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Previous Thread: >>483408236

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>16/6 (Sun) 11:00 - 6/26 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Izuna (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Chise (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Mimori (Swimsuit) (3* - Rerun)
>6/26 (Wed) After Maint - 7/10 (Wed) 10:59
Kanna (Swimsuit) (3*)
Fubuki (Swimsuit) (3*)
Kirino (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Task Force Emergency Nighttime Meeting - 6/5 (Wed) After Maint - 7/3 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Say-Bing! - 6/26 (Wed) After Maint - 7/10 (Wed) 10:59
Total Assault: Binah (Field - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 7/3 (Wed) 11:00 - 7/10 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Light Armor) - 6/27 (Thu) 11:00 - 7/22 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals - 6/19 (Wed) 4:00 - 6/26 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Lessons/Scrimmages - 6/26 (Wed) 4:00 - 7/3 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 6/29 (Sat) 4:00 - 7/1 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>6/25 (Tue) After Maint - 7/9 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hare (Camp) (3*)
Kotama (Camp) (3*)

Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2587179
Cyber New Year March - 6/25 (Tue) After Maint - 7/9 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hovercraft (Field - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 7/2 (Tue) 2:00 - 7/8 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Bounties - 6/24 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/1 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/1 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/8 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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Added cooking minigame information.
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I don't want to go to work...
Mika should die
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cops are not your friend
all me
seia hates nagisa...
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Fine, Arona, just this once...
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My precious desert rose.
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Proof? Just go look at her doujins.
And remember that 99% means only 1 out of 100 has to not be vanilla.
In just the first page with 25 results there are 3 versions of this one.
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It... doesn't seem to work? It's not showing anything useful.
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Imagine the smell
don't miss the one above
have you ever taken a cab in youre cunt ?
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The Cutest Kot, The Prettiest Princess, The Finest Feline, The Motivational Miko, The Invaluable Investor, The Speculator of Germanium, The Architect of Abydos, Stalking-Sensei Survivor, The Rider of Sensei's Banana, Part Timer Worker; Full time Sensei Lover, Somehow No longer the Flattest Cat and My one and only Oshi AND THE BIRTHDAY GIRL:
Make sure to say KOUSAGI GET YE GONE before rolling
what MMORPG would /bag/ play together?
Miyako on the way
lol paranoia must suck ass
you were probably the son of a single mother, and she had paranoia on top of being a female. let me tell you a secret: the vast majority of shit she said to you doesnt apply as a male
Hey guys? Someone want to play World of Archive? There's this girl in windstorm gifting stuff to new players if you join her guild
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rio when?
ctrl+F5? You're seeing an old cached version for some reason
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>this is maki future
your fault
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>the already smelly Veritas goes to a place with no showers
now, IMAGINE the smell
Please slow down the thread, I'm still reading the previous one.
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Mineral Craft is shit
At least I'm not a SEAnigger underage avatarfag.
My ex wife is there to prevent that
Nothing. I tried on a different browser and it's the same.
I can't believe Hare is a pothead...
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How'd I do?
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Enjoy your rat
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Must be an American thing.
Who the hell get scared ordering takeouts?
So monkey is back and shitting on Mika again instead of Wakamo?
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Rio brothers how are we holding
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Eimi sex
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This thread is going to stink
>farmable student
pretty bad
wrong on all 3 accounts?

but im american
Are you really surprised?
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Serika thread!
Wild. Try something like https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/New_Year_March?bag ?
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Farmable but Eimi's good. Fortunately for you though the best tank for literally the next raid coming up. Also semen demon of the highest order.
> New banner i want to roll on
> Have to wait hours until Grand Assault ticket finally arrives because it might not last long enough for anniversary banner

this is stupid
Bwos is C. Kotama any good? I got Hare early.
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Can confirm, it doesn't show all the fancy info. Perhaps you saved a draft? Or maybe it has to be approved by a mod
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NTA but the first link didn't work for me either. This one works fine.
>what do I need to do?
Unzip those right now, young lady!
That one works fine. Not sure why the other link didn't work for me.
are you going to do hod torment
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Millennium events are sex always
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I need to update my gift collection image cause it's very out of date but I can't be bothered.
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Good for Hod.
Finish the spark if you're nearly 160 or 180, otherwise don't bother, you can always mald with Kayoko or borrow C.Kotama from your friends.
What did he mean by this?
Well of course you wouldn't care about a fast food place knowing your address, not only does every fast food place in your area know yours, but so does all of /bag/!
If you really think about it, Maki is perfect.
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Thank you for coming home.
NTA but this link seems to work, thanks anon.
I'm one of the guys who delivers food to people and yes, after I give them their food I come back a few days later and kill them, i also steal anything useful and if the girls are pretty I also rape them
and I could also do the same with Yuuka and got 18 results out of hundred results, same with Wakamo with 4 results out of her 47 doujins.
Afrikaans language of Mineral Craft...
The correct version is definitely live, I think it's the aggressive cloudflare caching. Adding ?whatever will force a fresh fetch from miraheze
That is your "proud father" instincts talking
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did I set off a sleeper cell activation or something
I barely can even bring myself to do Insane.

