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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Let forth the Ludokino and BTFO all Crabs edition

Mark 11:23-24

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-56
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

>design new level
>it's like 3 times the size of the biggest level up to that point
overscopebros... we done goofed this time
I want to make a game with MS paint graphics., I want it to be a third person/3D game but every model n texture would be in 2D and just rotates in 3D.
Please tell me where do I start with no programming knowledge at all ? I want to make something simple but be able to enrichen it with mechanics as I progress and see fit
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has AI finally reached the point where it's useful to game devs?
This is the real thread you brain damaged zoomoid retards
>where do I start with no programming knowledge at all
Download Godot and follow youtube tutorials

I'd also suggest making smaller projects first, just to build up your skills and experience. The first game you should make is Pong, not your dream game.
Retard. Kill yourself
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Is there a way in Godot to create some sort of a custom database using an editor window, like pic related?

The goal would be to have an interface to rapidly add some content typically used in the game made. For example a NPC database, where you can enter a Name, add a Face Picture, some description, a spritesheet...

And doing so create a file somewhere in the game files, so then when you code you can just call or reference what has been entered in the database.
But if you're really new to programming, you really should follow some beginners' python tutorials first.
Just serialize it and save a config or sepaerate sav file
I think what you are after is custom resources.
Why in 2024 there is still not a way to program games by connecting boxes that represent functions and values? Why in 2024 someone must learn some gay programming coding language? It is by far the worst part of making a game . You would think someone would make it simple by now
Yeah but not luma. 3d model gen is now good enough for a top down game/rts etc. models are a bit soupy up close. Can use your own art as the initial prompt instead of ai art too.
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Are these too many variables for a camera shake? I'm trying to make the best camera shake ever (I will use PerlinNoise eventually)
Isn't that what Unreal Engine™ Blueprints™ is though?
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How many aggies does it take to make a thread?
It is but you still have to know the unreal API pretty well to even know what nodes exist
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Linear filtering or point (nearest) filtering?
I remember using either perlin noise or random point within unit circle. That's going to look not so good, so be ready with the results. It's going to look like random positioning and not like "shaking". Either animate it yourself or consider using a tween system. Also consider doing some rotation too for the shake.
minecraft filtering
The hard part is specifying exactly how your game works. Even if you could do it in plain english, it would turn out to be a great deal of work. Using a programming language doesn't add a lot of complexity to this problem.
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Coding is the most fun part for me. If I was just doing unreal blueprints or something I'd feel like I wasn't really accomplishing anything. Like painting a picture vs doing a puzzle
I figure setting a low value for the direction switching will make a shake effect. I want it to be flexible in order to create a sliding effect for heavy attacks.

The last video you'll ever need to watch on cameras
The nodes connection to the left for some parameters never made sense to me so I went elsewhere.

There's something about the spagets that are not connecting in the right way for my brain to process them.
Minecraft but rhombic dodecahedrons instead of cubes
I prefer nearest it's less blurry
it depends if it looks bad in motion though
I remember watching this years ago, do you use this yourself?
Do you think it would be okay to use copyrighted music in a "trailer to gage interest"? Just a trailer to put myself on the map, one that I won't use on Steam and might even delist later once I get music guy.
Hello. I have not posted here in a while. I have been making good progress on my 3D fantasy adventure game, after having not worked on it for some months. I do not have any images to post because I am not at my computer, but phoneposting while waiting for the city inspector to arrive. She's remarkably late.

I am glad you guys are here. Work hard and do your best.
Just add "fanmade trailer" to its title.
A dev making a "fanmade trailer" of his own game sounds a bit tarded, no?
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All keyboards were ignoring the first few keys pressed, randomly holding inputs, and not typing for a few seconds before spitting out gibberish in a jumbled mess. Thought my motheboard was fried. The solution...

I uninstalled Armoury Crate...

:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: More cutscene art.
kys furfaggot
bookmarking this thread too just in case
>not the cuboctahedron
If your game gets popular they might fuck you in court. Doesn't matted if you delist it because it'll get flagged by Content ID immediately. Shit's all automated.
No. Retarded is wasting marketing efforts.
if she's that late it's not your fault if you are openly looking at pornography when she arrives, just sayin
I have used some of these things before but my current game doesn't have screen shake
>Doesn't matted if you delist it because it'll get flagged by Content ID immediately.
Doesn't that only go for Youtube itself? I sure as hell don't care about ad revenue or anything. But the court stuff, maybe?
>Retarded is wasting marketing efforts.
It's more to give the musicmonkeys an idea of the game, since they probably won't play the game. Everyone demands a "byte-sized explanation" these days, showing the full game is too much for most people.
reminds me of webcomics and flash cartoons I used to watch in 2002
Even if it gets flagged the worst thing that will happen to you is that the ad revenue from your video goes to the copyright holder of the song. Also I make game music for future reference (had to take the opportunity) https://voca.ro/1fjLt657fQ6U
Nortubel's ordeal in exile
The fucking guy at the bottom baby birding
I miss Druid in Exile
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I have so many items on my to do list. I was hoping to be done by the end of this month.
why don't you guys post progress anymore ? feels like only 4 people are posting progress at most ...
If you really are interested, and are available, you can give your preferred
way of contacting you and maybe we can talk in private.

I will say the music I want is quite different from your style (don't take this as a negative).
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Clicked expecting to see 14 days, maybe 12 at worst
I saw 9 and got jumpscared

Time to dev I guess, can't even "enjoy" distractions anymore because of the background stress of wasting time
I can't tell who's winning
Yes I am absolutely interested! Sure, different games need different music and I'm curious what sort of sound you have in mind. My Discord is jens777
What's the opposite of PROgress?


CONgress!!! lolololololol
I’m here for entertainment, my game doesn’t need feedback from weirdos who can’t do anything more than making 2d pixel platformers
Made me chuckle
Is being featured on the front page/charts only way to 'make it' in mobile market? I have no clue how people would find my game at all. Reddit posts, tweet here and there would not bring in masses I assume. I don't have any experience with publishing paid ads either. Seems risky and freightening, because you wouldn't know how much the return will be. Will I have to constantly keep track of revenue/player graphs etc and adjust my ad campaign? Not that I have any money for paid ads anyways.
Buy players or spam tiktok
In godot how can I make something happen if two buttons are pressed at the same time with just a tiny span of time between either button press. Everything I try just makes it so you can hold down one button and then press the other, or you try pressing both at the same time and it just doesnt work
people here are capable of much more than just that.
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Does anyone know what 'seed' represents? Also what does GetPerlinNoise(seed,time,...); actually look for? In Unity, there's Mathf.PerlinNoise(x,y) that comes out as a Vector2.
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Been a nodev. Have some progress. Added this song indicator. The music will be good enough for it some day.
yeah, I'm thinking its Grand Theft Aakash time
Just create a timer with each button press? If the second input happens before the timeout, then it should register as a simultaneous press.
just random gen a number for the seed.
seed is just an offset to uniformly affect your perlin. It is making a random value and then rippling it through a Perlin call.
So you want an input action sequence? Yeah timers and flags.
Song indicators are one of the most soulless things on this fucking planet
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Being a good neighbor: https://webmshare.com/play/dGXzV
Alt link: https://files.catbox.moe/emt8yw.webm

Every day there's a new way to screw your neighbor BTW.
perlin noise takes in values and returns the same perlin values given the same input. x, y is the same as the seed in the example you posted, just in 2d.
Thanks. What does the third variable '...' represent?
Time = time.scale / time.deltaTime
Seed = random float thats used for these calls. i.e. 1 or 5.
.... = ?
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Good morning, big bros! If a cute bocchiposter reply to this post I will just like make game.
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Yup, that guy right there - he's me
How can I buy players?
are they shitting their pants?
Hello aggies, I hope you are all doing great.
Posting here some more 'Character Select' screen UI progress (with a complete UI footage from starting the game to the gameplay).
It's functional now, but still not finished in my opinion.
I would like to include some short character descriptions for when you highlight each character's button, maybe add in some more UI decorations and maybe even change the background. When you select a character I should include another screen to select some gameplay options screen menu to choose different settings before you play, such as music selection, background selection, among other stuff. Also, the loading screen is just a placeholder, I'm thinking of including a small cute animation of some sort in the corner.

Keep at it lads. One step at a time.

you can't dev anything, so don't even try
Most realistic battle simulator
if your game doesn't have pissing and shitting then you are not telling your whole truth, you are lying to your audience and this is why your vision suffers
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This is unironically my mentality when it comes to all creative work
I'm not actually sure but there are companies out there that make soulless, cringeworthy ads, so you can buy one of those and then there should be an ad vendor that you're already aware of (how else are you making money on mobile? microtransactions?) to get them to put out ads.
this, and all female models have to have fully modelled uteruses
Why won't twitter let users download gifs or videos? Why do I have to use a third party tool/site for it? I see a cool pixel art gif, I want to save it on my PC, but oh NO you're not allowed to. What the fuck is the reasoning?
I might have lost the will to work on my game
I'm hiring an artist that does pissing and shitting does that count?
do they need to shed uterine lining every month as well?
I'd just rather not deal with the bathroom realm.
I'll have survival mechanics such as eating, drinking, and sleep.

