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Normalfag Takeover edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-56
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

getting generic platitute praise every DD = ngmi
getting seething comments to change your game every DD but 3 anons really love it = gmi
everyone below this post WILL post progress today
I avoid [other people's] dependencies like the plague. Not just for security, but performance and Quality. I think I've got a grand total of two (2) in all my repos, and I can easily reengineer them if I need to (and I've looked them over, and pretty much okay with them in their current contexts). Don't get me wrong, I use a lot of dependencies; it's just that I've written most of them. What's been annoying as fuck is the inevitable Sneed, when I mention I like to avoid dependencies. They usually mumble something like "Yeah... but DRY...", or "That's a SOLVED problem!!!" etc. I don't hang around to hear it.
Should I use my alias as my brand/company name like Eric, or try to come up with something else?
You guys did it. You killed /agdg/. From here on out, it's the downfall. Are you proud of yourselves?
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>still can't decide between using unity or making my game from scratch
I'm going fucking insane.
At this point I think the discord doesn't sound so bad
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Another day of my life wasted.
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Make it from scratch, I'm also making a dagger-fall like and I'm using my own engine.
If I hadn't reverse engineered someone else's game I'd have no idea what the fuck a dependency even is, it's not really useful knowledge for making a game unless you enginedev or unless you don't even code your own damn game.
Use Unreal, baka. Unity is the worst choice for a Daggerlike.
Normies will invade it too (assuming the invites are public)
Wtf, I didn't even mention dagger-like yet and the meme is already happening again this thread
Godspeed anon
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keep posting that SLUT
Only enginedev if you absolutely need a feature that you know an existing engine can't do well.
thank you.
The King Jesus Christ God Bless.
>>483475961 (me)
Ohhh I'm stupid. You guys knew me by my gif filename, huh? By seeing a gif of vegeta throwing grass and recognizing the filename you automatically knew I'm the guy who wanted to make something like daggerfall.
>unity sucks for 2D
>godot can't do structs
>unreal requires a supercomputer to even open the engine
It's enginedev time.
in professional game development contexts your puritan approach is unjustified. youre obviously feeling very smug now, but that feeling is, again, not justified. i note that you say “in all of my repos”. whats the context in which these repos exist? are they your hobby games and projects and not of any real importance? do you have literally anyone who calls you out for your wasted effort of reimplementing a game server in webassembly because you dont trust dependencies? i sure hope youre making your own artisanal silicon from sand you dug yourself from your family farm. havent you heard about all those intel/amd backdoors? sheesh louise
WOAH EDIT***: youre an enginedev. apples and oranges. please dont stand atop your mountain of standard library and act like its a design choice you made
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added picking up objects
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I don't know if there really is an inner circle of not but at this point if an authority structure were to come in and create a gated demo day where only devs who post progress in the threads are allowed I would welcome that with open arms
>all daggerfall clone devs are in the same time zone
really makes you think
how do you know our time zones?
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Playing Brotato made me realize VS-likes are puzzle games. The goal is to analyze each game's stat system and find how to optimize desired outcomes. Anything that requires mechanical skill (e.g., projectile enemies) are bad because it detracts from the core loop of stat optimization.
Why? Why do you need something like that?
That's not what a puzzle game is, but ok. That's just problem solving.
you mean devs who post progress in the bunker discord, right?
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small update but i've updated the stage colours as well as the player texture a bit for visibility, i've also made it so the play pushes against the walls at steep angles because i've noticed that players could just keep building speeds on walls until they were fast enough to reach super dash speeds unnaturally it was also janky as hell getting the game to recognise when you're walking INTO a wall or just stand next to one/moving along it, good news is that wall jumping will probably borrow a lot of logic from it so that will be easier to implement
Who's going to tell him?
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Yeah, the engine I use is pretty much 99% Me-made. I use 2 small 3rd-party dependencies and a whole lot of dependencies that I wrote. Most devs would Sneed at it and tell me how "out of touch" I am. Guilty as charged I guess, but my games seem to be coming out pretty well, and I enjoy doing it. I love crafting games, as opposed to making games.
>youre obviously feeling very smug now
Ahem, yeah... Always glad to be of service. By the way, it'd take anyone 1 minute to find all my repos.
>I'm also making a dagger-fall like and I'm using my own engine.
>there's more than one anon thinking this
absolutely insane
do you expect to succeed?
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For me it's Donkey Kong Country, Riven, Harvest Moon Back to Nature, Minecraft and Balatro
I'm refactoring my enemies's logic and after that I'll bite he combo system. These things aren't exactly presentable
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Are you the dev who was making chess pieces with swords?
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i present to you: yellow triangle, made with my own engine
How to make projectile enemies less annoying? My archers and mages are kind of cancer and feel more like unavoidable chip damage even with well timed dodges especially once a lot of them have spawned in
>Back to Nature
>Not A Wonderful Life for the Nintendo GameCube (not the switch remake)
Mark 11:23-24.
Time for some reFUCKtoring
It's actually a rainbow triangle, sir.
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Why is that image real
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on the topic of wall jumping I also wanna add a double jump ability of some sort (any thing the player can do mid air for mobility) and a slide that will shrink the player collision capsule and hitbox, anything to vary up the gameplay a bit. I think thats enough for now and I wanna avoid feature creep (although i'm too lazy for that to happen to me) so anything else I add will probably be a dedicated level gimmick so it won't have TOO many interactions I need to factor in.
still progress you've made, keep it up
You guys have pushed me too far this time. No. More. Happy. :)
the riven remake literally just came out a couple hours ago. play it, the original's a good game
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>see a player tell another player blatantly wrong information about an enemy
>choose not to correct them and just let them be wrong
You guys are really overreacting to BiteMe advertising Demo Day. Sure, DD57 is probably going to get a lot of normalfag entries now, but in the long run it's not going to matter. Just be extra critical to the normies and most of them will immediately leave and go back to redit or the BiteMe discord. Most gamedevs are like water, they follow the path of least resistance and go wherever the criticism is the least harsh so their feelings don't get hurt. Even without being mean to them most are going to lose interest and forget about this place by next demo day. If some do have thick enough skin to stick around then at least that means there's more actual devs in the thread.
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yea, i'm going to start working on it again. this is a side project for fun i'm putting out on july 11th. its a game where you smash up convenience stores as a robot and wrack up property damage costs like blast corps.
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Godot knowers please help! anyone know why my project web export doesn't work on macOS? It doesn't work at all in safari, and Chrome on macOS works only sometimes.
Get rid of them. Enemies in VS-like should all be slow and predictable. If you want variety, create unique patterns like the swarm of bats or circle of plants in Mad Forest in the OG Vampire Survivors. Mad Forest is still the peak design of this genre.
>the original's a good game so play the shitmake
fuck you
Ok, so we all know everyone and their grandma wants to make a Daggerlike right now, but what about Lifesims? If one wanted to make a game that's somewhat like The Sims (1) or Anal Crossing (the gamecube one), what would be the best path for development? And what if they wanted to make it with a theme that isn't "contemporary suburban america" or "cutesy animal villagers"?
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can i get some criticism/advice on my autobattler ui? made the buttons myself so i can easily change them.
Never ever playing a remake of anything, dumb zoomertroon
>everyone and their grandma wants to make a Daggerlike right now
Did you just step out of a time machine from 2020?
I can make models and textures and animations, write down game ideas in a design doc, and make some basic music. But I feel like I always get filtered by integration hell

Like the second I try to do anything non standard in unreal, everything just falls apart. Unironically considering just being an SFM porn artist on xitter at this point

Probably doesn't help that everything I'm trying to do is obscure fetish shit, like now I understand why 99% of porn games in unreal are just "play an MP4 of sex when you lose", because that's insanely easy to implement in a BP
Godot is not great at crossplatform, if it was important to you you should've used another engine.
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Now if you think about it
Are you sure marnix audience even has games?
actually, multiple yellow triangles.
at a time of need I slapped together a code that just werks
because of that it's messy and impossible to maintain as I want my enemies be a little smarter but also have different behaviors
After I added new type of enemy that had different attack pattern I had to to a bunch of if elses that were checking which monster it is and why should it act differently, and what that action is
now I have a primitive state machine that will handle different enemies with different set of rules, it's much more organized and I went with 'tiny little procedures' to reuse as much code as possible for different uses.
curiously, that question should be directed at you instead retard
His audience definitely has games, he regularly puts out videos "roasting" them.
>Now if you think about it
Why do you type like this?
Do I need to play Myst before this? What's the best version of Myst to play on PC?
No I don’t think I will
everybody wants to make a systemshockie, but are too afraid to step from their comfort zone and make boomershooters instead
mado is literally one of his audience members and he has a game
I hate remakes so much it's unreal