40 rolls. I like Kotama but I don't think I can risk 160 for her in this case.
i knew it was you. what are you prescribed for it?

ofc any sane man would rape the pretty girls. but why would you kill anyone? theyre your customers. you gotta think about that as a poor little wagie
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No one smelled
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Mate why are you even trying to argue with a faggot who seeks degenerate shit of students.
Doubt he even play the game.
"Degenerate arts to own the Mihochud".
Imagine saying that shit unironically.
[-] and ignore.
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SEX with Kanna.
Can't all avatarfags just die in their sleep or something.
Mineral crafts is for retards and zoomers, true gamers play Dark Spirits!
Ain't me, that's my first post in /bag/ today. Good morning, you uppity fat faggot.
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>27Β° C
This is hell.
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Fuck off, Brit.
27 is comfy
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>"Come Suzumi, Momoi-san will teach us to be better at recognizing criminals and preventing crimes!"
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40 minutes until I fail to get cHare with a single 10 roll
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I'll just keep an eye on it to see if it updates, but that's a neat trick to know if this happens again. Thanks for your hard work as always wikiman.
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Bwo, your Atsui yoooo?
No witnesses, also I use the money to buy pyros because Arona told me to in a dream
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Akira stole my heart
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Surely that won't last too long. Bundle up and tough it out, anon. Maybe some water bottles?
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Try 36
0c is the ideal temperature
I will not be listening to the opinions of jungle/swamp "people"
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Literally killing myself. The one week I'm in hospital for the first time in my life and without access to my computer (my phone is garbage) I miss the Himari banner I was waiting for months and months for.

This just isn't funny.
fuck now I gotta look for Blue Archive MMLs. Surely the gooks made some.
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By the gods, I hate Elves so much
You have to understand! It's not only hot but they have an humid weather too! Be kind with your brits brothers!
Donut cop
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What'd you get hospitalized for?
For being a Koyuki fan
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Imagine not making Yuuka your wife
Probably new valk?
We just got over a horrible heat wave here in the midwest us, it's downright cool at the moment.
Measa squeeze me
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Your final boss btw
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Good morning, /bag/.
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Get well soon. You should've asked a friend to log in and roll for her, at least.
Fuck off Wakamo.
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Not Br*tish, and anything above 24 shouldn't exist. If a god is out there and he was truly merciful, he wouldn't have let this happen.
ugoitenainoni atsuiyooooo~
She better have dual revolvers.
it doesn't matter. she will be stuck in NPC jail
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Aru is the best girl in this game. I have no proofs, but I have no doubts either.
I have perfect counter an IQ test
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Getting hit by a drunk driver and somehow getting away with only a shattered pelvis and leg. Which is actually awful but still. At this point I more lament no Himari.
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You are correct, I just realized it's that hour again, kinda ironic using beastiality to own faggots
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Oh hey, her chibi actually looks pretty cool with the longboat and the shotgun. SPAS sexo.
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>be Sensei
>get a shattered pelvis
Stupid sexy elf
>only a shattered pelvis
We warned you retard bwo, Yuuka is for missionary, not cowgirl.
Just don't go bro
good luck missing out on himari alt which will be announced next stream
Next time learn to say no
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You know what? Chihiro is totally in the wrong here, they are fucking STUDENTS 15yo, not some corporate salaryman with an actual duty to do shit
If you care so much about security do it yourself you fucking bitch
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Suzumi alt when
>only a shattered pelvis
Nigger that's not "only"
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What is wrong with this child?
so are any of these girls worth rolling?
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Nexon, where are the feet?
Need! Kirino! Artwork!
Need! Kirino! Pics!
alternative is being isekai'd into an all male version of Kivotos
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coom in doom
Why would you even imagine that
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At this point summer part 2 being anything other than Arius would cause an actual outrage
I've already seen some nips dreading the possibility of not getting the full squad on the first go as it is
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himari (real)

