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Hole in Your Left Wing Edition

Previous thread: >>483175942

>Official site

>Fan created content

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics

>Old forums archive:

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC

>Guides on missiles, radars, radar warning receivers
https://youtu.be/v8j3kJwm_Eg [Embed]
https://youtu.be/n78r6klLlEQ [Embed]
https://youtu.be/DOGazUgUdsQ [Embed]
https://youtu.be/wAtTS8xSYEc [Embed]

>Guided weapons statistics

>What tanks have thermals and their generations

>Someone sending you runes?

>Dank Bants

I am skilled, you are lucky.

Thread theme:
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camping the airspawn is one of the single most effective things you can do
>deny enemy cas
>greatly enable your cas
>infuriate the enemy and watch a quarter of them just quit and nearly half of them sit in spawn as a spaaggot doing nothing productive
>pad your stats (which increases your likelihood of getting in to heaven)
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i just peepee poopoo my pants...
Very cool black-screen crash after a game, Gaijin.
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I just think it's neat.
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catch my vikhr
The direct Pershing derivatives are some of the best looking tanks imo
They are.
Did they smooth out some of the hills on Campania?
If the Soviets had anti-gravity technology's in their Yaks, why were the earlier models getting BTFO so hard during WW2? Surely, Gaijin wouldn't incorrectly model the flight path of a russoid prop, right?
Because you're an esl casgroid seething over being hard countered.
>why were the earlier models getting BTFO so hard during WW2
unironically because the soviet air force had garbage pilots, just read up on how the finns fucking slaughtered them just by knowing basic fighter maneuvres and tactics, soviet pilots were like headless chickens
I was playing the J26 though? Fucking yakgroids never make a fucking sound until they're already shooting you. Kill yourselves.
That makes more sense I guess. I still think they perform way better in WT than they did IRL, but that's true with a lot of planes probably.
How come the Zero has a significantly higher rip speed and locks up far less at those speeds than the Yaks?
Cause it's an aluminum frame not a wooden frame
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>barely used by the USAAF, removed from service at the earliest moment
>made of fucking wood
>can't survive a landing on anything other than a smooth tarmac runway
>mostly used to terror bomb civilians of allied nations
>hailed by bongs as a war winning superweapon
The Yak-9P is fully metal and it handles exactly like the partially wooden Yak-9U.
You don't need A-10C, glutton.
>bongs are ludicrously delusional about their own equipment
Not even Indians are this bad.
Make a bug report
I am here, once again, to seethe at the XP-50.
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So what's the next closes Su-25SM3 counterpart?
I got the new f15 but it doesn't feel very fun to play top tier right now.. I was enjoying 10-11.7 more.
Which F-16?
One in game
I disagree, the AV-8B would be closer. and even so it's not like they have a counterpart to the Kh-38.
BOL chaff is extremely strong
Sweden is owed a Mosquito
>spend vast amount of time grinding out top tier vehicle
>looks sick, plays pretty awesome, well modelled, happy with it
>realise the only game modes I can play this thing in are tired and uninspired with boring old maps I've played countless times already which weren't designed for vehicles of this tier

Yeah I'm thinking I'm done, at least for now. Fox-3's were the tipping point.
And two Spitfires
how are people still falling for the top tier meme
I think that people that complain about the notching window being small don't really know how to notch and chaff
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>t. Herman Goering
When next cv90?
I love cv90
I demand more cv90
>close to twelve years since launch
>still no Mosquito B
This but Ajax
the japanese interceptor line is pretty fun
Ajax bad cv90 good
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Is the BV 238 still a good premium SL grinder?
Been years since I last actually needed to SL grind and I have no interest in playing the Moffett because naval gameplay sucks ass.
So you're telling me my J-8 has 6 datalink targets and my J-11 only has 1
rememeber pearl harbor cocksucker
Yes. J-8 has an Israeli radar where J-11 has a Russian one
If they gave the J-8F PL-8Bs it would probably be better than any Su-27 variant in the game so I guess China really is numba wahn
what's the israeli name for the Type 1492
>direct hit with missile
>critical hit)))
>on fire
>x player suffered x damage messages for 1 minute
>kill assist))))
I thought they fixed this nigger ass bullshit with severe damage
>critical hit
you didn't get a severe damage hit so no kill credit for you
I hit a guy with '''severe damage''' only for him to literally never fall out of the sky, make it back to his airfield. and then come back to bomb/ground pound some more. It was of course, an IL-2 )))))))))))))
racism is only allowed on /b/
when are they tuning severe damage? surely they've noticed by now that almost every plane can enter a death spiral with people only getting hits and crits credited
same shit with fire completely disabling someone but you only get an assist out of it because a chink chased it into the earth from 5km up
there absolutely are times when someone catches a fire that WILL not go out before the plane is dead, so how aren't they coding that to consider it as a kill?
this game is atrocious a lot of the times and it takes way too long to get fixed, if ever
KI-109 my beloved...
Why does Gaijin hate every country except Russia?
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Best German 3.7 GRB lineup?
>bf 110 g2?
Now, Pz. 4 H or J? is there any reason to take the H over the J?
>is there any reason to take the H over the J?
you have it flipped, theres no reason to take the J over the H
J is a late war economy model of the pz 4 that lacks a powered turret, otherwise they are identical
turn the other maps back on please anton
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>J is a late war economy model of the pz 4 that lacks a powered turret, otherwise they are identical
ahhh okay, makes sense. It's just "after" it in the tech tree, for historical reasons i'd assume now, but I thought it would be an upgrade. I see the much slower turret traverse speed on the stat card now.
Is the premium t34 any good/worth getting at 4.3? sorry to ask to be spoonfed, I've tried googling but a lot of the info in reddit/forum posts seem pretty old out and outdated.
So, why Namer blow up if shoot its ammo, but bmp2m doesn't
you know why ))))))))))))))))
cool it with the anti-semitic+russophobic remarks
>Is the premium t34 any good/worth getting at 4.3?
I'd say yes, one of the better armored T-34s
get it on sale or when it shows up in the warband shop
hitting some bombergroid with the KI-109 75mm and it's 490g of tnt is fun
new chink combat car dropped
I don't really like youtuber shit but you should spend under a minute and watch this.

The absolute state of this fucking game, completly fucked up and just to artificially buff FOX3's that will be nerfed into oblivion when ""fixed""

I mean how the fuck can you greenlight a radar looking through terrain and call it a genuine error and bug? Fucking kroks man
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that was revealed few months ago already, it's just another CM32 prototype
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When is the next sale?
it did seem familiar
just notch and chaff bro, fox-3s and the removal of multipathing are the best things to have happened to ARB in years :)
t. sub-0.8 K/D F-14A peenix spammer
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isn't the world at some stupid scale to make things like buildings or foliage way too big? I remember that from the beta days
just killed 2 phoenix spammers with PL-12s
feels good man
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>suicide bombing because I'm bored
>target dies 27 nanoseconds before I hit him
they weren't tho, they performed pretty well esp on low alt, germs never engaged them on low alts
>inb hyperinflated german gigaace numbers
that's insanely racist buddy
Or they have a shit rwr
The buildings are fine, you can join any custom battle on an Air map in a tank and see for yourself. Some trees are fine too, as seen on the left of this screenshot, but a lot are severely oversized for whatever reason. If they're too lazy to alter the tree assets, an easy way out would be to just count trees as ground for multipathing purposes so it works over trees just as it does over flat terrain or water. The pinnacle of laziness though would be to just disable collision with trees but I don't think they're THAT lazy.
I'll laugh if they disable collision for SOME trees
>bro just hug the terrain
skill issue should've notched and chaffed should've built better planes etc, multipathing is perfectly fine as it is and needs no adjustments whatsoever
If it was "bro it's easy" -CCTV-CHINGCHANG wouldn't be able to do this. Fucking animals
at last i trvly see
me not paypigging for mods is a skill issue
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that's not even the worst one i saw, really only a matter of time before i see someone go 6 for 6 with them the way they perform now
you can't even really use multipath to avoid them since the splash damage will kill you anyways
burgers truly suffer
>you can't even really use multipath to avoid them since the splash damage will kill you anyways
You can't use multipathing 90% of the time anyway because lol >>483410760
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Japanese wood folded over 9000 times
someone post the chink forum prophecy
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how did he predict EVERYTHING so perfectly?
ancient chinese wisdom
It was the obvious consequence of removing multipathing in an environment with ARHs. With multipathing, stuff would've played out mostly the same as in the last update.
Millennia of Feng Shuei cultivation