Boomer shooters are literally the polar opposite of immersive sims. What the fuck
>I hate remakes so much it's unreal
But is that in the unreal engine?
Sorry i just started HRT and it's making me moody...
ESL moment
what makes something an immersive sim? Multiple solutions to any problem?
i can do it
Yes, it actually is. and it looks like SHIT
Counterpoint: Immersive sims are built upon the same tech as boomer shooters.
Why? You can see how it's better in almost every part, but the opening.
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progress - announce server is working and the game can read a server list and announce a match on the 'announce server'
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>You can see how it's better in almost every part, but the opening.
hopefully bait but if not, consider suicide
post game not that retarded shit
original wins.
Speaking as someone who doesn't like either. They look the same to me. Only what you can do is different.
Boomer shooter
>braindead enemies
>about how fast you can shoot and not get hit
>no real story
Immersive sims
>enemies react and have a pathing they follow
>about besting your enemies with the tools on hand
>easiest method is brute force just blasting like a boomer shooter
>sometimes puzzles to get to the next area
>deep complex stories that have you thinking about your previous actions that seemed mundane
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barone sisters they're calling us out........................
Boomer shooters:
>Bang! Bang! Bang! hahahahaah lul
Immersive sims:
>Holy shit I'm a genius!
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Pic related fell into that trap.
Just finished a 16 hour dev session.
it's crazy how after all these years real time 3D still can't replicate the lighting/shadows of prerendered graphics
kys nodev
>vast majority of posts are crabbing, shitflinging, doom posting and avatarfagging
yeah you nodevs deserve to get invaded by normalfags, they'll probably post more games then you ever will in your lives
you guys are alright
Point and click had its time and place, but you can clearly see how it works for Riven in the remake. There's even a load of animation details you can only see due to having free movement. Baked graphics is still viable, you just can't deny the remake's own qualities on the notion of nostalgia.
This is why you reply to posts even if they're retarded. No one replying to you knows what you're talking about.
>everybody wants to make a systemshockie, but are too afraid to step from their comfort zone and make boomershooters instead
Anon is saying people are afraid to go out of their comfort zone and make immersive sims, so instead they make boomer shooters.
>Consider wanting to make an SRPG like FFT or FE, but haven't played much of the classics apart from FE7 and FE8
>Decide to play FFT Advance (blind) for research
>Suddenly get really bored and tired within the first few hours (I'm just at the part where the "real life" town turned into a FF town and Marche met the Moogle fella and started a clan, which is basically where the game actually starts) and close the game for now
>Consider not making an SRPG
Maybe it's because I was up late and didn't get enough sleep, who knows
fuck you cunt
>Point and click had its time and place
point and click will always be relevant, you're retarded
This thread is a good thread, moron. Actual game dev discussion this time. Fix your eyes. Progress posting isn't the only necessity.
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Cool! I noticed your ik work looks familiar
He can teach you how to pickup asian women and achieve beautiful 3d anime graphics
It absolutely can, it's just that developers believe the majority of consumers want boring realism rather than games stylized to look like prerendered 3D. It's also way easier to just go with realism than any sort of stylized look.
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I should make a Rivenlike
Also, can I just say that the protag's name is literally the month "March"? That's like naming your kid "Tuesday".
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But I've already done one of those, why would he need to teach me?
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grab a knife and slice your wrists
It literally can. It won't run on consumer PCs though. The people who say this kind of thing don't even understand the technical difficulties that go into it. Probably don't even understand how long baking is. Waiting minutes for a single frame is incomprehensible.
make an SRPG but with zoomer pacing
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when people say soul isn't real they are lying through their teeth
Since you gonna start circlejerking again for hours about your personal life shit why not add each others to discord? You seem to be getting along well.
>but with zoomer pacing
Explain what you mean by zoomer pacing?
I'm a zoomer and I hate most modern games (only like those from the SNES era to the DS/Wii era) but I never consider the "pacing"
yes, yes, the cabal is making it's move, you will hear about demolition day soon...
You want to play FPS with the arrow keys too? We have something that's different and better. Riven still exists and now we also have Riven remake.
You can move in the second one so there's no real comparison here.
I already have mine planned out.
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boomers are so pathetic, i wish covid was real
proof soul is real? i'll wait
what happened to roerk ?
So many anons saying they aren't ready for this demo day only for Marnix to give us extra attention, I don't think I can make it even if I worked 10 hours every day for the next 5 days. Bros this isn't fair
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is that a daggerfall town
still waiting
daggerfall doesn't have soul
I'm the last person defending remakes but right is OoT for handhelds, you know, that one thing that you take outside and the sun is usually making all these dark sceneries impossible to see
>9 days until demo day
Do you guys think you have enough time to make a demo by then? I mean anons who currently don't have a demo version of their game.
Looks like the opening from FFT Advance
Whoever made this image was absolutely seething. All the comparisons to other games are dumb and don't matter. Anything close to the word generic is out.
bing '21 Grams'
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Am I doing this shit right?
I have idle and walk blend together, whenever I fall and land, the landing animation plays out full and then slowly transitions back into the walk and idle animation.
>NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO soul isn't real even tho you can clearly measure it
Explain how it's measured then
it's for the 3DS, not the gameboy. Open that pic on your phone and tell me you can't see it
Refute this, agdg? You aren't some remake dick sucker are you?
the more artificial, fabricated, and uncanny something looks, the less soul it has
show me what an atom looks like without any technology, retard. dumb retard. you can clearly measure it
I'm usally not for game remakes but this actually looks like an upgrade it looks like anon is just seething and throwing around buzzwords
yeah looks like I was right
>you can clearly measure it
>You can clearly measure it!
>I'm not gonna explain how, but you can clearly do it!
soulcels really be seething just cause they can't into soul.
>umm actually charisma doesn't exist it's all just looks and money
this is what you sound like
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so nice of them to clear up the blood, there's no way we would be able to see it on the 3DS screen
If you're blending 3D skeletal animations, you probably want to use a BlendTree, not a StateMachine. For example, idle-walk-run animations can be a BlendSpace1D and the landing animation is a OneShot
Everything is artificial. There is no naturally made game.
Same as above.
Horror games? Stylistic games? Claymotion?
Soul = Artistic integrity. All remakes defile artistic integrity
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you just know it when you see it
no, because to give a proper judgement I'd have to go outside
charisma is easily measured unlike whatever bullshit soul is. charisma is appearances and actions. you know the confident chad radiates charisma because he does whatever the fuck he wants. soul is a made up concept to complain and continue to be a moron.
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which you never do because you're an incel
If you think you know so much about "Soul" then post your game and let everybody else be the judge
Soul is the difference between looking at a mountain and seeing it for what it is and it isn't. A pile of rocks with nothing interesting, a challenge to climb, or the beauty of nature to put together something so pleasing to our eyes.
yeah, that's the joke, now go fuck your 3/10 gf
unironically this
Trying to explain soul is like trying to explain a color. Obviously I know what green is when I look at it. I know the difference between blue and yellow. If I tried to explain those colors to someone who is totally colorblind I wouldn't be able to do it.
google "Stranded Skies"
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I tried putting "game engine developer" into an ai meme generator
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I love remakes so much
Duckduckgo "Poke All Toads"
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Soul can be easily mesured
And the mesurment tool is soul
Too bad hylics lack this tool
I've not had any real problems using Godot on Android/Windows/Linux/Mac. The problem tends to come when you use consoles or when you went to export to web, mostly consoles though.
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Hiii!!! I'm a new dev here lol I look like this :3
>Still using DirectX 9
Wrong, I plan to use OpenGL 1.1. No one's exclusively targeting Windows anymore.
>Hasn't innovated since 2005
If "innovation" means making nuslop, then by god, I am not innovating, I'm going to make my game look like it just walked right out of the 90s.
>secretly uses Unity for prototyping
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pardon the progressless post this time around but this is regarding the "SOUL"fag, I see this all the time on /v/ but the soul/soulless debate usally boils down to:
>Y IS SOULLESS BECAUSE I PLAYED IT WHEN I WAS A 30 YEAR OLD MANCHILD WHO IS ETERNALLY BUTTHURT AND DEPRESSED DUE TO THE STATE OF MY LIFE, DUE TO THIS I WILL PROJECT MY OUTLOOK ON LIFE ONTO MY EXPERIENCE OF SAID GAME (this gives it the "soulless" feel). WHY CAN'T IT BE MORE LIKE X! (game X gives him a feeling of nostalgia and escapism that lets him be that "baby boy" just one more time and not care about the state of his life)
I keep seeing this word mainly on ESL boards. What does it mean? What language is it from?
extreme sovl
Disco Elysium has soul even tho I played it when I was 22
You wouldn't be able to do it because you haven't thought about how to do it. It's easy. Green is a color which is electromagnetic waves within the visual spectrum of a certain frequency. You can even just tell them it's not blue and it's not yellow. You can then explain trees and grass are green. That the very shirt being worn right now is green. That earth from space looks green. There's a billion different ways of going about it. It's easy. Soul isn't explained like that by the people who believe in it. It's like faith to them.
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that's funny, as it happens sometimes
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Thanks Froggy for introducing me to this stupid app.
>there are so many idiots in /agdg/ who cannot detect soul that this turns into a multiple-person argument
It was always kinda obvious this place is brimming with soulless golems
good post
soul is projection of the self
that means people who say a game is soulless are projecting their own insecurities onto the game
Post your soulful game?
fuck off Faggy
come back when you have a game ie. never
this applies to all sorts of media/hobbies and really effects those who can't move on and having nothing going for them in life. Off the top of my head you can see it in anime where dudes will chimp out all day about digital being "Soulless" garbage and cel-animation being "Soul", as usual its some form of "OLD GOOD NEW BAD". This isn't new and it's a generational thing. Zoomers get nostalgic about 2018 era fortnite and insist its better then """new"""" fortnite and anything else that comes out now days. TLDR if you see some retard post about "soul" just know they have no self awareness and are slowly morphing into boomers (even though most of these faggots claim to hate boomers lmao)
>marnix said he loves me
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Integrated BG in the game.
Show us this so-called "soul" then, dear sir?
I have never played Riven or Spyro in my life and have virtually zero emotional attachment to it and I can instantly see >>483479608
>>483479772 the originals are artistically superior