at least you can get her with a selector ticket on the anniversary in a few weeks.
I hope it's not Arius Summer not because I dislike Arius but because it'd be funny to witness.
But isn't there already a selector ticket now? Are we getting another one on the anni?
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Measa touch grass
It's okay bwo, you missed Himari, but now you've become Himari lmaoooooooooooooooooooo
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>>at least you can get her with a selector ticket on the anniversary in a few weeks.
>he doesnt know
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>having sex with Yuuka or Mine is the equivalent of narrowly escaping death from being hit by a truck
bros i'm not sure if it's safe for us to have sex with our students...
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Good morning
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> Not getting the full squad
Dunno why they thought that.
2 limited students for the free 100 banners
1 welfare
1 BlueFes
Seems pretty par for the course, I mean it happened last year.
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is it not... did they do something stupid instead of a selector for jp
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Everyone is making jokes but glad you're (mostly) alright, anon. Fuck drunk drivers.
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She cute
Only the half-annis have actual selectors. The actual anniversaries have weird gimmick tickets.
Well I'm glad you're ok
buy yourself a selector and get her
you deserve it
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>Constant complaints of cold
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that's kind of dumb
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'sup my negroes
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>event map is looong as fuck
>even with all the bonus units maxed sometimes miss the achievement by a few seconds
>will have to clear the nodes of multiple currencies 2~4 times due to that
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these nerds... I need to make them experience LIFE. more accurately: the CREATION OF LIFE!
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Comfy Hare
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She's so cute, really like her smile
She's bored, send her to seia's room already
Yeah, how dare someone try to teach them good morals and healthy outdoor activities, they should be spending their adolescence and future adult lives seething at fictional characters on online imageboards!
Anyone noticed how Plana's 3D model now has triangles on her uniform like Arona's?
teacher student (pure)
the students that are strong (lorewise) are all laid back. when are we getting one that abuses her powers?
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harunawank is alright sometimes
Some of the students in the PV with Arius looked like they're from RW so it could be a mixed Summer

People would drop the game en masse, don't even joke about it
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Meanwhile... https://twitter.com/8mugra/status/1798994340750205091
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Are you this old /bag/?
I engaged in some Harunawank just the other day, and it was alright.
Kikyou's momos made me like her a lot more...
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scatfag trying new tactics i see
do kids nowadays not know this?
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You only like Kikyou for her personality
woah, nice chise
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Hinners really like THIS?
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>type funny junko on google to see funny pictures of Junko
>it brings me to a racist website instead
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my wife saori
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I like this
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>you should nuke Kivotos, Hoshino-chan
wait, then who was attacked by a sea bear?
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is that not a good reason to like someone
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Fuck off we're full. Go be a nigger somewhere else.
I nuked your mom last night edgenigger
Or robots
Google shows you results that are relevant to you. You might be a racist.
One of the best SpongeBob episodes.
Well should get Summer Hina 2, this time in a bikini. We need more Hina, most people play for her anyway. Who needs literally whos from Arius anyway?
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She said she's sorry, bag.
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good, I hate that bitch
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It is. That’s the joke. Because usually it is β€œyou only like X for her body”
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I don't think I will quite make it in time for the july check...
Pick one
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You only like Miyako for her body
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You seem to be making good progress nonetheless, all the best anon.
Bruh that's like at least one full week away, just keep patting her.
Its about the reality of how stale certain doujin scenes are. I still remember Kancolle's peak is that they aren't afraid of their waifus being subjected to degeneracy while modern day degeneracy is just lol horny
For the event, where are the reward bonuses taken from? Your current team or the team you used last to clear the stage?
Of course tsurigikek is the one to snipe, of course unpopularfags always are the most obnoxious
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>Influx of Fubuki and Kirino art
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her JC body, to be precise
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Kirino got those easy-birth hips build.
There's something incredibly erotic about a small and perky butt. Now I love massive fat asses like Hasumi but this is nice too.
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Is this reaction pic taken from a comic by the guy that does hardcore NTR?
I really like this image
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>decide to do the Hare Momos I have before jumping into the event
>she's literally me
Bros, I might spark...
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>failed 4 subjects
I think I should just kill myself at this point.
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My guiding light
For once nexon was based and put the unpopular students in the spotlight
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Highest currency bonus of the recorded team
Example: beat with a team that has 100% in X currency and 75% in Y currency. It’s recorded.
Beat it again with a team in 20% each. The game will keep the 100% and 75%
Beat with one with 0% x and 100% Y currency then: your bonus in ALL subsequent clears will be 100% in X and 100% in Y.
You CANNOT just do 50% and 50% with different units and stack them. You need a high sum of a single currency in a single team
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thoughts on this butt?
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There's nothing bad going on in that tent
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I invited Serika to Schale for her birthday but she masturbated on the couch while I was away for a couple minutes and now the cat juices are everywhere
I don't think they shill popular girls that much honestly, sometimes they do but sometimes they don't. Mika for example hasn't shown up at all since fucking FC, its crazy
Not my Mash
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It happens sometimes bro.
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I'll take all 4 and then make more
Seia will flop
>both are special slot
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Or you could stop being a bitch, learn from your mistakes, and move on to the brighter future.
We're getting ads collab now?
enjoy your toxopox, or whatever that thing people rave about when anyone mentions cats is
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Maki was right about Yuuka
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Nah, she’d win!
I cum on cat she hiss at penis
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Mika still gets constant arts, I think it's a good idea to shill less popular girls.
And also maybe the story devs got butthurt that his girls didn't get many doujins.
I know I would be buttmad too. WHERE'S MY KAHO ALT, NEXON YOU CUNT.
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It looks like I already picked both...
What is with this community and JJK crossover memes
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tags - shorts, panty_peek
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Sleepy melting ojisan is still the best Hoshino
Is it a spongebob meme? I'm not sure why it's a rhyno
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>Or you could stop being a bitch, learn from your mistakes, and move on to the brighter future.
Unfathomably based
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I've never failed a class but I failed networking and finding a job
shit, I actually completely forgot the rhino part apparently?
And Hoshino took that personally...
Is event planner up and running?
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Atsui yoooooooo
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>put the unpopular students in the spotlight
>for once

