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Previous Thread: >>483421365

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>16/6 (Sun) 11:00 - 6/26 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Izuna (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Chise (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Mimori (Swimsuit) (3* - Rerun)
>6/26 (Wed) After Maint - 7/10 (Wed) 10:59
Kanna (Swimsuit) (3*)
Fubuki (Swimsuit) (3*)
Kirino (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Task Force Emergency Nighttime Meeting - 6/5 (Wed) After Maint - 7/3 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Say-Bing! - 6/26 (Wed) After Maint - 7/10 (Wed) 10:59
Total Assault: Binah (Field - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 7/3 (Wed) 11:00 - 7/10 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Light Armor) - 6/27 (Thu) 11:00 - 7/22 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals - 6/19 (Wed) 4:00 - 6/26 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Lessons/Scrimmages - 6/26 (Wed) 4:00 - 7/3 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 6/29 (Sat) 4:00 - 7/1 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>6/25 (Tue) After Maint - 7/9 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hare (Camp) (3*)
Kotama (Camp) (3*)

Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2587179
Cyber New Year March - 6/25 (Tue) After Maint - 7/9 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hovercraft (Field - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 7/2 (Tue) 2:00 - 7/8 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Bounties - 6/24 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/1 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/1 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/8 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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We love Kanna here
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I don't understand
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Mika should die
>just realized I have all 3 serikots
she can't leave me alone....
How many days until d.Hina?
Reminder that C.Hare is lower priority than D.Aru because you can claim her with the next selector ticket.
What two outfits do Seia fans want the most?
Will the ticket we got from grand assault last until D.Hina?
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my wife saori
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Measa touch grass
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Please give thanks to pic related for saving Blue Archive
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Is C. Serina worth raising?
Her kit seems a bit underwhelming with how much her EX costs.
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I love /bag/
cat phased into being

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for me it's
>the sexy seia swimsuit outfit
>summer dress
Hina should fly
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Thank you Aru, very cool
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>Spend my GA ticket
>Get a pink slip
>See the SRT logo
Well I didn't get Hare but at least I got someone new. I also bought the guaranteed ticket and got a Saori dupe, so now she's at 4-stars. And I also bought the selector ticket for Marina, so now I need to start affection maxxing her and farm a few more purple wolfseggs to max out her last skill...
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>Don't worry /bag/, the Princess has been secured and is ready to continue the summer events! You should've seen the look on Serika's face once she woke up and realised what we did to her! She and the Princess was having so much fun that Sensei decided to make some breakfast for us so we could relax! I love eggs and bacon, thank you Sensei! Chow time!!
It lasts a really long time so as long as you don't need it to cycle it's a good buff.
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happy birthday Serika!
fuck, I need to progress in the elden ring expansion faster before they nerf the difficulty because of Momoi-type gamers but I CAN'T FIND THE TIME! AHHHHHH
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Thanks, Nell
Hina should sit on my face
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my wife Mika
the only acceptable cuckshit story set in blue archive is beatrice seeing the arius students not only find happiness with sensei in their lives, but also gain power greater than beatrice could ever hope to achieve even when she tried to fuck the rest of the world over by calling in the chroma
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Not really and I say this as a Serina fan. D.Ako is better for AOE crit damage buffing since she also buffs crit chance, and D.Aru is a better single target crit damage buffer. C.Serina does have a unique normal but it's not enough of a game changer to want to use her in most situations.
>its all muscle
Aru is the best Aru in this Aru. I have no Aru, but I have no Aru either.
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Thank you Karin
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Kirara's fat ass should be on /bag/ face.
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I want to kiss Aru on the lips
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so cool
Hare's obsession with Energy drinks is quite disgusting...
And then Sensei fucks her too.
What does kissing her taste like?
>unironic gretech shilling in ba
Oh hell no fucking veritas going to touch grass *NOW*
Tell your wife to stop stealing my students
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/bag/ is a /hag/sag/ shounenpilled comfymaxx MilleniumCHAD General
Don't forget it
The two that kokosando drew.
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>New Year's
This is so dumb
I will have lots of sex with her to help keep her healthy.
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Let’s remarry, Sensei.
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my lovely studentWife Noa
Lemons with a pinch of autism
Sneaking into my student's tents to rape them
Needs muscles to climb buildings.
>He was too much of a pleb to understand GregoriusTech
lmao, go back to your tinkers.
no way fag
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How many Pyroxenes can I get from 100+ Momos?
Not in Kivotos.
Wait until we get Christmas after bluefes kek
Nn...you fell for the trap, Sensei...
Gomesai GregGOD...
Some girls are physically weak thoughbeit
Each one will give at last 120 if untouched
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I'm still disappointed that this didn't happen. It's like the writers desperately needed a villain that you couldn't fuck.
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Ibuki is a boddhisattva
Day 1 of using cHare for PvP is... Eye-opening. She always seems to give Shun the buff, making shun more than capable of tearing up any backline threats (and doing a good number on tanks). The natural issue here, though, is Yuuka is pulling overtime having to tank EVERYTHING. I feel like Atsuko or Marina would help out a lot more, but I can see what's going on with this team.
They already have blacksuit and the other dudes that fill that role.
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>at last 120
She's a big dog
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Fug time to read all of them I guess. I usually only read my favorites
you'd fuck blacksuit?
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/bag/ is a cunnyCHAD general celebrating the joy of youth with our students
Ugly hags don't get a flower
Alright, bet.
and some are the strongest despite having the bodies of 10 year olds
none of the students are muscular
at most, some are just fit like sumire
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Thanks for helping my wife save my life during the V2 strife. Can't wait for C3 where we get to see the gamesaving alts from C&C
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What are the odds of no 3* in 200 rolls, asking for a friend haha...
>AI slop
What's the rule for buffers on auto? Do they always target the student who has the highest stat that they're buffing or is it just the nearest student?
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>another tulip kayoko thing
it's 0.7 for banner 2.3 for misc so on average 6 in 200
will I get rabies if she bites me
Don't take it so seriously, bro. It's anime muscles.
Maki moans
>Kotama: "Perhaps the day isn't a waste if i get to listen to your voice all day"
What the actual fuck? since when is Kotama so aggressive about wanting sex
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Small. Very small. You'd have to be a humongous faggot for that to happen.
>Another divorced timeline