is he right bros? is muh charly too the best mbt in the game? leopard and strv bros how do we respond?
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Absolutely on point, only coping huns would disagree.
Nah, read up the reports of the early Yak 1s vs late Yak 3 and 9s. Only when Yakovlev cleaned up the airframe and the planes got stronger engines etc they became the feared low alt fighters, before that they were mid
>leopard and strv bros how do we respond
Leopard 2A7 should be 11.0
Strv 122 should be 10.0
Why would the Strv go lower than the Leo?
He’s right. Don’t forget how the Challenger 2 survived being hit by 70 Kornet ATGMs, meanwhile leopards blow up getting hit by 1950s RPG 7s like in turkey lmao.
Short 120mm
Shit ammo
Shit gunner thermals
Rag folded in front of the commander sight for whatever reason
is normal Chernobyl tree ))))
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best tank in the world
best tank in the game
all is as it should be
>Shit ammo
My dude the Strv's good dart weights 5.6 kilograms and deals APHE tier damage
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What the hell is this then?
Don't think I ever seen this.
>deals APHE tier damage
False since the introduction of spall liners, all that matters is raw penetration numbers.
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commence the jigglin
If challenger so good why can't bongs break 50% global winrate
It's a new mechanic, crew healing when not in fight
>Healing wounded crew members!
>Crew members will now automatically heal to a degree that doesn’t induce debuffs after a certain amount of time passes after being hurt. There’s a healing icon next to the crew in the damage panel, and a crew member being healed will change color.
>why is a Russian game biased towards Russia
Great Britain is an actual threat to Russia, see their threats of nuclear annihilation. Meanwhile the UK sent 50 Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine and non have been lost while Ukrainians also praise it as the most rugged, armored and precise tank in their inventory.
>mig21 dead
>mig23 raped
>mig29 butchered
>su27 mangled
>t80s soon to get their acceleration cut to a third
There's no Russian bias
True BVR experience
decommunization of war thunder
more like the devs stopped playing russia and are now playing sweden
>overperforming ruscancer brought back into line
I see no issue here
>overperforming ruscancer
never happened
>everything *I* have is perfectly accurate and fine
>everything *YOU* have is overperforming cancer
my ARH
>1 chaffed even though the target is 3km in the air
their ARH
>tracks through a mountain and bypasses multipathing
was i not a good enough customer?
>german p-47d gets no secondary armament at all
germany suffers
this is why I bring r60m's on my mi24

so I can camp the air space and counter strike anyone camping me
ruzzia broz... itz zo over......
Yea I've mostly checked out of this update, it's fuckin bad, I've been logging in to get BP progress and occasionally do daily challenges, but that's about it, there's more fun games to play.
do I need to buy premium sub?
Nah, you can play without it for fun and research half of the tree. It will just take wee bit longer.
Later premium is borderline mandatory.
>Golan heights
>Golan heights
>Golan heights
>Golan heights
This map can fuck right off

The houses are just chinese.
Took the words out of my mouth. TL;DW:
>matches should be 8v8
>everything should get chaff and a couple of their top SARHs/ARHs stock
>60 m multipathing should stay BUT trees should count for multipathing or their height should be brought in line to a more reasonable 10-15 m
>splash damage should be removed from missiles hitting the ground
>other nations should be given proper SPAMRAAM counterparts
>ARH carriers should never see non-ARH carriers
And the sucker punch to all the mutts gloating about their superiority:
>would you have liked 60 m multipathing in the R-27ER meta?
It is complete shit, they can keep sinai in as it looks kino but all other flat maps can fuck off.
>60 m multipathing should stay BUT trees should count for multipathing or their height should be brought in line to a more reasonable 10-15 m

I think you vastly underestimate how much work gayjin are willing to do.
>And the sucker punch to all the mutts gloating about their superiority:
>>would you have liked 60 m multipathing in the R-27ER meta?
yes I would have because I also have Russia grinded so I would have just played that instead
It can't be that hard to scale down trees.
Making them count as the ground is probably a lot easier since you don't need to alter the actual assets in any way.
Sounds like it would be quite taxing on CPU to add all those variables for ground level data to the average thirdie chimps laptop. Unless you just had a bunch of trees all neatly at the same height then you could just increase the ground level to that.
>Unless you just had a bunch of trees all neatly at the same height then you could just increase the ground level to that.
That's what I was thinking of, if you align it to the height of the tallest tree in a given forest. Not the ACTUAL ground level but the ground level that the radars see.
Besides, it's just boxes, can't be THAT taxing since only the immediate surroundings are taken into any given calculations.
I agree with these bullet points
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suicide bombing just isn't satisfying if the bomb isn't mounted on the centerline
>would you have liked 60 m multipathing in the R-27ER meta?
Americans worship niggers and can only think in the moment. We didn't have 60m multipathing during the AIM-9M meta, so they'd be confused by the question from the start.
>RNLAF skin for Belgian F-16
they're just taking the piss now

Vehicles for this feel?
You should’ve been playing in ~2018 when Hitlerbolts still had airspawn. It caused the biggest mutt meltdown in war Thunder yet, even bigger than the Abrams screeching.
Is Germany playing against the UK?
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Join [LowIQ]
Nah not yet at least.
>80 ton garbage truck with 80mm armor
>but iz praized by hohols in that interview to the sun so it must be great
why are bongistanis so brainwashed?
How does it work in DCS?
>crit a plane
>someone else gets the kill
>somehow end up with two assists
I have no idea but I do know that DCS is a lot more demanding on PC spec than Warthunder.
you can blast a grey nametag if it wasn't your kill for an assist, so you probably got the initial assist and the fire you caused killed the pilot while the nametag was greyed out
I did but you guys kicked me
i hope there will be some cool cheap skins from the new box because i cant open any of them in my country
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for in what for in for?
penis car on wheels
>m60 with thermal can see t80u and leo2a4
m60 is poopy but at least it's not a t-72
are the end game worth money and time?
why is everyone playing Tu-2s
top tier is the biggest shitshow of the entire game, and even with premium vehicles/account you're still looking at god knows how many hours before you get your first TT top tier
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Because it's the most busted CAS vehicle in game

Depends if you like high tier, but getting an entire lineup (tank(s), light tank, SPAA, fighter, attacker, helicopter) is a lot of grinding.
Am I based for only playing Britain, and not even touching a single other nation?
>>80 ton garbage truck with 80mm armor
Source? Inb4 war Thunder cyka))))
>>but iz praized by hohols in that interview to the sun so it must be great
It’s the only tank to destroy 11 rusmutt tanks in a peer battle and Ukrainians don’t praise it for no reason while taking rubbish about the mohammedpards
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>It’s the only tank to destroy 11 rusmutt tanks in a peer battle
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post m
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>catastrophically blew up after a single hit right after making it to the front for the first time
>seen nowhere near the frontline ever since, most likely ordered to pull back for PR purposes
>Leopard 2s, M1s, Bradleys and fucking Marders have to spearhead all offensive/defensive operations
>best tank
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Yes that's based but you need to stop watching tranime.

You must grind and spade the syrian Su-22M3 if you want to post Megumin.
>update, players now have two choices for 10.7+ air rb :
>play high tier air (normal)
>play high tier air (fox-3's disabled)

