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>Recent News
Extra Drops Campaign (Water) - (06/24 - 06/30)

Honing Seeker:Nova Unite & Fight Skin - Live
Celestial Bow (Light) & Celestial Staff (Light) - Live
Side Story Menu Update - 06/28
Roadmap: https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline

Europa Character CD - 07/10
Animated PV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltQa2gCvmk

>June Schedule
06/21 - 06/28 Unite & Fight (Dark favored)
06/28 - 07/06 The Last Sumo Warrior

>Future Schedule
07/07 - Tales of Arcarum (Caim)

>How to Start
Go to https://game.granbluefantasy.jp in any Chromium-based browser

>READ THE FAQ before posting - It will answer most of your questions if you're new or learning

>Helpful links - These links contain useful information like important guides and other stuff
Granblue Fantasy Toolbox - https://www.granblue.party
GBF Advanced Search - https://gbfas.io
GBF Grid and Teambuilding - https://gbfguide.com
Wiki Advanced Grids - https://gbf.wiki/Advanced_Grids
/gbfg/ Mega Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/xHkyQTy8
/gbfg/ Crew Directory - https://rentry.org/gbfgcrews

Previous thread >>483382902
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i love my wife
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>mortals sure are weird
We are not the same.
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I made love to his wife
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i love my wife as well
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having fun grubbas?
my hair on the mattress (I'm balding)
Why are we not waiting for page 10 anymore? /gbfg/ didnt use to bake new threads when there is an ongoing discussion in the previous one
>mortals are soooo weird!
Loved by /gbfg/
>mortals are soooo weird! (Male)
Hated by /gbfg/

Explain this
>Guild War is more rewarding than endgame raids
Doesn't matter. That's only 5 days a year, and like I said, she's replaceable. I don't know why the argument has shifted to this though, her kit is just flat out worse than Horus's. It was good when the uncap first dropped, but isn't really that special nowadays.
Last time we waited for page 10 the thread actually archived
unless the first person they meet is the MC and then they instantly shift to the first NPC male they meet to become shipshit
weird how that works
It's all boring.
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Where is this one from
this pyosg deserves death.
Ignorance is cute on girls. On males it just makes them sound like Mugen
Juri just had an entire event with Poz only being mentioned in passing, while Meg 2's event had Poz interacting with Lowainbros instead, so that isn't true.
False. Doesn't necessarily have to be male
Not laughing at Tyra anymore, are we
Grand Blues! (Guraburu! in Japanese) is the official webcomic/manga spin-off for Granblue Fantasy drawn by Kiku Hitomoji, written and published by Cygames. It is an ongoing Gag Series that focuses more on the comedic aspects of the RPG game's characters, with various hijinks pertaining to fourth-wall hints and breaks, lampshaded tropes, Deconstructions, Running Gags, Brick Jokes and numerous character-related exaggerations. Basically, it's Granblue with all the seriousness tossed aside for the sake of making fun out of the lore using alternate, chibi-fied versions of the characters.

The comic series is presented using a 4-koma format, with the first panel on top being fully-colored. Each new comic strip is usually tied to the currently-running story events or celebrations of the game. Although these are originally released in Japanese, Cygames also releases official English translations for the older comic strips by batch. This is freely-accessible from the main screen of the game. It was later printed into manga volumes.
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QUICK HOW DO I RETRACT ALL MY "neechang...content..."S?
Best male characters in Grub
1. Lobelia
2. Faa
3. Six
4. Siete
5. Nehan

Top 5 female characters in Grub
1. Monkey
2. Huang
3. Bai
4. Galleon
5. Babu
don't bring up his fate though sis
I meant which one specifically, chatgpt-sama
Monkey's paw
retarded nier..
eat your own cum
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>top 5 are all females
>out of the 11 characters that breaks 1k pixivbux only 3 are males

Wanna bring it up? Sure. Juri wasn't there for the entire first part of his fate episodes where he decides to join the crew. He shows up in the latter half to address why Poz hated humans and the empire in the first place.
There's an option to look for blues pages that features a specific character. You should check it out
>4 of the five females have an earth unit
i'm thinking dirt won tbqhdesuimongl
>He shows up
I accept your concession.
What moment turned you into a hateful wraith towards grub? For me it's Sneeds' false advertising.
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You guys said box was unpopular
sneeds was the start and the ball just kept rolling out of control.
>Best male characters in Grub
>1. Lobelia
murderer schizo and psycho
>2. Faa
murderer psycho
>3. Six
murderer schizo
>4. Siete
>5. Nehan

>Top 5 female characters in Grub
>1. Monkey
>2. Huang
>3. Bai
cunny hentai
>4. Galleon
>5. Babu

