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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous: >>483419462

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Yinlin

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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Um bros whose the 2nd from bottom?
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Camellya mating press
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Jinhsi's boots
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Nice bulge
There's a severe lack of Yinlin NTR featuring his groomer stepdad-like figure.
Why so?
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Ready for your game to die with the pathetic whimper that will be 1.1?
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Of course, thanks bros. didn't cross my ind I could just check the available resonators and spend 2 seconds thinking which one's I have already used
We're winning since you're posting in our thread and not your tranny cesspool retard.
What is Jihnsi's personality
The game is fairly new.
Give r34 artists some time.
There will be lots and lots of cucksex going forward.
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>Implying i'm not posting in both
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what massacred the hype?
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He's right you know.
Closet whore.
Nothing, 1.1 will save us.
this isn't an airport nigger
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My wife
>replying to a known shitposter
This general is truly the toilet of /vg/.
no one wants to play another genshin. zzz can't come out soon enough.
gomen, Jinhsi.
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i tuned 15 1 cost fire echos and none of them had crit on the first line
all you'll be getting is ai slop if you don't win back the jp crowd.
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people who say this are always surprised when they get caught and imprisoned or killed.
I get what he means about Elden Ring. When I play a real game, I realize I play gacha because of the sense of progression, not the compelling gameplay
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Strong and independent (outside of rover, personal dragon boss, mother phoenix and blind secretary) chinese princess.
LMFAO, Kroni is known to keep generals fast and alive, even with him being here, the general is so fuckin' dead. It's so over.
Why do the f2p weapons all have to be such ass?
Just give me another loli please
Preferably a gun user
yapyap = canon girlfriend
jinhsi = canon wife
camellya = canon mistress
chixia = canon cuckqueen tomboy childhood friend who loses
to encourage spending
Selfless and determined.
She's willing to do whatever it takes for her people as if it's the only purpose in her life.
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same anon
>do tacet field daily
>use intro
>character fucking introd 10 meters from what I'm targeting
>use skill
>does it to someone on the side
this is really grinding my gears. It's "minor" but annoying as fuck and I'm probably out if it's not fixed in 1.1. this is legit the only action game where I see this dumb as fuck problem. Not even trashy ps2/ ps3 games does this
When I play a real game I beat it in a week and then realize I have nothing to do
There's not much difference between f2p and not in this game when it's so easy to get standard 5 star weapons without spending a cent.
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>been playing Elden Ring's DLC everyday since its release
>having a blast exploring the world and experiencing the boss battles
>haven't logged to wuwa in days
>don't even feel bad about not doing any of the events or Yinlin's companion quest
Guess this is it, bwos.
It seems that my interest for this game is in an all-time low.
I'll probably roll for Chanli and bid a final farewell to this game shortly after that.
It has been fun sharing this general with you guys, but I guess it's to move on.
Good luck on your future rolls.
What compels a heterosexual male to type "bwo" instead of "bro" and what compels a heterosexual male to respond to someone that typed "bwo" instead of "bro"?
Everybody should have 2 standards by now.
One from the 45 selection box
One from spending 60+ pulls on the standard weapon banner. They've given more than enough to hit pity on it at least once.
If you were lucky then 3 standards.
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You swound upswet bwoski
thats a 4* , why are you comparing, stop shitposting
honestly cute
Elden Ring got too easy for me now
Doing Challenge 6 is the new real deal
>he doesnt know
Gigturd... I...
Jue's cumdump
uhhh, responsible and kind? not really too different from a single other female character in the game besides maybe yinlin and encore
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>36% CR
>Yinlin = BIS Jinhsi
>Encore = BIS Changli
Reminder: This weapon is a must pull if you don't want your account to be bricked
It stands for black world order fyi
Can any on Jinhsi's materials be pre-farmed or will they all come from the new area?
Elden Ring is easy if you cheese the bosses.
Mimic summon
Scarlet Rot the boss
Spam long range magic attacks
As long as you can dodge some, you can easily beat everything.
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Erufu sex!
>they used female rover on the trailer
fuck i need a fap
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How much UL Exp are we getting in 1.1?
This but the constant ult cut scene animations. Just let me shut that shit off. We already know it works without it since it doesn't always play when there's not enough space.
>The game that gives you the most options to brutalize it 10 times over is easy
Now ppost Melania soul level 1 no parries no magic no ranged clear, or frankly any soul slop soul level 1 clear
dont tell this is a double banner?
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Stop living under a rock gramps, we have new competition
If I pull for that I have no hope to get both 1.1 ladies
Who the fuck wants to play as a pink gremlin who gets powercrept by a turkey in menopause?
Does Encore work with Changli or am I bricking myself building her?
Encore is bis for Changli.
Shut up baizhi
its time to drop the cunny
No, Jinhsi first, Changli later
Just parry bro...
Not particularly, they work, just not that well
are character immune to damage when their ult cutscene is playing?
I can see stuff attacking me in it but it doesn't seem like I take damage
>not rolling for jinhsi or changli
This is going to be a loong patch, bros...
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>Jinhsi math tranny keeps changing their theorycraft numbers
>Yinlin BIS Jinhsi
>Next day Yuanwu BIS Jinhsi
>Today Taoqi BIS Jinhsi
Why can't we get reliable theorycrafters like genshit.
>anon discovers burst iframes month in to the game
Meh, Radahn is way harder than her.
Fun fight, parrying her felt nice.
My friend told me he just killed her effortlessly using a big ass shield and spamming R2 with the Blood Chicken Leg, sad he cheated himself out of the experience but i guess thats jsut how it is with these games.
Taoqi was always the top choice, her Outro gigabuffs Jinhsi's Skill dmg which is 80% of her rotation damage. Only retards fell for the Yinlin bis meme. You want Taoqi with a R5 Discord
What females pair well with her then? I don't play fags.
Bros, who is BIS for my 4.5" penis?
Because the leakers dropped the ball. We never got a single combat footage of her.
Just go with Yinlin/Verina
they always work because Coordinated Attacks are really good
Man that fight was fun, the moon spell surprised me
Verina because Verina works anywhere
Yinlin because Yinlin works anywhere
Taoqi because of her outro, but you might get filtered by her playstyle
Chixia will love you no matter how small your peener is.
Literally just malenia but without waterfowl. Beat it the same way I beat everything. Dual wield colossal jump attacks
Nobody knows precisely her well you can build stacks with her. It's all assumptions and estimations. Normally there would be videos you can glean information from but we have none of that. The only thing leaked was her kit info and her animations. We're all in the dark of how she actually performs in battle.
so what role is Jinhsi meant to be? more on field or swap character?
/wuwa/ - Elden Ring General
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Is she 22h from now when Yinlin's banner goes away or will there be a bit of time still?
28th June bro
My wife
This is the dark souls of gacha. Other than the fact that wuwa is actually good
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Her tag says main dps.
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Do you have your Changli gear ready?
I'll be honest, I have NEVER seen such crusade against a gacha game BY gacha gamers. This is actually insane schizo behavior lmao. It's like wuwa completely mindbroke some people.
after 1.1 maintenance
if you are still having trouble with targeting nudging towards the direction you want to attack can help a little bit, if you stop directional sensing and the auto takes over and you are suddenly start pointing again it will seek out whatever target is in that direction
this game died faster than tof, how did that happen?
I hope your other one is an ATK% one?
Anon your basic attack dmg?
Should've bought lottery ticket
It was the same for NIKKE on launch and they got BTFO there too.
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no, but i also have this
Genturds like you destroyed the general so we migrated to d*cord and r*ddit instead. Which are far superior platforms.
Less valuable than flat attack.
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wuwas models make every other gahcas models look like playdough. they're just jealous and are therefore seething their game will never look this good
>basic attack dmg
Flat ATK is also better than the bonus% stats on most units.