but we just get Airi a months ago, no?
who's going to voice Seia? my guess is Miku Itou
The bear that attacked Veritas didn't have a halo. That sea rhino has a halo. That implies it is also a student.
alright, thanks anon
good she's only for me
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Is Hod a student?
GA tickets live folks, come get your free Kotama...
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Seia would never say that
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> Airi: Has someone with bond 100
> Meanwhile, Juri / Tomoe / Cherino / Nodoka
And before you say anything else, Cherino is more INFAMOUS then actually popular.
I had to spark cKotama but Kikyou came home along the way so I'm not complaining
I choose both you can't stop me
congrats on the free Kotama!
My bad, I meant mystic.
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seia would say that
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Do I finish my spark when I'm at 170?
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All four should die
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>ASSclub was robbed of swimsuit alts
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Might as well do it.
Rape Arona while you're at it.
Seia already lost to Mika's fingers she can't win anything
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>went up a couple ranks in GA
john nexon's assassins claimed a few lives..
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Wait for the feminization
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hoshino should die
Should I be happy /bag/?
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>Sensei has licked Iori's feet
>Sensei has not licked Muchuki's feet
Well that won't do
So you admit that 99% number you pulled was bs?
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Sexy Saiba...
That happened to me my freshman year, I actually was close to killing myself, but things got better after I changed my major and started smoking marijuana
Anything over 150 is worth finishing if you either don't have the other banner character or need more eleph from one of them.
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Sexual sexy sex with Maki.
as far as spooks go, not a bad one. I'll use the spark on Kotama.

I probably won't be able to invest in shig very quickly for Set though
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Stacy of Stacies
Shiraishi CUTEaha
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instructions unclear got free hare and cat instead
Both have zoomer fanbases
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Would you?
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Huh...I was there about the same time as him >>483391137
That would've been funny if I'd gone a bit earlier and he'd noticed a foreigner taking pics of Kirino of all characters. Alas
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I love time schizo. Easily my favourite BA villain.
it just be like that
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Hoshino is Gojo
No, it looks like a vtuber
Cute girl, that explains why Mika always rapes her
Fucking explode
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Me on the top left
Kayoko is arousing
Both fanbases are big so there is an intersection
Decacunnies should give all prophets their own student bodies
This is only funny with Mika
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>vtumor binah
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our prophet students don't even have playable bodies
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So I got Hare, now what?
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>Let me have your son, Sensei
Your what?
Make jokes about going in the woods
Maki! Your pyramid is the pyramid that will pierce the heavens! https://twitter.com/dwon1226/status/1805557660311502937
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>got angry Arona was giving me minimum rolls
>she does this
… cunt
What is going to happen in the woods...?
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look at these cuties...
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When it seemed like Hare and I were the only ones still awake, I got excited because I thought we could have sex.
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Are there any even any students with an SKS?
masturbating to the next student posted for 3 hours straight
/bag/ be like
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This is within probabilities bu I’m a bit screwed for D.Ako/Makoto and D.Hina unless I get reasonably lucky along the way
Save for Makoto/D.Ako and then D.Hina (anniversary). D.Hina is the priority btw
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It's that adult charm
Yep, that's me.
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Yes, I am /bag/ and I say this
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Why did they put out another swimsuit alt for Shiroko? What were they thinking
Fuck this shit ass localisation team why the fuck are they still employed? How does BA of all games have shitty localisers?
>I can't with the vice president sometimes.
Why the fuck did they change it? I also just reached the part of the story where when asked about how she feels about camping Hare says "It's mid" I've not seen the original text but there's no fucking way she was using zoomer slang they're just changing shit for no reason holy shit even with me being an EOP I could pick out that "The VP is so mean" was the original voice line. Why the fuck are they changing stuff for no reason? Is Nexon planning to dump this localisation team when they accelerate please tell me they will and get translation checkers because there's tons of shit like things like this in global
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Kill yourself already you worthless cucknigger
they're being spiteful after being forced to change Kikyou's lines back to what they're supposed to be
that is a child
out of 10
i know right
if her age is on the clock
stop my dick can only get so hard
Haven't read the story yet but there is absolutely no way Hare actually says the word ''mid''... Right?
I really liked TTGL
Check the KR script (yes, even if it's JP dialogue...), and then send in a ticket if it's demonstrably different. They've fixed things before and if enough people harass them they'll fix them again.
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Is the GA ticket going to be handed out at reset today or later
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I say all of these
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You can redeem it already.
>look up fanart on danbooru
>disclaimer at the top:this post has one child
What did they mean by this?
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I can't screenshot because im playing on mobile but yes she does.
I somewhat recently played chapter 3 and at the end one of them says "people die when they are killed" which as an EOP I can almost certainly tell was a change from the original script to add a meme in.
I think they need people to rally and report it en masse for any impact. Some of these texts have been like this for years. I believe the Iori foot licking was changed to shoe licking instead and that's been there since launch I believe.
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The ticket is going to expire just before D.Hina right?
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what the fuck i guess the dot just didn't update
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>rolled C.Hare
>finally, a chibi!
>pick her up
>she drinks a can of energy drink
>pick her up again
>she drinks ANOTHER can
Bros I think my daughter has problems
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>the goz ticket lasts until dhina banner
Fuck you all for telling me to wait to roll
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My daughter just wanted to play Minecraft...
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>had to spark Hare
>drop my ticket hoping to at least get Kotama now
>of course I don't get her either
Hasumi's theme song
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> pull on cHare banner
> get cKotama on pull 199

