
Anything past 50 isn't worth much, just better than nothing
Idiots who think they're smart like you are so fucking hilarious.
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Time to put that morning wood to good use
In a practical scenario it's not. Because not all hits share the same value. It's no big deal if your basics fail to crit but if your nuke that can only use every 20-30 seconds fails, it's a huge loss. This is a big reason the the 1:2 argument is flawed. It assumes all hits are equal in value.

No. It's merely me. I refreshed 2.5 million times, and counting.
You're finished /r/gachagame
personally not interested in it myself even though their doing the HSR thing and having a beginner 5* pull unlike genshin
>censored designs
>gacha system looks obnoxious as fuck with the black minions being your filler 3* roll
>demographic seems way more focused on furry's judging how all the recent female characters got 200k-ish views while the furry got 2m+
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Holy based
>me whose still at 43
Neither am i, bro.....
It's the first time I posted it bwo.
How many days did you skip?
I literally did almost nothing for the 1st week and still maxed it.
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He's right. You're retarded.
You always have the option to choose between x% crit rate or 2x% crit damage.
The tradeoffs are highlighted on the diagonals of this table.
As you can see the trade that gives the best crit performance is cd = 2cr
A good chunk of those views are people shitposting with it, and then other people going "There's no fucking way that's real" and clicking it and finding out that it is in fact real
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I'm so ready for 1.1
wait the patch is tomorrow? I haven't pre-farmed for Jinhsi yet..
They took their hype out back with the absolutely retarded way they advertised. If the game is decent it’ll bounce back a bit
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>CN bro's really like the 1.1 trailer on bili bili
>so much so that the game rating score went from 4.3 to 4.4
> the 40 pull shit happens
>genshit could never meme is hitting normal faggots

It was 4.2 and it increased by 0.2 points, not bad. The stars are aligning further with the recent happenings, now we even see frequent gigger meltys
3/10 bait.
same. I set up a auto clicker to refresh the page
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It was me, I turned the bots on so the servers will never go down and I can keep picking mint forever
It's not.
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Based refreshchizo
you forgot the job postings that got instaflagged on gachagaming since it's pag central and mihomo cock slurpers
no >>483396471
It's in 2 days, but you're fucked on prefarming regardless
>mihomobots pretending like anyone cares about gay furfag gacha with censored girls
Oh no. 1.1 comes out the same day as FFXIV.
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Tell me why this shot was necessary.
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But FFXIV already end with Endwalker?
quick question. why the fuck aren't we getting codes?
>the 40 pull shit happens
Did I miss something?
That wasn't me, I just saved it and posted it bwo.
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Not that I'm going to play it. I just liked how the character looked but a single character isn't enough to make me download it.
my(read Yours) internet waif made a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdGOPRMVfjo
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Is there a menu hotkey to lock an echo without manualy clicking the lock icon everytime? My sanity won't survive the great purge of shit echoes that i must do to clean up space otherwise
Do we know if illusive realm rewards reset per patch yet?
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Tell me how fucking gay are you.
Too big...
>r/gachagaming doing gods work by making sure all of SEA is contained in hoyogames while actual human beings play other games
absolutely based
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Wuwa is for straight men and yumes
ZZZ is for gay furries
Not the same target audience
10 free pulls from daily login event (5 limited + 5 standard), 30 pulls from logging on during 7/4, 7/6, 7/8 (10 limited, 10 limited weapon, 10 standard)
Codes are stupid.

Nah I'm good
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Not my fault you can't do the math.

