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Previous: >>483316750

/wowg/ op pastebin: https://pastebin.com/YYerc7yy (use this when making a new thread)
/wowg/ op images: https://imgur.com/a/C5zycsV

- This Week in WoW:

- The War Within News:

>Mists of Pandaria REMIX: (May 16)
- Bullions spreadsheet:

>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>May Trading Post
>Summer Trading Post

>General Resouгces
Turalyon is going to die


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WoW needs to be more simpler.
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never ever seething hordelet
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This is my World of Warcraft character. My avatar, if you will. :^)
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Sex with plants!
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>get instant invite to a group
>leader goes afk for 5 mins
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IT'S UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was hoping it was down forever...
Since i saw the reddit post about some people complaining in remix about speedruning dungeons/scenarios and them not finding that fun i try to midmax every dungeon i get in to speedrun it as fast as possible
More violets, Less violence!
Imagine the turd logs inside Jaina's asshole!
seek some help

They're not entirely wrong, following a 476 around watching them one shot everything without ever casting a spell yourself is boring as shit. But that's just what remix is, complain to blizzard for making a boring gamemode not to the 476 for being too fast
when i was in that position i just backseated and knew it fill be finished fast, after you do these dungeons every day you get sick of them, so i don't see any appeal at 70 taking time to do them for the dailies
tww hype is gone
>more simpler
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>retail is kinda dead
>mop remix you get so op you might as well oneshot everything with your retail character
>fucking cata, lol, lmao
>dead as fuck... i don't even know what the non-classic classic is doing nowadays
niggas got 4 versions of wow running at the same time and none of them seem appealing
I really don't get why they even bothered with cata, who the fuck actually wanted to play that again?
actual issues:
- plater with good setup vs base ui makes for enormous difference in m+
- can't see shit in goonsquad as meleecuck
- modern dungeon design is some absurdity with everything and their mother spamming must-interrupt spells, because apparently blizz thinks that having people fight one pack at a time largely makes other issues not as big of a deal -- which is true, but fighting one pack at a time makes the experience not fun
- nobody wants to run mythic due to the logistics of it, participation lower each season
- the usual issues of awful writing, yass kween girlboss nonsense and so on
be weird if they went from vanilla all the way to legion (...I assume?) and skipped one expansion
cata isn't *that* bad aside from hyjal, but... i just don't want to touch it
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this shit is so dumb lol

Hey faggots, Operation Shieldwall/Dominance Offensive, Golden Lotus and Emperor Shaohao reputations can be completed super fast on Retoilet chars because of Remix and today after 4 hours maintenance is Pandaria Timewalking too, extra 50% rep for Pandaria reps, probably only takes 30 mins max if you're not super fast
based, will grin emperor shaoho too exalted finally
for what purpose
some of us didni't bother grinding the rep years ago
I like it.
Looks like you're stroking a felhunter pup in your lap.
>- can't see shit in goonsquad as meleecuck
Agree with this.
Coming from other games and playing older wow and coming back now, it's super hard to see anything with so much shit happening at the same time, all being super flashy with particles flying everywhere.
Then you have the combat text, which is a useful thing, but it covers your character with billion different numbers, so you don't see if you stand in fire or what.
So you need an addon to move the text to the side, which bring the necessity of addons, because the default UI is just too shit.

Honestly no idea what "button bloat" is anyone talking about at this point.
Like even the hero talents in TWW only modify/replace existing spells, literally no new buttons.
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I will ask again
for what purpose
Thank you. That's what I was going for. Just giving my felpuppy some scritches for devouring buffs like a good boy. :)
it's great, you can goon while they do the work then you get your bronze before you nut.
so i'm hearing devoker isn't a true ranged? as in their shit has 20y reach instead of 40y?
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Why do the troons hate Anduin?
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when it's been 55 minutes without attention so you samefag your own post and then samefag your samefag
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TERFs like him.
same reason they hate turalyon and want him killed desu
Should've given Nibbles (felstalker pet) the same interactivity as the cat pets to sit in your lap since he's got the same skeleton.
Oh man that's cute. I will do that next time.
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I'm saying they should have, they didn't.
Only interactivity he has is getting a heart above his head when you mount the Felstalker cause they're a Legion CE pair.
Ohhh, I see. That would be cute if it were a thing then.
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what's a sweepstake and what does it mean if wowhead says i won it?
>he didn't learn russian in college as an elective subject
lmao loser
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Look mom im writing tooltips
Isn't there an "advanced tooltips" option or did they remove that too like the other options?
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>BC Player going 5 seconds without mentioning they played in TBC
Why are people that started in BC somehow more obnoxious than the ones saying they've played since vanilla?
they don't have a pet panda / zergling/mini diablo to whip out to prove they are old school vanilla so they overcompensate.
I just assume most of the people who say they started in vanilla actually just played classic wow and try to pawn it off as if they're OG's.
Nigger I don't give a fuck when you started.
avatarposters, post your character, i will pump to it
i miss draeposter, it's been so long now
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Nice baboon ass lmao
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To care for a whelpling is the summit of compassion. That is what they teach at the Temple of the Jade Serpent. That is why my apprentice was so young, despite being paired with a master of the order. You are never too old, too wise or too powerful to instruct the next generation in the ways of Yu'lon. The outsiders will pay dearly for striking him down. Hush, now. Worry not, little one. I will fight for you, even if no-one else will. I won't let them take your home. I won't let them take your life. Let the others cower all they wish. They'll have their peace one way or the other, even if they don't deserve it.
He aint dead. Kidnapped with most of dalaran.
>Gets turned evil by void bullshit
>Need to kill off one of the last remaining prominent white men in the storyline
>Same will happen to Turalyon
thats why i love that board
ok but now post fem avataras tho
>Nigger I don't give a fuck when you started.
and THAT is the right attitude to have.
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>blizzard killing off two of the most well known wc2 characters
>after the utter retardation that they still get shit for that was killing of vashj/kael/illidan

you cunts keep repeating this shit, over and over, hyping yourself up when any rational person will tell you how retarded you sound

this is the same thing as the retards who kept posting that the cm sets/aotc garrosh mount would be surely obtainable in MoP remix, only to get slapped in the face
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That wasn't the deal!
You pump to this now!
>Paws exposed
Fucking slut.
okay pumpin
he cute, would pet his mane
>Hate the player, not the game
Thats the reddit mentality. Leave the multinational corporation ALONE!
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You'll take what I give you and like it.
Or loathe it entirely and wish cancer upon my bloodline.
well i like it
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ah, /wowg/, finally a general not infested with coomposting
When will that happen?
2 weeks.
Couldve put up your alliance tattooed troll and you instead decide to be a gay furry.
It's not by choice, most of us are in our late 30's to early 40's and have been cursed by erectile dysfunction after playing this game for 20 years.
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when the fuck did they add this?
You don't get to tell me how gay I feel like being tonight.
2 more weeks, for sure this time
Doordashed McD and some pandatoil for my alts. Yep, it's another day in paradise.
Most of the talents should be like this, not like novels with thousands of proc passives that play the game for you.
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i struggle to play this game without amphetamine

i struggle to play any video games without amphetamine

im so tired
desu when i take amphetamine all it does it make me goon to wow porn for hours
Time to clean yourself up faggy boi
I love pandas and i want a panda wife to share a farm in pandaria with
Was always there
>my ex became a twitch hoe 2 years ago
>just broke $100k
damn, should've stuck with her
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whats her twitch
2 more weeks
women date up m8
also if she's a twitch whore staying with her wouldn't be a good idea anyway
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when they added bandas
sewage system had to be upgraded
Holy shit palading healing is fucking horrible now
How the fuck can anyone enjoy this? Everyone has a shitload of hp and my heals don't heal for shit. Are all the healers like this?
absolutely not
seems newer than that
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hpal is significantly worse at healing than any other healslut rn
>healing surge crits
>instantly heal someone to full
dead game
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>make game mode where you can get OP as fuck and solo bosses in seconds
>for some reason they didn't provide ways to skip boring RP in dungeons/raids
does it at least get better in TWW?
it is currently grossly op and has already been nerfed once - but there's months left so i wouldn't take it as a sign that good times are coming, it's just too early to tell
give me my wallet back or I'm turning your tail into my new keychain.
>ethereal raid datamined

We are going to fucking K'aresh
Blizzard will find a way to screw it.
I'm not a furry but I find furry women hot when they got the right type of patterns on. Knowing it's some half animal means I can be as rough as I want with them. Thank the Elder Scrolls for getting this and making animal races treated as literal sex slaves.
there's no reason why horde shouldn't raid whatever city worgen live in right now and kidnap them all just to shave them bald and let them go after
Jesus, anon
Why shave
You also forgot:
>terrible class balance
>spell upon spell upon proc reliance making you actual rotation hit like wet noodles unless it's empowered by 7 talents, 3 cooldowns, 2 procs and your tier set
>mythic raiding participation in the toilet
>evoker forced into every raid and maze+ group because bleeds on every mob and boss + significant overtuning
>80% of specs reaching the "can do the dps but can't survive" wall or vice versa
>metzen's story makes Danuser look like a God of the pen
>dungeons following DF design with each pack having 6 abilities and every boss having bleeds + unavoidable aoe dmg