Ah well, at least I got Kazusa and Atsuko as well...
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What you don't like the shitty t-shirt copy paste alts? Sorri but Anime poduction is veri veri expansu horpe yu undestandu
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ASS was robbed of literally any other alt.
You're forcing her to drink them, if you don't stop your Hare will be huge
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delete this my ex-wife is gonna FREAK
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You win some you lose some anonbro.
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there are no good games to play
Yuuka's theme song
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>Have an unlucky run
>"I'm feeling lucky"
>Get unlucky
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Finally pulled Hare. The only think I'm praying for is C Maki to not be some meta limited ultra important student now, but what are the chances am I right?
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shiny sensei
Multiple posts across multiple threads said the ticket will last until at least DAko/Makoto banner.
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But they said it wouldn't last until dhina banner
Is Chise retarded?
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Realize that videogames died in 2010s and all that's left now is bloated 50+ GB piles of shit that are boring to play.
Return to the 2000s. It will set you free.
I found out I have a lot of fun playing old shit compared to modern games.
You now going to install this game
The localizers mindset is always to get away with what you can, especially when viewers are angry about localization.
On JP it didn't
Git gud
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The birthday girl is here!
go back to watching skibidi toilet and explain the plot/lore to us
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my wife Mika
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There's plenty of room, draw your wife or something funny /bag/gots
Hitler should've won.
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does ga ticket last until hinawank banners?
The schizo...
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well i'm glad i waited to use the ticket
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Does the GA ticket last until the Seia banner?
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Hina's banner should happen in 5 or 6 weeks, how much time do you have left with the ticket?
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>tfw my DS3 save file got deleted out of nowhere
Not getting every achievement any time soon I suppose
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Please spoonfred me a guide, yt search is absolutely unusable
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No one cares
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Die lucknigger DIE DIE DIE
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Two spins, not counting the guaranteed ticket I used first (I got wappey)
Thank you based Arona!
Explain the appeal of the following
>Rickshaw girl
>Black Suit
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i just claimed it alongside my silver trophy
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>15 Momiji elephs
Give me your BWEEEHHHHHs
Every GA ticket you let expire will automatically be converted to Seia tickets, to be used on her banner when she releases. They won't show up in your inventory until the banner is announced though.
Yeah I've noticed that sentiment. I really hope that if we accelerate the localisation team gets replaced and/or they implement a proof checking department.
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ew no
I feel the need to breed students. All of them. As soon as possible. Full Kivotos student impregnation plan speedrun.
El rato appears
Damn, Chihiro is quite bitchy when she wants to be
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damnit I never let any expire... am I bricked?
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You can tell how much time you have on the gacha screen
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I don't want to work overtime tomorrow
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i deserve this for sweating it out for grand assault for once
Will it be a rrat, or will it be a rabbit?
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Miyako jumpscare
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I don't mean with this game, I mean all localizers ever. Anyone that ever wants to replace text with little memes, or change text entirely, or rewrite it into their own text because they think they're a writer. They get off on getting away with tiny things at first, just to see how much people notice, and when they start getting called out they start getting more abrasive with doing it openly.
I don't want to work period
wageslaving is death to my soul
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that is why she is the ex wife
you rike?
A good fuuka post?
How could that be?
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My ex makes more than me…
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i'm actually a little jealous
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FOTM status?
pick your poison
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Dead and buried
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Akashi Junko is a member of a notorious terrorist organization.
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Ogogee should sit on my face
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Get Shiggered
Endless Stoatsex will come your way
But you need to say "kanpai, shigure-chang!" if you don't want it to be with a literal stoat
Jesus creditgod, how do you even get this point?
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Student for this feel?
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oh no........
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when are we going to get the blue UE stars on global
Kanpai, Shigure-chan!
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stoat sex...?
Is there any reason to buy mimori or sena elephs with grand tokens? they're both kinda garbage. I should just use them as a blue ray store right?
Fox scent glands and pheromones can be potentially lethal, you're asking to be assassassinated!
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This actually looks so delicious
almost as good as a costco hot dog
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This new map is so cool, are they going to re use it for new modes and shit? it seems way bigger than normal maps
You will be fine as long as you believe in the happy ending from now on.
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End racism
just play the game
kanpai, shigure chan!
so im absolutely forced to pull for Sakurako?
>actually liking sitting there for an entire fucking minute of your students stopping and starting fucking constantly to run past logs and shoot 2-3 enemies
FUCK that map, I actually had to play it on manual because to get the 90 second challenges done
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she fucking saved your life
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Begin racism
Wild mating sex with slightly drunk Shigure
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Got 90 recruitment points left from my Hare banner (she's very cute). Should I go for Kotama as well or let them expire?
Not him but thanks
Karin cured my racism
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my lovely studentWife Noa
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up to you, but Kotama is also very cute so I rolled and got both.
27c is a little bit too much for an arctic animal like me
Because BA is filled with legitimate degenerates and not faux degenerates that plague Azur Lane with generic mommywife posts but cant make a genuinely depressing doujin to save their lives
why is she so HOT
Hello scatfag.
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There is a brutal glauntet ahead of DAko+Makoto (100 free rolls here) and double SSR chances anniversary of DHina and SHoshino’s rerun.
You absolutely need to have a spark for DHina. Are you safe enough for Kotama?
Is Shrioko less of a rapist now?
just borrow her
nom nom
refer to >>483420147
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Alcoholic Tomboy wife
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Vodka miracles
Momoi doesn't like hapa
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Are we stoatposting today?
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What's the farming strats again? Or just sweep with your dick?
More like an indoor animal
Most cold state movers to my hot neck of the woods don't seem to be able to take the heat or the cold. Bitch it got into the negatives in your home state, why are you crying about 40 fahrenheit?
I personally am of opinion that Momoi should be beheaded for her crimes.
Stoat hours...
and how do you know this?
think I am seeing the pattern here that is isolated to you only
do you perhaps like also posting the occasional miyu gore?
wouldn't be surprised if it is all the same person with mental illness called faggotism
kill yourself
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You will have robot and bestiality doujins and you will learn to accept it. Dont kinkshame the artists busting out the creative chops for your R18 or go back to NIKKE and MHY for your R18 fix.

