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Previous: >>483331020

>Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis -The Answer- will be released on September 9 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsTbz82TmWM
>Metaphor: ReFantazio will be released on October 11, 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfgkVGFhN8A
>P5X released in China - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOtZcTAMuIE
>I want some Pizza

>P5U.jp (Arena) Expires: 2025/04/30
>P5B.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31
>P5M.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31

>We have moved everything to GoogleDocs and on the Internet Archive:
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Anti Spammer Tech:
P6 will be the true Peersona experience
Why would you pick Yukari as wife material over all the other girls?
She is my sister
Which Persona girl would be most likely to deport all foreigners and institute a forced fitness and breeding program?
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Active /psg/
Female Shido
What does that mean?
Gallica posts are the only good things about this place
You will be forced to unfat, fatty
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why not
He's an edgy /pol/fag. I remember when I went through that phase.
Because the other girls are better?
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P6 will have a gender swap themed dungeon
Because she's the best girl.
What a cutie.
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How does that work?
Mommy maya
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I wouldn’t.
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Romanceable Nanako...
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Like this
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breeding yusuke
Cute and canon
What are they making?
Cute and canon
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Yummy memories with Sexkari
She looks so happy
Happy wife is a happy life
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milk time
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Sumiro and his squareheaded gf...
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>b-but muh realism
That doesn't make her wife material
Chihirobros... I think I'm converting to Yumkarism
>squareheaded gf...
Sounds nice, at least female schizos are tolerable
Sounds like a good way to get pegged.
This is like the 4 or 5 time you say the same thing about Yukari. Stop obsessing over your sister, bro.
I don't think it's possible for girls that young to grow tits this big
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God, I love fairies
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Men really think it's ok to live like this
>guys live in apartments like this and don’t see any issue
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buns in an oven
I see no problem with this
How did V fail so hard with its Pixie companion
NE NE NE shares voice lines with Zelda fairy.
Where can I try it?
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i wanna put them in a jar and fill it up with hot glue
This game has so much sovl
Flat chests are very attractive
Flattaba more like Yumtaba
I like them either flat as a board or HUGE, no in between
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Too much sovl for modern audiences to handle.
This really made me laugh out loud reddit friend!
If I got with a flat chested girl I should be owed reparations for sacrificing the chance to touch actual boobs.
This but unironically
Do you think a remake of P1 and P2 would work?
Flat chests are beautiful and valid, dont discriminate you filthy moids
Then you clearly don't deserve a cute flatie you faggot, go squeeze a bag of sand like the mindless animal you are
If they can hate me because of my small weenie I can hate them for their nonexistent boobs
>For fanart? Yes.
>Gameplay wise it really depends on what they keep and cut. For example the negotiations add a lot of soul and definition to all of the cast and demons, but it's clunky and hard to use.
>They would probably quickly remove items being used in fusion.
>Probably would be made to be like modern persona for how it's controlled in the overworld, but without a calender system
I mean it could be ok, but it's going to lose a lot to make it on Nupersona standards.
Sounds like skill issue
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P6 will have a romancable antagonist.
Flat chested women hug closer to the heart
Is she a hag?
women can't be antagonists
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You can just smell the mid 90's
That's Persona 1
Fatlus please
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She is 22
I will sail the seven Chees.
It sold way better than any of its previous games excluding persona though.
Snd find love is a place you'll never see
Passing you like a summer breeze
You feel life has no other reason to be
You can wait a million years and find
That heaven's too far away from you
Love's just a thing others do
What is love
Til it comes home to Chww~
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I don't wanna be old anymore bros.... why can't i be 17 forever....
All according to Chww
Can we add another 10-20 years to that number?
Can we like remove 20 years from that?
I've failed...
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God I love peers.
I want her to give me drugs at an affordable price
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Name one villain in the mainline series who isn't a force of nature or a divine entity.
All the bad women are just missguided (Sae, Anna), sad (Maki, Chidori) or doing it for the men they love (Chizuru), and they get their redemption. The only exception are the shitty one-off villains in the Snow Queen Quest and Maya Okamura, who just goes full schizo at the last minute.
That's because women lack the motivation and commanding power to be truly antagonist. They can only tag alone.
What does it have to do with its Pixie being annoying?
>Name one villain in the mainline series who isn't a force of nature or a divine entity.
It's mostly Fatlus doesn't like doing them since they make the main human bad guy equal to the MC for fujo purposes. I think even Figue counts as the same as Chizuru and that was a recent female main antagonist. SMTVV has Yuko, but she's really not done well with how dumb she is.
Fuck, I meant to say female villain
And that's a good thing!
I want to fix a misguided, sad, lonely (and horny) persona female antagonist!
I just killed Jesus.