It's not flawed. It depends on the sample size. You will be ulting 100s of times across multiple fights.
If your ult crits more reliably but has 40% less crit damage, what exactly have you gained? "Reliability"? Just say that you like to see the big number pop up. But don't pretend like you're actually doing more damage.
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Oh no. 1.1 comes out the same day Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated
Of course.
0 gay.
I saw her buttcheeks
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Daily reminder not to fall for the /hrtg/ troon squad and the fucking giggers with their mihomo bait-posting. Let their mourning aix wound fester and rot
Damn, I won't have to spend as much for Changli now. Bless Kuro.
It is showing 5.3 to me on bilibili, regardless the trailer is doing really good there with over 1.7 million views and more than 10k comments and most of them are people being hyped about the game and characters.
kek make it cover her name more
They do, also the rewards are being increased from 300 astrites to 1000 for season 2 illusive realm
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thanks Kuro
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I could, but it won't change the fact that you're gay, so there's no point.
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She needs it
I'm sorry bro... but seeing how absolutely mindbroken they are is pretty funny and I don't want it to end yet.
too big
Based Scarposter
Don't get evicted
I really like the Dreamless echo and its cool attack animation but I also so love plunging down a cliff after using it.
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>He skipping this
Holy fuck yes. I actually really enjoy this mode so I am happy they are refreshing rewards every patch.
you are supposed to swap after using it bro....
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It always felt uniquely jewish to me being forced to keep up with obscure events, participate in web activityslop, watch some cringe livestream i don't care about and do a barrel roll then REDEEM REDEEM REDEEM just to get the fucking pulls.
This is the way.
Skipping what? There's nothing there.
Is licking tacet mark considered a lewd act? Asking for a friend.
I can't wait for a character with a tacet mark placed as a womb tattoo. Now that's going to be good shitpost material.
I really want Echos that count act as mounts with unique traversal skills in the world.
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>he's skipping this
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Changli's animations unironically seem too floaty and flashy to feel good for actual combat.
Probably in the case of Sanhua
>get inferno rider
>the skill last for 3 seconds
Who beta tested this shit
>it's okay when mihoyo does it
kek you can't make this shit up
Depends, is the tacet mark on his dick?
That sounds kind of problematic f@malam
Now change skin tone to dark
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now I know why genshitters are losing their minds. how many more times until they completely mind break?
I prefer the hank hill pancake ass
did you try not holding the button down
Should've copied Tower of Fantasy for that.
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>mark placed as a womb tattoo
Tales of Crestoria did that already.
On a male. Be careful what you wish for.
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Is it too much to ask for characters to have simple, consistent hitboxes in a game based around parries?
Getting the right parry timing only for your sword slash to be an inch short is a real cocksucker.
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My Ma Xiaofeng finally has her gun
This could potentially makes or breaks a character for me.
Design is one thing, but if they don't click with me when I'm controlling them, not sure if I can roll.
I feel alright about Changli though, but we'll see when she's actually out.
I'm convinced that Naruto gacha is a money laundering scheme.
not looking good gensisters.....
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From beta footage Changli is apparently a parry god.
They are realizing the one true thing about gacha games, all the money you spend on it is wasted day 1
Kuro getting really desperate lmao
>licking Chang Li's tummy
You tell me
my sunk cost nyooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Kek someone post this on r/gachagaming
I want to watch the melty
Doesn't matter Changtits is Jiyan tier of unintentional parryPro watch the leaks
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inserting into the MANKO MARK
That is not Naruto it's dnf it's really popular in china
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>June revenuw will include Jinhsi's numbers
It's over for m*homopags. Kuro will mog them so hard it's not even funny.
cunny flopped...
I hate to disappoint but jinhsi is a brick...
You can just go back and post it yourself faggot.
Jinhsi is gonna flop hard and then you fags are gonna cope with muh changli next
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I miss when Tales of wasn't purely fujobait.
im pretty sure the only revenue shit they care about is the sensor-tower 1
it will get taken down like another post praising wuwa for proving those shitters wrong.
Speaking from experience with Pagfly? At least she managed to beat Boothill lmao.
Literally just wait for Sensor Tower and save your energy.
Mihomofags will cope with July revenue, since that will be Changli-only for the entire month effectively (since all the spenders will blow their loads in the first week of a banner and not the two weeks at the end)
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Go, cultivate
last day of the pioneer broadcast is the cunnysseur channel worth buying
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>Push out the most kino trailer ever
What a weird gacha game that was
I never get a full song of this, shame
How about you cultivate this seed inside your womb, dumb bitch?
Your armpit slit was made for hanging used condoms off of.
Is Jianxin a brick? What role should I even use her for
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Nah, any post with wuwa is met with this. look at the fucking comment count.
It's just that good, Dokkantard
Okay but seriously, why does this game piss them off?
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Kuro started sending out the free 2k tiktok gameplay astrites. Got mine just now, but a friend didn't yet, so maybe they do it in batches.
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/wuwa/ - Reddit Refugee General
bros? I thought furina would save this patch? lmao, get fucked by her weapon running with another garbage weapon again
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Is no one going to mention how Female Rover is 100% confirmed to be the canon Rover and Kuro's favorite?
We won.
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Smell my dick cheese you nerd
>Completely neutral post
>Frothing at the mouth tier seethe
New to this drama is this a hoyoverse sub?
Jinhsi trailer tonight.
Jinshi is going to flop so hard
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>He is skipping THIS
I can't believe people take Youtube views seriously when they're inflated because the companies run videos as ads
Malerover got the better deal this time, he's in the promo art
You don't have to like HoYoVerse to realize the free rewards are placed exactly during ZZZ's launch.
Yeah it's a mihoyo echo chamber
They just need to make a character dressed like Lucia and give her a tacet mark.
The shitty jinhsi trailer was also run as an ad yet the furfag completely mogged it. What now faggot?
It takes attention away from Genshin. They actually hated Star Rail at launch too.
all of them, I'm not saying one is correct and the other isn't. it's just an invalid metric
>New S-rank Construct
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Even if these are posted just to troll, it is kind of inevitable. WuWa is like Genshin but 10x better graphics and combat. A new player looking at these side-by-side has no reason to pick Genshin. Only sunk costers will keep playing it. It will keep overtaking other games unless some new, even flashier gacha suddenly appears (zzz is both outdated graphics AND censored, we'll have to see about combat)
She already has the perfect clothing for a womb tacet mark
it refused to die in 3 days post release, like they predicted
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>this is what kuro unironially uploads on the official channel after asking the community for gameplay
>even has the guy's watermark
That shitty wuwa trailer was used as an ad kek
Had the audacity to dare compete with their lord and savior Hoyoverse
Can the redditors please go back to their site instead of shitting up this general?
This isn't a subreddit react thread. Half of this thread sounds like your average drama react youtuber and their comment section.

|wuwa/ how are we gonna beat tiktok
Jinhsi is still first right?
WuWa is the John Carter of gacha games. It never had a chance due to all the doomposting pre-release. Oh well!
of course, 1.1 belongs to her
>saying that when the new trailer is already passing sigewinne in just 10 hours
holy fucking tummy sex
we need designs like this in wuwa
>outdated graphics
Graphical fidelity != graphics quality
You're obviously a butthurt faggot, but you should be able to tell the difference between quality of design and fidelity.
HYV designs are better.
A lot of the presentation of Wuthering Waves piggybacks off of Unreal's innovation, but in general fidelity is higher, at the cost of less optimization.
Yeah, i also got spooked but we're safe Jinshibro Hagli is 2nd
and now they are gaslighting people that they never hated hsr or never trashed them.
What's the name of this character/skin?
1 Weapon/Skill Mat Run UL 50 Average = 1 Purple/6 Blues/ 7 Greens
which is about 3 Purples total~
40 Stamina = 3 purple books