NGMI-sensei, I...
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where's the sloppa
Why does Midori never correct me for my typos? I made one last thread and she didn't even look in my direction.
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Is there a blur tool on aggie?
it's so annoying using a brush with low opacity, i give
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Would you suck black suits cock for 24,000 gems?
After a bite from her teeth, I don't think there will be anything left to spread it.
Oh I misread. 0 in 200 is extremely low.
Looks like it's the latter, seeing how Iori has a lot more attack on Shun. I feel like the way this moves forward without "need marina" is getting Shun UE30 so she can hit harder, I imagine there's a breakpoint in here somewhere.
Chihiro was right to take veritas out for some fresh air. Minecraft modpack autism is a rabbit hole in itself.
tell me about serika
I'm almost free of the grey book menace...
I just don't particularly like artists inserting their own kinks onto characters. I'm not seething here, but just saying. Kanna is not muscular like the artist pictured and her even having that convo with Sensei is hard to imagine.
So uhh
Nobody else nooooticed we only got 600 gems instead of the usual 1200? Just me?
it's over. Seia38.png
Worst student.
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>He doesn't read his comfy Veritas momos
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Every student wants sensex. Some a little bit more then others but they all really want it.
Just like that one Hina panel about jerking you off with her hearbeat, Kotama jerk herself off with your voice.
I'm not judging but you girls are weird as fuck.
but that's gay
hard gay even
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your Seia38.png, hand it over
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You got the other 600 gems because of the anime
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Do you guys really enjoy this
Read your momos
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Nigger needs some prison rape correction, yes.
>when did the girl that records your every moment become horny for you
Uh...I don't know.
Is there a Shiggy ASMR?
>bonus students deal no damage
>map is fucking huge
did you forget her valentine
My fucking knees...
I still want to befriend Black Suit.
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Aru is the best girl in this game. I have no proofs, but I have no doubts either.
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Police brutality
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Suzumi alt when
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licking bunny feet
I mean we also have akira being a oneshot to senseis voice
Age of consent is 18 in Kivotos.
Based. We will get our wife soon. They had to save the best for last
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This entire event is a ploy from Chihiro to convince me to marry her again
And it is working
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I do this to my dog quite often expect her to bite one day
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Bwos I fell asleep
This feels horrible
I saved her.
It's that easy
0/5. I'm wondering if Iori/Yuuka/Shun/cHare is the right call, namely on Iori. The yellow damage is definitely welcome, but I have no good way to deal with blue units aside from overwhelming force. sHanako gave me no good information, as she used her EX on card 6... Into the wall with sole marina.
There is definitely something to be said about the 2 extra cost for faster cycles, though.
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It's not like you have a choice
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From the camping event shop, should I skip JFD ooparts, furnitures and exp reports to farm more points for the ligma gacha?
Why didn't you sweep over time?
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Wait, what the fuck are you talking about
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VERY SOON Suzumibro! Trust the Vigilante plan!
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After Sexy Seia
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There is pic rel and also a 404 page of www.millenpedia/senseirights.kvt
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>He hasn't seen the heartjob
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All Cops are Breedable
Hina heartjob during the Schale live alien autopsy
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>there are /bag/gots who slacked on grand assault goz and completely forgot to do their runs
>there are /bag/gots who slacked on decagrammaton and completely forgot to do their runs
why are you guys like this
Bullshit, there's a lot that give 200.
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Forgive me for being Fuckable Fubuki
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No but I've been asking for it for a long time. Her voice would be perfect for it, it's so soft and gentle, and her inflections would sound cute while she teases the listener. Imagine hearing her gentle "yaho~" brushing against your ear...
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Posting Rio every day until she gets added Day 158
Still waiting for Reisa birthday suit alt.
You're either so brown she ignored you, or so white she let it slide. Midori's not very vocal about it, but she shares her sister's views.
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So do I need C. Hare if I have Himari? There are three other girls I want in July.
I did both and did the bare minimum what does that makes me?
no, no, no
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Lmao bricked
But could be worse
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Streaking is illegal
Do you have to do event quests manually to get the full bonus or is sweep enough once you get 3 stars?
I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about but maybe that's a good thing
That's why I meant to say "at least"
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>trannylator will ruin the Hina event just to dunk on the incels
>we still don't have "WAPPI" but "BAAAAAI" (constipated goat sound)
kek, future not looking bright
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Should've never divorced her to begin with. You let others trick you into signing the papers instead of making it work..and all it took was a bit of late night coffee, some curry, and a camping trip with your daughters..
Gato sexo
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The hand covering her mouth is the most erotic part of the Sexy Seiaâ„¢ package
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I dunno, maybe her VA is busy or expensive.
You need to do them with team having the most bonuses once manually
check it
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She's very useful but you will be able to get her with a selector ticket in 7 months so it's not the end of the world if you skip her now
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Thank you for posting my wife
Sex with my Veritas students in the tent
Would your student forgive you if snuck into her bed and started going down on her?
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kokosando is so based
Which school has the highest average cup size?
i hope they didn't fully scrap this one. i want an actual gothic student. even better if chuuni
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>>trannylator will ruin the Hina event just to dunk on the incels
What happens that you think they'll butcher? Do I even want to know?
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akeboshi himari's feet
>ultimate brick
Hifumi and rrat exists, also anon 3 threads ago got guaranteed izumi
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24 creampies in Ohr
1 creampie in Ein
1 cumshot for Sof
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Do you like Veritas? If yes, spark wives.
If no, fuck off and wait for bluefes """spooks"""
Simple as that
Don't let meta fomo leave you wifeless for a year. Plat will eventually come, but wife affection is forever
How is Hifumi a brick? I fucking wish she spooked me so I could use her against Wakacraft
>rolled 10
>got miyako
>Have a /bag/got on friendlist
>last login: 65 days ago
>is on a /bag/ club
At least kick him out of the club you lazy fu-
Nevermind I've figured out why he hasn't been kicked out
The reward bonus gets saved with the highest bonus for each item any team that completed a stage has. So if you have 60% for item X and 15% for Item Y with your first team, and 20% X, 50% Y for your second, the total bonus for all sweeps after that would be 60% and 50%.
C.Hare is must have for some torments, you should be fine if you stick to insane
Shig is PURE.