Weird list
ask chatgpt why we like satyr and hate poseidon
Everything about the six dragons
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A lot of these characters are wrong, especially the RoB imports.
by the time she got her grand most people who liked her already left.
I will bet good money that more than half of her pixivbux were from 6+ years ago.
she should be.
By killing yourself.
>second half
You already moved the goalpost, rat. Where was Juri during the Meg 2 event?
1000 days into Poseidon unironically put FKHR in my eternal curse list.
Y. Monke will be Dirt
Well... she did get a promotion...
what did she mean by this?
I forgot to include that the methodology is
>character name in jap + グラブル (no brackets)
so to filter out tags that are from other non-granblue game, yeah it's not empirical but that's just how grub works.
If you tell me retard proof how to change the email to my gbf account i will lotto my account.
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>he doesn't show up!!!!!!!!!!! ................until the second half
concession? admitted
predict summer characters
preferably with a focus on the older characters like pholia and vampy who they happen to remember exist, since s.galleon isn't a particularly hard prediction to make
You could lotto an account with 1000000000 free rolls and all of the 150 GM weapons and I wouldn't give a single fuck
I am done with this homoge.
The treatment of lucifaces
Fucking baffling how there are 3 of them yet none are remotely well-written
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>They will love us for it
Same here.
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>older characters like pholia
>He's still pretending meg 2 doesn't exist
Intellectual dishonesty, also knows as galgetardism.
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Nothing weird about it.
yes. 4.5 years to get her first alt is a long time.
Turning Lobelia into yume bait has made him much more boring. I blame Emiri
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It’s in your mobage account settings
Who did Faa murder
His uncap fates were great though. Him just casually creating pocket dimensions so he can genocide kingdoms and using magic to create cake is good. Only other content he’s gotten lately was the MHA collab which was a great use of his character by pairing him with Toga who’s all about twisted affection.
You got your wish, monkey. Now stop fucking complaining.
a bunch of primals
This. Rare grub W.
Finished up the celestial staff and don’t feel like farming for my last two bow drops. Looks like I’m free from GW at last.
Agreed, he's still amazing but i welcome his yumepandering on top of it
Remember when gbfg was saying Magus was a win for waifufags
>free at last
>farmed 1 and a half celestials
oh nononono
Chances of S.Raziel turning away from Deadcifer and Sandal in favor of (You)?
In one of the wmtsbs I forgot which but he intentionally made the primal rebellion happen so he could kill and collect and bunch of their cores to make Avatar. That's why Lucifer killed him
the entire skyrealm? you want to change it to "attempted murder" because he failed?
Sette nerf for me.
>not a single celestial drop
What is this faggotry?
Even Benjamin try to invite him join the band.
Paralost duh why do you think Lucifer necked him?
>men are best when they’re schizophrenic murderers
>women are best when they’re cunny or perverts
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>you want to change it to "attempted murder" because he failed?
About the same chances of >>483424353 getting a celestial drop this GW
just fujo things
About the same chance of Fediel getting a alt that's for (You)
Faa said sorry
(You) will forgive him, like usual
>be me
>cygames employee working in the gbf department
>work is chill but salary sucks because bonuses are linked to profit milestones
>lunch break
>plain rice again...
>need a cup of tea to wash down this modest meal
>head to kitchen, see two uma devs talking about their bonus and how they're going to use it
>hear stuff like a trip to hawaii and a down payment on a house
>get a message from FKHR on my phone
>message only says "Style Swap 2" and "Yngwie"
>sigh 2
>on the way to FKHR's office, get stopped by angry colleague upset about turning another female character into a dyke
>arrive at office, FKHR is waiting for me, wearing only a diaper and listening to Nickelback
>"Boss, what do you want?"
>he looks deep into my eyes and says he has a plan for style swap and I have to implement it
>kicked out of office without further words
>get back to my seat, see KMR coming up to me with a smile
he puts his hand on my shoulder and whispers in my ear "ganbate ganbate"
then he sets off again
>before leaving, he turns to me one more time and asks if I can include sandalphon somewhere in the next event
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the same odds as Meg not being turned into a dyke
And yet, he's lost all the edge he had as a character so he can be djeeta's psycho bf instead. He's become boring, but that's just a problem with Grub writing in general. I dont think we'll ever see something like his Summer skin homesecreen voice lines again.
>only instigated the rebellion and didn’t personally kill anyone
>failed to wipe everyone out
>said sorry
Faa will be forgiven, will join, and will be for (You)
>will be for (You)
god i wish
Ewiyar would've saved me from Bastet's charm...
Faa said the r-word, there's no coming back from that
It probably works more or less like this desu
>will be for (You)
He was introduced as a Lucifer glazer. You know how this goes here
Why Nickelback of all things?
A psycho bf is still a psycho. He ripped a guy's ear off over and over again until his mind broke
>he's lost all the edge
We had him talking about killing children in his uncap and how fun it was watching the child princess endure his torture and he trapped the murderer who tried to kill Danchou in a pocket dimension to torture forever in his Tales. He’s still edgy.
He also very personally and very directly tried to kill (you) when he was being a sore loser
We love Galgeback around here
Thats the most he'll do now. Can't have him actually kill anyone anymore.
Well yeah, he promised not to do that anymore. He's not Nier
But we actually saw him torturing that guy by cutting his ears off eternally and making villagers pop with Tower.
can this round end already, I gotta goon
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>sank a whole island
>just kidding, there was no one on that island because everyone evacuated :)
>tricked and killed a bunch of primals
>just kidding, those primals were actually evil/not sentient/wanted to die themselves, he dindu nothing wrong :)
He didn't kill them, not his fault all of them were Azazel tier retards
Yeah this is canon
>we have a Lobelia yume now
Fuck this homo thread and homo game
Everything evil Faa does is through Belial, so they could very easily handwave it that way if they really wanted to.
Holy shit the hardest part of this GW is being forced to stare at Bastet and having to contain myself
>sometimes I don't skip in time and I catch a glance of that trigger that focuses on her croth and then her chest
jesus christ
yeah I'm just grinding while waiting for an opportunity to play my piled up h-games
havent been able to find one with bastits though
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fresh new nier art
lovely nyiery
I love my perfect wife Galleon so much I gave her the black cock she wanted... shes's getting it right now while I post on /gbfg/...
So this is why the cutoffs are down this time...
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Just another day at the office.
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why is everyone posting Faa when we know it's Grand Raiden + S.Raziel so they can inflate his "popularity"
*huffs hopium*
Got cancelled after Ami flop
We love Faa here
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Not my Nier.
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The saints already aren’t saving grub.
Faa is the second most popular man on /gbfg/
You ever notice how Ifucktroons decides 90% of the stuff he does based on the opinion of a fujo magazine with 100 respondents
faa really isnt that interesting
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summer version soon trust the plan
Part of me wants to get Zosimos but the rational part of me keeps saying that the grand MH will be better in every way possible for FA.
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B rtier btw
Everyone noticed and nobody likes it.
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a sea of red
wow top light players are really weak huh
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>need 9 bars for Dark exaltos
>need 9 bars for Dirt exaltos
>still need to uncap Quatre, Funf, and Uno so I can take Sarasa and Six to 150
>haven’t had a bar drop in 6 months
Somebody end my misery
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Hag uncapped
Mama won
>top 2k isnt in the red
Then the game is fine because those dedicated players are what really matters
This but unironically
As long as the game still has at least 100 dedicated paypiggies it can go another 10 years
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It sounds funny but this is what fktrn is gonna tell the holy council on the next meeting
You know they will never EoS grub right
Just look at RoB
>*ssssssllllllluuuuuurrrrrrrrrrpp* *pop*
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Grub isnt expensive to maintain. A handful of whales can easily keep the game afloat for several years. Sorry the truth offends you, doomcuck.
The granblue archive famitsu poll was 90% male albeit
You might be right but the game being in maintenance mode isn’t exactly a good thing either
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>6 minute NM100
How is it in maintenance mode when we still get fully voiced events monthly
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who cares about comparing different elements, let's look at how it's lower within the same element despite 14 months and half a dozen hyperlimiteds since then
>>*ssssssllllllluuuuuurrrrrrrrrrpp* *pop* aaaaahhhh