Blakes Bloom Aid = 25 Yellow Books for 980 astrites
= $9 USD with VPN to Japan/ no first time bonus
= 1000 stamina (4.16 days)

Whats your excuse for not buying this pack if you're a dolphin/whale
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Sorry but Wuwa killer is coming
You're on the wrong side of history
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You guys can just make alts if you were banned from Reddit or something, you know?
oh no no no no lmao
No surprise. It's a past they want to hide.
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>HYV designs are better
>wuwa killer
No, that's the Pokemon killer.
Palbros are our allies in the battle against giant billion dollar game devs who don't care about improving their games.
Changli already got one right below her tits, so I wonder if we'll ever get a womb tattoo one.
Male rover was in the promo art and also still in the trailer grabbing the glowy orb
so they are going to blame wuwa when ZZZ flopped?
>Hoyo sets ZZZ to release on 1.1
>Kuro pushes 1.1 to June
>Hoyo sets ZZZ livestream on 1.1 push back date
>Kuro sets free pulls on ZZZ release

These guys are brutal.
i think pokemon games are boring but the character designs are topnotch, the doujins are chef's kiss
I will only buy stamina shit if it comes with pulls for the same price as buying it without a pack.
That's Lucia's new frame called "Oathblaze" in Punishing Gray Raven the other game made by Kuro.
I forgot it's literally summer.
Hope you have fun, kiddos.
Enjoy the 4chan tour!
>Still obsessed with MC canon
Mindbroken genshitter (luminenigger)
What am I butthurt about? I have nothing at stake here. Even pointed out that views comparrisons are only posted to troll.
>HYV designs are better
>WuWa piggybacks from UE
It does. Maybe Hoyo should invest in the CCP variant of Unreal instead of nuclear energy tech.
The thread is almost entirely negative. The ones that aren't, are backhanded compliments "It's okay but I rather play a real JRPG"
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>Another wuwa thread
>Another round of Hoyoslop living rent free ITT
Get an actual fucking identity, this is pathetic
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you lost
What is this image trying to prove?
It's clearly 2 > 1 > 3.
Again, you niggas prove you don't know how to separate design from fidelity.
1.1 wishlist
>Jinhsi (wife) + weapon
>Danjin (daughter)
>R5 Discord for Taoqi (mistress)
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Works fine on machine, bro. This was all solo btw, Aalto was just there for moral support, and didn't use Baizhi much since I wasn't really taking damage. Even finished 3rd floor with 2:20 left on first try, so 3* should be easy with HRover or something in case I can't get Jinhsi.
>Period of slow but comfy threads because drama fags left
>New trailer drops
>Thread is full of gachawar niggers who are even more retarded than consolewar niggers
>Revenue, youtube views, popularity ranking postings
>People having melties over GI and wuwa
>Uniroinc redditors and react shitters and even fucking reddit links
Jesus fucking christ I hate summer, tourists and redditfugees.
But enough about genshit, sunk cost luminenigger.
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Dead game.
>b-but genshin bweeehhh-
Dead. Game.
dunno which weapon to get from the lvl 45 gift box
could get the catalyst because my yinlin is running a 3* one but it sucks it gives atk% rather than crit
might as well get the sword that does give crit so i can skip changli's weapon then wait until i drop the catalyst someday from standard
>he picked aether AND male rover
oh no no no no no look at this dude
The consequences of the game and content creators marketing to Hoyo rejects.
Imagine being a PGR nigga trying to play this game.
It makes you wonder what these people do. They must just wait for news and then shot post around various sites, but what do they do in the meantime?
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Canon wife soon.
It reset last night
Your only options are realistically
2x Sword (1x from lvl 45 1x from weapon banner pity which most people should hit next patch.)
1x sword/1x gun