But not shitting and pissing. That's too far.
minmaxxers would eat cheese so that they are always backed up and have fecal impaction when going into PVP.

Optimal, never need to shit, can PVP more.
shut the fuck up GabeNigger
ugh imagine the smell of that game
why, do you have going into games machine?
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Who's your favorite indie dev? Here's mine
Not my fault video game stores would ban me if I added bathroom mechanics. If the player have complaints take it to them.
I wish I had a group of real niggas I could make a game with
personally, my favorite indie dev is Notch and Eric.

It's hard to pick between them, I love them equally.
Oh we're bringing "the whole truth" into this huh? You want me to go into great detail about how seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis is affecting your character? About all the debuffs you suffer when you take a shower, and the other set of debuffs you suffer if you DON'T take a shower? You think it'd be fun to live a day in my life motherfucker? Should I add in some tinnitus mechanics as well where there's a constant buzzing noise throughout the whole game that can't be turned off except when the character is dead?
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Why aren't you making a porn game while it's still easy?
where's overdramatic messsage from Pastaspace about this?
Because I don't have a cute girlfriend to make the game with me.
prove it
Nothing was ever easy.
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serioualy that's all I want out of game dev: to make fun games and have fun with some friends while I'm doing it. I don't want to be a billionaire, I just want to have a group of friends to riff with. Sometimes I go to code or gamedev meetups but everyone there is just trying to network, nobody wants to collaborate. I'm usually one of the only ones with a job there so people will try to talk to me and I'll think "oh cool this guy seems nice maybe we can hang out" and then they start asking if my company is hiring and I realize they were just networking. Sometimes people are interested in working together but they can't code or draw or anything
I like Eric but my favorite dev is meself
I'm mentally incapable of fandom.
>have fun with some friends while I'm doing it
friendhavers ngmi
my name is elder price
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trying to do fur
i should have done a "well... eek..." post for publicity even though i dont use unity
Is this for a fan game or is that a legally distinct flying bison
I wish I had a porn game...
I'm the creator of Avatar: The Last Airbender
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I feel the same way. Except I don't even have code or gamedev meetsup in my country since I live in east europe. The Doom development story is literally my "rock star dream" that I probably missed my time window to experience, I don't think it's possible nowadays with the hustler culture unless you really luck out on meeting the right people while in college or something.
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That's cool
Can you please stop fucking up the legacy of your series with half assed remakes
Yeah same but I guess the closest we get is agdg shitposting
I have a shitty porn project that I sometimes use to test some ideas for any more important project.
I consider it a non-canon spin-off at best.
>eceleb hours and pedophile hours always happen at the same time
What can we learn from this sirs?
>Is this for a fan game
ah, y-yeah , haha for agame
i already post game, but i wanted to show something creative
I was making one but agdg told me it looks like shit so I gave up.
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Well those guys all met each other after they already had gamedev jobs. Romero was working for Origin systems, Carmack had been freelancing for Softdisk, Tom hall and Adrian Carmack were working at Softdisk and Jay Wilbur was working for Uptime. They all worked together at softdisk before starting their startup.

They all had also put several dozen games out before creating commander keen, so each one of them was already basically an expert in gamedev (minus Adrian Carmack) and none of them were amateurs

What I feel is different today, compared to when I first started learning to code more than half my life ago, is that there are now so many people who learn to code because they think it'll result in a fat paycheck, and not because they want to control machines or make games or do anything creative. You're right, it's a total hustler culture these days; nobody gives a shit about the craft
imagine if you learned a game engine instead of memorizing shit about ecelebs from 1999, tranny boomer
West Coast is waking up
I'd never stoop so low as to make a porn game
I'm going to make my pixel retro 2D skyrim match 3 puzzle game and people will play it damn it!!!
I worked with people before but things didn’t work out in the end because everyone had a different idea of what the game should be. At one point we had 3 people trying to rewrite the same script (and none of us had writing experience lol)
I posted progress in the discord once and i felt so dirty...
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I'm 29
yep, that's why I left. The vibes are different.
Discord is the epitome of stewing and ruminating.

It's completely anti-aesthetic.
I'm not spending my time there.

I'll post progress here.
You can't go out looking for collaborators. You have to be friends first, just hanging around and goofing off until you somehow find yourselves working together on the same thing for fun without even realizing it. We don't get that anymore because society has become too atomized for people to have real friends.
>society has become too atomized for people to have real friends
This is true. I would tell any high schooler today to put as much effort as you can into cultivating your friendships because they become nearly impossible to get when you're out of school
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>finish remote work from home for the day
>go home
>sit down at computer and open my project
>crack open a bear
Oh yeah, its coding time.
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>crack open a bear
Greetings from 2009 fellow 30 year old boomer
what's the problem? were they not having fun?
Friends are bad coworkers. Something people forget about Carmack/Romero is that they were making games alone prior to teaming up. Multiple games that were relatively successful. Trying to team up with your friends always ends in disaster because they don't know how much work it takes to actually make games.
>Trauma(float) decreases linearly over time.
Can this be done without an animation curve?
I was always at the bottom of any hierarchy so I made a calculated decision that it's best to not have friends than to be the runt of the friend group.
she's asking if you can do it in editor and press save, not via code.
I'm not social enough to have normal friends let alone find gamedev friends to collaborate. I fell apart with all my so called friends. They have jobs and or married now anyways.
Based fatalist
and there would be fights if every decision has to be an argument.
There has to be a clear VETO holder in any game studio.
Also Carmack and Romero weren't really "friends" in the way most people think about friends. They spent nearly 24 hours a day working on games together but from like 1991-1993 they had almost no life outside of their work. It was much more of a Jobs-Wozniak or Lennon-McCartney kind of thing. Two people who were so intensely focused on one thing that their incompatibility in all other categories never came up
Crunching to finish Quake basically killed classic id. Working 18 hour days 7 days a week for months straight just to get the game out the door basically destroyed their relationships with each other.
Also their relationships were awful as far as I remember. Carmack talks about it openly. They fought a lot. He thought he was doing much more of the work compare to Romero. He'd see him as an idea guy (paraphrasing)
>gossiping with third world nodev chudcels about le friendship
this is why y'all niggas are ngmi
hopoo was right
>id making 2d games = :)
>id making 3d games = >:(

Lesson learned
What did Hopoo say
Wasn't even worth it. I played Quake when it came out and I was mildly impressed with 3D models and the nail gun but I stopped playing after a couple of hours.
Using good music skews your results and makes the game more appealing than it will be.
you're planning to invest thousands of hours based on this test.. don't cheat yourself.
thanks anon
>Friends are bad coworkers.
If you mean normal friends you make during your life, that have no relation to your work or game development, then yeah definitely.
But if it's friends you made specifically in an environment related to that work/passion then I think it can work out well. Void Stranger was made by 2 finns who met on Newgrounds gushing about similar games they liked.
Romero was just as involved as Carmack when it came to Doom and Wolfenstein.
But for Doom 2 and Quake he essentially became a marketing guy.
And Carmack being someone who needs to quantify everything has a difficult time understanding that being a figurehead for the company and showboating at tournaments was beneficial for the company.
It doesn't matter how good the music is. These signposts take you out of the experience. They're usually there as legal requirements in games with licensed music, and general perception of their use reflects that.
If you're going to keep them, at least divert attention by signposting the area name in a larger font and then naming the music over by the corner.
Custom resources or plugins is what she should be looking for. No base functionality for that.
the music credits break the immersion, put them in the credits of the game.
Doubt there is a way around custom resources regardless, at the very least there seems to be a plugin to easily edit those once setup.
Romero has also defended himself stating he was working not only on marketing, but on third-party deals like Hexen, Heretic, and Strife, and stating that the disagreements with Carmack was also about how Carmack wanted to focus exclusively on Quake while Romero wanted to diversify. And even with Romero not wanting to focus only on Quake, he still went through the death march with the rest of them, and was the one who made the final build on release day, all by himself, so even if he wasn't working as hard as Carmack, he wasn't exactly slacking.

Romero also claims the famous anecdote of Carmack tracking his hours isn't true, but a misattribution/mutation of a story from the development of Strife: originally Strife was being developed by a different company, but the boss put in time tracking software on the developers, causing them to mutiny and form their own studio.
when I see that something is AI generated I just download it and re-sell it
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looks cool
crab as fuck i think it adds a whole extra layer of soul. for instance, when he enters "mt smithy" and near danger plays it could be indication that this is the boss map
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Do these kinds of chairs help with the hot weather? Has a mesh back and seat. It says it's protective against sweating and heat, is it a marketing scam? It's not cheap for me I'm really considering since the heat is becoming unbearable.
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the biggest reason people don't finish their game is the mental fatigue they get from pointless daily interactions that leave you with very little energy left to actually work on your game (context being; finishing a game as a college student but still applies here), you can't post here about mundane garbage and also be hyperfocused and make great progress
just buy an ac
dont do this it makes mustard gas
>it makes mustard gas
I already have a usb fan. And It's humid enough already. The water would add more.
Also it's my ass that is sweating.