How long does it take to beat the final boss/Nyx? I heard that he has like 15 phases, and I have maybe an hour left before my 2 or 3 pizzas arrive.
If you are on Reload, then theurgies will take out a phase each. You can fly through them easily, multiple per turn, and he gets nothing to actually harm you.

If on FES/P3P, then it's gonna take a while since it takes one cycle of attacks to get through each phase
>Name one but this one doesn't count
>and this one doesn't count
>this one doesn't count either because I say so Faggot.
Why was Eminem so scared to diss Kamoshida?
Who has the fastest charging theurgies? Yukari? Stupei? Akihiko with autobuffs? Koromaru should be the slowest I assume, since they're not gonna have weaknesses, but I like his double damage for physicals theurgy.
So these are the 3 Dancing models but with the new Reload outfits. Why not just use the Reload models?
Akihiko with autobuffs and Ken with Yukari. Crits also work against Nyx too.
>2 or 3 pizzas
You should eat healthy, Anon...
You are not finishing the game before your pizzas arrive.
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She's the only member of Strega who gets a redemption.
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cute ken
So? No one would say Darth Vader isn't a villain just because he's redeemed at the end
nanako, she killed millions.
>fujo purposes
So fujos are to blame for this? Fucking hell, they just keep ruining video games... we should do something about it.
Name one male villain in the mainline series who isn't a force of nature or a divine entity.
All the evil men are just missguided (Maruki, Namatame), sad (Akechi, Jun) or doing it because they're incels (Kubo,Adachi). The only exceptions are the shitty one-off villains in the palaces, Strega or poor attempts at plot twist like Ikutsuki, who don't really count because of how one dimensional they're just evil for the sake of being evil.
That's because men are very basic and barbaric in nature. They can only serve as self inserts for sad chuds.
Fatlus began pandering more to Fujos for years since they buy more merch in bulk.
>killed your parents and kills you condemned your soul to be the protector of humanity forever like a huge padlock
SHARTgis, the real villain (and worst girl) of P3.
male hands wrote this post
Can I nuke them?
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Is this really true?
Yeah, peers are worse honestly
Weak to cock
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>is this shadow telling the truth
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>Young boys are such great assets. They lack strength be it social, physical, or mental.
Tummies so erotic..
A man wrote this post.
Do you think they.... um, you know?
bunny loves you
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Yes they do share Joker now stop typing like that you fucking faggot
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kill all homos.
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little boys are made for cross dressing
She merges with Lilith and tries to kill you.
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>implies young women aren't weak
>posts ann and makoto
What did he mean by this?
Kanji backs out at the last second and now Naoto has to sit in the corner and watch the other two
I threw my switch at Ann during an argument and she said she wont buy me a new one...but it only broke because it missed her and hit the wall....what do i do...
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Kill yourself then
You did make sure to raise your proficiency rank right? Just fix it
>he's a lawfag
Moids: is that two teenage girls? I MUST sexualize them and make them kiss because.... i just habe to, ok??????!!?!?
Who's the most trans coded persona character?
If he had proficiency he would have beaned her with the switch
This. Only children should be unapologetically sexualized. Frothing over t**nagers is absolutely vile and should be shunned upon
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There's nothing wrong with two girls kissing
i think it's time you put her in her place (between your legs servicing you)
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What did I win?
I'm eating good tonight
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what happens here?
that's where Narukami's cum drips from after everything is done
fine dining
Don't think
Just relax
Here's the (you)
Feel free to stop posting your slop
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if you say please I'll stop today sure
I hate that thumblr speech
noot tummy
rape coded>>>>>>>>
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Who's the most rapebait coded persona character?
The Makoto's ass community is dying
What combat advantages does the slit showing the ass crack provide?
that butt was specifically made to squeeze cock dry
I made it through all the arcana forms and 25% of Death Arcana Nyx... but then my pizzas arrived... sorry Death, you gotta wait...