2X sword is viable since camellya is datamined to be sword, and she'll probably be played with havoc rover, or you play danjin + havoc rover, and swords are just probably going to be the most common weapon type in this game.
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No wonder mihomos are widely hated all over /vg/, nobody wants to associate with them but they just don't get the memo
reddit fucking won
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Getting nervous?
Go rewatch the Sigewinne trailer, you need to pump those numbers up Hoyofriends.
PGR players, do you like Wuwa?
>Make a second account with the other rover
mindbroken sunk cost gensissy
>unironic Reddit links and showcasing how they've been browsing a Reddit they hate for the past 2 years
>Rolled for yinlin and her weapon so my jinhsi wouldn't be bricked
>now how even less credits and mats to level my yinlin and future jinhsi
what the fuck bwos
Reddit is a better source of information than 4chan if we're being honest.
wuwa could never
You just have to go back.
Stop deflecting towards /gig/.
Just go back.
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>missed the day 1 UID
>Jinhsi s3 AT LEAST + weapon
>Danplank and cowqi s6
>75cr 250cdmg for at least 3 characters
>Leveling my wild s6 Aalto
No, that would be my man Tectone.
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I have never seen a gacha game general that is THIS obsessed with what plebbitors have to say about it. Buck broken beyond belief. Slaves to other people's opinions
4chan is a terrible source of information because it's a troll playground. There's no consequences to being a shit poster here. You come here for the memes.
Combat system in this game is fucking awful compared to PGR and the open world sucks. I wanted PGR 2, not this gayshin-like turd...
At least girls are for (you) so I will still play this kusoge just for the dating sim content
>/gig/ frogfag
Your game is shit. My game da best ahahaha
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the losing shitposter's last resort
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Why are (you) here?
Dare i say... Obsessed?
PGRfags hate Wuwa because Kuro care about Wuwa more
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>retarded tourists won't stop shitting up general with their drivel
This is a good gatekeeping and filtering tactic for troons like you. Stick with trooncord.
You cant win. People are calling Wuwas trailers “cinema”. We are too powerful.
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when is this chick being released?
Imagine being this OWNED by a CHINESE company.
West youth has truly lost all of their identity.
>Changli x1
>Yangyang dupes
>Sanhua dupes
>Taoqi dupes
2 days from now
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is this CR/CD ratio good or should I now start focusing on building her CD?
I am UL40 and have her signature weapon too.
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Not looooong from now.
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Ok but why are you here?
Can i safely assume by your own logic that you're (our) slave ?
cool. is it easy to reroll in this game?
Im liking it, looking forward to Miyuki Sawashiro regretkino
>play Calchudo
>cast ulti
>enemy flies away
>waste 90% of his total damage
Very fucking cool character
I hope Daddy Reddit sees how well my big boy game is doing!
They'll see!
It's alright, could use a Bianca expy though.
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The toilet of /vg/
Thanks for hoarding all the schizos and mouth breathers
It's bad, you're getting a lot of diminished returns from that crit rate , you should have 240 crit damage optimally
ya you can skip the beginning
>It's Calcharo's fault that i play like a lobotomized retard ahhh tAsukete!!
All characters in wuwa are not a virgin meanwhile 90% of genshin characters are
Adults are talking. Go back to your basement, you 40 year old smelly manchild that only ever uses 4chin.
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Sodomy still makes you a virgin, mihomofag
Too big
>uhhh i dont know maybe give them a 10 pull lmao
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>the game is literally filled with middle schoolers who think black and white is cool and mature
It all makes sense now.
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Hoyo made their own game launcher. Every time you open it, you get a popup telling you about ZZZ, to preregister, and that it's coming soon.
Yet the views remain low.
Figure it out.
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Looks like shit, my unbuilt yinlin only pulled her so my jinhsi wouldn't be bricked has similar stats go back to the echo farms anon
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Imagine being mogged by a glorified chibi simulator
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>Too big
No such thing
What the fuck are they feeding those Jinzhou researchers??
I didn't look at leaks or betas so I am actually lost for words at how similar wuwa is to the other game. It's barely pgr.
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Why aren't you skipping Jinhsi, I said she was bad.
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Was rover (me) this fast?
Baizhi is so fucking hot, jesus christ
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Me on the right.
But she is glacio not fusion....
>top 3 hottest wuwa imo
>is a free cope 4* healer
I hate it
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You thought you could just hide in /wuwa/ and nobody would notice, Carlos?!
unironically it is, you only see bright and vibrant colors in places like playgrounds and ball pits you would see in day cares/pizza places. You see only grays, black, and whites in offices.
Why are (You) such a slut?
I know Baizhi's summoned creature is a fallen "teammate" she was trying to protect or heal or something, but is it possible that the creature is her former lover? Her personal item is two rings she carries around.... This might ruin the game for me bros...
Impregnation 100% speedrun - first resonator difficulty
t. colorblind
Mortefi isn't dead you fucking retard
Was a waste. This patch has one side Anko, the other side Jinhsi, and Jinhsi prefers Yuanwu.
But good news. You can give Anko her weapon.
Go away, Riofag.
>Not a SINGLE gauntletperson is viable in this game