I fixed the game for you gayjin.
>Notification of when a reported player was banned
The only thing I needed was a useless notification.
Piggy piggy piggy
Can't you see
Your lack of skill amuses me
And I just love your shitter ways
Get killed once and leave the game
its the same as those who use low tier character in fighting game on purpose so they can make an excuse when they lose then humble brag when they win
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who knew
>flank enemy team
>suddenly all my teammates are on the same flank
>going faster in slower airframes
>my aim-7m/f decides to go opposite direction in space when there is no radar interference
>my missiles all get flared
>teammates aim-7c and r3r just ignore all chaff
>teammates aim-9Bs pulling 40G maneauvers while also going mach 9
why does this happen every match?
epecially after a match that went well?
did all my luck run out for the semester?
have they add AI bomer/truck for escort yet?
Not in the spirit of the game pidor, play properly.
>last patch
>phoenix shows red diamond when about 3km away even when engine is out
>this patch
>phoenixes are stealth coated
Remember to not get ass-raped because of "muh realism" reasons and vote against this shit when it comes
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283 hours in battle
>correct APHE behavior
They did that once many years ago and lil timmy threw a tantrum.
just re-apply and do the thing where you post first and last letter
well I dont really play this game anymore
I just come here to shitpost
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rent free
the retards will probably make this pass, just like they voted for lower rewards
>bridge module of Albatros/Bussard includes four bedrooms and two toilets
How do crew skills apply, if you have less crew than normally.
i.e. radio operator is a thing only during ww2
It always takes average
I've spaded and aced the F-15C, I really like it. But I was surpised on how much I loved the AV-8B+ this patch. Honestly, ACM locking targets and slinging AMRAAM's at people, then dropping GBU's on people is amazing fun.
I can't wait for the Hornets to arrive, if the AV-8B+ is anything to go by.
it's tied to the radio station module, not a specific crew member
Average for Agility and Field Repair. Everything else only applies for the individual crew members the tank has, so skilling vitality for the radio operator is pointless if your tank doesn't have one. Skills of crewmembers that are not present in the vehicle (for example loading without a loader) are taken over by other crewmembers and are still important to level up.
Do elliptical wing surfaces ingame actually make a difference like generating more lift or give better turn rates?
Yeah, the shitfires are literal UFOs.
Yes, but not because there's an intricate physical simulation behind it.
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expectations for next patch?
>more fox-3 fuckery
>frog copestals
new Abraps, probably the SEPv3 (without any increase in protection lmao)|
most likely another Flanker for Russia, probably one with better engines.
China might get another top tier shitbox.
He 280
Me 263
More copy+paste
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lewd decals
>probably one with better engines.
The only one left that doesn't have thrust vectoring (like the Su-30M2, Su-30SM, Su-30SM2 and Su-35) but does have better engines (and isn't the Su-34) is the SM3 with the AL-31F-M1, but it's literally just the SM with the better engines and 2 more pylons. They wouldn't add such a marginal upgrade as a separate vehicle, what's more likely is that they'll convert the SM into the SM3 like they converted the 9-17 into the 9-19, especially seeing its lackluster performance this update.
join [LowIQ] or else he will appear in your house at 2 am
Don't respond to it.
Take out the trash jannies.
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Behold! Ze mighty Panzer II
big if true
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>"""""updated""""" sand of sinai again
>big hill by the north spawn flattened out for no reason
>it's now yet another unga bunga open flat map
>They wouldn't add such a marginal upgrade as a separate vehicle
Literally every top tier addition in the last year and a half has been a massive upgrade, save for the first ARH carriers.
>the very first F-16 to the very last (bar the AESA one)
>the very first MiG-29 to the very last Fulcrum with a "29" in its name
>the very first playable (read: with flares) F-15 to nearly the very last (bar the AESA one)
>the very first Su-27 to the very last Flanker with a "27" in its name (soon)
A-6E SWIP with AGM-84
>either same shit pasta'ed with fox3
>or old vehicles getting fox3
such different planes, such new airframes, many wows
fucker couldn't bother to model an f18 to add the new missiles
We need more rat vehicles
Just because they look the same doesn't mean they aren't massive upgrades, specifically F-16A ADF to F-16C and MiG-29 (9-13) to MiG-29SMT (9-19). And it's exactly why the SM3 won't be added as a separate vehicle - it ISN'T a massive upgrade, it's just a pair of pylons and slightly stronger engines, a 15-minute tweak in the files.
I'm in and he's still there every night.
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you say that then be like
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In for what?
Just play a pz3 it has better armor. The one with added on armor. People dont realize theres a super hellcat and a super pershing and an AMX-30 super but the PZ3 super was just never called super.
USS Tennessee I cope. I’d even settle for USS California
It was called StuG
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>MiG-23ML/MF/MLD now loses dogfights to MiG-21MF/MLD
this can't possibly be right
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Russia and communist China have the best tanks in the game of course, although not in real life obviously.
Mig23 managed to be worse than the f104 irl idk what's the problem
>source: mutt pilots in the MiG-23S (read: my ass)
Don't say the word dick because a bong will come and bite yours!
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I want wacky testbeds. I want fun low tier premiums. I want the soul to return.
how many petards in the lobby?
whare's yours?
Su-47, MiG-1.44, Su-37, MiG-29OVT, F-15 ACTIVE, F-16 VISTA, F/A-18 HARV, X-29, YF-23 and BAE EAP in tech trees soon, trust the planTM.
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>bongs get their hands on a perfectly functional platform and make it so shit the hulls shake themselves apart
The real matchup was Bf-109E vs I-15 and I-16.
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W H E N?
Need I say more?
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Every day I thank God that they chose ASCOD over CV90
Swedish CV90 FRES when?
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I'll match you another funny)))))))) KV.
Why was Curtis so shit at making aerodynamic planes?
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it actually way overestimates the F-15's performance, the F-15 absolutely cannot sustain a 12g+ turn at 22 degrees a second at 1,000km/h, that's beyond fantastical. I don't believe for even a second that the Su-27 can either because the claim is just so outrageously absurd.
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it's actually just that good chudcel zigger, something something 108-0
>matches should be 8v8
>everything should get chaff and a couple of their top SARHs/ARHs stock
>60 m multipathing should stay BUT trees should count for multipathing or their height should be brought in line to a more reasonable 10-15 m
>splash damage should be removed from missiles hitting the ground
No, why the fuck should a hundred or so KG of HE going off directly below you not kill you?
>other nations should be given proper SPAMRAAM counterparts
only if they're real
>ARH carriers should never see non-ARH carriers
>would you have liked 60 m multipathing in the R-27ER meta?
false equivalence, the R-27ER was and is overperforming compared to AAM-4 and AIM-120 which are both underperforming (the former moreso than the latter)
You can just feel the cope seeping from this post.
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they werent. the P40 had excellent high speed handling and could outdive almost everything else except more modern american fighters.
It's just a late 30s design is the issue, but for what it was it did really good.
I would like to expand on this by stating that countries that aren't Japan don't matter. Japan shouldn't be balanced, Japan should be overpowered.
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I have that version, no airspawn though. feels bad.
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>No, why the fuck should a hundred or so KG of HE going off directly below you not kill you?
Because it's designed to blow up mid-air, slamming into the ground at Mach 3 won't produce the same results as a controlled proxy fuse explosion specifically engineered to target planes.
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>plane has radar
>check cockpit
>can't find it
which one
Maybe for continuous rod warheads, but HE-F is going to spread fragments everywhere either way.
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Or how about this fucking creature?
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where fuck,aton?
cold war soviet planes
yes, but what radar
if it is a rangefinding radar, there is no display for it and it just adjusts the gunsight
have this f15c-msip v3.2 with the completely new aim120a-1a-1/a1, it turns 0.27 deg/sec faster and is 0.2 km/h slower than the normal a version. that will be 450k rep, 1.2kk silver, and another 6 months of your life waiting for the patch itself
Every single planes performance is overestimated, in real life planes (and pilots) can't go over 10gs even for instantaneous turns, in WT everything from Zeros to Gripens can hold 15gs all day.
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oh Anton...

its either a rangefinding radar, or in the case of some of the later aircraft (MiG-23 family especially) the soviets opted to stop using cockpit radar screens and instead have this very advanced (for its time) integrated radar display that shows you all your radar modes, selected missiles, ranging, and firing solutions right in the HUD. This was in the mid 60s, back when the Phantom still had nothing but a gun pipper on its HUD.
>Soviets did it all on fucking vacuum tubes
>mutts couldn't do it period before the crutch that is microelectronics

the vacuum tubes were for a reason.

Even after microelectronics, certain high powered soviet radars (such as the Smerch) continued to use vacuum tubes due to their sheer power volume (microelectronics of the time wouldve been fried) and as a safety measure against EMP from a nuclear blast

one unintended side effect was how much more powerful than intended these radars ended up being. Export Smerch systems in Syrian and Iraqi MiG-25s were reportedly able to burn through the ECM on Israeli and US F-15Cs with bruteforce raw power alone. The US had to upgrade the ALQ-131 specifically to counter the MiG-25's raw power.
sale when
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>top spawn gets anice wide flanking lane
>bottom doesnt
thinking about grabbing the f4s on sale, f20 surely not getting a discount since it's too new, and I kinda don't feel like waiting for a f-14/15/16/18 premium
sale cancelled, price reductions are put on hold until winrates have sufficiently tanked
why f20 when you have f5
US pilot attempted the same thing against the bridge of a Japanese aircraft carrier at I believe Midway, though he didn’t quite stick the landing
Mutts are the antagonists of the world, nothing new.
higher rank on the f20. I think f5s look kinda boring as well.
>mid 60s
but anon the f20 is just an f5 but 2 brs higher

1967 first flight for MiG-23, but the RP-23 radar and the HUD display for it was in developement since the early 60s as it was planned for the Ye-8 interceptor (prototype first flown in 1962) that got cancelled in favor of the MiG-23.
My understanding has been that it’s generally service date used for these sort of comparisons, which would peg the MiG-23 to early 70s
sure, but it's also higher rank and looks less bad because the fuselage doesn't have that weird shrinking after the inlets.
looks matter to me, and the f5 series lacks it.
>he doesn't know that tanks can drift
ppl devote their whole careers to understand the fall of the soviet state, and we still don't have a precise answer on that.
you think you're going to get that answer in this taiwanese cartoon board?
Great, so gayjew has no idea how actual real life physics work.
IS THAT A NIPPLE????!@!!?!?!?!?!
he flew down the length of the carrier deliberately to avoid anti-aircraft fire and lived to tell the tale; the Japanese mistakenly believed that he had intended to crash his plane
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>cant boil water
>nation dissolves
>angry slavic noises about different spelling
Might be thinking of a different one. From what I’m reading there was a shot down plane that very narrowly missed the bridge on Akagi but instead hit the ocean with no survivors
If someone is saying that China ground is better than USSR ground, they are probably a coping retard and it's best to ignore them, correct?
USSR ground is effectively dead and Gaijin will add a billion prototypes with fantasy performance and irrelevant sidegrades like ERA on the mud flaps to cope
China will grow to be the largest ground and air tech tree in the game
>it was so good the US barely put them into service and dropped them as soon as the P-47 and P-51 were available
They say so because they're already familiar with most vehicles and their concepts, naturally performing better as they climb up the chinese tree.
having played chinese top tier, I don't understand why people think it is so good. their tanks feel very fragile. getting one shot from the front is very common, I don't understand why to ever play them over japan, at least with japan you have a crazy autoloader while getting 1shot by everything you see
you and me both nigga i love the Type 90 to bits but Chinese top tier tanks are super disappointing, surely spall liners soon
the left can't meme
>literally the main USAAF fighter of the 1940-1943 period
>used from before the conflict by the AVG to the closing days of it
>was still absolutely able to duke it out with other fighters at low alt
the only reason the P51 and P47 were favored was high alt performance. The P40 was a great fighter and everyone who had them kept them in service until the very end of the war, retard.
not playing your sloppy pastas chang
noodles too spicy?
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ARCHER artillery system when?
further case in point
> >literally the main USAAF fighter of the 1940-1943 period
Also when the airforce was losing bombers and planes like flies hmm
> >used from before the conflict by the AVG to the closing days of it
By a handful of people. Even the Soviets dropped it when their own Yaks and Las became good enough for them
> >was still absolutely able to duke it out with other fighters at low alt
Lol no, see the African campaign. Again if it was a good plane, why is it dogshit in war Thunder? Hell even the P-39 was better than it
> The P40 was a great fighter and everyone who had them kept them in service until the very end of the war, retard.
No shit they were giving them out like candy since the US didn’t want them.
how are these terrible memes left wing?
Why does he have a Portugal stuck to the side of his mouth?
they are AI generated
keep running into omniscient, omnipotent teams, consisting almost exclusively of players with less than 1k battles total
fucks going on
You’re washed
Anton's brother was blown up by one so never
I think gaijin have secretly developed a soft spot for america
>chart made by spanish-troonvenger is totally accuarate to the game and not biased.
>trannishspergvenger chart
kill yourself
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What the actual fuck is this zoomer ritalin mess? This is an actual skin from a trophy you can buy on the marketplace and others in battle will see.... I didn't know we were playing valorant now.
I remember something like that but it was a torp bomber or some kind of twin engine not fighter like the buffalo
One of the Strvs have a cool eagle skin from some eSports team
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it's typical blingbling jigaboo shit made to extract povertyshekels from brown 3rd worlders
>people lawnmow in the F-4C, a plane with better speed, missiles and radar than pretty much everything at its BR
Twitch drop? Dis shit fire Fr
That's cap, this skin is lowkey fire
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Cold war ARB is completely unplayable unless you're playing mutts