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Yes, at least that's what I'm doing.
Suzuran looks kinda green today
>farmable student is a good spook
>also anon 3 threads ago got guaranteed izumi
Post your students in compromising positions
>Page: 3
$SEIAbros, status?
what's so special about them?
>2570 affection gained today
>~1% of the total
Damn, what a day.
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this is a fox
he bought a guaranteed 3 star ticket andf it gave him izumi
Yeah but there are a lot of farmable students in the game and I fail to see how Hifumi is less useful than say, Hina or Izumi.
why are you dooming sanjay? we got the o actually correct Kikyou lines
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sexy fox
On my face
I'm gonna show these white women how to REALLY fuck a dog!
Now fix Sakurako's momo.
Even with bad translation they can't ruin the event, it's very soulful.
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>making seialings.gif
Ah, I thought you meant someone spent a selector on her
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I just hope they don't do a drink mixing gimmick with her because I hate water sounds and especially the sound of alcohol being poured, just have her talking softly for an hour with a teasing tone and I'm sold.
They are soft, beautiful, and delicate just like the rest of her.
>Kanna gets a based ritualposter

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I think a skimpier swimsuit would fit Nagi better because of the contrast with her usual demeanour
especially if she either doesn't see anything wrong with it OR is embarrassed by it multiple times (and it turns out Mika and Seia picked it for her or something)
Worth it. I got Megu too.
Imagine being a gehennoid. So cringe!
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____ ______ ____?
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What is Seia's perferred postion?
explosive dog needs to step up her game if she wants to compete with the big dogs
Is it really soulless if I don't use my studentwife for defense and only on offense? I know for a fact if I do it I'll be sent to the shadowrealm, so I want to tske the time I have to figure out my methodology.
Untainted by the filth of the world
Hibiki is busy with me.
When are we going to get a part 2 for the Decagrammaton story?
Does peanut butter trick work on foxes?
Unfortunately no, there is not. But Magma keeps adding features lately, so maybe soon we'll have it.
You don't have to use your studentwife in PVP at all if she isn't useful. Who's gonna judge you, some worthless fags in /bag/?
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I was going to let it slide because I thought you were being ironic

After Sexy Seia
Arona please... I don't want to spark again...
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Hello /bag/! If you could, please remember to lovingly think about Sakurako today as well.
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If Seia says something in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does she have a voice?
Deca got archived so whatever continuation it gets will either be in the main story or in events.
Reverse Suplex