when will this gauntletphobia end?
yep, just like hl3fags with genshit. If i remember correctly, did kuro said they will put more funding in pgr because of wuwa's success?
>can't even maxed my BP
What a sloppa
Scar will turn the tide, just wait
Yes the game is fun and looks good graphically but I still prefer PGR's gameplay and overall settings/world.
I hope we get more fun units in the future.
Would rather not play a stinky male if not needed
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uhm...excuse me, your cultivation wife?
I love Sanhua but man, her ice constructs make tempest mephis practically invisible. Can't see shit with all the ice in front of me.
All "healers" need to do for me is: bell - 10hp heal to proc first aid set - fuck off.
She's perfect.
Go back Rio, your not even playable yet.
What a joke.
>next two units are broadblade and sword
we need more gun and fist meta units
she's blind in 1 eye basically, so you get the full experience.
Her kit dilates time if you're playing her right meaning this is a complete non-issue.
Do you even Sanka?
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You mean her ultimate i-frames or am i missing something?
Did they say anything about a databank increase and what it changes for the next patch?
Also the calcs are based on yinlin with bp weapon vs yuanwu that has much stricter er requirements. If you want the best for jinhsi you're pulling for yinlin and her weapon.
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There’s now a databank level 21 that guarantees gold echoes
Skill issue.
I'm not saying it's too fast.
I'm saying I can't see shit because there is ice on top of the mephis clone.
>You see only grays, black, and whites in offices.
You have literally never been in an office before and your only concept of one comes from TV shows.
Despite being a 5 star she still feels really underwhelming. Better than lingyang ofcourse (who is also a gauntletperson) but still not on par with other characters.
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>Character having a former lover
>After the CBT1 rewrite
There's no way Kuro would do that. Baizhi is a virgin, simple as.
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She feels better than Encore, way better.
>ughh so much boring black and white
>sanhua's design would be so much better if she had neon green hair and her outfit was a mix of red, purple and yellow
this is how you retards sound
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>/wuwa/ - Baizhi Worship General
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Man Baizhi has some really nice thick thighs.
Hope we get more in the future.
Holy bad at the game
have, and no it wasn't due to tv shows, retard.
Sanhua demoman cosplay mod when?
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>hurrr just get Yinlins sig to make encore not be total shit!
No, not happening.
>Baizhi is a virgin
not after I got done with her
Can the Ji Yan use Jinhsi's signature how much better/worse is it compared to his weapon/standard broadsword?
Which mat is Jinshi's weapon using for ascensions?
>n-nuh uh!
Get a job.
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I want to tongue Jiyan's urethra
Precharge detonation before ulting you should never see that shit on screen for more than a milisecond her E is more manageable. Her heavy attack innately dilates time between bursts.
Whenever I see baizhi I think of NTR
What's your highest Mephis Hologram clear?
You'll need to be ul50 for that.
Stop playing vidya
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Its true though
Most day 1 people will be hitting UL50 by the end of this week/start of next week. We're also getting retroactive Union Level XP for leveling our databank from 1-20, and the story/side quests form 1.1.
Weapon and skill mats are the same. Jinhsi's signature uses the same stuff Jinhsi uses to level her skills.
Jue's crusty scaly cock + his cum + hair from his whiskers
retarded outfit. Trash
That's rich coming from Senator-do-nothing
You think they'll do summer events in this game like other gachas?
>lootmapper doesn't detect chest inside rocks
What is this bullshit
I just got 45 an hour ago for fuck sake
>muh freedoms
>n-not like that, stop doing what you want
what a joke of a country
People around 48 now should hit 50 on 1.1 or close to it. Those that are below 45 will take maybe a week longer.
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Offer them something worth their while
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Doing this to Rover
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I'm stunlocked doing monke 6 atm, can't beat the dps check, shit Echos
Don't care, not killing Iranians for ZOG, Taiwan is China, death to America.
Wuwa is so dead that it has to survive on Baizhi image spam.. grim..
Hell yeah, go make daddy government some motherfucking money
So you don't even use Sanhua for Mephis?
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What are Changli's ascension matierals?
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Hello, based department???
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holy tracing
>fucking on the first date
Why is the magistrate like this?
Dangerously Based
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I really hope they add a merchant NPC that sells those flowers.
I just know how to play her
If there is, they'll sell like 15 at most.
What a non sequitur.
You just got butt tickled over something and want to find a gotcha. I'd ask for your clears but i don't want to get depressed by your cope.
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Why couldn't they make Baizhi look like this? Her aesthetic right now doesn't even match her description of being a researcher
It refreshes every 2 days though
So is the Gloom Slough a new flower, because theres already a Gloom Slough in the game and i have 70 of them, that blue bug found on logs. I'm confused now
>not picking flowers with your bros cycling through everyones world on day one
You're missing out
gamer =/= scientist researcher
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Monk is strong and cultivation is good for you
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That's 1-90 most people are only going to 80 this week/start of next week so everything should be 2/3 the cost.