late cold war*

early cold war is still fun with toys like the Sea Vixen, MiG-15s, radar Vautour with SARHs, and various other fun early jets.
>top tier ARB is unplayable to anyone but mutts
>top tier GRB is unplayable to anyone but slavmutts
Quite the conundrum we find ourselves in.
I was just saying another pilot did the same kind of “fuck it I’m taking them with me” sort of thing, don’t think I ever said anything about the plane used
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>mutts spend the most in ARB
>slavmutts spend the most in GRB
almost like capitalism at work
but be honest, we all kinda are tank experts in that we know way more than the average person.
>>top tier GRB is unplayable to anyone but slavmutts
germany and swinden saffers they only have the best tank in the game
Average person knows nothing, most of us has surface level knowledge.
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I'm starting to think they're wrecking flight models to maximize profit
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>$1000 premium tanks
That's Star Citizen, not WT
>forgets the market
It's a free market, people are selling them.
mig23s got fucking nuked why the fuck?
they broke the mig23ml by cutting its performance characteristics, taking it from some operating book, only this book was for the mig23ub, because it had the r27f2m-300 engine, but 23ml had r35-300.
Speed drops to 500 on turn, literally unplayable
>only this book was for the mig23ub
How did the report make it through, the mods are really good at sniffing out bullshit reports
Devs know better than aircraft manufacturers, cope and seethe
the swines were less gay
>but it's literally just the SM with the better engines and 2 more pylons. They wouldn't add such a marginal upgrade as a separate vehicle
I don't have faith in your conclusion. Unless maybe they make the SM3 a premium while giving the tech tree one of the thrust vectoring ones.
mail order bride industry thriving says a lot more about the west than it does about Russia
This will be the worst thing to happen to this general since avatarfags
uh oh looks like the russpiggy is back for another chimpout
How could russia shoot down its own AWACS? Do they not have Friendly/Foe identification
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>slavs chimping out again
Jesus these ai memes are fucking terrible. It’s ok to not have talent or creativity but stop subjecting the rest of us to this slop
They just keep butchering the oswald efficiency number on all of the soviet planes.
This is the most cancer and disgusting shit I've seen in this fucking thread
Are you implying hohols have the capability of shooting down airplanes 250kms away from the frontline?
I want reddit and their squadron (WARTG) to leave.
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>"Putin is playing 5D chess"
>can't even play checkers
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CV90's tracking when?
When they install it
Well sir every CV90 has UTAAS so every CV90 should have tracking.
For only helicopters*
Works on aeroplanes too
Nope, cope swigger
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I don't really get why you want every CV90 to go up 0.7-1.0 in BR just so you can sometimes hit better if you're a shitter (primarily helicopters at that BR).
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Not reading your photoshop, give a link
Looks like everything is fine in the game but it could come to 9030FIN for a nice bump to 9.7.
>leave the thread for a few minutes
>category 5 chimpout ensues
Why are you all so gay?
Now now two retards going at it for a while isn’t quite a cat 5
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>""""""""""""""""severely"""""""""""""""" damage enemy
>he stays on my teammate, kills him, and simply flies back to base
Nice propaganda
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that's a man
Join [LowIQ] to see doge whining on why the thread is talking shit about him again
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Sorry, I wouldn't dream of joining a squadron that houses furfags and trannies.
I am a bisexual furfag and I've been in WARTG for years. You will never find me.
Terrible bait, LowIQ faggot.
Both squadrons have trannies and furfags in them, Join [W4RTG] instead
System was flawed at the core and collapsed under it's own errors accumulated over time to the surprise of the western countries.
Only took you this long to realize that?
They've been doing that since 2013
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Crazy how they tried to rename the mig29 to get rid of its terrible service history
Genuinely didn't expect the MEPHISTO to be this fun.
I wasn't a big fan of the AMX-13 HOT but this one is a lot better.
Insane mobility, good recovery time before firing, can shotgun all four missiles for close quarters, never had that much fun with an ATGM carrier so far.

they could also grindwall some new feature behind the SM3 like Kh-31 or the SAPSAN pod + laser bombs in addition to the engine upgrades and new hardpoints. maybe also new missiles when the time comes (R-74M1, R-77-1, R-27EA/EP)
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>wall of F-15s protecting samurra
>attacked by 40 year old MiG-25 shitbricks
>F-15 hit by ancient R-40 missile
>US claims it survived and made it back to base, but had to be written off, therefore its not a combat loss
>saudi bedouins find F-15 wreckage in desert
>US DoD suddenly changes story to say it crashed due to unrelated electrical/mechanical failure, therefore still doesnt count as a loss

>1982 IAF F-15A Baz hit by Syrian R-60M from a MiG-21MF
>has to disengage and run away due to damage
>entire sqaudron of IAF eagles is requesitioned up to cover its retreat
>makes it back to base, spends 3 months being repaired; back into service

"never defeated in air combat"
i need to rape him or her
join lowiq
>attacked by 40 year old MiG-25
Don’t be disrespectful now, those ancient MiG 25 shitbricks make up the majority of high speed Russian planes, although they renamed it MiG 31
i would but im quiting the game for a while in a few days
Premium mig 25 preorder with "Eagle Slayer" title when?
Not happening.
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glad they scare off redditors like you, working as intended, wish there were more cunnyseurs around though
god this patch is so fucking awesome
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>1st top scoring match in tanks
yeah maybe ground mode is alright
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calm your tits faggot
> Note! The offer is available to PC users only.
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Will they offer the auTis Ma?
Literally me.
anyone got the png of this?
why would they offer an event vehicle as a pack
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Sticking with only 1 nation, for however long you've played, and posting Plapumin makes you based.
How good is the premium AMX?
it is worth noting that both of the F-15 pilots in the battle of samurra were identified and they are both still alive...
>US DoD suddenly changes story to say it crashed due to unrelated electrical/mechanical failure, therefore still doesnt count as a loss
also this never happened, the official record is that no F-15s were lost due to accidents or mechanical failures in desert storm; the US claims that two strike eagles were lost due to enemy action resulting in two fatalities
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Am I based for playing these nations?
It’s on the top left
>non pen the side turret of a panther
>get one shot frontally
ah yes just flank :) american 5.0-6.x isnt massively underpowered
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kill yourself burgergroid
post webm so we can laugh at your failure
otherwise it didn't happen
Should have won the war.
concession accepted
>no response
See? See how easy this is?
>both of the F-15 pilots in the battle of samurra were identified and they are both still alive...
This has nothing to do with whether one of them crashed or not as it would have been trivial to eject if they were already flying away so why even bring it up?
post webm so we can laugh, because if you can't pen the side of a panther turret with the US 75mm, yet alone the 76mm, you deserve to be laughed at
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remember to kill all spookstonian hueBR muttoid players
any of you guys has the link to the spreadsheet linking all the free decorations and decals from referral links?
did they release more anime pillows now?
I will 1 tap you with my 76mm and you will seethe.
>bounces off of lolpen tier side armor through infinite incompetence
I don't know how the fuck you can act up after directly pre-BTFOing yourself, what's the matter with you?
>over iraq
>during the war
They either would’ve captured him or there’d have been a documented rescue operation, both of which happened with the strike eagle losses
no, no you won't
not according to >>483497515
That's not me. I'm not so retarded that I fucking can't pen the side of a Panther turret.
at least you admit your fellow fanboy is beyond useless