Good enough I suppose. Are you rolling her weapon too? Might wanna do some calcs on the ele% bonuses for her, not sure if 60% elemental is the optimal approach for her.
I hope we get more characters like anko where you can play her as a releasebot or screentime diva and it just works
The amount of misinformation that went around was insane. M*homopags are truly a special breed.
This but unironically.

R*ddit is soooo much better than this shithole lmao
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It's lower if Yinlin has her weapon. Taoqi is better for f2p's but if you want your best for Jinhsi you're pulling for Yinlin and her weapon. I redid the chart with her weapon and pretty standard stats with +CD/CR on each echo for yinlin

This doesn't include the 48% attack from stringmaster either, only the 12% element damage I was too lazy to figure out how to add it to the sheet.
Stop this you absolute humbleflexing cretin
In no world is an 8% gain worth rolling a character you don't want.
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True but you see whales have to crunch the numbers because they lack the skill to make up for it
I also think the Jinhsi numbers itself from the spreadsheet are very optimistic at best and she won't be outputting that much damage, so it's probably a much higher gain since the other characters she's being paired with are basically trait bots.
Is resonance skill dmg bonus a good substat for Jinhsi or nah?
You also have to take into account the level of investment she needs to be better.
You're going to spend at least a week to get the materials to level her up. Plus you're going to lose 2 million shell credits when you're about to lose another 2 million from raising Jinhsi + whatever characters you need to raise after hitting UL50. It's a huge amount of time and resources spent if you don't already have her ready. Totally not worth.
yes because jinhsi basic attack counts as skill bonus dmg for some reason
This is just in general
CD/CR>>ATK%>ER (If the character needs it)>Flat ATK>Damage bonuses >DEF/HP%>Flat HP/DEF
When her forte is activated and shes in her floating stance, her basic attacks become skill damage. Simple as that
And also no content that warrants minmaxing so.
Whereas cowtits needs little investment to do her job. Just stack defense on her. You're mainly using her for her outro and you can't even level outro skills.
Depends how much bonus% and element% you already have on her. It's not that straightforward to calculate.
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All this theorycrafting is worthless because it comes with the assumption that Jinhsi is a main dps when she ISN'T.

She is a sub dps, they are focusing too hard on buffing JInhsi as hard as possible when she shouldn't be, this is like buffing Sanhua so she can do her 1s rotation.
Stupid retards.
No. It's additive to element damage. Jinhsi herself also has a lot of skill/element damage from skills and sequences. The gain from substats is a pittance.
my sanhua is unironically stronger than my calchudo and yinlin though. Electro is a fucking meme
If I use taoqi won't I not get very much resonance stacks per rotation.
yea electro seems like the worse element.
Her buff is worth around 22 stacks in damage.
I regret rolling for Yinlin Lawrence
I might autistically reroll substats until i get Skill and Liberation damage on all 5 pieces, im only at c3 and she tears through everything without even having to detonate
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skill issue
She will use the spectro damage set right?
skill and liberation damage substats are literally worse than flat atk anon...
Sure but you still have to on field toaqi to get her concerto up. And toaqi does negative dmg along side verina who also does no dmg.
How much stacks can verina alone earn that makes it worth having to characters that do no dmg hogging up so much screen time
sunk cope
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They even increased the number of stacks Jinhsi can hold because she is MEANT to be on the bunch for a while.

She is not your main dps, you do not buff her.
You're not meant to giga buff her.
This is all for youtube montages of "OMG GORILLION DMG 1 HIT!!111" after a million resets, but it just isn't feasible in normal gameplay.

You need a main dps doing consistent damage and another unit providing coordinated attacks and buffs to the main dps.
sounds like you might have bricked your echos
We'll have to see how well it works when she release since the CN leakers are cocksuckers.
I don't listen to you because you post to much Yuri anime and I hate yuri
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um, gros? the bricked potato is MOGGING us...
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Exactly it isn't feasible.
It also isn't fun.

Imagine running in the overworld with zero stacks Jinhsi, Taoqi, and a fucking Verina.
If people believe this is how she is meant to be played they are utterly retarded.
What's the number 1 game?
no I believe she can be played multiple ways and you can ignore the stacking mechanic alltogether and play her as an on field main dps
tencent's masterpiece
I know weapons can be swapped but my instinct is screaming me to give my beloved resonators all 5 star weps
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Math trannies have done the math on it keep coping.
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Dungeon fighter keeps on WINNING.
Over 20 years and they can't stop baby!
This is how 99% of players see it.
post your portfolio
>side scroller
looks like shit
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Yes it's actually Encores
>Missed roll at 80 pity to Sephiroth knockoff homo...
still mogs the fuck out of hoyo and kuro games. People have gacha fatigue now.
Went all in on $TAOQI coin
she'll actually be good after the 1.1 update
didn't ask
A mobile version of dungeon fighter online.
The franchise that somehow doesn't have much recognition in the America's but make more money than your favorite game probably.
Ranks 14th in the top grossing media franchises ever.
Are you pulling jinshi weapon?
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Her KIT is sub dps.
She CAN become a main dps if you powerscale her to ridiculous levels with her weapon and dupes just like every other sub dps.
But regardless she is NOT a main dps inherently.

People see that she has a nuke ability and think to themselves "GEEZ GOLLY LET ME CREATE A WHOLE TEAM AROUND SAID NUKE" when it clearly isn't the main intention.

What Jinhsi is, is a flexible sub dps that trades away buffs for pure raw dmg.
She is the Verina of sub dps.
While Changli and Yinlin and every other sub dps provides buffs for very specific niches to the main dps, she throws that away at just gives a HUGE burst of damage.
A universal buff, that being immense burst damage.

