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Previous Thread: >>483365012

This is a thread for MICA/Sunborn games. Including Girls' Frontline 1 and 2, Neural Cloud and Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery.

Bind your account to a Sunborn ID instead of logging in from Facebook/Google.

Beginner's FAQ *READ THIS AND CHECK THE RESOURCES PASTEBIN before asking questions*

Emulator guides: https://pastebin.com/uqE8YHJ3
GF1 Resources: https://pastebin.com/psb2YFXi
PNC Resources: https://pastebin.com/xtVjFcFw


[Current] Jun. 11 - Jul. 8 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Childhood Case File
[Current] Jun. 25 | New Neural Upgrade batch (EM-2, EVO3, Falcon, Px4 Storm)
[Upcoming] Jul. 2 - Jul. 22 | New Mini-Event: Maze Guess

[Current] Jun. 13 - Jul. 11 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Phantom Thieves
[Current] Jun. 13 - Jul. 4 | New Event: Cartesian Theatre
[Current] Jun. 20 - Jul. 4 | Ranking Rerun: Pointcaré Recurrence (City of Nightmare +)
[Upcoming] July | New Event: Zero Charge

[Current] Jun. 25 - Jul. 30 | New Collaboration Event: Retrocausal Trie Interference (Neural Cloud x Steins;Gate)
[Current] Jun. 25 - Jul. 30 | External Search - [Dazzling Arclight] (Mayuri Shiina)
[Current] Jun. 25 - Jul. 30 | External Search - [Truth-Seeking Kronos] (Kurisu Makise)

Reminder to bully seaniggers, discord trannies, bugmen, /v/ermins, dramaniggers, tourists, retards & degenerates, and to lurk 2 months before posting
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Erotic dorks
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Now that GFL2EX is coming, we just have to wait for SF ringleaders to come back.
I'd let her in.
If Dandelion backed up their neurals, why not
>1912 regs
>Rifle clearly has two recoil bolts in the stock instead of the one that would be standard for 1912
Come on you autistic fin, /ak/ already corrected you on the sling point, do we have to do everything?
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Stop shilling your game in every gacha general on /vg/ you fucks
Which one?
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You posted in the wrong general bro, let me help you
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>felt tired and unmotivated
>didn't login enough days for falcon skin
Damn, I hoxy'd myself...
Dynames? Good shit
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mammi vittu fug my rolls :DDD
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You can get the SR version of the weapon in the character banner?
Yes, always been the case, and they are also in the 3* weapon banner. The basic gacha doesn't have the 2* or 3* weapons of postlaunch banner dolls.
holy shit he found our headquarters of shilling operations..
I'm not feeling this pull screen.
What could possibly be wrong with the slingpoint? its just a loop of metal?