Many people were hoping delves would save them from the maze and raiding, but the beta has just shown them to be Torghast 2.0 without player power.
I think shaving most of the worgen population would be pretty amusing
have you seen those naked cats? imagine all those feral, imposing creatures turned into Chinless McIncels
You didn't play the beta at all. Hpal is the worst healer by a large margin and its by far the most bloated.
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>replies to post complaining about issues with the game's playability
>"metzen's story makes Danuser look like a God of the pen"
What a fucking retard lmao the game isn't even out yet, but I'm sure THAT is one of the major issues.
>here's what's shit about the game: ...
>whoa whoa wait a minute, you can only mention gameplay issues here
>huh? why?
>because I said so
nigga what bullshit is that? wow's dogshit story is part of the game, and even if you don't really care about it you still go through the campaign, you see the repeating lore bits in dungeons and so on
who gives a shit
>the game is too complex
Yeah fuck off, so the game no longer has fags and troons and mandatory cheering at them, get over it.
Danuser >>>>>>>>>>>> Metzen
what do you even do in this game aside from weekly raid and some m+
you have all this old content but it's either collecting shit for its own sake (like reps) or fashion. is there anything else?
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DA LOG ============ DROPPED
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>what is there to do in this game
>lists all the content
>WHAT DO YOU EVEN DO!?!?!!?!?!
>do a raid
>spam M+ rest of the week
Yeah that's it.
Welcome to MMOs
You can also roleplay, whatever you imagine it is, or do PvP - whatever style you prefer, be it random organized stuff in battlegrounds, sweaty arenas, or just piss off some shitters in world.
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Dragonflying is so easy
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bros are you ready for the beach?
I'm so hyped.
>was feeling mildly hyped for shadowniggers
>was feeling moderately hyped for endwalker
>zero hype whatsoever for dawntrail
just not feeling it guvnor
About what?

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You really need a bf, Maye. It will soothe your autism.

Be honest, you've taken man cock before, haven't you? It felt good, right? Time to put away the futa larp.
Pre-vacation blues is a normal feeling, Anon. don't worry. the beach will be fun :)
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>the same go there, click this, wait and then read this wall of text before you can unlock the content
cant f**kin weight!!!
I wish ziv combat wasn't so boring and dungeons weren't so garbage
I feel dirty every time I buy a token from some piggy
Everything about that game is slow, clunky, boring and pointless.
>wow does a filler expansion for funsies with dragonflight
>xiv does one 2 years later
that architecture doesn't make any sense and why is the totem(?) on the mountain wearing a bunch of trinkets that's so stupid
The beginning of a great new adventure!
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>clearing dailies
>see level 20 priest
>sweat my ass off grazing every corner and tagging every mob so they don't get to holy nova a single enemy
back to the favela f2p monkey
>scripe on the media tour
>Echo preparing a stream with dawntrail news

TWW beta must be a gigantic dumpster fire if they are going to focus even more on ff14
primitive races build their cities according to usability n sheeit
advanced races build whatever looks cool
woah... the pandaren are attacking zandalar on their cloud serpents? and the aerie peak gryphon riders and male human paladin on pic right are helping them?? KINO!!!!!
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Arcane is... le good?!
bro they're starved for money. they even got paid to play tarisland
john fantasia looking kinda old nowadays
All the signs are pointing to the fact that TWW is going to be a big flop.
Dawntrail isn't gonna top shadowbringers or endwalker. The "money xiv makes goes towards other projects" is true, like a factual truth, but just because those projects failed doesn't mean the money is going into xiv like you think it will. instead it goes into other ventures for them and the rate at which the devs receive funding will stay the same, or potentially due to the failure of 16, be lessened. The lack of content due to covid was actual cope. Endwalker showed that. Yoshi and team are just too complacent. I said years ago if 16 succeeded xiv will take a huge hit, if it failed xiv would take a huge hit, it's not dead, it's just going to be in maintenance mode from now on essentially. They'll keep it alive because outside of gacha it makes them the most money consistently, and they're well aware the people who stay subbed and buy shit after content droughts will always stay subbed and buy shit because they view troon game as second life, that's the real reason why they didn't and will never do anything about the modbeasts or erpfags. They're what keeps the game alive after everyone else plays other things. Your tranny game will just end up like ffxi and you're unlikely to see any new final fantasy due to how badly rebirth flopped, it genuinely did worse than 16 and dragon's dogma 2. I need you to understand how big of a failure it was, it's ff7, the only ff game normalfags know, the only one they really care about, and it flopped HARD. This is after the failure or xv too. Xiv will be the last remaining ff game and will be in maintenance soon.
>arcane is good on this pull
>arcane is not good on the next pull
I need to make her bloat with my semen fertilizing her eggs if you know what I mean
Sure thing metzen, don't you have another half-orc, half-black, disabled transwoman to write?
>Tfw no masochist vulpera gf that wants you to bring her closer and closer to death with each fuck, unable to cum unless you're putting so much pressure on her skull that she's seeing white
that is.... oddly specific.
Play safer games anon. You're gonna catch your death doing that.
No, a xivtranny went into the post-nut clarity and so he decided to epicly troll the wow thread.
It was obvious when the post "what do you even do in this game?" was made.
But since nobody called him out, he had to post the pic.
Arcane is good but Fire has Cauterize and Frost has Cold Snap. Why would you just choose to have 1 less defensive and work harder for the same damage?
I no longer invite Mages to pugs regardless. Only 10% of them actually know how to play their class.
Yo I made that post you disingenuous pile of aids and I haven’t played xiv beyond 6.0, nor am I planning on playing dawntrail
I'm not into men and I don't like other dicks. I like women with pussies. I like it when they have nice voices and are nice to me. Sorry bro.
Redpill me on this tranny game. How much can I play for free? Is it better or worse than the f2p experience in WoW?
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>>/xivg/ can answer your questions, not /wowg/.
Good night thread.
All of this is correct but 99% of /wowg/ always disagrees and gets upset because most people here are sweats, the exact type that that content caters to. So when people come around and says stuff along of lines of "the content you enjoy needs to change" it upsets them.
fuck off and never return, you already admitted you're a xivg faggot now return because nobody wants you here you self absorbed cunt
and don't think about samefagging for hours to shit up the thread because the IP clearl from a real mod above your station will show all your posts
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Death Knight chads, our time is coming!!
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i feel like i am the only person that has not memory holed the era of 'pruning' and people shilling vanilla/nost BECAUSE it had more buttons with retail wow being too casual
game is pretty simple unless you do mythic raiding which i can safely say almost no one here does
what the fuck am i looking at
t, out of the loop since last winter
Dogshit take. If you feel this way, stay in LFR. Asking that the game be dumbed down when LFR and Normal and heroics and M0 are all faceroll easy content is ridiculous. You're not entitled to AotC or CE or M+ mount title as a participation ribbon. Git gud.
Isn't Arcane Explosion uncapped?
To be fair it was a different KIND of pruning. People got mad when Blizzard removed a bunch of pointless but fun spells like eyes of the beast. Things along those lines. The rotations in Vanilla were predominately still only a few buttons even with all of the countless spells and abilities.
Arcane has the most valuable Mass Barrier
Stay mad mazecuck
>Shamans and Primal Strike, even on Resto shaman
Just what the fuck
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there it is, dood
just don't fucking use it
Why would I be mad about a game having an appropriate difficulty curve with good options and rewards for almost every type of player? You're the one begging to make an easy game easier lmao
>every person who disagrees is the same anon
even thinking about playing xiv classifies you as a tranny in my book, sorry sis but you gay
>give a skill that becomes completely useless after first 10 levels
What's the point of having that kind of skill in the first place?
I keep getting called pcu and schizo stalker (singular) at least once a week out of nowhere
back in s1 we had a shaman here going to glad because as elemental he used primal strike and maelstrom weapon so no is not useless but if you don't want to use it just don't do it but I guess your streamer told you le bloat is bad
You're playing a game with tranny characters and tranny life preserver in game, you're the tranny

FFXIV is the most manly man game with no tranny shit in game
what could they possible need to bring the server down for 4 hours consecutively two days in a row
what the FUCK is their problem?
>button bloat!!
how to disregard a post almost instantly
To mess around with? It might have been totally pointless but there was always someone out there who made funky builds or unorthodox rotations. I mean they clearly were not meta but that was (as much) as a huge deal as it is today.
>no u
ok tranny. or should I say pedo because that game is also full is pedos
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I played resto shaman and I still had it, it's fucking useless for them. The fucking skill costs like 25% of your mana to use and your basic attacks do more damage than the skill itself.
It's not a fucking streamer thing.
speaking of gay shit
where the FUCK is the tranny post preview for july
Because there are some people here who absolutely cannot fathom that multiple people might have the same opinion they disagree with.
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Thursday bro