Jinhsi will be good in teams where you have a main dps but don't have a sub dps that properly buffs the main dps.
So you can slot in a Jinhsi who just exists to do a fuckton of dmg and nothing more every once in a while and wont really get too much in the way of your rotation as she's building up energy in the background.
>mucho texto
>two homobricks
Jinhsi - burst dps
Changli - main dps
know the difference, it could save your astrite
both dungeon fighter and crossfire are fucking huge in china
>last bastion of soulful sprite art. Mix of mmo and arcade beat em ups.
Shit taste.
>Jinhsi - meme dps
>Changli - sub dps
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>make more money than your favorite game probably.
Try again retard.
Is Chang not a main dps?
keyword PROBABLY, retard
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So...we rollan? E2S1 for me
Who the fuck wants to play a main DPS?
You're meaning to tell me to play the most boring 5*s and keep them on-field as long as possible?
>dogshit camera
>mandatory wep for limited chars because theres no decent freebies
>worst gearing of any game, beating even ToF
>gotta tryhard 24/7 because every char hits like a wet noodle for miserable rewards

1.1 wont even make half of what 1.0 did.
>unironic poketoddler
Kill yourself faggot. There was no need to include that in your retarded post, you get called out on it and now you're trying to change goalposts. Fucking idiot.
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through the process of elimination, one can deduce that camellya will be a havoc gun user.

1.1 is the bait patch
> by the time the event ends i'll be 10 off from getting the last survey rewards
also none of this was addressed, they instead doubled down by making jinhsi unusable without her sig and the same goes for chanli

>b-but we hear you, have a 3 star event weapon that not even the banner char can use
yeah, both her and her weapon hopefully.
kys retard, you chose to ignore the word because you're fucking retarded and now you're assmad I called you out for it.
Some facts for you

Attack% rolls between 6.4%-11.6%
You can have the highest chance of hitting 8.1%

Flat attack rolls between 30-60
You have the highest chance of hitting 40.

With a level 90 character and weapon, attack% is worth 67-121 attack. Usually being 8.1% for 85.

A 40 flat attack has the same value as 3.9% attack. Flat attack is worth roughly half the value of attack%.
$88 billion >>>>>> your favorite game dumb fuck retard
With how dogshit all the ult cutscenes are yes.
looks like an ugly genshit whore
>clara sidegrade
not a chance
>favorite game is pokemon
I'm so sorry to hear that...
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I'm sure you're going to have a LOT of fun with a zero stack Jinhsi doing no fucking damage.
Can see people crying how SHIT she is when out in the overworld.

No she isn't.
She has very clear downtime in her abilities, you toss her in she scales up in power because of inflament then downscales hard after her buffs die down and is meant to be switched out pronto.
Her numbers also don't compare at all when compared to other main dps.

Same with Jinhsi, but everyone is obsessed in thinking Jinhsi is main dps because her ONE move is a nuke.
Post the hottest unreleased character in this game, no homos.
define probably, retard
>he says in a gacha general
Same bro, it's over for us...
If you hit the maximum flat attack roll of 60, it's the exact same as having 5.7% attack.
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Holy /v/core taste
Should I build her? I got her accidentally to R6 while pulling for Yinlin lol
For me it's just about convenience it feels niggerish to swap weapons every time i want to use a diff team
Gacha "gamers" are miserable.
gayshit impact does not reveal any skin for their female characters
Play her first
Too many people get filtered by her energy issues
Don't tell me Chang is just an Encore support...
DNF is a gook game bro
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Forgot your tranime gif shitpost xis, here i got you.
im ngl, 1.1 is going to be a total fucking flop. This game really bled players
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Yama no Susume is shit
why do gacha shitters have the biggest ego? they think their gambling sim with little to no gameplay is better than actual games.
the original yeah, but this one is made by Tencent
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we're losing to the bricked buddypoke, I think we should be extremely worried
throw her in with the floptaine cast and she'd fit perfectly. acquire taste.
sunk cost fallacy from all the time and/or money they've spent playing shit games
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No one even comes close i feel kind of bad for those other roasties.
I think wuwa has better gameplay than ER
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why the fuck are panties allowed in GFL but not in any other games? Well except ToF but no one cares about ToF
what the fuck is a buddy poke
>make depths of illusive realm build to make yinlin an ult monster
>her ult can be spammed and does almost 10k damage per tick
>doesn't even matter because lol crownless still does 40k per swing by unga bunga
what is the point of a mode letting you make cool and fun "builds" if the solution is just echo
Girls Frontline Line?
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If you have Encore you should NOT roll for Changli whatsoever.

It literally isn't worth it whatsoever, even when it comes to being an Encore support Sanhua is just too good already and just a way better support for Encore and Changli WILL be producing weaker results than Encore teams by a large margin.

Taoqi is just bad, really bad.
And she's the only one that buffs Changli alongside Verina.
You're going to do WAY worse trying to make Changli into a main dps, not only is her dmg worse than Encore but her support is worse.