Arona....I need to rest....
a new selector ticker right?
who should i post today
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You're not believing hard enough.
Yes, we get one every half anni
I wouldn't subject my wife to something as terrible as BA pvp.
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Which one is it? I was thinking that at least the JFD oorparts could be skipped since they can be easily bought, barely any char (that I have) use them and the ligma gacha drops some...
Bro, I skipped Iori banner and then just farmed her hard nodes in just 2 months, Hifumi is only good for her CC, I would rather have another student, even Tsurugi or Eimi spook is better
Based on the trannylation of the camp event or more specifically Hare along with all the other shit they've censored or changed for no reason that's still in the game my hopes are rather low. The Kikyou lines were a rather small change too. Yoshi's line is still censored. Iori foot licking is still censored and tons of lines have been changed/added for no reason "people die when they are killed" "smoking grass" "It's mid".
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I'm over here wapping my shit rn I'm a wapper man a real wappi kinda guy
Isn't this the GSC president?
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I'm thinking
Arona please... I don't want to cum again...
I never got this thought experiment, can someone explain it for me?
If Seia speaks in an empty forest with no one to hear it, it should still be a thing right?
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you should leave it to luck
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I can't wait to roll her later this year
i dont have a folder for her
Its Malkuth you dumbass, read the event sensei
Show a Plana ver
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whip it out, Sensei. I'm not done
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Now do a Hina version.
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I don't have it, you post instead
Between Arona and Shiroko who is the bigger rapist?
Takane my pretty wife
Arona wants your wallet
Shiroko wants your seed
They're both gonna rape you in ways you don't enjoy, but neither is worse than the other.
Ahhh, the fullbody silhoutte looks like GSCP
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Arona has no physical form
Shiroko has proven to be strong enough to carry you on her back for kilometers and she has criminal tendencies
Hina's version is Hina cunny dance
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sex with moe
made for anal
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I need to fuck Kirino
slampig nipples...
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Localization shouldn't exist in the first place. Anime , manga, LNs, WNs, games and songs shouldn't be getting translated at all. It only takes from the soul put in the work. You want to actually enjoy Japanese media? Too bad, go learn the language for a couple of years. This isn't specifically for Japan, it's about absolutely every language. Fuck localization and fuck trannylators.
accidental succubus
Shame her shit voice
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Does the guaranteed 3* ticket lasts long enough for Ako?
Kotama's glasses are too big for her.
Don't use words you don't know the meaning of
I want to be the one to pop her cherry.
just like Reijo right?
No. You can see on the recruit screen it has an expiration date that only lasts as long as the camp banners
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why does every fiber of my being say she's literally made for anal sex...
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Consider Nagibunny
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No, Takane is for vaginal nakadashi only
Sure, but I use her offensively with the justification of "I'm at the top with her, I earned it". That's why defense seems pointless to use her in.
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Well it's always nice to get ooparts, if I have too many of them they can always go for the endless grind of gift crafting. I like getting the event furnitures but I think they all become craftable eventually? So you can skip? As for the EXP reports I rather get these guaranteed reports than getting them from commisions, however it all depends on the ligma rate...
So without knowing the ligma rates I think you should get the ooparts at least
I just got her the other day. Never knew her voice was so erotic
Agreed, Goethe isn't the same outside of German
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>suddenly moe fans
Swimsuit cops have brought out every niche fag who were only lurking in bag, I didn't even know Tomoe had fans until today, when someone posted single mom joke with her pic attached
this game wouldn't exist without it
Moe has long been the rabbit with the highest bond posted in /bag/
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I'm already shit at my native language. If I was smart enough to learn another language I would have done so by now.
Do YOU speak Japanese, faggot?
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Shut up tranny
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>global revenue red archer smug jpeg
skirt lifts with wings/tails are seriously the best. some students cut holes in their outfits to prevent this. I think Valkyrie should lock them up
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Nigga wut.
I believe in Moe fan, but Tomoe fan is REALLY stretching it.
There's no such thing as a Tomoe fan, that's even less probable than Ako fan.
Hare's voice is quite soothing
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of course
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For me, it's the cadence. Slow, thoughtful, yet deliberate. I like it.
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A true Sensei is a fan of all his students. Yes, even Kaya and Shuro.
There are no real Cherino fans, everyone pretending to be one is just a contrarian
This game is literally localized into japanese before release though
What happened to her? Explain yourself sensei
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/bag/ would never eat dogs
I would eat out Ako and Kanna
Wrong. I'd eat HOT dogs. Doesn't matter if they're from Costco or the police, I'll happily have both.
Hare rests are bare feet on my face every day
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I love all my students
Kaya is not my student
Come on, dog meat doesn't taste that bad.
Doesn't count.
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I've found that some chars do better on offence than defence and vice versa. Don't forget to experiment with Def formation as well. I found a setup that has kept me floating collecting comfy 20/80. If you don't want to take her out, try sticking her in a different slot for a few days, see how it affects your Def winrate
It's actually quite alright
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>Hare rests are
Hare I can't see shit move your feet a little bit
>he wouldn't eat out Hibiki
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>can get shot multiple times and it just smarts a little
>getting bit by a normie leaves a mark
Everyone should post in their language for a thread just for this genius.
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Mika sex
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If you were a student, what three gifts would you choose to increase your affection with?
>Amazing effect:
>Great effect:
>Normal effect:
It feels good to see Fubuki get the recognition she deserves.
I fucking suck at cooking...
Cylinder of nitrogen
All others
You just have to time right during halo flickering level sex
This but Makoto.
Kanna SHAVES. Sorry, pubefags
I'm sorry to announce but the entire Valkyrie school staff is going on maternity leave for the next 9 months.
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Girls get weaker when they are feeling sexual pleasure from the one they love.