>4 recycled dungeons
using mop as example is not a good thing desu
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early df i was playing a resto tank build that utilized primal strike and maelstrom weapon for burst damage in pvp
Unlimited play up to level 70. All content included in trial up to the 2nd Expansion. Can't use market board (AH). Can't party invite. Can't /tell unless friend. Anyway, World of Warcraft is an MMORPG.
Sort of related, I really wish Blizzard would move away from this idea that every expansion needs the same exact amount of zones, dungeons, and raids. Ion keeps bringing it up like it's a good thing, but being predictable is not "good", it's boring. Shake things up, I mean come on.
I think having situational abilities you might use every third dungeon is cool. Trap buttons that are never correct to press is bad, but niche stuff is good.
Being predictable is good. If what you're getting is goodm But worlo has been shit for a decade, so noones happy that we can predict more shit. (not improving anytime soon brw)
reminder that the people who cry about bloat are bindlets who probably still have q and e bound to strafe
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Even WoWhead says it's useless.
debunked by real players and not pen pushers >>483426421
Agreed. Give us a mega dungeon on launch and a couple two-boss dungeons. Bring back mini raids and stop shoehorning the same tired archetypes into every raid if you don't have a good idea for the encounter. You have 4 expansions of M+ ready dungeons and have shown that you can rehab for M+ as far back as cata. You can have the formula for each + season without needing every expansion to be in a design straitjacket.
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You niggers griping about RP flavour abilities not being optimal is amazing. I do hope the tranny devs stick to their guns for once and chink away at your stranglehold on this game.Remember,
>Fuck M+
>Fuck Mythic Raids
>Fuck gearscore
>Fuck world first races
>Fuck Arena
>Fuck raid finder
>Fuck dungeon teleportation
The mentally ill must stop running the asylum yesterday.
>insta-cast spells are useless
classic wowhead!
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what the fuck kind of life does someone lead that they go to bed at... 10.30am eastern? 9.30am central... 8.30am western american timezone? oh wait no no no don't tell me, i can see their life every day on /wowg/ blog general....
Fuck everyone who isn't playing the game the EXACT WAY I AM
What spells would you insta-cast in PvP?
>still have q and e bound to strafe
this is the superior way to move tho
you can now unbind asd and have three more binds
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dont acknowledge his sad existence bro, it only feeds and encourages the ape to perform
>resto tank build
even as a wowhead enjoyer you should be able to guess.
>leveling through BfA
>doing KT leatherworking as I progress
>none of it is usable until level 45
>finally hit level 45
>all my lame questing gear is better than whatever I can craft
You have no idea what you are even talking about.
>Fuck M+
>Fuck Mythic Raids
>Fuck gearscore
not a thing
>Fuck world first races
>Fuck Arena
fuck you
>Fuck raid finder
dont care but useful early season for tier, they should just axe the fucking catalyst for anything besides trannymog
>Fuck dungeon teleportation

also what the fuck do you do in this game? erb?
remix scenario where we pulled some mobs that should be pulled at the end and every trigger of mine from the gems happening at once
ERP, normal raids, and random BGs it looks like lmao
just did my first 8+++ lads
So sad how you are defending a fucking useless skill like this.
I don’t like bloat because I’m a brainlet and can only remember 8~ buttons at one time
I’ve been maining MM hunter because really they only have like 5 buttons
was trying to pick up mm coming from maining melee
hunter has too many fucking binds and i dont know what the fuck you're smoking honestly
Delvea give heroic ilvl gear tho
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i retaliate!
nice brother, i did my first 11+ today
fucking paladin... i only invited him so we had a cr and HE died all the time
absolute clown guy man holy fuck we could have ++ it with anyone else...
You know what Ret is short for, right brother?
>play any class with a cr
>constant whispers from dipshits who die 2 seconds into the fight
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hmmm.. ret...retar...retar...RETARDED
religious enormous tranny
Quickly, criticize the game and show that you are not a shill or a cultist.
if you die to a swirly and you're not even close to me on the meter regularly throughout the run i am not wasting my cr on you unless i have an abundance of charges and you can seethe all you like
Unavoidable rot damage is unironically a good thing for healing gameplay.
>more raids=more content
Classic classic brain. Someone in that thread said if they were to split these 9 boss raids into 1 7 boss raid and 1 2 boss raid that retard would say it's more content
Shit bro it’s your key, I don’t really care if we time it
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i dont run my own keys
im joining yours ;)
I hate night elves and maze+
maybe I’m just shit (that’s probably it) but I don’t use most of their buttons
>shoot from far enough away that you don’t need defensives
>traps and utility are largely unnecessary
>lone wolf talent means no worrying about pet stuff
unless I’m questing and need traps/defensives to keep mobs off my ass I’m really just cycling through a few buttons
This weeks beta build will probably have the m+ changes
What are your hopes and copes
>one raid with 32 bosses
>four raids of 8 bosses released every 6 months
Surely there is a difference?
>huntard that won’t lust and won’t even bind his utility and turtle/that other defensive
sounds about what you’d expect from lfg huntars
Yeah, 32 boss raids will never exist, for one
I wouldnt mind more gruul/ony style bosses. But to say that newer expansions have less content than wrath is retarded.
The fuck did that have at release.
A recycled raid, a bunch of dungeons, a class and 2 mini raids.
i was trying to play it in arena so obviously trying to utilize every button and god damn nigga its too much
affixes where mobs are more resistant to holy damage. r*ts need to know what its like to suddenly be useless for the week because your class cant do anything about the affixes
Siege had what, 15? It was way too long and had a bunch of filler
8 boss raids are the sweet spot imo, as long as there aren’t any sandbags. 2 babyshits for looties, 3 mid difficulty, 3 hard difficulty.
>buy an mmo/gayming mouse, gain 6-12 buttons
>make some mouseover macros, gain the equivalent of 6-12 buttons
No class is bloated if you know what you’re doing.
Gotta be more creative than that
14 but yes soo was too long but it make sense it was soo long to pad subs during the drought.
Sex with jailbait goblins
Grats cap'n
i have the mouse but i dont see your argument for mouseovers giving you more binds, i use alot of mouseovers on ret for util but i dont see the same value on hunter outside of @cursors for traps/volley and @mo for petsac
i think my biggest gripe is the pet management abilities which hunters are incredibly outdated
take for instance uhdk: you dont have to rez it, you dont have to cast dismiss pet, heal pet, or have it out for any of your abilities to work besides dt, hunter feels like its stuck in vanilla comparatively
Managing pets is part of hunter gameplay
Are the raids fun? I got aotc in amirdrassil but only did lfr of the other two as I joined at the tail end of 9.1
Wondering whether it’s worth subbing for a month. Is gear easy to get for new charactets? What specs are op?
Use Lone Wolf then.
Raszageth is the best boss fight imo
Gearing is piss easy, just do lfr, get bullions (badges) and buy BIS off vendors
The problem with 8 is Blzzard WILL force a patchwerk, council, add fight, aoe fight, etc even if they don't have a good idea for it. Amirdrassil would have been a better raid if Council and Igira were straight up deleted from it.
Ability to choose affixes
Bolstering removed
Sanguine removed
Tyr/fort removed or reworked
I'd like to see tyr changed so that when bosses are buffed, trash takes more damage and have less hp
Same with fortified. Trash deals more damage but bosses have less hp
>The Lands Between
>Land of Shadows

>Ability to choose affixes
>Bolstering removed
>Sanguine removed
not going to happen