>just buy an ac
I have it but it's in the living room and it's not very effective. I have to close the window but then I feel suffocated. Also I need to get it repaired, it's not working now. I have to wait until next month when I have money. Right now I literally have no money left.
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Is there a market for Literally Me protagonists and stories?
get a screw driver and some aluminum tape repair that shit yourself its easy son
its prolly just the filter thats clogged go google the manual and figure it out you wont make game if u cant fix this
Has anyone ever used PhysicsFS? I'm making my game in C++, and apparently PhysicsFS is the best option for loading .zip files.
remember that saying nothing toward progress when you have some criticism to say, is not 'being nice'.

I may start just blatantly speaking my mind about progress in an unfiltered way. It may seem harsh, but it's what I would want for my own progress.
>anon discovers the concept of naming your character in a RPG
saying nothing is the harmful thing. to be silent is to accept it like a cuck
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This is the most damning post against nu-/agdg/ I ever read.
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starting work on a new level today
what do you mean?? you mean the guy who keeps posting about his gooning fetish won't finish a game?? my lord what an absolute shocker i am taken aback...
Also total creative differences. From Romero's account, they started to approach the game like they had with the last two games, but the newer members of the team were burnt out from the start. They decided to kill all the ideas that would have made the game anything more than just a sequel to Doom 2 so that they could finish the project as quickly as possible. Carmack also had way more trouble figuring out visible surface determination than most people realize and that slowed down engine development to the point that they weren't able to even begin on the game until after like a year of engine development
sir, dd is in one week
There's almost no gamedev industry where I am so most of the gamedev meet ups are pretty casual. With that said the majority of people that want to collaborate are sitting on their hands doing fuck all hoping someone else can carry them. I look at what they've made and it's the most amateurish shit 95% of the time where they haven't posted on their art blog in like 1 year. Fortunately i'm collaborating with someone from the good 5% so it's been good for now.
>Fortunately i'm collaborating with someone from the good 5% so it's been good for now.
How'd you meet them? Online or at those meet-ups?
>Marnix will give feedback on the next demo day
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I still gonna make a porn game and you can't stop me
pack it up, its over
have these guys ever made a game
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Finally added sparks as an extra visual indicator when you smack a wall.
I'm ginger so it tracks.
Not sure what general perception you're talking about. Personally I've enjoyed seeing this growing trend in Youtube and games. Makes it easy to find songs if you like them.
I could definitely add an option to disable it.
It breaks the illusion of /agdg/ being about people who want to finish making a videogame. This is a chatroom for /vg/ posters with some game-dev sprinkled in.
And if anything porn devs seem to be delivering unless the morrowdevs, daggerfalldevs, mmodevs, bg3devs, etc
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>shows dd 57 itch page
It's over....
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hi marnix
>none of the memes where funny
is gamedev youtube really this dogshit
nothing was insightful
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Demo Day is dead. Prepare for complete normalfag takeover
I got a Herman Miller Aeron and I never sweat in any way "because of" the chair. It’s like sitting in air as far as the chair is concerned. Obviously when it’s sufficiently hot you end up sweating either way.
We are going to get absolutely overrun by whodevs
You ruined it.
Seeing them react to the Stalin meme was pretty funny desu. I never expected that.
Guys I think I'm gonna buy this. I feel comfortable except my ass. It's sweating. I'm blaming my current chair. I't one of those faux leather type of material. Pvc I think. My ass is burning and sweating constantly.
all the porndevs who deliver always have that it factor though
i wouldn't consider them coomers but rather pimps
its over. I hope you guys are happy.
looks like shitting up this community for months has consequences. oops!
I'm definitely gonna submit something now
great job, loser
Which games should Marnix play?
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That one's a bit pricey for me... Do you think the one in the pic would have a similar effect?
Just put a swastika on dd57 page please
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can i submit my game even though i've made no progress in 4 months
i need a marnix boost to make progress
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We need the lolidevs, porndevs, niggerdevs, nazidevs, and scatdevs now more than ever
i actually needed some fucking feedback
synty slop incoming
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I can't wait to see marnix playing my game
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: First time I ever draw Bolt in a side angle.
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are pumpkins not scary?
im designing a hell level so im going through assets and jack o lanturns just arent scary
I hope their loser audience is scared to associate their games with 4chan. nigger, nigger, nigger
only now at the end do you truly understand
The one in pic does have similar backrest, but not that kind of seating membrane. Idk man, your back will be cooler but maybe not your balls, depends on what ya struggle with.
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>youtube video with like 387 views
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Marnix you better brace your nigger ass
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>marnix is going to play my loli game
>depends on what ya struggle with.
My ass :( There aren't any with mesh seats. You would think those would be cheaper and more available.
ngl 4chan nowadays is the kids playground. People are doing worse on twitter / YT / reddit. Openly being racists and any kind of *phobics
We're going to get like 200 submissions. No way is Marnix actually going to play through them all.
transgenders are NOT welcome here
i know for a fact this is dingos fault
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>everyone complaining about free advertising
just updated my games description to include the 14 words
we're safe
I want to make a game with multiple Endings (3).
Choices and Actions in the game should change a hidden value which decides the endings. Based on that value the dialogue should change as well.
Not sure if it's the entire dialogue or just key moments.

Is this a normal way to implement such a system? Is there a more efficient way to go about this idea?
yeah i want 300 fucking youtube whodev retards trying to flood the already flooded demo list
Demons and the devil would make more sense for a hell level
I'm NOT ready for DD57
I LOST free advertising
This, I get dogpiled for my chud posts in here way more than twitter outside the occasional kpop stan qrt seethe
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Good thing I was skipping DD57 anyhow
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Going to show Marnix what BiteMe Games really means hahahaha
>Do you think it would be okay to use copyrighted music in a "trailer to gage interest"?
legally speaking, it's still a copyright violation but realistically what damages could be claimed and is anyone going to care? No.

But still, there are lots of copyright free options, just use those.
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>300 games
quick, deploy the gorebot
Cris I'm gonna paypal you 10 000 zimbabwean dollars if you submit 10 games to the next demo day and all of them have vaginas, anuses, and scat in the thumbnail
me as dollarhyde and marnix as the slandering reporter
just be a retard and hard code it at the end of the dialog
>var CURRENTending 0
>blah blah blah blah
>+1 CURRENTending
yeah my fault for using a generic Halloween kit lmao
It's still crazy that gamedev oversaturation has become so bad even agdg demo days are getting over 100 submissions. It's sickening to think of just how much time is being wasted.
how come you're so fucking retarded?
like where am I...
schizo central?
WOWEE bee!
27 whole dollars?
I need to get married and have kids. Tired of this shit.
Enough to feed his whole favella for the next week
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Finally Marnix will play all the loligames.
>I want to make something simple
drawing shit in 2d from multiple angles isn't simple
do you guys think the guy on the right is depressed ?
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Yeah, but the level of quality games hasn't seemed to increase proportionally. Every demo day I see at most 5 games that are gmi, and usually 3 of those merely have the potential to gmi and need plenty of work still.
our only hope is the inner circle
Name them. Need to know if I should keep working on my game or not.
you bring up a good point
basically, we have only flash games and "game games "
however, the real truth is that one does not have more value than the other
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Mine! I'm desperate for attention
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Remade the controls once more
I hope this time I got them right
I have no time left for this demon day so no tutorial level again please no bully
Also the bots will remain bad at shooting and retarded overall since its more of a movement test
damn underspace seems to have gotten a graphics downgrade
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It's getting to the point where it can be used in various ways but not yet to create game ready assets. For example this model could be used as a retopo base and it was created from txt2img and then this txt+img2model. I think there's a lot of opportunities for less artistically inclined people to help their games look better if you're smart about how you use it.
Having played all games during DD50, and browsing a shiton of Steam Next Fest games, the amount of mediocre game is depressing.

At least AGDG is the place for it. I hope Valve will make a special category to filter games more, based on popularity/reviews.
Just post your game, and I'll let you know if: a)there's something special there b)there can be something special with a radical design shift or c)if it should be dropped in favor of a new idea.
just buy synty assets on sale at that point
this is amazing
I can't believe that after 6 months of ericspamming, runaspamming, reneespamming, and cumball/underspace seething, marnix will be the thing to finally destroy this general, and you're just gonna allow him
this model actually looks professionally done by square vs syntyslop its not even comparable
All the 0 of them!!!
>noooooo don't invite actual yesdevs to the general. this has to remain a super secret larping nodevs club
Cosmic Call
Ok so AI can make the models, it can make the materials, it can write the code, why do we need gamedevs again?