dismissing things as nostalgia is a cope
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: How Stella sees Booker, meaning nobody from either his world or outside notices the black and white/monochrome effect. I'm thinking only Leon and Otto from Hirdrih would notice it and see it as some sort of anomaly.
If you're going to samefag, at least wait until your grasp of the English language is strong enough that you don't have the same obvious thirdie writing style in each of your replies.
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just had a run with the perfect items, making me almost immortal. it felt fucking great, im glad nothing crashed lmao
but it made me think of something. i need some sort of "interdimensional" enemy type that starts appearing after chaos 2.5, that is designed to wipe you out. they have to be extremely OP
Surprisingly the fake endboss somehow managed to still kill me the second time i fought him, even after i was this decked out
Fact: most brain-damaged NPCs hate the concept of soul only because /v/ made discourse about it popular, therefore "yucky"
honestly, it is this.
>If you're going to samefag, at least wait until your grasp of the English language is strong enough that you don't have the same obvious thirdie writing style in each of your replies.
Hylic is a gnostic term meaning a fully material human that lacks soul (basically npc before vidia)
anon is right though
i replied to him and i don't type like him either
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well this is my last post engaging with this retard going back to gamedev (what this thread is about)

Third down on left looks like a Nicholas Roerich painting. Roerich inspired Lovecraft's vision of cyclopian terror for At the Mountains of Madess. Left side is literally kino while the right side is concept art slop.
>I've never played either so my opinion means something because it's unbiased
It means jackshit, moron. You're judging based off of one single image. You have to understand how it feels to play the clunky point and click style vs the free movement style of Riven. How you have to backtrack all around the islands and remember how things look at every given moment incase it becomes a vital component of another puzzle.
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>nostalgia is le bad even tho old things are obviously good
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>he's having fun playing his own game
holy GMI
I'm proud of you cosmicdev
I can see the appeal. Nobody would play the old game in the current day when they have the option of free roam instead.

The original would've been outstanding amongst other games and even to this day would be unique. The remake won't stand out amongst anything but that's just the nature of modern games. Free roam was the only way they could've taken it.
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Never forget.
so you're admitting soul is real?
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Why is there no schizo meltdown about this yet?
I want to laugh.
I got sad because you all didn't used my Cris thread earlier so I don't know if you guys already talked about that.
And just like that soulsisters have no grounds to stand on.
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Memes are officially dead. Go home, it's over. AI has killed memes.
And that's a good thing!
>shit looks like an overwatch map
Oh fuck, he's pulling out the huge insults now
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>4:22 at mumbai
Nostalgia isn't what's bad. Treating soul as if it's some magic quality from something closely tied to nostalgia is bad. Old good, new bad is a dead end line of thinking.
what is trainwiz up to these days now anyway
Both are soul
Gen 4/5 are my favorite gens btw
>Why is there no schizo meltdown about this yet?
> I want to laugh.
>I got sad because you all didn't used my Cris thread earlier so I don't know if you guys already talked about that.
kek, it even included that chess club detail
>On model child's drawing
Anyone fooled by it just forgot how kids draw.
It's an enduring law of modernity that old things are more stylish. Society peaked 130 years ago. I'm sorry you had to find out this way
Holy shit you're right lmao
That was pretty racist.
I really like watercolors.
Digital art is cleaner but something hard to describe is lost is the transition.
drilling for oil
Haven't looked in a while and I want to brush up, where do I find good UE5 tuts?
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thank you fren
the moment i saw that these guys couldnt even come close to me before melting away felt so fucking good
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forgot my pic
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>typed "eric barone" and it instantly knew
though it made him bald
Who/what should I type into the wojak meme generator next?
>posts art more impressive than any of the AI art we've seen in the last 1.5 years
>in 2022
>expects us to believe that a human didn't draw it
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You're judging based off of one single image. You have to understand how clunky the original puppet moves vs the seamless flow of the 3d model
I don't think the Rand brother understand that forcing the players perspective is half of the atmosphere of the game. In the game you're exploring a world that's dying all around you. The creatures and people that inhabit the world seem to flitter in and out of existence as you click back and forth through the per-rendered scenes. Part of the magic of the game was finding a scene that you had seen dozens of times suddenly change without knowing why. Your actions seemed to be manifesting the reality that was being projected from within you, the player.
idk if this is supposed to be an ironic dig at the "old bad new good" people or if it's supposed to be an actual "old bad new good" post
it already existed in 2022 if you forgot
rogue-like deckbuilder pupperino dev
yes I absolutely am judging why are they on a diet now
his last underspace patch was saturday, so still working on underspace
mid journey wa doing that in 2022 for months before that pic. And I knew it was ai instantly
>killing hordes of black people
Expect to see cosmic call on the front page of twitter
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yes, so you're telling me that AI keeps getting worse?
generate me a childish sonic drawing right now that doesn't look like AI, I'll wait.
going back and using an old version of AI is cheating, btw
seems you couldn't avoid the pupperino
it doesn't get worse
it can do different things depending on your prompting skills and patience
you only see the generic bad stuff
>The same pic over and over and over and over and over
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Done another propaganda poster (for the harpy) and redone the foxgirl one. I have to find a good /agdg/ ref for the incubus poster.
yeah you're 100% a woman. Fuck this
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>visit /agdg/
>it's the soul exists/doesn't exist episode rerun again
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been doing it for so long, and yet ...
I know right? So pointless. It's so obvious that soul is real
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>The remake won't stand out amongst anything
Already raving reviews.
Did you know there is a VR version of Riven? Myst too? They even made accommodations. It's not the same game, but people who haven't played it definitely think it's the same.
I'm making a farming sim myst-lite with deck building elements-like
>still working on his game
>but now is no longer in agdg
>mfw the anceint greek gods were just ayyliums playing some management game
Raving reviews?!?!?!? Just like my heckin Elden Ringerino!!!!!!!
Riven stands out just like Elden Ring. Good comparison.
I think you could do a Myst clone where playing cards play a role in puzzles but I wouldn't know where to include farming.
Maybe a little optimistic.
>you only see the generic bad stuff
>and the flying spaghetti monster is real because you can't prove he's not real
Re-runs are peak sovl
go to /g/ if you want to see evidence
this isn't some fantasy like you're making up right now
and they both look like ASS
go with moly and jblow next
If you like ass, that's on you.
grow herbs on a mud golem to solve some medicine puzzles
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Every 4 - 6 days I start a new minecraft world.
Something is wrong with me I think, this might be why I also never finish any games but would rather start anew every time.

Is this autism, am I autistic? An autist?
Vocalizing at random times during the night also doesn’t seem “normal” …me thinks.
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how to unburn out?
make the game you want to play
You're asking the wrong questions. Why do you want to start a new minecraft world? The answer is simple. You have to deal with having nothing and exploring a fresh world. Your lack of insight is bad because you already know the end of minecraft. You don't know the end of making your game or you do and you know it's bad so you move on. Find an idea you want to see and that's it.
>Its soul vs soulless debate again
Pretty sure it's been proven time and time again that soul is a buzzword thrown around when someone can't actually give a reason as to why a game is better then another. >>483482926 Was gonna post this until I saw it, thanks anon.
top tier marketing skills
>does not necessarily have permadeath
>dungeon diving
>enemies take turns after you take turns
>proc gen
>moving counts as a turn, as does just about every action

>start at square one each time, sometimes with metaprogression sometimes without
>can be any genre, any theme
>focus is on a range of different abilities and items you can collect that cause each run to be different

rogue is a roguelite
Rest a little and work on another part of your game. Work on some assets this week then some code refactoring next week.
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How to unburn in
refuel. Take a break to enjoy the things that inspired you to make games in the first place.
rogue is rogue dumbass it doesn't fit into either category it's like putting metroid into metroidvania
I dunno reminds me of how I drew when I was less experienced and I'm a guy
I thought girls would be adding sparkles and glitter everywhere just look at Numbaka
i wish i could just go on a holodeck and make my game real...
No, roguelike is twin stick shooter with random items
Soul might be a buzzword, but what are the qualities of a good game? Should be irrefutable and perfectly measured.
but Anon, Metroid and SOTN ARE metroidvanias
Hello, Biteme games. Please hire me. I'm a very cheap and hardworking lad from Brazil.