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who cares about grub. 90% cygame power is from uma musume. grub is the side gig and merch market for them.
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Who 1-1 here?
I don’t really care about Naru. It’s not like I dislike her, but of all the draphs there’s quite a few I’m into more than her. But no matter how I feel, she is the most popular girl grub has ever seen and ever will see. I know it, you know it, FKHR knows it. No one would need to be convinced that she’s the biggest. So how is it that she has no central role in any events and is a side character at best and a cameo at worst, but a character as unplayable and unpopular as Raiden gets two events all about him? I can’t think of any game where this kind of thing is the norm. Even disregarding Naru, there’s so many characters who still have no event presence at all. Even Mirin, as shillclub as she is, only just got her first event. How is Raiden already on two?
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Yumejoshis are cute for their undying love for their husbands.
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>Grub isnt expensive to maintain
Is that why they couldn’t finish art in time for two streams and delayed a free skin by six months?
nyou syee...
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>Then the game is fine because those dedicated players are what really matters
remember about valentine stuff ?
Remember when foxes got events and Yuel and Sochie got sidelined and made into side characters in their own storyline 3 times in a row?
>Grub isnt expensive to maintain
>*ends your seasonal lines after five years*
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This was engineered to ruin this general in specific
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Well I uh...
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>girls lusting after .png.... le cute
>guys lusting after .png.... le gross
What I noticed is that 90% of the female characters from the HRT era got shafted by FKTRACK, and coincidentally, the only one that didn't get fucked over is the one that was born a male
Yet most characters with big name VAs are absent for some reason…
picrel is a freak but at least she's cute
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Remember when the MC got put into a coma for two annis in a row and then on the very next anni they don’t even bother making up an excuse to have him comatose and just have him watch from the bleachers as Sandalphon does everything ?
> I can’t think of any game where this kind of thing is the norm.
The writers write for themselves and do not care for fan input, they have already admitted this. I think it's a retarded mentality to have for a gacha game but this is objectively how it works, from the horse's own mouth.
>no poz
>no juri
>no yngwie
>no wilnas
>no ghandagoza
>no ladiva
close but nah
Hey now some of us like girls from the original KMR era who also get shafted by FKHRT
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People obsess over this character enough to build a figure of her, and she doesnt even have a speaking role in 80% of the games she's featured in, she's a glorified cameo in her own series.
Shut the fuck up
Waifufags are ugly as sin
megaman is a good series unlike grub tho
I don't understand the point you're trying to make here
well yeah, like molesting children it's okay when a woman does it
good series but abandoned by their dev. just like grub KEK
The difference is Roll is not a playable character most of the time. And as you say, she has fuck all speaking roles compared to Naru. The two are not the same, and should not be treated as such.
>basically only girl in a popular series
its free eats for her.
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I expect to be very disappointed with this summer.
>Raiden event
You WILL love us for it!
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You are right about naru but hold there bro.
How many draph females do get events at all?
Even here naru is just a side chara.
The only draph to ever get real exposure is Aliza.
Both are cringe when they’re unloyal fags who hope FotM to FotM
Both are based when they’re loyal
Honestly the Juri event didn't get much shit either. Biggest thread melty caused by an event is still Unbound Autism
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Battle Network is better
Lan is a fucking retard
>raiden(?)/tefnut/raziel known in advance
its hard to have hope.
naru is secondarybait. she gets likes on xwitter and she does well in secondary games like relink, but people who play granblue fantasy the gacha game prefer the kinds of event stories that come with characters like raiden or lowain.
I don't really care they already left their legacy behind and I've come to accept nothing they cook up will ever compare
This is also grub too
>only eternal gets consistent stuff
>only two evokers get consistent stuff, and it's like a 70-30 between them
>only two zodiacs get stuff, plus the first one for obligations
>shill club gets a pass for everything
all of these get far more exposure than the rest
There’s tons of girls in Megaman especially once you get to X on. Roll is still miles above the others in popularity and it’s all because you can’t beat the blonde robo cunny.
Starforce 3 > the rest
why is the maIeringer acking out about Naru again?
unbound autism was worth reading so it was worth shitposting, everyone just skipped jurislop.
Summer lotto
Star Force was good too. Not as good, but still good just because it's still the same general idea as BN, which was fucking amazing.
I'm so glad I saw some youtube video of a hacked fight vs three superbosses at the same time, to get me to try the series.
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>but people who play granblue fantasy the gacha game prefer the kinds of event stories that come with characters like raiden or lowain.
So I’ve heard.
I NEED white cum splattered on big brown cat tits
>like raiden or lowain
Bullshit, we love yngwie the most here. Man when he said he was sterile, that shit was FIRE
>went from loving granblue fantasy enough to make several doujins for it to hating it
many such cases
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What kind of brain tumour does someone have to get to think two conflicting thoughs as "This character is shillclub" and "this character isnt popular"
Have you ever considered why a character would feature prominently over others? It could be because theyre popular to begin with. And if not with you, with enough people to where You Don't Matter.
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Facts. Grub is too sophisticated for things like cute girls who are for (You).
>too weak to FA revans
How do I get stronger, sisters?
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So true!
>first batch of m3 raids are easy
>the rest is pain in the ass
did japs asked to make them harder and more annoying or something?
>Have you ever considered why a character would feature prominently over others?
This but I also need her crotch pushed down on my face right now
Ah, the invisible Raiden popularity.
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>And if not with you, with enough people to where You Don't Matter.
so true
all these voices are drowning out all the haters...
That bait's been cast already and FKHR himself said he doesn't just make what's popular, get new material.
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You just needed to scroll down for half a second
Could you not even do that??????
Do YOU have your Celestials done?
a secondary system of measurement, qed
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Oh of course, you’re right. Raiden is so popular everywhere, we just can’t see it anywhere.
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>loses again in tier B
I am fed up with my crew, i'm leaving to a crew where my time and effort is more valued.
I'm still seething that the crew lands in 8.1k in prelims, we would've get much more from losing in tier A.
So how come Ninpress has more art than all of these?
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>You just needed to scroll down for half a second
Could you not even do that??????
>Do YOU have your Celestials done?
>he doesn't just make what's popular,
Add the icarus pixivbux
Oh shit Aliza was in that event? I bet she did a lot of sumo with Gran afterwards…
homoflops stay flop
Yeah, Juri is definitely very popular, everybody like the japanese stand-up event
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I know what else FKHR said.
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>1 (UNO) (SINGULAR) (ONE) guy cares enough to make fanart for raiden
>this justifies a second sumo event for some reason
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>grub playing cards are back
>the queen of spades this time is....
FKHR shouldnt work on gacha games seeing as he clearly doesnt resonate with gacha audience.
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Nyes Narmaya's only in this event because people have been asking for an event with her for years now
Cantate is 22x more popular than Raidenflop
where is her event????????
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During, actually
/gbfg/ will tell you pagtate is popular though
because he cucked us out of an attractive new jessica ssr
jitaposter are retarded as usual
she is indeed
more popular than a character that just got his second event albeit
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I wanna see topless fundoshi Neechang
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20 more cunnycake events or else!
They did that shit on purpose, I’m telling you. That meme must be spreading around over in Japan because there’s no way they would make a guy a queen of any suit otherwise.
Literally anything else as an event would've been fine.
>Queen card
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We are reaching critical levels of troonery here
Yep yep, but when Ninpress gets a lot of high quality commed art(more than raiden) FKHR decides to nuke the fox storyline and put a end to it.
Very nice. Ill lotto later this week.
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Cantate event