(30 elegy tacet cores, etc)
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That's not the right thing.
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I want to cultivate a child with Jianxin
she's literally built for it, considering her lore
I have like 56 of those energy cubes, I'll dump them to farm Jinhsi materials.
Same name and text?
It's just a different icon, probably they changed the icon is all.
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We just haven't seen her and Mortefi's overtime work mode.
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I guess these fuckers are getting a name change then in 1.1?
Or these leak sites don't have the new description.
>just one charater from 1-80 takes almost 2 wuwillion coins
>non whales will hit UL50 when 1.1 drops, so you gotta upgrade your whole team from 70 to 80
prepare for the flood of no shell credit posts
No, Encore is bad.
Jianxin can solo the towers easily thanks to her AoE.

Its crazy how useful Jianxin is.
It's about 3million since that doesn't include weapons at all. most people that don't watch streamers that max refresh daily don't understand that 1-70 is basically the same cost at 70->80
yeah it's gonna be rough but you're retarded if you level up anything but your main dps characters past 70 rn
damn what's your UL at?
why do you want her to look like a spoilt child?
I'm worried shes had sex with that thing bro, I don't wanna get cucked by a pokemon
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Wonder who's the bigger brainlet between her and Rover (female)
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I pretty much use taoqi shields to enable encore to do her dps rotation without getting rekt by the elites/bosses
Nothing he said here is even wrong. Many young men are barely even men nowadays in my eyes. Hell my own generation is full of cucks that knelt down to women. Of course it's more complicated than just working, but most people SHOULD to work and do things they don't like because they have little sense of discipline in life.
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>spending your time doing what you want = bad
>spending your time doing what I want = good
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Which way white man?
Gluttony is a sin lose some wait
how do phoenix hymens work?
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The phoenix
>like her design
>she doesn't even use her sword just summons dragon pet
fucking hell what is wrong with this game
this is little better but it's still just nothing but flash, I want my characters to use weapons, not "color magic makes hurt".
Press F for all the retards who actually think they will get 2000 gems for posting a video tomorrow
People used to be more prone to do something when they had a perspective of achieving something in their lives. Right now you can wageslave to live in a rented house with a roommate, eating worse than dogs do these days, and if you get sick or any type of injury you're financially fucked for life.
Regenerate after you have sex.
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Yes uhh, can I get a combo meal here
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any heron enjoyers in the chat
What the fuck lmao
They're all sourced by chinks
Choke her til she faints during the act and it immediately regenerates
It was a genuine question, no need to get so defensive. I would've considered switching her out if you had advised so.
how is this any different from sloppa?
BOrgar, i like them somewhat dumb
Screencapping this just to laugh @ you tomorrow
While I don't agree with the statement.
Will taking on more responsibility with no reward make my life somehow more enjoyable?
Will losing myself in work feel better than losing my self in hobbies?
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I'm going to Wendy's.
Not really seeing any hype for Jinhsi in chinese community
Honkai: Wuthering Gray Impact
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Smartest most alpha man in this ITT.
>2 hour thread
>already at 500 posts
(They) are here
>Will taking on more responsibility with no reward make my life somehow more enjoyable?
No lmao
>Will losing myself in work feel better than losing my self in hobbies?
No lmao
Thanks for the information xiang ping
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I don't care what some chink across the world is hyped about my dick is hyped.
lmao this is why artistslop fears the ai
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She's a brick that is why that is entirely reliant on her sig.
She is also too selfish and will be powercrept in a month.
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Which one's the /wuwa/ approved 1.1 roll?
I would get rid of the hat tho.
>They will never know I traced that photo I am a genius
both or your account is perma bricked.
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For me, it's Changli.
skipping both for Geshu
Spender = both or jinhsi
F2P = Changli
There's too much of a % difference between Jinhsi and her second best weapon vs Changli with standard 5* sword and her signature.
my wife on the right
How am I supposed to get both with only ~200 rolls?
Luck is a skill
Luck or your credit card.
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Wuwuwu? Wawawa?
You just posted them
thats plenty with some luck
1.0 gave over 200 rolls if you never pulled and 1.1 gives another 102??
just wait for 1.2 beta "leaks" in a few days
we just got the trailer yesterday. Does mihoyo release new shit every day before the patch or something
>if you never pulled
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AIslop haters have been awfully quiet after this...
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This is such a funny .gif lol
Look at her go
You get 100 pulls in 1.1 so you have a total of 300 pulls
You should get 1 5* every 75 rolls at worst so you can guarantee both
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Doing a 10 roll while rerolling for yinlin might as well count as never pulling
Not pictured coral shop
Enriching your country and employer should be reward enough incel
How long do you think until they release 6* echoes? They clearly didn't plan out the echo progression system too well or they always planned for 6*'s to be in the game since day 1 with how early we got to use 5* echoes and they still have to include future data bank upgrades.
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Thanks bwo, you have permission to download it it's all yours !!
Out of my board zogbot shoo
Never, they do that and everyone quits. Kuro knows better
Itsa me, WuWario and my brotha WuWaluigi!
>still have to include future data bank upgrades
not really. They're going to make 21 guarantee golds. Past 21 they could just make the databank give rewards like astrite with no upgrade to the drop rate
I can't believe that fat man was a bad guy..
Why the FUCK is there no "timee" link for when Maintenance starts and ends?

this is not a very professional general!
I, like the overwhelming majority of people, didn't reroll 2 weeks after launch
Honestly announcing maintenance times in UTC+8 is so damn retarded
wait is this a game where you canmt get all the characters as f2p?
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Just had a random thought about people complaining about the optimization in this game.
>If they would be part of the paying audience that can spend spare income and maybe dolphin/whale in this game why don't they get a better phone/PC?
I dont remember this scene in act 5 bro...
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me on the right
no shit
PedoGODS run this general
July 4? Not tomorrow?
umm, they girls are underage, you fucking weirdo
It depends on for how long they can keep 2 characters per patch.
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That's with the 100 pulls from 1.1
I got pic related currently
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>all characters
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>he doesn't have a $2000 PC
me in the middle
First gacha?
>More progression blease
We are not even close to maxing out our characters and weapons we also don't have 2 teams with really good echo sets, well at elast must of us.
Yeah and to make it worse weapons are mandatory and cost 80 rolls a pop. Unironically worse than Genshin
You need to be 18 to post here
>How long do you think until they release 6* echoes?
>they still have to include future data bank upgrades
Just increase the base echo droprate
Me on the left
>what is Kancolle
>what is GF
>what is Azur Lane
>what is PGR
>what is Limbus
At least get new bait, man.
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Uh oh wuwakeks. Where's your game?
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>Jinhsi will require 240 rolls
Maybe they don't play any other demanding games?
>what is Azur Lane
So when is the hololive rerun?
And are probably f2poor in those too.
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Min wage workers are posting in this thread right now.
please stop posting anime child porn it makes really hard to even enter these threads.
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Giving all my astrite savings to my wife so she can buy a new sword!
anyone else hoping they do atleast 1 male banner in 1.2? really need time to save and get my waifus up to date
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>still ends up being weaker than Jiyan
Dunno, I think Kuro really wants us to spend real money
1.2 will 100% have 2 banners what are they going to do reruns this early? lol
bro your scar?

Every time I see anime child porn I immediately close the thread and head back to R*ddit.
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I like how there is less cropping on the image each time anon posted it. One day I'll get to see the full image without looking it up.
my Jiyan Jinhsi Mortefi dragon team is gonna be kino, and metaniggers will seethe endlessly over it
yeah, those make me really hard
>he's opening 4chan in public
Remember when genshin fans had a meltdown over their first anni and not only review bombed their own game, they review bombed every other gacha complaining about their own game?
Would the standard banner broadblade be good enough for Jinhsi?
>JINSHI is bricked without her weapon
>CHANGLI can use the standard banner 5* with only 10% DPS loss
What was kuro's master plan?
What? Are you not allowed to use4chan in public?

I use reddit in public all the time and nothing ever happens.
Nigga il fucking drop my lv 49 account and reroll a new one if i dont get her
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Can we all agree that it is a mistake for Kuro to be rushing out this content?