Even if I don't like it, at least BA lives up to its reputation and not just rely on lolis for shocking people
I guess not. I'm currently sitting on 31.5k. Can't have both
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OShiggy is sex and all but I wish vanilla Shiggy was more drawn
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Good to see you, my chapa friend! Have a great day!
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What is her weakness?
My dick
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I filtered my feed to find the most sublime stuff out there. Anyone can draw a student, plop some fat tits and call it a day. But only the most creative ones can make this kind of stuff and not flinch.
refer to >>483420147
A stick
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Oh I forgot to mention Hare also makes reference to "smoking grass" which sounds like a trannylator making a weed joke when there probably wasn't one there to begin with.
vanilla sex
What are rambling about, burger?
Choke in your own piss fed mold spores cyber-nigger
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>Mistimed EX by a milisecond
Trash mode
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remember to set up the cHare chair and cKotama booth in your cafe before reset if you want a better chance to headpat them
Can't believe non tourists like you get filtered. If lolis are the first line of defense then this stuff is the second line. Kind of like how some touhou doujins are with insects
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Is it stoatsex hours already?
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>noooo don't kinkshame my heccing wholesome and based bestiality gore artists!!
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Its definitely the monkeyscatfag. He has been completely quiet today lol. A new tactic of his i bet
Chipper chappers
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Monkey mad lol XD
you rike?
Shes not this hot ingame
I really really really like this image
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Got a bit rusty with drawing. Need to practice again but wageslaving is bleh
I knew it, things felt "off" with this dialogue. They can't stop me from having the truth!
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Once again, [-] and ignore
Imagine jerkin it to insect and bestiality and think you are some sort of crusader.
Plana always gives me good advice
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I love bestiality when it's between me (Sensei) and Shigure (stoat). You're welcome to kinkshame me, but it won't stop me.
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I thought you said incest and was wondering why you bee against it considering Mari is like a sister to me.
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Had to spark C.Hare, at least got 3 new students

Aru (dupe)
S.Waka (dupe)

Still have 40k for the fes, so its ok I guess

most accurate version of this meme so far
popqn should draw more students
Usually they only seem to go for a one off line here and there but the shitty translation is going full force for this event and seemingly targets Hare. I genuinely wonder if some tranny self inserts as Hare which is why the keep changing her lines specifically. I can only hope people mass report the lines. Too bad I don't have the original lines to compare to so I could report it.
>that chin
Sensei-kun, I...
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Thanks for the ticket, Goz.
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What is the drinking age in Kivotos? Is it okay to share beverages with high school girls?
Shigure the kind of girl that would ruin you.
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>jp making up humor
Based based based
>not jp making up humor
Tranny tranny tranny
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You should pray for the happy ending.
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and that's a good thing
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Why is Mari playing with my cum?
this but unironically
Hoshino is a bitch for beating up her friends
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For me it's STACYtaha
this but ironically
Sit on me, Seia.
Pls send feedback I can't read your mind sir
Karin's chin too sharp?
unironically but this
It would be cool if she was even flatter
>japan makes humor
>something slapstick
>west tranny """humor"""
>"dude weed lmao amirite?" *farts* ad infinitum
I dont know. She needs to tone it down when she becomes a mother and my wife or I fear our child might grow up a delinquent.
JP is the main script, they can't make anything up.
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>Don't worry /bag/, the Princess has been secured and is ready to continue the summer events! Phew, I'm stuffed! We ate so much food that Sensei found us all passed out! We left Serika asleep so the Princess could draw on her face... Hehe.. yeah give her some whiskers as a final bday surprise!! Suzumi, set up the flashbang too!
I want to have sex with Kei-chan
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thank you for clarifying kay
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Your guard is down fool
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jealous of the Renge. My only new student was Shig (onsen)