>hope Valve will make a special category to filter games more,
> based on popularity/reviews
fucking retard
if you lurked in their discord and realized what's to come, you'd be alarmed too
i wonder how many of these devs will be around in a few years. probably not many.
Valve should increase the Steam direct fee. Make it at least 1K (and 10K in India) to filter out more trash.
i bet you want open borders and want everyone to be raped by brown people, ari
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we could've had 'una playing our games but you guys failed
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>see level called testbattle in my game
>forget what its for
>place the player in that level
>run game
>it triggers a little sentence and puts me in one of the first demos levels i made
>map strings together like 4 areas that i also forgot about
>i was better at gamedev when i started
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You know I've come to accept that trying to force myself to make a game just to make a game will just result in a shitty game and a lot of frustration so I will stop trying until there's something I genuinely want to create
we fucked up bros..
WTF marnix will play our games?
Maybe I should name it budgetspace
People who weren't around then might not believe it, but for quite a long time, posting progress was the norm, and posts that weren't, were the exception.
Look at the thread now.
I realize this post is guilty of it, but I almost never post. I'd suggest before you hit "Post" that you ask: "Am I posting progress? Am I at least responding to progress someone else posted? Or am I just adding more shit onto the pile by treating it like a chatroom?"
Quality answer dumbfuck.
saw a dog outside my window today
>Carmack also had way more trouble figuring out visible surface determination than most people realize
Where does one learn this information?
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>sees flat shaded polygons on a preview model
>thinks of synty
For a generated 3d model yeah it's pretty good but it has problems too like it's not at all mirrored.
Just so we're clear the picture you see on the right is the generated image that was used to generate the 3d model. It is by no means a "game ready" model.
These are tools to be used by the gamedev. They don't make the game by themselves. And eventually when they do the games they generate will be shit. Gamedevs aren't going anywhere but these tools can help you make a game.
No one gives a shit when I post progress
>I hope Valve will make a special category to filter games more, based on popularity/reviews.
Valve already does this. Valve's ideal situation is the best of both worlds where they can collect $100 per garbage entry while never showing the garbage to the average user.
Runa doesn't strike me as a gamer, she looks like the type of girl who only knows how to play the "Get naked for uncle while mommy is away" game
That looks like it would be pretty bad for animation
no lol
>Cosmic Call
I'd say it definitely has a shot if it attracts the right people, there's definitely a sizeable enough niche for shooters like that. I think it needs an immediately recognizable marketing hook though.
i don't care, this screams "no vision"
Lies. 90% of the threads were always garbage. Remember that fucking sourceposter that always got 10+ replies. It was always shit. However the quality of the games was better back so we had better discussions around 'em. Don't fall for the lies, newfags.
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Everyone is really nice in Demo Day comments though because to get those comments you actually had to make game, which is the first great filter here at AGDG(the second being making a release, the third becoming commercially successful).
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sick, gotta link?
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Clarity shows up.
I'm mainly referring to the proportions and the shape of everything, it looks like it's done by a professional 3D modeler.
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>However the quality of the games was better back
Romero writes about it in Doom Guy and also Michael Abrash wrote about the development of precalculated BSP trees (which is the real innovation from Carmack, not BSP Trees themselves, which were invented 30 years prior by AT&T)

I miss him, bros....
>while it's still easy?
What about it is going to get harder
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Like I said it's suitable for a retopo.
Oh yeah for sure it's got a very nice shape to it. I tried a bunch of other generated images on the tool and obviously some didn't come out as good. It probably had to do with the detail the image had that helped the tool to figure out the shape real good. If you planned to use generated images for it there's probably things you could do to get even better results like making sure the characters don't have props like the staff or hat on the way and the pose is neutral.

Here's the original generated image from bing.
that looks so awful holy fuck
can it do porn?
You're on crack dude
>You're on crack dude
You're gonna have to find that out yourself.
lil bro this is nothing new to me. I've been watching the gaming industry output diarrhea like this for the past 15 years. I don't feel intimidated by the fact that you're threatening to kill something which was killed over a decade ago
Post your game and I'll be the judge
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You dont know how useful this is for me. I have to jump through so many hoops just to extract the female mesh for Gunz (I haven't been able to yet). I just need the proportions to model over them, gonna try out this app to finally have the models that I want for my game.
anon that's a generic female just get a base mesh from somewhere like opengameart
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To expand on this:

"Masters of Doom" writes about Carmack like a robot who spent all of his processing power on solving this issue, and that is how he behaved. However, Carmack is a human being who was not taking care of himself right. He was neglecting sleep, his health, and social contact to solve this problem. They hired 3 other engineers who were as smart as carmack to take the load off of other tasks (such as networking) so that he could focus entirely on this. He lashed out at his coworkers and appeared to be completely isolated from the rest of the world. Romero writes about how obvious it seems in retrospect that he was really struggling at the time and nobody was reaching out to help him because they were in their early 20s and didn't know any better. He eventually did figure out the BSP issues but at enormous cost to his psychological well being and his relationships with the other cofounders
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machine made horrors beyond human comprehension
>I think there's a lot of opportunities for less artistically inclined people to help their games look better if you're smart about how you use it.
Agreed. And I think your ability to cite:
>For example this model could be used as a retopo base
Is from some experience you have with 3D modeling. Which makes me wonder if this'll just be 3D modeling software plugins on crack or a complete replacement for Blender/Maya/3Dsmax in the pipeline.
Like, this 'looks close', you just have to separate the staff, maybe the hat(could probably solve that with good texture work), and maybe tweak some of the other stuff, but working out the small details has always been the hard part for 3D for myself.
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The proportions of western meshes never match the ones I want from older asian mmos.
can you not just tweak the proportions? its a 3d model after all
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I'll just leave this here.
Happy for you anon.


If you really wanted to piss me off you should include some gentle femdom.
Here's the difference.
You "touch grass". I *eat ass*.
Your *mother's* ass.
You are NOT mentally superior to me.
Why not just get a good screenshot from the game and adjust the proportions?
Or find available models with similar proportions
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Could someone help this model run this through the site? My wifi is really shitty and the page wont even load.
I dont have an artist eye, its always imperfect
Oh boy, here I go starting a new project again.
Time to fuck around and find out.
I love how the meme is complete nonsense unless you're familiar with the shitty "culture" of this place
It's fucked up how people still romanticize crunch to this day when crunching like that did so much damage to Carmack, Romero, and classic id. Quake was not worth it.
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>Windows XP theme
>comic sans
not based unless you have dyslexia
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Bring me that bussy.
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Metal Gear or Dino Crisis?
>Anons, the situation has detoriated. AGDG has been compromised. I'm afraid you can't trust anyone.
saw someone already posted earlier this thread >>483444057
But will he submit guild architect?
Gamedev is therapeutic to me. When I don't work on my hobbies, I become obsessed with my normie job. I take everything at work personally and worry all the time about being fired. When I consistently game dev every day, my job feels like a side thing and my hobbies feel like my real job. Never underestimate the value of hobbies!

I'm going to start collecting photos of walls and dirty and other IRL textures so I can use them in game dev. It'll be like pokemon snap, walking around with my camera
>the page wont even load.
go to hyperhuman.deemos.com instead
Yeah and they all flopped
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>Leave the thread for a day
>Come back
>Apparently /agdg/ got featured in a youtuber's video thus giving the general more exposure, and potentially too much
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this thread in a nutshell
I literally saw her play that gundam game live on twitch.
>Apparently /agdg/ got featured in a youtuber's video thus giving the general more exposure, and potentially too much
anon, all the memes in that video were 4chan memes
you're expecting too much
>>comic sans
>not based unless you have dyslexia
blame the walmart tycoon enginedev guy for introducing me to monospace comic sans
This font's like wine. It's poison but I can't stop using it
we aren't going to save you this time


christ that legitimately scared me

This subreddit is already popular with a general audience
finally, a reason to fucking leave forever
fuck you all
except the ones in the discord
we're gonna be best friends now
fuck that fucking irredeemable crook fuck marnix too
damn what a fucking bitch, you remind me of my wife
stop fucking nagging devs you fucking cunt
>and like that agdg is over
was good being with you guys
doesnt work,wifi is like 100kps kek
I fucking blame the cuck that's constantly dumping agdg memes in their discord, I'm moving to /g/ or some shit, as if this shithole could get worse
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is there anything i can learn about gamedev from baldur's gate 3 by playing it? i dont understand its popularity with sluts
anon, I...
Not the best but still impressive, thanks
the memories...
yeah, it's a good game with universal appeal made by devs with 30 years of experience, completely irrelevant for an amateur gamedev
you are NOT making bg3
you are NOT making morrowind
you are NOT making deus ex
you are NOT making daggerfall
finish your 2d platformer, timmy
Late response I know but Godot is already better than GameMaker objectively. There's no need to regress in term of engines.
>Semi-competent with making C++ 2D/3D games from scratch though haven't ever finished a project
>idea guyed a list of random ideas for games I think I could potentially make and have fun making
>Can't decide what game is the best balance of "good/fun game" and "game that won't be a PITA to make", i.e what single game out of the 20 ideas to make
Would share the ideas and ask for advice but I have a feeling that sharing ideaguy one-liners on this general is a bad idea.
And no, I am not going to ask ChatGPT or any AI chatbot, for multiple reasons
>LLMs don't really give solid advice, contrary to popular belief. It's like leaving life decisions to a markov chain or a random choice picker, the latter of which I have tried but I tend to just reroll instead.
>Some AI services harvest your data to further ourouboros the brain damaged LLMs
you know what's funny the /g/ synthesizer general is like miles better than the /mu/ one
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what about this
use the prompt to tell the AI that the models has a cap and is holding a gun
And defold is better than both godot and gamemaker in terms of 2d and 2.5d yet you won't call people using godot regression.
>you VILL contribute to an oversaturated indie market instead of making your dream game and you VILL like it
at least they could still Sakurai it and put their own unique spin on the 2D platformer genre "the Sakurai way" but I still find your thinking annoying.
remember if you see an AI "asset pack" you're legally allowed to just steal it and use it however you want because the person selling it doesn't own it either.
Look for games that use AI then make your judgement. I'll wait.
Yes, they exist, but you'll struggle to find them without specifically asking for them.
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I hope pedodevs and porndevs are ready to protect us from marnixtourists
>Which makes me wonder if this'll just be 3D modeling software plugins on crack
This is what I hope it will shape up to be. If we get to the point where it can reliably take like a t-pose concept art modeling reference thing and turn that into a mesh with the correct proportions and decent topology then that would be a huge boost in making new models.