My skills are:
>6/10 programming
>1/10 art
>3/10 3d
>2/10 music
>3/10 game design
>4/10 english writing
>2/10 english speaking
>10/10 order follower

I'll need an advance to fix my computer and get internet, tho'.

I've been doing this my entire life since I was a child. My parents would get mad at me because I'd take a big stack of paper from our printer and draw half a drawing on one page, quit, and start over on the next page and do the same thing. I've tried making music, comics, animations, movies, mods, and now games and I've never finish anything. My entire life has been an endless sequence of forgot projects with nothing to show for myself. I can't even call them failures because they didn't get far enough along to fail.
Throw out your OLED
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Your struggles and troubles are a precious fruit. Your suffering should ripen the fruit, and when you succeed, you should savor that fruit slowly.
>just does what he wants and enjoys from moment to moment
>doesn't care about stupid finished products to be sold or fawn over in a capitalist society
This is what true freedom is. You have it all already, anon. Congrats.
yeah i know, it's quite bizarre. i agree actually
Does this look bad and soulless (AI generate image) or interesting and cool?
Good morning sir
Would you like to make janitorial work in our headquarter?
This thread isn't about gamedev anymore
It looks good and soulless
you're right... I'm not giving up. the struggle is part of the journey
it looks weird as fuck and not in a novel way
game name?
Keep up the good work. Always take pride when you refuse to give up.
do jonathan blow
You're right that I enjoy the moment, but at the end of the day I have all of these fruitless endeavors because I really want to create something and share it with the world. Unless I manage to finish something I'm never going to achieve that, no matter what it is I'm making. Even when I was in college I almost failed a couple classes because I'd keep starting over on semester long projects and days before deadlines I'd still be on square one.
Yes, I'm even fine with using a maid costume.
A bit of too photographic and the brush strokes and model don't mesh, it's just a layer. Dishonored looked cool because the models and textures were complimenting each other.
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speaking of blow and soul(less)
There's nothing wrong here midwit.
Why would he stay
I look like and say this
What's the best IDE to use as a linux user? I'd prefer something that allows building multiple build configurations at once and custom cross compiler toolchains. It should also have an *optional* LSP. I.E an LSP that can be toggled off. Also the GUI for gdb/lldb should be good.
I've tried the following:
>VSCode, but the version of vscode (OSS) I have doesn't have working CMake support even though I installed the right toolchains for some reason. Makefile tools works but the problem with that is it only supports makefiles named "Makefile" instead of multiple makefiles per platform
>Neovim, but that's a massive pain in the ass to set up, and preset setups like lazyvim are just too much.
>CLion is decent, but it's at a premium price.
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>There's nothing wrong here midwit.
cooking dungeon game, im telling you this will drop on steam and be a hit
Both have soul; right just has less of it
I looks like Ryan Gosling
The new version is animated so it's more soulful
stop leaking my idea pad
Holy shit, you look like Ryan Gosling? Post selfie bro
>Your suffering should ripen the fruit,
the fruit has already decomposed. its now a brown liquid with a fluffy white coating of various fungus species
sorry I came all over my keyboard earlier and my T and R keys have been a bit sticky
>Matt Thorson vs Maddy Thorson
Listen to the best. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzr7hRXcwkw
i posted this months ago thoughbeitever
Just saw a guy that looks like Ryan Gosling using 4chan.
He says to use stuff like VS, right? But Linux doesn't have VS
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>The new version is animated so it's more soulful
cut the res down to something pixelated like 128x128 and restrict the palette and it could have potential
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I'm not the anon you're arguing with, I agree that soul is a real thing. That said, this is exactly why people have grown to hate the phrase "soul vs. soulless". Something being a remake doesn't automatically make it worse, but that's what the majority of the soulless arguments boil down to. Old thing good, new thing bad, etc. etc.
Learn to articulate what you specifically dislike about remakes and remasters rather than just giving a blanket buzzword and people will be more receptive. If you can give specifics then people are going to assume you're just another lazy contrarian.
Fertilizer for a new orchard, should you choose to plant it.
>If you can give specifics then people are going to assume you're just another lazy contrarian.
Sorry, if you CAN'T give specifics. Hopefully that was obvious.
Do you also get this upset when you hear the secret ingredient in a dish is love? Because that's what soul means.
With very few exception there have not been any remasters that haven't turned the game's graphics into a literal dumpster fire
The only exception I remember off the top of my head is Grim Fandango, which changed almost nothing and only tweaked the lighting a bit
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>If you're on 4chan claiming left has more soul you're gonna need make an essay explaining why or people are going to assume you're just another lazy contrarian
yes because that's different
love can mean the person making it or the small differences they do while cooking
it could be food you ate as a child or during a relationship
you don't give a care in the world when you get food at a restaurant about love
do you care if a mexican chef made you chinese food?
no you do not
I think D2 Resurrected did alright going from prerendered to realtime 3d but it wasn't perfect.
Babe wake up, new schizo just dropped.
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Not playing any remasters
Not playing any AAA games
Not paying for any of the games I'm playing
I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm just not playing is all
>explaining yourself is... le bad!
>anything more than a single sentence is an essay
Social media has destroyed an entire generation
what a retarded take
When mommy makes your favorite tendies with love, that means she's making adjustments the standard recipe to match your tastes. The standard recipe has the broadest appeal, which is why it's the standard. Don't be upset that Tyson's frozen tendies aren't exactly like how mommy would make them just for you. You get what you paid for, and successful video games are made for broad appeal.
i accept your concession
it's just the eric schizo having another meltie
You're fucking retarded. A remastered D2 would ideally look like factorio, not D4. Either that or just leave the old graphics as is and just update the monitor compatibility
fucking dumbasses
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Unfortunately this isn't new. He's had this meltdown before.
having a meltdown there, anon?
there's at least 2 of us
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>named soulsilver
>it's soulless
who writes this stuff
>dark is soul
why does it work like this with these cultists
>everything that annoys me must be the ericschizo
Right looks better and more atmospheric, you just want a faithful remake, which is a whole different discussion.
lel this
I like the FF7 remake better than original.
Tomo will see the biteme video and come back to /agdg/.
That lady is nothing but a status digger.
Actually well explained in a single sentence post. That's all you guys had to say.
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>Marnix roasts Tomo's game straight into hell
well yeah, at least I've beaten FVII remake and I tried 3 times on different occasions FFVII and couldn't bother, at the best attempt I stopped after 2nd CD
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imagine defending this unironically. what an eye opening thread. you people are so fucking disgusting
holy shit I vomit
relax zoomer
damn, nostalgia is too strong

Still working on it, this is just a side thing I'm making for fun and to give people something to mess around with. It's more like an imsim at this point. Its called Kludge: non compliant appliance.
>comparing a game played on a small screen with bad lighting and lower resolution to a game made a decade later on a completely different console with completely different hardware
>>comparing a game played on a small screen with bad lighting and lower resolution to a game made a decade later on a completely different console with completely different hardware
You take that back. Next you'll say ORAS and every nupokemon game since has actual soul
HGSS is loads more soul than ORAS ever will be.
>comparing the original game to its remake
wow, sounds crazy. why would someone ever do that
Finally another real pokemon appreciator has appeared. I thought I was in looney town.
>appeal to popularity
Just a reminder that there's millions of "people' (indians) that unironically this this looks "good"
>also soul
There. Do you see the light? Gens 2-5 were peak.
>popular thing is... LE BAD!
bitch I stopped playing after ruby/sapphire what the fuck is an ORgASm?
I like this thoughbeit and I am not Indian.