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kys faggot
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you can nonpen the side of a panther turret if you get bullshitted by the volumetric of the track addon armor actually
ohohooo no no no bros
we didn't think this through!
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>mfw stained my account by buying the m-51 and never even playing it
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>enemy gets the drop on me
>shoots my wing off right away
>flies full pelt straight into my freefall spiral and kills himself

What did he mean by this?
So how could the wreckage have been brought to the attention by bedouins if the pilot who ejected had survived?
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unironically this
I used to call you 'bro'
what happened?
we used to be good friends.
that's the Tu-1
The wreckage is in Saudi Arabia
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And now a PSA from our sponsor, RAID: Shadow Legends.
He was rping as Hartmann
He was RPing as the Me-262 pilot that rammed a B-17 and survived.
Then surely there’s a picture of this yes?
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slightly more accurate
Commander shot means the turret is gone and it's pretty much dead.
Honestly I don't get why the Panther gets 5 crew members when the hull MG isn't even there.
If it'd have 4 then it'd be a OHK.
What do you mean what? If the plane was brought down and the pilot ejected and survived, how could the US have learned about the wreckage from random bedouin smugglers and not the pilot that they rescued? The wreck that the bedouins found must be the strike eagle that was brought down with two fatalities.
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>just realized I have to play 35 rounds as a sw*groid to finish the battlepass
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how the fuck is this fair i was angled and everything
not that anon but
>send X planes to conflict zone
>X-1 return
you wouldn't know for sure it was a wreckage, but for sure something went wrong with that aircraft. It was either destroyed, captured or deserted.
why do only half of ww2 german tanks get gray camo? every other nation gets pretty much the same unicolor coat of paint up until modern-ish tanks
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JU-288 bros...
>he doesn't have the 3.7 clubber lineup

oof yikes
because halfway through the war they swapped to the familiar khaki which was better on the Russian steppe and in the North African desert, as well as being better able to be modified into effective multitone camouflages. The gray is also supposed to be a blueish black but Gaijin refuses to fix it for one retard excuse or another, the most prominent one in my memory being "it would lower their profile too much" to use the historical color.
you see youre fighting a russian tank
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>Finding a spot where your camo blends in almost perfect
>Sit in the open
>Nobody shoots you and you never get strafed
It's like magic, I don't get it.
alright well then why do SOME tanks that don't have it as default, have the option to buy it for GE
and then the rest of them dont?
for a handful of vehicles like the preproduction Tigers getting painted in panzer/dunkelgrau and Gaijin being pure )))))))
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I fucking hate Gaijin's nonsense.
I used the new tank, the fucking david plane, and the SAV at 3.7 that I got all from doing something special
>the new tank
that battle pass 6.7 swedish Panther II
tiger 2*
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when the fuck are they going to end the uncontested 3 years of US handholding at top tier air?
>but that's how it is irl
I do not give a fuck it's a game it's supposed to be balanced
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cunny will never die
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>when are they gonna fix the nation with the loudest vocal majority of paypigs and autismos
is this nigger 4real?
yeah, that thing lol
Euro 4.5gens will be added at a time that allows them to dominate followed by the US and probably China dominating forever since anything that increases the amount of )))) that can happen is always wildly powerful and stealth will be one of those things
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Does anyone know if friendly planes get RWR warnings in the event that a friendly ARH accidentally pitbulls onto them?
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Since when is the Puma 3.7?
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what? you don't like having camouflages withheld for GE sale only at the same time as the camouflages are explicitly and completely wrong for every vehicle they're applied to except one or two community market skins that apply the correct colors?
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Should I grind USA (need to grind all of their humungous ranks VI, VII, and VIII), Germany (only need a few more rank VII to unlock VIII), or Italy (am partly through rank VI)
It was deeply racist towards new payers... I mean players.
Please ignore the M4A3 105.
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>seal clubber sherman is only 3.0
holy kekkers
>try out enfisted
>gacha mechanics
>gacha mechanics
>gacha mechanics
>KMMO levels of menu bloat
Incredible how Gaijin managed to make War Thunder look good in comparison.
.50 cal?
Wasn't it 2.3-2.7 until pretty recently?
it got moved to 3.0 alongside the puma not too long ago
>sdkfz 234/1 and sdkfz 234/3 are BR 2.0
Who else is an old guard seal clubber?
flakpuma is something i regret missing out on
chode puma is just trash though
>be russoid tank
>get shot in track
>almost always eat the full shell
>be any other nation
>get shot through tracks
>only 2, maybe 3/10 times does the track fully eat the shell
>short 75 is trash
Bro? How the fuck can you come to that conclusion? Especially at 2.0 on a gokart?
the french car with the chode is way more fun because it's not stuck facing forward
>tfw missed these but made sure to get the pakpuma
even after being hyper uptiered to 4.7 it still rapes, worth it
you should go back
>hyper uptiered to 4.7
>fucking PZIV gun on a Puma chasis at 4.7 is 'hyper uptier'
I took a hiatus specifically around the times of the two events you could get the PakPuma.
But I got the PakHanomag
it started at 2.3 or something similarly criminal, it was just WRONG and felt so right
it belongs at 6.3 since it's a better M18
>open top with a gun fixed facing forwards
don't you have the same thing at 4.3
>it started at 2.3
The fucking pakpuma was that low before?
I don't think so but it was 3 point something. It was always a higher BR than the regular puma.
it wasnt that low but it was criminally low, yeah
It's crazy to me that the normal Puma was 2.7 for so long. That's the same BR as the fucking Italian AB 43, and was lower BR than the 6pdr SARC.
how bad can you be
now just hold on, the AB 43 is an absolute beast if you know how to play it
it's even moreso now that the puma got bumped up
The AB 43 is good, but it's not and never was Puma tier good.
it's extremely good AND fun, it's just the puma was excellent
When it came out, gaijin's code for wheeled vehicles was kind of ass and it was squirrely as hell to drive. That held it back a bit at first.
Gaijin still doesn't have wheeled vehicles down today, can't imagine how bad it use to be.
>touch steering
>spin out of control
Puma was especially bad because of the all-wheel steering.
i'm fully convinced they didn't even touch anything regarding the R3s besides giving them a top speed
>Grinded all of Italy last year from start to finish
>Freccia came out
>Got Freccia
>Spaded it from stock playing nothing but it because spike meme was new and I got a LOT of spike kills because people didn't know what the fuck they were
>Around that time Gaijin fucked with wheeled vehicle traction
>To this day, the freccia feels like absolute garbage because I had already played hundreds of battles in it before they fucked up wheeled vehicles
>Now I hate playing it even though it's undeniably fine, just feels like trash

Wheeled vehicles will be outsped by russian MBT unless you're going downhill in a straight line it's crazy. They over value top speed and undervalue acceleration and steering when they consider things because people miss one shot and go WAHHHH IT WAS GOING 20% FASTER THAN MY OWN TOP SPEED THAT IS SO OVERPOWERED
>EBR slows down to a crawl if either rubber wheel or steel wheel gets disabled
>even though it's LITERALLY designed to circumvent this
still mad
The fucking Ratels feel awful to drive too.
>I got a LOT of spike kills
false and homosexual
get fucked bong trash
Talking a lot of shit for a ww2 heavy in ATGM range bucko.
swing and a miss
>tip of the barrel gets blown off
>gun breech is completely unscathed
>repair barrel
like, why the fuck
i thought they fixed that bug already
like 3 times already
bore obstruction is a thing, retard
you're not checking shit with a shell loaded
>very tippy tip of the barrel gets bent
you shouldn't try to sound smart, it's not your forte
if you prefer a 10 work day crewlock and manhour adjusted sl bleed due to the vehicle being sent back to the shop, that's on you
Battle Pass Fjord Defender starts soon - 30 pts
no sl bleed because repair is taxpayer funded
Which is better, AIM-120A or AAM-4?
120A can pull a few more Gs (35 vs 32)
But AAM-4 has 20 seconds more guidance time and more explosive.
AIM-120 continues the trend of american bias and blows all of the other Fox-3's out of the water and it isn't even close.
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>seconds away from losing the match
>get hit by bluenigger spaaggot
>j out 19 milliseconds before the round ends
and it's underperforming (no smokeless motor)
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uptier is going to be rough
only 60 countermeasures and 2 AIM-7F
I had to resort to base rocketing after the recent patch to grind towards the F-15J(M)
I heard that 12.0 usually gets downtiers now tho. I already have the F-15J and that thing is rough right now.
I've been playing the F-16AJ for the past few days, you'll get uptiered to see 13.0 AMRAAM flingers over half the games you play. At least that's my experience with it.
Before the patch the AJ was the king, now it's either you're still a god in downtiers or you might as well roll over and die in uptiers.
air past something like 6.3 is basically unplayable so probably nothing great.
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Things should be only realistic when it suits me.
Kinda funny how they add one fucking weapon system to already existing aircraft and it completely ruins top tier.
Crazy that the F-16A variants don't even get AIM-9Ls stock, just 2 AIM-9Ps. I cant get a single kill, how am I supposed to get RP stock?
You can still play assault air (for now)
Yeah but that is full of non-stock players with full missile loadouts making it impossible to get a single kill with my two rear-aspect only missiles and 500 cannon rounds.
Also its AT LEAST 10 minutes of queue time. May as well shoot at AI in real RB games.
We need another chimpout to make Gaijin make the stock grind at top tier easier. This shit is impossible. AT LEAST all aspects by default at 11.0+, preferably at least two radar-homing too.
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>su-100 still rips shit
This little nigga has carried me so far, one of the oldest and best talismans I've got
I don't think it's that bad, I played a few games yesterday and the day before with the F104A. Had no problem getting kills, came in first 3/4 games. 30+ air kills with just the cannon. Lots of assists. It's arcade, don't think so hard. Charge head on, you're fast.
3.7 to 6.0 is such a fun range compared to topslop
And btw, head on 100% for air assault. That's the one direction the AI won't fire. You'll be on top of the whole group if you get there first. Cannons rip everything to shreds.
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>ruin mig-23s flight model
>make MTI half broken
>fucking flares don't even make a sound anymore when deploying
What was Gaijin thinking
this patch is just another Red Skies, isn't it?
bless you Anton, what a wonderful patch.
the MTI was actually just made to work as it’s supposed to, instead of massively overperforming
So you agree the mig-23 should go to 11.0 then?
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>What was Gaijin thinking
push update out as soon as possible
must stick to update cycle or hype die
we can fix it later
mig-23 is already 11.0?
the good one
why would you want to uptier the mig-23bn from 9.7 to 11.0??
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And the post in question for good measure.
literally nobody is playing like this except for THOSE tomcats
Why haven't they added cluster bombs yet? Literally the main tool for killing tanks for every strike aircraft 1950-2000
think of the poor servers racist pidaras ((((
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>Literally the main tool for killing tanks for every strike aircraft