We're seeing stuff happen on the texturing and animation fronts as well. Right now it's all getting separated into different tools which sucks a bit but I could see open source stuff converging into Blender once they're far enough. Currently you can use DreamTextures in Blender but I haven't kept up so there might be something else.
Also, I should add that I'm not good at figuring out the scope of potential projects and how easy or hard it would be for me to realize an idea as a solo dev.
sir this is the amateur gamedev general
we can't help with your millions dollar budget game
I haven't joined DDs lately but I could make an exception this time...
imagine participating in a DD and get youtubers exposure and shit, its over
is this DD the start of /agdg/ indie devs being looked at as rockstars by females?
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Got bored and made a prototype for a Gunstar Heroes/Klonoa type meme
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#include <iostream>

int main()
std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl;
return 0;
dude itd make marnix soooo mad if you all played my demo and rated it 5 stars and got it to the top of the list lol
into the thrash it goes
I'm ready for the female tourists who see us as rough and rugged indie devs.
The hypothetical tourists are all gonna leave when they realize how terrible the average game here is
Are these "tourists" in the room with us right now, anon?
and in C it is just:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
printf("Hello World\n");
return 0;
No shit sherlock
Tried it and burned out. Not for me.
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>C++ niggers have to write their code like this and don't see any problem with it
this. it's ugly garbage
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if they are able to stomach marnix's "games" then why not ours?
How about this?
#include <cstdio>

int main()
std::printf("Hello, world!\n");
return 0;
C++ is slop
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Its fucking perfect holy! Can I get an export link for the model?
Any of you guys savvy with shaders? I've gotta write one that intensifies a dithering effect away from the center of a circle. I can do the dithering no problem but I'm not quite sure how to get the center of the circle and increment the effect from there
>I'm gonna create a spear and shield and learn to implement basic movement, attacking and camera in 2 hours to learn the basics for my Deep Down-like
>1 hour later done with the spear
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This will be me in 12 years...

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>still tried my hypothetical cake first
got appeal down, now to try the rest
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>38 yo
>posts bocchis
moral of the meme:
make the cake that you yourself would eat and enjoy.

Make the game you would play.

Don't try to be an Indian Businessman or 'we're being practical and chasing the pupperino trends! We're heckin' data analysts!!!"
What if I only want to play Skyrim and CoD?
can i get a list of confirmed bochidevs ?
indie post mortem:
"Well, the Videogame Tycoon NPCs didn't buy my game."

the indie dev's steam library:
-games are nothing like what he made.
-expected customers to just eat up his slop.
Making games that are similar to what are in your library is the key to success? I’m gonna fuckin make it
Then you make a Skyrim COD-like. Or what have you. Skyrim-like. Etc. You have to want to play it before you expect others to play it.
yes, it is a better basis than
"Ok, I see deckbuilder rogue-like pupperino-like metroidvanias balatro survivors-like lethal company-likes have been selling, so let's make that. Idk why people even like them, but let's make it because we're acting like mini AAA's instead of the experimenters that Indies are supposed to be."
"It's a pupperino-like with rogue-lite mechanics and balatro themes."
the snowboard-bunny one
No, trying to copy your favorite games is a genuinely terrible idea if your favorite games are AAA. You are going to be absolutely torn apart for being an inferior copy. Speaking from experience.
don't make an inferior copy.
>don't make an inferior copy.
1. An indie can make a superior copy. Why assume that AAA's are the pinnacle of quality?
Graphical fidelity is not everything. No reason to adopt such a defeatist attitude.

2. An indie does not have as much overhead as AAA's. An indie does not need to make as much as a AAA has to make in order to get a return on their investment.

Make what you want to play. End of story.
I’m making the first ever solo developed AAAA game and you can literally
Never stop me HAHAHAHAHA
my game will be the next hollow knight!!
unreal's c++ bastardization is p comfy, actually
I read it like dino cris
with Mark 11:23-24, anything is possible.
bumbling retard
It is impossible to base a game off of a AAA game without it coming off as an inferior copy. You absolutely need to make something different.

It's not just graphical fidelity. Audio fidelity, physics fidelity, story fidelity, gameplay fidelity all of that is infinitely superior in AAA. An indie can never hope to compete. No one wants to play a crappy "Halo on the N64/PS1" and everyone will relentlessly mock you for trying to make one.
weird post
did you quit your job to make it too?
this completely
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limiting beliefs, all I see in this post.
no, should I
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Imagine selling your house (while mortgaged) to make your dream game, and this garbage is what comes out. This will end in suicide.
>ummm dude that loli is not real its just pixels bro relax chill sjw
really makes you think
>talks about something that isn't real not being real
>talks about something that also isn't real
why do you have a problem with this?
I’m a 38 year old and I will make what I like: loligames
kill yourself
>children are not real
i wish, they keep screaming outside while i dev fuck summer school should be all year
What was the prompt? I got the page to load
You may be as hylic as marnix
the image that the anon posted + woman wearing baseball cap holding a rifle in her right hand.
all i see is retardation in your post, curious
fuck marnix, I hope BiteMe ends in triple suicide
seriously, how? what the music/sfx bad or something? this hobby is too grim
the rare murder-murder-suicide, otherwise known as a Belgian triple play
What the hell, are we in the same discord group? (Not AGDG one) I just shared that video together with this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0mecATpsJY
half an hour ago.

You need friends, not a girlfriend. This guy has a wife and two kids but he still feels lonely because he has no one to hang out and have a drink with.
now try to provide a rebuttal
bonus point if you do it while wearing clothes made for your birth gender, madams
Likely. It's a Belgian tradition that you have to commit suicide if you fail three games in a row, otherwise you will bring shame upon your dynasty.
Figured it out myself.
>distance(UV, vec2(0.5))

You know, this is the FOURTH time I have come to /agdg/ seeking advice, finding none, and then just finding and posting the answer myself. Nodev general.
>wah wah wah why won’t my competitors write my code for me for free wah wah wah
Lmao, lol even
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dude he could be reading the thread right now, show some respect
this game is so so so much better than animal well and yet animal well will sell more
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The haves and the have nots...
fucking sperg
>posts 1 in a million example
Keep scratching off those lotto tickets, I hear someone hits it big every day
You 1 in a million strategy game or RPG will hit it big bro
>satanic imagery in the bottom one
So glad it failed. Satanists are so cringe and pathetic
This game has a unique theme and visual style. The platformer clip posted here is just generic indie slop circa 2012. But, he did a good job, I liked it and thought it looked well executed.
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First progress post of *The RPG*

Interactable objects are now highlighted when hovering over with a mouse. Works for multiple meshes having multiple surfaces.

I was unable to create just an outline effect that would work correctly, and not cut FPS by half.

I will NOT add a "Tab to Highlight All" feature, as that transforms the gameplay to a mindless clicking everything and moving on.
I love making ESL’s seethe because they try to reply too fast and their lack of English understanding shows
It's not gambling.
>>483461072 looks appealing.
>>483459383 looks generic and boring, despite the polish. It's also a precision platformer, something that genuinely nobody wants to play. There is a niche for precision platformers like Dustforce but your game will never make it big. Celeste is an exception that I cannot explain, that game had all the qualities of a flop yet still succeeded
>"This game has a unique theme and visual style" and it's just a cartoony artstyle
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Something happened in the Venus base.
relax zoomer. stay out of the discussion, the adults are talking
Making a 2D platformer is worse odds than gambling, AND instead of spending money on a dream you’re spending time. Which is arguably more valuable than money
I hope so but what's the point. He's a fucking retard. He thinks that the "no vision" is a meme. Pure delusion. And then he thinks he can shit up demo day with his retard youtuber opinions
looks NEAT, hope you're writing is solid
stop posting this piece of trash
Seething satanist, your game will fail just like that guy
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To be fair, when actual cartoons look like this nowadays, a game trying to ape genuine animation is novel.
Wow I really hate that style
>Celeste is an exception that I cannot explain, that game had all the qualities of a flop yet still succeeded
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If you make a 2D platformer, make it a Sonic clone. Sonicfags will buy and shill your game
You know what? I'm just gonna not post in this general anymore. It's been real. I think the main draw of a gamedev thread -- trading advice, suggestions, tips, etc -- loses its appeal when all the posters are anons who just shitpost and argue with eachother instead of making any progress on any actual appealing and good gamedev work. But even then, the other gamedev "discussion areas" on other sites are probably much worse. Maybe it's best to just do things completely alone, with no outside help (i.e tutorials, tips, suggestions, etc)...
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Fucking around with chez scheme foreign function interface. Very close to finishing the great migration.