very good video I found today on game design I thought I might share with you lot.
>popular this is... automatically LE GOOD! Stop thinking about it
>>popular this is... automatically LE GOOD! Stop thinking about it
>Someone telling people to play Riven's remake destroys the thread
an awful remake of ruby/sapphire that doesn't implement any of the good features from emerald
They also had the audacity to replace the battle frontier with XY's battle maison and add a sign saying "the battle frontier project is now in development"
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literally is, anytime a new indie succeeds, agdg whines. balatro's success? is it even deserved? bunch of overhyped non-sense, think the dev himself comes here to market his game. i can believe it's a good game, but not the best seen since sliced bread.
It is though, since as a game developer, I'm optimizing for how many units I can sell. Go to back /v/.
I refunded it after a few minutes like a chad
>Ah yes, the two best book series: Harry Potter and Fifty Shades of Grey. I especially enjoy reading them while consuming the pinnacle of cuisine: Macdonalds
Trump lost.
Balatro is on Eric's top 5 list
Holy shit is that mr satan
The duality of man...
One is a book series for children. The other is for lonely women, possibly older lonely women. McDonalds is cuisine for everyone.
>Eric "The Hack Phony" Barone
Harry Potter was alright for what it was, a book for 11 year olds.
>the best selling games of all time are the best games of all time even tho Deus Ex is the best game of all time
Balatro is good though, the way it keeps its scope very limited by having basically ONE background screen with a limited set of overlay,
while focusing heavily on a lot of effects and details with shaders and moving cards around, all that shit can teach someone a lot about how to make a good game as a solodev.
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>popular thing is... LE BAD!
>popular this is... automatically LE GOOD!
The lack of self awareness is hilarious. You're both describing exactly what both of you faggots look like to everyone else ITT. Neither of your are making any points, neither of you are defending your arguments, you're just flinging shit and buzzwords at each other.
I doubt either one of your even believes the things you're saying, you're just trying to out-contrarian the other person because years of posting on /v/ has rotted your brains.
Don't worry anon, I'll check it out. If it sucks I can always play the original.
Wrong. The best game of all time is Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky for the Nintendo DS system.
THANK YOU! Finally an anon here with
>No! You don't get it! I have to constantly complain that the current state of video games is dead even though I'm trying to release a video game in the current year that will make me a millionaire, I'm not a part of the current state of games, I'm the one who will be the change!
And soon he'll win again then declare martial law, suspend term limits, release cyborg immortality, make himself god emperor and destroy everyone he doesn't like with mini deathstars from orbit. Then what?
THANK YOU! Finally an anon here with some sanity!
You'll lose all of it within a month if you stay here.
Also ignore my post in >>483491123 being cut off. I'm a retard
this but unironically
>this but unironically
Godot has issues on ios and android too, especially with debugging and phones with notches.
>Modern murica politics are now being discussed again in this general
Aaaaand this general is unusable right now. See ya folks in like 12 hours.
sorry capitalisttrannies. I'm thinking I'll just boot up the pirated version of the original for the 15th time HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Sincerity in gaming is DEAD
But are popular things good or are good things popular? It makes more sense the former is true because every popular trending game has been good if you can get over your ego.
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
every popular trending game has been NPCbait

fuck you bloody why you shout at us
Ladies first.
Sorry schizo, but this thread's slot for schizos and shitflinging has already been filed by "old bad new good" vs "new bad old good". You'll have to wait your turn.
Thank you for trying to get the thread back on track.
I remember when HP 5 came out, I was super hyped for it and managed to reserve one of the release day copies from the library. I read the whole thing on release day. By the time HP 6 came out, I think I had already outgrown it and didn't even bother picking it up, which is honestly kind of sad, since I've never read the series to completion. I was 11 when 5 came out and 13 when 6 came out, so "a book for 11 year olds" sounds exactly right.
>people unironically defending artistically abhorrent regurgitated cashgrabs on the indie game general
what a grim reality we live in
>phones with notches
I don't know much about that
It's not perfect but I manage to do it. Also you can technically run Godot on Android.
>issues on ios
I may be doing iOS sometime in the future and then I can give an opinion but it's not a priority since iOS is overly strict about content.
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>I am so cultured and mature. Every time someone expresses an extreme opinion I disagree with I will just stick to the sidelines and call both sides stupid
Sounds like a you problem because HP 6 was really good and ends on a cliff hanger for HP 7. I would say even now HP 6 is good.
>It's another "fishhook theory"/"actually centrists are the other side" argument
it's crazy how well pixel art can age
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HP4 to 5 was the longest publishing gap in the series. I remember all the crazy speculation and fanfics about the order of phoenix that were a lot cooler than what they ended up being.
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Whole lotta red goats ITT. See if you can spot them all!
kill yourself schizo pedophiles
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
relax on the buzzwords there zoomer
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Sir please you will play the RIven. We have worked hard for the rupees bloody basterd redeem our game
xianxia reads like chatgpt before chatgpt, if that makes sense
i really tried to like it but it has no substance
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I don't remember much beyond the first couple of books, Harry Potter is a great example of how to do worldbuilding and a pretty poor example of where to go afterwards.
Unironically keep going. Your schizoposts are better than what we've had lately.
Isn't saying much but I digress
HP6 is terrible. Worst book in the series.
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The entire point is they they don't have substance. They're like fast food. You read them just to read them. Nothing grand.
kill yourself schizo pedophile
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
I'm not putting a countdown timer in my myst-lite mojitolike, sorry
My day job interfering with my ability to work on my game is making me want to kill myself. Before anyone says to go remote, I'm already remote. It's the pings to do day job stuff while I'm in flow state on something in my game that's making me want to kill myself in frustration.
Ok but why use anthropomorphized goats for this analogy
What's wrong with knowing everything? It only becomes a problem when you *think* you know everything but you actually don't.
No that's not right. Harry Potter is about his story and Voldemort. The worldbuilding is a backdrop. It's not supposed to go somewhere. If you read the series in its entirety, you would know this because the last book deals with everything that happened before.
Popular is an objective metric that must be measured at a population level. "Good" is purely subjective. Autistic gamers in this thread discuss "good" from the perspective of their own individual preferences, while game devs who aim to be successful discuss "good" from the perspective of what has strong, broad appeal and will lead to a larger audience.
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he loves us
it's k i n o
link to the video?
Nobody knows everything, if they did they'd be unstoppable. Even masters make mistakes.
Considering the HP discussion, thoughts on DB/DBZ anyone?
Is it "good worldbuilding"? "Good writing"? I'd like to know all your thoughts since Toriyama (RIP) just made shit up as he went along
what is the difference between strong broad appeal and weak broad appeal
They didn't get the meme. Someone needs to tell them it's because Thomas stopped showing up in videos for a little while so people started joking that he had been disappeared.
Honestly thinking about bringing back the countdown timer for Bokube. It used to be there but AGDG complained it stressed them out. Gamers seem to want it for better gameplay feel.. interesting..
Agreed, I hate how because the author hates trannies or whatever normies now act like the books have always been irredeemable trash. They're some of the best children's/young adult books of the past half century or more.
I remember waiting for the book 7 release with my then Harry Potter obsessed highschool girlfriend outside of Border's at midnight. I've never seen so many theatre kids in one place.
> I remember all the crazy speculation and fanfics about the order of phoenix
God I miss those days
>Someone needs to tell them
no one needs to tell them anything you fucking bitch. /agdg/ is an insular community. The next motherfucker that gets caught trying to export thread culture is getting booted from this community
if you read the filenames you can tell its him, disingenuous-kun
I never thought hard about the lore and shit. It has good characters so that what mattered.
>fuck you cunt
Actually, no. Unlike most Internet trolls, I don't get off on the misfortune of others. I wasn't posting it to be smug. I was just sharing my approach, which is hard work that I do for a good reason. In fact, the grief I get from Sneeds like you reeks of smugness and derision. A lot of that "Teh old man is teh caveman" stuff; just like what you wrote. I am always in a "professional game development context," so there's a vanishingly small chance that I might actually be aware of the ins and outs of shipping games. You seem offended by me simply mentioning my own personal approach - and yeah, I do a lot of Web stuff - along with a pet peeve about how cucks such as yourself tend to try and act quite smug to me because of my approach. You've delivered an insult where one was not needed. It was unkind, unsought, undeserved, and unnecessary.
For games specifically, it is possible for a bad game to be popular and a popular game to be bad, but it is impossible for a good game to not be popular.
DB/DBZ is good because it knows what to focus on and doesn't focus on the stuff that doesn't matter like consistency. It focuses on conflict, tension, action and fun. No one cares about exact power levels, only that Goku might get blasted a few more times than he did some other time and if he'll have some new technique to win. Then there's theories on who Vegeta is going to get his ass kicked by to make a good showing. It's a character focused series and that's a good thing. Indie games should do more of that instead of trying to be the next Morrowind.
>someone took my meme and slapped a shitty caption on it
Don't tap the glass, this recent happening is bad enough. All it means is that there's been mole ITT who posted agdg memes to the BiteMe discord.
Looking for programmers for a Postal 2 like game. It's in godot. Reply if interested
current dev music

Actually a good game is guaranteed to be successful, but not popular. A lot of good games land in their niches but have no mainstream appeal because they are not designed for attention deficient women/teenagers/seniors/etc
it was just one attention seeking nodev
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AAAAAAAA! Bocchi-sisters I don't think I can make a demo ready version of my game in time!!!!! Noooooooo why did Marnix reveal it so close to Demo Day!!!!!
kek because this is true. Basically the Amish in here.
I accept your concession
Maybe make it an optional mode. Add time extend pick ups to that mode, make it tight so the player gets those pickups at the last second so they get that tension and relief
holy shit you're right how did no one notice this before
all of eric shizo's filenames start with either 17 or 16 and then random 14-digit string of numbers
based, i can only dev when i'm deeply immersed into kpop b-sides https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVv_C2fYStU
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Don't worry, I will make up for it by submitting my demo.
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Goreposter, this is your one chance at redemption. I beg you to start bombarding marnix with death threats and to communicate to him in explicit detail what will happen if he doesn't back off
actually all of his filenames follow this format