On an unrelated note, anyone have that art of SKK holding PPK tearing her guts open because she had a dream that the commander and her had a kid?
But how? we're so well camouflaged?
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Also managed to get the weapon in the first soft pity, now WAcchiato becomes stronger
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attack belgium
Come on, let her in. She's clearly intellectual lady.
This thing is seriously hideous.
god bless transmog system
Modding her right away
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Will do
That's all of GF2's 3* guns. At least you can reskin them to the 2* guns or whatever meme skins you unlock.
Oh come on it's not that bad.
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can't wait bros
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Macchiato isn't a thing and hideous!!!
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I swear GF is the only universe where I like the british.
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clunky reference
Memory deletion is still a thing for 404?
lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick
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Mica, where's the Mary Skelter collab?
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Then again, all of Suomeme's guns have this uncannily curved pistol grip stock to allow interchangeable animations with other SMGs.
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rat mentioned
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why is your image so shit you dumbass
I miss the UNSC weapon pod drop pull we had for GF1
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wtf bro I didn't post any image
Would she fight me if I try to get her to wear more clothes?
Some DRPG slop should have never left the Vita.
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She'd be sad for contaminating the clothes you gave her.
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there was an attempt
I hope she gets a really elegant and covering dress as a skin
I did not know this was a thing.
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Konepistooli :DDDDD
Where's Finale on PC huh, Compa, Iffy?
>already out last year
...Well ok then. I wasn't paying enough attention.
I don't know for sure since it's been corrected, but im guessing he drew the sling attached to the top sling loop that has a split in it. that's only used for stacking rifles
The only good DRPG slop from the Vita is Dungeon Travelers 2(banned on steam forever) and Labyrinth of Refrain (why is this 50 bucks)
this was the only good ip they made
milk bags
Who is this!? I need to know ;_;
>Dungeon Travelers 2(banned on steam forever)
Wait why, what did I miss?
Hey why did no one say they were holding a writing event?
I don't have dicksword.
I think this happened when steam was more anal about lewd loli depictions.
Steam's moderation is extremely inconsistent with cunny
good afternoon
I love Lunasia
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you are going to torture her emotionally
Are you stupid?
read mod stories
I kinda liked Fairy Fencer.
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She's going to torture you literally.
What about Nep then?
I WISH she did
Just because it exists doesn't mean it isn't ugly
not even the same design
>*logs out*
whatcha gonna from ultilife's scrapyard bitch, you don't even know me
>y-you can't a-add a stock
It's not official. It's like their version of the Brainlet Archive
nep peaked when uzume came in but so much of nep's shit is reused across the games with the re;births that it became a headache to keep track of
yeah fang made fairy fencer decent
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you're a dumbfuck
>reading through last thread
>Same fucking time
>Every single day
>They still take the bait
This could only happen in the 1 iq general
e7g is comfy though
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I can't stop getting erect, help
So push all of brainlet archive into it for the funny?
Why are they so jealous of this place? Why do they have to copy everything we do?
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That's one nice tummy
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>First Person Dungeon Crawler featuring 4 niggas in a row
I thought you guys were memeing about being old. What did you play Wizardry on in your public library too?
Apologize to VSK's artist for drawing the correct gun and then insult the 3D team for creating some weird abomination to avoid clipping.
Apologize for being wrong
Wait, what's that?
She's crazy and she wants you. She will find a way.
>did you play Wizardry on in your public library too?
Got a fucking problem with that?
They're just compiling fan works. Nothing inherently malicious about it
He's not wrong tho
>What did you play Wizardry on in your public library too?
Those were the days
He is
The spurdos created the abomination, they just added to it
>anon can't comprehend people liking non-mainstream games
>What did you play Wizardry on in your public library too?
I miss being happy like that, being a kid without worries, playing with friends in the library while it was raining cats and dogs outside on a Friday afternoon after school.
You never played SMT?
another 1iq general that shitposts their own game so much that they only talk about other games, so everything there is a shitpost. It's where the RC rabis were inspired from.
>Labyrinth games
lolmao, only a yurinigger would tolerate them
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should I buy all these in case uranus gets a mod3? also are the furni reflow worth it?
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Don't do this to me bro.
4 niggas in a row is an archaic genre like card battlers. They're meant to represent something bigger before we had the technology to actually portray it
Those become tickets to buy extra rolls in that other shop.
Gonapisdooli :DDD
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I love glowies
At least give me a hint so I know where to start please...
I remember playing flash games and Adventure Quest on the library computer. Those were the days.
I'd rather contribute ghostwriting here
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me too
I got insider information. Vee is going to be in GF2.
Screencap this.
Verification not required.
This but with Ragnarok online
I got insider information. Mr. Pizza is going to be in GF2.
Screencap this.
Verification not required.
This but RF online
Man I almost didn't recognize her without the color of her hair
I do too
Ugh PL is depressing
Much thanks.
How do you know what's going on in other generals?
sorry bro i forgot we had a rule of once part of /gfg/ we can only be in /gfg/
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This but unironically
Just go back if you're not from here
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Don't you forget it
All I need...
DO NOT bully the darkstar wubbly
she will eat your pets
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Cluk cluk clukkk
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Nevermind I don't need you
Are burgers good for you?
>82 kgs
Imagine suffocating on that ass
>Hilda Koch
Clukays don't get to choose names.
For what purpose?
>104 000 EUR
It's got veggies in it so technically yes.
stupid dorks get bapped
Dollhandling, I wish she was taller.
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Siggy is good for me.
I've been...defeated...
>brown nipples
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>pingsama with mp40
>not hoarding for bluefest
Mica add her summer skin on PNC already...
That's because you're a dorkster.
This dork gives off a Lotta SF vibes
It's settled, gfg belongs to Germans.
no she doesn't, she's not a dumb arrogant bitch that needs correction.
Her hair color but especially her unique eyes, make her look like a reformed SF mook
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nah she looks nothing like a Ferri
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what's Lotta?
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A miserable little pile of cuteness
a lotta sex with SKK
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While I find it funny the tool says its Dunkerque, that isn't correct, source?
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Caught a mild cold. Post dolls that'll nurse me back to health.
Ultilife whores need not apply.
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I taught her to do this
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Calicute Calicabbage
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Calling out theater anon, you've yet to deliver a collage full of dorks
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She'll do her best to make sure you're being healing
Lotta is a lewd doll...
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Funny ctas episode 104 daily
I think he's having a stroke
shay melty?
Shay melty!
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I hired this junya to stare at (you)s
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begon foul beast
>it's always after the thread is dead or on it's way to die
>the cross-thread links always have randomized filenames and altered MD5s
>it's always someone conviniently shilling the game and then stopping replying after 2-3 attempts at "debunking" accusations
I'm starting to see a pattern
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delet this
shay's so proud to come back here for attention so we can see his work
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nuh uh
>he's now baiting in /hsrg/ pretending that we are mad
feminist game, feminist franchise
you fags are mary shelley the videogame
I'm just here to say that Suomi is very cute. That is all.
Have a nice day /gfg/.
Thank you, I'm sure your game is full of cute girls too.
same, I'm the one who started posting about suomi in wuwa. Your game doesn't look that bad, hoping for a global release now
shay dosen't post on /snowg/ anymore because they like VB now
GF2EX global release when?
Can you britbongs score a fucking goal
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You have chosen violence
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Another tourist here. I remember playing this game in 2017 and liking the ump sisters and WA2000. Waiting for a global release since all three are apparently in the new game.
ANOTHER tourist here, do you guys even own any firearms irl?
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chosen? violence is the question and the answer is yes
im closing the borders you Mexicanos
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Doll for feel?
I live in a shithole in SA so I only have airshit.
I could probably get one from the narcs but I value my head.
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Why isn't this turd of a general reported to hell yet? Like your dying games.
I own 3
none of them are my raifus
welcome to /gfg/ have a good time
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Your shining STAR!!
Nice, I've got like 12 or something, kinda lost count. I LOVE PCCs!
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really that bored?
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How about Ultilife good girls?
White means lewd
Black means lewd
What do good girls wear?
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Who else but our doom queen.
You can thank us by showing something cute
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Good girls go commando
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I want to get more but there's nothing that interests me available so I'll have to get raped with import fees and wait times
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Thank Antonina for working overtime right now
just range ban them antonina
daru is a better gamer than anna
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Which general is he going to next, /bag/?
So have you guys even played GF2 or are you just waiting for a global release? Also any characters based on the 2011??
>implying rangebans work on autists that are this dedicated
How do I instil positive feelings?
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No, M1911 from the first game isn't added yet
I have 12. I'm hoping to be finally get my wife in the upcoming gun show.
Waiting for global and no.
A 2011 and P320 doll would be neat though.
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>Also any characters based on the 2011??
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I am, it's pretty fun.
I'll prob make my CN account into a test one when global drops since it's easier to spend money on en
have a cool free gun skin
FUCK, I might download it
would be great if the p320 doll accidentally shoots you all the fucking time
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Is Antonina is a game then I'm playing her all night long
That's the most obvious redflag. Shimapan is the mark of whore
You gotta wait unless you know how to commit identity theft on chinks
>good ultilife girl
No such doll exists. Every single one is hard-coded to obtain your DNA by any means possible.
you can only get in right now if you either commit identity theft on a chink or literally dox yourself to the CCP
just wait warmly for global like the rest of us
There are other ways but that needs a mod and not a janny, and it only works for a specific thread
You oath your favorite doroo and improve yourself for her, that's a good start
I am chinese, can prob ask a family member
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>accidentally shoots you all the fucking time
We have a few robots that do that, actually.
my condolences bro
seems like i exhausted everything
well shit
so what, do I need an id or something? I used to not be able to make accounts on chinese websites without a chinese phone number but that seems to have changed now.
Why are you chinese?
AFAIK you need to register with bilibili which requires confirming your china-issued ID
lol, because my parents are chinese of course!
You need a chink phone number registered to a chink ID for 2FA verification these days.
I think you only need a bilibili account to start playing.
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Damn, I hope you get better soon
you need a verified bilibili account which requires a form of ID
I swear I have a bilibili account already, I'll check. I might be able to play without an id kek.
Do like anons here and steal chinese convicts IDs.
I got one that murdered his cousin before they banned me.
I played gf2 until right before the ulrid event 2 months ago
It was cool but I wanted to play in english and dropped it since I was going to stop playing on CN once the global version released
Hope for a fast global version release is dwindling
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yeah looks like I won't need to do that, I have a bilibili account already KEK
I can't wait for sf in Gf2
dont forget to rip the 3d models for us
I don't know how to do any of that shit lol, besides, some of you already play the game?
if suomi's event is a nothingburger I'll have a meltdown
in rotmg
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If Thunder shoots then I'm going to shoot something inside her as correction
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Sugoi STAR, look at that pose 10/10 would shoot the roof and pose with her
so I'm assuming you can't reroll without more bilibili accounts? Maybe I can just buy an account
Why is she trying to buy airshit optics?
The artist doesn't know better
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Plenty, some partially or fully inspired by dolls, others drawing me to dolls because of how much I enjoy the gun.
She's a good rapebait
The Artist based it off his airsoft optic for his airsoft SVU
Airsoft with dolls would be fun
Wait we already got the theater rewards?
What the fuck these took weeks to deliver.
I have a M1 in the mail. CMP ran out of barrels apparently so I have no idea when that's coming. It's really nice to know I have a 1.2k bill just floating in the ether for me.
Both bilibili accounts and Sunborn accounts need phone and ID verification to play. bilibili just lets foreigners use foreign phone numbers to register and foreign IDs to verify.
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I will only take 3 out of 5 krauts in that image
>Go airsoft with dolls
>Literal aimbots
>Reaction speed faster than man could ever achieve
>Can't ever get a hit on them because they always hit you within the first couple shots
Are you sure?
>Meat, tomatoes, lettuce, onions, bread, cheese
sounds like a well rounded meal
Can I use alipay if I wanted to whale?
That was basically the division
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remember to send hokor your thanks
It's simply fun to spend time with my girls. Don't have to win. Besides, the game can be structured with human abilities in mind. One team of dolls has to protect me and try to get Kalina, the other team has to protect Kalina and try to get me.
Kill yourself
You're in luck, the only two payment methods they accept are AliPay and WeChat Pay.
Remove the vocals and that is a killing floor sound track.
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>SKK and Kalina are VIP
>Dolls must protect their own while attempting to take out the other.
This sounds like chess.
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I must be the only one left using a sunborn account registered with a gmail and fake credentials grandfathered over the server move.
They're a decent entry level 2011 if anon can't do any better.
im on sunborn CN too
I've created that acc just before CBT1 for gf2
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Oh Kyouju!
You have a new student!!
SKK fucks niggers
I don't feel like dropping more money for a handgun, especially when I'm not into competitive shooting
Oh hey it's Bell
wait no who is this?
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are you me?
Staccato is a dumb rename that implies your guns have lots of recoil, but sharing the same acronym as Sexually Transmitted Infection wasn't ideal either.
drops dead
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She's trying her hardest not to burn them up
Unless you want that, professor
Toxic smooch!
who calls them sexually transmitted infections? I thought it was sexually transmitted diseases?
Imagine asking Debiru to explain what sex is and seeing what ridiculous bullshit she comes up with.
youre expelled
she will inject me with the antidote before my heart stops beating, and I will do it again
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Surprised nobody posted this yet
who benefits from dupes more agent or sharkitecht? archi is my favorite sf dork but agent has shark slides in the pool.
As the saying goes: "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger." Make sure to rename yourself to Mithridates.
b urself, dupes only matter if you care about theater CE autism
I am going to teach her about analingus.
GSG talk
It's like that modern mosin, fags just want to whine.
Imagine being a young child who gets hospitalized only to have Fl****** as your nurse
Time to hurry up and wait
You could only use it after the next HOC was released anyway
I've been waiting for months already. I thought general data unlocked after the next theater after the hoc is introduced.
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I actually regret not buying their skins but GSG event dropped literally one week after I started playing, and I was trying my hardest to be full f2p
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Doom... Won...
cuck bros, we fucking won
Good girls: thongs, black lace, open rear (all for comfort)
Slutwear: bloomers, spats, boxers
Don't think m4 using groza as her proxy is considered as winning
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it's fucking over... the download isn't making any progress
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>mfw in a gfl tabletop game running for 3 years now
>3000 words
that's not even remotely enough to write anything thoughtful or meaningful, so I'll pass
Cute meta cat
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>Angelica's skin was called "Surprise on the Go"
I heard the trigger sucks ass for this thing, so I ended up getting a fl*x raider instead
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what is the story of gfl2?
what is the difference
Have you tried restarting it?
Are you playing or running the board?
no, it just finished. Phew
>girls frontline line 2
You can't just post shit like this and not go into details.
What system are you using as a basis?
>randomized filename
>altered md5
hmm I'm noticing
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I don't get it, been years since I read GSG.
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I've been playing a PC in the long campaign, though I've also made a oneshot module as a school project. That one's not quite ready for release, though.