All Changli will be good for is supporting Chixia in honest.
I will now play your game
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have you ever considered that maybe you are a faggot
It's clearly Granblue Fantasy Line
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illusive realm isnt really a good indicator of how she plays since you have to get hit or wait 3 seconds but she is peak comfy, her shields also allows you to make dodge/parry mistakes without getting 1-shot on top of her skill having a personal heal too
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enjoy getting cucked, cucks frontline cucks
Imagine wasting your time avatarfagging with anime pictures and your ill-informed opinions.
Couldn't be me.
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Just finished Erdtree.
Holograms are irrevocably unironically and moggingly harder and more importantly fun
>he says while drooling over the one mihomolike design in a cast full of hotties
Grand/Fate Lorder
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Changli seems more AoE driven and Encore is single target.
So maybe on that single aspect Changli will be better, because Encore is fucking dogshit when it comes to any content for her single target bullshit.
game only released a few weeks ago, why are we already on life support? did we lose that many players already?
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Did they ever announce it?
just chilling till i whale on the next banner to finally r6 my beloved
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>abhorrent one-note bait
every fucking time
Bro your NIKKE?
>butt hijab
Wake me up when something actually happens.
No content left this patch bwo happens with every gacha.
...buddy, that's a skirt
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>create 30 premade reroll accounts that claimed mail
>end up luckshitting yinlin on my main anyways
it looks like ill be going for either jinshi or changli for the sake of it just to see if any of them are fun to play as. i dont intend to roll for them on my main.
What hijab, are you fucking blind? Those are straight up white pantsu under a skirt.
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Cuck Frontline 2.
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I just want a sword main dps. What the fuck am I suppose to play?
I'm chinese and I'm not going to lie. I do not give a single fuck about gacha stories kek.
I hate pistols in this game
Changli will be your best option then.
sounds like some cuck cope
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Bro, your Havoc Rover???
I love pistols in this game
Sex legs
I couldn't give a single fuck. I'd be picking female MC anyway.
>no real heavy attack, just mash left click the weapon
as you should
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Wdym? Underwear skin here.
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We're self-inserters here femcel troon
yeah but that's not a mod, which is insane imo
HRover only does burst damage though. I want to do damage consistently.
>it's another episode of incels seething at a game they never even played
uh oh femcel melty
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gayshit impact lives rentfree in your head and you have redditbrained behavior viewing everything as black and white
Soft and cute. Soumi is perfection.
you wanna try Danjin?
Can't they just treat every player's version as a different alt universe? Seems like a very simple fix to this faggotry.
I'm just amazed people read gacha slop stories/dialogue
They got spiritually cucked tho
He needs to unload his reddit screenshot folder at the mere mention of GF2
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Why are the these shitty wiki sites leaving Taoqi's outro empty? They copy each other?
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>I'm looooooring
Why is Changli so fucking thick? Not even kidding she's thicker than cowqi considering her height
Goddamn Kuro going all out
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Wuthering Waves is a game made by heterosexual men for heterosexual men.
Kuro already reusing assets for PGR
is PGR worth playing or am I to late? I really enjoy wuthering waves it's my frist gacha looking into trying others
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Because Solon is based >>483463594
His wife Bianca in PGR has some huge tits too.
You should ask in /pgr/ anon, I could answer here but some people are going to bitch about it.
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What the fuck, they get costumes on character release and it's not fucking censored??? What happened?
Do these cheevos reset in 2 days? Or can I take my time with them? Only just started illusive realm.
NTR happened so they took a 180° turn to help them keep the game afloat
God, Suomi is so cute, man... perfect girlfriend material...
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we're getting a new version bro do them asap
They're not Mihomo, nor do they try to pin the blame on the CCP
Who knows there might be new trial characters for the next illusive realm best to do them now
Only redditors say cheevos.
Look at how many different websites there are for tracking your pulls, all using the same script.
Bro, have you SEEN the quality this general?
Reddit is probably better than us
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So Chinkcels want to buy imaginary pixel marriage, but they can't handle the inevitable divorce?
Well that was their fault for marrying a woman, wasn't it?
Cheevos cheevos cheevos cheevos cheevos cheevos cheevos cheevos cheevos cheevos cheevos cheevos cheevos cheevos cheevos!
Sounds like you would know, redditor.
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You made me dig this up.
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Coral shop is resetting soon, makes sure to buy what you need if you have too many corals.
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bros... we clocked less Genshin hours than ToF did in its first month....
I self-insert as the duck.
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Censorship is a hoyomeme, 99% of other Chink companies can do whatever they want and no one cares enough to do anything about it.
Especially smaller games.
Sounds like genshin hours isn't anything to go by for success of a game then. Cool
is it? I thought it was more of a WoW boomer thing they also say toons and other weird shit
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Babby's first gacha? Go back to your homo general.
Yes, it's easier with a control stick than KBM. Like in bayonetta or modern action games, I just point the stick towards the enemy I want to attack, that part works really well.
It only gets wonky when you're not holding a direction, then it's really hard to predict who you'll target. Maybe it's related to where the camera's looking, I can't even tell.

If they make the targeting act like genshin when not holding a direction (so you just always attack the nearest target) but let you override that with a direction, that'll be perfect.

Although I saw a streamer who didn't like the manual targeting because he said if he happened to be holding WASD while attacking he'd attack somewhere else. Which seems like a skill issue to me, but I wonder if anyone else feels the same?
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yeah, devs knew what they were doing LOL
now post this again without crying
Man Roslyn is pure sex...
A shame ToF is a shitty game.
It's a matter of age rating. Genshin got censored because it had an age rating of 12+ in china or something like that. If anything, it's Wuwa that has no excuse for the boring burqas despite the higher age rating.
Me as the duck
why are we stuck wiith shorts and pantalons while gfl2 gets THIS?
>cuck game shilling
Ignore and report genpaggers. They thrive off your (you)s.
girls frontline line 2?
kuro wants the gayshit audience
and judging by the thread they got it kek
>Age rating
>ZZZ already censored
Hoyokeks are pathetic.
Who is she cucking you with?
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Why are people worshipping Jinhsi even though she's heavily dressed and absolutely shows no skin?
Why the fuck does GF2 get costumes WITH their character releases? How did it work in PGR??? Do you have to wait years for a costume like in genshin??
If only her game wasn't a pile of pure garbage
>shilling dying in china and no global release
LMAO GFLpags are getting desperate. If it has no future in CN, it has 0 on global. Cucks deserve it. Now go back to your shitty general.
token by the numbers elegant waifubait designed for mass appeal
what do you take us for? some lowlife coomers?
we are men of culture
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I saved up too much cum for 1.1. When I woke up today my undies were slightly wet.
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Honestly, Endfield and Exilium are the two games I'm looking forward to the most. Their character models are one of the best looking and most detailed out there.
Girls Frontline Line pags?
>The canon MC is the female
Yeah no thanks.
This is her ingame model.
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I forgive the game for being shit because it gave me the gato
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>Their character models are one of the best looking and most detailed out there.
Yurige? Picked the fuck up.
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Because she's a jade like beauty
is this WuWa?
Why didn't KMR make Relink a live service gacha game? It could have been perfect.
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Holy shit this shit is multiplicative. No wonder she's even better than 1 coordinate attack teammate.
Yeah Enfield looks really good.
So what's your excuse for ZZZ being 16+ and all the girls being censored hoyoshill?
It has a higher age rating than Nikke
>The canon MC is the female
Honestly if they actually have a canon MC then they should just not give you the option to choose, have some balls (or not in this case kek) and make what you want to make devs.
This looks so bad lmao. The girl is cute but the model is even worse than g*nsh*n.
Nikke ain't a Chinese game so it's not relevant to the point your trying to make.
But also there is no excuse for zzz being censored.
Elden Ring doesn't timegate you from progression.
And it has built-in easy mode options that don't require a credit card.