lots of dupes on my spark though. cSerina, Sena, Saya, Ako, and I think a Kaho. We will not talk about fes stashes
The smoking thing literally makes zero sense though, assuming it's the scene I'm remembering from JP. She was looking for grass that tasted like energy drink to satisfy her caffeine cravings, so why would she start smoking it?
s.emisex and Minori spook on the spark along with some dupes
You only think that because you are dekinai
JP is involved in the writing process. They are intentionally asked to make the Korean script more Japanese. This isn't comparable to trannylators changing stuff when they aren't writers.
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She was eating the grass in Japanese.
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>jp humour
actually funny
>l*calizer "humor"
>poop fart xd heehee 420 weed
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Sensei... you have at least 300 pulls saved for the fes right? RIGHT?
Such a sad fate that Reisa got latched onto by you. Like one of those parasitic little worms that eat the eyeballs of big marine animals
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it's not bestiality when the girl looks more human than animal.
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This but unironically. These subhuman xitter SEAmonkeys are turning /bag/ into a faux-tumblr hugbox for normalnigger vanilla garbage.
Stoat posting gives me peace of mind.
Post more.
She was eating it but then she references smoking it. I can't screenshot because im on mobile but I feel like the "smoking grass" line wasn't in JP.
No I'm just going to buy pakeji
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I'm fine, don't worry...
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nta but
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Im the only Mimori fan left
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>Kyouyama Kazusa, stop fighting over Sensei, the Princess needs us!
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Hug your students
this but unironically
It's that easy
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You can make it
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____ ______ ____?
Not him but what does this have to do with anything?
Quicly Reisa! Flip your skirt up, for....for justice!
since bag knows what good humor is tell me a good joke
She looks like a very handsome young man.
βͺ© βͺ¨
ΞΈ Ο‰ ΞΈβ€Ώ..β€Ώ(β— ΪΌβ— )
Actions speak louder than word. And by that I meant sexy seia.
i have 600 but 200 are for fat msgk butt
Ako is beautiful
>have 100+ Momos left
How much can I get from these?
Follow his example
hehe...look in a mirror...
>your student
>your most deranged fetish
So, how do you cope with the fact they are underage girls when fapping to this game?

I like to headcanon that in Kivotos a years is way way longer than a normal one so they are all 300+ years old
Yuuka one hundred kilograms
knock knock
it's fine, I did have the GA ticket >>483428126

bluefes isn't real it cannot hurt me
βͺ© βͺ¨
| . . |
BA has a fun gameplay
Mimori sex
/bag/ does get a bit too close to "lynch every non-vanilla BA artist" tier posts for my liking sometimes
ΞΈ Ο‰ ΞΈ ____ ______ ______ ___ __ _____ _____
>So, how do you cope
I don't, too busy loving my students.
>Leg lock...
Shigure will probably work as a prostitute after she graduates
cumming inside the next poster
>*opens door*
By not caring.
> Kanna still gets the majority of new arts, along with Fubuki
> Kirino:
How do we cope, /bag/ niggas?
Plays the same video of Momoi saying Nigga for 10 hours.
>noooo stop caring about your students!!
Boo hoo faggot
That's not how it works man. You have to ask "Who's there?"
knock knock
lmao get cummed on
just draw her yourself
Two men are hiking in the woods when one of them collapses. The second man whips out his phone and immediately calls the emergency services. He gasps, β€œMy friend is dead! What do I do?”

The operator says, β€œCalm down. I can help. First, let’s make sure he’s dead.”