There comes a point where Tanks would cease to exist.
Plenty of spamram players are playing like that too. There's always at least 3-4 that fly high, blow their load, and then rtb
does rassia have cluster bomb? no? then not needed/not work/useless in game
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they do actually, they were the first to use them. Something like 10,000,000 PTABs were dropped in WW2
Retard, not only do they have them but they get them WAY before everyone else with PTABs.
this of course means the simultaneous implementation of contemporary Abwurfbehälter for which there was a 91mm 4kg charged HEAT submunition, droppable in clamshelled clusters of 40 from a 250kg bomb shackle, right?
It might get HOT-3s and go up in br so it can be used in top tier
No, neither will ever be added because they're the only two of their kind in WWII and gayjin don't like adding brand-new weapon system to only a few nations, let alone permanently leaving everyone else empty-handed.
yeah I'd love that, this isn't a "gotcha" I want them for all nations
>I want them for all nations
That's the problem and the official stated reason they still haven't added PTABs: no one other than the Soviets and germutts made them before the war was over.
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the burgers did copy and deploy the butterfly mine
That still only makes 3 nations out of 10.
but the other seven are irrelevant semen slurpers or outright subhumans so fuck em
>That's the problem and the official stated reason they still haven't added PTABs: no one other than the Soviets and germutts made them before the war was over.
the Fritz-X and the Japanese AShM are the only two of their type around WW2 BRs so clearly Gaijin dgaf
Those are extremely limited in capability/quantity and virtually inconsequential overall. PTABs would instantly become by far the deadliest ground attack weaponry before standoff munitions while being absolutely ubiquitous.
>get constant uptier at 7.7 br
>be forced to play air to get some CAS
>get stuck on rank IV Air RB
>Quit the game
Italians had the AR-4 thermos bomb, a 3.68 kilogram 2.75 inch bomb with .67kgs of explosives, basically equivalent to the existing SD10C and its .75kg of TNT, plus smaller bomblets apparently. Useful for flak suppression if nothing else.
>Those are extremely limited in capability/quantity and virtually inconsequential overall.

VB-13 when?
Think they could add a fair number to US/UK but they don’t
In naval the Fritz at least is pretty damn scary
add japs to the list of potential PTAB havers, they dropped kraut HEAT rifle grenade clones converted into bomblets

>Type 2⅓ kg cluster bomb
>Type 3½ kg cluster bomb
>Type 2½ kg cluster bomb
>Container for Type 2⅓ kg cluster bombs
>Container for 76 Type 2⅓ kg cluster bombs
>Container for 63 Type 3½ kg cluster bombs
TTU (Total Tomcat Up-BR) when
They; add AIM-9L to the -14A, Fix TCS, add JDAM, Fix AIM-54C
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Where are the rest of the Strv m/42s? There's one with electromagnetic gearbox and another one with a weird hydropneumatic suspension I'd like to have
Yeah sure give it lasers for all I care just get it out of here
>electromagnetic gearbox and another one with a weird hydropneumatic suspension
what would these do in WT if anything
accelerate marginally faster (or not) and be a pointless gimmick
One would have a quick reverse speed and the other can flatten itself
Would be fun even if they turned to be useless
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>4 ammo boxes modeled as singular one
>still have to reload
>stuck forever with big ass ammorack until you run out of ammo
proofs that boxes are not interlinked?
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>indigenous swedish vehicles
Not anytime soon, not even the weird Finnish modifications like that Zsu57 that had HEVT and a shitty radar
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hello when
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ayyy habibi check out my muhhamad 2
>XM800T — location and appearance of the ammo has been fixed. All racks except the one connected to the gun have been removed, and the shape of the main ammo rack has been changed.
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Ilmatorjuntapanssarivaunu 90
Nuke Helsinki
Just play the EJ Kai until you get the second F-15J
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ngl this looks great from a technical standpoint, I didn't know you could even retexture meshes meant for foliage to look so convincingly like carpets and tarps and stuff
Natogrood most advanced spaa
Love that thing but I want to play something new. Will probably use the F-15J to get the J(M) because of the bonus modifier and leave the AJ for when the F-2 comes out. F-15J has got a lot of downtiers and doesn't struggle nearly as much in uptiers as the AJ and I have it almost spaded anyway.
I stayed up untill 5am playing this faggot ass game
At least i got 2 game were i made 14k+ rp
>Finnish modifications like that Zsu57 that had HEVT and a shitty radar
as far as I can tell that never got past planning stage due to cost estimations
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one week since the patch flopped
>pleasant surprises?
when is the summer sale what the fuck
Last time it began on the 27th.
pidaroyshian niggers in this thread who were insisting the R-77 would be way better than the AMRAAM because topwar.ru said so
>who were insisting the R-77 would be way better than the AMRAAM
Literally no one ever said this pablo shartinez.
I literally had an argument with you about it, but once again we’re onto the ox cart of shit
Yeah but was it really necessary to gimp BOTH flight model and missiles to give natomutts an unfair ahistorical advantage?
i really wish the mutt ground tree didnt suck
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Are Mirage players still undergoing divine punishment for having micas on their pre update plane and not getting all of their flares?
Anything with a good FM and AIM-120s
French top tier (Best F-16 and Mirage 2000 FM buff)
>Kept up
Anyone with a Gripen
USSR and China
The FM is a leftover from the "R-27ER meta", aka mutts not knowing what multipathing is and pissing and shidding their pants about it despite holding every other advantage conceivable until Soviet FMs were gimped to appease them.
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you said it yourself, misha pidarasberg
It's not bad it's just boring. I'd rather play something like Britain which is considered bad but has a lot of unique vehicles.
It's truly sad they still whine about ussr bias after all these gimps
The playerbase
It's not even sad, it's just fucking pathetic. Now that their crying got them to the point where they're the best at everything and Soviet jets are an endangered species at top tier with literally no strong suites, they're not even bothering to hide what their true intentions were all along: to be better than everyone and gloat about it.
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Kinda the downside of the no.1 priority always being “is easily shipped places” unfortunately
you were gloating that the Su-27 would easily dominate the game till the F-22 and now you’re sooking like a baby bitch ahahahahaha
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>it's the "everyone I don't like is the same person" episode again
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why did rusgluts insist the R-77 would be so amazing?
misha, we know your posting style, you can’t stop yourself from using the word fag 3x a sentence
That's what happens when you trust gaijews to implement realistic flight models and missiles instead of giganerfed bullshit cause mutt whales whined
who knew the fag- poster was a colossal retard
couldn't have seen that one coming
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>Literally no one ever said this pablo shartinez.
why would you post something so easily and verifiably false?
This was quite literally the case on the dev server, then by the live server >>483543608 happened, just as it did out of nowhere to the FMs several months prior, except you'd think that they'd at least keep the missiles usable if they were to keep the FMs gimped.
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I love posting rusgluts being wrong, especially now that they’re the one’s absolutely shitting their pants when they were smug as fuck before
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I'm only getting 50 flares in my 5F
based receiptposter desu
Why are they always lying?
I warned you the R-77 would suck and you just wouldn’t listen, I consistently have to educate you misha, like when I had to educate you on the MiG-29SMT fuel loading
lying becomes as natural as breathing when you live in the land of lies
>i warned you!
>*Spends days whining on forum for soviet nerfs*
Russians are literally incapable of admitting they were wrong, if they do they melt like in raiders of the lost ark
>not anticipating the R-77 nerf on already dogshit airframes and the removal of multipathing and going off the information available at the time makes you a liar
>suffering through sw*denya to rank 3
>get b18a
>bombs drop like half a second after I press the key
is this some bullshit with a completely untrained crew that I haven't had to experience in years, or is the b18a just niggerlicious?
i think it's a b18a thing
some bombers require you to be level to release bombs but b18a just has those retarded bomb hooks that are delayed like on stuka
the misha pidaras patch cycle:
>new russian wunderwaffe gets confirmed
>brag for weeks about how it's going to be hecking unstoppable, talk about how "the mutts" are going to be "seething so hard"
>patch releases
>turns out the russian shit isn't an unstoppable wunderwaffe like misha was promising
>cry, shit your pants, seethe about how it's been "artificially nerfed", seethe that those dastardly mutts on the forum are oppressing you
>repeat for next wunderwaffe
it's literally every single time
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french rat when?
no one said that
just like no one said the R-77 would dominate the patch
no one has said anything
everyone understands everything
Still waiting