Compare apples to oranges.
keep it down anon, let them keep rolling for Haglin
Yeah, Enfield will kill every gacha out there once it releases.
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Too bad that requires having to use Taoqi and do negative damage.
Well they still need the "incels" money so they had to.
But yeah if it was me I wouldn't have given the choice on the gender, just make it male and that's all.
Kuro should have done that with WW.
lol gfg is mad
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But then we wouldn't have this and that'd be a travesty.
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This general fucking sucks, shame because the game is cool, I hate most of you retards so much it's insane, it's you're responsible for this entire mess. Some of you guys are probably alright though
>links to his own post
It's so obvious that it hurts.
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Why is wuwa giving out their rewards on the 4th of July?
Are they scared of the competition from July 4th? Trying to steal attention from the Americans huh? You think I don't notice this? Everyone knows that America is in direct competition with Wuwa.
taoqis combo takes like 8 years though so it evens out
Because my waifu is objectively better than your waifu.
Ah, it's a mihomo nigger trying to create thread wars.
It makes sense now.
what does it mean?
will my corals disappear or the shop will just have new items instead?
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>it's you're
>it is you are
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I thought the dragon attack animation was exclusive to Jinhsi but turns out any Resonator can equip Jue's echo attack.
u mad?
I don't get why /akg/ isn't excited for Endfield. It looks awesome.
the same items will get restocked which includes the rolls. corals will stay.
Don't really need to think about it since f2p won't get enough coral to max out the shop and think about this. Just use coral on the rolls
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It looks like absolute shit.
I see
You mean the dragon mid normal attack chain? wtf scammed
Jesus christ, this reeks of ZZZ. And I mean this unironically. They saw ZZZ and were inspired to plap it into the game
Isn't this the new holo vtumor that debuted a few days ago?
FF14 combat looks boring as hell
i'm mad because the season in the acclaimed mmo game rotmg is about to end
hapa bro...
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Verina is the same element as Jinhsi and Jue's DoT. We don't know if coordinate attacks have the same per second restriction.
male sexualization is a power fantasy, men like to be sexualized as it's literally written in dna across species like how male peacocks try to impress females
Someone post the Enfield "combat" webm.
What combat?
It's an auto battler lmao
>here is a new game with the same title that will reduce all your prior investment to zero
the camera angle change makes me sick
Tell me more baizhi
When are they gonna add non shit craftable weapons?
Because that will filter people since it will just be chink factorio and the playetbase are brainlets
Let's not pretend that 90% of people just watch KyostinV for the strats
Dungeon Fighter... Literally something like Street fighter+Cadillac and dinosaur+MMO... Graphic are shit.. But every class is so cool to play.. That inspire a lot of other game like lost ark.
any gooners?
You do feel betrayed. That's very cute. Look forward to Arknights Offline on Steam when Endfield is in full swing, okay?
Yeah I'm doing it right now.
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why the fuck are gachas even allowed for 12 year olds anyways
to be fair there are spending limits and shit in place for minors.
Jinhsi Status?
you wasn't here when they were sexualizing encore, hope they roped by now
The Government gets slice of the pie when companies wring the money out of the kids' parents.
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gooning to encore atm
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>arkcensored eos
No thanks I'll wait for Azur Pag.
Looks worse than enfield lmao
>race of people who are 2.5 heads tall
I hate gnomes. I hate harvins. I hate lalafels. I hate midget races. Never touching this game
I used to think hypergryph were amazing but after arknights went to shit and their next game was mediocre it just became obvious they just got lucky one time and weren't that great.
Get out of here tumblrfag
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you first femcel
I would probably try it if it didn't look like the most generic korean MMO setting I've ever seen.
Encore and verina are both extremely rapeable, and you can't do anything about it
please take a shower
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you first troon
it's wild that your go-to example of the beat-em-up genre is fucking Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
based, but also what the fuck
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Cope. Go back to your gay furry general. Cunny Pal will be the next big thing. Any new game without pokemon system (like echo) and hebe is DOA.
Keep arguing so I can save more Encore pics
>ANOTHER chinese gacha
Do the japanese even make their own gacha anymore?
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Delet this
Still waiting for Overkill.

Don't if im wrong. But they put the art from the manga to be in charge of the story of the game?... The manga was trash and that whore a fucking dyke. She change thing it the manga and the "MC" aka the commander was a piece of shit. Compare of what you do in game. Not even talk what that biatch did to my waifu ump45.....

Female MC "gentiane" in GF is ugly as fuck.
this but with elves
that's a man
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Is it really that hard to get an actual child actor/cosplayer to do these
Yeah, but its region locked ontop of looking and playing like its from 2012.
I'm gonna filter this webm it looks fucking vile
Fits perfectly with Encore
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you are too far gone
Brave anon, enjoy your vacation.
will both chunli and jinx come at the same time or is it one at a time?
Yes, but not the type that your average westerm gamer is interested in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhhT9PsZm0Y
no budget, expensive labour, and when they have it it's Blackrock gay money. It's over for Japs, the future is in China and Korea
God bless iM@S.
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>hurrr anything above 5 is too old for me
my kpop im@s idol Saki...
damn I forgot this is literally out next week. time flies huh
it would have been more pleasing to look at that funny overweight dancing asian man do the encore cosplay instead
cringecel: pink girl's pussy getting censored
woke: Gacha market is saturated
Fuck japs. Chinks are unironcally cooler friends than japs.
what happened to idolmaster..
It's just a dumb fan-made video, it's not like they will pay an actual child actor to cosplay as a sex demon.
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Cringekino truly the Wawu webm of our times
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What is she doing? She knows Rover is with Jinhsi, right?
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>Zero emotions on her face
lmao even
Checking your breath for tonsilitis shipper-sama holy calm down
this thread feels like epstein island
>100% explore all areas on the map
>Pioneer level is 8, with 4350/4500 exp
this is normal or did I fuck something up?
>thread so dead now the only way to keep it going is to cunny img spam.

rip wuwa..
First 4chan?
meant for >>483471273
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Hopefully in the future they age up Verina and Encore.
it is what happens when we have no shill janny to watch the thread 24/7 like other generals do.
it is the current max the rest comes with 1.1 map
Idolm@ster peaked with Million Live. Nothing will ever top this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvNZ7-p-3qM
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Oh no?
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You should sign up to be a janny you get free 4chan pass priveleges I hear
neck yourselves pedos
You gotta go back zoomerfag
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Post something good then anon.
She's legal in based Ruzzia.
holy sex
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Both Verina and Encore are hebes.
Hebechads rise!
we have a Ruzzian here
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touching grass keeps the undesirables away
any cbtfags here? is the kot meta?
Ruzzian chads love cunny like this
Plenty of DMM gacha games which are full hentai.
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Yes, it actually is very difficult to get a child actor who isn't compete shit
If it bleeds it breed is retarded. you fucking muslim.
Kronii? wot?
Based Ruzzian chads
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where are the best places to mine and scarletthorn? those 4 star weapons need a whoppong 150 of those.
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Yep shooting lots of ropes to her cute ass
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that blowjob camera angle was not necessary
Most of /wuwa/ is comprised of Ruzzian chads, so it's no surprise
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Just play the game???
I have like a million of those and I don't even farm them, I just grab them along the way.
Happy pride moth
They do have the same restriction, but it's a separate counter.
The description makes it obvious. And the change is precisely so you can use Verina.
jinhsi the rock or crab li
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>2 more days
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You're not meant to build team comps around Jinhsi, she is sub dps you retards.