Funny how rehashes/remakes are becoming more common these last years. So many successful devs just rehashing their games rather than making something new or alternatively a "2" of their game that's pretty much the same thing but with some new art and areas. If I was rich there would be so many ideas I could work on yet all they do is a rehash or something close, why?
just don't reply to it
you should know better
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I've been going through my 'Pumpkins CDs and this song came on. It almost sounds he says "Stardew" instead of "Starla dear".
kek saved
I believe that's already happening. I think deepfake extortion is already a thing, and if someone is a popular influencer, then you know that they:
>Have money
>Really don't want even fake stuff getting out.
For me, I couldn’t care less. I’ll upload that shit to YouTube. A mommy vlogger, on the other hand, might not want her squeaky-clean image soiled.
>eric barone and horbror
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oh, you were actually serious.
oh dear.
SCHOLARhan sip.gif
Screenshot from 2024-06-2.jpg
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imagine I'm the nigga in.jpg

you got a problem dude
did someone say something?
Who the fuck is Marnix? Sounds like quite the polymath. I've never heard of him, until now. Is he like the Linus Tech Tips for game dev? It seems the world is a slightly darker place now. Thanks for letting us know about him.
>imagine I'm the nigga in.jpg
that's funny I like those ones
lmao get a load of this nigga
Maybe that wasn't the best phrasing, but some media does a great job of being accessible enough to appeal to a broad (i.e. normie) audience, while simultaneously being deep enough to generate a devoted nerdy fandom. (e.g. Harry Potter, Star Wars, capeshit, shounen anime, etc.) "Weak" broad appeal would be just the former, without being deep enough to create a long-term, devoted fandom. These are like your FotM games.
must have been the wind
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My game will now feature lewd Russian little girls.
Wrong take. They’re more common because there’s more resources poured into them as there’s more people in the world. Only popular games get remake/remasters. It’s also the best time to do it because console generations are wider than before and PC is a viable market. Sequels have always been a thing. Nothing new there.
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did this nigga seriously go through the whole thread and copy-paste every single filename?
little girls are ugly, waste of good art
Little girls are the epitome of beauty, one of God's greatest gifts.
But the story is whatever.
Harry Potter is isekai. Just like isekai, we all care about self-inserting into the magical world then none of us care about all the dramatic story plot shit. oooo forces of evil and good holding wands at each other and doing beam battles, how exciting. give me more details about how the stairs turns into slides when the wrong gender goes up to the dorms please.
When the eric schizo gets called out he just goes insane that's why it's best to just ignore
For the record when Eric talked about Riven he mentioned there was a remake coming soon so people could try it out
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The retard that went to the Marnix discord and dumped his entire meme folder is like the one dumbass friend of the group that decides to invite the retarded weird kid that eats his boogers to of your group hangouts in Y friend's house because "it would be funny" and then the weird kid just keeps inviting himself every single day
When did he talk about Riven?
>yfw Eric is the one who hates the remake and posting here
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...sorry for existing
>claims there's a pattern in the filenames that prove its all the ericschizo
>no there isnt
>"I accept your concession"
>proves there is no pattern
>hurr durr when the schizo gets called out he goes insane
this is some shit tier gaslighting
Your obsession with the ecelebs you worship posting here is weird, meds.
nah, the anon that did that is based.
the weird kid just invited all his inbred cousins you fucking shitstain
I will not buy Tricky Madness now.
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>losing velocity 0.5 seconds after hitting speedramp...
lurk moar fag

>t. too low of an IQ to see the obvious patterns
Is the inner circle devising a battle plan on how to deal with the marnix situation? God, you're all so fucking useless. The old inner circle would have found a way to damage control this
are you trying to say something there, esl?
>"You're not a real stalker like me!"
hahahahhahahha what the fuck
are those fallout min-E nukes?
I take that as a yes
Too accurate, lmao.
Stuff like this is inevitable in every online community or forum where there's no barrier to entry. Eventually it starts attracting clueless new users who don't understand the unspoken rules and social cues that older, more seasoned members take for granted, and they always end up doing something retarded in an attempt to fit in that only spoils the fun for everyone else.
If you've ever followed a lolcow before you've probably seen this happen. I used to watch Kingcobrajfs religiously, but then a bunch of retarded new viewers somehow told Sam Hyde about him, and at that point it was all over.
I'm sorry anon, I really wanted to find a way to get the springs to consistantly apply velocity and then seemlessly return control to player but all implementations were jank and a headache to configure so I just canned it. maybe one day...
turdies need to be banned from the internet
people could not shut the fuck up about the podcast 2 weeks ago
The weird kid wants friends too.
Thanks mayne
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sasha-chan is such a slut it's unreal
I forgive you, bocchi bro
>"People" and in actuality it was just one guy spamming like always
fuck off marnix you talentless hack. "Roast our games" huh? Fucking parasite using our hard fucking work for your content mill you disgusting leech.
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Oh there ain't no rest for the nodev
Reviews don't grow on trees
I got posts to crab, I got celebs to shill
There ain't no (you)s handed out for free
Oh no, I can't fap less, I can't sleep well
Though you know, I wish I could
Oh no there ain't no rest for the nodev
Until we close the thread for good
What’s there to damage control? The usual autists will filter out anyone coming here. You think we trained crabs for fun?
If Marnix was raiding these threads we'd see a drop in schizo levels and an increase in progress posting.
Do you think that's happened yet?
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I will religiously torture and bully all newdevs appearing over the next month. Ain't no bitch nigga b*lgian gonna ruin my favourite hangout spot
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Can you get rid of the pickles please? Thanks...
that's how it is every single time new fren
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also, tbf, I didn't do it just for the lulz. he asked
There's no progress to be had when e-celeb are involved. Besides, who the fuck would be trying to impress Marnix of all people?
Literally the guy above you.
>he asked so I had to COOOOMPLY
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I have to maintain my parasocial internet relationships...
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>normalfags are going to see Cult of Damaskus and be brutally honest
uh oh
New mecha demo lets go
try that again but in english this time jamal
>Meme obsessed niggers are trying to impress Marnix
As if it couldn't get any worse
damn guess agdg really be filled with them sheep yall folks weren't kidding
this Jak and Daxter music making me feel as though I'm just up here dev'ing in my tree home and /agdg/ is going on in the town square of the Tree City.
kill yourself pedophile
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
Unironically this. Both in-thread and on Demo Day. No more kiddie gloves
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If you were gonna share memes with marnix you should have shown him their fucking disgusting teeth
>it's a "one newfag tells some other guys about a 4chan thread and then some autists whose entire identity is based on the thread make the general worse than any newfag could make it in an attempt to keep the "normies" from going on a public website" episode
every time
kino hours
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Temporary truce with Cosmic Call and kalemonvo so that all efforts can be directed at brutalizing newniggers
Thomas actually has nice teeth apart from them being yellowed as fuck, probably from coffee and cigs.
Marnix's mouth is fucked up.
I didn't know you were like that, Horbror. I thought you were a nice guy.
im trans btw
Oh wow, a new album? Nice, thanks for sharing. I didn't know he was working on anything.
>yellowed as fuck
hence the fucking disgusting. no one is expecting them to have american bleached teeth but that shit is covered in dental plaque
relax brit with shitty teeth
edit this to daggerlikers and orblikers making fun of whoever
is it not clear braces?
undead burg-er
kino lighting
shut the fuck up zoomer esl
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I for one, welcome our new biteme overlords. I just know my game will get so many wishlists.
Can't believe someone just did Shanghai dirty like that. He would never say that.
marmadness or trickymoreal
Always knew you were a spineless backstabber you little bitch
This retard didn't even try to find an old progress post from him, he just downloaded a promo image and didn't even bother changing the filename. I miss when people would actually put some effort into their bait.
if you ever thought the inner circle is as bad as it gets just wait until the marnix circle sets up shop
Looking for two /agdg/ pictures:
Screenshot of loli kidnapping code
Cris post where he rhymes dear with pear

If you have either of these, please reply.
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What sort of game should I make when copying Sable's art style?
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I would also like that cris post if anyone has it
How do you copy this art style? Tell me what you know.
>visual first, game second
Just give up now.
visuals sell a game
you can always change gameplay
you can't completely remake visuals unless you're rich
he's right
a turd
It's a toon shader with low (only 2?) posterization levels and a post processing edge-detection outline
Impersonation is the #1 cause of devs no longer posting progress. It needs to stop if agdg is going to be saved.
look up a tutorial dumb ass nigga
this is probably the most frequently replicated style in shader tutorials after a basic toon shader
thank you for this announcement, le redditor
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I want to watch some youtube videos about gamedev with (You) anon share something with me
Impersonators being real gives you cover for when you genuinely say stupid things. We should all be thankful for their existence.
thanks dad, i'm doing my best
Lets start.
>thinking about sales figures and marketability before you even have an idea for gameplay
Go back to the biteme discord please
Hello I am Feeddev and I fucking hate faggots
not everyone is a hobbyist like you who can flip flop from project to project
some of us actually want to make something to share with the world
Hello everyone,
Posting here some more UI progress. I added an in-between screen to preview the game mode before starting the real gameplay, just in case the player wants to change some settings like background music, stage background, rules, etc.
I also included some voice lines for when you choose a character (same video with audio):

Work in progress of course.