Merciless btw

I didn't see this post before but I only ordered 2, so I hope you're happy

How did he know??
Air flow
This AI right? I can tell by the shit eyes
Please post some big Mitsuru AI slop.
Please sit on my face
ever played the DS Game Rub Rabbit?
Yukiko was made for the Narukami cock
I always look at the hands. AI can't do hands
Do you think Futaba jacks off while flying around in Necronomicon? It's not like anyone can see her.
Post some actually good AI shit
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Yuki-chan was made for beary handsome individuals
Reload bad
Reload dogshit
Reload worst game ever made
Game was made by devs
That've never played a p3 game in their life
Reload bad
Reload dogshit
Reload worst game ever made
How could you mess it up
This bad
The Reload Answer update won't really won't
Make this shit game better you're on copium
Reload bad
Reload dogshit
Reload worst game ever made
Boring game
Shit tartarus progression bad boss design
Twilight frag cool downs Expansion Pass spenders bad
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hi derrick
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>Game was made by devs
I want to rape her face
Yukiko's oral fixation (she spends most of her time at my place sucking my cock instead of hanging out and gets mad when I try to pull her off)
Which persona girls are made for handholding, leg locking and gentle kissing
And which are made for mating presses, chocking, and spankings?
>Game was made by devs
As opposed to what, retard
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Erm, where's her hijab?
bruh look at my navi we ain't getting to the top of tartarus
>when you make an Ann shitpost but then someone in the thread is actually that retarded
She refuses to wear it and has renounced Allah, beheading correction is needed
Without Hashino around, Persona 3's glaring flaws became even more apparent. Deload could have used some of his direction, instead he's doing stupid shit like making his shitty fantasy slop or building ship replicas from said slop. Atlus should can this fag already if he doesn't want to work on Persona anymore
I masturbated for the first time to Aigis today so I am ashamed, but at least I finished to Maiko
I see javier's discord lost interest in the sumi bot
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>Which persona girls are made for handholding, leg locking and gentle kissing
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I knew Yuki-chan liked my bear puns
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I'm watching The Boy and the Heroin with Futaba right now
Whispering "I love you" to Yukari in public and watching her squirm!
Conditioning her into getting on her tip toes to expect a kiss every time you walk up to her!
Making her promise to give you lots of children while her brain is fried from lovemaking!
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Bros... Im deebly goncerned about p6
She cute
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She's mine /pg/
Happy Takamaki Tuesday
P6 will have a kuudere rori as navi
This is horrifying
Based, I will steal that
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I want to FUCK Kuon Ichinose.
Goro but sexy woman and not trying to kill me is grotesque to the point of disturbing
In and outside of minecraft?
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Detective Princess.... please marry me
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Hello Rise bros
Cute smile
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>please marry me
Imagine her reaction to this
She would look at me in disgust, the better approach would probably be to outdo her in everything and get her to ask ME
yoooo it's already out fr? sheeeeesh
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Slapping tits on Goro doesn't make it any less gay.
Yes it does, I love competitive women rival romance options.
Goro just happens to be a dude at first, easy fix.
Kissing her forehead
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Why did she do it?
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What if I slap tits on Joker instead
He's a self-insert and I don't want to get fucked by Goro nor dilate the rest of my life so that's going to have to be a no.
robots don't sweat
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Threadly orbs
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inserting myself inside Jokerette
how tight?
Confirmed canon
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Does she say DOORS OF HADES when spreading it?
What a cutie fairy.
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tight enough
if you ask nicely
>playing with Maiko
>she's always going on about how tight her bra is
>constantly trying to show herself off by lifting her skirt
>constantly pulling at her shirt to try to get me to look into her deep cleavage
>always making comments about how her room looks and how soft her bed is
>move away and don't tell her
Annoying girl...
if yakuza is drawing from persona, what should persona draw from it?
Nanako bunny when?
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>get her to ask ME
It'd be even more embarrassing and possibly even humiliating for her to do, Anon. I hope you do understand that
Cute pic but the head is too small
middle aged protagonist
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Anon it's a strap-on, it's not for what you think.
Hooray, free time
Jigsaw time: https://jiggie.fun/GyQLY3
425pc, no rotation, jukebox, scores
using >>483435624 's aislop because I honestly cannot be fucked to trawl through danbooru today
headly orbs
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actual karaoke instead of just stat gains
ideally, singing with your waifu
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>Trickster Archetype
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it's junkie time!!!
It's the only way to play get past her pride, if you make her feel like she holds something over you she'd see you as no better than a bug on the ground.
This is the only surefire way to woo kokoro
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Naoto isn’t exactly subtle