The system is based on a magical girl system I made a long time ago, one of the meguca players used the base of the math to make a more deterministic tactical combat system. I've posted it here a few times:
(Some GM-only stuff is missing from there, mostly the bestiary)
Go read that manga again
Do you like pasta, anon?
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But I was finally going to start Gunsmith Cats...
Does that rings a bell? Do you really not rememberIl Principe del Regno Della Pasta?
I remember that, I'm just not seeing the connection between the skin name and her amnesia and inability to remember the book was a gift
Antonina, delete this guys balls
Activate the micro plastics!
I think it's more to do with the fact that she suffers fatal injuries in that pose protecting her handler from a drive by truck bombing.
Too obvious
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>no one responds
>post in the thread that the general is mad
So at this point is just fuck it and throw everything to see if it sticks
you just responded though?
It does, but not as bad as some people say. Strll easily my favorite gun to shoot. There's also finally an upgrade for it, I actually installed it in mine the other day. Really promising so far, but need to put a couple thousand more rounds through it before giving complete thoughts.
He's still in the bargaining stage of the fact we aren't going anywhere.
It was a surprise truck of peace
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I think I saw your post about that on /k/ lol. But yeah people said the mp5 stock trigger feels like ass too but I think it's fine
Oh, oh yeah. Fuck I should give it another read. Her skin in EN is also called "Excursion Surprise" which is almost the same thing.
Timpie has a lot of slack before the wall and a pretty heavy pull, but the wall is crisp and defined and the reset is consistent. So while it isn't any kind of match trigger, I don't consider it unacceptably bad. The upgrade is getting to match trigger territory.
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I just bought this not long ago, barely scratched the wallet.
Now I am looking for an authentic HS Produkt slide.
Mr. Pizza appeared in "Not Like Us" music video
>trigger safety AND grip safety
Mr. Pizza is smuggling fentanil into the USA
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I literally can't I had to volunteer for the army just to itch that scratch
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So uh...about that release date...
I don't and I can't, all the weapons I've handled (including my wife) are from military service
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Don't look at me, look at the Croatians.
Doesn't slow you down in any way unless you have a brainfart in how you draw your weapon.
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is that a ghost
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I got some fast food for my bitches
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I'll have two number 9s
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This looks so ugly, the thumbail ruins it
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Timpie's food bill has gotten so much more expensive after switching to primarily subsonic ammo. But much nicer to shoot with the can.
Wow, that's enough for two range days
WTF I love hoholina now?!
which is why I also got some 1000 subsonics!
I love shooting suppressed but I kinda regret getting an aluminum can
Not a big deal for 9mm. Wouldn't ever buy anything but Inconel or Stellite for rifle cans, though.
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I will feed her rear with my seed to satisfy her huge appetite
Where are the gf2 news?
see >>483483383 and >>483483407
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Right here
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When EN releases.
We are also not adding your cuckold guide.
I don't like this guy's big Judge
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What are some dolls that are absolutely guaranteed to get in? For me its m82a1. Great design,gun is fairly popular, she also already had name before joining Griffin
I don't hate her or him, but I prefer her original body.
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Ok, what is going on? The game is crashing like every 5 seconds.
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I would be extremely upset if 1911 didn't get in at some point. She was one of SKK's first dolls.
Explain to me why people still defend Girls Frontline 2 ?
Devs made it very clear they hate their fandom
Works on my machine ;^)
Which game and what platform?
What's happening to my precious kot?
Battletoads emulated on a 2003 PowerPC eMac.