This is like building a team comp around Verina, utterly retarded.
Stop being stupid.
>North Korea
Wtf... fat Kim is fucking 15 year old girls?
Thanks for the bump.
Did you not see the press conference where he cried in public about how their women aren't having more babies?
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Imma bump you on the head with my fist.
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do this everyday to stock up
bonus theres 4 stone guy elites and 1 of each birb on the way
>Teams teams teams
Shut the fuck, I just build whoever makes my dick hard and stick them on team together
Jinhsi the rock for me, we already have t0 Fusion.
Most asians just raised the age of consent in the last decade to match the gay west. It was mostly 12-16 before that.
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This is game is filled with predators.
uyghurs are caucasian?
does this game have NTR
It's a chinese game what do you think
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A general and a magistrate's tryst.
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>sausage fingers
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for the other mineral and weekly weapon exp
Fun fact turkeys are actually predators of worms, seeds, small reptiles, frogs, snails, shota and even large leaves.
She's no better
Why is she so fucking hot and why did it take so long for me to realize?
When I saw her way back at the launch I just brushed her off and wasn't too interested. But now she's pure sex and I am trying to figure out how I'm going to be able to pull her in my astrite situation
When do you think they are going to fix the ping issues and locking on a target miles away
She's a rare case of her 3d model looking much better than her marketing art
>fix locking on a target miles away
Based Ruzzian chad on the bottom
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Hebechad run this general.
She is sub dps, and her arm is literally burnt to a crisp.

Her hair also has goofy freaky eyes.
what ping issues
>pang issues
Stop living in turd world
>locking le target
click middle mouse button retard?
Enjoy not being able to move your camera, retard.
Mostly their advertising choices. Hype was fairly high like half a year ago but it’s kind of inevitable for that to dip over time if you take forever to deliver
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For me it was her art not looking as good. When I got to the end of act VI and saw her in-game is when I became more interested in her, she looks way better there than in the art.
nta but i live in borgerland and my ping can somwtimes fluctuate a lot for no reason even idling
>25 ele % 3 cost tunes without a single crit rate/crit damage
They've stealth nerfed their rates, haven't they. so fucking scummy.
Odd. My friends have this too. Normally we'd have 30-60 ping, but lately it spikes randomly up to 400-500, we're all on the east coast
Third hand information but...
By "enemy search system" they probably mean target system.
>i live in borgerland
Exactly, 3rd worldie
This game and dark souls honestly have fairly different gameplay styles, I prefer wuwa
It's because of ZZZ, yes.
It's their way of saying "please continue playing our game after ZZZ's release"
>saw her in-game
wtf I don't remember this
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Is people still complaining about optimization ?
Like i have toaster phone and my PC is aright nothing amazing i legit don't get performance issues, on the phone it drops frames in the town thats about it
Any word about mobile optimization? They're going conservative on showing skin so obviously they also target underage zoomers but most of them don't even know how to use a computer thanks to smartphones.
They're lying/mistaken
You never see Changli in-game except for a communication screen of when Jinhsi talks with her at the end of Act IV
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this is impossible
I got to 70k with only the trial characters. not sure how to get past that. I abuse the level gimmick but still doesn't seem possible without perfect grouping rng
Read nigger read. Abuse the stages' gimmicks. That was my score when I didn't read.
just use the trial characters and set the difficulty to max bwo
>replying to obvious copypasta
man this place has changed
Her model isn't even in the files yet, so that anon must have seen it in a dream
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Also food works in this event.
mmm nyo bwo
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>clara sidegrade
e1s1 minimum and im adding her to my clara/robin team
i easily max out my moc/pf/whatever the fuck the third one is called so i will invest into chars i like
just like in wuwa im going for camell for sex
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Just advertise both MC's why make one or the other canon when you can just show both
All other dps are irrelevant when you have Acheron and Firefly.
kill yourself loli tranny
Uhm Excuse me. I live in Mejico and even our quamtum age connections were spiking from 60-600ms randomly for the past couple days
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reminder to not do your 3/3 weekly boss fights so you can save some unlock materials for the new jue boss as new characters tend to need new boss drops.
other reminder if you want an easier time farming jue is to not immediately burn your 15/15 100% drop rate for the week, save it for the release of the new content.
great advice, I almost fucked up
I hurt myself today...
Maybe I'm remembering wrong. I saw the leak of her animations/kit around the same time I saw her talking to Jinhsi in the main story so maybe we don't actually see her in 1.0. But either way her model was glorious and her art was just okay.
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why does my game keep fading to black for like two seconds everytime i enter the flowery area in loong's gaze suburbs?
always the gay faggots that wants to delete the other mc
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The hagpedo woke up.
I pity him.
The event is basicaly babby's first gameplay tutorial for swap canceling. If you're a grug tier dumbass like me that can't read just mash swaps until what you're supposed to do and what cancels and what doesn't clicks for you.
It's extremely easy once you get the hang of it and will make you a better player since unlike tower the damage check is entirely fair.
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got the most insane stats for my echo for my Encore but its a 4* fml
Send feedback about it they actually respond and fix that kind of shit in this kusoge.
t.- Got them to fix flickering in certain areas
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Your tears are delicious.
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the virus is spreading
You know we can turn purple tuners in to gold in 1.1 right retard
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Dreamless and Crownless keep kicking my ass. I thought i had the hang of dodging and counterattacks but once i raised my world level its like im back at square one.
>is people
Oh yeah, where's my Jinhsi doro then?
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Come back doro.
Read the news, idiot
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In the gook forums
you're gonna need to lube up once you get to hologram mephis
Oh fuck I thought I was safe...
Just gooned to Encore, feelin good
yamete kusasai!1
wtf is gooned
"Cumming" but for porn addicts that love to abuse their body and mind while masturbating.
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because of the quest where you spar with that guy or w/e, didnt read. The screen going black is him loading in or something, its annoying
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I actually end up doing the math for the Jinhsi + Yinlin calculation and holy fuck is the original TC retarded. Even without using stringmaster they have a fuck ton of errors in their math.

Here's the calculation using proper numbers using their original formula. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

If you do not pull Stringmaster + Yinlin for Jinhsi you do not really love Yinlin
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>stringmaster gives you almost two entire substats of crit for free over any other weapon in the game
who designed this pay to win bullshit?
Explain this to me like i'm retarded what am looking at here
so you're saying i should skip jinhsi and changli and pull stringmaster?
It's 12% more than the other 5 stars with crit rate.
If you're f2p you play taoqi, if you're a whale or love jinhsi you play yinlin with stringmaster. Yinlin + Stringmaster requires more investment, but has a way higher cap overall.
the game likes to roll low substat crit though. 6.3%
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Thanks fren
500 base attack instead of 587 like the sword so you crit for significantly less
I'm going to play whoever I want, fag.
How the fuck do you regen con with Taoqi?
Intro 10 + E 15 = 25.
Then wait another 10 years to swap?
Stringmaster has a 24% attack bonus for being off field and an addition 24% attack bonus when they're off the field. it also gives 12% elemental damage So that point doesn't make anysense
Get the buff on the next rotation like a normal person?
it comes with far lower base attack though
That's worth around 140 attack with a good amount of attack%. It's not a massive difference.
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So if I'm reading this right Jinshi gets a fucking 347% + 1040% at max stacks on her resonance skill? ok.
Do i lose all of my Sanhuabuffs if i switch from Encore to Verina to proc Rejuvenating 4pc rq?
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>another weapon on standard guaranteed in 15 pulls
Yup, I think I won
r5 discord, one E press = half a concerto meter
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>4 hour thread
>1.1 is tomorrow