Deepest Lore
Students can make their wounds last if they're masochistic.
Holy donuts
I can read it yeah but my ears are not accustomed to it. It's not much of a problem since I don't consume audio stuff nor plan on going to Japan anyway. Still, I should work on it.
/x/ student when
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I drew ᓀ‸ᓂ at my gym with liquid chalk today.
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>Sensei keeps biting Shiggy's titty
Biting the nipple is one thing, but biting the whole titty? That's rough. I gotta try that one day.
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This is inverted.
You suck cocks? What?
lick 'em clean
>even Tsurugi or Eimi spook is better
retarded take
Maybe he's talking about biting his own tits
Bro, your Himari, Eimi and Toki?
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that can only happen if you have big fat man tits

cause ur fat
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footfags ruin everything
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>t. butthurt hifumifag
Cocklover is mad
I get Himari but why Eimi and Toki?
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Saten is technically sensei's student
It'll come with time. Even listening to just the BA character lobby voicelines will help
They're all in the paranormal investigation taskforce or whatever right name is
Supernatural Phenomenon Task Force (FEAR for short) has Himari and Eimi as permanent club members, Toki was with them before she joined her classmates in C&C
Nagisa is a schizoid for sure
If you had to have sex wifh Black Suit for 12000 pyros.
Would you do it?
make it 1 million and i might think about it
I'd do it for 5000 credits
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you'll understand eventually what I mean when you start doing insane/torment
does ui count or is being paranoid about the sisterhood too mundane?
She belongs to /bant/ and /ck/
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Oh no!
John Nexon, can we get ANOTHER feet L2D? Thank you.
Get your own game
I never will, comfy gold is better
Foot Archive...
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every time i get the guaranteed and tell myself im never doing that again
(and then i buy the next guaranteed anyway)
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*sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff*
Go away Iori. I'm not sucking your toes again
Strong urge to breed Hare this event
I FUCKING HATE FEEEToh hey iori come here for a second
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>board she would be browsing in
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sex with Haruna
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Why are feet (clothed) so good bros
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/b/ and /v/
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Izuna would be /jp/
I fell asleep just as I was going to sweep it last minute...
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/fit/, obviously.
She would probably browse /out/ too for potential hiking/camping spots. She's surprisingly fit for a nerd
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only a fucking loser student would browse 4chan so we are talking about like 2 students

poozu and shuro
Which student would be a redditor?
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>post that starts with >student
Kivotoschan sisters... not like this...
True that. It was nice to see her outside of her normal "environment". Wish we'd get Maki and Chihiro camp alts too
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They will continue the family shitposting legacy and there's nothing you can do about it
go back
Momoi is a 9gager
Thread is so dead no-one will know that Arona is about to rape me
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I see this
I cum
>pull for Camp Hare
>recieve Steamy Stoat instead

Is she any good?
>her best friend is probably to most extroverted girl in the game
H-haha just like me
Cute student toucher
Gagging on my 9"er
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3-star duplicate of someone you haven't invested in
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I think she already raped you anon
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I will call out low quality posting and surveyshit when I see it, faggot
They released gamer maid event that same year but kept both twins for thisnyear. They probably did the same with Veritas. SRT Summer got the ASSBand treatment instead. Valkyrie is lucky that their group won't be split
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How many is it in inches?
Another good one! Just in time for the purple raid! Oh wait.....
I would suck on that plug
stupid reisaposter
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my semen... my wallet... my prostate... milked.........

Oh, Hi Wakamo

Ding ding ding

I spent 3 rolls worth on CHare and didn't get her. I still have a ton of story and Momotalks to get through so I'm not super concerned.
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It's just that easy
Japanese is the original version, it's confirmed. It's the version that comes out first.
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Congrats on your stoat sex. She's pretty nice, I like using her for fun and I'm sure there's going to be challenge content in the future where I can use her. She's mostly good for Set but if you want a second option to Nodoka then Shiggy is pretty good.
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I did not ass
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Wife material
Lul how much is that in real money?
She's good for a second Kurokage team
I prefer barefeet though
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It's hard to wait a whole month to be able to roll /bag/, I'm going insane.
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Congrats manwhore
>page 3
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Serika's seritits
Serika's serinipples
Serika's seributt
Serika's defenseless seranus
Serika's serikitty...
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i already caved
Oh, new reaction image for defiling the newcuties, thank you.