>Tyr/fort removed or reworked
they did said they are going to change those affixes when they announced the new ones
>not going to happen
They said they're making big changes for both casuals and sweats so unironically anythings on the table right now
just so you know most people play that game on the download client from the official site, not on steam
lmao the biggest realm has more players than them
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dont reply to the steam charts doomie
>it's only going up
Uh oh
Only 1% of XIV players use the Steam version btw
Orgsnic posting time
>3 million concurrent players right now when Lucky Bancho shows 1-1.3 million total players across 2-3 month reporting periods
very true sis. the math checks out
Nerubar palace will have a lot of verticality so im curious how will that go
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>mage vs spriest vs warlock vs lizardussy vs retardin
seems like spriest got it all, but there's also an infinite amount of them
mage has two decent specs but only excels in high keys with godcomp
lock is kinda mediocre but you get into raids easy since you're a taxi
dev... is hard carried by the legendary I wouldn't have? is it even worth bothering with then?
ret: also has a legendary but less op? i don't really know much about ret

am I missing any OP stuff here? i want to get into groups without endlessly sitting in lfg or playing tank or healer
"my butt gasps for air!!!"
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Reminder that the Insomniac ransomware leak had a bunch of PSN financial data in it and the console versions of XIV had generated less revenue than the console versions of SFV, a flop of a game that had to be discounted into nothingness to sell
Got a link? That would be fucking hilarious to read after it also completely flopped on xbox and its now known there as the biggest failure in xbox gaming history
Im playing resto druid and having fun
just came back after quitting in mists
trannies ruin everything/have no sovl
the storyline is literally trannies or smth evoker things look like the gayest shit lmaooooooo
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Last slide
Ret is very popular nowadays
For tww, monks, mages, paladins, hunters, warlocks, dks, priests and evokers look like winners
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I miss when shamans plopped down four totems, seemed like such cool class fantasy. Having them as cooldowns you use here and there just seems boring.
what's the easy mode, good results specs?
retardin, aug, dev, ???
Frost mage
Bm hunter
OW2 going F2P was such a mistake, they only made the equivalent of like 3 million sales at $60 a year after release
those with beta access, are earthen clothes available for non-earthen?
I really need to be a runepriest
Fire mage seems pretty ridiculous right now, dunno how easy it is, but in arenas they're sustaining like 200-300k DPS the entire game (like 2-3x as much as everyone else) and like 600k-2.5mil DPS in M+

They just absolutely crank and there's not much you can do to stop it
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I have decided I will not play retail, nor mop remix, nor dawntrail
I haven't played WoW in 10+ years but I post here everyday about how dead it is desu
Mage is the safest bet. Warlock is comparably safe but only in raids.
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Prot paladins are crying like crazy.
Rogue and Sham are definitely the biggest lovsers so far.
shamans should be used to it at least
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Siege worked because by assaulting Ogrimmar & fighting Garrosh it had an epic tie in to the raid that made it feel like it needed to be an epic massive raid, I don't think they can ever do that again simply because the lore is so shitty nothing feels epic enough that they'll get people invested in an 8 hour raid. Arthas, Illidan, Garrosh, Kil'Jaedan, Gul'Dan, all the noteworthy big bads people gave a shit about are gone now, so there's really no face to put at the end that makes a 14 boss raid feel meaningful and worth your time.
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>even AI knows mazed rats are beyond redemption
those are even less funny than the "funny" wowg shitposters desu
Except the bosses are, other than Garosh and Nazgrim, literal who mopslop retard characters that only ever existed to be loot pinatas. And you spend more time in Durotar and the underground place than in actual Orgrimmar.......

vaults are tommorow
nigga is posting these shiity memes across three different generals
go play a game psycho
We'll paint this new continent red!
with orc blood!
Sure, but because it's Garrosh and you're assaulting Ogrimmar you feel obligated to cut through a dozen big guys (names or no names) because it's Garrosh
not for first world players
Hello EUtrash
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Got an upgrade, is nice.
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finally got an upgrade after a months worth of coins
lets hope this puts me at 528 ilvl
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>alright I think I'm burned out on mopmix, guess I'll fuck around in season 4 a little bit until thursday
>oh it's a timewalking week, what expansion?
sex with mommystrasza!

not so accurate

is this AI generated?
>that pose
>they even got him orange onesie
Did blizzard predict the future?
no i drew it myself
it's here
they cooked
>keys can now have fortified + tyrannical
It's over. Asmon won.
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very unexpected, seems like a big improvement
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if only this AI wasnt censored so much lmao
>While in combat, Xal’atath rains down orbs of cosmic energy that attempt to empower nearby enemies, increasing their Haste and Movement speed. If players disrupt these orbs, they claim this effect for themselves.
As if there wasn't enough shit flying about.
What the fuck are those niggers smoking
>new affix is just fortified 2
lmao come on
>it only took them 3 expansions to finally realize kiss/curse affixes are the tits
now make new dungeons more like bfa ones, where enemy casts etc mattered but not THAT much and not all mobs had interrupt-or-wipe stuff, and m+ might actually be really fun
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>add a system that is pointless on low keys but can probably be used by gitguds to great benefit
>remove it altogether in high keys
I... don't really go beyond portal keys myself so I don't particularly care, but this is so bizarre
they said they want less random elements in high keys so it's probably due to that
>Knaifu betrays you and 20% health & damage increase from +22/+12 onwards


but that leaves you with, uh, no affixes at all?
you get the heavier punishment for deaths, fort, tyra, flat buff at +12 and nothing else
I never thanked god for the joy of existing so that I might bask in the glory of entangling or spiteful, but removing affixes altogether seems kind of weird
>Fortified and Xal’atath’s Guile week


yeah, just harder dungeons like many sweatlords have suggested. they listened to max
tranny mode
I miss when dungeons/raids were just random shit we stumbled across
“here’s a cave with cultists in it go kill them” is more fun and immersive than “Jimothy is attacking this town that you’re currently standing in that’s clearly not actually under attack go stop him”
b-but I liked padding on spiteful... and didn't mind most affixes.....
dungeons and raids are still like this, anon. they're just way more replayable
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Still no lego...
We’re aiming to eliminate “push weeks” by providing a consistent challenge that focuses solely on the dungeon, for players seeking to advance deeper into the Mythic Keystone system for scores and titles.

>first world
>Knaifu betrays you
the definition of "first world" is literally "the united states" it doesn't actually mean anything about economics or living conditions
NuBlizzard spaghetti code strikes again, completing quests now has a lag before it happens
thats what you get for being a fagdrag
i got my axe last week
later losers!
but is it worth removing ALL the week-to-week changes?
granted, most people just want loot but I enjoyed tweaking the route week to week so that the four pugbreathers I invite have it a little easier
only sanguine was ass-cancer from the current affixes. it's a bit odd that they removed fucking everything, or that there isn't something like "this week has 2 possible affixes, each increases reward by 2: so do weekly 12 or weekly 8 with two affixes"

eh, I guess it'll be up to what the Bargain ones are whether it's an improvement overall
maybe 60 years ago, nowdays not
It worked fine before maintenance, so it's something that was introduced after today's update
my god they listened... except ... what about shaman?!?
Yes please
>Xal’atath’s Guile - Xal’atath betrays players, revoking her bargains and increasing the health and damage of enemies by 20%.

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>removing weekly kiss/curse affix at 12 and above, ie only place where it will matter
>both tyra and fort always active at high keys
both decisions seem very questionable. nobody wants 5 minute long dungeon boss fights, but you get to pull a lot bigger on tyra. all route variability will be gone, and you can't even optimize the weekly -- so every single run you do in a season is exactly the season when you push above 12
feels like it'd get rather bland before long tbhfamalambbq
if you're going to be an autistic tranny and keep going past 9 you can just die says xalatath
Yep, Ion cooked. Lets fucking go
Or maybe you got some shitty addon?
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>Xal’atath’s Guile - Xal’atath betrays players, revoking her bargains and increasing the health and damage of enemies by 20%.


she hates NEETs, ie the only people who push above portals
uuuh should I be worried regarding my credit card info
based xalatah
>i can now officially lose to and be bullied by xalatath in game
Nevermind, figured it out, it's server/realm problem, the server/realm I'm playing Remix on works fine, instant quest completion