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more popular than raiden, poz, and yngwie combined thoughbeit.
Elden Ring...won........
Do you think Cantate and Ninpress would become friends?
Shota bussy could've saved grub...
Ninpress would probably order her to play music for her for entertainment but not really care about her otherwise
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that ugly fox would break her violins, so no.
Or at the very least it could have put our local fujos and trannies on suicide watch like Miquella did
'member when Kou got a 5* that didn't even get fate episodes and he wasn't even the focus of the event it came out in?
'member when Veight finally got another unit and he......is just wearing the same outfit? What was THAT about?
How much honor do i need if my team wins for full badges?
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>I don’t really care about Sylvanas. It’s not like I dislike her, but of all the elves there’s quite a few I’m into more than her. But no matter how I feel, she is the most popular girl WoW has ever seen and ever will see. I know it, you know it, Metzen knows it. No one would need to be convinced that she’s the biggest. So how is it that she has no central role in any events and is a side character at best and a cameo at worst, but a character as unplayable and unpopular as Thrall gets two expansions all about him? I can’t think of any game where this kind of thing is the norm. Even disregarding Sylvanas, there’s so many characters who still have no event presence at all. Even Jaina, as shillclub as she is, only just got her first event. How is Thrall already on two?
history repeats itself.
>homopedo circlejerk hours
Fuck off faggots.
Why are padjeeta xisters like this?
wow, for once memewith ratings make sense
>a Grand for hard content is good for hard content but also in FA
>a Grand who was almost useless for modern V2 fights is also showing her age when even her Halloween version performs better (and that one is 9.8)
>a cutie unga char with dispels is perfect for GW unga teams against bosses with annoying buffs
So far Summer 2024 is either
>every fucking charactger from anni event
>old ass chars who already had summer / yukata versions (so they get the missing one)
At this point I fully expect Y.Cag, S.Osiris, Y.Lancelot, S.Bennu, Y.Box, Y.Ra, Y.Monkey, Y.Grea and fucking S.Scathacha (because her design was already shown eons ago) to be the rest of summer
your uwukummi?
But Cantate is really good and can make an instrument that reminds Ninpress of the past when she was worshipped I think it could work out bros
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Imagine if we actually could get foxy units and if granblue actually cared about doing cross fates anymore
>she doesnt even have a speaking role in 80%
Neither does Megaman, honestly since it's not a story heavy game series.
Hagsex always sexier and superior as always
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>foxy units
Too galge
Still waiting for a sochie seasonal that is for (You)
I need my dose of "danchou-han"
Not a galge
>Pagmaya gets RAIDEN’d and ruined by FKHRT
>meanwhile Cunnycake is still for (You)
Yup yup yup, eternal winner.
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Where the fuck is my wife, Raziel?
FKHR won't let that happen, Yuel and Sochie only exist for the writers to push their yurishit fetish. They aren't allowed to be characters, they just remind you they MIGHT be gay or something in every appearance then proceed to do nothing
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Not in this event
Much better.
Onto your next waifuwar falseflag already, Fagraph?
>No dispel
>only heal on ougi
How is this good for nm200?
That creature literally sleeps 4 hours a day, of course it's deranged like that.
i'm looking at the timezones and i'm noticing... you can pinpoint exactly when the thread takes a nosedive in quality
Just Lraph things
you let other characters dispel (Hi HalMal) and put it on lumberjack for the heals
Has Shaygod finally returned to us when we needed him most?
mentally ill maleringers do be clinically retarded creatures like that
orologia + rat are enough dispels
lumberjack gives a bunch of extra healing
Other gacha game
>See a popular character, create an alt for them or event to milk the fanbase
>See a who character, give them a useless uncap or make a sequel event for them