We should be giving them another month like how it was originally planned before being given this patch.
no, retard
f2ps will only be allowed to pull for swords/gun's unless they want to commit 240 rolls for a character
It's ass, but 5 stars ATK stat alone overpowers any 4 star
Why do you think gigcucks are called the niggers of gacha
I will never forget the google classroom incident
>replying to resident lgbtschizo bait

wtf does that mean lol
Sounds spicy QRD?
it means trannys ruin everything
Hey, you shouldn't be so mean to non-cis gendered people.

They're people too, you know!
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She isn't even good.
So hecking true! Updood!
Nothing much, they just review bombed google classroom for bad anni rewards.

it looks cool and all but this kit looks fucking annoying to use against hologram bosses.

Like forced aerial movement so you can get your shit slapped out of the air and 1hko'd by endgame bosses.
So much this!
Happy pride moth
You'll eventually get a crit weapon of each type anyway (even if slowly through the store weapon rolls and random gifts), it's bad mostly because people lack options (4* shouldn't be this shitty though even if 5* are easier to get).
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You're severely underestimating my F2P luck~
Why not just spend at that point instead of wasting so many hours for echoes etc again
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>lv 60
just say you're rerolling seanigger
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Show us that super high UID.
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the first aniv was so bad i quit a week or two after
HSR aniv was also bad but they give enough pulls regularly that im content with it
i miss dragalia lost.
Vuthering Vabes
I want to implant my seed in camellya again and again
They get bigger every repost
wheres your third standard 5* bro?
I quit a little after this too, really interesting to see they don't treat the players any better years later.
>nahida but better
>when new endgame mode finally out
metafags will roll this hard and mog changli
Wasn't that first image of the 7 day login event only added after the outrage?. Originally I'm pretty sure they just gave nothing.
>7 hour maintenance

>can we all agree tha- *gags you*
Okay but do you remember how mihoyo called uncle google to remove all the negative reviews saying they were "botted" it would've sat at 1. something if it wasn't for that
Haven't decided which one I should use my ticket on...
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Stop being mad all the time
Go outside
Touch some kids
if i am to drop real money on these scams id rather buy one of those pinnoy accounts with the character on it
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disgusting pedo
there's no way you didn't spend. there's no way you rerolled into 2 limited and their weapons.
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What's the best place to visit for some kid touching
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sorry sis, until wawu has some good mods, genshin still better
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who makes these? they're awesome.
I don't think that's been relevant in Genshin for awhile now. If you're metafag you already have c2 kazuha + neuvillette + furina + bennett + nahida + c2 raiden, No reason to ever pull for that hag unless they include actual endgame.
this bitch has to be on air 90% of the fucking time pisses me off
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The snow-white virgin "heroine" vs gigastacy tits in your face side character
>the game isn't genshin enough
I want to trip the fuck who made that pic so that he breaks his front teeth.
>not good for you, your family, or this country
>this country
Answer this Mr Senator. Why "this" country? Why is it not your country?
My wife (left) is so perfect
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>Touch some kids-ACK!
Too fucking big
Also wtf is with that permablush
her cheeks are just rosy because shes always overheated, constantly sweating
My wife jinhsi
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How mad would you be when you realize Jinhsi is a brick and you wasted all your rolls for her.
Bro...it is because she is too hot, literally.
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Isn't the next world phase for leveling characters at 60?
thinking of pulling for her weapon if i win the coinflip
Acheron drip till Robin drip: 48 days
Robin drip till Firefly drip: 43 days
Firefly drip till Yunli drip: 42 days

Jinhsi drip till now: 39 days
You need to be at least 18 years old to post here.
Her blush is concerning you and not the ready to fist you red devil hand?
new 3 cost wolf can be cast in mid air
Top tier confirmed
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Same like in all other games. And just like in the others, you'll get there. Eventually. SR is 14 months old, and I have over 30 chars at max level with reasonable traces and shit. I also still have a fuckton of resources.

You won't level anyone to max level for quite a while.
>what is autoslop
Will definitely enable some Sanhua tech
And maybe unbrick lion boy somewhat
three days untl EOS
What i mean is who thought it was cool to have a character that is permanently blus
Talking to Jinhsi: Blushing
PV: blushing
Taking a shit: Blushing
Fighting for her fucking life: Blushing
Tell me how it makes sense it detriments from reality and breaks the immersion.
any webms of the jue echo?
ever heard of rosacea?
Are you trying to tell me changli is not a Virgin?!!?!
Jinhsi it is then
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incel website femcel
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Buck. Broken.
She is just very warm
Yeah you really are a child, if you can't read her lines and figure it out...well American education everyone.
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I think that's actually her makeup but I could be wrong
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i am a broke mf
ain't no way i am spending anything in this game
So they still have a few days to still be on schedule with HSR's drip
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>it detriments from reality and breaks the immersion.
Padded boobs haha
Wait what website is that ?
why do you play games of desperate companies?
We need more KMR memes
Why do you play the games of companies that ignore their players?
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Yeah I took it, sorry about that
THIS is the new Lucia? Disappointing apart from the twintails
Here I am, losing every 50/50 and then there are guys like this.
>thinks jinhsi is a virgin
Boy does Jue have some stories to tell you.
Why would jue tell me stories of how extreamly virginal jinhsi is?
When is Maint?
>3 days left
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What's that in first world time?
Oh boy i should not have looked
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canon girlfriend yapyap
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>still 3 days left
>banner ends in 17h
why would they close it do they hate free money
Yinlin is a virgin btw
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Well think of it like a Dad trying to embarrass his daughter.
Or like an alpha talking about how much he fucks his bitch.
She is literally the stretchiest from all the puppetmaster cock she has taken since she was 11.
I think you got the wrong general?
/gig/ is where the homodragon fucked the "for (you)" girl, Furina I think her name was.
it all averages out eventually.
Camellya keeps draining all my seed...
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So if Camellya is into me, why did she attack me?
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If you're not saving for provolone you're actually retarded.
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She looks like a sub dps.
Yeah right, this chick here should be like, the insignificant mook boss of first anime episode. You know where she dies and the main hero gets his first power boost from cooking her evil ugly ass
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Phrovola the thinking man's choice
>evil and not for (you)
kill yourself cuckfag
How many of them had matching set/element%?
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I still don't have Yinlin so it doesn't even matter
Her name is Fuloulou
sorry bro but this looks meh
a knockoff silver wolf without any of the soul
>put data in wuwatracker
>get hacked
Not today, chang.
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Good Afternoon /WuWa/
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feetservice when?
I skipped Yinlin as a symbol of my devotion to Jinhsi. I simply will not roll on hags, Cumellya and Phrolova will compete for my virgin penis next.
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I will wait for when they make a 5 star gun wife. Even if Changli is pure sex, I know it will be worth it to keep saving. They'll make a character I'll actually be interested in pulling.
so I need another game to play while wuwa is no content.
What are some other gacha you guys enjoy?
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>mating presses you
Now what Yapyap
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Check out these quads
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Kuro needs to push back the patch to its original release date.