Hopefully server problems will be fixed soon
Yes. Its no coincidence that the most tolerated affixes were those that were easy to get around like entangling
People want to play the dungeon itself
holy fuck. they made m+ great again
I mean, of course she was going to betray you. She's the only new female character straight men like. Blizzard can't have that. You're supposed to side with the half or- I mean the half elf lady, chuds.
Do you guys think we'll ever have AI in WoW? What would that even look like?
Dungeon followers are AI.
holy shit ion saved m+
>People want to play the dungeon itself
at the price of doing the exact same pull for 8 months in a row, with zero deviation?
it seems more like TGP autism rather than something enjoyable desu
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my wife desu
ugly hair
why does she need a bow if she can control void arrows telepathically?
she uses it as a conduit, like a wizard would a staff I guess
What do you mean zero deviation? Now that theres way less fucking bullshit to deal with, people have more freedom to experiment with pulls
Its fucking great. And its only 5 6 months per season. Dungeons also rotate
force of habit, like how nignog ape refuses to learn how to use a 2nd arm
>people have more freedom to experiment with pulls
you mean copy what the top teams are doing and just practicing until it works?
eh, I guess I'll stop at portals. pushing for title is only for the unemployed nowadays
I want to lick her void parts
Like og but worse.
wow doesn't have lb for alisaie to steal so that's not possible
The possibility of doing it now is exciting
Are you really pretending there's any deviation now? Because there isn't. Everybody runs the same routes every week and the only difference week to week is how absolute cancer some pulls are.
we already have ai in wow
>Are you really pretending there's any deviation now?
...yes? you pull more trash on fort, or you pull some trash with boss on tyr. the cc immunity at low hp does change some pulls if there's cancer casters. you don't do anything except weeklies when there's sanguine.
the differences aren't great, but they do exist, particularly the tyra/fort split
Just the idea of "oh fuck i have to deal with that bullshit again next week" is fucking great
It also removes the need of having certain classes on certain weeks, which will increase overall participation
Its great
No, there really aren't any differences. You're just making up some idealized version of the game that doesn't exist. Everybody does the exact same shit every single week. You're delusional and don't play the game.
The idea of not dealing with*
I don't think the game has futuristic AI yet
>add some new affixes that have the potential to be fun
>but only for 2-11
>unwashed neets who push high keys aren't allowed any fun
not sure if based
that's giga based especially with giga autists pushing for stupid crap like the healing changes and no gear form m+
Now that WoW has Hero Talents, what are the chances of them adding something like Limit Breaks? Let's say Heroic Abilities.
its pretty based. Fun affixes for people who are only going for up to KSM, maybe KSH. no fun allowed for the sweaty neets only playing for prestige
ah fuck i got a plastic clip used to hold cables together stuck on my tongue
it kinda hurts desu
That's very based
only if you get a cool cinematic shot of your guy doing it, and a voice line, and destro locks is them spam jumping while strafing doing the classic omni cast animation and saying INFERNOOOOO
i'll be pretty butthurt if portals and chest/wall rewards go beyond +11
it wont
I could see ksm being +10 and portals being +12 or slightly higher happening
m+ STATUS????????????
they might force 6/8 dungeons to time a +10 for KSM and the mount, they did say they are going to re-evaluate scoring.
ksm +10? you're insane
DHs got a -20% dmg decrease across the board
send a support ticket to see our current WoW AI
Do you people thought dhs would gain +20% damage with the last set of affixes? LMAO
>scaling for every key level slightly lowered compared to now
>baby keystone cheevo at 5
>KSM at 10
>portals at 12 (since it scales to +14 with the guile)
calling it now
>Zul’jin loses an arm
>refuses to grow a new one
>is seen as a badass
>Faerin loses an arm
>refuses to get a new one
>is seen as woke garbage
explain this
High key pushers only care about rating and number go up. Thats their fun. Rating and raiderio
but why do you guys think they are going to force people to do 10s for ksm? ksm is 4+5 right now they are not going to double the difficulty for no reason
faerin is a NIGGER
black monkey
zuljin: makes sure to never accidentally forget his hatred of elves (a good thing)
female monkey: being a cripple is, like, part of my identity. i am very brave.
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I'd like to bind Alexstrasza's life, if you catch my drift
Gamers hate women. It's that simple. You can't say "gamers hate niggers" because trolls are nigger-coded.
Zuljin is shown as a loser that refuses to give up in his own cinematic
Darkie is shown as a strong woman doing an angry face "look at me I'm strong hear me roar"
becuase zul'jin was based and unapologetically
the half orc is a disgusting nigger
Did they explain how Faerin even lost her arm?
Systemic racism
>mists and NW already back in rotation
at least rework some old shit dungeons rather than something that was current content 2 years ago
I like mists
Fuck the necropolis area of nw tho
M+ BRD or no balls
trolls are black-coded though
well the fucked with post-clones-boss area so you can't chain pulls
ie the entire dungeon except first pull is one-by-one baby shit, unless they missed some pull-through-walls stuff in the maze
as long as they're caricatures made for my amusement I'm good
your cunt mother is black coded you retard
yes, and they get put down like animals by the white people (high elves)
They'll have to figure out how to let her wear hats without going bald first
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umm this thread is very racist O.o
>whole wing of lfr
>no bullion
fuck this dogshit game
They literally do though?
>Do you people thought
>Ara-Ara, the city of echoes
what happens in ara ara?
When faced with overwhelming DARkness, will you make the right decisions?
i think chi-ji's quotes are pure kino desu
I dont make good decisions even with no outside pressure at all
I will never relax around darkness
>void mommy lets you have fun, but only if you're not a sweat
what would they taste like tho?
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wtf is this mount lmao
Can't you stealth left on the bridge after the first boss then drag everything to the right and blast with the orb? Or did they get rid of that
Volcanic bros....I miss our boi already
the animations on it are so silly especially jumping
reddit animal
Need her to ride my face ASAP
There is no reason to do any M+ above a +10 so who cares. You're honestly genuinely a straight up retard if you push higher than +10 or higher than +20 in the previous system. There is exactly 0 benefit other than arbitrarily inflating your own ego that nobody else cares about.
I'm gonna miss Spiteful, Afflicted and Incorporeal so fucking much bros... Most fun affixes ever... You could tell a lot of love went into their conception...
t. sub 3k shitter lmao
lets you pad on aoe, which is the ultimate endgame in worlo
>playing the game for some dogshit participation trophies like dungeon portals rather than because you enjoy it
spiteful is ok
afflicted and incorporeal are only bad because too many classes cant do anything about it
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mages will be gods in TWW i'm telling you EVERYONE and their mothers will be playing mage
>new dungeons have single packs that have as many mechanics as heroic bosses
nigga how are people supposed to pull multiple packs at once, ie play in a way that is fun

>mages will be gods
what else is new
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her new design fucking sucks
This might be true. Never bothered to keep check cause it's useless above 2500. Probably like 2800 was my highest.

I play M+ for crests and gear you fucking idiot. That's literally all it's good for. Who the fuck unironically "enjoys" spamming the same dungeon over and over for trying to farm a specific item drop?
Have you been on the beta? every other player is an arcane or fire sunfury mage
and NO ONE will be shaman
>watching ilvl go up? GOOD
>watching io go up? BAD
I'll be a resto shaman, because there's so few healers left after all the gay shit they did to healers in DF that no one plays them anymore and you'll be forced to take me
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still my favourite character though
>Blizzard doing their best to kill shaman
>Blizzard doing their best to kill any desire to play Horde

What's their endgame?
OG is about to enter 48 hours of maintenance, get ready for the raid
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Zul'jin didn't glue a fucking shield on the stump.
it's literally this
Zul'jin was a character who had a lot of things going on, missing an arm was just part of his character and it's never focused on
Faerin Lok'tar is her disability and there's a lot of focus on it
bad writers can't help themselves, they do this with the wheelchair dracthyr and the deaf centaur, too
don't worry bwo us meleecucks will join you on the hated by blizz shitlist (excluding ret, ww and dh)
>um um um um um the shield arm it doesn't um the shield arm doesn't um er doesn't make sense see I uh um I did the physics calculations it uh um wouldn't work um this Warcraft armor/weapon it uh er um not realistic that's uh why I um don't like her
vulpera are horde though
literally killed the horde on RP servers
>wiped beta
>no instant 80 server
>still can't even import account data
What the fuck, there wasn't even an update?
Correct. The former actually benefits me by strengthening my character so i can do more damage and survive more, making everything better for me. The latter does literally nothing passed 2500 which is KSH which gives you mythic armor glows for all armors.
but created the erp scene
wheelchair dracthyr is a random npc in a little optional camp
they definitely didn’t focus on it
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>The former actually benefits me by strengthening my character
>The latter does literally nothing
It strengthens your renown so you get invited to better groups and get to play with better players, and have more opportunities such as getting invited to boosting communities to make gold
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I will never get over just how fucking retarded Blizzard were for doing this
Just let me into fucking Stormwind already holy fuck FUCK ORGRIMMAR

where do I find this vulpera lady so she can meet my Tauren?
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She shares models with Sylvanas
And she's always found at Wymrest Temple too
Her consorts name, is Korialstrasz
And she helps you take down Malygos the Blue
Some call her the Dragon Queen
Sister of She of the Dream
Joined the Aspects who then stole
The Demon Soul

Life of the Flame, call her by name
Malygos claimed, her child named Keristrasza
She loves all life
She rarely fights
She hates Deathwing's Black Dragonflight
Ruby Sanctum was taken from Xerestrasza
Alexstrasza, Alexstrasza ...

Captured her babies
But he's not much of a dad; it's kinda sad :(
And all those red eggs, became Twilight
Now they're part of the Sarth fight, but they're just adds xD
Some call her the Dragon Queen
Sister of She of the Dream
Joined the Aspects who then stole
The Demon Soul

Life of the Flame, call her by name
Malygos claimed, her child named Keristrasza
She loves all life
She rarely fights
She hates Deathwing's Black Dragonflight
Ruby Sanctum was taken from Xerestrasza
Alexstrasza, Alexstrasza ...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXQy8dppeMc (worse version, don't watch)
Who cares? I have millions of gold i don't need to carry retards in shit dungeons for extra gold. My 'renown' has never been an issue since i can get KSH every season the first 3 weeks with ease.
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>blizzard releases an update which stops my mods from working until app update
fine.. guess i WONT play your game then yet

s-server?! name?!
let them come. frostmourne hungers
to think I was making fun of hypershit models in xiv
>Solo old raids for fun
>"Man, all these unusable transmog pieces are going to be account-wide real soon, better not throw them away..."