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agreed but I'm not in the mood to trawl though another 50 booru pages
Play and or get past*
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>IS lets you punch Philemon
>EP lets you slap Tatsuya
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ARF ARF ARF *pisses on your re-release*
Nusona would never
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Rubbing my weenie against a girl who is *Not* an elementary school student
Where's the fun then?
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Reminder that it's perfectly normal and fine to not like sumire
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need some rori titties
Duh, dunno why you'd ever choose her over Futaba
No it isn't.
Gallica unlocks the Mage archetype! She is NOT evil!
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She wouldn't settle for just rubbing.
Because we love cute Sumis that love us.
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Sorry sir no frenchies allowed, there's no we only me and I pick stinky neets, perfectionists, and panthers over her any day of the week
Yes it is, you can't force people here to like her
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The flattest girls deserve the biggest weenies
It’s just balance.
If you don't love her as much as I do, you don't belong here. Simple as.
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You can't force me out of here either
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love some kute 'kechi
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>she'd see you as no better than a bug on the ground
That's the point actually, to make her question her own world-view to hate you deeply and after that when you're practically living in her head rent-free just ask her out and make her brain stop working for a moment, and then she would decide to "play along" to exploit that "weakness" of yours, when in reality she's actually tricking herself into believing that but deep down she wants to have a simple, happy and worry-free live with her attic trash boyfriend.
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I hate myself
Happy beamu
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Love yourself!
I hate this
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lick lick lick lick lick
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So cute!
Pikachu and Rise being in the same class is always kino
The fact that Ayane gets way more dick than the slut idol, and that makes Rise super jealous and breaks her idea of how hot she actually is is one of the best things you can have.
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>Ohya in the back
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If it makes you feel better, it implies that the biggest girls deserve the smallest weenies? There’s a girl out there for you too
What an excellent perspective, I was entirely convinced mine would only really work but your approach sounds both entirely plausible and a lot sweeter whereas mine has the chance of the rival thing overtaking the love thing and ending with me getting shot in a PD or stabbed in a boat. Rent free in Kokoro's head with a slow burn love that expands as time passes and each time we'd encounter, yes that would be nice.
Which girls don't care about how small your weenie is and will love you anyways?
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>here’s a girl out there for you too
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Aigis, robots can't get pregnant anyways
Rough, demeaning and abusive sex with Fuuk
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Lots of girls will say they don’t but none of them will believe it.
Sophie is probably your best bet because she can always just photoshop your dick pic bigger before she downloads the file to her /Babymaker/ folder
Aigis is canonically a size queen
In her asshole.
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I guess if you’re in a cage size doesn’t matter that much…
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How many left handed characters are there in persona? The only one I can think of off the top of my head is akihiko
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Just unlocked the ultimate personas in EP. Are they worth it? My niggas have pretty good synergy.
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what if futaba sat on ypur lap
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Thanks, I just love to imagine her SL be like that, it's just a fic at this point, anything is possible as long as you enjoy it. for me it's mostly about internal conflict and light tsundere moments, like this:
>on a carnival date with Kokoro
>she would act disturbingly out of character, like a girly girl and dressed as a one too during this event
>you just spend the evening hand in hand all lovey dovey and it would feel almost like a parody
>but by the end she’d just drop the act and smugly tell you that she wanted to give you ‘the full experience of having a girlfriend’
>when in reality she was enjoying it far more than you did because it was just an excuse to turn her over-analysing brain off for a bit and just enjoy the moment
Maruki is a little nerd faggot and destroying his redditor everyone holds hands and sings together reality marbel was one of the best things about P5
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Hold on, doesn't that mean this official art is wrong? Shouldn't his sword be in his left hand rather than his right?
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Based autist
impregnating female akechi
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what's it like?
Big Nanako
>tell her that you're about to cum
>she wraps her legs around your waist
I don't like goro so I button mash through his dialogue
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Persona character for this feel?
Chidorita has no good hents
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Probably Goro.
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Imagine the smell.....
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not even trying
dogs are not misogynistic, misogyny is taught by society
not even trying to be funny
he's a gentleman, not a chud