Captcha: MADT
Downgrad an android version. The newest android BS has doesn't work with GF but the next one down works great.
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Pekora in gf2
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first negafami, now this. what's going on???
I like his Judge but I don't like his mouthless SKK
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Pekora in my bed
Get blue mumu you massive dork
Bluestacks performs wildly better if it's actually set up right (unlike anon's)
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The SF midgets need a model upgrade
Working at a range is great because when I sweep all the brass up I can pocket all the floor bullets. I've got an ammo can full of the most random stuff. Who the hell leaves 3 slugs behind, that's like 6 bucks
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The SF hag alters.
Imagine Gaia sex with Nanda's personality
Even better than W11 Android subsystem?
the best android emulator by far is ldplayer, but you didn't hear that from me
Doesn't Gaia still have Nanda's personality?
She does, that post is redundant
Gaia had a brief performance, but I could swear her lines had a slight difference to the usual Nanda
This. She's slightly more mature.
Bluestacks 4 sucked ass. Bluestacks 5 has been the best for me by far and it's not even kind of close. Easily over twice as fast as the next best. And one of the very few to support multitouch PC displays.
Tried Bluestacks 4 and 5, LDplayer, Blue MuMu, Orange MuMu, Genymotion (was my go-to before BS5), Android Studio, and a couple others but not for long enough to say much.
Also tried Windows 11 WSA and Anbox and Waydroid on Linux, but GF was unusable. Some of the others I've used in the past don't work anymore but I don't remember which. I do remember Genymotion needed a special patch to keep working.

GF is entirely unplayable on WSA for me. Not going to say no patch to fix it exists, but won't even get past the login screen without crashing by default.
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Forcing Gaia to watch me get borderline naizuri from Nanda!
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What color should I make Thunder's swimsuit? Trying to incorporate direct and ambient lightsources as well as bounce light off of two different water sources. Most of her skin will look purple-ish gray because of the fading ambient light. I think I bit off more than I can chew...
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She got namedropped. I have faith.
Destroyer is almost always an oppai loli
White or blue
Blue with a black trim
I should also note that I'm on a full AMD system. I know some emulators can take advantage of certain Nvidia graphics cards. I have no idea how well each implementation of that functionality works.
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I like what Im reading so far.
>She got namedropped
You can sit with the Honey Badgerfag in the waiting room
the same as Calico's hair (haha)
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The kids gacha rerun reminds me that we really need hag alters. At least on skins.
Judge will never get over her inferiority until she gets one
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Love this dress
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Same. Love this dork.
this kot runs on amd drivers
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I want hag Judge but she's still a midget, just a very meaty one
I love Korean prostitutes
Don't forget the AA-12fags
Damn they are laughing at your ass even on /alg/?
Mr. Pizza coerced 6ix9ine to snitch
I want to make Judge forget about her size when we're alone together.
someone needs to grab the /bag/ drawpile image compilation where he leaked himself out of being a complete retard
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After 3 years of alpha testing I suppose the system is as ready for play as it will ever be. If you want to ask the game maker questions, I can drop their discord or something.

For some more reference, here's what a filled out character sheet looks like (this is a fairly high-level character): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zjV0REN08QORL0jboE6qGloDjZj7MoGxNRUrYnzWS0s/edit?gid=1273171432#gid=1273171432
I expect 2 more threads of work before dinner time shay, or it's detention for you
What the game really needs is casual SF skins
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I used to use it until it randomly shit the bed and I had to move onto bluestacks.
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1 hour left before maintenance make sure to spend your tickets since critical cascade ends early.
Casual sex with Judge in casual clothes
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What the fuck I thought I had one more week
But the ingame menu says 7 days, it's wrong?
Extremely unlikely given that coalition units only get alters as 'skins' and so far we've only had seasonal alters.
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Soft and squishy dolls are so good
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I realized my folder is lacking casual SF
Send them
Fe56 love
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Judge would be the kind of girl to wear knee high boots with a 3 inch sole regardless of the outfit.
more smooches for Antonina!
how come suomi got special treatment and got her spats replaced with panties?
Check your mails Antonina tells you about it. It's why they gave out key refills.
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I really like how innocent lewd that artist is
i think that was a mod unless someone can confirm here
But so did Lotta? >>483464057
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His stuff is very erotic for how simple he draws. I'm a fan in more ways than one.
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Other than just general /tg/ interest, I like keeping an eye out for different systems to see if its something my group could branch out to. They are normalfags that began with D&D 5e and its taken years to finally start getting into other settings and systems.
Maybe after some time with Cyberpunk they might want to make the thematic jump to full robot. I doubt it'll happen but I'll keep this in my back pocket as it were.
it's not a mod
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Light blue may look a bit childish on her.
Maybe a dark navy blue or black with white or red accents (frills & ribbons idk)?
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I like how it still manages to be cute.
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And lewd
>he actually fell for the spats shitposting
Certain dolls have spats because it fits them, bro.
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Now if only he fucking tagged his shit properly at least half the time
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it's not a mod
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>One piece of art is cute as a button
>Next piece is this
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I suppose you could say this entire thing is an offshoot of the Magical Girl Noir Quest community, from time long before /qst/. Crazy how that works. Deculture has moved on, but we never really did.