>5 open slots in bank

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anon, they literally put a blurb about how crippled they are in a quest for no reason other than to point it out
when you interact with someone who has a disability they don't do this because it's cringe and fucking stupid
sell them
item restoration
let them sit in mail
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secrets of azeroth was pretty comfy
why the fuck is worlo so low-res anyway
minecraft has better textures than almost anything in this screenshit aside from the dude and the dog
because you're a zoomer
desu it's probably my 2017 AMD card
Because the graphic engine is a voodoo frankenstein version of a the 1999 warcraft 3 engine
>You can restore up to 50 items once every 7 days on each character.
Oh, it's that easy?
Thanks, that should tide me over.
my dude its fucking northrend

Buff is up on Retoilet and Remix, 50% more Pandaria rep, good week to grind
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da 'dir
the nigga under the platform is so annoying to solo, i can never get the jump right the first time
Nobody cares chud stfu
Trans rights
Disabled rights
Bipoc rights
Are season 4 and bullions going away with the pre patch?
I don't know any source that claims he refused to regenerate. All I know is that there are a million rumours as to why, ranging from "the troll regeneration is not as potent as advertised" to "his stump was somehow burnt" and "he was too weak to regrow it in time".
The difference between Zul'jin, HERO OF THE AMANI, and Faerin is that in his case it never was a topic. He didn't identify over being a cripple, instead he was just a bitter, scarred, damaged guy with so much fucking rage in his heart he uses a retarded weapon like a bladed tonfa and still murders loads of people.
Faerin makes a deal out of being a cripple in an effort not to "conform to imposed standards" despite the fact her entire culture is magically and mechanically advanced they could easily have crafted her a magitechnical prosthetic that may even be superior to a regular arm - And isntead uses a shitty type of carrying a shield around that's basically just dangling without any clever or elegant way to use it. Despite what WoW shows you, a shield is not just a plank, it is a weapon in its own right, and Faerin is just making a step back.
She could have had a million other things in place for her stupid shield, she could have been a different type of "knight" that was no less dutiful, honourable, and badass that didn't even need her to be a strong melee warrior wahmen.
Fuck, if she is going to be holier than anduin just make her a Living Saint type of character what has other Light limbs apart from wings.
I would say yes
touch grass
as someone who has a real physical disability, and not some made up tumblr self diagnosed one, I do care
it's insulting, we do not define ourselves by it
except deaf people, they're fucking crazy and believe they're superior for being deaf
I like her voice and anons that did quests with her said shes nice. So i really dont care
I would literally kiss her feet if it was Jaina, that doesn't excuse that half orc thing.
>you hate women
>n-no you hate black people
I hate both, but nice backpedaling
retard, even if she was white she would still look like fucking dogshit
it’s half a sentence and then never brought up again
I don’t even see what’s “woke” about it, the guy broke half the bones in his body and is sad
yeah I bet he is
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There are cooler ways to deal with a handicap in fantasy than retarded shit like gluing a shield to a stump. Pic related
Don't think so
because when I'm doing my work I don't just tell people why I'm disabled
anon you're fat, not disabled
Does WoW have end of expansion parties where players gather and just have a good time? If so where would these be held.
>Xal’atath’s Bargain: Frenzied
this is definitely not push week
you're a nigger, which is a disability
Everything in that screenshot aside from the dude and the dog was made in 2002-2007
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And while we're on the subject I'll put in a cooler substitute for a wheelchair as well.
you remember when Rich followed that random guy and screamed
I think he was right
99% of the people who still play this game are bottom of the barrel in society
some of them (like myself) are self aware but this game is legit filled with 90 IQ subhumans it's sad
I shouldn't be playing with them but it is what it is
Blizzard should've future-proofed it.
fuck off divayth, everybody's sick of your shit
sotha sil is my one and only god
>tfw no strogification mechagnome opening scene
she's the character equivalent of player housing that appeals to hardly anyone who actually comes to discuss the game.
it's not racism as much as of all the shit to put in the game why fucking bother when no one cares.
It's fucking hilarious
No one knows more about retail quest texts than them
>skip lorewalker ""boss"" in temple of jade serpent
>doesn't count as completed for vault
what the fug
nobody reads quests anymore because they already know this worthless garbage is what they're going to get
“character lost an arm then got a cool superpowered magic demon arm” isn’t a handicap
they’d be functionally the same if they just had a magic arm from the start
why add it in if no one is going to read it?
good thing this is a video game where quest text is used to add lore and flavor text and not real life then, huh?
What do you mean? You read it
I accept your concession
Honestly what really kills it for me is that damn zoomer broccoli haircut
Now they're gonna start seething about how under this logic past characters like Pelagos and Chromie aren't really representative of trans people because they're magical transformations. And that's right, and it's good that Blizzard's progressiveness is actually progressing from their past flaws and improving over time.
trans people don't exist in a magical world, simple as
You probably also don't say shit like, "Speak to me again when you wish to begin the encounter." because you're not an MMO quest giver.
I’m not about to argue in this shithole but that’s not the same. A person changing gender is trans representation because their gender changed, regardless of how they did it.
A character like Swain isn’t handicap representation because he isn’t handicapped. Yes he lost an arm, but he now has a magic arm that does everything his old arm did and more.
It’s like saying Illidan is blind representation because his eyes were burned out. But he isn’t blind, he has magic fire eyes that let him see better than before. It’s not representation to give a character a malady, then fix that malady with a solution that makes them a normal person (or even better than a normal person).
Big Greek Cock
M+ sisters we are FEASTING!!!
>dispels magical arm
Only if anyone cared about M+...
Finally a good kiss curse affix. Will reward good play just like orbs on Smolderon
Or just add me Crusty#11278
Blind rep would be someone who cant see at all anon. Illidan isnt blind at all
See this is where I take issue with condescending woke faggotry, because I HAVE A FUCKING DISABILITY. And if I wanted to see it represented in fantasy, I wouldn't want my fucking hearing aids ported over into a fantasy world to anchor me to the real world and remind me even in fantasy land I'm a deaf retard dependent on hearing aids, I'd want magic super hearing because I'm a wizard or echolocation after making a pact with a bat demon because I'm a warlock or some other cool shit. It's the most tone deaf (kek) shit imaginable to have some retard come up to me and be like 'HEY! WE PUT YOUR HEARING AIDS IN A FANTASY WORLD TO REMIND YOU YOU'RE A DEAF RETARD DEPENDENT ON THEM TO HEAR AND YOU'LL NEVER ESCAPE THAT REALITY, EVEN IN FANTASY LAND. ISN'T THAT GREAT?'
MoP remix sucks
That’s my point. Illidan is conceptually blind representation (he doesn’t have eyes), but in practice he can still see, so he isn’t actually.
I never thought of him as being blind, we know he can see
>Rework hunter
>Still refuse to fix SV and getting rid of the ridiculous melee hunter limitations
Aspect of the Eagle. Throw Weapon/Throw Glaive. A few minor code adjustments.
That's all it takes. They have *every* single fucking thing in the game already, all they need to do is fucking connect the dots.
>But then SV doesn't have a niche anymore!
So get them a new one. Fuck's sake. Just because the one faggot designer decided he needed to fuck up the class in Legion to make it "different" for its own sake doesn't mean we have to continue this retardation.
For what it's worth you can still have SV be the firebomb dispenser. MAke SV into the Tinker spec that uses all kinds of ammunition/arrows/stings and traps.
just fucking end this meaningless, pointless, and essentially worthless attachment to a shitty core class fantasy.
How does someone always manage to pull a side group of the tethered trash at the end of Shado-Pan Monastery after watching the other 4 people skip them? Every fucking time in this place in both remix and TW.
this is the faggot in question by the way who did it, in case you wanted something to hate watch
Just play a ranged class
There’s nothing wrong with “fixing” disabilities in cool fantasy ways, but if you’re trying to represent that disability accurately, giving the person some souped-up magic solution doesn’t do that.
If I want a guy with hearing loss in my fantasy story then I need to write a guy that can’t fucking hear. Giving them demon ears that let them hear a pin drop 5 miles away doesn’t accomplish that.
bro your deaf centaur leading the tribe?
+10 Mists need 1 dps 1 healer
If you take my haste buff orb I will kick and report, acknowledge all Xalatath orbs belong to me, the retgod top dps
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why did blizzard make it seem like sylvanas wanted to fuck the shit out of anduin so much?
isn't her love interest supposed to have always been cuckthanos?
then you want a low-fantasy universe
WoW is, and always has been, a high fantasy universe in a near constant state of warfare because it's ripped off from Warhammer Fantasy
magic, magic items, technology such as flying, alchemy, all exist in abundance in this universe
dont care as long as your key is bricked
survival was always a melee spec, you guys hijacked it first (even if it was pretty shit)
Nathanos popped out of nowhere sometime in wrath/cataclysm and a new writer at the time immediately latched onto him as a self-insert for his own lust for Sylvanas. Before that he was an irrelevant quest NPC in the Eastern Plaguelands.
I’m not saying things NEED to be written that way, I’m saying that if you’re specifically writing a handicapped character, and examining their handicap through your writing, they have to actually be handicapped.
A guy losing an arm and getting a badass demon arm to replace it is cool. A guy losing his arm and building a super-strong robotic replacement is cool. But if I’m writing a story that examines what it’s like to lose an arm, I’m not accurately portraying that if 10 pages in my main character functionally isn’t missing an arm anymore.
things survivalists DON'T DO (list of retarded things):
throw grenades at pointblank range
i dont know what else they do i played them for 20 minutes 6 years ago