What the fuck is wrong with them?
i plan to 95 until the end of gw. why do you even bother doing 200?
shut up shart
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So why is the jack a female
And why is the queen a male
Or did cygames just swap them around to not reveal who the actual queen of spades is cause of shitposting... in her defense dog/wolf cocks are just as bad as black ones
Epic rap battles of Granblue
Raiden vs. Cantate
Does the card come with an ayer skin?
silence maleringer
because she jacks me off
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>I hate (((Sierok-
Rap cancelled for anti-semitism
Because Floox is going to do a Bowman set
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Gabby is pure and only fucks white men
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I’m all for less popular characters getting content and events, but holy fuck there’s older characters that have absolutely nothing and get passed over in favor of these flops. I mean for gods sake Carmelina has like ten times the art of these three combined and not one event to her name. How has Dragon not appeared in anything in almost 7 months since her release? Do I even need to mention Forte? How do you people not find this infuriating?
Probably. They probably had Enyo as the queen of spades because it fits her character reading wise(cunning woman) only to realize what happened with Magisa and swapped her with Bowman
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We call them shilled homoflops for a reason
>Raziel is spared from the sumo shit and still gets to go on a date with (you) anyway
Cakey serving Ls while stacking Ws FR
>How do you people not find this infuriating?
you think we don't? its what fuels 85% of schizoposts.
realized now haven't seen carmelinaguy post in a while now, fkhr claims another one...
You faggots dont care when ""older characters" get shit. Nobody gives a fuck about Petra and Marquiares. DLF even got shat on here.
No but your mother is
>Lucifer Lucifer Lucifer for the whole date
enjoy your slop.
Exit the premises before I unleash the HOUNDS
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>Didn't read her fate episode where she realized that was unhealthy
All 3 are shilled flops who get constant shilling. True old characters with no content are ones like Carm and Forte.
Post the summer one being ringed, which has a better sprite
You learn that it's for the best because if a character you like gets a lot of content in grub, there's a high chance that they'll be "ruined" because either the writers are all allergic to write pandering stuff except for the Zodiac writer or they'd rather carrot on a stick them forever until it gets old.
say sike right now.
>Implying maleringer play the game
Your mistake
nice cope, don't come back here melting down when it happens.
Anon, I truly hope that you remember that, once upon a time, Vira also realized that her Katalina obsession was unhealthy, make of that what you will
Darktroons rmao
The discussion is about caring when older characters get new content. Her 2014 alt is not relevant, her 2024 alt is.
>after dark gw they will announce dirt ge
>dirt gets GRAND SUMO
lol, just get e.honda instead from sf6 collab
>older character content where??
>no, not that one!
Dishonest faggot.
Petra was stuck in a sausagefest event (just like naru now) and the other is a homo harvinflop trash.
Vira was already marketed as a yandere at that point. Raziel's marketing hasn't even started yet so it's hardly the same case.
The fact ghat we're unironically scared that Naru is going to show up next event is actually insane, yet is the most natural thing for this game, that one nip was completely on-point
If they remembered old characters by giving them events, uncaps, and other reasons for the players to care for them there would be no problem but they're extremely retarded.
>introduced Marquiares 7 years ago
>did literally nothing with the character
>nothing at all
>it's been 5 years since the two guys that actually gave a fuck about this dude left
>release a horrible uncap NOW
Remember Garma, or Mariah? Of course not, you have no reason to.
Seriously, what the fuck goes on through their heads?
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raziel's marketing is set in stone, someone for angelfag yumes to self insert into.
I still only got 1 celestial drop... why does the game hate me that much?
>petra, marquiares, dlf
>constant shilling
Very dishonest post. You only say that because they got content recently (after years of nothing, mind you).
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discord mods, not even once
>Petra is a side character in her event
>mid uncap comes out two months later for no reason at all
This one could easily have been avoided. All they had to do is make an event that didn’t reek and burn, then make the uncap and release it alongside the event like it was clearly supposed to be.
>Marquiares uncap is also mid
>nobody cares about him to begin with because male harvin
This could’ve been fixed by doing Forte instead and you know it.
>DLF even got shat on here
By one or two retards whose reasons for doing so had nothing to do with DLF as a character.
I want to see these HIV brained grub writers try to ruin Naru so that this HIV infested mixed toilet gets kyoani'd.
Garma shows up alot surprisingly enough, actually hope he gets an ssr, but your point stands.
Remember when Choco Cats event reran and instead of playable Felluca we got SSR Spinnah? What was THAT all about?
Why are you happy about naru showing up? She is gonna get bodied by the "power of sumo" and siete will be like, so "could this power match the boundary, let me find out" goes blue mode and goes toe to toe with raiden, screenshot this
just mentally ill maleringing HIVbrained grub things
Anne got a pointless alt too btw
no one's happy about it
Is grub Forte ever popular? The only ones screeching about her supposed popularity are RoB niggers.
She would be if she got cyontent
why do you call them niggers? their game and story was in much better state despite making 0 money
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>game and story was in much better state despite making 0 money
homoflops stay flop
loliflops stay flop
it was revealed to me in a dream
>Verification not required.
those 2K players that retweeted that post are the "dedicated players" that will never leave this game
you can even check everyone's account in that list
>goes blue mode and goes toe to toe with raiden
he'd job
Nice headcanon but still a headcanon
i got zero and i'm fine with that
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Large princess boob = good tho
Which RoB ports got downgraded in Grub other than Shorte?
>You Don't Matter
aieeeee don't remind gbfg about the 40 year old housewife userbase of grub
gbf is a galge! a galge!!!
Lucifer. In grub he isn't even a character and is just a piece of cardboard for fujos to jerk off to
And yet homoflops keep flopping, curious.
I wonder how it feels like to work in the grub team
>summer event-related meeting at 8:45
>FKHR comes in
>"alright folks....this year we are doing a sequel to the sumo event!"
>everyone looks nervous
>nobody dares to say that the event was poorly recieved to say the least and it barely made any splash at all
>"...also we are going to make Raiden a grand, out of nowhere!"
>*resists the urge to roll back your eyes*
pretty much
not that he was a masterpiece of writing before but we call grub lucifer kekcifer for a reason
>And if not with you, with enough people to where You Don't Matter.
we gone back full circle with Lraph huh, we really just went back to the old "invisible fanbase that you are just not seeing!!!" argument huh
why is it so fucking hard to admit that the devs just want to write what they want? I thought you say FKHR don't care if we don't like what he wrote? why so defensive now?
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homoflops stay flop
>>nobody dares to say that the event was poorly recieved to say the least and it barely made any splash at all
it was a great event though
Azazel though not by much
niggerflops stay flop
magnaflop stay flop
an event so great it got the least amount of Xbux out of all the summer events
homoflopper melty
homoflops stay flop until eos
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Fun fact: Poseidon is an RoB port
>magnaflop stay flop
Sir, you just offended me personally. im angry and want to see you dead
Nice tranny colors
how many times do you want to bet FKHR "paid tribute" to this picture.
mentally ill maleringers do be like that
Why does this look like a pride flag?
troonoz says trans rights
Why is he randomly brown in grub
The only good part about it was the thread arc of the slurpers insisting that nips were loving it until someone actually linked those sites and it turned out they were doomposting harder than us, which led to those same slurpers switch to saying that nips opinions didn't matter either, one of the funniest moments in this general's history
but.. 20 mins FA??
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>not used for endgame
>her cope slot is now taken by Orologia
>Even Lich a humble old character that's just a 9.9 is stronger than her and more used
>zero use this GW so far
>if ereshkigal she does nothing for you during NM200
>if not ereshkigal people will just play any other character that can do her role better (while being FA friendly, something she lacks)
and please don't post the 3 meme videos people did during her banner release that are now outdated and before there was already better runs without her
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Ilsex all alone now...
so Naru (Sumo) Fire?
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#736 - PCS - 29.44B
#1K - Fleet - 26.03B
#2.5K - カトルボーイズ - 16.51B
#2.5K - (You) - 16.48B
#2.6K - 中出しの幸せ - 15.99B
#2.7K - Grapes - 15.84B
#2.9K - ニーア! - 15.26B
#3.2K - Bullied - 14.16B
#4K - BellaBarca - 11.87B
#4.7K - TOOT - 10.24B
#4.9K - COWFAGS - 9.90B
#5.3K - Lilypals - 9B
#5.5K - Bullies - 8.66B
#5.7K - ChocoCats - 8.28B
#5.8K - Aion no Me - 8.16B
#6.7K - ONIONS - 6.62B
#7.5K - 小さな女の子 - 5.44B
#8.5K - Cogfriends - 4.40B
#18.7K - (You) Too - 1.12B
#25.4K - TheBathtub - 638.57M
#27.4K - Sixters - 542.12M
#27.5K - OppaiSuki - 534.75M
#28.3K - Nier!! - 503.18M
3 unranked crews
I'm going to assume English is not your first language which is why you fundamentally missed the point, instead of calling you a retard for it.
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Post the superior version
fleeturds LOST to PrettyCuteSex
At least she's actually good, unlike fucking Uriel who might well be the worst grand we've had in years, even ssr if you would go that far
This is actually a pretty decent design. Shame at what we got
why are you asking this every thread?
albino wife
Cidala should be there too.
>barely made tier a
>now third highest crew
Is Troontrebois doing honor mins during prelims now?
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Just maleringing shittedcuck things
Sorry grubber exalto passive = instant 10.0
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Because you obsess over exact skin colours and tones.
are you for real? this could've been our pos and instead we got the one we have? come on man
No "might well be" needed, he's absolutely terrible in every way except his primarch passive, which auto gave him a 10 because lolrankings
Kinda looks AI generated ngl
>he's absolutely terrible in every way except his primarch passive
don't say this or the maIeringer is gonna dump videos of him doing raids in an unoptimal way to prove you wrong
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Hey! I was just about to post this.
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I have been making uma porn videos nonstop over the last couple of days.
feels good to be finally out of the maze.
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What do nips think about sumo 2?
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The only person in the entire world to look at Grub MyRoom after it's release.
Raiden's pixivbux speaks for itself.
I drink from those
even the gobus (jap grub slurper forum) is uneasy about it so.......
Raiden will get more tweetbux that Pagtate
After perusing both minigob and sisters for a bit most of them just seem to be excited for the first Neechang event. So far.
Can you generate some more interesting and sexy designs for the game?
>Richard got a new unit
>Casino is still a piece of shit outdated clunky waste of time
Casino is a part of HRT's legacy. They're never going to improve it out of spite.
No we just have a couple darkfags who actually rolled for Tigers
And the Silent Super Grinder is currently with us
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I did add chokers, thigh rings, shackles, thighhighs, fishnets and torn stockings over their original clothes when it make sense for my dick and it has been a blast.
I have been cooming twice every day for the past 2 weeks, god bless koikatsu.