Anyway, I must sleep now. Here's the game discord: https://discord.gg/9TnAbNCE
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My rapewife Judge is so cute
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Judge's alt will be Valentine's/White Day Judge, screencap this
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It'd be the most fitting seasonal alter for her.
Imagine Yuzhong making the rapewife canon
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Imagine the threesome
Excuse me, but is going to be Bikini Judge
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Hugging Ribby.
Nursing Ribby back to health.
Spaking broken French to Ribby.
Having sips of hot coco with Ribby.
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Rape wife
Probability of extended maintenance for PNC?
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>clearing offering herself
Do we have people that need to go back to school and learn what words mean, /gfg/?
Imagine raping Judge to the point of mindbreak giving her a massive anemone syndrome
no i dont imagine that when im bored
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This guy sure is making janny work out, is he using VB's methods to avoid bans or what?
>still the same thread
meet me after class shay
suomi's story is gone i think
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He's on some advanced evasion techniques for sure considering he almost assuredly caught an actual ban for calling for a raid
Imagine a clingy Judge after all that rape
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residential IP VPN or picrel
Take your meds.
How will Raymond's name be translated in EN?
tl'd as
Ramón Esteban Gómez Valdés y Castillo
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your game's plot SUCKS and they deleted suomi's event
How long has he been crosslinking shit now? Does my good sar not have customer support tickets to attend to?
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Pull points
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Well she got two yellows after all, also more divegrass when? I know we're in but I don't know when the /vgl/ starts
It's on Friday to Sunday
But IIRC, we're playing on Sundays
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starts on Saturday, but first they have to do the survival round on Friday
He finally broke free of his call center. He's his own man now. But sadly didn't make start a food cart.
We topped the group, we don't do the survival round I think.
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My brother
i honestly would love if xgg won as a second pick because xgg got fucking killed off of /vg/ so now it's essentially a ghost.
tourist here, why is there a dedicated schizo hating on this game? Is it really just because of the cuckshit?
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Rape Morridow
Hey gfg tourist stopping by, where do i get my ass gaped at
assblasted lolcow on vg hates the game so much he tried to start thread wars with us against snowg which didn't work. Tried spamming multiple other generals with the same topic from the /v/ thread so now he's just moving to try and get /v/ to raid us.
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yeah, I just saw that happen in /v/ but why?
He's indian
Don't know the trigger, he had history in gbfg after his wife Yuel got into a ship in the story and was laughed out. Then he started shitting in /bag/'s drawpile until he accidently doxxed himself. Now we're here.
King Chong invited the entirety of /gfg/ to gangbang Shay's mom and he has been mindbroken ever since.
Sorry you didn't get the invite. Wasn't really worth it, 2/10
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You don't "nurse" Ribeyrolles back to heatlh, Shikikunt.
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He is a former granbluefag who has terminal brainrot after his villain wife got killed and his backup waifu got yuri shipped in that game
Now he floats between things to be mad about, attaching to one general at a time to be his mouthpiece, currently /snowg/ attacking /gfg/
We have a ship too though (J x Mona)
Who is Shay?
How do people let themselves be affected by ponzi scheme games this bad?
it was Arkniggers drawpile
our natural born schizos shoot themselves before they bring terror to other generals
>actually talking about Thunder stuff
he's actually a jeet?
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I thought it was an /akg/ drawpile
Thanks for the correction, i heard it was /bag/
Whom we promptly stole and dropped an airstrike on
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Pajeet has an access to internet?
How was that even "NTR"? Daiyan is an idol, which means she belongs to everyone (including SKK, middle aged fat old men and chads)
even jeets have smartphones now
Yuel has been yurishipped since the early days of her existence. I think it was the shipping with a sissy shota that broke him.
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Of course. he puts in overtime at the call center.
the man with a mission..
Looking for woman to rape
His problem was getting into Grub thinking that the characters are all for (You) and only for (You) without getting shipped with other male or female characters. If you want that shit, go play Blue Archive and Nikke.
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Five years ago, I got cucked 30'000 times in the blink of an eye.
And the whole board just fuckin' watched.
At the XIV general
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Thanks for the heads up.
Is this my time or their time?
stop by /gig/ they love faggots there
How do we know his name is Shay
Did he accidentally tell his name too?
las modbestias..
it ends in 2 hours
>Plays grub
>Expects to have loyal characters
I think that yes, was in your timezone
but I could be wrong
i can fix them all
Havier I want to order a T-doll with an extra long tongue who is also very lanky and flat.
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Thanks bros. Looks like I'll acquire tuturu and a dumb ginger in the morning.
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My wife looks so beautiful when sleeping after sex
There's a dude even pretending to be a leefag. Damn this one is new
See you tomorrow.
you wish it was shay, you're going to beg for it when i'm done
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Mmmm, im afraid the snake niche is indeed unexploited. I will give it snake eyes and make it a gambler
Oh what was that about flatness? Luck is stored there shikikan.
holy shit his alter ego came out
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That might be the gayest shit ever posted on this general.
Nigger you need to fucking kill yourself and never come back here
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I will forever despise 95 for making everything MICA related a magnet for drama, attention whores, and every other mental illness in between
I really hope you're just doing this to fun because it just doesn't get as funny as this if this crusade of yours is serious
RPKeunuch was funnier.
shay entered phase 2..
don't bully her
Daiyan is everyone's wife. Including SKK and others.
But enough about genti-ACK
Shay starts manifesting E.G.O
I begin to feel bad for Kishiyo at this point
>feud over T95 chosen VA led to him leave Mica
>made T95 replacement in AL with his dream VA, the VA is now banned from all chink games
>Kishiyo come back to Mica, made peace with the T95's VA, but now this shitstorm happened
Oh shit bros he's gonna enter super pajeeyan
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So this is the true reflection of the progenitor.
I'm not going to lie. gacha gamers are kinda insane.
Truly the Phillip of /vg/
Why blame the doll for the actions of irrational chinkcels fighting their own sjw war?
Just woke up the fuck is happening
It's been three hours now how long can Shay keep this up?
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Stop fucking everything that moves
what the FUCK shay is this true?
Third worlders reminding us that ending colonialism was a mistake.
There another thread on /v/ so expect him to link posts here soon
>everything that moves
Why stop there?
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keep crying cuck
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Q&A is up
Looks like we're skipping the CM901/Beowulf/Owen/Chink Poland batch and went straight to Stevens next month
I better NOT get a Vepley face when asking for global now
bnuuy no!
Murder me.
>CM901/Beowulf/Owen/Chink Poland
Super fucking gay. Leave it EN to fuck things up again
Shut the fuck up bbs/nga tranny, you will never be as funny as shay
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Beak request ignored
you know not the extent of my wrath
It's roleplaying now
kek, it's been so long since this edits
Someone be cool and ask him to add costumes to black card redeeming at a faster rate
>(According to Suomi, after a brief rest, she was sent out by her "nee-sama"—Ullrid—to search for supplies and went through a series of ordeals...)
>Mayling: That convoy was too much. Suomi went to save their partner, but they left her behind and ran off!
>(Mayling slammed her cup on the control panel, startling me. She then pounded the control panel twice in anger. Warm milk splashed onto the control panel.)
>(Worried about the control panel's cost, Mayling quickly took out a tissue to wipe it.)
>Mayling: When we found Suomi, many modules of her body were damaged. Fortunately, her core was intact...
>(Mayling always felt indignant about Suomi's ordeal, getting upset every time it was mentioned. Sigh, with so many unfortunate events in the contaminated zone, getting angry at each one would be exhausting.)
>Commander: Fortunately, we had some funds at that time. If there's another unexpected large expenditure, I'll have to bury my head in the sand like an ostrich and avoid reality.
Can someone draw ostrichkikan?
Why are you gay?
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Sure thing, bugman.
You find yourself in a frontier city, close to what used to be thriving arable land until the radiation turned it into yellow zones, generally impoverished and a gathering point for all kind of low-lives, suddenly you remember, you've read about this place, it's name is... come one, continue it anon
Can't beat the bird lover allegation, huh?
It has always been two batches after and nothing could change that.
You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension: a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into... the Twilight Zone.
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the lunasia zone
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Good luck next rerun in 1 year
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EVO3 SPEC had an issue?
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Time for Black Mesa Kot
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I'm still fucking waiting for the option to have Ange in a suit as my adjutant
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He even made an anal tug of war joke
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Here you go bro
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About time
How much longer I need to wake up in 6 hours
5.9 hours
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The shrine for Flo
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Best friend
hotglue where
Why would you need hot glue for statues?
Kill yourself spoilerincel
Is it up yet
wait 7 minutes
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Uhh... Bros?
5 minutes
Early 2024! December 31st
(I walked into the command room with a cup of lukewarm coffee and a cup of hot milk, just in time to see Mayling talking to Groza over the comms.)