things survivalists DO:
shoot explosive shots at pointblank range
deal shadow damage with that one attack

we need ranged survival back.
I want xalatath orbs in my mouth
>deal shadow damage with that one attack
>surv cant pick dark ranger
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>this priest applies to your mythic n'zoth group
would you invite them?
so does sylvanas want to fuck anduin then?
why the conflicting narrative?
I can solo nzoth
because the writer who recently got fired has a weird old lady younger guy fetish and it was really obvious
which content do proving grounds ranks show up for?
unironically all of them
>so does sylvanas want to fuck anduin then?
anon the 4chan shitposting is not real...
why not remove fort+tyrannical at this point and just increase the base scaling? i dont get it
ez manageable affix desu
oh fuck do you need to redo it every season or is once good enough?
even without the shitposting here it was really heavy handed in game idk
once is good enough
again, 4chan shitposting is not real
more like stop injecting your autistic fetishes into the game lol
yeah like I'm the only one who noticed that
actual braindead retard
They said they're changing those too so might see some rework there or nerfs
>actual braindead retard
ironic lol I'm sure she really want to fuck anduin while looking for the soul of her bf
nathanos has been ingame since vanilla, he just got remade into danuser's self-insert for legion onward
>last 2h from kunlai eluded me for so long I just rerolled an alt and quested through there again
why did they go through and break every good mob spawn at event start again? then double all bronze gains and triple spool gains? all it did is make the green farming meta excessively retarded.
Probably wanted people to do the content and not sit and autistically farm a single mob type
NTA and I agree with you for the most part, but choosing a setting with a hundred magic ways to instantly trivialize a disability is maybe not the best place to examine said disability
yes running through kunlai on your 13th warrior is neurotypical behavior desmephisto
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I -NEED- to have sex with Xaly.
alleria is better and not evil desu
Survival being melee causes me intense physical pain
More like intense anal pain!
I agree with that, wheelchair Dracthyr is kinda dumb when they’re just down the road from the best healers in the setting.

+10 Tyrannical and Fortified are active.

Xal’atath betrays players, revoking her bargains and increasing the health and damage of enemies by 20%.

Enjoy mazedcucks
why don't they make it so once your main outgrows the use of a certain tier of crests you get a boost to acquisition rates of that crest for your entire account? do these retards actually expect me to redo the whole grind from scratch every time I want to try playing an alt?
leave hot wheels dracthyr alone QQ
Need green fleshlight
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have decided to play some twwh3 instead of questing in zuldrak today sorry lads, maybe tomorrow
oh goodie!!!! is mating press time!!!!!!

^ rate my fat retarded stinky orc RP
>^ rate my fat retarded stinky orc RP
post him
is that sex?
I'm phoneposting and too obese to get up
Warbound gear will help a lot with alts
Can you tell apart male and female vulperas or is it a lalafell situation
Damn Druids got some bussin transmog in DF fr fr
Shaman blue post
priests got the best one in the game with the aberrus set desu
the elite version of it is kino
Yes they have distinct facial features
they completely killed m+ lmao
I don't even want to go for portals next season like jesus christ who thought those changes were good
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imagine doing M+ when you could just do Delves lmao



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Hello wielders of the elements!

Over the first few weeks of testing, we gathered a lot of feedback from you. Subsequently, we aligned that feedback with our design goals, and got to work.

We’ve been recently working through a package of updates for Shamans, and we can now confirm that we’ll have the majority of the changes implemented and ready for testing in the next Beta build, next week.

Before then, we intend to deploy some Beta tuning hotfixes for the class in the next couple of days. But please know that this tuning is not a part of the package coming next week.

does she suck lightforged futa horsecock?
>one more week
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>Beef says: Wellington! I must ask-
>Wellington says: Beef! I've brought you here to ask-
Wellington pauses for a moment in confusion and then laughs.
Beef errupts in laughter.
>Beef says: Did we just?
>Wellington says: We did. Want to get married?
>Beef says: More than anything. I love you.
>Wellington says: And I, you. More than anything
Imagine doing M+ when you could just roll around in broken glass.
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I'd rather have either the crest boost for alts or just straight up letting me send them from my main at a reduced conversion rate
Kek I thought you were trolling.
>next week shaman rework
>the week after that? turalyon dies
No its actually happening as soon as next week
tyrannical and fortified active at +10s
ANOTHER 20% health and damage buff to enemies at +12, while getting rid of the affix that gives the players power when they do it right
>but muh balance
it's blizzard. they're are going to fuck it up and leave it fucked up for months.
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>eagle feral spirits
>scp-2845 ghost wolf
we ballin
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Just like tww will launch with bolstering and shamans being forgotten, right? :)
These changes are amazing for any m+ player, faggot
>tyrannical and fortified active at +10s
So? You only need to do 10s once.

>ANOTHER 20% health and damage buff to enemies at +12, while getting rid of the affix that gives the players power when they do it right
Get fucked faggot, you mentally ill weirdos pushing pass 10 deserve this.
It's so fucking over this time for real, wow/retail is dead
>These changes are amazing for any m+ player
Not everyone is a casual shitter like you
you god damn bastart i will find you irl
Sorry tdh the game is made for people like me now.
wtf don't
im changing my ip address now get away freak
>we push higher than 10 because we like to le challenge ourselves
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we do le high keys because hard
they make it le harder without causing infinite scaling
le nooo
The fuck do you mean how
They removed the most dogshit affixes to ever plague m+ and there is an actual kiss curse affix worth doing regardless of your role
High key enjoyers dont have to chase push weeks as now every week is one. Consistency.
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>High key enjoyers dont have to chase push weeks as now every week is one.
frenzied is definitely a hard pass week for pushers
You can tell there's no organic interest in this slop because 12k with a fresh release, drops and sponsorships is dreadful
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Frenzied doesnt apply to 12 anr above
oh nice lets hope they don't fuck the reward structure, the lack of information is a good sign so far.
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Faerin's shield is simply a shit design IMO.
It's neither a realistic prosthetic, nor a overly fanciful magic thing. It's just a shield attached to her shoulder via the same videogame contrivance that lets us "sheath" gear by having it float an inch from our backs.
It could be significantly improved by either giving it a grittier "real" design, or by going all out with it actually being magically/telekinetically used.
uuh so what was the point of korthia?
Shouldve have left her half an arm and the shield strapped onto that
niggers have a weak connection to the thoughtsphere, and orcs elect their mages by judging which man bashes the most alliance women's heads in with rocks then rapes her twitching seizing rapidly dying body infront of her husband. sadly both her bloodlines forbid those paths to her, retarded shield is the only option.
kek what is this?
it was supposed to be some place where forbidden knowledge gets locked away which should theoretically make it one of the most important places in the warcraft universe but it was just used as a plot device to explain why j'lor didn't already have the primus' sigil and then forgotten about
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>Doomhammer must have recognized the threat in his tone, for the orc leader gripped his hammer with both hands and swung it up, blocking the blow he sensed was coming. But Turalyon had both hands wrapped around the broken sword's hilt and brought the blade down in a blinding flash of light — and the ruined weapon slammed hard into the massive warhammer's black stone head, the impact traveling down the heavy wooden handle and shaking it free of its master's grip. The hammer fell harmlessly to the side. Doomhammer's eyes widened as he realized what had happened, and then he closed them and gave a faint nod, waiting for the rest of the blow to fall.

>But Turalyon had turned the blade at the last second, and struck the orc with the flat instead of the edge. The impact drove Doomhammer to his knees, and then he collapsed alongside Lothar, but Turalyon could see the rise and fall of the warchief's back.