Big City Greens is kino you little bitch.
If I didn't know any better, I'd say she made some sort of weird devil's bargain to become a woman in exchange for success
Celeste released 6 years ago which is a big advantage. Not big enough of an advantage to be justified though, perhaps it's really as well-polished as they say it is.

Regardless, I've never played it and never intend to play it because it's just a 2D platformer, I have a billion flash games I could play if I wanted that.
But I don't like sonic's gameplay...
>huge forehead
>receding hairline
>protruding Adam’s apple
>square chiseled jawline
>giant chin
>deep set male eye sockets
>broad shoulders
Every time kek
>[Celeste] had all the qualities of a flop yet still succeeded
And those qualities are?
hate to be that guy but this is literally soul on the left vs soulless on the right.
Dude on the left looks based and chad-like. The after on the right looks pretty meh.
So is Gravity Falls!
Then you're gay and will never make a good 2D platformer. Time to rope, maybe.
I don't think there's even been many sonic-likes coming out.

You may be onto something here.
I'll be the exception, I have that energy and aura.
ok, say ya Thursday

the studio who made this game is closing, what went wrong sisters?
>the original vs the remake
if you don't like it, don't do it.
Make what you'd play. End of story.

It's basically treating others as yourself.
It's empathetic to make a game that you'd play.

Not looking at people as videogame tycoon slop npcs who will buy games that look like they're in the background of the Suite Life of Zack and Cody.


what do you mean? 100 reviews is pretty good for a game like that.
Actually the game sphere thing is from drake and josh.
Or is it from South Park? idk
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>not available in your country
They deserved it
I've been taking notes while watching various tutorials, and I can tell when writing is horrible, so maybe it won't be a disaster.
What percentage of players will leave reviews on a game?
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>even the white chad wants to become a woman
malesisters, how do we cope with this blackpill?
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This is going to be so useful for me. I struggle with proportions and now I can just model over them.
You're lucky Putin hasn't drafted you yet
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lol, art fags literally cannot stop losing. Imagine fucking up hit boxes. The game is so badly coded your character falls through the floor? Can’t make this up kek
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you just reinvented the original image again
no, the 2 other projects are mainstays.

In my planned games I have 3 mainstay big hit games in my studio's catalogue planned.
your still here, lol
Mental illness can impact anyone, protect your mental and don’t use discord. Also don’t watch tranime or porn
This meme needs a timescale because it only works if your project 1 doesn't take ten years like Marmo.

welcome to the party, now bump some goonrock my fellow workflowchad
You hurt my feelings madam!
>the studio who made this game is closing
The game was released 1 week ago, I doubt they'd close that soon.
Funnily enough they were literally just an animation studio before, and decided to make a game in between cartoon commissions.
Point taken.
>gameplay: 2500
>animated trailer: 650000
>wtf running a business is HARD!
If it’s an actual studio there’s no way they recouped their losses (labor cost) from that game
>MS paint
Not worth it.
>No tweet
>No source
>No article
>No Steam announcement
Work on your game, attention seeker
it's literally on their fb page, they're closing down it was a last ditch effort
I don’t want to take joy in the suffering of others, but I see that type of art and I know it’s ordered towards evil rather than good. And I’m glad that the world is rejecting it
yeah they will have been bought up by microsoft for millions
Trailer goes on too long and spoils most of the game. 100 reviews is really good though. It is a shame that happened to them, but it happens a lot with companies with very bad expectations entering the games industry.
>it’s ordered towards evil
I'm out of the loop, how so?
Putin mostly kidnaps college kids, anyone posting here should be safe as long as they aren't jailed.

I think they just failed to reach a target audience. The animation style seems like a slop blended together from too many different cartoon styles, it doesn't appeal to any particular nostalgia group and even if it did, I don't think the people nostalgic for it would play the game, especially because they're mixing zoomer shit in there too.
Also, no voice acting hits the game HARD, I rarely complain about a lack of voice acting but this game really feels it.
I think about this alot but if he had a daughter would they inherit his masculine features or would they look high estrogen (soft jaw,slim nose,etc)?
I don't get it agdg. How do I make a good game? It's not as simple as just cloning. Tell me the truth.
>#BLUD used Unity
Unitysisters lost another studio, how sad.
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>only one thing left to do before demo is ready for steam
When is the release date for Cosmic Call?
make the game you want to play.
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Opening a door like a Chad.
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>have an entity system
>entities can interact with eachother
>entity is chased by another entity
>chased entity is destroyed(somehow)
>chasing entity doesn't know that and errors out
>entities are created dynamically and interact with eachother dynamically
how can i keep this in check, have entities know what happens to other entities they care about? i feel like a global "entity destroyed" event would work but this also feels like a code smell.
how would anons resolve this?
cute kyuketsuki unrelated
only shitposters remain
Nta but what if the game you want to play is too large in scope?
>is retarded
like pottery
The only big thing left before preparing it for anything else is making better graphics, since the place holders I made aren't really the best, and replacing them will be heavily beneficial.
Good luck.
Don't worry about how your code smells. Do it and move on. Post more cute vampires in the future.
You make it anyways and stop listening to crabs.
didn't read but you are valid
You can’t tell by looking at it? Do you think that type of art uplifts the human soul and makes people want to achieve greatness? Or does it look like cringe redditor slop? It’s not some bulleted list of qualities, it’s a general sense where the artist unintentionally reveals themselves through their work. Through what they choose to focus on and how they portray ideas and themes
Nta, but find a smaller scope game you want to play. Surely you like more than one game?
>Don't worry about how your code smells
Imagine the smell
He's a Trumptard

But failure is the default fate of any business, especially indie gamedev
not anon, but games i want to play aren't games i want to make. i like the mystery.
>agine selling your house (while mortgaged)
who did that ?
Yes, but most of the smaller scope games are covered, but not ones I'd want to make since many have already made those
I want to make something like Daggerfall or Spore or even a 3D Dwarf Fortress adventure mode unironically but I know it would be impossible for a solo dev.
hormones don't change genetics so the former
Lauren Bennett on that music video though.. just thinking about it makes me wanna goon
>I want to make something like Daggerfall or Spore or even a 3D Dwarf Fortress adventure mode unironically but I know it would be impossible for a solo dev.
>he doesn't know about my game
>talk about millennia old concepts such as good and evil
>65 IQ redditor labels you “Trumptard”
Makes you think
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your progress has been noted. Your family is safe for the next few days
damn nice !
CRPG devs we are so back!
(Picrel is directed at the both of you.)
Not everything is black and white tho bro, that shortsighted view on morality is actually a very leftist thing. He's wrong, you aren't a trumptard, you're essentially a twittertard.
Yea that was my question, I think this is why prettyboys are more desirable because their offspring would look attractive regardless of gender
You make it visually appealing and then you add fun gameplay. Simple as that.
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>especially if you enjoy 90s...
So why the fuck did they cram so much zoomer shit into it??? hello??

so anyway, how come they use shade on some characters but the main character is completely unshaded?
damn I'm watching through this and there's one time the player tries to take a photo of a character who faceplants in the dirt, but every time they faceplant the entire screen blurs so you can barely even see it.
god, the first 20 minutes of gameplay is just talking to people and taking selfies, again what audience are we trying to appeal to here?
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Bunnigger you MUST submit this dd I hope to see marnixs comments on your artstyle
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stay mad bitch
i suppose, i could just assign on state change and check for entity changes, too.
>Post more cute vampires in the future.
Thank you anons, your enthusiasm really keeps me going.
another horrendous post, i hope putin sends you the front
>>483465682 (me)
Ohhh ok now I can see why the retard thought it was "evil", it's literally just the old retarded "classic/good old nostalgic vibes with nuslop sensibilities" slop
Your invite to the Inner Circle is in the mail
>Coming to /agdg/ for advice
I'm being dead serious when I say that asking ChatGPT is better than asking the majority of retards here. Or reading the documentation.
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If you're relying on encapsulation of behavior, the chaser should be able to handle the event where the pursued entity ceases to exist.
You can achieve this by having a simple state for the chaser that has "Chasing" and "Idle".
>Chasing: if there is an element to chase, move toward it, otherwise, transition to "Idle"
>Idle: If there is an element to chase, transition to "Chasing"
You could also handle this with an observer, so chased entities call some function like 'chased_entity_deleted' when they're dead.
>ducktyping is bad because it just is okay?!
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are you talking about me or the other rabbit man
Unrelated but New Vegas has corrupted me. I can't look at roman imagery without thinking about Caesar's Legion and the literal gay furries who crucify people
I have two systems
>1. weak references. Whenever an enemy tries to get a target, or refer to a target it already has, it uses the weak reference and if the weak reference doesn't exist then it just defaults to something else
>2. a group call. Whenever an enemy dies it'll call up to make sure that if it's targetted, it becomes untargetted, and you can make it ask all other enemies to untarget it as well. I mostly do this though in case the player is focused on the enemy.
no one cares about panic floor go release already
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whoever wrote and edited that trailer is the dumbest gorilla retard to walk this earth
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>You can achieve this by having a simple state for the chaser that has "Chasing" and "Idle".
yeah i already have a state machine on those entities, it's just a method of detecting when an tentity ceases to be. but like i said, ii feel like i'm overthinking it and a simple (if null change to other state) or a global event will suffice.
I'll make sure to collect it first thing in the morning!