Keep going lads.
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I haven't slept much but I'll watch as much as I can before I fall asleep
No one here has the chops to compete on visuals in any market segment. The best graphics I've seen here is Necrovale if you like pixel shit and the Expanselike if you're fine playing games without any artistic flair. Every other game looks like shit (mine included).
looks slick as hell bro but there are too many wives and husbands distracting me from the rest of the game
>biteme drones are already appropriating /agdg/ vocabulary
it's over
>some of us actually want to make something to share with the world
What does making money have to do with this?
>cute dark fantasy survival horror
Oh no not again these two things dont mix but its somehow kino im jealoussss
Oops I spoke too soon, >>483501136 looks nice for a mobile game but it's not going to compete on visuals either.
more sales means more reach
what is there not to understand
those crow country style door transitions are neat and simple. I just realized your aiming system is like that game too
If you care about maximizing reach, release your game for free.
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Got the cold. Today i was a nodev, but i least i have a good enough excuse, right?
Thank you son.
Yeah it's part of charm in my opinion, I know the game is not for everyone, so I'm trying to have as much appeal as possible with these characters, as I can still be use them for other stuff besides the game itself.
Thanks for the kind words.
Kalemonvo and my game look outstanding you fucking snob
Insane how there isn't a single good pixel art game in development on AGDG. Really makes you think.
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>crow country style door transitions
ToK looks amateurish. I mean it's fine for what it is but graphics won't be the appeal of the game.
I don't know what's your game but if you've posted it here in the past 6 months, it looks like shit.
prediction: the biteme /agdg/ video will get like 300 views. however, the general will forever be reshaped by anons identifying money-seeking behavior as biteme-related for years to come
it doesn't work like that
you have to think about it as a veblen good because price reflects quality in the face of the customer

That game is nice. Simple but effective and made millions.
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We probably brought some light into their well of despair.
Anons could just play into it like Cruelty Squad. If you art is ugly, embrace it.
the only /agdg/ video they are allowed to make is DemoDay grand demo testing
anything else will only waste everybody's time
>ToK looks amateurish
Someone finally saying the truth.
Excuse you, I've been interested in making money from gamedev forever. There's no way I'm going to invest 2000 hours in something if I'm not hoping it'll bring me money.
Tears of the kingdom is a shit game finally someone says it.
There are no good looking AGDG games, period.
sir...? This is /agdg/... and a stands for amateur...
If your game is something people want to play, it will make money. If your game is something people don't want to play, you'll have trouble getting people to play it, even if you're paying them. Making a game that makes money is the same as making a game that other people want to play.
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>spends all day at work wishing I was home deving
>gets home
>doesn't dev
im ngmi aren't i
I know the game. Have you never played another video game that had transitions going through doors or rooms?
how much harder are you working now that your game has solid odds of being featured on his channel?

kek he doesn't know
>anons who download from other sites
>filename whatever sites places
>anons who download from 4chan
>filename starts with 16 or 17 typically
>anons who download but rename it
>filename is something semirelevant/relevant
Bro you need some meds

t. Do all three methods
Here is games with soul in current thread
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Thank you son, but yeah. Visuals for most games in my opinion, require a lot of time. So yeah, with time any game can look good, at least in terms of art direction (assuming the devs have the right mindsets and skills). Let's keep at it bro.
>already pulling out the cope
Just because this place is called amateurs, doesn't mean it has to look amateur. No one here looks even remotely as good as some random indie game on screenshot sunday.
>screenshot sunday
the what now?
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>Just because this place is called amateurs, doesn't mean it has to look amateur
TIL. Holy cow. Never knew. I grew up with your stuff.
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crabbing this much and yet not receiving a single (you) from me
as I can still use them* sorry, made some correction typos
The broken English is the icing on the cake. Mumbai really aren't sending their best.
>gets his feelings hurt
>starts reeling back and calling it crabbing
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Alright /agdg/, how crislike does this look?
Shotgun and the tank goes whack when the brain is destroyed.
With audio: https://streamable.com/k2iw4d
Post your non-amateur looking game?
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nuh huh, I'm not giving (you)s HAHAHAHAH
sorry but still not giving AHAHAHAHAH
uhhh I know your bait is soo goood but still not giving AHAHAHAHAHAH
This has a cool atmosphere, nice colors.
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lol wut, thank you
Has this been posted here before?
Holy fucking kino!
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it's over
A simulation of the internet websim.ai
Define "crislike." Cris' art style can be expressed as impressionistic, super realistic, punk rock, baroque quartet, skyscraper design, or even homeless temporary shelter (anyone who's seen the homeless shelters at Shinjuku Station knows what I mean). Lots of subjective opinions. I've seen great code done by very repressed retards, with limited verbal skills, but unique thinking. And I've seen fucking awful, bland, shit code, written by Sneeds who affect a really "creative" vibe. I've found that Cris is more creative earlier in the day, but most productive later.
god bless america
I posted it once or twice before, I started it 20 days ago so it was mostly just boring boilerplate work anyway.
why is everyone here suddenly a bocchi poster?
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Noooooooooooo I must get my game in. If only I had three aggy-kuns to hop in and help me finish my game's demo in time. I simply do not have enough time. It's like 9 days until demo day and I've got maybe 21-28 hours of potential available time. I don't have enough time to set up all the stuff I need. I'M NGMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII This isn't fair, Mado-dev why didn't you hold off until the next demo day!!!!!!!
Basically, how shitty does it look. Is it shitty in a charming way or an embarrassing way?
>copying Sable's art style?
you mean copying moebius' style
I just wish I was her
Can I pound your prostate
everyone itt is a bocchi poster whether they know it yet or now
relax homosexualanon
No, but i appreciate the offer. Have a good one.
no :3
name your top five hottest devs faganon
cute nadia
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So Mado-dev has just passed $10k monthly within the last 48 hours.... I wish I could get this without going down the degenerate route.


I just wish she was my irl gf (literally her, not some cosplayer)
thats scary
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I'll add this to the queue thank you
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thanks bro, it's my OC Donut Steel
nothing personnel kid
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Objects in the camera appear closer than they are
are they not all OC do nut steel?
>So Mado-dev has just passed $10k monthly within the last 48 hours.... I wish I could get this without going down the degenerate route.
Don't kid yourself, you couldn't do it even if you degeneratemaxxed. There's no easy money.
tfw no delightful tomboy gf why even LIVE
Yeah, it's pretty charming. I prefer art to be a little “smoother” than Cris’ work, but had a difficult time doing it myself; which was one factor in my eventual retreat from art. Looks like you have the smoothness though.
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tfw no tomboy gf to do kyubu kyubu chains with...

yeah they all are kek
Instead of focusing on productivity, I spent half an hour implementing an int that clamps itself automatically so that you can just do regular math operations to it and the right thing will happen.
I jerked off for like 3 hours straight today so it would be worse
monumental waste of energy, you could've been making game
You doubt my power? I'll show you. I'll show all of you.
lines too thick in this scenario, the way I assume you've taken an eraser to the lines to try and bulge out the inner details results in an awkward look where sometimes the line is really thin and sometimes really thick, and not in the good way.
If you're working with a mouse and a line tool then I can't blame you but with a tablet you can learn to only rarely need to erase lines to trim them down.
Nta but
>grew up with your stuff
Anon his game's been out for like a year, what do you mean you grew up with his game? Does he have more games besides that on the app store?