(This was two months after Suomi arrived on the Elmo.)

(With piles of work, encounters with ELIDs along the way, finances as barren as the surface of the Yellow Zone, and all available combat forces tied up. Even Charolic, who had joined not too long ago, had been sent on an external mission by me...)

(Although having Suomi onboard was indeed risky from the contract’s standpoint, there was the precedent set by Groza. So, accidentally finding Suomi in the contaminated zone—could she also be an exception? I'm not sure, and I'm not naive, but I can't just leave Suomi to fend for herself.)

(Let’s just take one step at a time... even if it comes to "execution," there should be a chance for adjustment.)

(With this thought, I stepped into the command room.)

Commander: Mayling, I made two drinks. Which one do you want—

Mayling: Got it, copy! I just confirmed the message. Captain Groza, please return to the landship!

Groza: Estimated arrival in 0012.

(The communication ended, and Groza's figure disappeared from the screen.)

Mayling: Good morning, Commander... ha...

Commander: You look exhausted. Those dark circles... did you stay up all night?

(I thought for a moment and handed the cup of hot milk to Mayling. She blew on the rising steam and took a small sip.)

(After staying up late, it's better to drink milk.)

Mayling: Mm, thanks... I did sleep for a while, but I couldn't rest easy thinking about the landship's hub unit not being fully repaired. I was worried it might lose direction and crash into something... I woke up around four... ha, aah...

(Mayling covered her mouth and let out a big yawn, then took a few more sips of milk.)

(Feeling sleepy, her movements were a bit exaggerated, and the milk froth formed a white ring around her mouth.)
See? I told you niggers we were gonna get it this year.
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Shut up Frieza
I replaced that part with other servers and there's a page for KR and TW but not GL/EN
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Commander: This can't go on... How about the payment for TASK-1377?

Mayling: Let me check... It hasn't been credited yet. It should have arrived the day before yesterday...

Commander: Tsk, if B.R.I.E.F. could process things faster, the contaminated zone might have fewer ELIDs by now. Let's pull up this month's income and expenses.

Mayling: Okay!

Mayling: Here's the income and expenses for the past month. The biggest expenditure is the repair and maintenance costs.

Mayling: We spent a lot to repair Suomi's body.

(I remembered that stormy night when a tiny light appeared in the thick darkness. Despite the uncertainty, I decided to direct the Elmo towards that faint light and discovered Suomi holding up a lantern.)

(After Suomi rebooted, she handed me a stack of letters, documenting her experiences drifting with a community of dolls and temporarily settling in the ruins of a thermal power plant.)
(According to Suomi, after a brief rest, she was sent out by her "nee-sama"—Ullrid—to search for supplies and went through a series of ordeals...)

Mayling: That convoy was too much. Suomi went to save their partner, but they left her behind and ran off!

(Mayling slammed her cup on the control panel, startling me. She then pounded the control panel twice in anger. Warm milk splashed onto the control panel.)
(Worried about the control panel's cost, Mayling quickly took out a tissue to wipe it.)

Mayling: When we found Suomi, many modules of her body were damaged. Fortunately, her core was intact...
(Mayling always felt indignant about Suomi's ordeal, getting upset every time it was mentioned. Sigh, with so many unfortunate events in the contaminated zone, getting angry at each one would be exhausting.)

Commander: Fortunately, we had some funds at that time. If there's another unexpected large expenditure, I'll have to bury my head in the sand like an ostrich and avoid reality.
Mayling: I've compared our upcoming action path with the environmental intel...
Vepley bros I don't feel good...
Mayling: The intel indicates that there are only scattered groups of ELIDs along the path, mostly Level I to II, with the highest being Level III. They shouldn't pose a significant threat to our squad's bodies... I hope.

Commander: Good. Your detailed investigation has been a great help.

Mayling: Hehe, I had nothing to do when I woke up this morning, so I took a look.

Commander: Everything is going smoothly for now. We just need the payment for TASK-1377 to come through—

(At that moment, the main control panel beeped with a new email notification. Mayling immediately jumped to the control panel to open the email, and I instinctively leaned forward.)

Mayling: A new email! Commander, is it the payment—wait, what? "Rainbow Bubble Car"?

Mayling: "A dreamlike remote-controlled combat unit, offering you a brand new battlefield experience"... ugh... it's an advertisement...

Commander: Since when did B.R.I.E.F. turn into a shopping platform? This thing... doesn't look reliable at all.

Mayling: Exactly, Commander! The recent ads we’ve been getting, if it's not a solar-powered turbine screwdriver, it's an automatic reloading robot arm. All things that sound practically useless!