I have a lot of UI to showcase that I finished over the past month. Maybe I'll drip post it from now on.
Sasquatch B, the gamedev youtuber who made that game in the screenshot.
Nice lore. I didn't realize they weren't as cool as agdg made them seem all this time.
Tried to take the wrong notes from studio mdhr I see
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if you count panic floor there's 3 rabbit men
she's talking about bundev's game, pogonigga
>I want to make something like Daggerfall
You gotta break it down to smaller chunks. Start with the dungeon crawling portion of it.
>fps controller
>melee combat
>simple procgen dungeons
>a couple simple enemies
That should do for your prototype/DD entry.
Then to expand on it
>stats, levels, skills, character building elements
>dungeon entrances
or whatever is it that you want to add to your spin on the game.
>that shortsighted view on morality is actually a very leftist thing
He condemned an art-style as evil. Think about why you're even paying attention to anything he wrote after that.
pogo3d is so 2023, post your lethal company clone now
i look like this but do not say this
Fair enough.
The only evil art style is Big Mouth, anyway.
thats what i figured. thanks for the spoonfeed anon-kun
I will be doing this.
and there will most likely be mutated rabbit-people in my RPG who live inside a dragon's belly.
Personally I find the stories of the crunch, petty arguments, personality clashes, and relationship deterioration to make them even more cool. It says a lot about the passion of the old time devs that they were willing to make such insane sacrifices for their games.
Pogo3D would sell with more appeal. The game looks like it's set in Mexico with the blue filter. Up the saturation until it looks like Mario and you've got something iconic that'll sell. Platformers are always in demand, but you need appeal.
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how does your life compare to this? i have a theory that gamedevs and artists in general live 15-20 years less than the average human, i definitely feel 10 years older from all the stress
>mutated rabbit-people
Hmmm... now where have I heard this before? Something about a story... in a cave...
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ok. im working on propogating entity physics and animation events from server to client.
boiler plate for "add an event that does xyz when this bomb bounces off a wall" is 3 lines of code now.
...gameplay? not yet man. maybe next demoday

what are you talking about?
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imagine losing everything while not even committing a real crime.

DO NOT get a publisher agdg. Become a successful solodev who cannot be fired.
He's an adulterer, he's committed sins against god and will be punished in the firey lakes of hell.
If I had a nickel for every time there was a highly influential indie game that got bought out by a soulless corporation, I'd have 2 nickels (cave story and minecraft), but it's weird it happened twice
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nigga what the fuck
>nft scam game
Don’t care
I hope you don't vote republican
Why would a grown man be talking to a child anyway that's not their daughter or family member? Also his game was a scam anyway.
>accept Christ and repent regardless of sin and ye shall be saved.

Why do Catholic's think you cant go to heaven unless you sucked off a priest god your denomination is retarded
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thanks anon, do you have some code examples maybe? i kinda get what you mean, but it's always better to get educated
>thinking corporations aren't godless monsters
what... the fuck is happening in this pic?
I wish I had this...
This picture was taken post coitus.
Twitch hired that girl to hit on him and she didnt reveal her age he was duped and then twitch accessed his twitch private DM's to then fire him using the claim shes a minor just because hes not a far leftist like twitch staff IS and they hate him for it.
There's more than one god and the others are evil. How does that not make sense? You see this in video games all the time and no one bats an eye at the logic.
If I'm going to be making games from scratch, what should I use for windowing/input and graphics?
SDL2 and OpenGL1?
Make an /eceleb/ general on /trash/ next to the kpop general I'm not kidding I would go there and post with you but this is not the place.
I use GLFW currently with my Vulkan and C engine.

SDL2 , GLFW. Whatever you want. Either or.
Okay, but what about Graphics?
I am not going to use Vulkan -- it shouldn't take a hundred lines of code to draw a triangle.
Though I can do shaders in OpenGL3, it's a chore to write a shader for every rendering process. GLSL doesn't have any real equivalent to shader graph.
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>mfw i just realized i can hide my fetish by saying it's "added realism"
holy shit
Right wingers should stop being fucking babies and using leftist mafia social media then but they dont. If you know they are corrupt and will literally try to ruin your life why hangout there?
>>483468742 (Me)
*And though I can do shaders...
His wife needs to lose some weight if he's not into chunky girls. Other than that he lifemogs me to the Shivering Isles and back.
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I do Vulkan, and I draw many many triangles and that 'hundreds of lines of code' is kind of an overstatement. They're talking about boilerplate to get a basic pipeline set up.

then you abstract things and make things quicker.

If you don't want to use Vulkan, use SDL2 and OpenGL.
i know that enginesharts are nodevs but why not use a lightweight and highly performant framework like monogame, defold, bevy, etc for rendering and physics and do the rest yourself? do you really have to reinvent the wheel but worse? do you GENUINELY want to finish a game?
because chuds are useless larpers that dont produce anything of value next.
>”um just like…. Build your own Twitter hehe xdxd”
Elon did that and the entire media apparatus + every leftard in the world seethed for 6 months non stop
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Based retard
>lightweight frameworks
At least say Raylib
>"reinvent the wheel but worse"
implying unity or godot are any better (which they're not)
>do you genuinely want to finish a game?
Yes, I just want to not use engineslop. Do you?
The real bottlenecks are Visa and Mastercard. Until that's decentralized, we'll be under the yoke of powers-that-be
Just use crypto?
>Twitch hired that girl to hit on him and she didnt reveal her age he was duped and then twitch accessed his twitch private DM's to then fire him using the claim shes a minor just because hes not a far leftist like twitch staff IS and they hate him for it.
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I've never done any sort of real coding course so you shouldn't take my word as professional advice, but I'll post some examples I have
>Just use crypto?
They’ve stayed fairly neutral though, except for when they blocked payment processing for nick fuentes of all people kek
>Elon did that and the entire media apparatus + every leftard in the world seethed for 6 months non stop
And the site is still up and is by far one of the most social media sites, no? Besides, Elon didn't build his own Twitter, he bought it. X is still just Twitter in everything but name.
>Elon did that
Buying twitter isn't the same.
And also, he exploited it for money and pissed off rightards too eventually.
>Just use crypto?
Like that'll ever happen.png
Not really usable for most things, you can’t use crypto at the grocery store lol
don't appeal to authority and automatically assume that you'd 'do it worse'.

Godot didn't even have compute shader usage at a time.
Unreal 4 didn't even have compute culling.

My engine already uses compute shaders and it was created in Feb 2024.
I can add exactly what I want and what I need for my game, while learning deeply.

Vulkan + C is far more light weight as well.
That lets you conduct commerce with other crypto users which is still not enough to survive as a business.
then stop talking
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>Become a successful solodev who cannot be fired.
If you are either far left or far right just know that I hate your guts and want to see you disappear for the damage you tards have done to society.
I wanted to grill and eventually you politicized the grill. Can't have shit in detroit
it was literally revealed in the court case why doc made money from the settlement.

Should your life be ruined just because a girl messaged you online and you didnt tip toe correctly? You didn't rape her, you didn't even hang with her in person or touch her yet you think his LIFE should be canceled into oblivion?

That society will cause more mass killings.
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what's the context?
meltdown aside these are so fucking cringe
>waaaaah gamedev is hard i don't know how to do anything!!!
then get the fuck out faggot and stopp polluting the scene with your faggotry
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you too?
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is there anything more satisfying than turning an absolute embarrassment of a texture into a seamless tileable masterpiece?
eric no! this is nasty
probably because he lost his main source of income based on a crime he didn't commit yet, that's how pedos walk from how to catch a predator type stings btw
The implied threat is there and companies police themselves before the point where Visa/MC step on their throats.
>I know I talked about murdering this guy but I didn't anything *YET*
Why must leftists and rightists fight? Don't they know they have a common enemy -- the megacorporations running the governments and media?
yeah the basking in incompetence is annoying.
Then people assume that they also must be incompetent because someone who pressed record is incompetent.