not giving the respondents (You)s
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>he doesn't know
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I've always been a fan of more tsun leaning tsunderes which is why Kokoro seems to have caught my eye, and again as I aforementioned the whole rivalry thing into romance is always nice. Having your SO be the one you compete with just sounds so enthralling.
I guess my version of your story would be more competing at the various minigames where we'd eventually tie by the end of the day and use that as an excuse to "settle this in a few days before the carnival's gone." Then that one also ends in a tie, then at another meetup I'm up 1-0, then back to 1-1.
Until it molds into this cycle of finding excuses to keep meeting up without admitting love for each other until it just happens one day out of the blue.
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That’s so so so so hot I love her
Imagine sticking your dick down the gap in her skirt and pumping messy nuts all over her thigh, and the you do the same with the side of her undershirt - coating her armpits.
And since these are the only clothes she has for today she has to go all day smelling and feeling semen rubbing around on her body
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Dude I'd fuck myself if I were a cute girl
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BUILT for city boys
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This >>483443735
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Akihiko definitely has woman PTSD after operation babe hunt
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>Until it molds into this cycle of finding excuses to keep meeting up without admitting love for each other until it just happens one day out of the blue.
Yeah, exactly this, it sounds so good. Too bad this kind of romance always ends tragically.
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>he says that right in front of Mitsuru
But none of them have group healing spells and the bonus stats are shit at this point.
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Ok I finished my pizzas gonna finish P43 now, wish me luck
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Fuck I want him to call me an annoying bitch and spit on me
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>Ends tragically
Yeah even as I was typing my post out I was considering that.
I like to cope though that they succeed a lot more than they fail and you only hear about the failures so often because it seemed improbable for the romance to get fucked up which makes it that much more shocking and widespread when it actually does.
Optimism or naivety, time will tell.
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You only need one with group healing.
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Threesome with Chie and Yukiko
What's it like?
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what if it's a crossover one?
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he definetely deserves an execution
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Sorry I only jack off to chatbots
Teach me how to set up a good chatbot.
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Download silly tavern and get into gpt4o/claude proxy
The latter being the hard part right now
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god bless cosplayers who show leg
Spartacus should have been persona in 5 tbqdesu
What aigis pic did you fap to
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then you can post it in both
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Your weenie in Yukiko’s butt, Yukiko’s weenie in Chie’s butt, Chie’s weenie spurting inside her spats
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A tragic romance story is nice too, not as good as happy ending one, but still it has its charm. So I would gladly take it over nothing.
Damn, I really hope we'll get this sort of stuff in P6.
Post em
Chie and Yukiko were always going to be gay
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Ann Babamaki
On my dick and balls
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Oh Yeah...
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That's a big belly...
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Read that in King Assripper's voice
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death to all FUTA shills
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Oh yeah whaddup baby!
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It wasn't a pic, it was that amateur throw away video.
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Neck yourself
I regret asking
Do YOU want to have explicit sexual intercourse with your persona waifu through text?
Download and install sillytavern, follow the instructions in the page