Commander: Oh? Is that so? Mayling, didn't you once call the sales number on one of these ads?

Mayling: That was, that was... because it was for the latest puzzle game console! The ad said it came with top-tier AI and over a thousand preset special stages. It sounded so fun! Don't you think so, Commander?

Commander: Not when I saw the price—0.2 ounces of Sardis's gold, it’s enough to buy a whole crate of energy cells.

Mayling: I didn’t end up buying it... When I called to inquire, they told me it was already sold out! Seriously, if you're going to advertise something, at least have enough stock.

(Mayling slumped over the control panel, her upper body flattening against the metal surface, her face squished out of shape, and her fingers furiously poking the panel in frustration.)
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>it's real
(At the same time, I heard the sound of the sliding door opening and looked towards the entrance.)

Mayling: Ah, Captain—Suomi is with you too!

Suomi: Miss Mayling, Commander, we’re back.

Mayling: Welcome back! Uh, where's Nemesis?

Groza: Nemesis has gone to the assembly room for a self-check.

Commander: Good, thank you. How did the operation go?

Groza: The ELID group blocking the road has been cleared. No ELID or other life forms detected within a 5KM radius. Zero damage to our bodies, with a total of 30 rounds of ammunition expended. Detailed report to follow.

Commander: Alright, please also assist Mayling in inventorying the remaining ammunition later.

Groza: Understood. Additionally, Suomi’s body settings might need some adjustments.

Suomi: My left arm feels off... it might be secondary damage.

Suomi: Also, there’s approximately a 0.082-second delay in the fire control core’s response, reason unknown. Miss Mayling might need to check it further.

Mayling: Got it, I can start the inspection right away! Just let me transmit the data settings to the assembly room terminal...

Suomi: —!

(As Mayling closed the advertisement email on the main control panel, Suomi seemed to notice something and stepped forward.)

Mayling: There, it’s done. Let’s go, Suomi.

Suomi: …

Mayling: Um... Suomi?

Suomi: Ah… no, um… Miss Mayling, could you show me the screen you just closed one more time?

Mayling: Huh? Sure… but that was just an ad email… let me open the recycle bin…

Mayling: Here it is... Suomi, are you interested in this?

Suomi: No, no, no, I’m not! How could I be… interested… in something like this… not at all!

Mayling: Not interested? But you were practically pressing your face against the screen, looking really into it.
KR one has been up for a while by now, so nothing new
call me when date
What's the CN official site?
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>another half hour of maint
I am going to start killing people.
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>Not Sunborn of Japan
Something's strange about this
Commander: What’s up, Suomi? Is there something you want? Let me see…

Commander: “Remote-Controlled Rainbow Bubble Car, freely galloping on the battlefield, creating a dreamy rainbow bubble mist to bring visual and psychological double shocks to your opponents”… other than “shock,” it doesn’t seem to serve any other purpose?

Mayling: It does seem pretty impractical… Suomi, do you want this?

Suomi: Uh… I guess I might… want it…

Commander: Do you really want it?

Mayling: So you do! If you like it, you should say so. No need to be shy. Hmm, here’s the price… after a 20% discount, it’s only, only 0.5 ounces of Sardis gold?! Only?!

Commander: The price is indeed shocking.

Mayling: Suomi, do you have that much money?

Suomi: I… I don’t think so… um, never mind, I won’t buy it then.

Groza: This kind of device isn’t cost-effective. Its practical use in combat is questionable, more for show than utility.

Suomi: I understand, Captain. I wasn’t really that interested in it anyway.

Mayling: Hmm… if it can’t be used on the battlefield, what if we remove the offensive module, weaken the environmental recognition function, and just use it on the landship? I could try to make one!

Suomi: No, really, it’s not necessary!

(Suomi suddenly raised her voice, a rare frown appearing on her face. Startled by her tone, Mayling just stared at her blankly, her eyes gradually filling with confusion.)

Mayling: Uh… sorry, I just… I only wanted to help…

Suomi: No, no, Miss Mayling, it’s not that. I just… I don’t want to trouble you.

Mayling: Oh, I see. It’s no trouble at all! It’s rare to see you wanting something so much. Hmm, let me think, I might be able to use some parts we have from the landship…

Suomi: Really, it’s not necessary. We should hurry—um, to the repair bay! Let’s go now, don’t worry about this, Miss Mayling!

Commander: Suomi, if you have any particular thoughts, you can tell me. Do you want this bubble car because it has some special feature or use?
Haha wouldn't it be funny if literally every other server opened first?
Why are you retards acting like that ain't the norm for Mica?
M4 has better taste then that
And we've had those inactive twitter accounts for how long now?
I don't care until I see a release date.
Suomi: …No, it’s nothing like that, Commander. I was just suddenly—yes, suddenly dazzled by it.

Commander: …

Suomi: If there’s nothing else, I’ll—I’ll head to the repair bay now. Everyone… thank you for your hard work!

Mayling: For the bubbles, is there a stable foaming agent…? Eh? Suomi, wait for me—

(Suomi abruptly ran out of the command room, and Mayling quickly followed. I frowned as I watched the sliding door close.)

Commander: Suomi’s behavior is too unnatural. Was there anything unusual during the battle?

Groza: No, everything was normal during the operation. Suomi’s noticeable abnormal behavior appeared after seeing that advertisement email. It’s likely related to the bubble car. After I finish the operation report, I’ll check on her.

Commander: No, perhaps I should go check on her?

Groza: Commander…? Why?

Commander: It’s my responsibility to understand the status of my team members. Moreover, it doesn’t seem like Suomi’s issue is combat-related, so it might be better if I handle it.

Commander: Besides, I’ve dealt with similar situations many times before. You can trust me with this.

Groza: Understood. If you need assistance, please let me know. Thank you, Commander.

(Later that evening, after finishing my work, I decided to use my break time to check on Suomi.)

(As I stepped out, I saw Suomi’s small figure near the central area. She was facing a wall, talking to herself.)

(…Suomi? What are you doing here so late?)

Suomi: I can’t delay any longer… but finally meeting the Commander, these past two months have felt like a dream…

Suomi: But… hoping to become an exception like Miss Groza is unrealistic… and… how should I bring it up…
wops wrong one
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Is gfg migrating to KR or JP?
Suomi: Maybe I should casually mention it during a chat? But I’m not good at small talk… Maybe I should tell the Commander alone first…

Suomi: “I suddenly have something urgent”—like that? No, the Commander will definitely ask what it is…

Suomi: “Because of special reasons”—But, that would sound like I’m intentionally being mysterious…

Suomi: What should I do… if I stay with the Commander any longer, and if it’s found that I violated the contract, it will put the Commander in danger…

Suomi: And I’ve delayed it for so long already, if… no, I can’t trouble the Commander anymore! I have to tell the Commander quickly…

Commander: What do you need to tell me?