>"You will stand trial for your crimes," he told the unconscious orc, the light building around him. "You will stand in Capital City, in chains" — it was brighter than the brightest day now, and every orc turned away, cowering from the blinding light — "as the leaders of the Alliance decide your fate, and there you will acknowledge your full defeat."
thats not guts
how about a fucking heal spell, or an artificial mechagnome arm?
Yes, but you're on the DO NOT INVITE lists.
it's such a shithole, terrain is awful to navigate, and nothing to do but kill rares for no real purpose, and some shitty dailies for a faction that only provides welfare and yet another ve'nari-like vendor to unlock the ability to upgrade your welfare gear a bit more
also it's part of the fucking maw so you can't fly either, FUCK
I'll always make fun of people who actually PAID for this expansion
I just don't like niggers. That's it.
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>M+ fixed this week
>shamans fixed next week
>healing fixed 2 weeks from now
We. Are. Bussin.
Well that's unfortunate.
nobody does, including themselves
what's wrong with healing?
cool it with the racism guys

every day we look more and more like chink MMO. go on the beta right now and pick any hunter spec, go to target dummies. your rotation feels good, sure... but watch what's happening onscreen and tell me if that's what a hunter does, or if your character is having an LSD dream.
too many factors funnel into being their problem
hear me out. your characters eyes are only cosmetic - their real eyes are the camera you see the game through, they're able to telekinetically pivot them at your command.
>when you get extremely drunk the screen goes blurry
>when the camera hits a solid surface it can't pierce through
yep your character is a super mutant with satellite eyes, and you're seeing the game through a neural interface with them.
anyway when your character has an LSD dream you see that represented on screen. your hunter is dreaming that each of the arrows he shoots turns into a rainbow and shoots 3 extra arrows and that rapid fire turns into a red stream of vomit.
shut up kike
>1 good game away from getting the 1800 set on my dk
>queue into extreme hard counters, go 1/6 and drop rating
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Oh hey I made this, good to see void mommy being passed around
this must be why DPS constantly selfdestruct and ragequit winnable matches. I'd self harm if I had 40 minute queues.
Looks like a troon.
looks like maddison beer
Can you type like a normal person? What's your issue? Too many visuals?
let humans be druids already
no, that's not my issue at all and I'm not sure where you got that idea.
Fuck that. Kul'Tiran and worgen shouldn't even be druids.
>post a tune to empower the elements for the upcoming shaman rework

Hunters have too many visuals and you'd like that toned down? I don't get it
imagine being a stormcuck
If that's your first response after seeing void mommy, I have bad news for you
That's a man.
When the season first dropped my queues were only like 5 minutes at most but that was on my main with the 2200 mmr that carried over, this dk had none of that
unholy feels like fucking hot garbage to play in arenas but it does crazy damage
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I cant be reading this right, did they just give a 30% damage and healing buff to everything a warrior does?
listen you bastard I already told you they keep taking drugs and have an innate advantage in the satellite eye debacle as ranged attackers with 20/20 eyesight, including talents and skills which make it clear they have enhanced eyesight. I want the foundational archetypes of this game altered.
Low test
Holy fuck lmao
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We gave up N'zoth for a fucking tranny.
I could handle 10-15 minute queues. anything beyond that and the wait time anger would spill over into the game and tilt me.
>paladin has a feminine jawline
Thanks for the free meal, stud *wipes the tauren cum from her cheeks*
Yeah, usually what happens is I'll go "Alright time to queue some shuffs" on my DK then 40 minutes pass and the queue finally pops, someone declines it 6 times in a row (as is tradition) before the queue truly pops but by then Ive already lost any and all interest in pvping and probably got sidetracked doing something else
what's the best way to trigger pvpsissies?
queueing up as a healer in solo shuffle and doing fuck all?
cool as hell set tho. I think I dare, in spite of the miserable picture that anecdote paints
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Are we playing ret(tribution) paladins?
people at rating floor seethe over everything, they have essays on why it's your fault they're stuck there
>blizzard removed Death Chakram
just looked at the changes to radiant glory and it AIN'T bussin'
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Yeah I love it, great callback to Gorefiend/WC2 DKs. I dont even play dk and just wanted it cause I think the white colored version looks sick
what colour cloth did they wear in wc2/BtDP again?
>queue into lfr wing while dragonflying
>finish it and find myself stuck in the air unable to move or act even after dismounting
>can remount though to be stuck with a companion
I'm supposed to believe this game is ready for a new expansion release lmao
It was extremely cynical design. Not just unoriginal, but painstakingly made to make sure it took weeks to complete because they chose to lock season 2 sockets behind maxing out the stupid currency-rep thing, all while being one of the most visually unappealing zones ever designed. Blatantly pushed out the door just to pad out the patch content to farm playtime and nothing else, not a single soul could look at that place and even try to cope that it was in any way "fun."
I think it was mostly a red hooded cloak
we need at least 4 more dwarf focused expansions
Is that good or bad?
Good imo I hate that kind of skills especially with that low cooldown but to be fair I don't even play hunter at a relevant level.
Just checked yeah they always wore red, dont think we got the purple/blue ones until WC3
Its your fags' faults for screaming so much about how timeless isle was the most epic piece of epicness ever and then causing blizzard to proceed to only make that type of content island forever
>It's your fault because you enjoyed something
Is this the mindset joyless doomer losers have? Is that why you're always so miserable?
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It's unironically over
are you playing the defile build with 30 second apoc instead of strang?
i think it feels pretty nice unless you que into a full phys lobby with a fury warrior
i hate fury warriors.
que times have gotten far worse in the last three weeks
Are you sure? Literally every paladin player want this gone
Dead game.
Yeah, I mean I dont mind the rotation its just the pure amount of fucking cooldowns to keep track of that all come off cd at different times and my diseases and trying to make sure i dont biff it on my ghoul kicks
Need an Orc alt for mogging purposes. Shaman, Warrior or DK?
i didnt like it that much anyway
however i did like the holy shock shield
is that still in from shadowlands?
its welcome for all hunters. the skill was originally a heavy single target nuke in shadowlands beta which got a lot worse if you couldn't single the target out, which is a cool thing to have on a medium cooldown. imagine a reverse chill streak. but then some fat neet who participated in AWC a few times sat on the beta 24/7 for LITERAL months oneshotting people with it, so it got bricked close to launch.

it sat there useless for a year then they tied a damage amp / explosive shot to it to make it useable. really should've died as the covenant skill it was and not made it to the talent tree.
i suck at the ghoul kicks but if i have pressure i just drag them on top of the healer and use my 15yd interupt, the range on that lil nigga is clutch
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Now we know what is behind every healer
>they added interracial and anal to LGBTQ now
wtf I love this movement
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Fuck yeah
Great to hear. Idk what happened but recent reworks and class changes have been spot on
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>Generic dudes voice
DK imo
I main ret so Im retarded and not used to not having to throw utility out to people on my team/having get out of jail free cards so I play way too risky on my dk which is another problem I have
The Sneed Within looks mid no cap
Midnight/The Last TITan waiting room expansion no doubt
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Lamplighter > mawwalker
is that some gay tranny fantasy reference or what
this isn't a healer issue, it's just a furfag issue
World of Warcraft: Wokesoul saga
The Woman Within
The Last Tranny
Lamplighters are the arathi in hallowfall
through the revamped archaeology profession you discover they were thrown out of the kingdom of arathor and denounced as "coalburners". their greatest historians rediscovered this later and used the term "lamplighter" to put a positive spin on their murky bloodline.
I need to lick moiras ginger pussy
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>major shaman changes coming next week
I just knew all my anonymous death threats would pay off eventually!
god i wish i were my dracthyr
you will never be an amani troll
blizz please please please please please let them use the primalist spell effects i'm BEGGING you
I am going to have sex with this female forsaken from Tirisfal Glades. I find the forsaken in The World of Warcraft sexy. However, their body is made up of 87% rot, and an unholy aura surrounds them. That could plague me if I tried to have sex with one. To remedy this, the forsaken casts a spell on me making me resistant to necromantic magic. Keep in mind, resistant is not the same as immune. I still take damage. It is either 1 point or 0 points of damage each second I am having sex with her. Just because a particular second caused 0 points of damage, does not mean that I did not feel anything, it just means I took no damage. I am not going to rush through having sex with this forsaken. I make sure I pleasure anything I have sex with—especially corpses! I’d rather take damage than not pleasure the forsaken.

The forsaken and I go to the tundras of Northrend to have sex. When having sex with corpses, it is ALWAYS sexier to have sex in their natural habitat rather than a human’s natural habitat. The icy wastes of Northrend is the forsaken’s natural habitat.

Before we went into Icecrown Citadel, the forsaken let all the Scourge know that we are just here for sex. The Scourge will not attack us because they know that I am here at the Icecrown Citadel on sexual business. This includes the abominations. However, the lich Kel'thuzad thinks that I am going to be an easy recruit for becoming a follower of Arthas Menethil considering that I am having sex with a forsaken. However, I have no interest in becoming a death knight.
this is a cry for help
Darkspear: couldn’t win any battles without the Horde’s help
Amani: couldn’t win any battles even with the Horde’s help
I’m good, thanks.
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my honest reaction to that information
what's this panda's endgame?
>be Dagran
>be an extreme dweeb, even by gnomish standards
>no hope of sex
>Moira has to teach him, it can't be helped
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I headcannon that the danger swirls bosses put on the ground before an attack lands are esoteric visions from the loa about the near future.

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