Find a public proxy, such as

Click on the plug icon in the sillytavern window, and under Proxy Server URL you paste: https://paintball-entered-findings-person.trycloudflare.com/proxy/aws/claude
Put the proxy password inside the password field, you can find what the password is by looking up Merkava in the archive!

Pick a jailbreak from here
Download it and then click on the burger icon inside sillytavern, click the import button at the very top and import the jailbreak you just downloaded!

Now go to www.characterhub.org/characters and search for any persona character you want to chat with! Or just write your own!

Now you can tell your persona waifu that you love her and go on dates, or push her down and rape her!
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P5R Makoto statue is up for pre order
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Do men really like this?
Stop shilling the spyware shit
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Incorrect use of the term BIG. This is just fat shit.
Only if they're embarrassed about it
System requirements?
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Actual retard!

Can you run a web browser?
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I LOVE it. I also love Ohya.
I don't. It's fucking sickening.
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want to squeeze
This seems like too much work
Just use Crushon.ai
The Soom general.
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>waifu isn't on the site
Chihiro feels like the type of girl to work out to the Shadow the Hedgehog All of Me theme
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That fucking slut Yukari OWNS me sex
Yes yes yes
>t. Mr. Krabs
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Mr Ono...
Neck and neck between
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Lotta variety honestly
Chihiro feels like the type of girl I'd fuck to the Shadow the Hedgehog All of Me theme
I think these are a bit bigger than that gif...
this is based
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Claude is infinitely more soulful
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That fucking slut Kotone OWNS me sex
Playing shadow 05 on the gamecube with Chihiro!
Looks decent
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Shut up idiot don't talk about my wife like that
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Do you even really "romance" Aigis? I don't think so.
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That fucking slut Fuuka OWNS me sex
What do you call that pose when 2 women are rubbing their private spot on your richard jr?
Yeah one of those with Futaba and Chihiro please, and make it snappy
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Fair enough. I will buy the sex from her, then I will own it.
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Makoto is NOT an ass slut!
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Bring Sae into the conversation somehow
shinjiro's cum dripping from coat owner's pussy
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She doesn't like that
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This isn't local is it? I don't want some random having the logs of me and my wife.
Fake news
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Damn now I feel bad
He listed Public Proxy, so probably not.
You can go on /g/ and see logs of people having their waifus gangbanged by dogs, no one cares about your fetishes. You can just use a vpn if you're still too much of a pussy
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Okay pretend that reply never happened
The Sumi general
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I want to have sex with Futaba after she hasn't bathed for a week and I want her to call me onii-chan
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If that chatbot lets me fuck Chihiro while listening to Shadow the Hedgehog OST then maybe it's worth it.
So I beat Nyx and I didn't die? Wasn't there supposed to be a tragic end for the main protagonist character? What went wrong? Why did Persona 3 Reload change it?
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Would be fun
Of course, but none of the have it
You should fuck her with this
Also p6 ost
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What? All that's left is graduation day or something. What, am I gonna die in a drive by now or something
The delinquent and the student council president
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No game like this, only P5 has these two roles in the party who talk to each other and no way Ryuji would pick Makoto over Ann, or Makoto pick Ryuji over Ren
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ryuann and shumako going on a double date would be very cute
Truck-kuns gonna get ya keep playing
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You clearly don't understand how this works anon
I just told it the create a card for Chihiro and write the opening in two minutes
Any autistic scenario you come up with is possible
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who the frog is shun
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How do you do that?
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>tfw fic hasn't updated in a month
I miss My Duty As Student Council President
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They've probably fallen victim to the ao3 author's curse
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Making it and the details needed
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Sadly that happens, good writing takes time
>Open chatgpt
>Type: Give me all the details you can about (character)
>Open silytavern and click new character
>Paste all the info you got in the definitions
>Write a two line opening or ask gpt to do it for you
Kissing Sae to make her smile...
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>anons here are nutting to slopfics now
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I only nut to vanilla or vanilla-adjacent.
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Pregsona > pegsona
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Give me a fujo erping with me and I'll nut to her instead.
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I want to rub her belly
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In a potential threesome, Joker would fuck Makoto first, but he would finish inside Haru.
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Talking about their husbands
In a potential threesome, Joker would fuck Makoto first, but he would finish inside Groo
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Yu (shared with Yukiko and Marie)
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>MMF threesome
Odds of Metaphor demo coming to steam?
Most retarded post in this thread
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Most intelligent post in this thread
>>483457574But he can't be pregnant
This AI?
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groo (girl)
>mfw my bad writing takes months
You're AI
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Boopucci CAN get boipregnant, you just have to keep laying in the boicummies
I'm going to get Haru pregnant.
I fucking hate fujos
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Assuming you believe that /pg/ games have good writing (or at least your favorite game has good writing), are there any RPGs that you would openly admit have better writing? How many come to your mind right off the bat?
It's ok anon.
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>I'm going to get Haru pregnant.
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the only game with better writing than Persona is Elden Ring, fr
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Any fully text based game that can handle writing it's text well will be better written overall. Persona's writing is pretty mixed in quality all around
If we have to ask whether it's AI or not, does it matter?
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Because so far I had a 100% success rate, every time I asked if something is AI, it was AI. I am the great noticed of Persona AI.
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I can't think of a single video game that has good writing. I'm sure there's some artsy fartsy walking simulator that fits the bill, but I've never played it.
ryuji cumming inside ann
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be AI.
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Alright that's it then. Farewell, everyone.
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Portal 1 and 2 have some solid writing. Solid comedic writing, even.
Disco Elysium