What happened?
most buffs are individual buffs. That is why verina is useful because she procs team buffs
Yeah. They use the same balancing system as Genshin for weapons.
Weapons with higher secondary stat have a lower main stat and vice-versa.
>1.1 is tomorrow
no it's not
you wish that shit was tomorrow
instead you get to fap for two more days
Start with Verina, her set buff and outro will persist when you switch between the other 2 characters. Sanhua's only affects the next resonator, so go Verina > Sanhua > DPS for the full buffs
the maintenance for 1.1 starts in 48 hours illiterate-kun
Camellya crashing mine and Jinhsi's wedding
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Retard. All you had to do was google the timezone.
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which weapon should i choose for union level 45
Yeah. But do Sanhua buffs specifically translate through quickswaps? Or do they go away the moment you change to your third character and back.
the light sword or gun
>That's worth around 140 attack
You can get up to 150 ATK% from substats and support sets alone, waay more if some characters have their own atk% buffs and tower blessings in most extreme case it can mean ~15% more damage which 12% crit definitely does not provide
Thanks, this is great help
587 is the normal attack stat for a 5 star level 90 weapon.
Ones with a higher than normal secondary stat have 500.
In the future they might make a weapon with 674 that has a lower than normal secondary stat.
150% bonus attack with 87 additional weapon attack is 182. I would still take 12% more crit rate over 182 more attack because it lets you build crit damage easier.
I'm gonna assume Taoqi going full regen and has R ready.
10 intro + 15 e + 16 discord r5 + 20 r = 61
Still too slow. One swing from her nodachi takes years.
Outdated version and solar flare should be included in the nuke too.
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All three of them are so bland.
Missed out on 1% from star glamour my bad, it should be 2694.26%.
Fox girls when?
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Are you saving for me anon?
Impregnate Baizhi
Impregnate Baizhi
Impregnate Baizhi
I hope we get cat girls first
Gimme a big tiddy tomboy cat girl who uses fist weapons
Pork Baizhi, Kiss YapYap, Marry MaXiaofang
No. I rather have Camellya. You're a nobody.
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i'm going all in on Jinhsi because she has the much better banner.
But you can have the leftover rolls menopause turkey
Casual emotionless sex with Baizhi
Marrying Yangyang and living happily forever after
Friendly roughhousing with Chixia and stealing a kiss when she least expects it
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please tell me they are releasing summer skins
How do skins work in Chinese gacha? Is it just a small mtx purchase? Are they only available for a limited period?
Yangyang or Jianxin for grouping?
I've got my ticket left for after pulling Jinhsi in case I lose the 50/50 but Yangyang is also on rate up for that banner
My uncle works at Kuro.
They are releasing Yinlin slingshot swimsuit and Encore microbikini with randoseru for 1.2.
It's Kuro games of course they are
if they do it exactly like the gooshin then it will be strictly the unconverted currency, the 300 fragments you get from buying the monthly card or buying fragments directly with money.
After you convert it to asterite it can't be used for skins for example.
Fuck Chixia
Marry Chixia
Have an affair with Baizhi while Chixia is pregnant
yapyap if you need to use moonlit set
jianxin if the healing one with bell
Any benefits to co-op? I still haven't added anybody from the thread.
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By playing co-op you can meet little girls
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Too old. Maybe if they had a loli skin.
I love you bwos...
>last day of allow smelt
>anons still don't know how to echo swap cancel their way into an easy 140k with trial characters
Different companies, different pricing. The price range could go from free to over 100$. Availability would be whatever the marketers and Senior management will think will earn them more sheckles.
What is swap cancel?
Jinhsi was unvaccinated this entire time!?
You press the echo and you cancel the animation with a swap
I already got the elite class echos and all the asterite, I dont need to try min-max more to get premium tuners
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Fuck Baizhi
Marry Baizhi
Kiss Baizhi
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>Have an affair with Baizhi while Chixia is pregnant
Based based based based
Will impermanence Heron's buff transfer if you swap before the damage hits? I keep forgetting to test it and i can't right now
take note that some echos can't be swapped canceled or require a certain amount of animation frames to be swapped without losing stuff sometimes.
Motorcycle rider needs to begin his 3rd swing attack to be swap canceled or he doesn't buff you.
Some of the echos can't be swapped although its not too many.
Marry Baizhi, Kiss Yangyang, Fuck Chixia
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Jinhsi will be the first omnipotent resonator
You probably just want to hold Q with Heron anyways since the damage is immediate.
Good call, hope kuro adds some on screen visible buffs like they have with food buffs
You get the energy if you swap instantly so I assume the dmg boost too
Jinhsi cute but I'm unwilling to whale in this game to make her god tier.
Baizhi would never
based this i'm skipping patch 1.1
But okay I know what everyone is thinking, this may prove she's stronger than other characters, but that doesn't make her omnipotent does it? And you would be right except for one fact: She has white hair and is a light element character. White hair on an anime girl automatically means the devolopers love that character and will make sure that they are meta constantly. Anime girls with white hair who are bad are few and far and are an exception rather than the rule. Same thing with the light element. Everyone knows that the light and dark element in almost every video game ever made are automatically better than every other element by default. This will likely be no different in Wuwa as time goes on

Because of all these reasons, I believe it's safe to say that Jhinsi will be the first omnipotent resonator in PGR
i will reroll for you with one of my spare reroll accounts.
Baizhi would accept being DP'd by Rover and Mortefi, remaining emotionless while she works on her research notes.
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this is hot. im surprised they undid this cutscene it all looks great.
game would go viral if this was the intro in to the story but chinks pussied out
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here a leak.. that was posted in baidu...
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I love bilibili

I went back and got to 70k but I really don't like constantly swapping and trying to manage the assholes who keep running away and spreading out over the whole arena.
If you keep posting anko's manko every thread it won't be special anymore.
not today tranny
mmmmmmm nyo
>literally useless
>not a real melusine
It's shit.
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Knotting Rover...
I'm so hot.
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Save status? Just finished the map.
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>trans flag colors
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>Tranny colors
No thanks
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My view of /wuwa/ has changed after last thread revealed half of the people here are Reddit summer tourists.
>unironically calling people tourists
Is Jinhsi broadblade good for other broadblade users? I'm thinking that the crt stats are more than worth it...
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how much is half an e press
Marry Baizhi, i love NTR
It boosts skill damage and she's the only skill damage scaling broadblade user so no
>tourists dislikes being called out
So there's a 4* broadblade that would outdamage it if I put it on Jiyan or Calcharro?
Both jiyan and jinhsi's signature weapons are too specific to be good as a general weapon. Ideally you'd want a weapon like yinlin's where it's an absurd crit dmg 72/rate 36 and a generic effect like +x elemental damage and +attack basically yinlin's.