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about 1 burger and 3 9mm rounds
No, for the last time
AIs don't have vaginas
And neither do robots
What did she mean by this?
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>no above 70% bonus

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fuck you I still don't have stoat
Giving mixed signals like that can be mistaken for consent
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I got SShiroko from mine. She was already at UE50.
No one said this. They have asses and flat chests. They wear panties so they do.
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My ball of wife Iroha.
I'm finna flip a table over. I'm being gamed by John Nexon. WHY AM I GETTING A CHRISTMAS CHARACTER IN JUNE


She's good for Set
>localizing posts to other languages on an english board completely ruins it for everybody
proving his point a little here
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>just skip the momos of students you don't care about
Anyone else like this?
is this the only club in the game where every member is mentally ill?
I am strong, strong enough to tell Shiroko, no means no.
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stoat day
Who's the /bag/got?
Pre-hockey mask Jason?
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I do that.
>students you don't care about
there are none
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I say "new" because I hadn't actually saved this one before my /bag/ folder reflects my room.
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Fuck you for complaining about getting good spooks, you fucking faggot. Do you know what it feels like to go 200 rolls and only get dupes and a single O.Cherino? Go fuck yourself you ungrateful little shit.
Finally after 110 rolls. Not great, not bad. Now to save my 42,000 remaining proxies for bluefest. Thanks for reading my blog.
That's why I skipped reading this entire event.
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Duality of baggots
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This mob is so sex
Yeah, I only read my wife's momos and her club mates but skip the rest.
>waaaaah that's not what a REAL sensei would do
Shut up, I ain't reading 100+ momos
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>I am strong, strong enough to tell Shiroko, no means n-ACK
nnn. Sensei. I'm older now. That means I'm stronger, too. You can't resist me anymore.
At least you had no dupes
i had 2 dupes last month in 100 rolls before I got Kikyou, worst feeling ever
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My knowledge of recruitment suffering is beyond your comprehension. I spent 200 rolls during last bluefest and recieved three Christmas Serinas as my only purple pulls the entire time.
total arona death
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Single moms near your area
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I do read more than that, but goddamn Mashiro's momos? Suzumi's momos?Misaki Negro's momos? Who gives a fuck just give me the Pyroxenes Arona or else I'll rape you again
arona hate
Cherino's mom looks like THAT?
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How can this silly little creature be built for such devastating sex
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it's the voice
I sparked s.Eimi and got 0 3star in 200 rolls.
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damn female police brat.... just BEGGING to be impregnated!!!
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I read all momos so I can make an objective sorter list
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coom in doom
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Be careful with your words
It's the personality
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This is the 2nd banner in a row to do this to me, this game is testing my patience. No I don’t want more Karin, B.Asuna’s or O.Cherino’s
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a little late but this nigger is retarded
that is all
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>students with L2D on her first momo
>students with L2D on her last momo
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I like her because I love drinking and there are very few gacha units that represent me
Maid momoi...
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>for sex
If she was an elf then maaaaybe she’d have a chance
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Domain Expansion: Infinite Minroll; Guaranteed Spark
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Don't forget to do the daily 3x cooking task for the pyros.
Would she give a good roll if I gave her a good licking?
your other post wasn't a shitty enough take?
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Feel you anon... but at least you have enough for anni right? I bet you won't be needing to finish the spark on D Ako and Makoto.
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Or what? Force me another spark again and again? Fuck Arona and not literally.
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Next time potato Saori we believe in you!
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That would make you a male prostitute, sensei
It will be literally unless you want more blues in your archive
>That would make you a male prostitute, sensei
I wouldn't mind if my clients looked like her.
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>enter your room
>see this
what do?
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i-it will be a happy event right...
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>piss off arona
>more blues
It's already impossible to give me more blues Arona you little shit
>unless you want more blues in your archive
Happens anyway. Fuck Arona.
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I knew I was right to save these and not redeem them.
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Fine. You will get spooks then.
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Last time she BTFO Hina. She just needs prep time.
>Steamstoat only good for Kuro, Hovercraft, and Jerome
>Hovercraft and Jerome only get A rating

Finding good Jerome raid characters is so hard bros
I hope not anon… we’ll both make it, I swear it.
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What happens if Sensei reached his limit and decided to not come back? What then?
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i ran out of sfw stuff
Only thing I'm coming back to is inside Plana to keep Arona's bad influence out of her.
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Hare and Kotama must really like me huh...
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sexy reset
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so post the nsfw stuff
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That pic only includes raids. She's top tier in every single variant of Set.
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It's pronounced shah-leh, not shayl, you philistines.
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That would imply he has to right to make that choice. He is coming back even if has to be pulled by his sensitive dick.
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Cute stoner
I fucking missed my headpats again
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>energy drink addict
>doesn't shower
she must smell absolutely repulsive
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Reminder that there are people in this thread who pronounce Hare like "hair" and Shigure like "she goor"
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hopefully i don't get banned
I pronounce Momoi as Mo-mwah
Actually it's
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>go camping
>make curry
It's Maki's bad influence... I didn't teach my son right
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fucking tired of this stoat spam just stop already
I forgot the pyro daily...
Damage control anons?
How bad/good was it?
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Serika's cat vagina...
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They finally fixed Minori's gifts (she didn't love encyclopedias for a while)
So shupo is the sound of a train steam engine going choo choo but supo is the sound of a hand slipping inside a pocket?
100 rolls, i'm just happy to not have to spark for once
>eastern european tradie
>reading huge ass books
Millennium spy confirmed
American English was a mistake
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Draw something in the aggie /bag/gots
watch more anime
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>App deleted
Now what?
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Japanese curry makes sense for camping because for the instant curry blocks you literally just boil veggies and add pic related and boom, you're done.
>bag likes the localisation
It's over. Next you'll defend the "it's mid" line.
whoop whoop
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>got bunny neru in 80 rolls
>got camp hare in 80 rolls
>12 k pyros left
God, help me. All i've got is my momotalk piggy bank.
This. I've made Japanese curry while camping before. But damn, the bottom of the pot was so black
Slop slurper here, I wish they had more references to the Star Wars prequels, or maybe a few reddit memes
>the chinese whale I always borrow from only got gold on goz
how embarrassing
im going to jerk off to Blue Archive girls in a couple of mins