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>On the following locations, the height of some unnaturally high trees has been fixed: Guiana Highlands, Vietnam Hills, Mysterious Valley and Rice Terraces.
No it fucking wasn't.
you said nobody said the R-77 would be better than the AIM-120, we now know that was a lie because you yourself said it
Gaijin should nerf the F8 crusaders because it assrapes everything else so hard its now boring
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>development discontinued almost ten years ago
crab is kill
There are trees that tall.
where the FUCK is the sale anton
Doesn't mean they should be in the game, their inclusion isn't strictly necessary for realism but makes gameplay worse.
does high tier italy ground ever get fun or is it all a shit after the silly low tier vehicles
It gets fun when you close the game.
That applies to all nations
Ok, bad wording on my part, should've worded it differently from the start: "literally no one said the R-77 would be better than the AIM-120 in the current multipathless meta". That much IS true as all of your examples (only two of which are mine and all of which are now void because the context that led to them being made was flipped on its head) are dated to when multipathing WOULD, in fact, have made even the current-state nerfed R-77 better as range and energy retention mattered a lot less than raw maneuverability and instantaneous pull in an environment that featured nothing but furballs and sub-10 km range engagements.
>inb4 "cope" and no arguments
>have a really good game
>next few games radar fails to pick up clear targets, missiles do random turns and don't kill enemies on a hit, if they ever hit
this is so fucking rigged
you literally tried claiming the R-77 was going to have more range, cope
it’s pathetic how you browbeat “mutts” and gloat about how they’re going to cry when you get to stomp them but then immediately turn around and shit your pants when you don’t get your way
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Where BAMSE?
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this slave chimpout is going to last forever isn't it
now that's a faggot i haven't seen for a while
>you literally tried claiming the R-77 was going to have more range
Where? >>483543124, >>483543325 and >>483543597 only state they would be "better overall" (explained above), >>483543785 states they would "have the same range" (they did during the ARH test) and >>483543998 only mentions the "better pull", which still holds true.
don't make me pull up the archives again misha pidaras
>rangefinding radar
do they do anything other than tell you how far the enemy is?
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I hurt the feelings of the Chinese People :((
They don't even do that.

All they do is adjust the piper to account for the time of fight of the Shells to the range of the target.

So now all you need to do is both hold the piper over the locked up target, and maintain constant G loading. if both a "true" the shells will hit.

This is an improvement over the earlier system since you don't need to input a known reference wingspan, and set a fixed on the gunsight to get accurate predictions.
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anon... you didn't join [lowiq] and now this happened....
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None of this has ever worked in WT btw, at first the rangefinders weren't implemented period, then when they got implemented the sights were never properly calibrated so the rangefinders were essentially worthless and now the sights are back to not reacting to the rangefinders again.
It definitely worked for some period of time with the F-86A-5, I haven't flown it in years. But it was only implemented in first person.
when did germany and sweden get the T-80BVM?
Bmp2m should give a laser warning when it's locking a plane why does this not happen?
>only mentions the "better pull", which still holds true.
>trusting statcards
That's not enough handholding for the gluttons. In game the AIM-120 pulls harder because the mutts absolutely positively need every single advantage handed to them on a silver platter.
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Is the AAM-4 underperforming? They just seem worse than AIM-120s, and I don't see many people using them.
I still remember when the slavtranny said the tranny-90m would give rasha 100% winrate and then it turned out it had 43% lmao
See >>483543520
tank tranny infighting uh oh
behead all sweden players
Everything is just worse than the AIM-120. By a lot. The competition isn't even close. It's like R-27ER vs Sparrow disparity except this time it actually matters in the meta because we don't have strong multipathing to cuck all radar guided weapons.
he wouldn’t listen when I kept telling him it would be worse than the BVM
Eternal reminder.
>MiG-19PT vs F-100D - relatively balanced - 1:1
>MiG-21F-13 vs F-4C - mutt domination - 1:2
>MiG-21SMT vs F-4C - Soviet domination - 2:2
>MiG-21SMT vs F-4E - relatively balanced - 3:3
>MiG-21bis vs F-4E - skewed towards Soviets - 3.5:3
>MiG-23M vs F-5E - mutt domination - 3.5:4
>MiG-23MLD vs F-5E - Soviet domination - 4.5:4
>MiG-23MLD vs F-4J - skewed towards Soviets - 5:4
>MiG-23MLD vs F-14A Early - skewed towards mutts - 5:4.5
>MiG-29 vs F-16A ADF before R-27ERs - mutt domination - 5:5.5
>MiG-29 vs F-16A ADF with R-27ERs - relatively balanced (and the best state top tier ever was) - 6:6.5
>MiG-29SMT vs F-16C - mutt domination - 6:7.5
>Su-27 vs F-15A - mutt domination - 6:8.5
>Su-27SM vs F-15C MSIP II - mutt domination - 6:9.5
Mutts are, historically, 58% more handheld than the Soviets AND the Soviets didn't have the advantage ONCE in the past 2 years.
>Thinking the F-16A was better than the MiG-29 even post R-27ER
That's some high strength shitter logic.
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dead game dead general
It should be objectively better. Especially over the AIM-120s we have in game but this is GayJew and they can never implement anything correctly.
How's your SKR-7 gamin going? Almost done
I prefer PG-02.
Though I am tempted to try out the Flagstaff+Tucumcari. The cool names should compensate for the shit armament.
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haven't started yet.
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Give J30
Give S31
ip grabber
How much time to do the challenge with not niggerkrok handheld sealclubbers? I have the pg02 but the skr7 is just TOO easy
do that because the shitters (like me) are waking up
>Only worthwhile thing is the Type 16
>Already spaded every jap tank
Meh only thing I might be interested in are black shark and apache but I don't know how to chopper.
I'm waiting for late hour AI lobbies, unless i roll some comfy dailies when they reset in an hour or so.
I would consider the PG02 nigger crok. It takes me like 1-2 hours depending on if I want to try or not.
But I remember doing one much earlier with US boats like the Tucumcari and the tier 3 PTs and it takes about 3 hours.
Boats is fast and all it takes to do good is get one of those 8 bots two player matches.
you can grab my pp
>No GE vehicle sale
It's over.
A-6 TRAM worth it or should I just wait for a tech tree one?
packs only?
Surprised the tornado is on sale so quickly, though there's nothing to look forward to in the germutt air tree right? Exception of the eurofighter of course.
>wanted to get J35XS but it's been nerfed into oblivion
>wanted to get Mirage F1C-200 but the subtree paved the way to far better options
Is Anton playing 4D chess?
that's nice
>100% copy pasta slop tiers
ill wait for the birthday sale
You get the A6E for its GBUs at 10.3 , if you just want the A6 because it's a A6 than just wait. I fucking despise gaijin for making it a pack prem
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Has anyone ever gotten one of these that's not complete garbage? There's even a sale going on right now.
Planning to get both of em too, the J35XS even nerfed is still pretty good from what i heard and the mirage works somewhat? And that's all i need really. Also it carries magic2s which is nice
Isn't it 10.7 in GRB now? Either way, the AGM-123 Skipper lets you outrange most SPAA you see at your own or lower BR now.
No not really, I've caved in though sometimes when it's some shitty low level meme vehicle and I've got loads of GE
Shit, this >>483561427
was intended for >>483561027
>the mirage works somewhat
Not really.
>dogshit flight performance
>SARHs that are more hungry for chaff than non-IRCCM IR missiles are for flares
>can't even replace them with another pair of Magic 2s
What is my strat in the 9.0-9.3 G.91 for Italy? Just grind until I get aim-9's? I feel like these jets are way too high in BR.
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>ka-50 sale
time to bring my ITO up
Don't play them. They're complete garbage and get an unfavorable matchmaker. You have the MiG-17PF in the same techtree which comfortably sits at 8.7 and shits on everything it sees in terms of flight performance.
just base bomb then collect 2 free magic 2 kills
yeah I was more wondering how well does it handle the current br and such and if it was worth the money
I tried the 123s on the dev and they didn't seem that impressive (they were probably just broken at the time)
is it any good in air battles? worth using as a grinder?
>just base bomb
No, never outside SB.
Getting the Challenger 1 DS. What else should I buy?
I have 132GJN
Worth it? I need to grind the Soviet tree and the only planes I like are Su-25 and 27. and IL-2
>is it any good in air battles? worth using as a grinder?
It's workable because a lot of your opponents are lobotomized, but it obviously does significantly worse than a dedicated fighter.
fuck i forgot about the new ratings, but yeah it's still good.