Suomi: Commander?! When did you get here…

Commander: Just now. Do you have something to tell me?

Suomi: No, I—ah, yes, yes, Commander, you came at the right time, I have something to tell you!

Commander: Is it something important?

Suomi: Very, very important.

Commander: Alright, go ahead.

Suomi: …Alright, Commander, I want… I want to…

Commander: Want what?

Suomi: I want to leave… leave—

Commander: Leave?

Suomi: Leave—um—

(Suomi's eyes wandered, but she quickly seemed to make up her mind, clenching her fists and looking directly at me as if to boost her confidence.)

Suomi: —Since we still have a long way to go to our destination, I want to play games with everyone!
I had hope after PNC released EN, JP, & KR all at once
And how did pre-release go again?
is there any google drive for the script?
(After shouting this, she froze for a few seconds, then slowly covered her mouth with her hands.)

Suomi: Ah... what did I just say?

Commander: ...You said you want to play games?

Suomi: Play games? Oh right, yes… play games.

Commander: We still have about 15 hours to our destination. Although Mayling’s investigation shows that encountering dangerous enemies is unlikely, we still need to stay alert… Can you tell me why you want to play games now?

Suomi: Because, well, I want everyone to relax a bit. Lately, it seems like finances have been tight, and we’ve had a lot of missions…

Suomi: I just joined, and everyone has helped me a lot when I was, um, in trouble, so I want everyone to be happy too…

Commander: Is morale that important?

Suomi: Yes, yes, exactly! Everyone needs to relax right now, so they can better handle the—uh, the—tasks ahead…

Commander: Although I doubt anyone would resist work assignments… relaxing a bit is good. Alright, can I leave all the game preparations to you?

Suomi: Yes, Commander! Also, I hope you can participate in the game too… I mean, you must participate, otherwise, it won’t be meaningful.

Suomi: Everyone—absolutely everyone must join in!

Commander: What kind of game is it?

Suomi: I, I can’t say yet… I need to make some preparations, but it’s definitely nothing dangerous!

Commander: Alright. Mayling went to bed after dinner, and I need to rest for a bit too. Wake us up when you’re ready, okay?

Suomi: Yes, Commander. Please rest now and fall asleep quickly!

Commander: I’ll try.

Suomi: I’ll be ready soon! You can look forward to the game!
>also nothing
We had KR PNC accounts and details long before EN and we still released at the same time.
Still the same
We were technically released not simultaneously. EN first, JP next and lastly KR. But in just one week, we synched.
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I'm reading the S:G collab
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There is no need to fight.
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Now this is canon
>Nygger lovers
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I pity the fool who's rolling right now
SUBS DOKO????????
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I want to brutally murder whoever approved of login cutscenes.
>wake up
>pop ups over pop ups over pop ups over pop ups
fuck off Riko
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R8 this OC
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>only story bits are in the designated no combat stages
why? every stage in the 1st half of the event had story in them
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I don't think I've ever seen so many 2*s at once
Considethe code 99Czu if anything wants to return to NC!
Cutie 3.14/10
>had to spark kurisu
>no qurartz left
>event is an entire month
Oh it's not a big deal then.
Cute / Neato
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Definitely not a nygger spy/10
>fully clothed eating wedges in the pool
What is wrong with her?
is no one rolling? i'm getting fucked by the kurisu gacha
All stur and stur-like dolls are stupid.
I hate how PNC forces you into the event just by starting the game.
you WILL play the event
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I just got her, I'm just extremely fucking tired.
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>roll neural fragment gacha
>lose coinflip thrice
Why i'm so fucking unlucky
Based bepli chad
Where is the free rolls?
Update: i lost the coinflip 6 times
Screenshot the history
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damage report onegai
i tried to get kurisu with neural fragments and i had to spark her
swapped to kits for mayushii and she appeared on the first tenner, no way i'm trying neural fragments again, also no random spook from a new doll
it's on the events tab under precious company
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the bun translator is absent
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40 rolls for kurisu and 100 for mayushi, got lucky this time around at least
Anon you'll get free rolls later today. You should've waited
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who is KJ referring to?
It's like western PS2 games all over again
Boot up a game and it automatically jumps you to the last saved files
The steins gate theme is making me too nostalgic can't believe it's been a decade since I read it.
i hope all early pullers get a dupe when they use it
What i'm supposed to screenshot? It says it displays only last 20 search records
But i pulled 3 characters in both banners, and all of them were not Kurisus and Mayuushis
50% my ass
the iron pussy.. doko..
wait, you mean there are more free rolls aside of these 10-pull tickets?
also i forgot to use the mayuri one before rolling oh no
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190 combined, my Chinklian fund is safe.
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I can't believe she came in 174 just to fuck with me
I'll make a new thread on page 8
better grab those fragments sweaty
mad scientist
Oh hey I also got tentacle rape
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Is this good?
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>retards already rolling early and forgetting about the free rolls
I feel like I've gone back in time.
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Don't need 'em, quasidoroo.
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Dorky joke
What would a threesome with the scurs be like?
What about just daily life in general?
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translation doko?
It says you're gay
big if true
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I'm smiling like a retard just because I'm hearing Welrod again.
jewbook TLanon gone?
TL-kun is a confirmed bong

Same here, I cant believe they got the rights to the original OST even if its just a part of them. I'll admit I kinda onions pogged when I heard it. The little references in the stage, the phone interface, etc, it's so good. I'll go nuclear if a vocal version plays at the climax or ending

Looking at the 3d environment and the opening cutscene, they really went out there instead of pulling a typical "heres the collab characters, kthxbai" crossover "event" like most gacha do
Thank God. I love these dumb fucks like you wouldn't believe
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They don't exactly get along anymore, so full of conflict. They're best kept apart. If you do insist on forcing them together, they're probably going to rather dislike you for it.
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Right here bro
The jewbook group he's from got deleted for some reason
Just get your good coworker Gelatin (forma Purin) to tardwrangle them.
>TL-kun is a confirmed bong
He's Singaporean. So he definitely uses bonglish
30 rolls for Christina, get good lossers
>insidious lines most likely already recorded
YZ give me my dorky chuuni asap
>forgot about bond fragments
The group already resurrected anon
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Anon, don't tell me you already bought frags when pic we have pic related to get.
They made a new one? Or restored the old ones?
I bought fragments to 6 star Kurisu, but only after that i bonded her to 15, so lost like a lot neural kits
By the way, where is free oath?
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New thread
A new one
Got both in about 110 rolls total, bretty good.

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