thought you all should know
I don't get it. It seems natural to me. Explain why you think making curry when camping is bad.
your students do the same to you.
What? All of them?
Rin's lines. IIRC Aoi says it, too.
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>no need to Goz mald anymore
Phew. Now today is a good day
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Super secret tip for global players: you can spam the cafe button as soon as you login to skip the discord pop up entirely
it won't even appear once you go back to the lobby
I still call Arceus "Ar-see-us"
how did I enter this room then suddenly be laying down?????
answer me questionman
Now it's gonna be harder for you to avatarpost
only masturbating to the cute ones though
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>global players
Wait so we're the only ones who have to deal with that faggot as discord shilling?
so all of them?
Thinking about it I have heard it like that
Part of my brain doesn't want to apply that pronunciation to something starting with "Sch" though
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Finally maxed out my studentwife... Once I get her to affection 30 I should be able to post her in affection checks...
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bro she's like 9...
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>basically nearly everyone in the roster
kaede's soul.... gone...
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your o.cherino?
>you are drunk
>open the door
>stumble when you took the first step into the room
>pomf on the futon next to already sleeping shig
>your face is right next to hers
>she is still asleep
>you can hear her breath
>you can smell a sweet scent of her animalistic pheromones mixed with alcohol
>your head is going crazy from tiredness, being drunk and her aroma
>what do?
something like that
what the fuck are you on about? it looks normal
Because she's meta it'll be more respectable when you hit 51+
Saori would be a giga stacy if she weren't autistic
You will have enough proxies for 190 rolls during bluefest and the Dress Hina will not come to you. Small indie company, please understand.