They are rushing too much, they need to sit back and relax.
We can all wait patiently, we don't need the new patch right now.
Is she a 4 star? These animations are basic tier
hsr and some osu on the side
I spend most time on wuwa overworld farming though gotta abuse the pity system for those 8 tambourine spawns
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Rolling her after jinhsi and camellya like a true patrician
not for (you), shill her on NTR cesspits instead there are many to pick from
I can't risk the rng screwing me over I'm holding until Camellya sorry girls
I agree with you.
Nah. Yinlin's long ass banner is killing the game.
People said they brought yinlin forward, but if patch 1.1 is giving us two resonators its doesn't that imply every patch is a duo resonators patch?
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I'll sure roll for the first limited pure support
1.1 is Jinhsi first. Changli is 3 weeks later.
It'll probably take half a year until we find out if they're doing the genshin style (occasional rerun banners aka dead patch) or hsr style (always 2 new characters per patch).
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I can't stop thinking about Genshin bros!!!!! We won so hard, let's keep talking about Genshin!! I don't even want to talk about wuwa anymore
>Changli is 3 weeks later.
I have more time to save than I thought.
Do any youtubers give an overview of the lore and the story? I read all the text even the bogus chinese mythos nonsense that is hard to parse and I'm still confused.
what is the lament?
what is cultivation?
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Basado and same
now post this again without crying
The lament is the disaster long ago that brought forth the tacet discords.
No one knows what the story is about not even the devs
It's best you come up with your own headcanon and roll with it
Yangyang is your true wife
Is a new tacet field coming in 1.1 or should I throw a few runs at the celestial one now for Jinhsi?
You guys told me this game was supposed to kill Hoyo and Genshin and it was fucking over. What gives,m
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disaster that is the original of tacet discords
Chinese belief that through martial arts and meditation they gain power/extended lifespans ect
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NO this is
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wuwas has one of the simplest stories I've ever seen
how can people not understand it?
genshin killed itself we are here just to bury it
Meh. Those feet look like bars of soap. Only most basic and desperate coomer would find that worth a fap.
all I'm saying is go back to /gig/ if you want to talk about genshin. It isn't that hard
Puppetmaster is a dicklet though. Yinlin is a pure virgin. Purest of them all.
>replying to a hoyotard
it's like seeing a piece of shit on the sidewalk and stopping to touch it
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all I'm seeing is the tears flowing from your eyes as people call your favorite game the piece of garbage it is kek
Her puppet is 12 inches long. Ain't no hole nor hymen doesn't stretch and tear from that.
saving my astrite load for over 2 weeks for her
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>need to pump those numbers.....aaaaaack
sure thing lmao taken rn
Total WuWatroon Death
Genshin won easily this time
I'm actually more interested in Scar than Phro.

Nigga is a lot of fun and I want him to be my bro.
?? wuwa shit launch has it 4.3/10 on CN this is lower than 3.6/5 lmao i dont think genshin ever got to 4.3 before, wuwa went as low as 3.9/10
Anon.... Scar is in jail
>only 20k on new character release
holy doa
kys pajeet
What did he do?
why female mc always like this?
troon selfinsert
the idea puppet master wouldn't just use his resonance skill to make a perfect puppet of yinlin and fuck that instead. it's like you guys didn't even read the story.
it was like 9k and still moggin wuwa during clorinde last days lmao what was the cope then? ah yes "tectone isnt on right now! it doesnt count!"
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For now
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>been playing Elden Ring's DLC everyday since its release
>having a blast exploring the world and experiencing the boss battles
>haven't logged to wuwa in days
>don't even feel bad about not doing any of the events or Yinlin's companion quest
Guess this is it, bwos.
It seems that my interest for this game is in an all-time low.
I'll probably roll for Chanli and bid a final farewell to this game shortly after that.
It has been fun sharing this general with you guys, but I guess it's to move on.
Good luck on your future rolls.
Lmao what the fuck. so i need to install goyim app, enable debugging mode, doing weird steps, jailbreak my phone, giving the personal url, bla bla bla...
Lmao who in the right mind willingly do this.
JP must really like siegwinne it seemed like there was no hype for her in the west especially since she didn't seem really good.
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>only 9k
holy dead
I rerolled into R2 Verdant Summit and Jiyan + S1 Yinlin and Stringmaster.

f2p btw

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