Increases the DMG Bonus of all Resonance Attributes by 12%. (Generic 12% elemental)
When Resonance Skill hits a target, increases ATK by 12%, stacking up to 2. This effect lasts for 5s. (Generic 24% atk)
When the equipped character is not on the field, increases their ATK by an additional 12%. (Specific to yinlin, negligible)
There is nothing wrong with using Reddit.
Pulling for the first few 5* weapons in a gacha is usually never worth it. Just roll with the standard 5* Broadblade if you can grab it
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Where's your game wuwakeks?
It's not great, but it's not bad either. I'd say it's firmly "good".
You get 24.3% crit rate, you'll get 587 base attack at level 90, and you get a 12% generic damage buff.
The 48% skill damage buff is very situational, but it's not terrible either.

It helps that the standard 5* broadblade and 4* broadblades are all dogshit in comparison.
why's the thread so slow bros..
>rolls for Jinhsi just as he gets to UL50
>bricked account because resources to level characters to 80 and remain at damage parity with the new SOL phase got drained by levelling Jinhsi
Is this the future you want?
I think it's pretty futureproof, it's quite likely there will be more skill damage focused characters.
I have no time to play and I had to skip a lot of shit from this event.
I don't understand how Yangyang getting hurt here would have been Rover's fault.
I'm finally doing Yinlin's quest and it's cringe as fuck. What the hell happened? Why is this Genshin 2.0 instead of PGR:Open world?

CBT1 was unironically better.
Because everyone is in /gig/
calm before the storm
All my other gacha games I play are getting their updates today so I'm focusing on them till 1.1.
I miss the usual shit flinging I need my entertainment while farming dreamless
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So update tomorrow? Who do we have in the next banner?
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Lmao your game is losing to Genshin dead patch. Pathetic wuwakeks
Even ignoring Jinshi, doesn't she have the better banner? Sanhua and Yangyang have great dupe unlocks.
Does kuro games only have 1 song? Everyone always points to that one song and plays it over w/e they're doing.
Yeah, and tacet fields are getting buffed in 1.1. Stop the lies!
The synthesizer console sounds like it's in pain. Someone help it.
No it's not tomorrow.
Does this game have a training dummy where i can practice counterattack or rotations even?
They expect you to do like 5 things at the same time but don't give you the tools to learn their spaghetti
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>So update tomorrow?
hmmm nyo
goshin just released their slug girl half an hour ago so they are distracted
>troon shit colours
>not a real loli
>ugly graphics
I think I'm fine here.
I lost the 50% for Yinlin,that means next time i will get the rate up character right?
Do we know the next banner characters besides the white haired china woman?
Is Pre-download out yet?
Where is this characters nsfw pics
if you are talking about 4* then danjin, yapyap, and sanhua
I lost the 50% for Firefly,that means i should become a mihoyo anti and roll for Jinhsi right?
Thanks anon.
You shouldn't be spending your retirement on this website, Mr. Disrespect.
>finally watched trailer
bros I am excited
tacet field cost discount when... permanent 2x tacet field output when...
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So what happened to that schizo anon who claimed that female Rover would only be shown in marketing material for patches with male characters?
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Thanks anon kinda sad about missing out Vera 2.0 tho
That discord tranny behind her? Male
2 more days till i reroll
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Rover is so cute
>tfw you spotted mintpicker in your wuwa thread
Rejoice bwos, soon to be endangered species...
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scar certainly thinks so
Based and true!
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It has tons of pre-reg.
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Tell me about Taoqi
Why does she shake her huge butt so much?
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Peak femcel design
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98.5% of those preregistrations come from furries
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ZZZ is already so much better than genshit
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I'm playing the game
You stupid nigro this thread has always been the zedzedzed waiting room
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Furries make mad money.
>furries = rich
who started this retarded meme?
just because artist charge them extra for their disgusting animal diaper commissions doesn't mean they are rich lmao
We're getting MOGGED by the worst character genshin has had since Dehya. The ZZZ trailer into launch into Natlan drip combo will MURDER us.
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This has always been a common myth, but the truth is that they're mostly autist wagies but have nothing else to spend their money on, so they waste it all on their fetish. Which makes them a perfect audience for a gacha to pander towards, I'm surprised it's taken this long.
Everyone knows that the actual rich mans fetish is pedophilia.
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BAHAHAHA no livestream and only 20 rolls to show for a whole month of sunk cost
No new areas no content just a shitty incelbait bland girl.
i'm sure they'll tire themselves out eventually
my dickkkkkkkkkkk
They don't make mad money, they're mad bad with money. They just have very low impulse control. Also understand that they're largely deluded narcissists, so unless their money goes towards expanding their OC, or helps them groom someone for sex, they won't put money into it.
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>20 rolls
Actually 40 rolls
>no new area
But there is new area in 1.1
>incel bait
You mean attractive female characters? Can't argue with that, something mintpickers not seen since v2 lmao
there are a lot more richfag subhuman furries then you realize but you are right it's just that even the poor ones are absurd paypiggies.
>who started this retarded meme?
Furfaggot psyop in an attempt to normalise their fetish.
Seems they've been quite successful, since a lot of normalfags are starting to believe it now. Same thing trannies are trying to do with the "programming socks" meme, spread by people who have never walked into an office full of programmers in their life.
are all the freebies still available if you reroll when 1.1 drops
Almost certainly not, considering that 1.1 has a whole new batch of freebies.
If they gave out both then it would let people reroll too quickly. If you want to reroll then make accounts now.
>Go to Genshin thread, anons are doomposting the game
>Come to WuWa thread, anons are doomposting the game

Though it's kind of true for how it looked at the outset that Yinlin's banner might be some great leap forward for WuWa it just sort of fizzled out really fast and apparently may have actually only grossed half of what Jiyan's banner did. Now there isn't even going to be a limited banner for the next couple days after midnight apparently even. The 1.1 characters for WuWa seem to have insane amounts of hype behind them, at least in the NA region, but I guess we'll see if they can be the first to have any sort of staying power on the charts anywhere really.
If you are gonna le epik false flag trool bring up the giant amount of tech debt but do a poor job of presenting it what you are doing now is just droll bro
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holy cringe
Kind of what happens when your entire games streaming numbers really on a fat drama fuck like Tectone and his posse, that by the barely gives a shit about the game other than for trolling and engagement farming reasons, and would rather just stream himself reading twitter posts and self-aggrandizing almost any day of the week. The guy just does not like playing video games anymore than Asmongold does these days.
A common trait among degenerate commies. They cant help themselves, subversive bullshit is in their DNA.
niggers tongue my anus

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