granblue archive
this post makes my fire fly
you should convince /uma/ that making and spreading massive amounts of uma porn to get global cancelled is the only way to protect their general from the unwashed masses
specifically rice shower is the best option for this goal
Upon being announced doomposting reached critical levels in every single platform, right now people are wary of Naru's appearance, somewhat hopeful, somewhat scared
the uma porn scene is so dead outside of koikatsu that I don't think cy considers it a problem anymore tbqh.
Hmm, now Tyra is 9.8?
why did kmr do a social media check
i'm sure they should at least know what the fan want right?
unless they purposely try to sabo then it make sense
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Sumo 1 got more tweetbux than Song of the Strings
There certainly are threats in the upcoming event neechang. You should remove them.
the six killa prove herself

is this real?
or just some fanfiction
Nio will be there.
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>is this real?
>or just some fanfiction
Do you even play this game?
will kaguya get an alt this summer? what about this year as a whole? or will she get valentines 2025 since she's the most for (You) girl in the game?
To be honest, they do seem oddly protective of Naru, like, they course corrected with s.Azusa after how badly recieved y.Naru was, which they never do.
But is still our writers, so God only knows what will happen
>is this real?
Yes, it's from Relink.
i never read her her fate (just skip)
i'm only start reading fate story after 9th aniv
After Y. Tsukuyomi
I went to buy the Aris (Maid) figure because she’s the only good character in that kusoge and my mind changed Blue Archive to Granblue Archive because of you fags.
10.0 > 9.8
Failed six killer
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Give me ONE good reason why boxes past 45 can’t have NWQ in them
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I love my unhinged-chang
my yanderechang
Ummmmmm but six isn't on da tierlist :^)
Because NWQ are an intentional timegate and letting you potentially get an infinite amount with enough autism would ruin that
yeah but if he was he'd be 10.0
Without long timegates, cygames can't sell you quick solutions
>unless they purposely try to sabo then it make sense
they want you to play uma global
You do know this isn't naru's first time in an event, right?
Just because a character appears in an event doesn't mean it is about them.
That would be like calling that recent wannabe whore event "mahira content"
Nuh uh
Miyako(Swimsuit) is good too.
I wish they’d sell more quick solutions. Good games like Granblue Archive let me buy equipment and growth pakejis
Da... FAILED six killa
Ah, there’s the cope I’ve been looking for.
It was absolutely Mahira content are you insane
That’s a really shitty reason, and the ones you didn’t pick up don’t even carry over
first time they advertised her as being in one though
well its a really shitty timegate
Jesus, and that's with six ringed, Tyra is actually cracked
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>same damage unringed
>ringed xing vs unringed tyra
The trex is strong........That's an undeniable fact.
Sixters!!!!!! My chromosomes are waning!!!!!!
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>nee-chang finally gets in an event
>it's FKHR's fucking SumoMan event
uhh actually six is doing more damage than tyraflop
Rat, Magus, Lich NM200?
Narmaya (Fundoshi)
tyra's faster too tyratyratyra
>using a 9.9
Yeah tyraGODS have more chromosomes than sixters after all
Six shilling is doing more damage to Granblue Fantasy than a for (You) girl like Tyra ever could, yes.
I'm worried they are going to punish Narufags in this event because she's too popular
I doubt Magus is going to be able to survive but you can try her
Dino autism... to strong...
>for (You)
she's for her dinos and for Mille in her next event
>transcended and ringed
>to lose to a ticketable
Jutenshu, not even once.
Tyra has damage bloat due to her S2. Its not real damage and its slow
>d-doesn't count
Six already served his time. It's time to retire.
>even 3Dchang questions the sumo
>this numbers in red
>i get ass blasted in day 1&2
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>it’s the same damage but it’s not REAL damage
gamewith needs to put tyraflop back in 9.6 so people don't get the wrong idea
your next line is: "only /gbfg/ cares about tyra"
She like my penisaurus, though.
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Oh my fucking god dude
Just saw that lil nigga Six working at McDonald's
nyooo my comfy 90k...
why are slurpers like this?
Pick your poison;
>Narmaya thinks Raiden is a threat for the Skydom and tries to stop him only to job to sumo
>Narmaya jobs to Generic Mob A/The Big Bad and Raiden comes in to save the day with the power of sumo
>Raiden teaches Narmaya the greatness of sumo and her katana autism is completely disregarded for the duration of the event
only /gbfg/ cares about tyra
top 2kniggas are fucking nuts.
and that 90k is gonna go up even more.
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At some point someone in the company HAS to tell fkhr how retarded he is right?
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>dark terror
>kill six pasive
Let's be real if you're aiming for a good score you'll be using six over tyraflop
Why are they using Gran instead of Djeeta?
Facts, olivia is cheating and doesn't count
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Would Tyra's shark (tyranno) teeth fellatio be good for you?
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nigga wtf this toes
she'll throw out some line about how she spent all her time studying the blade but it's a good experience to learn other martial arts and she's thankful for him taking the time to teach her
I told you about that 3dpd bro
the damage just kept piling on yet the slurper will always claims that
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Same reason a lot of guys use Djeeta
meds? normal human feet?
Which MD skills are core for nm250?????????????????????????????????????????????????
i would say most gacha dev know that they shouldn't touch their popular character and ruin it
but since it KMR we talking about, i'm legit concern
God I’m so cool.
Ancient galge practice called foot binding
Yes, you can ask vikala for dmg mitigation and double blowjob with naizuri
Tyra is better in slow teams that use Olivia
Six is better in fast teams that use Tigers
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>ever speaking out against their superiors
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>same amount of buttons pressed
>less time
>almost the exact same damage
What's supposed to be wrong with them?
Eternalflops stay flop
so she's a Six equal not a Six killer
tyra... FLOP
Why would you press all of Six's buttons?????? You only need to press S1, retards
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is this the fastest comp?
no one's going to build sixflop all the way to 150 if they can just use tyra(tyratyra)
Don’t care, still using my brotherwife
Pull up the top 10
We all know this just means Six is going to get another buff since shartgames CAN'T let him ever fall off
Nope, she's actually stronger, Six needs to be ringed to be equal while also doing nothing to actually support the team, unlike her, not to mention that transcending him is a complete hassle that can be bypassed by a ticketable
All privated except rank 4, 5 and 7
>Be me
>Grind and spend 2 gb, 10k+ prism and 2 blue paper to 150 seox
>Even ring him
>Didn't use him in this gw because he job to TYRATYRATYRA
4 is being based right now too
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whoops that was magna
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>21 gold bricks to get it at 150
>80 revenant weps
>2 blue papers
>6k xtals
>tonts of EXP and other mats
>Nope, she's actually [massive wall of text cope]
except he's still better than tyraflop
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Just the thought of the glorified wellfare creatures know as Eternals makes me physically sick.
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Strap your seatbelts, gents. He's going into coping overdrive!
I'm pretty sure KMR only does gibs I think (Very poorly).
FKHR will probably fuck it up. I was pretty happy with Naru not being in an event due to how poor most of them have been over the past year and a bit. Now I'm kinda stressed he will butcher her.
150 six will be required for 200 nio, thus he is mandatory no matter how much of a shilled flop he is
Just put in a ticket to get my bars and paper for six back.
I accidentally used them when I already had Tyra; a better six.
What’s the cope going to be when everyone in top 10 is using Tyra?