There is a short pause, then a loud shot is heard. Back on the phone, the second man says, β€œOkay, now what?”
That's it, that's the joke
lurk more, Kirino is still getting a good amount compared to before.
Nn I'll be taking some of the next poster's time.....
Slapped my knees anon. God bless
>still waiting to be chosen
>lovey dovey sex in a private room that's open to the outdoors and pleasantly warm
WRONG dumbass she'll be my wife so that won't happen
>actually wants more NTR furry shit and gore
>says normalfags need to fuck off but has a gf himself
How do you know what fetish you have if you never had sex?
No, porn doesn’t count.
>Got the alt
Shigure is pretty generous today, I wish I got the hot spring version too.
Bros I want to re-marry Chihiro already
She is such a good mom, I don't even remember why we divorced
I don't care if it's petty, the moment I see some faggot drawing cuck shit, be it yuri or interracial or cheating, I'm shitting all over them at every opportunity. Gotta be especially wary about it with all the Koreans and clout-chasing artists with fanbox/skeb accounts, they're more likely than anyone else to go off the fucking deepend the second they get a whiff of suspiciously rich cuck money.
Intense passionate lovey-dovey bed-breaking creampie sex with handholding with intertwined fingers and pressed palms and kissing with tongue and eye contact in various sex positions for hours on end without pulling out
I once went to an indian reservatum in canada, the locals tried to sell me cow shit as good luck charm there I said "wait this isn't indian reservatum this is QuΓ©bec!"
of course porn counts, are you stupid?
>Goz ticket expires on 7/31
>can't use it on Makoto/DAko
I hate it. Should I spend it on Camp or NY students?
Fuck off Scott. Go back to your grave.
uber based
Huh? You can.
You only divorced her because you let other people paint an image of her. She's always been the sweet, comfy, caring, and chill mom-type. The stress of work plus 3 kids just makes her hornier each night for a 4th and 5th.
I mean I'd point out a big reason why she isn't getting more art, but it seems like a strange reason to explain, I'm not sure the explanation will really land, and it feels a bit rude to try to explain. With Kanna, her giant breasts are unashamedly on display. With Fubuki, her flat body is unashamedly on display. With Kirino people aren't getting a real reading on her body type, her sizes underneath her t-shirt, its a lot harder to work with. There's a less of a direct sex element to work with in some ways, its not enough to get the imagination working. You could work with it if she had more ass or thighs to really sexualize, but that area is fairly normal. Its not like Yuuka where certain areas are clearly drawn bigger on purpose to get the mind going.
Her swimsuit is very "basic", it doesn't get the mind going enough. Kanna's swimsuit with her giant breasts is very sexual, it gets the mind going. Even Fubuki despite everything puts it on display. I would post the image to show what I mean but images are gone.
I need more vani vitamins
Oh I see... need to "soften" things up....

Later after work
I feel like they're going for a wet t-shirt fetish, but they honestly could have gone a bit further. Maybe her L2D will salvage it more.
I don't need cheerleaders. Go kill yourselves.
What a big boy you are. Go back
Anon they fucking look like they are from Akagi
Now this is based.
Seia banner will be announced in the next livestream.
I NEED to cheer this post for some reason
They're mogging me
>your student
>your foreplay
I've been staring at her design for a bit trying to find elements to overtly sexualize in a unique way. You do get the slightest hint of vagina bones right above the swimsuit, but I'm not entirely sure if that's unique enough.
Oh fuck you're right, I read 12/21 instead of 12/7 on the wiki banner list. Thanks I guess.
So fucking based.
My therapist told me
i need purple artifacts is node 9 fine or better not bother?
The worst part about this shit is that because a bunch of translators can't help themselves from excessively changing the text, we're going to end up in a situation where we have shitty wrong MTLs, or shitty boring TLs that only convey the direct words and not the intent, because the second someone thinks "oh this character is speaking Hokkaido-ben" and gives their dialogue some different word choices to reflect it, people will be like "umm that can't be right, fix it" because some translator retards now looked at a scene of a girl eating grass and said "no, she needs to blaze it"
Anon don't make me want to go and look for fukumoto parody with BA characters. Or draw ZAWA ZAWA next to those bunnies
the l2d is very much a wet tshirt, her regular sprite just doesn't go hard enough of the transparency

I'm satisfied though, wet tshirt is premium sex.
Based. I'll cheerlead to that.
AI bros hope for MTL to take over but in reality human translations will always be the best but ONLY if they're translating with the best intentions. I can't blame them in a way though because getting a good human translation that isn't edited to add shitty fanfic can seem impossible to achieve.

>looks up Akagi
You know what I aint gonna fix it. I wanna see this hahahaha

Learning from western artists from the start was a mistake tho
If we're going to cheerlead so much then post students as cheerleaders.
the imeji...
There is a doujin where Sensei has a mahjong night with P68 girls it's kino
I have cheer Chihiro pics ready for next thread's most based posta
I didn't get cHare with the Goz ticket. Looks like I'm having the first meta student that will be absent from my inventory.
You'll pull during bluefes trust the plan
posting them next thread
die /bag/ die
How do I get welfare Maki? I read all the story chapters and don't have her.
3 inches
These stages take fucking forever, why are they so long and why are the enemies so spread out.
nice joke lad
We need some rules around here. From now on, luckshitters are not allowed to post images.
new thread doko?

BA threads EOS
niece pussy
I spend a significant amount of free time fucking around with plants outside, bother somebody else.
i will NOT touch grass
total chihiro death
>ore crafting
>higher level of tech
>logic circuits
Eastern Plaguelands is the GOAT zone
I genuinely don't enjoy tech autism. I liked the original few itterations of Technic Pack but they've taken it way too far.

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