>air battles
Wouldn't recommend it but you can make it work somewhat, you'll prob be food to fighters though. You'll also be competing against A10s / SU25s for bases. Really i don't see this plane used much in ARB, people get it mainly for CAS.
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Which flavor of purgatory do you guys recommend for rank 6 Japan ARB? I just got the sabres I don't know where to go next.
Depends on what else you want to grind. My other fave premiums on sale include, Mig 23ML, T-55AM1, T-72 Turms, F-5C, A-5C. Click bait is on sale too and is good but you'll get retarded team mates. If you want to grind out Britain air to go with your challenger I found the F-4J(UK) to be very good as a base bomber and you earn shitloads of RP and SL doing it, but the gameplay isn't great.
F-5E FCU and fucking FORGET these and the F-4EJ exist at all.
Spade your ladyboy.
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I think I'll just get the first two, I still haven't committed to France or the UK but I have to both Sweden (long ago) and Japan (recently with the F-5E FCU talisman, which I got over the Sea Harrier one). Besides, there aren't any more options for a Swedish premium jet but there certainly are for a Belgian/Dutch one.
that's on you for leaving RP on the table then
The T-2 is pretty good but the F-104J and F-1 suck ass. If you want to suffer (or don't want to purchase the F-5 or wait 3 months for squadron research) you can use the F-1 to research the F-16AJ since there's no research penalty. You can also use the T-2 to grind the F-4EJ but Phantoms are notoriously shit so you'll probably spend your time bombing to the F-4EJ Kai, which is better, but still a Phantom.
Basically, get the Thai Fighter.
I thought squadron vehicles were all bad? But I guess compared to these anything is great? I think I will shill out to avoid no flares I seem to need them even with baby mode retard missiles.
I just got the mirage, with how gaijin treats france i think it's going to be awhile before they drop another prem jet for em. And then theres the matter of waiting even longer afterwards for prices to be halved.
The F-5 is amazing.
>I thought squadron vehicles were all bad?
Some are but some are great, the F-5E FCU specifically is an absolute godsend for a tree that desperately needed it by far the most (TWO unplayable ranks, ZERO playable premiums).
Japan is going to be the next sweden aren't they? Once SEA subtrees and maybe even korea are added of course...don't think the gooks will be too happy though.
You can make both the F-104 and the F-1 work.
The real ass pain begins with the F4EJ and becomes unboreable with the Kai
It's extremly good in air superiority role, grinded almost all the tree with it and it was easy. But now they are changing the BR of strike aircraft so it might change. I would pick it up
We still don't have Jap rat cars, O-I or the TKX APS prototype.
We will probably see Thailand next year. Which besides generating chink screeching when the Jap VT-4 get's added won't change much for the Japs. Maybe it will fill some gaps at 4-6 BR.
It seems much better than the A-10 in ARB, plus funny nuke rockets in 10.3 GRB
The EJ Kai is actually really good now that it doesn't see top tier, and 12.7 is eternally stuck with 13.0. Worst it sees is F-14s. It has a good kit and most engagements don't end up in a 1v1 anyway. It is way better as a grinder for Japan than the F-16AJ.
The Sparrows are really bad though and the radar set is not that good. And other nations have Aim-9L busses at lower BRs.
I found the F-16AJ functional enough to grind 100k this BR to finish spading it. But every match was a downtier against premium tard.
as of now it doesn't look like they're interested in adding anything but the bare minimum to make a comically bad high tier at least bearable, so i don't think so
Don't jap top tanks have a 4s reload? No armor but still
oh yeah nip tanks are good but i was talking about the air tree
Japan has the best high BR line up, 11.0 (+0.3 if you hate Kamovs)
And an okay top tier.
They also can make lin ups from 7.0 to 9.3 with ease.
The only shit spots are the 6.0s because the STA is dogshit and 10.0 cause it doesn't exist.
Maybe if Japan gets the F-2 while no one else has AESA? I don't really see how otherwise.
I think for most new players those two will be completely unbearable, which was my experience.
F-16AJ gets quite a few uptiers right now but I think when people get bored of the patch it might go back to downtier heaven.
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First game of the day.
What a joke, should be 300k.
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>no 10.0 mutt lineup (ground)
>still want to buy the a10
Haven't actually played em since the update, but I already before it 11.7 was the best br by far, 80% of games were 11.3 premium spam and now that multipath is lowereed, the EJkai probably performs even better against the absolutely cucked Mig23 and F-4s hordes
That doesn't stop all the other A-10 owners.
what's a good air prem on sale for mindless grinding and good money?
10.3 US is pretty good, but the tech tree A-10 is better
None of them. GE low Tier Jets are much better for grinding silver and those still aren't as good as premium ships.
These are mostly noob traps and are only good for high tier RP research.
Why does no one buy the Abrams despite being superior to the Mohammed 2?
Premium Mirage F1... already have all of France ground done.. should I bite?
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what's good on the sale
i already grinded out most nations air TT in terms of props I'm not huge on tanks yet
No, France is very likely to get a far better premium plane in the near future through the BeNeLux subtree.
>click wrong CC decal/discount referral (I already have their decal)
>have to wait an hour for the ongoing referral to time out before I can select another
fucking why
You have two weeks
Yeah but even if that isn't vapor I'd still need to wait like a year before it ever goes on sale
is the F1C a good grinder?
>is the F1C a good grinder?
see >>483561623
>Sale happens just as I try to sell my Chink Shit cannon
I guess I will try next week
you're playing it wrong
Playing it as a bombtruck is playing it wrong.
MiG 23
China in kept up
J-11A may be dogshit but the reworked J-8F has been kino
It absolutely claps at 12.3
i guess you hate RP
Nothing really
I hate being useless to my team and completely screwing up my positioning for the part that actually matters - A2A combat.
How bad is the J-7D?
>completely screwing up my positioning for the part that actually matters - A2A combat.
But base bombing literally puts you in the perfect position, take a wide route and you'll come at the furball from the back, where no one on the enemy team is watching.
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I assume this is against bluewater ships, not coastals, right? What a pain in the ass.
Any naval target.
Nope, just play coastal in general.
Oh, thanks, neat. Not bad then.
So what's the consensus is it a good grinder or not? I'm at rank IV france right now and want to reach top tier.
it's alright
the flight model is not as bad as the bombing retard makes it out to be, the radar missiles are mid and the matra muzhiks are warcrime tier
it's alright
could be worse, you'll win some dogfights against retards with it but it is a pretty subpar airframe for 11.0
PL-5Bs are still decent they accelerate fast and you can sling them from almost 4km away as long as you aren't super slow or firing at super fast enemies, it only being rear-aspect hasn't been too big of a detriment in my experience, they're somewhat flare-resistant too but not enough to count on
but you're pretty much fucked in an uptier, still worth 35 yuroyuan if you want to muck around in it once in a while but probably not a good grinder
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was the sw*dish dorito any good in terms of its BR?
there's also the US jet and tank
but I guess us teams are ass
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My first Ace, no GEs. It's like KV-1 but better.
forgot to add
I did grind up to the 109 >>483570165
ah thanks. It would be for grindan the tree, I want russian planes but I don't wanna get a mig-23 and I don't care about german planes much with the lazur
Leopard 2a7 is better
T-80bvm is like the 4th or 5th best, what makes top tier Russia stronk is the supporting elements like the Pantsir and Ka-52
I'm sure that sounds like a gotcha to you but really you just explained how much you like the taste of penis and what color you prefer.
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epic fail
lmao arcade naval, you fuckin suck dude
>like KV-1 but better
it's got far better firepower, but the KV-1 has retardedly trolly armor half the time
did they ever give a reason for sweden getting the strv 121 (leo 2a4) and a strv 121b (leo 2a4) and a leo 2a4 (leo 2a4 but finnish flag)
Did they implement the forward bases for attackers? or did they abandon that idea
That's to be implemented some time after the update, it hasn't even been a week.
I already have the TURMS. I might just wait for a GE sale to get anything else Russian ~10.0
Not interested in the F-4J(UnK) on principle, as it has no AIM-9Ls in spite of never using older winders in service.
I’ve finished bong air apart from the stuff added in Seek and Destroy anyway

Might buy the American stuff since I don’t play them yet
i missed this, are they gonna give attackers even easier targets?
Yeah but they'll be moved 0.3 BR up in return.
Ah ok I just double checked the newer roadmap and thought they were trying to hide it quietly or something. Good to know, maybe my Su-7BMK will be good again
They are gonna spawn at the foward base in ARB, so still no airspawn but at least you can get to ground targets before catching a missile (except it's actually just gonna be a pre-match where all the attackers CQC with all aspect missiles and tons of flares)
oh, it's a top tier thing?
i thought they were shafting the already dead, buried, exhumed and cremated bombers at prop BRs
Didn't ask.
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Hold up. What are "ships"? Damage to other coastal vessels doesn't count?
New bread when?
let this be the last one
Now come on Belgium, prove you're less of a non-country than some borderlands, i want a reason to spade the Shitfire tonight.

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