You cannot imagine how much I like golden eye color. In fact last gacha I played I made my character with golden eyes. Except long blonde hair, pink lipstick, white skin. Why yes I did make my character my waifu how could you tell?
Inb4 you're the Neko poster that was rating anons oc characters.
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That makes me feel less bad because I only spent an hour and 20 minutes
>Attack cancelling
>Fast movement
>Left to right progression
>Passable 3D
If you have any of these you are not a Crislike
yeah I'm pretty addicted to porn haha
Same, 3 hours is my usual, but I was doing some volunteer work earlier today and didn't have time.
kek the game that's on the appstore and on itch.io feels way too old now compared to this newer version

Also, a gacha with a character creation mechanic? that sounds interesting
You're right that I'm using a mouse but I haven't taken an eraser to anything except to clean up lines a little. The autothickness on Flash 8 is kinda finicky and I still struggle with it. I'll see if I can draw it with a thinner line to make it look better. Thanks anon!
Have you not played my game
Having control over lines is important! Especially for stuff like the girl's facial features thinner lines can make them look delicate, whereas the outer lines that frame the character can be thicker. May be worth getting a drawing tablet if it works in flash. It's either that or lean into the flash game staple of having lines without any variation and just using consistently thinner lines for details.
gamedev is so hard... but the struggle itself is enough to fill a mans heart
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good day folks
i give up.
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This guy wrote 13 novels before he sold his first one.
So don't give up if your first few games flop.
I should write a novel, but I don't want to be a poser, I need to make my own ink and paper
I'd rather write one novel that is 13 times as long
I won't buy a lab grown Pomao.
you're telling me they paid on average, what, $250 per person?
what the fuck even is this?
And it was not even to write them, he'd already finished them. It was to get them early along with some merch.
the highest tier is 1million for brandon to 'suprise' your anus
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>I just wanted to be a gamedev
>didn't know what games to dev tho
>but I had this crazy idea, basically 2 already existing games I like but combined
Idk bros I think you can only be a solo dev if you have a strong vision of a product and you have an experience of finishing projects(at least some freelance commissions with deadlines) and you know how to commit and how to make compromise with the concept and the reality. What this guy does(and 90% of this general does) is just mindless masturbation.
I got a new dataset. It is more cohesive and useful than just what I had.
I want to see the static that comes out of the characters though.
>1 million
there are girlsimps paying that much? Where are they getting that money? inheritance?
He is a part of the Mormon organization.
Mormons maybe want to use him to get relevant in the fantasy genre. Maybe he is Mormon Fantasy plant. The Tolkien of the Mormons.
this guy gets NTR'd by the way
I think I'll go for a Final Fantasy Rebirth style using MetaHumans.
Why is there a black woman but no black man? Are you racist?
the fox is blackcoded
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this your favorite gamedev?
don't be racist blacks can be white too it's called albino
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Worked on the lighting for my town level today
just checked, there's no such option. still higher average per person then the simps giving lentil money. iirc the sole person to fund at the $1500 bracker was devil spire anon which he revealed on some other board. months later someone mysteriously appeared on agdg claiming to have had sexo with her. part of me partly believes this happened rather than just someone larping.
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their boyfriends
bro is making dark souls in agdg
>there's no such option.
huh. that's odd. who did I give my inheritance to...?
why shouldn't i add a $1m option in hopes some rich guy decides to just give me $1m for the heck of it?
>take the million
>family gets kidnapped
>give it back plus "interest".
I'm deleting my wishlist, chud.
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The more you gamedev and experiment, the easier it is to make future games (code reuse)
I'm trans and this is untrue.
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it's over...
I do want to include more characters in the future...

kek i was about to respond another guy, he deleted the post i think
I hope this is true. I can't start a new game until this one is done though. I made a pact
it is true
No shit.
I was just fucking around don't alter your vision.
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I read a preview of one of these since my buddy was hyping this up so much and it was he most nonsensical contrived horseshit I've ever read.
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Made a princess. For some reason I think it came out very Asian overall with the hair and the eyes.
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There is no point in doubting yourself game-developers.
You got it from here.
I don't know what to name her
he has a personality cult on youtube
think about a big youtuber making a book/movie/whatever
nice job with the assets bro!
I'll go with Charlotte, thanks anon.
kys marnix nigger
eeeeeewwwwwww looks like shit
It’s sad there’s no Mormons on agdg. They seem very creative somehow. Many successful members in sci-fi and fantasy.
>what the fuck even is this?
by a wide margin the most popular living fantasy author ever since edgy santa stopped writing his books
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>head_bone.transform = head_bone.transform.looking_at(mouse.global_position)
thank you juan, growing and shrinking the head is exactly what that line should do
Read what looking_at does dumb dingo
Nolglorb is iconic desu.
He reminds me of Conker.
code head looking at things for me now or i cancel it
the first three are some of the worst names you could ever conjure up. don't ever recommend names again. my goodness you must be one ugly clueless retard irl
>that croc gem
so when are you going to call it quits on this jump king experiment and make the real croc 3 with the cute backpack
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Some terrain flythrough. Not finalized ofc, just a webm to take a break from dealing with a bug.
>code head looking at things for me now or i cancel it
Looking where? You want it to look up?
Cancel the game, nobody wants to play it anyway
AGDG quick! He’s serious!
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if you are a game developer thinking of throwing in the towel, i'd say there's no harm in doing so
Is this AI generated?
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on this
why does he need so much money for paper material
Set an alarm for 1 hour of dev a day. It became routine quickly for me after that.

iirc this is a daggerfalllike? got anything posted on your project anywhere? playable demo?
your game is charming.
he cute tho
Obviously not
>Is this AI generated?
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Having Coconut Gelato, the saturated fat on it is Unreal. Good thing my saturated fat intake today has been unsually low.

Total game dev progress today, excluding work I may have done past midnight from yesterday, 0. I'm not gonna make it in time, demo day is simply too close.
Yes, this is the engine for the Daggerfall-like.
No demo yet, just making terrain gen.
Also I'm not posting anything this early, I plan to make a YouTube series though.
use atan2 with direction.zx to figure out the yaw and sin with direction.y to figure out the pitch
he doesnt need the money hes a famous and rich author he writes the kind of cringe shit redditors love someone must have told him he could scam his customers $100 for each book instead of $10 if he sold them this way
damn ass kiss lmao

absolutely destroyed, how will he ever recover from this
*a Daggerfall-like,

There can be many of us.
Jesus Christ the King God bless. I wish no curses upon the other DaggerDevs. May our games all do fantastic.
Noted anon, thanks.
She cute. Max boob size slider chad.
what can we expect from marnix revealing agdg to a small but sizeable group? are we getting a large normie invasion?
Look at all the good games posted recently. It's the worst.
I will play every /agdg/ daggerlike who posts progress regularly
I’m ready for the female tourist groupers.
Neat. Youtube series is the way to go. I've gotten interested in quite a few projects over the years via youtube Devblogs.

I'm really into generative processes, and writing stuff like town layout generators or dungeon layout generators sounds fun and interesting. You wouldnt happen to need help with anything like that, would you?
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Making a cozy-like is my only chance at getting a cute gamedev gf...
why are there so many strange responses to this. i don't get it, what's going on.
asset vomit
Not at the moment, just doing terrain gen.
Then after this chunk is serviceable in a mock up sort of way, I’ll move onto chunking the entire world.
Then terrain optimizations.
Then oceans and other bodies of water.

Generating towns sounds fun to me, that’s a fun part. So Id like to fully indulge in learning that. Perhaps I’ll have some questions in here once I get to that stage.
But for now it’s terrain. No people just yet.
Quiet world.

Thank you for the words.
The King Jesus Christ God bless you and your ventures. Perhaps we will meet again.
You should build your terrain gen with city and road placement in mind. You need to be able to flatten areas.
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holy based
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Daily Deal went pretty well. Not exceptional, but I'm happy. The sale started at 10am yesterday, and went till 10am this morning. In all, it sold about 2,400 units at 35% off (about 10 bucks usd). It's at least enough to keep me going on the project and get it to 1.0.

Most of what is left is balance and polish work. Probably some more content for fun, but mostly polish.
congrats dude, well deserved
nice i was wondering where you were
still a literally who
bet he's a nodev too
Hero's Adventure: Road to Passion
>15k reviews
>Looks like that?
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This goes beyond my intelligence level so I ended up just using a basic screenshake.

He doesn't say what that third parameter '...' is nor does he say what time actually means. I'm assuming time elapsed since the shake started?

He doesn't show the GetPerlinNoise() Function.

Also, I dont know why he would add seed+1 if that value is being used to determine the output of the intensity, so offsetY will always be higher than offsetX. Idk, I'm going to experiment a bit to understand what perlin actually does .
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Congratulations anon, happy to see hard work pay off. That's really great to hear. What's the next project?
The other parameters would probably be normal stuff like scale, number of octaves, lacunarity, etc.
You don't need to pass time and time elapsed as arguments. And time is better than time elapsed so that you don't always get the same screenshake.
Look up how the perlin noise functions work in your engine/library. If there's one that takes x and y parameters, you can use y as the seed and make x vary with time.
>Also, I dont know why he would add seed+1 if that value is being used to determine the output of the intensity,
That's not the intensity, it's a rng seed so that the yaw and pitch etc. will be independent.
oops sorry I was necroposting, I guess posting in the correct thread goes beyond my intelligence level
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>2 weeks ago
>2 weeks ago
>2 weeks ago
Youre lying right? Surely this was within the last 7 days or so. I remember watching part of it too.
didn't you see the last thread or two? several anons seems to want to look good, it's free advertising. although now that i think about it, it's just advertising to other gamedevs. so not sure how useful it'll be, but it does seem fun. don't think i'll be participating as mine isn't ready for this demo day

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