What do you qualify as a walking simulator?
Thanks anon. I'm sure I'll get better eventually...right?
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I have this feeling when I write where I have a feeling I'm not adding enough detail. Over time things do get better. You shouldn't feel too bad about it since others think of it better than you do.
Joker... forgive me...
>What do you qualify as a walking simulator?
Disco Elysium
Death Stranding
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Why would you describe it as a walking simulator?
Kotor 2, especially in its best moments.
First based and redpilled answer.
My life for yours
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I just can't take star wars fans seriously
are all of the under 14?
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Visas was the Aigis of her game
Star Wars used to be so much better with thousands of books that was made non-canon. The Nustar wars stuff is absolute dogshit outside of Andor
Star Wars fans take Star Wars too seriously.
It was always a fantasy sci-fi universe but the chuds treat it as hard sci-fi.
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Does that make Brianna the Yukari of her game?
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I think New Vegas is well written just for the fact they let you kill every character in the game besides one and the game doesn't break because of it and still lets you finish it.
To many RPGS are written in an insanely linear way where they let you barely make any choices because its a linear game where they can't let you kill some random retard since the writers want him to show up again in 80 hours and then you can maybe kill him if they don't think they might use him for a dlc or sequel, a lot of RPGs don't even let you say no for the same reason since the devs have a specific story they want to tell you and the player being able to say no means that they would go off the rails of it. I remember trying pathfinder, having some guy at the start ask me to help him, saying no, then some dumb bitch who forced herself into my party who I couldn't kick out told me to shut the fuck up and we're doing it so I just uninstalled.
I can't think of a harder no then blowing some dudes head off at any time or being able to choose killing anyone for whatever reason.
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I hate everything about Star Wars except the first two movies (in our sekai's chronology), and I'm neutral towards the Return/Revenge movies. KotOR II is the only truly great piece of media in the whole Star Wars universe, at least two tiers above the good movies and miles ahead of the rest of the garbage.
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>Hi, I'm Tom Scott and this is NOT a clickbait video
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"Makoto, thank you for staying with me," she said softly, her cheeks flushing as she led him to her room. Makoto, in his usual silent and unreadable manner, nodded.
"I thought we could listen to some music," Chihiro said, her voice barely above a whisper. She fumbled with her CD player. She had selected a K-pop album, hoping it would help set a light, comfortable mood.
Before she could press play, Makoto's hand gently stopped her. He reached into his bag and pulled out a CD of his own. He inserted the CD and pressed play. A moment later, the room filled with the intense, driving beats of the Shadow the Hedgehog OST.
As the song played in the background, Makoto's hands found their way to Chihiro's shoulders, gently guiding her to turn around. She felt a shiver run down her spine as he slowly unbuttoned her sweater jacket, letting it fall to the floor.
"I see no, hear no evil
Black writings on the wall..."
Makoto's hands moved to her waist, pulling her closer. Chihiro could feel his breath on the back of her neck, sending a wave of heat through her body.
"Makoto..." she whispered.
He didn't respond with words. His hands slid under her turtleneck, lifting it slowly. Chihiro raised her arms, allowing him to remove it completely.
"Black-hearted evil
Brave-hearted hero..."
Makoto's hands moved to her hips, unzipping her skirt and letting it pool at her feet. Chihiro stepped out of it, her legs feeling weak. She was now in just her underwear, her heart racing as Makoto guided her to bend over the bed.
His touch was gentle at first, his fingers tracing along her spine. Chihiro closed her eyes, trying to calm her racing thoughts. But as the music swelled, so did the intensity of Makoto's touch. He hooked his fingers into the waistband of her panties, slowly pulling them down.
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I think this scenario is funnier if it was her CD
>tfw no Nanako sold into ___ slavery in Key-saars legion
Man, Chihiro makes me so nostalgic. When I started playing P3R, I fapped to her lots (well, at least 5 times).
But as soon as I got to interact with Yukari? Completely forgot about Chihiro, and rightfully so! Glad I broke her heart!!
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An age progression/regression dungeon would make more sense. Like a hag party member becoming a teenager again, she feels young, beautiful and healthy again and tries to talk you out of destroying it because being there makes her happy