>Replacing six
stop coping
i said this as six sister
never feel so angry at how the game had been powercrept
*V. Tigers
SHITxers..... the tiny dino girl is so smug.....
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Not a single RoBro cares about Grub Forte
Doraf Forte is a big fucking mistake and deserves to flop
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>Nope, she's actually [better] due to [logic and reason]
there is no space for either of those losers or Bowman either
>but Tyra-
her and Six are too clicky no one in the top 10 track fields will press 2 buttons per run
>sixxter.....they're laughing at us
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Your TIME AND EFFORT? Dead and buried.
Maybe on his next transcendence and rebalance, eh?
weird way of saying cope
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Rank 6, 7, 11, 13 and 19
These are the only ones not privated or off ele in top 20
as a newfag I have no reason to uncap the eternals
How do you guys look up players 4-10?
Summer alt soon. No unit can remain 10 forever but they can find a new throne.
sixflop is fading...
Where’s Tyra?
>bowman on highest ranked team in picrel
>no tyraflop
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you are more annoying than Sarasa vs Cain
this is an erunes wives element now
ayer likes to watch
Ereshgoddess still uncontested winner, flopmyoji cucks ETERNALLY BTFO
Oh, absolutely, but you're talking about the top of the top, eresh and all, for the rest of us Tyra is just a better Six
Cain won in the end and so will Tyra
the throne along for Ilsasex
sex with bai and tikoh and nier and olivia and renie and huang
also yatima and djeeta i guess
the paid opus posters have been really quiet all gw...
poz won
>everyone rolled V.Tigers
So much for Bowman sidegrade, huh?
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"Tyra presses more buttons than Six"
Does Tyra cost a blue paper? Does she cost 20 gold bars?? Hm?
That was always just the anti Tiger fag sperging out
Remember when maleringing Lraph said flopmyoji is faster than Eresh? What was THAT about
>she doesnt have all jew10 transcended in 2020 + 4
>>483445502 (me)
*alone, fuck off ac
homo slurpers propaganda
How do we win against ereshgod
>release a cute (you)sexual [pair of] girl[s] for valentines instead of a trans woman or a homosexual grooming victim
>people pull
who knew it was so hard
>killing girls to bring in Bowman
Ranking Details on the individual totals page
Ilsa alone is the honored one...
dumb cucks
Sixters need to cope or else they might rage quit
Why the fuck would I? Most of them are useless.
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My 10.0 wife
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Rank 4
Thanks, somehow I never scrolled that far down
i bought blue paper once and then devs started giving them away in events. what a waste
CadetGOD please have mercy...
>jap asking for Mugen instead of Siete
I love hagsex
>we don't need grub 2 btw
meanwhile https://x.com/NorthernIion_LP/status/1805421155110801748
I never understood this, which alternate timeline they come from that eresh didn't completely warped the game around it? Shenxian, qilindong, the world on release and many others were basically unplayable unless you had eresh
>HIVbrained maleringer immediately starts cuckposting out of seethe
You lost
Homoflops lost
Eresh won
Galge won
I dont trust the guy thats played Binding of Isaac for 10,000 real life hours to have a decent opinion on any game, ever.
yep yep six and bowman are indeed galge
>4 RoB girls
>none for you
>the only 2 grub original are heavily for (you)
Bahamutts care to explain?
They're right. Mugen would be more appropriate for this event, though he should replace Naru instead of Siete. Naru should be in the galge event that comes next month instead.
NL bros we won
maleringer is losing it
more used than lichflop albeit
i have no clue who this dude is, it's not about whether or not the game is good. the point is it looks legitimate so it can get these kind of people interested. granblue fantasy does not look legitimate. relink did, but they did nothing with it.
this is the one time I agree with replacing Naru with Mugen.
I am just going to skip it either way but don't bring neechang into this.
fittingly, librarian is SEAsister
maleringers are mentally ill like that
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Jannu is for (You) though
Lich is actually beloved and also has infinitely more fanart than brownmanflop
If fucking Brolylegs said a game looked good, you would not take his word for it
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Jannu and DAO are for Lucifer in RoB
Medusa is for Perseus
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the fact that we might get Raiden during brides month instead of Ilsa sexo...
9.9 lichisuccess > 9.8 homobrownflop
even when lich got demoted poz still lost lmao
This is beyond cope
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>This is beyond cope
Any for (You) girls coming out soon?
Wyell...maybe next month...
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Ilsa sexually training all of /gbfg/
S. Razi
trust the plan
I’d probably be mad over TIME AND EFFORT spent but I’m still using them both in most content, it’s just GW where you have to pick the better one
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>We never got Cu
>Even if she does release they'll just make her full blown brothercon shit
I hate this game so much
I really don't know how I'm supposed to take this fag in high heels seriously
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I don't mind if she's a brocon.
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I worry about sixters mental state
He was used for years. It's fine, he can finally retire...
Troonmanbros.... all 1 of us.... lost
>check their profile
>they retweeted https://x.com/McDonaldsJapan/status/1805005413617717672
reminder that this thing murdered grubbas over half a decade ago
Burgerbois......gone but not forgotten........
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>9.9 suddenly bad
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>dark gets maled
>six no longer required now
something equivalent exchange
Based darkchad winner
>>dark gets maled
oh, right. dark is finally lost. the are one of us now
False equivalence
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>Trannyscended and ringed
>Gets hit once
>Damage goes down the shitter
Face it sixters
>>dark gets maled
>dark is finally lost
maIeringers starting the typos...
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How many of those are (You) coded?
troonologia won
it shouldn't be any surprise that they're coping over dark being maled since these are the same "people" who wouldn't shut up about how galge raziel and magus (both canonically cuckshit) were at anni
>So called strongest melee fighter in the skies loses to a random dino
FUARKKKK. Tyra is so facking STRONG
Tigers and Nyier
I know Shay doesn't think Ilsex is for (You) but fuck him
Lich is for brooks and Olivia is in the air
>gets hit 3 times
>becomes a wet noodle
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Say “thank you” to Nier, she dies so you can thrive
Sir? Your rat? Your Fediel?
maleringer is CONVULSING like that
Tyra is so POWERFUL
In hindsight I wish it had gotten me too.
>I know Shay doesn't think Ilsex is for (You) but fuck him
>Lich is for brooks
you are not any better than he is
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I always apologize and feel bad when I do it, even if Nier would probably consider dying for Danchou a pleasure.
>maleringer already started shitted posting
Yep another Tyra victory
don't give the creature attention
>random dino
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me and my dino, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the skyrealm, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on "UNITE & FIGHT", and I have over 3000 confirmed 1t kills. I am trained in Auguste island's and I'm the top melee class in the entire dark roaster
Shay thinks Ilsa isn't for (you) because he thinks Ilsa teasing you means that she's rejecting you
Lich was squeeing over Brooks. I am simply stating facts.
she's used to it by now
>certain circumstances
such as brick farming (something you do every day) and gw (they both lose to the real galge dark team)
>He calls tactful rejection of a minor "teasing"
Actual autism
good night grubbas
Gonna keep shitting up the thread until the paglleon ritual post stop
Porn addicted transexual moment
I for one am glad characters other than Six are being used but you know what this means
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forgot pic
at least open a patreon or fanbox and sell it. I know is low effort but get money
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The Uma porn ban is going to singlehandedly cause global to take off
Oops meant to reply to >>483449278
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>for (You)
>-10 eyesight
>never used in GW aside from 2b EX+
me on the left, with mantits.
we appreciate her for who she is
Galleonbro WARPED you
Tourist here
What do you guys hate so much about that event?
Is it all because they shitcanned Zooey?
I use her in every team. I just pick the highest NM press FA and walk away. She makes you invincible
would gladly trade the ritualposter to get ratGOD back
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>Sixters when they see Tyra's score rising
not everything in life has to be about money bro
here have a free one
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Is manualling NM200 still worth it if I can't do it under 3 minutes because It only takes me a minute or less for 150NM ?
Assmad troon. You are a caricature of a human being. A weird mfer.
she's good at drawing aggro (no point with most gw bosses) and dealing skill damage (others do more of it)
no dispels
no need to narrow it down around here
Oops, meant to reply to >>483449760
shitcanned zoi while also letting her do nothing other than kill you and stand there menacingly for 95% of the event
Why is maleringer acking out now?
Sharts was the Zooey event. Sneeds was the first anni event after the angels trilogy and had a hype trailer so everyone had high expectations for it, only for it to be about Siete and Uno tricking everyone so they can stop some mafias
Granblue Fantasy has never had a good anniversary event.
There's no coming back..... FROM ALL THE MALES I RINGED
false it was called and (You)
And (You) is the only good event in the game
sneeds' trailer hypes up a powerful group going to fight grub broly
instead the whole fight was a backdrop and everybody but okto mega jobs and the broly-clone was a disgusting looking literal retard.
Keep seething troon. Go goon some more and your axewound will stop acking
Sneeds was the first event for the eternals and it flopped because mediocre writing + introduced Mugen and Rei.
Oops, meant to reply to >>483450467
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>Funf almost died
>Six was lethality wounded
>Okto murder at least one person while destroying airships
>Sarasa and Moni could have killed each other at any point
Hahaha that's our ace strategist Siete!
It was the best piece of trash from the junkyard.
no one here ringed any males
>Verification not required.
Speaking of which, why does EVERY GW boss have AoE normals now? Yet for some reason AoE subs are still few and far between
Seeds of Redemption had massive expectation based off of the trailer and it being the first event with the Eternals. When it released we found out that it was actually a super low stakes event about dealing Mafia shitters
He can see future timelines apparently so it's fine now
you already answered your own question
dino and snake
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because GW stopped having interesting mechanics with 200, there's a reason its seen as a boring ass job.
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Isn't it funny how the people I call porn addicts and losers always turn out to be porn addicts and losers?
its funny that even with all the porn addicts and losers, you're still the biggest loser here!
....when I look in the mirror
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>there's no coming back...from the males I ringed!
I want you to understand people don't laugh with you, they laugh at you.
"""Zoi's""" event btw
Why’s Trooneraph going nuts this today?
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Kino... so fucking kino.....
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what was the point of this
Uma Global probably.
Six getting killed by a trex has had severe ramifications on his mental health.
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>AoE subs are still few and far between
That's exactly why they make bosses with AoE autos, and also to make it harder to use characters with buffs that end after taking damage.
To give content to an old forgotten character. Isn’t that what people want?
Why are maleringers so mentally ill?
top 2k dark numbers utterly dwarf light top 2k numbers
obligated inclusion.