t. John Nexon
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If I'm not mistaken, jp players have the pop up but with no discord shilling, but they can choose to skip it in the options.
Thank you for your edits, coom in doom anon
Do I read the event story or the club story first
I already know Sumire and her friend show up in both
I would pay top rocks to watch mika put this smug bitch goz into a chokehold to end it with a suplex
worst fucking shit ever
fuck goz
fuck you, mx2j
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out of 10
>ligma rate
seems to be around 62 (100% bonus) to 95 (30%) ap per ligma. so between 312 to 475 ap per d.hina eleph?
Is skipping it a feature they added in later? Will we get that option too?
I guess I should finish this out, but which one should I choose?
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>they can choose to skip it in the options.
I'm a dekinai pls help me jpfriends
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I have her, but I can't work on her much yet. My gift economy is still weak....
Is it over?
>only a 9
You don't love her
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I know that feel man. It was just three times but each one took a malding of about 20 minutes at least from all those bombs and poor repositioning.
They hit everywhere, some attacks ignored the tankers and hit the backline, healing is NERFED in the higher difficulties and most of the better attackers and supports have weak armor.
That shit shouldn’t have been designed like that.
Hare is supposed to be like an S+ in the meta right? Probably her. She's like a red version of the Swimsuit Stinkfu
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one day you'll reach it
nom nom
Nah Cherino is a underrated studentwife so it'll be impressive.
you already have hare so choose kotama
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Always go for 2nd student, dupe isn't worth enough. Unless you are super super desperate for ligma
51 is pretty easy but 100 is an arduous journey.
Then i will whip out my adult card, if necessary.
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rapist students i swear.
Otogi should marry me
>gets two NY.Haruna Ex off
>Still loses
I would be pissed.
What the fuck am I really expected to run stage 1 950 times?
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>Someone's studentwife is Cherino
That's rare.
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I'm another cherino fag raising both to 50 before I bother thinking about posting for affection check
I probably still won't even then because I always miss it
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It's Joe Biden's account.
you should do stage 9-12 instead for the purple ooparts
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If your student has been drawn by Hews, then she's secondary bait. It's over for Kannafags
I think so, they'll hopefully add it in the same banner they added it in jp but I don't remember when they did it, you'll have to ask them
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>Spark CHare + Skip NYKayoko + Skip DAko (don't roll past free 100) = Enough rolls remaining to double spark SHoshino + DHina
>Skip CHare + Spark NYKayoko + Skip DAko (don't roll past free 100) = Enough rolls remaining to double spark SHoshino + DHina
>Spark CHare + Spark NYKayoko + Skip DAko (don't roll past free 100) = Only one spark for either SHoshino or DHina
>Sparking DAko means I have to take either Option 1 or Option 2, but end with Option 3 for either SHoshino or DHina
Low IQ F2P poorfag bros, which way?
I considered saying out of 5 but it just doesn't have the same ring to it
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/vg/lantes RISE UP
I was thinking the same too lmao. He purposely picked 9 to try and ruin it.
anon you get ~1400 energy per day, this is nothing
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Hi Joe
that post was about the ligma rate from the curry, not for dHina's elephs
how much pyros do you currently have? do you have himari, ako, sshiroko?
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Fuck... I forgot it showed my name
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untick the boxes at the bottom
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i've only been awake for less then 4 hours and i'm already sleepy again
I never impregnated Wakamo though
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Based simple woman Kotama
calliberjoe killed my dog
I would skip cHare and nyKayoko for dAko and possibly Makoto if you're lucky to get one of them in 200. then double spark on fes / pull until you have both of them
When does the lvl cap go up?
showering everyday is bad for your skin and wastes too much water
Joe swearing is a big nono you're setting a bad example for your students.
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These options are all horrible but if I has to pick:
>Skip CHare + Spark NYKayoko + Skip DAko (don't roll past free 100) = Enough rolls remaining to double spark SHoshino + DHina
This one. I don’t have C.Hare in JP but I can manage and clear all challenges and Insane raids so far. She IS present in the meta and top clears but not as much as the rest.
However, the rest all ARE. You don’t see blues without NY.Kayoko you don’t see red without S.Hoshino and D.Hina makes a joke out of any red content. These are the ones you prioritize in worst case scenario.
Good luck.
Skip NYKayoko, she's not that important unless you aim for purple trophy from blue raids (I assume you're a newfag if you didn't have her already)
No CHare's gonna brick you, DAko+Makoto are limited and both will be useful but not critical
DHina is basically a must, as every half-anniversary student
where zankuro?
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I hope my wife never gets a coom alt. All this Kanna garbage on my timeline is making me puke
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She's fine.
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Don't shitpost using my wife
Are you still trying with the falseflagging?
>Hinafag is gay
I am shocked
Kasumi's puffy vagina...
>my wife
Post bond 100
on a scale of gay ass bitch to maximum gayboi 5000 how fucking gay are you
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Said no one who has any kind of jobs that isn't staying in his house naked with a hand on his dick
>fag is gay
I kneel calliberjoe
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I threw away my last remaining 10 roll ticket for the heck of it and got Misaki.
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Kanna won
This is most likely the classico Hina falseflag but the Kanna swimsuit is perfectly okay
The only "coomer" alts I fear are the b*nny suits and the race queens
Based and true
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>Tsoob taunts everyone to the top center
>Suzumi gets triple stun
>Leisa rips sHanako a new one and eats miggas ult to protect the Princess
I hope the bastards that hurt Kanna got shot extra hard.
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How am I supposed to the event? Should I be clearing the lower stages or should I go all in with the AP on the highest ones.
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>Fag still can't point out falsefaggers to this day
I am shocked
Strongest rapist in history vs the Strongest rapist of today

Who wins?
He's probably replying to himself, remember that he plays both sides
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s.Hina is one of the lewdest units though
>How am I supposed to the event?
Kek but also check the newfag guide in the OP
Use the guide
Ctrl+f is your best friend
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I just finished the challenges.
It's insane how easy they are after malding over Deca challenges for a week.
Highest ones have higher tier artifacts but lower ones are more cost efficient
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>no sound
The cunny dance...
Which students would swear a lot if they spoke in English? Other than Neru, she's too obvious.
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>All that talk about cybersecurity and you blow it like this, Sensei...
>cost efficient
Are they? I thought you got more points/stuff in the same ratio as the lower stages.
I'm safe
Shut up Chihiro this is why I divorced you
Nag nag nag
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I was so flabbergasted I posted in the wrong thread...
It's very marginal, but if you have autism it's still technically more efficient.
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Cute gay girls
new bread?
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motherfucker, i was looking foward to it
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Whatever you do, double spark sHoshino and dHina
It's cool in that point multipliers round up always. So if 4 * 1.3 = 5.2 you get 6 instead.
>kanna night pool date with sensei
they better give us sex innuendos
Based. cKutama scores another win for MilleniumCHADS
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Next thread won't be any better
So she wants to sex now
deca was seriously rough, what were they thinking with that?
>first 3* drop so far
kek get fucked
and what you do with ligma? hoard?
I was asking up the 87-90 update
For this event specifically there's actually a bigger benefit to running stages 1-4 until you clear the shop. I explained it here.

That being said, you'll need some of the purple artifacts from this event for D. Hina, so unless you either desperately need eligma, or really don't need those artifacts, you should probably be doing 9-11 and then 12 when the shop is clear anyway.
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Cleaning up the image slots
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clearly the best use of ligmas is to use them on 3 and 4 star students so you can keep raising their affection past 20
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