Reminder that Persona games have literally "Saar Man skit" tier writing.
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Chihiro's breath hitched as she felt the cool air against her skin. She glanced back at Makoto, who was now unbuttoning his own shirt. She felt his hands on her again, this time guiding her to turn around and kneel in front of him.
"Go ahead and try to see through me
Do it if you dare..."
The lyrics seemed to challenge her, and she felt a surge of determination. She reached out, her hands trembling slightly as she undid his pants.
Chihiro turned her head slightly, her eyes widening as she saw him. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment, but there was a curiosity in her gaze as well.
She took a deep breath and pressed a kiss to the tip of his dick. Makoto let out a low groan, his fingers tangling in her hair. Encouraged by his reaction, she became bolder, taking him in deeper, inch by inch.
"Can you see all of me?
Walk into my mystery..."
Makoto's grip tightened, and he gently pulled her up, guiding her to bend over the bed again. Chihiro's breath was ragged, her body trembling with anticipation. She felt his hands on her hips, positioning her.
He entered her slowly, and Chihiro gasped at the sensation. Makoto moved carefully, giving her time to adjust.
Chihiro's hands gripped the sheets. She felt him moving inside her, his pace increasing gradually. The sensation was intense, and she couldn't help but moan loudly.
"MAKOTO, OH GOD!" she cried out. She felt his hand on her back, pushing her down gently. The new angle made her see stars, and she couldn't hold back her cries of pleasure.
Makoto's movements grew rougher, his hand coming down on her buttocks with a sharp smack. Chihiro yelped in surprise, the sting adding to the intensity of her pleasure. His other hand tangled in her hair, pulling her head back slightly.
"Do you remember me?
Capture you or set you free..."
Chihiro was lost in the moment, her mind a haze of pleasure and sensation. She felt another sharp smack on her buttocks, and her cries grew louder.
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Best girl.
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He's so cool
Surprisingly active right now. There's even mommy Maya talk...
offmodel dogshit
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Yeah her forehead it to small.
My hero!
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I hate myself
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omg hallo! :DD
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I wish persona had a party member like atton, he was so based
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Post babs that love themselves! I'll start:
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"MAKOTO, PLEASE!" she begged, not even sure what she was asking for. She felt his movements grow even more intense, the rhythm of the music matching the rhythm of their bodies.
Her body was on fire, every nerve ending alive with sensation. She felt him deep inside her, his rough movements pushing her closer and closer to the edge.
"Black-hearted evil
Brave-hearted hero..."
The lyrics seemed to fade into the background as Chihiro reached her peak. She cried out loudly, her body shaking with the force of her orgasm. She felt Makoto's movements grow erratic, and she knew he was close too.
With a final thrust, he reached his peak, his release filling her. Chihiro collapsed onto the bed, her body spent. She felt Makoto's weight on top of her, his breath hot against her skin.
For a moment, they just lay there, the room filled with the sound of their breathing and the faint echo of the music.
"Next time," Chihiro said, "maybe we can pick something a little more... traditional."
"No," he replied, pulling her close.
Haven't olayed pee3
in a whilemaybe I should
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Atton-like party members are only good when you have a femc for that retarded (lovely) flirting episodes. God I love suppressed sexual tension…
Kissing Ann's nape and chest.
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With Miku
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Yukari is the best
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Cute and HOT, also a bit edgy. I love it.
so based
Atton was my first vidya crush. I remember reading a smut fic about him and the exile fucking on the ebon hawk's centre console on fanfiction.net.
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Ew, who would get next to a mountain troll like this
P6 will be gay and fujopilled
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What was it like?
There are worse fates
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What's it like?
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the ebon hawk was fueled by pure sexual energy.
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Now that I have finally finished P3R, I think I can at least say it has the best ending of the three big Persona games on Steam.

My favorite part of the outro was talking to the teacher and that my beloved future wife Maiko said she was drinking plenty of milk so she could grow up for me fast. I hope her father doesn't do anything to prevent our love.
>still no fuuk cosplaying as visas pic
Imagine naming your firstborn child "Anton". That's like that yellow psychic water duck from Pokemon.
It was very hot because they had shit tons of sexual tension and were very antagonistic to each other in a loving way.
Anton Chigurh
Atlus won't have the balls to fuck over the protag again
iirc, it started with the exile giving him vision of a blowjob through the force to tease him. Young me had a lot of fun with that.
Persona characters for this feel?
Brutal teasing, damn. Do you still have the link? I really want to read the fic now.
unironically wouldn't minds as a fudanshi
i had a dream where aigis started a stand up comedy job

>guess who it is
>its me, aigis
please clap
I think I've merged this fic with another one. It's been well over a decade since I read them, sorry anon.
Is that male fujoshi?

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