Remember when 90% of uncaps weren't just (ready after 10 turns) (can only cast once) (underwhelming affect that changes nothing)
crazy how amongst the porn addicts, neets, SEA third worlders and other undesirables
Lraph is still the most despised and pathetic specimen out of all of them.
Wouldn't call it hared. More like apahthy and disillusionment. But Sneeds, lotto and the separation of summer charas into swimsuit and yukata units.
didn't he say it would be low stakes ahead of time
where is my second round of summer lottery btw?
I’m sure it made his one fan somewhere in the world happy
Seraph didn’t even ring Six
the juxtaposition of having the ETERNALS and Enforcers and then dealing with some retard gang was truly genius...
Style change
He's a fun old guy.
delete eresh
He's autistic, he went on seething for a week about Caro then didn't even roll for him.
Don't think about it too much.
anti-dark bias
Never happened, it was hyped as a huge deal with Mugen being an interesting look ant the history of the Eternals and possibly the creator of the revenant weapons and not a poppy retard. Just look at the trailer.
FKTRN will never forgive dark
of course he didn't, he spent his rings on Uno instead LMAOOOO
No. All we had to go off of ahead of time was the trailer
just like foxfag not rolling for half the foxes, why can't our schizos commit?
Yeah because he didn't have rings left over after all the other males he ringed.
I don't think about it too much.
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I said I would cash spark if Nehan ever got an alt and I stood by that and cash sparked V. Nehan.
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>4min FA bc I lack of dispels
>today I remember I have alexiel FLB
Pringles ass mfer FUNNYWOWA
>uh I thought I remember a rumor...
>*rumor doesn't exist and was made up by him on the spot to deflect on a valid argument*
why are slurpers such intellectually dishonest beings
>half the foxes
LMAO at best he had 1/3 of them and even the ones he had weren't ring
reminder that he ring Lunalu but not You or Kou at all
trusty any schizo here is pointless when they will just post anything to be a contrarian and farm (you)s
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>ringed Shiva
What was blud thinking?
>naru got monkey's pawed
hahaha. the ride never ends!
almost makes me excited to see what the rest of the cast is.
he doesn't play the game
some chink probably told him to do it in one of their outdated videos and he did it because he happens to worship chinks during that time before they started boycotting males.

many such
Just maleringing slurper things
>reminder that he ring Lunalu but not You or Kou at all
this is the moment i realized shay is a good man
And You trailer was just as dishonest too but /gbfg/ isn’t ready for that conversation
>zero dark rings
he does NOT represents darklords or sixters at all
>acktually they said the event is going to be low stake!
yeah tell your audience to not get too excited despite showing the blue knight, voiced by one of the BIGGEST seiyuu in jap history fighting siete.
blud really didn't think this through huh
that's the point
i'm pretty sure i remember they were explicitly like 'yeah dont expect another wmtsb'
i'm not a slurper btw i skipped that shit
It had schizo looking Siete and we actually got schizo Siete
Lil slurper roon thrives off being dishonest
Yes but the creature loves pretending it knows jackshit about other elements.
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Not a single anon ringed any males here. Grubabs are pure.
>Verification not required.
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They weren't and you should stop lying about "remembering" things.
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at this point I think he gets off on lying and spreading misinfo.
no normal sane human being does that.
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>judging rings
Wow imagine being such a dickhead as to do that
We already thought Broly vs eternals was insane there were edits of blue hair sarasa then they showed Walfrid clash with Siete in famitsu and everyone went NUTS
Then the event dropped
i'm going to assume it was something in japanese and the eops here just missed it i guess
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Heart of the Sun’s false advertising. And by that I mean the trailer they showed on the christmas stream.
In what way is it dishonest?
no no no you get it all wrong it was meant to have LOW STAKES
fucking slurping maleringer
>Calls people pedos
>Ringed monki, io, and yuni
This one is actually right. Shart of the Sun trailer had literally nothing to do with the event
How was it dishonest? It was 6D shilling, exactly as the trailer showed.
The Lunalu saga was hilarious.
It was just as dishonest, the lies just happened to not lead to massive playerbase-wide disappointment (like Sneeds) or awe at the narrative retardation in display (Sharts).

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