Then you get the cycle of crabs and doubters perpetuating this vapid attitude of self deprecating limiting beliefs.
I need to start making money with gamedev.
hello time traveller from 2021
her armpits have zero definition, I can't fap to that
Is that Fabio?
this does not look attractive.
Looks incongruent.
I like Amazonians.
Leftists will literally advocate for thought crime laws and not see the irony, lol
The future sucks take me back
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because what they want after the status quo is defeated is too radically different.
Imagine when people start seeing dystopian fiction like minority report as a blueprint instead of a warning
Sorry anon, but 2021 isn't that much better. Life hasn't been good in 12 years at the minimum.
man up and put armpit licking in your game just like the rest of us without the pretenses
ummmm bros... why does my tweet keep getting views?
Post tweet and game
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The other question is "do you have to be rich to be smart?" How much of your brain development is due to ingrained genetics vs the amount of education you have access to. The graph seems to indicate "mostly genetics, some schooling". However, IQ is not a constant measurement. "average IQ" is literally defined as 100, so as they collect more data, they update the standard for 100 IQ to be based on the average. Scientists have found that the standard for average IQ has increased generation over generation, so that would indicate that as societies become wealthier and invest more in education, their people become smarter as well. What would be interesting would be an age distribution of this data as well: how many wealthy old people are on the lower end of this distribution (e.g: people from a time with a lower IQ standard than today) vs how many young people with average to higher IQs with little money (e.g: they are smart but early in their careers so the market has not corrected for their skillset yet). I've read that the market quickly corrects for capability: you make the largest salary gains early in your career and you tend to plateau in earnings around your 40s, when you've essentially stopped growing as a person but are wealthy in experience and connections

also that's me in the red circle I'm retarded but make 170k
What kind of cake would Peach bake?
I don't know. I only get around 10 views on a Xweet myself.
It's being investigated by the authorities.
I wasted my whole day today. Opened notepad. Wrote a bunch of things on my to do list. That's it.
God, fuck Elon for giving Twitter that stupid name. I'd be fine with any other replacement name but "le one letter". Naming your social media platform "X" is so uninspired.
a very white cake
I want to watch her fart into a cake
yeah that's definitely a waste of a day, congrats on that
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You have not beaten the game?
What do people daydream about the most other than sex?
I figure if we can distill the essence of most common daydreams, we'll have a template for a perfect game.
The joke is that we analogize games with cakes and do the "That guy's cake is better than mine" meme
Has nothing to do with literal cake
Yes. I literally can't use the name X because it would confuse people as to what I'm referring to so I decided to adopt the name Xwitter, since it's stupid and people understand what I'm talking about.
Strawberry shortcake. Look up the tag "strawberry_shortcake" on r34.
The admiration of your peers.
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I wasted my whole day by working at my job
Being successful
Which I'm not
fuck I can't remember if r34 automatically filters extreme content for people who aren't signed in so that prank might not work
I don't even know if it's still a meme
>t remotelet
The plan:
1. Make a game
2. Make a lot of money
3. Everyone finally leaves me alone and can't tell me anything because I have a lot of money
4. Keep making games
5. Die at 90
Remote worker here. I'm on the verge of being fired because they're noticing how shit of a job I do from working on my game instead of my job.
I daydream most about beating up my bullies from school when I was in school. Except I didn't get bullied so I also have to daydream about snide remarks escalating into fights.
Same, except with two cute girlfriends and dying at 60.
What is the difference between freedom and contentment?
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>iMac G3
God, this era of computers was peak soul.
Too bad I was only a toddler to experience it (I'm 24 now).
But even then, I can at least experience it with used units. And god, Apple actually used to be good instead of iPhone slop. PowerMacs were fucking awesome. Too bad I think I kinda broke my PowerMac G4.
>2. Make a lot of money
and you plan on doing that with your single player only game (SPOG)? mfw
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I will return in about nine days.
My game has LAN multiplayer deathmatch.
You can be free but discontent.
Step 1 isn't going so well for you anon. Seek help.
with news from the prince via horseback? or?
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Fygoon? more like Fagtroon
Yeah, like Stardew Valley, Undertale, Manor Lords and Papers Please
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I hope you are posting at biteme discord
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im thinking about delaying release till october so i can join next fest and polish until then, maybe even get some wishlists before
steam page should be up soon, finish up the trailer rn
Same, except not banking on first game. It's more keep making games then make money somewhere.
If that's your trailer you're deranged
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are you sure about that?
This looks pretty cool honestly
Is Cosmic Call even 10 hours long? It feels like a 3 hour game.
my desire to live only shrinks
This reminds me, didn't someone here try making a game with MML-inspired art with a fella with an iMac G3 for a head? Whatever happened to that?
stay on topic retard, that's not gamedev
Some people enjoy being stripped naked, gagged, tied up with hemp rope and suspended 4 foot or so above the floor. Not me though, I'd prefer tying the knots.
Go like Bowie where your last game is based on your upcoming death and release it on your birthday.
holy based
yea thats the trailer, raw soundless gameplay for that ludo kino bone tingling aryan slow burn feel
im not sure honestly. beating the (fake) main boss isnt TOO difficult (but demo reviews have shown that the difficulty seems to be in a good spot rn) but the real longtime gameplay is in doing all challenges and pushing the limits of how many loops you can possibly do.
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I had a dream I made 400 million dollars at a game in a casino then I thought "finally I can pay someone to make my game"
Can someone PLEASE post the screenshot of loli kidnapping dev's code? I really really want it
3 hours is an over statement lmao
>im not sure honestly. beating the (fake) main boss isnt TOO difficult (but demo reviews have shown that the difficulty seems to be in a good spot rn) but the real longtime gameplay is in doing all challenges and pushing the limits of how many loops you can possibly do.
Please tell me you understand no one is going to play your game after beating the boss right? Please
maybe not, but people play games like these for a whole lot more time than just the main game
>”guys GUYS so like I know the game only has 30-45 minutes of content BUT what if we made an ENDLESS mode and then theorized about the players playing this mode for LOTS OF HOURS. What? No, of course there’s no interesting or engaging mechanics that would make this endless mode as fun as literally any other games implementation, what do you mean?”
You Are Gonna Murder I
I was gonna post progress, but then Godot just broke allmost all of the enemy animations and I had to redo them from scratch.
Thanks Juan.
relax your nigga ass
>why make your game without a pre existing engine? do you really have to reinvent the wheel but worAIIIIIEEEE
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and if i remember correctly, one or two guys played my demo for 1-2 hours causing some guy here to sperg out
so yea, i think its fun enough for more than a few hours
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smooth marching cubes perlin terrain.
godot 4.x is more unstable than even bevy, why did you pick that?
Post engine.
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porndevs look at this and tell me you're not taking advantage of vulnerable people with your game, like seriously I wish making adult games was a genre like any other but it"s just not the case
kino, but why the aseprite background?...
These games are getting really realistic.
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Savior complex is acting up again.
Sir that is from renderdoc
>Is that....A simple 3D shape rotating on a black background for the 80th time in a row? Golly gee wilikers, enginedevs are so heckin powerful!
>vulnerable people
just turn off the screen
Don't interrupt me.
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+ fixed a stupid tiny bug where the speech bubble shown here would sometimes act as if the conversation it represents hadn't happened yet, when it actually had
+ rewrote the entire way debuff tiles are handled so they can no longer desync

back when I had no coding experience the way I handled a lot of objects was to have arrays that hold references to the objects and then arrays that held data about the objects, so if the arrays ever desynced it'd fuck everything up.
I have failed everyone. I'm sorry. :(
I see nothing wrong. Porn is good.
Why are you wearing a bath robe
Add a white haired female to your game and I will play it and potentially recommend it to my youtuber buddy, no porn tho.
anyone have the reddit crab png from the /v/3 video?
Same except step 3. I've cut ties with everyone already. So it's my own conscious that's nagging me. After I make a lot of money that will be gone too.
Yes, there will be a white haired female. Possibly more.
It's a program called renderdoc for Vulkan programs which lets me analyze numerous facets of the program during runtime for debug purposes.
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KEK, Eric pondering that aroma

Unironically thought this for years even confirmed it when looking up the guy being uncannily similar looking
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>>Is that....A simple 3D shape rotating on a black background for the 80th time in a row? Golly gee wilikers, enginedevs are so heckin powerful!
Hey, some of us have multiple shapes with a background!
how new are you out of curiosity
yeah i remember thinking about how the styles seemed similar or wanting to compare it idk it was like 2 weeks ago or something this thought crossed my mind
>tfw mado has marnix coming our way to review our submissions
i wont have a demo in time...bocchi sisters...
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So how do we know a Marnix invasion is going to happen on demo day? Are we going to have 200+ submissions?
I doubt anyone from there actually have a game
If nothing else the extra eyeballs might be useful
>doesn't realize we might get 200+ submissions half of which aren't even whodevs who lurk/post on this general
I dont even have a demo ready either way

Oh so thats how they know, broooos is this it? Is it over for agdg? Do we just hide and not post a general for a week so they think it doesnt exist?
it's over please delay demo day by an additional 2 weeks. there is no way i can have a demo ready by then
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I don't know or care who this marnix person is, but I will not be submitting a demo to demon day. I've got too much other stuff going on right now.
>people don't make less than 20k in the usa
>meanwhile minimum wage in my cunt is 3k
firsties have no idea how good they have it, just do a macjob and you are good
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Family issues. Carrie and her mom.
dude could've done way better that is one ugly ass skank

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